1? MLANF• 9 ' S CELEBRATED YERMIFUGE EMZEMI LIVER PILLS. Seg leave to call often ' .y V• don of the trade, and more .____especialty_the._Bhysician_sL:of the • • • country,, to two of the, most pope-' .We refer to . . ' ••" • •• • Chas. Ecicbratc(l-- V.:crilliftige and Liver kiljs. We.do, hot recommend their!' as universal Cure.alls, btit 'simply for . .- what 'their name puPports, ..THE VERMIFUGE, • For ! , expelling. Worms from. the hurtian system . .: ^lt. has also been administered With the triost•satis "factory results to varicius subject to Worms. '• • •• . - - • •UIE: LIVER PILLS, .• 1.1-the6.ireof LIVER,COMPLAINTS, DERANOEMtN-T5, SICK • HEAD-ACHE, &C. • in cases of FEVER - AND A 9 • .preparatory_to or after -taking Qui- • nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and -pe-Iffialient—c—u-rt:-, __- As specifics forlilitoabove men tioned diseases, they r are Unrivaled, and-never-known--to fail when . • min:Astered . in accordance with the directions... Their. unpreeedeotd popularity . hagjOduced the proMetors, -BROTHERS,' , •• , . . . . . PITTSBURGH . , PA. to :dispose of their Drug business, hi which they haYe been success fully engaged for the last Twenty tziv r Yearsi - and tl - t..y will now ' _their, undivided time: and ttention to their..M . anuract'ure.- •••A d being' de--_ termined that D . 'Cane's Cele brated Vermiluge. and Liver Pills, shall continue to the high position they now hold among the -great remedies .of the day, - they will, continue to . spare neither time nor, expense in procuring the, Best - anif• Purest •rnaterial, 'and com pound their in the most thorough ' matiner. Address ;ill_orders to . - - - FLEMING 11110 - S. Pittsburgh, Pa. _ , P.S. DealCra and Physichms °Moan from others than Fleeting ikon.. will qlo well to write their owlets filkinctly. and take none but Dr. .ll'Lone's, prepared by Fleming Bros. Plttsburolt. To those wishing to giro them a trial, we. will forward per nisil. post paid. to any 'part of the..Unitod Staten, ono box of Pills for twelve threercent..postage_ statupg, or ()110_ viol of Wrinifugo for Snutren,tliree.ccat stamps. All ordern froth . Canada must be occompaulud by twenty cents extra. , William P; :Lynch, .1 1 rartical'PLUJIBER. and GAS FITTER iu the basement !!!" the JL E. Church, Main Street, Carlisle, edArno Plpea, Ilof C ild Shower Baths, Water Closets, Force and Lift [Minim, W 'Vt. Iron Wed Mims,. And every description of cocks and fittings for )(a stenni,',uiter.itc. Superior cooking ranges, heaters an gas fixtures put up in churches, stores and dwelling at short notice, In the most modern style. All materl als and work In our lino at tow rates and warranted. /re. Country work and Jobbing promptly attended b for. _a, ]B'2ll—]y r [IIIE CLOTHING STORE NEAR 'IIIE . miaticivr HOUSE WOULD AGAIN • . Let The Yeopiejinow ~! 'll/91 7 have Just received 1111ti,p . o dell:) , receiving n line 'lan,' stock of SING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, anadr sq, tho best, latest and moot fashionableidyle - - • 'flfsir.6r tmont of fancy- and-plain—Cassimere ant: Oasholet et, One black cloth Coats, l'ants, oatin and silk Vests. are oupurlor to any ever presented to the poop!, ' of Carlisle or vicinity, as well as their large variety Of Casfil nett, Kentucky Jean, Tweed, Italian dolls Alper ea. anti di karts of linen coats, pasts and recto. logetli er with a werselected stork of GENTLEMEN'S FUR . NISH IN° GOODS, such no white and limey Shirts. neck and pocket handkerchiefs, Cravats,2l les, Under Shins. . Draw co, Collars, Socks, Suspenders, Ac., In short,'"every thing o'so to dress up - o . kis .a-joell,:idtabliehed fact that STEINERS, can and do cell a little Cheaper than any Clothing Store in Carlisle or 'vicinity. therefore advise ON gad ALL to call at Stelnei.'s ' el:Clothing store, be est they make their purchases, a they aro Wu' • ng and pleased to show their Humour n• near the Market house:", , 13, 1859 . . STEINER, BROS.. & Co. TIION TAMING Railing for .I.o.toutory,oncloHures, publ le fold private grounds anti gardens, made to order at the Carlisle Foundry. Our sleek of Railing, Verandah and Bracket patterns cone 101505 a large variety of new and efegtent designs which . toe public are invited to rail and examine. Orders for resting and putting up Railing will be promptly °seem toil at .ttsfactory prices. ric3.„, An entirely new TEN HORSE STEAM ENGINE end it ilL,Elt now on hand, warranted to be of the best oink.; and will he sold at a bargain-for cash or on short time -- • . ARDNER co. - CW . JBEELAND VALLEY. INSTITUTE AIEcHANICSBURO, PA. F,TITMLLIN. A. If., PIUNCIPAL, and teacher of Mathematics and Modern Languages. THOMAS S. REESE, A. U., Assistant Principal and to idler of Ancient Laugungos and Higher English, . 1.. 31. 11.A.VEItST1C1.1, AssiMeet Ifl' the English Da• 'yartment, . ' This Institution basing passed Into now hands, will tw toopruod as it Maio School onlji,. on Thursday, the day or Septuutber next' It in the design of the prerual proprietors' to make it a strictly, first•class Boarding _ School; for training and fitting hues and ioung anon either fur collogo or business. An efficieut corpo, of, In. structors has been organized, whose personal interests are identified with the succuss of the institution, and who, will spare no pains to maim it worthy of the cont. " "dome ond patronage of tint public, The Buildings of the Institute aro aniplo, and well arranged fur the acv connuodation of about ninety boardore-Junt all studonls ''frourte•road are expucted to board with the teachers.— ,They will Muth enjoy the benefit, of constant luau notion ' and supervision, -• Mechanicsburg is si tuated In this centre' of the beau • • • • • • Will Cumberland Halley, nine 'miles drum litirrieburg, - and is easy of access by Railroad from I'hilndelphla.lbd• . Minors, &c. • No location 'could 110 mOl.O eligible fir ac cess—none snore hoalthy or attractive cur such it school Pupils from Washington, Baltimoro, Philadelphia soil lotermedhtto. points, taking the: morning- train, will rasa Mechanicsbing by 2 n'olock, I'. Al. As It is thu 1.0 determination of tho Principal and. his Assistants to Weed tho Institute on a permanent and elevated' basis with entry, application requisite fir superior success. they appeal with confidonco to all who bane sous toed netife. - ' _ ri The scholastic ycaewill he divided Into two sessinas . • tl cif •twanty two wtielco each', the first beginning on. the e first •Thursday of Soptember, ond , tading on the first - ,Wailtuniday of Fellow 3 , the second session beginning, ion the fi rst o . f . ,February, and ending on the • first Wodnesddy of J my Washing. Tuition, Booms furnished,' and Fool par Session,, ' 4181 0 0 ,Mpay lel/Aare will ,bo received at $lO, $l2, and $l6, ae• 4zordlug to their adyippement. Wo extra dhargaa, f,or ancient and modern languages over vocal musk. • per,sessleii Palaida 1141 f In ad Mack Vol cur . thPir Infomustion splay to 1119.11111 & Reese, Proprkoturs, fdeebanlesburA, Va., Apr. 0,1859. 71 ``Tfilj 13:4 FEE D. 7 •The ' , .beroi,hai„a•Abw. ontiand, and, s u u g b var y_tellourandiatialn*lskhilia:nubllllnyltad. HP , ' . 4el l 2l,'iltrx"°•! 4 - 4,1 .• 10.111:1:,°K. ... . . • ".. A large stock of Oblaq, 1 ,Ilass.ah&Queeasware,bi now -11114.-beautlful-doxlgne,--4tadz-etabiablag-Overy—grado,.af price. . . 110 is SoLr. ` Aaivr In Oarllsle for Joai;B' celebrated' . • G AIN f 3 13 A.11,(3-.A.C! ) REDUCTIONAN.PitICES T OGlir . l3l"S OILEAI S .STOtirM - I ant now reeling off 'my entirn 'sleek pi' Summer, tiorals4:at lower pries than any store in (Ito Melilla Slimmer Silks, ilarege Italics, Smuttier Pop. OCiantlY Lawns, Chailles, Silk Jliiutillat, Sifinuter• • 5.1114, Eieglllit. worked COULMllllld . Undersl..eves: at priors to defy COM.. putition. Calicoes, 11Ingluns and Lawns. at lower pr! coq titan ever sold in Carlisle. Summer Cloves and ,-.3 11tts,-vccy-low.