Cht Variuti. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET _4l.rported--- 'weekly"- for -. - t. 4 a--Herold' by , AV ood ward & •So build ' • Fpo - dii Surrlino, per Md. . do. do. • Family do; do. .Wurra Wilan.Tpor bugliel Ran do • • do. 'RYE COR OATS L do.' tiOVEasßeu do. 6:15 T ! MOTHYSIign " do. . . 1;75 SPRING BARLEY ' do. . ' 65 BARLEY do. . • .-. 75 ITTlThiuoh,a:swomorm;lTTAl There is little or, no alteration in 'Flour, but with ahnost•a total absence .or any ex port.demandohe market continues very dull 'the Only sales being 200 tibia 'standard su perfine at $5 124 per. bbl., but there are some sellers at less a n d we quote accordingly. at $5 a 5 12i, as in quality the latter being the general asking rate for straiglit brands; a Sale of 300 bbls. coalition extra was also 'made it $3 25, UV - trade are buying, in a _sniall.witY,•at_from l2i :to _ss 374'.f0r su perfine, $5 314 a 5 75 for extras, and $6 a 6 75 per: btil.tbr fancy lots, - as, in quality. Corn Meal and Rye ,I, , ltior are lqWer,.. and holders more anxious to self:;, 2bo 6lirs: Penna. Meal sold at $4, and . 2oo.bbls: Rye Ye lour Lit 12k a 4 25 • per the latter .:for'extra. , The receipts of Wheat are very light. and prime lots are scarce and, wanted, but at prices below the views of holders, who.itre asking an _advance oit previous sales, and transactions only reach some .1600 a 1700 bushels, in lots at 118 -al* for reds,and 125 a 132 e. for white, as quality, ye is dull and nmiettled, and we quote it at 70 a 75c. for Delaware and Pennsylvania, some, holders ask more. • Corn is steady,Withfur; they sales-of 3000•11 , 1000 busbnik - olthYellow - ; in lots, at 80a 81e. in'•store and afloat; and lady at 60 a 65e.. as to dryness. pats are not so plenty to day, and good Southern are quoted at 41e.. , • Nem Abnertisements FANCY. •GOODS,' TOYS, !DOLLS, Fancy . Chum Fnfiry Articles, t'urfnmrr'y Brushes, 4te., - - 'rot seco - 11.ns fill Pipapr , gar Cam, dc, .Le (lames, Paper halls,' Tin Toys, and a great assortment of rtliher_gr.pils., W. TILLER, Importer. No 24 South 4th Street, l'hilarra• caspso . ,Tpys at fr), rtud - $22. • . .11T TENTIf NEW STORE AND NE . ll' GOODS After rottiriling his acknowledgements for the very Moral mitiainage whh.ll,lias been extended to lihu, the undersiginal matted:hie to the tint. that •Ile has Jest rompened his eittensivimmsortment of fainify GRpp~ ESJ 1111111: new atol, , room, on tlfe southeast corner of the Public mluxte,2Abere (lip - public - ere invited-to coil-end examine n cinch of goods whlehr In elegance, variety and extent. will defy comPefitlun ; comprising in port loaf, lump, crushed and brown sugars, Java. Rio end :roasted Coffee Every vu. -• , HAY and quality of TEA. tipires..(ground moms, and ungrtund.) Plekels, Seneca, T l able Oil: %., . fl Orleans. Sugarhouse and- 'rankled livers 1 V Miitlii - 11; - No - ,r-Yo . rk and Philadelphia Syr- , 111P'. (AWN*, )1 - aearont, vernieellii. split l'oas,liondny, Mincemeat, corn Starch, Farina,. Chocolate, Extract or "Ir. , ' r011...J.1 4 .0r at reduced rates, washing and bak ing soda. Tobacco of the must raVorit,,,,l,Nudq; „„d l or e finest quali , y or Segal,. Aso, a fatautlfol al.sorin rut of ltrlnionla IVarn, plain and g Ail band ( e ra Ware, 1. lass, Queens. Stuntod • Earthern Warn. great, va.. HOS, ,xml an elegant 1 , 1 of Fancy x track and port inuery. for the toilet. -FRUITS:- binding Poaches in_ rano, Raisins. -Cram barrleq, dry apples, citron, aronds, orangen, lemons., &e._- • .ffisoirwr ' LIQUORS; Wholcsala and retail, (❑1 ( I nr.-; A ~ :, T ,, ,,? 5, r i , .. .n , z , : :, r , L . , , ,v d„ ,, ( 1 10, ,, . .,,g itn n . , 7.. 7-,,,, 1 . 7 ft ~.6 , ile' r ry Cori. Niaderhs. Ili rimr, Catawba - tic" '''... V and .\ luscat Winos in eacks and bot- I lox, Scotch •II Illskey, Holland Ulu, and Scheldant Schnarns. FISH AND SALT A hrge atp,rk of LA Ml'B, Including I),yott'a relobritted lamps for burning K 43111.110 or coal all, also • Sperm. rifit, Card and Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, Sperm mill Star Candles. QEDAR-WARE AND BRTSGINIS Brushes, ltapis , Mop Door-mats, Walters, Lookine•glasses, Ike letter and note paper, Willow Ware, pointed buckets, &C. Colton and woollen Hose, and half Hose, and a full stock of Moses, Including the well known Hanover Hoek 'Hort, n short. his stork.enmorises everything that is called for in Ids lii t. 0rin.q1,,,, and on efforts will he spared to render entiresatistaetiou to his customers. ' • C. IN TWIT. earllsle, Oct. 27, 1858-Iy. t!-n- 31arketIng of all Muds taken In exchange for gwds. . 1,11 1 31'31E:NISI , : EXCITE3II , .NT THE rtIOPI,O IN MOTION !- N VA LI, Gooos At. J. A. lIUMRICII, CHEAP STIME. J. A. Ilutorielt, Jr, l i ar jut returnod front Philadelphia with an 1111 l vane stock of fall and lYiuter DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HOOTS, SIIOES, Re., selected expressly. for Carlisle and vicinity. The people are respeetfully invited to call at his slime, examine his goods and TEST HIS PRICES Being desirous to Increase his custom ; he has par. chasbd a touch larger stock of goods than at any other time, and Intends to sell them off at hurl) prices as can not fall to cult every ono a•ho may wish to. purchase. Ills goods have lawn selected with great care, among which may be found' FOR LADIES: F --- 4 . • ' Silks, • - , Al pgrasie Persian, Plain ,Delanes,_ ~, Lavelle Clothe, Ih: lieges, • ' . - Col,,,rgs, . Fancy Dolahee, lOhlione, . ' Ilte.lerv, Moors. French & Scotch 0 Inßha nis, I landkerchtere, &e. 'FOR OEICTIVIEN : Broad Clot he,------ , Kehtucky-Jenni , ,---- - ' - - , rwe'etts, Black 21: Fancy Doeskins, Satt , hote, .Corduroy, „ .. . • Vesttnge, Bouverteens, Fat,ey and Side stripe Cm,sintere, Ac.... - „ Together with a large assortment of Shawls. Sark Flannels, Brilliants, Skirting. 01111'00F, Moist ins, Checks, Canton Flannels, Denims, Table Planers, Nankeens, Cron k, 1014, Umbrellas, Re.. The cheapest maiortment Of lisle, CAPS. 110508 NT Snot., ever offered In Carlisle. A superiol• lot of ESP Rom IBS, comprising Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molaleres, jti c , Spices, Ac. All be asks Is for the pimple to call and examine fur themselves. as he feels confident .that the quality of his goods and the low prices at witch they are selling, will induce them to purcdiase.—bilve him a call whether you wish to purchase or not. .1. A. HUM JR., Corner of North Hanover and Loather Streets. 0et..27, 1858. I T ALBERT'S FAMILY GROCERY, QUEENEIVARE AND VARIETY ETorq3, North-West Corner of the Ptlblie Square, oppo site the Carlisle Deposit Bank. • • 11,V,ItgItT has again. replenished lie stock •o pods. ills assortment is now full and complete, among which may he enumerated every variety of fresh FAMILY GROCERIES, Whirll in quality and price CAN'T BE BEAT. •• . A largo stork of China, °less and Queenswere, of now and beautiful designs, and inobracing every grade of pried. •• Ile IN SOLE. AGENT In Carileletor Jong' celebrated KEROSENE OR COAL OIL. LAMPS, _one of the grenteSt dircoveries 'of the ago, combining 'cheapness, safely and inoreased light. • Coal Oil mid, Lamps constalitio nu hand, which the polite are rm. questeri ti, call mud examine. ' •- JOS. 11 lIA [MITT, N. W: Corner of Public Square. Carllsle,".oct. 27, 'N. , ". . • • OLD 'FRIENDS, and the public . aro Iluitud - call- and - extuulmrtny stoe of trash ~4 . ; IItOCKILIES,.• CLI;NA, • • • QUEENSWARE; placels, Preserves, Fresh Can Fruits ' .Spicee, Wood and Willow Warr, Ropes and .11rushes, Oils, Bruits, Rslt, Salt, and a large variety of other soodd not.nocessary to _enumerate. • Stare Robin two doors - east of-Itheads'--Warehouslt_ (formerly John ti t .Give nut a rail and examine my-.goods aud_prices, .1. intend to sell as cheap as any other.ntore outside of phildelphin. Hotter, Cgge, Soap, Hags, Iluestrax,.Dried Brett, &c.,- }lkea in exchange for goods. - . Carlisle, Oct. 97, 'fig NOTIOII-111 . order to gourd persons . ltnying :BUCK OLOVIIS. mosiorit Impopltlon r horubY certif. Eliot Mr. A, W. neon Is the only ngonk In fut. tho rule of ‘ 4 1V9111"o llonovor. . Durk 'lr. !Witt having rocolvtel hls gloves dleeeslf. trOni lath buries torn rely on getting tho ganulno won testeture from blui. 