eitrksle WBDNESDAY -- DEil -2 1 5-,-1-8;43, M. Tic newspaper is a sermon foi• the thoughtful, a library fOr the poor. a compan ion for the studions,..,ainiok or reference for the disputant;-and n blessing to everyhody.— Try the Carlisle and son. . I= • the have given up the lie , t. 'Ago .or (ow po l o,' . this week, to all übstract of the l'resident's Messtige and the, lieliorts of the various De• partments of the'llovern i nient, for all of which Ton . oro i N iebtoo: to the Phillotelphio,:sorth . 4werictio. The dentA Message is an.int portant.doetunent,but its great length not only prevents us fi•out. giving it entire, bitt would doubtless deter two .birds or ,mr reit- dertf from wading 6'1.0110 it, it we Ilia 80 WO arc the more reconciled to course liecatire MessO ,, e, :itow sote . teti clays ..... was proliably in 4110 every one w4 lo ' 4112,siredto teat it, before 'our vapcir went to 'press. and Secondly the twlisicacisór the Me- Sage and aild the reports of the Socretarir:H are ott full ;mid 'aecurat eqts to lake hothing . .: to bt 10.41101• Co y (In Ilte of those who Lave not "'yet seen it all the 111001 iinpOrtant points are retained, while . nothing is,thrown out, except s mass of verbiage, w h ich only nerves, in many cases, to conceal the real intent of llte writer. The papers contain n vast. MllOlllll. of itlf9l:-.1,1 mation,rola4ix:c to thew al,ingg - of out Govern " roma - , t n ul wendsise,thoSewho tokehn inter est in oar public uffnirs to.Olc this muuL• e r of the herald away for future 'refere'itce. SAYINq 01'1 . :11 831m:1, POTAToLs.—In the Herald of Mat, week, We 010 Wed I hut Semi- . , tor Douglas in Ilia Chicago speech, was ' , thank ful for sthall favors," when he congratulated 'the Democracy on the victory, they had aehiev ed over "aboliliolliSTllllllll its allies: " all hough the returns footed pp it inii.iority of Kt 00 a gainst them on the popular vote. !The follow ing extract front the Chicago lleatocra't will strode that it change td 277 votes would have carried ii•Repuhliettir:_majoritylin.the4.egiAtt, . "lied Mr. Lineoln elirrimi his'own comity (Sangailion) that of Judge Iron: (Ma:lie:0) he would have had lllle 11101 T Sena tor and tour more . itepre,enlatires. making 0 intijorit l von join: ‘loillol. Ve euttioin the tote of :hose twurounties: Do» Evp. 8 KO 2.726 ^nngnmou, MalllSoll, - - - 5,309 4 751 i ' 553 EMI - will Wits he soon tied Trumbull : ll.l _coln_lostauliv.own or 553, and that II change iii those counties or 277 votes would hove Hayed Mr. Lincolt . t and . It is no particular disparagenient to them ,that they lost their mete counties, as Jittlgy Douglas lost his own by a majority more_ t h ou ' double both Madison and Sangamon. ID= The recent discovery of gold mines ti; 'rerrilories Ims gll en the citizens of Kniioiio nod Nebrnska,a severe attack of the , gold fever. - . . A' friend writing from Omaha N. T. under date of Novetniter 18tH has sene'us several ex 4,idets from papers At dplerent, peints, giving fhyo•nble reports from those tvho have visited the mines, in regard to'their The Kanstrs city, Journal Commerqg says: 'ln nor issue nr . ti.fortnight since, giving III(' news briiright by .10114 •Ilote-ton, we sited that Hell. i'lentoor wits DII 11 is Mid Would arrive in shout ten days. On qhurs tidy Nlr. Clemour arrived' at Westport, on iijs way to the Osage Nation, where his mother cosines. From Captain 1,. .1. Berry, who eon .v.ersen with Mr, (Demoor, we have the follow ing statement. Air. (Meunier, on his leaving his trading post. foi• 'Missouri, (1100 by way of the mines, font he putpose . _ of_festjtig yelwris _which had reached him in regard to the gold- discov eries. lle remained. three days with the wi• ners, and while there gathered about nine dollars in dust. which he had with him, and a portion of which he gave to.eapt. Berry lie got permission to . wdrlz on one of the mi -11008 Clidnis, ill order to' collect the gold he had, and in what lie washed, he made about eight cents to the pan. There were some sixty men at work, liveva ging from yd to $8 111111 $lO per day. NlvAlletnoor says That with a "tom," he , could have made easily tittlO per day, where he worked. 'I lm miners are poorly provided with mining tools, having no means of con structing "touts or sluices," and are ,exceed ingly - anxious to procure tools. • . Mr Mower • intends gilingup his usual tradtrwitlrthe Indians, and will return to the mines in the spring. , This is another confirmation of the gold discoveries, which requires lip vouchers as to reliability.. Mr. Cleinoor was born on the .present site of Kansas'City, has grown to nithi hood aiming ns, is known to all our old citi zens, ana his word can always be.i.elical on. INTER ES7ING Cone ESPONIinNC72. - lute:' . been permitted to copy the folloiving extroor dinary letter, from.a gentleman in Gettysburg to. friend in Carlisle. The awful catastro phe, mentlOttrd Jll. the ClO . Sthr much to be regretted, as even his wannest all , mirevs would pot wish their "latter en,l to lie like his;" however,y the getteleman will conic, to Carlisle, his ft - lend, who, by the way. has just received a fresh stock of goods, will have hint re-failed at, short noticed' GI TTYsnrna, Dec Oth. 1858 • • I Sir—The Ilerks comity election hos resulte&in the election of Nip. Kelm. 0. K. Now crow! I bursted the sent of my new trousers, yesterday. Yours Ilespectrully. ter The municipal autlioi•ities of l'Lilndcl phia have passed an ordinance for the removal of the market-houses from Mart , et street. This work is required to he done by the Milt of Ap . ril next. The measure has been for some time under discussion, and its adoption is hail "-$ll as a most desirable reform, which will,' in fuse fresh spirit into building ent P r ke ; im part an additional value to real estate, and diffuse throughout that mqtropolis . the sense of a new era." 'MonEt, F -'...- ._l, Anal. The. Affrieultitral Gnciety of thin county, might find it. t,fitofne aftritittsge to imitate the example of the - Chester County Association. They haw recently awarded a premium of a silver cup to ',Mi.. !).c..ll..rf"!!gCCol''3l.culti vated farm." There were several competitors. The form contains 110 acres of cleared and_l2.'ncres of woodland—keeping-15 Ireadof eon le, h horses and cultivating but 13 acres of : wheat and ones each, 8 acres of corn. and 'O erem Of mewing grass. The fencoa were found in gond condi tion, and the whole. arrangement of the ham . implements, garden and buildings, faultless; " - -IYx' - Om TixTnomaz—Drvir~x•--Teeo~lb dotal' orthe Reit.- John Hit:Ming,' the . ohlost :',lllpthodist.proooliorAlto world. ond he lest . survivors of, the Wesley, is reported; fielding wee in. tho 71st ye7Pr •:of his:ministry, and Wes nearly 118 yedrs old. :. p"forluight,ngn ho Retnred in Ilirtnitightwo on ' ,and nt.--the time of his ,death wastinnouneed to.oonditet otherseyrittos i Newonstle:npon Tyne; • • L1c1"1 . 11:4 .114111 - CALIFORNIA (7 it Enoic F: ( ),Is,T.9y. 17; 1868 •pnAn . 