Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 03, 1858, Image 4

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    s fArintrol JiJepartinrut.
Common Salt as a Fertilizer
••• The "Annual of Seientitic 'Discovery"
for 1858_contains the following article ..n
the uses orsalt for agricultural varposes.
not having^ been., re l inblishc4 to
pay knowledge, tidoscrihe fol• your
papa: • -
'I'M .—Mr. B. Not:theme has commit
----nicated-to-the-Lothion_rhth ‘.).Am I
.to ascertain the rotimuye r fif the action or
• salt in increasing the feWility of
.• We have not .opace .for .detaik,
.but quote Mi..-.Northcote'S .conclusions: -
. ..The reaulto:, then, which .we must arrive'
*aiNte, that agriuuho ! aq - salt is a ino.t en
ergetic - absorbent' of ammonia, ,both in
virtue of its chloride-of sodium and.of its
• soluble lime-Salt, and that the proportion
' of the . latter especially Most poireretilij:
affects its action; 'bid, at the same time,
its ageney . does'not seem to De altogether
• permanent. one : it will collect the am
* but it is "questionable whether, it
it can •retain -it fur any.. great • length4if
•* 'because, in the very decompooition
which happe in 'Order to render 'the
• . the ammonia nore otaple" salts are formed
have a diffet - retiierrey'fo ib era te
'. animonitrfrom lithium hoed combinations.
It. may, thivever, retain it quite lidig
enotiglf for: . agricultural purpitsesi „ If the
youug_planth are there ready to TeCCIVe'
it, its•state . orgrad - uallib - cration ill:TIT I I
.for them the most advant'*geous possible; 1
and lo *tla • conclusion . all experintehts
on'the large-Sealo appear most obvionsl3 -
to tend. , It is described as an exc-llent
..check to the too forcing power of guano;:
and froth Mr. -- 13arrars - experim t 44`e
• - • that, it either prevents the two rapid ere
• • macausis . of the latter or stores itp . „tkv
• ammonia aslt iS . formed. As tr manure'
- for growing crops, all experience and all,
theoretical considerations, therefore, show
- it to be the most Valuable; - but when ctn.
ployed to twit with manure heaps which
have-to standlor considerable periods of
time, theory would pronounce, as practi. u
inany cases.done
. that its power o:-
- -'-retaining ammonia under thime..eireum _
stances is at the bestldoebtful.'7 • . •
.• , This statement is. one of interest to oth•
farniers,„and ought to receive their
. tion. There ,doubt ,that salt is a
most valuable fertilizer. In England the'
• saltuied for ugri , thltural purposes aniounts
' to two Or three Millions or bushels a - nnu•
ally. Mr,. Johnston has several' times
• lately alluded to tie beneficial efft;cts of
- • salt. awn, his farm )11 his
. currespondeiice •
• published - in your column's. : In the vicin
ity of the;ali-warlisSaltisUsed asraTtop
dressing' to a considerable extent. "Sc'
• • . of . • i
coact quality" t sa l t-t h at s, damaged .
'or duty salt—is carried off for this
___- pose. by the wagon load. 1 have heard
good farmers say • thOt they iut, two •or
three bushels of barley for each bitslibl
Of 'salt put on the . growing crop when
from six to ten inches in height.
eiperiments'eonductedunder-myown ob
serVation'tem - satistied that it is the best
poosible preventive for the ravages of
worms likely to infest any crop—the
wirmvortu in corn, for example, and the
---woruas-t bat-at tact cabbages and . onionsin
field cultivation. Carefully conducted
experiments in Croat Britian show that
salt may be spread npoil land to the ex-,
• tent of sixteen bushels per acre before it
begins to destroy ;Vegetathin much ;- but
three bushels per aore is perhaps as large
an application as is ordinarily .needed.
V. W. Syracuse-July, 1858. •
[Country, Uent/entan.
Saie Your Seeds.
Now is the time to save your flower
seeds.—We say now, because it is more
especially at this period that the seeds of
our principal annuals tuature. The true
sytteln however is, to-Watch the ripening
of the'seeds generally—take with you lit
tle paper bags or geed boxes, carefully la
bled with the .nanie -of the seeds which
they are to contain, and then select from
the choisest:specimens, one kind at a time,
rejetring those hot sufficiently Matured
as likely to mould and injure the r'est, , ,,'
In the matter of preserving both. veget
tables and seeds, there is much neglect,
and the absence of flowers about man)
homesteads is in a great measure to be at
-tributed to this neglect.
The ladies ought in all cases to, take
charge of the flowers:--i(is naturally their
province tuttlshould be thekdelight. 'lt
is a good method to 'exchange seeds will
neighbors and friends . ; for though the
distance may be short, yet a slight change
of soil frequently has much influence in
preserving the fine qualities of the flow
We think we can see,. within the list
few'years, a great increase in flowers a
round our homesteads; and we rejoice at
it, at we always think wore kiiidly of the
proprietors." .
, Prom the Neti lingland Former.
Grafted Fruit Trees.
Eityrott : = Fruit trees with us; I
mean grafted trees; 4o yieuriy, fled the re.
mark is often made. "They did not'use
to be so bad—ivhy are they nowlu—
.To reply to this, I Will say that in those
days scions were not taken fivefold trees,
the vital force of Which was almost spent.'
btitTrom ' vigorous, youthful trees, per
haps, and the scions were inserted, in
stock -of similar eharacier; in this wa:
a good thing, one which we can hardly
db without, was perpetUatea, fur a long
',time, on natural principles, and may b.
again and again, I believe,. to many -gen
,erations. - •
• . That-the aboye reply is biief, is true.
still if sufficiently suggestive of pructic:.
reform in the subject to which it relates,
_4 L,I-Can..bUt-hope placwin
due time in your valuable paper, for the
UpproYed object of life is to • benefit Thie
. another. IV. S. ilLANcii l lti t .
IValpole:N. tl., *V. 27, 1858.
ork to be. Done
Rake up leaves froui l lie woods
fall and put them in the compost heaps.
Cart headlands to the inn nu re !bed. - Have
a good supply of materials suitable for bed
ding neer thentablen,'. 'Da ,not attempt
to fitten.nutre-tatile than you. can . fully
supply .tyitlkifood; or they' will' hot efter
wdrdn.flourinh well even if fullystipp , lied.
—Young esttle'eannet be brought Up , in
fles - 1 at trttlay which will :pay if peg:
. . . . . .
11111 E Subscriliers wo uld respectfully call the attention
.L of the coal consunwes of Carlisle and vicinity, and
Ills public generally to their superior quality . _ ,coal
such as ' - -.
bYIiENW VALLEY, • Droken,.Egg, StOvO nu I , Zu .
' `'.l.l.lliE EMMA:It, .
TEEVOE,TUN, ~ do. do. ~ do.
' dad • the celobratod Lobbery - wbitgi - thh, brolcon; Egg
lit.oce nod Nut Cool.. - -
. .
This yard is situated at the east end of Carlisle, erne
niteithe lies Works. where they wilt keel! constantly , m
mind.a large steck • of all kinds and fazes or cool, which
sell! int'sold en low as any In the borough. All. coal tin
tastily :use win be rescreened before delivery-and war
ranted 10 'give 'entire Satistitetien. ' .
on hand and ut lose figures.
'..ft nt the residence of James Holier West
• , idetice of Jacob "tihront, North-east
thy - ntrenderk - to. --, — 7"
rat ! We ale also prepared
and quallly of dry Lumber at
,r. and furnished at, the shortext
on hand all I Inds and quality pi
.ito pine. liendock., chestnut, oak
Also all sires of Walnut for ildnd.rails,' window,
Oils and 'Lintel sto, ash, poplar oak and Linn; all
kinds of lihtStering lath. shingling lath. broom
handles, worked flooring and weatherboarding, rough
' nod smooth rolls, posts, and every article ti n t rm. I •
, kept in a Luffil,,,,er yard c , 1•44 ionur °Urn We can
at all times a• coy! notice supply any article lr our
line of I nst ens nt low prices.
oro thankful for past favors and solicit a continu.
Imre of pullic patronage. Our motto in to please.
_ 81111031 & MEYER.
NOM , my26lßsfl. •
• •
• •
crigi„ •••••• 'Tons Lyken's
• • A" , ' COAL. broken and re
. Tof;Atka anwened, 'prepared ex
d kept 00nra cnexa
F. that 1 can furnish It DRY and au:As all seasons of lb
year. I bane TiFO on hand and for sale the MACE
• PIAMONII COAL. from the Baltimore Company Mines
This Coal In ndmhably calculated for iATIt01:1: Stone
and Cellar Furnactis • all of which I will Fell nt sonaf
. profits fi cash. and deliver to any part of tl44airough
xt . E. W G 0 A L, 'Y A.R
i •T Tlif. WEST END Or eAItI.IFI.D.
The subset Ham would respectfully cull,the attention
of Lino...rn and the eiliZeDN of Carlisle, and tin
sotrro:intllng. country gesnfrully, to his N1 . .11' 1741.11.
VAUD, attached toltisAVare 1100,0.1'41 ll'est,lligh st..
he *ill keen"' congtantly - on - hand a liTge''stijilily
_ rf the lAA quality of C 0.11., to wit
1,3 kens Valley, Cul, Fiddler, Pine lli.ovo and TreN er.
' on, Ilro!ten. Egg and Nut Coal—screened and do coal.
e hick he pledge. himself to sell a., the lon tt.t.
priers. lte,t quality of I,intoburrr's and ltlackmultlit.
Coal idways on hand.
, 0e- All orders left at the Ware House , or lAA reg:
donee In Nmth llanirrer promptly at
tended to. ,
...di 14, ViLtf. HENDERSON.