—Carpetinga-cbdAperiil4,l--can-lar-intd • diner/h&c,. •Willto and 6nli,ri:d llriliinnts. al.uttusually low prices. • A largo tursort:lnent of . 3fuslioa.,Tickihns. Checks, Cotton and Linen- Pants Stuff, muell under. A foto doors South of the rottit .14m4e. Having supplied myself with a large assortment o Wittelolato nth., Glasses, kr., I run now propared to repair all kind; of Watehes.Cloeks:Jemelry. &a.; on the --most reasoniible terms„thati play:la-en trust; d-to-my eve.. tiopinw.hratigatAitterktion to buslnes,4 to be fa venal with a Mood share ot public patronage. A fine, assortment of .11:11'81.1tY. such as Ladies! Breast Pins and Ear-Drops. Gold 'owl Camaro; 'AI kses . 0 Breast Pins and Ear Drops. Box awl Wags ['las all sizes, Gold Chain'lloblts, I'lated Chains. Gilt Lockets, Guards. Keys, ho. Also. a hire," and fine assortment of GOLD. WINGEft BING all of which will he sold hay. .A sharenfinildle patron. age Is r,peetfully -- JOSS. U. STEEL - Carlisle, .Iply 13,4650—iy • .A R:0 MA- T CIIA L S M: Is a remedy not to be excelled for the relief Ttnd curd of those in Oldies Incident twthe Summer Season, vlx Dian rheas, Dysentery. Choler" or Chol eta Murbus. • Wog. Acidity of the Stomach, etc. • its excellent Can iiiiinalre.powern. plegsanttake 11111 i no nthing n Sunoco, renders it - a valuable medivine lu Infantile tilsen,es, ptcollar to the second stainer, In: Cli dera I nl]ilitasu.. etc II .line in rolnytkorating end tortitf . l%lllllollll.o . 011 tII4 allay i fig—lnflame the, • win , te'll exists to. .the Jl6llllllOl and 110M:1M-11111i non trial will he .lound Intlispensible to the rell being of every runny. It' Still - he feu 'Was well adapted to adults as chlldren.—Tar no. Prepanid only by A. ES EN wEis, Dlspensino• Chemist. N. IV. Cor. Ninth and Poplar sts., Philadelphia up_ Price 15 cents per bottle:' Sold lip II .1. lilelTer, and S. W ILlyerstick, Carlisle: Miller Son..bicksot, villa; Illegal & herring, Mecbanlcohurg, and by drug. gists and stop °keepers. generally. • (mine 25'8d/ Iy , Iron Sinks, "Rh Tubs, NVash hydraulic Items, he • *ViT ATC I ES, JEWELRY, • AND T SILVER-NAM:AT CONLVN'S old established Stand, West Main St., nearly orPosito the Cumberland Valley Think. 1 hams just received a now assortment et watches. eivolry. medallions. silver ware, addition to my timer stock to which I invite tho attention or puLliq The asburtment embraces fine gold stud silver lever watches, hunting anti open rasa do., gold • Anchors for Ladles and Gentleman and Silver Lo pines and Qua rtior ‘vn!choa of every va. dutylu and Taira Also flue gold Medallions, Breast-pins fopLoolites and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern oneirrtirre.4 (hid fob, vest, curb and neck chains.. Gold finger rings, cuff-pins, studs, sleeve buttons. cros.ais. charms, ke., ,tr. Gold and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives. Mits. table, tea. salt add mustard spurns of every variety. , A large nssortment of gold, silver and common spectacles, to salt all ages to which we invite special utter,. tlon. A lino -lot of COLD • PIiNS -frot . n- tho best makers, !pact:ado eases, limey boxes, sit ver nod pearl card eases, gold and connnon bracelets, watch chains,. Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles usn• ally kept in JewelrreAtabllshments. which L I will soil- low fir cash. All articles war• r • ranted to be what they ara repreounted. . Particular attention paid as usual to WATCH REPAIRING and all work war. ranted. '' • Dcc. 23, 1357.1 LI ic M I g 7 ett O ern L ll -D y ttr i ol i t t iv l l l l N t i o )S ett ' ll a t ' u d d t e l x l a e urit il m lily' stoePor treat. • GROCERIES, ...--, QUEENSWA RR • . , Pickets, Preserves, Fresh Can Fruits, Spices, Wood ant Willow Ware, Ropes and Brushes, 011 s,• Fruits, Fish Salt, and a large variety at other goods nut necessary ti enumerate. Store Item two:doors oast of Rhoads' iVareholue (formerly John 0. Williams's.) Oleo me a all and examine my good. and prices, intend to sell as clteap r its' any other storo outside c l'hlledelphla. Butter, Eggs, Soap, Rags, Beeswax, Dried Fruit, S:c taken in exchange for girls. Calllsle, Oct. 27, '5/1. July 21, 185 S p f IL . A I) 14 II I ANUdtEAUING - It A I L R o A " 5115131E11 AIIII.ANGE3IENT, • . Aran. 18, 1859. Two passenger trains leave Harrisburg daily, (S.tin• days excepted.) at 8.00 A. M and 2.45 P. M.. ror Phila. dolphin, arriving there at 12.50 noon and 7.40 P. 51. Returning, leave Philadelphia at 7.80 A. 31 , and 3.30 P. M e arriving at tiarrisburg at 12.40 noon and 8.25 P FARES: To No.l Cars. $3.25; No: 2 (in Ramo train,) $2 70. Faros to Reading. (11.60'and $IM:" At lientllnk. connect - with trains fur Pottsville, Miters. villa, Tamaqua, Cataudsaa, &a: Four tralun hatvu ueading fur Philadelphia daily, at 6 A. M , 10 In A. 51. 12.30 noon and 5.00 P. 51. Leave Philadelphia for Reading at 7.30 A. 51., 1.30 P. M., 3.30 P. M., and 4.40 I'. M. Fares from Wading to'Philadoliohla, $1.75 and $1 45. The morning Halo from Harrisburg cnitn.te nt Heading with up train for Wilkasharro. Pittston spa Scranton. ' Fat through tieltota and other information apply to J.. 1. CLYDE, Genural Agent. May 11, '41:1 1..1 IR Fi INSURANCE.—THE AN CE. Zuf ALLEN U . • AND EAET PENNSDQHO MUTUAL FIRE IN a RANCE COMPANY .of °timberland county, Incorpo rated by au net of Assembly, Is - now fully. orgkitlstid,:ind 'ln operation under the management of the following commissioners., viz: Danlel Bailey, William IL Oorgas icha 1, Eichelborger, Christiana Stayman, John C. • Dun -14, Jacob IL Coovor, Lewis flyer; S. Eberly, Benin ;Dosser, J. Divindt; , Joseph Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. . • • , • - The rates of irisuranee are as l owand favorable so any Cenipany of the Itlnd in the -State. Persons wishing to become ineutheln ore Invited to, make application to the agoulii of then coMpany,,who are. willing'te wait upon . Oath at anytlino.: • . •-•,' • , • ' . WM. (lOIIGAS, President. CaItISTIAN BTAYMAN; Plea President. • • . • • , , ,• LEW.IB DYER, Secretary. MICHAEL COOK LIN Troasurir. Gorgas, L. Myer. Christian Slay- Man, M. Cocklta.'.l. - C. - Dunlap, It. Martin, D . Bally, .1, ll.Ceoror, M:T ex. Cathcart, J. Wickersham, J. Eh:bulbar. ger, B. Eberly, J. Brandt. • • CU77BIIItLAND COUNTY,.c—John Shortick, Allen Zoaring, fildromanstown; Samuol Weodhurn Dickinson; ',Floury Bowhian; ChurchtOwn; Modo Grit 11th, South Middleton; Samuel Graham, W. scum, born'; Simnel °wirer, Mechanicsburg ; W. Gockitn,• ShoporilaDiwat.D. 090vbr,,8bephOrdstOwn; J. O. Sax ton, Sliver Spring; Son,bill'avotatick,..Silvob Spring; Charles Belpthilliglo; John Dyer, . .• , • • ' YOIUCCOUNTY,—W. S. Picking, borer; 'toter Wol. ford, Franklln';'JtobOrlfilth,',Warrington't J. F. Dear dartY. Washingt.MCD.ltUttor, Newburg; it. 0. Clark, • . DAUPHIN hochman, liarrisburg. ' •Iblemliortrof tiro company having policlosabOutto ex ;ire, elm have them renmyed by making appllbation.to any of the Agents. •' April 20.,•1869, • • Aqu et)1)-6,5- GRO,OIIIRY, 10--L QUEENSrAItg ANA VARIETN% t3TONE; , • North-West Corner of the' .1 5 ,1tblie ssterre, oppo . site the Car&le Deptisrl Bark . J. D. IIdfAIHRT been:tin replenished Ida stock n goods. Ills assortment IS rinw'full gind , annplete, among which may be enumerated every stub:O.-of fresh . • FA NI I L Y:, .114k0E It I ES, ' , ~rlllcL in d .pr'co CAN'T IJE BEAT • -. KJMOSENT - 01 , 'OA COI L LAMPS, olio of thu greatest dlvcoverieg ef 'the 'ago, canildning gboaPnoss, safe4y and inereosed light. Coul Oil, alol ennalanilv on hand, Which' the public are. re. quested to: iii and emnfue. JOS. D. lIATAWILT. , 'N. W. Coiner of Publi, Hquaro ' Out 27, '6B. • Now is the time for purchasers to get great bargeins. whilst the stock is new. full milt complete' nod 1 mu determined to run It oft without regard to cost. lir member lite NeW Store, Hamilton's corner, opposite the Itoilroad C lIAS. 01111.1{Y, N..8.