tt Vathtts. II CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET , Reported weekly orv- Schmidt. Herald by Wocidlivard'AP Acme. Superfine, per, bbl. $.4,00 4 .' 25 do. Family - ' ;Rye ' do. ' - - 2,60 . INVITE WHEAT per biishol LOP RED do. dO. Of RYE • Couu Ci.ovFneinn T/MOTILYBEED. do._ do. do. Simirro BARLEY' do WINTEII BARLEY .• do PIIILADELPHIA DIARRE'r Ototnii par, bat rel, Extra family flour; . • • Rye Flour, '.. . -8 00 Corn Meal, , . , .2 87/ WHeAT, beet white, per bushel,' 1 25e1 30 Prime red whelit, - 1 00®1 00 Rye, per bushel, . •70 Corn, .. • - - , 0,118,-, ,. , • . .. Clovefseed, per bushel, Whiskey, per gullet', BALTIIIIOtIE ,MARKET F.pun., per barrel, . • ' 525 06io extra, 5 00 CityMille, - - . . - a 2506 50 Rye Flour, .. 3 00 Corti'Meal, ' '.• 8 00. lirnEkrs,,best white per bushel, • 1 Ile ,1 15 Prime red wheat, . .1 02 0 1_08 Rye. per bushel, ' 74 coru, - "" .. - 51®56 32 5 25 Oats; " Clovereeed, per bushel, 'Whiskey, per gallon,' A Eist of Sales of personal property, corn- Mor . oh_ 4,llloses }Therly.. Esq., Hampden twp. 6, John- Sadler,.Upper " 6, Mrs. Nancy Green. S .11191tileton. " 8, Peter Y. Hamlin, Silver Spring. 9, Wi Hain Glover,. - do.- 10 John Wolf, East Pennsboro'. 11. Henry Ileokerttell, Hampden twp. "• 12, G. W. Geese. South 111iddletcn. 13,.Simon Arnold. Mechanicsburg: " 15, 11lichael Garver, Monroe tw. Ij. " 16, Wm. R. Gargas, Esq. Lower p Allen., " .17, A. Koser,.Gettysburg, Adams co.' " 18, do: do , do. .1 4 " " 10, John Rife, dec'd. - East PennstChro'. " 20, Frederick Stone - r, N. Curnbeaud A , Sheller, Mourno.t n. " 23. Muria Nit:holm, Gysterle , ,PcOt. -" 24,.A. Coitliesrt Esq 'ShdlihroAtottrn. " . 25, Conrad Nleguntle. Nl.onto twp.. " 20, David Burtner, DM . In.nn9hero'. -" 27, Geo. 'Anhenielter, N. Cutuberina W. C, BOUSEB, Auctioneer. NROM.CA LIVORNIA We have two weeks' later .news` from Call• fornin, by the arrival nt•-New York of the steanospip Moses Taylor with the P'noitio mails antf•sl,64o,42o:iti -treasure..--_A .violent storm, lasting three'days, had swept over California, doing great damage. -A large amount of land -had finally been confirmed • to the catholic church hy.the old missions being restored to them. Money was scarce Snit' FranciSfm, and the r eoelpts-of gold from the intericlifialtel • limited. -The_toorkets were again overstocked - 7 - vrith — till — defrcripti - onn — ornerohnindiseeicept flour. In this commodity some speculation isms going on, and pricea'•had- advanced to a higher figure thati'llad been 'demanded since 1553. More thdo.ths.MmaL number .of murs dere and' affrays had occurred vhrious Ritrts of the State.-- At- San-Diego, Mr..- Getman,_ sheriff of Los Angeles county, had been killed by an-insane man Minted Iteed, from Teens. In a subsequent attempt to arrest the murder s er a regular battle 'ensued.which resulted in the killing of the homicide, Idll body being riddled with .balls. A suicide mania prevailed at San Francisco. No lees than thirteen suicides and attempts at self-destruction were perpetrated during the fortnight previous to the sailing of the steam-. or. A duel had taken place between two French editors.. They fought with small swords, and both were wounded. The intel ligence from Salt Lake City represents the Mormons as suffering-for -want- of-pi ovisions, clothing and dry goods. A party had arrived at the Mohave river in quest of supplies, and with orders to prevent the further emigration of the Saints from San Bernardino. Two coin panies of'artillery had been sent to San Ber nardino to protect the inhabitants from any' violence from the Mormons. Accounts from Bonora state that Gandara had collected a large farce of Indians and at tacked the goiernment troops at Guayamas. They were, however repulsed after a two days' fight. An attaok on CO.. Sta - na!ta_iLirz y ing party was apprehended WISTAIVS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. . From the Principal of the Fredonia (New York) Seminary. EREDONIA, July 17 DR SETH W. FOWLE: Dear Sir: From my youth I have been subject to lung complaints. In February last I took.cold a cough . set in, I'expeetorated freely, but the mucous raised from the lungs indicated a disease deeply BM . ted. Two-yr three physicians kindly sent me their medicines, which have been very effici ent insuring coughs, but they faileeto reach any oats. 4 the latter 'part of April,l left Lome, intending to travel a while, and if pos sible, escape by that means froth present dim. ger. When I reached, Buffalo my cough was considerably aggravated. A Inc.i d there ad-. wised me to try the "Balsam of Wild Cherry." but I told him I had, swallowed medicine enough, The next dny.ray friend urged me 'again"to try "Doctor Wistar," and at 3 P. M. I was willing to try any thing; for I coughed -contitantly.l procured a bottle, drank of 'it, •continued taking it from that bottle one week. and when -the Balsam was gone my eougli and pains were gone, acid I have not coughed since. Respectfully yours, F. A. RgDDINGTON Nono genuone unless eigned I. BUTTS on-the anipper. . . . For sale itrearlisle by Samuel Elliot A Cones REMOVED.—WoManhobd where is experiencing the evireffeuts of the otitis inflicted on her sex, by Eve's disobedi ence in the garden of Eden. Ever 'sitice our aneisnt mother's-first effort to hide. her shame for violating the express will of. her Creator, by sewing together •and wearing, fig leaves, her daughters have" been doomed to " stitch away their lives," in obedience to the exorbi. tont demands of fashion, in the modern adorn ments of her sex. The only relief they can over expect from the drudgeryof band sew ing, must be found in' the- introduotion of a thitiVElE - Scliesiiin Sewing Machine into.every, household. , -,.8y-dtezee-every-wife 'and-mother will have ainp:e leisure to bestow attention to the education of her ehildred, do better row ing than by hand, and have better health and: more comfort than,elie can possibly havewith,.: Out A'GROVEItk BMW]. MaChinil. Du VeLL'e GALv„uip Cholio , wee cured in ten. utioutee—oak P. 'A. Brand .of flnfrfeburg, PA. Mee of tenyesiie stand lug cured by One tiottie, and .Inony , Othere of alio same oherector cured - soundly by ills me Vhi medicine isrfor 'sole by It .W. , Catri.: S, Edintr, 13.40 Kieffs - i - j, S. Davidson. tE..tromeP, Hoed &r rln„, Altreci . Nbrorigh, James gylo, ll: 110.00 Ruseion & Dice,. Green Plaik; .8 4 4rittgliind & Moore, „A. 31::Lei0104, Mary •'. •'- •:" • r ;:. : STATIBIIO9-01V VIE MIITtiODIST EPI,IIOOPAL Cnunctl --t•Tife. returns of all the Conference') and l'ilisalone -of the '?"lpthedist Epicoopal Church in the United' Statee, d 7. in inimber, have begn_otficially received by_klinaudlieritles of that numerous and influential religioue 'de no:ideation, and the result' furnishes the fol lowing inatictics : • ere, 5805; In 1855 there 'wee 4898; in 1854, 4814 ; increase over the previous your, 467 ' .Number of superriumerary or rotired'preash-• ers,•7ll-;.in 1855, 690: • 1954, 6691 increase over the previous yesr, 21; T.,tal number of reacher:4,o.o7o. • Number of local prenel erg, 6718.; in 1f55, there were 65901 in. 1894, ,6149; increase .ver-tbe-previous-year,-128. . Number of members,' 709.968; number In 1855, 692,255 ; number in 1864, 670,282 ; in orease- over the previous year; 17,713, Number of probationere,-110,-405-hin-1855,- 107,170 in 1854, 104,074; deoreese within 4.60 2,00 -70-1 4 60 6. 0000 00 the psst yeur..5166. . .• Total . membership 800,327; in 1855, 709, '421; in 1854, 783,358—inciense over tho'pre vious year, 20,102. including. benevolen contributions. amount bontrilthted for genera illissintinFy purpose's, $226,007; for the Sun day School Union, $14,852; for the Tract So ciety• $27,348. The whole amount ed oentritntione "of the church 'average 90 els. per attnuon for each memher of the church. The largest amount given pro rata ninny Con ference is reported to he that of Cincinnati, viz: 50 cents to each member; Ott:lowest is •that of the Arkansas 'Conference, which averages but•s,lo of a emit to naPir.member. 61,26 20®21 n u Sler_of_dea ths_for_the_y.ear . 