. •
y.ANCY • '8110143
- • West_ Main Street,
• . OPPOSITE TIIE ItAl1,110;111 DEPOT. '
• - '(he suliscril.erslinving disposed of - their entire - stock'
of 111‘6's iropleidhlied their asSortnfeot - with
lat',.te Invoice of ladles, 311hses nod tddhlfon's Boots.
Shoos mot Usiters, lie looted with great easy (lino' the
.. .. .
rivalln 'r style nod workmanship. .
'— The stork um braces ,vary rn riot). of LadiPs• Lentils
Moron and lid Welt Room tine kld heel Slippers
-- , —Freneh-InAing-Unitere.—Whit,o_e , ,Ma_do,, ,, fauf4 7 2 .comt
Silppern, ,llnnes Goat Welt Boots, 51erorre do , and last
lth a gelirral lliSin s tnient eldhlfene
work gdevery„quallty nud nt all prION,
Custoniers will be walled on by a lady, who is perm
- neatly in the slum.
TRADE!! i ' '
The ...uhteriber respect fully I [fans the putillo goner
aloe that he has resumed the leaellfitettlellWoer lea fry
AN I) ;•/11)Elyin—West 3111 In street, a few_ doors it est At,
Leather. 3loroceo nod 'Trimmings, and engaged comes.
lent workthen, he Is prepared to Make lip to measure,
°vety deg.:H:llton of work in his line.
110 /13s also received front Philadelphian well selected
• - sto.qt of II JOTS AND 8 • 110$f. 4 , coniprising every variety
for Spring and Summer wear, which lig offers at low
prices. •
II until:l64es tine French Calf Boots, -
do, ' Gaiters. Oxford Ties :aid Brogans,
Ladies Call erk. Boots, it”d 'I les.
with a laige vailetyof Boys, yl,eene Mid thlldrens
ter;'. Co .ts, ete.. etc. Il d rehnisers are requested to roll
ntolextoulot. his stock: - ItOlthla .31001tE.
Carlisle. April 21. 180.
.. •
&A. TAYLOR, return their j aiterete th anks to
„ their Customers, for the very 'liberal :admit:lgo: rolen
dea to them, and would respectfully 'inform the public
bat c.ottintie Is manufacture CPciTtniElt It ot
_ - their old staml. on North Hanover street, two doors
nie.t t. the drug store of.. W. 'lnvert:tick. •
Ilk -a number of 11:st rate workmen employed and
for reouring the bet.t stock to he found In the
inArket. they not prepared to all.tke tip even deSeriptioll
, of II PIIPI ES, for ladles and gentlemen's wear,
' ho the most Ile-hionable style, And 01 WAIMENTED tun
-- teriatrandworktenn:
Many ye:,. s of pn ttetital exp.:len:li lu the business
loll: here and In Philtutelphia jitstlties them In paying,
that tht.y ore :d de to (settle fullintlefactien to all those
who may levse their orders.
April ISSS, tf. J. d 0. TAYLOR.
1. 4 1 It E S GItOC E It S !
Shad nl,O 3lnekerel'of different gratleg,
lumn. Fralu Fish and White Fish,
Codfish, c.all'and Pickled Ilerrieg, .•
, • At
Cheese anderackers can be bad .
' At lIUYErr'S.
IlCied Ira it, Prtisthes and Jellies,
Sugar Cured Beef and,Flants,
Oils. White LeadfAx., &c.,
- -
The subscriber has been appointed :agent /or
contberland county, for the celebrated Greenman,
FA It3l BELL* which ha. Is selling at very low prices;
an article a lath has been sold all over tho State, and
given ,atistartinn to all who have tried thom..-Also on
11311 d 1, +me of the lien Metal Farm Bells, and everything
else in the farming and mechataiml line. All to be had
at the cheap bertha aro store of
Carlisle. April 28, 1858. East Main Street.
X (3 E L 510.13, PICTURBS
A. It. I 1 ENWOOD would respectfully Inform tht
cit Ki•llq of Carlisle and vicinity that helms taken [an.
lu ZIIA . • new Indldina, east corner of Market Square,
wio , ho Is at all times ready to take A MIIROTY PES
In the latest and mos , approved style. Pictures taken
I:I 1 , 01. y unit cloudy. WeAtlol , lll4 1.41 - 11S•de3,11nd sat,"
lt•fild ion given or no chargeammle. Portraits and Da.
guerrootypes copied. yl lutata, e Pict u, es taken for
&v., in A odantype.
.Ambrotypes warranted to stand the test of tinnyhela
or water.
Indies and Oontlemen are cordially invited to ea
and examine specimens. •
'risen from 25ets. to $lO. A. 11. 111:NWQ0D.
.tan 1. 1858.-.11. , Artist.
liA:1{,11.1111tS LOOK HERE!
The subscriber - desires to Inform flrmersand the pub•
lie generally that he now has on bawl and is con
stantly manufacturing Threshing 'Machines with Pier
pont's Patent Shaker, whieh are generally. acknowl
edged to be the heat articles now inure. Also a variety
of Improved Clover Mullen. Corp Ehrllurx. Straw Cut
ters and Plank's' Celebralqd Plow. Ile also uttends to
the repairing' Of dgricultursil Machinery In the best
manner and on .I . e:unmade ten.. Manufactory -on
Korth Honorer Street, Weedily opposite the residence
of lleorge Metzger, Esq.
tient. 2. JOIN PLANK.
STEINWAY.& SONS, 84 Walker St., (mar 13road
, may,) Now York,
Were awarded the First Premium where and when.
ever they. brought their Plano Fortes Into competition
with the hest makers of lithiton, New York, Philadelphia
and Baltimore.
Received the two first pike Medals et the 3letropol
tan Fair Washington, 1855.
The First Premium (a gold Medal) fur the best Plano
Porte at tho Maryland ltntituto, Baltimore 1656.
'the Fleet Priv. Medal fur the best Pillllo Poohe at the
Ainerienn institute. Crystal Pnlare. New York, 1856.
The First Proialum (o Bold Metill,) for the hest Ueoud
Plano at the Slur land Institute Baltimore. 1857.
The First Premium at the litate Fair, Detrnlt,-1857.
The First Premium at the Mute Fair, Itlchntond.lBs7.
Among the judges were the first musical talent of
the country. such an \V. Mason, tiottschalli,
&c. Grand and &pa re Manes constructed with
the full .0 , 40i1 and iron fottne combined, aro warrant,-
ed air three years. Prices moderate.—Um.
j MAI. t 4 Clii)OL.—Tho second ...Mon of ibis Insti
-1 ollon'will commence I WITH AltY
Pe.. on TUESDAY{ APRIL oth, 1856, and continue
du 'aide, corps ofinstructurs havo_boon_securedoind,
nn elfort will be oporod to render the seitool •InSrtlty of
the position it 0001.0 to occupy,,audof the patronnde It.
For circulars troutaining full particulars address
T. A. 31cHilistly, Treasurer.
• bbewellle,
By order of the hoard of Trustees, . •
• •DA Nj Er.,sumix, l'retddent.
JAB. MCOANI/11311, Secretary. . Feb. 17, 'sB.—tf.
•1 4 1 L101.1:NUE;',TASTE - AND - FARR: -
Cmints Li, SIMMONS
6itO.4,4WAY, Now York. _
•A splendid assortment of the. most Elegant and:,
VashlOnablo 31ILLIINERY. end' AMU:MEV GOODS,
selected, by our-own wont In Paris, and London, for
Fall and. %fluter wear, and offered at, pekoe below. any,
other HOU., illi.thermle; also; fr : large assertment 'of
Volt and • Ilea ear IldNNead...' for ; Ladles' and, Misses'
wear, at the lowest pfradbla tirleos:Wboloisflo and ratan:
Pattern IlSouneta al ways on hand.:.,. ' • ".*
pg.ill itO .-4111 N 'TONS 0 111 Ifalfat
Forgo) PIO IRO for sale sit, tho If n114)4,64 •
m 27. 1R58.1 H. MURRAY
Carlisle ray ndry,
-This eitensivo establishment Is new in fioinplete or
der and suppiled'wlth theliest machinery fir extieuthe:,
work. Idevery department. The buildings have aim.
• hen greatly enlarged this sluing IVO StfIrl:01.1 WM) the
newest and .iuost improved tools fur the inauditietuie
jhuttors, DlindA, Jlowldirlgs. 11rdektds and All other
kinds of Carpenter werrk. We Invite' Builders. ear
penterslind others to call and a audua cur Emil II lee Po
.lelng this description of work. The I,t. Maeda],
used and prices as kw as at any other establishment,
the County or elsewhere.
and repaired as heietefer . e. Engines have been r&ent
ly built for .W. Ilenderron & Son. In IldF . bnrouFb...
It. Ilryaon & Co. Allen totroship, A 111 & New.
vine. Shade &. Wetzel. North Middleton. nod . et.,ers
at who, old:11111,411.01A Limy may be seen In dully op.,
oration:andto whom We run refer for evidence of their
upOrlorptk •
- '"Iltoti" AND BRAS!? CASTINOS.. •
of every description, from the smallest. to the heaviest
piereN, executed at short noth 5. tor every hind of ma
chinery. A largo variety of mill castings 110 W-all hand
Two sit! 'lfni 'Pattern makers ennstontly - employind..
it F.VA DING promptly attended to fire leper fu llr
Distilleries. -(4 ris E t attrieg, Le. .Turnioir_and
Sitting.3l I I Spindles, &c. done in the beSt style.
such ns Dutip Folir Vowers, Ilorinontnl
Ocar Four and Two Rorie Powers. Corn Sheller,
Crushers. Iron Rollers. ileugh castings, nod other ar
ticles for farmers, mi hantlor promptly . madi3 tourder
and repered.. Our faeilities for Lading Carrel areare lion .
tojAre complete Mau heretofore and elirkirli's us to IoP
r 6rh them to trillOpOitt Is DO the rail road on acemmi
dating terms and made of the hest rentellals.. Ordeo.
