LIVEI3. INVIgORAOR II PREPARED BY DR. S4NFORD. • .. • ' . .Compounded cut irely from .611.105. .• T s ONE OF 'PRE 'DERV PURGATIVE' AND .irvkit • ES now before the. public, that nets ao • 't.livieumo, easier, milder, end niers effectual thou any ':other medicine known. It Is notonly s a CATHARTIC. but LIVER remedy, acting first on !the 'LIVER Jo eject Its morbid'metter, then on the strength and bowels to car•• ry off Ilea mutter, thus eccemplishing two purPoses ' offectuntryi Witiffint any of 'the painful feelings experb • onced in the operation of Must Unto 11V1C.9. It strength 'ens the system Si 'the IEIIIIO tune thablt purgeh II ; and when taken dull' In moderate destEl, will nod build it up with unusual ropldlty.•• •--•- . - "Tb". 7 " char - iho Liver is onoef _the principal regulators - oftlie huintin body, nod when' it performs Its funetlogs-w3l7the.pant, --...atlp-of=the-system-are ....-.'"---:-fildTrdevelopeci: The stibilach In , almost en • tirely dependent on the , healthy action' of the' Liver forthe proper per- r"9 fermance of Its functions .when the stomach is at' rv i z . , the bowels are at fault; and tLo whole — I s tee suffers in cense•. queues of one organ— ry2 the Liver having •• ceased to do its duty. 1 - i - I For the diseases of that organ, one of the pow My .prletors has outdo It bin study, in a pinetice.of more than twenty yearn • to fad some rAmedly wherewith to counteract the many derangements to vihieh it is liabl ' Ta pnivo that this re- Hi medy at last • found, any person troubled' with • Llyer iihy - a;rtFi forme, Las I.ukto try bottle, and conviction ) These gags reams-GAN • morbid or' bad - meittel from the sytem. 0,.1 plying In their. place a healthy flow'of Lilo, in- . vigoratinglhc stomach. musing food • to digest wOll, purifyingthe blood giving Lotion Lmm nad Smith, pg to the whole machinery -removing the moans of t disease, and effect ing it tadical 'core. -4 Mil Ono dose after eating is ntiffielent to relhjya_ rfid-pre • _ : souring. Only one dose taken 'before retiring prevents - • ' nightmare. Only one dose taken I"'7q, • at night •loosens the • • bowelakm4lv,..andiures- costiveness. One dose taken otter each meal will cure Dye. MAIL - • • • • .. Altier,One dose of two p i teaspoonfuls will alwaye roller° Sick Headache. , • One bottle, taken for ,- female. - obstruction -triovos•the cause of the •111 disease, and ,makes a perfect cure. Only one dose Mime- C) diately relieves' Choi', ' while one done often re- , pented Is anus° cure for Cholera Illorinis and a - preventive of Cholera. Ono dose taken often Z will prevent the' recur cones 01 bilious en- tacks, 'while It re . Ikven all painful. feel- Inge. • • ty.p...Only one battle In needed to throw out the, of system the effects of (. medicine alter a. long SiCkliebe. Cne bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sallow -, —.---ness or-unontursibridnr fronrtlirskin. • r • a • One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor tunic appetite and . ' . ChM thine often repented cures Chronic Dior. shwa In Its worst forting, while mat m mer and bow,; el complaints yield almost to the first Ilene. , One or Iwo doses (urea attacks reused by worm., in cldidrenLthere.itt_ne.surer r eafer or speedier rent edy u the world, an It never falls. • We take infinite pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventive for. Fever.and Agile, . Fever and ail Fevers of a Blllious Type. it operates with certainty, and thousands are .• willing. to testify to ifs wonderful virtues. • All who use it aro dying their unanimous testimony • l Its favor.- -•-• • • a!). Mix water in she mouth, with thelntigerater, and swallow both Mother: , . • TOR Lity . icre. INVIGORATOR ,18,1 SOIg.NTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, • aiid Is dolly norking runes, almost too great to. believe.' It cures es Irby magic, even the, first dose j.tiV Ing bent). fit, and seldom More than ono _bottle is required to cure , - any kinA - 6rLiYER 'Complaint, from the worst:Jaun dice or Dyspepsia to a commonadache, -all 'of which M Rte the result of a Diseased Liver. tome ONE-DOLLAR Pelf BOTTLE. . - DR. SAN - YORD. Prbinioto - r, - 345 - 11 roadwaY. Now York. • . 1).M.. Sold in Carlini° by S. ELLIOTT lad S. W. lIAR ERSTICE. • ' my 261858. A BEAUTIFUL HEAD.OF RICH GLOSSY HAIR, OOXPLETELY PRESERVED TO. THE GREATEST '•llG] • And who that Is gray would not •Itave it restored to former color; or bald, but would bave - the growth re stored. or Vroubled - with dandruff end Itching,_ but a • r - ,would haft: it removed, or troubled with scrofula, scald head, or other eruptions, but would_be cured, or with tick heed eehe, (neuralgia) but - wriuld ho cured. Ti will alFo remove „all pimples from the face and skit!) Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative Will do all this, sou ch . eu• lac end the following: ' : • AOC ARBOR, November 5, 110. Pion.. 0..1. Weep—Dear Sir: I hove heard much said of the wonda.rful effects of your-flair Restorative, but having been so often cheated by qualekery and. quack nestrionS, &c., I was dispirsed to place your Restorative - in the ,annve category with the thounond and One loudly trumpeted quack retnedieNountil I nfet you hr Lawrence county some mouths since,. when you •gave no nut* onsurancona •Indricell. the trial of your Restorative in my fanailyfirst by my good - Wife, whose hoir had !weenie very thin and entirely white, and . be fore exhausting one aof yourhargo'bettlea, her hair woe restored nearly to Ito original bcoutirail brown color, nud had thickened and become beautiful and glow up on, aPed entirely over the head;-she continues to nse -It. not tamely because of its beautifying effects upon the hair, but because of its . healthful influence upon therefore any skepticism and doubts in reference to rn Its character and value are entirely removed; and I ran and do most cordially and confidentially recommend Its use by nil who would have their hair restored from white or gray (by reason of sickness or age,) to original color and beauty- and by' all young persons who would hove their hair beautiful and glessy Very truly and gratefully yours. . • • . biOLOSION 'MANN. • • FRIEND WOOD: It wean long thne after I saw you at Illisslield before I got the bottle of Restorative for which you gave me nn order upon your agent In Detroit, and whim I got It we concluded to try It Ma Mrs. Mann's hair, no the Aurest test of Its power. It has done all that you assured me It would do; and others of my Aridly omit friends, having witnessed its ellects, are now using and recommending its use to others as anti. tied to the blithest consideration you claim for It. • Againoury respectfully and truly, yours, SOLOMON MANN.. Ca ILTIL. ILL., Juno 28, 1852. Share used Prof. 0. J. Wood's .11.1 r llestoratl., and have edullr“l Its wonderful effects. 'My heir was be coming. us I thought, prematurely gray, but by the use or his Itosteratlre it has resumed Its orlglual color, and, 1 bare no doubt, peinsammtly so. ' .8. BREESE, ex-Senator, U. S. Prepared by 0. J. WOOD & CO., 114 Market street, :Wilt Louts. nod 312 Broadway, Now York, and sold by all Drum:lets and Patent,Medlolne Dealers; also,' by all Taney and 'Pellet (Weds, .41ealers in the United Status ~,and,Causda. X, Fur sale In Carlisle, by 8. W.. lIAVERSTICK, BASI'L ELlbiOn. and Drugglats everYwbcre. DR. COGDSWELL'S Agiv MEDICAL SALT, FOR INFLAMMATORY DISEASES ONLY New Medical Salt I New Medical Salt I IT IS NO7' -4 CURE-ALL! For Inflammatory piseasea only. JAiII,LL'S NEW MEDICAL BALT, Instead .11 .1' 'ming a remedy Sir all Ills, has control over but one ill, Imo •but one aim, and accomplishes but one thing, to wit: HUICURES INFLAMMATORY DIHRASE, whatever 110 its form or locality, whether In the head, throat, oh. domeu, extremities nr skin. 7 \TEM' 3IDDICAL SALT.. Its peculiar excellence. Is -.