8462; baptism of ado't p. 0 7,583; children, 27,037; , number of chu c/b115,3135; estimated Vane, $0,781,310 ; . - of parsonages, 2174; estimated value, $2,1,16;4374, funds for Conference glaimonts, $48,290 This - amount has been applidd topped) of the preachers as. .have been placed on the tntired list, or to' the families of deceased preachers.o Contributed fr the American Bible Society, $l6 610: number of Sunday Schools, 10.766; officers and teachers, 114,791: number of scholars, '591,468: number of volumes in their libraries,' _2;001,944.. - • . '-- ' It will be seen - That' thernmonnt;'ralsed for' the support Of the Sunday Schoel Union is but $14,852. It will be understood that this sum is almost entirety appropriated to the . eqab lishment of Sabbath Schools in - the Sir West. As for the amount contributed by. - the mem bership at large for the support of their own Schools, there is no data; but it will not be less than a quarter of a million dollars, since. it has been ascertained that the eXpank..6 of Slibbath Schools is scarcely less than the sum of fifty cents per annum for each scholar. • The following statistics , are compiled from the racial' of the:Church South : Number of traveling preachers fur the Year; 2171 ; num ber of supernumeraries, 163 ; 'number of local. prone tors, t ; nut I .er o w 1447.5 - tirThers, 461.061: number of colored and Indian room- hers, 116,553—t0tal membership, • 643.708. These statistical - ire frotti the minuteis ut 1855-6 As-compared with the numbers for the .prece ding,year,' they show' an-increase of 136 tray. elino preachers ; 26'1 lacer preachers ; 18,851 white member.. 3, and 5660 colored, and.a de crees° of 144 Indian members, malting a.totar iocrease of 24,689.. Vie number of the Indian members is 3613. - • UTAH ArFAlmi.—St. Low's, March I.—The "Lender learns from Father Deenret, n Catholic . Missionary. wha - hits spent'thany years among" the - Indian tribes on either elope of the Rooky mountains, that:there ia a porfeCtly Practicable and easy route - north from Salt Lake to the ,prltish possessions. Father Deseret has tree bled the route several times in light wagons, Chid gives it as his conviction that; if the Mor• moiis leave their present iodation, they will • 4 1 pr c oed northward to New Caledonia, in• Brit• merion, and settle at the base of. the Yor• t e monntaina,Thear the forty‘minth parallel The route is described in detail, bud the coun , and -- 4tated ' try and climate stated eminently superior in every respect,tp that of Utah. The Leader calls the special attention or.the War depart ment add the public, to its article ou the sub ject. DEMOCRATIC MEETINCI.IN CAMIIhIA COIiNTY. —l.'benabt(rg, via Witniore. 111 arch I.—A Meet ing of Democrats of Cambria county wan held in the court house here, to day, Thomas Col lins, E. , acting ne chairman. Resolutions condemning the President's action on the Kan sas (ration' and sustaining Governor Packer, vrere..adopted. Jtetu Ilhoertfs ements a vaper for fly 6irls ano gjogs. THE SCHOOL-ROOM LEDGER, Is published at this ofllce, at the )0w price of Fifty Cents per year, In advance.. It Is devoted entirely to and to that whieh Interests _ Girls_ and Boys. Every sclool gtclund school boy should subscribo for a sopy. You can easy . afford It. Om Noun Crtivs a month. cannot you sparo Wet, in cider to 114eli Paper of your own? INDUCEMENTS TO FORM CLUBS. Any person sending us rirs sunscniorns, $2 50, will receive as n prize by return mull . any one el the follow. lug things, which he may select : Any volume of Abbe, .t's Illustrated Histories, worth 00 cents. A copy of the LEDGER fw 011 U year; or uny volume of Marco Piul's Travels. worth 50 Coot., Any erson sending TEN SUESCRIBEES d* s ' p ,trod 0O will receive me n priso lily one of the billowing things: ' Any volume of then 'Harper', dory Books.' together with any volume Of ;Tho Franconia Stories,' or any three volumes of 'Thum Pout's Travels,' worth .$1 00. Any person sending SIXTEEN SIIIISCRIRERB and $0 00, will receive one of the, follpwing things: Any three volumes of 'Abbott's Illustrntoll Histories,' worth $1 80; or any four volumes of 'Marco Paul's Travels,' worth $2,00; or ally of the following $2 00 Magaziner, for ono yenr: 'Peterson's Magpine,"Ar thur's Home Magazine,"Mrs. Stephen's Illustrated Monthly,' 'The,Ladles Repository,' 'The Nal lonul )lag • Any ,person sending us TWEENTY and $lO 00, will receive either four volumes of 'Abbot's Histories.' worth $2 40, or 'The Little Learner,' roln. - plots, 5 .volumes. worth $2 60; or any five volumes lit 'Marco Paul's Travels,' worth 52 50 ; or ands 11/Mmes . of The Franconia Stories,' worth two dollars and fifty rents; or 'Shakespeare's Complete Works,' worth three- Any .person Fending Mt:NTT-FOUR tawniness and' twelve dollars, will revolve either any one of the follow ing three dollar Meg/Islas, for one year: 'Harper's. Monthly.' frodeys May's lloolf,"Graltem's Megazhio,' 'Frank •LesliekiNew Family 3ingaine."The Knieker. boeker,"Emerson's k Patient's Maear.lne, the •Ilouse bold Words,' 'The Atlantic Monthly or. any of the three dollar Pictorial Newspapers 'fir one year: •Ifar pore weekly,' Frank Leslie* Illustrated Newspaper,' or 'halloos Pletorie I, or 'Marco Paul's Travels,' complete, 6 volumes worth three dollars. TllO. getting up clubs can select front the above 'prises to suit themselves, anNthoy will b eforwarded to them as soon as the Cavil Is received. All the subscribers need not be sent et one time, but wa will put them io the senders'.eredit, as first ow we get them, and when the desired amount is proem , . ed. we will forward thq premiums. • Also, it Is Nor nece.saly that all the. subseribers In one rlub be from the same Post Mee . We tell) direct Lonny number of offices. . Any persons, who would prefer money to thi above premiums. may deduct twenty cents from every dol. lar whirit they seat I for subscription. AISPLENDIDLY .11.1.U5T,11. ATE 1) , NEWSPAPER! 'FAR PERS WEEKLY: MIMI of Clvlll-atlon. Employs the best Tar= ant in' I haWorld! Terms invariably in Advance. 1 copy for twenty weeks • 41 00 1 " 1 year, 2 , 50. 1 " 2 •• 4 00 5 crples forill.-kear, • ' 900 12 " . 1 " .20 00 25 I' , ~, 1 " 40' 00 • llarper's 'Week] y" and “Mneazine," one year $4 00. Postanastels sending a club of twelve or tweitty.flmi,. will receive a copy grotto, Subscriptions may commence with any number. Specimen numbers gratituously supplied. • " , Dark numbers can be furnished to any extent. Clergymen And teachers lowest club rates. lIARPER la BROTIFERS, Publikbere. Franklin Square, Now York VOLTRT PRO.CLAMATION,-- Wilma:An the lion. JkMES• If: augllAlf,'Preni dent JudgeUf -the seVeeni Courts of Common Pleas oT the roentree of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Termiltbr and General JOll Delivery In said counties,. rend lion. Sou. OCT. I Viebnoutm and Hon, M. Comm, Judges-of the Courtof Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery -fertile - Mkt - of nil-ettpital-and-othermffendentrin-tho maid eoutity of Cumberland. by their precepts to me dl reeled, dated the 11th of Nov. 1857, leave ordered the CourVbf Oyer and Terminer add General Jail Delivery to be 'holden nt CARLISLE, on tile 241 MONDAY of April, 1858, (being the 12th day,) at 10 o'clock in ,April, forenoon ~to continee two.weeks. • NfYffiCr. IS 11ERE1Y GIVEN to the Coroner, Jun• ticen,of the Peace and Constables Jf the.nalif conniy of .Cuutherland, that they era by Mei said precept cons: mended to be then and there In their proper persons, with their tulle, records, inquisitions, tromiliations .and nil other remembrances, to do those things whirl, ,to.their officer appertain to be doue,and MI these that -are hound by rerognirances, to prosecute against the :prisoners that aro or then shell, be in the jail of said .munt,y . ore be there to prosecute them- as Omit be ust. bldreh 3.3U8.1 - I.IIIT • , nt•Nnuele's•Chenp Jew, idery St re, a tine supply of Hold and Silver Dun tine and open face WA tidies very line end le teat style.. -Alen hirwe mgmirthwitt nitiejewelry,. ll olidny,l'euninitic ,dc.. which we trill '1611,4 rialdeed' price daiiiid the The piddle tit niePectrailylnelted peep . and Ail:twine our geode bof.piqtairtug.ellowbere.• • : • •7, • 8,1867. ' • .•, . , 'A D. A . NA.UgLE. • Dec. 1 . 