4011eited and entire satistnrtlon voaraqeet.
Ihe long experience, in the buiditei.s or the Seidel
fon rtilet.pf_the,n, INA couiplplo.ces of on r_rou
idilnery in UNcry hrnuch of the este] lislaneo t a arrant
ue in Ai:miring the lit work, tn. ell who favor its
with thdir oiderti. Tile mtitinued patronage Of our old
friends and the PuliMe In tespectridly selirit ell:
May 2:`, . F. ti AMIN Eli & C'o. •
11.1111.1.11'S A: (70
1111± suimotillEß would respectfully - inform thr
puldlr In gedesal that Ile Is 11()Ir prepared 1.1, umnry
Dialler all Mods of Agrlill!turd to such at
❑urn• Ns/fug:old Tl”eshliu; Mashlost. Irith wluuutotl
'ntlaslied. -
Htellers7thi - Initnt.orliase - f.n . er: - Ftfan
and Fodder Cutters. Ploughs, Harrow, Culthnlore.
Hay Ml:et:a/lulu Fuss. &e. r.
11trinsItes ticultir.uttention .I'nient
ver 11.0141 ml tit-Incr.. This' In:whine nil! unit nod
(-loan Gent three to half, mut In coneid , hh.diLthe Lent non In use.
- Al., silt litso - Iltrulsh to enter
of ivory deseription: .sucli as Tlsre, , bioir
[laugh, Corushaller,•Cellar, Grtitex,1 4 :10: o.lits; also,
beautifully do•igued tbr Cemetery Lots, Enelo•
am es, ,te.,
It I.:PAIRING promptly eatootiml to fir IleapitM:Mou•
log - amt - Thres - 11104:41aehlues, and all kiwis of Agricul
tural Implements,.. •
z, Forman.
to 10. 'f,s-4mna • -
'flee Farinais of Cumberland county are invited to
call at the Carlisle
. Feundry and examine till, .1,411,1.
- Drill. whirls iveure now manufacturing. Wi LLOUtill•
1"1 , INDIA 111:11111.11 SPIIINti 11111 1.1, Is meows.
tlonably tint, eery tact Drill now In two. It wets netted•
ed the Firs: Pre mine: at the Penmylrania Stale Fair
held iii Phileolelpletain 1/eteher. Ires 7. It wan annealed
the FIISt. I . lolll{lllll at the Cumberland Count) Fair loot
1011, and h. Deceit ed the First Premium ht et en Fair
where tt has boot exhibited. With but Ulla exception.
Its ouperiority above nil ohms is *4 apistrent as to only
need 311 C.X.1.111a0,011.
For seeding on fields containing fiblas or other i&
struetiorm it is peculiarly adapted. The dep,sitiog
tubes of this Drill are so connected with ❑l.o+• Dubber
Springs, that when they meet nith miy "I street lon
they will spring back, 1.1..4 oVer tbt• °LAI nct 1011 UM' iuo
mrili:doly regain their fu tiler Is Maim. Any rook or
stump not oh er IF heirs high eau Le conveniently
passed over' hi Mum t stoppage or injury Is the Drill.
'I he feeding :pp rat us of lids Drill is Ids/ entirely lion,
being conqrosed of Vulcanized India /lubber Poltava, by
une:uns ofoi bleb the seed is not dischlrged intermit.
tingly but In a carlstant stream. mutes irrisgularlty of
ground or cliniv.e of sped hi ill vary the amount sowed
ott the acre. It 1.111 004' wheat, rye. not: slid. barley
equally eon. and iu any desired quantit.). Witliont the
possibility of choking or brut:lug the grain It also
bows grass seed. Ilut H Ithout. further enlarging 131.011
Lim merits at thiN.DI ill we would prefer to lime Fano.
ern call at our establishment and examine It, vonlident
that after seeing they will be batisfied as to its superb
oily end find it the very niachline to suit the farmer
and the field.
tray26'sB. F. GARDNER it CO.
P. 5 —Tbe above Ileserlhed Drill x 111 la, sent to ion
chasers lo any par4ol the United Staten, and to Agri.
ruh oral Warelnamen, to sell ou 4.minglission. Utmost, to
mal.e the Drill and county rights, to be had by address
ing the proprietors, IV .t BLACK, Carlisle,,
Cumberland County, Pa.
'he subscriber having located himself permanehtly
in Went Mikis ttreet, two doors above the Railroad De
pot, lias Junt opened his
orhero'lle Intund, , , as usual, to tuanufAct to slid keep
o , llfitant on balut oiferi of_lct LT. turniturv.
Walnut and 3labogany Dresslng -
Itureaus with marldo •tops. 51 11 45?4 , 1-
'Cal.ks and Wsiela.etainla.
What:buts" {Card.
roLos. •
- . . . .. ..
A 1.. . P M OM( and MCKIM: chalrs with velvet or
hair cloth seats and Lacks.
Malwooy awl walnut chairs with hair cloth
or Mlle swat. .
Plain ellairs of all lililsand stulTe,Vspring Lorsor.s.
Curled hair tilld husk 31 I7IIAeSt., of every varlet,
all other articles usually 'found In Ills
lino of business.
Particular attention paid to I epairingand varnishing
furniture of all kind,
Behnt pmvided also with an excel:rot IIEARSE, he
Is pronared to fill all orders for FutitnAts It town or
country. .
. .
Jan. 6 1858:—Iy
•1 0
Just published, the 6th edition, inn scaled envelope
I gratis and mailed to any address, post-paid, on receipt
of two stamps.
This little work, emanating from a celebrated member
of the medical profe,sion, gives the numt important in-
Mrnistion ever published to nll twesons entertaining
doubts of their physicaLcuudition, or who 11111comelotts
of hating hazarded their health soul happiness—con
tainting the particulars of au eadirtqy new and perfect
remedy for Spermatorrhtea or demitial Weekilem. lie
bility, Nervousness, liemession of Spirits, Less of En.
orgy, Lassisude, 'Datidity. Involuntary Seminal Dis
charges, impaired Fight nod Memory, Blotches mid
Pimples on the Face. Piles. Indigestion, Pad.itatiou of
the Heart, gild Bodily Pnistration of the whole system.
inducing impotency and mental and physical incapacity
by means of which every one may cure himself private
y, add nt a trilling expense.
119...- Address Mr. Ci1..1. 0 KLINE, Ist Avenue, Com
ltith street, New York; Post Hos, No. X 566. -
nit subscriber has -started-a triweekly -lion-of
Stages between Carlisle. and Landisburg,. leaving Car.
We every Monday, Wetinemlay and Friday, initnedi ,
ately on the arrival of the afternoon tulle of cant. front'
• the etist lug; ItutPu i Liindistierg at 8 00 — A.. hi.;
every Pilesday, IVednesday and Saturday. and arrives
at Carlisle at .1.00 I'. M..• via. Perry County. warm
Springs, Shormansdale, Sterrett's Gap and Cartslo Sul .
CPhu, Springs . On and nforJune the 15tb. the line will
run daily for the accommodation of passengers going'
-to the Springs.. a.
Fare to the aoveratpolnta as follows: 'r • • •
Carlisle to Sulphur Sprhigs. • - • t . ,$O 5O
' SterrutPS Gap, . . '75
-:-- -0 — Shermititsdale, .
'.., Perry County Warm .Springs, .. , . 100
' Landlaburg.. . , .•
. . 1 00
• •
Landlsburg to Warm Sprinan o • . •.. _ . Eo 24
ShormailFdalo, . . 50
Sterrett's . . 75
•to Sulplpre Springs, • . . 100
Carlis.e, . . . . .1 'Oa
: The abrive line will regularly earry the MAIL to and
hum the 'several points 4 1, 1 , Y 0 indicated. -
I. have also in well Stocked LI VLItY crAuLtz: fruit.
which I am at ill times ready to furnish bemoaned car
rlages.lo those who.wlltravor 1110 With their pstninage,
ou thb mask reasonable terms the very best style.
. :untylolBsB. , . t/ SORGE lIESDEL.
' flandliiils neatly_ executed
4E4 . 2kbuctiisentriub. , )
I -14A os Limos:
(_~ULD,.MED:IL PRE:3IIIi 31 .
. , .
• SQliAltE i'IANo.FORTEK •—:
:No' 8. 1, 8,.G, and 7, .North'Eataw street,
, • - Opposite the Eldora: 1/a
Aind nt Our N IV SALES . - It()();11,
I • 207 Baltimore street„betwern Charles
• - • and Light streets.
These celebrated Pip:W:lore. at illfreilld fairs Jr.
several an vesalve 3 eats, Leon awarded We blehrsl pro.
over iii ei mpetltion. tflocy'have
also tern preneumed by S. 'l'll,ll err. ibe meet rebel en
V:111411;161 In no werld. end Mlle. db.tineolabed art lt.t
including air. Ftral.osch. &r,i t.. td be n it 01, it not nu
[aline, to coy In title nattily.
We have constantly onThend at our ex leash 0 Waite
100110 , its 1111000, (110 ho..est esserlineet of line I'll N'
! 111'1 - S to be .foionl in .lpla Cite. a latch 'ad a 111 sell
a hehaede and retail, on: the most liberal terms to soil
In every cage ivo guarantee our Nation to give en th c
. 3th:faction.
4t Con,tatitly oil 111111f1 n flue. assoc ttnent 1.111%1,
alb° 1.1,4 makers. at privet, !Vent sli. to .4:21'0.
