Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 21, 1859, Image 3

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. •
• E wIIEIOAS, In and by an net of Mid Ooneral As•
ooly of the Cointnonwealth , of Ponnifylvania, entitfed
. nn "Act relating to Otto elections of thin. Cninnion:
• . wealth," missed Diu 2tl day bf July, A.D. 1130, It is made
the duty of the_Shorilf of eveity county within this
* Commomiealth, to give public, notice of thu • Uouural
• Elections, and I tusuch notice ,to unumerate: .
1. Tho otlicersto be elected.
• 2. Designate tho phide at wide!' the olertlon Is tribe hold
• 1, 1.10111:. MotiAlaN EY, Illgh,Sheritf of the county of
Cunthdiand, do hereby mato itridiris and give,this pub
lic notice to the eleetocoM the county of Ouniburland,
.• that on TUESDl o this 1 ith day of Octobe r next, au_
eloction will bo, at.tho several election districts es
tablished by law' d'Said county, at which -flow they .
• will vote by ballot for the several cillicers - Derelnafter
- 't•• named.v lz,: • , t • '‘•
ONE PERSON for Auditor Gomml of tho Common..
wealth of Pounsylvania. • • • •
ONE PERSON for Surveyor Bohoral of the Common
' • — wealth - of Pennsylvania. •• •
• ONE PERSON to, reprosont-the_C&unges of Cumber
land,. Perry,- Jimlata•and Mlfllln in the Senate' of
iflYO P.ERSUNS to:represent 11,0 counties •
of Cumber
- • Land-and perry in thu _house of Represent:Alves of
• . PensylVania. • •
• ONE PERSON for Teasurorrof Cumberland County.'
• • ONE PERSON for Commissioner of Clumburbind County.
ONE PERSON for District 'Attorney of .Cumberland
. County:' .
-.ONE PERSON for Director Of tho Poor orCumberlund
• Comity. ~ • • . •
ONE PERSON for Coroner of Cumberland County. ,
• ONE PERSON flue .tuditor'of Cumberland County.
ONE in.:ll.BON for Survoydr of cunnbertsnd County.
- Thu said eloation will be held throughout the county
.... as follows:. - • •
Thd olection In tho election district composed of this
borough of Carlisle aiid the towrishipS of North iddle•
• , too, South 3liddleton, Lower Dickinson and Lowor
Frani:ford, will ho held at tho Coast House In thu, bor
. ninth of Carlisio. • °
' 'Thu election In Difi oloctlim district composed of Low
• er West •Poiffishorringh township, will be held at the
North School House in Plainfield. •
T110:01041011 iu the eloction district composed of Sil •
nor Spring township, will ho held thu psiblic house of
Jacob Otstott, hi Ifogestown lit said towitship. , ?
Thy oloction in - tho election district composed. of
' Hampden township, will be hold at the house formerly
. (Mounted by Henry Ilk:kernel], in add township.
' The elecrionzln the election district composed of thu
hiwnship of Lipper. Allen. will be. held at t h e ptablin
'lease occupied by Floyd, in ShupherdStown.
The election in the election district brinposed of the
township of Lower Allen, - hold at the wagon
' maker shop oftionns llunehharger,On Slnlo 11111.
The election I!-hi', eir•ction district composed of, East
Perinstiorotigh township, will be held at thu house
• • nolv occupied by lb Clay, 1t the West end of tho Harris.
,„,,,„krorg . Bridge. • .
7 , ]his election in the °teethes district cOmposed of New
„t•Aliiberland, will be held at the house formerly kept
Win: 11. Itolii,l n thu borough of NOW Cumberland.
election in also oluction . district composed of this
of Mechanicsburg, will Int bold at tho public
oftlarnes Meloy, in said borough. •
Nits &hullos, in the olectlon district composed of,
flroo towostlip, will his held at the public house of
Ligget . , h, Churchtow u, in said tolvdship...:•._._
•, • elcotion lc, the election district composed of Up
' ~ nr•Dicklisson tommilip. will be held at the hotiso
. occupied by floury If."Stotie, in said township.
election In tho election district composed.of the
t'neugh of Now villo, and 'toiriishipsof Mifflin. Upper
10fnliford, Upper Wost Pounsboro, nod that part of
:r. ''.,tl Non township not Included in the Leesburg election
wiet, will be held at Ulu east end ol the Public
• Z41,4451.1:0! lions°.
, fjo,:o: 4 ,;,lo — e!ection In •tho election - district composed of
township, will be held :at tho Now. Brick
fi r{ of House, in Newberg. in said township.
~•- -" ttr4 olecticiii in the election district composed of the'
• • Porf,ugh of,Shippensburg, Shipponshurg township and
riq, part of soutti...ptim to nship "not included in
election- district,. NVIII be held at tt o
:IR House hi the borough of Shippensburi. •
- • 1 to, election in Olio election district composed of that
, pact of Southampton township, amt ombractid In the
Shlppensburg district, will be tho house for
merly oc,upled by Witham filaxwellrin Leesburg.
The election in t h e election district composed of that
• tot' Newton township, not Included In the Nfewvillo .
. district, will bo held at this School House, In Jacksou•
That every person exeunt Astices of the Peace who
shall hold any office or appointment of profit or, trust
under the United Status or of this State, Sr any city or
incorporated distriirliethin , a commissioned officer or
- otherwise, a subordinate officuror agent,'AviffiN Sr
.....4m-eamployed.uuder-the legislative, executive, or Judi
-4' dory departments of this State, or - the United States,
of any-city - or of any-incorporated diataq rand also
• that any Member of Congress or "of the State . Legisla
ture, outlet We Select or Com Men Council of any city,
or conimissioner of any incorporaied district, is IV her
Incapable Of holding or exercising at the same
Mlles or 11111101 ntmeut ofjudgu, Inspector or clerk of any
elections of this Conunonwealt no inspector,
Judge, or other bilker of suck election shall he eligible
to be there toted for.
Anti the said act of Assembly, entitled nu net rela
ting to the.elections of this Comnionwealth, missed Jul::
2, thrill, further provides as - fulltriis, to writ: •
.• That the inspectors and'Audges shall meet at the
place appointed for holding the elections of the district
to which they respectively belong, befe:re,nine_o'clock
In the morning of the Second. Inesday In October, and
--each of said inspLters shall' appoint oleo clerk, who
shall be a qualified voter or said district.
"in ease the person who shall have received the sec,
end highest number orrotes fur Inspector shall not at
tvnd MIMI) day or ties election ' then the person who
shall have received the second highest number of votes
at the next preceding election, shall act as inspector In
Lis place. And in ease - the IsTrt;i4iNlllTSll.till'havtr re
ceived the highest number of v, Os for inspector shall
not attend, the person eleettal judge shall appoint All
1118110CtO• La this place ; and In case the person elected
Judge shell not fateful, then the inspector who receiv
ed the highest nu taiber of votes shall appoint a judge in
his place, or if any vacancy stout continue In. the board
fur the space of one hour after the thou fixed by law for
the opening of the election; the qualified .ot ers °litho
township, ward or district It& which such officer shall
liars been elected, present at thu place of election, atoll
elect ono of their number to 1111i:itch vacancy.
" It shall-both° duty of the several assessors of each
district to attend at the place of holding every general,
special, or township election, during the whole thou
said election 18 kept open, for the • purpose of giving in
formation to the inspectors and judges when called 011,
hi relation to the right of-any person assessed by them
to vote at such election, or such other matters in rela• -
tion to the assessment, of voters as the said' inspectors
or either of then. shall front time to time require.
• "Nsr person shall be permitted to vote Many election
ns filen-said, other than a white freeman of tai age of
twen ty-ouu years or more, Who snail have resided in the
State at least one year, and In the election district
where he offers his vote at least tun days immediately '
;preceding such election, nod within two years paid a
• State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at,
least ten days • before the electbm. that a citizen of the
United States who has previously been a qualified voter
of this State, and removed therefrom ond.returned, find
who shall 111,0 resided In the election district and jitild
taxes as aforesaid, shall he entitled ti vote after resid
lo., in this Slate six months: Provided, That the
a'l'to freemen, citizens of the United States, L'etweuti
to enmy-ere and twenty-too years, who have resided
In election district as aforesaid, shall be entitled to
vote although they shall not have paid taxes.
"No person shall be 'permitted to vote whose name is•
• not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants 111r
111,1110A by the Commissioners, unless First. 110 pnaluce
a receipt for the payment within two years of a State
or county tax assessed agreeably to the Constitution,
and give satisfiletory evident°, either on his oath or af
firmation, or the oath or affirmation of another, that ha
lass paid such a tax. - or on failure to produce a receipt
shall m dui oath to the payment thereof. Second, Who
claim it right to vote by being an elector between the
age of tiventy-ono mid twenty-two years, lie de•
pose on oath or affirmation tint he has resided hi thin
State at least one year 'lest- before his 11}11111111t1011, and
aka such pr.:mint residence hi 1110 district as Is requir
ed by this act, and that he does verily belleve.from the
:tumult 'given him, that he is of the age aforesaid, and
such other evidence am 18 reitulred by this net, where
-opoll the name of thu perAolf thus admitted to vote
shall be insetted in the alphabetical list lip tho inspec
tors, and a note nimbi opposite thereto by writing tho
. word," tax," if he shall bo milldam' to vote by reason
f of having paid tax; ur the word " ege,",if Ito shall bo
admitted to vote by - roason of such age, shall bu called
._out to the clerks. who shall noiliii.tho like notes on the
- lists of voters kept by them.
