Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 12, 1858, Image 4

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    ,-.:,f . 4,r,: . 11,1.,ti,1.,,.;,'..i:,40:t.p r ifT. ; t:iTii.t . .,.. ; :'
Hon.ekeepera 4 BeOi~res
• • ::SiiArox liiiscluitur eggs, peparate,
• ' the .Whites froiitth,e) , oo, heat the : whites
then-add -the -yelks;. beat
• boat tcgether longtime, then 'add . a
.ieund of eagar,l tnaiToOhlul of Lenten
• ' jitiocii+Oflt pound Of flear,stitying the.
wholetveryhard, with a spo t ti lay them on -
.10.44.-OPPr.iii. an oblong 'shape,: dusting
' , sugar _over them thes . v .. mshetiAteraili,,..
""`•`'"7."W alew. minutes
;a:!delicate - hrowit. .. ".•
- of .- powdered'
Ager,:tlid-wbite.of Beggs heat a stiff•
frotir-'the,• sugar should then be 'added:'
?-41-avOr:withrenion orvanilla. • •Thewhole
' should be, beaten very hard'a few minutes,
then aropin oval shapes on white paper;
gade in a Moderate oven; bake thttotta
• - • . ,pale.brown; they 'should, then . be"-taken
Cfrinfi:the paper, planing the flat'sides
Other while Warm• it will be felled a very,'
, laitidsoine dish a, for •an evening. party.
• *The'above quantity. wjff.ruoke, • two; large.
dishfuls. • • -• 4 • ' ' •
. . —One cup
-best. molasses; i• cup auger;
1-cup butter; 1, teaspoonful "alum; 2. tea
, spoonsaaleratus; / - cupWater,Piablespoon"
. gtnpr. - -
• • .UocitcrE4.--One - 'cup, cream; 1 c ! tp.sit-'
ounce - bartshorn;.flour to suit, -• "
12 tahlespoons ofiard;,l teaspoon of salt
' .agcl'One cap of sugar'. Cut the dough
in Sniall•pieces, roll thin and cut theeentre
• • in narrow strips; leaving the . ends whole;
fry. in hot lard, and if you say they are
not good it will be because you don't make,
them as 'grtindinother'did. .
A.'‘‘Faruieetz Wife," in - the Boniestead;
•-PTesenis.the-following: • : ,• -- .•
. ' LOAF doi.x.E No. I.—Six pounds flour,
• four pounds sugar; three 'pounds butter,
three pounds raisins or six pounds other
fruitooirteen eggs, and as- much warm
.• milk as•is necessary, with half the butter
. and sugar to make it as stiff as. biscuit.
The remainder of the butter and sugar
should be added .with the eggs' when
risen _Half a pint of wine:half it pint of
.. brandy, yeast; you like.
Long CAK No. pounds flour,
three pounds shortening; ball' butter, half
lard, three-fourths Oa pound sugar, three,
eggs;-.beat-the.shortening and sugar to-,
• . gather one hour. Put the eggs in with
out beating;. after it has risen the second
• time, add nine
. mitmegs, half a pint of
brandy, three, pounds 'resin's, one
spoonful soda and uiilk sufficient for wet:
ling, and yeast.
Bounce CAKE.-Four cups flour, two
cups sugar, one cup butter, two cups eggs,'
• teaspoonful pearlash, raisins. •
• . FARMER'S PuDinNa.—Pare and slice
nearly two quarts of sour app es; put Oiei'
in.a - kettle with half o' pint of warm wat
' ; • etc-Make a-biscuit dough, roll it out and
lay it over the apples; , cover. this - with a
piece of cloth, and oh this lay a plate,—
Boil half-or three-quarters of an hour un
ta.done' The
,dough can be made as fol
• lows; One. •teaspoonful_saleratus,Awo.
teaspobusful cream ..tartar,: : ,pne—tencup
oreatn,(or milk and butter,)One.quart flour;
•wet it with niilk; salt, Boil slowly that
it way lie - Ceuta to the kettle. This is
• excellent.
. The following additional recipes will
• • . doubtless•be acceptable:
SCRAMBLED DAM—Pu r i a teacupful
Oftuilk on to 'boil; put in a piece of but
. tei the size of a walnut; atilt and dredge
in a little flour; have three eggs well bea
ten and stir them in quickly when it boils;'
- stir till it is thickened, not curdled—it is
much improved by being turned over
buttered toast in a deep dish. '•
nice clams washed and put over - the fire
in a pot until they open; then take them
• out and chop them fine; add two eggs and
thicken the liquor with flour as thick as
. . pancake batter; fry-in lord,
'Yeast For Cakes' Or Bread
In a quurt of boiling water stir suffi
cient wheat flour to make a smooth thick
batter; while hot stir in it four Ounces white
, sugar and a teaspoonful of salt. When
cold, put in sufficient yeast (say near a
- teacupful) to cause. the mass to ferment.
Lay it by in a covered jar for use Half
a teacupful is - enough to make two large
loaves. .TO renew the yeast when used
. • •up reserve a teacupful. This_ recipe - my
.wife considers her own invention, as she
has never seen it. It is simple and effi
cient for raising buckwheat cakes and
bread very light and very white if the flour
is good. / W. T. L.
-:—One pound of sugar, one pound of but
ter, three pounds of flour;:two.tablespoons
ful of ginger, one gill of cream, one pint
of Molasses. Rub the butter in the flour:
add the oilier - ingredients.: Roll out the
dough, cut into cakes, place them on but
tered tins, and bake in a moderately cool
oven Wash the Of over with melassei
and -water' before. you bake , them.
ANOTHER.—HaIf a pound of sugar ?
half a pound of butter, one pound and #
haif of flour, one ounce of , ginger, one
. pint of ruplasses., Rub the flour and but
• ter wet together, add the other ingredi
*mid. Roll out the dough, cut, it in cakes,
,place .them on tits, Wash thew. over
with molasses and water and bake them
id a very moderate oven, ' • • '
How To , Boil FAL
•Fortill kinds of fisit• put two spooniful
Of snit to every gnart 'of Miter; put' tilt
fish:in 'witti the - miter , cold; ; repto46' ti , e
eove.r. and - : only. let , miter Blinn er..
Try with ;ii,kitewer .Wheilier the flesh ;Of
the-fish-.stick to the'bone; i6su , it is not
ininigli; if the flesh , dr - op, it is . too • witch
OiSket 4 ipuek,erel, tuke e' fifteen
to iwUtity ' minutes. ,n hntidock , •.o
pOund fish, 'Aiken from , fictinii
, ,
• Tiiim TooTnAonE .. . 7 , •, f‘Aly ' friend t '
oiu , olir'e your tootikticko
i 4, ton
-.'- of tfo:iy? illutiUired......i.epp it in
"Instantly,'! laid he; '"Have. y9O any
' • ,Yeq.,!''.;'' •'. ‘r:
'")3lini it, liith
£l olllttf.ethilinciii salt?.
,Alp,frice4 pul;
ftt'llit h S.. ll 4 - 1 6 :c,1 1 :P 1i M4 ' fly"
quA4 l, ,MiLk IP . .n;:net,tke!tie l iff
'• sin eaueing
- yhTe4 p4,.1441
" lonfleedll4,,
There," Bala her l
”ft... .
`that apt
cure, you I viilP',fertit;tii,r,hee4ti
msay . tell ibis tiileieii:66,..eil4Ahlph , it
It watyle he prodieteai Qll LOn "intro
Wfionoqpiklktottr,4 4 lWitbifs,
afwitidc -- 1.c,15 - 001:thisjozpwip - of 7th e .
tosithau4r4MNAP q "S, /,r
, '',:''':ll:iliiiitilititibit6:l',E:..
These follUas that Slag out their fad Sage and make
so much fuss,aheut the effects of the 4, •3lpney Panic,"
' • Stugfonslon and Has chnSequenons° latent attraction"
"Trlces greatly reduced" , anil , other queer “norsta,".
are all talklngTor Ituacounk., But If you • really ,want
-to get .-the •. worth of-your money,. call at • -th..---StallY-
Grocery aka Queonswaki Sthro ' • • •
J. D:
On:the N. W Corner of the Vublle Flquem aid diroOtiy
°Melte the CetiWu Dogma& Bank, in the., borough of
CarUde. • .
. . .
Isle ;took of Claus', Glass nod Queensware Iles just •
Loon Yeplenlebod front Philadelphia, And Or beauty of
design, quality end . etieltpnese , -
4 1T • CAN'T:By ' BEAT:
L...R0 tRi s
, Ms - assortment 'of • FAMILY anoonmEs le full,
froth, eleau and coniplafe, snub as '• • , --
Java and Rio Coffee, • • /Rated Plekelsi
•• •. , „ ' " Roasted, Plain do.
_ Too, ' Worceaterabire
Oolorig or Black do. ' Amorleau do,
Poutided ffeminy Tomato Catsup;
I 7t o „
f l
Ileeker'F Farina, 'Salad or table ell,
Earn Starch, Pepper sauce, ,
Ries Flour, • • Table salt,
Baker's Cocoa, . . • , _Syrups and Slolbseee
Chocolate, ' of every quality,
Preeton's Eagle do . , • . • Macaroni,. •
BUG ARS. SPICES, (ground k unground.)
No - Orleans, • Oinnamon, •
• Porto if :co, : Mice, •
Crushed, ' ' •Nutmegs,
°muWed, , • . Clover,
Pulverized and Alspleo,
Refined. Pepper and
• flinger.
Nam—Pine epplo and New York detry'Cheace.
Cranberrlen, Broome dud Ccdarwaro •
" tioi Oft ,M AIIIC E EL
Nos. 1.2 and 3.