Aiwa), for vale a la we pima er of serencl•lntiul
'IA NOR at wimp, tinging 11 . 0111 #75 to .It.llo. .
exeliattged, Idled and tuned.
.7nly 21.11165. '
Ourlb .o.)
.?, Tfl E BEST
c' Corn%) °,) . PIANO '
-- at 1130! )
( .4inueifia - teV . FORTES
r . ,4.,,.„, .°'
- prryroits.-IN - fim UNITED STATES
31 i,..‘55115. C. it. izONS. baying retnot Pd to ne
"ale rooniF. 1307 tin,. tit MI, I t. Pllllinlelplllo. nu: too
I aced to IFITer 0 bop. 800. 111111 1 of t;IIA.N U. PAVIA ,
vnriotm s Ign, 0:01 ellel . o :1811 111 p 111.1,1 MIINI r:111111
Mil to 'dense. l'o.rrinth 0 eittningunt trod to toy n
Llt•eFx upon nr l :ll..tion. _ .
July 21, :1&,...—1y . . ' - • ,
. .
VURN ITU E, • Ult NIT Ulll
- _
D.Et •
87 BOWER I; (117,/ air 11•lirr Abuse.) an,
• 460 PEAR L Sf., (flrtail Slam,) '
N.Y.: %V YORK. . e,
-r- a1"0" -- 11111,nrrtrentl-Fire - Dolla1s -Eel Ilettat-Wialt;
F!ale Vricea at the ItAtery Stare,
: • Rosewood, ...
- PA"RLOAt. FU I('N IT 11
in BrnelAelle. tI l.alne and 1.11,01. Cal 4! Fl'l.t 14.41
mon Furniturein great variety. Also.
CURI.r.Io Il 111 r; M 1,04 AND IVIIAL1.110!•11 •
Mgd, Foither I:rds and had, t I'll.lolllm t'f:
Illeastrfstls. :tuck Intent :Of 1:4,41:4; Crat - •
lienlvis xlli 114(1 at Ilse alts. , oft s, the birgeNt nun
Lest ustintrnept of ntly "4:0 it, Nest 1„..11,1111.4
rail boy tilltrt-nt-,11,10,11., nr Itt rhooper
nag other-1101u.o ill the dty.
606 & 606 Prarktl f 1., nbovi. nixth,
U. %V.,II.I.NKLE, Proptiet9r.
TH11318:—$1 per jii:;u76
ri 'HE LARGEST 111
. •
Mathiot's Gay Street Ware-Rooms,
Extending frool Frederick Street, • horin!
40. feet front, 170 fret deep, and 6 merles high.
Wll ' Vre IF kklittllWllye: oh Iliad, or mode niordrr, rot'
'y style t.t Frond. IECS A TETI,S, In Ilni
:loam or Brocatello. .
I , n:urn Full Stuff anclS luedalllon, Parlor Allik
CIIA IRS In Plubh, Ilalr, Cloth, or Itonntellr.•
French Full Stuff Cal CHAIRS, In sots
with Plush. 'lair, or Bro. env.
SOFAS; halt . Frt.talt-Malaa.titig and Walnut Parltu
CHAIRS. In hate, t loth or
110elil NG CllAlßS—larlow de:dgna, It s hair, Cloth
and Plush.
Slug Spring IAiLIMIES a largo tu4ortinetit alunp
on Intuit, or any pattern tondo tlr tin - 4nd alth 011,
goods to order.
CHAMBER SUITS—lit Walnut, rompletn; front $:!
CANE CH Al RS nutTßork,11t0,_ largest_n:butt
onatt'reatly-ntado In the United Stales—Bout $l2 a don
'en up.
Bar !Zoom, 011ke and Dining CHAIRS, in Oak, It al
nut or labnpnny..l . , ith l our. Wrod Stalled Scat,—
an assortment 111114:n it,: titer Fa .1:7.1.1i.
Woinl 61.31 61:11`1,1:6 abd IZOCKINt
CHAINS -4,e: luu dom..
Frillier lied, Ilalr and Ituxk orvsery ea
Also. all ISthislll Frames tiny
Lak de.
25 North Gay Etrvol, oral. Foyetle.street.
Patent Shouhier,Scam Shirt Manufactory
No. 706 Clic4triul
- A. wiNcliEssr Ea will give, as beretotio e, hie per
suns] supra \IMAM Or t h e roi ling end :demi met tiring dr.
partmeuts. tudeiv‘ for his eslubruied style of Shirts LW!
Cohan: tilled at the shortest
Persons desiring to order 6111as...ran bo supplied n Ith
the !Snouts for measurement. eh applii. lion I y
'Comtnut , y on bnd, u vat led mid select steAli of lieu.
tienieu's Furnhlil ng Goods.-
. 1:0 Wholesale orders supplied tov libend joints.
Pep. 8.1858.
OltA HAN!, McDOW ELL & Co ,
Leavenworth.: (.sty. Raman. Territory
WILL buy, soll,iand" locate' binds in
Kansas and Noloaska Ton 'Cosies, lowa mid
‘Vestyrn Missouri, buy and sell lands. loan and invest
money. buy and soil - dr,fle, give information respecting
the country, and do a gone'ral agency business.
John D. Oration, Esq.. Carlisle, Pa. .-.
Wm. M. Beam, Ranker, "
11011..1. ii. Graham, - • " •
Kee,llrennuman A Co.; latinkgra. Carlisle. .
IVm. M. Henderson, - .Esq.: Carlin*. :-
George Sanderson, Esq., Lancaster. PA. -
Dr. John A. Ala, M. C., Neyvvylle, Pa. ..: .
- Wni.:S;A:loboan;Esq.,, -- "
E. W. Clark A. Co., Bankers, Philadelphia. •
lion. Michael Cockily', Shaphordstown, Pa. A
. Henry - 114nm' & Sous, Merebauts,liaillmoro.s.-----.
-E. L. Blake, Esq., Casider,Mercantile Book, New York.
Snyder & 31lEarlaue, Real Estate Agents, Minneapolis,
, . ..
Minmailiata Territory.. , •
11'M, Ki1g0r0.1....., , lAtterney and Eeal Estate Agent,
. . Sterling., 111 ' '. .' .
It. W. Matey.% E.talollenrY city, 111.
El-Gov: Joseph Miner, Cumberland county,-Pa.
E. W. Clark A Co., Rankers. Philadelphia. - : '
Goy. Pollesk, Ilarrisbrog, Pa. .. . . . - '
- BALE 'lOO .11.1011iiAND ,Whito Pine i•hiti
g.est of ouporior quility,,Which they will sell at river
peke.. Aho, forgo lo t of Cherry, and Welout; riot
Inch to 8 friebekt thieg: which they will sell whole
sale. or retell.low.. :Afro, a pair of. tiny Settles ; Whiab
will la; soil hiw, now Tbrashieg Mnrhiuo to
vildeh we invite the attend° k or termere, as we teed die
posed to give h Lirgaiii. All glials,of humhee nevi Coal ,
. •
PQ*...81 /Ag.l—Thofilles' t,
V !awed, 'end Cht , ailost' tiieurtinert Wpid,xt .
!,bek - dtt,.. MO b11.10.!11...!!t,
~!11? /Mr Mir of , l,
„„,,,,,e .
pbitukclpt ) iti.
•• - .. -
..L...-. PIIII.ADIiI.PIIIA. .. .
A. Ilinravident Institution, established by sperial In
" dowabilit foe the rull.f.r tho Birk and distressed,
-'• afilklod with; Virulent and i.phlunile diseases.
To ali peistins afflicted whit - Sexual Diseases, such nI
A PElDlA'r4ltitliaLt:e.}:3ll:SAl: oll'E.llt NESS, 111 t'ir
TENCE. 6.lNi/hit itgA, U hEET. SYPHILIS, the Viee
of (INANE:3 I I, ur SEI.V.A 1111:P7. Ae,, Ac.
The II +IVA RD asSlltll tTION, in, view of the awful
destrtietien of lumina, Illh,-caused_hy.SuxuaLdiscases,.
and titetlegrptions practised upon the unfortunate vic
tims of such diseases Quacick. sovend years age di
meted their Consulting Surgeonots a ell ARITA 1A.,.
- .1(.1'1! mirth) , of their name, to upon a Disponsktry for ti,
treatment of this class of diseases, in all their form •
and to give 3igltle.ll, ADVICE Win Tis.. to all at
apply by, lettOr. with a d:seriptlon 01 their conditlot
IWO, 0011111.10111. II:11/400r MO. h 0.,) and ill 1111k110 of et
roliiirViViaiTC4rl 7 l7ll7"fisTrlTZl/P7f:CIIS: - Vittgrt: ll—
ntie._ II Ite,gligas-tagtlit.-tUaLtho...4.4.lebithlo... I
commit yds the 4lteSt )ledival ski]) Oh he age, and soil - .
futinish the float approv I modern treataloot,
Tile bloaoore, on IL 1 . 01 . 1010 of the . (loot, feel turmoil,
Elva their labors in this sphere of Isteevolunt effort
ha,e l,ooa of great benefit to Om Milliard. tosperlally ti
the young. and - then • lotto revolved to (I, l ootu I loan
/310000, svith,rthnVed seal,.ti this very Important but
1011011 (100111001 01,1100.
10111.1 by tie laporintloo. a Report or , SP . ! ,
malorrlio.: 5. 00 SOllll 1110 Weakness. the Viet, of 0U:111114111.
01' ,011-.k1111.4., 111111 Other i 0 ,1.11500 ut Lill
SONII . I I .0%4.1 MI L by the C11.1,111a110 Sl/1.:000.• 10111015 ceiil
110 00111 by al nli. till 1i sealed letter earelope,l ritEw
I %Ili Fl. on rectipt 'VW ;CV.% I'S for . '
far Rep nT Or trrateona. Dr. II WIMP: R.
