Netu atinertiniiittB NrASURY AND WDITON, j_ ILI Fulton lit,•and 50 Ann St., . . Y 6 AK ' IllouuroctOrom of.: • 0111TH LEAD, ZINC PAINTS AND COLORS, OILS, VARNISHES, ETC., Importcre of English. Branch and Odrman Artl s fi r Mii" - (oriole, fine colors in elLand.wator, ‘Vlresor & ishairtoh l ii tuba and cake colors, Brushes Mathematical and Draughtainotesinitrinnects. Drawing and 'Traded Ca pore, litemoscopos, Stereoscopic Views, &o. • 'the ,particular attention of l'aintere, nonfarm and • ot hero, facetted, to the now patent method of putting up Lead and Zino Paints in metallo Cans, of which 51asury to IV bit m are the solo proprietors: •• ' Theso Cans are intended by the inventor to 'obviate the difficulty heretofore existing in putting up 4,1.. end and Zino in small kegs. All dreamers of paint 'are avr ire that the loss on toad and Zinc put up in email , woedaii_packinics,Ja..truni five to ten, yer cent; and in Many eases much mote, owing tiftlin'aW"wptibh7it'th - 0 - 1. oil, and the consequatit hardening of the paint against ' of „the additional lakair.rn t ., • :quirod to mix paint ready. for use, grier It bas bogome bard In the keg. The loss of. tho keg, too, is a conaida• • ration which ohnuld met artht of.' The .patent CAN net only Obviates thesb dlincukties, but In addition thorato furnlahes the consumer with . a atronir and con• vonlant palntipot, out of which to undtha paint, which is alone worth mine than the Mt:tonne° of cost between ' the cans and kegs: The Cana dee packed in saw - Strong cases or bexes,nlil di contain 240 lbs each: that is 8 25 lb. Cans, nr 4 50 lb. Cape. and they "may lie safety shipped by inn road nr otherwise to any part of Alfe Onitad Stems. • , Circulars, contalnlng.euts with full'illeicriatlon, sant by mall on application. [June 1,1850. Asit E R .S - OF 011bIBERLAND COUNTY, ' , IV4ITENAOIC ; B NNW JERSEY )ILE.APER. ?40W.ER • We reepOrtfulli call the attention of Farmers to thin 'Justly celebrated nta . chlne, it has been In use the last Wt.!, years,und wherever Introduced ham become a fa. voritomachine. Some manufacturers and agontslinad their circulars with Syracuse first premium machine.— did 114 attend that trial; hit have taken first pro• Mill , ll.l,over both of thou, in a number of trials since that time. Wu might boast numerous first Premium-. over all. too most popular in iehines now in use: InIC What are largo stork ., worth to farmers? Wu sell our ~ u ichines upon tkeir rankmerito,:undoslt _farmers to,e,x, before purchasing. We Warr tilt our ma-. chines to work well both Ingrassorgn ght or heavy standing or fallen, wet or dry. -An exhibition will take pine° n an variy day, due notice or which ppill bogivitn, said exhibition to take place near Carlisre. Also, an exhibition of the name kind of machine near . Mechanic,bitrg. Whore we re sportfully invite farmers and oil others to attend and examine fov. thenMuives. Machines may be seen 'by calling on the following named gentlemen who aro agents for the salt, amid machines. • .10IIN PLANS, or STRICK I.Sit R DItO., Carilsid. lI , OIIL O A lilt icrBns CO., Mechanicsburg. SNYDEII a l N ETI,ST; Nuwrllle. • S311:011 Sr. CO.. , 8111ppenslwrg, 1110 S. S. WII 11.1:8 kCIC. den. ig . t. • —ILBESI3,- 0U1,D.4. SAl'E,Troprlotors . 1, 1850. R ONE DAY ! STAND DOWN-THE- HALL I !. MAKE.ROOII FOR TILT LONGEST. TRAIN OF ARABIAN HORSES EVER • DRIVEN IN AMERICA! - YANKEE ROBINSON'S %mitt& - CIRCUS-AND. -- - The only establishment of theddild In the world. Overt:WWll nod horses are employed with. this nine :moth concern. • " SIX LADY. SCItkiIIMERS - - - .- AND FIVE CLOWNS!'" • #l,- The specious Petvillion, erected on en entirely now plan, will atreoisuinhlatu . 7. Near 3,000 Prreonet" So-tbnt the visitor can LAve..Oor view of trio Stege and iliog Performuues. Look out fur tho grist moral Drama, entitl • DAYS OF '.4;0! 'Far particulars, Fa, pictorial hod deSCrlptlso Lille WILL EXIIIIT Carlisle, Saturday, June 11. Performances afternoon and night. Doors open a , 2 and 7 o'clock, P. 31. .031ITTANCE 25 CENTS. No half prim 105:(0' ItE3lll3lllElt 'at . The day and date, so yon do not confound any other concern frith lids Mammoth Establishment. - WAIT FOIL TIM WAGON!" Drama at night only. Junel. 1659-2 t. fIOUIiT PROCLAMATION.- Witensas the lion. JAMES 11. OltAllA3i, Presi• dent Judgoof the several Courts of Common Pleas of • the counties of Cumberland, Perry. and Juniata, and Justice of the gaveled Courts of Oyer and Terminer and (lettere' Jail Delivery in said counties, and lion. SAN. .tea. Woonnuntr and lion. al. COOKLIN, Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gomm' Jail Delivery fur the trial of all capital and other offenders, In the said county of Cumberland. by their ,precepts to me di• rusted, dated the II th of April. laa. have ordered tin, Court of Oyer and Terminer nod (lettere' 'Jail Delivery to be holden at CARLISLE, on the 4th MONDAY of August, 1569 (being the tind 8113.0 at 10 o'clockin the forenoon, to continue two weeks. KO•fICE IS HEREBY 01V EN to the Coroner, Jun. tires of the Pence and Constables of the said minty 1(1 . Cumberintal, that they are by the said prop. pt co,u. mantled to be then and there In their roper parse's, with their rolls, records, ingot:litho 0, CV:llia ,lions and :Mother remembrahees, to do those thie4,l which to their officer appertain to be done, and all those that are bound by reeognizences. to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the jail of said county, are to be there to prosecute them as shall be Just 'T. 3IcCARTNEY, Sheriff. • • SgERIFF'a Oence, Carlisle, Jdno -1, 18511 J OIIN WYE*III,- lisp.; Gutbut Douglass. 3lary , Kliden Francis Wyeth, Charles A. Wroth. Louis Wyeth, Douglass Wyeth, John Mandel, Ono. Model, - Bernard Kendal, Samuel Handel, Elisabeth S. MIL Sarah Elliott, R'illinni Nateber ' Joseph Nateher, Hannah Natehur, Rebecca Nateher, 'George Botcher, We,, Kline. Duo, Weaver, Charles Weaver,lauies Ca rotherS, RebeccaCaruthers, Elisabeth Carothers, nud Louisa Carothers. "04. Writ Pa Partition° Fartru th'. In the Cummon Pleas of Cumberland County. The defendants. will take notice that I will . execute this writ of partition on the premiers, lawit-; sod Lot on Pomfret Street in Carlisle. bounded south by Pomfret Street, west by David Sterrett, north be Church Alley, sail enst by Ilea. I Nadel, on SATURDAY the nth day of July, 1659. at 9 o'clock, A. M McCARTNEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Carl WO, • J,une 1,1859..-6 w f J. J: BENDER, M. D., lllOnu;eopatblC.Phyelplan, QUCCESSOR TO Dit. .1. K,. SMITH, having perms nently located In Carlisle, offers his prefessional ser vices to the 'Citizens of the town and vicinity, In the practice of the various branchee of his profession.— Vlllee In South Hanover Street, formerly occupied by — Dr. - Smith; where hetuarbo - consulted thnestellen not profetsinnally engaged. June 1,1859-9 m • N. D.—Allow me to Introduce my friend, Dr. J. J. Dander, n graduate of the llomonpathle College of Pa; in Philndelphkr, and a man of acknowledged medico skill. lie will succeed Dr. J. K. Smith in my stead, as I cannot disengage myself from my present situntlori. DM' DI. IeIIIESE, Mechanicsburg, l'a. June 1,1859-3 t fANNYSTILL AHEAD. - MANNY'S COMBINED , REAPER AND MOWER, ,WITH WOODS' IMPROVEMENT, Ea Offered to theltarinera ofeumberland county.for the coming harvest, on the ustraNtocommodating terms.— ' The complete 'niceties acbioved by this machineat the great National Yield trial, ikelyracuse, in 1857, over .- some twenty-competitors...and- its:uuboundedowecloisin this and adjoining counties for, the laid threo harvests„ in spite of tierce and enomatid opposition, should 'nut • leaven doubt in the mitifftf any firmee, which machine to buy. If any person should howeverlitill be lu doubt we would ask him to taken Manny Machinn and try it Along with auyvf the other machines Weevil to the Oldie as combined machines, and after a fair trial re. turn the worst and keep and pay for the one lio putrid. __erect boat, ~—_./.../iitMsTlDlNO,.Agt..atearlislei,---- • Et. J. OAMIERON, " - Meehanicab'g. Juno 1, 1850—tit • NOOTIPE.L—' Letters of administration on the estate of Dr. P O. Cardder, late of the her ougb near liele: deed., , haeb been. granted by the Reg. l“ liter of Cumberland comity, to the un dernign ed. Thoco • having Maims will present them, and - those indebted ' malto payment to ••. • , JOAN 11. 