Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 16, 1859, Image 2

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• t t,. / .,
441tvratu, ,
C4R08.14: P,A,
.Wedii4o4) March 10,' 109
" Whon Ith were. fair and gre.u,
And Irish fields were white with
And harvests golden and serene, ,
014 In the lauy simmer hases ;
, Wbon barditlient staging through the land,
- ,, -- ) fliele'gran"d 01400 otsknlghilre tot y";'
•••.• y•; . ; heart, yreiefound every*
" ad all pas peace, and love, and glory.
•-2::..-.......7YtaeLlittheitllPPYilliotlY dayej
• Wholrerarypaasant
-, • -Aihen•al I Was honest,•large and true, 4 5
• , , - And naught was hollow or theotrle; - •
'Twee In the days of golden hue, •
• • That Irohind know tho groat St., Pat!' ok."
"Ilitit64' l and :Tempi - ton Fame" it is gene
-,- rally conceded,. are,, and , haveben; the great •
est liars lit the 'world t. btit notwithstanding
this admitted . ; fact, "We shall Attthipt giving an.
Otrirical sketch (true ns a matter 'of course)
• of the great, distinguished, beloved and do
' . mted saint, whose name captions the present
• - . . . .
Bt. - Patrick was ript•a bravo of Ireland, nor
gasiteborn in Scotland as many supposev'but
i itelref Saw' fig* Mlle ntileiberhord of - Bou- -*
'•• 'logo% in the'year 087, he was-taketrprisOner
• • by theirisli Monarch NMI, of the, Nine Hosta
ges, 18.903, when only 16. years old ; that
i',lernian,•••-ravaging- t he- miretiate
-; districts , of Gaul, at that period.; on arriving
• In Ireland, lie wait, with other priSoners, sold ,
• 'lmo 'slave And carried_int o that section _2f•t be_
country, now known as Antrim. There, his
duty was the humble One of tending sheep;
• •and this quiet and. solitiry, ocdupation - rgiving
hitn, Capital oppdrtmiity to think, he formed .
plans for future action. At last - he succeeded
in escaping. to Gaul, and reached once .more -•
his boyhood's home. _ • His friends and relatives ,
• matter pf eourse, were delighted to see
----gcharining.fatrielc,":and hd was placed in the
college of Tours,•whero ho studied divinity
•and finally; became a Priest. "Patricioua,"
did not fancy the cloister however, but resol-,
vcd to return to the country of his Captivity,
• and preach to Ilteleatheh, who darkened that
• beautiful land. •' ; . .
• Ile-landed.iii Dublin, about 923 and started
:At:once - forthe'region:mhere - hohad'so: - long
lived as a shepherd. lie had followers with
him, and his party were — attacked by
tain named Dicho, as - they were travelling to
• the interior, 'being mistaken fora band of
pirates. But Sb- Patrick returned good_ for
evil,and made - Dicho onoof his first converts,
so that instead 'of being put to death by him,
be became one of his warmest friends and
most zealous co-operators in spreading Christi
anity 'abroad.'
The Saint celebrated divine ,worship first,
in a barn called Subhal Padruc,"or Patrick's
Barn; and finally lighted fires,on Tara Hill,
.in honor orEaster ,festival ; - and- thby blazed
ii,,;..t00 in the yeryeyes of the princes and -
tame among Whom was Eing-Lugaire. Great
was the astonishment of tha , nobles on seeing
Ibis fire sporting'up to the Leavens, in sight
of the Halls of Tara, and the Saint was sum
moned-to the presence of Lugaire but address
': ed Itim,soeioquently and - ably 'on the` subject
of true religion t h at, although z almedit person-
dedto yield ., to Ids 'iltelief,_beditl not quite
surrender. Ile gave - him permiettion to preath
, however, and Alio resultwns:thnt: he built a
church. on the very spot which had before
been - devotNl to the sacrifices of tbeDruidiwi
God, Crum eneach. Successcontioued to (
Inns the footsteps of Patrick, during the
'whole • course of his exertions to sprend
Christianity in Ireland The Druids and oth
er opponents, whose enmity he had to encoun-
ter, offering a less forcible resistance, than is
usual with the supporters of a tottering sys
tem. His , converts 'ettibraced mettwf rank and
learning, who became ornaments of true ro-
ligion; churches were erected in considerable
numbers throughout Ireland, and •to give the
new system the advantages of organization,
the see of Armagh was founded, and it was
filled by St, Patrick himself.. Whether ho
drove the snakes and other venomous reptiles
out of Ireland, is an open question. • Wo be
lieve he did, but our !eiders will have to form
their own conclusions in regard to it. I
As to the Shamroclimost of our readers are
no doubt aware, that it
r was adopted Os the
Irish emblem, because St. Patrick, in explain-
• tog to the inhabitants, the doctrine of the
Trinity; 'ts6l the tre-foil, or clover, as a fa
' wilier ilfusiratiOn' of !:thiee in one."
• To-morrow is tins feast of St. Patrick, let us
sing "more power to the Shamrock," and bid
the "top o" the mornin'" to Ireland's tutelat:
'Saint forsure '
!!. Paint Patrick was s gintleman and come of decent
peoplo.". • •
Don't Went:to be Hanged In Shrouds.
The Sheriff. has received a ld
tei. from Croi), Corrie, Chtmbrill and Cyphus,
the'unfortunate who are to be ex
ecuted on Friday, requesting that they may
not be hung, with their shrouds on: The fol
lowing is a , •
DAL:rufous CITY JAIL, March 6;1869
• -•-• moues CASAMEl4,Esq.,Sheriff of Baltimore • •
City. Dear Sir—We, the undersigned, take
thls opportunity.of addressing you a fewlines
•• be. regard to.our execution. We ask a favor
—the.only• one..tte will ask again on this
otialk .4t is this: •For the 'love. of God do
not. compel us to wear shrouds' urn the 18th of
-March. As you are a Christian do not do•
~ It •would.bedeathitself to put a shroud oh us,'
„,,for : God knows we have bear _
~ under , We want to die. like Christians and
Men. ' Oh; you cannot refuse the 'only boon •
perhaps .Ibatit,will ever be in our power - to
, nab. Wo know it islour option to grant this
..regaret or•po.• • We do not think .you '
•fuse us. ,We now beg.leave to close,. hopiiig
we may receive it favorable answer.. • „
Your unfortunate: fellow modals, Marion
orpp, 11,enry Garobrilli t'eter Corrie, Jain
li. Cyphus
We.underatand that Sheriff Creamer has
• . consented. to comply pith tho requsat con
e tained in ,the aboveletter.—fiallimare Patriot.