-- Stipaillfe - r — orcaneifitrata - Lyo fin iinTingiscia — p: — DO 7
sides tuouessu Ann_ oxf.'l_ Articles that, caUnot _bo
enumerntod, but which the public are cordially limited
to examine for themselves. .„ •
• The slihscriber thankful for the very litairal patron.
age which helms fereivod from the community u,tintes
past, rospectfully solicits amontinuarce. • •
Carlisle, Dec. 23, 1857.
Main Street,. Carlisle, l'a.
. • ~;,...' • . - h. largo supp'y of
Auff-.A . g., -- '-,-': -------. Wafelms, Jewelry. nil
, .412-_* , ....;- , -,, c : -,,,,,-- . ver and Plated Warri,
-.----- - -vin" '"'`' '''.?"-'' 111-E - to wtdcll , l Invite at
-611; fei
1" 1,4- xit - t- tention: -
l i7 tk'JF fl,* 4 - - - _ - t - - If you want to se
„-v-s,:r , ;0.,. r,-loct from the largbst
- 4;4;2X tAi i• -,-- shirk ofClocks. Watch
„,..,, Val . % _ , b .. „:
_.1. - -, es. Jowolry;Sllvorand
- `Wt -- ', : ,‘"rft . ,.„.. • ~ lo: : - .. . --_e 4 Platsd ware In Carllslo
, , v% : 4:1- ,, , • : call o.
We'llave a' large assortment of Gold and Silver Hunt
ing and Open Case Watthes to suit all Fancies and
Fine and Cheap Jewelry of every et& and quality
In sethibr: by -the place ei wanted,
' Sliver' and Plated Waiters, Mtn Fruit, Sugar, and
Card' iltiskots, Silver, Table, Tea,. Cream, Sugar, Salt,
Dossort, and Cream Spoons,
Floe Pearl, Lava, aral,Caineo, Goldstone, Mosaic, Flo.
routine Simile, Jet Box and Glass setts cheap .
•Diantond Breastpins and Fingerings, .
'Gold Hunting
- Case Eight Day Leven; COold..llunt
, ihg Cue; Duplex; Gold lluuting, Chronnineters,...
••, At NAUGLE'S.
, .
. Bagley's best quality of Gold Pencils; Ditto Gold
Pons and Silver Holders, ',. • •
Silver rind Plated , Tos SnGe, Go lets,.Cups, Toast
_ Racks, Pitchers, Urns, Threens, Tea Bells,
• - ' • . At NAUGLE'S.
Gold Nerk, Vest. 'Curb; Vol,, and Chatinin Chains,
_ auld_Braceletsjuckeis. Thimbles, Crosses, Churns, _
French Time Pieces to run three and four - weeki,
Gold Sleeve, Vest, Collar, and Shirt Studs vital styles
Plated Forits,,Spiioni, Knives, I , laihin Rings Silver
Thimbles, Shield;
Flutinai„Accordeous,Music 80 - xes—.a fine variety,
---Ladies'' Portui'onaies,-Faarl .and-Leather,-.Plain-arid
Fancy Travelling Gage, very nice styles, cheap •
It you Rant to have your Watches putliie good r - e•
pair and warranted, take them to.
If you want to get a Cheap Clock, you can get It
If youstrant your hlver wars neatly marked at short
notice, call
All goods warranted al represented, or the money re.
Peysoue that want bargains are Milled to call
BAS AT COST.—The subscriber
is now offering a lot of CABAS for sale at' cost
They will be found desirable for Christman presents.
Doc. 21, 'fa ] . CIEO. W.
I_, This great remedy has dgaitted for itself, a world
wade reputation, as q blesslng to invalids. I n cures of
spinal disease, Rheumatism, Burns nod Scalds, Nervous
headache, Erysipelas, Neuralgia, ke.. It has a magical
effect in removing pain, imparting to the diseased parts
a natural current of electrleity„ by which. the healthy
(unctions aro restored immediately, and a cure effected
As 110 one has ever used this article without benefit
we.cenfidently refer to those who have applied it, P)
their testimony In its fayor.
For sale by S. W. Ilaverstick, S. Elliott, 11.'Enuffittan.
B. J, Kieffet, and at-all the country stores throughout
tile county. ' . •
, N. B. The uniform price Is Ftritt Cessie s bottle as
this is the only size the. Is shipped .to tho United
Nov. 25, 1857.
IV 0 T_l C E .—All persons indebted to
the subscriber, are earnestly requested to' call
and settle their acconnts without delay. The city
merchants having adopted-the cash system; will compel
us to curtail our credits, and does near a cash business
,fts possible.
a Dec. 16, 1857.) • CHI'S 1:011.111.
leis mode his fortune and retired from bu
3000 Cases sinew, will spend the ramninder of his
' • days 111 'curing that dreadful disease CON
-3000 Cases SU NI PTION—EItEI•: OP CH ARO E ; his ear
. • nest desire (wingto communicate to the
3000 Cases world his remedies that hays proved suc
cessful in more' than 3000 canes: Ire ro
-3000 Cases quires each applicant to send him n minute
description of Um symptoms, with two
*39 stamps, (0.0000.) to,pnythe return letter,
• '• . in which he will return them his ADA'ICE
3000 Cases PRESCIIIitfION, -with,directions tot :pre
paring the medirines:
3,000 Cases Tho.OLD DOCTOR . ; hopes,that those
Rioted will not, on'acCOunt of dolteitcy,•tr
3000 Canoe (rain frOm consulting him, hbenuse ho
makea No Chnrgo, Ills-solo object lu silver
.3ooo Cases lisiug is to du all the good ho eau before he
dies, lle feelo that he is justly dotal:tied
3000 Cason for the cure of, Consumption, Aothmn,
bronchitis, Nervous, effeettOns,•, Coughs,
An.. 3000 Cases Coldo; A Addreas
. -
Marcia 41,,.60.-3moN. Drut 3531,, P. 0., . New7Pork.
'• ! ' sll
-A Cll IN PT , . S'll 0 Pl, , ' ,' '
; • ' ' -'.‘",; ;Wit AND aiiileiAcroll ,ir t .
, .
,-• . .•. • - , • • ~. ,ilait Afitln'titreet, CARLISLE,
Thli, extensive establishment Is now In Complete or
, • der and Supplied with the best machinery Or executing
' - workirrovery depsitinent. The buildinihr have •also
. bawl greatly enlarged this spring and stocked with' the
newest and %most Improvedlools for theinimuirtiiture
',MUttlilluds, !buckets and: alLotber
Of Carpenter - weerla —WV Invite? Buildersi;.fer•
writers and others Weal! and examine our thellitieil for
doing-Able ~ tivierlptleet ,of The best Materials
used and brims mike* as atany other eatabliatiment in
this Oortnty, or elsewhere', ,
• , • STDA,It'DNO IN ES DUI In TO 011DKR..•
and repoirodis inwiltofbre.: °Engines hnre boon recent
'""lY'built for W: M.'llendoreon & e0IY; Ihid borough,
i'lt: - Bryson - ketn - Altonlownehtpi Ahl - prothore,yru
'rink/ intAdia 40VatgaIVN6r_th;Middlet4n; bud ;ot,.nire,
atwboae .astoblishropnCtbny.ppy, ! r oe's, bn.geft or ,
i -- .4 pi,tlckii:stiA*w4blDK - wo - cOilvrOt . , Or, eyl49 - 0, -- r
otbiery deacklpilon, from the eniellert'te the heir' net
11 ptotes, - emutvl'4,phort - tintlcertoreiery:kind of tria•
I . .4lineryv..aittree.varkityi ofmtll iumtltio tam okiftakid.
j' i .Tirosklllful.,Myrn, Initkogo:ronliO,u9y..epaptoyi,dl4,
~11131. 4 ,1MQ,
.7pro,u?pgy lattßnajoidl o..f9v;Pappr„lsllllE,
, ~PlstinPrteg,( olo , 4 l4l . lo ; ,Xact4 i rlijj, : & r Turrirj'ic.A4d
1 j witting. Mill Kpluillejl, ito.dti49,o4lT,,blst:Syle...;', ;.,
r . :: l iiiiiioll6o:l4iiellitlES ANDtoßetkiNVEliti.
, . .. .. ..... , .
• - 1,1 0 14 b4 1 ftfyi.l9ollC% 7plar irOftrt Posplrlf,: , ,llor4nntal
i Glear - l'Ou a ill,:T#o .Iprfo,T6*re.'Cont 'Sb4llliirs,
I ,Cri l mb er !' , /PSlt°. l . l° T o : - f"Pgh FailiPlis , Jitid-otlikrAgr
r .i!alfpßiS...,,,T'Ai.s!nd,:,ini,!krothp'93' l lu,r 6 t '?., ird° t
I_ : -:, ~ , jl.
,1,,-j.l)ljl4iiili4Allltl/014; ~ i,.i. : ;:' , ) '',,.-.:.','
ii l l . ' A i t iA U ! ' o4...i . Ar!, - tiotitgo . ailltdidligc,.....r."':i4H r ilow. .
'ZVP,r / q t i P Ctitrge:rrr'tireqiirteiV lll ;."- f t.
1, ,4.linic .',el'Agr .# 4 . l 444;iTitsok**47,1 1 4,
1 . :Aleko24 P IrFilgtrelOgiidr, 4 ,4l,oll!' t 'i t '2, ::-, !!'
. . el°
'ir 001; In' &A 9-07,'filv.