11 nitALUT,lni rainy Fenson•hes open ed with the usual pi elitninary shoit.ers, antrwe 'Aire .now_on_tlie gtU . vim, for a substantial sup:. ply of the aqueous element wliich the weatterl wiso inform us will be along on ,StintlaS , nett. it is nvtonishing witirwhat accuracy the old can generally foretell a ckange of —Wept hyt• ; all the BigllS . which are considered . mlOl . lOllB of at inOspherical change are known be them and halo' the hasi's of their prognos- Should their auguries lair, woe MIME Milo that unfortunate ItoAke, the clerk oh the OM IV cii is :1:111 - CC for the goose i riot always,. sauce for the gamier. rain is.alwoys . , anxiouslilookeil for and. dcsired.by those engaged in placer, 't linnet and hill mining, by the river miners it is rug 1140 with feelings (vibe the reverse to' pleasant. ' The primary rains this sefison hove , been more thou us u ally heavy. 1111(1 have forced 'a majority of Ilte river' companies to suspend . operations. The tmit of thest'k operations in the yvtlter_ River' this, year Stun as s . Up in the Agee - gate to ithout mil - 1117, TY,ll7r: v , r3.-:.plueli • douhrThVliolier one-half of that .ttitiofint lion found its woyfroni lie river into the trea,miles of the - varioos compaldes.• . Only [WO out of the eight wet ., e successful; the, rest' including the stupendotth Cope (dal'''. (which lost year cleared two 111 - Tibliillhottsond didlars) have failed to reimburst;•the stock holders. Ouriug a visit to the neighboring county of 'Nevado. last week: I went. to see the famous Al'ison gnat to lettl, lototud 'near (:toss Vol ley. 'this ledge was first sleek by 'five men. - whits working a placer elohn in At the time of its discovery, there prevailed through . out the State a :genci•of feeling of distrust. re garding (prirtz fiperal , rons, mid in eonsequebee of this,feeling,t4e discoverers of the Allison lead forbore opening it. Shortly otter, a f eiiou of public sentiMent having t;dcrit place in favor of quarto, the owners or the . \Alison were Indneed to 'get out some or .the rock, Ivltic.lCW;;s.sent to a neighboring still, where yielded sortie twenty thou sand dollars, This pleitsiiig evidence of the fabulous 1 iohness•of their lead. /molded the J JI prcprietors to ereet n mill , which 11914 teem olWPAtioll •Qver two' years, With on overage . yield, during dud Bute, of two hundred ounces ` per •gh;ing omit of the tortenete owners a daily income of about live hundred thdlors', - lever all expein , ;o4, with' hilt. pt:ospects of on offiliodnished yield for ilfty — years — to -- e7ll * J. --- ;lfiTri - i - W:eie:Wor this. the: richest loud ever struck .in California, ore exfi•entely illi- • brute men. 1 Was told in 'Or:Los Valley 111111 nai one.or them eoelawrit6 ; but, what matter, t hey con eel to inly afford to be ignorant. Three or thio,l lock . ) bipeds ore, I believe, Iliberni ans, the — oilier kV.° 11101 - n lYe have reports or a ledge hiving been. struck otiord a untfi — fiTiii — liFri , 77Vtibdrrelds -- • six hundred and twenty (hairs to I b.tr, at the parties owning - it :are well known qu true spetulotors, the probabilities ore, that when truth bueonte's Addiciently mighty to pre vgil hi. the - ease, the six hundred oral twenty, dollars, instesel of being found in the prat, will turn out to be all in_my . eiptic, Elizabeth Martin. Phis town is located on a fiat known to be Alnj 352 2111 inutiensel'y rich, but there is ua writer in the vicinage that can lie rendered available in . sWorkiug it. To overcome this ttilliculty, a conipany Loo I,e;iii formed for the ptn•pnto of cutting a tlitelt, which will be twenty miles J9ng, tinircost about two hundred thousand dulbu•s, eighty thoWsainFhf which will be ex pended in iron pipes to conveyli he water act:ie.s the North Fork of the Feather River. The ditch will discharge seventeen hundred inches .of water, which. at the proposed rate of a (Jul ia and it hall per inch, will yield the company twenty hi;•e hundred and fifty dollars per day. George P. Johnson, who killed lion. W.. 1. Fergusun in a duel, has returned to the State frout.ids Southern trip,_and been tried Int. murder, the trial resulting in his acquittal. I learn that he has again been arrested. In the way of theatricals, we are flourish ing. The'llatt , lstune Gouge:l4oln9 have retarded front Australia, antlare now playing in San Francisco. -11Iiss Joey has libelled the Lash Glimpse, in which they came h nut Au,- halm, dooming live thotraind dollars dantaqs, because the heal on board did not s u it her le lined palate, and because the shipper talked sassy to lie'l. 4 4 Baton" Hackett, ut FalateC km urin ar y, is on his wily hither, and among those •Ino 03 expected, ate Collins, the lush Coltman; and .lulu) Drew, the good-looking , genii-n 11111( .1, 11111111Cible JOllll DI OW , 91111 his 1% 110 J. Ili Johlison, the comic singes, for m' ly of ‘Nelch's Circus and the Kossuth Ex di Inge, Pleladeljan, has retorted to Sett ' , tutu:rico ti e 0 e pii i ttCssional tout 111 the Southern piti•t (il the !itote. In speaking of th it section, lie says Les Angelus is in ,vary nay entitled to the notoriety chinned tor it, of being inte,ual mith the most luckless set 01 0 (level 11 , 10V4 that ever made highway robbery II litrane,. and Sheriff-killing a pastime. lie rem lined if couple of necks in-the place, mid son lire nom killed and about twice thin num " bei stabbed; and minions to his dep u•ttna,_ the Slim iti tipologieed for not 'wing been able to atlod him some substantial amusement in the shape of an execution or, two, but excused I m-elt our the ground that Gm tone had been mitt tinily quiet, and that little or nothing hail been doing in the shooting m• slabbing line The following en cultist:lute is characteristic ot the place: One evening, It reserved seat, w Inch had been engaged by Major —, a des pinto dflector, was, tin ough oil Oversight, gu en to another. The Major, c a tering the theatre, and kindilig his seat occupied, saw Mr. J . ili , on, and requested an explanation. Mr. Johnson emit•essed i egii et at the Oh CIIIIIMLIICO that had deprived him of his seat, but Mimed the choice of it do/en others equally go , .I. Toe Mame frowned savagely, and roue king, .• I will see you again." took a sent,.ap went ly slushed. At the conclusion of the airier- 1 in lore Johnson was entering the hotel with hi; little buy, lie met the Major, ulien the lot t.r surprised the doer of " Peter Grad," I y "politely requesting him 'to "put that • - fiby to bed," and 'duct andltave it ball put through him, as he had' made up his mind to kill him 111 II night I' The landloid, aware that, the M dor would 'attempt all he promised, and a little more perhaps, should Johnson return, followed the letter to his loom, and prevailed upon him to 'email,. Los Angeles is a perfect p iredise in natural attractions, and it is to be tegretted that iL should be infested with such a set of desperadoes -a Classical nomenclature has coital:lly been largely dran . :n upon in naming places in this State Take the following as specimehs of Calitinnie taste in such matters: • ..- I)A It Ilt()N ! BAR 1.11()N !-50,000 "'" - 4 -110,4 nY -I .