----/k-tiutt.arithout•the wieleheintlotbluoduraltrreligth, .; It effeCtually cures inflammatory. Diseases, (no others) . by producing: on equilibrium; of all the fluids of the body, ,tile Want of Which is the sole CAUSE of irifEiMMO. floe. . • . • tTOTICP: TO INVALIDS 11- Thefol lowing forme which • _IA the unbainneed fluids assume, and many not 'hobo mentioned, that hase.more or, less foyer nr,pain, A m u itifslly subdued by the'NEW MEDICAL SALT, no tire is eatingulsbed brwater, to alt: Brain Facer, Headache, '. Bush of! Blood to the Bead and heart, Pits, Inflamed eyetr,;ears, nose, lunge and liver, Neuralgia, Spinal fectiOns, Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Pleurisy. Asthma, " 'Coughs, Dyspepela, Venereal Diseases, Rheumatisoh .14 s , ' , Oritsti , Bcrofula; and 'all itching and other"cutancous eruptions. ,tirE F'it. coaaswELL's Nlc MI BALI exerts, like thexacclue matter, in extratmlinary Influence :oral., the veins and arteries, resulting in a gradual de• cline efltill.inmation as Indicated by the pulse, which soon tesuilies Its natural state, as.tha beat, pain and foyer disa.,mear.,_ .1; ; . ~ 111 L DOGGSTrELL'd Npw MEDICAL SALT does Just J wild it claims to do—no. More, no losavoqualises . , , the fluids by removing from the system all'artorial and 'venous ObStrijetiling. Descriptive eircuiars may be' 6D , . . tabled from Any Druggist who has this valuable medi , , clue Inc sole. ~,, , • . . . . . 11R, COGGSWELL'S NEW DIEGICAL SALT.- Get a .11,CIrcuinr.. Ark anyliruggist about the NEW bIEIL., MAL' SALT. Ask your neighbors. about the NEW MEDICAL. SALT. If sick TRY ; If not 'sick, REMAIRDER the NEW ;MEDICAL SALT:: ' •• ' '• ' . ' ' ' • TyR. COGGSWGIVS'ANTIPII LOGISTIC ' • ‘...Lf &nip° Packages'. 14; Clironiedo. $2,50; rendly do. $l. -.4."-ktOnt'by wail. free of expense. on receipt of price. • • Itivaintw with ciWoodc7nr long standing awaits, ,should,etweto ordorn chronic package, D. 0. TAYLOR & CO.,' , . • Cl ,on., agents, 202 Dock St., 'blind's. 'll:B.,lgpi . its wanted in every City, Town . tul Village • , . , DTh i fg a iff i tTlELL'E NEW 31r.DICALf1AL Is for sale, lirugglep and by all'issPectoblo',l;Aegfs 't i er l ar;ftbp road.., As 31. Is 310 A potAot, ros,dial e ile; Lut - ,tbe prrsert NEW. 2• l lrag 'A Y " one . 44"1'4 fall .16 _ ~, , i rl4l.l4l,Nvifatout.•-pHysic,.,- . ~ • d•prlzo esaay.on ilervoun Iptisea ' • ...- ..IF ~Jun published,. tbubAtk thousand In a'soalod erreel a .., opeeprlenlo cents„ Or sent Peat paid by tbe,Publiabint . ,' .., r • .4.: Medical essapep.the , phyalcl exhaust ion' and. de, ray of:the framo frons. lndul gence. , Infection and the In. -, :vc ,, ,; arloun r consequencea , of Alercury,-with...the modern , l;•-1•:,•::.: sena orcuro. •,. •, , • . l • _: , , , , , t • . ....,, r , ''.4' I - . By R. J. OULVERIVELL, nr.-;1; : ~,- I n 1,4:q xp.tosortheAvol 004goot g eurwopit &a., ac c ,,. ~., A ;;-. , - -.' 4.44 jAWSlCeilishtc;i4 , titeal iii BeriffnatEmlildeme, Netvoiug , , , Dobiliki , ,, lintiotehey 101hr' energy, depression of spirits .1 ‘'. I'ltnidlt!, , )teneially'ato'prdnitalyaod effectaidly turd -'' , i :a hy' tliVAntlioee novel and Most; aucceasful triode oftreat. '''''• ,, nceilt; bjr.tileanifor wh!cli the'lnviird Onregatn. health. • '', 4 ;s , sllhont , having' ieconise • to•dengemus Ana expensiya ' 7 ' , '''"nsisilehiell. - • '•;" '', ~, 1.. U- 7, -' - , ,•;•••,.....•.., ".. ,i;s, • . • . , nom" the • louden' Lancet:4bl; best • trelitiseelier,. '•'• ..iiilttiii - Citiist'idhjecl ntiltaldisinortinia (orals; all; *ell ••, . - 4cithythe Anther's 'a:salted! reputation. ,'• - :,••,.• . ' - • /lddrees 'tile' Pnblhhers i 11 1 ...1..' Cli• it Co., lit ' , :iletkuo'givriker 19111. st, ',Poet Box 4540, New .York City : . • . '•,. • '.',••••• ' JasiselvY 2191100v:-..:- Jlt tcutc CIUMBERANJD -I M - LLEY --- INSTUUTE /. ••• 31.EcunNicsn11 ta, Thin Institution having passed Into now bands. will be reopened /taw:dale School only, on Thursday, tltee2te 'day of September next. IL Is the design of the present proprietors to snake it a 'strictly fret.dnes Boarding &heel, for training and fitting boys and young men either_pir_vilege,o4usluess._An-efficlent-corpsoln structorn has boon organized, whose personal Interests are identified with the success'of the Institution, and -- whnwlll - sparu Its - plifint G - mnko lEweithy nfththe confi deuce and patronage of thin public.. Tho Ituildloge of the Institute are ample: and well arranged f o r the Ile commutation of almut ninety boarders, and all students front a , road tire expected to boned with the teachers.— , 'fifey will thus enjoYtblibenefit id - constant licsWeelltilf and supervision. 7 • Mechanicsburg is situated in the centre of the beau tiful Cumberland Valley. nine miles from Harrisburg, • and is easy of access by Railroad from , Philadelphiallab Minor°, Ac. No location could he more eligible for ac cess—none more healthy or attractive forimeb a school. Pupils front iVashingtonelltaithhore, Philadelphia and intermediate points, taking the morning Arain, will reach _Meeltanicsborg by -riolocke.P.--M.--- As-it-Is the. 'determination of the Principal and:his Assistants to place the Institute on a permanent entleleratei basis, with • overy:applic4tiort requisite, „for superior success, they appeal with confidence to all who have sons toed. strata. -- A large assortment of superior Pianos: from the Les Boston and 'New York makers, togetliv with oar-ellen second.h.mdkiaims, constantly for site. N0.,06 MARKET STREET, llARiqtkußG Also. Mason 6 Ilamltrifnllodel and New 01,.;ati•flarmoillunts. Old. Plane. taken la part payment, for new ones. PIANO TUNING OR REPAIRING' , pronip , of. aria Mr...),JIIN . .I • TAS:ZYK, Who 'bat , !,., 0114 of the moss rellablo it ,n 10, Uilittti Slater. . sep.2*. - O. C. 11. CAWillit. 401:‘;--- . ;46,?....; ........ Cr -, .r4..---,--•27.,.L....,_-_-__ > --- ..:,-,.........= ~,., • :, ; , :q;w LL )) -----=,------ , ,,,...,.. r ,, 3, . i • - • ,-,:- GOLD MEDAL PREMIUM man) FORTES! • 2.07 Baltimore street, between Charles will Light streets. '. • hese celebrated PIANOS have, at different Fairs, for semi su .cesslve years. been awarded the highest pre- Mums fur excellenrwover all wimpetition. They have also been pronounced by 8. Thalberg, the most celebra ted pianist In the world, and other distinguished artists, Including Mr. Strakosell, Ac.,J.c., to be equal, if not su• limier to any In this country. We bare constantly on, hand at our extensive Ware roams no above, the largest assortment of line PIANO FORTES to be found In this. city, which we will sell. 'wholesale and retail, on the most liberal terms to snit the times. In every case wo guarantee our Planes to give make satisfaction. OZ. Constantly on hernia fine ruisortment f MELO DEONS of the best makers. at prices from 845 to t2OO. to.. Always fur sale a Large number of, PIA NOS, - at - priceuratiging froilis7s to $2OO. Pianos exchanged, hired and tuned. July 21, 1858. WILLIAM KNABE 00.• ' PHOSPHATIC GUANO, FR9131 . . ..: ...NA VASSA.ISCANE!; . CARIBBEAN SEA. Analysis by Dr. Chas, Bickel', ilaitirtOro: . Bono Pintisphato °name, . 84.73 (containing of Phosphoric ,Ac)d, 38.82.) Fluoride of Calcium, 2.84- Carhonath of Limo, . , ~ . 6.35 . . Peroxide of Iron and Alumina ' , , ' 3.00 Water, &c., ' 4.39 • • 100.00 Tho extraordinarily high per tentage of Phosphate of Limo above stated, recommends this article of oceans superior Phoapha tic manure." ANIMAL FEIR TILIZER, • OR SOPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, FROM • The New Jersey. Manufacturing Company. Apalyala bi:aillialevrui Llublu , '; Iliadtdril and Anitlytlra Cbelidet : . ' ' Phosphate of Limo, , . , 20, Sulphate' of Llme,• ' . In. • .L Organic succayiukfing.Ammonia, . do. - Anunonlac Salle, 7. Insoluble undellned Matter, !, ' . ` ,5. Soluble Salts, Chlor. and Sulpb. of Soda - .. `IS: Water and Lose, . ' . 3. . , . . " Tide inapure In composed of dead animals offal, and raw bone's" every one .of our cd hanleg Pound ,oue manure what we represent Adapted to snihanil irop.'we ,reconmen, the ballot conpleeee-300 In AUG Ihs. per acre goon tly Increased the yield fi ty,per cent. :- Also. eColuniblan.Soll Golumblan and Coined:4n Guanca.".'.. . - • All of the above fortlllieni In taiga and barrels. ,From 120 to $45 per 2,000 m41.1'2.210 pounds,' acccrdlng to quantity and klodpurchneed. For sale by • . _ ItICIIARDS & .31ILLER,• • Nn. 210 South Front street, below Walnut. • Ater. 2,1850-2ni ' ' Sole Anente lu Thlladelohla. kir-FARE .REINICED,,nrit STATES IJNIbN HOTEL,: ~ 000 & 008 Market St., above sixth, • „PHILADELPHIA. TERM ,-.111 po l r aitery. VERY TINE: ARTICLE of Di' iail Beef and extra sugitecured name; dried 14m14 4w; fo sale by. .. • . t)T111; DEAL , ERR generally supplied, with - flee LIQUORS at ess-tban city prices, at the tier/ And cheap Grocery of nm. BENT 74 • 6uth Biroet;AdJoinipg the Court Carlisle; PA.:, • JOHN lIANNON. . Proprietor: in)" Halke'leh jetirOs• daily toii'iperlown, reteri 'Mt#./X . M4 . 