.‘ In all eases where the name of the person claiming
to vote is found on the list furnished by tllO 'DAMIAN.
stoners and assessor, or Ills right to vote, whether (bond
thereon or not, Is objected to by any qualified citizen,
risloill bo the duty of the inspectors to examine , such
fiesonnn oath us to his qualifications; and if lie ashes
to hal% resided within the State for non year or more
his oath shall fie sufficient proof thereof, but shall
make proof by at leant 0110 competent witness • who
shall be a qualified elector, that ho has resided In the
district for more than tell days next immediately pre.
ceding such election, and shad also himself swear that
his buns fide residence, in pursuance of his lawful call
ing. Is In said district, and that I e did slot remove into
said district far the purpose of voting therelq.
" Every person qualified as aforesaid, nod who shall
make due proof, if required, of the residence and pay
men Col taws as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote in
the township, ward or district hi which he shall.resldo
" If any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent
- any officer orally election under this net front holding
• such election, or use or threaten any violence to any
such officer, or shall interrupt or improperly interfere
with Idol hi the execution.of his duty, or shall, block
Up the window, or avenitti to any window where the
same tufty bo holding, or shall riotously disturb the
ce at mirk election, or shall use any intimidating
eats, force or violence with design to influence nif
tily or overawe any elector, ' or to prevent him from op
ting or to restrain the freedom bf choice, such persons
1111 conviction shall be.finyFin any sum not exceeding
live hundred dollars ; a nitifffiprisoned for tiny time. not
less than three nor more tient twelve months, and If it
shall bokhown to Court, when the trial Of such offence
shall he had, that the parser so offending was not a
resident of the city, ward, district or township whore
- the offence was committed, and not entitled - to vote
.tioirein, then on conviction he shall ho sentenced to
pay a fine of not loss than one hundred nor more. than
ono thousand dollars; and be imprisoned not leffs,than
six months nor more then two years. -
" If any person nr persons shall make any bet or wa
ger upon the result of any plection 'within tho Cow
rnonwealtli, or 810111 offer to make any such bet or Ira
ger, either by verbal proclamation -thereof, or by any
written or printed advertisement, rhalleng,o or Invite
any person to make such bet orwsger. upon conviction
thereof tie or they shall forfeit and pay three times the
amount so bet or to ho bet.
"If any person.not by law qualified, shall fotudu
lontly vote at toffy election of this Commonwealth, or
bong otherwise qualified shall vote out of his proper
district, or if any .person knowing the want of such
qualifications, shall aid or procure such person to vote,
the person offending; shall, on tintriction be fined in
any sum not exceeding two hundred dollars,.and bu
itnprlsOned for any term not exceeding throe months.
" If any person shall vote at more thap one election •
districi; or otherwise fraudulently veto more than once
on the same day, or shall fraudulently fold and deliver ,
.10 the inspector two tlokots together, with the. Intent
Illegally to vote, or stout proem, another to ho
or-they offending, shall, lined tin, any,
sum not less--than fifty nor more thakfive kunilred
'dollars, and be imprisoned for any term nut less than
~three nor mere than twelve-months. , • -
I,farty_porsonamt_qualified to veto in this Cemmon-;
• Wealth ktreeality t o l aw, - of qualified
eitizrns,) shall appear at any piney, of election Sir rho
purpose of influencing the eitizeull
,qualified to vote,
he shall on conviction forfeit and pay any stun not ex- •
:netting ono hundred - dollerft Mr - every - such olionetiond
bo imprisoned for any tarot not•excentling three months',
• Agreeably to the provisions of the sixty-first • section
if the sold act, every General and Special Election shall
in opened between the hours of eight and ten In thu
brouebni and shall continuo without Interruption dr
•idJournment until seven o'clock In tho tiveuing, when
polls Shall he closed. ,
And tlioJudgeB of ,tho respective districts aforesaid
• ,re by the said net required tq,Meet at the Court House
• n thehorouglr of Carlisle, on the - third day .after the
• lection, (being Friday, the 15411 dny of. October,.) then
.—ndthoro;toperferm_the.thingarCqulred of thttnthy jaw.
The return Judges of the Representative district,
rill Meet at darth4Y., at the time Ilse& by jaw: . ••••
Given under toy Laud, at Carlyle, this 17th day of
fugustfififill. "
• .1101ilfftT )IVAItTNEy, Sheriff.
. .
UDITOIL'S • NOTICE. Notiep .is
Iterebygiven t that the seconnt - of Joseph C Ira
ter Adminlatrator of. Jacob F. Hoffer. deed., - bee been
reUrred to the undersigned noun Auditot, tO distribute
the Walla, in his haled& -
I wig therefore 'neut the preetiesittiny °Mee, ou North
flatterer Streetr opposite the Volunteer Chico, on SAT•
U ItDAY, the lot du of OCTOlrgit, 1809, at IU o'eloett,
to reitelmthe - Olains and Terror:it the duties asOgned
NNWSHAM, Auditor.
Carlisle, Sept. 8, 1850-it,
Aumrows NOTIO-Ekr:7 2 The tiide'r
slKned A uditor,.appointeg by the Orphatis' Court
of Cunilieriand county, to 111rtitO distribution of the bal.
=Wu laths hands of dames S. cotwol. liaq., Adiallnis
--tWithFaE"Olibitel'ollriliii,-Uee'd.',- tho-hairs,
' those legally ontltled-to-lt,gives ; notice that ho Trill•
attend to that duty La t hla faro, in the brirough of Car-
-1859, who- - whore all parties lutoreSted, are here by
ld if they,thluic propor. • ' '• -'
A. it. SHARPS,. Auditor.
)It'S IsIOTICI3.—The under- .
/A. A mt It nr„ np pointed by the Orphans' Con rt,.
of thingland Comity to make . disiribution of tho
balance in the hands of Mimes S. Col leen, 'Ese.,-Adniln
!water df Mrs. Elisabeth, dee'd., among the
heirs, or those legally entitled to .n,.gives notice that
ho will attend to that:Auty at his Oleo, In the llotnegh
of Carlisle; on Wednesday, the 12th day of October, .
A. D., 1559,,wh0n and where all parties ihterested, arm
hereby notilled to attend if they. thlnb•proper.
A. B. SHARPE Auditor.
rlialo,'Eup, 7, ''t,9-1 t. a
U TICE .—Thevannualiblectioil . for
Offleerlt and Managers of the Cumberland Valley
Mall Road Company, avnl lm held at the Company's Of.
flee, In Chainbersburg, between the bourn of. 11) A. M.,
ntidd D. 31., od MONDAY, the 3d Jay of 'Oetebei• ttext
31. 11.1DIMI,Soeretty.
Sop. i,1.80-41t.... •.;
I STATE NOTlCE.Letteri3 of Ad
ministration, with the will annexed, on the Co.
tattrof Mrs..I,ANE A. CA URMAN, late of the borormh
or Carlisle deceased, balm been issued 14 the 'Register,
to the cuherriber - thwqmone bore ,gh.. ° All
persons indebted to the. estate, are required to make
inunediate ;at:intent, mid those having claims to present
them lor settlement to JOS. I). fIALRERT.
Adminintrator of 011110 A. Maureen, de'cd.
Carlisle Aug. 24, 1829. St.
VB. •
Margaret MeFeely, Ad
ministratrix, with thu
Wilflitittexed of - (loorge -
Mrpaoly, dertd., with no.
tiro to Jolin Mc feely,
Robert McFeely, Georg.
Macely, William
Feoly, ttitirgarot Melody,
I „John S. Rhea, and Anna
M., his. wifo, and 'fben.
doro Printrope, nud
-h`clh, hia
, Summons . In debt not ex•
g 0 04), IFsued out
of the Court of Cornmoit
Pleas of CUM berland county
The defendants are her,
Ids writ, on Monday, the
;by tiummoned to appear to
14th day of November. MU.
lu 111liltT ',VeCARTN 4.Y, -
111 of Cumberland County.
Sep. 7,7550-0 t
CARLISLE, Juno 20. 1869.
NoWe Is hereby given that on application will be
made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at its next
lurching Ihr the ium poration of n Bank of Issue, with
discount and deposit privileges, to In, located In the
borough of Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pemea., to be
called, The Bank of Carlisle. with a capita) of one hun
dred thousand dollars, with the right to Increase the
saute to thou hundred tbou . sand dollars. -
:.---. WILLIAM N ER, • jOTIN il. PARKER,.
Too. PAXTON, 00118 NOBLE, ..
..IWNJ. 01V14:11, JR., ENOCH YOUNG,
3r11.1.10111001.• "" .100 x - C. 0T)001) . A . T, --
A. 11. SHARPE, WM. N. Ru50).).1,,
.100 N C. UUNLA.v, . Juscel) 1). Ilnutur,
.. - • ROBERT,IONEN,.. . . JOHN,
• ~ JAMES 110FrEn,• 31011FAIT 3i 0011 P., '
11. A.t-Srpatiol, -, ROIONIT WII SON,
Juno 20, 1850-13 - •
NTOTICE.— Nntice is hereby given
Li Oita applicatlotrwlll be made.tb the next Legit,:
lature of Pennsylvania. to al teethe charter of the Car,
lisle Mine it Bank, located In the borough of Carlisle,
Cumberland county, so as to confer -on said bank the
rights and priiileges of a bank of issue, and to change
Its name to the Carlisle Bank ; also to tnerease the
capital of said batik (which is at present seventy-two
thousand dollars, with pririlep, ofiticreasi tor the Immo
finder its, present charter, to 0110 hundred Molten nd,)
to two Inindred and fifty thonnand-dollars,
M. BEETEM, Cashier..
June '29,1859-6lu
a S ‘r N 9 f i 9 i l' lette r 8;1d
o nist;2t n ou;ieedae o 'Aonasls. llnrbonq
to or Monroe township, deed.. have boon i=sued by
the Register of Cumberland Counly,'to the subscriber,
residing In the same township.. A!! peons Indebted
to the estate are requested to make immedlato pay
moot, and those having claims to present them for
settlement to
• Miner. of Thus. W. Ilarbbur,
Sept. 14, '19.-60
{Cl J rneAs the Hon. JAMES 11. GRAHAM, Presb
dent Judge of the several Courts of Common Hens of
the counties of Cumherland, Perry and adata, and
Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery In said counties, and lion. Ono. ,
0r.,, Women: as and lion. M. COMMIX, Judges of the
Court of Oyer and 'ferminer and General Jail Delivety
for the trial of all capital and other offenders, In the
said county'of Cumberland. by their precepts to the di
rected, dated 0,1.,,,ff2t1 of A ugust,lBso.lmve ordered tl 0
Court of Oyer and and General Jell Oelivmy
to tobeldon at C.Vit LISLE, on the secant( MONDAY ni
Norember,los9, (being the 141 h day,) at 10 o'clockin al e
forenoon 41,4 , : , ontinue two weeks.