°ctaw — ecant°"in—l ) !: P l Lo''o4 °P ranallL'nitt - , 4f,,,„, ,UV a, ix:2-aO Salt Pork •Ridge Mugawatap, Blue Kappa, .0 ut. ukaotet 1m0... . hoods Da4lll, Law Chaim, Red Caps Bar, All Iron warranted to bo god iott . i . t . Tvzi.: tztzTal, Bunkutil‘ii:i), Whiskey Slide, IWu TIT'S , ' 'Town, Oct. 27, , roi, • - .: — Slltil Tin ' l,4*, r :st " i.:4 ' 0 , CCTIIIOIII 0 eel:, IlumbugGulelt, Sucker, Plat, ___.... , —.— lted Bog, "Biggingst Snail-Gulch, Stint Tail - ' , N u riu.E.—i , ,," o " INTENDING Trt Bond, Digger Creek 1 Poppet Biggins, Wolt Bar, ' priNent, m tides for the I: k lit 'or tim militant.. liens' Delight, D t ptibveotP, Nue. ey 0 Mt, this L N , 1.1,(1.:11.14 • 1.. \N V. ‘,l 1 1 0 0 , 1, 4 , . thorn tit m , • own, 11 .'llotuvu tl 0.1 tl, pm, dlng tau lull, St oats taut k t POPPerl"illl iffil; al •OldY :; k op ' ng " , ‘ ,ru ' lly Fur. PETER 131"ALIll,• i ()teak, Stud Bum Daich Rot Gut. Dog Town, mu• I, 111021. - Challlllllll. Dad,thc. Kanyon, Yankee Sailors' Dig• gings,.Colf Bar, Itattlesnat,e Bar, Ilardserbale, Staley Gulch:Henpeck City, lkorsc-shoe Bend, Poverty Bar, Coulee Creek. Jackass Bolen, Sc (+rot Ravine,. Angels, Camp. Lovers'Alollow,. Pot Luck city, Kan yon, Popper B ox , Loris yil;age, Dung 'l'utvn, limit Bingsoni Plaits liround Bogs Wory,-Bloody litun• Bagged Breeches Bar, Grinly - Ilear vine, Egg Nog Settlement. Mad Mute Kanyon. Rat Trap Slide, Lose Leiter Camp, yetheoql. Slide Doe Eye. ettuckleherd Diggings. by-nine Valley. Nliteaki; tramp, ilarelo4 Dig gings,Plippytmi'n Pokerfiat, Brandy Gwen, Paint. Pot Bill, Rough and lleadyritor centipede Hollow, ilog's Diggings, .saw It liitmti IT rut ly ; it was most houcurnusly (Shanghai, - of' course.) null swearing south-east corner of. the Fun that. they will tell the truth. These , Mongolions certflittlY are a ('tinny 'set... With sae conclusion', L nut, Yours, Sze,. COUSIN JOE. llox EnwA Ply 'Awry AN o E: -. /NI"Ar Your. LIAM Eit —_ln Mir colitios will be found th . el ; rospetst us or ilie.Nrw Letlyrt, which c;roilltins ill llic part i(hila 1:s rehtt iye to ltliFireTrtt's gwgerriuryt , tn Tic 11% Tri/rtseFfut spina icy Or this. ••. a • cupgeinent says : The coulary• tuienals are.slill engaged in discussing tlie recent emiligiiinelit or Nir. Ever- °lt it, write' tar lire .Vert .}!p•% hryi f icr, awl very naturally, some tithe ono %kw dud sillily 11119111- ee7lliou s glt the great:ihr.i7ii'lly — lnedi - n - e7tii : tlte opinion that the arrangeinent is a good iltitig lin. all parties: In thin, we dare :illy, they are It most indubitably is a good thing for )Ir. Everett. No other het os.his life . Iflts been es'etilat ed in Oda SO 111111111 1 . 0 his popularity. Widely NS he in known, it will tinthe Irti nn me 11 11011,4'11011 hard in minty families whet e it in hardly known now. - II is certainly tt good thing full:Alt% Itonner nlso. In the first pines it will add. latgely to his iilrestly, immense number et . ..renders, Itut Ads in not the only advantage, nor tic printtl ple dlle which Jut 1611 derive from it. It his sot:veldt 0 Brits tile riddle 11111111!1, 11 more thor ough mid till extintinatitin (tribe getteradclutr nett:gaud vontents or his journal; null to lite orniationpl'a MON' . 011 in ninny quaciers, limn watt previously ell t i'lqiiined• The result or such no exnurouoirou lots deep cittisiderably, mar dwn es timation .ur Titc Let/ger. We Eton - that its pro prietor was a t•iit(triirige still ttuperior Imsine B s intents,. deeply skilled in tint :ItintlitUtly •or tulverti.-in; doll 'we were.3fUt a ware hilt ii 'one tit tent ion \volt yettant.: Iv more espeeinlly vlllll,llO the stiltject,t'ortlie• hilmr and care bestowed tiptui, the different 110111 . 1i111.flIZI 1,1 . his %it/1111131A 1110 the . varied interest . numerous litritets imptirt in its eititinitiS. • Nor'were we ii‘vore or what is' gilt It mord important. tlre pure moral tonit. , anti sernimlotis regard -to the nicest. sense propriety, with which it is conducted . In This respect especially, it IS worthy or eontioenda tion. 11'e prestate. Prom the etttir., , e iNle Bonner hitherto, that he will Rut rest.witiel tie Went or Air. Everett, Litt fluid other mime.. of siniiinr eniintmee iu iit,rnt will, in , inc tyn — lnidoi 14 the 'or his - cowl-Hitt - tyre. TrowAtto "fill 1..% DE.I.I.IITA: —IV tillt-ill IPO of Mil' t•Oitilors, the itunioniconietit ['his Nye]) lommi 11, , iwvolcut in our pilveltit.ing columns. Oar trouvictioto \ the Assin•iiiiion Tend us_ to believic that it is it ' , mina and Init.- ful Institution niiii:wt;Tl - iiiioniged. • I)l , ,cr‘ii iir•itiNnor risounnou"k.—The Hight line. Ilenry fiirnivrly Iti It O il Of the Pride:gaud Episcopal Chorell in titk Diocese, - died of 'dysentery illg htsl, ut his retidouce in Pine :=111.11,11 l'il adelphia Ilis funeral took place on lCelnes day moroing: The sorViet. Were ill pant r 1,1.- forined.in Ht. l'eter's Church, and concluded in the Ulllll'oll of St. James the Les, nl the Valls of . tielintylkill, where the hotly woo taken Owlet think was 1,11- ; 411, 1 ' 0 1 0 11 e of 'he abut, Theulogiatis in the Epiaifriptil_Chureli. lie woo upW:inis T or 71) years 0 r nge he f" A Ali , til,illlll'y in 111 . e Notion, writing to the Southweidern Baptist There are but two Acidly Itaptiid pretichers 'gent hero 'us mis-ionaries, 'salt in 'feebl e h ea lth and su deliente are they, that if welded to gether, they would make but one small shadow We need it _host twit others. with largo !Haws, and lirnins—meti who con lidie hold of fl u e world trod who can :ditto! the twist iaiddeti anti extreine change., of Wtiat her. Soria CAROLINA U. S. SENATOR —TIiC I 04111 ballot fill' 11 Uuiied tit al ON' 8011111M' \Va4 micro ill I he South Carolina IA:Os:Int tn;i• Oil Thursday and resulted in the elia•tlim of lion James Climmut, at present, President of the Senate' The vote a:too11 for Chet:nut 112. for GM% AllO trB 64. This .eleetion is-considered a signal tri umph of the eottservatips, or Union men. • ,11P ~ During NOVVIIII/er, the deposits at the Nlint its Philadelphia tonounted to nod the coinage to *tt-',79,135.. iu 5,c05,588 pieces. of Which .3 OA,OOO were silver, and 2, 15a),000 copper. . Noma CAROLINA SENAII/11S.—The Legislu tni•c or North Cal olina has just re-elected the Hon Thenies 1.. Clingtnatt to the U. 8 Senate, for nix years front tht• -Ith ot• March next. and Judge 'lllOlllOO Bragg in the 11111111 Or M. 1 .. who was temporally appointed. by the Gover nor- to till the-vaenney of itol g o Both these gentlemen are supporters or the present Administration. re_ Ile,. M. 1. P. Knox, of the l'resh wte • Hatt Church 'tit Long Island, bad a timoti`ion Nish last week - that amounted to ttoniething. His-parish friettdslert-hent thou-and -.dollars better than they IMind him, eight hundred and eighty-tine of which wits in solid ea.h. 1% I CII Eit S ! M ! ! A large lot of literal at title jn=l lnrriving and kw wilt. elivail; al, I, 51111.1,0 ,or the intest and St 1111111 N. Butchers and the puhile ere itivitell to give in, 11 ee l] t.olot i iei hiu g their!molluscs this lino. As w are forilisilluu a sup.] untlele to onp that. ho, ever Letitre l e y, ° ti er ed it. this ...het., with it gitoortil astortment of liiiteliorle Tools of the best makes : l ull lowest to II es • .rou s I.I'NE & SON. • ';30,1. '27. '5B, • LASS! el L ASS !! • PAINTS! PAIN.rs I I A full arm unin. of (liars of all winos uud quality, with a laraa• kook of fresh PAINTS, all 1101,: Oils. V/0111,111'14 4v, Utmost in largo or snail quantltioa, at low figures at JOON P. INNV: & SON. North Ilanorer Street,. W=== t. 27, LS (2UPERI3I4I' lIE A LIT 11? u OUT.