1 1, li S A It 11; I V ,A ! ODS OO FOR Tilt, UOLIDAYS FANCY GOODi, GIFT BOOKS, &o. S. W. IIAYERSTICK has juAt received Rum' the city .and is now opening a spiendiddisplay of FANCY 000115, suitable for the approaching I loliday: 10t1S1/11, to which ho desires to call the attention of his friedds mid the public. ills assortment In this line cannot bc surpassed In novelty nod elegance. and both in quality and price of the articles, cannot fail topless(' purchasers. It would ho impossible to enumerate his HOLIDAY FANCY GOODS, which comprise every variety of fancy article of the most exquisite finish such us. • Napier Macho Ilsods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink•stabds and trays, Amoy ivory, pearl and shell card (MEM . Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sowing insrdinents, Port Mollusks, of every variety, " Gold. pens and ponells, Pitney.paper weights, Papeteries, and a larger. zloty of ladles' Fancy station ery. Motto settle and wafers, Silk •sud bead purses, Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished; Ladies' fine • cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, Itilussel's Perfumes of the various kinds, • ,Musical instruments, of ell kinds and at all prices, • together w ith an innumerable varinCY of articles elegakb• ly finished and suitable for holiday presents, to which he invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection , • •• • HOLIDAY GIFT BOOKS, comprising the various tlnglishand Americar, ANNUALS , for 185 E, richly embelished slid Illustrated POETICAL AVORKS,, with CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL BOOKS, for children of all ageo,, than which nettling can lie more epprepriate oopleasing as holiday girth Ilisassortment,. aCßcheol BfKliefilliUdiPoL!ASSlFSarMs. MR. eliSßPlfite.t... and etWilites everything used in Collegel and the Schools. Ile also desires to call the particular eaten. lion of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, GIB ANDOLES. - Ao.„ •". from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising%every style of Parlor. Chamber and study Lamp., for burning either • Lard, Sperm Or Ellserial oil, together with Flower Vases, Fancy. Screens, Sc. Ills assortment in this line la .up equaled in the Iserough. Ake, FRUITS, FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—PRE , SERVED FRUITS, km. • ' In every variety and at all prices. all of whirls are pure and fresh aniline can be confidently recommended to his friends end the little folks Ills stork embraces everything in the line of Fancy (tootle, with menyitther articles uset ul to housekeepers which the public are es pecially invited to call and„srefdui ing 'fhe holidays.— • itentember the Old Sinsidynrariltrpposite the Bank on ?RIAD Hanover street/ • ' • • . • • S. W. lIVERSTICK: Dec. 10. 18117.,•• T QT • • ico le hereby givi)b 12 - r . Ornament' interiStod. :that 'appllcatten• 'for LI. ; 'cense under the net of March st, HOB, must be filed with the Clork.of the Court of Quarter Sessions, nn. or. before Monday. the:HILL - day of March, Otheiwise They, will .• ; THE' COURT.. Li, 17,1868, JACOB . 110W . 3.1A1, ShorllT. New Ahbertisements. trROUTY'S SUBSOIL, PROUTY'S DOUDLIt MICTITGAN. BOA ANT) BLIBBOIL, AND OKY'S CENTRE DRAFT PLOWB. Theo Bowl' aro eonatrurtod on aclontlfla an no to furn and pulvorlao Edo 00'40 at ono .oponalop. .1t took Thu Bret premium at thu Worlds Mill. London, agalnot all competition. All the dllToront sizes at itholesalo .PABCIIALL MOMS to CO., 8010 Agonta. . • N. E. Cornor Ttlt and Market eta Philo/ SPAIN'S PREIVITUM ATMOSPHE RIC CHURNS will prochice' wore butter from A given quantity of cream, than any other churn In 11/10. Seven elm, whelevale and retail. --PASCHALL .ItlollltlS.2CO.,Sole...Agenta, N. N. corner ith and Market ate; Milled. Fl.l5 -FLOWER A N-D-:GA-li-DEN SEEDS In greet.' vidiety—witruinted freFh And genuine. GUANO AIAPES, NITHOOBNIZED dUPER PHOSPHATE OF LINE POUDRETTE, du. PASCH A LL DIOSE IS & Co. N.E. Catnor, 7th and Murkot Pak.-21, 'sB.] _ , A N Li'NGLiSLI LADY, 'widow of the Into Archibald Fitzgibbon, Professor of Chemistry, laving decided upowntalting Americo her future hums, Ix induced from the most generous motives to give to all who way require It, a Betts, (discovered by her buitdand, and now In her possession only) for malt Inra preparation for li este, inglittir to Bald Persons,'chnng- Mg it to Its original color, if it has become ft roy, preventing it from billing out. , The preparntif n can be made nt a very small Persons sending for the Recipe. should, 011C10eo five past:lgo t.tamps, (Fifteen Cents.) to tiny return postage, and printing. Mrs. Fitzgibbon desires that ail correspondence be carried on with' her son. who will devote as much of his time on the carrying our of his' mother's wishes will require. Address ALFRED A. FITZUIBBON, New York ; MNIMEMEM A Yl9 AB: ! WOO' A • YEAR! Vow A YEAR. PROVItABLE AND 110 NOR AMX E1q .1,1000 - A YEAR. - PLOY3IENT ROE ALL - $lOOO A YEA It. Persons ,In town or country In search $lOOO A YEA It. of employment as a source of Income, $lOOO A YEAR. or testi!' up .their leisure hours, rimy $lOOO A YEAR. hear of such by enc,osing 2 stamps (to $lOOO A YEAR. pay postage) to Prof. JAMES 1101iNE, $lOOO A YEAR. Box' No. 4551, New York _Post Offtfe. $lOOO A YEA)!. The employment is fitted to eilhersex,. $lOOO. A YEAR. station l immaterial. It lo an or slooo A.YEA It. tide of daily consumption, mid can be $lOOO A YEAR. manufitet med. in the agent's dwelling, $lOOO A YEAR. secured .by copyright; sale as perm sl 000 A YEAR. nuthent no Rom% An Agent wanted $lOOO A YEAR. In every town In the Union. . Peb: 24, 1050.-amo. M.O" V. A L.- 7 -1 hut old and_ well xt.knotrn Tailoring Establlshtnent.lbruierly conduct ed by Mr. T. 11. Skiles, inis thin day been removed by the subscriber to Hamilton's new. building, nprtii.inst coeney of Main nod Pitt street.. second dpor,ltillectly opposite the Methodist 11. 311/LI.IN, Stiecessnr to T. 11. I.4l(ljen. Fob. 24,1858...1L., J UST PURIA.S F.l)-Priee six cents, ' POST FREE 1101 V TO CURE CONBUMPTLON;' — ' ,, Broneb.tts, A i.tholn. Croup. Colds; nod Yervous After. loos. •Add rer.n TIIACY 1 EI.OICMIfs , Brent Curer of Ciointuniii hl. New York. Cily Post Mee. Feb; 21, 185ti.-.3tno: T 00K OUT FOR THE LOCOMO jr-j-11111.--c.. Ititiou, hereby not OWN alrpersons debtod to him, that their accounts mist be closed forthwith. I le cannot give any crier Indulgence, and those who neglect this notice, skill find their bills in the hands of a' Magistrate for collection' .Feb. 24,185i.] F OR RENT. The three mum- 11011 SE, in Honorer street, three Rends from the corner of the I tllllftre; in Coriislr. nt present occupied l•y bill Clem Foot. This !louse is welt calculated for it private dwelling or place of business. Apply to Wait tsA Parker, or to the subscriber. SAMUEL WOODBURN, • Executor of Thos.lliown, dee'd. Carlisle, Feb. 24, 185S.—tl. IFS ALI 4 FOR 13 U.N C 0 lq ! ! • These fellows that fling out their red nags and make SO touch fuss alantethe effects of the Money Poole," A• Suspension and Its consequences" '• Omit attraction" " Prices greatly endured" and other queer "rumors," are all talking for Itt'scomer.._ But If you really wad to get the' wort Ipof your looney, call at the. Fatuity Grocery and Queprisware Store of • J. P. HALBERT, . • , on the N. Nl' Corner of the Public Squnro and directly opposite the eatable Deposit, Bank; In the borough of Carlisle. Illsr:t.ocli of China, Ginma'and Queensware , non-ralenitdied.from-Pl,4lmlriphi. q -..,d Leuliiy 17 design, quality and elleapneNs _ 13= GROCER IT. Ills assortment of FA311 . 1.1r GROCERIES is full, fresh, clean nod complete, itieli as, • ' , Java nod Rio Coffee, . • Mixed Pickets, . '. Roasted, Plain do. '''''''-` Imperial Tea% • Worcestershire Sauce, linra r i Oolong. or midi Ito. A Medea n do. • l'A '' ~ 11 I Pounded lloininy l'ornate PiltsliP, • - t 1,14.. Ihicker4 Farina, • Salad ix..telile oil, '•mil d ':i ; 4 Corn Starch, Pepper silks, ~ • biro Flbur, . 'fable salt. Baker's Cocim, Syrups nod Molasses .'• Chocolate, ; ' of every quality, _ Prestonla Eaglude , . . 