81:1.n . ge and licioverjkomAk,lls Hemee. • SA' V I YrG FUND- Walnut Street, South ,UreJte Corner of Third, 'T. INCORPORATED BY STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FIVE I'ER CENT INTEREST: ' Mpney is recelvcd In any /WM, large or small, and In terest paid from the day of deposit, to the day of with. drawn'. .4'o 'rice office Is open every dny frinir 9 o'clock in the niorning till 6 o'clock in the ;Memnon, nod on Monday and Thursdny. evenings till 8 o'clock. - HON. HENRY 1,, BENNER, President. ' '.ItOIIERT. SELFRIDGE, Vice Prosiciout. WM. J. REED, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Henry L. Renner, , • • ' Edward E. Carter, Robert Selfridge. -Samuel K. Ashton, . . C. L. Mutins, •• Honey Is received and pa without' notice: : . . • The in veittluents are wad , • — •C Itenta,.nitreuch' • ,• Charter rCqulrea, August lir, lfla.S. N. Carroll breaker, Joseph B. i'arty,• Funiela Lee, Joseph Verkes, • • Henry .Dlffenlierffer.. tylnenta mad. In aim, daily e-pgi-lienl-Eetato - Mortgagrs Pr" cIe!PE securities as the REV. BENJAMIN C. LIPPINCOTT, 4. Ili., Anqxcirni.. AND TEACIIER•OP MORAL AND NATURAL:SCIENCF„ A. POSTER MULLIN, A. 11.,•Mulheuintka and Modern Langunges. ' •. THOMAS S. REESE:. A. 8., Ancient Lingunges and HigherEngibli. . The scholastic year wlll be divided lute two sess ion s of twenty-two weeks each, the• first beginning on the first Thursday of September. end ending on the first ‘Vednestley of February: the second session beginning on the Oral Thursday of February, and ending on the first Wednesday ofJuly ' . a. • TERMS Board, Al - ashlng, itodm Ilent, , and Fuel per - Session. - Tuition, (rommon'Enalish,) - • (nigher English.) - " Ancient and .11odern Lanonnges,, -Terms per session payabinhkatitlance. tk Fm furthei Information apply to the Principal, lilechanlesbum Pa . EW YIKNO STORE:'-- N,, • ' JP/././V QS • .P 14•11 OS: lINAHE & CO.,' MANUFACTURERS OF GRAND•AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES, Nos. 1,3, '5, and 7, North Eutaw street; Opposite Me Eutaw Rouse, And nt our NEW SALES-ROOM blond. .....1 4 i Loaners I to bu." ~ It with ro vefro• ...„2, 1/kortionin:ted .. . . __ Ntitional Carhsle Poundr • T Conilpaify IVI:A_C. FI I N E .._S 11 0 - • CAR ANt kAsa FACTORY, . • . Enst'MalnSereq, CARLISLE • . This extensive establishment Is new, In Complete or der andXupplied with the best machinery:for exeepting work in every department. The intildlngs have 21180 been greatly enlarged this spring and stocked with the newest and. most (improved tools fur the mennlactitre or DOORS,VUNDOMAA3M,gASH, Shutters, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets and.ali other kinds of Cerponter worth. We invite 'Builders, Car penters and others to call and examine outlet:Mlles lb,. Antpirthii — do - k'ititibil,,of The beet ioterhd6. used and prices us low as at any other establishment In . the County or elsewhere: • STEAM NNOINIISDUILT TO ORDEN. . and repaired as heretothre. Engineslave been recent. ly built for W. M. Henderson A Son, hi this borough, it.blryson & Co. Allen township, & Brotherh, Neur onic, & Wetzel, North 'and ot.uers, no who.e establishment they may be seen lu daily op _eratlon.and-toichem-We can refer-for oridence - of superiority. . - „ JIION AND BRASS CASTINGS. , I . of every description, turn the.srenliest •tp the hoariest Pieces. executed at short uoticeler .ithinery, -- zt - large - viFfilifylifinligs now on band Two skillful _Pattern makers constantly REPA DINO promptly attended to for Paper .711111 A, Distilleries, Orbit 'NI ills, .Fstnriesi ' Turning. nd Fitting Mill Spindles, &e . done' n the ht , st style. .I'IIIIIESIIING 31ApilINES'4N111101k.POWF,112 KWh qs Bevil Gear Four Iforsu.PoWers, llorlzonta Gear Four and Two horse Powers, Corn Sheilors Crushoui, Iron IfollOrs. eastlngi, and other or theirs fur farmers, on hand or promptly made. to orde'r and repaired. Our facilities for building Cars are now more complete than heretofore and enables us to fur. 'rich them to transporters on the rail rood on nem-man dating terms and.mado of the best • materials. • Orders solicited and entire satisfaction gubranterri. The long experience In the business of the senior .PO irtril_ihfifirru..runLthe_completeneqs: ef.eur—ran chirierr in every launch of the establishmeet warrant us in assuring this best work to all who favor us with - their ord erk-Theetintifilied" - Mittorriige - Of friends arid the public is respectfully solicited. • May 2C; - F. GARDNER b. Co. JUSTLRECELVED AND. OPENING .AT NAUGLE'S CHEAP JEWELRY STORE, • Main Skeet, Carlisle,Pa. - - • -A - 'Urge supply of ~S. O-4 4tf' -' - :- -,' -,,, Watches, Jewelry, Sit. EL --- -...a. - ver and Plated 1% are, ...„.,-' •-.' i 4 • . -.- , '6.; ato which - .1. Invite at. -'---; ! • '''" i ? tention. , _ , , •4: ,„2„ _ „ •i to wt.:: * kl ._,:ii.._ --..' ' ,',. ' :•-• .T ~- t Ill_,:Ilect- kern - the largest,. tl/ 0 % - . ...4 , - ..- -••• '` ~, 7 . „'-='". t 11 4 - ;-f-r- stock ofClOchs. A% etch -0.,t4....' '—'-' ' '', .15: - .,, es. JeWeiry, Sliver and r- -- - - ; .1 - 7 ,0 ,, -.' , _': , ;:=. 4 Plated ware in Carlisle - `' -7-. .„':,: t ~ 74 '-:-; - call -We have a large aasortment . of Gold and Silver numb. ug 'and .opoil Casa Wah•lies to cult all Fancies "and 'edicts, Fine and Cbenp Jewelriof every stylo and quality n setts or by the . piece no !vented,' At NAUGLE'S.' Silver and Plated Waiters, eake. Frult, Sugar, and . rd Haskets,•Silver, Table, Tea, Cream, Sugar, Salt, ssert and Cream Spoons, , $OO 00 12 00 %_ - 10,00 15 00 At NAUGLE'S. • - ~, Fine Pearl, Ldva. Cent!, Cameo. Goldstone. 51entic, Flo. en tine Mosaic, Jet Boa and Glass setts cheap 'At NAUGLE'S.: , . Diamond Brendpina.and Fingering , _ At. NAUGLE'S. gold Hunting Eight Day 'Lever.; Gold Limit. Trig Caere, Doplex; Gold liuntlng,Throqnmeteri, _ Tingley's heat-quality of Golitj'exiolli'; Ditto- Gold Ponii and Sliver Holders, At NAUGLE'S: . Silver. and Plated Ton Soli" (I , ddets; Cups,' Toast tacks. Pitchers, Urns, Turcous,Teallplle, . At N A IiGLZ'S. Gold Neck, Vest... Curb. Fob. Anil- Chatlnly Chahar, Add Bracelets, Lockets, Thimbles, Crnsses-Clialtins,' At NAUGLVS. Frendi Thud Pieces' to ego third nod four weeks., At NAUGLE'S: Gold Sleeve,. Vest, Collar, and _ Shirt Studs of all styles and quality,- 1 . . • IV • t •••• 4.4. ..orqle: At NAIJULE'S. !ipste Beixou.iue' vtirloty. . ' At NAUOLVIi. I..Qlcs-Portmant.:,•a.-Pearl and Lenthor,-Plolif*i4 At NAIU(.I.I.E'd. If you - ,witat'to hove you" Watehes, put 4n goeol, pair nu worreuted, take Upon to NAUGLE'S., If ou - war I'3 al a de,. 0 Clock, you on eet it- . At NAUGLI'B. If you want your Silver ware neatly marked at abort notice, call • • At NAUGLE'S. All goods warranted as represented, or lite money re. funded, At NAIIOLIE'S Persons that want bargains are Invited to'call At NAUGLES. t r, WRA Mk %VMS "4 ' itk -t s I_ l Op . - - Merchant's sod Tradrs will he on their guard and not be imposed upon by a counterfeit of Morse's Indian Root fill., signed A. 11. Moore; All genuine Indian Root PIIL, Lave the acne and signature of A. J. Whirl Co. on each box. nu.. MORSE, the Inventor of MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT 1'11.45, has spent the greater part of his life In traveling, having visited Europe, Asia and Africa,ms well as North Meet:len—has spent three years nmung the Indians of our. Western country—it wits In his wit; that the Indian Root Pills were feat distovered. Dr Morse was the first man to establish the fact that al diser.setvarise tram IMPURITY OS TIIE BLOOD—that our strength, health and lifd depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages beritme clogged, and do not act In perfect harmony with the different functions of the body, the blood losee its action, becomes thick, corrupted and diseased: thus causing nil pains, nick. ness and distress of every name; our strength is ex hausted, our health wo are deprived of, and if miter° is but anal:de:lin throwing off the stagnant humors, the blood trill become choked and cease to iet, and -thus' our light of life will forever be broWn out. blow inn portent ithen that, we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to us that wo have it in our power to put a medicine in yqur, 'reach, namely, Morse's Indian Root rills, manufactured' from plants and roots which grow around the mewl. talcums clink In Nature's garden, - for the health and re covery of diseased man. One of