CA LI I ItIS, (loomOtlog Howard.. ArAeolutlon.
No. 2 South Ninth ,treet, Phifadelphi.t.
,hay nnhtr of the 151, otorn.' ,"
EZRA Cl llE.tionvizr„ vrosia.i.t
111:0. PATIHCMIII.U, Seeretary.
1857,1 • • •
i-INP*ti .,7 , Fli,li'll-,l^lH.l`o,7,soWert-71:;,'1 of . - E ,
--E'AYSM,PCIIOIIII':Ig'i *.„-: '-_-::
,--.' ------,--,.- 11l LO--;'`.?fielili
'1 Lb,
. 11. 2 N1 —wK II T S1 ` :*'-'-
4: '
:'o;[(§ t iolf`, z.,, , 1;i , iicjli:le'R E. N
, .
.... x
0w.1,. 'Fl '6l Vi,.,.1Q'f.:1 , ' , 1 ,7 '5."F'
4 1: 4 4 1 - !i, Tkrkr -i A
4..r.k. _# : , 1 t 4
.4, :: , ss 4,74 fr
...- , _„ - ,;.,....:1 , ..-; :f .--,e-,- ' - • - ,--• ~.,-..,.,,.. __
C. L BlliirtS
Illarket St., above t:lglttlt,
. • . _
J.'n. CASS l•I'L II WV S
.O.lTl'. CI:I•..II:I.RLtV,)
53 IV()
1.1. , Ak Atoll. (WA( Au. -to.) *
°NV I.ltlllE-6M. - ( 7 11 1. ..11 . I OIL CAN!!
ill Y...
SM-Iy, •
S. VAIN (- Pill . IN 1):
, 4 - 4f "' ~ d r 1 1 .---- : -- -- National
tl.'i s l.•`;','lV-4 ti - , 4 6. ' °'
-,;,1,',.1 t
111/I 'o-41 7 ,
• '' : ' l. l lY '2- :'' '. "kr1'137.,:.• '''A I.' I ' ; ' 1.1"
74;cri4 j 1 I l i A 1 1 : 41 p U . S r
- •'' .. . , f.0,..it4-- '.
- - L t It .
5),,, V 741. 44 t 5V . :: 7, ..
I liii[eiliiiil . llo l P4' •
...,4. o,M„ci , t l 4, 1 Company.
Walnut Street, South West Corner V.Third,
MOlll/) . 14 , 41`1,0N1.4.1111 ituy larlo or mnall. mot Si
torost irthl horn 111 n day of to the ttly of will
draw iil.
'rho On, Is own every day fro, 0 o'rlock in tli
umruln,; 4111 G ii cork in 111., iiiii•ristion. and on Montlii
and Thurslay ovioiliigs till n ii cluck.
110 N.. 1110;1( 1.. IttiNNEll, Prosithint.
ROBERT SELFllliiiifl,,Vico
W3I. J. It See: ours.
lil k;,J , O LOBS
Lll my 1,. Benner, F. Carroll Ilrelater,
I.4lwant 1,. airt,w, .1°,1141 Paroy,
Ito'.ert " Yea nets Lee
Sawl K. Ashton, Terl:
rm es. -
O. L. 31m111,.;. I Ilettry 1/11Tumlerfler. •
k r . 01voil in:, I. ant/ dully
without 'mike.
The In rt. t,uenta ttru math . , lii Real Nlortgage
(hound Hoots. and Atch first class Boeuritles as th
Oh: rter quL ra. . •
An4tist. 11, IK.S.
ImpßovEn PATENT `ArEuoliEoN
i4TA'rES, 1011'1, TWO HUNDRED MEN, mid
thole Ilevont linprovem,,mts—the El, hied
Suulh Organ, 31,.1,,,10,Th;
(Thu Divided Swell canonly he did lined fu Meludonlh.
' , °lour ..‘lasiultietuted
Manta Buffalo, New York
87 Fation at. 11r..1%, 110 hake al. Chira,qa, 11l
1.1; .1 , 1 Ii siT6-1t ,t 7 Itichardson..lli.s
ton Mann.; W. F. Colburn, (inchitorti. 0.; hilincr ,t.
Weber, St. Louis, Mo.; VII. I'. Werliiiii,Not, Orleans.
Th. 900.10 nos manarnetured by Prince bCo.. and
In , nein at 87 Fult nt street. are the best in the world.
Wu have tried them, till ~ hord,re miderkaind
Inly or their merits. They era afforded at n very mod
erato cost.
Four octavo lido loon. oxtonding from C to C.
Four and a hall octave, do. C 4i F
Fivo th•Ltro Melodeon. db. - FtoF. , iJ
Finn 00t1.1 , 0, douldo rood, do. Fto F LJU
Twa Don'ts 01 I.ov Plto Sots at4ta•+da,
Ono and alf Octavo Faa Pedals, Ono ziel. of Ituods• In
Po ttl !lass Indopondont s3sa
Vivo Octavo Molodoon, oxtondlug from F to F $lOO
Six. Ovtave 3[01.1.1”on, do. F to 1: Ho)
Five Ortnvo doubte reed. db. •. Fto 1 , 100
Five Ootovo, Two 110111 Of Boys _
._, 200
. _
Our facilltio 'Tor anannfact urn U.; are perfect, and bum
our long eXperiellee in the burlueno, having finished
and sold over 'VD' ENTIf.TIV o THOUSAND DELUDE.
ONS, we feel eon (Went giV , lll4 ttihreettoll.
All Melodeons of our MOO Whet II re, either sold by us.
or dealers In ant' part of tine tilted States or Vaned..
t o, w.toot,,,tt to he 'wren In e very respect, and should
any repairs be neremary before the expiration of one
year front the date of sale non hold ourselves ready. and
willing to matte the same free of charge, Inrovided the
Injury Is not'entused by accident or design.
Agronts for tim sale of our 3luludeons may ho round In
II the principal cities and tavins lu the United States
nd Coadas,
- A gab ta a 6 Clarlisliv- - -8 II ItI'OCIET VATLOR; Ai E. ntillr
At Noriale—W. fmariuvi.
rjro ik
" We haie now In clock. and r.onttantly receiving iron,
Now Ironic and Philadelphia Auctioas, and of our
t won
palportattona,.goodaof 'the wctesr Parhe Fashion; in
Runner Sake, 'Said Velvets, Patine, Xeletts, Plain silt a,
Marconi:les, Ploraiws, lionort Ribbons.. Plain, - Satin
sand Mantua do.. 1{111.1108, 1 / 1 11111.1..5. Month.: Laves' Il
lusions. ,tr., Odell wo otter ',lnch below the Usual KW,
'133, ' A liberal discount to mail buyers:
w7CitlltlltTON, •
No. 301 i Squib SHCOND Street., (.p7oen der
attune Iftd(ot, below seavet4) entLtutaxiiiAC
. 5ep.20,18116-3m. ; • '
A 1134 NILS IHNow is. tho' , tinia to get
a now - 31A111111 , 1E . and .11 0,11.. S
1.4`1 WEIL Woh.tvu a 'jaw aboi of wall - sa.icto 51aohlao3
mow' on hand. at. Um 0411$1a Fa ita dry.' and' Nlachlaa
an-tho rd.xt ro,lsanahlo toms,
Tatty rombilio all the latest- liallnwomouts and are
ruled to la•otFo matarldlaail w IrktnanFlilp..',
- M.O. COHN • :ill mosti‘no,v i o
• atruuttlpa, whi.)oltholi work - wpldly - und thorough!
You' ado at.", tali prlciorby .. • . F. 0A It 11:41.111,3 Cl.ll.
• .1d1v,.1. 1854. •,
Compounded entirely .from. GUMS.
MEDICINES mht liter° the public, that acts 01 a
CATHARTIC, voider, Milder. nod I n , re efferthal . than any
other inedicine'known. It is not only in OATIIA RM. but
a LITER remedy, noting iirl,t im the Liviat to eject itr•
morbid matter, Linen oil 4110 Aloilliloll and bowels tu'ear
iy - off - I lint matter, thus- 1.4 , 1111,16141 o; -t wo • purposet.
effectually, without any of the painful feelings expert
mired to the opevitiet, of Iri,Lo,rti opus. dt..strength
emi the system at the sante time that it lithia.s It : hod
whet, t.thett..daby In moderah, - nill strengthen
nod band it up with unusual rapidity..
The'Llver Is anent'
. the ptinel,ml•regitlater, 1
e lthe human body:mid •• :when it Its
runettnitraTillltt , patyr -.
rolls dot eloped The ~....c.„? idomenly_ls Joh mg 0,
dependelit on the "healthy Itetiotrl fee'• CSC
Liver - 6.r the ;noperTicr. [ • =t fermata, of Ito fuuctiont
when 'the Stomach Is at .roobt, the bowels me at
halt, and the It 11010 system stitterit in eottat,
ion:m.o'of One organ the Liver having
ceased to - do Its d y. • Fortin: diseases or that
organ. 'one of titlto.. nrleters has 'mita, It. Id,
Maul). In a prat, e • or nuuro than twenty yeats.
nod some •nn y' CZ, wherewith to counteract
the :.mny meta to IVllielitt ia,11,1111.•
To prove tip tautly is at Ilia haled.
any pet sea with L 'Tee. Coin
plaint In any of its 1— • forms, ha .hat to try
bottle. and eouvlctbot •
Those - gum. roulaVeall I ail Inatt.el '
flan the Apaom. r , t ptVillb R 1 tit le place a
health) flow or Idle. tlAorating the stmgach
ea food tit digest • pit rlfyl tat thehltsal
giving tone lied 'n . alili t•i the .1)010 w Ittilnery
rumor jog the enures or t e ' aisear.e,.and offset.
lug a radical Mitt.•
c 4. • • •. .
une - dose After eating Ix sufficient:. td
monmeh and pre • vent - the food fioui
lag and souring• . .