011E00, . RIX IPSTONTS - z=lso. GrindSione4 or all • sites just received at ' U.' SAXTON'S. : U don., Fly Note, of all colore, Lloen; , Cotton . and ,Twine, r3l4ooper,than tho eboapcet, , et U. SAXTON'S , • May 2 5 ,8 •F ARM '13t11 1 87:- - - - Su - st, reolit3d', the lonnist Wad Chlilion'aaaortment to the county and varrantod not to crack, at tho Cheap hanlwara of fdA7 4 86 1 ) ., •• • • •lt. SAXTON. 1'11; N i N. 4 'OF S V. Al . .51 Jl, ii. 6tILLINOItY. • MRS. q 3. A. -1117170 Ni . . WM open on Friday, May 27th, a largo and splendid Ta rioty of tliney.Neapolitau, Crape, Silk and Strew. . - . ' ' • 0 0 1.1 NIB T B j of the very latest suminer fasticole, which for style, llitr genre and beauty, cannot to surpassed Irtelty hr court try. •' . • IlLoo3lßil kfus, pio ' .;rtv:Arry Maw IN ALL SiTLYA .• ' o Ilibbons,Frbneh • Flowers, Dress Caps, Head Drese,s,brldal wreaths, mantlilas,•embroider. dories, Se., Sc. . Thankful for past favors she' respectfully Invites the .ladles to call and-see the largest and most beautiful as. .sertment of Bonnets and Millinery goods, 1u Carlisle, ' , which - are offered at small profits. Store,, on North Ilanoeor street a'few doors above Leonard's earner.. ' N. 8.. - --Nopolitan aled• Straw Bonnets blenched and pressid 111 lho heal manner. .• ,L.lll4ty2s.—lMl9,s3L_____ It EnuctzEicuozzamtmE, „ Which, according to' their efeelMut qualities hero boor; ackivandedged by the moat celebrated phya.elacm as a ,Valuatdo 'remedy modest D Y SPEPS • DEBILITY O,F THE STOMACH, CARpIALGIA, DIAItitIREA, Also, recoinmomiod an i piTphylnkle agalipit SWIM P.R CO3IPLAINTS,. &c This remedy at tile's:tine time; has a very agreeable taste. and will-be taken as pleasantly by children as by women. .. . Principal Depot.N ;.eol/hanl inet.,iii M deip a .. ... -And cold 11:f011. Diligglsts 1n Carpel°, andittroughnnt the Stant. • . May 25, 1850 , . —Tits. • F.I4g!N 011,10 FIREWORKS! ! 4 * ' • ' .791.1r, 1859. . The subscriber Is-pow receiving from the Factory a full and complete assuitment of Fireworks Tie' tock Is larger and tile variety grcatui than that of any other imam in the United States, and ..contprises , -111 wt. Ligllts, No :1 Gras4hoppors, No. 1 & Vino Wheels, No.l, 2 4 3. Chusers. N. 1 & 2. Whoole. •Saxon %Viteols. u•Point Stare. CM=M Caprices, No. 1 & 2. Chinese Penny Rockets. Fire Crackers, to make a trententious report. Pulling Crackers. Also, a great variety of pevate and public o xhlbitio n hilted Itlid warranted to. g' carefully packed and, forerar made as early-hithe season • .r• rtincipal l'lrnworlo Dap. May 25, 1,859-3 t A L N DIV AND DIQAUT I FUL A IITIC14:: The Oriental Elastic tipring. Bed • (1t0IIINSON!S PATVIT.) • The attuntlori of bousokeepprA Is called to this noir and The Spring lied having now become an Indispensable article in - every boom'', on account of Me acknOwledged impariority'ocertim - old fashioned bed; iMuniy tonfains7 to be detorminall which. of the many kinds olTercd for • sala, Is tin, bust, cheapest, most simple in construction', most elnsti4, most durable, sod gives•tha wanton oa. • add candle. „. TILE OItiENTAL SPltiNp . BED, excels In.all Olean qualities, and possesses others not belonging to—in fact, not claimed by any other Spring 11 , ,Inuillo. It can bo applied to any.bedstead In a few mlnutes..and to also ad:lldpi to cradles, cribs, steamboats. ships.. &e. _ Tito loops contain ingredients - Which will I.4l'c r p ,„ it EN TIRELT FltrE roost VrItSIIN. ROAN, Pnici eitbg $1,56 TO $5,50. - D6nlers supplied teriris. Aiapts wanted,— Send too a Circular. U1,111 . 11t & CO..Proprietors. General Depot 255 Clam) street, near Broadway, N. Y. [mny25.!511-3m. CARLISLE AND PH ILADELPMA fYIG:g.• `Piffe `="l""t7 DAILY FREIOIII`.LIN . E - . -. FIa:ED, - WARD-4 FREED, 811 MA116.117 STREET, PIIILADELPiIIA. J.,& DAIIIOADS, - V MAIM ' Cars of this Lino leave the Depot ' llill Market st., Daily, at 4 o'clotik, P. M. • , • • Leave Carlisle, Dolly, nt 7 o'clock. A M . Goods Intended for this Mile' should be marked C. & P. Dolly Freight Line, and sent In by 4 o'clock. May 25, 185 U. 411 , • ' THEATRE I READ.!!EAD! READ!!! .IiSEXWEIN'S • AROMATIC - BALSAM.' Is n remedy not to be excelled for the relle:f and cure of those maladies Incident to the Summer Season, lin: Dlarrhces, Dysentery. Cholera or Cholera Morinfs. Voin. • Ding. Acidity of the Stomach, etc. Its excellent Carminative poweri,"pleasant taste and soothlnglidluence, renders it a valuable medicine In Infantile diseases, peculiar to the seCorttlAllllMlll, vie: Cholera Infantum, etc. It has a reinvigorating Ind tonic Influence, on the system, allaying formulation where it exists in the stomach and bowels—and on trial, will be, found indispenhible to the well being of every family. It will be found as well adapted to adults as children.—Tar fr. Prepared only by A. ESEN Elfki; Dispensiny, Chemist, N. W. Cm, Ninth and Poplar ste., Philadelphia. ell. Priem 23 cents per bottle. Sold by U. J. Kieffer, And S. W. Ha verstick, Carlisle; :Mlle, A. Son, Jackson. viii,,; Illegal A Herring, Mechanicsburg, And by drug. gists nud storoffeupers generally. [nut32,5;,31.1=1y JAMES R. WEAIVER'S . 11.`4.1'01....., • ' ~ -..,:i4war....4.‘1. . . AND ...'. 31 A N UT:Mr 0 E. I', • NORTH 11•NRI ; ER STREET, CARLISLE, PA I laying loon engaged 'opt,' buslnens for o'er twenty he would return thanks to his customers nod rinds for the Memel uneountgement extended to him n years cone ly, nod further errores thein that no nh:s will be spared, to give full satlslaUtion to nll who 1,9 favor with n .11. • CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to be 01 the lapkt quality., of the la. lest style, well finished, and solo at the lowest possible priers enSh. . •110 also continues lousiness as en UNDEHTAKER.— . heady made Commis. Metallic o r otherwise. kept con. scantly on hand and funerals promptly at - tended to personally lu Lowe or country, nu the most reasonable terms. May 4, 1.859-Iy. N. B.—Two properties sltunto In CB web town, Cumb. county, are offered fur sale on easy terms. Apply as above. J. It. W. • TAGGART AND VAR-11',5 131 PIrOVED 1101111MiTIIIMADED • Family sewing Machines PRIOR. FROM 4130 to $4O. TIMM, machines have been ',renounced by all who have...lined them to he the simileal desble thread ed :Ilachine in ueo. •In performance. they are equal to any of the high priced Machinea. The stitch Is strong and elestic,.and• will - neither unravel -nor 'llllll7 the goods whoa washed. They are unquestionahly the -CII NA PEST AND BEST FAMILY, NI ACIrrN E ii-theinarket,and-areAteir-.ifered-ta tho-elthene-of Carlisle wilh...tibundant evidence of thelesunerlority over all other machines. The public are I nidted to call and examine for themselves at Marlon Hall, where the !Machines are .on nxhlidtlon.. Sewing Machine silks, cotton and linen threads of all slices and colors kept on hind and for sale.. ' Carlisle, Nay . 25,1859-1 w f i ll.RE INSURANCE.- TH ALLEN .1: AND EAST . PENNBDOItO MUTUAL E FIRE IN CIURANCH COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpa rated by an act. of Assembi,t, is now (tally organised, and In operation under the management of the following commisalonera, via: Daniel Bailey, William It. Gorgas, Michael Coedits, J. Elchelberger, Christian Stayman, John C. Dun lap,-Jeicob-IL-Coover;- *lanGerllyer, Sr Eberly Benja min 11. Messer, J. Brandt, Joseph Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. The rates Of insurance are as low and favortible as any Company of the kind in the State. Yersentrwishing to become members are invited to make application to the agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them (teeny time. - WM. R. 40110 AS. Pips Mont. • CHRISTIAN STAYNIAN. Vico Prosl.l4nt. • • -LENIS LITER, Secretary MICHAEL COCKT.IN, Tronsuier. . . Managers.