--Bouts and Shoe's selling below cost to close the business. [.tidy 18.'50. .Or QS EP T , wAVCR-NA SOUTII HANOVER STREET, f‘ ovaiilowr FA Afior GROCERY AND - ty . .last rereived and to store. a lash and well so. leeted'assortment or• Rio, Java and Mann ealho• Coltt!e. Boasted Co),.° Critshed Pulverized Sugars. Relined and ilthel. brown Sugars, superior Syrup Mohnie'es. Orleans - htking) Molas 005. Sykes Or everS variety— : pilee only; Sbereb, Farina and - -- - Choe - ulata.M_acearoni, Cheese and . • Crackers, 'l'nploi•n nod F.., hollgot Saleratos find F. do. ('ream Tartar and as sorted l'ldaeo, Nlutilord mot Coriander Feed • As‘-;t fine asnorttnent -In - Packages. and lv bulk—as well .al all other attielve: belonging t•o the Ludhtcss=nll ut the lament and Into reduced price. mwo ~ i jlI arliole, Nov. 3, '3B READ ! EA D! ! READ!! - ! —msk:xlviAN's THOMAS CONLYN EMU COMM I= 4).:' ARTICLE 'of• Dried, • ,R • C (4-,S •NV 1 1 L S _MEW MEDICAL : SALT., . . READ TIIE FOLLOIVI4O CERTIFICATES TO:I II E efficacy grtltls.inedlclue la-Inflamenn tory dlsences, ‘I RS' t a w Met .iivelru years 1 hare b.en moro'fir lI ss troubled with I ntlant 11111 tory Ithounottism. centmencit.a early In the spring, mid lasting u n til cold wentheesto In, when 1 would Ito relit:red fir a WWII% only to be At 61.01411 14:III II In 11111 Sprinq. A Ilapyjol tits would swell Slid be very sore, attended with the most Nrutr polo, My feet. she elders, arias, and hands tretabh:tl me most. sn mhelCso that I could searrely walk, and almost al ways roll ;aired assistance In dressing... During this Idnie 1-woul f try everything I. could pear of In the hope Of finding. emu. 1 also tried SS VIWAI btll lit thing seettml to help nut the least In the world.,. Ahout o :tw.and e halt ears ago I' was attacked roc USUAL nod _as_usnaktnicuLexifiyiking.to.gatatlialLtlUllißtlr pose: I Itept growing worst', and finally ht:d to give inf and stay in tint house whore I one COllline'd about flair ,weeks. -.Thlstlmenty.footswellatl.and.w.ere,ateornthal„ ' I could-not' stood on them or get ou my booty, and My bandit strolled to twice theft• usual sine, In fact I wits to all appearances and belief, tptall3 used up ' About' thlsllnte,my pat entmov Ito reAltid in Melee. sect m (Orion to conic home. I ,wen ; r and aft, r arrival COW en• cud trylowanother, remedy, hoping to beenred. buero suiting the wino as all othlfra. For weeks I hod not, ,been able 1.6 dress myself or mime Illy hand to my head, and self;Most excruciating pain all the time: Ana 10Y ' father canto In with a paper In 10)1(11, was, adver..C.,t_fgswell's Medical Salt, for tory Illteases ,eddy, and wanted tile to read and see. what I-illoughl -of -It- -- -4-read -anti-laughed 'at-It, pro- Monetd II n humbug. and told 1)1111 that, f had "been humbugged enough Ile kept •ttraing IWO. and at last said I could but try. It, and 111 would write to Dr; il.e; trlvitn,...ltint a description of my disease. he would p'iy the expense. Of coutse coubi not. refuse such nit of fornud sent fah one box. It cane hl doe season, loft , lily rain. was 11,11 increased, and' . 1 latigiied at the Idea .1 of sa small a dose doing 1110 nay pen,' and told my wife that I believed Dr..o. and hls Salt Noth ItumbugS.— ..JlOAtiCxerl.i..eututucticed-using-lt....and_thresult-fn perfectly astonimbing I orfuld hardly realize It I slept soundly all Which I had not done.for n long time, and when 1 11 11,1,0 ail the looming strettge no It may ~oral, I WAS 1.1101 . 0 y free !rob; palm . , I heal thee lalOen Lot ottutl y . nd bathed froel berore e to bed. That morn! g felt se well that I badly knew how hi con tale toy. 'lf end yell. down stairs ttud told the Mks how well I felt, and front 'that day t.; this I Intro not .mlferCfl fine moment's pain uc foul nu attack of my 0111'0 dreaded entnny. Ithellinatistn. 1 nu; per fectly mull II MI Ifarly. nod whcrever I have a elts.nos recommend It. A' friend amino...residing h. 8r1.010,50 , is 1,10 trying it" fara bad 0111 011. neurale le rhennottisin. and so T.; rlt Is working admirably This to a long store. but I have told all the facts. which I Vail brtlllt a It. 110SseS to sided:matte if necessary Will nmtin say that In the 11 Cl ICA I. SA 1;1'. a sure cure notY Ito filitod for all Inflammatory illsease.sc and would urea dtk ., wito are afflicted to give It a trial. O ItO. II DUNCANN, ' 11lien It ba reme , nherott that the EDICA 1, SALT is nn eilienelens in all otherinilaninntiory tliFellcCß as In -illleo'^Visln.-(;-eoller.crIiti.ire..eirenlarsi nt °nee lie been n most valuable t:enierly. Sur. ly those tilts . alllieteft wiii find In' thell. rnrulltion Ind in .thn ahnve.st•atenurits. onet.th to induce them try one the II EDI CA L SA 0 (AIL Price, Ono Dollar. Chronic Packago, 0 C. TA YLlit .n CO., • • ' . (len, Agents. `2.112. Dock st.. PhDutra. The'Netv ttleclleal Salt Is Pti-sale liv otruggints gent ally. litre It a trial. '69—litit MEE 0'.1"1"-S • C 6III CI frt• n t, •iitark;i.."st:rtapoyeEighth, C. orr, AIiENT • v Eli Y STA BLE.—Having pm , _ 4 - chased from .1. lt.•„Nonemaker hisA.IVERY -TAUI : I6i MEN E. 1 will he aIW/IYB minty - to necommo • dote t public with - 110116 ES, CAII AtIES, 111111111 ES, and every other or - tiele In my time. By btrict. attention 1, be slum. and n desire to please. the subscriber hopes ti dud to thou, and ,could resfaeltully iidbrin t r im poll that they continue io umnufact urn CUSTOMER Wm I ec thrli old stand; on North lianovert.treetr, two dory abort, the drug stop• pf S. W. liar mtlck. • With a number of find rate workmen employed an facilities far securing the best stock to lie found In th market, Unwell prepared to make up every de/R.01410 of 110fiTS AND SIIIAS, to ladles and gentlemen's Imo ej% • 0 in the most fashionable style,' Ana of WAMIENTED 11Itt terlals and worlimamblp. Slob years of .pra,tical experience in the 1111Fitir, both here 411111 in I . lllllldelphill ill:4111PS 1.110111 111 ,nylow. that they nn alble to Insure lull satlsltetion to all Lllow who may leave their orders. April 21, 1825, tf. .1. A (I, TAYLOR. rrOI3ACCO ' AN]) REG Ali S: The finest onalitlec of Lump, Twist. nun other chewing $Ol AM.,. Fine Imported 'Havana and Cuba .Segllpc - RIFO . ChoI, i ands otlomestle manufasture. Lynchburg. Phllndelphli,Juad tialtimm Cut mod Dry Tobacco. Our tripods cannot fitll brh pleased by rzmniuing for themselves, MR= 1=1: tnko this method of Informing:ollr friends nni IStouters gisiarally that too wltl ojien on Saturday, to 1018 , . 1111101it . 'SPRING MILLINARY GOODS,• otlatest style. , Ladles ore respectfully Invited to call nod examine our stock. Aviv- Also, twO,or three ladies wanted to learn the business. 31AllitAliE1' DUKE, MARY E. AUVIIINBAUGII. South i'(81 corner of Hanover and Loathe?. ate. Mar. 16, 1b69. ' POURT PROCLAM ATI ON.— wiIiREAS the .E.S IL GRAHAM, Pres', dent Judge of the several Courts of Common fleas el the counties of Cumberland. Perry and Juniata. unit Justlyer of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in Mid Sountlos, and 110 h. SAM em. WAeoutisx and Hon., 11. Counts, Judges of the Courtof Oyer and Te matter and General Jail Dolivery for the trial of all capital and other ottenders,l4t, the maid county of Cumberlatid. by their. precepts to tnodl rooted, dated llAr 11th of April. 1009, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General 101 l Delivery to be holden at CARLISLE, tin the doh MONDAY alt August, 1.00% Outing tho,2 . 