'We . 'saw a letter' . a
, fevi days since, from'
.Siii°°-,c",?1,, to a friend , Ile
noStics to ibo deeply impressed with a sense of
'Ads awfar situation. e
, Th 'letter throughout ''lireitOcea v ipitit:OfdeePienitence; andaeem
.4og ygsigiviou,tO.hies fate. He sends many
.4ind-rontembranetts to hie acquaintances hero,
:'And closes with 'an eitrpost exhortation t olds
Yriends`,io'i,lol . Viefi:an'si:drunlieness, to which,
• " ti?s* - ti - niirsuuns.-Thei general klectiori in
Humpgliixe took • I:bn
410 r . eaultecl.'in t e.auccenaof , the4epublicana .
yho IWO bleated their: eandidatee lfor . °Over—,
lenotkail for' Coogreas, bpd'imeiiro "boeideio
li3l3fßiieri of
. ,
'; T fi reo Statoi'elootionV ir ore yet to'tobo pince
. c.911 - !.;4i1: on tbo
.2.104.141). )0. !t,botto , Ittood ibo 'Ph
Sad bifiViroOis on tbi each
Of lbete .13i tit eui a pcit , trnor!
" •
It(s res.unth';'dur tibitinet, °Ohs Proceedings .
of the Le •.; ; : • .
T.-Lithe Sabato the session
l'fattesPfttiity , 74lesOtell to the consideration of
Ths 'Governor sent inn message
4etilinithe city BuildingAstiOeintiou
In the House, the appropriation bill passed
finally. ' • -• . I
‘-•TueadaY Muuroh 8..::-The general, banking
law was called hod tifiera brirf- dilieussion
was postponed and made the order of the day
for Wednesdr.y. • - . • ;
A bill to diraroo Wm. R. Priestly and Anna
M. Priestly. of Philadelphia was passed.
"g l . -r-Wa Y a .
n - --1 he •-11OtlinT-Ty- 7 tiiiiWitWOlFll4e ,
Were_ciinsidereir;lPiridinglliii - di Songs'
a ntipplentent to the act, incorpoftiting the
Rendingßnilroad conpany, the .Thinise ad
journed. , •
Wednesday Mnieh o.—ln the Senate the
General Ranking-law came up. - A motion-to"
substitute Ihe.original hill failed, and Ilie new
bill rills then rejected. • The bill to nbolish the
Poor and Health Boards of Philadelphia, os at
present constituted, was referred to om .
millet) of conference. The bill to suppress
bank notes under twenty dollars was takplA
up.. An'amenciment, forbidding the bankslor
issue any. notes at nll, was adopted, but: on
second readiteng n motion was made to restore
bill to its original form; and a motion to
postpone indefinitely followed. •
Bribe ifeuse - jhe Viste'rejacling,Th - e - Medify ,
Banrbill was reconsidered , and the bilfwas
' then 'postponed. The supplement to the Read
ing Railroad charter passed aecond rending
with a provision to pai thetontinge tax from
Dauphin to Rending. Bills p used flOally al
lowing'the Reading Railroad Company to eon:-
iiect . with other roads from'ReOditig, and siip
plarrientary-to the Philadelphia Consolidation
net. The bill incorporating The Mount Joy
&Lying institution - waslreconilidered - and post
paned., • ' •
Thursday March 10,—in the Senate the bill
to prevent tile banka — of — tho - Commonivealth
from issuing notes Of- a leas denomination than
twenty dollars,..wasvostponed indefinitely by
a rote of yeas IS, nays lA.—The House passed
The day almost exclusivelyin the considera
tien of private bills, ti largenumber of which
iridity_Maycli 11. —ln the Sp*, the sup
to the charter of the ‘ilestexif Tran•
sportntiod Company passed.. The bill rela
tivelo costs passed aetcond reading: • .•
• In the House, the bill to authorize the Gov
etnov'to conini'uto the death penalty in certain
cases, was reported negatively, and postponed
indefinitely. An act relating to marriages
was rejected, as was,also the resolution to con
tinue-Samuel Hazard in office.
Mr. Stuart, presented. a 'petition of nutner
cue citizens of the borongll Of Newville, Cann
bcrland county, to change their place of hold
ing borough and general election, to the east
end of thepublic school house in said borough.
The Committee on - mlucationliave reported
to llMStinate, n supplement to the net. for the
pro Motion of eductitiOnt,hy Common Scliools.
WO make the toll Owing abstract, from a copy
of the bill; !thigh we received'of Mr. Stwartof
the House. • ••
Section 1. Provides that wheinlie - Direttors
of the several Reboot districts shall have Made
a selection of elms books. the books So selec
ted. shall be used for three years. and.that
change or alteration shall be made - within
that period
Sec. 2. :Rakes it nnlawful, to employ any
female as teacher, under the age of eighteen
years, or tof any male applicant under twenty.
Sec`. 8: Requires every director hereafter
elected to be qualified before a justice et . the
peace,. faithfully to discharge the flutietrof his
office. . '
Sec: 4 Determines the amount of tax levied
for school purposes, not to exceed eight mills
on the dollar. .
Sec 5. abolishes all independent school
districts. and prohibits their establishment.
Sec, G. ,Directs that- the qualified electors
of the several counties of 'the Commonwealth
shall determine at the next general election,
whether of county Superintendent
shall be abolished or not; and:
Sec. 7. That in &teethe people shall decide
in favor of the abolition of the office of County
Superintendent, it shall be the duty of the
School Directors, in
,the seiteral 'districts to
appoint annually, three competent persons
as a board of examiners,on the applications of
teachers Tor employment. and no teacher shall
be employed, except such as shall be passed
by the said examiners.
TUE TONNAGE TAX.—The Committee of Ways
and Menne, of tho [louse of Representatives,
have reported joint resolutions relative to the
tonnage tax.
• The Preamble states that on the tenth of
December last there was due front the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company on account of
that tax about $OO,OOO, which they refuse to
pay, in view of which the resolutions instruct
the Attorney Genbral, to enter suit against
tho company, to ascertain' whether this cor-•
poration, by its refusal, to pay, has not for
feited its phartered privileges. add empower
the Auditor General to charge five per cent, a
month for any delay that may hereafter occur
in the payment of the tonnage tax, by the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company: •
ETITUTIONAL. —ln the case of iltelkluited States
.Shermini 11. Booth, an important decision
was delivered by the Chief Just ice. The case
involved the right of n State Coull, to. release
on habeas corpus, parties in custody under
process front the United States Court, for
offences against the laws of the United States.
This Was done by the court below in the in
stance of au arrest under .judgment by the
District Court of the'United States for tivio
tation,of the fugitive slave law. The whole
conduct of-the court. below was held to be to
tally illegal and virtually revolutionary; that
the marshal had
,n right, and it was his duty,
to resits. by farce any such interference on the .
part:of the State powers; and that the fugi
live slave , act was clearly constitutional.
IfiliilOAD ACCIDENT.=A fatal accident ao-
Mired on the Northarn Central Railroad, on
Simday last, at Halifax, Dr. John Wright with
his two ohildren,m soiCand. daughter; were
tithing an ifternomi walk'on tlas , Railroad and
while'restiagfit. the, bridge, a coal train, came ,
along and.befora they •ootild get ,pit of the
'sari) , tan t limn down. The Doe' dr yens' instant=
Ids' daughter bad her arm cut
• DICATII or Tne M. CleninAL.—=The lion.