130..6%,tvwfl's,r Elt1 Ofie 4 11)
.4 1, 4 4 —e 1 4 0 :nrk
1 ,141 -iN.liigg,,,, ' 4k4i - otp.*.ito lgrifttp;Tafat M.
mow yalitiOria lii
talß le ldlrl .11 * IVO% 'Cittir 4114 A.., -. "
~ ' . way.w,e,. 67-1 • •••(iAINTirti6P '
- . - :'1.*:.....',!'. -:, -,..','...: '? .*- •`','4 7 :Y'.'....., - .: •:, ',-, :;-' '
~, r. :'
N -4,1t 14 1 ; 4 ; 11 S
111 subscribers /VOll resoctfully announce; to ;he'
public,lhat they'aro new prepared to furnish' tho
lotting described articles of First, Common
and l'apnel Plan; and; ileardseol all thioness
woe Dakrda and Plan of White pine rllkinlock
and Scantling. of all sizes and lengths; White Pine and
- Yellow - Pide:Fifgaiiiif; fide:v.lo'W Dig mid
Plastering Laths ; -Pi n d Cyprus Bfiingles of all qua--
Mica* ' ,Shingling .Lath and 'Striping, r and Fencing .
hoards 20 feet long. All timbers sawed to order, by
• leaving; their bills, oeall lengths, and sizes, (pine, oak,
Or hemlock.) Sash, Doors, blinds Mici - Meuldlogs ready
for deo, The above will he furnished on the inosV tea-
Sonable tanitsihnd at the shortest notice. • • • • •
, A - We have constantly an hand nl
" kinds or "•• '
. ;,Il PAMILY COL; •
tal ss Lykona Vainly, Short Mountain, Trovorton, Lo•
a nt! the Broad Top for Blacksmiths all of Which we
deliver to any part of the town es low as it van be
bought at any yard in the town for eash or country
produce. Coal.all rescreened and delivered' clean.' By
strict attention to business, we hope to receive a liberal
share of public patronage.
You will find our Yard in the enetti'h end of the
rough, oppositrolhe Gas Works. Our offlecibereafter will
be opt. op posit° Bents & Brothers store, in the ofilco
now occupied by 'Squire Smith. All orders left at the ,
eface or at either of the subscribers' residences, on West
Pomfret stmet, or at Bast street t will be promptly at,
tended to . .
While, June 3, 1/157
' WILL/All RCN • • Itlt:intim BRNNEMANi •
JOHN C. Dustup, IL A. STURGEON ' •
This-Bank, doing-business in tho name' of Re ; Men
4tow—folly-pregated—to-do-a- floral
Banking Business with pnooptuess and fidelity. •
•' Money received on deposit and paid buckon d land,
without notice. Interest paid on special depOsiti. • Cer
tificates of deposit bearing Interest -at the rate five
per cent. will I o issued for as . short a ported as four
months. Interest on all certificates will cease at not.,
' turity, provided, Lowey er,•tbat if said 'certificate are
- reneiveinft - ay tint° 'thereafter focunothee - gf,fo - 4,: -
riod; they 'shall bear the some i-ate of interest-up to the
Unto of renewal. Partleular'atteution paidlo the col,
Jaction of notes, drafts, checks, Ac., In any' part of the
'United State!, or Canadas.
. Hernia:tin:es-made to Ireland, or I he Conti.
mtg. The faithful and ccanlideutiol exteutlon of all
orders entrusted to them, may be relied upon..
They call the attention of Farmers, Mechanics md
all ethers who 'Moire a safe depository for their names,
to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this Bank
Ale INDIVIIIITAT.I.I liable to the extent of thelrotes for,
all thaliePriasts;and Ofinit,alligatlonsof.iter, license.
man k Co,
They, have recently removed Into tneir new Banking
Rouse directly .opposite their former bond, In West
Main Street, a few doors east of the Railroad Depot,
whelk, they will at ell times' be pleased to mire any.ln
formatiou.deslred in regard to money mutters lu gene.
Upon for business from 9 o'clock In tho morning uulll
4 o'plock In the evening.
Carlisle, Stay 20. ism'.
DURANCE COMPANY of Cumberland eounty,ll:corpm
rated by an actor Amiimbly, Is now fully organized, and
In operation under the management of the folitwing
commieslonera. viz:.-
Daniel Daily, William It. Clorgai, Michael Cocklln,
.1. Elchelborgor, I.lhrhitlan Staynum,_ John C. Dum,
lap; Jacob, 11. Coover, Loth llyer, S. Eberly, Benja
min 11. 3lotser, ..1. Brandt, Joseph IVlckerxhaw,
Alexander Cathcart. ' -
qui rates of Insurance are as low and favorable ee any
Company of thu kind In thu State. Persons wishing to
become numbers mai wilted to make applmatiou to tha
agents of thu company, who aro willing to wait upon
MOSSER . , President...
;CHRISTIAN STAY W Nice President.
'WIS lIYER, Seccetarz.
MICHAEL COCKLIN. Treasurer. ‘.
-CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—John Sherrick. Allan,
Rudolph )lartin, Nor 'Cumlwrland; Henry Rearing,
Shiremanstown: Samuel Woodburn, Dickinson; Hoary
Bowman, Church tiiw n : Model. Urfmth, South Iliddle-_
; Samuel Oral:AM. W. Ponnal oro'; Samuel Cone.;
Mechantohnrg; .1. W. Conlin, PhophedPtown; D.
Comer, Shepherdstown ; C. 11. Herman, Sliver Spring;
'Ben), Ilarc.tick: Silver Spring; Charles Ile)), Ca:lisle.
YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Plekingl--Dorerp-Puler-AVII
ford, Franklin ; J.. Griffith,- Warrington; J. El Dear
dorff, Wtiehingten.
DAUPHIN CO.—Houser - & - tnehman, linrriaburg.
Membera of the company having policies about to ex
pire, can have them renewed by making application
any of the Agenix. "
An .Invaluable Book for 21$ Cents: 'Eve
ry Fanalry - ahould hove a Copy.
containing an outline of the
' err • , origin,. progress, treatment
-A, 410
2• ,,z.:and,cureof every Sinn of dis•
AM* , ease contracted by. prom's.
• ,•7 •••,.;•• conssextlAL , Intercourse, by
• / s s.•• solfabuse, or by sexual ex
' • Ifittiss•" with advice for their
prevention, written in a familiar style. scolding AIL
medical technicalities, and ever,Viling that would o1:'
fend the ear of decency. •
- Testinoily 04 Ge ffrefeinar of Obstetrics In Penn.
College, Philadelphia.—‘Dit. lIUNTIR'S MEDICAL
• MANUAL.'—'fbc author of this work, unlike the
• uraluritv of -thoseraho advertise to cure the diseas-
P•I es of which it treats, Is a' graduate of one of the
,4 best Colleges in the United States. It affoitis coo
pleasure to recommend him to the unfortrinte,orhp,
v•I the victim of mal-praction as a successful and OPT"
perionced pmetioner, in whora honor and integrity'
Ist they may place the greatest confidence.
.Prsern inausitona; M. D.
From A Woodward, M. U., of Senn. University„
6.4 l'hi!ed. It gives me pleasure to Add my testimony
to the Professional ability of the /rather of the
" Medical Manual."—N timorous (Well of Diseases of
ps the Genital ()reel's, sonic of them of long standing,
.o•ltave come under my make, in which Ills skill has
boon manifest In restoring to perfect health, in
/A some instances where the patient has been comic!'
m u 7 lbo m ndmedicalald.lthe tr
O n°f rt,l.eesa.ordi.rm 4 , len:thftueio
S. produced by SELF7AIIIIB6, or EXCEsS of vonery, I do
not know his superior in the profrasion. I have
boon acquainted with the. Author some 'thirty
5."19 years, and doom it no mere than Justice to him as
well ns a Modesto to the unfortunate victim of ear
ly indiscretion, to recommend hint none, In °bora
proforalennt skill and Integrity they may safely
confide themselves.
, One oopy. securely envelored, will ho forwarded free
of postage to any port of tho United States. for 25 etc.,
or 0 copies for 01 00. Ai` Address COSDEN A CO.
Publishers, Box 107, Philatielphii.
: ssy- 11,0101011,5, Consumers and Dolt Agents supplied
on the most liberal terme... .
Doe. 0, 1857.—1 y. . .
NOTICE in hereby given that L have
thin day associated with me, es n partner In the
Forwarding, Commission and Oniin llusluess..Any son
, ALBERT K. RIIEHM, and that the above business will
`be hereafter conductedtoder tho name of .1. MINES!
A. SON, ' ' . .1. itlitlEal.
N:B.—lllithest Cash &osier PRODUCE o' all hl ids,
FLOUR, Will:AT, RYE, OATS, Air... Salt, Plaster, Ac.
always on hand and for wile.
- CarlishOle4 1-4 18b7—tf. • , .' . •
L - it E It Y STABLE. Having pur
chased from .1. It. Nonetimßer his LIVElty, ES.
TAGLISIIMENE;VwIII be always ready • to areomma
. date ' the public with 110ItSES, GAR.
dgft,ltl AGES, BUGGIES, and every other at ,
title lu my line.- By strlct attention to
Wetness and a desire to please, the subscriber:helmet's
receive a Illigkel share of public patronage.
N. B. .omnlbueses on beta to supply those who may
be lit need of them. ' G., 11. ,
1t,10v,..11,V1557.1 .. , . . .
• , ~
. .
w.• ITMOlt; OF PllittADEL
1J Pntn. Where he hu been in successful' practice
for a number of yearar received. his education at the
best Medial College in the,United Stated and.hnd the
oxperlouco and practice
,in the 'different Hospitals for
novena yours, a member of OM Analytical 'Muffled' fn.
otitute'a Now York, nd laic' Medical , Surgeon of
'United titates.Diary, now offers himself to the Imbile to
attend any professional calla. r '
' , The purest medicine. abrupt; on hand direct frffin the
best labonsur'es of oOr' country,: 'Sod 'the "Planing
Gardens of the world. No patent medicines' prescribed
Or rceonununded. •Illedielnes useTonly Which, will not
breakdown the constitution, but will renovate the sys,
• tem,froua Ant injuries. it lane sustained frout•tudnenal
modicinds. Chronic and difficult dioceses mint be trend
ed upon analytical principles, which in to know tind es.
certain what disease is. its-nature, and chatActer rd,
quire a knowledge of the chemical constilueuts of,every
•, solid and fluid of the human body; ,the changes those
solids and Enidatiro cipabid 'Of 'undeigohng. ',To 'know
what medicines to initnloy to curd diseases, requires ''n'
ktiettledge of the chemical •mnstilitents• of all. agent.
employed In medicine; aud - it wo ire in pole...neon-of
this•kottenodge, It'd possible ; totcure,any disease—no
t matter of hbw long standing—and lodate the patient, is
ri healthy and iterfectly cured condition.