NOTICK IS _HEREBY GIVEN to the Coroner, Jus•
tires Of the Peace and Constables of the said county of
Cumberland, that they .are by the said precept com•
mantled to be then and there in their proper persons,
with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examination%
and all other remiembranceseto do those things whieh
to their officer appertain to be done, and all abase that
are bound by recognisant:es, to prosecute against the
prisoners that are or then shall be In the Jail of sold
county, are to be there to prosecute pinto as shall be
noirr. 31WAIITNEY, Sheriff
Carlkle, Sept. 14, IM.
N 0 I .F.;
IV° the undersigned (It!•
ions of Dickinson and West Penusbot °ugh Tenni:him,
believing that the destruction or birds is Injurious to
Vie interest of the filming r, 0111111Inity. take this moth
od to inform hi UNNEIN AND SPORTSMEN, that we
will not permit hunters to trespass upon our premises,
either to shoot hints or other game—Lilt will enforce
'the law against them In all cases.
Henry Line,
George L. Lieu.
&Ova P. Lindsay,
George Line,
George C. Carothers,
Charles W. Weaver,
Jas. M. Carothers,
Jacob Rhoads,
Henry Paul,
Peter 'Meer, .
henry Carl,
A 11111 . 07 Ralston,
Adam {Volt',
James A.,llavidson,
Andrew H. Young.
Snmuul Newcomer,
John Greassn,
Josiah Carothers,
Charles Lee, -
Alfred F. lam,
Robert BrAison,
John Dunbhr,
David Fry,
John Eppley,
I.. , ainuel Plle
e% .
William 11lack,
David ltithiton,
• James lirenson,
Henry Bear, •
Ilavid Lino ,
Daniel P. limner,
John Young,
James Icasbmood,
John Elliott,
George 1.1n0,jr.,
Earld Line, jr.,
John Huston,
Thinnos hen, or.,
John Dolly,
Silloeski Leo, David Black,
T..t 11. Loo, • .1,4111 Plumb,
John Fishburn,jr., . . 1 dein!, Fisliburn,
George His...lnger, 10 it 7.. l'aur, .
Emanuel Line, • Ohll 11inch. jr.,
Samuhi ICeuyon, • Adam lisliburn, ,
.1. llotdorf, . John Pelierp
Ilenry_Busltninn, '; Jelin Mark, or.,
Samuel Stuart, jr.,
Samuel Stuart, sr.,. 7 • Anti - Only Flshburn,
Same d Oreason, - J. &D. Paul. ~
Aug. 17, 1850-2m* ' --t
tho undersigned citizens of North Middleton'
rownsblp, believing that the destruction of birds in In
jurious to the farming coninimilty, take this method
to inform Gunners 4,sportszness, that we
will not permit hinitpretoliesibus upon our iiremises,
eithor to shoot birds or &her game, but' will enforce
tho law against them. 1 .N1‘ 1 : •
Alb°, those of us liviiitalofigAm Letort Spring, giro
notice that we will alloW noTiSIMAI on our premises.
All Boar, ~• Jews, Ittiubl, . •
Samuel Bear, " J. E. Colds, . •
Joseph F. Porter, . A, Becker,
Sam]. S. Troup, • W. 1.1. Woriderlich,
John'Staulfer, 'David Butz,.
Wm. 8011, • Jacob Nuts,
MOROS tillidfelter. • •Daniel Butz, '
Henry Snyder, . Jacob Witmer,
Jonas Albright, --- :? J. K. Messeramlth, -
Jacob Ailirleht,, A. McDowell,
Jacob It. Nieloy, 'Oleo. lints, ' . •
Sinion Tobias, ''.lolfAtilailfel ter,
Peter Stock, • Justus' Illoserl g,
Ituben Kquipor, , A. Scbiruhler,
Win, Natetwr, , Jacob liartman,
w.,111, Yank, „ Samuel Hoffman,
.. • .
John 11. NMI, " David Wulf,
Elias Hartman, John Wolf,
A. llettrick, . '
J J , l t t c r o o b b
1 , 1,1111,-7,0141er,
Robert Heagy, Samuel Weary,
Amos Waldloy.
Sept. 7, 1850.
the 'undersigned eV Iglus of South Middleton,
North Middleton andfillver Spring Townships, In order
tuprevee tho entire destruction of Birds and other •
- inune, - iFhicii we nenskfer n herient, os Nvoliiis turntnn l- 7
moat to our properties, mitten all persons against
shooting or hunting on our grounds, ItOf
will enforce the law against all offenders. 4.
Daniel lailiniam ~
William Bentz; ci - Or - g - a — upraby - ,
Philip lliekoinaker, . John liakur,
Samuel WiMama, .-' . Peter Troiale,
John Dahill, - • • Enna Brenneman,
A. & S.•.Witiner, - Harry Ilrehnowam
John Millar, --- John Ricker, •
... .
Amostna Patine, •• tlotem Garher, ".' • ,
Jacob Horner, • • - John Move. • .. - •
il,elomod..Vitee; . , Ulrich Strickler,
* J. J..lliyore, :-. Frederick Williams, .
Jacob ,Strieklor, , ' Samuel Iliiller,, ' 't
John liiiLtilig. . . , . Timothy - Flennal477, ---
Dpvid Motorail; : . , J,'eter Allaight, .
Diaae 13renneinam -- Freilei•lrlc I Igefrita, - , .
Thoe.ll. Culbertson, . '. Thee. U. Dhanilkera. , .
Sep. 7, 185040 • . , ,
Oyulul flolTor,
fl,lfTglilliSDAY, October 0, HA
py Tian° of tiro last 'will nod tostantent of Oaorgo
decensedOnto of Franklin township, I will ex =
pose to 'public solo on the premises litte the residence of
the said &reused, n traet of land In„sai'd township,
botinded by' David Culp and the publte read front Car.
Oslo to . ill'Cluro's gap: about fire whoa front Carlisle,
colit.dning about S 0 acres, haring thereon eroded a
r ti
q LOCillAilN; Spring 'Hansa' and other
imprtiventents. Also a lino Tan-yard is erected ,on the
land with a limp, never toiling Spring of running water,
and all the necessary buildings and vats tor earryiag_on
this thug. • ' - " • '
adjoins thodand
Lennard Mulch, 'Containing
about 100 acres, having a good . _ _ -
with a - flne YOUNG APPLE 0110IIA1tD thereon, with
a well of never foiling water at tint door. - Thom are also
.areetad on this tract :mother oxeollonttwe story STUN ii
1101.156 and- lilaeltsinitlesSh4 which will be sold with,.
the firm.
ALSO, at tho sard& time and place, a lot ofrounds
'.adjoining abovo firm contalnlngobout two and a
half:alms, with a Frame - Rough-cast Plastered HOUSE,
Stable thereon erected and a welt of water In the
All .the above described bolds have boon .well limed
d under good post fence and aro in a high state of
cultivation. . •
ALSO. a tract of Moun,taid Lund in tho same town
ship. adjulning lands of Ileorgo Shandatugh, 'John 0.
.9.llyder, and others, containing about 50 acres. .This
will be divided and sold in 10 acre Lot. It lies near the
M'Clure's Gap rand.
On tho - SM. day I w 111 sell. lit the mansion liousoi4=
lot of abont' 30 cards of OAHE for horning purpostis.'
I will ',lsmili on Friday the 7th of October.
.1059,. at
11 o'clock. A. M., at the .Court 'lmmo, in 'Carlisle. n
lloueo and Lot of Ground In th 04851 borough in. which
dal"t Fuller now tiVes and keeps .etoro, containing 21
feet in front.' on South Ilanover-street and 148 in
depth on Chapel Them is emoted on the front
of the said lot a - .
and on the alley n two story I[OUSE. part brink and pert
stone. :The terms- will be "Best' dlld made known on
the day of airby' • '
• ... •
Executor of Gourgo I,Cosht. deceased
Dept. 14.1 . 85 P. t..,
Thuraday, October Oth, 1850..
1W virtue of an order of tho Court .of Co'lnman
Pleas of Cumberland County, 1 will expose to Public
Solo on the promises. at -, um 'Mansion lions, at 11
o Idock; A. 51., on.a.ahl- day.. the _following Aleseribod
Real Estate. and well known Vann of Peter Zimmer.
man, Anato in..,Lower Allen Township, Cumberland
'County, about 2 miles wost.of Now .Cumberland, and
about 1 mlio east or :%lllltown.