K. V.. Broiln, Post .:Master General; died nt
:Washington . .onTnegday. the Bth His
funeral took piano,: from.the Executile Man- .
sign on Thunday attOnded by . tho. President
and' 11 gads 'of Departments'lido mat id' Corp's,.
'officers or'iho Arai and Navy, .'ottisorts and
•APPliirlirllltily:iißt' I 1!: GaN
late qinxiin'isefoiler of PatiMte.
vioniiiiitett4o4'o.lolrnie.4 t0,,14 0 , 1 *
cant office of ; ~'oeq,;lilueter . flenepal.. Vila ie
'paid to be s'mas excellent appointment.
.zetun ano Qr,ount ll IHatters.
ilipteorologlcall.iteglater tor 3GAlW'Weiejk
:; -Onaing *wok,
I - meter.* I
43 00
lb 00
47 00
- -
51 00
'OO -
Neckly - 45 - 110
• Mean.
'The degree of heat In the above register Inthe'daily
averago of tbree observations: • - .
East 1111111rooro! cqiiference
This body closed its annual session at iVil
lianisporlast week: • Before the Conference
adjourneft, a.elrong effort was made to have
the neat annualtifectink at Carlisle, but a ma
jority vofcd in favor of Lewisburg, UniorrCe
It argues a want of taste on the. rani of 'the
thetaters OfiEnst Baltimore donference, to de .
cline opendinen week in oiir, beautiful bor
ough when t ke p oOorttthity w i ns offered,
- there - is - no - account ing-for-tkese7 ng
they remain in the North much longer; they
mny-Itse tiie landmarks Of Mason end Bixtin'e
Mr. Gibson and Mr Chenowith, who hate
been stationed in Carlisle. are' spoken of, by
(116 mi-who-have known them. long: and inti
mately, as estimable gentlMuen, realoutiN
their callini and acceptable as pivacbers.
hcipo our cityzeit, without regard to Outilluor
sect, will cordially wAcome them to their new
field of labor. - . • . .
The following are the appointments for Car•
John A.' bere, F. Carlisle, Geor g e' G.
Chenowith ; Emory Chapel, Alexander E. Gib
soti.:„Carlisle Circuit, D. Hartman, D. C. John ;
Mechnnicsburg. Frnticis - ItActirtney ; -- Noutit
Holly SpringS, W. H Keith; Newport, Amos
Smith, Isaac C. Stevens;. PeticTiburg7 - John
Stine.; New - Bloomfield, J. V. Holbrook, A.
Stevenson Smith; Mifflin. John W. Langley;
Hifflin Circuit, N. S .Buckingham, W, G• Per
.gusofi ; ConcOrd. .Fred. E Crevert. 'Lewis
toivn, &ittle! Kepler; Lewistown Circuit,,
George Stevenson. James T. Wilson ;
I lin rg. - G
pentibitrg.„lteuben E. Wilson; Green Villagei:
Noah 'Schlosser, 'Milton K. Foster; Chambers-.
burg, ,Philip Chambersburg Valley
Mission. -to be snpriqed. '
A. o.Marlatt, Prssident, and R. D. Chinn
-berm,- Professor -of--Irving Penialo College,.
Metnberof Mechanicsburg Q. M. Conference.
.Robert S..McClay, Missionary to China. •
Joseph It.- Downey,' Missionary to Indic': • -
-Thomas Bowninn, transfeired to S. E. Indi
ana Conference and Prenident of Indiana As
bury University. -
Josiah Hildebrand, and - W... T. L. Wench,
transferred to Baltimore Conference
• Ilepienoiri C. Lippincott': treneferreirto Or
egon Conference
nual sesiikn of the EaMinoru Conference of
the M. E Church, was held at Lowisbi - trg Va.
The proceedings are published at length in the
Baltimore Weekly Sun, from which we take
the-following eitract,' as more immediately
connected with the local interests of the town.
rev Charles Colliun, D. D., Piesident of
Dickinson College. presented the report of the
committee on_ that institution—which was
rend, end. on. ni6tlon, ndopted - . - • ,
• Rev. Dr. Collina made' a masterly - addresS
before the conference upon the Interests-of the
college,- which -WWI listened-to -vrith -- deep-f Ii
the address' and been concluded, reso
lLtions were...ndopted'by which 'n collection
will be taken in June in every circuit and sta
tion for the educational interests.of the church
within the.Baltitoprosenufereneo territory.
PURE ALE.—If - tihyi of our citizens in
town or country, wish a pure arliclo c ef ale-for
family use, we advise them to try ecask of
that now manufactured by Mr. i'imbler, in the
'brewery formerly occupied by Wm. Alexander.
For years past a welt' founded prejudice has
eFisted agoinst the use of,AleandiAger Beer. ,
on account of the deleterious substances said
to be used in molting it, and'very little hasl .
been drank exceptwhtit was sold in Hotels and
Restaurants. But the • alp, manufactured by
Mr. Fochle•, is of a dilferjnt quality ; 'Modc
without the use of drugs, mid Ito is willing at
any lime to have it analyzed by a competent
chemist, to prove the fact.
Fochler commenced brewing here list.
fall, and spice the superior' quality of his ale
has become tknown, Ice is not able to supply
the constantly increasing demand. On look
ing through the Brewery a few days ago, we
found eveiything dean and in good order, and
additions are 11919 being made to increase the
capacity-of the establishment. Mr. Fodder
can only make about tin .barrels a week, if he
can increase it to double that quantity, he will .
not be able to do much more than keep-pace
with his orders.. .
Y. N. C. A.—lt will be seen by qlie
proceedings, publinhed in this paper that an
effort is matting forma Young Men's
Christian Associniion " Carlisle., These
organizations have becinne very general in
the cities and large towns, and have accom
-plialieitnitith good;'in Procuring - situations for
young men and prOvitling libraries and read
pig.rebtenas Places of resort during their lei
sure.hours. ,
A SOAPY BUSINESS.—Prof. Ga;dner, ,
the celebrated New EinglUnd soap Man, en
tertaine'd IL large audience in fient of 160 Cmirt
House on Jost Wednesday .evening. with his
budget of soap-bubbles. Although the (HS.'
course of the Professor was all about soap, it
didn't seem to haven very. .toop..orific effect
on the crowd, for they, gieoft . d nunierons
good hits with loud apPtaiisti, and testified
their appreciation of his o'ratoricalpoivers, , by
haryest of "quarters" in 'exchange for s un =
dry cakes of soap, to the amount of nearly
sixty dollar'S2 tlardner isati anomaly, he al
ways cries for quar!ers, when he is most suc
cessful. ..• •
. .
CORRECTION, -- The Balthnoro Patriot, in
acknowledging the 'receipt ti..f.samplea of the.
different Wilde- of paper made at the Mount
holly Paper Mill. alludes tolutt One:Wool),
as the authoretit very 'bealt'iful . tiokriptioit.