'Oct.:M.lB; ' . . :1 - A11:111).!12, ; '4411 IRON 1-50,060 Al ebnolled and llarlron, or nii sizek and kinde, id Um bent I.r,intle; - Seal or u J I kinds . and• - ,elaes et tiro loiroaVnuirkqt prices. • . • . Iron warrented to be good or.tho money returned. , • ' . • ..101IN. 0. LYN gfi Sibs!, JOHN P. INNW-le, S O N, have jest! reteived their Fall stock of ITAIIDWARE, which .ntaltes their stock very Jame, and complete. We now stand ,eddy to forpikh.theAphliciyith every, variety woods in mad, price that duty compel. 1.11. Enunteratlat Isuseless SO film - Itto sarthat -- W -- 1111 Va • pvarythltrg n HP , -;!- that the public can po.mbly stand in need ofi Ti,. meat we eau nay is "Try tia all ye that want Oiod '- goods atdnw pHces." We return our pincer' thanks to the generous public for their very liberal vatronage, and asking,' continuation alike same. .1. P. LYNN & SON, I North tianover Street. .1 $ 6,26 5.50 0,00 8.50 1,15 1,05 Oct. 27, '5B TEAT CUTTERS I MEAT CUT '. TElqi I I A larguJoLuf_these...useful_Article, ' or a. to , I.capl..abP;..tintletti at the I test null bust kinds. Butchers and the. PI .nerattrarertrrettrdwtovgivir'airr , a.r.allrbefiesiait!g. their purchases in this lieu. AN we are fornlslinut a Hopei for mild., to any that has ever berme been °lter ! In title nuirket, with a general assortment of hoteliers' Tools of the beat 'lakes and lowqmt prices - - - LYNN & SON. " Oct. 97..'55. .. North Hamm& Street. OTICE.—Otir attention having been called to on advertisement In the Carthirpopers, signed I'll. WOLFF. calculated to create the imptesslor Shot no genuine Hanover Buck Gloves could belied oz cent nom A. W. Bent.; the undtcsioned would Inform the public that they hove. this season . ; sold the ink Honorer Buck Moves,made by I'lllllll Wolff. to . Mr. C. Inbar: Messrs. teldich Szoryer: end Mr. Wllllom Hoof. ;• of whom the gnu tune llonnver Cloves. may be hod, - ' SRA FPNEIt.'ZIECH,KIf Importers and Dealers in Hosiery. Olin OR, Sc.. N 6.31; 411. Street, Philadelphia 01t00 CO LE AT fIE It.— fu 11 as. sortment of Mororen Leather. Lining'saott Moil) logsoLastS. Boot Trees. and a foil assortment Shoe Kitt and findings of nil, kinds. .1011 N P. LYNIA SON, Qct: 27; 'LS; • -- • •-- North•lhiuovor strect,. LASS! GLASS!! 'PAINTS! ‘_A PAINTS:I A full assoMmat of alasstlf nil sloes ni quality. with a hair stook of frenh dors. Oils. Varnishes, ,te., Cement in large or small tantities, at loo' figures at :1011N. e. LYNIi & SON, North Ilanther Etreet Oct. 27, '5B E. SEA HS, 'M.. D., will 1. spend the FIRST and TIMM %eeli of cosh 11101101 iu Carlisle. for the tenet', t of those .hodies. who may wish to her 1,1011 . .4011111iV. Office it A ughln baugh's, • corner of Ilsouver and I.llpther streets. 1858. OR SALE —A Seinilaysiiiii in Pick SnFoil Collego. 62i'mtle ,Apply al the Ilerald 0111. 6 p ,r OES DISEASE ORIGINATE Id IMPURITY OF TUE BLOOD? Thls Is a question of vital Importance..and one which has never been satbOactorlly disrosed of by the pruli•s• sure WllO tC111 . 111.111 , 11.11I1lyt . art. Sums maintain-nod erpeclally the old:school Plosichnts,-that tilt, lives In Multiunit. and therefore ell ilseaseA ni gloats In H iatt 1110(10.1 NCI...V. evens that Ilill111.10: have their origination In both the NO11(18 /111,1 fluids of the body. That the latter preponderate. however.• Is a. fixed fact, nod medical.rhill has clearly" demonstrated that- at Avast to tethirds ut the ills lint ihnuan•lie,h Is heir_tp,, lrno their source lows . ' . • . E-4 , TATE -OE - TI I F. - 111.00171 - 7 -- An, for Ipstattie. In the long eatalOgue. such no Herd°. Totter.' Iterber•s Itch," Pimpluf. Moieties. Eryt.lpe has. Ulcers, Salt !thrum, discharges from the For, Fever SOY., or Irruptive diseases of any hind.-These are no. •rhdned by well known medical law:Fto.arlse twin blood -while the highest -mealcal nuthorllles declare that mst, fevers originate In the same nomiter,.and store phacillarly_Typhold nod scarlet-the floater bey hie; nnlnter••nl, and the latter on exterunl. Irruptive disease: and In all perSonsattarked bv•theso 1110.110{1, VIP 1110.11 In 11.111 d to be either coagulated, or of a Ark tthhealtity calm•. - - EEMM To want oil larg, laaja . r)ty of d&eases: as . Well as curd a number which have'already seized upon the sy tem, It Is neeeasary to • Llodsey's Improved Blood Searcher doex not claim to InikVERSAL PANACEA tor evt•ry-ilicentio - known, NU "thiCpreprfetortC claim - (eV It the power not only of drolning out all impurities or tilo blood. but by the 0:111611 ' , timid initinn of well known iiegebible remedies. it will ruin nil diseases aricing from x 0 deranged tdate of the liver. drive out ,lyspepci , and give mooned toile arid vigor tii rho stomach Tli t the Ilfociii SY.Alti'llElC Is 01l that in chained fur It, the it tie torn can produce - . . . . It is only a few years since It was discovered, and yet Irhas grown into such a business that a large laboratory has been built expressly fur Its manulacturr—a, large number of men mployed In putting It up, and NUM the SUPPIX , DOES NOT EQUA , ITIIF! DINANDI - We ask illy eandld man, could t his be vu. If the Med. lane did not possesa - md, the vilifier; claimed P . n. t ? —The Proprietors have hundreds of verttlicates from men uf probity and standing In the co 11111 l unity, scloW.. lag it hat the medicine is doing daily for. the suffering ' ASK ANY PERSON . who has over ...Bed tho,#ood Searcher whether relief was experienced. ' 1 Let the aftlisted give a trial—n single bottle wilt convince the nad.skeptical of its efficacy. , __ . _ toy_ For mlo In Carllkls: by S: W. Ilaverstielc, S. El liott, and 11..1. Kieffer; lianfritin . 4: Son, Iltnclendcie burg; (homelier & Zook, Sliepherdstown ; joiAma cob. lingstown; Sfinmons, Cho, liords; Kurt,. Sz {Vim, Shiremanstown; A. )'l. 1,e1.1101. Polling Springs; Mary If. Klcecl, Cluirclitown ; Edward James, •West 11111; .1. C. Pmnaucla .t Bro., Oakville; 'Shoemaker Elliott. Newburg; Wm. Ilratten, Nowville; Hood .4: Co.. Springfield; Russell & Ince. Dielancon ; Highland Wishinger, Jaeksonville; Ifni. Clark & CO.. Lies Eckles, Sporting 11111; I). Donlinger, Whita 111,11; J. C. Altick,Shlpponslnfrg; all of Cumber luid county, Pa. LINDSEY & LENION. Proprietors, 11e111.1a3 tam rg. - 0 •t 27 5¢ Buy Early Cup'es, , —Noic Ready.. riniE POETICAL WORKS OF 'ED- I OAR ALLAN POE, beautifully illustratea vilh mon. than one hundred original designs by Parley, Ili, bet. Foster, Pleitersgill, Tenniol, Cropsoy, Duggan and Madot nod engraved In the finest stylo of Wood En graving by COOPER, LINTON, EVANS, 1C..., ke. Spl.ididly bound—Price Six Dollars. A few •Poples in Morocco, Nino Dollars. Also, tile fifteenth edition of POE'S CO M PLETE WORKS, IN FOUR VOLUMES, 12 nio.4 nup: $4.60, Containing the Tides of tho Grotesque and Arabesque' Wonderful Storlen of the tonight:llion : All Ids Poetry The Story of A-thor Cordon rpm, and a eotnitlet.:, leetlon I.l'llll his contributions to the 3littrazines. Ed. It'd by RUFUS W. (MlBll'ol,ll, 11. li., with pollees of Ills 1.110 by".l. It. Lou al.n. and N. P. Wit us. Sent by mall, postage prepaid, on reeelpt of price. .1. S. It EDF! El,ll,'Agent. 34 Beekman St., New Yorlc. I=! CUMBERLAND—KALLEY INSTITU T TE n MEcam6Ailvuo, PA. Res. BENJAMIN C.LIPPINcon t , A. 8., PRINCIPAL, AND TY.ACIII.R nY I,IORAL ^ln NATURAL, SCIENCE. A. FOSTER MULLIN, A. IL, 31.1humuttes and Modern Languages. THOMAS S. ItEESE, ,A. 1L; Ancient Languages and Higher English. Tide Institution having passed Into DOW hands. will be reopened no a Slade School miry. on Thursday, the day of Septembeenext It is the design of the prrcuni proprietors to malty It a strictly first.class Boarding School, for frothing and fitting bol s and young Men either for college or buiduess. An efficient corps of In. Atructurs lens been organized. where pertenal in terents urn ideetified with the success or,,tho Institution, and who will :mare no pains to'iliake It W o rthy of the mitt. donee rind patronage of th public. "the Buildings of the Institute are ample, and well arranged for the se: commodationof about ninety boarders. and all students - from o'rood are expected to board with .thmteachers.