—TII E. (709‘101 . 01.1T 1N .1111 ,IOIIIIN AI. f r Dereniher. Over seventy pips— linice artieles—e't guntly 'lllird.r.ited --splendid r,oel Engravings. I 0, 30 cents. rpeelluen eno sen ion roe ,Ipt or IS cents, in stamps or eui ti. A &Vet. C. 1.. Dl".li BY, 548 Broadway, N. Y. 11 . S It 1B E AT ONCE I-1f you. will to burs a ropy 01 that elegant Engraving, 1 . 111..„0 illacksatilli," and th, "Art Witir - tinrother - preminnis,.be - sure -it utl-snliserlbe ys bolero the lst.of Jan Speclauni copies of the' nialve, end full particulars given, by applying to Agent, Son'ad. .vortisenient elsewhere, bedded 6 . New Pealurea," Sc., F f ‘NCY 0 OODS, `'TOYS, f7OLLS, Fancy Baskets, China F'aney 'Artielov, ' ' Perfumery ' Brushes, &c., . • Tohitero Boxeantel Pipes, Sugar i'asem, &c, &c. ' (imams, l'aper Dolls, Tin Toys, and a grunt, assartment.nf oilier geode . LOWEST PItIOES guaranteed, W. TILLER, imp - ker. No 21 South 4th : I tretd,Thllad'a. lys_ Cases of Toys at 11,, SLO, and $2O, - INow.3,lBsf—',„ln• . Til E.G EE A T v A 'll. lA' i'Al' lilt ! -11 l 1 , , (.1ItHAI ; FA \Il LY PAPER !. . . ~. ' ' . T. 111.: GREAT FAMILY PAVER! -. Q 1 - 111'. Ri FP ' S SALES.—By "Vireue -of TII E . (11tEAT FAMILY PAPER 1 - • ).,,.) litindry wrilm of l'omlitlonl Exilonan' Issued out of • 'l' ll 15 IR FlA'r FAMILY t.llo,eolla 111 . (MMO!, Mew. of Cuna.qa ~d county. alltt . TUE LI It EAT FA AI 11, Y P Al' lII.K ! to inn , lroctml, I will ti,..p , so to Public. rale. la Illy ' • • . Court house. In i 1144,41, of C,lrlirde, ,- 0,, FRIDAY, —.-... • , 3 1 Irv, r 1 • the 7111 rlnj• ol e.).11, UA la. . A. 11..!6119. at Hi l't•looli,. 1)•li 0 b 1.,..EU1. u :•••• I , ( Ili, , Til li.l ,I v EA R lA, l‘.l iitlio folltqv lug duserliecl Real Estat.o. to wit :• - . . .185 IL • . .. .. _ A lot of wound. s ituated in Slui.c.itmosto wil,Cinnrwr: . . Thu in4rlotor'fif filo N I IV. liftirli la , P,C7EII - IVtirMl land eennty, erintnl.llol24 foof lit trot and 1g: h et , , 110 a at , : „. 1 ,,, , , it in h, purer to ‘,.. nun, :nhk 19 , 10 In depth. i.e Ow Ntono•ln.a., ~,..,Tose:, )I ,, 9ltdc•ii.sfen tho , r..(‘i for the now yeal—iss9-1.1011 all the ,•111 popuhr ninth by,evend streeley/b the wind by Mrs Montn•inllh; • 1 and einilleot write.. of 11,1 LEW bit stall hale liven ollllle not ill by llh tiler. on.l nii the ele.t. by bnold hob I Yelnlned. an., new one.: ;11111141. Among the latter we linger. horing-theleen ort.eled a ,tn.e.siory frame dwell- 1,40.0 pleg,tel it, wentlneithe TM moot' O. Um, lIAIWAIIJI log lintiv...l,lratee stable and other. .011i-loliblin,eß. .1 EV Nllll'l' I', ,110 , 1,i to lurol,ll it eerier of nrlieles. to he 'elzeil fitilpalcoll•ill OXITIll1011,111,(1,1o. be .:el,l n•• Um yen thine.] Jiving 1 . t .. ! ,, Zi1•1• yeAr. untler the •tltle,,,i,l_ larty ...• in., bt Also. • " Tit I•; :\ IiiUNT YE t,' ' ~‘ !!!.!1:s." vor tii... 0, Li,lm. 1,0. 1, 11,1 111 Freund Na4itlt4 , l in the 111.1 , IIIIII• n r )le- ohno. WO hove illrea , ly pall Mr'. 1.:Verl•II, 11.,r Ulf, lmen! ojesl.ll,l-,441110.0114L111/•/ 4/11.111 , :-.11/tIshling-2a:fialLIII---„LILL114_1,11d1v,iLnuill, I lor Wu. 1, ,, ,p1ri I li , in) th, milt, ~ lE:7lllrnlnirtrii - trfairlilrtlirtniflriirfij , rirTFAl: -. " -- r - Trtyllvitysivlro,nbA_D,t.„„,_____,___,_____, 111i11141.,11.-11. , 1. ,,, ) , IPV-LII , 111 ,, 11 LIMO. on 11110 vast I .k., •,.. i.........1_ ._ •• • • • _ ~ . - .. • . . .. New ahoertisentents. • —" '• " 4 •" , •" t ' 1.. fl' . '•l' _oo 14TolnrIIv of thl. LEN ~ropisl,), of Fo h lle. r.. d o lII.' south liyWo ..... •Jit• that. if s c•rl7lll7i . Ihermuhu v. Its rtsr. 15 50 1.4. L'. flu. 11.. t." a hit of graded sltnated 111 tin Ilhas nth of that. Its proprietor i.e...., I lon b r ,..r s r. lto N~ilr th„ eltatticshnrin - t'unillerlanil / /module,' :at fte Lln try, otientst-in toltttits -itt•-tho-111.1vIT 'front And 1-17- foot la depth. be tile Sven, now, or loss. F. 1.1111.11. PAPER- a ',lie'. nf Ithrh, nnwel,lone. - The ry 110 , 111.1.1 tat the Wirth by tho lire,m lane._op. the oast.ldled copulation of Its oentl•llintels. Ilw pr.o.tloal and and west by other propelly of the Ihdendentott,d on tin ltivacially ~i.„ awl healthy e1r.104 r f,f all 'Visa, tivle;+, can 11 by (11.1vec'A1lle.. Prized gild tahon in oveentlnn , the care a hieh• is t 11... • I lilt I,t 01 en One I' and t S Dukvl,l Sv . ot.ohe.. werd ~boll ~pair in Itt ',ethic... a. d Otiporloidtv Also., al. of 110'11 situated in )thidietol, lor it Hito , sko o •i„ . .„ ,„;„ 0 , 1 tuts u.hip.l .o , pH:tot' 4.1.111 y, Ih.ilnd.d an tho.ont ' I 1,1.:Ialldt a, petition 111. 111, Iltorary Ppyr had bylaud , :yore° Wt l the oart l,v Intl of aid. over befort. I..aefied. Wo fool. and alwei's hoc., roll 00 with ronodoinifitet I atilel. tlit. Its 1111111,1., o r, the ne.L by Inds :it Philip Ilakte. and I:t twee Ithlt a het v.) roltentillitity tests Upon tr., and have en. \Veto:was.. centalolto_ e the seine •1 th dent ...A tt ha rotpeopibilit• ionselentions. nert. Intoltee.theriew 0 r er t,.,1, : , or „ Il l i c i t c. olethr eet , ll.lvet that .. shotillt Is. its 110,0 end peek horn.. and taken in 0ta..171, ii thej . tp•nts of thouttiol... Mid hew of 011 . 1041111 i, of a 1111.10 Ile :;1111 or the, 111.111/t•lty of IV. Mateo, ' , . to ho .Itl nie: • . I, ‘ toes 171 d, 111 • 1.1. dery 11, 1.1 . 4., 10 1 . 1.1:1 , 1, 01311 •••••.....7.....---..h.fieWe.... , 114,10.14u.....1.1••.L.1...)....11-14.1._:04...rvad..".:..1.14a,- . • 1 know Nob.. .le. 1,1.11/171.11 t re. 1 , ....tted is nee-. , ' 111 11 or 1 ( 1 4.1111.1 1 , ol.wl. It Wit he 110.1•1tf ..1.. NV A 'l'f It AC 'l' 1 0 N n lon •• Oita 111 t o. ~ ug therreanlar centril.has to the . •4 LEP. tlt are: (11.k)1011.1 h, lIIIHNTIf F.F.NN) . FERN, ' • .! .14 Ili` 11, 5.1N);..1. Ull/ liNlY'. • :=r i,v, r)nts, • , .11,1tIr 1 1 .111 r, ' . IL 14..11t 1 1 111 . J.: till 1 .11.111: Illt(/IVNI.t. ' tt %V. 11.1, ii 11.1,111'11. VAN, U.\ 111,i h• a ointiti„ 'LAP, AI .I IU,I ' A Ilt.}lW, awl many anti lent L311 . 31'11, Clor,ry woo. PI 111 L'elloget. and to , hovs alto writ.. lortbe 1,1.;1101/it snottc li•lv: a 1.1 Ova oet• romp!. artantonnonts arc stft that the C 11 1 . 1 .1.111. t.ll,_.lAl': ill; Eh or r now, :lid ail eonstantly to, at the rate et OVIT 1 . 111•1.,,5D WILLI, 1111,1 , sl'a. F. 10•1 %, Ilko Otos.. rarry frith them morn tvolght than any 1 , 1111.00.14 t11:1L ' ..001‘1 111, .111 ',wren., he tlinvolw.nl r 1,. • 113 Vt. All./tily • netted a, thrill 1..0e reeauvlsn W th s, W1101141.1i.1. L, • ! vpl'llli Ihr.li f nye to Ih.LL nr.t• , ....tont ours.. os aly• doing a It If, ivol',ll4 (le . 111•110. the 1,1;11 , :td: the ne 01 1 lobo 1 , 1 hug al/d! 141\111.1'1..t1 1 1.1t in the 71 - 11111 - I' - 1 , .1V - Vtlkli - 1;1:11r1 1 . 111 - Oepublivht..l ev . evrttat ttre 1 clay. :1,01 the in eVer'. vl ll .l . .1 1 ' 1 throe: 11. 1 . 1 t e. ontv 101,1 to tut, ,1•1 1 / 6 •1 , ul Tv I.l[l tars po• .111.1. 1, Is*. col.l. hew! Oil.. doll:it , An) 11...50n oldnielte. ode. ~ dtbscrllo earl, 1 a Welt ohd. miss). !