I of kOnat,,tiolly:•Spriegs,'itt a lalo.number of
l7rAhnpi',q.~~agnzino,-lYa bed 194-XeJS!C9rFeCk
the Patriot in this. The notade plume of the
hidy referred to, whe•iittrvalued
dent of the Herald, 19 IDA.• •
Tots • WEATIIEW.—Last Sabbath 'was
theutoe,t delightful dey )IP,Eei3Or,t•eieetnherto
heveeeeitio . 'Aluroh,•the . eir t ,roe ne*ild, and
balmy, aelllny;.ned the streets..were orowded L
~ with, p edestriatl, taking their ftret , sptiog Walk ,
yegetelitni ie, Odvancipg,rapidly;itnder the ;m
-illet hitiiietieeit of weather;and if the
'Peeld'euptle,”,eheilld not lititi•fe're with pree
pd. ortatagemeute r ve e4peet.e.. iteutlOu of,
plenty., , ,
.111.11017 GM TICKET
Thelicen pitizene of the borough of
t:nf.lis . fe,:: Ind Ward Meeting on Monday
i;.ening;lliiiit,'!'nnd ,. nnrtitint'ed. the following
election on Fri- .
, Assistant Burgess,
Rain 'l'll. & L
-- .'7 -- Towresunctt,
John Outehn
0.-Inhoff,----. • -•••-
E. Gardfier.:
School Director,
Andrew Blair. Cot liznen.
jittigc.of . .
Jahn' IlcOinnie. • I Itobl.'lll.
" • :
.Iticpector, • ,
Wm. Wetzel,- . 'Chan. Shnple,y,
IVin."Bentir,'• •
I'. B. •11i0n . 5p50n0...,...
A. Brady Blinirp
• of Vie,
• . '• I Jatneti IVidner.
Qonalal le,
Jaa'ob Bretz. I Christina •
• .
A meeog will beheld nt dlass's Note
LECTURE IN 1.1410 RY N. E. Cntinct
lecture_Orthe.courie__lNill_he de:
livered by :'Rev. B. F. Brooke -- of
on- Thursday evening ~tiext, at T o'clock:
'SUbject ”Suntmeriield,'! Those' who had the
good fortune to listen to the t:plendict address
delivered by Mr. Brooke' before the literary
societiss.or•ilie_dollege during , Ihe•comnwnce
meat week br 1857, wilk,reptire no other in.:
emitive to ii tluco theihi'not•'onl' goAhein
selVes, Mit to take their friends with them.
8 ' PRIM) SALEs.--Atilong . the " sales of
•household goods, which are.held this Spring,
we:wish:to direct the attention of our readers
torhe sale of. Sergeant POWELL, to ',take place
at ;Ile Carnal . ° Barracks, on. Saturday next,
ar 1 o'clock, M. Mr. Powell's furniture is
of fine quality, has been well kept and mint
be sold without reserve, as he is about to . re:
move from the Post. Whose who wish bar :
gainso*ill do well to talon - knit theeisale'viill
eMbraca . parlor, chamber 'and kitchen furhi
tnre. •
MISS RICIIING . B.--TIliS talented vocalist
-assisted-by 31r.-p:ticiangs and Miss O'Con
nelf, gave a concert at Harrisburg. on Friday
evening last.- The . Telegraph, in noticing the
concert,.says :
filer execution of Ilenrion's "Fren - ch Chan
xonette;"-and the ';llaughter ofthe ttegintent,"
was exquisite, -- and elicited_ the most rapturous
applause.—Miss - O'Connell, and Mr. I'.. Rich,
lugs. both - Sang well; and Mr. ClialleiJarvis,'
the - ypting-pianist, acquitted himself-in a high
ly creditable manner, witinbig golden Opinions
The recitation from Prof.. Longfelictw's poem,
"Hiawatha," by Mies Rieltings, - was a very
attraCtive feature of the entertaiiiineitl,r and
Compared favorably With the efforts of 'the
best profesiional readers 'we have beard.
If Miss Mellings could be induced to visit
Carlisle, she would,.no doubt, draw a - large
ACCIDENT.-r-TIVO -gentletpan - Of- our
borough,.who were out riding last Sabath,
made a narrow escape friiin drowning, by at•
tempting to ford the Conedoguineit creek, at
Tiigli iiiscr grThn luiree wns.drowned and the
tilbury swept away by the water, but fortu
tmaly gatlemen ceinped with a ducking.
THE CONCERT. --No have only room
-to-remark, that the concert given last evening
by the Wurzel Musical Association, was well
•attended, and that the singers acquitted them
selves admirably. We hepo the association
,found it profitable,
Li vT. —During this ,penitential . 'sea
son, now being observed by the Episcopal
and Roman Catholic Churches, public ser
vice is lad in the Episcopal Church every
morning et 8 o'clock.
%*or the Herald.
The Ingitute closed their proceedings, at
a meeting held in Carlisle on Saturday 26th
February. The following Resolutions were
reported by W. Miles and unanimously adopt
ResolVed: That the County Normal School,
is eminently entitled to the encouragement
and support of the teachers and of the friends
of educational enterprise, as an indisi cosi
ble auxiliary to the proper qualifications of
our teachers, the only hope we' have of fill
ing up the ranks of the profession, and in
supplying the Schools of the County, in the
future, with competent instructions.,
Resolved: That the Department of Com
mon Schools;' under the charge of 11. C.
Hickok Esq, is in a satisfactdry and flourish
+4ing condition, and since separated from .the
State Department, bids fair to be a lasting
benefit to the proper arrangement and 'per.
petuity of the Common School systeM, Mr.
Hickok is the man for the place. and his ap
pointment reflects great credit and foresight
on the part of, ex-Gov. - Pollock, who com
missioned hint to th'e, highly—useful .and 14-
:Tensible station. ,
• Resolved: That.our worthy, and efficient
County Snperintessdant, D. Shelly. Esq. has
,and impartially discharged his sev :
es al'duties, rsinPutsreat reason to congratu
late himself; in•fhe ominous fleet, that no 'pe
titiots has yet been sent rto the Legislature,
from this County, praying for the repeal of
the Law whiclf created the' Co.oSepernsten.
deney, 'Significant 'of' the. intelligence and
patriothim of the people, their love for Com.
tmn School edneation; and the implicit con
fidence repose in Me. Shelly. '
' hes . dined: -That this, Institute, composed
itt part otthe teachers of the Township„re•
turn their mast sincere 'thanks to die — Boast
'of School Directors, who. he vs so. nobly and
zealously sustainial thuttsterest of the Insti•
tute,,,..The voters of the .Township could not'
have minde a better selection, and trust that
the ensuing, spring election •will sustain,
Messrs Stuart and, Brechbill, who have lane
their. duty 'so well that thereby •no chnilge
will, be made, provided these retiring mem
bers will consent-to eteeleetion. •
Resolve 4 : That our , thanks, as .teachers,
are hereby. Rendered to'the:citixens generally
of the,Township, • for their attendance and
hearty co operation in our several meetings.