• Meldncholy;Aborratitin, , , ullOneriffin
and Weakness of tilt, Mind which rendlet:4 lieiione Incur
'of OOJOSing't be trlchanreenryerf imingtha dutioi
(elite; pyapepaho, that distressing gljeceen'end'foll
'stroyer of health; andbapplues.. undeiaMitlog the.dint
stitntidtAand yearly 'decrying' tlinuainds th - untititele
t graces, can most emphatically be cured. tthenniailent,'
In any form oreondit, Amtcffironle Oettleute, warranted
Oral& ; Epilepsy or falling Aloknese; AIL cbronle and
'stubborn 1111WS of Female Diseases radically •remo.ed;
:Balt 'Rheum, And every-descrlption Of itleenttloran.:Piles
•modical shill ran be mired by,my-11;eattuppt,,twiten _the •
.constitution isnot exhausted..,: • ,
' Ido say all' distanettlyes tleffiimined)•eiired.
Canter 0%111.1d with out Ilia .
: I will remain In my ° .
pli,Wbinttaittis arid, blAttra •
'titre, titan a o'clockA *: M. hi:, to araOntroodate
llll.Xt . baralllanivaAaa • '14;1111aakt•e• to any 'Ms
ianro required. Maybe aclaretsbd by letter, INlttat
' '
JBqt.TT•!.iita.P.!al.trilti IL •
ZiI3I7,CAS.H" 11 ..DRY:G.OO[43;IIQ,MaI
3. Ligar-OPENENGL or souxol.', RE & LANDEI,I,,Fogrkh 41,141 ,rqto.o,ll4,#o'
ROYPqrVing.Pio , l/ • •
' (1,Qq1113, FOE ,BppINQ .OF. lass. - •
. .
,F,gtorb.t.gri,„ 9Podsfici 4 1. '
'T ,411 , .. - 41
I'D Ilk t934)nelles cle ;
„..., ,
s ' Spring gods Direi;'gkttxpt •EifyieN, :. ,-,,,
.. , ,
t illiatMloqiiVitillhe' NO we0 4
,plyies, ' .',; , ~.,.,'.,,,,. - r
British; Difitich,eiDtkuVrppltiiSietl , t' o ± :, ,,,, .iT
Full btobit'br,DOhlistie 5; , .• r . ~ .• -:..,,
~' V i ' ll:r l le r r e irge9" D fri,:; L : o o4' .r'' . d,411; cle„ - ttpl.'
rrothHt,l4.4oli n De 'Dew ToiltlilDr ‘ PBUJIDPIIDC
I' ' P ' ' ' .B: tt t i re • dti Lk h 14 ,444.1 f4 pig.° th ii °ll l lAVAt i l '
TBagt. 1 1.0 4 , -- ,..V I' - • ' i 314 T fiv,{s....
lIE' LAR{ B'l`t. CiiAllt 'AND
. .
. • No. , 26Way , Street. near Fayette, c '
. .
. .
' WHERE le kept elways on hand, or mad e to order, ovek'
ry style of French TETIRA-TETES; ip. , . Hair .
Clothe or bronitelle. '' • •
French Full Stuff and Medallion; Parlor ARM CHAIRS
In Pluck, Hair, Cloth, Or Broaden. '
French Full Stuff Carved PARLOR CHAIRS, In sets
trlth' Plush. lialr,'Or Brocatelle.
' SOFAS; half French Mahogany and Walnut Parlor
CHAIRS, In Hair, Cloth or Plush. - '
'" ROCKING CHAPS—various designa, In Hair; Cloth
nod I9ash.-
Stuff Spring LOUNGES—a large assortment always
oh hand. or any patteT.mado or. erw'ered with • any
goods to order. •
riIANBER SURFS—in Walnut, complete, from RR,
9 R MUER.-
. .
. . .
'I%.NR-CHAIRS-and.Rooking-do. thu-largebt...n.nrt,-
monk ready-mode Ot the United Statea-'-frotti $l2 a do
zen up. . . . •
Oar-Room: O ffi ce and Dining CHAIRS.' n Oak, WaL •
nut or iliallogohy. oith Ceoo. Wohd ur Stuffed Seat.-
an men t outlawing over to doattn... •
CHAIRS,- of es- 1110 dozen. • ,
- Nelltht-r itedsAlnir and - linak-Mattrespett of-every
rfoty. Also, All Made of Opt and , Plain Frames for
Looking G tattoo, de.
A. 11ATIII0T, 1u North day Street, '
Near Fayette street. ,
1 / 1 1 . It'S II U ROOF,
• AT S.C. UM:TT% • '•
j•:alunin. Elul,' Flab and 11:1dpa Fish,'
Ail I iIY
'Codah : Talt and Pfikled I.krrlng,
At ituvrirs
U. A. STURGEON, Cashier
Most useful article over invented, for hoik'ilbre
and office, surpassin; is, utility every, other
glue; gum, nrucliage, paste, or -
consent ever km.. n
Adhesive on paper, cloth, feather, furniture. porce
InIn; cline, marble or glins,
Fur manalieturlng Fancy Articles. Toys. etc.. it has
rim nuperior, not only-possessing greater strength limn_
any ,other known article. but :Minims more quickly.
leaving SO Main where . the - parts are joined. Yvan
MESS, the last,.three Years, upwards of 250,900 bet
• 1414 of this justly celebrated LIQUID 01.1.1 P hate been
sold, and tho great convenience which it has proved In
every case, has deservedly secured for It O ileumd
which, the manufacturer line found it, ar times, dint
cult to Meet; acknowledged by nil who have owed It.
that its merits are far abve any similar article or Intl
tallon-over-rifered to the-public.
45i- Thin GLUE is extensively counterfeited—observe
- the istble."Matea'a Celebrated,Ligtaid glue; the Great
Adhesive." Take no union' "'
- -
• Manufactured and Sold,. Wholesale and Detail. by
WM. C. MellEAs Stationer,
. N 0.907 ChestnueStreet., Philadelphia.
inducetnents offered to , persons desire°
of selling the above article.
Q ALT BT. Tim sAcK, ' . .
. , -3 11.ASKETS,..' , •
• ' ClglAltS
• .
Oat recolyrd•att o Family Grocery :gore or
Dec. 23, 'AL]. ' ' J. D. lIALDEItT
L as T -7-, A copy of tho illustrated edi
Lion of FROISSAIITT CIIRONIebbIF, Witti loot
nhout a year No. Any person hevlng the work, will
conform fever on the owner, by returning
. It to the
flerold Office, 1 , - '
Carlisle, Feb. 17,1 VA.
. .
TPIMOVAL.--.1 have removed 'my
ixdorn from the old stand to Hamilton's now build
log on the corner of Main -and Pitt Sm. directly two.
- ate the Methodist Episcopal Church, where I will be
pleased to see all my old customers; and rid many new
ones an will,httor me with their patronage.
11 am receiving d' new stock of goods, and will run
them off at very reduced prices. • " .•
Come one ductal! to the 'New Rom pied secure good
bargains. Eniall profile and quick - sales.
March 10 7 1838. , CHAP. of:11,11Y.
Van • RENT. The three- • •
• story IlitICK HOUSE, Jo Hanover
street, three a,ore froth the corner of the 9 a f',„
Squat •din Carlisle, at present occupied by II •
lien. Foot. This Ilooro Is well calculated
lei. a privet° de ening or place of business. Apply to
%Vette & Parker, or to the subscribsr. •
Esrcutor of Thos. Brown,,doc'd..
Carlisle. Feb. 29, lebB.—ti.
A_ ElC..—Tha Melina. d Poudrette of the Iran
Manufacturing Company, row In use over IS years. is
kepi.'..n hand sod so d by thu followltM firms in
dolphin A pamphlet sent snitts to 'any one applying.
PASCHALI,3IkIItIiIn & CM. rem Nlarket nod -7th st.
Market street.
FEN lll' & ASBURY, 3211 South Wharves.
Lodi Illanufseturlng , Csdnpauyl GO Coillsodt Stneet,
New York.
March 81. MK—lintel:.
Leavenworth . ctly, Ransaa 7'erritory.
WILL buy, sell, and locate lauds in
Kansas nod Nebraska Teri Bodes, lowa and
Western alleseuri, buy and sell lands, 1011111 and invest
money: buy and sell dr.dts;give information respecting
the country, and do a general agency business. , •
'John B. Bretton, Esq.. Carliile, Pa.
Wm. M. Beetunt, Banker, •`.
I lon, - J. IL Mraham- ' - -
lier, Brenneman & Co., Bankers:Carlisle:
11 m. M. ILendersou, Escf,,Earlisle. • . •
George Saudelaon, Esq.; Lancaster.'Pa.
lir. JOllll A. 41,1 Pe: •• t-t"
Wm, B..Cobean, Etat., :
E. W. Clarit'A Co., Bunkers, Philadelphia, • • •
lion. MichneTCoeklin, Shepherdstewn, Pa. , ' • •,
Henry Rein* & Sons, Nlurchants, Baltimore.
E. 1.. • Rieke, Ewl., Cashier Mercantile Bank, New York.
Snyder & M'Eorlane, Real Estltte,-Agenta', Minhaipolk
Mitinessota Territory
Wm. 'Wore Esq., Attorney and EOLII. Estate Agent , '
Staling, 111
IL W. Mateo, Esq., Ildnry city, 111.•
Es•Gor. Joseph Ilitner;Cumberiand county, Pa. ,
1, W. Clark & Co.. !linkers, Philadelphia.