No. 1. The Manshin Firm, containing 117 Acres, and
81 Perches, bo the mom more or less, of goUd '
aboul.9o acres are cleared dud under good state of rut
tie:abut, and the tesititte Jr. Timber. The. Improve
anoints consist of a suhstanthd . ftt'
Bark Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs, t't'
Wash House, arched-collariP •
underneath, and all other necessary ----- -
out-buildings; also a well of water at the.don - , and a
never-haling Sprint• of good water aboutidxty rods front
the Inch has sufficient fall and can with little
expense, by laying 10111.1, Ito conveyed to the second stn.
ry of the house. to the harp or any other place you wish
to have it, which adds ono thousand dollars to any
Farm. Altio a large APPLE ORCHARD witlicholee fruit.
No. 4, Contaitting Ai Arriat and 75 Perches, more or
less. 'the Caine• • being divided off the Mansion Farm.
'there arena itnprovemonts - rorthls - trartibut - a - latutl.
fur situation to place them oil, /knot ¢g Army aro cleared
and In a high slate of cultivation, and the residue in ex
cellent timber. There are quarries of the ; hest kind of
linnigtona on title tract 4 for-luilding purposes. also sorer
tiLaprlngs of water. - It Joins land with Robert
Christian Zimmerman, and lying.rightlu ahemd of the_
Yellow Brooches Creek, where you will j.tenerally find.
good and prodtictive land, It also affords a gOod situation
fora Sane 51111 or any other factory. as the creek hat' a
'fall toltnt sufficient Water. pOWor. All this Land, in both
tenets has been limed seer within the fete last years. It
will be sold.ln the whole, or lit part, as above rot forth,
to suit purchaser.
Ally person wishing to Invest money in Real Estate,
will find it to their advantage to go and examine for
01011150111 M, and call nn Em noon rdiiding
oh sold first, Who will give all fho necessary informa•
Con. Tim intention is to sell
. under almost any dr
emdstances. The MI/ will he good and the terms..-ulll
- made known on the day of sale by
0 Alit) El. EBERLY,
Comriittee of Peter Zimmerman,' Srs,'
August 31; 18.51.
' - Arso,m.tho mot° time and plae. will be said person
al-property, ronsistiv • of Beds and lleddlnk, Chest,
Kit,ben Prosser, Dishes, Pots, Stove and pipe. Clock,
riding saddle, fir., tetd a number of otter articles not
picopmcry. -
On TUESDAY . , Septembor 27, 1859, the Lodersigned
Assignees of Deter Ego, will sell nI public &lA, At thw
Carlisle Iron Works, a large variety of porsonal pn „ jerty•
eonsisting.l n part of
4 Hogs, ono broad wheeled Wagon, one SiOkay, Ploughs!
and. Harrews,Alrai II Forks, and other Agricultural Int
. ,
ploirients. Ake, .
a large lot aidnn and oak Logs, thirty Cords of Wood,
100 Chi,stnut unite, one sett of Furnace Tools, one sett
of Ford, Tools, a lot.of liar I emi. Coal baskets and liar
rows, Wheelbarrows, Ac., Ac. Also, a large lot of
Household and Kitchen Furniture,
consisting in part cd . Bedsteadi. Chairs, Tables, Beds and
Bedding, Stoves. ite., Ac.
Solo to commence at 10 o'clock, A. \I., on sald day,
when terms will be made known by
Supt. 13, 'tm .
On TIIWISDAY, November 3,1859, tho.undersigned
will sell at public sale, on the above day, at the Stone
Tau art, in Dickinson Township, (Minh.,Aland county,
at 11 o'clock, A. M. of that day,
varying in quantities frdm. fourteen to ninety acres,
• and Jim traet of Wit ty two lietett, portiensnt the - Cum
lowland Mill" Estate. the property of Dr. Win. C.
Chambers, deed. Plana of the lots to be• offered to
sale, will ho attached to tho hotel bulls at the' Stone
Tavern, and at the mill on the estate.
Terms of the sale to be ten per clot. of the purchase
money of each trust to be paid. or secured o' the prop
erty helm; struck down to the purchaser; one third o
the halance of the ',tuella. 1110110 y stn be paid' on the
let of April, 10151, and the balance in two equal annual
payments thereafter, with interest, and secured upon
the wetnises.
The titles to the properties Is undoubted.
Sep. 14,1850. Attorney for the Mksesatambers.
SAI,E.—On SATURDAY, the 2Rh day of SEP
TEMBER, 1859,1v111 lot sold on tho prendses,all that
valuable corm, situated In Upper Allen Township. 011111.
horland Poway, Pt., bounded by lands of M lithos! Cock.
li,, Raid. Bryson, Josiah Nelson, A. Miller, Um Loots,
Jacob Cocklltarnol others,
nom or loss, of good soil, part limestone and -part rot
- and, of which 100 stems are cleared and in a high stat
d'eultlvatum, and tlie reßldne Is covered mill) timber
The,:mprav ement am . ° a two story
rick Divellingllou 1
se, •
brlek Bank Burn, Wa,ton Shod, itn,l
other out .buildings. nud a thriving ORCIIABB of chute
coinprhlng "Apples, Peaches, Pears, Plume, &r ,
Thera Is also a fine spring of running water, with a du
'sliahlo water power, and two lAMB KILNS on the. pro
mho's. The hollow Breech. Crook Cuba through th
The whole tract will ho sold togethm or In parts, as
nay hoot suit purchasers. Persons wishing to view Clip
property, ran Mrso, by calling on Barbara Kroll, who
lives on the premises.
Thu saio will' commence at 1 o'clock. P. 11., when
terms, which will be reasonable, will be made known by
, 'Agent Gm Barbara
O urtrdlan of,thu children of .10.101 Idol'
Widow ollfAjotislcAvillAlCri:lll,Aill'elc''d
August 01; 18594 $
The unilervigneirothirs at pi Irate sal.; that ram*
able Farm, belonging to the heirs or:B. stayinan, dee'd,
situated in Hampden Tonnship Cuinispland (Innate,
and bounded by the lands or 0, Btayntan, J. Eberly,
)11,nd others, containing
164 ACRES, 101 PERCHES,, •
of which, about 154 aro In a high state of cultivation
and the Wane() imeovered with Timber auflicieut for .
the net, of thu - Farm," •
The ilnplovemouts consist of a substan
Weatherboarded Miinsion Honse, ' •••. 11 -
BARN, Cona.cem, WAGON tiIIED, - .5PR1740
and.all other necessary out.buildings. Whore
are,..t.wcill'Eus of good water. ono at the Muse. thq
°UAWat thu Barn; also two PPI.N ORCHARDR of choice
fruit; and a Pencil ORCIIARD. The fouces are in ;OW or.
der; about 300 panels of now post and rail, and board
fence.haTlngjust been put up, There is besides a great
quantity of excellent yellow locust . growing on thu
fJrm; sumo 1500 pools are ready. td be cut ;
thu number required to Place the entire proierty under
, pest and rail lone°,
The-Farm ilea In ono of the loops of tbaContalogulnet
,Qrook, is hounded on one olitaliy_it.,„and. lix.runiolow
tvotoe In taiveral of the holds. It Is within ono. mile
from the .Carllslo. and Ilserhilairg Turnpike. The
Bridges at liryien's and Ilupp's Mills, render It of easy
access at all. times. It commands the host grain market
-411-thu-couuty,loing.oulytnno mile ..frotn_tlia. oforaSaid
throatiem illocbanleaburg and seven from flay
'the toll, In of first.rate quality, 'annotating of a rich
BLACK BLATB, - very eaayto till, and exceedingly rella
ble and productive In iteylold.
Fairlirthe — idaye property la
worthy of - tiro attention of dross wishing to purchase.
Pony= desiring to make further inquiry, will please
address, or call on the utitlorskgied, at his r eidenco.
" " •. . .
Tho subscriber offers at private sale, a . ..rah.-
HOUSE and LOT OF °ROUND, situate In
Dickinson township, noar the turnpike; n
mile and a half east of Mount Rock. The Rouse Is' a
Fauna, Weathuiboarded, two storlen,inleight, andeon-
Limning five rooms and kiollen, with 'wash-house and
cisiern attached. Thu lot contains TWO ACRES of Me t _
best quality of lend, with•a vuilety of choice Fruit, and
having erected thereon a FIlABIE• fiTAULE, Wigush
Shed, nod other nut buildings. • " •
—. •-ltersops•wishing-th—viow- thespmerkw - cairdWatrhys
ug on .Incob Black, ha thols (nises, or on the sub-,
seribelrresiding naltNewvlllo. '
JOUR Sr.ARMMIONti aug.l7 18517-tt • • ' • •
• - 'Executor.
Carßolo, Aug:10,1850
70R,- R:ENT. Tbe row ~ .., .
1 '. MUCK 110t1Sk„\fio: 6, West St., 4 1 3: : t ~
"1. j.k4l l Bsoffstlilitl ...:111'1"esirretsTit - lets - lfs ., r - . - .li c '
find largo BPic 1.e1t..114,..5,"end is sup. 14 . „ " •,,l.'
pllatl with gas alll'llator. Nor terms, T `.''''^
apply to •
Aug. 81, W-4
Pia estatt.,.;s4li,i.
i - ;•---
t • - • , • PUBLIC,BALE.
By virtue of an order of the'Orphans' Court of Cum.
boriand Conoty, will be sold at public sale on the pre,
raises, on TiIUESDAY, the 20th day "of FEPTESIIIitIt
next, at,lo o'clock, A.,51., all the following described
Steal Estate, the property of the heirs of rater Lein,.
der'd., and - situate in North Middleton .. township,
bounded and described as follows: on the north b th
North Mountaiu, on the east by David'Zehtler's ho is,
on the south by Dr. W. W. Dale, and on the west by
4ohu Barley And John Lahti, - . .