—Wm. R. Gorges, L. Myer. Christian /Roy man, M. Cocklin, J. 0. Dunlap, It. Martin, D. Daily, J. U.Coorar, Aiox. Catbenrt,.J. Wlekorahnui, J. Dishollotr ger, S. perly, J. Brandt. CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—John Shertiek, Allen, Henri %oaring, Shiremanstown; Samuel Woodburn,. Dickinton ; Henry Bowman, Churchtown; Mode Grit oth,' So ; Middleton ;, Samuel Graham, W. Panne. .pH ILAD.ELPHLA .':Loro'.l_Ssmuul-Coover,-51echaniesbnrg;-J,W.-CocklinT - AND READING- ----------- Shoplaerdstovrn; IL Comer, Shopherdstownt-4 0. Ban. - , ItAIL ROAD • ' -ton, Silver Spring; Benj. l'lnvetstick, Sliver Spring; Charles 8011, Catlisio ; John ilyer, Carlisle. - SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, YORK COUNTY,—W. S. Picking, Dover; Peter Wol• . Acme 18, 1850. .„ . ford, Franklin ; Joe . Orilllth, Warrington .; - J. F. Doer Two passenger Arnim leave Harrisburg dally, (Sp n• dorff. Washington; D. Rutter, Nowburg; It. C. Clark, davn excepted,) at 8.011 A. M , and 2.45 P. M.. for Pffila- Dillsburg. -- - . delphin, arriving there nt 12.50 anon and 740 P. M. . . DAUPHIN 00.—Ijouser & Lochman, Harrlebtirg. . Returning, leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A. 51., and 6.3) MstubOrB_ . St_titg_MnppanyhrtilltKß o l l it o tabdtltittek---P.-51- 4 -nrriiinglo.llarrinburg n442.40•n00n-auxl-8:25 - :,- liiiit,ain have them renewed by making application to m . r,.• r •... , . ' , . , . , -. . any of the Agents. FARES.: To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars. $3.25; No. 2 (In' , • . .. April 20, 18511. . . ' - . • same traln,).s2 70, ... .. • . . Fares to Reading. $1.60 add slso. - , •” . • • . NEW A,RRANGENENT. -- At Reading. connect with trains for Pottsville, Miners" , Cat On,nnd after Monday, 23d May, 1859, the tub Tilleitr Tamaqua, eve ahom, Ate: ' Readindfur Philadelphia daily, at .OARLISIA AND PIIILADELTIIIA,' scribm will run a Daily Train of Cars, between Fu trains leave - 6 A.ll , 10.14 A. Si., 12- .30 noon and 0.00 I. M. - • . . , . .1.. Leave rhiladelphia.for Reading at-7.30 A. 51., 1.30 P. Janyltnil ' arlisle.overy.mornlng , and:PhllaßelPhitt every -....._61„-3.301`..-SL, and.4.164.' 14. melting. - • • ' • ' I Fares from Rending to l'hilidelphin, 411.7 - 6 and $1 46. All gamin left at the'FREPHIT DEPOi'of PeneMk, • • iThe morning'. train from Harrisburg Connecta at Zell Bc . • 11161011 MAN, Nov. 808 'and 'HIT 'Market Strest, ' Iteading.wlth up train for Wilkosbarrei Pittston ebti . . . will be delivered In Carlisle the next day,- -- --- Scranton. ' • ' .1. W.IIIIYDF V,' - - Went Mal Street ; a nS arale, Pa. ' For through . Haas and other inforniatlan apply to . ; .. „ '' . • ''May 11y '59, ' -., , •• • General Agsnt, . May 2b, '69. . . .-Q YT ETES 'AN D $ i1 . ,&,1118.,4-1 . 56 doz.. • 'kJ Scythes aria BOittli. 'Trio largovi. bevl and ebeopilit .1 ELLS 1 ''BELLS.! !':'BELLS 111— aumlu" 4 ". counts wholesale and row: Just re Fditrk Aerie, r zuakes.,(OvAule ebeip; at colved.ot _ • . •.r u.. , sArrows. . t gordwuri Stora of J. & NOY 25 0. 860 : • •!., ' Atu,i 18,1859. r North llouover BRUNON'.S Roman Candles; 9 sixes,- froth 1 to 15 Balls.. Itomaii Candles, rolored. Flowor Pots. 4 sloes . Triangles, No. .1 .5 2. Ipon Trlnngles, elzen. Trlunglen, colored Suns lorpedoc Dockets 4 - sizes. ~ Double Lenders. ' Chinese Maroons. Pudk, or Josstiek4 kr. riiiiey Colored Works, for no, from $5O ~ to V7OO, fur. iou isrirtlon.4ll works cloth Applleatlaaaltould be as possible. to mit 8: lot, -- 110 South AV tutry rs, beautiful luventlou 4A511K11. IKEAVER AGENTS .. - - _ , • .. 51.''.1.i.,...yu,ll, Vi'. 13 ia,..31.1. p,j, r DRuaB,".kANCY:aoorro, rum, . • . • AND CONFEGfIOGARi.• ' • ,-: .. . . B. W. jIAVERSTICK has Just received from the city and lifflow opening asplendiddisplay ofPANOYGOODP, to.whjch he desires to, mil the attention of his friends andthe public. Ills assortment in Mae • surpassed in novelty and elegance. and both in quality , • and priceef the articles, cannot fall to please purchrusers. ,If,.would -be brupossilao to reinmerato his , .---.PA-NOT- GOODBv----- ry , • ' T. / 2:- bleb compriseeva varietyof fancy article of tho vaost • -. • exquisite finish,auclirmo . ' - • : , . . i Papier Machelloods, . • ! , ' Elegant alabaster and porcelain inii•stands and 'trays, : Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, ~ •,, Ladles' Fancy Baskets,. ' . • .• • - • . • Fancy Work Boxes, with sawing ihatrumeats, " - . Port Monnales, of every.variety, , -1 • •' . Gold pans anil pencils, Fancy paper 'weights, "••• ' Papotories, and a largevcriety of dieW.Fanoyefatlyn • - or , . . , Mptto sCalsemd wafer:l;BlM ind bee urges, - „Ladles!_rlding..whips,_eNgaetly lipished ~ Ladleif 'fine cutlery, ' . Perfume baskets and bags, • . • ' • ' ' .--....lhafahasapta-verr-Irlnator-tbalailet,- ..,-,..- ..,-- • • • . Bohasers Perfumes of tho various kinds,, '. ' . Musical instruments,. of all kind ' s' all prices, together with an indamerabloviriety of articlosologant. • ly finished and suitable for holiday presents, to: vhich • ho Invites spechgltiOn. . .. Ales, an oats nd elegant collection of • • • 13,00 K 8, . comprising the various Engliith — and American Works, richly unibelished POETICA I. WORKS; "cc.. Re. • Ills assortment of School llooks and School Stationary In also complete, and. comprises everything- utod in Col lege and iIO Schools. Ile also desire's to •call the par ticular attentlen of Families to his ologant assortment L4MPS,:&c., from the 'extensive establishments of Cornellue,"Archor and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber iced study Lamps, for burning either lard. Sperm or 'Ether's! oil: also pYOTT'S celebrated liernsenumr_Coalollibtopps,_together with Flanor Yttad. Nancy Screens, he. Inn assortment In this line is un. equaled In the borough. Also, . FRUITS, such as- Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins; Nectarines, Prunes, Pine Apples. he. FANCY : CONFEC TIONARY—N UTS—Pit ESERNED FRUITS, `3llNi 'ED— EAT, PICKLES, Ac.. In every variety and at all Pri— ces. WM' which are pure and fresh such no can be con— Ildently recommentird to his friends. Ills stockembracen everything in the fine rif Fancy OMAR, with many other articles useful to housekeepers which the:public argon. Rectally Invited to call and examine.. • ..... ' ii.Poltiter MP-Oki-Stand, nearly oppofiltulho.Bank on Northilanover street. • • S. Tr. 11AVERSTICK. May 25.-11359, JNO. D, cimitcy. • c. EBERLY - CHURCH & EBERLY STEAM SAW MILL • AND LUNiI3ER YARp, - NEW IMIREEffiI L VM - J3 E R; Lumber delivered at any point accessible by Railroad, - ' at the shortest notice. BUILDING TIMBER s CIF. ALL SIZES-AND LENOTILS CUT TO"OltDEll CI UNS GUN,S.—Just rdeeiVed a largo jrnsnortmont. of .!. . ..• Double Barrel Guns, • , . Single , • _ . . Single and Double Pistols, ' , Revolvers, _ _. • . Game Riga, - ' _____ .. ' Powder Flasks, • • Shot -Potiebes,— , ..„„.",-.„.,.. ,• 'owileic- - . f / I'. Shot, _ Caps, • • Wads, &c., at ._ Mny 25,1859. - - 11. SA XTON'S. 17 / ST4TE-NOTlCE.—Letteri of - ad 12,4 mlntstration'on the estnto of JCR. Young. late o Moors township, Cumberland county. him) Item) hum. .1 by the'reuisler of sald.county to the subscriber, ro siding near Carlisle. Thi.° Indebted are - rogue - Min - rt. make immediate miyment. and those hitting claims t. present them fdr settlement to ENOCH YOUNG. May.ll,•lBs9—fit Adner... ---- • r I O.W . N- LOTS —Three.valuatls'Yoivil __. &.- Lots, fvr We cheap for mth: For further inform. t on apply tit ._JOIN P. LYNE & SOX,S„ • - May 18,1850-2 m , . North Hanover et.- . -GR AIN CR ATILES . —Gregor's Plank'n, Miller's, Smith'. and Bernhelsel's undtd, on hand and for nale,at the maker's prices, with alaiue assortment of Scythes, .t.; Qr k, Hakes; &., at the Hard ware titcre of • ". J.T. 