Gov. Pollock.4larilsbulg, • e
Marth'lol3s7.--4Y.:‘ ;
1 4 1 41.,1 ,E
r.- • '
Tkcictubscriber denims to kotforur puinersand the pub.
lie generally' that' he hew half on hinii And le coil- ,
cloudy tuanufscturing Throning Dl:whines with tier
pout's...Patent Kintner. which- are generally acknowl
edged to be the best articles now in use. Also* variety.
of•huprofesiClover Mullets, Cora ribellem•tltraw. Cut.
tors and- Plank's Celebrated Plow. Me WIN attends to'
lho repairing, of Agricultural , Nlcchinery in, the best.
wanner and, on ,recaonable ,terms. - 41suulaelory ou
North Hanover iltrot; directly opposite the. v./Idiom.
of George Metegor,.Esg. • •
"., . Lirrev SON
s ' ,
ere now rem wing.thelr Yell 13 ch ot Hardware. which
Is Yununiall oointekloir with" their iky
Pier benVyntock ntaken It "onb'of the largest atnimost
varied obsortniepto ever lllTeied• tOlidie;publie. •They;
'have - every'pOng' thrtille Fewutcr, the, Huilder;lhe
Merchant:at:the publlc,'lnny'vrant lines, and
which they ere selling at the very lowedt firicee They
voilcit a call (Wm the' public-before .inniting their pur
'chases„ne they reel conhdent they can offoriodltoetneVe
that will rdworll the Inverter the troubli.••• •
FeellnitilaellfulAtin`generaturpublic Mr their rennet.
liberal patratege: continudneeinitheWanie
nt our old 'etehtt In Werth Ilinower Street, •
•••••• • i/OILIV P. INNE - g'sor.
October 8,1856., •', • • •.2
• " motifkr.g•=4.e.Li. SPONSLIOII, , HEAL' :11d3 CATE .
tnoied• li*NOveollidenn- Blain street; one door , nest'
otthe Cluintleriandilralloy Dept; • ,!,•
••I:re is nonfpermanantly bit on'hand ands
toroth' a ',dry largdaunaintot eonslsd iß
:of Orals; tiltall Altair trapilised , and unlinpirored, .11)111.
l'ropurtletilliliOnPrnpArty of every ;description, Build.
.Ing 'ate; tadd,)Vestorn•Lan de and To Lot ,fia.vidd
rlyd-his attenlidnowberetbitab todea;
!Iraq" °ll D " dP ' 149q ta g." 8,
d. van l og ddnytidlY• •' • ¢1 4
naigubuitu,sHAtti. VIVI e
'orciiptivadithi ite,atiirinirayoe 4
4‘ , `''RO it Waken 'bleak krettti tiohothitieesefeayA
fel leaps the fibres Al aye from dicey. 1
The thettblest tetitenttniflieThpye holitifteW
Ilitici.llll thy. inWfit:hiormlesti thet effitteloue Pair - A:ye let
'the' leretto.4, tillidhetaitt
eed'iiittilloollit , NO pHeete4 WOO, •eV 01118TAT00110 , 8,t,
wewrwAktotrixothke'l r6elllrk~, Deiteithas akuiV
Nile 410 Rithe Tinitedl34atex. •
AO NT.4,4tiet tr3tettiteVtlttlitihrghi *., t
f3lll{deall Mackerel of dlfkrent gine,
Sugar Cured Deena] llatun,
Aliysh uupply Of LIQUORS,
61IF, W bac Lead, &e..
20u(rttsements t 1
, . .
4 1 1/RNITURE,,..."4" . R N U
. 1:
A.)1; G It.,A A F,, • . •
$7,*,41A/VERie, (WhOlesole ware House')
•• and 40.1PF.Alltl. M. (Bet All totoFe.).
r .ftte* Bi $25 at:Wholesale Pikes
• posEwoon, • "
'PA:AL - A) lt rIT 11 rf TATA E
In Brugutelle, Delslns And Plush. Cane Pest and Corn
won Punllture In great
.• "' In S'atufnun 1102SIAO $lOO.
Also,,Feather Bids and Bedding, ,Patefit
7P - rerril -*- urn Boa
Bedsteads, atid•Patant Selt.ltoeldng Cradles. '
Dealers will hind at tho-above stores the largest and ,
best assortment of any'establlshaint In New,York, and
can bny either at wholesale or retail 'cheaper than at
any otheryeneelti the city." [Ap. H, '513-3mot.
• On the nd of April, 1833,. was commeneed tiro NEW
• eighty pages, lemsdsomelY' printed on fine. paper with
cut edges,issued weekly.
The bug established and deservedly high • reputation
which this Mitoomd work has iinjoyld, renders it super
fluous to refer. to Its claims as a most choice and ably'
conducted compendium of the best literaluro• of the
011100. C0111111 . 1:4144 as It does;tha acme do li Creme of
all the world renowned Reviews and Periodicals uf-Eu
roptl,,s well as °Outwit ertlelotand_matsionokscirctionaL
-- frouittiebeStTugliive litenttura of our owyt conntry. If
be at are e apptrent 'that It possesms character
alike Ms hoe sued nod called, suitable for alf,cloases of
renders—the' Statesman,. ettutent, l'hilompher, and
Footily Circle. jtla.ldition. hi the intrinsic quality 01
• its literary contents; the quantity of realliqg Matter
embrace.] Inn spud° ye trly VOllllllO%ll this work amounts ,
to four thousand ono hundred and . sixty_pages,tlte_sub,
Wain - Hon price tifTvitlcli I...MirSix 'Dollars per Armour;
1111,11:1111 loony lttldress--t huseonstlt uting it THE REeT,
Asp eilonv:isr pEttioincAL iN. THE WORLD.
This work hoe recelie'd the universal approval of the
press, religious and secular. m.. 1 also the cordial appro
bation of many eminent men of our country—such as,
lion. ilk:O. BANCIturT, IV. 11. iqui:Kx)rr,
_L. Complete sets. or single ,col tunes handsomely- heund
packed in rout botes,-anal dell, area lu ell the principal
cities, free of •expense Of frelzht, are fur sale at Two
Dollars a Volume..
Any number may he'larot far 12% cents: and it may
be worth while for Subscribers or Purchasers to com
plete any lirolien Volumes. they, may hate, and thus
greatly enhance their value.
(Successors to Stanford & .:wards. Established 1787.)
April '58.1 Publishers, New York.
At ttUYEWS. -
At nuyErr's
I 0 . 5 - 0 0 esel.:te.; one
, Al - 11 1' 3 5 ; U e " ec a U t ' l l t ° n ' t lel and
o i n u e
by selliud .013 t, I furnish on receipt nlsl.oo. It is
entirely new; and whit lakes In thif country like
wildfire: call Le bola to every pereitn, male or fe
male: The business Is very,rasy, and' perfectly
'lemonade. 'fry it—you rennet help but succeed.
The article- wlit sell itself readily; wherever sbown
11 - sond circular, with lull instrucliortond with iron:.
lot., on. reed pt of y,1,101.0r I will sell an
exclusive rizht for any country town with less than
10,000 inhabitants, for OM: largo atlas not for
sale. This Is no butniatz— catchpenny affair, hot
on o In which many thaw:lnds of Bolan "till soon
lw mills h.. woe one. •Coute, now Is your only
, hanca.,,
.103 Broadway, Now York City:
April ld. IFls4.—loins. •
L. SCOTT k.00.:701W YOKK,"continue to publish the
following leadiug Britib Periodicals, Os:
. . .
1. •
- TILE LONDON. QUARTERLY (, on*eitise.)
THE EDlNl3llliiiii REVIEW (Whig)
Titr. NORTH SIIITIS.II 11/711 , 11V (Free Church)
~ BLACK V WS RUIN .I.llKill 31A0AZINi: (Tory.')
-"These Periodicals ably represe, ot the three, great po
litical part 11.4 of Great I tritian-M h ig, Torv, and Radical,
—but politico forms only one feature of their chirarter.
- Ae Organs of the moot profound-wilters on &ienre,
Literature. Morality, and Itelleinn, they stand. an they'
over have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, - Lr
ing considered itidispensable to the scholar and the
proressloind man, while to the ititellipmt reader of eve
ry class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory
record of the current Mentions of the day. throughout
the world, than can be possibly obtalued from any other
The receipt. of Amerce Sneers from the r lirltlsh pub
lishers gives additional value to then r itrrinte, inns.
numb as they.ean now he placed - fi ads of. sub.
seribers,about as soon no the original editions. -
Per ann.
„ •
For any one•of the four Reviews $3 00
Bur any too of the four Revions . 5 00
For ally three of the four Reviews 1 7 00
For all four of the reviews .
For Illackwowl's Magazine . 3 00
For Muck weal and three reviews 9 00
For Rlackwood and the four Reviews. . . . 10 00
Payments to be made In all case, in advance. • Money
current In the State whole hsued will ho received at par
A discount of twonty.flve per cent. from the above
price wiq be allowed to CLCILI ordering fouror more cop
-lee 'of Any one or morn of the nixtVo works. Thus: Four
copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be vent to
ono address .or fit; (our copies of the four Reviews and
Macke ood for $3O; and sri on.
In all the principal Mies and Moans. these Works
will I.e deliteird Flt4E OF POSTAGE. When sent by
mall, the l'astage to any part of the United States will
be but Twenty-four Cents a year tar alackwodd," and
but Fourteen Cents a year far each of the nations.
N„.11. The price in Grunt Britain of the flee Periodi
cal% above nauled PI per annum. • .1
April 14, MS.