'only. ono dose taken 1 11 before retiring prevent,
'Only — one dose taken 1.4 of - nl4llt Its'atens the
bowelagently,:tud cures cretin cuuds. •• • :
One &OHO taken. 1111,4 . 1'C/I I,:teil natarwlll cute bye'
tar Ode dose "of Iwo. tensporinfuls will always
. '
One bottle taken tor tamale, obstruction re..
Moves the cause or the Igdisease, and makes a
perfect elite.
Only one dust, Immo- diately relieves Chhile,
dote erten re. ...pealed Is a curer lire his
ChoLern-- 111 orb IX'S, - • • Mat •11 - proven live
One the, taken orten Z irlif prevent the recur
"reeve 44 bilious al- . *hake, while It re•
neves 1111 italatill test. Imps. ;
10),,. llllh one loath, is ^ needed 10 tIII .O IV Out the
of systent.the ORRIS 01 . (4.1 medicineliter nlong
Cue bottle" taken- for_.lnst tt Ica removes all annum- .
tea, lir - ittrottt - temth - olor"ttrati Lae
I 1110 ,Ip.• It .11-rt givervigo.
Ie the appetite and,look ea lie]) u dige.t
1) 00 ,i)ea t °Cu. rtpeat)))l 111010 Cll rtnt lc Itltt r
tra In It+ bearst.(lolll,ii . lt ',ter diet bow..
el-eons pininta-yieLl
I Hie Or I Wit 11,49.: C 13 1 .1 1, iith in s . eatisr.l'hy.ivornin
In rldldiagi there Li no stir,. utter or speedier reined,)
in thu work. as It iinter tailn.
It'° talie jileasnire In reenniniend'ii , • 'hl;
ineilleirte an a preventive ter Peternuod Ague,
C 11111 Fever Awl elf Fir verso a 111.111 one
fryi,e• reriniety. and thouNand,talre
NMI!, to testif:. io Its ivinitteind t irtin.n...
All wit" Imo nonninnms testimony
in its favor. '
Mix Ivaler in thn mouti, with Jim hn I g orato r
;tmlovit I Tow_ hotli mogul tier: • , • . ..
ISA oag,tl' s p;,". - 10(.4ini% •
morlaws run's, til/J If. irltrse
It ..111 . 14 , nx ino. evoti Ilia 111,4 11 , SO , ZlVilqf 1,111.
ood OPFI, Limnine lq required to von
'any Hod of 1,1 VP::: lon the worst: .lauo
Slim or 1/vsolt-13 M.lll l / 1 411 , huAthrlio, all Of whlci,
aro the result oro Olmt rise(' [giver.
1)11. BAN Fl /II ll,Proprlittor; 345 Sew York.
and s„ IV. It I
EIISTII%. iny26lBsN.
. 4 4 1. EA: U . l' U E AT) -4F
col I.I.i:TELY VEI)
Aml whr that in grtte would net have it testeied Io
former reltirt.or held. bet a^atld here the greeth re
stored. or troubled eltir (L.)1111115 Heil itelilihr. Lot
would have it 11.1114.,i, or troubied ee it 11 svt,d'ubt, si 31d
heed, or other 01 . 1111 , 1.4.-1,111 would in , swell, fir with
sirk (see ttilel3) hut would he cored. It
remove ell HMI Skill . ,
iVinirZiritie Itestonti e ;wit Ido all thaw, 'tee all ru
ler null the fel:o.ring:
• • ANN A UM,. NtiVelliber 5, 1555.
n 0... Woop—Dear :2412:.1 luny 1122211211 1111101 nlll4l
la lion wonderful 1411rets ot•your ll.ur,ltesturatli u, but
having been Oa often 'halted In .4111.44.1tery nail quart
tiustritair, 1 was e,t_tn
plat, pour
Itestoratitu ftt Ulu sant° eatre.4o 1211.11-11ke .triotismol
mot (mu loudly truthprted 4iaartt remedies, until 'I tart
)1441 In 14u, naive °linty some mantra{ shire, when you
,4101' 11112 ,11,11 41,2.2V:1112T as lodure the [dal of )021112
Itustorallre hut)) ltully—Erst Jay good olle, wlioFy
11 .ir In,l fas.oute yety 1111111110 Wllly 151211.1. 2.11.1
(100 exhausting our of youularde 14.41t114,, her hair, Was
iertored nearly to Its ordtioal 14u4trit color,
and had tl4l44l4patal and 114.4.44aiu 1 ILIfIII and gl , soy fil'
ol‘i, 1110 2111.11121). toter the' brad: idle euutiniles bl use
I. out simply 11, , canon of its 114101111)114u ettrets 1110411
1444 hair. but lateause of its. 11oailt141111 lullueuro maul
It, of auu mind Others of toy fatally and tileiolf:
aro using your Iteslorldit 44. with the happiest eltert,
I lu•mt • co, my Shililit2i22l2l 111 , 21 ii , 211i1122 ill 112,1212 , 11.222 •122 its
UM./ value are . 2.2111i1,211' 1212111,2122,1; 211111
.44441 do tiloit 4 , 411i:ill) and contidsottuily recommend its
Irvt Lc all trio , H. tad .11:121• their Iwir restored irons
0411 4. or JilloeB=44l; of rid . ..,44,44 or :tuts/ 444
.•4,tor 111141 1.44.1uty to 41 by ail 51114.:111122220126 22110 W 121112.1
11.iV121,111'ir 11:1 . 112 102:wilful ul.d diossr
ury truly 41611 strattdbily oitrs.
Fc,l.:sm‘Yollo: It Lva.a lo 1.13111 niter I saw you at
1t1i5 , 114.1.1 Macro I gut the IPaLle of Ilystamtivetim 111‘.11
you grata inn au order aunmyout lutrel.l lu 1/B.trAL l AIM
yclien I cot it lc, conclallot In on ?Its., Itttiti'a
as Ore sure'st L st lif Its pouter. 11.111 claire all
that you as,,trea 111 Q II 111.11111 it.; 111111 01111 . 1 . 8 or my
liunlly marlin'; iLn0.5....1 Its ellects, arc
ranting; 31111 limiting Its tine to allti•Lsaa cull
Lied to tllO 1.1,118•Nt cmc.itlerstlon ruin 1 . 1111111 1, It.
Agnio, very retpjetfully mid tee
r.ii.d.oMkiN' MANN
1 lon l'evf. 0 .1. Iv",,,rs nutl
have admimi lie u•mulerful effects. ylr heir 1k to. Inr
teniog. as I tleauht prenoatinely gray. I.ut hr the use
Wills Restorative It has tr.uuu•d Its original calm:. Slid;
I have no doubt, pertualorn. Iv so.
S. BR EE.E. es-Senator, 6.8.
Propared by 0..1. WOol) N. CO.. 714 Market
Saint Look. nnJ 312 ItnutJnnr. Now York. nod mid by
all Ortig,lsts nod haunt Aledb•loo fl airs; also, by all
Pam:rand imoers Is the Unidtt State,
nod Caonda. Ino:Nros.
For sale In
~ Carlisle. by W. EIZSTICK, SA3l'l,
Ehuorr, 17111.4 iris ever) where.
A :fa kiv es 111: Jnrrell.
II,'!'! V Otto
Wilton 1 . 01. 010 • ht years-eith the'aisive hlnUlw
100, as t'ldet rhyolciati. and a teelve 3 r N4., Mill. 01
tetrait}t ti
the Cure of l'oluivaly ..
tut ICA kindled disc:nes, lowther eithunrivalled
Tian utilities I.lli:wage of inutniliiiilcal i
ind a little lo) a perfect system of .%ludical I libl:,
i.,u—luo ehahled ine.hl ri vo.t.A d,sdsiro, 111 reel, 01111
'111 . 1 . 6,1 . 1/1 0011100 0111000111 a ILO the Jesuit t end
al eure ol Idl &Inca's', of 1t,,, Tiincit, !mugs, idol Ilic
'assagcs. By lob lailon, the vat, rand curative Kull.
tail, or are iliccei,ly addrosei dtothe lithe:ied
1 . ,111110 a n d t h e 101.1,111100.11. Ido o u t elo Ise th e us e .;
ledicnt liihalatiou, of ally kind, lo the exclusion 01
:1101 altlietigh 1 cuinilder it'll useful
djiiiiiiit to lq,,per mans,4,niout of thice4reartul and
titan 111131 dler.lsro yet I drool It necessaly that
ueb patient should have the buno.ii of both general
treatineut• The success Of 1113 treatine I,
Ihr if Mid : LILO Inialn character ot lino nin
cation rater W itch I hang, imµ; haul the h a m, t o jar .
slat, aro lot •call lowan; Lin need any Intilo,ny or roan•
n. a. L 11 . .111 MO. AL tlm ziIIiWILULIOII or .1..3 privm.,.,d
1,0,1,,,innai thr011;.:I/
the :thorn, eltarit:, has berm long and liberally stibianned
,0i1,111e1,111-11, 1 luno 00111.111d;Al ttl eluk
urh arrung.oneol , g ill brilloli booolit, of thy
tolouro teo,itoooit, olthits thy ro 101 stud suit
rnhlipu .0),.011; t 0 111 .0 olliy who entmed
Lite 11111,111:10., or
Wilt; ere a hlo to visit ninth aq ofiku.