• '
Containing about 268 Acres, ..
There bank two sets of linprovemonts on this tract
of land. It will divide to advantage and will be cold asa
whole or In parts to cult purchasers. Ist; . ,
• . TI - LF, — IVIANSiON'PAR - IVV' `'
.. ,
_containing about 160 acres, of which aiivut 40 acres are
gisilL.llllll.lll3l ~.., . ---
improvements are A ' ''''' ' ' ' - ,•Kcs
TWO:STORY :L . 00 710.riSE,: - ....Viz , . I ;,,.!!
• . 1 z 1 ,41 1I I -,•;,
Tenant Muse, Bank Barn, - and out , , ! , ^:,i.... „.....,..:,
buildings:kn.'. ThOre Is a good. Spring'"" -"'cis - . .'" '
of water and running stream, and two orchards of flue
fruit truer: oh tide tract.,
2d. This tract contains about 50 arms, has a 'two-do- •
ry FIUME 110U814, Bank .4arn, Ac. 'There is a. gond
Gerhard, also a Well of water and trunning stream on
this trilet. This Is all clear land, and atrart of MOUN
TAIN LAND, of 10 cr facie acres, w ID be sold with it if
dtsired. ' '
Ad. A tract of about 60 acres - Of CIIOICEMOUNTAIN
LAND.,'Tlits. telll be offered In fo acre traria - .
- Atteudince will be given and torsos made known oh
day of salt: by the 'undersigned guardians of the minor
children of Peter Loin, ded'd.,. and the other heirs will
join in the sale and conveytinco so as to give the put ,
chasers tile eutlrAtitle. _ _ _
• Guardians,
Aug. 24,18594. s
As Attorney to fact of , :taco'b No*comer, duly 'ap
pointed by power of attorney, I will expos° to public
sale, owthe promises, being the retklence of John Fry-.
neer, in Fishing Creek Volley; nye' Tornalliti. Perry
County, on SATURDAY, tint Ist day of DCTOlllilt.l.lsl,
at in o'clock, A.
All that k'armon which the mid John Fryneer 41res,
bounded by Alex._ Ilertman, Joseph llysinger, Jacob
'Myers end others,
more or less, all of which In cleared, '
and having a two.etooy WEATUEIt• .
110AltbliD 11011 SE, and a good Log Tr A , ; ;
.11arn, with excellent water at the
door, a thrifty young Oltell ill), and
in a good stab, of cultivation. 1 , 61111_1g
,Creek runs t hroughth is Farm And waters it completely.
Also, another Form, mew to the above, bounded' by
Jacob:Eshelman, John, Kole'r, 'Matthias Singer, and
others, . .
4,16,r0 nr - brali, about forty , hcres'of which are cleared,
fenced and well cultivated, and having a nriwjtwo•story
FRAME 'HOUSE, and Log Huai . thereon erectod; Flab•
lag Creek Is also the boundary of Oda farm in part. •
Also, a ham of land In the name tow 'nada, adjoining
Robert Bryson, John Clendenin, David houdeshield,
and others,
more or less. having a double.geared new SAW MILL,
.thereon erected, WILII a circular Fare, propelled by the
routers of Mountain ervek, which has upenlidS of Wen•
ty feet of head and fall,
All.. a heavy timbered tract of WOODLAND. In the
same township, bounded by Robert Bryson .lacob Shn•
mons, Peter Barnlart and others, contaftving Foily
threa Acres. mare 01 less. •
Also. another tract. of CITESTNUT TT3(II6R LANTi,'
In the canto township, ,ounded by John Youth, John
Creamer. Francis Idle, and others, containing seventeen
Acres, mote or less. .
The terms, ,rbleh will bommde easy to the purchaser,
sell! Lu 11 - Mau-known on di; of ,ialn by •
Att . y.ln fact of Jacob Newcomer.
Aug. 24, 1859-t. s
o P
o Fgeman And Democrat Ineort till snlo And
rIVAT E - 7S A - L1?,; •
- REAL,-.I4 . STATE.
Tho subscriber‘now offers encoura4Q Inducements
to those of l'imltedlun;ans,lrbo desire to get a cheap and
•deslrable home in Ono of the healthy and enter-.
prising. places in the State. Three Paper Stills near at
hand, and the last lately erected, Is now in successful
operation for the manutteture Or line paper; In winch
oVgr 1011 Lunde, mob Mild rvitmlo, are employed. Beets
Mt. Holly Springs, at the b.° Of the South Mounla n,
-noted watering-place,-hieing- unusually Isar - WM - zed,
adds materially to the pecuniary pterests of the people
The following described property Is adjacent, and In•
ended as an addition to the Finings, and ahs to the
amutlful villinze of l'ap6rlown:
anon now In the market, Mooted on the rest and west
shies nf the Baltimore Mid llitlloVer turnpike, 11 titling
south of Ca rll,le. Tho lots are till' nit;rugo of 40 feet in
(rout tint) 200 feet. In length. The buntatlful ottoman,
310untailla Creek, flows mast a portion of them. Aloe,
the large.- .•
an - ,7.'") and one nerd of ground, Pardon, nod
Al:7 ' ' yard, fruit' trues In abundance. Thls
ilyr l T • ,
house contalno . l4 rooms, With Lanza
/ biniOniOnt kitClloll, well of water at
the door, rylid acknowledged to hr o very dellghtfal In
cation fora tartrate reoldenre. Also, .•e...-..sory - -
and lot, with a Slaughteihouso thereon
“: 111 . ] erected, being a good location for a
, butcher—thisbusinesa loaning beep
. profitably estlitilshed—or good bust
near stand for a mechanic. Also,
well timbered with pine and oak, within ,wiza
2% miles of the' above property, having 4,..1 , - 41,
good water power for saw mill.
The terms will hen o very . accommo•
dating: and great argil no may he ex•
pected.oveelally in the I eliding lots, to
foster indivinind miterprise.
Please address or we personally, at 311. Holly
Springs. Cumberland county, Pa,
July 20, ,bo--
kJ The undersigned ns attorney In flirt fir Johnson
Martin. of Monroe township, Cumberland cruntr o will
cull at private sale,
of the best„qualtty of 'lineal one land In saldt'o - wnslitp,
being a'part of the farm un which Mr. Mart, alow
Of tlio part for Faie: all le cleared and Ina high ate
cultivation but about ten acres which Is copered wit
Mrs. Martin will join in a died trythe
Persona desirous of further Inthrthation, will call up.
.Mr. Martin, rehtllng uu thenretnlses, or on the sub-
Trltierret,lding in the borowili of 'Carlisle.
Aug. 3, 1859—tf
VATE Olt rum SALE.
The undersigned Assignees of 1):11. Kieffer, sell
ITer et public sale on T,IIUIISDAY, September 29th
550, n valuable Farm, containing
unt.on the Poor'llouso Road, ono.half mile east of
Carlisle. Tho farm Is ho It high Mato of Cultivation, nd
under good fences. Thu improvinniutts .
eungint of a largo now MUCK ROUSE,
built in nu dern style. ts Bank 'Barn. 4c ): 11111
new Cottage Tenant House, Ac., &c. Zat) , .
Ono of the finest Springs in the county
rises near the house. This property T—^z'
will be sold'in parts or as a whole, to suit purchasers:
Any person desiring to purchase at private sale prior to
the day of public solo can do so.
Persons wishing to view, the property am requested
o call upon either of tho tuidersigued residing iu Car-
Isle, or upon D. ht. lilnlfer ou the premises. . -
'l'.• W. DALE, •
An 4. 17, 1859
PUBLIC BALK.—Under an 'order of
nale from the Orphans' Court of Cutnberland
County, tho utmersigned will expose to Public Sale, en
the preuslees, on SATURDAY, the 24th day' of SIT.
TINDEIt swot, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the REAL ESTATE
of cosy, Finltenbluder, dad. being a Tract of laud in
Frankford Township, Cuntberland County, '
CONTAINING , 102 ACRES, 50 PEI - wins
N • •
more or less strict measure, bounded by the Gouda.
gulnet Creek, lands of .1. Fiukonbinder, Israel, Nickey,
anti Henry kloutzer. Thlsjraet is Slate Laud, sud has
a good lAIO 1101ISE, Frame Dam Wag.
on Shell. end Corn Crib upon It: There my
is a good \FEW. of water near the door. !iic,
and a small ORCHARD of thrift apple , I
trees, witlentbor Fruit Trees around -
the house. It is shunted on DFClure's
Gap Houk about Finites west of Carlisle, one mho from
Akillerle Bridge,, and oppoaltu to Frolm's Mill, ou the
Conoiloguinet Creak,
Terms, and eurahtlons made known on the day of
solo by
AllmlpiWator of George illokenbindor, decd
Aug . . 24, I•sn-t w. . .
it, .
Will be offered at public solo on tho premises, tljelulng
l'oportolvn, Cumberlend County, ou Saturday tho Ist of
October noxt,p tract of land. - •
. . .
having themn erected a good
;, .. -
Eitalde de., and will be sold entire or in '
lets us may boot suit the purchaser. Ouo half of atnex—
tensive orator poivor is also Attached to this property,
which may bo secured entire, by purctaselpn.the other
side or Mountain Creek.
ALBO, ut.thnsame thus and Place a lot of mountain •
laud sltuated'uoar Papertown, containing 20 .ACILEN
"ALSO,. two building lots in The village of Paportliwns.