•=l2 a ill 40.11 ti 1011 111 I/111. ropy'TVlllS . • 1.0 o' , o In nth:owe . - are • TIP. p l'4/1," . 0. the I.coent-to toy part of tly , ihril rd Sillos. pa; r yam hyl , (eV ,yonrl,_ In edva,co. of the shire whole lc', oob twoot ) • ,rs: root, io the- price-of the 1 Idarn.t. L. rt.. the .I,e rate, .1 - :!.1 1 ••.s . 11 , ., 1 1.1,1 1 a ono Ile. .1.1...5505, !min- , , log 11 . 1,,, t , or I . :It att. In a hick 1 111. ,It .1 otillistabs, • • in• ,t4kt...11 It ~1 VIII,. Lin., 011.1 . plu , s a Lw,• 111•11S..1.inti, axe perms,. • AII common lettiens moot 1 , .• addretvO.l. post:rt . /4 paid. to • JUMEILT )IeCAI'I•NEY, M', 11. DI, 15, 11,,E A T SE I,lll,Vii OPr .17' (' ST 1 ; • •1I U T• 1 0 IV I! THE• 1-101,IDAYS ! ! ! AVC Illd 1'1,11.1 Vali the :iltetif ir n or ti,‘,i,.ll.lstqlkt nl noilsle otTooll.t.riatol coullts . to their to pa .151 ts VII 01 BOOKS, .1111111.1 . .5. '110:1 - Pit AM Is I lo• 3 • 11 lit COST. )11100V . 1‘1' o b.lll, 1i,11 . 1 . 1/11e.r. I 101 1111,(:110, Will 11111111 F.Unll :1,0.'11110A 01-1:../. 1.II•.. In I•“•r.V .11:114: stud 1.11.11/11.1A1111 than nt Vit,01.11114.1.1" 1011 Wu nl.v r jub.”.lll. , jug :in A V("I'ION of our rem:111.11y: the nur11im.t.),..1.1fi1t.1 ,,, 011 W1 . 11.1•4:1•1iII:.,/, (the '2211 lunt..l nud in Le covital , if-,1 inn vvers I,llllllg' until 1.111, 1,111111. Nint 'lt In n, dd. 0.1111,1111 P. rn nno all anti ' . I_, 11,14), .‘,Z:Si()K EBS ()F. TM 1.1 E . EI), ((hitt S NOT ICl'': Tiy.t this y II Plit3IAN ulna. I Itust• llutt :in - :55 - 50:11t lir. 41 YE4l,..tinty, oraTo ”1 - e,tutis. ullll the 555.vvj1l 1,1111, 1... 5•555 - Eut , Ssll , irs. :. I ,11 , u',... - 11i.1 . 1%1 F. Yount A 111,111.35 , C.lllvilitaS, C C(_). NAttuar I . • • • • - • 11,11 t l ax , - Irmo ut, S.N't:FP, (Of tirtli•los m ill la. ,“.1.1 Pitt, la! any Cs hell. 111111:14..11,1:iit 11 1 1 11t . ..1iii , ,A iit 11..1. 111'411111'.: Awl it r.i.l M 1311116111, C. 110;1 An , 0101 . 1.1 . .1 qtr 10. 111.1. ,* f S. I-I A'P 1) KIIUF S'lllll 1 1 1f[ ' wk.!, tho 1 :11,11 1.111 , 1111 'Lilt: 1111/1” . 11.1' 1 . 1.• 1,1,1 - invip3ll , 1.1 1. cent 11,,,t111.ii.illifvt/ ETX.11:111..1-1 - Oil 010,1.. 411 , , 1 .4 1 , ..11,1 1 1Y At.11 . 111 . 1t 1.11 t11,1'11 , 61 . i'1111:110, ;11111 11111" tom, .111,N lII' 1.. li ELLER. I; tlce'd. ISto. • stm*ll ../ Hat , . Fisj'.'l. will h . 111 t . tit•III 0 I Ilt• 1.3,th1t, 111 , 1 1111 1. tIIIIMII. 14 If in 41,:silethlo. 10.•1.......,111 tllOl . l/111 . 1 1 11 1% 41,111. .i , •l“y E I) ! !—lX'ant(rl to'hire- a V ~tpt.t.,.!t 1“.., min Ile . 11. 'mit, or To .n . i irY Lgssl 11'1,11 1111.1111 . 10‘11114 u. t11111 1 . 1 11111 1 1itt,Itt•11IN 1114111•1111.11 t. rn good uml pl.itT Is 01 - srsil. Apply st lAtiS • 7 sot ii will pay t lII' 14114., ,t,s. 111 4 1 hiltl at tia• 'Males:, I apor NI 1:3 O straw iii l .•l autllrs otliar +ll sa , lo. 'lip Ih..r lint t,,liultl thor raw, Ili will pa) Wirt Lt•ill , 4 1:11A111.11S It. I'ESIIOSII, dor 15,1555-:11, - LisTA.TE NirricE.—Lotter -11 . 4 hill - 11 , 001,0 1111 tilll 11 • hie ortlo , n,/, 111 (iu 11• I.•. I. 1,141 I' , P. 11,..,v Is. .1.1 ,1.1 ,t. 411. Ai in 11,1 i, pivnient, nnd Ilinge n ill In. .111 Ilion, 1,1.-1.111,000 to Tltpim El 4 Siw isstli. , or Het 5 , .0111 'l5l. .111•1.11 tow orbit.: Citti, fowl 11/1111ty. li. 4. 0 S.lllll ..1 Lin 111.11) ro111,:i1 , 11 .tottstiv :dot. • 11.1: .%11 too Ittoot thoutrelvos 1,1111,1 I rtti.l .lA.I tiro t o. 'gill, NI to ottsltotonttootttl itto , ootittlott • tool Ho tot lien le; moot 1r t ot .Itottatithi 11111 preret.t Owl.. duly at:Moot kat lett liar. tielotovott itt 111111.1101 (1:A11111F-111 lhotottlrot 15. 1N5` , .--.14. Ex , (totes'. r r 11 elj)1131 , ;11I,A NI) CC)I TNT Y . soclrry 11)11 thu jut In ihio. o,n h.. 1111 ~5 vi' Ai 10 ~r Ihu Srwief y ,".. nporlallr 1 . 1.11111,te1l In l o )111 , 1 . 1.1, n , lhr • r a ill h. mill 11 , 110/11tu1'1I. , ,01 , 1/111 . fir the '•' F/11,111 . 18 ' 11101 totlor11," nhloli trio opnu mi11...15th to ['Moto tit. nett. 11. S. tlllll , l', Carlisle:4o,lsossS. VALUABLE TOWN l'ltiOl'EllTY Fon SAI.E.-1 will x.ll stt .011010 sale..oll Any ploperty on Bedford ..41 yet, 100..0... A 51010 00.1 P•nuG,t. exttslolll.4' 04010 , 4 1 7414: - ) ..., 14001 , 1, Irma. 0101 15011'1p. i Wit 1"h” i1,..1:.tr7:141,_ 0%1104,0 of $. l:i ate alley) 4.11 lug. ~- . 14„. . .„ th ) ...”” ~ . ...,tO.l these au cilia: h.,,,,, , ~.., ..1 . 1 11111 , 1,1.111 , g :1 1:11V1. ill ~ , t, 05 brlck sl.ollmg 111111.'. Mitll a largo 1....-1, 41051/00. The prepo ly %%111 be .dd together or dlvi led to Null potelrh,r, tlet..l7,l‘ro-tr. N . (1.T111 , 7,11 ARRIVAL OP 1,7 Pr.. 0.11 ;11,0 rill•rrp (1,0“.04.5. 'hied wheat. tho nu, .iole, , • dee.% IV3t. It I:NTZ. M I).— EniTnit I .0, It 10 1100010 I'ool . 11,0101, of On., Inet 'mut (but Is. lln t Lb, y on( pur..ll:wo 111 , 11 - 6 11111. Vow< SI rt.: -Bab Itore. 111, ,ITY,FOIIII. prloe 011, 0 stores. 11; . 1e 1 . 1 . 1 . 011V0 1,11,e11t or 'hp valor if 0 onl,f} vo rcutr 1111 to n 11111011 rd 11011:11, tisua It ttery hlmlbug —lint 0 boon IWO b 11400.3 -----Thou go ;it Imre to 1146 - 1 Co.: - . A "geld ve1e,111,1." sill, i loom. 31alie you fuel quite pie:lF:mt. A fricnii.lif intim (1110 (lay With money iii LL. lot1:0 Aunt I.llglit a 1.0.11,-11111i 11 . 0%h14 IV Ira A fifteen dnlinc Locket. OW'A RD ASSOCIATION, ' P II I h A U l rmt It I A. A Ilenevtilent Institution, ektahliAnitl, by sperlal on downwnt for the Idiot of the sirs and tllntreNeed, athlete." with VII Went :0.1 Ephlentle II IFensrF, The IV /WARD ,ASSI ICI AVON. in view of the awful bet redeem lit hmmo, fife. entn•Vii by Sexual lu 11 ti o , dee, ;mons ilrartised upon the unil.rontote vice Little Of en.9ltiketiSe, hp lltintAN. Severn' yen". Zinn di k eefl 'hell . Consulting : 4 urgerm. as a CIIA RITA E 111, ACT worthy of their liana, teepee a insp,,,,, ar y GM:IOMM} of this Omer of liiSenneO. in all their llton and.to give NI EtriCA AI/N*loli In all wt. apply Iµ let ter, with , debefintiOn'Of gkwtr conditiot (ago, orenpa tic di, holeta of life. A r.,) a o(,ln Clines of Cl tread povertN.,..trr F1'10%1:411 FREI.; of UtiA.ll(lB. It In needles,: to ;old that the A.Nnelotion commends Ow td the age, It.nt will furnish the most approv. d mod , wn treatment.. The Illreriors of the A.44+01011, in their Annual Ili., port upon the treuttstent Of inti. 11514., ex pre,. the lit/Joust a:nisi:action with the Acreoue w bleb hat: Intrud ed the latiors or the Consulting. Surgeon in the emu of S ...nrutto thwa, Seminal W.iniess. Imiwtence, (boor. (firot., Syillifib, 00 site of thionit,nt or t'elf,ahuro,, ,to . and order a continuance of. the some pion rot the ensuing year,' . - . • . The 1,1111.0 m, ons review of the pasi; - feel assured . .that their labors is this sphere of benevolent effort, - have twos of great lanistit to the utllicted.