2ini day,) at Id o'clock in the forenoon, to continue two weeks. ' "NOTICE' IS" HEREBY' ITEN th - thit — COrinie'r," - Jun' does of tho,Pe/too and Constables of he said county of . Cumberland, that they are by the sold pros. nt cam mended to be then and there in their termer perJuns, with t heir rolls. records, IMIIIISItIOI.II, =Mkt tines and an other remembrances. to do thou, atm, which to thelroftleer appertain to be done, mid ail those that are bound by recomdrances. to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the jail of mid. county, aro tt. bo there to prosecute them as shall be ITEME 111c0AIITNEIC, Sheriff. • Squire.; Om en, Carlisle, Juno 1, A M-I.'IOIMT RAL SOCIETY OF cIimBERLAND cousTi. ~OFALL MEETING, leso. Tho Fall mouthing and exhibition of the Cumberland County Agricultural Socie,ty, will he hold on their own Fair Uround, on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and Fill. IIAY, the 12th, - ] lob and 14th of °MODER, 1859.° Thi, ground of the Soeloty will be greatly unproved, so thlt all articles for exhibition mill be under cover, and the display in expected to ho much larger than ever before. - By order or thu Society. . MIME ATILL PICKS, MILL PICKS. lt» ItEsortinont or John Muria' celebrated now went MILL PICKN , Just received nt tb Aar !turn! Implement store of M. It, .STAICKLEIt fi itO. The Picks tun superior to• any now made, at. nre warnm hat, Liuno 224 1 59. IRTSII LINENS.—Jost received from New York a large assortment of Irish UMW, of , sm prior quality. from 25 to 76 mute per. yard, at the Cheap Store,of • • 'J. A. 1/1.1:ORLOII, Jr. Ik( quality Mille. ye aro. proper 4 to sell Nags 01 tio.Y.M l os l l. l oo4t.7._llt 1111:1,nr,Y-109.14t1rIce,PerPOnli. In wing of nails andsbuilding pneteriels would-do wel I to call before purchasing elsewhere. ' ' - ' • J. I'.' LYN 4 & SON, • . r0b'.2,1868, ' • ' ' North Ilenuver Street. 1)1, ACKS,MITI-JS' C O 1,14 . . L-10,000 A" - , 'Wehrle; Of bituminous Cottiffrom tiro celobroty 'leemon:* Mtnoe, roreiviner nud for bale by wrest &lOW, .. MURRAY : ORADLES.-•A lot of ji ntl dlltilroio waken. will ,tino#l, goyttm:osi atud for sale cheap; at: pup :15,16M • ----,. . . . . LPUS, 411313ONS&FLOWER4.• LP Joel received fromliew York and - Philadolpkia, a loge lot of - new style BONNEY% BLATO, and HOOD:. , Also . a.' large assortment of elegant. .1 tibbens and Pow mt.! Bonnets (or 123 at the cheap store of. , j ~. , .7, April :20, 1859. •, ' .. • *. '., ~ ;BHA& WADY, ' . . WB bls -. prime: Na IT No , — l7- H-or r i n g : vr just rooelvad, and for 'dile at 'price& to . atlt . the, I , oton at , ,,,, ,i ,j . ~., b ,. ., . • , — fi ~.,. '. 114Ltinfail. .. . . WI P 11) LADLLVIIPA 'l'. OTT, l'norr.ivroTi TEM Fresh Arrival, DAN'L. S. CROFT, Suc'y ' Atibtelhligott9. T. J. Ult.% MA 31, - J. L. 31016 W FAA., S. 'M. DAVIDSON ait HAM, 11(340 &CO GENE . :IIAi. LAND-. A GEM'S, • . Le9l , mulurth ptly,,Aurtaaa 7:erritory.' •WILL' mid y Named! and .Nobraska' Tort Itorlou,lotea and 11 aster n: Mit:smirk liny and Pell hinds, loan and Invent money. buy and. sell drAfts; give I it ft . entatlonvespueltitte the country, and do a geder al tiget'W busluesit. . • • " • .111..1tEltliNtlf.S. . doldi B. Bretton, list'.. Carlisle, Pa. ' .11ut. hi. Beeteni, Banker, -" • • tion..l. ii. thiain m, " . • . Her, Wrodomettu k Co.,.Bankere, Carlisle. WITIIIIIC.IIendid eon 'Esq., Meek & ganders.. Lauester. Pa. • ' ' Ilk:John A. ALI, 51. - o.;'Newville, Pa.' . 4,0414 , 43: Cebetut,Ektlo- ,— t W. atilt .6: Co., Bankers, - lion. AM:haul:C(10:1ln, Sliepltertlittown,-Pa. ..fieurritclunitt-i-dcme, Mer.ants,_llalLlntere. S. Blake, lied:, Casltler Mercantiliffilank, New York. - Snyder re 3PFarlaite; Beal Eitel° Agents, blhincapolls, - .... 1 1 11nuessota-Zenittla• • ' Wm. Itllmtre. Attorttitstete—yegen Sterling-0B , . • • . qt. W 2 Matrer. Esq.. Unary elty, ill.- • •• ' Ex. Dov. dotteplt BltuatyOuntbarland county, Pa. E. W. Clark & Co.. Bankers. . • 'v *.• troy. Politick. Ilarrlsbnag,, Pa..' . Maivh 18,1857.=—1y. • • • CtiNE lit bANfr TA - 4 M 13AN ; PItprItIETORS. • - MELCHOIR =I • • HORT. C. STERRETT, Itimunn WOODB. 2, 1 t, , PN C. DUNLVP. . . hank, doing business In the mune hf Her, Drim Co.,' is now, fully prepared to do a general Iludking promptnenb.find.fidellty. • Money received 011 deposit and paid back on demand Without notice. bitterest MIN on special deposits. elm. dificotes of deposit bearing inter..st att•the rote of fly, per cent. ivlll he Issued fin' on short a iltri,d no god,. loofahs. Interest on hit certificates will mmae at nun tutity, provided. Murever. that If sold certllicaLv ore renewed at any Unlit 'thereafter for another gii'Uu po rind. they-shall bear the H 111111:, ratiiof In tereht up to the time of renewal.. Portimilar attention 'paid th the col loetlon of 'notes ; drafts. cheeks. &e., In any pelt of the United ;States or Confides. Remittances made to England. Ireland, ter I he Conti went: The faithful and-eouildentlal..exceution of, alt urticrn thitrusteti to them, may he They call the attention of Farmers, Slechaniri and 'ill ethers who leelee a safe depository for their names. to the undeniable fart. that the prOprietors of this ilanit nae INDIVITCALLY liable to the extent °ninth. estates fol . all the Depossts • am.' other obligations of lier, Brett DO. ulall & Co. and repo red, ~Our fnellitlei , for In Mil Carsnrh non more complete thou heretritere and ennhl• a us to for r 1,-h them to tannsporters on the 1 - nil rood on aremoo doting terms and rende'of the loft martinis. Order solicited end ent ire satisflption nornntent The long. experience In the 1 11,1111,14 ot the senior partner of the PI in. and the erlopleteness.of nur .ton - .Oliver) . in ev.4v . branch of hLe.rsl,d litinneet wo rn .. psin - nssurinj . the - lilt l‘e; to ill ahn favor with their ordina. The con'inned pntronsge of uur oh friends 11111 i the public Is re,pertft.lfy solicited. ' i.Y V. GARDNER A: CO, A. srult aEON, •Nh They have recently removed roto'their new Ilnahing Howe directly opposite ikelr former stm!. In 'Wept Main ii to 1, n few doors mint of the Railroad De r where tloy will et ell times be Ideesed to give apy-I 'formation - deelredlit regard to money tuntterti.lo got Open for I:imineFs from 0 o'clock In the miring uu 4 o'clock In the evening. Carlisle, 51 .3' 20 . "67. A. 13., EATING'S U NITU WA It E Ob S*, ) lirii yecai .' s 1859 • Westing!' free!, Carlls'e; Fa.. (I'reznium awarded at the ,('amberla ad Count, Ayricultural Fair of 1:857.) . . Yhtnubscrillor has jutt receiVul the'lltost }plena! assortutont or, tides In his line. ever .bron;:lit to thi place—which ha Is determined to null at prices that .1 ry.e.ontitetitlon. - Parlor, . chrimber, le tat iv IT URE. Kllclxont:nud Officg:.! "Eiiibraeliiir every artiele•used by h o nor and Ilk, keepers, of the elle,nlitpeeVell assist 1110110.11 We de,lgt and finish. InclutThig Cottage furniture le scat receptittfand Cntuli CliairS, - MattriOiso:s . , • OM . frame . . • pictures. Se., -. Purchasers aro requested to call and .OXIIIIIIIII,I hi stock, - at his extensive wate.romns, West Main ..licet Sort! side. A „FT. EW.INti. tke-Particular ottention Oran n's mual.to futteralS ordOs from town and country, attended to prompt! nest ou 1001.11.111t1. terms.A. ,11. C. . , Carlisle, May 12, V i - E. S A.G E OTTE Thu subseriber has Martell n trl weeldy line el Stages between Carlisle and Landisburg. Iran lug Cat., lisle every Monday, Wednesday and Friday; hwed' Moly on the arrival of the afternoon t railcar ears from tbe east. Ilettanink leaves Lonlibburg at SOO A. M.. every Tuesday, 'Wednesday 'and Saturday, and arrives at Carlisle at 1.00 P. M., via. Perry County Warm / Springr+.l7horumnsdale, erret t'sji p and CAlll,lO' ' , al ph am Springs. On'and-afet. June the 15111. the line ( Z 11l be run daily for the neeummodation'of passengers g to.the Springs. ' • 'Fare tdlhe s acAl pnlutii as follows: • Carlisle to Sulphur Springs EforretCs Uatf Shermansdele, . . . . " Perry County Worm, Springs, " Lamilsburg,' =I Landlsburg to Werm Springs, . . .... $0 2 Ehermansdale, . . . . a " ' Eterrett's Gap, . . . . . . Etulph.rr Springs, 1 01 Carlisle, . 