Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 01, 1859, Image 2

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    th,q *rata.
6 • •
Wednesday, June 1,18 , 59
The bitizenp of Philadelphia and of the
ooveral COuntios of this Commonwealth. attoche'd
' to the PEOPLE'S PARTY, nod An y votors who aro op
posed to the unjust. unwise and extravagstit s measurcis
of thd National Administratioh, are requosted to send
DELECIATER equal lehumbor to thole several Repro
- ..ontallsoahithuiPmeral Assembly, to n'CON VENTION
to be held at HARRISBURG, on WEDNESUAS , dune
the Bth,-1860, nt 10 o'clock, A. 24.; to nominate condi.'
datea for -A OU I TORTIENERA.L,.and SURVEYOR "0 _
ERAL, to be voted for nt.tho Ooneral Election 'ln •Octo: -
bor next. HENRY Id. FULLER, Cludeninu.
Wn. IL•MANN, Secretory.
contents of Herald.
The llEniim this Week, exhibits a variety
which we hope will be acceptable to our nu•
inetmis readers. The poetical article "While
-'tis day-time let us wcrk," and "*emory,"
werd•selected by, two of our fair. .correspond-•
cuts, to whom we ate under . many obligation
fOr the interest they manifest in, the IltmArm.
N0.•6, of the series of Letters by. Prof. Ben
nett, gives us nn interesting sketch of the Pad .
W. 11. Prescott,...Mr. Bentlett is. a writer
whose rich poetio fancy, leßds a charm to ev
ery suitleCt he touches. .Ida Glerptood,whose.
oon'tributions always tend towards the purest
moral teneltings, : gives us, this week, an essay
on." •
. .
• " Our Far West Territories" selectMl by a
friend, for publication; embodies much infor
fnation to the sgekal reader, .as well:fis • to
"A Romantic Story," contains the experk
once of n young lady of Cleveland, Ohio, who
spent three yearii alone on a desolate Island
in rake Superior, Which fully entitles her to
notice, as a female Robison Crusoe. - "Grow
ing Old," will find n response' from many -
Imarts. "Fairly ReprestMied,7 fiarTilatip- -
erts-Megazine fer-May,-is n o er-Leecond%.-
thought.'" c in reltdpn Is4le,Catholio
citement in the 'Common schoole - ot Boston.—
An article on Physical. Education,' and •an
amusing. iteni for qur Firemen fills up ourbret
page. • On the inside will be . found News. Pol
itics, Lobals, and a number of new advertise
ments, to which last, we call special atton-
Under this head, the Democratic papers,
nio endeavoring to make "political .capital out
of the fact, that an amendment has been in
troduced' into the , constitution of MaisaChu
seits,,requiring all foreigh born-bitizene to re ?
side in that State, two yeais after naturaliza
tion, before they have a right to vote or hold
office. This article provides that
"No person of foreign birth shall be entitled
to vote,-orAffiall be eligible to office, unless ho
shall have resided within the jurisdiction.of
the United 'States for two years subsequent to
his riaturalizatiomand shall otherwise be quali
fied according-to the Constitution and laws of
this Commonwealth: --4'roliard, That• this
amendment shall not affect- ho
_right which
any. person of foreign birth possessed-at the
time of the adbptiOn thereof : Provided fur
-ther, Thtik it shall not affect Ate rights of any
!child'of a citizen of the - Unit - a - SU:Jeff:born.
during the temporary absence of the parents
therefrom." • . , '
If this :amendment is regarded luta party
measure, it has a squinting towards American
. ism, rather than or , Republicanism.' buti'so far
as wo catfpacertnin,.it was not Made a_party
'question ; nearly the 'whole „Republican vole
.was thrown against it, while the Americans
and Locofocos of Massachusetts, combipeff.,ta
gather, and thus, secured ita passage. How
ever we do not consider this. provision of the
• -Constitution of Massachusetts, so very odious
afteral certainlyinot more so,
, than those
laws' w(
ich compel a native born citizen of
...Pennsylvania to reside from one to two year'
in another Statei 7 before he can exercise the
right of suffrage. .
But if it were even true, that the Republi.
aris'of Massachusetts advoaated , and passed
' the amendment, what have we in Pennsylva
nia to do with it? .We hold, that every State
has the right to declare how, and when, her
citizens shall. be entitled to vote, and it.
a w ould be as .silly to charge the Republican
. party-of Pennsylvania, with this law of Massa
chusetts, as it would be to 'charge the demo
- orate of Pennsylvania, with the property
qualification of democratic Nirging If the
Democrats are really sincere irt. their 'lamen
tations over this irovision of the Massachu-,
setts constitution, where are all the tears they
shed when Mr. Buchanan attempted to dis
franchise the'people of Kansas.
. If our friends pursue a prudent course du
ring the ensuing political campaign, we may
confidently expect to cary thO.Senate. 'The
Senators holding over,are equally divided ;
sloven Republicans to
,eleven Democrats; of
those whose term expired with the last session,
six were Democrats,—Wright and Randall of
Philadelphia ; Fetter of this . District ; Brewer
of Franklin and Adams; 'Steele of Lucerne ;
and Creswell of Blair. Fitie were Republi
cana—Gazzatn'of Allegheny ; Coffee of Indi
-atm ; Myor of Bradford ; Scofield of Warren ;
and Ilarris-of Butler.- -We-shell not lose - any
of the - Republican districts, as they are now
"right side up, with cart." In Philadelphia
we shall certainly gain one,perhaps two. In
the Franklin and Adams district, Cal. A. K.
..McClure.islikely--to be the -,carididate, and if
so, will undoubtedly be elected; the Blair
district. can also be carried, if the opposition
unite their forces.
In our district, taking of last, year
as a basis for calculation, a small blanket will
piobably lie euffiaient;o cover both
dates. Front the official returns, we tied the'
vote of the four counties on the Supreme
Judge and Canal Commissioner,-to be as fol
Dead Porter Frazer - Frost
2601 . 2811 2498 "4. 2830
1216 1219 1179 -1204
1406 . 1122 1391 1108
1701' 1628- ' 1704 -- 1636
Perry- - - .
.. 76 , 07 4. • • 6,776 0,862 6,806
.We r j orpt, that if the PEOPLE go into this
campaign, in a conciliatory spirit, with on.
earnest desire to do right, regardless of unim
portant outside issues, wo niay expect to seen
Itelinbliene.nitijOrity ohang
in 'the Senate chamber next session,
..Trisxruroar...—Wo notice from our exchan
ges, that a portion of the company attached
to - tha-Arahl3treet - Theatrtc - abi6nig - iditinfdrir -
Ildre. John Drew, J. S. Clark and other' emi- ,
nent performers, are making a summer' exottr-:.