•rspewiully to the Plus% nod they have resolved to devote them selves: with renewed zeal, to thlo very important but Much despised cause. . y . Just publhltuti by the Asseelatlon, it - Report on Spur.' _maturrhoutt. urAhttnitml Weitlisess. Oil, Vire of 011:1111F,IJI 3111StUrblit1011 off-Abuse, sl.ll:llOrgitus, by the Consultlug Surgeon, which will • sent by mull, (11l It sealed letter envolope,) PIZ K 1 , . OF 01 Alta E. on receipt et tiTA M I'S for postoge Other Its Ports and Traits on the iodise and treatment of tosual ‘ltecosett., diet, At.. are constantly being put )!sh od for gratuitous MSllll44l°l, and will be stilt toWin Sountof the new l'ettiedlos and methods of treatment dlsrovered during the butt year, are of grata ' Int mt. Ad Jre'o. fn• Itriunrt or troaDoent, Dr, DEMME H. I,It.IUN, Cont,ulthut Foriurrou, Howard Arrocintion, No. '2 south Ninth rtrtu•t, - Pliladolphhi. •• • - By erl'er Of Lilo Directors. . ...• . liZit A .i./..1111.AltMlill,:Broskl, WM I liDrforrets.i. pee.ls.lf. 58.-1 Y • 01'10E.-1 4 order to guard FOson s , ,):ny'ni..ouOtt. flo/NES. no . lst Impountor, taruly vurtlE.%thut NT. A. w. BENTZ I.Clio only In eurikle, for I.lot;fuTo of ~ . .wour,, unuovor onek- t . 1 1111V114." . ylr. limit,. Inning meUlved bin glovra dirretly Lnoo my, 'lnsets run Yrly on grtting the gunulno man.. " Ir cTe t t. ‘ ...2.7l; f;. ;fl. "‘ " l L " :_ itiOUPIO.: =I I= II(1111;1:1' =a S. 11 Al, Ist, ill 1 . ,' sit) Is 1.1:1LNIIN t 1,,, 1:1 , \1.\1:11 l' Eh I.:yr. V 0111111,11 1 . 1 .11. Mr. 1,V1.1(1.1 ,111 LO pre yell . t, 101101,01,M 111 1111) " [ h. , 1 A- I) ! ! ! NIF:111CA 1. Ili /1",f1:-1 . :gittlilinli• 4,1 1,0111.v•hsio 1),, 1.3 Ins. K I \IiELIN, Yltrliell Or Ft711'14,1.1i11.7:11•401j“. r~ri:x'ri - -Tll ( Dr. K., t.... 1 tor.. I I:it v.NlllllllOl'lll 1.0 1101, rin : .••• III; 1,111 0101, Of !Ikloolll,. P.11tTli'll1,.11: \t'l'll'l• .L'hlatrai,ahLelil 4.1 it salkollak , hattlkaal tufa. lip ll'Illt•tn tri 11111 ,s 111. h. ,•1,1 ill I l I D I tH h . ) atalh ha•.fii 1i 11:11011,- ,. . I,IIt _I11•w - 11,..• fa a ...ta i 1 s 411 jahlr.aa.tal, I,:sialll•4s and ch, n 111.1•1 11a.. • . 11,4 I Itt.t.it t, t o , Fit it troy to thin to t rititi ,, t, tts•tic•tt :we att.:le of ate • tird II ••.111,hot/ tit° 'ter you, t.yttlt t ::: :di:lite:l.l. 1111 t.tt:ttlt:t . an , l ttont t rotittlaltltt , 1 , 1 . 11,111 1 1T,3,1,111 . 11 . 31t...r tin.. tnnitnni n 1,21, 27, 111 lltt I...ttktot Tio,itt tot ttlitatt , Ott, ttlltyrt:.l I v. t t.:lll : •••lettbltt, in, 1.11111. 1 Idr to 1,111, viii. 11,1,1 , 1111 A Vi . 41.1. or It. oitsit lti4 ittiti:l to : . • I , I. I 11 . 43 . ,111.1 131,11 i /11 i% 111111, 11 . 11 . ,..1111, uud 111,;:tp . t. t t , et: It. hi:. 11„ t t i: t Iry I Itait ttso:tl. It lot I t titatit t ipateltlitis 14 - 5...1.111” prat 1.1, hat:do:to tit , 31,,1.111.11 vitt,. mai rittitoo . . hi , that I la;.1.1. mt filth , 1111.1111411113.1.1111, 11.11.111111 that 011 , ie I,IIISIII L, •111.1 ll ,1113 11.1111,. ttlll. - 11 , 111tit1t4 :tttlthtto I:1111 1 311111aro. Atitilarly situate.d. ENI it, • Ile ,ele , plans hiel,ell al..ler EMS'S I trat• molt .111:1y 1.1.112i , .11,1y ilk )1;.110r a get tie. wan. :mil illy area tilt , 111:11 till' ,fr to itienl, „ ill 1.1,er IT. Yetlav: \ la.— as 110 1:11S.; det. r yen fr.,la 3 ear ku .. , a PI one, 1111./. teem •••Illeatlial alal r011...11 !My uut eel t.inly 1•••51ell • 11 , 1111,1'1' /Wu'. Gm 1111. 1,14 W 1.11• tV tour 3,11,111 ( . 01111.1.0i Mr AND US IUS 81111!LTS, 11111:aleli.lija. Pa. I'IT 1,I.: TS Al .\. 1/ITANCV .11 together NV d! 1110'1,. litpl , 11,,111.1 .: 1”t . 1., ally pat t. .11 t Is.. !nolo. I.y or 1.111.1 ens. RE.11)! Y01"111 AN!) :11A:N11001)!! .1 jgot..us Life or Prom:ann. Dooth. rent, stan,p , , 1011 ommro ~n rapt per :Tim GRATIS! GRATIS!! GRATIS!!! A FBI:1: 11117 TO ALL: . 11:7;Elty RELIEVED. " NRI.1111•'S a 1111 W 31111 plpllllll . walk. full M . valoalde ndt ire and Onpr.,tu. warning, dill.e vainnint nd to pre% Ina. cool t r nd , er.). and .:11.1.,1.1inusands of ii. ‘‘iiiwut rlrurge. :nut lorw;vdrd b; wail. prr•p.ii.i 01:m3' 1..01n United Stoti.,, on rv velx in, an order enclosing (no pdhntge . , GREAT REDUCTION' IN PRICES FANCY DRY GOODS J. _LEVY & CO, • Atorthuto, tp,1.110 l'lll.llt. Little iotootlon to It1.:111'll. Tllll vitti`ES of tlo , halattet , ot tlit•lrleALl, 1.)11 , 01a.1 VIONS FANCY DRY GOODS, Ont.lll4lioi LthcG_.\urihm.l N, 1 4 1.5:E01111..N . , •111 COST OV INIPOITT.I'TION, the mOes to continence THURSDAY NEXT,, AND CONTINUE TIIROUGII0111"rHE MONTI! 0E -DECEMBER. Thrir ohjret Is to SELL OU r, its nearly as possll4o, thr PALL AND WINTEIt GOODS, wlikh rionaln In stork: and 10 arrompllsh It they offer to the puhliv. :mil their rug Indueoment V ERY LOW PRICES. FRENCH EMBROIDERIES ANWLACES “rn vpry much It1:1)14'ED iY PlVlCE—tonny to HALF THEIR 01:101NA I, COST. , • FANCY ~rims, • whto, 11.'0 110011 t h e Fall. at sl,Aro now 73..01,10: omoDs..lo 1 and $1 1 . 1. All ilurwrlptlooti of wiNTEft DDEss Drops ,tre rentl:ed down below the eost or import:atm sit AWLS, CI:IA AA, E IIE LAIN Vs AND CASIDIEHES: mEitiNt*.s . I . I,AIO,•sATIN DE CHIN ES, ENDLI6II AND FRI.:NCR' (111INTZVS,.. will all be relliteril In proportion to the goode ennines;a t ell above. ' BO& AND 811 CHESTNUT STRE-ET, .E=MME 12232/1 FOURTH. ARRIVAL OT NEW AVINTER GOODS'S r ociiJ)) t i• /':ST9ills 1 um now rneelvlng my fourth 'supply of .not — g6Ods' which taro boon 'porelon.ed for cask at the .preOtttoiow elly priers. Mj Mock Is now'vely la, Stird enniplete. A largo assortment or Ladles Dress thsids. of the net . est and most elegont'styles, at the very lowest prices. SILANYLU The cheapest Itrosba Long Slueo io Orel' sold In • tlarlislo. Long and so care Blanket Shawl, Sialla nod 'tuba Shawls. Oentlemen's Shawls: cheap,. thou Over. MI 1 ii ,1 N'lll,S : A fell inwortineob Clot h. ercor oilsand Cm:4llOU, I , OS Mid eheap. 111. Wino m 11111.1.0 14111 , 0 A. illoyva. Tleklnga. Min:hauls. -- Silently, 13,-- cheaper than - - EU 7 VilOu past U11.0 , 41114,1t11Kf1, &e., very low. I mpossiblelo ,einneel ate all the new Henke It to say, we have it very large nat.ortinent'a ale gnat WINThlt 110 , 10 F. m bleb viii in raid na low Wool lower than by any utithetorn In'the eounty. ' ' oCuLur. -. • Carlltio, Dee. fl,•1.8. . . .., . • - - . pults!•.runs! H My otrock .flf Flllll arl• M.T. NOW. botwitt f‘r thn en ..1; froin'tho ittnnittliournr', and urn to -void .m,situr pricu. Cdil pad tie,' Own. , , e NEW WINTER GOODS! • .E1.1)f(31.1& SAW Y ER:At NEW :"7'.11t E. East 't lain 'street hare, just Z 7.• received no inainisive and eoinpferesitiek or •••••_. TER innliraeing 1,3111, )11.1'S and Clill, p ; Go, (Is of every , and style: v. -g• Cloth- Mit oilos. of—lnsult tful_desig its, frout-the lath porting House of 1011111/ . 1.1 - 5 R ndl Ihicslederf and English long gluts; long g Thil•at . , P 1 RS! • - invest frog 'lie nisintroctur•• • 0, NI free anti ',,1;11.±! iintsisl not to slfrilik ,I4lllllg. • - 11 1 Y. S11.11V1: 4 .0111i and 'ET" Nisi inn Linder ••••ini :11Id 0111 , 14 7 : . 173TF1TM - "I' Lilo_jllo 411 I W', Ladies' Under Vests. bun. .7., arel•short sfgliepresenteil to bug spry superii , n,irtiele, • _DO I( I 001):; every variety; Flannels, NhrvC ngc , Tit kings. Fa - • • Ibivhie purehriseit fir v clnh. * we aro nrepared to 3, fr. sell i.e •nt. biter than iirt4.l.ll.llltK:Wllo hey ck • e;lfrt- Please ..all and essioin . e fir cou~s~• l vrf. • 1.1:11i.C11 R SAM' " 7.%1 h5..1.1570i. • .17-TE.V171.7.9"1 N Ell' STOll.l , '; AN!) NEW GOODS - . . . -.-.,%41....,.t....,4,..14,_i...k.v.i.ea,...0w.6.t.F_..iix_thx....Fm... ii , „,- 1 .1. 7 ,,tr0mp.p....whi0, h. 111.0111,1i1.11111,111'..111111. 