— They will thus enjoy the benefit of constant Instinct lon and supervision. Mealthnicsburg Is situated in the centre of the beau. tlful Cumberland Volley, nine miles from ilarrisburg, and Is easy of access by Itailrond from Philadelphia.llab timore, k u. No location could be more eligible for ac cess—none more healthy or attractive for such a school. Pupils from Washington.,Boltlmere, Philadelphia and. loternicillato points, taking the morning train, will reach Mechanicsburg by 2 o'olock, P. M. Au it is the determination of the Principal and his Assistants to place the Institute on - a - permanent-end elevottei basis._ withevery opplivation requlidte for superior success, they appeal with confidence to all who have suns to ed. flesh!. Thu seholniitla year will be Mr ideilluto two ses,lon4 of twenty two weeks each, tho IMM:beginning uu this find 'Thursday of Septuniber, and unding on thu firs: Wednosday of Febriisry: the second session beginning on the firs' Thursday 'of February, and vudiug on thu first Wednesday of July Board, Washing, Room Bent, and Fuel per Session. Tuition, (Common Elle 1141) (Higher Engliab,) • L Ancient and Modern Lancuages, ' Terms per session payable in advance. Igt. POT further information apply to the Principal CUMBERLAND VALLEY BANK!: PROPRIETORS. DIELCIIISIR lIRNNENAN, • J 011.14 DUNLAP, JOHN S. STEREETT, STURanOli.. WILLIAM KER, HORT. 0. STERRETT, RICHARD ItyoooB, ' 30110 0. DUNLVP.- Thisltank, doing business in the name of Km., Bran Boman & Co., is now fully prepared to do a general Banking Business-with promptottid and fidelity. Money received on deposit and paid back on demand Witlfoutnotice: Interest paid on special depositd. Cur. Meatus of deposit bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. will be Issued for as short a period as four months. Interest on all certificates will ounce at' ium turity, provided, however, that If said certificates aro renewed at any time thereafter for another given pm 'clod, they shall bear the same rate of interest up to the tboe of retiowal. -- Partioular attention paid to the col , Kelton of notes, drafts t elmelts, &c., In any port of the United Matto; or Cabfidatn- Remittances made to England, Ireland, or f hOConib neut. The, faithful and ,ccnfidential exteutiou of all orders entrusted to them, may be rolled upon. They call the attention- of Farmers, Mechanics and All rumors who teolre a safe depository for their ulnas, to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of thin Bank ate INHIVIDUALLT liable to the extent of their estates for all-the Deposits, and other obligations of Kur, lhrenno' mad &, co. - • ' - They have recently removed Into their new Banking llltse directly opposite their former Mond, In West - Main Street, a few - doors east of the •Itallroad Depot, where tifil will atmll times bo, pleased to give any . In, fermation-dindred in regard to money mattent In gong' , •. wax. BI6iTZ PH U 01,FP ()poi fir buelnoennum 0 o'clock In the morning uul 4 o'clock In the twee Init. • • . eirllalo, May 29. 187}7 ~ustreci,,ivelffesh.l3UJßNlNG FLUID =I MMEMM MM TERMS - - - E 6 00 - - 12 00 II 00 16 00 11. A. STUN HON - , Cashier 31caf . (estate Suko ORPHAN'S' COURT SALE. -:-4n purounnenoof an outer of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, the undersigned guardian of.lollik Wets, ouu ofthe It.,lrs Harbara Yolio. others lati Shot. 10.. Incensed. will Off, atpublic sale On the promises, oil T UESDAY. the 16th day of NUIVESIIIIBI4, 1858, all that valuable tract of land, lately belonging to geld de. cadent, situated In Silver Spring township, Cumberland • co., bounded by lauds of Matthias Bit:tier, Henry Boa-, Jacob Mumma and others, and . Con. tains 65 ACRES, more or less. haring ' thereon tpected STON1•1 E1.1,1\0 If 111 SE, Steno Batik Barn, and other k:' improvements' the qu illty. of • the flue aud - thbruirms - a - grest — lndmieunint - t. . tirchnserm-7 Sole to commence at lo'clock, P. 51, when terms will "'"firbrilliggiillif GB`O. BlTN.Ell,•Ouardian.. Oct. 27, '584 ii. • ,VALITABLE MILL PROPEIttV AT P It'ATE BALI,. —The subscriber offers at pfl• trate sale the Mill Property on which Inn now resides, situated in Mifflin township, Cumberland County, 6 miles we't of Now. villa, 004 4 tulles east of Ne.bura . . on the State read 'loading from Nowak, to Three Square This proporty.incl odes 45 ACRES OF LAND, 40 acres of which aro cleated aid In a maul state of eultlvotion, • the grantor oar! biting limed' and under Good fences, with • running water In every field. 'Tito residue, 5 ad . ., Is covered with good timber. The Improvements are a three story 0 ItIST MILL.' In good repair, with excellent Burrs and eilriiperfti and an excellent run ,of custom. Also, a Sriry Mill, to good order: with constant employ multi. These Hills ern on tho Three dquaro hollow Kum with a head of fifteen feet. • • The other Improvements •aro. a, two-story „_ FR A.NI 0 AND LOG WS 0, Pram, Stable. d' r ; (nearly now) earrlAte 110.0. Smoke House and other neenksary - init-hulldlngs: Thom Is a well of excellent water, (with a pump, in !OM the door.* Also, A Mil ring - vroing - OltiMA • • The above property will be.s.d.l no as to offer groat In ducements to purehaners. For farther pirtleulars arp ply to .!i.13 PH C.. MN DS , T s ownship, Aug.r2a. VOR SALE OR RENT.— • • r will sell nt private said or If na sold I will rent • from the Ist of .April, 1859. MI my WARN:4IOIM Plt , ll4lllT - Y - M - flekvilloomtho Cumberland - Talley - Rail Ito td, lima tern) oryoars or a ')ogle year, as will boat suit. The property, c.Mslsts of a TWO STORY BRICK WARE ROUSE; covered with side, 109 foot lona . . 34 feet wide ' and tin. lofted In the bust munner, wlthlall. modern Improve. ~. Musts: hahavingq. fro n t ot 'lt 709 foot of straight sblllhg, :, and I•aleulatud-to-do_any—autonat—uf_fur.wardinj{_b_ne • , Thep is , nlvo on the pre.ml4es ajarge -••` •DOUBLE TWO RY BRICK HOUSE, papered, pahitial and finished from the col nr to the garret in the best style: and also a TWO STORY lIOU- Ithli NIIAii Ii /USE. which Is also handsomely finish. oil: with eellar.under the whole of the said buildings, fine gardens huh yardsatmelied to each; with an exrel. lon t elstern at the Man, and also a never failing well 'of water. ,Tlilg property is situate in the uilddlo of Cumberland with the finest limestone bind all around: about, half will bet wean Now eine and Shlppensburg: n ai tIla• twin host -grain - market of- the if sold the terms will hp made moderate 11)1,111 gaud security run for We purchase money: ApplY to Caeliale t OA 20, • •Carlisle. Cellar notices. • • PROCLAMATION.- .J WHEREAS the, lion. JAMES If. GRAHAM, Presi dent of the several Nulls of Conunnii Pleas of the mat ode!. of Cumberland. l'erry,o,nll_,JADlata, and Justice of the several Courts of Overattil 'Terminer and neneraDall Delivery in said enuntJeFi, nail non. Sow. vela WoOOIIUON and lien. M. Coki.ts, JudgeA of the Court of Oyer und Terminer and liiinerul Jail Delivery,' fur the trial of all capitol and other offenders, fin the Mid county of Cionberlond.-by their precepts to inn Feetedolated the 12th of April,-185K, Initve• ordered the CourEof Oyer and Terminer-and-General-Jail. Dell Very to be holden- rd . :CARLISLE' en the Sind MONDAY ,of •Nnvember, B58, ( ,0110 ; the Fi ll day,) at Ine'eloch In the rOrOnoon, to v1,061)110 two Weehl, NOTICE IS HEREBY 111 V EN to the' Coroner, .lus• tires of the Peaen and Constables of the said county of 'Cinnle:riand, that they are 'hy the •sald precept corn: - mended to he then-and there,in their proper persons', with their rolls, records, Inquisitions, examinations and all other utnotnimihres. to (10 those things which 10 their pincer appertain to be done, and all those that arc bound•by recognisances. to prosecute aeninst the prisoners that are or then shall be in the jell of said connty r WCia.;..; Inc there to pro Acute them as shall he Just. • Sept. 2'J, 185i1.1 JACOB BOWMAN,- Sheriff. • S'IIATT NOTICE. .•‘= - Letters testa , •. , mentiry on the Esbito 01 lAMB KOLLER, of Upper Allen. Incensed, have been issued by the Regis ter of Cumberland county, to JOhit 11. Conner. of the sante township. All persons having claims against the -Estate. are hereby notified bi present them duly au thenticated for seplesnent, and those Indebted to moue payment to . . ,bilLN R, CtnIVER., ... Sept.29,`sS.