/which will be sold on the - remises, after the sale of 1118
1 et sons wishing io prOliOky, before the 'tidy
ofeale can do calling on • SAMUEL .1105113A11011,
afro resides rm the first ileum' tract. • -
Salo to commence at 1 &clerk P. M. when terms; Which
lull}.-ba reasonableorill be tuntinknownikir
Executrix of Jasper Bennett, dined.
Aug. 2i, 1850. t. s. • '
•ii BLE REAL kIETAE. , .
. . . ..
Ity.y4 tut, of an ordor of ,tho Orphans' Court 'nf Cum
borlan county, undor Proceedings in partition, dime' ed
to soli a poillon of the Real Estato of George Singi- •
s i
Nil e l a x
)°,) s o o t. to b an I n c ' o r t ° l u tt h o ' p n r f o r :11T. arc! c n ' b iV r if I.) itaAr s 4 *
ocuu iis 11,1059, that valuable Ellin` CLASS
4 1
. .
.containing 104. cresund 20 Porches; Baud° in Monroe
- townsliip, Cum ',viand . county houthicd by 'lands of ,
Goo. MYeric, kiAalt , Myers' heirs, Dr. P. 11. Long, Jacidi .
1 -DAGO, naidol Markley and John Dornbaugh, bag
thereon erected n first rate two-story , . .
•FitA:llE DWELL:MO, a largo nd ~. ~..d. C-2 • .
commodious Bank Baru, and ot b or t r, , . gr-, ~
•=necossaryout.litilidings.—out- ‘.7. td. ~ Atm , ----
two-oxeoliont svells of. nover failhig " , i ,
water, and two-thriving Oreinn•ds of choice. frult. , „Till,i.
- wholefis'ilfillOrtitSVratirfortEenlintrimirbiglriftletFTOr
, .
cultivation.. . , ... .
8u , . ITT DIM-Delolior.l.liiia,zal i lw f
premises, tho following described proper es: --1
A . Lot of Ground situntoln thu borough of Mohan.=
lesburl:. bounded by the C. V Railroad - on the meth,
otheryroperty of decedent on the east, Strawberry alley
on the south. end Dr. Ira Day on the .west, containing
thetulong the railroad. on,the east 77% feet; on
Stldithet ry.alley 257Teut, and on the west 70 feet, hay. -
' lug. thereon erected. 'a' Two-story '•
, 111.1Cli lIGTEL,at large Stable, and .'
4, Wt other. necessary out buildings.
ife,it:'4.X!, Also. Two Lola of (;round, situate
...4 1 / 15 sie. In said borough, bounded on the north
by th C. 5 . Railroad, on the east and west by tither
property of decedent, and on the south_ by Strawberry
alloy, containing res4ctlyely 20 feet 4 inches, and •20 4
feel 6 Inches In DOD., and 60 fret S Inches In depth, •
haying' therm - in °reeled TWO BRICK DWELLINGS,
with the necessary out buildings.
• 'Also..two Lots of Ground, situate In said borough,
bounded on the north by the 0. V. Railroad, on the cast .'•
by the Union Church lot. on the Muth by Strawberry,
anion the west by other property of decedent,
containing respectively 20%feet and 20%feet in Don t,•
and 70 feet 10 Inches in depth. having thereon erected
TIVQ,BIIIOK DWELLINGS, with out buildings.
Also, a Lot 01 Ground, situate In said borodgh,
bounded ou the 'south by Locust street, 25 feet, ou the
east by a lot of Sellfert'S,lsl feet 0 Inches, on the . r.ortb
bylitouffer's alley, 25 feet, and on the west by a la 'of
P. Cozer; 103 feet 0 , nches, having thereon erected a
Also. a.Lot of (hound situate In sold borough, bound
ed on'the emit by Market street, 26 feet 8 inches, on the
south by Stouffer's alloy, 60 feet 6 Inches, on the wool
by Dr..l. 11. Herring, 26 feet 8 !nelkes, on the north by
Wm Mell, 50 feet 6 Inches, having thereon erected a
Also te Lot ' rGround tango In said borough, bound
ed on the north by Croon Limo, the east by a lot of
Catharino Schrpll , on the south by Samuel Chamber
lain! add Olt Limo caret by other. lands of decedent,: Con
taining Marro and 58 porches neat 1111111...
Alas, n Lot of 0 rtfithd illftutte In said borough, bound
ed on the north by Creen•Lano. to limo cast by other
property of th,edent and Samuel Chamberlain, in the
south by,. lid of 1.. Shutt and. the .11oguestoyn road,
containing 1 arm and Wporches, neat measure:
TEltld 8 OP SALE.—The widow's thirds to remain In
each property; during her Ill's. secured by recognlzances,
In-the Orphans' Court; our half of the residue of the
purchase money to be paid nn the lot (OA mil, 1860,
when deeds trill ho delivered and possession given, and
the renutlndor on the Ist or April, 1861, without Inter
est, to ho secured by roi.oghizances In the Orphans'
Court, with approved security. rale to communed each
day at 10 o'clock, A.". 11.
. Admi piste tors of George Singiser, dec"ll
Sept, 7, 1859-t a. .
I will Fell at public said, on the premises. situated in
Silver Spring Township, Cumberland County, on the
Trindle Spring road, six miles east ofearlisle. and three
wiles west of Mechanicsburg, On THURSDAY', the oth
'of OCTOBER, 1850, the following described farms and
tracts of Timing , Land.
. N 0.1.. The MANSION FARM, containing about 150
Acres of first rate Limestone Land, or which about 15
acres 'aro good Timber Land,' the residue In In a high
state of cultivation. The Improve-,' ,
taunts ire a Two-story BT 0N N . i,: -- .7 ,- ).
.UW ELLI NO II 0 GS E, _with -a good ~,;., , !.,,,,
,„, - 1`
well bf water wag pump at the door ,:,.: r e i'l
. .i,
- A is flank Barn, Corn Crib, and '+•s• ...... -
other necessary'out buildings.. Also' a good orchard of
Choice Fruit. -
No. 2. A Farm, adjoining the above, of about 200
Acres—ales first rate Limestone Loud—of which about.
00 nerm, are Omit. Timber Land; the balance is fine
prridnctivo land, in it high state of cultivation. Tim .
improvements are a two-story FRAME HOUSE, Bank
Barn, Corn Crib, etc, &v., with it well of water convent.
cot ;also an orchard of choler fruit.
—No. 1-Thlli-tract contains-alamt--100 -Arres.. , 4s - uf
• clear land, and about_ Ifi of Timber Land, Thin tract
adjoins the other two and will make a very desirable
small farm. .
No 4. The STEAM SAW' MILL, with 20 by se power
Engine, and far acres of hand-30 acres of which am
choice heavy 'Timber Land. Thin Say Mill is In Um
midst of a large body of the heaviest Tindall. Land In
the county, and is capable of doing A largo basin.—
no Thnbor Land. nut:Lining about lOU Aeres,wll - 1, if
desired by purchasers. be sold in separate tracts.
Sale to MI1111011(1 Ilt 10 o'clock A. M, of said day;'when
attendance will be given and Terms made known by ,
Carliblo, sep.l4, 'AD.—ts
011 - ANS' COURT
On SA TURDAI; Se),tender 1701,
.1" 1859:
1 - rir'' -
ai au:Loun 1, t u TscrV um will public
on the premises, the following described Real Estate,
late the property of Darla Lothar. dereAied, to wit
At 10 o'clock, A. M., ofsabi day, PART No. 1, truing a
tract of Land, situate in Hopewell township, 1 alto
'south east IT Newburg, bounded* lends, of Robert El.
_llott, tledfroy Brleker and others.
and having thereon tweeted a two.
story double LOO 11 011 8 11, Rank
Barn, and other out buildings. There
in an excellent Spring of Water near 1 ;1 , aye l
the hmike, an Applo.Orchard, and a mi..,
variety of other choice Fruit Trees, on the premises.
Ap 11 o'clock, A. All., of said day, PART No. 2, being a
tract cf Land, adjoining the above, centaining
having thereon erected n doulde LOU I 1011 SE, Log Horn,
Spring House and other hu Id lugs. There Ist, thriving
young Apple Orchard, with a variety of other Fruit
Trees vii the pretuittes, and a never failing Well of wa
ter near the house.
At 12 fetlock, M., of said day, PART No. 3,' being a
tract of Land adjoining part No. 2,Atuate on the read
looting from*Shlppousburg to Newburg, on t h e north
bank of the Conodogulnet Creek,
having thereon °reeled a two story LOG HOUSE, and
Log Stable. There are a variety of Fruit Trees on the
premises, and a novenfalling well of wator-ue, tho
cir• The above described t max are Inn good st. t of
cultivation, and each of them has a sufficient number I .
acres lo Umber.
At 2 o'clock, P. 81., of sald day. PART No. I, being a
tract of Mountain Lend. situated In Hopewell town.
ship. 3 miles uorth.west of Newburg, bounded by Int •
of Jacob Foglesonger and others,
the greater portlon . of whfch Is covered with good chest
nut timber. Any person wishing to see any or the
tracts aforesahlovlll please call on the subscribers, re.
siding on the prouiltes. Terms made known on day of
ale by
Sup. 7. '7O-t. s
On Friday, the 7th of October, A. D., 1869;
In pursuance of An order of the OrPhans' Court of
Cumberland County, to mo directed. will be sold .at
Public hale oaths promises, about live miles east of
Shroponsburg, Cumberland County, ['iv,. on the south
,aide of the Walnut' Bottom Road, betwee n ' the. villages
'of Leesburg and Jacksonville, and nose Parks' Tavern.