1 0 ' The above Hoe will rngnlnrly carry the 31.‘11, to an hoot It several points above 111.11.4ted. I Love also o veil stoehed 1.1%1.1n' ABLE_ fin ts bleb 1 urn at all times ready to funds es mid ear rinves to those who will favor me with patronage on the most reasonable ternisalid In the very best style mayl9lS,. 11 EURO li 11EN DE 1.. .1859. No PAIR TRACE CHAINS, , with a farce assortment of • BUTT CB AU% S, . BIi.BAST CHAINS, ) , HALTER CII A INS, . . LOG CHAINS, • _ FIFTH CHAINS,' . TONGUE CHAINS, . COW CHAINS,' . , - • SPREA.DS,&e.. &c. Just received at the cheap ilardwaro store of, , March 16: 1859. ' I. SAX TON 100 itol'O2..'snt."-'„'ItiL“.1"on„;^„,„:D„, • STEEL : • ' SIIEET IRON, ' • 1100P'LliONI, A • • • RIVETS, BOLTS, • . NUTTSi W ASS EBS, ANYI LS, . • FILES. • - BASPSI • • S,BEEW PLATES, • .---• •- - --BLACKSMITH BELLOWS, 313 test received and for sale cheaper the a over, at March lel, INNItY SAXTON'S A G liIQULTURAL AIPLI6IENT AND 51ACIIINI3 SHOP. 1.40 . • . : ON WEST:Im STREET, above the residep( Dr, J. Zitzer,.and Im milllately in rear of the Union Engine .The subscriber desires to bawl i.the farmers, and the public generally, that ho Is now nun. ufacturingoirtd has constantly on hand npw CELEIIIt ATM CloVer - Hillier and Cleaner. 'Also, tho preauldio horse-Power and 'PhjeshluilliA chine, telth,vlbrallug separators attached.. . •• ' Vora ShollofielStraw Cutters, ac. . .N. I ttl nul materials yhys on band for lho ro pair of Reapers and Mowurs, Threshing Machines and agricultural impitunontu of all kinds, ,witich will be at• ended to promptly and on reasonablo term J. AtlitAlllMS, Propriotpr. • • . A. J. KUTZ; Foreman. Apr. 27, 1820—but • „,.; , 11..ANTMI, MERCHANT TAILOR, , • %liar AIAIN . RTIRKET,.(oppiiaIto RIO - Railroad o ice,) has.juaCrOcelrod.a new and elegant assortment N -o,ciott..illaiivld,camluleres, !lir dprlug and Suulindr wear, onipciag . VANOX IiSIRERES, - .. . . • . , . DIUMVX:A :AND WIMP: MIXTURES, FANCY STRIPES AND PLAIN COLORS. A large variety of qirintr and- Rummer coating. silk and satin vestlikg..linu Mack cloths and Doeskins, all of which he will maga up to irkealiere in fashlouablo arid on 'rbilsonn hie tonne. 41 , 44', Orders attended to promptly, 'and the fitting. at all garments warranted no sale.,— lIANTCIL . ' ~''. - i. '.''' ' ' •Al. ' ' i: O. 111.1YETT'S• •• ' • • ' T. 4 l .lt:t"'S H ; ,G. ',it. b 611. .T. I .E B ! '' 81: ` K.i;64 ' th ' ic ... 14 " 1 . ° " igem " t 'F rAde n s iuUyi:rrs. Salmon, Igatit;;_ffliiitt•An'A:lsltlto Fittlh At " i nn iiiii . Co dtlei ~)31tIt iilli • lL i lalledlierrinp:.. . • At 11UX•iTT'S. Oite o 4 , i , ' qua, 6 4c103" can ;ha b°4 . ':' : 4 k,, tfuyvirs". ' ,i5,10 . 6 E;itit;i'roPt••4.ll nod •J'etl.fo,s,,, A .. jauhmvs: . r , '.5.,. ~ -1, . . —" oWV_I4 •:4iifi;nii, : • .n -.- •.. _.. _ - At_OII3.I'ETT!.S. • Ailest , supply o f ' lti , /I°llB ' i• • ~ ,At AUl7.ri'B. , . At 111:111:1144. PM E tiii l' Lli P ln ,yen be q?uti At PA'ChoP'.V..g.t9^? of • ' ro 01. rs II caiiisle, Foundry; --.7-t- .Ait. - . ,-- --- - - 1-,' .• . -4 - z. L241..--,.-_-•.- - ,•::"..4 4 - . - -ow.----wr. -._447--- egi0... ,-, --=-7, - ,!1 ; 11 v.- Z.l.v•Wlii..• --__„. •,)• i : .ir :,,,, qtio. , •:*;::. ~• •••• H;i• ,.- 4- . t.,... • ' ..."'.... ;*:.s ,-, . ,4.56 itkida 1.i,.;i1A4.. .. ~:..A7_l. if- 4.- s ;10. A.... , --:,.-.,- , &.c.... 4 , - ria.......4...e....':'.7-- ...,.., • .141 A'o LI -1 NE• SKOP, ' •-- - • • • - East Main qtreet C %111 Iqi Thin txtensfe4-eiteblisinueht Iv nr?w---In-i.`omplete-om per'aud'stipplied with the butt 1,1 hery fQr oxerutinq Worlt ht.every department. The buildings have hew] greatly enlarged this spring.nfid stnelceil with th,. newt, .timprrenKrrtrhir•fm"thtr Shutters,' ,Idouldlngs, Braeheti; and nll Ohm It Inds, of Carpenter unlock. lro L 1,910 ilders. , :i 'II peurers end others to nil and 01111111fill!t..11r co•iii I le, So dolt% this description dl work. 'The best AI/aerial.. lLand,nrieus_toh.u.asrat-tuty-pklnts-ost4dtifslinuo4,4 Cho County or cisou here. and ropoirectas have ty built ihr.ll'.. M. Ilenderson & Fon. In this holoomb B. Bryson township, Ahl & Brothers. :%.es Olio. Shade & IVetsel. North Niddleton. sod 0t.0., or whom, estalollsbluent they rithy I.e seen,in doll,. op erstion.tnal to whom we elm refer for evhirnee of the], superiority. ' .101 IN DUNLAP, JOHN e..BTEREETT, i. A. STUR(II:9N. • . .. . . of eveil..deEcilption. fro!! Om oottnest to th b e p:ivies 'plmos. executed of shoo t make imrevery - lc linl 4 tou eh tnery. A large varlety•of telll entdings . now on lion. Two skillful Potter.) rooterscolistontly onplov'ell.- 111,1 , 11I1Nti promptly 'attended to for Toper Nul, Distilleries. (heist Mills. 'Factories. '4.c. Turning. 41,1 ) 1 1 , 1 ling. Null Spludles. ~.c...10n0 in the best style. • ' MESHING NiAOIiNEf, AND 11f1RSE POIVEIt urliis Ilevil Gear Four Mors,, PowLV, llotlanntit tear Four null Two noose Powers, (torn Hiellorn tudierl,..l - Lon lIIIIIero. . 01.1,01 r:041111:F. eilld titer no Mew for Inrineii, 'On hound or proinptly nunki tAinrilio , PR INCK co I , IIOV EIL PAT F. NT :Ali 1.0 i) EO N THE ot,DEsT ESTA ELI SII3IENT In the UN ITEI , STATES,• DI INt''T DB Eli 31 t.E ainr Finishing EIWITV I M,T1.1.131 ENTS PER WEEK. ConNuing all their Itervni linprovements—the DI, Idea (11,0 SlVI!II con only ho obtnined to Melodonli . our GPO. A. PRINCE & 11 emu fnel flyers, Buffalo, New °eh. It - HOU:SA EE DEPOT 87 li'lliton 31. X. Y., 110 ‘Lake ...d. Chreaa o,' ///. AfIENTS—ItuRQI•II bo , , Mans.: W. 1•'. l'olburn. I'itic6ulmll. II.: I'lllnlr 11't4n•r; Inq ; • Nl rrlrlu. Xru• I t lrinix. From the Nome .lourufil. Split e. Vr,S. Tim Melodemis . nutilutuellived" Lv Ihipee k Co.. mud f•r Fate al hi ElißunAcel. lire the beet in.the wuthl Wit hove hied them. find Ihurelure open!, under,43ll.l ingrA,of autrim:tits., They arttalkadelittt u veu,intut erate_eui4. PRICES OF PORTABLE INSTRUMENTS Four octal.. Melodeon. oxlolifillig rlOlll C to C.... :our 11 . 1 Id to. . Cto F Fivn lielovo Melodeon. . Fite octave, doubly reed, 116.• • • 'OIIIIA N MELODEON., • — , Two llantot fiefs; Five Sets of 1tt701,:-Eight,Ft..l One slid (101 l Octave Foot Pedals, One Set of 4eints, ii Pedal Hass lintel outlet 4:31, PRICES OF• PIANO CASED lletave Melodeon. extending from F to V SIN tilx O..lave Melodedn. do, • Nto V MZIMMI3=EMI Five Ortoye, Iwo Daubll of fi . . .lls • • -`, Our furlllllo. for manufarlurlngatre• perfret, nod 11 1,111 . lollg 1,1W111•11(1. in the 1.1,111 , ,, 1111,11, 11111! nod sold over 1 11V1 . 4, 1 1'1"11% 0 Illi11 7 : - .1A 1 1 ' A11.1.0 WO! WO feel confident , f pit log s3Vlo•tlon. All Alelo•1eous ol cam tuaoularl ur.. rift, HMI to ) u• leaders In am pall, 111 . 1.11 e Unlle.l Mules or (Mu. re 0 AItIIINT/ WtOf w pear. 1.111..1 1.1 . 3 re..i•erl. and rim ny repairs :0 Necessary before the rApnat lon of( ear from the date of sale we 111,41! ,1111W1,11 twiiiy : willing to make the mine tire of timwgrr provided Ind no . Ix not caused by accident I r )I reign. ' tt I:0. ,t (2( • Agents 11. r the sale of our 314.1, 1 11.1.1, limy I.p fowl, nil the principal cities mai ton Ils iu tint Unlit d :An lid ClllitlfillS. Agentp nt Carllhln and Ithigstnn .I. A. II EMI AI New Mlle—\C. It. LINN. • I may lirbF $0 00 75 8 ' CHICKEfII G 141.. SONS. Mituniticlurors or k 0 1 , L._., 1307 Chestnut .