'NNE & SON, " May it, IMO. . • North-llanover st. LAIxUTOIVS NOTICE. Letters testamentary under the will of Dr. irtiob • ,Sawyel', Into of the borough 01 .Carlisle, deed. hare been lasmd .heat the Register's onlce'of Cumberland cline ty,to the subscribers, residing In said borough. All _persons In. "debted to the estate aro required to maktKuiutedlate payment, nod those having datums to present them for settlement. • - MAltl7 SAWYER. MEE Mny 18, 1859-6 t • WILL BE OPEN on Saturday a complete assortment of Sumner Goods, setected with groat care to meet the aunts of the season and trade, embracing all kinds of goodsry Goods in all their varieties, bace and silk , Sun Inbrelles, Parasols, Lace Mitts, Hooped Skirts. Men's and Boys'. Wear. In fact everything suited for the demands of the buying community. eleasu call and see for yourselves, at ,S: SAWYER'S New Storo, • • May 18, ISt& East Main street. UDITOR'S NOTICE . In the Orphana' Court of Cumberland . 1011 n y, In the matter of the estate of Barham Shelly. dee'd. no Auditor appointed 'hy the Court to Make proper application of the purchase 'untidy, arising out of the sale of the real estate of said deceased, sold tut. der an order of the Orphans' Court, of said County, on the petition of George [Muer, Guardlau of.lolut Bretz, will meet the parties interested. for the purpose of his appointment, on Friday, the 3d day of Juno next, at lu o'clock, A. M., at his °face In the borough of Cor'lsle. 31ay 18, 1859-3t . ' A. It. SHARPE, Auditor. 001/ TIIINGS.—Just received by Ni 3 the subscriber. the following: ' :FRESII TOMATOES, In Cans. • Peaches, .tS " Salmon, • . Lobsters. richly! Lobsiers, Sardines, Ooltatin. Sap Sage Cheese, Pine Apples, Virgin Oil of Ali, for the table, Tonmtoe 'Catsup, Walnut do., Mushroom do., Worcestershire Sauce, French Olivet, do. stulTed with. Anchovies,— Pickles, Raisins, Oates, Irher. Prunes. Oranges end Lent. one. Fine Items, Dried Deer. Groceries Queensware,Fine Liquors, Fish, all nt the lowest cash prices. at the cheap store oP ' WM. BENTZ. May 18,1850. MELODE O' S!!' • GRAND INDUCEMENTS! I would inform the citizens of Cliniberlend aud nor rounding counties, that 1 con mitt - will sell PRINCE & COS. IMPRAIXED MELODEONS, , on terms as reasonable, as any person dare sell tho nn inipraed instruments of ether establishments. The Prince Melodeons have the re.a al ul being the best in the world. Thu Instruments can be seen at 11.. F. Eberly's, 111. chanicsbnyg, IV.'D. A, Naugle's. Carlisle, and - st the residence of•the suleicrlber, near New . Kingston, Pa. See Prince's advertisement in another column, 'oreirculanroriothnrlntorinatinnTaddreas----,..- J. A. DEADY, . • Near Now Kingston, Cumb. co., Pa. May 18,1859-3m* PATT'S PATE N T • HAY AND GRAIN' BAKE. This Rake has taken the Phut Premiums etMandl' , Donut exhibitions. Thu public aro already aware that thin Rake Is unrivalled in any market, and is admitted .by every poison that has seen It work, (and who has seen other different machines work,) to be tbe way best t nko now in use., It • Win.; an Independent east steel tooth with a cleaner attached. Thu largo number sold the last year, and the - el Torts of different parties to claim the right to soli, and others representing theirs ti bo the souls patent Is of Itself a most convincing proof of Its superiority. ' Over live hnndred have been sold in Lancaster courtly alone. We have now a full supply en hand to accommodate other counties. We guarantee to every purcliavvrn indisputable• right to soli the - said rake Tito following are a few persons to whom we ro• for in this county and York, ash l_ ving purchased and• used the name: CUMONRIAND COUNTY—J. S. Hoover, l:/avld Clark, Out. shall& Jos Brandt, R. Bryson, W. M. Watts, 0. Brandt, J. Beitshtatver, P. F. Ego, P. Itruchbill. Zook & Shaeffer, C. Ilarlsier, I. Puffer, Benj. Puffer, Thomas Galbrath, L. 'frog° k Brother. .--- I(OIIK.COUNITY-OIIVId .Lerow, S. 'Rake. Lewis Pressen, I. Prosser; Abr Smith. W. Fiore, Benj. Strickler:ll4nry St rolun,3, A. Wilson,ll. C. Rouser, J. Stoat, Pr Menges,. M. Trpsr4t, J. Brandt. For sale - Sy ti. W. BRANDT, and STRICKLER & 11110., Carltele, Ponn'a. May 11, '59 —2ru QOTOR ARMSTRONG' has Imo" • oil hla office to the South west tairaer4lhinevor lc iktit ot whore ho may ho Consulted at any hour°, the kimp day oenlght. Dr. A. has hect-thlity years experience luAlke prgession, the last, ton of which have been dove. tell to the study q. , id, practice of .I.lemceoptithle medi• a. '. ' May 20, 1e70n,....6. ' ,-.• UAW - Mit ,'":" A itoE!.7ll. BIDDLE' I_4 coutinuou tha practice of tbo 11,w, In the office formerly occupied by hie father, Wm. ill. Diddlo,-Esq , nod mnre recently, by the law firm of Penroeo * Diddle, umv, illenolved. • " .. Doc. 23, '574 -• , ..• . , • • . . • Cl, , P. HUMRICH, Attorney at • .7-oMco on North llanoVer street:, n doors' south et Wass' Ilotel. All business entrusted to him .will be promptly attendod to: • [Aprilj.§. TI DI. . gENItOSE has removed his Mike hi rear o ...ttreaurtilmtspimitore-horal/-pronaptly-ApendLto all 'business entrusted to him. • August 10:1857: , • . • f-AW''.OFFICE:-LEMUEL TODD - resumed the practice .of the law.. Office -In Centre Square, west sidii, near the First Presbyterian Church. - -April 8, 1857. . :1711t. S. B. KIEFFER Office in North Lifllnnovol' Area two doors from Arnold:lz Son's 9toro. Moe hours, moreporticularly from 7 to 9 o'clork A. 11., and from 6to ,7 o'clock, P. M. • , G•EORGE Z.-BRETZ IIM: 4141-7gr7"s Alba.— 1%11..17 Having returned to Carlisle, offers hliriiiiiressionat ear lees tnthe citizens gonorally. ' Oflico In North Pitt street, nearly oppositn We former reeldenee. • ' Torras—Moderate. - 'quiff; DENTIST:from the Dal th odro College of Itentol Surgery. . tyl..olllcgat tho roghtonco of his mother, East boutho et.reet,three doers below Medford.. - Much 19, 1856—tf. • • S. W. HAVERSTICK, Druggist, North Hanover Physic:MlN prescrlptionscarofully compoundod A full Hupply of frush drugs and iherulrala. • .DR. J. I. NEFF fespeet folly Informs the ladies and gentlemerr ofCarlisle, nod vicinity, thitt he hen re awned the practice of Dentlatry, and in prep:trod to per. form all operations on tile teeth and gunnel, belonging to hi, profeselon. Ile will insert full' cots of teeth ern gold Ur, allver, with single gush teetli;briplocka, itteth - PY may-prefer.-- Tim. moderato. to kilt the thaws - Office in Well street, directly opposite • the Cumber land Valley Bank." 11(1.. Dr..N. will bo in Nowvllle •tho' lent ten days o ery month Jan. '2O, 19—ly* • • •C constan tly'onban DR.I.C.LOOMIS• . , Solidi Ilanov;or street, 1:111311 1111r next-door to-the Post, 4 Office. ' . ' • _.„ , ,try Wlll be absent from Carlisle the lention,ddis of ouch month.—.. • 'lnug., 1, '65.. __..,rr" , E 0... W... NEIDICII,. D.: D. .S.-,-. . — "Wita Dornonetrator of Operntirir Denlistryetotho ‘13 , 631 bla o llirj u o rge Co ry ll ago of - irliort.::•-' ; Wilco at lils,rc:side ace, opreelte Marion Mail, treSt Main streat, Carlisle, loon Nov. 110857. ' tre' FARE REDUCED, 'la* ' S T AIE S UN - I - ON - HD T EL -600-&--608-Market above 'sixth; TERMS . :—SI. 26 , per flay B BEDE & MENDENHALL -• . Hrestern Inind itiul Collecting Agents. Particular nttentien paid to the business of non.resi• dents, such ns Itnylng and soiling Iteni Estate, leaning mnney nit "real - estate sot:allies. Paying Tuxes and looking oiler the general interest of non.residents.. References given jf required. , Address biIEDE MENDENHALL, 31inueapolls, Minnesota: July 21,185-ly r • 0• T E dersigri, ed, being well known 'n's wwriter. would .offer hls survires to all requiring Literary aid. lb will furnish - Addhusges, Orations, Essays PreFontation_mpeecheeslnti replies, Linea for Album". Arrostira—prepare matter 'for the Preri—Oloituarlea, and write Poetry-upon any guided. Address (pont paid) - ob. 17, 1858, VEAL ESTATE AGENCY, RE .MOVAL.