Dion to this section of the country,, end were
to , open at Chambersburg on - Monday • last, -
under the snonaignientofMr. Geo.: Gila. 'As
their 'contemplate idAYtrigfitearrietiurg, Col- '
14n)bia, Lanoasterand-other largo towns,
haps they
, (koulti be induced .
eippq*l; 'week
. ,
Rev. B. If.'Hadat B. D. of .Wantd . ngton pity
itr‘to deliver:in 'addliati at.the .dedloation of
the *Sant Olivet,Ootetery at Hanover, .Penn•
' ... straight Smartlean convention.
'The Ilarriebnrg elcgro,plitives an account ,
of* "Btraight Am rioan" State Convention,
whiolt was hold hi t at place on the 25th tilt.
The Morning session was hold in the ilitir of .
the' House .of Representatives, and 'was &out
-pc' 1 - oT3diittWdelegiiiisSTlVlVYGOltthi, - iffTpliifs7-'
dolphin; and J: J. Herron,-Esq., of liewville.
In thO afternoon, fifteen delegates assembled
Said to represent the counties of Philadelphia,
Weill thoreland,Arinst rone Washington, Breen,
Crawford. Fayette, Allegheny, Draphin, and
Cumberland. T. J. Herron, of CuMberland,
'was appointed Chairma n; and T. F. Wilson of,
_AlleglionY_,BeorClaryfi_er_an . intereitange.:
of opinipn,- they adopted a preantble declaring
-itinexpedient-to-tatemoraction,.in - regaielo:
the State election ; resofved that they were
still Straight AMericans; and authorized iho
• appoint a State cora • ate.): ' .
The e now say ''n
-reply to a
statement_ in the Pittsburg Gazette, that 40
delegates were in attendance, that "there was
but seven actual delegates'at Harrisburg, and
but fourteen persons'wercin.fhe Hall of the
fleutio, of Representatives at the tirae, Mayes
olutions were passed. 'We have made diligent
search for thtuames of those who were here,.
'and can find-but three,- F. B. Co tombr Phila
delphia, thos.F. Wilson of Pais g:g,•and J.
. .
J. lierrcin of licteville." .
. .
. .
On Thursday last, the ;easoiA . at this de,
lightful watering place was fortrially, opened,
by an - excursion given to the Amen - Ibsen9f the
press, nhd other invited gucsis, 'by•the Presi
dent-and Dii•eetors of the Camden and /tattitle
City, Railroad Company.. Wci` acknowledge
the honor of nn invitation to join the exunT
sion referred to, and regret that engagements
elsewhere,. deprivedtis of that pleasure. •
We learn that on the arrival of the train at
the ea-shorn, the party embarked on board
ofn large schooner and enjoyed a pleasant
sail on-the ocean.. On-their return they sat
down to a sumptuous dinner at the United
Stated Hotel, to'which the guestadd ample
justice,. and .after The removal of the elotk;
speechei *re made by Morton MoMichnel,
Mayor Valli; Gen. Cameron and others.
Atlantic City,- -is one of the most popular,
as it is 'said to be the safest watering place on
the coast, streets have been laid out and'gra
drd, trees planted, boarding houses and -oot
:togas ereeted,..auttraony other , lrUkrivements
made to render the place agreenble and dilute
tive. Persons from-this- section of the country
about 'to visit the sea-sliOre, will find Atlantic
City very accessible also; as trains leave Phila
delphia for that point morning and evening.
Beephees RIO Arnottoo.
A dkitain minisler once preached an , Mice
ting icrmon, by which the entire congrega
tion were melfed to tears, Kith the exception
of one man, tylict,,sat under it all the time,
.;palmlas a summer morning." On being-asked
why he did not also weep ? . "Oh," said lie,.
'"I belong to another congregation - 7Th
It is not to be preitunied therefore, that any
ono in this community, will consider himself
hit:by — the following disellarge,4ont the - Rev:.
Henry)llcl et' Beecher's “eelesinst Mal gun,"
In a_r
I centairmott,_Mr Ileecher:BM:l2=
"There is sitting :before me in this congre
gation 'now two kindred men, who etuff-their
Sundays full of :what :tficy . call religion, and
then go out, on Motidays to. catch UMW btoth
er:by the throat, saying: "Pay me that then
owest ; it's Monday now, and you .needn't
think that because we sat crying together yes
terday,. over. our_Savioes_sufferings..andlo.vm
thati am gOing to let yoft off. from that debt,-
if it.does ruin you to pay it now." -
. ....., .
A MIXED PETITION.--A correspondent of
the Knickerbocker, has been describing. to the
editOr of that Joyrnal, a "hundred fisted
nightmare," wki,pB haunts hi nvin the shape
of Rail Road posters. posters. Wherever he goes he
aces nothin but Illinois Central Railroad,
Michigan . Central, Chicago and Alton, New
° I 'or k and Erie, Pennsylvania Central, 4-e., 4.c.,
staring in large capitalsil they have be-
come mixed in with his comron thoughts;—
and the other evening, as ho wont to sleep ho
•muttered, in a half somniferous jumble:
"Now I lay mo down the 'Broad Gauge' to
sleep, :,
I pray 'Great Western Route' to keep,
If the 'Central' busts before I wake, .
I pray the , Air.Line' my trunk to take I"
".The severe storm which swept over our
county on last F#cliy afternoon,' was very
destrffctive in some of the lower counties,
'very little hail fell in this neighborhood,. but
the wind was high and the rain fell in tor
rents. The storm passed over Carlisle about
4 o'clook, and seems to have reached Itea(ling
in bout two hours, as the Gazette of that „ci
ty-Ay). :
Last evening, (Friday, shortly before C, o'-
clock, We had a violent hail-storm, accompan,
ied by a high wine{, and thitcleY and light
ning. • For about five minutes, the hail-stones
fell in groat' rofusion, and rattled against the
window panes with such_force as to threaten .
to shiver them to atoms. In the Mettles]lst
Church,. on . Fourth street, nearly all the gloss
in the windows looking toward the North,
were broken, and we learn that the windows
of a number of private dwellints exposed to
thd fury of the storm, suffered in a siniilar
manner." . •
On the same day, a terrific tornado passed
over pavtofillinois, as wo learn by the Tol
e •
lowing telegraphic dispatch. .
"Chicago May.B:—The Jacksonville oor-,
respondent otthe Springfield; Register says
that a most terrifio tornado ocoured twelve
miles south of that city yesterday. The vio
lence of the whirlwind is described as exceed
ing anything of the kind ever - witnessed - in
this country, and could only be compgred to a
West India hurricane: Sixteen persons are
reported to htive been killed amt many, others
seriously injured. ':Hottses and barns were
detholished and blown tchttoms. The names
of the killed have nat.been ascertained."
CAPT. E.ley, who, some years
ago, eloped with 'Miss Crcighan the Pittsburg
heiress, from ti New York boarding school and
married her, has recently been elected a mem
ber of the British-Parliment, as . an opponent
of tho•prosont Der . by Administration. Capt.
ticke'nlet resided near Pittsburg, until about
two years ago, when ho removed, with his
family, to England.
Tux VutorsraELECTlON.—The result of the
election in Virginia, is stilt doubtful. The
Democracy who expected an easy , :victory
_ _
have been- taken - breurprisi. ,
kdispatch from Richmond dated May 20
states the following as the ltitest news. . .
'Returns have now been.reoeived from ninety
the counties, showing it Majority for Mr.
..I.etcher foLGevernor
counties are yet to be heard from, 'which, , at
last Governor's election gave Gov. Wise a ma
jority of 2047, .the average gain of Mr.'Gog
gin,Ahe opposition candidate, lathe counties
heatirfrom . has been 78: If the counties to
be,himidiffoin show the same avoiage of gain
for the Opposition, Mr. Goggin would he elec
led by a majority of about 1200.
WV iliington , hifay 29 A private . dispatch
.from a reliable 'Whig source, dated Richmond,
this evening, says. that returns from 111.
.countiesittake:Letcher'e Majority. 885: The'
87 remaining oounties gave' 430?. Wise a ma
4ority of 1.480: •- • ; • ' •
• litir'Dgraforget \to read the now tidiartiee:.
Correnpoodenco of picayune
A vatal"
May 17. 1868.
AS'announced to you already,:ly telggrapb?
two young gentlemen, Mr Stith and Mt. Vick.
mae over to this city to-Any, from NET
of which was the death of. the latter.
Their original destiriation i was Pass Christian,.
but circumstances brought•them kero. They
were attended by two seconds ands surgeon
'The meeting took place at 11 co - llock A. M.,.
at. the old-remcourse, (Bascombe4 The
weapons-were common Mississippi rifles; dis:
tance, forty-live paces. They taught, on the
inside of the course—scene eighty yards from
- the - e; --------------- lie'dyen sun. Cool
ness and .celtoness marked each
oz - he - walked - to lris - positieniandindeed,
til'tho'tragioal denouement. Mr. Vick iwoti:
the choice of. position; dlr. Stith' won' the
".word." •
`MI preliminitried'beirig• arranged, and the
weapons phic' the hands of the belliger,
_vats, the . usual command was given. Each
gentlemen answered, audibly, "ready.". At
the word" firet",' Mr. Vick' brought his ivetip'.:
on down and discharged ' At, "one,'' Mr.
Stith flied, and his antagonist f,cll inetantane' ,
ously dead ! The ball took effect immediately
tinder,tlir'•lett cheek,' anerariging upward,
passed into the.-brain where it,-lodged. The
unfortUnale victim fell, stiffene, himself out.
and was dead before• hid seconds reached him.
What a change! A robust,: manly form, vig
orous end healthy r a .second,' and it lies .a
bleeding corptie • "'There's honor 'al.:you."
Who . War
=Vie-steamship arrived from_
13reme❑ on the29tlLbringing Liverpool dates
to t h e 17th.
There line been,no battle fought, between
the allies.and the Austrians. -
• The head quarters of the Emperor Napoleon
had been egtfiblished at. Alessandria
Tha Austrian government is endeavoring to
raise a loan of seventy-five millions.. -
The report of Count Buol's resignation from
the Austrian ministryis confirmed.
Queen Victoria reviewed the troops at. Al;
dershoot,_,• on the 16th inst.
Count Persigny, the new French "minister,
reached London on the 14th. • . •
Count Gortichakoff has also arrived.
It is reported that,tho Emperor Napoleon;
iefore "Ins departure for ,Italy, addressed a
letter to Queen Victoria, repeating gkpromise
to take no step, during-the war, to , comprffl.
mise the intercede of En - gland. . •
....The India and China. mails - had - reached
London." The Calcutta dates are to April 8,
and from Bong Kong to filtireh . '2Bth. The
News it not important. -
- "The French troops had - captured Sargon, a
plade of Considerablistrength in Cochin China.
'The_ A meriean, frigate -.oermaniown
• .- ••
steamer Aless ; eeeppee were at
Trade ntcanton was suffering much- frOm
the exactions of the Mandarins.
The Wier.
Nothink further of importance has been re-.
ceived from the seat of war, no collision hav
ing occurred though scum expected.
The Paris correspondent of the London
Times says that lltesonfidenee of . sueeesi. by
the army in Italy itt!vfo great; that prepare.
Got will soon be tnade . at Notre, Dentp_for a
T. Detim I hanksgiying for a great victory ex
acted to be announced next week.
. All the officers of the regiment of sappefs
to be, commanded, by Prince Napoleon, left
.Paris on the 14th for Toulon._ A train of siege
arjillery had also left for _ '
It is rumored that arms have been sent
into Hungary, and that the Iltiugarinne'abroad
are actively employed in fomenting an insur
rection in that country. .•
An official bulletin from Piedmont,- dated
. 14th, says the Austriaits withdrew to-day
from 'Robbie, - recently their lientiquaders;'
but anecond.and still stronger reconnoitering
force has.been pushed forward to the Walls of
Ver. N
The Emperor Napcilcon, with IgarshniCan :
robert, - rode through the streets of Alessandria
on horsebick.• Hewes • everywhere received
with The greatest demonstrations of joy. - • •
movements mitde - by the Austrians from Stra
bells towards Vogliere.-
- A despatel from Berlin says that thti Ger
manic Diet closed on the 14th by the Prince
Regent in person, who, in his speech, said
that. Prussia was .dcterinined to maintain the,
balance of power in Europe,'and stand up for
the security, protection, and tho national in
terests of Germany, 'and ho expected that all
the German confederative Powers would stand
firmly by her side. in fulfilment'of that mis-•
sion. , • ,
The mobilizalion of the eight federal corps
d'armee is . completed. Prince Frederick
William is commander in chief.
The Austrian government loan of seventy
five millions is to be at five per cent, payable
in silver, and will be issued at 70.
NevE JERSEY, ranks as the fifth State of the
Union in point of manufacturing industry,.
The number of establishments within the State
are stated at 4,207, ..cmiiloying a capital of
$22,298,258. using raw material of tho . value
of $22,011,871, employing 29,068
.mules and
8,262 females, the cost of whose labor per
annum is $9;863,740, and s producing, manu-'
factored articles estimated at a total value of
PRIMITIVE Marrs. —An old couple and
their son from Schenectady (N• Y.) passed
through Syracuse on Thursday on their way
to Ohio, where they intended4opurchime land
and settle per,manently. They had adopted
the primitive idyl& - Of travelling on foot, be
'cause the old folks were afraid to trust them
selves on the ears or canal! Tim old folks had
several hundred dollars in cash, and said they
averaged nearly tidily miles per day. They
wont West byAlte turnpike:
'ington, A,. May 26.—8. C. Blancoe, the jailor
of the Fayette, county jail, was., last night
milted up after retiring to bed, by . an unknown .
maid, who assaulted him with a knife, ripping
open his abdomen.---The wound is. supposed
to be fatal. The assailant was arrested, and
there-is much excitement oreared,by tho mur
derous attack.
We eell the attention of our renders totho
advertisement of the Oriental Elastic Spring
Bed in another column. To those who have
experienced the luxury and know the value
of a Spring Bed, we have nothing to say ; but
-these - who - have not; should lose no time in
procuring one, for'all- the new - things discov,
ered in this prolific age of invention, there is
nothing which adds more to the ease, comfort
and happiness of mankind than- the Spring
Bed. If_ymt would really enjoy ..sleep—ma
tures sweet repose—get a Spring Bed.
MAK= & Wnrrox, of 11l Fulton st., and
60 Ann et., New York, offer to the trade,
White Lead; Zino Paints, Colors, &0., of their
- own manufacture; They are also extensive
importers of Artist's Materials of every des
cription. As the completion of the East,Penn
,Railroad, gives us now, a direct
route to Ndw York,, we advise . our merchants
who may visit •thyt cityin future, to take a
look at: the' establishment of Masury
pose haring a public . trial of 'Manny's Com
bined-liesper, and. Mower, with Woods' int
provement, in clover, at Kingston, , on Mutt
day the 9th, and at Carlisle. on Saturday the
,1 Ither, June, _Nita public'anduß at:twain
machines are invited to lie present.
J. Armstrong, Agt. at Carlisle ; W. J. Cam
eron, Agt. at Meohnnioebtirg„ , •
formo that Dr.-J. J. Zitzer.ef this placihns
performed-e-snocessfui-opet:ation - on-a - be
named Franklin Shaw, son•of JaMes, 't3haw of
this county, in , extirpating the lowerjaw-bene .
The hoyhad suffered for some Ulna from ea-
Ties of thejaw-'berie, relieTtthe patient,.
the, Doctor reteored one half* the jaw,' end,
the boy is now doing well. Dr. Zitzerlitta ae 7
quired quite a refutatiott eargeon..„3.
lotim an r Countg Biztt!trs.,,
Meteorological Itegletertor. the Week
• • .41.11164, ( IV114 , 30th, 1850.4 k
l' Rain: I Remarks.
• - i meter.*
s oo - .
Wednesday. 66 00 • • -
Thursday', ; 72,00 80 n; Slnier
Fridn 70 . 00 — 6O-
fieturdey. 69 00 ••
6tinday. - 6700 5 - Rain. 1 . ...
IROMlity. . 62 00 76 - Rein.
w .meeea kz
~6 . 0 00 , 1,66
.. •
ono degroo of boat In tbo abovo register to the dolly'
average of three obsprvatiena. .
THE q111.9Ui3.--We had SI. B.
Circus company,.in town on last, Friday
. who
pitched their Mgt at the ;"Poplar Lot;" but
very few . :people 'were in froni the country,
eompared with what has • been seen on other
occasions. "Before the afternoon, perfortnan
cos had concluded, mvielent rain stern] Fame
up, wiiicb • threatened to bring, the Canvass.
down on act ori3 and auilienee; . a
general stam
pede took 'place, and it is aaiiltgere 'was a
much more interesting exhibition of °ground,
end lofty tumbling,"'outside of the .paviliono .
than hutt been given in the •ring-' 2 ' The rain
came steadily . on, and the water floodedthe
ground and pathways. iii - the,rusli to got
put, dresses were torn, and helmets soiled,
hoopS' and crinoline were very ioconverdedtl
skeleton skirts were totally untnanagable, and
in some cases were left to hang and sway and
grin around, the horror of all modest Male
spectators. Gaiterd, were engullshed, slippers
were nowhere, and hose well everything
outside 'of the cuticle of biforcated femininity
was thoroughly drenched. .
4t.--we•dearn,-there-Uns a large
di•owd in attendance; but it weeAthe
samecild circus, that has been making its
visits for I he, last: twenty yeara ; the
same stupid routine of ring performance, the
same . acrobatic feats; the same dell clown,
dressed in the same motley, using the frame
stale jokei,end retaining all the vulgarity of the
eloun 'of for.meyeara,- except-the- wit to make
it.'pahttablo. ' '
The town was unusually quiet, until •about
11 o'clock, when a 'quarrel-arose aameg seine
persons in the square, which might have re•
stilted in a serious fight.. but constable ; Bretz
interfered, and restored order.. '
DIARCIF OF It Eciturrs - :-- On Wndn en:
day last, 1.09 recruits for the 2d Dragons and
38 foV the Ist-Cavalry", left Carlislellarracks,
Minder the command of Lieut. Ransom let Cav
alry, accompanied - by Limits .Gfeen and Arm
arong:of the 2d Dragoons. Part •of the re
&nits are destined for Texas; Lieut. Ransom;
joins his company at Fort Riley; Arkansas. 4
There are still about 280 - men at the Bar
racks; of these;llo are expected- to be or-
-tiered off, aboutlhe 6th July;. leaving_a
permanent Company of 120 men to garrison
the Post.
'• Lieut. RansoM:'Who has resided •here,...,fdr
several months, has made many . friends in
Cailisle, who will watch his futumcoursti with
interest, mid hisl his • return with, pleasinn,
whenever duty /in*, again call him to this
soon by - the procanka of tbomeCting. on
last Saturday .iltdlnk, that an' adjourned
mooting will bo.hoil l at the Clourt:llouse, next
Saturday. (June'dtti) in which tbo citixine of
the borough are -invited to participatee'-
As this meeting is called for the purpose of
making arrangements for an appropriate cele
bration of the 9th of July. it is desired that
the members of the Association and the citi
zens generally will attend. Let us" have a
regular old-fashioned,'' patriotic . celebration,
exempt from political questiona.or party nffi.-
nit iee.
TRour.Exenttio.—According to the ND.
risburgli Telegfaph,twolentlemen of that:pia&
on Saturday . last, Made a foray on ono of the
1-mtureams in this county, and caught sixty
trout, IniMe of which measured six inches!!
When one of our fishermen accidentally hooks
a front less than 12 inches, ho usually throws
it back into the stream or— into his basket
If ho was caught carrying hoMe trout six inch
es long,'he ,would be 'indicted for malicious
mischief. •
—Since the establishment of daily lines of
freight cat! , to and from Philadelphia, our
business men are pationizing them extensively
and thereby relieving themselves of the ex
horbitant charges imposed upon them so long.
by the Adams Express Co. We call attention,
therefore, to the card of J. & p._RIIOADfI, who
have: also established a daily line. Goode sent
into the warehouse at 811 karket St.. plat.,
by 4 o'clock in the afternoon, will roach Car
lisle at 12 next day. •.
PROM tx QARILIBLE ! ---Short---speechuu—are
more effective than long ones, and a single
fact may speak volumes. We are informed,
that on lust Saturday evening,-within- a pe
riod df one hour, thirty one quarts of anjent
s.irits were sold from one li
this •boronkb. -
Now, if any "man wants to Preach a ser
mon on-Temperance, here is a text. .
-=The' News .
Not content with the mischief already work
ed and the damage done, the incendiary was
at work again iro our midst on Sunday night.
The barn of Mr.. ,Stephen Cochran, residing in
the northern
,part_of the borough, was fired
about-nine o'clock. It not boingfar removed
from •his dwelling 'house, the flames were
speedily communicated.tkereto, but by the ac
tion and untiring efforts of. our, firemen' the
flames were here checked ; 'but so rapidly did
they epread the barn that it was soon be
gond all possibility of being saved. In a very
short time it was reduced to ashes, and..lollll
it the adjoining stable, belonging to Mr.
William Klepper.
- -- 1165" - At-a meeting of the -Cantata -LIMIT'
lion Chamber on Saturdareeening, the 28th
of'.May, 1869, Captain William M. Porter was
coifed to the cliair, and Lieut. E. qruman
was appointed
The chairman' elated theobject of the meet
ing be . to the mobil* of preparations for the
celebration of the coining 4th of July. , " •
On motion; Wares .resolved that,the citizens
of the town be and are hereby indited to unite
with us in thepropoiiMl celebrattML..
=on motion; Uie — moeiin i g ed(ou`rned u`iZWTis
nights week.,. '-i.
On zirtion,,iLwas declared thiii_tbese pro- .
ceedings be pptdished in all•tho papers of the
. own, and that that the Citizens be ibrited to
At. rOUTEIt;PrqI.
E. CopmiAN,''Sec!y.
accordonce with the call-of the. Standing
Committee, the delegates elected by the humi•i-
Can. Republican party, met in,county Conven
lion, On Tuesday, the 81st of any.
. The
.following .gentlemen presented; tlierr •
credentiniti - and - took - their - seattrns - mentheru — ,
of the-Convention. „ • • • •
Carliele,Weet, Wrird—John M, Oreggolosepli
• 'W.` Veibly.
Car Halo E W.. ti EobL "McCartney, George
Dickinson—Thos Paxtun.,E. F. linskel.• •
South Midirleton—Win, Mullin, George D.
Shippetisbitigh borough—E. W. Curriden, J.
0. Butte. •
Shippensburk twp.—Christian Long.
Upper Allen—J. L. Zook, Geo Chnpnion.
Munroe—Riobard - Anderson. Thane
Silver Spring—Williams Parker.J:C Sample.
W;._,P,ehnelmrn—peterKiluer,-J:-K. Trego. •
Wm. B. Mullin waa appointed chairman and -
George Zinn and J. K. Trego Secretnries • of.
ilia Convention.. _
• -After an interchange of .opinion, - it was on
motion ordered that the . delegates to repro
sentfliii county in the State Convention, be
instructed to vote for Janies- M. - Sellars. of
Juniata county for Anditor General. • '
On motion, ordered that George Zinn Thom ;
asTaxton and, L. W. Curriden be appointed
committee to - driift - rosotutipne expressive of '
the sentiments of the Convention.
• The Committee reported - the following rest). "
lutions which were unanimously adopted.
'ResolocA That:Tref:oily approve of the call
for a Peoples Convention .to•the hold on the Bth
of Jona nt - ilitrrisbutg; to nominate candidates
for State officers.
---- 'Wesolveri, That we-are - wholly opposed to tho
Administration of JSmes Buchanan, because•
-its entire policy is at war with the best in- •
terests of the country, and'subversivi. of the
rights of the people.
Rcaollied, That we arc in favor of adequate
protection American industry, anClopposed
to the wasteful extravagance and shameless
Corruption which has characterised the ad.;
ministration of the Ogeneral Government of.
later years. ' •
: -- Ilesolvor, - That - John MPCnrdy, Esq., - ns our
late Representative. justly earned our nppro-
Aintioti by his, nsaiduous, attnntion - to —
terests Of his. constituents, and the fidelity
with *ilia he supported right principles and' •
correct. legislation.
'lti•Wittfed, Thal E. W. 'Clirritlan, W.: D. Mul
lin and B F. Lee, be appointed Conferees to
meet the Conferees of the other counties com
posing this' Senatorial District, to meet at
Newport, on Monday. the 6th - day of June, -•-
1869., for the purpose-of selecting a Senatorial •
.Delegnte, tP,r.ppreapntt4district in the peo
ple's Convention with iusiiiiTtitTne to vote 'for
It. P. M'Clure, Esq., of •ShippensbuTg. ,
Recollied, That Lemuel Todd be the deJe-.
gate to represent this County .in'Conjtitiction
with g delegate , from Perrrin the People's .
Wm. B. MULLIN, Chairman
GEo. ZLNN, See'y.
The attention of •fiterckants and others is
Called to the fact, that J. W. Henderson, has
established a daily line of.freight cars to •
Philadelphia. - . Goods sent to . the warehouse
PeneTtukr7 - I,e t - it - lritretElairlloB Mar e --
St, Philadelphia will be delivered in Carlisle
the next day.
This arrangement _considerable -
advantage to our "business' men,. who have
been under the necessity of getting-their-:-
good* by. the Adams - Expresk Co'inPany..
Thereat' no* -have :their packages frotn
Philadelphia, within three hours olthErtime
when they could receive thsm by express,
and -at-a-mere trifle when compared with the
exhorbitant charges of that - monopoly. • .
the - attelttion
of our readers, to the card of B. Franklin
Clark, who offers for sale, a large quantity of
Virginia lands. The land is described as
fertile and well watered, and the climate -
Aur Moat. Eare
The Bride ol Lammermoor.—One of the
most beautiful and touching of Scott's Kw
els, has just been published by T. B. Peter::
son Brothers, with a magnifica:et steel
plate engraving of ye author, and his auto
graph. - This is one tif the weekly :issues of
their cheap edition of the :Waverly. novels,
completed in 26 volumes, which they agree
to send, free of postage,. to• any part of tlk
Union for five dollais 1•
No library is complete , without a sett of
the. Waverly Novels, and the low price of
this edition brings it within the reach of all;
we advise our readers, therefore, to make a.
remittance of five dollars at. once
,to T. B.
Peterson tt Brothers, Philadelphia, and se
cure a full sett,Of these standard works, in.
stead of the pernicious trash, in the shape of
sensation stories, which are now thrown
broadcast over the. land. Ono volume is
issued every Saturday,until the work is com..,
plete. •
Go ley's Lady's Book, for Tune, is one:of
the most brilliant numbers we have seen of
this model magazine,and no lady withoil
can be properly posted in matters - perlaining
to etiquette; fashion and taste. As . the new
volume comMences•in Ally; now is : a - favors- :
blo time for subscribing.. For sale at Piper's.
The Ladies Repository, for June, contains
a fine . portrait of the Rev. Nathan Bangs,
D....D., with a biographical sketch by the
Rev. Dr. McClintock. The aim of the La- -
dies Repository is to'blend the purest moral
teachings, with the attraction of literary ex•
cellence, and•no lady should be without it.
It is published , by Swormatedt St Poe, Cin
cinnati, and edited by the Rev. D. W. Clark.
--The Knickerbocker.—The-June number-of.—
this popular magazine has been received—
more piquant• and genial than ever.. It is- •
embellished with a portrait .of Xrescott, the
historian, '" Logan and the home of the
Iroquois," and " Wall street to Cashmere;
are both well written and •finely illustrated.
The "Roinance Of a poor Young Mau," is
continued, and variety of other [tar'
cles, the wiMle making up a table of .con..
tents that is not excelled by any other per'.
odical in the country.. For sale at-Fiper's.,
.Blacktoood's Magazine, for likty,ie on our
table. - This adneirable magazine trialittains -
its pre-eminence, and is never thrown aside
for want of interese:fe detain the reader.
The present number contains an ably writ
.ten article on popular.literatere. Part 5 of
Ttie luck of Ludysmede." "The Witch of
Walkern," and a variety of .other, reading.
Leonard, - Scott & Co., New "York.
Fen , monthly publications are more
' - attract:iv - a — than
by T. Arthur:a .Co. 'The numker .for
June is embellished'with a, stcel o plate en.
graving:L i ' The Departure ef tIM Orphans,'
a colored fashion. plate .1111d.v.ariaus de4igas
for, ornamental' needle work, and its 'reading •
Matter, is quite attattractive:es • Ati illUsfrat•
ions. • '
Li&ll 4 B' living A'ge for'M.%y 21, ln.s
trait and sketch of the Rev. Henry' Melville,
D. D., of London. dhrisna,. the Queen' Of
the Danube," is continued; and it contains
.beside many other articles 9f unusual in.
wrest, 'fills magazine is issued every Sat.
urday, at •$6 a year. • Delisser .dc Proctor
.The G:reut '
Republic Monthly for Jane, has
r •
Just• been received,' completing ',the sixth
number,.and making - a ;rolutae- of over 600
pages ol..interesting• and .profitable rending
matter, handsomely illustrated with engria' ,
ings. This,matrimoth work is steadily-gain
ing a wide circulation. .Forsale at Piper's' :
at 25 cents Per number.
Atlantic Nonthly,L,The June' number of
this popular magazine comes to us laden, as
usual, with a fenst of ." good things," and we
' cannot - too strongly recommehd to our read.
ars a subscription for this work. -The enter
prizing pUblishers started with a determina
tion to give the public a magazine worthy of
the age,-and they have. fully redeemed their
pledge. For sale gt Piper's:
Scientific :American.—No. I •of Vol. I,
kew Series, of this 'valuable work, will be
ii -
sued 'on' the first day of July . . It is
further,;enintted and . improved and 'the,
change affordsa.fine opportunity fur persons
to connbeneb their subscription. • • •
--New tiftrir, from o;iver : Di4ol Ch.;.277,
five Land," 'nn , :irisL.•Plelody, :varied for the
Piano, by W.. Vincent _Wallace. Variations
and sparkling, in the graceful and
flowing slylp of this eminent composer.
The n Itataplau.March," arranged- for Pi
ano,.by Ford. Royer. - A favorite air from
"La Fille du Regiment;"- neatly and prettily
arranged. --
Rieus.c.PolkaiTby.J, Ascher.
king and brilliant composition and very af
fective. \
' ' , MaudValSo:" by Jlenri 'Laurent; A livi3-
ly agreeable melody and not difficult.
'• Pne Frapngnol Valso" arranged for Piano
Stratton. Style popular and plena
0. The Gift from 'o'er .the- Gen," (ballad)
.nnd delightful-song,•mnslp fitiely suitedto the
sentimeM. For'sale nt Piper's. • - •
,Nature, In her great loboratflry, bris stared some rome
dy adapted to every Illilenoo which "flesh faleir to."—
But It required the investigation cad researeh of the
philosopher to discover this remedy. Such research and
investigation has sucdeeded . In discovering a remedy for
that most afflicti re dispenestion, the -
With all its lessor and numerous onto; and It may, be
safely asserted that_ until timniffleatell.R,F4-tNt f4YB.••
noted Illttera, a case of hyspepsix cured, was a rare ex
perience In medicirp - inclice. Now under the Wilton&
of..these Bitters the rule Is to mu; the rare exception;
. fa'huro to cure.. Rend the following, which the subscrl
her requesta us to publish fer the henefit of the afflict°
if Obdurate Case of Dispepsla
bi.the Oxygenatedillitters.
- 'ThDYJitUnlittrtrOm"rt - gontlentnn•wcll - known In the
region in which he liven ought,- to-Batley nil-themot
.little faith: "
- ' Wartevoiti.l, N. J., July '2B, 1828.
' 9. W. Vowti Ai Co . „ Driattin-91iitialiTiiiiii.lii . EIT
was attacked by the curno of all diseases, Dyspepsia,—
whiciPadifflicted me an to cause great appresalonk full-_
noes, and bloating of the bowels Immediately after's/it
big, accompanied. with terrible pains in 'the stomach - ,
often occasioning teepee, vomiting,. acidity, and head
ache, together with general debility and suffering, nb •
together rendering life a burthen.
, After linvidg trledsevery kn,sysn remedy. without eft
fect, and despairing of ever regaining my lost health, I
was induced to make use of the Oxygenated Bitters, tho
goad effecle of , whlch were Immediately•visible on, my
Lro m c
health and cysts Before using a whole bottle I Iran
entirely cure , an d feel a pleasure in inducing nil
like su ff erers as nips° to make use of this remarkable
remedy. • . , TIIEO. CALDWELL.
Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE & CD.,..Bostoq, and for
sale by Samuel Elliott end S. W. liaverstlek, Carlisle;
Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; Kuts & Wise, Shiremanstown;
S. U: Wild, Nelyville: Shoemaker & Elliott, Newburg;
J. C. Al tick, Shipponsburg; end by Appointed agents
And dealers in medicine all over the country. _
Patenehamplon Sate
Llte [!lra at Dubuque, lowa
DUMIQUZ, Jan. 7, 1859
Ciente : I am requested by Mr. T. A. C. Cochrane, of
this plaeo, to my to you that on the morning of.tlik"
4th Initant,atiolit 3 o'clock, his store took fire, and the
entire stock of goods was destroyed. The heat became
so suddenly intense that none of the goods eauld possk
bly be mood; but fortunately tile books and papers
which were In one of your Champloif Safes, were all
preserved perfectly.", And Well they may be called
Champion, for during , the whole conflagration there was
one Incessant pouring of flame directly upub the flare
which contained them. And,s(lll, upon opening it,the
Inside was found to be scarcely warm; while the outside
was most severely scorched.. YOura truly,
Herring's Patent Champion Firrrand Burglar• Proof
Safes, with Hall's Patent Poirder Pinot' Locks, afford
the greatest security 01 any safe in the world. Also
Sideboard and Parlor Safes, of elegant workmanship and
finish. for plate. &e. •
FARREL, 1111 !MING CO.. have removed from 34
Walnut street, to their new store, No. 1121) Chestnut et.,
(.Inyne's whore the largest assortment of Safes in
the world can be found.
FARREL. 111511111 NO & CO.
629 Chestnut street, (Jayno's Hall,) Philadelphia. •
Star. 16, 185'J.
DR. CIIEESESI AN'S PILLS, prepared by Cornelius
1,. Cheesemon, M. D.; New York City. The rismbination
of ingredispell In these Pills aro the result of long anff
teosive *Title°. They are mild in their- operation,
and 'cousin fn Corricilng ail irregularities, (Wadi
Menstruation. rumoring all obstruction. whether from
cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation•
of the heart, whites, all nervous affections, hysterics,
-fatigue, — pals - hr thii-back-rtmtlinits.keTdisturbedvieep—
which arise from interruptions of stature.
TO 31ARICED LADIES. Dr. Cheese:nut's' Pills are
invaluable, as they wilt bring on the monthly period
with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed in
the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence In
Dr. Cheesputan's Pills doing all that they represent „to.
Warrantvd_pprely vegetable, and tree from anything
Injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read,
accompany each box. Price $l. Eery mail on on.
closing SI to any authorised agent. ..old old by ono Drugs.
gist In every town in thu United St ea.
It. it. ITUTCIUNOS, General Agent foe the United
States, 165 Chambers St., Now York, to which- all
wholesalebrderis should be addres.d.
lIANNYERT PlNNEY,Ayholesale and Ttetall Agent.
Harrisburg, Pa. 11, J. KIBFFER, Carlisle, Pa.
Wm. A. Batoholor's Hair Dye,
All citligrs nro mere imitAlfons, and shotild'boavolded
wish toxicapexidicute. '
UItAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR Dyed Instantly to a
beautiful and natural Drown or •Black,-without tliv_
least injury to Bali or skis.
awarded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1859, and over Mir
OM applications bane been made to the Flak of his pa
trons of his famous Dye.
WI!. A. lIATCIIELOR'S BAIR DYE, produie a color
not to be distinguished from nature, and is warranted
not to injure in the least, however long it May be eon-'
tinned, and thorn effects of Dad Dye remedied; the.
Hair invlgonited for Life by thin Splendid Dye.
Made, sold or applied (in 9 private room.) at the Wig
Factory, 233 Broadway, Now York. ' •. •
,--- Sold - twallxitierand'towns of-tho-Ihtited-States,by:
Druggists and Fancy OoodeDealers.
e. The Genuine has the - name and address upon •
steel plate engraving on four - sides of each Box, of
-'W LI
• • ' 293 Broadway, New York.
sar Sold by Drtigriste In Carlisle.
WIGIB—WIOB--Wloo.—Bateheicir's Wigs and Toup
kes surpass all. They are elegant, fight, easy and dura
to-a - atunanno - turning-Wshehhot= - -no
shrinklug off the heed; indeed o .thie In the Only Estab•
Whin/Int where 'these things aro properly' understood
and made:. 288 Broadnoy, Now York. n0r17.38-1i
YutansuLuvus. 7 The mulosulgued, Ls now prepared
. to furnish, I.laniquantltles;froul 100441000 mon, or
shoro r good-farinlng-end growing-Isulls. , ln7Rondnlpb
sivis ad.hioont ecitintkii, In westelii Virginia, wIIbIq .1;
or 16 hours of Baltimore, rind.% of NOW Yoik. -
' ..The land Is. fertile , rtnd well . thnhered, .-the clielate
very healthy, and so mild that s.heop can boOkdlnailly
'wintered with very little feadlng,itud.attsra meow can
:be reload as cheap as a chlckeYl' Play. llogland::: They
r ill be. old cheap , and on . 'easy rtrus,
_or eiohaWgo for'
Improved property, or good - mere Odl*. :-. ', -'" • - ': '
Address, with P.O: atennP, , .o.:Sranklin,Claik, )15
Walnut Stmt, Philadelphia : Z,',.. ' ' ilnaY 2s ;/E 5 1 1 .: ',
lisF{#l4 l ; l ;iii;
,rh• great standard medicine{ of the present
age, haud acquiredthiir'great popularity only
through' ears of trial. Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered .bg.them iri all easel; and the
people have pronounced them worthy.
Llrer CoMpla!nt, Dyspepaln, Jaufidice,
Debility of ,tlte..tier*Mis System,.
• Diseases of-the- liOneys, •
and ail diseases Arising from a dieordered
liver or weabigi of the stomach-and digestive
organs, are speedily and perriaanently
.. The. Baletamio Pardial has acqUireci a
reputation aurparatng that of any ahnitaipia
paration extant. It ininsureoerrusnlT ram,
the . moat acetic and long-standini
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness; Bronchitis, In.
Cuanza, Croup, Pneumonia; Incipient
• • Consumption,
. •
'and - kits performed the most astonishing cures
slier known of ' •
• Confirmed lionstunption. , • -
. A few: doses will- also at once check Ind
cure the-Moil - sevtre DialThceq. proceeding
These medicines are prepared fiy Dr C.
JACssop & co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila.- .
delphia,Pa.,• and are sold by druggists and
-timlervittitn!dicines speryWkeiei - tit 75 cents
pir bottle. The signature of C. -M. JACKSON •
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by ths' -
proprfelors, - ealled •EVJEWiIIODY'S ALMANAC, or
you will find testimony and commendatory (
notices from all parts of the• country. Thus
Alinanews are given away by all our agents. ,
For tale by S.. Elliotb S. W.- IltiverstiaCar.
lisle. • "••• • .
We know of no invention of modern times that de
aerren or is dunthnud4o occupy a higher niche in the
temple.of fame, than the discovery or. invention of the
'Vegetable or Epileptic Pills.for curing Epilepsy, or.lail•
ing Fits, Spasm. Cramps, and all the various modill• •
callous of nervous disease. .Dr. Seth S. Dance; of NS
linitintore St., liallirnore, 31d., the inventor, Is certainly
entitled to the best wishes °fail the benevolent portion
of MAII4IIIII, 11110 experience a 'demure by the alleviation
of human suffering When Dr. Hance flint prepared
AtirstoPills. - hcrintended Ahem solely for Ylts, Crdiatni'
and-tirlosams i-bui,strlosequent experience natisfactorlig
proved to blur, that in addition to their remarkable
sanative properties imtbis class ordisenses, they, exert- _
ell a Perfect coat, ol over the' entice nervourrsystrim.—
lie lose then Induced to try them in canes of Neuralgia,
'fie Dolorous, Nervous Ilcatiache, Palpitation - of the
Heart, Incipient Paralysis, Hysteria, Muscular Debility
and a host of other.discases. springing from a lack of
nervous energy, in nil of which his anticipations were
'moaned with the most'Sanguirie FUVCCPS Persons et
distance, by writing VI .sonding a remittance*/ Dr. _
Hance; ran hava theemeittine forwarded to their post
Oleo address, ho paying il postage, The prices are fqr
a single box, $3, two boxes. $5, or, ,S2P - por dozen. Wo
have giv e n Ills address starve. Lmay2s,'69
--- "MTriii - fiilieftitig, - ,frOre n euntemer, shows the de----
mehd which thin great-medicine line created wherever;
it has been introduced: '
. BLossounn, Tioga co m Pa., March 30,1850.
Mittens!. Yl.P.MlNd•flans.--Gentlomen—ln connequence
of the great consuniptlon of yOur " {Vona Specific" la
- thin place nod vicinity; we here - entirely exhausted our,
stork. Be should feelobliged by your forwarding, via
Corning, N. Y., 50 dim with your bill, on tho receipt of
which 100 cold remit yoU the money,
-From the_ wonderful -eftectiof Specific" In the-
,nelglitiorlitruti:tfiere could be sold annually a large •. •
quantity, Itto be had (wholesale and retail) frbm some
local agent. if you would compensate a. person for
-trouble and expense of vending, I think I could make
it to yobs advantage to do no. - •
Yours respectfully,
- Per E. Porirtri. .
Kir Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. DELane's
Celebrated Vermlfiffir, manufactured by Bros.,
of Pittsbuiy, Pa. All other Veruilfeiten 111"COMPIVIN011
qro worthless.' Dr. M'Lancen getiulneYermlfuge,alre his
celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respektable r
drupetores.. Nano gentile° without the signature of ,
[3.1 FLEMINU BROS. ' '
diseaaca likflammation,more nr le sa umdominatearerr..7.
allayatrikewat the root of -dliscaae—
hence nod inimediate cure. Dailey's Magical Pain Ex
and nothing clan. will allay Inflammation at
once, and make a certain corn.
the ifollowlog 'among n great catalogue of diseases:
HUMP, Scalds, Cute. Chafes, Sore Nipples, Corns, Bun
ions, Bruises, Strains, Bites, Poison, Chilblains,
Scrofula, Ulcers, Serer Sores, Felons, Earache, Piles,
Sere Eyoe, Gout, Swellings, Itheutnallstn, Scald Head,
Salt Rheum, Baldness, Erysipelas, It ingworm,. Barbers
1 telt; Small l'ox, Measles, itmh. dm, Ac.
Tonoma it may appear incredulous that so many din , '
eases should be reached by one article; such an Ides
will vanish whenyellection points to the fact, that the -
salve is a combination of ingredinente, each and every
ono am -lying is perfect antidote to its opposite disoriler.
Deters Magical l'ntn Extractor in its effects Is magi
cal, because the thne is short between disease and a
piercuiiitent cure; scot it Is An extractor, as it draw's all
disease out of the altpcted part, having nature as perfect
as before the Injury.' It Is scarcely necessary to say that
no house, work shop. or manufactory should be one me.
ment without it.
- No Palo Extractor is genuine utile.n the box ban upoh
it a eteel plate engraving, with the IMMO of henry
Dailey, Manufacturer.
For solo by all tho Drimglets and patent medicine
deafer' , throughout the United States and Canadas,
Principal Depot, *5 Chamber. St., Now York.
n0v.17,103-Iy. - C. F. CHACE.
Reported weekly for the Ilerald by
Woodward S. Schmidt
FLoun Superfine, per bbl
do. Extra, do
db. Family do,
Rye -
WHITE WHEAT per bushel
Rut) do
Coax do.
OATS -- do.
MoYDATi-Ahryi-30 1859
Prime Cloverseed is scarce; and rather more
inquired for, and sales of 200 bus. reportedat
$5 50er5 60 bu. . • .
There is very little demand for Flour to-day,
and the Market is dull and , unsettled, both
buyers and.sellers 'waiting for further advices
from abroad, and only some 304000 bbls have
been disposed of, mostly at $7 VIM' for good
sUperfine, which is the general asking . rdte .
for that description,
although mixed brands
are offered 'at $6 75 A sale of 100 bbls mid
dlings was made at $5 'll bbl for superfine,
extra and fancy. brands, as in
Flour is quiet,and quoted at $4 76, and
•Penn'a Corn Meal at $4 Iftbbl. and very little .
The demand for Wheat continues limited,
and:prices ate unsettled and drooping, some
405000 bus. MVO been disposed .of, mostly
at 180 c.. for prime_ Penn'a
1750176 c for fair Western white, . in' store,
which establishes a further decline. Rye is
also lower, with sales of 1,200 bus.. Penn's
to note at 900. Corn is dull, the want of ves
sels checking hush:m.6l4.a sales of some 7,000
bus. mostly Penn'a 'yellow are reported at
900, afloat, including one lot at.BBe. and 1000
bus. damaged at 85c.. Oats are lower again'
to-day, about 6,000 bus. prime Penn's having
been sold at . 500., afloat.
_ parriageS•
On tho 213th ult, by itor. John Ault Mr. - SABIVEL A .
.1 ACOI3B, to Allis .y.LIZADETII LIEISLINE, both of this .
county. • ' . . . ...
---On-theluttio ISAAC MOO; to
Miss MARY C. COOVER. both - of Monroe tap.
On Titocday ; last, by Bev. A. p..,Plbgon, Sin JACOB
OMAR ENS, or tlttbnpleabuti,; to ;Mist ORSAIMAII
!drum, of Mllletstown:. , ;,. ; ;„ ;
will vlsit'lltarltale'Proforatonalli. op'i+HIDAY
.aATUJIDAY,2rd - And 4tp ofJune,
ofli.e, at Martina Hotel, - - - [Apr. 27, , f,O.'"
AetoSIGN,EIi , • NOTICE..-- - Nsties. is
• hereby 014M:that Peter F. Eiy; of -Booth Mid
d n toaruahlir, Cumberland connly,.has mado ab
tothe subscriber of all .hikostato; real person.
al an. [olio& for thebeneht ethleeroJlhme. All parsons
Indebted to the extote t - are, required, to make Immediate
PaYldent, and those having 'claimer to present thorn for
settlement, BENJA MIN. &SUNMAN,
• ,• % % "•4111411001,, .
Isao,4t ' •
E4t fflarittts.
$ 6,75