§treet, rhibuldphia ne•lnntl3 in neer° a !WWI. Owl; flour 1.1031111111111 Ur fillllllolklla4ll4dl.eilln filiklll.ll 11l nt e. it wives vaNing from $176 lo Etlnen II l• fill fie 11 awarded aS lini.nllllll 11,1 rims dais tit. dilGvrut extilbitions - in - tills - emint.ls and Form - fe.Fign4lor nun, ufnd tire. A liberal dineetint matte the eleray nunl Felninaries (.1 learning. Desetinthe 11.01,1(.41 ratalegnes taalt to.any address. July '2l, MING A 11111 VAL DRUGS. FANCY (100 FF, FRUIT, • A •I) C.IN.iECTION A BY. S. W. lIAVERSTICE has must received from the rit and Is now openiag aeplendld display of FANCY GI/OD to whirl, he desires to call the s iittentlon of into frlem and the piddle. assortineftt in this line pan not I surpasses In non elt3 and elegy ore and both in quail and prier of the articles. cannot Intl Wide:lse purchaser It would' be Impossible to enumerate his • • • • A • FANCY 00005, which comprise every variety or fnucy nnrticlu of the o1o• exquisite finish such . .. l'apier Macho Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink-stands and tray Fancy ivory. pearl and shell curd cases, • Ladles' Fancy Baskets. Fancy Work r nous, with sewing instruments, Port M •onnales. of every variety, +. Gold pens and pencils, Watley paper wele.hts, Papeteries, and a large on r!oty of ladle!: Fancy shtio er, . lotto seals and wafers, Silk Ind brad pursts. Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished, Ladles' eutlen, Perfume baskets and bags. . Brushes of every kind for the toilet, Roussel's Perfumes of the various kinds, " Musical instruments, of all kinds and at all. prier , togetherAvith on hinumorable variety of articles legant finished and caustic for holiday presents, to 'hid ho invites special attention; Also, an extensive and elegant collection of BUPA" comprising the various English and Amerita. Works richly embelisbed'POETlCAL Ills assortment aPSchool Books and School Stationary I also complete, and comprises everything used In Col loge and the Schools. Ile also desires to cull the par ticular ntletallon of Families to his elegant assortwen of • ga the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archie and thorn of Philadelphia,-comprising ev iry style id Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, Fir bur Jug Lard. Sperm nr Etherhil ; also BYOTT , colobrated Kerosene or Coal 011 Lamps, together wit lower Vas, Fancy Screens, AC. Ills assortment In t ils line In un equaled in the borough. Also, FRUITS, such as Oranges, Lesions, Ylgs, Raisins. Neetatines, Prunes, Pine Apples. Ac. FANCY CONFEC TIONARY—NUTS—PRESERVED FRUITS, MIN ED. NI EAT, PICKLES, Ac.. In every variety and at all prr nog. all of which aro-pure and fresh such as can-be cod- Silently recommended to his friends. Ills atoekentbru•or everything In the line of Fancy Mods, with many lithe articles useful to housekeepers which the public are no verbally invited to call and examibe. Remember the Old Stand, nearly apposite the Bank or North Ihmover street, ➢lriy 25. 1859. • Cl.L'l SS! GL ASS ! _PA INTS ! I L A. PAINTS!! A full assomuont of Oleo of all sizes and quality, with a large stock of trash PAINTS, all allots. 011 a. Varnishes, Sp, - Cement in largo or small quantities, at low figures at Oct 27.'68 h Ns I ii . . . would inform rho (-Kiruna of Cumberland and our rounding cnunties, that i ran and will suli CLeS.._IMPROV,ED MELODEONS -onlbrthnue'reit'Oribble,Ts — any parson dare soil the Improved instruments of other estahrisinnouts; Thu Prinro Melodeons have thu renown of being the beat in the - world. The Instruments ran be seen at 11. .P.;Eherly's, Me. choulcsburg - ; A. Neugi&e Carlisle, and at the reeldonce of the oubscribur, near Now Kingston, to, See Prince's ad vortimuen t• in another column, ~ . Fur ciroulara or other,in formation, oddrose • '. • • .1. A: IIEAOY, • . Neak NOW Kingston, Cumb. co., Pa. May-113,18A9-3tm*, • 1 1 4 V K E", .NOT I C E usi icei;ivv.. nt Kel lee?, Nortitillitnover Streot.rtimplt to ossoit-•• moot, —tlon's Rod 910yo'Ftrttoratl Leghorn „Cltildion'o 'Fltoey, lltetts, a hie willooltt sit a Wt. figur • r t l an e 15,1.9.• _ • . „ . .. . . . • ~. .'HERRINO: MACKEREL,::SHAD, , - ' tr".barroilit, pot 1011'4 il4tei,.4irOsirf - Pyq,tif V , , clioN Iludis, An.; xt'illi3'lnrritt, .e4tti.,:prke011,C! , ... 4 , , . - ~ , , ,4, , ymn; shr,Odeik' litimOp'lo4tel:, r liggtrgel - PAYI*3. Tiiqx-,''ili24: Ilagii,tliik'ou 1# ii milgu, tr. ritthh, ot-1.1,0 ' 14 6 . : i . . eft" i iLi iirmi . DOORS, WIN-DOV FRAM I:S "SA SII IRON-AND-kilt A F:! - C,4 ST I NU.S BURDEN CABS = ENE EIMI GRAND SQUARE AN , upittuirr PIANO FORTES, LAMPS; So., = JOHN P. LYNN et . SON, North lltuirwor Street _ ..... rtr , AORROA:ND "VALLEY R:lt7:—.' - - . . ..* 8C . ,11.11ER A.RRANCVE.I.I„g . NT.: ,- i.. . • ._. .. ... *Figkr 1 ,''' EAMA= . .L IVE R, I N.1':.1.1111.R . A T:o. IL. ~..,,,,,,,,,,„ ............. . - • . - • .N . IIV,EIt 1/1 . ;44.1TATE...t. . .' ~ .-r. - ' onnsau or ijouns! .. IT IS CO3II , OIINDEI/ ' NTI It EIX ri;on -GUMS, an On and Attar, MONDAY, A I'IFIL\II tit 1019, Plll4Bo3gei 11. 1 .01 . 01110 tin ostitliltsl t utt lin.t. a Mil. , I(II 4 Mo,ll, illi Wiltluti will ran Ps follows:, (ilundltys usetiptell :j . I f , . 1 mid anvi., rd Iy • .ii it I ltht WI r usiOl It . , Salt IIAIIItISBUIIG. • 1 onl.ln non tio,..rirri to . tr. '.5 11)1 , ' , .lAlill•tiri• 11/ 8. • 1, Tr:dn. ,‘ 2d p r pip j Inv tliseasr's for o 11111 it I —,... 'IN 1 .1 •Vo1111110hded , 0.10 . A. m: . 1. . 0) ft. 31 .t t ILIA cm uyl ithettion.us : ~- -i i ,l iii i tl. lit Iltu hint tiv ..,..' 'elI) . 1: 3 2 ii ' yairs wno hail .pli Ith up i E., 101 l bop Saw 11410 r, its th 0.10 . 2p4 • 0 noun:rims tturinleituo. trio Lll.O L. in thy pees. 6,43 '. ~ ' 2,45 . . . si, U shitiv. ' . 7.10. ri,, .. 3.15 - "I 114 amp must headap . 40 .., ted to the tempi:ran ' 7 . 45 , qt • 145 it ,or thiti ndlvid COI W 1,11% iso lit, nod p p,,,...1 , su .] 1111:111 (nil, as to pet gMI rip ,Liy MI the I .uwels. ' Lut the diet:ars. or j C i s our ' joduirent {add yam ija tilt, use or tho ..... ' LI vkr ' in vl(gora, i_ tor,ludi, it ..si ill _cured {,9 . .... IA ‘ di : Antiquation - hill --o-dirjiltietilo37-IIY,IHTS/WTIII4-75"LIT-i'''l".'"T."" ' tour Complaints, liyreti- i...:,. ' wry, urol.) N, ,; ~ " sell, Ilahltual Cos.li d - t i .- :Int,. Cloth ' s. I C.1 . 11.1 "l ori Caviler, s.lOrbus:Cliciliso w [I tillintuni, Hat ni otir i Juandls . i . i . , tone, le weak-. i•-• .i.f.:.m.t,gq play,laymp, surto:oBl4y /111 all or -- :parm -- 1. A. I I 1,-Y .1151,4 CIN E. It will cure slek -"Ale/id:lel...not thousand ran tehtlfy.) 1,, to en ty Z II : piltintlis, If two i.r titre traspoontblit' aro tORSO • .aIL C 1 114111011CO3,;,4 dab lat:lrK. ( • - , All who mu .11 are t. • igiving . thi:lr 'tostlitiod In Its favor. '. • Pl i. MIX WATER IN 'I S AM i 11013111 It lTll TIC _Vi rie Q It VP, 15.._„1., , :.3 %V . ,YlL,rtr 1 1 0311 Ti) 910:11E11. . • . tioav'e Chaelleiratiurr, ; •'; .‘ Nvwville, • ' . " • 3leelianirBhavg, Arrive at Ilarriliburai F0:I CIIAMIIIMSII,UIIG, .: . • • .hit , Leavo Ilarrlslurt; . NlechallirshurA 4,43 • " 1.50 . 9.20 211 . ." 54 . 0 -8.08 • - 4 . Shippoimbur , . 1014 ° .3.89 4, C=f=EMl - _ Trnlna leave 11Itri.lnburg for rhilndolp)tia. vlaynnto linilrntl, at . 1:10, 0...5. :urn' A 7.50.. M.. 1 111 and.; 10, P. 11, By 11,nIntoon. 2tlsii Va 11.5 3, Bail Ruud at 31 , and 11.:1,1 P. 31. Our lialtiOinre. '4O: A. U ., inom. Fire .I'r.ver.. Lon mid' Williamsport. nt lon. 11., and 8.:10, rralo ou Dauplati ilontl nt 2.00. P. 31. I'loloitn ail, sold, viz:, Clutotberslolog, ...1111.P.thsh.111;, Mnollailleshurn ni..l Ilarrisburg. IL I . kluetion of Ct.: l l on wlll lond o to 01l z ,,,, ,Not, provith, C I Illrin the Ones. . • O. N. 1.1.11,1., Stif)in't . • , kalirnad thllee i hatnherstrarg, I . Apr. 1, 1t1.59. i . • -I— NlO E 1; S I. olt P. I ( - 1 TI.I It E S - 1 A. ii. ii , '%N }...,>' II) W. , 111.1 re , p.O.tally inform.th, itko•ns or Carll4 , ,lld.vieinity th-1111:, I. Wien roam,. in Z 11,. . ,, ,, him l'illi1 , 11 . 71•4 Inl't ensue ol Marko, ::,,,,j,,, , vlll,r , he is iit .ill it , rlo?. r..a.ly ti , take A 11111-10CYPI.:6 In the la te,L and • liiont :ipproVei style. Pictures taken i n hany a n d ,i ,, mlvweather as well Ln I.lt•ar. amid HA; ~C,A10.11 siren or no c . 