-A: L • SPISNPLIIII, REAL ESTATE YT, CON VIIYANCINt AND ISCRIVILVIR, has re moved t(vhis'liew Office on Main street:vat -doge well of tho Cumberland Valley hall hood Depot; lie in now permanently located, and has on hand and for kale a arerfliiine amount at Real Paltate,. contacting, of Farms, of All alses,•lnverrivbilt and unimproved.. Mill Proportion. Town'itn(porty of every description, Duild• log Lots, also, Western Londe and Town Lots. Ile will give bin attention, an heretofore to the Negotiating of Loans. Writing of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, Coutracto. and Scrivening generally. ... Oct. 29, 11157.—tf. WASHINGTON HOTEL, NORTH WEST COBNER O 1 TIIII PUBLIC SQUARE, CARLISLE, PA. The subscriber haring nitereeded 11. Burkholder Irk the management of thin popular Hotel, begs leave to' 'assure the ti evening public as soil an the citizens In town and county, that no pains will ho spared- outdo part, to maintain the chnraeter which this house has enjoyed so long, us a first Ow Hotel. Each departnent Wl , l Le under hid Immediate super vlnion and twiny attention paid to the comfort of lan guests Having been recently enlarged It in one of the mint commodious Hotels in town, while In regard to 10, entity, it In superior to any. HENRY OL 188. Carlisle. Apr. 20, 1009-3 m ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT TI P frllll special 1% 1 11173 t ru n ,' e t s o t tt,"Xy through Rent Rgtate and securities, Negotiate loans, pay taxo-, locate land nlrrants, Ac., ke.• Refer to the members ot the Cumberland County Bar, and to all prominent Ott. sons of Carlisle, Pa. . [Aug-I'sB-Iy,- 610 N i/ ~ oN P. tirirnEn. Ohio. r • V. K. :11eP.i.nLaas, Pennsylvania. L. I: COOK, . . 11110110 16!Mid. S INYD E R, M'FAItLAND, AND COOK, Bankers'Oind Dealers In Real Estate, :Timo 3,1857.—1 y . FRANKLIN HOUSE. Routh Hanover Stceot, futjolnlog the. Court House, Carlislo, Pa. JOHN HANNON. s .11!nmristor. or- Malt Ccorh leaves daily for Paperlown, Peter erg, York Springs and Ha aoror from this House. itA4 IN GAINS! LARGE AND:EXTENSIVE ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMMER' ODDS, At the New Store, corner of N. Itenover R Louthor sta. Tho undersigned ratline thanks for the patronegn bestowed upon him by the public, and at neuron time respectfully announces that he hue Jose returned fmm Plain&lplifn, and la now opening n new lot of spring & consoler DRY HOODS end oitocumws, consisting In part nn Pillows, and which he le determined. to yell at the lowest cash prising. Silks, Dead Cloths, Chailles, Alpacas, Delalnes. Do Mines. !Metres, Poplins, Lawnic Baragon Brilliants, Skirting. French and Scotch Ding. hams, Prints, Moyne, Hosiery, Collars, Handkerchiefs, d.c. • — MEWLS - AND MANTILLAS, • of euory variety dnd quality. Staple nod Domestic Ihy Goods. Cloths, Cassimeres, Testings, Flannels, sfits. line, .Tiekings, .Stripes, Checks, •Calicoee, Cottonades, LI liens, Sheutings, Denims, Nankeens. Drills, Marseilles Quilts, colored and white carpet- Chain, Ic. Parasols and Umbrellas. Also, a large and splendid assortment of BONNETS, lIATS, 'CAPS, BOOTS and SUCES, superior lot of fresh CIItOCIBLIF.B, Teas, Coffee, Sonar, Molasses, Mee, Spices. rte. !laving selected my entire stock with : the greatest can., xed the lowest:cash prices, I can assure fey friends and - tho puhlltigenerally. that ,I will do all in my power to make my-ststabilshment known as the "fiend (Warders. for Bargains." Those' who wish to purchase will Bed It to their advantage to call and examine toy stock before purehasingOlaewhere. Bap I will pay the highest market price for Butter, eggs, Page, Soap and Dried Fruit. r Apr: 27, 1859. J. A. 11115111ICIT, Jr. . . • - • - . . ,„ L..3I.O.IV_EILANDLILEA_r_t_n_ The auluicribeile also agent for the fltllo of thu Syral use Pir4 Premium Buckeye Mower, with which a sum 'taut Reaping attachment le now furniehed.. AULTMAN4 MILLIIL'B PATENT.' • . We take Ulaosure In calling the attentloU ot farmers to our Buckeye Mower and Reaper, which' bas ,in- its trlunipbent practical working during the last harvest, ,se-fully.sustatuuLthudeclalou.ot.lhe racueo Comm ;toe. Its aureola; has been complete.— Over ono thousand have been built and sold, and the. prlbelpal of the double bingo, jointed and folding bar, which beionge to,this machine excldelvely, nently established as the true one for the period Mow. era, No with omfidence refer to any or all of the pur-‘ chasers ;of the Buckeye for the proof of , the above, from, many of whom have been 'receiVed the' ;nest. flattering .testlmanlala. The demand the. limit season wearer le. iond Oitr. ePßl.TanilliAlitrustAix-orders. wilt - tie forwarded ettilyAbe sowing neason, that none rutty be disappointed. To tins°. requiring a combined machine ,we hicomniend with - confidence our Beeping attachment; wetfurnish avoar,Or, 'side Manufactured by Sago T. Cope & Westchester, 131: W. Brandt, Agent for the Sale of the same, or ,CC . 151ny-11;'50--2m Agidenitddld Stem - Carlisle Fa.' 11loTgL KEEPEAS ; ;AND' • DEALw 4 W34601 1 / 4 41) , sunned' iTith LIQUORS at', c city prices, at the ciacfand clump artiory 0t . ,, Jan.10,1(09. , • , AII6I.II.CSS :earil6. Lefirllnlo,June 1; 's9* !=! Cl= ropriator. JuJO'sB BANKERS, FINLEY JOHNSON, llaMinot°, M,l W.' C. RHEEM Minneapolis, ✓llinnesotia MINNEAPOLIS, 311noeseta Territory B C E UT . I:IAL LIFE INS CiltAN EU= - 6kErcE NORTWEAST CORNER OF BD, and Dock streets. Philadflphia. ACCUMULATED OAPITAL $716,000. .- • _ Charter Perpetual. , DANIEL 8. MILLER, Prosldont. • • SADIUELE STOKES, Vico yrusident. - 1 .-tIouN-W...ltonsaL Seey. , . The undersigned. havifig been appointed the AGENT for the above Company, for. Cumberland county, would call attention to the peculiar advintagen of the 31tirMin LITE Issnasses.whieh given it a dechled.preference over any other mode adopted. There being no storklioldem,. the - In-Mita are, Melded among the - policy holders, and appropriated to reducing the summit payments, thus making tinch ego interested, equally with..thq Trustees, ' in.addlng,to the 'business of The company. v. •. The premium may ho paid quarterly, semioinuuelly, or annually, so that persons of limited means can !n -ame for a greater amouno, than they could ware the whole,paid cash': - Circulars With full particulars ran be had on nppllea. • Con to the-subscriber, at Ills office, street, near • Real Estate Agent and,Convoyancor. . , Carlisle, Mar 23, 11332—Gin . A VUlt N ITU RE, FURNITURE, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. -••-• WE: DEOJIAAF, • • _ 110WEIIT, (Wholesale. Ware- House.) end . 65 CHILYSTIE ST , (Retail Stored N. -.- Where will be found the largest and nicist extensive tus• ' sorttpent lu.tho city, • • •• ' 11111 e of $25 Ylel ailed at , Wholesale' • "Priers at the Bowery Store.• - •• • . . . . AU Furniture guaranteed as represented. Ono bun dred and fifty Molds conelantly employed In manufac turing. All stock laid In for titre Coon. It comprises, in part,— . „.:_iIOETWOOD, MAHOGANY AND WALNUT PARLOR irURNITURE, In Dmeado' Biocafelle. 'Maine,' Plush and Mir Cloth - Roacnniod,.llahogany and .Enainelled • C.FrAMJ E JF LT NIA' RE, -- In sets, from .tivenfy to ono hundred and fifty 'dollars Also, ;CANE SEAT and C051310N 'FURNITURE, in great vorifity. A large a•Sortmont of Hilt and Mahogany ' .11110{0R:4. Spring and Curled IL& 31ATTRASSES, ! PATENT Premium SOFA BEDSTEADS, with SPrlngand----' -Hair Mattraitseaatiaelted; Re. . STEAMBOATS -AND HOTELS FURNISHED. - Dealers will find it to their interest to giro nett cuff.. 0tar.30,1850-3m. • • TT ALBE R T' FAMIL Y - GRUCERY, ..QUEENSIVARE AND VARIETY STORE, - /Vora-West Corner of the Public Square, oppo site the Carlisle Deposit 13ank. J. 12, lIALBERT has.agiaa replenished lag stock, goods. >lllssssort went is now fdll and r.aniplaie, among whleh knay brieriiiiiierated . ivi4Y variety . of fresh FAMILY. GROCERIES, which In quality-and Oleo ; CAN'T BE BEAT A largo stock oiChina, Ohm and Queeneware, of now and.beautiful designs, and embracing every grajle of Price. • • Ito Is SoLt Aormr In Carlisle for Joets' celebrated ... KEROSENE. OR COAL OIL .LAMPS; • 000 of the, 'greatest Ilifenverloot_ of the _age,. combining. cheapness, safety, and increased ilea. Coal 011 and., lamps, copitantly on - hand, Which the public are ' queste. 