Thu following described
late the property of Abraham Seaver, dee'd., to wit:
(about 100 acres thereof are • Mountain Land) divided
into five or allure tracts, but will'he sold either thu whole
together, or in Lots as may best_ suit purchasers.
The inafirdvennauts are a
4 -
. — Alargo portion oftlAo lnncl Is coy
crud with thriving Chestnut, Pine, Oak and other the.
bor. A part however is cleared and roused. A large
portion of the whole will make goll, farm land when
cleared, and is auscoptiblo of a hie, state of improve
meet There is an excellent stream of water thereon:
Also au ORE BANK, containing a good quality of
Iron Ore. which Is bring worked, being near. tin Iron
Works, the ore Is valuable.
. This property is bounded by lands of Dr W. W. No
via, Schaal, Sous k Bucisinatesplelrs, John limy.
.11,0. Foreman, J. Washinger, larks, Clover and others.
The foram whleh are reasonable, willbe made known
on the day of onto by'
Adadorstrator of Abraham Seaver, deed,
Sep. 7, 11850-t
WILL be offered at Puling Salo, on the promfoun z
SATUIIDAIt, thu 24th day of SE111:31BER, 185 U,
.• A Small Farm Containing 38 Acres, ~ •
bn•the same nano or less, situated In Mantua township,
about 3 miles front Mechanicsburg, and two miles, from
Churehtown, on the road Jonna. from Loldleh'o tavern
to Churehtown, bounded by lands of Michae l ) L. Motor,
l)avld Martin and °that's. •
Thellmpioveruents aro a large
- ' ;
part log and part frame,
*hotted and finished throughout in the beet rummer;
a twirstofj•'ll Muse end a Shop, a Frame Earn,
Corn Criband other necessary out.bulldlugs.' The land
is under brood fence and in the Mi.:heat elate ofCultiva
tion, on which theta Is a large OlttlllAßD of the choic
est varieties of Apples, Pears, Plume and Cherries.
About 1% acres Is c3verod with thriving young timber.
,Thasnio will commence et .
1 o'clock, when the condi
ons will be made lanownly
ti• -
Aug. 24, 1659-50
(Wand after Monday, 28,1 May, 1859, theinifir
sorlbor will run a Tally Train of Coin, between
leavirig • Carlisle every morning and Philadelphia every
wraith:lib ,•4
All goods left at the TRINOTIT-DEPOT of Peacock,
& 111N01131AN, Nov. 84 nag , 810 Market street,
will be delivered-In Carlisle tho next day,
Wee Blab plreat,StiOlii
➢fey /5, '69
Blile.• prime New,. NO. Illerring,•
etlJ est reoeliedrapd formic, at' prima to suit the
gtai . ::estiite . lts.
Administrators ol David Usher, deed
tnniber tont.
,•• Etill - at the Old Busineit 7 ---
(in the Iluilreedi east of Ohrlisle. In the Immediate
• vicinity of the Ons llonseo
The sulaicritiore have entered Into rartnershlr,
pro doing business ht the old stand of Shrew & lieu ,
where will be rout:dot LUMIIEit and CA)A
In all their varieties and. qualities. •
, • L U *DI B E A.
BOARDSidevr;ry kind.
• Bi - c 7
And In facraiWifliffid7f - Litmber usually foubtl.liC.:
well stocked Yard. .
As we run our own Cars. we arerenabled to 'film's
bills bilLumber otany required length, at thc 4 shorte.
possible time. Our Ploorlng,ls'eathetboardlng; Ac., I.
always housed, and combo furnished dry.
C 0 71 , (Under Cover.)'
No pains will yn spared to furalsh Coal for family us.'
clean and dry, of ail sizes and qualities, amai; whlyi
will be found,,„
And to our Limo burning Mends and to Blacksmiths
wo'would Bey, we can and will furnishes cheap ad th •
cheapest and of best quality. .
The senior partner. will be on the yard as.nsual
attend to those who may favor us with a continitan,
of their patrennge. Thankful forpast favors,he sollat
krontin umice of their custom at the old yard.
We kayo a large fiteelc on hand of Lumber and Coal.
end are continually recuiVing additions, which we will
'wires low as any other yard In the borough.
Don't fail 'to cull Ut the old yard near the Gas House.
JACOB 8111t031,
itomuq. DI, BLACK.
N. 8.-4 dupllcato of the books of Shrom & Thiffer.
aro lo my hands; those indebted can rail on the soh.
scriber at the old yard and pay to JACOB'SURO.II.
July ti 7859.
rho subscrlhors have daY entered into part
norohip to &ado In
We will have el - umlaut ly on hand mud furnish to order
all kinds end qualltyof seasoned
•" " "
l'lnstorink Lath, Shingling Lath, worked Fhaw
ing.and Weathurboarding,, Posts and Rails, and every ar
tlelu that belongs to a LUMBER YARD.
All kindo of Shiuglos, to wit: Whitepino, Hemlock,
and Oak, of different qualifies. Having Care of our
own we cod furnish to order of any length and
elm, at the ehbrteot notice and om tho most reasonable
terms. Our worked boon's will be kept under cover so
that they can be furnished dry at all times.
We kayo ronatantly on hand all kinds of Fainily, Coal
under cover. with:Wive will deliver clean to any part of
the borough. To wit.;
which we pledgoottesolvoq to sell at the lowest prices
Bust quality of ' -
Limeburnei's and ll ~ ackamifh'a .Coal,
Brokon, Egg, Stovo nod Nut
do. do.
. 4 do
always on hand whlrh vovlll Xell at the lowest figure
Yard west side of Grammar School, Maln street.
July 2(1,.1850
lUMBER YARD.—lbe -subscribers
jhaving -purchased. n.hirge tract of _plue timber
lancland saw mills, off the west branch of the Sosgno
river, have opened out a lumber yard at
on the railroad, corner of Allen and High streets, near
the steam sair udll of Seidl°, Eberly &Co., and 869 one
near Mehlheld, where we will bo able to sell lumber at
Hoch prices that,will be to the Interest of builders and
others to call and see U. before buying elsewhere. ' Ofir
ad van fsges over other dealers are that our lumber does
nutvass through the hands of ono two or more specu
lators before see gilt it, and that will enable us to sell
lumber cheaper than any ethers tan sell at,these places.
We-will also wholesale lumber from our Harrisburg
yard, nod will deliver lumber at- any point along the
Cumberland l'alloy Railroad. If desired, builders eon
-hove lumber sawed suitable fir any size of building, or
for other purposes, by furnishb,bing us with theiror
dora In season: SHAFFNER, ()REASON & CO.
Aped, i 3, IRsO—ly •
E NV: 0 0 A L YAltp-
he auhsctibef would respectfully call the attention
of Litneburners and the citizens of Carlisle, arid tha
tilii .' litti ' itL - e7o4V4llllaS n eV;
ivhdre he will keep constantly ou hand a large supply
of the best quality of COAL, to wit:
Lykens Luke Fiddler, line Grove and Trevor,
ton, Broken, Egg' and Nut Conl-4icreened and dry coal,
which he pledges himself to sell at the lowest possible
prices. Best quality et Idrueburneetiend Blacksmith's
Coal always on hand.
La- All rirders left et the Ware, lionse, 6i2thls VOA.
deuce Noah Hanover street, w111,..he promptly at
tended to.
April 14,'58—ti.
, ,sioN.itousE.
The subscrlbervvetilit respectruliy Wrenn t%o Mune
Warlisle and vicinity, that he has leased tho large and
commodious warehouse of JACOB lilt EB3I, and having
repaired and fitted up the cars In a superior manner,
he Is prepared to do freighting of all kinds, to or from
all points, South, East or West. All goods ordered to
812 Market Street, Philadelphia; or to
. .
203 North Street, Baltimore, '
will be promptly delivered In Carlisle.
The highest market price paid for ell kinds of grain.
Don't forget the old stand, corner of Main and Wont
Aug. Successor to Jacob Itheete. •
N. B. nest quality of FLOUR, for family usn, kept
cmisteutly In sacks or barrels, for solo wholesale or re.
Tho flubscribers having taken the warehouse, ears and
fixtures of D. Murray's well known eslaldisbment,
on West High street, opposite Dickinson College, would
Inform the public that they hava entered into a general
k'orwarding and C0411111E91011 bualness. .
Tho highest niarketTricifWill be paid for Flour, Grain
and Produce of all kinds.
They aro also prepared to freight produce and stock
to Philadelphia and Dfltimore, at the lowestrates, with
safety and despatch.
PLASTER AND SALT kept constantly on hand, and
FLOUR AND FEED at wholesale or retail. um.
Coal .of till klndo. embracing
Limeburnor's and Blacksmithls
and !loltvered dry to any part of the [(inn.
DUBLIC SALE.—By . Virtue of an or
der of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county
I will oxposo to public sale. on tho'Mansion Farm, the
Into residence of John Bowman, dec'd., on FRIDAY, the
23,1 day of SE1"1111111Eit ni,Xt, at 11 tgritiCks4,l l l;
All that LOT OF GROUND, situate in Upper , Alten
Township, Cumberland County. bounded b David
Coovor, Lougneeker and oth-,
ors, containing 'about .half an acre,
having a ono story and a half HOUSE,
and LOU STABLE Shama erected. g
. .
Also, A TRACT OF WOODLAND, In Lower Allen,
Township, Cumberland County, hounded by Abraham
t'reed, Wm. 3lcKlusey, McClure's Wks and others,
- TERMS O 1 SAG/..—One fourth of the purchase mon
ey to, be. paid at the confirmation of the sale and the
resldifo on the let of April,-1800, whin title and poir•
session will he
Administrator ofJoim Bowman, dedd
Aug. 24,18594 s. '
A I:10111EST - EAD FOR $10;
A ot HOMESTEADS FOR $lOOO and over, situated on
and near Rappahannock River; above and below Fred
ericksbunL in Virginia.