Iloping I 1101 . 0140, that the arrangement will give entire
satiathotion, both to my nrorensfonal brethren and the
public, I would respectfully 111111011'We lu correlusirro,
that I run lieu . be .I.ultea pelsolially Cr by letter, or/
111 L'lseises us ah , vu. and that the itt.a)ici ties, the same
.as used 111 the lltil/11. 111 op•rett if/ 8111 t, each 1 I,dl.
1.1 nal rare. I abiding Vapors. Medical Inhafers,
,V e., will be s'orwal fled by ospreys to any part id tll,
Ullll.lll o r
. (2,111411,1 A: ' I •I7tItAIS—NI) terms of
irOatinent by leiter are as inflows, viz: $l2 per sleuth
Cur each patient. us hich will include inedicine sufficient
fir sow nenith's Hell; 11111.I:illg Vapor, 11111 i an In.
haling Apparatus. Payment as fidlows: to be paid
lo Express Agent on loceipt of tint box of 31edieine. and
the ',Mow $ll at the as plral lon of the month, it the
patient be cured or In vothelY sill...lied with the treat
ment Patio:its, by tint big a toll history ass their ease,
and their symptoms 1$ lull, cuts be treated as a ell by
letter as by personal examination. ; PatlentiNivailltig
thelaselt es or Dr. J111.1.1:Wli treat,lllollt itlay rely upon
Immediate and permanent relief. its ho Stllllolll lusts to
brad us rasa over thirty days. Letters tbr advice prompt
ly answered. Per further particulars adduces
.1,131 lOU M.. 1 Alllt Err,' M. D.,
No. 020 1111/Aliwtty. Car. Twelfth St.', S. Y.
P. S.—Physicians and et hers vriting the oily ore le
sportfully invited to call at thu, 4 l ntlrionry, 0 here many
interesting cocoa 11111 be witnessed, and whore our 13b
rnoven APPARATUS for the habitation of medicated v per
eau be seen and inspeettiti. [Aug-'.914M-
DU VALE'S .GA4VAZU.C:. o.ll=
PROF--I-1. -U.:DU V.A.LL,-
.Formerly of the Collcije; of Sqrgeona, .l'aris,
„ ,Itiotyy r,oo PnkdlP Curo of all
and Paint - al DitiOnSUO; far I itstinteu—Pul n or. tlorunuss in
any part at the Syntuat, Pohl hl thu Bark,
Breast or eldus, Il<alud Breasts, Burna,
Sprains, ireadaulte, Cramp WWI; Stomach or any ntino,
inseam, that In eantli AyD .p.AINPUL, and it•ls only
over thia class of Pbeasos PER rEcrr vie.
Tony. Wu say pasitiruly to our patrons. WO can
lluvo tho stilferer 09 Cows old of lop; Wa would Just
say to Ll.l Prof. lin Nall was '25 years in bring•
lug this mudluluu to tli!3 . P!lporiorltylt has ovur 1111 ot h
1.0`.-- Price 60 inte . t:t . !p . u . y percoot.
• •
• 10... All ortOrs mak, addrotgoil to. ' '
• J. 11.•STON /Ott boloA'At tbr U. B. • •,
,Atti 4•LS., ' 14,v Istow n,llltk Ommity, •
For wilti by slir• mom..
Itiolro‘. tual at ail t 340 COMO ry Ncgrus throughoil
' 4:t..1 I T111.1t3IMIRTI.:IIS! I!
tho.abovo all NIr.L.H. antlovi; acid tlalFli iii,
NV' l i t(' m 6 l k s 'ga :', Bmia
BAC umbuis
4t 01 B h t , •
,DOCA Vic %MS . \ LS
1. 44RP
0 A TJ 'll` I 0 N
• . ,•• • . .•
. . .
Itl - rclilntx nod Traders wilt be ox their noord nod
not be hopo+ed upon by n'eoonfereen of Mor.e's Indian
Knot Nile. aignell A. li. .110,re. All gennipo Indian
Root l'llle bare it. name and signature of A. J. IVltite
P. Co., on each box. .
Aluf,ab, the inventor of HORSES INDIAN
KOUT PILLS, han.,pant iho punter put l I Ills life
In ttavollog. having vivid Eurepe.,Ataa lid Africa, an
North Amerhm—has spent !ham 3 ems among
tbo - Indians of our Western country—it 'was lo his way
riTwa lirkt WWI to cxlnhlivi tll a lout that all
Fnm , m ,. !_anitmthan-_-/M - Pli*PeY - 171 ,-- 111r, 10,tat m
nor Ftrenktlt, health and lifo &aoudad 01100 this vital
NI lien lbe Tarim . . passages become clogged. and do
net tint rib Chat Miley w lilt the dilrerelit limed( PR
of the halt.. the 1,10 . 0,1 loses Ito at tinny beilittees 1,11
eon upted tied diseas“l: thus causing rill palest sink. •
Bess and dint, vol id' et ery moo., ur Is en.
liansted. our health we tire.deprit id er. alai Tlbert. is
out ,insisted in thio.rlog all the stagnant hutems. the
Moral 101.1 loos me choked aal rinse to act. and al u m nor Ihtlit ni lit.. 0 111 l'uroto 1 , 1, lots'n ail. 110 W lon
pm L•nit then that we should keep the VllOOll, pahtlipai
0r the body free end open. ,we bow pleasaitt tm ,10
t lat. we lie e et• power to put WhIaIIIVIT n in 3 t•ur
I . totell. - latently. 31titse's 11,dhn, Ilti, t 1111 s Taal 1111.1111 all
foal, 1,111111. S nwl 0101$ 1111101 galw maurd the nente•
Ulna an 311 Nature's pulite., Or flit Itualthand
vinery a diseased main line or the rnntl. 11nu NVIIHT
that. 1.11114 or undo 1 , it Sudorific, 0 f i l c h ~1 0. 0 , ti 0
1.61.11: °LIAR! laslll, nail TINFISt.O .Natllte In 01111nl g nut.
the deer parts of .the eorrtiptinit within. The
a 1111111t•sollkh Is TM Itopeetemutt.. that 'opens and .
clog, the pit•onoe to the 'ewes . thus lo n iienthing
pea 11 rat Its duty Ly thrall lilt, oil Phlegm. met'
Other hunters Iran lunnspy mmlolm thbd
Is a Intim, eaat , and &able strowth le
the liitlewnsi i lien etaramageil they draw laratnamottetS
' Impurity tree, the ldi id, width he then throw n
Lour tilotly I.y ILr. in•lpary 01. Mat, jall , llt , e,llllll TVIIIOI
1111111 h Ina Cattlattia.hlill 11,01TITIalltaa the !Ilia, pram.
artier of Ha 14/Is wlllle engage! It, perifeleg the
blod: the talarhar putio.: or legality. e bleb mount •
pass hi the other in tints thus taken till and' eOll
- ill great quatitillen hy Ile. bowels.
the al Owl', It in SIIOO Ii that ITT% MOtil'S ludhul
!Toot phis lint miter the struniioCl at t I o , ow° '
"uni led 11 , :d ,:a3 to 03 ors port,
and completely rout -I.lllr-syvrem-trma
all hupurity, and flat I the body, which is the
Need. hvrele,s pia featly !widths Nose levelly all
sick twos I d'pain Is chive,/ Iron the slotoo - . for they
11111310 t remain a hen the body I (...ftafaiiaipio,l i pd
'lle ryas a o'l, people are ra dirt, eased 0 hail
•11141 0413; se•entey die, In la rall, they
yal.g tufttfit arphok,i,
dl-coo,, TO
lia elIFt Oat: huurr. n liltall rluuuthty eF and T thee
Malta,' Is and tin st9nutell and inletlint 1.000
Iltorally 01,2111016 y ',lilt Inn r,r1.1114,./1 mass i• II nx
111Am . ..ides diiragt veal le fermetitath.,,, join.
-in,, wltli throws - flee cm repti d matter
..hretxl, eir.r3 vele and artery until tit!,eit float
the tidy loy.disease. 3lnrty's I'l I.l.l : ird*iothled to -
Litmus - eh es I Wier, upow vh.lory. by r, nun ia",,k111, 0
'f the•siel. to hluanda Lealth not y es ,
items. !ids Atha halo, loom racked or If a Illahhal a Ith
glahllaFS, pale flattish apt whore Crehlc fratees
have been liy the lart:Illa Of r:101114---
rater. Nod 0 ha have ham! Nought, as it were, with!. 0
step of Cl,'' silent 'grave. elm. stand testirt that
they would have neat numbered with the dead, feel It
'or this great and irouderfill unolleine.
1 °Mite Lent. Pitta, Niter one of twi, had heml t n
hal, the, it ern radon Kin''', mill al so utely serprlsed, In
01.1' - do I 11.31'
viva Immediate ease end Stretinth. - and tate mine all poi:. and anguish. 'hut tbei. olrn. T In 4.11 T.
1 thin founilatlen thry inset:tin a line r t.
111 e. It wll 1.0 shawl) esp./tally 1,3 them. who use these
Mils. that they still ioneleitese and IlltritV. !Newel
-that thalak 0.0111.,-0 11l take - Its Ilicht. tied the flush
ayratt 1 ivipt3 wll .a...utin mu': nod the pros.
t , will Owlish awl le . l,.htett
yam; dal
11igl elltinteereit Flgn VII A. 11.7iiiire.
111 have 11:111.1. of A. A.
papli Lns. Al,. t nlhnntare of A..r. White A: Cu; - All
.r1i1,14 mu 111111i4 II .
, • -A..1 CO.. Solo Pi
tio Leonard street. Neu 1"..a
11 ltursii',„- Indian Rout are mint by all di•it tie
in yledirineN. ..