Iivin A NENGLISH LAD IC, widow of the
' late Archibald Fitzgibbon, Professorof Chemistr3 - ,
g decided up m making America her future home,
Ix induced from the most generous motives to glue to
all aim may require it; a Recipe (discovered by her
linsdatid.and now In her possession ouly) for making a
preparation err hosto, log Bair to Bald Persons, dialog
log it,to Its original color, if it has Micmac, Ono and
preventing It from filling out. The preknati,u ran
be made eta very small cost. Persons sending 'Or the
Reelpe should melee live postage ztamps. (Fifteuu
COWN.) to pay return postage, nod printing. Mrs.
Fitzgibbon desires that nil cortespandence Le carried
on a Ith her son, who will 00.10 no nmeh of bin HMO
as the earrying out of his tiler's wishes will require.
Address ALFRED A. FITZGIBBON New York P. 0.
Fob. 24, 11853. 7 :Buo, •
SI 000 " A ii* Blooo A
SIOOO , A . YEAR.TenunIs in town or country In search
$lOOO A YEAIt; of employment as a souree of iiironal,-
$lOOO A YEAR. or to till up their Mama hours, may
$lOOO A YEAR. hear 01 such by eticaming 2 stamps (to
SIOOOA - YRAIR pay postage) to Prof. JA3IEII
$lOOO A YEAR. •110. v. No. 4551, New York Post Office.
$lOOO A YEAR. The employment is fitted to either sex,
SIOOOA YEAR. station iu Ilfn limmiterial. It I. an or.
$lOOO A YEAR. 'tide of daily consumption, and etin be
$lOOO A, YEAR. manufactured in the agent's dwelling,
$lOOO A YEAR. secured by - copyright; salt, as perms.
$ l OOO A YEAR. maneut .as flour. Au Agent wanted
$lOOO A YEAR. In every town iu the Union.
Feb. 24, 1e55.-31n0.'• • " •
T ts, , NoT DYll.—Alitt subjoin 'a '
11 few onstnell ,of those who recommend MRS. S. A.
BALSAMUSI. President Eaton. sai Uhion "Univemity r
"The falling of hair (welled, and my grey locks changed
to wiginal color." Itey. C. A.lluelthee,Treax. Am. llible
• Upton, N. T.: " I cheerfully add my testimony." ltev.
11-V. Unger, Ed." (lei le to lioliness," Doston : "We
can teldity to its elects." Iles. M. IL Fairchild, Con
See. ?ten Union, N. Y :." Used in my amity with lone
tidal effects." , Nov. A: Wohstar, " Clem Sri,"
• ' :since using your preparations. am neither bald or
grey. as heretofore." Rev. Jan 11. .Coinell. ['or. Sen.
eta, " It has restored the lialrof one of my family
to its original color. and stopped its failing out," etn,
eto,,, We can quote twin numerous ethernet likeetand•
lug in Europe and .ktnerica, but for furthering:rat:Won
send folulrcular to
.11,11 S. S. A. ALLEN'S
- Worki'a flair Restorer. Depot,
No. ass Uroome at., N.Y.
*a - sou) EVERylviiitoE -teo
l titlyrelrl7, 114:17-3 4104. • ;
. . S
„ .
.0 0 N .0 DIP Tl,O
• (moils;
• and all Ingessos arising Prow a Scinfulocui , or Inipover:'
'shed 'stile of tha mood. 4.N,.9.A111L k. CO'S
Ilan 146°4 the lent of oier ten yigirs'expefigna,,And Ia
I.oo;ncilded by all.thO moot enduont, phyeldany'ithis
-- moat - valuable'retnedy'ltrum ,- pf; -- Wlllhany, - the eel &
hnitod phypldan of the London,Conelnpption Hospital,
tOolc antes of Its offoqbAn'hbout SOO haws; and'kund It
inpni illllateloon than All renonlres yet Al.ooTored: Thin
ronlelY,lo valuobla 0,,a
,Pl/RY,..boootnea Yroirthlefa' or
When adulterated. Soo tbitlthqlabolluistlje
aagio'ainl inortai, and the' algnaturi.ovet tha.tork
etrh prattle, all,thluillda hove boon coyed by thy, asa.ef
the genuine 4rtleln Ain:, hid_ haelt.othenn,williontins,
Sold by all Drlngyleti : ,:::
•• A •
- 14 A T ET.w .
4 . (,; tk - s - PhYr—
; dwphp,,, Tb e kito, VC.,‘,Alve
• Ilates; ttc!tho,,..heZM=XL,lo.l.9m,,tkist,Ar•-
' Tidinifelny OrdidAtie doioldnidl-1164. 7,,,,.„11,v`r!5Pe.b,80 d.
. 4 tlierbilidiricid-Pnblic,* IWO "'v49%.°,14.101.40.:
fitaikWdlitil6P"urg PrArtrigat:Otret
°'{-7. l .l n ll t Ytt n ji to vitoVriurie
ralbit 4 ,443ollgEAN I $10:10
' 1,4 .; : , ..0R00N , 11011 , .RENT. ,, ; , ff. 'I.;
,wolMpeiint Homo" find: Stamp Itopia
ilsatisitilhalkslofelOusd4oo* , la,Vie
Ogllbycyiiill be' fbefiutlionilbs ISM or
nu t,l,3 or ten i iia t ips,,,t„ti,i .!:'!,4•/T. )4+ •,1 . „;:l:k
E OV7: Nta>iiliDd ,
1 0 lair° s Ala Osr
• • k
.L • , PR:11.11,1.IU
" - • PIANO POIPPES. • ' •
• LLIAM KNANE, senior partner of the late firm'
of Knabs,.(kehle & Cod continues the reanufiketure and
sale_of tiItAND_AND SRUAIVE.PIA NO PONT,ES,_ urior_
the nitne of - WILLIAM KNABE & t 33., at the old
stand. .Nos. I, 3, to and 7 North. Eutaw• stn. et, Opposite
Thankful for the extensive pittronagdietelved by the
late firm for Medial fifteen years, I respectfully-beg
leave to inform the public, that since
,the death of one
Mg of mypartners, M Henry Otehle, by which the part
nership was diaalved, I have , purchase4l the •entire
large stock of unfinished Pianos, lumber, and other ,
prepared materials belonging tothe late firm. I shall
therePtre continue the buSiness at the old eta. d as
above, and will endeavtir not only to mobilo the well'
established reputation of the" late firm—but to excel
all Ammer' efforts to perfecting the Piano Forte.
:Once the dissolution of tim late firm, I am ma:meat ,
turfing Pianos Mt a how 'and math impmved scale.—
The first Instrument finished according to the new de
signs. wee deposited In the Fair'of the Maryland troll.
tote. held October, 1855. at which It took the highest:
bemuse( the Institution, having been 'awarded' the'
"Gold Medal Premium," over the unusual ,competitlon
of fourteen Pianos, exhibited by some of the best ma
kers of Boston, New York end.fialtimOre.
At, the Annual Industrial Exhibitions, held in Om
sober; 1855; and Oraber. 1856, by the`Meelmailcs' Insti
tute of Richmond, Vii-ginia, my Pianos-were also award
td the Highest Premium!, ,
Again. at the - late tab. of - the Maryland Institute,
'hheld Octohem-1556,-after-a-most-thorough - and - an-un
usually protracted havectigation id the merits.of Abe
elchteen Instruments oir exhibition - , from . the most
'celebrated factories of Refill:norm New, York and llos
ton, nay Pianos were a awarded the highest honors'
of the Institution, they having received the "Gold
'Medal C.f , rtilleate.” ad honor only adjudged to articles
of slid, Miperiter merit as to defy, 'competillen for two
-suerrardso years.,
Also. at the Third lisbibilion of the 31etropo,tsin
Meelninie)tliistitute. held In ‘Voxhington. D. C. Marsh
1d57, they stem once mere awarded the highest hon
li regard to the qualities of my pianos, I confi
dently refer to the testimonials I am constantly re•
ceiling from Professors and. Amateurs. silent ing. for
themselves and oth,rs, of the high appreciation In
whirls my I rodrumen loam always held. and which ran
be seen nt my,WareMorns. And this js the best and
Most reliable assurance I can offer to customers. mar
froinvatroun - knowleil4e of the lik.thumentS." that - In
purchasing nt my establishment. They are guaranteed
the pos - s,ssioir ore Piano. equril. if riot superior, tnany
made in rhii country.or s Eurpe.
All Pianos built at my Pnetnry have full Iron Frames.
,being o s constructed as to secure great additional
strongth. without affecting the,cost.riad therefore will
stand in any climate:-
Pianos made to order, of any bind of wood, and with
Any style of finish that may be desired.
Tho glentest carols Isadoweil up.o my work. and the
selection of the best niaterialst and every Instrument
turned oat of my factory Call. therefore be fully war •
ranted as possessing all the qualities requiiite fora
good Piano. - - - •
, All Instruments of my manufacture arerlsn guaran
teed for five years (nom tire day of sale
Particular' attention to paid -to the k.eiertion of In.
struments for distant orders. aml a PRIVIL'OC or rx
atasoegrarted at any time within- six. Mnllols from
the daY of sale. should such Instruinent not giro ei.tire
Dr. LLIIB will filu it to their advant
age to give the a mil purchasing elsewhere.
etn_eunstantly on hand a fn.e assort meta of 'MELO.
DEONZt, of the best makers, at prices from $45 to $2Oll--
stint single_ and double rmls—and ahm with, double
toy boards and stops, well adapted fur the use of small
PIANOS ex4.hanged. hired, or tuned
Tb.. following testimonials Intm two of the most emi•
vent Pianists lit the, world, will shim lint my Instru
meats are appreciated. by those great Performers, who
have had opportunities for testiug the best Planes or
Europe and Anieriea: •
Mei. W. KS:AnE,
Dear Sir: I have great pleasure In certifying that I
haie tried your Square Pianos, and , irol them equal, it
not superior to any in thisrount ry. Among their peat
qualities, which distinguish them, is the eveness of
tone, the agreeable and' even touch, and volume of
tone. Wishing you ell the success you-sohighly
corer, I ant. sir, yours ver y truly, . .