-6t. Executor of .laeob Koller, decd. ' ---- -' - ‘1 CHIC H.—All persons knowing thein- L • MOOS IndcLtud to the MUM° of MOIWOO dOCOOROIi, Itro hei•eby notified to mike • ionnediato pay ment to . NARY MORRIS, • - Administratrix. or C. I. ruin rich, Attorney C;rlislo, Sep. 8, .1 S5B. NOTECE. , -- Notice is hereby given: that applioatlon will be made to the neXt Legiw lawn, of Pennsylvaohi.. to alter the Owner of the CA . 111 . .1 , 1,E 11116/SIT ItkNlc, located . 11; iho Iloro•l{h of Carlisle, Cumberland Conky, so us to confer upon aid 11401. the.rlthts and privileges of a Iltititrot issue. t al to change its name to the CARLISLE 11.00:' alts to • Serrate the capital elf said Bank, which Is at present .eventydwo Thousand Dollats, with pi ivilege of in. creasing the same under Its present charter to ,one bun. • dred, thousand dollars, to two hundred thousand dollars. N. C. MUSSELMAY, CSIIIIIER. Carlisle dune 9..1855. . UMBERLAND 117 XTE 1? A BRA2V AWE A' T. OD- CHANGE OF HOURS! • On and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 11th 1858, Passenger Train. will run no follows: (Sundays excepted :) FOIL HARRISBURG. • 1A Train. 2d Train Leave Clunnltersburg, 8.25 A. M. 2.15 P. M .9.lllpponelmrg, • 8.55 " 2.4 U No ,r Ville, 9.27 :LLB 44 " Carlisle. . 10.00 " - 8.58 44 Sluvimuirsburg; 1052 4.30 '‘,Arrlvo la Ilarrlkburg, 11.03 • 6.02 " FOR Ist Train. 2tl Train. Leave Ilarrisburg 11.30 A. M 1.00 P. M. Mechanicsburg 9.10 " 1.20 ..i.. ___Car1151e.........,—,. .__ 9.511...." _ 2.12- " ii No v vino, '10.30 " 2.17 " Shippenshurg. 1 1 .02 " 3 . 2 : 1 Arrive nt Ghambersburg, 11.0 ." 8.63 " l'ralns leave liarrixburg for . Uhiladulphia, via Penn'', nal'mall, at 0.19. A. il., 0.25, I'. W., and 12.00 at night. Ily Reading, vlaaohnnon Valley 11011 liNni at 2.25 P. 31. • " • For Pittsburg, :1.40, A. M., 1.00, P. M., and 5.10, P. NI For Baltimore. BMb A.ll and 415, noon. For Troyer ton and Williamsport, nf. 1.00, P. NI., and-8.45, I'. M Train on Dauphin !toad at 1.80, P. M. .. NOTICE: TO PASBENQEItS: At all Stations where Tickets are sold, viz: . ellamberttlurg, Slalppomlnirg,. Mejllfink - slnitit and Ilarriaburg, a reduction or TEN CENTS on each Tleltet.will bo gntole to all, l'assen. gars Eliot provide thunnielves with lleltete belbre en tering the Cars. 0. N. LULL, Supor't •Itallroad Office, Cliamberaburg,l Oct. 0.1858. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMIERCIAL GOLLEUR, and F Chestnut Ste., AFTD P arA , An Institution dossigi;oll to proinulf kOlUlg mon' fur ESTAM.IBIIF.D SEPT. IHI4 INCORPORATED 'WM: 4,'65. , BOARD - OP . tRUSTkES. • 13, B. Comegya, David S. Drown, . Francis Hoskins, A. V. ' , amnia, David Milne, Isaac I tacker, George II: Stuart. I). li. Hinman, , John Sparkawit, - Frederick Brown, Joshua Lippincott, Jr. 1ME1551 8.11. CRITTENDEN, Principal, Commßing Accountant, ciml limtructor In Commercial Cußtems. TIIIMIAS IV. l‘locatt,, Professor of Penmanship. ilancou M. THRARIIER, Pr ',fawn of the Sclence.of Ac COUIItS 301111 0110ESIIECE, Professor of Boolc•Keeping and Pilo. warnwily. • Ammaroa Sitonb:ProfessoeofLangdages. lion. IRCIUrOM ili - Cllllllllll , rehli - W lb ALFUN, L. L. IL. President of - Girard College— Locturer on Political Economy. Calalogin's, cu l Ml3. ; full particulars of terms, man ner of Instruct, ; may bo bad on applying at tho Collage, either In parson or by letter , • • •• .r.r4 , -klitirrrNDEN's - tiooK.K.OgiNa for sale.— Prieo - $1:51).-Ke,y ,t 6 sane, ¢0 yta z i (oatig,.sB, ' • • R. H. THOMAS, • VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER. • • , 111eolannliciburk, Pn. - /W. All styles and patterns of Blinds _order. and Old Blind. repaired In a noat and substantial man . ner. and on reasonable terms ;pr. Ordois from carlislo and other points abroad ro. spnctrully solleitiar and promptly alto:Wird to. • , Ellop dlroctly opposite tho 'Union Hotel:. West Main Street. . ' [July 14..59-t. f, El" rigs' COAL .- -2, OUu IJ TONS of Lykons 'fliloy,Nut Cool. s suportor 010, mar' lop sod far solo by ' . • , , Augua 4. 1057 ' „ 11..11ISSSAY , --- • • : 1- O ,II„ANKLIN , 1-101J,$E, „.,. solith. 4 4m9vor—sto-ot , +40104 thu Court (Tomei Corllalo t Pa.. . ' JUAN!CANNON. .'. .. • Praiirlotor; - - '. • :air Mull Cellrb -letlfoo dully fOr.Popertow.b,. Pocors tiling, York Aurl.- , 0 and 11 . r - frouttlilp Itnuru.. -. ' , . , %, . . j)LACKS)IITIII C()A I, :=1,,000 , • up Bushels of Illttboloodo Cool, ruin the eelehrate/ Ploorwo" :Mono. rorolvlou'und for sale by . . Carbs. 140T1C8.---Tu6S...M. BIDDLE j ninth:num the practice 'of Ltho law, in the office . formerly occupied by.hlnfather, Wm. 'K. Biddle, Bag , and there reeinftly, by thp law firm of Penrose dr Biddle,. now dissolved. Dee. 28, '37.3 • . . . . . P. IIUII RICH, Attorney at N.J.-0111cl) 'on, North Ilanover street, sr few doom soulleof ,All businesti entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. - • [April lb. • AW NOTICE. - RI3IOiTAL; W. 1 - 1, - 1 - 11 - . - 14.1N-IiOSE-hos,retnovadidasilhAlo tho_roont . -forntorlroacOplorl-brhhor-on-Mnin-•Hfreret-a-few-doorn om of tho••slothodlet Church whoro Lo will Jrompgy 111"6 uittiligiraiiiiiiTrustirtalita. ,- " - Augu'st 10,1817. • . • rA W , 0 F.016E.-LEI MUHL TODD • A has. resumed the practice of the Law. Mee in .Clehire Square, west Fide, near the First Presbyterian Church. April 5, 1857. • - EA R. S. B. KIEFFER Office iu Noril 1../Ilannvor Arcot, two doors from Arnold & Son's 'store. Waco hours, morn particularly froml to o'clock' A. M.. and from 5 to 7 O'clock, P. 31. D ()CTO ARMSTRONG,has reuiov od isle Oleo to Centro, Siiiinte wild Gitlin Court [louse: whore he may colisul tad at an y•holir of the day or night. Pr. A. has had thirty yam* experience iu the profession, the last ton of whiebliave boon de•o ted to Clic sindy and practice of lieniteppathle•niedi• tine. • °May 20, 'Min. . - • a 1430. W. NMIDICI-1, D. D. !mil Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry to the Baltimore College of Petal! Surgery. . , -- 0111 - en - ntlits - rastdprce, - - Opposltu Marlon Hall, Wert Main Street, Ciirliale Nov. 11, 1857. ' - • DR.I.C,LOPM/S IZltArn South Hamill/Or otroot, s mr; . next door to the Poet Offire.-• Tyg...Wlll beabnant from Carlisle the last tin day. of each Month. • • ' ; • (Aug.l, 'sb DR.. GEO Gfl Z. B 11. E T Having returned _to_Carllsle,—offers Ids professions'. services to thd citisene generally. ornmn In North Pitt strvot, nearly opposite his throw residence ' °Terms—Moderate. March 31, 58. ea- win] inn absent until The let of April noel. • TAR. GEORGE. S. SEA DENTIST. from the . t,lntoro College of • Deittal Surgery. V.V..0111..e at the midden. of Ida metter,East Loathe' street, Ulnw doors below Bedford. . March IS, IMM—ff. DR. J. 0: N PUT respect -.00CZZ,`"2„,., -13111.511.0 4.111. 5 . till, and'grntlemotr of Carlisleond - titThelias re sumed the practice of Dentistry, a lid is nroPlred toner form all operations on the teeth and Jowls, leekonang twills profession. Ile will Insert Nil gels of tenth yon gold or silver, milli single gum teeth. Ur idnetts, as they may , prefer. Terms moderato. to Knit the Wiles.' Olii . S4 in II(Igh street, directly opp )sito thu Cumber:. - land Valley Hunk. Ara - Dr. N. trill he in •New ville the Tiuf ton days of every month. 20, 1858.-Iy* • _ _ DOCTOR AUGUSTUS 11. EG BERT, Tenders his • Pinfesslonal 50r.v1 , 14 to tlio citizens of Mount Springs', (formerly l'ap,lown), . • and "I* -- Ills nflico will be found at hls rosldenee, - ; M ire's llotel. .[Aug. 250 I S Mr.I.TIA.VERSTICK,:.Driiggist, ~ ..: North fle never St rent, COilelu:. - . . -l'ltysleleit'e preserlptlone /worldly eounp9urithl A full 'I upply of fresh drugs Wel ellotleals. ' . - • B. J. KlEFFlnt i l)enter Chemivalß, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Conf.m. titulary._ South Hamner Street, Carliale, Pa. B EED E &-, M P. N"D E N IT A L L,. BANKEUS, - *North Western Lalid and Collecting Agents. -Partieulnr nttontion paid to tho bualness of ,non.resb dents, ouch as buying and selling Real pntato, Inning money on rent estate seeuritien. Paying 'Emma and looking niter tho general Interest of noibremidents. References give* irrequiral: Addrypti,. IttliDlt .0 MP:NM:N.OIIT, ' 511tintlapars011nriesota. TO' TLII4) PUBLlO.