• ' . . 41. ()itIII.INS (I()U.IiT Sl.f. 7 In 1 ,^0,40•0re of an order...if the lrpitlitie Court ./ ti,,,,,,,,,,,,i . sy ,, ek.l y ~.., tine , rernid Comborl•tkill c uoty. Olin 11111thilii ell nftelliltil 111.411h11 by linen. ono 4 I lit twin. or boi•b000 Yoh., ii:ltoro Ina Slit , , . 10Vood .ectroil & •altaiiith. , •1 0 ,.. daccacial. will off, nt publie....la on Iho pcenilaar, , Fboutt Sop• dine, per'bbl. • $ 5 . 25 "on To •140A17. tin• lilt li day of 1 , 1„i1 . 01111lit..1050. all . ~..,, . that cal•mble tort 'f land. Intel) , balancing toaniti ar- Ai/. hairs, ' do, , It 0 4 ; rodent alt tinted in :giver Sprint t nvnWilo. i'unilkarinial ' a... F tinily do. ~' , ... • 6,00 co.. boototod b, Jou & of 31,0 Ilion 'Muer. ['envy lion-, KYR •• - • ' • 110. - 3.. N .) J o col. Ninon.• nod oharn. and OW .. op .. , ~. Vii.l . s ACRES. 111 To or lorti hos big ~ •''‘ . - WWI?, Wll RAlr per bit 41101 ' . l• ' 4- titration ovetad nAT /NE I itrcii,bl fi .7. ~....y : - - ' ittAl . AO -. ' lit). —, • • ' )4.05 Ii wkii-;,.Atobo ntob Rain. and gill o . 7,-" - .0' - IIYIE • 7 do • '' •• ./ 67 hoooloonebto, the Outlity or' th ?....._...1.• ~;,-,, . : -.-05-.-I , LbtjoserY-11.1 , 414._thhboiroro-o-oz-m....iAd0 , ......A_J0_ wr.chogoili ____..........._..:.. . . S.io to continence at 1 O'clock, ' I'. 51„ uh.al terms will inrinado-litionot by- - --, --' -- - - GT./ 114.X.EP, auor4hto. -...'.. CA it LILSI.O." IbIeODECE DIA Mt./4;T IBM itri;R'B4: - E TimortlYssKi) . do St+usxi UA ULEY de. WEvrtne ISAuLKY do. 70 :A ' VA LITAILF3: NI 1,1. - .. :Ei, PROPERTY AT l' IVA'II 'AM . : °- 1, . PA-1.4. —The suhserlher niters it• pri : -„ : -7 z....4 . • . rut° sale the 31111 Property on hIl, IV 111 . . . There is very hide .export domand for., li.,:',,rwpr,t,slitv,i situated In NllOll. , y I :, L i it I 4 ,1 la% , 1,41 livilierA, if anythit-g, ttre i v i1i:,!. 1 :, i ..! . Y. ° 1,110 h :: 1 1 : :,t. "1 ,1 '.' N 'U e 1 .. " 1::.1: 1 ; l ‘ n i t i rth * o e' .` l lt:t d k: .\ l•:: v ni :tither firmer ill their .vitevilistles molude . leadinl from Nowellie tolliree rlllrire 11'.111.W. tilt tot 1 -Ill ', 411)1 tt ' '''""' l3l d . slilierfititl , au $ 5 ; I ot -11 ,17,!1:71 1 ;: r o t .1 ‘ ..”1 1 : ‘ ;:!i n s d o !' .1 { . l ' : ‘ ,:, ,l,i. :l ' ; ' t i ol l' ;e l' o; ‘ r' \ e i t i lit' lo 3l ' l .r," 5,1 I, lotils. city Hollis extra, oil $1 50 it . 4.1.; 73. ; the greater nart bring limed it-d under :rod -3 1 in '''''' thi.• latter iiit . 1111; It Sekcieli brand • 'l5O . !"2„,"","'" . . r .r,"" '" "fIL The residue: 4 blik. . ext Ili family,'at $d per lild., ittit ' l 7eo ''. r 1 .1 1 .0 I e:l:;• ° l‘ r •orne ' l v t e h af:• ' ;: i t t l i i ‘ r ' :• l eTiore MINT St •I. le 111 • lialt . ,,l}llln liiiperlinv, itt *.....n• :-17?r a $3 50 the ; K'.. l ,rel"lr• witl..Ae'll.L dlnrrN null (11'111 , ..rel lIIIII'III pair. ,The r e talleoU'aloil h j ik er ,, a tk i ijilyi II L! i " A ". l: ' : ' ::';;li n N!‘VT ' lT,.!;,, , i..der m,.1 , 1, r•ii.Ftant porplov tmiderately at die almve r i fl e s, for i';i : iiimoll I iiomt.'. Thos..' Ilill,nr ' l,on the Thre% S.flelre 1.4111. 3 u to ehini.e hr Look 'wool extras..stiol $0 25 a sti i in ,';;;;,,"', l ,t r i I r . Ar fir'''!'" r'et• ~,,,.,,,„, 161 511 poi lailo for — Moe) , hraittls " it's iii , ipaility 1 FII tME !1N1) "' 1. P 7 . 11 n `:87.;! ' 7,; ' , ' ,,‘.. :•nbi,..... , ...'41- Cott.v (1 E 5 I. 18.steatly Mad II sale ior,l'ealfa. I turonly' , .`ei). Carr!..." Illnue Suleke 11eT.,, ~." '. mei other no,neeelre nut.huil , lllre.. There 1P II Well Of MS . l l ilitil 1 .1i1W1:1.4AL. 1 1 1 , 3 4 _,V 1111 1.4 1 . 1 /3 , _‘ ' i%_ _ ltl .