'Macaroni, SPICES, (ground h unground.) Cinnamon, - 31nee, unnegs, (IOWA( Al9,lce, Pepper and Uhiger. ' SUGARS. New Orleans, Porto 'Hien, " Crushed, Granulated, ' Pulverised and Relined. CfIXVIE-PlllO apple and No York dairy Cheese. Cranberries, Broome mid Cedarwaro A-C-N,N-11 1;4, )lef m t›. Nom. 1. •L and 3 Salm:Hier or Concentrated Lye for mai, lug soap. Ile- MG° a ••1111/17SAND - ANI, ONi:"':iitiOlVA that rannid" Lo olumieratod, but which tho public are cordially iulited to exinoino for themselves. The subscriber thankful for the very liberal patron age wlitch lie has revolved r..on, the voinanuoity iii times past,'respectfully solicits it contiouar re. JOSEPH 1). HALBERT. Carlisle: Pee 23, 1857. . . , . WAT(JIIES, JEWELRY, AND SILVAIIt.WARLAT old established' Stand. West 31ain St., nearly opposite the Cuinberhad Talley Bank. I have junt received a new assortment of watches, jewelry. meitalhons. silverware, &c.. In aMlititur to toy limner stork to which I Invite the attontion of the public, The assortment embraces fine gold and silver lever watches, hunting • ' IPO and open cos., do.„ gold Anchors for ".• Ladles and Gentlemen add Silver ,Le.. pious and ( - loonier watches of every YR' qg riety in style and price. Also fine gold Medallions. Breast-pins for ladles and, Gentlemen of °Very quality, pattern and price. Gold fob, vest: curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets, finger rings, cuff-plus, elude, sleeveAuttons, etym.., charms, &c, do. Goldand silver thimbles, .silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, ten, salt and mustard spoons of 'every variety. A large assortment of gold, slivet t 8 spectacles, to salt ali' n mid ge,,.. ct o orto which tiOn. A flue tot of GOLD PENS' from the best makers, .poetaele eases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card cases, gold. and common bracelets, •watch challis, Manthieloeks and a variety of articles neu• ally kept in .rewelry eAtlttilisliments, which lwill soil low for cash. All articles war ranted to be what they aro represented. • . Particular , attention paid as usual' to WATCH REPAIRINU and all work war 22112! TIIO3IAS.CONLYN Doc. 23, 1857.] JUST' RECEIVED AN D • OPE NING AT NAIWILE'S CHEAP JEWELRY BTORN; . Nain Steal, . . A largo oupply of 'drams, Jormlry, r end MAIM Wore. I Wbletr•rititito - at , ration. If you want to .o. rat from tho lorgoot toolt ofeloolce, Watch , Jowelry, Sliver and fated ware in Carllele . . Wo baron largo assortment of Gold and 811 Var hunt ing and Opou Cacao Wan:hos to suit all Fancies and PookatC; _At NAUGLE'S, . Fine and Cheap Jewelry of every style end quality In setts or by the plea as wanted. - - At NAUGLE'S.. Silver and Plated Walters, Cake, Fruit, Sugar, and Card Basknts, SIIvor; Table, Ten,.Cream, Sugar, Salt, Thwart and Crean, Spoons, ' At BABBLE'S. Tine Pearl, Lit; , n, Coral, Cameo, Goldetone t Mosaic, Fio rentino Mosaic, Jot Box and aloes setts cheap - At NAUULET. • ' Diamond Breastpins and Eingerings, At NAUGLE'S. .Goid hunting Case, Eight Day Levers; Gold Hunt ing Case, Duplex; Gold Hunting, Chronometer's, At NAUGLE'S. Bagley's best quality ,of Gold Pencils; Ditto Gold' Peal and Silver llolders, - - • • Silver and Plated Tea Setts; Goblets, Cups, Toast :Rocks, Pitchers, Urns, Tureens, Tea Bells, . Gold Neck, Test. Curb, go, and Chntlain Gold IlMeelets, Lockets, Thimbles, Ciaiges, Charms, •' — At NAUGLE'I37. • „, Fronch Time Piceds to run three and fourvvecks,___ AVNA OGLE'S. Gold Sleeve, Test, Collar, and Shirt Studs of all stylca and quality, AtNAUGI,II'B. Plated 'Forks, Spoons, linlvos, Napkin Rings; Silver Thimbles, Shields, At NAUGLE'S. ACC9MICOIIII, 'Music Boxes—a fine variety, AFNAUGLE'S. Ladles' Portmonaleg Pearl and Leather, Plain and Fancy Travelling Bags, very 'rice styles, cheap • At NAUGLE'S. If you want to bare your Watches put in good re• phir and warranted, take them to If you want to get a Cheap Clock; you can get it - At NAUGLE'S. If you want your Silver ware neatly marked at short notice, cull At .N • AUULE'S.' All goods warranted as represented, or tbe money re. funded, • At NAUGLE'S Persons that want bargains aro Invited to call At NAUGLE'S T B. KELLER'S HAT, OAP,. U • BOOT AND ElloE STORE. North East Corner of UM Public Square.. • The subscriber offers to the public a 'completo and choler assortment of lints ' Caps ilootsand Shoes. which have gust licen.purchasmi from the best mit ufiu•Cururs• • fur block consists of a gret varietyffeautiful AND FEET lIATS, made expressly-for customers. All kinds of. Caps Fir Men, Boys and Children. We ,would invite particular attention to eur well, selmitod and great-variety of these geode, as me are confident they cannot be excelled 'lO the totes or county: - -HOOTS AND SIIOES. of every style and variety, all unequalled Mr price and finish. It consists in part of 4. MEN'S line French CALF BOOTS, 1101" S YOUTH'S " LADIES' French and EngijstVGAITEIIS., . „. '• . •• Misse s end Children's '.. ‘• - ' Every variety of Children's fancy Shoes. The bestiot of heavy WIN Tliit BOOTS, for men and boys. in town. . . . o Tit - OMNI to our friends inut - the - public - for - pasti.s: vors, we haps by strict attention .to the wants of our customers, and_by_selli tip; 0008 GOODS, to merit their continued favor. • , ' J. IL KELLER. N. B.—Weisel' no Auction Ooodsl [Oct. 7,'57. ,j . NAY GOODS!. GOOD GOODS! -4 IF YOU WANT NEW BOODS, Loon GOODS, AND CHEAP 00000 • OO TO Woooo', stoat dooitb Maglnuchlin's Hotel, and, you will fled largo asscrttnen t if Ladies' °otitis, L•onsixtlng of Fancy and Genoa Silks; Merino., Perslau/Cloths, lie Lefties, De Hagen, Alpac•cas, Scotch Plaids, Sack Flan • • Stole!, N1ne1114,5.. Enrlntnn, ChtnLvatting hams, Calico., Fine' French Worked Collars, Ribbonn, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac., &c. DOMESTICS.—WooIen Twilled Flannels, Drilling. Ticking. Bags and Bagging, Colton Flannels,Osnalit•rgn, 'lends, (Ingham, Table Draper, Checks, white and col, ored Carpet Chain, Ac. In Shawls and Blankets we have all sorts, sizes and conditions. For gentlemen we have Fine French Black Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimeref and Doeskins, Satin.. Vest. Inge; TWeeds,.Satinetts, Velvet Cord, Kentucky J0 : 550. ~t`s for men's. women's and children's Boots & Shoos, wo defy competition: Also, n very superior lot o f Oroceries; such as Coffee, Sugar, Bice, Spkes, Our stock has been selected with the greatest care an to price and quality, and we are determined to sell at very small advances. Those wishing to purchase will find that e are soiling ns cheep,-11 not cheaper-than any house In town; and they will find it to their ad. Vantage to give us a call. Butter, Eggs, Rags, Soap and Dried Fruit taken at Market prices. N. W. WOODS, Ag't. Don't for g et the Oleo, next door to Magleuehlln's hotel. • ilOOKS! BOOKS !! 'BOOKS !!! 61111tY0CK, TAYLOR .1, SMITII _nro sole ngeutOn yrikuklin and . Curuiwrinud counties fur the followiln.i isfunblO works: " Benton's Abridgment of tho Debates of Congress. Price per Vol., Cloth $3 ot' Shoep 3 50. - -- 'llenton's Thirty Year's Vie ; 'comph;te In' . 2 vole. Cloth $5 00, Law Sheep $ll 00. • • • • Morse's General Atlas of the World; Colored Slaps, and bound, $0 00.. litirton's Cyclopaedla of Wit and Humor. American Eloquence; a collection of speeches, etc., by the most eminent orators of America, with, blogra• 11111C111 sketches and illustrative notes. by Frallk Mo,re, note ready, complete la tot vols. Cloth, $00;); 1,1 l wary style, leather, $6 00; half rail, gilt, 8 UU; half moroc co, 7 00. SANDERS SCHOOL DOORS' Sanders' Primer. 'Sanders' Speller. Sanders' Reader, No. 1. Sanders' Reader, No 2. Sanders' Reader, No. 3. Sunders' Render, No, 4. Sanders' Reader, No. 5. Sander.: Reader, N 0.5. Sanders' High School Reader. 'Sanders' Ladies' Reader. • . . I 'Sanders' Speakers. Wholesale and retail ¢t SIIRYOCK, TAYLOR & S3IITITS Molodoong, Marton, A largo supyfy of School Rooks, *halesalo nod rotall, SIM YOCK; TAYLOR & SMITIVS. • , _ • Papftroliuvolops, I'ons, inks, etc , etc. SIIIIYOCK, TAYLOR a: SMIT11„ • • , . 