girk Jtratd. CARLISLE, - PA. Wednesday, Sep. ,21, 1559 PEOPLE'S STATE, TICKETe • FOR AVIATOR"O.I3I , !ERAL, THOMAS .E. 'COCH _irorlc, aunt?, " FOIL 6URVEYOR - GEN64/ . 1.L. G • 0.1 B . oda V: °Tit • • PEOPLE'S COUNTY TWEET SENATOR, • W. B. *WIN, Upper Allen 'ASSEMBLY, JOHN McCURDY, Shippensburg WILLIAM ALLISON; Perry Co. COUNTY TREASURER S . SPONSLER, • _COMMISSIONER ; JOHN D. GORGAS, Carlisle DI6TRIOT - ATTORNEY, C. P. HUIVIRICH', Carlisle DiRECTOIG r OF THE POOR, Col W. H. WOODiiTIAN, CORONER, JOHN HOLTZ, East Pennsboro.ugh. AUDITOR, - HENRY RIJI S P, Hampden • sunvdtpa, GEORGE WALTERS, Soutlramptozi TAE ST ANT)ING An adjourned meating of the Standing Cam mittee_of the •Peciide's Party, will be hold at the hotel of 11. Glase,"on Saturday tha • 24th inst. It - 11 , o'clock M: • • The following gentlemen compose, the Com mittee : . 4 1 • Lower Allen—C. Eberly. Upper Allen—J..T. Deviney. Carlisle, L. W.—Rolit. F. Noble W:—idajor.J. Bretz. Dickinson—Thomtii Paxton. • E. - Pennsboro'D. G. May. „ Frankford—M. - D.Leckey.' Hampden—Eli Grabill. - s . Hopewell—Martin Kunkle. •' 4 , •Mechanicsburg—Loi Kauffnian. - Mifflin—henry Snyder. _ Monroe, , -Richard Anderson.` Newton—Jas. Koons. N. Cumberland—V..Peeman. - Newville•Jos. MoDarmond. - North Middleton—John E. Coble. .Southampton—Samuel Taylor. South Middleton—Geo. D. Craighead: . Silver Spring—Dr. H: Barris. Shippensburg—R. P. McClure. • Shippeniiblirg twp : —Wm. Datighman. West Pennsboro—Jae.D: - Grenson - JACOB BRETZ, • Chairman R. P,Ctunc, Secretary. . ORGANIZE I ORGANIZE I! We feel it again to be our .duty, to remind our friends. of the importance of °perfect or ganization, if they wish to elect.their county ticket. We cannot for a moment believe, that you will sit quietly at hbute, and let the elec tion go by - default. Your opponents aro ac tively engaged in scouring the county, getting out their entire vote, and playing their usual "brag" game by boasting that they will elect their mbn in spite of all opposition. Will you letihem do so ? Will you let a party triumph,• whose course you have condemned for twenty years ?, A party that, dare not ask the.suffrages of the people for the sake of their principles; 'and-whose past history disbloses 'nothing but corruption,• hypocricy and misrulO? The democratic party has, violated ever); confi dence, broken every promise, falsified .every pledge, made r to-the people, until nothing is left of 'it but a rotten 'carcass, which we hope the PEOPLE will abate, as a public nuisance, on the eleventh of October. firt to work then and organize in every' wz7II and township, find out your strength, and cee' that every vote is polled on the day of the elec tion, and yoii will carry your ticket by a tri umphant majority. Yonx CouoTv.—Tho Pepole's Convention of York County, met on Thursday last to nominate a county ticket. The candidates for Assembl,3 7 nro Frederick Sulzbaugh, and Jacob Baughman. Th - e - Malutions adopted by the Convention endorse 'the platform and candidates of the State Convention of Juno last.' Instruct their candidatosTor tho Legislature, in the event of their election, to use their efforts to reduce the pay of the members, and to favor also a reflection of thp.Statetax. . • I Delegates were also al:pointed to the State Convention, with instructions to vote for dele gates to the National Convention, favorable to the notination'of Simon Cameron, as the candidate for the Presidency in 1860.. THE NATIONAL AGTICULTURAL FAHL—The ' National Agric n ultural Fair opened at Chica go on the 13th-instant, •and was largely at tended. The opening speech was made by • Gen. Tilghman, followed -by Senators 'Crit tenden and Douglass. Senators Hale, Stew art and Chandler were also present. Upwards of three thousand entries were made, including nearly fifteen hundred me chanical and agricultural implements. • The receiptsfer admission during the first two • days were nearly $12,000. The number of visitors at the grounds on the first dity was estimated at 60,000..., • ' ' STATE FAIR. —Our thanks aro duo Co David Taggart Beg, President of the State Agricul tural Society, : . for'a complimentary ticket of admission to the State Fair,•which is to (tom- Inane° at Powelton, near Philadelphia, on the 27th.inst, LITRIIEBANNi;,—The annual :conven lion of the Evangelical Lutheran SAW of 'Pennsylvania, is now' in .- session at. Harris= burg. Rev. D. Steck was elected, Presi dent. • Sunbury' was selected, 'as the next „place of meeting. • • Vsnmon ELROTlON.—Returnii of the Ver . mont election have been heard frdm 204 towns, lifkirs, majority . is 11,958; _ The Reliubli-- oan gain binoe, list, year, iS 80,1 ' , lbw House ‘; far etande itnimblioans:l7l3 4 ,l demoorata 24,. independent 1, no choice B*whioh is a demo crat loss of one. , ' • MAINE EVICTION, —The returns: Maine election on the 12th - inst. 'inOreiuled Republican otipremitek in the state: Lot M. Morrill, the Republican candidate for Governor, bas-been re-elected b about ..10,000 naajority. , *®'Road - thiiOdieitlownOnt