Baltimore, Dec. 3.1„.1855, • B. TIIALBERO.
To Merasg. Wm. Knabe & Co., Baltimore t.
Gentlembn: Permit me to expressyou herewith my
sincere thanks for the superb Grand and Square Pianos
_which 3nu have Inauett.tae. and_on_whiai I base per
formed at my concerts. I cannot hut congratulate ynu
upon the im mense nt and kmproVernents von con
continuallf make on you - Firtnas. - Crblih, n my op u
lon, rank among the very best in this co,untry. .
With hearty wishes for your success and prosperity.
which you richly deserve by your en terptise, energy and
activity. I remain yours. very tritly.
July 15, ISsl—ly. ' MAURICE grRATIOSCII.
The testimony of Prof. Booth end Dr. Ilrinri.le
having previously been publlehed, the following le uow
From Prof. MCCLOSICY, formelly professor of Theory
and Practice of Medicine in the !male 'Medical Col.
lege of Penury Isola, and late Protesoor of Surgery in
the American - 00114100 . yiedicine, A r.
Pluit t'm ton la, No,. 27th. 1f1,56..,
Mr. Joseph E. Ih.vcr:—A trial of your LIQUID
llAllt DYE mill convince tho u t siorptleal, that It la
El Farr. ILLG/NT. and Erne4rtous preparation. Unlike
'many oilier. it has in set oral Instances proved
vireable in the cure. f soinevutancous eruptions On the
head. and I have no 'hesitation , in commending it to
those row', ing.surch an -application
Very respecAcully, J, 1. X. IIeCIASKY. M. Lk,
475 1:nco Sl., above lath.
:FtilLitorintoin Aheir elf:melee, uld,h h. alwoYf
diNtitnsub.lactl them, andthe rxteoldve demand trot
created. h.tornotinuNl uninterrupted until then:molt.
Orders addre,sed I • tire Monufectorv. -11ty1IACE
trret, - ainve F. /151ITIL: (old No.'l.ll,)Phllidelphia;leill
'receive piempt attention by -
• Jot.; pi! E.,.troVER. Manufacturer.
s:r.auvrEit &:tualLsy„.
101,1 S. LE 'AN D RTAIL, at •
N.v l the Phlle, elphia Waieh and Jewelry Store
N 0.148 (Old No. 00) North SFLOOND Street, Coruer of
Quarry, I.lllladelphi,
Gold.l.ever Wattehee fulldewelled, 18 caret caves, $ - 2K 60
.Golil Lep., IS mu-et. 24 00
:Silver Lever, full jewelled, ' 1300
'Sliver Lepinojeweii- •- ". - - . 900
Superior Quartievs, , • : 700
:Gold Spoetvelei., ' " - 700
,Fine Silver do., •• . 150
!Gold Itraceletw. ' ~.1 . :'''- • • 300
Lady's liold..l.euellv, 1 00
!Silver Tex Spoooo, vet; ' . ' - - 500
Gold Now, with remit end Silver holder. - 100
• •
.. - . .
' Hold Fingeritibp..3n4 eh; to SSG; Watch Glasses,
;plain 114 cts-; wawa la;. Intnet . ....s:..othet articles in
: proportion. , .Allgoqls warranted to he. what they arti
isold for. . . • ,
. ' . -; • -
.. .UFFKR A 11A111.1.;Y.
~., 461"011 hand some Gehl and Silier Levers -and Le.
!pinea still lower thaw the abate prices. : • '
‘. Oct. 14. 183i-Iyr. ,
. _
TORN, H. ALLEN & CO., Nos. 2 & 4
. Cheviot street. side, below Ander.) Philo
delpidx, (the oldest - Wocdaiere House Id the city.)
idatiutteturera - and Wholesale Dealer. in Patekt
•cdina made -itioome, Patent Grained Ctdararare. Twee.
ranted not, to shrink.) Wood and Willoverrare.Curdi;
Brushes, dr., rt all descriptions. Please cell and es.-
-amine our stock. • ' August
. . .
lirAirollES, - .; 4EWELRy; - : - , AND.
STUNK-TAR/IAT CONLYN'S . old establblied
. Stand.' Wept • Main Et; nearly opposite thstputonerland
Valley Bank; . • • .. ~ :. . .
. ' 1 have Just. facetted* now assortment of watches,
.. jewelrjr.ntedalhans , elites ware,l,lra„ Id addltleuto ,my
;thinker crook' to • whleh l'lntlte the atlinti ,- . ••1 'the
public, Ithoastatimmat embtaces Ana"- 17,..1c. ,
gold and alb-444ml- *arches: Hunting tt ,
on_Cormo..tasit..(l9.,:lrald-Alldl9lt Akw--- Vc ,-
Ladles and Gentle/mail and Ritter Le- - ~..:
pints andtluartlei witiliesot liery Ta.. - . QIC
1. , , '
;deli in fijailil4 . E.fiC4.- ..
_. . • -.. . . ,
.Ateofina giddlltedfdltons. Bread-Oils for Males a nd ` ,
.;;Gentlemen otoy s i q uallt l r, pattern and price: god
; fob; Yalltt ctaL, , ,and mat chritna.. aolCOnicelets; Luger'
ringe,,goltpirp , ,...atudic aleetabuttons, crosses; charms,
(Le., t 4.. tioltt and sliver tileahlest, ;sliver an d
~ plated
*- 'baler lallim: Wm. table, tek:salt and mustand emirs
let entry variety. A taiga asstStMeot of gold. oil/or.
and• common Spectacles, to; atilt all.
t '..'''....11a.5. igeStO whkla we loylto 9:wail attar'.
I • -, A..'alos , lotiotOOLl):PliNfi 'llarnAltishes*' Anthill* ,
- ispaclkatla lipariltailey;boxell:ailterl anApaarr card mow
!gold and cantpron.bescaletts- witeltoehalpfl,l , ,, •,,,,,‘
. ltantleiLlkiii r Aisd *Starkly or articles nou
T 0, f'.
all*koptlistlowiltsoitibllololieobOwltl.ie4,l ._
II will sell low tbr cash. All uttelNr`atarl c ;
!rwrrted - twbswhitt - the7 Sr. sepnemetiteth— - - 4 4 , .:
i-flltlielt,USAiLhmtlolti ;Paid! *Wan* it '
'IMAM o4I 4 P4AFRN i #45.4:4 14 n. 4 • 7 7,
: ,r,. r .;
I -T.' . .4....,—'... , .: i.-4 . ,F.-i' - i •sq-i• -• -•'•-. ' • i . . , ,i) ' "iiirsl-4- •
; sAft:t&lll'istt - -,;ll ' '-l - t.,•1:.:...h.;;;:, , -;4: - .11, ,, 3::: „, ; '...-.:-", -,. 7.;
i wormior . - ,IgttADES - ; 1 ..,, , ii . Ai, te. t;
... ~. '' -: *AnKCSkal chtabit , thortiientarw*aw:
f aml itn , 3 1 .4# 01 e.. 1 4". 00 0 0f ,2 ".•' ,,, .. 11,7,• ' 5 ;
4 ',
'4'. !', -:::4•••.4..--.:'
IiSICCI►(Inc os.
mugs '.lB GOING!' • •
• And gill he 'pt :104 via.' Head Quarter's In North .
nano, or street,lduring the Christmus and New Yeses'
festival* nith one of iho largest assortments of - - •
• CallloE COAI tAdabNAlllk.B.•
'ver Y offerod._in _this_ pines -subsisting-hi part, of Pine
Candi joya and Fruits, Jelly Coles, lion Dons, hum
Choeulate And Fruit Drops,' Itose,"Vanilia; and Duna
Almonds, Frothil and eipludlng•llleerets &a. .Also all
.be common - Varieties.
• . FRUITS AND 'NUTS , - •
of • the latest iniporlatious.such as Orange, Lc:roomy
Raisins, Figs; Prunus; CurrantS, Cltron,_soft and paper
- shelled Almonds, Filberts, Cream; Cocoa, and Ground
-Nuts. — in connection with the, alga a
e gestunalve
surtment of. „.
- or ewery quality and price, consisting in pail OfFlna
Wax, kid, - china,—ery big and - other Doliff.--: Boding and
- Card- Baskets, Fancy Doles, Flower Vases, Motto Cups,
Tea Setts, Masks, Drums„Onne,Air Sisiols..Accordeous,-
- MarmonicanicTititiipTiW. Clieiwinen- of bone and wood,
Dominoes, Lotto and other games. , Ntiuty'Sonpai Hair
Oils and Port Monales, kc.. hove also a fine.lot of
FAMILY DRODERlESintichas pultreilsed, crushed and
brown Sugars,,of every grade, C 4 inhe . ,, , Alolasses, ,Starch,
'Green and liipei Toes, Spices, Butter,soda;Sugar,Watet.
and other Crackers cheese, Ac. ,
„- ,
The,subseriberraurns his sincere thanks to a gener
ous public for the patronage heretofore bestowed on him,.
and hopes. by a desire to please, to tnerit a continuance
of the Bawd. „ P. MON YES.
- Carlisle, Dec. 10. 1855 -
• - •
. .
Co A L -1,000
Va r Vl "I ~,
„. •'- Too 141.en'e Valley
T m 4.; il --- - COAl.,•broken ilia re..
gWO II ifit .. arreenod..prepared•ex-,
=__. ,
_,..,,..... ,
_..,_ .
_, preeely pt for family us y m
anke unneh covn„
so that 1 can furnish It DAY and CLEAN all sensone of the
year. 1 have also on hand and for sale the' 11LACK
DIAMOND COAL, from the %Mom° Company Miners. •
This Coal le ndmlnddy calculated 11,r
.I.A_TllollZ_Bloveg -
• nd- Cellar Filruldelq - all — drirldefi I will Nell at numli
pmflts for 113.41, and deliver to any Part of the borough;Magma h, 10:7. ' 'W. B. MURRAY. .