1111. NEWT STORE AHEAD 01' I 60 , IPETION.Tbe ocalbfit, and cheapest arrival of the sman of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, Groceries, lints, Cups, Beets and Shone, at the New Store. In Carlisle, corner or North lbmover end Louther Streets. The Undersigned returns thanks 'for the patronage bestowed on him by the public. and at the same time respectfully announces toot helms just returned from Philadelphia and is now opening a new lot of Fall and Winter Dry Hoods and Groberies consistingin part as follows, end which he iddetermined to selbwit the lo.w. est rash prices Ducal Cloths, Alpacas. Cluilliesi 'De Lathes, Do Baps, Imstres, Poplins, Brilliants, Skirt ing., Feet eh and Scottish gingham& Prints. Gleees, - Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery. Sac., &c. Shawls of every style and quality. Staple.and domestic, Dry Goods, Cloths, Cassimers, .Nestings,' 1 , 16:111111A, !Rustles., Tickings, Stripes, Chocks Calicoes. Cottomileo, Linens, Sheelings, Denims, Nankeens, Drills. Marseilles Quills, colored and white Carpet Chain, Unibreline, . Re, Also a large and splendid assortment of Bonnets, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. A superior lot of, Fresh rework's, Teas, Coffee. Moles. see, Bice, Spices, Re., Re. Having selected my entire stock with the greatest care and at the lowest CASH pri ces, I can assure my friends and the publie generally that I will do all in my power to make' my establish, merit known Us the QUARTERS FOR BARGAINS!! Those who wish to purrhase n 11111,1.1 It to:their ad vantage to call and examine my stock before purclool— hog. I will pay tho highest market prim for Butter, Eggs, Rags; Soap and Dried Fruit. J. A. LIUMRICII, Jr. . , Carlisle, October 14, 1857 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER ''‘ SHIP.' • . stice In hereby given that the partnership hereto fore existing between A. J:KUTZ and JOHN A;WAll lel ELI/. Iv thin day by mutual. sasneent dissolved. All settlements aro to he:made with A. J. ,Warflold, the Attorney in fact o(John A. Warfel& s: , • 'A. J KUTZ, ' ~ .41,011 N A. WARVIELD. ' • Cavlible Pan'eo;4 l lslll — `" -- -"---,"'—'•-"---------- The business will ber.•after be carried on at tie Foundry.nnd 6lacbh e Shop In East North- street; by Join A. Wafflebi, under the Superintendence of A. J. _Nuts. AB Foremen. Thankful f , r pant favors, -the-par ties respectfully. in their new relationship solicit a continuance of the patronage of the former customers, and the patronage of the pubibi generolly . • ~ A. J. KUTZ; Foreman. Jan. 6,186434 , persons indebted to the subsrribor, are s earnestly 'requested' to',call and settle their accounts without 'delay. Tile -city. mercbauts basing adopted the cash system, will compel us to curtail our credits, and do as near a easb.busiuess is possible. Dec. 16,18574 • cABASr AT COST:-Thei subsciiber is nee/ endue a lot of PAUAS. far eat° cosi, ey will be found desirable for Christmaspresems;.. • Dee. 2 4' 67 . -GEO. (Forge) PIG IRON, for laic et the Wa' - rehouee of an. 4. Aiiia.) • ' • W.II.'HUItR4Y. w tt u it,nobo. AVNAILICILEIf I= = 81116 COCK, TAYLOR & SMITH'S SIIRTOCK, TAYLOR a SMITIVB ocatot ZUEIitICSS. (Barbs. • lAW .NOTICE.—Tgos. M • .BIDDI ! E f continues the practice of the law, in theroffice formerly occupied by his father, Wm.-141 Dlddle,--Esgq and more recently, by the law firm of Penrose & Diddle, now dissOlved. D0e..2,3, '57.] • • • ATTORNEY AT LAW. thl it; formerly occupied by Judge Llepburn, ou Eaat Main drool.. All business intrusted Co Ids care will Le promptly , 185 atten 7. ded to. May 20 ILLYdbI-C,—RII-EE-11f; — A. - ttofnorn at Law, Office In Main Street, Carltele. Pa.— SS:ii-Buslness entrusted to lithe will le promptly at, tendedzto - • • • - Yob, 7.'55, CP. HUNIRICIT,:Attorney af•Law.. .-0111 ca• on North. Hanover street, a few doors south of Glass' Hotel, All business entrusted to hint will be promptly attended to. , [April It. AW NOTICE, RhmOVAL. —W. 11.. J. M. PENROSE-has removed his Oleo to tho room formerly occupied by hfm on' Meld 'drool It Tow dam, oast of the slethodist Cintrch whom ho will promptly attotid to all business outrusted toßdut. , , August 10, 1857. ' LAW. QFFICE.LEMUEL TODD.. me resumed the practice of the Law. ogip.9 in Centre Square, west side, flour the kirst Presbitertan, 1 Church. . . . April 8, 1857. ••: . , . DR.'S. B. KIEFFER Otte() in North llonnvor Arcot two door from Arnold & SOleg atom OIILro houri, morn particularly from 7 to 0 o'clock A. M., sod from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M. IrjaCTOR AItMSTIIOXG has remov ed hia omen to Contra tiqunro west of tho Court Ilouse; whom ho may bo consulted at any hour ot.the day or nlitht: .11r. A. has had thirty years experience 'n the prorkslon, tho last tonal which harti:loon deco ed to the study and practice of nommopathic mud!. Ifie. . 'May 20,7070 m. DR. I.C.LOOMIS. South Hanover street, 11111pr o t\ next door to.the Poe • Mee. be absent from Carlisle the last ton flays efeaelfinentli. f Aug.l, '55 GEO. W. NEIDICII. D. D. S. lento ssemonst rater 40par:111VA Dell. listry to tin Baltimore College of Den - tol Surgery. . . • Office at his reoldence, opposite Marlon • Ilall, West 'Main Street. Carlisle. Nov.ll, 1857. a. GEOItGE S: SEA . II """' EIGHT, DENTIST, from the Bal timer° College of Dental Surgery. . at the residence of tile mother, East bouthet street, three doors below Bedford. `Reference—Dr. Geo Z. Bretz ' March ID, ISsl—tf. DR.•J., C. NEFF rpspqet . folly Informs the hulks and gentlemen .11 /I.- of Carlisle, mtd v trait Ite hos re sumed tho practice of Dentistry, and to pavetrell to per. form all Operations on the teeth and gurus,. belonging to Ids nrotemram. llmmjyil J• gold or silver, loith single gum teeth, or I dohs, an they may prefer, Trains - moderate. to: suit the 1111105. ' °Mee In 111 , 411. street, dlroctly opposite the Cumber land Valley Bunk. flfirDr N. will bo to Nowvillo the last ten days of every hielith. =MOE • ,/ S. W. lIAVEIiSTICK, Druggist / 11 -7- North Ihtnoier Street, Carlisle. - Physician's proscriptions eerefully eompouilded A full' supply of fresh drugs,and ellen„,tlrale.- -- • - --•-- l IIMRINGTON .& RI it NB A U BOOK DINDEItS ASH BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURERS, Mechanicsbzirg, Pa. • Maginlresi:Newspaners. - Illtderc Thank-books, l'ass:books, - Cory Sc., are received and TO turaeil, neatly bound In and week, at moderate" charg es. Also, pl4er ruled to any deslred,vattern., - Jan. Si, 18q4.1 SC/RIVEN:IM AND -00NVEYAN .CER.A. L. SPONSI t EII, Int . e.ltegisterAf Cumber d county, will carefully attend to the transaction of all suelrhuslness as may be entrusted to him, such as the writing of Deeds, Mortgagor Contracts. &c. 110 e 111 also devote his attention tollie procuring of !And War • ta.-Itonsinur, of Real Estate, negotititio - ns, of loans, Cc. 0, - 9.oflice nn West High Street, fortnerlyoccupled, by W.M. l'enrost Esq. near the Methodist Church. " • Simon P. SNYDER,' 011 to. W. li. Mentni-vie, Pennsylvania. ' 1,. L• Coos, lthodo Island. SNYDER, MT : ARLAND, AND COOK, Bankers and Dealers In Real Estate, MINNEAPOLIS, Juno 3,1957.—1 y PAL EAL ESTATE AGENCY,' RE- Ik, 310 VAL—A. L SPONSLER, REAL ESTATE lirr, CON VEVA WEIL- A N D.-SCR I VEN ER, has reo moved to his New °Mee on Main street. one door nest of the Cumberland Valley Hall Road Item t. Ile Is now permanently located, and has on hand and for sale a very largo amouut,of Real Estate, romdsling of ParmA, of all sines, _lmproved and unimproved. 31111 Properties. Town Property of every description. Build. lag Lots, also, Western Lands and Town Lots. Ile will give his attention, Is heretofore to the Negotiating of Loans. Writing of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, Contracts, and Serivenlng generally. ' • Oet. 2S, 1857.—tf. -, DEAL ESTATE AGENCY. ANDREW 0. ME. IL JEFF 1 . 0051P.50N. Ilti- & TIIO 31 PS 0 N !lave opened an office at St. Joseph, yin„ fir the put , ehaso and sale of Heal Estate. buying and selling Land IVarrants, entering 1. - ,nnd on Time, Sprveying and Map ping Towns, Location of Warrants, and snaking invest• meats for non.resldents. paying of Taxes, and all land. ness pertaining to a (tenon" Land Agency in 31insouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and lox. ti.1.,0111,•o on Second Street, North of A. T. Ilvattio', Banking Mum , , [July 30,1850. CA Ito L IS L E" if; EN(' volt INDEMNITY AGAIIiET LOSS DY VIJIE. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y., OF PIMADELPIIIA. Chartur PerpotuaL—s4oo,ooo Cupßal paid lu. 0111ce • street. MAKE INSURANCE, either permanent or limited, against loss or damage by Ore, on PROPERTY and eFFECTS of el, try description, in town or Country, on the most reasonable terms. Applications made either personally or by letter, will be promptly attended to. C. N BANCEER,Pr.'t The subscriber Is agent for the above company for Carlisle and its vicinity. All applications for lirburanee either by mall or personallp will be promptly attended to by_• A. I. sPONSI.P.It r -v dee.12,'55., Real Estate Agent and Scrivener. A:0 ARD.-P. M. L. GILLELEN &Aopen' his School for instruction •in English' and , en ) stinPes. at Plainfield. Pa., on the 2.3,1 of March next. Partlaular atteutidn will he given to NORMAL INSTRUCTION, while LrevertrA on the art of teaching, and the Philoso phy of Mental Devulopement, will be weekly-delivered. The windier of Pupils will he limited, and all will be . Instructed by hluiself. Session will terminate on the 25th of June. TERMS.—S 6 per session. Bonriliug.--$.2,t0 $2.20 per week. For further inforination, apply personally. or by let. ter to M. L. OILLELEN, Feb. 10, 1858.1, Plainfield, Pa. N' QTICE . 'TQ INVALIDS.- JIR . . 1 OAPIION has had an extensive experienre In the " treatment of Neuraighl. , orvous headache, and ether nervous discuses and all those- distressing complaints .so mamma' to females, and Is very successful In Hull.— treatment. • Ho also treats milli surcess, Ithotimatlsni, Gout, Dyspepsia, and diseases of the Lungs,• Sternach and Bowels generally. Ito will be at lls moms at the 111 A DTI N'S • HOTEL , forum) week only. Hours for general practice—both sexes, from 10 to 12 A. M. For Ladles bnly; from 210 four P. 51. • • Feb. 17, 1658.-21. • rfto THE PUBLIC.—TIie undersign ed being well known an a writer. would offer Ms services w all requiring Literary old. Ile will furnish Addresses, Orations. Essays Presentation speech... and replies, Lines for, Albums, Acrostics—prepare matter for tin...Press—Obituaries. and write Poetry upon any subject Address (post paid) FINLEY .10115:80N, Feb. 17, 1859. Baltimore, Aid. CiUMBERLAND COUNTY NOR: j MAL SCHOOL—The second , session of this Insti tution will commence In LITERARY HALL, Now Pa.. on TUESDAY, APRIL. 6th, 1 StB, and continue PITH MONTHS. An, able corps of Instrtictore have been secured. and uo eftbrt will be spored to condor the school worthy of tho poeltionit soaks to occupy, and of the patrohlige respectfully Solicits. • • . . For eircularsUontalnlng full partcculars address 'T. A. ideKINNEY, Treasurer,. Newville, Pa. By order of the Board of Trustees, . = Notices, 2y 4 STATI.I OP ELE - 4,NOR - ,MeAL- .- , LISTER, DECEASED.—Not lee is hereby given.. • t at Letters of Administration on the Estate of Eleanor. IdaitillsterplateCof Dickinson tovenshin, Cumberland , county, deeeseed; have been issued by the register, of said county to the subscriber. residing in 511111 in town- Ship,' All persons indebted to the Estate are required' to make immediate payment, and these baring: claim to present them, properlynuthentica ted. for settlement.... WIT. M. SWELLED. Jan; 21). 'lt-et I Adel. of Eleanor McAllister. doe. r, STATE. OF 'JACOB 1 4 1171-IM AN' • .aocustiSibt—Lettirs of Adiritnistrution on tho as ', Lott , of ..Ixtrolt Itsliiiinn, tote of North Middloion town, • ship. deentoo; baro'hoes !snood .b,y . the ittigist sr. of Custborlood.cottotp to thOsttbscrllier fosidhig, la. PAW. tqWlllOllO. All personkinstebtoil to the estqlo, aro here by tiotitioill to make' htimoillste psyment, nod those havinichilms to prosont them duly unttointloatett for milli:snout. - DANIEL LEMIAN, Adminlitrator or Jaw!) Letiman x decd. Yob, 17t1858-00. . • GOTDEN Pa I% 10 T.son re ap. , . Tho Now Bork wooly GOMM NPUI2E i one or no limpid and hoot Iltorary . papono of tho day. An'lnipo dal Quarto toontatoingii eight pogo, Cr forty °Minding. or antortolning original matter.; nod ologantlyilinstrated Miry - week:7 — • A. OM worth from , oo contito ¢5OO 00 In geld, will to pro:anted to each ouharriber hoinadlatoly on recolpt:nr the clinCoription money. • . • ____Oncoopy_for_ona y0ar,....,..... $2 Okand 1 clit•a. Ono copy for two years, ......$3 60, and 2 gifts: , One copy for throe years, ••• 4 5 00 , and 3 gifts. ' Ouo copr '. for live years, $8 00, ando gifts I . ' . ?AND TO . 01,11118.'" '-- - - Throo_caples, quo year, L.. —. $6.00..and4 gifts. Tire copies, ono year, ^ $8 00,,and 6 gifts. • Teri copies, ouu year- . $l5 00, and 10 gifts. Twenty-ono copies, one year, . 430 00, and 21 gifts. !no nrtielas to be distributed ore acenpriCed in , th following lig: , • 2 Packages of Gold, containing .. .4A .. $5OO 00, each. ' 5 do. , do. do, $2OO 00 .. - e Bell. 10 dO. do. . do. • $lOO 00, each 10 Patent Lever llnntineasedWatchessloo 00, omit. , e 0 Gold I.Vatches $75 00, each.. LO do. $OO 00, WA: .100 do. - $5O 00, each: 300 Ladles Gold Watches • $35 OD, each.. 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches $lO 011, each. 600 Silver Watches $lOOO to $25, each. 1000 Gold Guard, Teat and lob Chainsslo to $3O, each.' Gold Lockets, BracelobL'ltrouchest• Ear Drops ' Breast Pins. Cuff 1.195,•' Sleeve Buttons, Mop. Shirt Studs. Watch Kepi, Old and silver thimbles, and a.varioty of other articles worth from 50 cents to $l5 00 each. . Immediately on receipt of the subscription money, the subscribers name.will be entered upon one sub _ea:lotion book opposite a number, and the gift corres voiding with that, number will ho forwarded, within -nne4ieek,-to-thu-Subscriber r by—mall -or -expresii-post . paid. • ta.. All communirations should Ito addressed to BECKETTI, CO., , 48 and 40 Moffat Building, 335 Broadway, New. York. Specie - mu ropica eent free. . . BALLOU'S 'PICTORIAL NG-ROOK COMPANION. A liecosd Of. the Beautiful and useful In Art. 1 subscriber. one year . 2 subscribers, " 4 $3 00 6 00, 000 '3O 00 Any person-sending no twelvesubscribers at tbalast rate, shall receive the ,thirteenth copy gratis. One copy of flatmate . PICTORIAL. and one copy , of The or ova Wine, taken.together, $4 per annuli, • Bubliabed every Saturday by M. M. BALLOU, • N0,.22 Winter Stl, Boston, Mass. Jan. 6, 1858.] GIFTS! GIFTSI! GIFTS!!! . . • 'CONSIbig.4.O UP • GOLD AID SI LI;Elt WATCHES, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, WILL DC 018TRIBUTED WITILEVERY 1000 000 • The attention of the public I,ileilillotfhlly.solielteillio ilie the extenidve assortnt_of 'Valuable 'Standard and llliscollaneous Darks, which are oft red for sale at the lowest .Itetail Prices A FT • WORTH FROM' 25 CENT:i TO 19160, WILL' BE GIVEN WITH EVERY 100 E. A complete Catalogue giving full Inforniation, with a list - of Prises, wtirl,e forwarded Cu application. AdhNTS WANTED. • LIBERAL'INDUCEMENTS OFFERED. Persons wishing to order st once, can order any Book -v i i l l i de t e: . d• r i , l42l , :a a diti o la, p . u Ce ) W.York or. Iloston. and it, tlisher's price, with Gift. Any person ordering 10 Boo k s will receive for—commis sion an extra Book with Rift. For Pustagu send stamps, IS cents, fur $l.OO Books. Address • DUANe. icuIASON, Publisher, .• No". 33 - South - Thad SE;Plilladetpldtt:' II E A P R. E A DING. TRY BEST FAMILY PAPER PUBLISHED • is • THE NEW YORK PRESS. • II • . , cohtnini large closely printed quarto pages. giving during the yedr one fourth more reading than any of the Once dollar monthlies. It in tilled with the very best Tales, Sketches, A.e., that can be is_printed Dune clear. .new on me Paper, n shape for binding, and is handsoulely illustrated; all for $2 a.year. copies dint free, on application,• Celmnss• en wanted in every town and city In the country to solicit suhscriplions, to whom a liberal naunds, sten will be given. Address DANIEL. ADEE. Feb. 3, 'liS.-3100s. 211 Centre street; Now York. •.PACIPIC HOTEL, 172 Greenwich `gtreet; New YOrh. Thu price of Board at this popular Ilouso was reduced on the lot QfJanwtry, to 81.50 per day, JNO. PATTEN, Jo. & LYNDE, Ibtorturrons.' Feb. 3, 1553.