the roots from which them, Mils are made Is a Sudorific, which opens tl:o pores of the shin, anti assists :Nature In throwing out the finer parte of the corruption within. The second to , a plant which is an Etroectoraut, that opens — and un clogs the passage to the lungs, nod thus, In e soothing - Winner, perform iteduitylty "theenTng UR phiegunand other litintori from lungs by,coplous spitting. The third Is a Diuretic. which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys: thus ettrottmged, they draw largo amounts of itnpurlty from the blond, which is then thrown root bountifully by the urinary or water passage, and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and accompanien the other prop. erties of the Nile while engaged in ,purifying the. blood ; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are than taken up and con veyed off in great lllJOlltities by lie bowels. . Front the above, it is Amen that Dr. Morse's Indian itoot: Pille not only enter tie, stoach, but become united WithAtte tined, fur they i m nd way tacevory part,; and cotepletely rout out and cleanse the system from all impurity,' atui tho•life of the-body, which is the blood, beeomes perfectly -healthy: 'coniequently nil sickness and pain is drivenirom tho system, for. they cannot remain when the body berorites so pure and clear. The reason why people are. so distressed when sick, and why so many die, Is beraues they do not get a 'modieintewhich will pass to tlth afflicted parte, and which will open the natured paat , agetr for the disease to , be east out; hence, a largo quantity of food and other matter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are literally ovthilowing with the 'corrupted mass; thee. undergoing disagreeable fermentation, constantly mix log with tile blood,-which throws the corrupted matter through every vein and artery; until life is taken from the.hudy by disease. Dr. Morso's PILLS have added, to themselves victory upon victory, by restoring Millions f the sick to, blooming health and 'happinees, Yes, thousnnrla who have .been racked or:tormented with, micknosei Pain' and anguish, and whose feeble fratitee Worn been scorched by the burning elements of:raging fever, end who hero been' bronghtlas it were, within n stop of the silent•graye, 110‘• stand ready to testify that ite3r would have neen,nundityd with the dead, had It nut been ferlhltigreat /Our wonde'rful medicine, Morse's Indian Root fouls. - -After ono or two dosey had been tn. kern, they were astonished, anti abso utely surprised, in wituessita.; their charming effects. Not ,only do they g i ll n oi e ng tetliate ease and strength, and take away all' „ pain and ariguleh,.but they once-go, to werk' , at the foundation of the dismay Wood. Thur. foto, It wilt be attoWn;eSpeilltity.hythesif talitihSO than Pitle;.that they will ser cleanse and purify,' that disease —that deadly ettemywlllinke Its flight; and rho flush of youth andtmantrwilt.agaln • return,' and tho.proa., • nett' of loagnol: happy wilrekee bib and hrightert your days' • • • • , • .• • ' Cairriori.L:llewaranf hOlantinTell ;Ivied A.ll. Moore. Al; genuine have the name WA. 5. trace 1k Co. an 'each box. Also t signature Of et: .1. White & Cq, -others are spurku • Al .1;;WilITH S oils Preprietor, 51 , 0,10 Courtlaud streetiNew York. an od • tertin et S IWO:a/toot Flits Oct' 'sold .&111' deals! Micinn, • „. r • • Aglitittoire'wantisl In Ctiori the ;4;6lex:will address a histio;Ritl Corps. "• Piled 25 tents per box, five bokesovlll bit sent celpUbtilitpirtagaltalt ;.• • r' V,JAGF-INer Nabs d d Cae:by/4qt Soo.- AP.rat. ;001ripill5r, .114141 Dow:on:WOW proper. ..uusufucturo to uNeratt vitrletleiloffinik )111.11:1,NO and LIOXI.EIt. paper. • Address , • ' ' • NovIP,'SE-tlm.' - t~lisceUnrirou . BURDEN CARS. DUI LT, =I =I ' At NAUGLE'S. .s, Vy ter, ~.Sugar, , , totter . . ind ' soda . PRAckos. TRACako,Cliiiiint . .iumbnie Av.: rgily4 ..... b., 4 ...:.. , .., ' m..7;,,K111111:103t,' SXM'L. KEMPTON, M0untaV1Y:4090,44,4014" illiscellancous. TA, GRALIAIB, , !"L'La.IODOWELLr m:DAvipsoN • .•• GKAHAM.,4MoDOIVELE,. &co , ,•,.- Gible'RAL.Lipo;' Atieiriej • Lecivenivoil4 C'dy; liqnagn . Territory. '.l.L.l;, ,, taty„sell r and . locate . lands W Nebraska Teri itorlirs, lowa al iVerstern buy and sell - lands, loan and Inn monm buydrcut sell 'dr'Afts, give hiforthatlonyespeoll the coilittry,and du a generid agency, business.- ' otallatmoas. John B. Bratton; Esq.l Carlisle,,Pa. • • it. Weil:III, II: Graham, , • ' ...t , her,Brind:eidart & Co.; Ban kers; Carlisle. (Marge Sanderson, Sag.; Lancaster, Pa. Or, John Abl, - W ea an. B.LObnTEig, ' S: W. Clark & Cu., trankers,'Pblladelphla, lion. Allebvl Cetklltt, Shopherdatowir, , Pa. , henry Relinan & Sonit; Merchants, Baltimore. H. L. Blake, Seq.; Cashier Mereantlbillairki New Yort Snyder & APParlane. Brad 'Estate Agents, Id inneapol I liliernessota Territory., Wm. litigate. Esq.,"Attorudy and Seal Estate &gam Sterling, 111,. IL 'W. Inteer..Esq., Henry alty,lll. Ex,Glov. Joseph !Muer. Cumberland county, Pa. H. IV. Clark & Co., liankrra. Pbllatielphir.. • • Coy. Pollock, IlarrisbtiJg, Pa. lamb 18.1857.-4 Y. VIVIBERLAND VALLEY BANK. . • PROPRIETORS. itlTAte KER, PI ELCIMM BRfiNE/larty 1 WIT. C. STERRETT, • • JOHN DUNLAP, RICHARD WOODS,. . • JOHN H. dTLREETT, ' ' JOHN C. Donee; - li. A. STURGEON. • ' This Bank; doing beelinese in the IMMO of.lier r ßren neman Ce Ili flaw folly p — n4iarild to do a general Banking Business willipromptuess rind fidelity. Money received'on deponit and laid back on demand without notice. Intermit paid on spdelal deposits. Cur. talc/dee or deposit bearing interest 'at the rate of live -per-cent,-will-be -issued for us Bhutto period es 'four menthe. interest on all certificates. will Cease, at ma. turity, provided; however, that if said certifirateiGire reoesed et any time tbereatier for another. given pe. tied, they,shall bear the Mine rate of Interest up to the time of renewal. Particular attention paid to the col. 'action of notes, drafts, checks, dc., In any part at the. United Sticas or Canada.. Remittances made to Vngland, Ireland , or.11:14 Conti, - The faithful and ctmfidentlal exteution of all orders entrusted to Omni, may ho relied upon. - They call the attention of Farmers, alechanles and all r tilers Rho 'twice a safe depository for their names, to the,undenlable fact. that the proprietors of this Bank' RIO INIiITHHIALLIt liable to the extent of their estates for all the Depossts, and other tiling:Along of Her, Became. man & Ca. They have recently removed Into tbeiT new Ihmking Muse directly opposite their former stand, In .West Main Street, R few doors east of the Itallreadi Depot, where - they - will - atill - timerGelilfialrato giro any In,' formation &Fired in regard,tO money matters in gene. rel. Open torlinlineke from o'clock in the morning null! o'clock in the evening. . _ . Carlisle, May 20. 1857 • • INSURANCE;-TILE ALLEN I AND EAST I.ENNsnoito MUTUAL TIRE IN SURANCS COMPANY orCumberlsnd county. Incorpo• rated by an act of Assembly, in now fully organized, and In operation under thu management 01 the. following commissioners, viz: - 'DAMS! Bailey, William B. Dorgan, Michael Cockiln; I. Bilchelberger, Christian Stayulan, John C. Dun. to .lace,, AP. Coover. , Lewin 'Myer,' S. TberlY, Benja min ' IL -3losser, J. Brandt, Joseph Wickersham,' A lexandel Cathcart.' •1 , The Kato of insurance are as low - and favorable no any Company of the kind In the State. Persona wishing to become in unbera are Invited ti) make'appheatlon to•the agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any, time. • • • BENJ. H. MOSSEit, President. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President. ' " LEWIS LITER, Secretary. MICIIAEL-COCKLIN. Treasurer, ,' AGENTS. • C,OII3TIII,AND COUNTY.— John Fberrich. Allen,- Rudolph, Martin. New Cumberland; Henry Zearing , Shiremanstrwis ; Samuel Woodburn, Dickinson • Henry llownlan,Thitrelitown: Mode' Griffith, Fouth Middle ion; Giellain. IV. Pennaborof; Samuel Cover, • lffeellanicildirg.; W." Corkiln, Shepliordfdown; Center, Niepherdstown ; C. 11. Hermon. Silver Spring; Ilenj. Hafelstiek, Silver Spring: "Charles Bell. YORK GOUNTV.—W. 8, Picking, Hover: Peter" IVO!. ford, Fratklin Jos. Griffith, IV:11711foot) ; J. F. Dear florffi.Watlifogl on. • DAUPHIN CO.—Houser A Lochman, Ilaralsburg. Membefa of the company having policiesaboxit to ex• plre.saie )are thorn renewed by making application to any or Agents.. • • - A.