-Them, attendance, .ohleueh occasions, has.
been. very oiscouraging; and `ate shall Over re- •
member, with gratitude ) the' Pleasant, and•
-:hesPit.ttlfkt entertain Mktg .atiorded.
Resolved That our thanks tire due, to the
editors the' enmity Paperkei . ' for lho interest
manifested hY•them in - pnblisitiag our L'seyer
-41 lirbeee:ditiga'giei•eby giving
,publicity to.
what we have demu; daring, the school see
to, promote the great. cti popular
.education,•.at botne.and
Resolved:' .Thit thesepreceedings be p ub •
lishettikall the county papers.,,
CO.salex, Pa.—The Court' (louse
nt . Clation v :waidistepyed by fire list week E
the couutr.reeOrds were daved, l'he..Cpurt
,Elouse was ; iicost of $1:1;000 ; • the
lire was attributed to defective
•,0 Auditor,'
Youtto: hintett.„,.C . puttrrien Astmotepott.--,,
At a meeting held in karion Halton Monday
'evening last,; for the 'purpose ;of foiming
'•Young - lllen s Christian A sso Dint ion" in di o
'berdugh of fierlitile, - ri Co i mittoo - we re
pointed to ar s on kConstitn(ion. and report at'
the, next Meeting, NV laieli:`rviltllid .. held .nt ;lie
entnt: place ohlillonday""evenifig.the'dlst
at 7 o'clOck..
, .
Tito de - aka! of Officers take, place on
the same evening! . immedhit olytpon the adop
tion of the Constitution
• All persons 0:1to may do. ire' to connect. bent
selves as netIVO or lissnejatil ntenthors„ are
adqoested to Le present 'on Int 1 - been . fon.. •
-7 11 A STo so VAIN • •
arch, 'l5, - 185 .
- ,"rsttstaNsittrit. will'he seen hy'our ail
"tieing colums, that Mrs.. Crocker in
classes in penmanship. She" has been quite
successful in other places; nod we advise those
who wish -. to .ftecoireitin, accomitiishmont so
useful, Lo give her a trial.
.Miss _II. E. Sears, Physician will - visit
Carlisle professionnay oh' Friday nnd Satur
day Ate 2Glh & 26111 of March. Mee nt Mar-
lin's Hotel: . • •
-ccived-;- the fnlla*iag tnbie of - ca aorta trill
show, t h at it is, no usual, filled with ?liandrird
articles from the best English writers, t'
J 4 gP
,went to Skye", "Objectionable books" " The
Periodical Prese," being Pdrt IL of .Popular
Literature, "Rawlinson's licrodetus"•False
ly accuped," "Mcpbilus and the Antidote':
and " A cruise in Japanese waters."
Published by Leonard Seott.,& Co., • New
Singhe copies, can be had-nt
• flAttrEß's 149Az1Net, the March number of
this valuable - itad - rittrattiVer - Mitgaiint - is
.our table and we doubt very-much if there is
another Malady Journal in the ctentry that
can show as interesting and instructive a table
oftontents:' "Mount; Vernon asit - is" Mon:
trated by a large number of beautiful:engra
vings, is so graphic nsalmostto cheat one into
the belief - that they bad actually. visited that
sacred spot. "Croton* Water and, its inhabi
tants" and "Vasco•Balboa" are both
literary' articles are Tram some of the most
prominent Magazine writers of ate 'day.
•gle copies 25 cents, can be had at Piper's.
TOM; M.411AZI;01, : the , Mardi -
number of the Home Magazine, abounds with
.chojce'articles from its numerous correspon
dents, and thejllnstrations are, equal to' any
similar publication. The "Boy's and Girl's
Treasury," the "Nlotheris Jiepiirtinent"..and
the ariicles on Health;the Toilet width° Work
Table,- should make it a-welcome visitor-in
every flintily, sport from the merit, and beauty
of ( I to Literary and Pictorial departments of
the work,. The present number contains seven--
_teen illustrations, Terms two dollars a year,
- -
Single numbers can be had at rim's. r
LITTELLS . LINING SCIE, Delmer „ Proctor
618 Broadway New York: •
The Livi ig Ago for March 12th 18tiO. con
tains a portinit ofOlacrlin, Pastor of the Ilan.
de la Roche, with a ver,rintereisting sketch of . -
the - life of - this:Celebrated niart - . l— The rest-of
Articles to be found iti this number; embrace
the cream of the English 111Anzines.
THE LADIES' REPOSITORY,' tOir Mflr C b, is il
lustrated with a view of Ileidleberg and a por
trait of the Rev. Ft ancia
,Burns, Missionary
Bishop of the M. E. Church. In - Africa, with a
biographical' sketch. The literary natter of
the Repository, is of themlost unexceptionable
quality, characterized, by a high moral tone,
and eminently worthy the patronage of every
lady. • ....
FRANK LESEIE'S MAGAZINE, is 1.110 giant of
the monthlies Fancy, if you can, a Alagazine
of nearly one hundred pages, almost 11,quart_o
in size, and filled with a series of attracthe
Novelettes. Titles, Sketches and fashions,
handsomely' illustrated, and furnished to sub
settlers at three dollars a year! Those Who
wish to be 'convinced of the fact, need only
goto - Piper's, where they can 'procure single
copies at 2,5 cents.
IN NOVELS —lvssitos. Philadelphia, T. B.
Peterson & 'Brothers.
This enterprising firm have eontmenecd the
publication of a pamphlet edition of f
Sir I~'al
ter Scott's novels ,, in
,twenty-six volumes, at
twenty-five cents for n single number, or five
dollars for the Set, .complete. Quo number
containing a novel entire, will be issued every
Saturday, until .1116 whole number rare out.
Ivanhoe, one of the best'of Scott'S novels, has
been already issued and'will be succeeded by
Guy Mannering, Rob Roy, and thurest of the
series We cannot be too familiar• With the,
works of Walter Scott ; they cam', With them
instrtiction as well as amusement, and the
IlleSsrs Peterson, deserve the thanks of the
reading public'for nn edition nccessible to all
who wish to study this•griat Nature,
instead of wasting their time over the sickly
sentimentalities, and false Philosophy, which
characterize so many novels of the present
plosion took place at the Cambria Iron Works
on Friday last, by which.fiye persons were se
veral}, injured, by the bricks and heated metal
which wore scattered in all directions.
12ta.11avo you a Cpu'Gh ! (Md.-pain in the
chest, or BroUchitii? In fact have ion the
premonitory syMptoms of the •.iniatiato'lir
eherr Consumption ? Know that relief is at
MIMI in Wistar's Balsin, of Wild Cherry:
Buy none unless it has the written signature
Butts" on the wrapper. :
POPULATION . OF ST Louis:—TLC census of
St., Louis, just, completed. gives a total popu
bition of 185.000, thus classified: Americans
57,657, Germans 93,874, Irish 22.013. Eno.
lish 3,461, and French 1,387. Free blacks
1,672, •slwies; 1,984. 01 . 1 he Jotter 1,033 are,
•• 'ClAnoweat..t—They must have a• rascally
set of diabelians up at Fort_
Tho`PoetageClTY lteetiiVsys some person or
persons in that town, on theLnight of the 27th ~
nit", entered the Catholic Cemetery and smash
and demolished every tombstone it it.. The ,
same paper says that on the 25th ' a school;
house in the same town was set an'' Atl
of the books were burned,•but'llte fire was put • '
out before further damage was don'ts:, ' '• •
• DiIgOCRATIO CONS' lATIO •. - his
body, meets to tini in ilarriSburg, ip plaOn
atato tielie r t aomittotionitotr . ilONnt„ ; the
.Olectioii:iti bOtaheri,',:
'':ltliar" Read , 010:11dVertiSOu1011t. of Da.SAI
Irotin's iiveritu*orat)r,
What the Kretio Say.