40 ill and examine; ' • . JOB. D. II ALIWItT,- .. - • - N. W. Corner of Public Agueiro. Carlisle, Oct. 27, Wt. - . . BLINDS AND SHADES, . - - Cheap for. Cash .• '- .J. WILLIAMS,. • 16 North Sixth street; Philadelphia. Is the largest manufacturer of Window . Blinds,,, AND DEALtt IN WINDOW_ SHADES, Of 'every variety. ile is the originator of all now styles and has a fine stork to ho sold at reduced juices. Bull, and all other colors of linen shades , trimmings, dres,.4e. - Store shades painted to order: W.lnvites citizens "of Ude county cd-qa before purchasing. and assures theta hn can sell a bet• Ler article for the money than any ether ealabiliihment In the United - States. - - Mar. 23, 180-3 m ' ' -UMBER—YARD.—The- subsoribers having purrlmmd a large tract of -pine timber and saw milli, on the west branch.of the Somme !Mona river, have opened out's lumber yard at - • _ on the railroad, corner of Allen and High stria:tn. near the steam saw mill 01 &idle, Eberly &Co., and also one AT GREASONVILLE, ' neeirPlainlield, where we will be able to sell lumber at suelt prices that will be to the Interest of builders and others' to call and see us Wore buying elsewhere; Our advantages over other dealers are than our lumber not pass through the hands of •one Iwo or mere Inters before we get it, and that will cualda lumber cheaper than a ly others can sell dt t mess placa We will aloe whole to lumber from one Harrisburg yard, nod will deliver. lumber -at any.:Polnt aiong.thu Cumberland Valley Railroad. If desired, builders can havolumber sawed suitable for any size of building, or .fur other purposes, by furnlalli4hicht us with their or. tiers In season. SUASENER, OREASON A CO. April, 13, 1859-1 y EXCELSIOR PICTURES A. It. lIHNIWD would respectfully Inform the &ions of Carlisle and vicinity that he has taken room; In Zug's Grew building, cast corner of Market Square, warm he Is at all times ready to take A3IIIItOTYPES In the latest and most approved style. Pictures taken in rainy and cloudy weather as well as clear; and ant. •Isfection given or no charges made. Portraits and Da. Aiierrentypes copied. Miniature Pictures taken for Lockets Am., in Ambrotype. Ambrotypes warranted to stand the test of time, helm or water. Ladies and Gentlemen are cordially invite d to en and examine specimens. Prices from 2.sets. to $lO. 185H.-It.l DHINT AND OILS.-10,000 pounds _ of White Load. .vith a largo 0000rtmout of WHITE ZINC, COLORED ZINC, FIRE PROOF PAINT; FLORENCE WIIITE, RED LEAD, OILS, VARNISHES, TURPENTINE, JAPAN, LITHARGE, • PUTTY: .• WHITING, GLUE,PAINT BRUSIIES,&c. • And all colors dry and In oil. Also, all color; In tubes just received at the cheap hardware store of MIN 16, IMO. HENRY SAXTON— TO LADIES. •VISITIN 11- NNW YORK. TAYLOR'S LALOON, 36 et 367 SAO tl/WAY, CORNIIR Or FRANKLIN STREET,. Is the moot fashionable resort for Ladles In New York, being most desirably Incited In the.principal thorough fare, and surrounded by the best Mores in the city. Taylor's Saloon is celebrated all over the world for the magnificent splendor of its decorations. as well an for the quality of the fare, and the style In which it Is served, which cannot be nxcslled by men the.farnoun Parisian o..mkt. The Salop,' Is connected with the , INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, whiA ben a Splendid Ladles' l'arlor fronting on Broad. commanding en ostensive vidw of that world - roar wreo promenade. The best evidence of the popu larity I I Taylor's Saloon is that it In daily thronged by . ylnitom,riimintery_part of the Union. Imazil i :_a9-3in, CHEAP COAL AND LUMBER The subscribers,have - now on hand ono hundred and -eighty thousand Shingles, of different kinds and quell ty. White Ono:. Hemlock, [Chestnut and Oak, all of which they will sell at the lowest figures Also, all kinds of seasoned LUMBER, Boards. Scant ling, Yowl. Stuff, Paling, Plwilering Lath, Shingling Lath, worked Flooring, and Weatherboarding, Post and liable and every article that belongs to a Lumber Yard. ' Also. a prime lot of walnut, chorry • and poplar, from ;14 to 3( inches in thickness. binning corn of our own we dm furnish sawed lumber and all other kinds at short notice and on reasonable fermi. . _We_intro constantly ou hand All_kinda of Fanilly-Coal --- which wp will deliver clean to any part of the borough. LYKENS VALLEY, ." Broken, Egg, , Stovo nu Nut LUKE FIDDLER, LiegilEil do. do, do. Best quality of Limo burner's and Blacksmith's Coal always on hand which we will sell as low as any yard In town. SIIRO3I S 110EFEll, , • Yard East end of the Borough, opposite the Gas Works. %No 11, 18615. Li RES II GROCERIES! AT S. C. HUYETT'S Shad and Mackerel of different grade's, MNMZMIMI Codfish, ihsit and Picklod Iforrlok, At TitliETT'S Cheese and Crackers can tie bad . . Dried Prink Preveries and Jellie4 _' Sugar Cured Thief and . thunly At lIIIYETT'S. A fzeish supply of LIQUOIII3, - . . • • At lIIIYETT'S. 01le, White Lead, de., &e., • TUB. A 111.6 UTT A PRINTS.•.:.. They are the best.-0 fur ALI them COBB yet offered to the Pubthi • . ' WHOLESALE AOENTS, DEFOREST,; GfiAIiiSJIADLES. A large lot o all dlffea•ant maku,pwith snplleb.and ltinericat ' Scythes, on hand and fbr sale cheap, • ..-.slay 25, 851:1.• ' ..M.BAXTONI3. TILEVATORS.Just re6eivge. a )ergo. estoitment.or thy, Elevatoil, opeOtakaa, Foita, &o:, cheaper than aver, at : • - Ma, 260669. I.l..ArrON'l3. • NORTH Hit OVER STREET • .• - CONFECTIQNtRy, CAIt.LISLE PA.' • 'Wholesale Rates Reduced $2 per 100;/bs. The attention orbAintry Merciuinie and the public - generally - ls Invited to ilerge,lwortvienrof ___C„liOlOrt—q.kiVD.TES!, • . • umnuhtetbrdii of the best'anaterlal and warranted to' contain no poison In their colors, which will ho Bold Wholesale or Retell at lowiites at the old stand of . P . . 'lll O.N lIC zt , • NORM JUNO* STREET, CARLISLE, PA., ' kfew ddors North of•tte ftwltele Deposltilank. • - • - Just reeolved a large assortment of • '-. -• • ' FItBSIL FRUITS AND NUTS 0 -thwiatext-importatienneopeletinge? Oranges, • • ' • Lernons, - ' . --- Figs; ~, • . ' . Dans, . . Banannaei • Pine Apples, • Almonds, . ' FilbortH, , - Cream Nuts, • , Cocoa Nuts, de., all of-will& will be sold at low rates. Also,, a largo its sortment of -.', . The subscriber returns thanks for the liberal' patron. ago bestowed on him by thin public. dud aollotta a cow thulium of.their favors. Remember the Old Stood of P. MONTER,' - North IfanoVer Street. terflele; June 16,'68 liIIRST OPENING of the SEASON A NEW 00,01).9 I. NNW 000031 .LEIDICk,ScSAWYER;. _ (Al their New Store, Eqel Alain street,) • Have just received from New Fink and Philadelphia the most:complete and varied assortment of DILI' HOODS ever offered In Carlisle.. Ein bracing everything that is new and style and texture, such as , FANCY, SILKS, In all the various colors, barred, striped, ellen°, and bayarlero: Plain. striped and bayadoro, Black Silks Foulards of now designs, barge and lawn. robes of the latest Paris styles, satin striped do ebevru 'cloths, French challis American detains, Organdy lawns, dark amilight..grounds- and beautiful-designs:--Travelling dress goods hf- the nowent Make - Also, o- full -stpek of - Mourning dross goods, to which' wo Invite particular_ attention. This part of our stock is 'unusually complete consist ing of Crape, Silk, StMla, In all the variety of shades and qualities. Mourning Shawls, Mee and silk from the celebrated-emporium of Drod.e_ Uulpins, New York.— Sun Umbrellas, Showerets and Parasols of the newest styles. „WHITE GOODS OV ALL KINDS, Embridderles in full netts, Collars, Shuves, worked hinds, liounclngs, edgings and inserting. We give great care to this branch of our trade, and ladies will find a very full an-: ortment. ,„. of the latest Ithprovonionts, skirt supporters, a new ar.. tick. A full line-of Alexander's kid doves, imported and sold by fitewart, Now York. 