--B. EWiNG!S 14RtITURE - WAREOOMi, 185 IMSB 10044 - • • We.o L. .111gli FINN, ra. (Prenik,!‘„Cattyrded at the e!umi,- ,, ;:d Coml . & igricullurnh Fair of 18*;.) .. _ .• , 111F51:Npleq#1.,1 r , f{04014:114.04.11•1 .I,lu n c v o7)it.;:h he ta".l!otersul carlpsirtsy: .. • Psitlilr; • . 43 ‘ 4, *1 3 Siiir.c. • • FraNITIIRE Kitchnu and limbractip; every article used Uy House and Hotel Reopens, 14 the mast approved and fashionable design anti finish,: including also Cottage furniture In setls. reception rand Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Wit frames,. pictures, c., ste. • Curets ere. are requested to rail and examine his stock, at s extensive wares.ronms, West Malts street, North side A. It. ued to sollaptlZ:to tlotq,l G l'aeleuMr a ttentlon• given as usual to funerals; orders frog town •and country, attended to promptly and on nielerato terms: • A. B. .E. CarllsleNtly,l2, 1b58.=-Iy, 10111 P. LYN.IiI.& SON r havT est. retelied their Fall stock of HARDWARE, which makes Mar stock very large and complete. We now stand lea* to furnish the public with every variety of goods In tie line of IVARHANTED QUALITY, and atr prices the/defy competition. Enumeration is useless; FUME . .., it lo say that we have...veer) thing In our line that the public can possibly. stand in need of. The most we at. say Is "Try us all ye that want good goodsht liw prices." We return our sinters thanks to the genequs public for thole very liberal patronage, •nd or' ,r a continuation of the J I'. LYNE & SON, North itanover Street. 1 1 1 11E)SUBSCRIBERS 'LANE' FOR i SAE 190 THOUSAND White' Pine Shin gles, of snrlor quality, which they will sell et river prices. A o. a Isrgo lo t of Cherry and Walnut; from they will sell whole. solo or re II low. - Also, n pair of llny Scales, whl.h will be sr low. Also, a new _Thrashing Machine to whirl. mato vile the attentio.i of limners, naive feel die posed to Ave a bargain. All kinds of Lumber and Coal constautljou hand low for cask i CarlisleiJutio 21, 'AS AD - IPRICAN- WATCII.— laying re retied the agency for the sale of the; America?, Vetch, train-the Heston Watch Compel's, l' would re. silectfully Inform my old friends Rut-the public genet , . ally, that I have a Lino assortment now opening and ready for rale, in gold and• silver eases and very fine. styles, mid with regard to limo they can't be beat, to prove tint fact it Is only necessary to give them a trial. Pewees In went of a correct Humidor°, are respectfully invited to call and bee our watches... . .W. I); A. NAUGLE. .. ~. . Note Street, Carlisle, l'a. Juno :D,'fi& AItIIERS' LOOK I1ER1]! THRESHING AIACIIINES I The Subscriber desirrato inform f?nners and the pelt- Ito rgenestily that •ho' noir him to hand And is eon. stantly manufacturing Threshing Machines with Pier 'Mgt's ' , Wet ,Shaks , r; which generally acketnel-, edged tube the best articles MI in use. Also n variety or Improved Clovei Hulleaa Corn Shelters, Straw Cut ters and Plank's Celebrated Plow. Ile also attends to the repairing of Agricultural Machinery. In the beet manner and - on reasonable- terms.. Manufactory_ on' North-ILl:rover Stretti directly opposite the'residence of Cloorgelletsger, Esq. Sept. 2,'57-1y ()ROCCO. LEATHER:— A. full as. sortmonl. of filoracon Loather, Linings and lfind . As. MAIL 0001 . rrPOS: And a full assortment Shoo KM and findings of all kinds. • ' JOHN P. LYNN & SON, - -Oct. 27; 'U. - North Hanover Street.„ • All 1110 N ! BAR 50.000 lbs, at lloiled andilar Iron, of all sizes and kinds, rule, best brands; Steel of all kinds and also, at the moat market prices. All Iron warranted to be good or,tho money retu;ned. JQIIN P. LYNN k lON, North Ilannyer Street. Oct. 27, '2B, ! 'NAILS!-400 kegs of nails lj‘s r O O OO and ter Salo cheaper than over. in wintry ert:llWe can ho 1'111.111,13yd with nails et inannSietnver'a prides at the cheap Ila,dware Store of , t . 4 , - • " r HENRY SAXTON, _ Jan .19„1850.'' . .• - 'tit nigh St., Carlisle, Pa. f'IMEBtIItNERS''''C • , . , U.l.+LONS , offrilierunynlltry-NutAktid;lnii T liii orW r rozolving and fir sale 17. ' Angusa% 1857 ' • ' • W.ll. MURRAY rflithlithibAlETEltS! TIIERI1I91)111. - "E""TFffiSll illEnritosTETEna • Just received pcxye,!l . ll slites; maker and. , • 17 4 1 ,15.U1, &c . ist recive . d .nt' . 1 , :•!• , "Ajaildhtllitlt"ithintllsCirOdary's4l!4'es Stora, S . . oust stook of Nos.-1,2 and 8 Mackertil In neSortad :pack. 1 017. t Sla n i pit u kttfltsa t llttelitAll7ltc o . :14va r u . Nitv.lo, 'BB, : D LACKS C nuoule.or-iuturogous Coal, from. the celekbmtei .. !•homott7 ; lloti, rerblying eind for sale by • • , omroof.A.,Vibt,' •••: 'W. iI.I4IIIMILY Btathiot'p Gay Street Ware.ltooind; 17',.1Wndina,_Prederich_Strert,Vandng 96X:et front, 170 feet deep, and 6 ataiica %h. BALTIMORE, MD., Where to kept always oh I - dud, or mode to order, eve 7 otyle of French TETE A WLTES, Moll, DM ',lothe or Brocatelle. Prone!, 4111 Bluff Tint' I ,, pdallion, ...Parlor AIIM CHAIRS 1!)1Plush. Hair Frehub Ft;II i 4 ititrenri' - jdFAiILOIt 'CHAINS; In se with Plush. Ihdr, or Wm:Mello. SOFAS; halt Fra•nch Mahopany nod •IVAlnitt Purim lu IF,Ir, Cloth or Plush:. ' HOCKING CHAlRS—various designs, In,poth and Plush. • Ppring LOUNCiF.P—n Mite nesortment n hand, or any `pnttern made or con red with nny nods to order. CANE CllAlltS and Etxl:lng do,-113 largeFt wort inept reaaynrado In ILa Uuitrd Staten—frpm.sl2 a dog. -Bar Room, Mee and Dining - CIIAIRS, to Onk, nut or Mahogany. with Cane, Wood or 'atoll - 9d Sonte-- nn end oradog over no dozen. Wood Sryat CHAIRS and BEVITES and ROCKING CHAIRS—MI nal (i1.17..1. „ . Feather Beds. flair and Husk Mattresses of every vs. rlety.. - Ah.o, all kinds of (lilt arid Main Frames for Looking Glasses, !le. ; J. R. CASSELLIERPT'S. • - (LATE ARES k FASSELBERRY,) DRY GOODS' . STORE, , 53 NORTO 3 ; rRIAET, Ancu,_(oLo -NO,- 40 ,) " ' • - PIIILADDLPHIA. • . " DRY GOODS, - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, • ONE PRICE—SMALL' P.ROPITLCMEAP FOR CASII.. jun B-1 y. IL A. STURGEON, Cashlt;r• TILE OLDEST ESTAIILiSII3IENT 'ln the UNITED STAVES, EMPLOY' Nil TWO HUNDRED *MEN, and Finishing NIG wry INSTIODIENTS 11111 WEEK. Comblulng all their Recentimprovoinents—the • • Swell, Organ,,Melodeon, (Tho Divided Swell ran only be obtained In Melodeons . .of our Nonni:lt:Lure): • GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. Manufacfmrer?l, Butrndo, New ork 87 Fer/tonit. N. Y., 110 Luke At. Chierigo,ll.l 1511016E1)MA; All ENTS--Iluta;e11 ton, '3.lnsti.; W. F. Colburn, Cincinnati. 11.; Pnitner A. Weber 13t., Louis, 310.; Pb. P. {Purloin, Now Orleans. Frani - the llnnur.lournal. April:l, 1858. Thu 31oladenns 111:111uluelmivd Ly Prhore tt Co., -and tor Mk at hi Fultuotdreet, nre tFe Lent In the world We have tried them. nod therefore speak andel stand tivly of their merlte. Tbe3lareaftbrdea at a very mod• orate cent. • ' - • PitICES OF PORTABLN INSTItUMENYS Four octave Melodeon, extending frotn C to C...... Fe)Ur nod a half...lave, ". do. _ _ Cto F Fire Octnve Melodeon; do. F to F Five octave, double reed, de?, Fto F Two Banlo4 of Hem Five Seim "of Reed;, Eight Stop; One and a Ilalr Ottitv, , Tvot Panie, Ooo Sid irlteeda, In Poial lia*s Independent 4153.50 PRICES OF PIANO CASED Five Oct Ave Melodeon, oxtending, from F to F POO Six Octavo Melodeon, • do. •. Fto F 130 Five Octavo doubt° reed. do. Fto le 150 Five °dove, Two Banks or i(eyo. Our fanil lt le+ for manufacturing are perfect, and from long I.Npvl 1. , n, to lin. I.osinr,s, having Milt - died anti -old over 'IAVENTY.'III'O THOUSAND BILLO.I.Ik. ONI 4 , we feel t ~ r giving satisfaction. Meitnit .r.tur.rnan WM; t 311 e, either-sold by - us, or dealers in any pert If 11 . tho'flit-I States Or Canatdne, are N'AGRANTLD I,t) e‘o . ,• A •yespert. and should "rlV.llll 4 lllloo , lll9rtsiiirr.tter, a expiration of one year from-the dato.of arde - vri s hold.oUrsolves ready. and willing to /slake the tometier , htfrge, provided tho injury is not rauhed by a , cl;. ~'design. CEO. A. PRINCE & CO. . . . . . it g(MU fin. tho Fain of our 31elodeona may he found all thu principal cities and tom➢a in thu United nat. and Canadus. Agvutp nt Carlislo—SIIRYOCK, TAYLOR A SMIT AI Nowville—W. R. LINN. inu(y1111.8. 'I i ) 4sei C ' GI N 4 tre ( ...,v <‘-eCE.TII.Ie, BE ~Ya rn ~!/ ra r I'r u.r rnl c;mr. P•',t_ ~ o C~ n ~a. ~ ~.