1110 I • 11111i0I'Si .91• Vt W 61011,311 alt,lllioil 'III the lett. that the IIaSiII4II,4TPUM IX elhddilY 1 . • - _.. . . I & ;-4",,--^- :C . —L ; _ ‘ ------ .J 5..---------6:' '•.' ' 'I . . 19 his I/PNV St ,, I'eFIIIII. 0,0 th...eetite:ed . Peeled' or the , holdie kildere, where the pulutkltre 0,114,4 I.ll ' elill and 1 ,I.llllll'A Stll,l, ilf. r11)•17: Vl' ilii . /1. - ,111 Pk :Hero;' 1 Al iety -I.IIIV- , ,t.iit,-11411-4.f1.11;/.1.1111110.111 . 41-1-11inhtlriLlari-19....V1 , 1 Pad. 111 , 111, 1.1 . 11,110.1 illld hrieve ,tgrtts, —,---,,,_ . . ivit. f:to am! ree,tl.ll Cite, Neety ell ~,c 9., , ,-.', riety :cd getthe elTriil. Spices. (e,oend I,l ' ;' ~1 r i end eet..eddel . 1de:,e1.4. Snell , . Tehle I dl. ;1 = 2'i,. 11. XVI,' t•il.11:1, ! 4 ternehoeFe trod 'Prlnirlacl LL , .., vec:t f 11 " 1 . , ..8: New r , wk awl I.llll..delphirt tzyr- 11 , 0. • C , 10,0. / 00 li 0111. VI, 11,i 11 1 hp.ii, Pt. IS. iil/111ill, Mlllol.llllolt.i 01'11 . St011011. i. vituf. (110411 m" 1:xl, 1011' (..11401., 00ii111.4i ..10010 at v.., ova lall.as...,,ltiag ;tad hal:- 1 hag took. Tobagi, gl 1110 in. `4. I:100,Q, 1 0 ,.,,,,,,i, and th o 11111.1 pi:lll , y 0: S,._ n. A.so. 11 1.0:11113C1li a,4.ortanegt of^jltilagitia It an, plata 'loaf g Itl ham' ritiou NVate. Wax., Qaetala. Stagg nial Es.thgra IV:trl. in . great va- 1 0101%'..11 11 Mt 01100101 . 1-q, "r r....v . , , nap5. at track i iql,i, ygrtala, y till I lig Olal. . . holt...vary app`es, cipnni,)lil3lllll4S. 01,11/21,. 11.11., t... 10 14/10 7 0IN ,110 : WII le alld retail, (Ita NE . a .e.,,..,e•ik,,..e.mee,:..„, „id ,:,.• ,vki„ ti,._..., :- .._ ~, -, 5i„,...y i,„e,. , ~..,e, i., F., ,e.,.„,„„). t ~,,.•,: c .,,- ..,J . ., ~ end 3111,....1 II inv. ill 1,1 . 1, 011 If Ink. 1 IV . , ;tea,. II Motu ;4, lirilaial tile, and S1 . 111,1l111:111 ~91. 1 11.1111., _ Ijsti ANL) sALT I..rv. ..1 L\\l PS im.1111111), LoDp, rm. 1 , 1 (. 0;1 1 Pin, 1.'1..1 I ill, 111111011, rbilit. :4prtilt owl 1 4 1. r - CED:\ It•NVAIIL AND -11];(10NIS Scrow. Wlli ll' , L•tbr 1.11 , 1 nOli• 1/31i,r, 11 ' I, 1,,v 11'are. ludilloplq.uv],t. !bow. add , ii 1;1..1,, Inv Ih. kilmv” hi 4 ).Ort• Illot Is ottiltol 1,.1..h1n I/I 1401 . 1 S II 111. to 1 . 1 . 1141e1 nutter r.adn trtiott to Ili. ron•;mbn tt. . C. INHOFF. Cal 111:14•. • lel. nii Val of all Mints taken In ex,llangn for .LA EST : 'CHAIR VITHE iS;:ti I US' Mathiot's Gay Street Ware-ltpoins;. Ed!, roth,l:l 111 EllW/jrt, !wrirg 40..1 vet fiwil I le 11/,',/ rh rlr, mid iioi lot lii flu, um.TiMoitE, 11 . 111, 1. 10 . 1. t nbvtly. , .ln I and, imm nrclrr, eve• of French 'II:11; A flair 31.0.11 s or 111ov:quilt,. Fienen, Full Stull and ' , NA:11110n, Parlor AlOl ell A I 1;;; in Plush. lisle, 11[w:dell, French 1 , 1111 t',ll.lMB, In sets I lair. w' Ih nrutid In. buff Floncj i i Mniiniiitily and IVnitinti 011.111:S. in ni• • 111,1 • 1 I N1:1 lotto. Ileelgos, In Ilalr, Cloth Hto•h. • 1-toll/loin,: 1,1 It; laize as,m tomtit alwayo 1: '4 , i • aTII 'patti•ill made - Avitly nsty amols t ~del. , • Cll.l Mlll,ll IValnut t complete, from $ll. 11'.1%).: I'll.llllS Ilorldop• moot read3mmile to tha Unltt tl Stales-11mo ill! a 11. r. l ett up, liar Colon. °Moe and U6aug Cll.ll 11S. im Oak. 11 al out, pr o ith Cnur, Metal tit. Mulled reale— nn enilamit.l4 .1111 I .l rat CII.tI IS mat alaTt,l•lS and ItOCItINII 011.111::• 1 —or or lull 1 . 1 . 31111 . 1 . 14 . 11, Mir tool Husk Matt; eases of et er3 . l I. rha c. ho, all I, hb, I,l' hilt mot Plain Frames 101 hooking CIitISSI,, A. lATlllerf sirs:. Clay St ret. Ilear Foyetto /Area. EME "SWITII" AND VIE "STATES" To BE coNsomnAmi. . • arranuenn.nf bike. 7 . (t0nth,11,.,1 1,0,” II Pitvok. editor “r nroprivt.. of I lib: paper. TILE Si Is, n 114,1111., Sour', Iho St %ll **, aro 1,11 o IMO inllll.. to '' 11,0; 11,11 , 11 lu thin vit.). In on °Mak, form, and to ho undor till• aditnrud efOkirgr! My. Pornlt. I.v the ils-g,ll ii.npri•mm,,,lbiLle lit ob•voto,1 to ill. .r. 1.11101.11 1111. 1 , 111114.t0ti0 rusty, in iteritrilaiive with tho priuoiplan "t. etat,`-.Fg l / 1 , , ine l'it'vow will tuolto.lnlio the odltoriol rind: ol of the F/por b,•t woo. "r I hut tie 1:4 of u,•Cei It Will uunu• of - 1 . 111.: —STAIE:7I;2..ungI pulqi,Jle.lo2.l2 MOO (Joe eory per yea^ Two ,ples per ) ear I= =9 BEM 1)110 vapy . per yvar Five coales to a rlub. Tivellty caples 00111 to 00,, I= An the prooeedition of tho cooling Conon., will to of great Iliteerst. to the o hole vomit a 11'1, " win iseep Its readers trill aghloi'll upon all subjects which roar lie int:etas.' by that tote. 'rho poke or tottoorlption Ito the ve,slost trill lie- as follows: Dolly—One rnpe 4 :2 Or •• Two pork, . . . , , (1 , Errol-IYeal.l3 Inv e. , py ' 1' 0 1'ow• coitus toe 111111 . . . 3 o rope . . ...... 5 to a 1.10, 2 0 • • 1 Soleht„l,o copies to 000 midi - est; . 5 Cl' dee.B,.liS. • FACULTY. • +.IL CRITTENDI.II, PH11011:14 Consulting Aeenuntant, and losts actor Co•nnnervini Conn nts. l'nost.n, W. 3inone. Proteeser ul youno t e.,hip. • 11,1111111 )1. r of the. I't lento of Ac. counts. 14111 N 111:0K,IiE11K, l'11111•Fror of , Ilook Keeping and Plin• Patent 'Simulder Shirt -." Ltlzitiiifactoy3 AT TIE (ILII r 1.1,, ll' 11. Al.ri.N, I. L. It., President el lilintd College— • Leann's . ou Politienl Etononly Ni. 7011 Ched)tiel Street, Philadelphia, 61 , 1181T1: TnlE W..1111,1110N 111111811 ._ N 0,11 ESTEII' & C 0 08NTLINEN'S FURNISHING STORE, AND Calalou'oos. emitalbing tall partivolars 01 terms. wan• are ul' huntruct ion, 0., may be had nit al , r/Ylog at (1.0 A. INCTIEST E n will give, ns iwiTti.fore, his pe. either it , 'Per , m. or I Y ter • sopervisiol, or Clot eutlinvt and IhilliraPtllllllo l IQ" 9 1 " 71 NHEN'S BOOK•KBEI'INti for vale.— o r th." hb,,,,.h.b n o e d,,tsh ; o r shl r u om at.t.so.—Ney ets. [Oct.l: 'sH. Collars 11.tkul rut Om shorten! notlee rift..llK tlrniriva In MAN' Nhjeir. can intlllllol,l a it' 'lie ihrinnla for measnrwalmt. nu applivation by mall. Vonntantly on hand. a varied and ruled Atorkulao , tlemon't: Forob.bing . (41011 S. W1,010,111e Order% bumilled on liberal Sonar,. 8, 1858, IFST ATE NOTI(1.-- Lotto rs of - Ad - • . -, •NON-EXPLOSIN'II KEROSENE Ott COAL OIL _LAMPS, A ininistratlon on the Estate of JACOI;..II)K Mu, At the 11' holvtei le and likall HEAD QUARTES; 38 late of the Iterough ofearlisle, tiee'd., have heel, Issu—% ... j . ~, ,,.th,sixon) sireo. ilithtactoi„,._.,....._; - ^lrthelte7.lstur of 011mberbind , eounty.to'llie•Kwl-erril. -- • ---- -,,, r - .. T. residing In the willill darn All persons beleld ed I. T i,,, on l y ni0,.,, where ~,,,i,imi 0 At:envies can Ann oh; , he Esta.e are requested to inn :to 1,,,,,,,,,unt0 payment.. tallied for the States of Pennsylvania, Now JerFey and nod those halt leg elate. to 11ree.e11t, theta duty anibein- thdnware. ,leated fur settlement to . Then. , lamps give a lights oat in Int °natty Cl' finnie, 1714\I'Y L. KEl ' l ' Elt • and 14111141 r lfi filtfirltifirlt, to liar. lOW are eifilfiofil to b e Administrator Of J. 13. Keller. dee'd. \ mnporiiir • 0 all other pen table I igh Lel, now /II use.. No Carlisle, 'Joe. 8, 'lib-tit. - • toe of Exploslon:—.No Oreusiveed”r.--Nosinoke.—Very • - ,----------- easily trinitned.—As easily regulated its a ti (las 'I,IOt DI . A )11'14 . 1,1 , 1T 14 All! S. 1 3 e pe4oo R"' do Can be adapted to all fillrlilfirfi —And better than all o p.u. or subs rlblng rer the Pamphlet Laws ni.01,, the ,n,p ,, 0 man.-- r , S 0 ism frill cheaper than any other e . .. .. . . , iminsylvaida - I.4.o.latinin ref the grnylon of thrill . car.. ittfi een rtnitht, tight, illifi in C,OlllOoll use. to so by calling on the subscriber, at his nlllee ill Ca illsl .. ~ B°,t:AUENCY .t, 40, eon _.. ' . . '' NI; . IIIIICKElt; : .. ' KNAPP'X PATEN't;;JtOSIN 'ASO:COAL OIL' LAMP 'County Treasurer. -- -6aunift..ollx,-Wiel,s,-AttlearnMll-ever,, m Melo- i . - .. S. iI,'SntITIII,A N t , , Ai. , ent, .- No, .:15 S , outli . ..11 fltlll in riot Phihura: it3.„..1. P. !TALBERT solo Agent for Carlisle. . t 4. S r i., 13; 1855. - - NIT At ; ON,. Ff)11 -,:S.N I,E ,= A . ~,fig o, „ill ~ ;,, , ,! ,ii i .l ~m: 0 ., , , , •, . 0, 1 1 t: ,o 10 . 0,1-• .11,,,• ~ ~i., In,. gni, . ' l oin . Al I) . . orrm - ‘1,7 ( )()1) AND W I I ,lA)W W A It E.— ' v I L -- nisi( cr, , -.m:".1.,,t, a.,,,,nb,:i. ,lIIIr FA ' 116:; . 0:. - 1 , 0 , 4 eyoro vtirlptv., V_EI PAR Nl' iII I '—.9)llls, II url, 1-i.. loaßtiros. 1 1 11ry,...11,111t , 41 II ilhtaltm .. liceler's IlatlP., rod= I•ls, I}lll,ll. l ..11 A 140 , stock of ..I wh• N t , poit.l.ll,tea ~,, iir 0 ..(5..1.1 1,01, I, tit siihavrllwr)'altil /ill i.tlipr WAR arr limi,. tirtltlleg—tilwa3B . lit ;tliu lowest - en/411 I Ts--f 1. 8110 lA', ' '' . . , . L tit!) '2butrit9ciltento. IVEW PIANO STORE.— ~---,---_,,- Q *.as., - • . . rt,.7 . .y,:....;.w..A.....,, , ,.......;,..."-N01x...... , ) r i'......,_ _.'7;-'"" . i T ll -): i A torgo itssortiitelica Plitt , ' liw - l'itrons. - ilitotr - t Ilii - lies' liontoo nod s Now Vto . lt ittalito,, toizoili s er it illt exeollon 't ' , ttimilit,littiAl l ,lsoilitaliwAtt .... .-. _. N.(2.—EiII—IIA.R.E...ET_ILIELLI=.,_IIA It R I S II U It C. Also. her tii A Hamlin', M o del 31tilodotois t thitititillle. ilivili-0115111111i 7 11., -01,..4,1f0rniti0.i.iii,,,-- old Piiitiott tol'en lit pan ii.tyloont for 1/1., oiler. . , 1 •- '- ; -1 --- • . PlANOl'l'o.ll.silt Olt It El'AlltlNG,' tyttli :di 5i0,i. 4 ,,i on.t mint 1,..t,,,.. , , k. will receive i prmpt, ntAeollholroni lllr..,ltillN I•TA:4VIS. 'olio Lot nn superior iii this' itoporliiitioCNllli IA ono o f the 1110.1 ' relial , l4. Tint.. lo ilic,lll,lted Etttict. st•lt2.:l,'ti.--ly.• ~, 0. C. 11. CA ill'Eli. v .', • 1 7 '1. 1 A : OSI • ; r • GoLD . MEDAL PREMIUM. • 'PIANO I , OIITE I , 11 . 18.1L14,11 KiV AIRE & CO., OP (MANI) AND , SQUARE NANO FOUTEF:, .IVom. 1. :3, 5.* awl 7, Norli, Roihrti. •• 'Opp7.vite Rolit;? - 11,,u.v. • Anil at our ENV SA I, E S.- E 0 M, 201 Ballitm;re el,arles xi"! Lig . lll Niro lvv. velel , rotpd \NOS 1,,t,P: at diflarrilt 1 : 111111, Mll CM, 151 . 1 . 11 3 , 1114.'11 ILr Ilighegt 0- nlitint , ..l . 4ll' 0,1411..11.... 10:1,101 :I'.) Iwo. pv111.111,41 by S.l arz. Ilia 111141 1 , 1101111• 11131{Int in. thit,lo4ll. alld-ltall2l IlLitillg.Lt6lll43lll,ttn,. Oil ! .- ntnn , . , 1,. kr,,tv.. Si Ina equal, ir Ina Sinn inarin.r, ann,. in WeITII 11.t1.1 at:ivy:4le iVnitt• roan. a1n01 . .. $ nfont n•t annnintnnnt . Ilum 14.1\0 roirri.:: no In. • ,11111 . 11 e , viii 1.14 L 1111 , P11,411H 3114 114..11, ‘ , ll tilt! 1:10•1 iiinut! lam, lit ..1111 Ow . lu i , ,, , ry t., entl, I.llit istl,ll.m. • 1 . ,,,,,r0 1 1 ly 1101141 0 flue w.s.llol,•nt. I Al ELI/. W.:ll\S ol I.er.t.111:111.1 . . Niro... 11 . 111 .14 1., lo for SAO s laiVe 1 Mill 1.1 , 4 I.evulol.howl 1.1 -N-.\ OS. nt W - . 432.1111. 1111.1,1 Ir!).11:111o, t•Ne11:111gvil, rlOll „ A.M K.N.1131; ('II .Itily •rill 11 1; 1; : 1 Yor _)) - PIANO jtic r,;,PianciThrto. , •;" I)IITES' • • c : Ali in,ANuF.NCTURI:I) By clout% aNtaNusLs.iwr =I I'l I I It'l'V-Ft) • THE Flit:4:r 1.1;E11iots i)vEi: PETITORS IN ITNn'ED.sl:.l'll,„;•i AND m ) g I l'lllo,. ti • r§,ltF. C. 8sox:, buy. .t..l* their ill,/ 11.4% '1,01)14. I:tt,7 I'll,qiut ~ 'el.i. l'h , -.1 , 4111.1. aro pi v. i ,,,i t„,,0 4 ,,,t,,,, ;,,,, tooert or t;1:.%:.1.. 1 . .\111,111: iNt.IN D. ; , ;1'.1111 , . and 1:1'Itli:IIT 1'1.5.\n FoI,TES io .v4.i.m. ,t1...111111 C:1 , 1, 61 . 111 - 111 )1111, ,high rromot fil.to 1 , 1,...,_ 1:,,,a p ii,..: ~.1:0,,,, 414, to MIS' lilt 111,4 - 011, M. 1,110110011. . hti3 21, I"i,-.11 . t IA )111) INi,El).\ I, .(; li - ,LNI.) 'AND ‘...X , - ' : 4;11'.% it t:I.I.IN(N. -- - STEINWAY A SANS, s I 14:i11.1.r . 5A, T:I`Ill. ItroAd = tVery the Premitiot riv And 111.111- ~vt • r_ ~.nrollt17;'11. %jib till' ew York. Vbilailviplila ml.l • Here/,el the two 111 st prize 11ttals att lot •Metropoll bet Fair, ll'aOtt/tetoit, leXt. The Fl, st l'releilint gold 111.41111) Il•r . Hie lent Il too Porte et the .11/Byttiocl tile. Baltimore, The /1,4, 1./Lte .1/eclat tier the hest Natio Bort,. e/ /h. Anierion I ti.tittle: tl;t cturtelere, Voi 1,. 1t...1ei, The Firet. Protehtm (a Bold 114.4110 toe the /wt.! //Bind flow et the Mary !anti Init:tlt.htte Baltimore. ltl7 .The First Pret/Btu at. the Stete The 11,1. I•tetnium al the Slate lull, I 1 , 1..141,11,17. .11noug the jtolLf.e.: %sere the 11111 , 11,1 i tall lit if the huh emelt to. IV. Ma.io l yi, ttnehalk. W. 44.11- 'lllll4. kr. thavd anti : 2 ituale Pfau, vo,,,,tp,noed ,Lith the full .ut.clen holt frame combined. are marrant ed for tioto. tears. Prlooi moderate. 5ep.15.1 ,, h5-601, . SAYING FUND • ..--:,i .4y, ; National . 0 2 . b, 1 . ~ ..AA•F.:,.cti., ; • kp . K ,_ . . : • . - ---,' C - :.tr • 1 . 1 k ~.,.,..,„„• ,•F. ..ar,VQ. 14'. ' '' '''. . ' - t 1• t i kl i 1... , , F. ~..,,, *4- ~.....- I: Tltb 6 i P .., .7.E1f 1. 1., 4 r-tr , ....z.v..,..-r,4:- 1,. '4.14...'.: . 4, , v ,, .; ; - , 7 -,. . 4-. 1 „.,, „, 7 1 .740Vi1 1 , Nrit 0 . 1 1 7 ~.-,..t: 11. 1 ..-, .'. 4 ,,', 1 .1t. Company.. j -r t Walnut &Fre?, ,tinath Went (7nrner e+.l 1'1111..1Di:7,1'111A I NCOIIPORATED DV STATE IF PEN N; I. VA N 1 A FIVE PEI; CENT INTEREST. . Morey I. laa'rlytd iu m¢ saw, lar,u or small, and In ton'esi pal.) tn. I Inn day ol Jrl nn.it In Hai day of sniff It dra‘sai. ' • • 'I hr olliee Is mum evi.r) iloy from o ...look. In th, ...ohm films o"r'orl,io the ;Mom. on. and uu Momfity :tll 'Ciao stlay oveoloS till o'rlto.l . lItIS. Ii \ ItI.NN l'rmillomt. 1NN11Ql•I• Sul. num I:, Itvliry L. Benner, F. l'Arroll Ilry‘..ter, Ell watd I. tall LIT, .1....01111'11. l'art; . , I INA ert Si.lft itke. . Flaw I, lA, amuel li. A51110i1,.1..1 II Verl,..n, C. I. )lillirp., ' I 'kitty 1 . 114.1.11,11.., 1 . :Ilonit.y . reet.ivea - foAr jr,ymoit,,.:o :10 1111 a, di,lly mil boat. 'Joliet, .. ,T, tI co 10 tit . . She hi% eAntli.nts Peal FlHnte Mtiligtiges Brats, anti t..ttell Inert tint, as thu Chatter requirrs." Auiaist 'ell DEN',S P111.1,11)ELI'll IA c(AMEI,(I.II, E, Clientiot I LA ELDI'I-I.IA. B® h 111 In oil 20 00 ME=EIN INI:i!I 0 11. 11. Cumecys, . . him hi 8..Pcn,,,,, Froo.L. liosi.l., A. V. l'ursoos, Hasid . .‘lilac, 1p.... 11/teker, ILv•rgo 11. Si natl. , .11. 11. Ifilitua it, - John Sliarlitt,,K. I rellurivl. 111081 n, Johlnilt Lippincott, Jr. ' - "'nick Arekite,. coven 11e Earth, And (;roan Parkne Per;ple." fIOUNTRY 'MERCHANTS, - It!Id - 1111 tj °then+, win lake Notlee! 'That they can supply themselves, in imy quantity milli . • Jones' Ftµ• Pinned Patent,. NUV, IMMEM =MIZE MEE= INCoIikrATLIF JUNI: 4, '55 Et= S. r.. IlfgP.