. .
" COSTAR'S " Exterminators are invaluable
remedies. for clearing houses of; all sorts of
verniin:OViift.all confidence we recommend
thetn.X. ,- .Y. Daily Slaie'Regialer. . •
air drib - Mafia pests,
. B "h ' nOWtii RoaohOs; Bed-hugs,-/Nuts, Fleas,
are:ftiltaltudito; irc'aan speali.frotn act u-.
knovilcdge of merits:: lltiimaisys„ind
• Eh:au:us 'should . send their orders Carry; if
they would secure a trade in them.—New York .
Journal. , •
. .
Shall write something about your Exter,
in'iititO're, as I can with propriety... They
artt selling rnpidly here and destroying
vermin.—Ed. !Tanner,'' kityettc, Ala.
• •' A , Denth•to ' all Verinan.P! :
, .
• As SPRING approocheo..
. •.^ .From fheir•lLoles comb out, ,
And MICR RATd, •
• ..Gaily skip about.
-- '7 - 713tinr-Bnos bite 't' .
• You, in tho . niiht t , •
, •
As, on the bed you,slumber,
While SECTS 'era wl
Tbro' chambey and ball
In .egnads wit lantt„nuinirr
aprtainty, Itnts,'Reaches, Mice, Moles: Ground
Mice, 'Ants. fAciths, Mosquitoes.
Fleas,. Insects on Animals.jn , short every spe
cies of Vermin, ate utterly destroyed and ex
.terminated by e
!‘ Costar's ",Rat; Roaah, &o. Exterminator,
• "Coataris" Bed•httg-Exterinittatoi;
" COBt111:% 99 Electric Rowder, - for Insects. -
Supplied direct, hy 'mail, to, tiny address in the
United - Stntes — ns - . ,
On receipt ofll,oo, a box of the RAT, ROACH
&C. EXT. . •
(sentpesinge pnid;) siilhdent to destroy
The vermin on nny premises.
- MAY. N: Y. - .
P. S —Circulate' terms, &0., sent by maiL on .
applitattion.,, • .
Northeast corner 'FMh and Arch Streets,
PlricslttmetuA . ,
And Wholetatle_llealers_generally,
Patent Champion' Safe-
- -
Late Fire , at Dubuque, lowa.
• - .Duuuque, .1116.70559.
Gents: am requested by Mr. T. A. C. Cechrane • of
this place, to my to you that on the morning of tile
4th Instnut, stout 3 o'clock, his store leek Oro, and the
entire stork of goods woo destroyed. The beet Is , cerne
soanddenly Intense that none or. the goods Auld post.
blp be - weed
which were In one of your • Champlon &Iles; were all
preserved perfectly. And well they mar be called
Chemplo'n, for during. the Whole conllairatlon there wee
one Incessant !miring . of flame directly upon the safe
Which : contained them. And still, upon opening -4,3h°
Inside wes - eouirdlo.ho searcely warni.whlle.thenutslde
was moat severely scorched. tours .
Herring's Patent Champion Fire and Burglar-Proof
enfill. with Ilnll's l'ntent.PoWder Pinot' Locks - alTord
the aroatest seouritY or any wife In the ,world. 'Aire
Sideboard and Parlor Safes, of elo,gani workmanship and
finish fer plate. &r. • -- '
FARREL. HERRIN(' & CO.. have removed from XI,
Walnut strout, to I heir new store. No. U:ln ChesCind St.;
( layno's liall,)whore.tholnrgest assortment of Snfos in
Ilia world rim be. found.' -
te99 Chestnut street, (Jayne's limit,) Phlledeljada.
Mnr. 16, DOlt.
Twelve pages of Popular Music for ecu tents
n " OUR Mustent FRIEND" - firfilled with the best Plano
Ths, Ducts, -Songs, Oper.Ale" Arias, Ponta.% Mnsurkah"
Quadrilles, IValtses, nod eyery other:specles of musics
romposition for Vide. and Piano, by the ta4t. Atelirieet:
nod European e s omposers . ; printed on fulNizod musk
parlor, adapted to e•ery grade of perfernter.
__:.lcho . r..zquequaul.ltypfmUsic,uroeured from tho regu•
lar publishers would cost moro tbahleil thii,s — whatrii3
A Year's aubarriptlen 'to Our 31usiral Frirnd, wllt
secure now and feahlenahlo WWI° worth-at- leant-two
hundred dollars, and entirely suffielentjor the home
Yearly, $5; half yisirlygr. 50; quarterly; $1 25 center
Thu Volume cowmen& ' 'NUM :Dreurobar, 1858.
C. U. SO!!' RU., Propeletore.
.13 frankfort etre, t, N. Y.
51e r. 1859-1 m
And all who suffer this tortures which this discuss In.
flirts in one form or another of its many phases, cure
yourselves permanently and speedily by using
The o*ygets.eted . Bitten.
Weekly:Novelette" of Sept. 18, says:
D.)spepais Is one of the. prevailing diseases of our
country'. This Is owing both to climate and the almost
Universal habit of eating our wrote too rapidly, to atb
mit of proper digestion. lint In spite of these adverse
circumstances, this disease. even when it has become
chronic, disappears rapidly by the use f the Oxygeon•
ted Illtters; which have been [hued to prove an infaill
bin remedy.
From the publisher of a widely circulated magazine
Messrs. S. W. Fowls h CO —I have taken three bottles
'of the Oxygenated Bitters. and have derived great ben
efit fried their use. I Imre been much tn,ubted with
is) pepsin fot several years, and band nothing that ar•
forded one any relief until I used the Bitters. I most
01mA...folly recommend them to all wino are afflicted with
this troublesome end stubborn complaint.
“Student and Schoolmate."