'Mitts, .cloves and gauntlets In eve, variety. Also, a largo stock of the newest stylus of man's nod' boy's spring. cassimoreit, black cloths and catishneres.. AMERY of every des cription, in this department matins' care has boot ta• ken to ,elect the various kinds..aed sizes suitable for Ladies, Misses, Boys, and Childrens wear. In sict our Stock embraces everything kopt in a first class dry goods,store. . Having purchased for cash and made our.oelectlons among the best Importing and jebbing houses In the cities of Non , york and Philadelphia,Wenro prepo red to offer superior inaucoments to buyers._ All we ask is nn eXamlnation of our stock before purchasing . elsoirhero, tar wldcli fitior . wo willfeel very grateful. _ Apr, 6, 1859. LEIBICII ,ICSAWYER. NII W ' , S T 0 C K... - BOOTS,' -. . .. ' SHOES, ' . • .......- . . • P . _ •RATs, • . _. • dAP.9. • JOHN - IRVINE, having. taken , the stand, :on. the north east corner of the Square, recently occupied by -J. it. Keller, would respeatfully inform the citizens in town and country, that Ile has just returned from Phil adelphia with a dew and desirable asiewttnent Of goods In his line, composing (lIINXLEMEN'S FINE CALF DRESS BOOTS, KIP DO., LADIES'—MOititOCO AND GOAT BOOTS, KID Sid NIERS AND !AMINO GAI TERS, MISSES' AND CJIILDIIENS' BOOTS AND GAI. TEItS, In great variety; Boys' - and Youth's Boots and Brogans. Men'a anti bop' - • . _ . HATS AND CAPS, ' • •-. . . of every - description, add a general arsortment of straw goods.— Tim stork hasbeett selectodlidtlfigreatVletban-d -will ho sold at a *cry small advance on city wholesale prices. _ &IL. Don't forget tho cheap corner, opposite the Ihn, aid office. . -101 IN IRVINE. . .Carlisle, Apr.l3, 1859. . IV M-11:M U It It A Y, • respeelftilly inform. his friend. and the pu. C_ • • L r .bile In general, that ho skito •.receiring and will ' constantly • keep on • Band, • UNDER COVER, LYKENS VALLEY—Broken. Egg and Nut. LUKE FIDDLER—Broken, Egg and Stove. WILKEBBARRE:--Lump and Broken. , • TREVORTON PINEUROVE— . Broken 4-Egg Also, best quality °Lemon." and .“Band-top" Black smith's coal, all of which ho IEIII sell nt reammable ces..+Thankful for the pakronage heretuforo E. liberally received ho Rake a - continuance of the samo. - - Coal Yard. at the old stand, on tho railroad, nearly oppoelto Dickinson College. [Apr.l3, 1859. COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON MANUFACTORY. • The mile:rr ien. takes this method of Informing her friends and the public, that she still continues the manufacture of all kinds of work, In Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron. lice Stoves are selected from the most op. proved styles. The Cooking Stoma for their qualities as molts and bakers cannot be surpassed, among which ore the well known Globe, Noble Cook, Fanny Forres ter, Governor, Penn ' and the now favorite, Prairie Flower, eolnid Ina' all the tested Improvements, in fact the best and cheapest stove ever offered trf the public. The Latrobe Stove, or parlor heater, Improved, for warming two, Girt. or four rooms, put up to order, ha nkies ajarge assortment of Parlor Radiators and omee stoves. PRICES REDUCED, on PLUSIBINfp • and OAS FITTING. Those who wish work done in thik line would do well to ca I at the old stand before contracting elsewhere, as I am de. termined to do work far lower than the .present rates. I have for sale and keep constantly mi hand the patent Scotch Tip Burner, War Tapers, plain and Rory 0150,.11, Globes. Gas Fixtures, Wrought Iron Tubes, Hydrants, Lead Pipe, G Hose, Shower Bathe, Bath Tubs, Over. flow Basins, Marble Basin tops, he. My workmen are competent and reliable. All work warranted and for workmanship and material, I challenge competition. A few good Cook Stoves with some suitable for parlors on hand, - which I will sell at cost. - May 4, ISM MARY M. MOR!IIS. A. It. II EN WOOD. Artist. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM.: J. U. !DAMAO A: CO,, . successors to Wm. IL Trout would announce to their customers and the Wilh ;neurally that they have Just received from Philadel phia, a largo and elegant stuck of goods, in their line of buslnevii of every variety, style and quality. . They have on Lauda splendid aasorttneut of -.. _... -• c. -- HATS AND CAPS, iii. ' - , -- of all descriptions, from the common Wool o the finest FUIt AND SILK HATS; and at prices hat must suit every one who has an eye to gating the worth of his money. Thn stock Includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIM ERE, BEAVER & FELT HATS, ofevory style and color and unsiiipasted for MOUT. NESS, DURABILITY:AND FINISH: by peso of any other establishment In the country. ' MEN'S, lIOYS' end CHILDREN'S HATS..and CAA% ortivery_lescription constantly eithlind• - They respectfully Invite all the old — pittToTtireMlaTt ninny now ones as possible, to give them a call. . O.,CALLIO & CO. , Apr. 27.1159-1 y TIME ANNIHILATED !! • • CREAM. ACTUALLY FROZEN IN 3 MINUTES TOIVREY'S ' NEW 4 MINUTE FREEZER; ' Thl subscriber, after careful study and verlobs expo. riments, has succeeded lu constructing a Freeter,whlch for simplicity, durability, rapidity and quality of Its' production, is unequaUed,_and cannot universal favorite. To satisfy the Incredulous, there will be weekly pizb lie exhibitions of this Freezer, at No. o — Platt street, to prove Its ability to do all that la claimed for. it. Size from to 20 quarts. , Als'o, Manufacturers' Wholesale Agent for the celev brand "1114 Dominion" Coffee and Tea Pots, and Ar. thur,e patent self sealing Jan and Cans. May 4,1859-1 m BONNETS, RII3I3ONS & FLQWER. Just received from Now York add Philadelphia, a large lot of now style BONNETS, FLATS, and 110008. Also, a large assortment of elegant Itibbofis and Flow. ere. Bonnets for 1214 at the of • April 20, 1850. CHAS. 00ILBY:- 11= )". E W .0•0 A.L 'Y A R b- I AT THE WEPT END OP 01i1LISLIt. • , - he subscriber would respectfully Call . theatteritioli of Limeburners and the citizens of Carlisle, and the surrounding country generally, to his ' NEW COAL YARD, attached to his Ware House, on West High et., where ,he will keep .constantly on hand a large supply,. of the best quality of COAL, to wit: , .- , . Lykorre Valley, Luke Piddled, Pine Grove and Traver ton, Broken, Egg and Nut Coal--scr.eened and dry coal, which-he pledges Ilinteelf , to sell at - tbo' lomenrposilble prices. Best quality of Limeburner's and Bleekemlth'e Coal always on hand. . - ~ . -.. Aar All orders left at the Ware Nouse ' or at his' rest. dance In North Hanover street , will. be promptly at tended to. Aprlll4,lll3—tL,', , . ,.• J. W., HENDERSON.' , =I At HIIYEiT'S 4TATP rot' f ad . the .estate of beef,' R. Cooier, -la o OuberlEind county, deeeAsed;haie been Issued In due IMMi of lawitoithe subscriber residing In UpperA Ilon townehlp.: Tleissi indebted to the estate, will make Im.• medlats payment, and those having child's will present thankrot • DAVID 000VICk Apr: 20 Administrator, . - . PAPER'.-:—Tho Mount ' , Holly ~Wmpemi, bare no* on bind:arid are prenared,tO, manufacture to order all varlettecot fine Writing and, Lodger paper.' - Addrola • - tnitkotr, . / 19, 40 #9 11. 3' SPOliga PCT,' Nov. 10,'60—Om ithuctlancLlU9. AND FANCY Coops Of ovary. vdidoty. Alto, all thi bed - brArideibt . BE9ARS , AND TOBACCO, ' of AmorkAn and Gorman manuficturo.. 811 AWLS, fill AWL.