-3111os. blinilesota Territory AIcREA'S . CELEBRATED • • THE °BEAT ADHESIVE. Most useful article ever invented. fur house, More and Ake. surpassing In utility every other :-• glue, gum, mucilage, pasta or • - • content ever known ALWAYS BENDY FOR APPLICATION: Adhesive on -paper, cloth, - leather, furniture, puree lain, china. For manufacturing Fahey Articles, Toys, etc., It has no superior, not only possessing greater strength than any other , , known-a rticle,-but adheres. more leaving nestalu where the parts are Joined: ZiEVEII FAILS. - - Wititin'the List three'years. upwards of 260,000 bet. ties of this justly celebrated LIQUID 01111• mse been sold, and the great ernivenience which It has proved lit every case, has deservedly' secured for It it demand which, the manufacturer has found times, dint. cult to meet: acknowledged by all who have used it, that its merits are far ab to any similar article or tat ion ever (tiered to the pullie. .tti3-This GLUE is extensively countereited—oliserte the Cciebrated Liquid Clue, the Great Adhesive." Take no other. TVENTY.FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. Manufactured and Sold, WholesTilp and Betel!, by W. C. McIIEA, Stationer, No. 007 Chestnut Sipet.,•Philedelphia. • ttnlT.lheral inducements offered to persons deslrou of selling the atomic article. Sept 2.1, 117 - A L L PAPER AND WINDOW sit.% DES! A. ISAACS, No. 13.1 North Second Street, below Race, Philadelphia Having completed tlieir large assortment of the at Goods for Spring and Summer Trade; would respect fully Invite the attention of purchasers to the same. Tho stock for beauty, cheapness and variety cannot be surpassed, flu has constantly on hand every description of Gold and Painted Shades, Buff Ifollands, and Shade Fixtures. Wall Papers, Curtains, Fire Board Prints, Borders. Au.. all of which they offer at-lower rites than can be had at any other establishment. Call and ex amine A. ISAACS. • 163 North Second street, beton lint+ Sept. .4. 155.7.6 mee,• • • lII,E A T E 'S.A It C ST. Arch Street, Above Sixth, Phila delphia. The Star Company, composed of the brat Ar ['sloes in the acrid. 011(1 exceeding in Strength and Talent any Onsmatic combination heretofore °dere! to the Theatrical Public: will appear every night Illeante% sty: Trazedy, Scrip Comic Drama, Vaudevilles, ' , laical Du:loth., to. Whets visiting the City, go there. Nov. lv, 1857.—tf. ' tIItIIR .AND FURNITURE. j. - he r!nbeerlber baying located himself permanently In {Vest Highstreet, two doors abovo,.tho Malin:tad D. poi, bas }net opened his • CA 111 NET IT ARE•ROOMS, • whore he Intends, ns usual, to manufacture and keep canidititly .on baud every style of parlorfurniture aust,, , chairs. 'B'alputand Mahogany Dressing mk t Bureaus with marble tops. Sofas, Tables and,,,Wash-stands. 61Ildnut; What-note" and Ward • ~ , • • FRENCH AND PLAIN BEDSTEADS. • - - - Ai- . PARLOR and MOCKING chairs with 'civet or. hair cloth seitts and backs. Mahogany, and walnut chairs with hair cloth or ctn." seats. . Plain antra of all kinds and stuffed epilog Lorini ES. Curled hair and husk SIATTRASSES ol every variety, together erlth all other articles usually found In his line Of Widnes.. Particular attention paid to i tipairlngand aarninbing furniture of all kinds. • Ban% pmciled al•o with an aitcellent ,ITEARSE, ha is prepared to Jill alt orders for FUNERALS In town or country. Jai). 6,11148.-1 y FAMILY COAL. a Tllll subscribers ore now pre'. ma c -' pared to furnish the citizens of in, Cumberland County with the best quality of Coal for family uae,At the following reduced rates: Wo wl . ll sell beat btoktiii'and - egigtoarfroartykbniVelfoy;Taliciatiirefilr liery. Loeoust mountain. Short mountain, Luke Fid dler, Suohdry cud Wilkesbarm all rescreened and deli vered to any part of the lon3ugh: Lime coal at the wird and .Bincksmitb'S coal always on baud. Also, all kinds of Lumber. cheaper than dyer. Carlisle, Sept 30,'67. Slilto3l & HOFFER. Fob: 17,'58,—t! .., • • D ESI R A LE RESI DENCE AT PRIVATE sic E.. • • . The House and lot recently owned t''':'-vt by 31re.„;.51aria Stevensob, decsium ." - - ' Situate on West Main Street, In the . , --,-"'"' ~._ mgorigh of Carlisle, nearly opposite _. .._•;._,. , -F--v the warehouse of Mr. Jacob Rheum. .., moty. in in excellent repair bed there lea never falling cistern In the yorilln addition. to the hydrant' water. Posseralori May be lik lintnediatelp , '. •'. Terms made known hydripileattorr te----- -- -7 , - , .... • • . T. C. ErTIiVENSON, I ‘.... i i J. W. MARSIIAL. J ..... I C°4". or - A. L: SPONSLER, Esq., Zeal Restate Agent. • n Dec.l6. 1857 . .--3 m. , :-. • ' - • '.. —. PS.T . .;;A: O O.I)Y :. Of the illustrated e tion of FhOIShA KT'S 0111f0N101,EF,i Wee lost: etoute year 'Any person - hiving the work, will confor a favor on. tho' owner,' by returtagg It to the lierald - • Oulu* 2.lucrtioetnents. QM = I= LOO Donors 'worth of Gifts JAMES R. WEAVER II 31/ebicines. t . enu fi rwo ß n AT er lYB.- ry of-thie co ROFESSOR WOOD ' S HAIKRIII - progra m ?bp it will restore pennenently,grty hair' to J P US original color, cover the'head of the bald with a lost luxuriant growth, remove et ones all dandruff and Itching, auto all scrofula, and oth or cutaneous eruptions, ";ugh as eAl,d_heediatch_lt.will-ouweca-by.migis, TiiWitiiror periodical Amauto! make , the heir soft, glossy, and wavy, and preserve the color perfectly, an d -the hair front Alling; tti extreme Old age, •, • The Allowing is from er.dietlngulshad member of tlas medical profusion! 1, 1 Sr. Pant, January 805. DROPESSOR 0... f. WOOD— _.-- _Dsan.Ena;- , Unsolleited,-I-send vo ths - certificate. Aftev being nearly bald for a long t ime , Mid having tried bill the hair restoratives extant, and having tie faith in any, I was Induced, on hearing of yours to giro. -it _a -trial-1. placed myself In the hands of a barber. - and had my bead robbed with a good atm brush,ind -the restorative then - applfe4 and well rubbed in, till the scalp was in aglow, This I repeated every morning, an d in three weeks the young bale anpeared and grew re. pidly from August last Oaths present time, and is now thick, black.and Strong—softand pleasankto the touch whereas, before. it was harsh and wiry, what little there • was of it, and that little was disappearing very rapidly. I still two Your rdstorative about twice a 'seek, and shall soon have a good and perfect crop of hair. Now, I - lied read of them things—and who has not ? hot have not' aeon hitherto any ease where any person's hair we, re. ally bonefitted by any of the hair tonics, ete„of the days and it really gives me pleasure to record. the result of my experience. I have recommended your preparation to Ahern. end it already has a large and generous We throughout the Territory. The people bore know Its effects, And 'lave confidence in it. The supply penmen' us, as whOlesale agents fir theVerritory, Is nearly ex hanged. and daily•inguiries are made for it. , Ton de serve credit for your discovery, and I for one, return you my thanks for the benefit When done me, fbr I cer tainly bad despaired long ago of ever aliening any result., • J. W. BOND, • Firm of Bond & ltelieLDruggists, - • [Wow the Editor of the Real Estate Advertiser.) • Dogma; 27 &hoot Stivet;3lArch 20, 18f1f. DEAJI Slll:—having bkome prematurely quite gray; r w..inthked, minm six weeks since; to make a trial of your Restorative. I have used loss than two bottles, but the gray halm have all dbmppeared ; and although my hair has not fully attained lie original color, yet the process of change Is gran unity going on, and Ifni in great hopes that in a short time toy hair will bees dark as formerly. I have also been much gratified-at. the healthy moisture - aid vigor of the hair, which heroin• wife harsh AX dry, andit has ceased to come out as. for merly. v • - liespectrully yours, D. C. M: ADPP, Professor Wood , 1 CAP , ^ L . ; Illinois, June 19, 1856. • I have_usod Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, and have admired Its wondetfuF Mind,. My hair was hems. lag, as I thought prematurely gray, but by the ,use of his Restorative," It Las resumed its original color,and I have no doubt, permanently 'fo. SIDNEY MEESE, Ea-Senator United States. For sale in Carlisle. by S. IV—IIATERSTICII, SAM ELLIOTT, and Druggists everywhere. Feb. 28, 1857,—1y. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR I Prepared by DR. EnNportii:- IS A GREAT SCIENTIFIC • MEDICAL DISCOVERY: and Is daily norking cures, almost too great"to believe. It cures as Irby magic, even.the first dose giving hens. and seldom mere than ene bottle Is required" Duna mi - uf — DtrDlMOMptalut, train- the -woest Jana. dice or Dyspepsia to ton common headache, air Of which. are the result of a Diseased Liver: The L lye vie one of..* • the principal-regulators" of the initnan body. and when .1t per Its functions W.ll the pow- ere of the eystdm are ; fully developed. The IV" stomach is almiist en-, depimdent On the ; healthy' action of the + the proper per- ' formancc of lie functions ,;;'. when the stomach is at fault, the bowels are at fault, and 'the whole system stiffen; In conse quence of one organ— '4? the Liter having wailed. to do its duty. P... 1 For the diseases of thst organ, one of the pro.-""" prlctors . has.made It his . study, in a -- prectire of more than twenty years, to Ind some remedy wherewith to counteract the many derangements to which It Is liable. To prove that this re medy feint last found, _any_ plaint in any of its r - forms, has but to try • bottle, and conviction Is certain.:. • compound has been formed by dissolving gums and extracting 1,4 that part which is sole- - ble for the active sir- tues of the medicine. These Susie remove all f: g morbid. 6r bad matter foul sup : plying In their Place a an the s)stem. healthy flow of bile. In-- - vigoratlng the stomach, causing food to digest pT4 well, purifying the blood ,giving tone and health •to the whole machinery removing the mime - of the disease., and effect ing a radical cure with-, out any of the disagree.. ablo after etTece. felt-by using, Cullosnel Mi neral Poison that is . usually resorted to. , owdoeewifter eating'' Is sufficient to relieve • the • stomach and Pre- ,' • ?vent the food from es- • ing and scouring. only one• dose taken - before retiring prevenis • nightmare. Only one dose taken * 1.m...1 at' night' loosens' the bo welsgently. and con's restiveness. One dose taken alter each meal will cure Dys pepsin. 4 , 1 - f. One dose of two O teaspoonfuls will always relieve Sick Headache. 000 bottle taken for Prvel female obstruction ra• moves the cause of the . disease, and makes • perfect cure. Only one dose Immo. F-1 dlately relieves Chollt, While one dnve often re- . pealed le a sure curd for Cholera, Dlorbus. ?%) and a preventive of . One dose taken often will, prevent the recurrence ofT bilious attack., while it relieves all painful feel• u - n.. Holy ono bottle PI needed to throw out of the system the effects of medicine atter a long - sickness. Coe bottle taken for Jaundice removes all yellow neva or unnatural roldr from the skin. • • .. • • . One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite and makes food digest well. One dose , often repeated cures Chr9nic Mar.' risen In Its worst. fortn, whitest' M C alld bow. el complaints yield alyriost to the nest dose. One or Iwo doses cures attacks caused by worms,' while for worms In children, there is no surer, safer or speedier remedy-In the world. do It-never - falls. • . _ There Is no exaggeration in these etatements; they are plain sober facts,, that we coo give _evidence -to - prove, while all wino use - le ore giving their unanimous testimony in Its favor. We take Infinite pleasure In recommending tills medicine ns n preventive for Fever and Agi', Cleill Fever and all Fevers of a Billions Type. It operates with certainty. nod thousands are milling to testify to its wonderfid virtues. ' Among the hundreds of River lietnedie6 non offered to the public. there are none we inn 1M fully re commend as Dr. Sonfordls Invlgorototrom generally known now throughout the Union. This preparation Is truly a LIVER INVIGORATOR, produ cing the most happy results on all who use it Almost s innumerable rertlfleatei have been given of the great virfiLib of this medicine by those of the highest stand ing in society, and we know' It to he tine best prepare. tine now before the public.—Hudson County Democrat. PRICE ONE -DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. SANFORD A CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway, New York. PTO INVALIDS • Dr. Hardnian, Analytical Physician. Physician for diseases of the lungs Throat and Heart, formerly Physician lo the • • CINCINNATI MARINE HOSPITAL, also to n • 'INVALIDS RETREAT. • Author of " Letters to Invalids" is comitig See following Card;• . . ", • MARCH APPOINTMENTS.- R. • -HARDBIAN,,PHYSICIAN row. ur 'disease of the bungs, (formerly Physician to CIII. atonal Marine•lffisp(tal,) will be In attendance at him moms as fellorm : • CRO)>l°. Militin,llonse. Tuesday, Mar. 23. Shippensbitvg, 'Union House, March 24. Chanibertbarg, March 25. • Dr. Hardman treats Consumption, Bronchitis, Asth• ma, Larryngittis. and' all* diseases of the throat and . lungs. by medical Inhalation, lately used in the ton Hospital. London. The great point in the treat-, moot of all human maladies is ho get at the disco..." In • the direct manner. All medicines are estimated by their action upon the organ requiring relief. Thiale the important fact upon which Inhalatioo in based. If • the. stomach is diseased we take medicine directly into ' the stomach. If the lungs are diseased, breathe or in hale medicated ynpors directly lobo the lungs. Me& stars are the antidotes to disease and 'should be applied to the very scat of disease. Inhalation Is the applica tion of this principle to the treetialitt•Aille lunge, for . it gives us direct access to those luttiriiteals cells and tubes which lid out of reach of ev:ry•other means of administering medicines. The' reason that Consump- , • . ' tion and other diseases of the lunge , have heretofore , resisted all treatment has been because they had never been appnached in a direct manner by. medicine. They , were Intended to act upon the lungs and yet were ap plied to the stomach. Their action was intended to • 'loran and yet, they were so administered that they ' should act wrist itntionally. expending Immediata and • principal action upon the unoffending stomach, whilst the foul ulcers within, the lungs were, unmolested: ' Inhalation brings the medicine indirect contact with the disease, without the disadvantage of any violent action. Its application is so simple that it can beam played bylhe youngest Infant or feeblest invalid. It • does not derange the stomach, or hoteliers. In the least • degree with the strength, comfort, or business of the •• patient: (mom DISEASES TREATER—Tot relation to the following diseatais, either when complicated with lung • affections or existing alone, I ,also invite consultation: ' I usually find them promptly curable. • ProlapSus and all other forms of female complaints, • Irregularities, and weakness. Palpitation and other forms of lima Disease. LIVIIP ' Complaint Dyspepsia, and all other diseases of stomata' • and bowels. Ac. -. • - - - • • , - All diseases of the eye and ear Neuralgia, Epilefey, and all forms of nervous disease. -No thugs for con. Ault:diem • Ritt.-3t131357.—"--14.—DrITAICDISAlf,'Mat DR. WALTON'S AMERICAN PILLS , JOY' TO TIIR AFFLIQTRD. YOUNG AMERICA' VICTORIOEt." One small box of Pills turtle ntnetYliine• eases oaf 0 . 1 . a hundred. No Datum. no Mercury. no odor on :tho.';' , breath, no fear of detection. Two small bills a dose ; , • tasteless and harmless .as water. Full directions are • given, so that the patient Can cure himself as certain as with the advice of the 'moat experienced surgeed, alfd_much better men with the advice of one, of llttla .' experience in this clam of disease. SENT UI MAIL TO ANY PART OF TUE tiMINTRIr I •A by enclosing ono dollar to Da. WALTON. No. ]tit, North Seventh St, below race. Philadelphia. A LWOW; Discount tu',..the Tride. Nona genuine without written signature of D. 0. Wilton. Proprietor. .•••'-•; • " •Dr. treatnent for Poltalinm,,Wealtuesi i .ite..hi entirely different from the usual "course Dra t}': has 'cured hundreds who have tried otharsWrithentlbeneflt. . ' The treatment in as certain to ours, .th sun' , ta i tuil• else. finaloie a stamp,' op& address Dr: W. ailcibovo, i , giving a full history of rasa and you day you mode ibe *Mort to Secure what , Is pertain-4 ' RAcroAL %AIRE.' • ozli!liandbillaiiiWly snouted. II tours hastily,: