_ ,444, = 1-7:- • • 7,1 - , - • - , _ _ A VI MTV t, VLISEDIT • , 1. 1 0 ODE- PI •- N cx, ,„ - 41,-P4Sitt 'VO . L. 'Lit.. Austness (arcs r . ()CTO AIIiNIST.RONO- - fins yemov: t.q.1,1% rare. to UM South west 'corner of novric l'ornfrot st where helrrity Ire mins.' ted at ;my hour of the day or night. Or. A. has had thirty years exiwrionce iu the irroiesrilon, tire last tour irl : whhill have hero der°. . to tine study and practice of lionireopathic i4riy 20, • NO'l.'lol.—Titos. M. .1;EDI) CP: coatilib,' the, practlen of tbo WY, In 1110 nitler :formerly oylupind Ly his llttlinr, Wm: M. 1.111.1111 n, Itbni ; Inl.morn recently. by Ow law firulof Penn). A: Biddle, ••• .•lb:e. • • 'Attui r mi of at Law. North Ilanorer street, a four dngrs Qlh of Mass' natal.. (intrusted to him will lir pramptly utiyudrd to, ' • .-- [April 15. • • . 'AIV NO r[c I ItioloyAL. —W. 11_4 51 . PIINIIO,II-Ironarrial. Inn ram -0.4k ino non prittipily attend to all 011trIlVted to 11110. • • A11411,t 19, (657.. • • - • • F E.—EADIIJKIA TODD has rosittai. , l tho• prarlire of tlip 0111oe la (halt, Sqtriro. agt, side, near the - First l'i•enbyterlaa April 5, 1557. . • •" qt. S. B. KVP lEOR . Office in North yii worur. ,trees Irmo . . . stor, hour.. uo i . pn r tiruLurly rl , llll A. tt..n i l from :1 tiy7.o'clook. ..' 1)11. 0111 . t1 E 13 It ET ~_", .... -.•- • ' • ---- V 44* ---11747/1 . •,:-'- _____,...,.: . .. 2........2. . . , Having returned tMlarlisle. cures Ids protitsttlontil sorvitoot to the eltizons generally. t dire ill North lit st roof, neatly opposite Ma foam, rit-Het• Tortil. .lollora Le. I rarliiiti, 341r1•II SIB V•S, tid• IVO! I,_ab.mnit, until tog Irt ` ,.. ,R7,,;;;;...77„ (1 - 1‘;() Pal - r-p,74-7- it . /Annul'. Dl:NiTerfrotiillit! - II:d.. I'l_l .1111,11 - logo -nr Uvu la t 1,,1111.111,, of his mart - ,11, EaNi. . trout. throe dein, bolow . 111:9.4.11 111, IHrie,--ts. . • r.. ItST [OK, Druggist, -; • North Ilanover - l'll),Han's presorfutionsentvfolly roturnuuled A full sitipply..of fr,lt dru.rm and ch,nll4-qls. • C. .NF FP respeet k3l roily -tor iho bolt, aTI)I gentlente'n y -ITY of Carlisle, :9111 rlcildby,.ll,at he has re. the practice or Death : try, and is prep wed to tons operations on the teeth and, Runs, belonging 1., id s pr01,, , ,j0n. Mil insert full sots or t.,1 la 011 1....unt teeth, or blodis. as they may Pcu Ps. Term: SUR - lime thons. one° In directly opplit!ile the (bomber— land Vallec •ir h. N. will bo In Nvwrillki thu Lunt ten ttlym of evpry infiuth. MSMII=I 1.0. Loomis je y.7 7 Soull.l streut,:"" ney.t door to the Post _—• °Neu. 1,-I_,) Allllllu alpurat frouri v :Mkio the 'find ton days•of each moan. G Eo._w, _N HOAG)", _D. :D. S. 1,100 nelllollStilitor ult.mative I)u . lifist; - y to th . o naltirnoTo 1:01 - tugo nl' surg , r• : - 011ITITTit 108 . reAdenee, 'oprosite Marlon Him, tl est Mae streut, c'arlislorPoun Nov. 11.1S4: kith FARE REDUCED,.. - VA STAT S NIO - N IT T GO6 dos Market. St.,aboveigilk, I= 11.,,W. HINKLE, Prrwrlotnr. tY, per .1:p•. Ju3o'sB. B ERDE &MENPE HAL L, 13ANKERS, Korth Western Idtttelettid Cdleetitig Agent, tatentiott paid to thu Ititt,ltiess of mot.resi hints, soc•lt .Is buying ttntl srlliug Real ENLIIk,I luring lotitty oht rout I,tato Fotturititt, Paylittt; Xltti tint .4:111g tiller the ,corral hitt:rust of nott-t.tttitlitutt+. - t. . Ref...rote, ttivett,if require , l. Address, 31ENDUNIIAltlt, 31Iuttenolis, .lintittsottt. d lily ^_l, IFSS—Iy 1 1 0 TUE(' Ul3 LlC.—The undersign i_ being well known non writer. would 061 , ilk ITit!.oB to all requiring Literary obi. Ito will fkroish iblre,es, Orations. ilosayo ilresethation speeches nod ',plies. Linen for Annum, AeroAleo—peellnro MAL, or the Pre,h—Obituaries. and write Poetry upon any objet Ator,,, (post paid) FINLLY 'MUNSON, Baltimore, Ith 171,0, ) 1 , 3 Al, 1 , 3'1' A'l' 1 , 3 :l s :(11 , 3N l; IT, 10E , HIM/. CON VI:VANCE!: ND : , tn ' t IV EN has 11h.1'eti t 7 11k SOW Mlle° 011 11:1111 titreot. otto door west f the r0u11.t.0.111.1 Valley Read Deplq. Ile Is now tterntattently loenteti, and hassos hand nod br sale a very largo ,Linottitt.or foal I,;;Atti,td.etraslstins% Farm:, it all slots. improved :111,1 nnitoprtived. Mill . rops•rl It,. Too, Property_ of ovary daseription, og bits, o, %Voitern. Lands and Town Lots.. Ho will iVII his nUeutinu, va IteLtol'ore to the Negotiating ol .tettet. Writing nd Sortvening generally. 9:•1. '2S, iw,7.-tr. IV.AS I ING TON 110 T EL, ORTII WEST COUNEI: OF TIIE CAItf.ISI.I4 PA,. • , 'rho Antee"rlber 1 1 •T6'1II.J.j Suereedel 11. llorkbolder iu is management el this popular note], begs leatu Lo 'sure the t arelllng public, its well as the eilken,3 lit Iwo And county, that no pains rill ho mooted on his Itt. to millitaln the ellaracter t elb'thts honse has tjopotl no . lons, is b.first class tiote . I•larb •lelrirtnent trl.l Isrunder hi. hunledinte • super- Sinn :Ind tryst y attention trout tot • emorort in' Ills jests 11.tring been r:•••••ntly todaeged -Lk °Iwo( the nst commodious II••tels In trnln, nhil•• In regard to lite. it is In any. 111;NII.V 01,135. l'arllsle...kja• " IV. C. II I lEE' 1 ATTORN TY AT LAW' AN 11, fl EN Elt A MiI:NT Miinvsola givo sptelal attention to I, llo , tl , ins not •Lill; ;It:lto—make Investments, tiny and pall al tlqtato nm. eeenellies.Neaollate home, pay ta.vee, ate lamt wane nis„Ve., Iterer,to the members of Cumloaloml Comity liar, zunl to ‘ll prominent eltt• l'a. A y. • LIU I•Sillt0114 A Oiln but, of Upp, it,.,. tOWO'llii). knund by Om Ile. sir of Cumbnt laud taunts, GUINN DWI'. 1 1, 1 , 1illt! townAtip. All por..ous hp1e144...1 to NAM tale are toqulred to InaNn lilllllollllltO paymont, nud tom, taring dale Will iirn.rot nallement 111011 A 1..131111:11T, Exnrtitur. Mar. '23; 111.',?5.-.--Ct • FtMoN P. 4N :H, W. K. 1.1, , FA1tL.0E,. Pormsy • k CI'MK,' lthoLlo Island. I' E FAR LAN I), .2.IND itlcern ointipoislern In Kcal. Eistate, suuvraru.l. , Ilinajnota'rerrriory tine . FRANKLIN IJOUSE: -the Court —Unuoe nrlislo, Vu. JOHN HAN, ON. I'mprattqr. elr COorti leaven dolly for Popertown, Veter. ,grg, I . sl:iprtncrao•l_lfo . ..lover_filon Your". • _ • • 1V A :11 STJ T - T P I N T.S hey urn bus bout ; 0.1110.)ES jet ufroroLl to tire public for tie money. ... • c..y.rirottiswiyAtaTre, 11tfi1l3,5,21";'AIIMSIFlONG,.82 , • NEW ,YOIIK. Apra 20.18411 - - - -410 • • • • ' IPO RT AN'r . NO T I.oltl.—T he books a•N•ounp, of Dr. J. IC. Smith have !woo plarod 1.1•1•111r1 tor 0 , ,11v01100. l'ornoto , aro thureibro ngtl that'noltr will ho brought, on All aCCOUnt,I4 l'ItIlltlill• otter thel2th of May; r!lnle,Apr, k', 1N697-0t MTH. . IF Yi/LI lis ANT A PltiliFEC r, mitt a tl upu:•lrf plaurO. gd to Ito' Dokuio.rato 14 3I at!. ttEt... , 10/41 1 .1. new. tho bottther I:mover ptrootA. Did uu tat not La Yl il uygwluo3ll r. 311 1 letttP—tot . .• , • TERMS' O 1 -PUBLICATION The CARUSLII lIERIIO, .11111PIlithell weekly nn a large abv.,t containing twenty eight velum., and fUrnished ;to subscribers ,at $1,r.0 i . !add - strictly , in advance:' $1 71l If 113111 Within the year: or in all eases when payment is lilll#oll after li a exiiiratin n of the year. No subsvriptions received hue in less pkriod than 0s temm disrontlnned until all arrearages .are paid. unless at the option of the publisher. rapers sant In subsrl'ibers tiring nut of Cumberland county muht let paid far 'in AliVrilire Or the' paymnnt assunied - by Millie resllo,lSll/10 11,1 , 1111111i11g in Cumberlandkonn ty. These terms will be rigidly adhered •to Inn 'all. DyFAIIIISEDIgN . 7'S, A tivealsoinents ,rl,ll he charged $l.(10 pnr-Fqunrno . linos the Hires a . nti 25 cents subsequent 11.,erlfon. All ntiverliveinevtti mJtesx than twelvellne4 emu:Moroi :to n_square• vPrllsoinvntA,lnFi•rte(l . befortOlarringes und..tteat ho S retltsrwr line fin. first insurtion.:ind .1 'rots pcn. 114,i' r soh:l./neut. Insertions. ; ConnnonleationH on Huh. jut , . or limited will ix, 'charged nu is pair line. Thv l!roprietor will not be responsl• I,loln damages 11Fr. (• " 1 . 1 . 61, lu niveill,temonts. Ohitnary .notl,vo nr 3lorrlaai.s not exvi.eding flcu Iluu., I,IIT Le Inserted Wlliwnt charge • • '._ . = Carlislo floral,' JOB Pill STING OFFIOIf Is Ilia laraost and most eompleft. establishment In therou`nty: Thre. and it general variety of material 1 7 anev wnili !flowery krud..,,,d,r. O, .1,41! Printing at the shortest Illiil4lolllll 011 PIO tow , " reasonahlo turns. Persons in want. of Bills, /11anks . or any thiug till , Joi.hing lii will find It to Tilts iliteria:t tie call,' • . 4.jciteraf (mil t,ocaf 3nfornitiliott . . • - • • . .. • •- --- 11. - S. acivErtsmENT.. ... Priddetit—.l.A l ll , ilren ISA N.. . . Vivi. Pro.4I.IIE—XMIN - 11.1:111:CKEY1:11.1:, Slwretary of titote —Goo. lil:wt.l (iA,m. i . tecoodore of I 0t0r10r,..1 ern) 1' if()VI,4ON.. St.I.11•L:11, orTI,ISIM . y—Ii..IIT.I.I; Cf/ . 1111: . . Si, : et:lrrOtAl'llr—.lollS 11. ri.01 . 1). Spi•ri.f, try of Novo-1.411Q d'oevid - . - Post:U.:Ltd: Ueneral - eeletOtett 1.11d.i,E- __ ....7 ... Atioroitedietioral—dErt(3lllll S. iII.VIC. Chief Justice of. tit° United tft,ittts—it....iti_TANitY sT ATI; G OVET{N AITIN T. • . - • • Ilovernsr—lVli.itAS • Si•vrt,l4ll'y Or 31. 11,A511,11. --.4 4 111 . , 1/onsral—,l.lllN ROI% I:. Fey. JR.. - 'llEusirrer—lHNlCV S. 3i WI:, W. • - .111.i2;,.11 . 1.I1.1 1111.11 t! l'ourt-I:l.Emki, .1. NI• Ailm• -I . ltoNt.. W. It. Issue'', (12)%'. AVosowmts..loll,' ()FFICERS. • • (Ind.., .1 nclges Coeldin, :fain net ,11 ,f. Shenror. . I/ oidey. S. IfFift. , _ Demtty, S. licepl.rs emtlity.'l',..rittrpoNloses Drleker, )It•Clellati. , . Cott. ty Commissioners—Au !vit. Kerr, So :tow. Nathaniel 11. Keit°ls. Clerk to CoininfitSbniers, Jo es Armstrong'. Direvt ors el the Mir—Smoot.] 'l•rltt, Trimble, A braloilti Flitierlotenilent bnburh. I.lOltOUO OFFiCIIC.S.7 , • chti•r 11.1mr,ess—.1o101 A,.sistant. 110 SlOO-001:01. Town Cou .. o(.ll—A. It. Shary,.l4ollo IVIIII.OO .11.007.. Ilartllo.l% T. jt 'l'..4Aup.)o l .1. Worthillt"ur Ittmty., A. Monestnith, Win, Lueilm • 121,rk is Cuunell.-,Thos. I ugh Constablit—Jolol Spahr, Antlrunv Martin., . /ir tho . I)tiluilor, 'David Smith, 111.:11:teI llolcuntlt, Stephen ICeopers. 0 First Presbyterian Churdi, Northwest op& of Cen ire Square. Rev. Conway P. Whig Pastor.—Sery ham ever. Su olay Meriting at no'ilock,"A. M., and 7 o'clock Second Presbytorlan Church, corner of son th I puny, 411,1 Pomfret ati eels. 11ev. Mr Malls, Pastor, Services chunlonce at II o'clock, A. 11., viol 7 o'clock P. M. . . . St. John's Church, (Prot. Episcopal) northeast angle of Centro Suit tre. It. 31orsh. Rector. Services at II o'clock A. 31., and 3 o'clock, P. M. English Lutheran Church, Iledthrtl between Main nr strovts. Rev, Jacob Fry, Pastor. Services at 11 o'cloel, .t. 31,, ,Ind i 17clock 1% M. tierman Reformed Church, LontlMr, between. Han /WM'. Mid PM streets. Rev. A,. 11. Kremer. Pastor.— Sei . vices at 11 O'clock A. laibt . o'clock P. 31. 3letludli3 li. 131iurell, (liratp•h,irir) ri!nlor ot Main aild, l'itc Strcuts. ltev. al, D. C. 11.0). WA. Pastor. F.urrlceN llt ll 'o* (.1,,c1; A. 31. awl 7 o'eludi I'. 31 Minhodist E. l'hureli (second charge.) Rev. Alex. D. ((Ibsen nostvr. Seeders in JAnory 31. K Chutell uL l oletock A. M. ain't i l' • 'St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Pomfret near East st, Re 1...•1N111NS Services every other liahliath at lu oVoolt. Vesper tit . • lii.curm Lutheran Claire': unto •r of liondrtit and streets. Itev. Castor. Services at ((clerk, A. SI,. lid Atli-When eininges ill'the alai,e era necessary thil proper h e rmits are requested to 11"Lify us. DICKINSON CULLED E Rev. Charles tlolllus, D. D., President and Professor 111 Mural :ritual, • Itor. 1: - .irtital M. Jrdmnnn U.U,l'rof:ssurofl'ldloso- I'lq English I.ltulatittol Jamos W 311.'0,111. 31., Professor Lan _ u,nageB. Ittiv. (Vitt. llosirtill; A. M.. Professor of Matheinallta. M IVllson. A, M. Prolessor olNattual Sclutice yud tlintitor of the 31useino. A lusatitler I , ellent. A. 31., Prorrssor of lit:brew and Modern I.alig.tottus. • Samuel P. 11/llnian, PrizOittl of the Grammar Sellot. •11. ti id .Issistant 'Ulu Graninotr Srlmul it . , il(U111.1 Sellooi...Dl it ECTOIIS. A 00l 0010 Illalr. President. (I. t'oattin, P. Quigley. G. c 0..... C. I'. Ilttnisrirli..l. Hamilton, Serrentr,yolasoll 'hration., John Splint.: 3lessootair. 311.0 t on the IA 31ontlay ut ettrlt Month at $ o'clock A. ii. at 11,1- aratlott conpOßATwlis Its!mt.-1 , 11,1110:1t, It. M. Iltmdcrston, Ca..tiior. 11% M. 1.1;i0.i.,A; l:aslttor. .1. P. 11.1er 1:011..Y.; nielorit Parker. Thoimis It, c, %V D.. Ithcrry'nud .J.,1111 Vptai ni.tta Rota CumPatY.—Pretldent, I , roderiel, :1,11. Lary and Treaturd; Edward 31. -111,11110; Sop'riolcntlent, 11. — Pattrnger trains twice :I day. I.a,tutnd a, ,L a 1.:3111140 nt 10.1.1tEn'elock y . A. 11, and AM o'clock P. 11. Two UaWls scurf day' We:Award, km, lag Carlklu at 0.1,u o'clock A, M., and '1.1511 P.,31. Ciatito: IVarcu Co,ioaNY.—PresDlent, Fre Jo tV.ats; rlveretary, I,onund Todd ; Trcattnur, 31, Duatoni; Initat two. F. D'att a. Richard Parker, t 1 Todd. 31. DooDta, floury Saxton, .1. IV ry, tVoodlcard, and it, 31, Illdd u _ COlattn.33la. VALLEY B.l.Slil.—l'rhidoilt, n Eti•r-• - • rat; Cattaler, 11..1. Sturptanu Teller, Jot. C. llolrer.— Ultoclorm. John S. Starrett', 11 la. liar, 3lelcholr Brom num Richard 11'0;014..10ln C. Dunlap, halt. C. Sturrult, 11. A. 13Lurtulon, and Captain John Dunlap. SOCIETIES Cuatherio.•:. Star Lotlire . No. 11 1 7, A. 'V. 11. theotrs at 11ario:t 11:111 on thu 211t1 mat 4th Ttitclio.j . n of every N 1.11,11. , • • . .i,dv l s jaa1..,0, No 960 A. V. M. Meets la 'Thula clay of each laontli, at Marion 01 o ? iu WI 1. U. or U. F. Moan Monday Imlldlng. COJIIPANIES, The Union clre Company Nunnorgunlned 1(1:5, E, corm . imn; Vire President. Porter; 'dilrotari, Theo. Cornwall; :tree/utter, P. Mon. yet . , Company inertii the firet'Saturtley In March, Julie, September, And Deremlier.• '. • - • • Caw horlond -Fire Company WON I tistitutott nry 18,1809, Proiddent, Unhurt Mifiartnoy; &TN:tory, l'hilip Qtti , tloy; Trentirer, li. i, ilittor. Tho columny moots on tin, third liaturday of ditoudty, April, July, and intohor. 'I to 15'111 Host, Comprthy AV/IN illStittlted I 01611.1:, 1555. President. I. A. Si tlrgcnii; Vivo Preslilunt..liinto, 13, 31..cm.t.,,r; ;:neretars, &mud 11. (imp& Treiteitiritr, ...ill.turtlar of January, Ap1 . 11; duly, nical llogbur, RATES OF POSTAGE. rostage on all lett etxtef ono-half ounce weight or nil ' .10 . .11 yenta 'pre eild, except to 'California or Oregon, chleli to ,a,n,r,prepahl. Portage on the 17 Herald "—within the County, free, Within the litate i tB eentx per year: Teeny part or tho United Staten 2e, coots . Ventage on all trattrlen Limper!! 'under a onneett 10 weight, lcent pro-poll" or two mote Atlveri eed iettvrq'ti be, harged 111th the curt of tolvertlnltot,. , • =I 1117R f 1LD ,1011SOIQOK • • PIN TING . S. Coy.. of, the Square,Thlttaia ,St. "&" Fl and bills neatly lexeoutnol P -P 0 walwafrv-- El I)letic[ll. • For tho 11c,ruld; 13=1 JULIA. All, ale 1 there wee passionate :TULIA With au eye in; blaek as a Mee, ' Muni, the Leves'lVol.o 011thrOlied: and the graces 'Fan:sale:mod hei•'hesms of New.. Tier film irtkdivine.ns n port's, tier vot..di'lte the laughing.nf water; 'Site was shilhf In she langua.ro or love, .. Per yen ne herself—had-talfght her. • Iti the &morons dime of tlm Orient, tho'hantis of the Arno - awl Rhino,. IVltere the only employment was lovo, , And old:Mini; the blood of the - vine, (10 qent her from beaveit to earlh • .111,4 problem of Angels t' explain, • And to Kaye to the world what infinite love (btu ltnteati heart cdu contain' dropp'd nectar, divinext ; For lue• soul once unguarded, n'lilss Hung toady:6ll%ll:9o).h its j:iveetness,_,_ At theTiler6 , red Pralal of Bliss: yet In the boil, I F 107.01, If, __3ll.en-LurtiletLthe_glltle.ring toy, DI vlnity lilloil ine-1 cult like n Oid • 1)ellilons1Y drunk still joy.- Ilrr eillarlllA—W cst army—wero marsivircl, • !I , ropt her trim little-P.4 tumor And Iron., of them tailed to.t.alto captive, • 'l'hr ogler whirl. nrt.pl 1110 spy . ' NVottill rush to cow• heart.tp.l dot itmtp• It. 'flog;, :IIfIM LOV)I'S St:Wilp Was 011S(.81011;.. al.dHI had wo malty stult ;littuks, I".nrt.ll tcoold mean rll • si:ut • • • I invorti that, my 1555 arils elertialr by von tig abe:qhis— . • - • ' Theil"l!iivorti by uII the 1•IXI:0 Stun, glory. unspeakable filled 1 - I•lll..wed my head oil her lirearsit. • And silently thought i twonid Lo liaptnro to die When .in.:litho land of the blest. • Vet tN'T look down tho dint vista, • • The dew drop Torts oye, Alit I think of - what Jeu.wa'S And Ivlnt, she now.ls will a sigh, Nov •IL'LT f1e101164 Dorras,'' And Jul.! t weartTraTall brit, - And .Itl.l,drinlis tea ❑n• 1i.., And RAJA nurses—it eat. • And Jui.ik!slialr . l•4 ill ~fnllnii~ Yet she says she•do'Cr - re a fig, .111,13 when she says iao For \YII.B it wl4. • Yet .1171.1VM teeth are quite lilt unit, -Still they seem ilo with Pearl In fart tin:•dentibt a;sured niS "Thi!tnost natural that over he mailo. — AI! .It:Lis now Is a spinster, • . Of youth and bounty beret C. T thought aa'sho. waah'd up The Nut mueh urthe Ansel woo left;_ For. JULIA'S charms aro now purrTniaed. ....Atiyahn.unes•that hangsn OLD .Inut, with all of her. efforts C:111 ne'er,he VOUNII JULIA again. May, 1809. • For the Horol FAMILIAWLETiiiIRS. ECEEEI BY PROF. C. C. BENNETT NUMBER-h.. MARRIAGE "Ohl yo who !toe trult Ana flowers—the penteCul Kilo, a nd lice Yield up a prayer for those who dare the perils of Ulu Receiving a note from a formerpupil—a young widow of a southern planter--that she wits_ on the eve of matrimony, I am induced to some reflection. Richly endbwed with wealth and a magnificent heauty, many were attracted to her presencel"With a mind- cidb tivated by the study of art and tIM admiration lof the bountiful, she held firmly the; friend• ships she had formed. During the yetis• she was under my.tuition, she was alatost con staidly in our little circle, where we read poems and painted pictures, noronly in the present, but fin•med inane a fitiry simile in the flitere. ' 0 may that • future he as then Im:dieted—Omit] and serene as , the smiling landscape, m•. the flea wli n.f•-the storms. are over atiNtg?ne I'' May real " castles" of' en during strength stand. I'll sunny slopes, mightier. IM.. than the feudal piles of Albion's isle that we then dreamed of ; shall yet inhabit; castles of' a prosperous life tit minds Minified in calm neljel, with snore than ' adamantine walls, bidding defiance to all th's evils of life! • Alter she had left us, one winter found her amid, the gaieties of a southern city. "The rich and innverful" sought her side, but true to thee instincts , of her W(11111111 nature, she, wilted from. them all tai one, a wanderer of the deep,,a ge . 'nerott and intel*eift-being, nature's own nobleman—muster ora ship, he oil went '‘do‘vit to see the great waters ;" that in their " wild waves' play," had taught• him freedom of Apirii, and wheqe i rett •• • had lent itself to his genial nature. ' And she equld stiVall this in lliW= coshl see the li lierfiiip a ressress of the oeeammitrur there I—and li'j'ih(itiglit too it our.frequent—converse on the things of nitture—of that dim wood•land and its " haunted spriug,tl We gather ed one st u nner's, eve—of the sunset we had so often watched, burning Over the Schu t t-f- : kill's _aviailing waive—ani) whether we gad': crud in that room or alder the old whispering' onliqt•ces,, we _ traesd lines._ of character trout the inanimate tu the aninntte,' tun' from the physical to the mental and, spiritual, a true philosophy of universal na- , tore. There are-few natures in this life that can assimilate—" to everything there: As it time, and it season to every parpose under heaven"—all uneasiness, therefore, on 'the subject of matrimony,- wilibe - dispensed with by the- true-minded man or W 01110.1 17 (mind, I I do not say bogs and .gir/s1) TO.y who are titte to their own noble • nature, that heaven-I has given them to Si utlY and receive wisdom from, will by their instinct see the one mad 'know the time.' Trust not'to " tip'pearancee' so called by " the world," fur ' " You know not mulles conlight up oyes, IMO sun eet's loughlog,glow, On Fonno cold strtnpuUldell burin; LIAIT e t %111110 MI rwie LARK e1:1,0w,-7 . . , • . That nit LIIVOI Mummer pen, great Pottltgu down, widlo notnogrivit cult!, 'Sell up At YLCTION'eI . LIVING 00111:T, and BIM their lorofor uotn:" Thei•efore, 0 child:en or an*ious ionginglv to know nn• uncertain future understand that your happiness lies .nnWtin you, and th'ere 'alone I—that Mere lies thefinC, nude of things that must discriminate between, that w hi c h inereVentecuil/ and perishable', and that which . is tiolde,,ereative and ire inortal— bolo:mot that Whick in •" of earth, etirthy,," and lhativltici, 'can creat " gold and'sit cur Y lid the (11/st,'? .tutd hold it (4 "dael.". • reit of ,lleaven . . "Itliteril'tbyen.lf;t n tert iithr anted ' To !ti.gabo on tby bulb?' 01AbtiYttlititta, N. Y., 12th Ably, 150 U, , dei: n touristtd' e " • egera l lr6i „r C .ete "'4 r" u euotni: lIMI=EI CARLISLE, PA., WEDN.ESDAY, ,:59. No—come what ‘rill, • thyatoarlflist truth I'll Floss; In youth, In ago, tpino,ovra-,-forover thine.. . [Atstuo:A. 'WATTS. As 'round soma hontoidoad's reload wall ' Tho ivy clings with clasp ainbraco, 'Clone—all thatAntvo It'llght' and grew; , 1` • two doth hope In oUrtlarkost • When friends 110alta, and, joy is lied, , Enfold us In Iteriliclos bright, , • And point to to fulmortal dead I • Still greenabout 'the mouldering slono `''fito • genereuslty'budn and !Aeolus— •A.truthful nionutnentalone ° • 1t braves the trreA'of thrones and tombe. And thus, again, k said, though tate, . Sem green thought in some gunqous When I.leivo pasead the outer gate, May garnituro pty grave, and bled . . Althot thy detiolatitplgtee ot rest • • Some into therleuto, not will toll ~ .of-lovu..stl II linttoilritt llved.letyoild the lest farewell; •• • Tlntt . did not perlsp.wlth the day— - • . '• 'Chat tlld Itot,weep.ilutt otrier3 molt, Hut only bade my ejdrlt stay— "•. And &Noe,' orthe when Other!: , • O ivy green t that.beighter grows, - As time recodes—de6rog Time,.. Like to the:streonahat onward Howe Forever, to the gort sublime; Fit typo they. impito thou (the Immortals) - ore4hth e tii;it scorns, or rhange, ar time-- d,;ede tint lino Life's portals ,/ith !dooms eteknn I no some gra ed. rhyme! bEi I" r_l .l WE NTYTIYE _DOLLARS: RE WARR—Lob*, olMlio (.V.111111.: of Jammer 5, ia nroad,,llV or Firth mretimi, a ta1.„,,,,q,e0r 111.0. in re. 111,,. The 111,01,0 reword wilt Ira paid to oily site who will retoro it triter Watt, Or the JOURNAL at, CONSI:ReE. This, to -Miss Julitt. Lane; wits the most 'itt• leresting paragraph iti the news.. She read it over and civet , agaitt.'„ Wits slitoribligeil to be { bees that it. referred to. the behtniftil cape I which her -father liedlburnt itt Clinton Place? , Very likely the advertisement-Meant turother. + People ware losing things continually. Then I how strange-to—haVelt-returned to the office of the lottruat of ComMerce! It looke'd very tench as if !rtline Tie WItS itinkittg capital' of lost. cap presuming on ilto proltabilitY of at I levast (um cape _being "105t . ......itt.the length : of Broadway attibyilllt-Wveune, tronf - thn nuttier ' ous parties in the oPen sleighs. 'rite nnifssiun of the,connecting ..Clinton Place" confirmed i ilii.4.suppo,Zon: - No ;T . She was not at all SUN that this wits the one. She doubted more the Mors she thought shunt it. - . ... .' . ---, -- -Julia had been positively unhappy for weeks froti, the want of a for cape. So many-of the other girls, in" fact almost. everybody, had them. . She wondered Itow they could. - afford it; but they had them, nut she hardly. fell. respectable Vvithottlone .. Her father had told her thrit - litecottlif net for a moment -think of making so.g.ltta purehase: He had not reeev erect front li heavy' losses Inst. Willer a his-pron igm - i.lilrn a hero support. Be- , voted to his professiyud pursuits,.l!.nd enjoy- , log, too,2with.kert rqli6b r the society of tliq'r ;cultivated and. literary circle in which Ifej moved, he could not sympathize with his! daughter's craving for fur capes. So the sub ject had been dismissed from their conversa tion, though not from the mind of the young lady. She, too, hadhigher tastes, but for the time they were obscured. She really felt ashanted to go out wearing, her old, narrow, faded mink vict ovine. Why could not she dress as well as other people ? And now the way seemed.to be opened. , A fur cape, handsomer than her qtmost ambi tion had aspired to, wits brought to her door. It was asking too much for her to relinquish I it to such an indefinite demand its that adver tisement. Besides, reasoned our consistent. 1 young lady, people whi) wear such capes can or onght, , to afford to lose them. rite loss to Thee ownerwas prottably but it slight, inconve nience, while the tinaing, Was to her the grafi ficatiOn °flier strongest, and ptherwise mint ainable desire. i ,_,• . . . . Still lower down n the strata of her thoughts was this: Anna IVillard has just returned from Europe a rich heiress. George Willard has been quite attentive to Julia this winter. , and specially requested that she 'Wouhl call upon his sister, who was on a visit to her un cle. She did not-like to ,go. and call upon those stylish people in that old victorine. The cape was exactly the thing to make her feel cent fortable and as good as any body. If she could only think it right td keep it '. She pondered the matter all day. She ,had no mother, poor girl, or perhaps a fur cape would, b not. have scented of so lunch ituport• once. Several of her youth friends . cante in during the duty, almost all of them the happy posse,surs of capes, sable, mink. or squirrel ; itotd.not ono-of theta, thought Julia, with self. Congratulation, not one of them su handsome i as—rnine. , h e ', b een down tt - Miss Bidwell. " His furs tie so cheap th a t. mamma said she could not resist the (milliin tim', and bought one, for Kitty. You have not got - yeurS yet, have you, diditt ?" filia.tool—omulor.tall_heertf by ; a uw i n i." that, in some possible contingency, she might have a cape ill the course of the winter; and it hod seemed 0110 step toward realizing her hopes to - confide them to her friend, Miss Bid.. well. llow_delighted she felt to ho able to reply. hinklhat I shall have one soon; with lather about it, this Morning "To think of that school•girl, Kitty Bid well, hosing a mink cape! That makes four fun capes in that. fatuity. I an sure that tathorafford coald it es well as Mr. Bidwell. wkli that father, felt us little more pride about my looks. ll' I had a mother to tare for-me f' .And Julia ,burkr into a passion of tears, whieli she imagined were tears of filial devotion and regret: . Before she, tame out,. of it she felt almost: us if Provident:o.llnd taken her ease in band, and had gratified in it mys terious way the wish denied . ,hy her unsympa. thizing father, . "Any advertisement, or that cape?" nelidd her-tittlsr at, the dinner•table. ." None that !movers to this one. l'sent Tor the other papers. The LIMO advertisement is In them all, but it does not Mouton Clinton Place." tt Where are the papers? Letine seo They were up stairs, In Julia's room. She had almost persuaded herself,: but elle:. was somewhat fearful that her father world not he so .pnitily satisfied, He 'was a man o strictest integrity„ and did not fern momen ithaglne, that ids tinnglit s er'would not bb 'lade nitrous as himself , to restore the property to, ifs - tiWoer.72,lle;ditrnotlttioW the 'plAv'er 'Urn passion for fur capee. . • "1 think will adverUtuelt," he said. • •• ',should think that the.ownee would do replied Julia. It was adverthied (though, •ilirciugh a nibs. take, •net. till „two days-afterwards), and not called for; 'pxcept ,by,a, • ultowily-di•mised - we 'man, -who. could not descrllio,it aright.; proba... bly rinolher victim, to.tlle•fatiieup mania: - „They, were gaing - to R ICCt UEba fey,' afterward. ', , - • ' SUppillSO 1 1 ,11 t It oti, dev, 9.4 cl tpt tit° goo IL" nn Julla'ran,up nid..Eioon ounie, (Own tiFltli the - fur' civer.lior shoulders.;. • !‘lls it a liantlam*i ono Y° uu. sophiet!eitted , 9 . 11 i you.", • , ~ • =AIM From no N.Y. Cimmtenotion TO = LOST-AND= FOUND: • • "'I it not • too handsome for you to wear? lot now, Julia, that I sin not You die no knoW thaf. I ant in debt., ,and 'it therefore wo dd not.bo proper for you .to wear an ex-` pet sive 'firticlo." • People will think that it,is a present:" , Even that I should not like.. We should dress according to our circumstances ," , "A great' r u nny People, no richer Then nre; eapes.',... "1 - knew - tharthefe ai•e - many foolish ,pee pie. are conscion's of .having no higher' claim to respectalohity. 'should be sorry. to' have my daughter fall back.unon That ground.. I 'that Very. sure. Julia, that no one whose good opinion ls-of any value, weuld - thinkfierter - -of you for a dreosing 'expensively. Thih striving 10 - imitafe - others - is - not - consistent — witlClTtie 'dignity and self-respect."' ' " But What are ye to do with it, it Ido not wear'it ? • It' olive - buying a clbak for sev'... - esal winters. , See, lather, does it not look It fits mu exactly.- Some good fairy nerd it tome, I have no doubt." . • _ "Yes, it is very pretty, but I and very sorry.' hat we have not found the - owner. You are sure that it is a suitable one for you to wear?" _ Boilable! _ It suited her wishes exactly—her Highest wishes. It was hatiGenfer than afiy of the other girls'. Now she Would not be ashamed - arcall open Antat_Willard„ But , she tlirdita - sny this. Oh yes, hillier,. it is exactly what I want," she said. • ' ll'you'could have 'Seen her. the next day !• But you have seen hundreds .with - just that -- self-satisfied air, begging admiration , of all The - passcrs-by. " Lotik atone! lam dressed .us well as any body!" She could hardly walk far enough, so de sirous was site to gratify everybody with -the 'sight of so. intfeli 'elegance She scrutinized all - the - furs in the street with intense interest. She hail the satisfaiitioit of hearing ono 'lady : say - to - shot lier;' - ' ,- .'Pha - t's'a andsome cape 8110 ina Sophia 'Burly, and 'ller 'eapo7 - whieh last }Meek 'vas nn abject of envy, now loekadj so Atalby ! ;She saw two or three diatalsond; than her own, not began to Murmur .at' For= tni'ie for not. sending her the best while - ahe ' was -- • • Shan act Catharine Perry. who exclaimed, " What a splendid cape I. That, 'to be sure, is worth waiting .Ibr, lint where 'are your cuffs and Mug'? - Nobody wears a cape alone." Julia had thought of that; for her hands and zarno felt the loss of their usual 'protect ors, which were not esteemed wiirthy uoMpanions: of The new magnificence. Op her.way lilime she went bites Shop, and . it - seemed to her• that site W 10.3 treated with none attention Ilion nodal. After 'making ' most of her purchases she passed to another part or 1116 — establishment. and mat (torn, wait- An , with an air •of patient condescension,' r_wriile a young woman behind the counter re ' sewed and returned the cordial greet ing,of-a. plainly dressed lady in dap mourning. (This haughty air was. not natural to J "Al, another lime it would have given _her real . .pleasure to witness such it meeting. But to ile), she .was the slave of the cope, and here ' wore two persons who Aid pot acknowledge its pre-eminent claims. She rose disdainfully to leave the shop. • - ' 4- Pardon me," said, A the-top-woman, ' , I _will intend to yon at once." .___" — No_inatior,said-Jolia; ,in Note, and ,will not. interrupt yon." ' 1 This was. said with :in air of superiority whicti 'site thought emiwzntly suited the wearer of a sable cape. She returned home feeling a good deal ex ulted in the ocale of being. The nex . ttlay she' put on her handsomest dress and the beloved cape which kept both body and spirit so comfortable, and paid her visit to Miss Willard. She was shown into parlor,' whose costly elegance she painfully contrasted with her own simple and more tasteful home. "It is well that I have this cape!" she thought. "How' ,should have felt to come here-in my old victorine :" Presently a lady inoblack entered and ap proachea her. To hdr great surpi•ise"she rec ognized in Miss Willattl, the lady whom she Lad met in the shop' on the previous day. Miss Willard also remembered Julia. "I owe , you an apology," sue said, for so interfering with your shoppingryesterday." • begged her pot• to mention it. ' "I had heard Ova My old friend, Miss San- I elle, was there, and went- to see her. Wo were both affected at seeing each ether. It 'W 3 lts hardly the place for our first meeting af ter this long separation, which had. brought skit changes to us both It was net, strange that she jorgot her duties." ,Julia replied that if she 'could have imag ined anything of the kind she would not have interrupted them for it moment. " I know It I inn sure you would not wil lingly have given pain. She is a noble girl, and I admire •her indepetialence in taking a 'situation where she is coatantly exposed to insult from the heareless among her old ac quaintance'. Ilex uncle wished to adopt her her faille:es reverses ; but 'she said it. was better for herself to be independent, and she wished, it' 'poksible • to encourage others by her example. 1 always thought liertnie of the most cultivated and lovely girls' that I know, but lAN not give her credit for so of character "It is a great mid rare pleasure," continued • :Wks Willard, "to find a person meting out her •-• • own convictions, and living according to her ' ideal. There is so little individuality among tot---Ahuwittano--dr.ctts,-atl-furnittlt r -otte-.-1 houses, and live. in a certain way, because our neighbors do. - without consulting.our'own cumstatices or even our own tastes. The Eng lish, with whom I have lived the last year, err 'perhaps on the other exit:2 . )m: but, in so do ing, they show at least a nelf;respeet' which vAmericans in general can not boast of" "Yet," said Julia, •'one does not like to . be entirely different from other• people. \Ve all judge of others by those outward things." confess_replied_Mise my pride would take that direclNfic - 'Whon I see all these vulgar people striving to be fash ionable-looking as if they'.carried all (lido ponessions-on their badkeri-ha.ving• no higher aim than to have their silks, mid furs, quid laces as expensive an their neighbors—l feel like dressing in eerge and hair-cloth. arty soul is sick of this mean ambition. this paltry van ity', (his self-indulgence and self-assertion ❑ow little they know of the trtio value of mon ey-of the true meaning of life!" , Julia 14(le a feeble assent, rather bewilder., ed. by this tiew viewof things. She was en. tering Into a sphere in which fur capes %wero not in the escendant.. "I am afraid, that you will think me very isevere," continuialMisa Willard, With a sweet ' mulle ; but I feel very deeply on this subject. On cot»inglionte,_and_looking at_things in-the-- light or a-great sorrow, Ilong to.be a preach erof faith.' "Of faith!" echoed Julia. "Yes; of filth in something nobler and more satisfying than . sol f l an d of faith in a Heavenly 'll'ather, who gives to ; each his pcettliar lot and his peculiar duties I Why not take charfully whatlle •gives' us, Without grasping for,what he gives to others? Why not ho satisfied with , lllp choice for them and for ourselves? We are spoiling tllibeatity and.vitritty drills plans by this - rubbing down .of Our indiVidual life, and shaldtig ourselies by others." . . . And this .wits the visit for Whloli a our) was no tieoeitsitry 1.• • will.not any that Julia's feelings worn not envied; fortito first nwskonlOg of the soul, to its r own.degretintjon; its own want s,' to rho. oonstiloosness of being so Dir Off,frotri ,what is most tiosivable:—suroly.this tlinn,self-uomplocetit blitWitess I." , .. wisu truly, young nnti r giftod With all the means of self-enjoyment ankeelt"-ngrati- Alzottiont, 0119, who itoultl turn upon *self . a , . • admiring and mivying . eyes,of all the throng of fashion, yet..spurning fashion and luxury. beneath her feet! Sorrow had added new weight to the injunctions of her dying father,: that she should spend the wealth he left het 'not for herself but for others: Her pure and simple . tastes were gratified at little expense. She shrank flyin every thing - Which attracted attention -to lierself. Her free and loving spirit gave .itself forth . to cheer, fo.comfort, mfd- br help others.. And when she met this young gild, in whom she knew that her broth er felt n deep interest, and saw With pain that, the spoiler had catered her soar and 'was eat ing up-its treasntes,' her heart Warmed with pity - and:sorrow,'T - 1141,%brother-had spokeir.mf jnlia as modest and onprotendingi unlike most New I'o - I.k girls dn. her simple natural- Mess. - Little did Julia know dm mischief that the cape, anti the (Init.& (or the cape, had done.. Little did 4113 'think that the first time she wore it, when she_ entered the lector° room,. 'Mr. Willard's companion whispered to him, usshenissml;:"lf had Seen that cape yester day; perhaps I should' not have been so leni ent to Mr. Lane whendie came to beg a fur ther extension of our firm. am really sor 7 ry; I thought Imhad more principle, and that tilicrhad more - sensm" - . After this George, Willard avoided Julia; 'for this even the "fur oape wits nor - sufficient consolation. ' But the good work was begun.. The cape had failed of its great.object —the gaining of the good opinion of Miss Willard. _Disappoin : ted vaolky had - tanght hard hid useful les son. In the inert ification, the sal f-din;atisfac lion, the most hopeless longing, Jplia was p,e teehik the narrow g ate of a 1101/lel' ' Willard. was iplicic to see it ; -an`d norby re proaches or - contempt, but by- opening new sources of enjoyment., new spheres ofoction-.‘'- bYleading her to feel what is true'tubl noble in books and life—she led lier,•yattng 'friend t Lop_ 14. ova 60 heliliiialigiiint6Afie - free: dom of is life forgetting` self, and aspiring to what, highest.- *-: • •• "But you are out. to-day without your - fur cape! Are you not imprudent, dear Julia"?' This question wins "asked by Miss one morning. when Julia - called for Ther to' visit-a poor family, wearing the old mink vie ,- torine. . "Can you wait a few minutes, Anna? ' "Cortaioly. For what r -"While I tell yOu about:that cape." Julia gave its history, extenentinglninght. "Now, Annie do you wonder that I do not wish to wear it again ?" • Miss Willard listened with the deepest in terest. "I am glad to hear this, Julia—more glad than your can imagine,". she said. " ' thought the cape, was not suitable fbr you:: "Arid to think that my Strongest reason for. _desiring it that. I might gain your favor ! Whitt a rebuke your shople dress was to me!" I like lb see peole well dressed,". replied' Miss Willard, 'fiddling; "bid I have resolved for myself that (here sliallbe- nothing in illy' appearance to-remind any one of the-poor shift' which som et i ores separates friends. Oh! Julia, was um-the way - in which I acquired it enough to teach me illee little it is worth;' Li inheriting it I inherited orphanage and sorrow! Death gave it to me--a death which showed me, more than anything-else has ever done, holv_worthless-are-the vanities of this life-- how great and real are the things whiclt liLf beyond it!" " I in ' "I am ashamed to tell yeti of one feeling I had, but I twill. 4,thought, 'She can afford -not to dress well.'" "Anti so I can," slid Miss Willard, smiling; 'and so can Anybody who has any thing in herself ,ythich makes her indifferent to the opinion of others. For my part, .1 consi , Jdar great thoughts and great 'objects. a grelir Joy, a great hope, a great sorrow quite as enohling as a great fortune." "But, my dear Julia," shecontinued, "there is no harm in wearing the cape since you are done worshiping it. Indeed, it iv imprudent to leave-it off; and it had best do good to s sumehody." , No, I shall never wear it again. It has only given me pain and mortification since the first day I saw you. Discontent and pride and envy are written all over it. The poor h.ive seemed to reproach me fur wearing it; and the rich , ' o ridicule me. and my own heart. eututeninell me. It' I could only find the owner how Otani:lolyd would restore it!" Anna kissed her tenderly, and said, after a poise", "linty() something to yll you, Julia. That was tin/ cape. "Yours - :" ."Yes. ' I recoil - 11'A it. at once, when you came to see me, by us peculiar shape and fastenings," - "Oh! Anna. what an angel you have been! rind Julia hid her weeping face on her friends shoulder. "But I fun so glad le thud the owner ! And it will ho well for me rit - see you wear it; to he reminded of my—" "No l Julia, I shall never wear it again. I never liked to wear it. -dt was the gift of my allele, and I wore it, only for that reason." "Zloty could you allow me to come into your" presence How you must have despised me!" "You might. despise me, Julia, if you knew my heart. What can any of its do in this life hut, repent, and strive, and look upward to One who knew , l ail, and yet deem not coat um °lrv!. "I do repent—l do sit IN eF-.sl do look up; ward as my only hope." said Julia, solemnly. , •Do you not think," said Anna, "that we . • eihe-sins of which we,...repent_moro thau_ those which itre comparative strangers . to us? That line back door of penitence leads us, into the safest places. "But to return to our cape," she continued .Xgave it to you lon,Tago. You can wear it or no