Frnn Gon A. C. inuige, our minister to Fpal
lir. Geo. 11 Gieen.—DcurStm The Oxygenated Bitters,
with which you wore so kind an to furillh me, have
had a most salutary effect in my case. I was tumbled
with Dyspepsia for four years, during which time I tried
many remedies. but never, .vnet with airy so good as
your llitteri. I_,pro now in the enjoyment of good
health, and I hope, and believe ' that all who use the
Oxygenated Hitters, will find them as serviceable as 1
have found them. With. hip respect,
_ lour obi. servant, t
Prepared by SET If W. FOWLS & CO„ Boston, and for
Fah) by. Samuel Elliott and S. W. Ilayerstiek, Carlisle;
Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; Kutz & Wise, Shiremanstown;
S. O. Wild, Newvillei Shoemaker & Itillott, Newburg;
.1. C. &Rick, shippensburg; and by appointed agents
and dealeni In mudiclub all over the country.
sir r ors idAdICACPAthr. - EXTP.ACTOII.In • all
diseases inflammation more irr lees predominates—now
twallay.inflatinuation stritos at the root of disease--
hence and humalinto core. Bailey's :tragical Pain Ex
tractor, and nothing else will allay inflammation at
once, nod maim a certain cure. MAGICAL PAIN- EXTRACTOR will cure
the, following among a great' catalogue of diseases:
Burns, Scalds, Cuts. Chafes, Sore Nipples, Corns, Bun
ions, liruises,.Stralns, Sims, Poison, Chllbinlun, lliles,
.Serefula. Ulcers, Parer •Sores, Felons, Ear-ache, Piles.
St re Eyes, Clout. Swelling., Rheumatism, Scald Mad,
Salt Rheum, Ruldneut. -Erynktelas, langwerm, Barbers
Itch. Sundt Pox, Itlenslen, Rash, fie.,
To sound It may appear Incrodulotm that so many dis-
Cason should be reached by one article; such an idea
will vanish when collection points to the Stet. that tin
salvo is a •omblnation of ingredluents,•eltch and every
ono applying nperft& antidote to its opposite 'disorder.
. nalley's Magical u Extractor in Its effeeta In magi
cal, because the time Is short between disease and a
permanent cure: and it Is an extractor; an It draws nil
di:team:tout of the elected part, having nature as perfect
an before the Injury. It is teetreely necessary to say that'
no Munn. work shop, or manufactory should 110 0%10 PICI•
wont without It.
No Pain Extractor Is genuine Niles the box has open
It a steel plat • ungearing, with the 11i11110 of, Henry
Dailey, Manufacturer.
Itorsafe by all On Druceiats and patent methane
dealers flacon:llona the Uni•ed State, nod Canada'.
Ninelird I/opt, MlldmberitSt., Nov York.
.. r,. F, CHACE
IF".. Sold by D. J. KIEFFER, parllsle,
.DYE-11Allt DYE,-11Allt DYE.
Win. A. Batehelor's little Dye,
.. All others Co mere imitations, and slier be avoided
you wish to escape ridinule. •
(IRAN', ItED, Olt RUSTY lIAIR Dyed. nstantly to a
beautiful and nattliul Drown or Black, without the
least Injury to flair or Skin:
'`'FiltiltrlN'At HUMS - AND . , DIPLOM 8.414 ve---beeil
awarded tolVm. A. Illitchoior since 18GU, add over RU,-
ODU appllratlona hose beau made to the Itelr of his pa.,
Dons of his timulue Dy e.
WM. A. lIATCHEIAII'it lIAIR DYE, produces rotor
not to tie dinlingulshed from mature, and In warranted
not to injure in the least, however long Runny be con.
einueld. and the 111 offucte of lied Dye ‘remedied; the
:Daly invigorated for Life by thin Splendid Dye.
Mode. sold or npplbel ( n U private metes) nt the Trig
Factory, 233 Itradwity, Now York. '
Sold in all cities and horns of the United, Staten by.
Drogelste rind Fancy floods Dealers.,
plrb The Cleftudnehan the name and • iddrwis upon, a
steel plate engravlug on Ibut 'tido of verb Ilos.of• .
. .
, 233 It roadtrey, New, York.
Sold Dredprlnte In Cerlinle.
he. 'ettrpluoi all. • They are elegant;, ighti eery and dum
Fitting to A nharni. , -ito turning .up behind-4m the bead indeed, this in the.poly, knish.
lishmetit where•thene tblturs too properly understood
and made. ;233 Breads ay, Now York, .• ticerl7.6B-17
DR. CIIRESEMAN'S PHIS. prepared by Cornellun
Cheuseimin, N. D., Now York City. The combinntlen
of intgredients in these fills are the moult era long and
catmint.) practice. Ihoy iron Mild in their operation,
.and 'certain in correcting all irregulnrities, Painful
111enstrustiens, renteving all obstructions, whether from
cord or otherwise ' he a d vhei pain In the side , palpitation
of the heart, whiten, all nervous affections. laysterirk,
fatigue, pain In the Inn+ and limbs, Ac., disturbed sloop
which arb4Trons Interruptions of natilro. -
TO MARRIED GAMES.- Dr. ChM:Female's Pills pro
invaluable. as they will bring on the monthly period
with regularity' Ladies who linen iron diseppoin led In
the mu 'gather Dills am place the utmost conibletwe lu ,
Dr. ebrestmuires Pills doing all that they represent to.
ttlYneitinted purely vegetabla, and tree from anything
injurious. Expl/bIL directions. which should Ito rend;
neetatiptity anti. box.. Price $l. Sent by mil_ 00 en
, eloslils - $1 to any nuthorlied agent. Fold by one Drug..
gist in every town In the United Staten. ,
NOS,. Ooneral for thirtinitail
States, 165 Cbambern St., New York, to whom nil'
wholesale ordors abould,fit,taddmrsd . ,
It .,l32ll ßWYParriTrittiNEY;'i%lit'itiitai6 andßetail Agentit,
Harrisburg, Pa. U. J. Kl}Wrk:ll, Carllnle, Pa. ,
tag, theanost - I nvd4orevered=-
=Td iha nineteenth century to Professor WOOD'el JIM It .
ItKrlTO l tATlTlC..tlt.restores perfedtly gray
_hair to itn
orig,lnnLetder—makes It grow -- tr - thr - bald - add wilt pre
nerve It,perfertlY to any age, Wooly used hy`the young
twice a week. Dandruff and diseaseranuot exist on the
scalp where this Is Used. heo clagor, , and we defy
.•• . -
Cmorine.-110.-ere of trorthh••• Imittions. no eovertil . .
nenulrondy in the market. Called by dlfrer•nt: mules.
Urn none ttillese the words (Proloroor Wood'o, Ilalr Re''
stern tiv.e.,l/epot, a. Inul 4 -310.._1V,7 York), no- blonli;
In the bottle.. Sold by oh. Unoetlets end I'litent ..111•di•
Moilirine Eleolets. Ole,. he •Il Burry end Toilet (loode
de.tluro In the United States end Celled',
There is little demand for l'imweitseun,
And salts of Some 350 ems: are reported,'at
50aG 75 per bu, but the market is •dill.
'hilt - mil . : is scarce, and wanted, and ..about
150-Line—hare-been — dispOsed - of nr $272542
50 per bu..thelatter ,for choii•e lots. FLA . X.
semi is imsteady'demand at,sl 75. per bu:
for doniestie._
There is Cory little movement in_FLoup_
th - dii - y,'un'd but little demand to notice either
for export or on speculation, and the market
is firm, but quiet, at ,the late advance, then
sides being mostly to supply the hotne.trude
at prices within the range of $6 50a7 50 for,
extra fiimiVand $7,75a0 . per bbl. for limey
brawls, us' ijitality. RYg FLOUR is quoted
at $4 50 per bid.; but we hetir of no sales.