Anent, aro. ,ranted In e1•011i 411,1 Inintlet
In the Imol. l'artlvx deArlng
.11.ovo for tin MN. •
Priv° 25 ;Alla; per boy, Ilvo - boxes Let .440 on re
•lpt of i t. In • ju2;3'sB.
ad - For In On lb•lo by S. W. linvorst Irk.
1 - 0 /721:0 - APT.7?/12 A 17( 7PRI 0 US.
box of I . llli, curer 141,14) Lino noes 1,01 Of
,t hundred; :so oo Mercury. no odor oil the
”..11 ' oh: n dt., ;
ater. full it otttoul: ;n1
Mt than thellatlVlit.r.lll,llle e•Prlat
31. witirtlf, , :olyjer of Ibt ,
311 otorl, 111 tor .100 f with the mixt, .01
exit , klire 111 till , On, 1,1 Inst...•.
. .
tee t.NT 3IA 11, T . ee ANY PART e et."nt coteNytty
by teneitoieez nue &Weer
OVID St. 1 / 1 .11/1V MOO - 1 . 171111111.1011 W. 4 111 eral
Disredint, to 1.110 Trade. NIDV gun kling• o Mann the
•written signatory 1.11/. in,rejetee
tte. W p t tvettvtent for Ftd.tidd \1110..n0.F. Soc.. a
ontirvly MIMI and DI m the 111.111/1 room., Pr. IV. 11118
cured linndroals it l, bale tried humus nititnnt I ',Alit
l'he 11 - carmen( IS :, verlain to rnre ne tli • rrdi Is to
rise. Irddtro a stamp, and addtra. Dr 1 1 % a+. OT,
.tiving et full Itietnees (A' Ow. rata, :Ind 3.0 nld Wees the
day von notetee Ito Lifort, to tueure %Owl, b eel latte—A.
.11'1C,11, '
'Jan. 27. I,nti.-17.
L 1 0 U Z S. 3IIXTU I is a
.ttl'aril truly tilattiral 1 , 1111 . 11 V ' for all ester.
toil ,111,11.1 , , 1111 , 1 1 1 . 1 1 11 111:111 01 1 ea,: ti o• manual ask,
11:11.0 yeti the 1:1)1..1[1s:11 Lot
111'10011a 1 , 111)1111114 , 1,, 111.11 'III I I, 111,7 flint pat u. , u1.1
1111111 I.lll l lllllWay as quick 'I bon into
11001300 il:IVO yOur P,rt‘s. Fxre ruts. ' , MIN,
blili•es • r at. 3 other wonottx /0111.1..3%e
it. lee l'!.1/l/..S Mixture.
It I, truly a wiltulvi lul sourly.
ll' sg"ijjagot H . 1:111141,ory. 111 I:I 11,
Ilstula. - clutch,. I ran 1.41 !wets,
a, trt•av a.mlu 'm111,1;10.. putt . roooly 1,. I Utz's
It t...Nts I.ot tool,t3.lit colts t ,, try It.
jihoulred, who Were I,lll,eii 01111 111111,— • 1 111,11 rho
Were thonplit lutv 1,11 r05t....0 1 to
health. and s lli,durss and aro 01.0 r•joirli: in the
1.105..111, that health 1...5t.N.J.: nod thus. .11,ir 11 1 111111 1 ,
111 1 1 V 11 he With )1511. If you 111 fu: tame, as to l e
utiilrhvl I,IOIIIIIV of 1111111111 Or 0 Well )0.1 find 11.10
1.11.11111 1 111. 1 . 1 1 1111111111 1 11111.11. 111 , 11 it ITSe , hit
I.lltlllllllS, and we 111i1.1, you rill hole enure 411+11,4
the day who.. y. a I eignine 11111tuduv0 1, 9 11 i Foul z l O
tilt tote lir. poet,) tli.l4l.lll.ster. Md.
Pur rude by F. IV. liztvvrbtlek. r:i111 , 1.., ito. and Moro.
tlll , Olllllllll the 1 11 .11.111ty gem Plice tie
and 50 cent,. a 10141 e. ' 1,10111.0.1.-1).
tiNS3I , II'IIINO.7---1:1•:31()VA
c. v 4):: lIEILEN, respectriills in teams the citice.iis
of t•arlislean , l 11.•loity that ha la. temovtal too thwro
sootla of tilass's Lotet. in North llait.•ver t•lieet. where
he Is prep:tied to execute all 6h ila o r
work vonneeted with illiNS11 . 111N(i.. ; „
Ile 1111 S 111,111,1 1,11 Laud laree assorL
mon( otryatly math, lit lies. E nos. Pistols. Arl
Loris Eno•frrininiiiip;,, 6.e. all of
which he a itl 'ell wholtwilo or retail. lie ;deo utlrudn
to o.leu in.all Hulls or I.ocht. Sr.i ii:.
n1'111..1:1/11 101111 S Cooper and Itt,n. stools xllllY , p hc. 110
ha. aloe purchased the ril.dit roc
nollEbot Gum.. which - lie oireis to
low prices. Ile linnes•thSt I. ) ktt let attet lion to lots-
Ines:. heti n destir to lAIIIIIIII. he a ill !moil os well Ilt• re.
evice a stool• ot the paWle pats
- 01.1 .1111. lads et Elie Arms nuidn toped,. •
Carlisle„ Aron Iniin. ;
1 ;0(U) N EST3IENT. -- 'I be
I,lll.ncq it 1....0i1ers for mnlo roods or the llorfaigli of
Uu hale, ter,' mitt t.i•ctit'ud ly ti 1•1 !Ifni ipit.e.
onto, the t this A. \Voter oil., 111
Flip. 01,3100. l'oul Itacheolor-11110
pa) moil of the lotei ohonally. Voil•oot dust.
roilsof perrvislly sale In vestoleot for their. atoole) autl •
puortivit moots of mill do lo mono
Pres . t. of tint t'orlisle this nod %rotor Cutop.ioy. -
August 11, 18th—lf
LiTrni R s Pit r N TON 'S
iI X A
111 AL.
Thit stibserlberhub jin.t returned from the llastern
Mies. and would .11 the tittentiozi of (tie friends :old
the public 'generally to the large nod welheeleeted
wo•tnient 11.kRDWAItE whh•h he hos ills. 011 Inii.d;
consisting In past of BUILDING 31ATI:111.Alkl, surh as
Nails. Semi.. Hinges, Dolts, In.ek,s. obon of en sty du
.TlllllOll mld quitlity.suell no COllOllOll, it 0. )1461001
1051 lean, French, Enamelled and l:pubic, thick of all
sizes Points. 011 s, Vornialit s. dc.. .o'.
TOOLS—lm•hollug Edge Tools of every di...Hu110.,
Saws. Planes, Brace and 11l tts ; A uger6. Square , . ti °ages,
Files, Rasps. Ilaminers, 'Vices, Anvil, Screw Hates,
Blacksmith, PollowS.
Shoemakers and Saddlers will find a larL,o l*Srl mo..
of Tools of every descript kik together with Lodi& anti
Gentlemen. Mororeo liniN Binding, Patent and
Frond, Calf Skins. Shoe Thread. An Is. 11 ax, Pegs. faits,
Harness Mounting, Collars, Walling, Whipstock. .I%er
, hair, Saddle Trees, Ai,. As. -
Also. Coach MakoiTefools and Trimmings of all kinds,
such as nubs. Spakes. Fulloes. Shafts Bows, Floor Chdh,
Canvass. Cloth, Dmask, Fringe, race, iioEo, Axles,
Spring Belts ,te , fic.
Cabinet Makers will find et large usi:ortment of vac.
'fishes, Oak, Wllllllli., and Managall) Ventlire. Snide of
• Pll kinds and rises. Mouldings. Rivets, hair Cloth,
9 ugh, Curled flair Chair and sofa ego. kc., •tt.
Housekeepers r ill Moo fled large assortment of
Knives and Fork% Brittannia. Allah, and Silver Plated
-Tablo_und Tea Spoons, Candlesticks. Waiters. Shot els,
and Tongs, Iron and Brass Kettles, Pans. Ste.. togethet
with_Codarwura - oCnll,. kinds, such as .Tubs. Buckets,
Churns. Ac . An.
Agricultural bitplements.mialiraphigPlowcoftill kinds,
cultivators. lions. Shovels, 'Rakes, Forks. Chains, Ay.
a - largo stn. lt:ctinitelxiiii all
❑se Odell lam veiling at, itty wholesale Wee. • '
Remember the thl'etanti, East Main Arcot, (trilvio.
April 7,1818. ' •• ti, SAN'rOE.
.. __ .. • •
, •
LI. Next Maio SI rout,.(opporlto the Railroad ofilre4
has Just • tecoired' a . tlew suit Al ogaut astoitulent of
Clothe. Plain. Illarl, and Fancy Cassluters. and a viii lily,
of Plain and thtured Vvailugs. all or ullial Inc 0111
make up to measure In flo,bionable style. and on jolt •
sonahlolyrom.- ' • ---- •
6:1?••-• Order s attended to promptly. and the fitthig.ll;- '`r ,
all garments guaratati;ed, true sal?. . - ' - ••••'•
Carllale, maylolBsB. •.. ,_ -. . - N., IIAISTCII:. '' •
; N [tn, AN -FP .PllO
- sol;seo for
Yrlvoto roasoils vort4,n/ly'explolnetroc.
, ti for silo ml motqln.01:11i;WIIIP, bhp' iltoljivr r'Virk
;of *ink. St'ittiom.s.3'. Ot.elutllng tho 1,,,00ff 19i1) 1.-e.
Niiglog ht Shryoek, Tnylor.,t Nhith t lo 16e Florwpt
1.10 eofuor of , 1,11044 w olf. t4pecAto,Kelli'r,
ugust. '
.luA r(wAvu'4
I-1 I I OHO kg'l.ed