• IrOip .r, d,aa~ \ ~o\C . °~nrn4.4ie nipr•d..r inedir. JEWSTAGE 0 U 1*: .11 The subscriberiuts started a hi weekly line ol Stages between Carlisle and Landlsburg. leading Car lisle every Mouday,• Wednesday and Friday, immedl• ntely on the arrival of the afternoon train of care from the east. tielltrailtg, leaves Laudlsburg at 800 A. 11., every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, and arrives at Carlisle at 1.00 P. 31., via. Perry Cendsty„Earm Springs, Shermansdale Sierret Cs Gap and Cerlialtr Sul Our Springs. On nude, Jana the 151 h, the line will to run daily for the accommodation ofpassenget gang to the Springs. Fare to the several pointK os follows: . 811110 M & 11OFF}.111. Carllslo to Sulphur Springs, ' . . . . Sterrett's Clap, . . . 81ternianstlale, . . . . . Perry County Warm Sprhigs, Landlsburg, . . . . . t RETURNING. Landiaburg to Warm Syringe. • Sherniainniale, Sierrett'a Gap, • Sulphur Springs, Cariboo, . . . The above lino will legulariy carry the MAIL to and from the several points above indbuted. I hove also a well sleeked LI Ulla STA 111,}:, fmni which I am at all times ready to furnish horses and ear tinges to those who will Slyer me with their pationage. on the Snort reasonable terms and In the very fast style mayl9lBsB. GEORGE MEN DEL. MMENSE EXCITE' ENT ! THE ..rtionE IN munoN I NEW FALL ()puns br J. A. CHEAP Sudo:. . . . .„ • J. A. limarlelt, Jr, hrtaftat returned from Philadelphia with au immense stock of Full alert Winter DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Butrrs, StOIES, &0., selected expressly for Carlisle and' vicinity. The people are respectfully invited to call at his store, examine his grab and TEST HIS PRICES. Doing desirous to increase• his custom : ho Into per. chased it much larger Stuck of goods than at' any other time, and Intends to sell them Wirt each prices as rate not fall to suit every One who may Nish to purchase. Ills-goals have been selected with 'great cam among which may be found . JOHN PLANK Silks, ' - : ..• Altriess, . ~ • Persist:, ' I'lldu Dolanos,- Uvellw - Cloths, he lieges. '. Colony.,. Fotwy bulonos, . 1014:bos, ' ; nosierr, Gloves. . Nronch & Siptch Olt:ghouls; Ilatittkerehlefs, &o. , ' ' ' FOR GENTLEMEN,: Broad Cloths, - • ~ Itentoeky JOoto:, Tweeds, Black & Fancy 'Doeskins, Sattthets,. . Corduroy, 'Yost:Ogg,' '-, lletiv,ortoens, i _ lt&Loy. and Side-stripe Cdissluterifl de. ' f. - . • Together Willi a largo easertment of Shawls. Sock Flanneli,firfillants, Skirting.Clilleoen t aluallus, Chocks, Catiton 'Flanuels;;Denims, 'fable 'lllapere, Nankeene, Crash, Drilla, Umbrellas, The eltoopest assortment of 7IOTa, 'Cops. noOTB 0100 Snore, ever offered in Carlisle. h lt ouperier lot of FRESII.• coniprisingfreas,' , S u gar, Sioltures, Bpiees;'&e. All he asks is for the paople to call and examine for themselyee. lisle feels confident that the quality of his goods' and th CIAOW prices at which they are' selling, will induce them to puraliase.—Utve, hlino call whether you wish to purchase or not. 'Corner of North ilonever and L oather Strus ' ts. „ „ODAC.OO: . AND:, :SE6A,,'• I.:•fineet :litanies of Imitsp, ',Twist. Cow oldish, ond: 01 wr - thetrlng• Toltacco'a SEGIARZ—lfhte imported. IlletUtila and Cute Seger., also .cheirattratids :f demesne , munUfacture. Lys ehhurg„Philadelphia amt . Belt Inen e 'Cutout" Illy; Tobaccos frlends,vaionot belo. • pleased lity 'oxeiNiulog 'for themselves. • . . • W. ' • EMI@ exectittd • • Zit!) :LARGESF 7 CHAM. AND FURNITBRII ESTABLISHMENT IN,THE UNION CHAMBER SUITS—In counpletn, fen] $3 A. MATHEW& SON; 25 North Otty Street, ueur Fayette street' MEM 21r; I~u icon Eli PATENT NEL-014,0N iviroLusALk DrAgyr ORO AN NIELODEQN FOR LADIES iVeto , 13. KIEVI.4'ER'i4 7/10-LESALE AND IrATAI s i Drug, ,Chemival, .Confeotiouary, .Frui =MM . , iinderslgned liartjust replenished , his stock tiltlithi and MEDICINES,' which ' havifig been so lected with great care. he 18 satislied are. Freillhotin Pure. Physicians' proscriptions will be promptly am . faithfully attended to. Orders from merchants in till " country will be filled with sato awl on the 11MM:reason ahintorins—ali 11- ollicial - proparationi , mado7strlctil tf itcomlunce. with the U.,8. PlArmacopsia. . SPICES OItOMND AND iyilnr.F' _ Audi as Cinnatiimi, Cloves, Alopire, Coriander, Pepper Ginger, Mustard, thiliing SodaT Washing Soda, Cream . Tartar, Nutmegs, Yeast Poinien , Mace, Citron. BWI,III Marjoram, Thyme. &c., Ice., fresh nod pore. lie ban on Aitiud all the different Patent Medicines of tile day. CONFECTIONARIES. Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Currants,. Prunes, Almonds, Filberts, Walnuts, Oroundituts, Creamnuls Chestnuts, American, German-and French Candles, and Candy Toys of every variety. Those wishing to make wholesale purchases Can here be 'fawned with tile hest quality of Confectionaries and at iti‘Vjit-rt ban tit um soy otherise MAU country— t6ta-fullzas, sortment of . I . • , AMEit,ICAN; GERMAN AND FRENCH TOYS, conobithurof Wood nod Tin of ovory description, such no Dolls, Doll fends, llorses t Hl,gous , 111rds,,Moving Figures, Funny, Work Jinxes. kinsko, Cords. Drums, Choirs, Whips, Trompots, Whistles,. Droning. Stands, &e., 44,,, to be sold Wholesale and Retail, nod. In prices, ryinputitlonisdetled. ' PAlye GOODS. . Port 'Monhalen, (*sex, , Pocket hooka. Fine Nrkei. ' Cutlery: Steil and Pearl "ard CaSes,lNeedie'llooks, Port Folios, Cuban, • German,' Fronch nod. American * eh Ina ~Wate. Inkstands and - trays. Card, Hacks and Briskets, Jett Breast MIR, Necklets and Bingo, Combs Puff, Long, SldermtJ Back Buttapurcha Combs. :lair, Clothes, lint, Mitten. Nail and Tooth Brushes, Sewing ,Bilks,, Patent Thread and Spool Cotton. Buttons, &a., dfc. .. . • '4 PERFUAIERIES. • Fancy Toilet and other -Soma,' Pearl tracts, first quality flair' Olin _Pomades,. Shaving Snaps and Creams, 'faith Paste, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, 'fricophyous, Tooth Wash, Bair Invigoraiars, and flair Dye. Tile /those have been selected with care and will all on examination, speak for : themselves. • TOBAO AND SEGARS. • On hand the - liest lot of Segues and Toinicco that ban over Loon tireUght'to this town. ills Segura will inn vine() the sinekeiton trial of - thupurity - ot the - material of which they eonelst.-41ii has on hand 'those only whieltare imported and which he can xecominend en nu_yh•_H_e_tieed_uotspeak-ottlre-true Ilerman-Segirrms; they'llave already gained for themmilvcs n reputation that they so richly deserve. Ho also keeps the common tlele.of Segarn•to suit the trade iiTubacco-ntich-as &ratio. Flair, Congress, Twist Plain, Fig Leaf, Caven dish, Congress, and Flue Cut Tobacco,anth.linuff,, the best material. • r•ni • Feeling thankful to the generous public for their Ilh oral patronage, A continuation of the mime In solicited,. 'at our permanent location in South ilano_ver Street, di. rectlroppusitp - liannon's Hotel, and nest door to Mr. C. Inhotrii Urocery. Carlisle. Juno 23,1868-Iy, gzt)N-ki „SAXTN'S WAR Sr RING ARRIVAL. OF, lIARDWARE, The subscriber hem Jnot returned from l'he Eastern :ItieS, and would,call the 'Attention ofhle, friend's and he public generally to Alto largo and .welbselected no. wortenont. of II Alt LIWA It K which lie has now_on bend; insisting In part of BB I LIII 1U MATERIALS, eoucham . Screws, hinges, Bolts, Locks, Glass of every do' Scription and quality, mach as ComuZ - Whifibliolisheel A merlean, French, Enamelled nfld Double thick of all races, l'aints, Oils, Varnli s hes. de., Sc. TOOLS—lncluding Edge Tools of. every description, - Saws. Planes, Brace an d hilts; ,„Augers. Squares, CI uages, Files, hasps, Hammers; Vivek; Anvil, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Bellows. Shoemakers and Saddlers will find a largo assortment of 'fools of every descried Pm. together with Ladled/Iml Ileittlemen Mormon Lining:V•ltienling, Patent. and French Calf Skins, Shoe Thread..Aw Is; Wax..Pogs. Lasts, 'farness Modelling, Collars, tlirthing, Whipstock, Deer. hair. Saddle Trees, de., de. Mao. Coach Makers Tools anti Trimmings of all kinds, such as Rubs, Spokes, Felloes.Shafts, Bows Floor Cloth, Canvass,' Cloth, Damask, 'Fringe, - Lace, ' Moss, Axles; Spring Belts. de., dr. Cabinet - Miterm will find a large Assortment of Var. • nishter. - Oak, Walnut, and Mahogany Veneers, Knobs of - all kinds and sloes. Mouldings, Rivets,- lisle Cloth, Plush, Curled-flair Chair ernd-Sofia Sponge, Sc,, de. liouseekeepjrs will also' find n - large assortment of. Knives and I.'orks, Itrittannia, Albata and Silver-Plated '.'fable and Tea - Six - ions, Candlesticks. flatters, Shovels, an&Toners, Iron And Brass Kettles, Penes, de,, together with Cmlarwaie of all kinds, such as, Clidrns, do , de._ Agricultural impbmionts, embracing PlOwS of all kinds,"' cultivators. lines. Shovels, Itiikes,Forks, Chains, de. -MON, a large stm k, comprisingall kinds in general use which lam selling at city wholeentle Mires: a . ' Remember 'the stand,-Euett Main stria, Ca - rllsl I I April 7,1855. ' L. CRITTENDEN'AS PFHLADJELPHIA • COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, . N. E. Cohier Seventh and Chestnut Ste., PHILAELDFHIA. 