. .
E S 11 ' , A E'R I V-A
,GOODS . ,,G I F - D - 13001i8; &o.
8. w. HAVEhSTI splendid recelved.from the'city
'and ts ttow opening a display of FANCY GOOIM,
suitable for the hoproaching Holiday Henson. to which
he desires to call the attention of his friends and the
public. Ills assortutentin this linccannot be surpassed
In novelty and elegance, and both In quality and price
of tho articles. cannot fall to please ion-dieser& It. would
be Impossible lb en U111(411(11 his
-which comprise every varietyuf fancy article of the most
exquisitefinish such • " •—a
Papier Shat (Mods,
- .
Elegant plplaster and porcelain Ink -stands and trays,
Fancy Ivory. pearl and 1,411 card cases.
Ladles' Fancy Baskets. •
Fancy %Vork Boxes. with sewing Instruments,
Port Monimles. of el cry variety, •
kiold pens Mn! pencils, ' , alley paper weights, -4
Papeteries, and a large rt r!ety of ladies Fancy station
blotte'seals and wafers, Sllp ind bend purees, -
Ladles' riding whips, elegantly - fittlibed, Ladies' fine
cutlery..., • • •
Perrnme baskets and bags,: _
Brushes of every kind fee the t , dlot. • •
Roussers Perfumes of the vat hues hinds, • ,
Musical instruments.. of nil kinds nud ni all prices,_ .
together with all inn unteraidoyariety of tirticiee elegant.
ly finished and suitable fir holiday. presents, to ihich'
he Invites special attention.
Also, an eXtensit c and elegant collection r-
lIOI4IIAI - - ti FT - BOOKS. -
Annprising'the various English and Atoerica. ANNUALS
liar 1,5 e, richly embellehed nod illuntinted POETICAL
childrefPor all ages. thatriillich nothing ran be more
appropriate Or utensil," ns hol lay d gifts. Ifisassortment
of School Books and SclCioiStetionary In also_ eomplete, - .
and emnprhes evert thing used ht College nod the
Schools. Ile-also !wire to toil the, particular atten
tion of Fantille's to his elegant wiredraw n& fir
• .. • - - LAMPS. fit RANDOLLS,
front the extensive establishments 01 Cornelius, Archer
and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of
Parlor. Chamber and stiftly Letups, fir burning either
Lard. :perm or Liberia! oil, togntherwith Flower Vnses,
Fancy Scree... U.. ills .NOI fluent In tills line is un
equaled in the istrough: Alan
In eviry variety and at all Price . ‘. all of which are pure
and fresh such as can he confidentlit recommended to
hie friends and tile, little folks' • stock embntren
everFalting'in the line of Fancy tioods,With ninny other
articles useful to housekeepers which the public are es
pecially invited to call and sed duniso thir: holidays.—
Remember the Old Stand,snearly opposite the Bank pn •
North Ilanordr street. .
0 1- V7Alt'D - Ors - • T 0 11,
4 ) .
I I, A D'E r;
A Benevolent Institution, established by , special en
dowment for the relief of the sick anti distressed,
afflicted with Virulent ssulEpidemic diseases.
To nil masons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, truants
of ONANISM, or SELF ABUSE; Ac., Ac. • '
The ILAVARD 'ASSOCIATION, in eltiti,er the awful
destruction of htimate life, caused by Seine_ diseases,
and the deceptions practised upon the untbittnate slE
time °tenth diseases by Quacks, several Years ego di.
rected their Consulting Surgeon, nsa CHARITABLE
ACT worthy of their name, Cooper, a Dlipensary for the
treatment of this dues of diseases; In Ml their forms,
and to give :MEDICAL ADVICE tiItATIS, to all who
apply- by letter. with a description of their condition,
(age, occupation, habits of life, ker..) and in cases of ex
CHARGE... It is needless to add that the Assoelation
commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will
furnish the most approved modern treatment.
The Piremors, on a review of the past, feel assured
that their bebors in-this sphere of benevolent
have been of great benefit to the nfflicled..especially to
the young. and they have resolved to devote Orem
selves.,witle renewed zeal, to this very important but
much despised cause.
Just published by the Ansocfatten, a Report on Sper
tnafOrrhced or Seminal Weakness. the Vire ofi.Onanism,
Masturbation or Self.Ahnse, and other Discuses of the
Fetual Organs, by,the Consulting Surgeon, which will
be sent by 111211. (Ina sea led.letter envelope,)
CHA ROD. on receipt of TWO STA MI'S for postage
Address, for Report or treatment, Dr. GEORGE IL
CALHOUN, Conoultlng Sorceon, Howard losotintlon,
No. 2 South Ninth Strert,,Phllatlelphln,l'a,
By erect of the Directors.
EZRA D. lIEAItTWELL, Dread. ut.
OF.O. FAIRCHILD, Secretary.
Dec. 2, 18417.1
Shunted nn 11 - est street. In the horouult of Cm . lisle.
adjoining ptoperh• of William Pofree on tho Nein, nod
Me, Sterrett nu tho South. The lot cunt:tine 31 feet
afront Ip I_•b fent In depth. with n eorelbrtnble
•::: DWELLING 111:1USE.. For (wither partleultire
en iuireon the preutlges,
Sept. 16, 18.57 -If. er
I;011, I{lOIT.Tho S,tore Room and
Duelling on North Hanover etreet, now In the oc
rupaney_of N, Wilson IVoods, In offered FOR Itl•lh7
from the first day of April lief I. This propel ty In so
flail }a.m. to InhaneFe men is an old establleLed
Wine that nothlnz need 'be Fuld In'regard to lot elity.
For further info, apply Drib° rill - 4(711,er, ta
the liail•Road Mice. • JOIIN CAMPBELL •
' • Agent for the owner.
FiVX ()ELS PICT IJ lt E 8 .
it: lIENWOOD Would rests.. tinily inform the
..ursens of earl kle and vicinity that ho 11+11,64 - en rooma
In Zug's new building, east corner of Mald:et
whirr» he is at all (lines ready to take .4311140'111'1,S
in the latest and smut apprtive4,ityle. ildturcs hazels
In rainy and weather as well no cleat. and sat
isfaction Oven no charges made. Portraits and Da
guerreotypes copied. .illiniature Helm es Wien fir
Lockets .to.. In Anibrotypo.
Ambutt3 pea rvarranted tUstiind the test of time, beat
or hater. , , -
, ,
Ladles m i d Gentlemen are cordially Invited to call
ed examine simelmens. '
Prices lam 2.lrts. to $lO. 111iN WOOD.
Jan. 27. ' " Artist.
A Jourfinl of Civilization,. ' genfilurs tho 1....5t Tab
out ;tab he World! Torn luVallably it; adeauco. ..
1 copy for twenty weeks " .141 00
1 ". ' - 1 year, - ' .2.50
1 "
2: " ' '' • • • ' ,
II 4 00 -
5' cs plop tin• r year, - .
. 00
12 " ". 1 " - • '' -- 20 00
25 " ' .1 40 - 00 -•---.
Harpers. -Week. y" and "Magazine," one yenr $4 00.
Postmasters Fr n d Illg aolub - of twelve or tweiby tre,
!will receive scropy gratis.
.. ,
Fwbseriptionif may commence with any blunter. . ' '•
Specimen numbers gredituously supplied.' • ' ''•
' Rad. numbers ran 1.0 furnished - to any (*tent.
Clergymen 411 teachers supplied sit lowest club.
, 11ARPi1t .4 .11110TIIERS, Publishers.
, . L • Franbliw,Square, Now York. .
. .
. I.j. JAMS Ae D. Ithinurs;rinonll4 . ,HAßObl, the Celt,'
Mated Pianist, of WsshingSon, Dz V., offers her services
to these minting to twelve lessons on the Plano. Her
reildencs if , In - Alessuider's Itow, Nth Street.
Tenon :—Eight dollars for thlrty•sla:lessons.,_
earlislu;3llstah n, 1658. ' • • •
RE 1%1 OV, A L..—That old-atiii
'koor .Tailoring Estoblielopentiniinirly eanduet' '
:ad by Jr.'?. 11, Sklles. tote ,t!tbe. tiny., been removed by,
Abe aubacritiar to Ilendltosr•s nen , bullthn . tort-b./Ad .
eatery of Motif and 'Nit etryet, aaeond dopydhactly
oppoaite the•Mattia'alidlt: • •
, - •'
.11, MULLIN,
PLACKB3IIT.EIS' 0 0 'St:4-5 - 41'00Q
IL/ mciinifsmi‘oo4l. furor the yilybiated
11.eutpn'' tlinet rarelslag end hir ante by.
' -ter:wit fi. 1653.
,C 0
TONS of Lyiiigfiq.thillititVbst': a yupeittit
.hbb receiving and for sale, bye,
: ---
'l6 l'ONs
trgal Pt IRON, for Otle ak9te WarethriukroU
ji 27. '
1 - 1 7 *KA - 1, .E:fP , ltakatg•OX..(k.E N 0 Y .
.uunent'a. sox. ' Zthf:•:Af.:4l7
• ~710..1S & 110 It P93 : 011',. 7,4)
ininieopioad gni Oleo at dt: l o4/010. - Abrittice puic'
Aisilind soli of Rini /CAW!: tinVngAnd adllux /And'.
iririnta, ontelind Lind on,-711:90; Snrroyintindldapl
:1 1 10fiSnlyn.o, Oqd-snakinplwildi.
' won 4 tbr.norpliiildentrrpoy 44-of Tonoa, a 11; bUoli
;Kiisbertaming* Um:torsi:Paid Agoncy , •--
indr&coco-'otitiocOp4. 13trlet:
1111601crwhi,E.-- 047,00Iiile‘4'''';''