—.Tlie!'4aildersign oil being . well known an a writer. would oiler his sorvleos to all lamiulrlng Literary 41d. lie will fernlsh Addresses, Orations, Essays Presentation speech . . and replies, Lines for Albums, Acrostics—prepare matter for tin Press—Obituaries. and write. PmAry upon .any suljeet Address (post paid) FINLEY JOIINSON„ Dal timer°, Md. Fob. 17, 1859 I)EAL ESTATE AGENCY ) ANDREW 0. FOE. M. JEFF THOMPNON. E 0 Iz • T 0 M S 0 , Have opened an calico at St. Joseph,- Mo., for the per •Imso and sale of Meld Estate. buying and selhpg Land Warrant., entering Land on Time, Surveying and Map: ping Towns, Location of- Warrants. and making invest' manta for nun.residents, paying of Taxes, and all bust nose pertaining to a General Land Agency In Missouri Kansas, Nebraska, and lowa. asy.(llliee.on Second Strout, North of A. T. Beattie% Banking House. [Jolly 30, 1500. I[3EAL ESTATE AGENCY, RE ., MOVAL—A.SPONSLER, REAL ESTATE AOINT, CON I'EV A NCER ' AND SCRIVENER, ban re. moved to his Now Wilco on Main street, ono door west of the Cumberlalid Valley Hall !toad Dept. Ile Is now permanently located. and has on hand and for sale a very large amount of Real Estate, consisting of Farms, of all &Les, improved and unimproved. Mill Propertien. Town Property of every description, Build. lag Lots. also, Wentero Lands and Town Lots. tin will give kin attention, Is heretofbre td the. Negotiating of Loans. Writing of Deeds,. Mortgages, Wills, Contracts, and Sort vonlng.generally. Oct. 25,13:57.—tf. - -- W. - .R HEE M, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT Minnesota givo ° %e a t? ii ,i t ,‘ 7 ,e ntl i o a n vo to th e i n o ll a a ,, e . ttrAsk i u , i , t o % 11 gut Real Estate and RecurKies. Negotiate loxini, pay taxa-, local° land ntrraiilii: Hefer trithelnembers - of the Citinberland County Bar, and to all prominent citi zens of Carlisle, Pa. [Aug-PDS-Iy. 'A. idIRNIMUM, BookVrider and kj. ULAN It• MX, a3l A N MFACT U#1:10' Mechanicsburg, Pa. Music, Mao,.loos, Newspapers, Meg, Blank-books. l'ausasioks, Copy books, ,tc., &c., are revolved and re turned. neatly bound In one week, at moderate charge' ex. Also, paper ruled to any desired pattern. Jan. 0, 1858.1 - TN THE COURT •OF COMMON 1'j..11.k9 OF OUMIIIIIII,AND COUNTY.—The Peti tiraof Win. B. Mullin, Ephraim Zug, Robert Moore, J. nem. and 1. W. Marshall, setting forth that theg . hare boon duly appointed Trustees, for the purpose of purchasing and holding a house and lot of ground In the Borough of Carlisle, as a Mallet Parsonage, ,te., .tr., and are desirous of. becoming incorporsied under the mane and title oe ,, Too CARLIOLE DISTRICT PARSON moo TRUSTEES" NoeLtn.wlt 2tith ./,t mat, 18.58. The Court order and decree that 'take ho Rived ncrnrdihiWtdftlie — Ail - at Aar setnbly, that this application has been made, and that If no suffitdent calla,' he shown to the contrary. at the first tiny of the ties:Merit(' hereafter, the same will ho granted. HT Tilt COURT.t Cet 13, 1868 SIMON P. tiNromt, '' ....-- oLlo. W. IC. 31..FmtLvq, PonntlyWanla. L. L. COOK, Ithodo Island. . Q N YDK It, .111'PAKLAND, " AND COOK, Bankers' and Dealers in Real Estate, MINNEAPOLIS, Bllnnewta Territory June 3, 1857:—1y " Thick 'Darkness corers the Earth, .And Grata Parknese ihe'People." COUNTR-Y--"-MERCHANTSi' and -all other., will taha .Notical That they eau supply thoulsolvem,lil pny quantity with dtines' Far Famed Patent NONEXPLOSIVE XEIIOBENII Ott COAL OIL LAMPS, At the Wholosalo and Retail HEAD QUADTES, 38 • South SECOND Street, PhllitabliShla, - • The only plitcwwliere excluelre Agencies can be ob: tabled f r the Steloirof Pennsylvania, Now Jersey and Delaware. •• . • .. Those lamps giro a light nqual to intensity, of flame,' and dueller in appearance to (lea, and are clalnied to be superior - o all other portable lights, 'nOw In use. - No fear of Exploslon:No offensive odor.—Nonmokel—Nery. easily trimmed.—Art easily regulated NA a flas--Light.— Can bo adapted to' all-purpsses —And better than all fore poor nutu.l4o por cent , Ammer than 'any, other portable light, now In common use. •• • ,„ Sots AGENCY 01.00, POW , • - RNAIT'a PATENT ROSIN AND' COAL OIL LA3 Lamps;olls, Wicks, Shades', and beery article • In the line. • S. E. SOLITIILAND, Agent. No. ZIS South Second Street; Phllad'a, „ • • . Alt ARE Ci 4 NSI 141 FOR:A:M . OO D , 14 , 41'1iiiiai'l‘ subserltiprinte‘ndltig.. to leave Corlirle, will sell bin mini& stinitidA(sia;',Cniiib j.loots and Shoes, (which la now andinindFOri,' advainit , pious iermst trioyesponsiblo Buye r, !rim buiiinesstraiell established, onl.tlis stood the "best:!.in vitistaction will he icuaranteed the oucc)uisor..aud terms, condo fdic, .1 would likei to self as soon as peasible, 11. KELLER.. • • .. B: will . 0111 keop e, first rate neeortment of gokle oho,r, (111 1 , 1444 411.4.44,r4f 0,442 B. , J.'KIEFFER'S • WHOLEBALIC AND RETALL Confeotiontgy, Erni ) --: TAII IE7I , STORE. • 11111 E undersig ed has Just replenished ifs stoat or .L MUMS and . EDICINES, which, having been no. lected with great Are, he is Bath:fled 'aro .Fhoah and Parc. Physielana proscriptions will be proMptly and faithfully attunde .to. Orderalroni merchants in the country will be 11l id with rare and op the moat reason• -itlifellermifsr7ill , Inniallireparattotta-madel...attictlyjn, accordance arl he U. S. Pharmacopeia. 81!10EB such as Cinnamon, Cloves, Aispice, Coriander; - Pepper Ginger, Mustard, linking Soda, Washing Soda, Ocean Tartar. Nutmegs, Yeast Powder, Masa, Citron, Sweet Idatjorant,'Phyme. kc., ke., fresh and pure. Ile Las on hand all tilts different Patent Medicines of the day. . • • CONFECTIONARIES: • • Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Itaisins, Currants, Mulles, Aintonds, Filberts, Walnuts, Groundnuts, fireamnuts Chestnuts, 'American, German anti French Candies, and CandY TO3B of ovary variety. Those wishing, to make wholesale purchases candler° be supplied with the twat quality of Confectionaries and at delver rates than at any other house In the country:. Ile btu; also a full 'as. soitment of . AMERICAN, GERMAN , AND FRIGICR TOYS, consisting of Worn! and Tin of ovary descriPtion, such as Dolls. Doll Roads, •Itorses, Wagons, Birds,' Slaving Figures, 'Fancy Work Boxes. Maslni, Cords. 'Drums; Choirs, Whips, Trumpets, Whistles, Drossing Standk &c., &c., to be sold Wholesale and Ratan, and In prices,. competition , . ' • . .PANCr GOODS. ' • • Port 1111nm:ties, Purses, d'ock'et Books. ,Fine Pocket Cutlery., Alle and I'oarl ',rd Cases, - Needid Hooks, fort .Eolles,Cahas, Oorman, French and American China Wate„ inkstands and L'ilid — lrdeldCitndrilaskets, Jett Breast Pins, Necklets and It ings, Combs Puff, [Alm," 81,10. and Bark tiuttapercha Combs. !fair. Clothes, 11 tt, Button. Nall and Tooth Brushes, Sowing Silks, Patent Thread and Spool Cotton. Buttona, &c. . PERFUMERIES. • • Fancy tollet• and Minor Sean. Pearl Powders, Ex tract. first quality Ilalr Oils, Pomades. — itird'erAlliart - ToatlilYdriTiciralm - nra - Thonalrad - Flowers, .Trirophereus, Tooth Wash, flair In yigent , nrs t and Dye.. The attire Inca bran Alluded with rare and will all on oiaminatlon, speak for Ournarlve. , TJBAO A.VD SEGAR:S., On hand the bent lot of Sonarn and Tobacco that loin . ever teen brought to this town. Irk Bogart; will con -threfsttreinitiolcerorrtrtatottherimritrof-the-materintl OPwhich they consist.-110 luns on hand those only - which - are I ofportetrand he" can . ren - ononneenras such. Wen need not npeak of the true liernann .tlegar nn theY:llll,io already galnent for thellungnerh reputation that they so richly deserve. lle alWikßnps the common ' an tide of Sworn to suit the trade; Tobacco such as El- Plain Congrens, Twist, Hahn,. Flg Leaf, tiaven• dish, Congress, and Flue CM, Tobacco and Snuff, tine bosh material. . . Poplin a . thankful to tho stoneroun public for their Mb oral patronage, A COIItIIIIIIIIIOII'IO, 4 OIIII I AIIIO IN aolirlted, at our permanont location In South Hanover atroaloll• rectl3 oppoAto Ilannon's hotel, and mutt door to Mr. C. Inholf'gUrocory. . . 