411 Inetltutlon doeslgned to prepare young men 'for = IN T.OI.II,IIOSiPT. 1814 = B, B. Comegys, David S. Brown, Franeb llot.klns, ' A. V. Parsons, David 311Ino, - lone Hanker, Ueorgel 11. Stuart, 1). B. Hinman, John Spitrhawk. Frodorle,k Drown, Joshua I,lpinneott, Jr. S. 11. Cairn:4ms, Principal, Connuittng Accountant, and instructor In Commercial Custer' , a.. TIIOSIAN W. Moonr, Professor of Permnii ship. OP.ORUE JI. TIIIIAIIIIO., Pr Agssor of the :donee of Ao. counts limn:snug, Professor of. Gook-Keeping dnd Pito. nography. A uousrus Sisson, Professor of Languages. llon..lort..lost a, Lecturer on Commercial Law: W 11. ALFEN, L. L. 1)..1 President of Girard' College— Lecturer on Political Economy. Catalogues, containing full particulars of terms, man nor of:instruction, c., mny ho had on applying at th. College, either in person or by letter ILOOK•KSKI'INO for sale. Pile° sl.p.,—Key to same, 50 eta. 4 araß/000 . trariLare FAMI,LY GROCERY AND :TEA . STORE. ' • Just received and In store, a fresh and well se lected assortment of Rio, Java and Mara . call.° Coffee. Roasted Coffee. Crushed Pulverized Sugars. Refitted and other brown iiugam, superior Syrup Molasses, , Orleans (baking) of a axes. Spices of every variety— . pure only; Starch, Farina and Chocolate. Macaroni, Cheese, and Crackers, Tapioca and Sago, iMdigo, Soda, Cream Tartar pqd as• sorled Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TEAS.—A lino assortment In: Packages, dr:Z/- 2 7 and is bulk—as well ps nil other articles belonging to the budness—all at the lowest l 2t t mud into reduced prices. I Carlisle, Nov. 8, 'BB. 8 J. It'. EBY. 1 V E It Y STABLE.—Having pur k_j chased feoM .1. R. Notmootker his LIVERY EP=, TABLISIIMENE, I will ho always ready to accommo date tho public with HORSES, CAR. it I ACES, DURO LES, and ovary Other to , - dela in my Ilwo. Ity strict attention to business and a desire to plmmo, tho subscrlbah hopes to rceo/vo a Rhona shommit public. patronage, e--- • tiEDItclE lIENDEL. N. 11. Omniblisses on hand to supply thoso whd may be in need of them. , O. 11. N'• ,Or. 25. 18:.7.1 E3II MEI • ANT() Keaton ANT - .TAILOR, N H . West Main Street,.iopposite the Railroad offictro has just received a new and elegant'assortment of Cloths. Plain, Illnek and Fancy CtIFT,IIIIO,II, and a variety of Plain and Figured Vet:Hogs, all of which he will maim up to measure in fashionable style, and on rea souulde terms. Ard- Orders attedded to itomptly, and the fitting to all.garment a guaranteed, or no auto. mayl9lB6B, TRON RAILING !=trot Railing for Jl_Cumetery enclosures, public and private grounds and gardens, static to order at the Carlisle Foundry. Our stock of italling,'Verandah and Bracket patterns cone prim, a largo variety of sew and elegant designs which the pt.bllc are inviied to call and examine. Orders thr noting and.putting up EAlling will be promptly pee led at sathtfuetorY prices. ft 9„. An entirely now TEN MORSE STEAM ENGINE and 11011,Elt now on hand, warranted to bo of the best make, and will be sold at a bargain tsr ease or on short me F.GOIDNER & CO., July 21, 1858. A. . . CAM D.-PA ILADELPIITA, PA. i.^.-- The undersigned. the _Founder end Publisher of 'AN C DIDVS COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR. &slums of retiring from this, branch of business, has merged that slit established work In the Oneidas-BANK NOTE itiqintnne 01 INLAY .4 111CKNIiLL. ihring pub• linked Van Court's Detector since 18.10, the undersigned reluctantly' parts with his old friends And Subscribem g but this reluctance isiessened by the eon lotion, that in INLAY di BICKNELL'S BANK NOPE Ia:PORTER they will receive in work thiit matches the times. • ,J. VAN 'COURT. -. • • , • ir • suliscriptions • k ilr ikie theerrsithi DANK• NOTE - ItliPollTElt' nro payable scrupulously In quinine°, This Is Elm oldest Brink Note Publication In the world. ' For thirty long yours it bus mainteined. an unsullied reputation. and continues to be the necessary c mpanion of ail business people over the wboinCtintluebt or America. ~ • , ..... . : TILE. COINS OF ir THE..WORLD V' ' ~ soK,II. prosm,lii. Ititty ,t. BICENILL, ivilFba,gll:en gra t uttouldy .to all „ald and 'law, aaliwriberii. All' Coin 'Charts; duldes and Mandals; ne canipated with Thiit mix bo' col:initiated *nag , paper. ; ., '— •.. • • . .. - - To tho SOLot-Slonthlii • $1.121 por nnoton ; " • .-: Monthly, - '. • • -1.00 “. • 2 .., 2loglo Copyo,'nt tho Clonntor; 10 Cont. ; -! ••. ; 1 , • AddmsN [flins,i2jB(o-IV"'4'l 4 rilisit te,eciyed fresh 07 Run'Arbattoi.;Rt . ME= INC ' OIIPORATED JUNE J, '5 EMBES Thal/tractors, on a review of the pant, feeLassured that their tubers In this sphere of benevolent -effort, ,s have been of great benefit to the afflicted. especially to . the-young, and they have resolved to devote them , solves. with renewed zeal, to this very important but much despised cause. - Just published by the Association, a Report on Spee matorrhma. or Seminal ireakness. the Vice of thinnlsm, Masturbation or Self-Abuse,and other Dhooses of the Sexual Organs, by the Consulting Surgonniwhieh will - he sent by nail, (in a sealed letter enveloped FREE OF • CHAIM R, on receipt of TWO STAN PS for postage Othei - Reiman and Tracts on the - z, and- treatment of • sine ual disotition, diet, Ac.. ore constantly being publish ed for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent 'to the afflicted. Some of the new remedies and methods of • treatment discovered during the Just year, are of great value. — "Address; for - Report or treatment, J)r. GEORGE It. CALHOUN, Conanlting Surgeon, Howard "Association, No. 2 South Ninth Ft reel*, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTIVELL, Presichnt CEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. Dec.15.1868.-Iy "1 - _ 4 l O U.T-Z ' S MIXTURE.—This i'3 a, poweriul and truly magical remedy for all enter .ntil diseases, either ou man or beast. We would ask, have you the Rheumntism or Cornet These are not pleasant companions, and we know that you would like to drive them away no quick as possible. Then use Toute's.Mixture. • • Would you have your sores, swellings, cuts, burns, spinins, brills., or any other wounds healed, no repent' IL use Fouts's Mixture. It is truly a wonderful article. If your horse , Imo. the tipayln, Poll-Evil,- Fistula, I 4 eratehev, Cracked heels, Chafes, chp.Fr..l.., Re„ We sayag-alit and again, your remedy Is Fouts's- Mixture. It costs Nit twenty-live cents to try It. Ilundreds who were racked with pains—aiores who • -were thought incurably sanded, have been - restored to health, and soundness and are now rejoicing in the . blessings that health bestows; and thus, dear reader, may It be with you, If you ore so unfortunate on to be alllicted with any of ,l he Ills - for -which you find thin Liniment recommended, use It preservingly, Use Is faithfolly, and we think you will have cause to blest the day when you became nequaltited with Fouts's Mixture. Prepared 4,8: A. FOUTZ. Westminster, Md. For sale by 8. W. linverstlck. Callisle, is., and store keepers', throughout the county generally. 'Trice 25 and 60 coots a bottle.. ' =l3 VALL'S • GALVANIC' . OIL • PREPARF.D 01{1PINALLT DT PROF. U..DU VALL, :Formerly of the:College 0( Surgeons, Paris, • In now offered to the pnltilc for the Coro of All Sore niiff talttful Alsorities; for notnnen-.pain or Soreness in. nsurpnttottlio SyotoinTitheumntlnnurTnlnin - theitackr ' Breast' or Sides, I(itiett hreasto, Ritmo, .:Eliritltuti Mod twlr Grairip in the Monett), ornny other, I In scose 'that Is tlitit,Al9.l, 11AINitll, and It In only ' ,offer this nitwit bt,Disenies,we Oahu a PERFECT TIC. TORY. 