__ l :".___ lll t: ,Xl.l,llunt_nn . tor (with s pump in It lel the door. Als.i. is held-rt 1..25 per Mil., but wit hear of 110 n C 1.1.1111; •oung •liil 111 A 111/ 0 0, ~...Vilii‘ . 8.116 s: • - . . . •'' _ • The alinve property .oll'l l e PAI ea as'. offer ' , rent ia• lumen.' AlO 14111,111114.,. For rs•Vo.r y1'11.1111., nil The nuirket is poorly supplietl whit Wile. VT illy to • • - .1 IS , :.•11 II J.INIni..Y arid prone lota tie scarce stool wlit fed ut 101 l _MI". T . .wuAtli , Au: 24 'LA-If. priiit..l, boot the-sales are litaitrul to Atone 15(10 ha .11.44,..0f II .1 a I 20c for'fitir rods, mid 127 a 1:10e •Inl• whirr, as iii quality. 11.vr: is stowly,Wil II tenter s ales or 10 0 0 Ina:awls I . 'elloossly.opiot at 73e. Coifs is" lint ilittela ill. oroirod• ..or, hoot the reevipts• lire light, mid 441.1 1 lotasqe's SAM at -70 a 78e For lairotatorl ,li. 1,, E4 ,-, ri l Ad l'etousjvania . ,..) . ellow. is Min./. ;• ii;•W is ,V il4ll 60 11117,'. as to lii.Slit'Si, 1111.1 11..1 111 I i.• lIIL-ri..g. (I.lts are wanted at lull ' , Nous . a,,il g0...1 S,ootheroi . are — wiorolo 1:le aloof but .rew ooll'oring. a small sale tor Penton. wits made .II: 120. Ilarles--.1 sale of 2(I 0 0 busliels.• rises .Alew York was on.ole at, BJe and LIII bushels Veto losylvarota at ii7e. PIIILADELI>UTA'IIIARICET In evils. tla•rt. i 4 tut, 1111101 1111111 g, lilt) 01 I J ) u .ittlittishels eloverseeiT are re. ported 'at $3 15 a ti per ImAttel, at the latter rate tor rerleatted seed. Titmalty is steady. de'tnatal at $2 I 2 per :liashal for !maw. 11'Iti>1ioy i. without lunch altersetimt. 111) . 5 art; s‘.l , ing at 21 a 2.1.3 e.. 11,r 11411 22 a 223 e: fur "Ilk Ilk latter ia,.!anall •Ito, Ilh. a. are selling.at 2.1 e. iti'llrudge pt / ili'w .114liertiiente1ts. x . 114 3 k .\_N S 1; A. IS. =ll he I • .2( -ray...1144 And cla •as Is 1'113,15. SO; (41L,-- F/1/e^{lllpilltml 3 , 11 iiiiii anufrt,ar IaVI ih'.llrt 311.1 cllr.l" , i ..ur li lamb 01111111 t. 1 , 0.1 p10rt.....1 lir ...ut and ~1,9. r Iti. . F 4 tti.l. —.l u.t -re,el we& at the 11,11 -4.1111 aOa .reiv - i n „„ 5n0.. ,„ 1 _,,,, d , •II W. Dairy and U. A. I.lvap Pri 6.. ups itlh 110..1c, lluegnq,uil, ME=M TEBt; its oo 11. - . 2,00 To..fl•11u1014 V3lley Nub Carl. n Kuverior 1•••••obilov• and r, A A. ihai • H. MUUIL(I. lEDIBEILLAND-- VALLEY-. 11 N'TP;?" A a RANG ENE.% T. • • ot. g. CIIANQE_OF HOURS! on and liter II IN lIA V. 9'7 !Milt II Cti l'assenge Train , will run ma fidlnwa., (Sundays exovided:)- FOR IIAItIEISIIURG -.-- I 4 Train. Iwiarr ChnrnherAttirg, 8.25 A. 11 •• Shippousboirg, . h. 5.5 Newville, 9.27 • •• •Carlixlo. 1.1.iN1 .. 11....,h4,11.4khati4. .1033 • Xrrlro at IlarritalurA,_ . II 03 '• FOIL CIIANIIIEOSIIURG, IFt $.:10 A.ll 9.19 0.40 10 :14 •• 11.02 11.30 I,nve flarrivinara • Illet•ha Itivpburg Grl Ira, " Now • Mu. Shippoonlyur,, Arrl re at,:hamberrlbura Trains Iva., Ilarraal,urg for Ph hide!plan. tin l'enit'a Its rdu,2,16. IL. P. M.. xi.. at 111,11 t.. yia Lebanon Valley Hai !Load at 1.. M For PittslourZ 310. A. M.,.1.00. P. 51.. and 3.10. P. M. ilaitlincro. 030. A. 11 and 1.15. noon. For Tr .vcr. ton and Williamsport. at bon. P. NI.. and 8.45, P. M. Trnin on Dauphin nowt at 1.30. P. Nt ' TI P AiAti:NtitillS At all Ra Liana where Tlckots are toad. ChavoloersburK, rihippensburg. Carlisle. Mechnnicsbur3 a , d Iltirrlaburg. a reduction of ToVsi CO Vr • on each Picket will be made to nit Minitel, gerM tlint pr ;vide themselves with- Tickets Wore on toeing ilia .11:ail pool Hike. Chambersburg, ort. o. 1530. . ,niti'i [NSURA --- NCE.THE ALLEN 1 'E....1) e:.1. 4 1' PH , :NSII•Ithl ‘IIITUAI.. ellc I, IN IcA