1131 . ,5t1in.11, • portraits and Ile. ,rder.r.types e0pi...1. - Miniature Pielures taken • for . • 1, ,, ,,ket5-.(ie., in .11nbrotype. Y - . ' A,,,), , ,types. , wm=l, t.l to stand thetest s ia time, beta or water. • , ,-• ' 1,-..lies and I:eptlonton are voriliffilr )ni•lte , 4l to c:1 - mitt 1151.11111 0 sprlpinlolk ' ••• - '—' . !YIN, 111 , 111 2,t.,. 0) . 4 ,111.... Jan .2;;lhns.-Iy: =II (1 S UNS.---Justsreeeive . l ti X.. ..41 1 1,a - V Double Mkrrel Gunn, Single •• Vistoln, . Iterolvers, • thune Rugs, Vowller 811ot Pou c hes, • Powder • G 2",1C - 511. dITTEXTIOX: N EW STOVE AND NEW 60.01 s After rot,ienllll , lll,..,Rekfir.wlethremeol.. for the Tory ,atdonage been oteutlNl to 111,0, the 0ri.10n.1.41,1 would' roll atteotfon to 'lli, fit.t that Ile has just. I . l.upenvd his W 01414 4 ,1 u,sortentint of fmnily 7^G[tO~E Egl 111 Ills riots Sistel,llll. 0 thlt SOIIOI east corner of the pnlrlir toin.tre, nhero the pnitlie are invited to call and stock or 'mock in WI". elegance, variety extent, will ilers...issiiiitlt4.ll; enniptiolfig in part I.G !WOW. stigarti. Jaya. filo aml Ya• , ,7„ piety mei tomtit,. rirTriA. epire. ("ground 1— "1"11, :not tlegr Sancei, Tattle ay . Ili Now ttelealm. tittmrlonse ilnd Trinidad' troll, c.:l - Mtilniikisi - Nunn „- • - uto, t'ertAnollll, split Pegs. Iltintln3, Mincemeat, corn t-tarch, o. YOllllOll SW:AI . St rlducal ra tett. i te111,11111e1111111,11t• lung ootin. Tolt,e•tm mithe 10051 tiVerite het ads, and tllu tiniest timidly et' t•it•gars : A 'so: a Iminttlftil tiooirtinent tif !telt/11min (Vary. plain and '2..1,1 baini China (fore, (aito, gimons. Stone annul Eat thorn Wore, In "great Vie lief V.. 11,11 an elegina 1-1. Fit_neyl,llllS, ' extrtOtt Witt Incliv l'oa , :hes : rains, Itafstns. Crin 11 , 1•11•••:. iry. npp4, eltron, aluniondx, oranges,. leuitmF, p 174 4 F= 16 LIQUOR`;: 1511.1os:de and mall, et»lnoi! and "la -lye IVlkls dark - nod vile, Sli t•rry Port. Nlntlork, 111 ..ger, Catawba Illne,oll. 'englts um] hol. tt isihkey, Holland. (tin, nutl Sehuld.: *CIII/1111P, • • FISH AND SAI,'I'. ki..,,, 0,;;41... , r I,A NlP. 4 2lneluilhig DynWurelebratell Inn p@ for linguini; litunsene or coal oil, iilsu Sperm, Pine, bard am! linal 011, Burning Fluid. Sperm nod 61,:ir Candles ' CEDAR-WA E .A ND I3IU)OMS. Nlopps Suing, Door nrotr, Walters. I,....ltPle . glarasera, line letter .and nuts paper, Willow Wore, pointed &c. Nip,, and*WOOth.ll !hose, and half Hese, and a full .nf . 01ove$, Including the" well known Ilauovei 1111..6.410ne, Tn short. 11$ atnel, comprises olvorythlng that Isl.:tiled Ihr In 1111 1 1111 e , 1/1 111101110/01. 1114110 ( 1 1T1111/1 will he bintred to render eta tiro satklactlult to his ettawmora, . . CarilFle. 0ct.:270858-Iy. ‘lnrketing 01 ull kl.als taken In oxtVango fo SO. B. Clll.lltCll. C, EBERLY & Ei3ERLY. SA\V MILL AN) ? LUMBER YARD, N'l•;R' CUIII3EIMAND, PA MIIMMI 0L U 31 B M It , • catisiantly Oil hand: anther tloilverorl at any p dnt aevessibro lay Ilallroad at Ow shntle,t notice. • BUILDING OF ALL SIZES %IND LEN(11116 CUT TO ORDlyl. May 25, 15159—tc • • e: 11.! mosTTiuoituiNAltY Boor: orrim AC IVlst• edition ol • 1-0 (100 ...old in six u•ee/rs. ENTITLED "BOY II 000'S PERILB MANnobb's CURSE rußusilim BY DR. S. PANCOASt 6 Spring Uaeden street, Philadelphia, Pa., an ,p,r sale by. all booksellers. r. This a book of '225 pnges, 121193., bound in cloth,with niim lithographic plates. and Intended for parent', guardians and young mon. Every young anti into wisher to maintain Ids health and manhood, and hAVI.I n healthy progeny. shouldcread this book. Sonic of Ilia statements ern really astounding. and burn never tai fore appearbd in print. • l4•ice $l, wily mail $1.15. NOW IN PRESS ' AND READY volt DELIVERY IN A FEW DAYS, A tIREAT WORE FOR E LADIES, by Alio same author,. entitled LADIES' MEDICAL_ GUIDE, AND MARRIAGE FRIEND . . . in cloth and contains over lOU splendid and curious en. - gratings. It gives a ttomplsto description of rho struc. tore and function of the reproductive organs of the to. maloohowini how Married ladles may have or avoid largrliutillies. Al.o. a complete history of II trznaphro. dither, with curious plates shoo hlg- I orb sears in one. It also Ores advice to young ladles In selecting a husband, pointing nut the rause of so much uobappi neva after marriage, and the influent:it It exerts on the oltrpelog. The wart: also gives the symptoms and treatment of nIl female diseases. so that every female may hq hermit physicin. The last ehopter Is do otrd to the Toilet. giving the receipts Jr coml.:ties at present In use by the nobility of Pninee. England and Ilu,sia fur beautifying thesitln hair. t roil,. and fir removing foul and ' , mooning a sweet breath. They have been obtained at great expel su. Privy $1..50. By mall $1 . .73, or elght`additlenal post age stamps. SOUP copies have already been ordered.-:- Those wishing a ropy or the flog edition should send Muir, orders without delay. , - For complete deNeription of the work see Prospectus which will he sent on recolpt of ono letter stomp. Ali HINTS WA! ITU in every town In the Union: Feb. 10, 185'3—‘ly Waiter Ifaugjugs ! Paper Hangings •' - • _COME AND SRL OUR , CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS.' CHEAP PAVER HANGINGS. CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. • ANIi OUR — TINEJANZhD - PAPER - HANGINCIS;" - PI GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS . . ' (;LAZED PAPER' HANGINGS.. , GLAZED PAPER, it - AN(4Ngs. - •": ,•- , 'ANp ALSO . • RIGIVGILT - PAPER.HANGINGS. RICILGILP•PAPER HANGINGS. *: -. 111011 GIILT,PAPER HANQINGS: : 1el! 0:ILT, PAPER II , NpObs... , , . . And WINDOW PA PERS of various cokes We wish to ler4n) the public that our mock or Po .r lionglugs, is' the largest and mist vorled ess , rtmedtover tspened•in Corll,le, mid belt tae iderriTher at le le. r Aug, urn cult, 1 every btily,.tit __: ' / . dOIIN.P.'I.I;'N ll' di . ri1,N , t3.,, j' ftertli lialinvor St , ritilit.ll‘, Whill10 , 011,01) he illrniShod At nit Mlles it Itt 145.441 Vt.1(4.1:4111A11r0,11;'5. , c,, , (i . r1.tii, Lett Au'idity and Id Mr: .13.nt :_ pricip 1 - - . [a1w.11.1549.. ~, 1:- 3 1 - 11A8S, ' GLASS:SOO. liq I.X', ./f 811'Nizoal slolo m 14441140 thieli•Jusi/ro . . IMMO' ln , . OEM A„t; K. E: it ti S'oa . . 4 -Z•Z:&,s . 3lgt Jul bruit+ /ow qtALILEAxii., C A I: . If A I. I LS ' • FROM - Pure Vegiqnble Extracts, null put up•in Oltis nir 'And will keep- iu Lily cli u fighdrt Cat h.tv is x hhh the 11000 I h.II), 111 U. 1 , 11142111L1S the tie.uln Wien lomt ON. ttjitetion which nil nlie It lb Induced Inc lo plum ann. nor ProlOgolon moll thareirs nor nit t I ie Poicilly Co— with duo • I,erenen Ino.n roloroloolo.l p to 0 2 4 l o,.tah'euxtr:ort:o pert Pt the nil molt Wry ern. In nil 1,1. EN Where, s - llolannonrontg Ili,. Pala In . the 'look no. nod Sul thq 1,111 irhioli'fru~tai•ntly. Inn;; rout so Fri,, , tart n oNaffo oord ovum Ilearlaelie or wolglit. tory , Digolirns, IVorns In gren .MMY di;' , lltil, to whleh out to menthol In this nd Ifi:NWOrrn. A rtisl large =MI Thu lAvo•ninvl,ralor a r”talhal Dru4alats gait thu Tiatli all (ha large - S. T. ads, &c., a r -L IL. SA Xl'ON',S. 31n11 • :135 tiroldw . "1,1 1, OWA.R.6 MSS.OOIA'TI-0 1'1111.,n I/ P II 1 • A lleneYoleut. lvo tutii•n, .estaldshe I ly Nperlal on dowiliont for the relief of the elri. and iliirresned, afflicted 01111 VII 11100 and Epidemic diseti•i•ea. 1 The I 11.1 1 1VAI1 ASSOCI.I.TION. in clew of the n wha ilia..tritrthin of human life, caused I.y retinal di/podia, , 01111 1111 ileerpllonm plarll4,gl upon the ungurtiiilnl,, Ole. 1404001'011011 ,11,,,,ases•by io•veral years ago di. re" , ' l their Cec iWm; a eIIAILITA ACC worthy of their name. Nippon 061 tho treatment of this 1.1:1,0 !nail) their lerioe and lir elle 1,11,11'.1 A 1/1 . 