11. J. KIEFFiNt. ~ Carlini°. Juno 2.3,1858-Ik. ' , • "{AT- -ANP. .1. U. CAOI.IO , k CO.. sureemre to. Wm. IL Trout; would antg?funeo . to theV•enstorpors and the public zenerally that they have just received from Philadel• obis. n large and elegant stock of ponde r In their lino of huslue.a of every, variety,. style and ,luality.; 'Choy- re hand a 'splendid- assort ing:nt of ' ,'of all Jeseriptions, front the common Wool to the finest FUR AND SILK HATS; and at prices that must suit every one who hat an eye to getting tho worth of hiwnloney., Their Silk. }loin Skin and Beaver Hats. ale unsurpss:ed to. LIGHTNESS. DURABILITY AND other , establishment In the country, BOYS' HATA :of every description cm:sin:My on hand. They,respectfolly Inviti, all the old patrons and as many new 0110011) 110411710, to give them a call. 31 - O. — CALLIO -- & CO. Oct 1:1,„I S5B —ly •••• FANCY FURS—FOILLAmEs AND CHM DREN. JOHN - FARRIR - A — ,t — CO.; Na 018 (new no,) MARKET Street, above Eighth,',l4fitan'A.-Importers, Manufac turers antLlMalers In FANCY FUKS, fur Ladies and Children: also, Ocala Furs, Fur tiollars",.atitiltliows.— Air untols.r of yearn that WO have been engaged in the Fur business. and the geneinl character of * our Furs, both: for ev.strry lid OWE to t o -genprally known throughput the-Country, that WO think It 'ln not no eess3ry for no to say anything more than that we have now opened-our assortmeilt of FURS for the Fall and Winter Sales. of the largest and most beautiful assort ment that we have ever edema before to, the public. Our Furs •have all been Imported during the present season, when money was scarce and Furs much lower than at the present lime, and have been manufhetured by the most competent workmen; we are theiethre de termined to sell them at such prices as will continue to giro us 010 reputation we have borne for years, that is to sell'ef poll art Irld fora very mama. PROFIT. SUlrOkeeperti. will do well to give us a call. as they will find the largest assortment try far to select front in the y, and at manufacturers prices. *.1011.N FAREIR A k CO. Nn. 818 Mlrkei. Wed, above Etb, LAVA. „ 5ep.22,1858-4m. • ' TOW' is TilE TIME TO PRE -11 PARE FOIL WINTER. no subscribers harejustWdurned from the cities of New York and Philadelphia, with one of the largest no sortments of FALL and WINTER GOODS, over brought to thin pinto, embracing awry variety of • READY- MADE CLOTHING, and piece gem's. which will be mademp to order or sold by the yard, among which a few articles may be named, vie; Fine Black, Twilled French. Illuemlack, Blue, Orson, Drab and Claret CLOT II BS; Plain and Fancy CASSIMEIVES of every style and quality; Satin. Black and Fancy Grenadine, Merino, Marseilles, Silk and Doe skin vEsTi NOS; all wool French Tweeds, Italian Cloths, Cashmeret, Jeanss and every description of hoary goods for tall and winter wear. Also, the largest and handsomest stock of Plain and Fancy CRAVATS, STOCKS. and' lES: Linen and Silk Pocket Ilandker. -chiefs LCellars. half liose and Gloves of every kind. to gether with a large assortment of Trunks, Valises, and Carpet Bags ' all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Call and see us at the old stand, .111 North Hanover street, opposite Cr0Y.101 . 14 hotel ARNOLD A LIVINGSTON. Oct. 13. 18511. FURNITURE WARL-ROOMS, 11111 1858° West high Street, Carlisle, Pa,, (I'rentiunt atiwnled of lhe Cumberlandyethipi r .... .Iyricpltural:Fair of 1857.) • The hoe just recolvodlho most lipiengle v assortaiont of articles in his line, over brought:3olok place—which he is.dutormined to soli at pricorcikett • ly competition. Parlor, Chamber, • Dining-room, FURNITURE. • , ICllehen and . Office Embracing every article used by House and Hotel keepers, of the most appnwed and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In setts. reception and Camp Chairs,. Mattrassos, lilt frames, pictures, /to., Re. PurchaseN aro requested to rail and• examine his stock, at his extensive .ware•ronnts, West 3lain_street. NOrth side. A. It, EWING. . . . , . ri , Z" Particular a ttontion giro', no unuol to room's; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderato tonna. A. 11. / . Carlisle, May-I'4_lEo=lv. • IMPORTANT •TO CASH BUYERS ! P. QUIG LEY, ' Prothonotary AT °OMB I'S NBIY t i• CHEAP STORE. 1 have lust returned from the city with a largassort ' ment of tho cheapest FAL!, and WINTER GOODS over brought to Carlisle. ,A large assertruent of Ladies' Dress Gobi; of ovary description; Fall and Winter Shawls, In every variety; Cloth Mantles and Raglans. neatest style; Cloth, Cassimoros and Vesting, very cheap; llon. net Flowers and Ribbons, together with every article in my line of bushier. Vurchaseneareropectfully invited instill and examine my stock, as I am iietermlued to sell the cheapest and handsomest Goods in the Country. Recollert tbat,,,Now Store, West Main Street, nearly opposite the Rail Road depot. CIIAS.• 0011.11 Y. . Carlisle, Oct. 27, 1858. .11 C.%111). Prof. - SEPTIMUS S. bALTC., Ilaa the hanor of announcing to the.Ladlas and °outdo. 11,101111CARLISLE,Aluit opaulds:_ 'DANCING AOAD iMY, On FItI6AY, the Ist day of OCTOBER, 1858 Dtiring.the session, the &teat and most &Atonable QUADRILLES,' C,ONTILL DANCES, WALTZES, OALLOPADES, POLKAS. SCHOTTISCHES. MAZURKAS, and the celebrated "LANCERD QUADRILLE, 1411 be taught. ThO PROFESSOR has engaged the CpIIHODDIII HOC/Mover the establistment of Messrs. LYNCH & DETWtILER, (opposite the VOLUNTEER OFFICE.) r iltati OF TUITION.—F o r Liußon', Mister, and Mae -torn: Tuesdayo iottitlerldays, fro m. 2 to Lo'clott;.}.. 11. For Gentlemen, Immo evoningt, form 7 to 10, I'. 11. 'A book will bo opened 'at the HERALD OPYIOk, w herb tonne Ao.. will be wade known. Carlisle, Sept. 20, 1858. .• LI V E It Y. STABLE.—Haiipg pur chased from - J. , R. Nonsmoker hie LIVERY BP. .TAIiLIBII3IENE, I will ho olWaya ready. to actomuno• - • - date the public with -11011S13, CAR 11l AGM., HUBBIES, and every other ar. I lelo In my , By atria attention to 'business anti a dealt° k, hloatto.lho sabacrlhor. hopes to receive a libenti sham of, publictitatronal. , OEOtION. ~Ouliiiibuseba ou hind' to supply those who May be lit need of Win. . FIIIR3I4I)IJitEItS ! . TII4ItNIO3tETEIIB II! Just rocalVed thn nbnvo. nll sizes. makes and Ittdsh at, New Ili, oars. 11 ATS, A. B. EWING'S • *- 1858 I'v NEW GOODS AGAIN! =I New 14 , °ribs. GOLD EXCITEMENT • NT PRA, .. ... EBB RIVER ouTp6Nia. - . ...._,.. By the large arrival - of - Rolland -Winter Ohoda, it ' LE MICR. Is SAWYER'S now Storm Peat Main Street, a few doors below MartliVe•Retel, .-40....... • .IkT N EW GOODS.' Consisting of Black Silkiiianspatior -• : •.. brand., fatter In', great variety of • • • styles, elsgatut Paris Doldinea, Lupin's • • celebrated make of Merinos. all colors and qualities, Lupin's all wool„Da - Gaines, Tanjore Cloths,' Poll De ehe viera Morino. ATER' GOODS. CASIIMEItES. A complete lino of aa:=2ll_, -- :,,:..quilnlunititaitt,lteWhlch :we- expos's).- _---....i....ly_luvie..attetittlibrZEillilfafi 0g1i11a , ... • vary fine Bomboxlmitt,Silk Warp trip:” . - . tre, _ mourning Satins, Pure liglistir ' : Luitres black 31eritioes and DeLalnes, _,ll English and Preach CrapoCrapes: A GOODS. Shawls in' rant abundance. Brodie LI. E • ' Toilet, Steil:, long and square Shawls: , . , . at very low prices. Cloth Cloaks and Talmaa. Pura of all kinds. . . $390 worth of Jovitt's 0 lebmked Kid . , Elloyes.• Embroideries, elegant setts. l' ' Collare, Underaleeves, Etathh'Ste YEW 00 0118 . • Also, Mena' ' and Boys' wear, suited • ' 'J.I • for the eerier. Black, blue and brown , . Cloths,'Beaver Cloth Cm:sinters, black and fatly Satinets, velvet cord Jeans, • ' ke. Gentlemen's Shawls, Cashmere ' Muffles Scarfs., Tiem_Stockst. .A full ' • - ' assortment of silk mticiritTe and cotton Nrim GOODS. Drawers and Undershlvls. Standing .VI and Ilynin Collars. lilantellic.abd Un . on 'Bosoms hosiery of every variety. Domestic Goods of every description, . . • , - . .Supor Blankets 10-6 11-1; 12-4, 'war . , • ... - rented not to shrink by- washing-. Celb.and Cradle Blankets. '~EW GOODS. • ' , EASELS of all Made and•prices IA . - . Woolen Yarnm . 'city and horns maim - factuie, bleached and brown Shootings, shirtin7, and pillow race Sullies of the • . . ... •: 1 14 1 J111s, Stripes, Checks, Calisee's,'atall prices. ' . 