Penn'a Cons Mitxi, priirce, and wanted at
slt 75 per bbl., which now getrifr . ully
refused. , CI
" - * - 111 - WIT the'lratiaaclions continue 17g1aE
ftr the ivanrof•stoek, and we quote good and
prjme reds at sl'sBal GO. and white at $t
'75(11_80. RYE: is wanted, end.. readily (Mai
nlands 05e. Coax is iia Better demand, to
day, with sales of 3000 to 4000' but. jeliuw
to note at OSC. afloat, including some not;
prime- at
.85c., 'audio rot fit it price to ho
OATS are held above 'the Views of:
Layers, with small sales of .Pennslvatiia at
57c. • .
teportirdr,weckly for the Herald by
- Woodward & Schmidt.
Lour{ Sup...rime, per bbl
_do. 'Faintly aO
WHITE WHEAT per..bovheZ'
Roo do do.
RYE do
cgitx do.,
OATS'. 4jo .
On the lath Inst., by 1NV....1nc-lb.-Fry, Mr.• JOHN
FOCHT, to Minn SARAH ANN SMITII, both of North
Aliddltton-townehlp,puntb. Co.
Co tho 10th loot., by tho Rev. A.II. liremer..lAM ES
WOI)DS. to bAILA II E. MAItTIN, vichlity'or
, •.'
On tho Oth Inst.. by Rev: 11. M Johnson. D. D 116 V.
B. C. LI I'I'INCOTT, A. H.. principal of Cumberland Val
ley Inetitute, to Miss 31.110' H. CAIN, daughter of
!Jeri, F. iileellaulcsluirg, Pa:
On theist Lid., Ly the - Rev.
D. Stevenson, M1...1t/11N DA It I,EY. fornierly of Haab
more, to 31 ess - MAOUID - .1:14MIT11, - datighter of the late
I'otor 11. Smith, birm., forum. ly of Carlisle., In,
On the oth Inst. In thin borough, lir. .121?.011 SAW
YER, aged ti-1 yearn.
Purity and di;nity of character and Ole noblest sir
tuesor private life, made him to be beloved by
Mende, and commanded for.buni the esteem oral!. Em-
I ient In his prof. sislon, ho adorned It by devotion and
fidelity to Its httirner demands; he fulfilled Ifs claim%
end li, filth hp died with hope in Christ. Frieiv.ship
deplores him, affection emlsCsonis Its griefs and reserves
Its tribute.
4 , Relit, loved ono, al/ of nullering o' Cr,
ne'e , again can heave thy breast;
Thy weary apirlt to Ori.:l,
- peseefully,-It neeztled n nhi to-weep."
3ictu Atmertisement
117 1 -STATE NOTlCE.—Letters of Ad
mlatlstratlon,on the estate ofJeseph lirall:lote or
Upper Allen township. devewo.l. 11:11•0 been issued he
the Iteglstel or Cumberland court) to the PUl.Perilll;r
residing in the same township. All persons who are
Indebto d to sold estate/Ire required to make Immediate
[moment, and these bating claims to present them for
settlement to
Mar. 10. 1850-ot* 11AltlIA11A KHALI, Mex.
BOSTON. July 1, Ins
Will open a class In Writing. on Monday the I.lth of.
March, at Martin's IL-tel, on Main street.
lire. C will give instructions to ladies and gentlemen.'
Also married ladles, who may desire to Improve their
Writing. It is seldom they have an opportunity of re•
raving Instructions Irmo une of their out] Pi', Theta.
foe. It is hoped they will improve the present opp..rtu
nity. Young ladies and Hisses nill be received at any
hour through the day.
44- lire C. will mark gentlemen end Indies' porhet
handkerchiefs with indvilble Ink, very neatly. Alsr.
bedding for hotels, and private families.
ISE take',thls method of Informing our . friends And
rustinnerA generally that we n•ill open on Saturday, a
floe assortment of
A. C. DODO4r-4
of latest style. •
Ladles are rerpoctfully, Invited to roll nod gamine
our stock.'
Ariir. Aloo, two or tire° Indlen wootod to loam the
boolooss. - .MAIKIADET DUKE, •
,South west corner of Hanover 'and Loather de.
litor. 16, 1859.
siII p.—The partneishlp heretofore existing no
or the name and tirm of th,itty and Pull, Is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. All persona knowing
themselves Indebted will limbo Immediate ply:meat to
either of the undersigned..
Churchtown, blarch•l6, 18f.9-4t
Very effective in, diminialsing plait - me expectoration
In relieving ankh' and promoting a healthy condition
of the organs of reepiretion.
pint bottles, 37% emits. • Lade by
11111111 ELL,
. • . Pharmeeentiettl Cherniet,
brar. 10, 1850.-lui 1410 Chestnut at., PllllB.
Being de-boos of mooting my fondly from Car-
Dole, 1 oiler the benne 1 now oreupy for rale or tent—
It is one of the meet drelroblereeldem
---••••\ • era in the borough: plearantly located,
• .., ,•- fitted tip.rwith all modern conreni
,enree and in thorough repair. . '
y_rei.e7eere Drtyments tnade - to‘suit the purebn.
leers. • .• apply toF. A. KENNEDY.
Carlisle, Mat.% I 880 —it r.
. .
.1 1 0 . 1 t SALE OR RENT. ` . •
• - ' Th. , two-story Prick House on Lott.
_ •
~.. , - - , ..0.1 • ther wept, near the Mermen Ileforne
7" • cd church. and now orcupled•by Mr..
•`. , .7-Ai 4 ' , Chas, Clark. is Offered Sr We or rent,
~, . s. :1,...' . ... from theist of April next.
,:-•....-1;:-.........--Apply.,te .-: allio.-13..-PAIIKEII-----.
Mar. .• ' .
The subscriber 'lna been appointed intent ti r
ni •
Vuberlan countyd for -the tale of ituttia Patent Aub
coal Toon, for,catchlng ,
',- • MINKS; IttlXV.ii, MIILVFIS. BEARS, .4c.•
Call and see them at• Itardware ttore'of • •
" ' Past„filain st:, Carlisle, Pa.
• The Bubnerlber In In ibe'revelpt weekly, orall.lbe
toted Varletlon of potlbien, either for fninlly rice, or for
wlitylvliei.ffern to Abe, ilubllo at lent.onable pricou
'no bnn - coniwni band, - t•lork. blue MA "Mao
and 'Whir venNtleP, wormuted of
nlltr ...kor'snle by
.. • .. •
gun'n . enf LufldJug, opponito the umaktt
Mar 9, 1869-2u3 •
Mom)Ar Mar. 13 1859
gl2c Blarhcts.
$ 6.t5
6 00
60 to 05
tip to 05
Fresh Arrival,
Wine of Tar.