111: to all who apply liY_lettcr,_ a. 1111 a dearription.of_tholr eonifillosis rage, occop4lon. or lire. Acni and In 1,1:0•h of ex. tromp 1a,40014 , lo FURNISH Al r.III4INE.S Flllll. CII AIR; It is iliaalless to add that tlec,Assochithin omallinials`the higllent .111•1111,1 1 11 of the age, alit 4,1 1 1 furl:l4l, the 11,11,1 11,1111,•4.11 1111 ,. Ilieertnlw of the An:4,ola: ou, hl their Annual 1(1,- port 1111011 1110 Creragiont of 1 4 ex.1141 Ighen4ey,-I , alrsa the I . hi xhrstnatisfortlon wlalhllo 011101., „ 11101111:1., /41,a141- L v.( 1.1,0 12 , ,,,,,1111ing.ralrgeon tfilliel'otre 01 1 I , jawalaiQrrigea. the_elco.ofiniatiir.in or; rlf-nlmso, A.c anti order a ettialnuanco of the saint, plan for rho ensuing year. • The hire: tors, on a rerietr of the past. frig assured that their labors In this sphere of benevolent, effort, have been of graialeinetit to the allilcted.•espechtl • the young, and they. hasa resolved to dau l d hr•m ...elves. with reu•.u'ed zeal, to this nary heportaat but 111111 . 11 1i04111,1,111,1111.0. 'Just published 113-this Association: a Report or, p.prr. maforrlicea, or Seminal IVealf neSS. thu Vii, or our, Masturbation or relf,thnse, and other Ills, ;loon of the f.fetual Organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, uhlcL will. he cent by tatil, ti a sealtsl letter en velopty FILM; Ole CILIIIO 1:, on receipt of TWO r , TA3II'S for pt;;lage Other lteports , and Tracts on the liatut ft and treatment or xqa uui diot. are constantly being publiFli ed for gratuitous distribution. and will lie s.nit to the afflicted. Sonic or the now remedies anti methods of treatment dirporered during the last year, ate of great value. • AdakToo, for Report or trontn,ht, Pr. (fi:ORGE It, CALIWIJN, Cououltiog Surgeon, flooard No. 2 South Niol.ll,..treet, l'h l'a. By order Of tho Directors. EZRA D. II CA ItTIVELI., l'ii - aatt , lot GEO. Soeretury. D00.15,1868.-ly BEIDE MONE=M PHILADELPHIA MEDICA L od twol4y.l.lvo Leors' ngo by Dr. I( IN K ETAS, corner of Third nod Union .`16 . 0010. Phlloclelphia. Pa. TCVENTY-TWO • • Experience Inns motored pr. K. n molpt, gueep,pful praotti ner in the cull, of all direareei of n private inn: Lune; Inattlonel's debility. as in impediment to mar reinneroon.: and 'fet nal lolirmith a, direare or tine shin, and thiuu arising trill abort, of mercury. 'recut. P. RT IC ULA R NOTICE. 'l'llorn Is an evil habit sometimes induked in by boys, in solitiple.,,itien growing 11p oath . ihem-to nia filnard and whitth, If u .t reformed jp due Lime, not eto serious obstrieles'lo happiness, lout rise ton Ne 11,1: Of protrdaVelt,ill,h.ll.lol. Mid der:1.401111g silts: dons. Few of those who sire way to t h is pernicious p'rseDee sire 11,01511 , of the empaoluelle4mlitit they find the nun VOll4 system nhW Ivied . reel stiaoge and, uslassountablu soosat ills, mil va,Dle Slur s Ilse mind. (..eon pages ol Dr li's book nu The DlDOrtuonta thus ssddrsed fie 4. 0111.;S rvi.ll, Is umr• bin V. labor o Ills :went:tweed vigor. or to apply Isis study;uihs,l to lsis step Is Curly sI eats; Ise so Irresolute. aod • op,agerevon In his spurts with less en. eigy limo usual. II lie 0[1.1%00p/10 before the practice l:ns clone Its worst. 111111 enter. auttriumey. his marriage is ualrult• 1111. :nal his sense telbehim that this Is caused by 'bin pally milieu. These are cohsitiers,imis which should awaken the attention of ell tt Ito are niwiiminly situate . It E 1 E BEI:, Ileorbo 'daces larnself under Dr. If INKELIN'S treat ment. may religiously confide iti.hin.losuorun n grottos illau..ntol rely upou the ussulance that LLu• reorets of Dr. patients mill never he disclosed. . . lump.; Ma , .-let no Inlse modesty deter you from making your ease known to •one t n hot, 'tnlnt education and regneetabllite tall felt bet/ lend you. • I,•r .K resltlanee has been for th o last t won• ty.too ve.trt, at the N.ll'. Corner ofTIIIIID AND UNION FricErTs. vhkh,doioth,, Ra. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE Can have (by t.tatlng their 1,1,0 ON pllcltly. together with' all their t+triptonis.. per letter. encle,lng 11 multlatice) Ur. ti's inedlelne;approprlnted Forwarded to any part or . the United States. •nd pnelied secure freni 11.4.11A1iE or CURI.Q.SITY, by Mall or Exprep. ligAD! VIUTII AND AIANIibOD!! A Letters cont.: a copy, per rot GRATIS!. GRATIS;' GRATI4S!!! 0 N.t ure . O ,da o " a ‘ , O:kAV 111111 popular 1,0:1:. full ,of ‘a1031 , 11. ad ice l am; Imprextdve,Wat !dug, alfte ralculat ed In preVel t. filart., i f misery, and save tbowands of lives, Is dist lbuted withoia charge, HMI tot mardtid by mall, pro-paid to auy Poo In the United States, ou rto colvltur an order oucloslng two postapo al mops. d0e.1.5,1856-Iy. PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. . . OFFICE NORTH - EAST CORKER OF 8D , and Dock ,ttrret.s. Philadellddrir ' - ACCUMULATED CAN l'A Ohs er Perpe I natl. • DANIEL S. MiLLER. President. •_ SA3IUEL U STOKES, Vice President, -.lions lir. li iitynn. Petey. • a Tito undor,Al Ailed, buying been appialited tho,Aorni for the tiliove.ComPany, for Cumberland utility, would rail at teiltirm to the ptculinrlWhAlltilreS if the MUTUAL Lire IN: 4 I.'ItINCI: Which give ' n it a decided preferenceover nay other motto ndoPted. The, e being TM hint k hold ors, the pn.fits are lliViditti 811111114 the polity hOhh . ll , , and appropriated pa 'reilifeltir the ,nuottal pa) ments. thus leaking each hue Intl:rented. equally with the I . runtees, In adding to the Imalueßs Sril,u I . lllllplity, The premium may he mild quarterly, seml-attunally, or annually. no that persona of limited means can In dium fir a pre:ital. innotitit. than they mould where lb& whole premium igprq ul red to lie paid rash. • '• Circulars witlitull• Wirth:War/I win be Al owappllcit- Una to the suliserlber,:ad.-Lia2nDire.„MaPirstrear:-near-, • , 'the Ilailroad depot, A. L. SPONSLED., • itch] Estrite"Atent and.Conreyuncer. • Carlisle, Mar 2J r 1.5594-0 u • • " OODiist - received b 5, 13 the subscriber,' the 1011owiPg: = 11tt:811 TONI In ("0.n . 0.. -• " Peaches, "- ' • ~ S.i.hiten,.. • ••• Lehatoya PLehleil Lobaterg. Sei•dines, ' Oellatin. Sap 'Sage". PlfreFi'l Pine Apples Virgin Oil .ot thei table, Innatee laidatip, Walnr t tuthronel du- W'orcegti•rsliiro :Sauce, Prep ,Qures, do..attilre.l with Alichdrirs..,- "Plehiea,:ltaisins, Onto. Flom: , th..angee Lehi. Fird, Peel: tire - m.lre Queenawire Vino Lig uors',' Fiskolt,at't 4.0 low eat east, Prieee:ni'the rho rtar,,A' • wltt;,lp:S'yz,. I ...) - ( Y F'l iigiied tune 'Wen niiratn red hirrnt - rfar the •errle of ItiaJloll.4l 4 Sir hie: norv,And *-.‘vlll noisier:OS , -- keep no hand a f 9,11 supply to %matt the' drunoqin htillderelfattntiatrh;',i/threo In . want of a nnperlor hrt f , du trinad . da,Well to Call et t 1.19 Lumber and COal Rear tb,a (hie UOntlfierrna `,,t2., • • , Jun , - 1 ECM Price One D I.llaur per Brit lie. SANI 0.32 rill is,a but ac %.• o . oprtetor ( 4 0 iventy years. • ilewa rat Inn e,l the Nils the wt 'li regard to their latAlit,. WI lil . ll/ cr. WII _lll)o,y . flint . t r - lon ti.;ta: of It. LOs c c ) hurt lc Plll biis this sell tot 11)1,11e, 'n voriety!f• trli • I . ft, which art tilt I,ad over rots!. tool its. f ennel all Ottloistle Is neolliol.snel Stonno•li, Asdos. foot it onet.s. ISth 1.53115.1i - uranTLF,F. front sttddet MI if ne_tlevted, end in • ;. 4 of Sppstile, n Creettin • I. the I,oIS•,.IIS;Vit-sstein hhe !tend, all Itylllnnunt reltiliken , Adults t ig e 'Purifier orthe Blood un flesh Is heir. too nuttier ,• , _ •ortdisetnen, Lose, L oa, • 30 Ce 01.4, . MEI sod Validly Calls:nth! 1•11(8 zsr sslly. stud !10111 ..Lsolte.stle _ • ufbird, ulacturtir ;Ind l'nprletor, ay, Non Yor k. Itt.ll, lilnlirliu on bunt., Fat A FUEE (7, FT TO ALI, MISERY RELIEVED ffE