A new town,
called itapahannock, hal recently been
lald'eut, Ouipepornounty, in the midst of the-Gold
.Region of. 9lrglula, •mwrountled-by. minemand
compute/It and farina and town lots in alternate dint
sious or shaves. can now[be had for a "mere song," to
Induce settlement in this desirable region. *161,900
worth' of land Is to be -divided 'amongst purcliaserver
given away as an inducement to come on and make lire_
provements. and the land is-of the most improvable
qualities. 'litany have already -settled and scores of
others tire coming. Good farming land, In tracts to stilt, , -
lundiaeors. can be from-ten to-"twenty dollars
air acre, payable in easy 4uarter yearly instalment,.
Inquestionaldo-ilties-will-in•all cages- be glven,---b—
-iGr Agents are wasted Ovey where tct sell these lands.
Mend ludueementa will pe given.
For pe• Mature, address - •
E. BAUDER' Land Agent,
Port Royal,'Va.
July iB§o.
. .
(1144;95, GI 4 A6S.-- . 500 - boxes„ 'Glass
Illir of allidzdaraingla and doubliaitiekijuat received
tit 0 - 'REMIT SAXTON'S. --
Iddr. 10,1850.
A 0 E.R EL No: 1.-2. & 3.. j USE
incepted and for isle low at , .HALBERTS.
Young,g for thellberal edneathin
of Ladles, has been In opendlon'two years with
the Most gratifying results. It le now established on
a firm. basis, and its patronage already
.extenda over
several States. .•
It ' Move Md on the Cumberland Valley Railroad mid. •
nay between Harrisburg and Carlisle. la the mostfar
tile and beautitul portion of the valley, and Is In close '
proximity to, one of the most moral, healthy, and.ezi
terprlslng towns in the State.
It is ventral, and may of screen. :Students leaving
Washington, Baltimore, or Philadelphia in tho morning
train for Ilarrinburg, wilt arrive at Mechanicsburg In
time for dinner. • •
The edifice Is large and commodious, aurroirmiod by
double verandas, and will accommodate about one hum ,
-dredtearderTr.--in-ite conigractljn;lteinnbiriefrallthe—
modern' Improvements for-the promotion of health,
comfort and convenience. In these reapvets physicians .
.ronihilietTlFT - ufficialleu. the ehrtmix:ra are largirini.
-neatly furnished.,Eaeh - Ima: Its - register fur heat Mid' .
ventilation Only two StudentStettlpy the seetereem.
Theteltheroletimentreett-elLthatafe oiled with warMand
cold water.". .
The grounds are ample, and welt arranged for teem..
atlon, and the various calisthenic exercises—so. °Am
nal to. licalih, graceful movement and symicetry.of
'The Faculty of luinction is efficient and expezi.
enced. • .•
• In the Collegiate partment the course of study Is
•of a high grade, comprehending all the subjects belong
ing to a Classical, Polite and Christian Education.
In the Preparatory Department pupllewill
.be care
fully Instructed in those branches forming the basis of
a thorough English-education.
Smut:frt.—First Session, from the let *edneeday of
September to the 30th ofJanuary.
Second Session, from tho let of February to the let of
July. • .
Vacation, durlngJuly and Augmeb; . .
• . •
Boarding, 1V ashing, Furnished. Itooms;Pnel
and Light., . . $6O 00
Thition — ColleginteDigrtuient. 4 10 00
, Preparatory "• . ... C. 1600
First Class, 12 00
Nn eltra charge for Ancient Languages.
MnsicyPiano and Guitar.. . . , . . .20 00
Modern Languages,. . . • . 10 . 00
Painting, - Dralving-anduther .
- Oilsamental Branches
at the usual rates.
Terthoons furnished at city prices. . •
For further, pvtleulans address,
Rev. A. 11. 31AilLATT, A: M., •
Aug. 3.1859. ' • President
The reputation of this institution lo now fully estab •
fished. and its Success as a first class Seminary plated
beyond doubt. Pupils will find in the boarding, de
partment, home comforts, parental supervision and
monsl.ln uence. •I ci tho -rid °rational - departni ent'as
complished - teachers, thorough instruttion, . and sure
means of advancement:
Trustees; Rearences; Teachers; Pupils In attend;
nom the year past, 98; Courao of Study; Graduation;
L'xpenses; Location.; Mental and ISlomi Training; Tss..
TIMONIAIS: from lion. Geo: Chambers, D. S. Schnook, D.
D. and others, in regard to the recent annual examina,
Ilona; from the Chamberaburg Press; and from James
W. Alexander, D. To., of New York, and others.
The next session will commence. September 14th.
For a catalogue address •
Aug 10.1859
This is a question of l i ll Suiltsnce. and one which
has neve been satlsfact ly dismied of by. the profes
- eore who teach the he mg art. Some maintain—and
especially the old eel I Physicians—tliat life live, In
_the blood, and-there re-all-diseases-originate-In it—
but modern scion avers that ailment, have their
originatiOn in both the .lide and fluids of the body.
That the latter preponderate, however, le a fixed fact,
and medical Skill bee clearly demonstrated that at
least two-thirds of tble Ills that human flesh-le heir to,
Muff their source Wan
AF, for instance, in the long catalogue, such as &min
la, Tetter, ü ßarber's.ltch,'Ll'lmples, Blotches, Erysipe
las, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, dischargh from the Earaftte
Sores, or irruptive all/fames of any kind.—These are as
certained by well known medical laws to arise from bad
blood—while the highest medical authorities declare
that most fevers originate in the same manner, and,
more particularly Typhoid and omelet—the former he
log en internal, and the latter en external. Irruptive
dlsmse; and In all persons attacked by these maladies,_
the blood is found to_be - elther coagulated,or a - datk •
unhealthy color. ••••""
To ward off a large majority of diseases, ax "troll as to
cure a number which have already seized upon the sys
temp it is necessary to
. Lindsey's Improved Blood Searcher does not claim-,to
be a •
for every disease known, but tho'proprirtors claim for
It the power not only of drainiik out Ail impurities
the blood, but by the eliillful combination of well known
vegetable remedies. It will cure all diseases arising front
a deranged state of the liver, drive out Ayspepida, and
doe renewed tone and vigor to the stomach. That the
Rime SEARCHER in all that la claimed limit, the proprle
tors an reduce
• • 1.
It Is only a few years since It was discovered, and yet
It Las grown IP to eArch a briefness that alargelaborateg
tirnifreirolin"eVitiiideied In idftlng It up, and still the
ask any candid man, could this be no, If the Med .
did not posses, au. the virtues claimed for Ita
of ‘Proprietons have hundreds of gpittficates 'from
of probity and standing in the cotElnunity, show
chat the medicine is doing daily for .the suffering
Do has ever used the Blood Searcher erhethei tell_
ras experienced.
, Let the afflicted give it a trial—a single bottle wll
convince the most skeptical of its efficacy.
vel; For sale in Carlisle by B. W. Haverstlek, S. El
iiott, and B. J. Kieffer; Kauffman &• Son, Mechanics -
burg; Goaweilort Zook, iihtipherdstown ; Joshua Culp
itogstown; Jacob Simmons; Cross (loads; Kurts &
Wise, Shiremanstown; A. M. Leidieb, Boiling Springs;'
Nary W. Kissel, Churchtown; Edward James, West
Bill; J. C. Fisonaught & Bro., Oakville • Shoemaker &
Elliott, Newburg; We,. Bretton, Newville; J. Hood it
Co.. Springfield; Russell & Dice, Dickinson; Highland
t Washinger Jacksonville; Wm.' Clark & Co., Lees
Roads; Wm. If. Eckles, Sporting Hill; D. Denlinger
Whits (fall; J. C. Altiek,Shippensburg; all, of Cumber
land county, Pat.
The great standard medicines of the pressni
age, ha‘ve acquired their great popularity only
through: years of trial. Unbounded satiefac
tion u rendered by. them in all
. case. s; and the
people have pronounced them worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debllity of the Nervas System,
Dleeasea of the Hidtlbya,
rind all direcisee arising from a disordered
liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily andpermanenlfg ets;ed
• The nalsaido Cordial has acitsisc ,
reputation Wilpc Wing that of any similar Pre
paration extant. It will cure, WITHOUT TAIL,
the most severe and long-itanding • " -•
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Brohohitie, In.
- Juana, Croup; Pneumonia, Incipient
- and has performed the nrost astonishing cures
ever known of '
.Confirmed Consumption.
severe also at
h o ce nc a i check;
These medicin e. are prepared by Dr. C. M.
JAMISON & CO., No. 418 Area Street, Phila. '
delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines' everywhere, at 76 ants
per bottle. The sigrusture of C. M. Jaoanote
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.' '
In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors; called EVERYBODY'S Amiens; '
you mill find testimony and commendatory •
r noticeefrom all parts of the country. Theca '
tdimanaes are given away by all our agents. •
'For sale by 8. Elliot, tS. W • Hayerstiok Car. -
lisle. •
On pATURDAT, Oatelber lit, 185?.
rawriiiimeas mexT.irarar. rilija;. •
: assortment •
.13101 Identifies of the latest style, and , essy cheep.
can be seep at the Cheap store of •
. • • J. A. 102tElti0/1, Jr.
Chemboreburg, PA
LINDSEY *, LEMON. Proprietor's, •
11911Identbarg, Pa.
- 19110 W