% „SHAWL§ IroorEks_Kmi's;, COAL WALT = Ake- Sand for a Circular... Eli E. P. TORREY, Manufacturer, No. 9 Platt street, Now York. FUND U RULES. • • . . --=-I, Manerierieeelvadnverrditypitid - in - anyainOtin lingo or small: •. • 2- Film per-rani interest is paid for moneyfrom the daytria - pnrint• - • a. ' o l'ho money la alwoyn am, wheiever It Is call pil for, and withoutnotire. • 4; Ilfghoy Is reedvod from Eioeutors, Administrators, duardfans and 'others who doslro to have It in a plate of punnet safety, and wham dxd,erost can bit obtained a. The money rCeolled from depositors is invested In real estate, trtortgages ground rants, nod such dther— first class securities as the Charter directs. . . .. . ' 6. Oflleo flour6—Every day from 9 till 6 o'clock, pn Mondays and Thursdays till 11 o'clock In the ovenlng. " 110 N. HENRY' L. RONNE% President. ROREIPP SELFRIDGE, Fish President. ' WM. J. REED, Secretary. • . . ....i . • DIRECTORS. •• .. . • .. -F. Carroll Drowster, Jam;Plf D. Parry, . . Francis Lee Joseph Yerlies, .RenrY_Dlffendeffer. ' 1011:' • . • Nest Corner of 'third, .. kELPIIIA. . Henry L. Benner, Edward L. Cartar, Itntwrt Seßrldga, Stunuol'li. /Mtn)), C..L. Kanner, o,PP Walnut Street, South . . Apr, 20, 1809 fl‘f EW. -M U S I. 0 gT. 0 R El,. ii NO, 93 f.fAkKET STREET,' HARRISBURG. :^• , 8 . .I 1 E is, ;a , - si u„s 1,. a ' .„ . . IMITRUCTION 1100101, ' •.?' DIUSIOAL.3IERCIIANDISE GENERALLY, PIANOS, - • . . • ..... • . . MELODEONS,' \,. . GUITARS, - . • . 'VIOLINS, • .•" • _ ACCORDEONB,&6.. , ➢lay 11, 69. 0. C. B. CARTgIt. I ARG.I4 - 3,.,SPRING . ARRIVAL aL4.- - YRtYIII NEW YORK AND I,IIII4DELPIII,Ar ELEGANT.YEIV GOODS 'AT A. W. BEINITZM STORE. SpAndid stock clam Black Dress Silke—Magnificent Styles Fancy Dress Silks. , 'RICH! RARE!! ELEGANT!!! • French Youlan' Silks, 'Chinese Silks, Satin and Striped Bareges, Valcnchts, DuEolles, beautiful new printed Challies..French printed Jaccc. ' • netts, very. handsome English' Bell- Mints, very hnndeome French ,Drilliants, English French A AUterican prints, Scotch, - French and Domeittic • v • - Bonnets, Bon, 1 : net Ribbons and Dre se T - r 1 m-mings, •• . A, Shawls in every variety, • , = Silk, Cram Stella, Cashmere, .Ac. Embroideries, very low. corn. prising Collars Sleeves Ftbuncings,Edg - legs, Carpetings and 011 Cloths, Vanilla'', Ingrain ' three 'Ply, Drussells, Cotton and Hump. Dragnets and Floor 011 Cloths all widths. • " LINEN GOODS. • A. complete assortment embracing all the most tolebro.. ted marks. ' • 'Gloves and ' Hosiery • for La. • dies, Miss es and Children, groat variety of kid, silk and cotton Gloves, La. dies elegant twisted Silk Mit ts,&c, - DOMESTIC'. AND. STAPLE GOODS, • bleached and 'unbleached Skirtings, bleach : od, and unbleached Sheetings, 'Woollen and Cetton Flannels, CorsCt, Jeans, Tickings, Cottou• /Wes, Sattinetts, Tweeds,Cotton. and Linen ____Diapers,_Table Covers, beachedandhrowtx Drillings, and an endless variety of other articles, In facl;this stock ' of Ceti& is very extensive, tho- • rough and nomplete,Lay.. ' - • . leg. been purchased ~ . • , ' with n great deal c••-• °foam, we feel • ;Ede - Mont we can please AO one who - svill favor us with - ft call. All candid persabs who have patronized us heretofore, will admit that we have sold the beet bar. gelnktver purchased in Carlisle. We can assure our friends and alb lovers of cheap goods, that we are as well prepared as ever tctoffiir superior inducements for . • their patronage;,,' A: W. BENTZ. . South llntihvoi Street, oppc;altu the Poet °Mee, Carliehr, elay.4, 1869. SOMETHING NEIVI AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT SEED STORE.. •-. , 14..13. STRICKLER. .C13110TI1E11; EMI Havejust opened, in the room formerly occupied by Shryock, Taylor & Smith, Zug's new building, Main street, two doors east of the market house, sortment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLENIXQTVZ;I:r.- tillsers, which they ore prepared to sell' on the moot reasonable terms. The stock embraces PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, MR . ROWS, HAY, STRAW AND FODDER CUTTERS, REAPERS, MOWERS. - DRILLS, CRADLES, SCYTHES, .CORN SHELLER% FORKS; - SHOVELS, HOES, RAKES, PRUNING KNIVES, WHETSTONES fer Mow ere, a rulayery other a Mete, n misery' for farm use. ' ' ~T hey also intend keeping in addition, a full assort ment of CEDAR and WILLOW WARE, including Spain's - patent Churn, Broome ' Brushes, Batter-work ern, Butter• Forms, Prinitk Ladles, Butter Tubs, Bowls, Sc. Also, Fruit, Garden and Flower ode ; Seed Potatoee, of the best varieties. They are constantly making ad ditions to their stock, and will use every exertion to supply the wants of the agricultural community, They have also the agency for EVANS At WATSON'S SALAMANDER, SAFES. Orders left at, tho store fo r r fruit and ornamental Trees, Flowers and fertilizers, will bo attended to promptly. Id. D. STRICKLER tr. BRO. April 20, 1050-1 y .p 0 YOU want to buy a good Piano, fr Melodeon 1 If so, why don't yon call on John Mown/ For ho can sell the neatest .finished, best made, purest tuned and lowest priced instrument that can be had in this part of tho country. Having been a long time in the business, I flatter myself on being a good judge of instruments, and will not sell an instru thelirthat is not firsbrate. lam now recolvjtag a large lot of Melodeons from Boston, which can be seen at air. A, B. Ewing's furniture rooms, rhich I will sell cheap er than any other man In the Country. . For recommendations of my Pianos . , gall and see thefts. All instrumonts warrented and kept in repair. Call and examine my instruments before purchasing else , where; and you will beAstiatlod that I can sell the best and cheapest. . JOAN 11. IcIIIIBBI • To be found at the house of Jacob hheem, W. ugh at. May 4,1859. D EDUCE D-T.-43 85 A . YEARI PRE-PAID: THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PERIODICAL IN THE WORLD. In conseidmcO . ortliti hirgelrinefea,ad'clrculatlpn; he r0471040rs of . I;ITTELL'S.LIVING AGE. • rixtrtmtlyyearlyiubscription - pricefrom *6 to $5. The publlahore aro dpterinluod tlgtt uo ox• panne or tabor shall be spared, to make tole THE MAGAZINE FOR THE DIILLIONI And whilst boldly challenging competition, claim for It only what has been conceded by the most eminent men of this country from the time of Its first Pubileation,— (over cixteon years since) to the present day, vie: .1. - Thatit le suitable to all eistaesof readers—States - . men, Professional Men, Philosophers, Poets, Students, Merchants; Mechanics, and Farmers, all of whom may derive pleasure and prpfit from its pages; 2. That in it may be found the cream of all the world- rebowned Reviews and Periodicals of Europe, with or. Iginal articles and selections from-the - best fugitive lit. e.rature of our own_enuntry. 2. That it contains more reading matter. than any other magazine in the world; each weekly number con taining-sixty-four pages, and a fine Steel Portrait, malt. lug three thousand three hundred and twenty-eight.. Pages in a year. with fitty•two Steel Engraving,. 4 Thi.t it is the oldest Periodical in the cottutry, hat tog been published over sixteen years. ' b. That it is the cheapest publication of the day,— whether it is Judged by the quantity or quality of its contents 6. That no library is parfait without It. 7. That to those with limited means,lt Is an admira ble substitute for a library of miscellaneous books,— And finally, that as a fatally Magmata°, it Is perfectly unexceptionable In all respects. Price five Dollars per annum, or thirteen resits a number; Bent by mall, posapald: to any address in the United Stales. To Clergymen, Teachers Students, and (lUDs, Pour Dollars, DELINER PROCTER,' 5013 Itßonw.ix, N. Y May 11, 'MI 7 - HAT AND CAP -STORE AT KELL,SIO'S OLD STAND, NORTII ' IIAROVER taRICET, 611ANLY OPPOSIT/ tll/1 UARD• HARE pox OF J. P. LTNi •, EON A full ansortailent Aust,reColved, to which constant additions wilt be made of city tut well ashcan niannitto. ture,-Theatoek-now 0.A8812822, BELT HATS, MOLESKIN, BEAVER* - oralratiles and 'colOrs,ifrotti the cheapest tette beet quality. STRAW • HATS; h large varletY of ell Sikes and styles, together with . a neat - assort:mutat child 'drone' fur andntraw hate: - . ALSO, MEN'I3,i3I,YB';AND CHILDREN'S CAPS, 'embraeing'every klndiuSilsarn, both. Plain aid Dress Caps, terwhichlbeSttention of the ppublic Isrespectful. ly Invited. '.DON'T FORGET HELLER'S- OLD ISTAND. 20, 1868.: ILIMEBURNERS' 0 A L.-2,000 ,: TONS 9(p i zl; .9 l , l:l l l :. fiplitat RoaNis ., 590 .. 1 . 0r tee-. 1 ' A t 4710,6 1 7,1 113 0,' , W. If:MURRAY liandbills neatly oxcoided. ional 0 ETY U • S T r;:o EZEM