50 -dos. !laborer • bucksicht 011 iv., NEW GOODS. Gauntlets, Ruck' , Mitts, 11ente. and • • , Boys' Ilerlin Gloves.. Also a great vs ' zloty of bonnet ribbons and dress trim . • minas, ladies. and children's -worsted ' , . gonds.lineli as Undorr.ts, Hood 4 ani - - Tolman; Gaiters, Mittens, to. --.-------- 4 ------Tovilfthetelotideml-itionyotfi L I\T EIV GOODS. ern, we M essi Invite thnspectlon of the public. _Raving purchased for CASH, . , we are pro crud to sell goods at ex ' .. .. , . ,-,, - tromely low prices. ..,-- , LEIDICII k SAWYER. Carlisle, Sep. 15, 11158.. , , . . 7-7G-REA-11-14ST-DUGIOI-EN-TS-00-F-1011. -ED-TO .CASI 11D , YERS - . CITEAP STORE of 4. W. BE:Trz, Haying just returned front the city with - a full end well, of elite's in toy line. which I em pr roared to sell at the lowest rates. My stock consists lu part of, LADIES' DRESS GOODS handsome stylns, colored l'oul•ds noire Dress Silks 2000 yds. Black Silks, supdrinr.p rends, French Mednnes. Cashmeres, plain and figured all wool DOIANIIII, all Wool plaids, Silk Valenel ia. Coburgs, Valenelas. Layet tes, 1111,1111 M, Nladonna. Mons DoLalnes, plain and fig ured; and orory varl‘dy of dress goods._ _ • • • ' . . SHAWLS: round corner Stella,,,llny State. Ernehea,, EM. • RI ES: Collars and • Sheave, apparel° and In setts, Ctiniale: Edgings, and !merlin.. ..DOMESTIC AND STAPLE (NODS; - • Bleached and unbleached Sheetinic. nil ' widths. Lancanter Gingham, Calico.. 1111131101., Tick lugs, Omaha and Manila. - M ENS' WEAR: Illaskyrolich Chitin! and Can. - slaer, Fancy Cnibilmars.Cainillintts, • Jean, Tweed, Cord, lie. Ice. • . CARPETS: 3 Ply Imperial . pns tr y , -Ingrafn, , Hemp, Ittinetunda_ and stair car- - " -- pet • , widths, - • • MOURNING GOODS S I %mull( jrattieularly call tlieattention Oran neranns mrmirlng mourning. 1 have purchased a full stork of meurnlni4 g•aula, at BENSON tt. SON'S 'mourning aWre. Such as, Satin chimes, TamCgto Cloth, Ilarpoura, Dombnzinea, Alpacena. French Slerinnea, Cashmeres. all wad Del:dung Ver. calm and Printk. -- Love Vella. Crape Vase. Crape Collars and Sway., and all the grades of English Crape. ' •-• _ Purchasers are respertfull'y requested to call and ex amino my Mork, as l am preparo.l -to -alter suporior Ih dricetnentarhollraa - licstuallty and-price, A.-W. BENTZ. South Hanover Street, opposite,the Post Office, Carlisle. Oct. 6, 1858. ' TOR'P II A NOVE R. STREET CONFECTIONERY, CAULTSLE PA. • Wholewle Rated lied - treed $2 pei• 100 Ms. The attention of Country Merchants 'and tho public generally Is invited to a large assortment of CliOrCE CANDIES, manufactured of tho best material and warranted to contain no poison in their colors, which will ho sold Wholeaalo or Retail at Mir rates at tho old stand of P. MONTER, NORTH 11.taoyen STREET, CARLISLE, PA., A few doors North of the Csrlislo Deposit Dank. Just received a large assortment of FRESH FR 1.77'S AND NUTS of the latest Importations, consisting of _Oranges, • 4 f3ti Lemons, Raisins, Prunes • . figs, • llanannas, Pine Apples, , Almonds, Tliberls, Crown Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, Sc., all of which will be sold at lose rat's. Also, a large as sortment of TOYS AND FANCY 00015 of ovary variety. Also, all the best brand. of SEG ARS AND TOBACCO, of American and German manufacture. Tho subscriber return,. thanks for the liboral patron. ago bestowed on him"hy the public.. and SOII..ILS a con• nominee of their favors. Remember tho Old Stand of P: MON Ykilt, Carlisbe,,June 16, '5B. North Hanover Btroot. 1300 KS ! BOOKS c ! BOOKS !.! ! aro solo entente; in Franklin and • Cumborland countlos for tho following valuable works: .11enton'e Abridgment of tho Debatea of Congrse Priem per Vol., Cloth $3 00, Sheep 3 51.1. Bunton'e Thirty tom's Vie ; complutii lu 2 vole C 1011 1 . 1 1 5 00, Law Shoop ss`l3oo. Iktorso'N amoral Mina of the World; Colored Mope and bourn!, $6 00. '..lltirtwsa Cyclopaedla'of„Wit and Iluraar. American Eloquence; a - celloction of speeches, etc., by the most eminent orators .of America, with 'dogrel. phleill sketches and Illustrative notes, by Frank non• ready, complete In tai vols. Cloth, $51111; Library style, loather, $1100; half call, gilt, 800; half inures, co, 7 00. • • SANDRITS' SCHOOL BOOKS. • - 51 ‘nders' Primer. Sanders' Speller. Sanders' Reader, No. I. ' Sanders' Reader, No 2. .i• Sanders' Ileader, No. 3. - Sanders' Reader, NO. 4. . , Sanders' Reader, No. 5. Sanders' Reader, No. 5. j Sanders' lIMII Rime' Reader. • t SandersL,Latllei' Reader. • . Sanders' Speakers Wimiesale and retail at • SIIItYOCK, TAYLOR SMITH'S Molodoomi, BIIRYOCR, TAYLOR & SMITIrS Pianos, SIIRYOCK, TAYLOR & SMITIL'S. A large supply or gehool hooka, Nybullisale and retell 81111 POOR, TAYLOR & S.3IITIES. 'Paper. Envelope, Pens, Inks, etc etc. SIllItYOnR. TAYLOR. Ic:SMITH. COME AND SEE K E L L E It., . CORNEII OPPOSITE TUE MARE ET HOUSE. BOOTS, SIIOBS, HATS AND CAPS, NE IV A ErrAV. We olTor to our former customers and the public in general, a first rate assortment of now goods, suitable for' • SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. runsurpassud fur beauty, style, durability, and cheap 111.198. Our stock consists of •—• ' FINE SILK MOLESKIN HATS, • F)no Kreiruth, Boys', Toutlta', and Chlldron'a Fancy Hots. of every color. ) STRAW ROODS AND OAPS, wo aro sure the boot assortmont otor offorod In the county, and worthy tho attoution of all. BOOTS AND SIIOES. of every variety and style, Ladles, Missies and Chß dren'a flint Oultars, and all kinds of Chlldron's Fancy Shoes. , . • .. , . For Gontionion a good annortniont of ovary otylo and Rubik.; In fact ovory varloty In our lino. r . • Thankful to- the public fOr pant •favora. we solicit a continuation of custom. as we nro sure wo can make It to the advantage of the purchaser. ' - • 3..13. KELLER. &Moto, April 29, 1858.: IRE EAT TILE ALLEN AND EAST PIINN R SBORO MUTUAL EIRE IN • SURANCE 'COMPANY of Curoberland county, Incorpo rated by en act of Assembly, is now fully organized, and In operation under the management of the following commissioners, via: Daniel Dailey, William R. Gorges, Michael Cooldlii, J. Eichelbergor, Christian Staytuan, John- C. Dun lap, Jacob 11. Coovor, Lewis Myer, S. Eberly,lliduja min 11. Masser, .1. Brandt, - Joseph Wickersham, Alexandra Cathcart. The rates of ll:mural:Lao are an low and favorable as any Company-of the the_State,Poreout wishing to become mobibore are invited to .n take application to the agouti of the company, who aro willing to wait upon them at auy time. ~ BENJ. It. Idi3SER, Presiden. 01111.ISTIAN STAIMAN. Vino Pro. Wont... ' ' .. LEWIS HEIR, Secretary. 1111014 EV COOKLIN. Treasurer.. - HUMLI OLAND HOCNTY.—John Itthiniph Martin, New Cumberland; Henry Marlng, , ,:..Shiremanstoent; Pommel Woodburn, Dickinson ; hoary . Bowman, Churchtoain ,Modev OHM th, South ,31iddie • twit Flamm' Graham. W. Pannabor&cSiimuul COOTer: ~ ,Itiedlanieoll4; J. W.- &Odin, ' Shophergstotvn • D .', Hoover; Shephortistewn; 0. 11. liorbum, SilverFpring;_ • Alsai. itarinatlck. Silver,Spring ;• Charles 8011 , emiisis;-• • -YORK HOLINTY,---W. 8. Picking, Dover; Peter Wat ford, Fratikliit;' Jae,:,ti,rlllltb, Warrington; J. F. mar float IYashinaton." , • t , • . DAUPHIN 00.—libuser Lochntam Ilarsichurg. 'Members of the company harlots pnliclusabottt to ex , 'Ora can have thorn renewed by making arplirstinn to . effotio, . . 11.1 S S IT YOB TUE A It 11 .101AVAIS I -V A L . . 1 • 0 OOPI . FANCY_ 000 PS, _ 0 Urr Kept,. ke,' 114YEnarICK luta 'tint received rim MD 41, ehdla n 4 W .spoglng asplandiddloplay of FANCY CIOODS, gUnahi (01.40 APprOttebing llenday &goon. to whltib Ifbdualrvs to call the attention el hie Mende and 'the nubile, 'lllaaseortmantin this line cannot be eummoed In novelty awl alonewm, both In quality and what• of the ertiolos, eanuot fell to Wean yurebagerg, If would be Impoeslbln to enumerate Silo • • HOLIDAY FANCY 000DS. -which emnpriso every variety°, faneyartlele of the toed inn Waite %thigh such rus._ . , — l.ltplifelfli - cliiilliadir:7' . ----• ~ • ' . ..,,, 1 14.fge. ,,, ^ r ' 1a5ter , t , u444.415eWP4R....4 ,01 4. 1 . 