'Wo soy prioltlvelyin Our, patrons, we ran re !lova the oufferer DO Unreel out brio. would Joel say..tO the pubile: Prot Du Tall W. 25 .y.on's In bring ,lng this inenlcinu to the suporiorlty It bno over all otly „ tit% rrleo,sllcOntsioir bottle. tiffX per rent, off to 4llwyders must butuldreosed. to . . : Solo for U. S. ' „ Lewistown. Mullin county. in, ANOTHER, ARRIVAL OF Fro6l,:ana chottoiro>rim, Dried .firult, Duck- Arboat:Cidor;,4c.;s4lll9 lier'rtur.Pr Curranift,; elton. traserv.•4l,l'encbor..: Plpl•lo, hentrm•d (11.4- rii• of .`thi! Res On. Jan ,openlnr nt the Ca 1' ri,•ry a firtna ecote: • 7 7 7 ' *V. 8, .141113. t , . • NUN • DOES. DISEASE .0111GIIN ATE DT . 1111PUIt1TY OIeTUE BLOOD? . , Thin Is a question of vital importance, and one which Iles Hover been satisfactorily dlepoxed of by the *rea ms who teach the healing art. Some maintain—end especially thu,old school Phyaichuts—that life the blood. and therefore all. Oseases othilnate In it— • _but modern xclenee avers that aliments baron their - drigination In - bah thy'soll,lo and Hokin of the body. That the latter preponderate. howevtir.fixed ;fact, and medical kill ban clearly deathnstrated -that at least two thirds of the Ills that human fled. Is he i r, to, 'hsve their suureoln an : , • . 01? THE BLOOD! as Scrota ' In, Tettel,'"lrailiiii..o Mb," Illotcham Vrysipo • . Inn. Ulcers:, Salt, Itheuttbißlldilitgesiratu_tho...Eor,-.Kosoi.--_,... .die.7l.oilteriitilSeat.iai of any kin are cerralned by well known medical law.. to arise from bad blond —while the highest: medical. authorities dedaro that Anent fevers originate In the some manner, and more particularly , Typhoid and . ocariet—the former be, Mg au hiteraill, kind the latter en external Irroptivo disease; and ill all persons attacked In' these ft...lndies, the blood is Pound to lie elthe. ceagUlated, or of a dark - unhealthy color. To ward oda large majority of diseases in well as to cure a number which have already seized ' ulion the syn. tem, itts neeessary„to • 1 01 1111.19 TIIE BLOOD. _Litdapylkl'nipieved‘liloodliearcherdnes-nothdidlo— be ' • UNIVERSAL. PANACEA • for every illseasa known, but the proprietors claim for It the power not only of draining out nn Impurities of • the blood, but by the skillful t'ombitnition of welt known viigelsble remedies. It wlll,eurewlLdlseasee 2111Fillg front n deranged state Of the liver,ilslyoont_ilyskietisin, end - itive - renewed - tone - nhirfigein toibe stomach. That tile' IltoOn SEARCHER IS oil that ha claimed for It, the proprie7.' tors can produce ••". • .•TIIE PIIOOS. It is only a few years since it-was discovered, and yet It has grown. into such a business chat a large laboratory Iran been built expressly for Ito mannfacture—a huge - 'number of Men employed, in putting it up, and still the' • SUPPLY DM NOT kQUAL THE 1 / I .!‘)IAND I ' We nsk any yandid man, Could this be FO. it the Med- - • loins did not 11000.15 ALL tile virtues claimed for I t ? ' " TIM Proprietors have hundreds of -certrfirites from . moo of probity and standing in kilo community, Show • lug what the medicine In doing dallY for the suffering . ASK, ANY PERSON who ban over used the Blood Searcher whether roll. was experienced. Let the afflicted gyve it n trlal—n single lrottle wil convince thdmokt. skeptical of Ito efficacy. -- For into In Carlisle by S. W. Haverslick, S. El nett,. and- 11..1. Kieffer; Kauffman & Son,. Mechanics - Ling; - (losweller k.luok , Shepherdstown ; Josh tnrCultr • • Hogstown; Jacob Simmons, - Cross Bonds; Knrtx & " .Shiremanstown ; A. 31. Loldich, :•nrings; ClirTfehtiiiiiiEdward James, West ' I fill ;'J. C. Fasuatirht. & Bm., ° Oakville; Shoenutker,& • Elliott, Newburg; Won. Bratthri, Newville4l.-lbsod & pringlield ; Russell & Dice, Dickincon ; Ilighland Ws-Odom, Jacksonville; Wm. Clark & Co., Leen • Roads; Wm.. 311. Nobles, Sporting 11111; D. Denlinaer • • White Hail; . J. 0. Alt Ick, Shippensburg ; all of Cumber- .. land county, Pa. LINDSEY & LE 3l o3l,,Proprieters, • -- I=lll A 1 F CTED .Tt EA. D 1 1 1 . ! I , IIII,ADELPHLA. MEDICAL llOUSE—Establish• ed twenty.two years' ego by Ur:EINKELIN, corner of Third nod Union Streets, Philadelphia. to. . ,=-31-ENTY.TWO-YEARS"-:. • Experience has . rendered Dr: 'IC, 'thest. successful practiti^ner in the cure of all dineabes of a private n 3 Aare; Inaolould's debility, as an hapediment to mar riage nervous and sexual infirmities, 'disease of the skin, and Ulm arising Iron, abuse of mercury: .. • , TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There Is an habit sometimes indulged in by boys, I in solitude, offen growing up with them to nunhood; and which, if not collated L 1 dime time: not only begets n. c u rious obstacles to ,matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a aeries of protracted, Insiduous and devastating affections. Fete of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences until they find the new noun system shallow], feel'strangtintulunm.countable sellout oits, and vague fetus Of the mind. (See pages 27-1` 2S, 211, of Dr Ws book ";ell-Preservation.") • The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, Is tam- We to labor with accustomed vigor, onto apply his mind to study.; his step-s t•trtly and it yak; he Is' Wesel ute, and engages even in his sports with less rm. orgy than usual. _ __ 11 he emancipate himself Laura the practice has done Its worst, and enter matrimony, his marriage to unfruit ful. and his sense tells him that this Is caused if). lilt ently are considerations which should awaken the attention of all wittiaie similarly situated, . RESIEMBER, . • 11` who places himself under Dr. KINKELIN'S treat: ,ment, may religiously confide in Lie honor us a gentle ' anon, and rely hpon the assurance thet,the secrets of . 'Dr. W _ IL's patients will never he disclosed .Young Men—let no false modesty 'deter you from 'making your road known to one, who, from eduraTiim - And resp_ectability_tail_cert..inlythefriend yon. Er KIKEI.IN , S residence has been foe-tifillait - twin ty•two years at tbe N. W. Coruer.of TIMID AND UNION STREETS, Philadelphia, Pa. - PATIENTS AT A. DISTANCF" - . - Can have (hy stating their case explicitly, together with all their symptoms, per letter, enclosing ajetnittance) Dr. K's Medicine, appropriated accordingly. .Forwarded to any part of the United States, and packed''secure front DAMAGE or CURIOSITY, by Mall • of Express. • READ! -YOUTH -ANDAIANHOODI-!'-' A vigorous Life or a Premature Death, Hinkelin on Self-Preservation—Only 25 Cents. Laters containing that valaohlatautpa, will unsure a copy, per return of mail. GRATIS! GRATIS!! GRATIS ! • ' A FREE GIFT TO ALL. •• • , MISERY RELIEVED. "Nature's Guido," a now and popular work, full of valuable adilee and Impressive warning, alike ralculab. ud to prevent years tf misery, and save thousands of Reek, IN distributed without charge, and forwarded by mall, pri...pitid to any. Pouf in the United States, on re ceiving an order enclosing two 'postage stamps. dee.15,1858-1y: • t HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PIIIL.EIDELI'IIIA. A Benevolent Instltutron, established by special en dowmetit forthefellet of the nick and distressed, ' afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic discaies, The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, In view of the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexual disease, and the deceptions pructlsed - upon the unfortunate vic tims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago dl. reeled their Consulting Surgeon, use CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to open a DlsPesnory for the. treatment of this clans of discuses, In all their fermi and to give 'MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS; to all win apply by letter, with a description of their ronditiot (age, occupation, habits of life, .5.c.,) and lu rases of ex. tremeimverty, to FURNISH AIEDIWNES FREE OF quitoN. It Is needless to add that the Association commands the highest 3ledical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approvi d modern treatment. The Directors of the Association, In their Annual Bo port upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex prefss the highest satisfaction with the sneerss whirls has attend ed the labors of tlie Ciossidting Surgeon in the cure of Spermatorrhust, Seminal Weakness. Impotence, Donor-. rhea, Clout, fiyphills, the vice of Donut.. or Self abune, Se. and brder a continuance of the. 8111110 plan for the ensuing year. Ul2l NMI= 14