1 1 1 1 , - - Fancy ivory, pearl bud shell card caseti; • TRUlleie Fancy Baskets: • , Fancy Work Roses, with sawing instruments, Pert Mausolea, of every variety, . field pang and pencils, Fancy paper weighti; • Papeterles, and a Jorge vzrlety of ladles' yaffey station eq.--... • . . . , - : Matto seals and wetere, Silk Ind bead Pureed, a Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished, bulks . fine . cutler), Perfume baskets and bags, . - Brushes of every kind (or the toilet, linussePs Perfumes of the various Mina, . • :qualm] Instruments, of all kinds and at all prices, . together with an Innumerable variety of articleselegant., . ly flultdmiThnd aultable for holiday presents,' to viii - he invites 'Mortal attention. Also, an exteutdVirand elegant collection cf .. ' lIDLIDAY GIFT BOOlitl, comprising the variotuf English and Anterimin ANNUALS ' ' for 1155, - richly embelished and- illustrated POETICAL WORKR, With CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL BOORSi (or . '.. children of all ages, than which nothing Ain ho more appropriate or pleasingeshoilday gifts. Illiessortment . - af School Books and School Stationary la also complete, ' .and comprises everything used in .-College and the &Imola. Ile Mita desires to call the -particular attest- •.' . lion of Families to his elegant assortment 01" - . .. LAMPS, OIIt A NDOLES. &co _from_thenatensive_establishmentsuf Cornellutt,Ardler____ and others of Philadelphia, compriaihg every style. of Parlor. Chamber and study 'Lamps, forburning either lard. Sperm or Etherial oil, together with Flowir Vases, • Fancy Screens, Ste. file assortment in this line is Un-' equaled in - the borough. Also, • " -• .. FRUITS, FANCY CONFIXITIONARY,- ItUTS, PRE . SERVED FRUITS, .te.. - . In every variety sod at all prices. ail of which are pure . • ' - endiresireuch - tta - ratr - be - coußtlantirTecommitrided to his friends and' the little folks. Ills stock embraces everything In the lino of Fancy Goods, with many other 'articles useful to housekeepers which the public are elf. -.nodally invited to call and see during the 'holidays.— Remember the Oltlßtand, nearly opposite the Bank on o North [(Snorer street. . . - • . . S. W.. HAVEILSTICIC CEMM NATATI)DES; . J.N_IIVIELDY, AND RILVEMNAIShAT CONLYN'S old eatabllahed Stand, Wed Main St., nearly oppoelte the Cumberland Valley Bank. I havolust received a new assortment of watches, 'eweiry. Medallions. silver ware, de.. In addition to my former stock to which I Write the attention of the public, The assortment embraces flue gold mid silver lever watches, floating and open 'ruse do., gold Anchors for .• Ladles and Gentlemen and gilver pines and Quartier watches of every va. • riety in style and price. Also nee gold Medallions. Breast-pins for Ladles and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price.. Gold fob, vest. curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets, finger rings, cuff-pins, studs, sleere.bottnim, crosses,_ charms, 46., de. - Gold and sliver thimbles, sliver and plated butter knives; forks, table, tea, salt and mustard spoons of every variety.. A largo assortment' of gold, sliver and common spectacles, to suit ell ages to which we invite special atten- A fine lot of COLD PSIS from the best makers, pectaclo cases, fancy Ilexes, silver and peail card cases; sold and common bracelets, watch chains, ,Mantlo Clocks and a variety of articles non. I ally kept in Jewelry establishments, while 1,.,1 Ball for C 11.14 , tAll articles war- , ranted to be whatthey are represented. l'srtlettlar attention paid as usual to WATCH REPAIRING and all work war ranted. THOMAS CONLYN. =I JUST RI:DEWED AND OPENING - AT NAUGLE'S CUEAP JEWELRY STORE, • Main &reef . r - • A large supply of 'Watches, Jewelry, SI , ver and Plated Ware; .A , owhlch.:l_lnvlte t” Mu. If you want, to ao -Oast from the largest stock ofClocks,Watch• es;Jewelry,l3llvesind o 1 Plated ware JpreArllsla call ..,... r - -- 6so. I s,, : t. ,i _ fi, , e (-,-,,,...),--: r . r z - ._ :-.0,,-,.- t i.„ 2. _ = ----‘-- _ . - • We have a largo assortment of Oold and Silverilunt. Inn-and Open Case Watehes' to en7t:iill Fancies and Pockets . , • Ma'am] Olean Snwelry of every style and. finaiity In setts or by the place as wanted, - _ At NAUGLE'S. —, ..:9' - - ' , Silver and Plated Walters, Cake, Fruit, Sugar, and' Card Ilaskets,•Bllver, Table, Tea, rCream, Sugar, Salt, • Dessert and Cream Spoons, ' At NAUGLE'S. • —Fine Fear), Lava, Coral, Cameo, Goldstone, Mosaic, Flo. renti no Mosaic, Jet,llox and Glass setts cheap At NAUGLE'S. Diimpnd Brenstplusand At NAUGLE'S. ' • (fold Hunting env, Eight Day Leveru; Gold Hunt ing Cluao, Duplox; Gold hunting , Chrononletots. ' At NAUULE'S. Bagley's best quality of Gold Peerlls; Ditto 'Gold Pons and Silver Holders, At NAUGLE'S. Silver and Plated Tea Snits. Grqdets, Cupa, Toast Reeks, Pitchers, Urns, Tureens, Tea Bells, At NAUOLE'S. Gold Neek. Vest. Curb, Nob, and Chatlain Chains, Gold Ihneelots, Lockets, Thfintdes, Crosses, Charms, , At NAUGLE'S. French two Pieces to run throe and four weeks, ' At NA UG LE'S. Gold Shove, Vest, Collar, and Shirt Studs of all styles and quality, At NAUGLE'S. Plated Forks, Spoons, Knives, Napkin Sings, Silver Thimbles, Shields, At'NAUGLES. Aceordeens, Music flows—a One v'arlety, At NAUGLE'S. Ladies' Portnronales, Pearl and Leathei., Plain . and Fancy Travelling Bags, very nice styles, cheap At NAUULE'S.' • • If you want to have your \Votelna put In good re• p.dr and warnuded, take them to NAUGLE'S. • • If you want to got a Cheap Clock, you can cot It At NAUGLE'S. • If you want your Sliver ware neatly marked at abort notice, cull "At NAUGLE'S. All giads warranted as represented, or the money re. funded, —At - NAITO - LE% Pomona that went bargains aro inritailto call NEW PLANHO STURE.7-- ;:g:M A large assortment of superior Pianos, from the bee Boston and Now York makers r together with excelleu norgod•hand Plauos,eonstantly for sale. NO. 86 MARKET STREET,. HARRISBURG Also. Mason A. Handln's Model Melodeons, 0431'11410- Weans. nod Now Olgall.llarrnonluins. Old Pianos taken In port payment:for now ones. PIANO TUNING OR REPAIRING, With all Strini.Ml and Wind Instruments, will receive prompt attontlon Flom Mr. JOHN STASZYK, who hag no superior In this department, and la ono of the moat rollninlo Tuners In the United States. .0. C. IL CARTa AMERICAN WATCH.—Having ro. celled the agency for the ante of.thu_Amerlcaa %latch, from the Boston Watch Company, l_wonld re. spectfully Worm my old friends and the public goner. allyi,that I have a tine assortment now opening and ready for silo. in gold and silver caeca and very line styles.and with regard to time they can't be beat, to prove that fact It la only twee.* to give throb a trial. Persona In want eta correct,thnoplece, are respectfully invited to call and see our watches. 3nne 30, 'S. W. D. A. NAUGLE. Main eltreet. Carlisle, Pa. NDIA SHAWLS AND SILKS L. J. LEVY & Ara uow opening a largo assortment of NEW - FA - LL GOODS, -To which-additions will he made by- all - the - steamers arriving during the next six weeks. Their • assortment is lime Tull aud complete in,thefolloiving articles: , .., ' INDIA CASiIMERTI-SHAWLS.-- . , . _.XX RICIF.sAIiO MEDIUSI PRICED SILKS. • FLOUNCI.D AND DOUBLE SKIRT SILKS." .. • . RICO PRINTED CASHMERES. IIICLLPRINTED MOUSSELINES. ' . ' FALNCII MERINOS AND CASHMERES... - RICH FRENCH CHINTZES.. NEW STYLES POPLIN DRESSES. DOUBLE SKIRT WALKING DRESSES. • • ...-- FRENCH. EMBROIDERIES. ' • .' SAXONY: AND FRENCH PLAIDS. ' - NEW ;BLANKET SHAWLS: ~ . ' . . . . . PARIS CLOAKS 'AND MANTILLAS. HOSIERY; GLOVES, FLANNELS. , ' . • • 'SUPERIOR LINEN GOODS. . ~ A ll of which aro offorod nt a smallprofit on the, coat of ImportOtlon.. 889 and 811 011.ESTN 1' STREET, ItON ...RAIJANG Railitig' for Cemetery itittlosurey, puhlle and priskto grounds and ' minions, made to order at the Carlisle Foundry. Ptir stock of Itallfng,Norandah and Braciceit patterns Conf.' prises a largo 'variety anew and elegant doeigns tho public are Molted to call and examine.:' Orders fort . , casting and put tMg tip Balling will be promptly Omen,' " tad at satisfactory takes. UV_ An entirely now Tan:1101ln STEAM ENGINE' and BOILER now on hand, warranted to be of the Mist make, and' will ba sow at ahargalu Nr cash or oh short — .“ time. ' , • • lt`s ONES A 5, 1= 13ETIMM =IX! MECO