Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 03, 1857, Image 2

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rl Oximoitur.
143kie 3,33'34 33 , ii*..!:.
',~IY.~fr . ' ,r B~AY; JiJN~I ~; ' lsb7 -''
5;,.~ .... .. ~ .. r... .
Otievarlisto neirsild °Moe hos
been reradved- to• Zug's anilding
South-Mast Corner of the Public
• --
DAVID WErAMOT,, of Bradford. Co
• tot; Judgetof the Supreme Court
''4AMES.VIECH, of Fayette Co. •
JOSEPH LEWIS, of OltesteeCo. •
• : For -
The ",Straight-Out Convention
• Ithas jititly been remarked that Phil- . '.
is_theAtraightest,of.all straight
eities,so muolvio as to be 'called some-,
. times, the city of right angles, it is ?rein
oircumstance-probabiY,_that 'certain
• of her t Politicians are haying their minds
• straightened to a single idea, that ttobody
is orthodox but thoniselves, and therefore'
• their ipse dizit is to bb the text book
. . from which, the American Republican
I. party of Pennrylvania, .mnst con their
lesson for the next campaign; whether •
or not, such teaohers.sro -to succeed in
-'_ public opitiioninto an,improper .
channel; is a' question to be settled here
after at the ballot box.
• For the present we:are willing tb ad
mit that their, Would-be 'leaders, are, re
ally sincere, in . their profession's, but have
brooded so long oxer ~t heir own impor
tance that they have become as .inflated
as the constable who supposed_that_qani
Man who' ;hook him, - shook the cote.-
- undoi this impression - they -
hive 'got up whit they call a State Cciis
ventionf conipirsing Delegates .from six
< counties and this convention •is to no-,
'n l l l . l o a candidate , for Governor,_ in op
position. to Mr, WILMOT,
.olcmg'• rom tle porn .ac war.;
on the incidents' which marked-theeleb:
thin last fall, it. is 'not very likely that
.they will find many dupes, who Will, be
wiiling a second time`,tOlollow . the ...for
- tunes of-a sinking faction, whose' 'motto
is " rule - Or ruin." *
• This " State Corivention," will not be
---- ; -- a - body - larr - enough to collapse, it,. will
. merely fizzle out, and the recklesi deina
___ • 6 goguesorho disorganize
the party, merely to gratify a,malid am:
-bitien for, notoriety, will be swept from
their seats, backinto the : obsourity from
• which they emerged.. •
In this posture of polities' a atm, 'the
Republican party' has but on e course to
- pursue; let them press onward 'in. Amp,
port , of the Union State Ticket, looking
neither to the right nor to the. left, Ind
'• leave this moral leprosy , of ultraism to
cure itself.
There is much at stake in the coming
contest—:-much that: should engegolthe
attention of every man ,who Ipts lutelli
gence-enough to comprehend 4 the -- ques;
tion at, issue, and he, who would rather
risk disunion, than incur the , prejudice of
party, la unworthy the name of Republi
. can. •
It is onstornar,y when u stranger is at a
feast, that, after the substantia)s are ,dis
posed of and the dessert is brought In,
some kind friends administer ,s• little
" soft saudor " to him, after 'which' ho'
is etpeoted to make a epeeeh: The gotsit,
taken by surpriae,' is often in, a ridiilar
situatiOn'to that of the Preacher Whchatt
a fashion during the sermon; of fician'ta
ting in his discourse and putting out hie
tongue ; beink faked by-sexten -one
day, why he put nmtltei toque 'No fre
quently, he very candidly replied" I have
nothing else to put out."
In a position somewhat akin to-that of
the after-dinner guest. 1< We rise in our
place"lo return thankd fOr the honor
conferred and intend to "do it in ;the
short way." •
We have received . so • many flattering
notieCs of - welcome into the editorial
ranks, from ouibretheen •of the
= yang ; both at--home : 6u~_=aabroad ;=- that= it
would,.hecin vain to particularize. ...Suf
. flog it . to say, that we .fully appreciate
their kind wishes, anci.if we succeed •in,
61f-realizing their antioipatioiins
gap" lo_the__Heraid,_our_ambition will be
far wore than realized.
We invite the ; atientlep`,oeur-reeliefe
to O o con iti iOatio . . • fierrilt,
. .
respondent on the i';1t1140!: the:main
itireri,ene , sedine. to, adid :that
• • s necessity existed for a sale of the Pub.
• lie Xmp,•;Wvenistits, t 4 avoid the- l .risit of
fartheilose to the State; 'yet,. there are
• ao*c,irtiO pOlioY, of loaning
ihwe million, of the money to be.derived
-- -81,441-14-'*aAPiibuii
. thug • direrting the -.ProMeds•
from the ''les'l4o . ate ",'ibjeet ,
_ -one third,of the amount in in enterprise
. that the • etitt mak %p;',o)
*.i look On one, of
• public poiiey„' outside of all ~ partisitu',
feeling; MdfesiiiilPag liti l 4 - 1•4• 0 0:4 1 ir
eibility of the nietaittreiiihether formed
or evil 'rest',Utharti . :it - "ptUtieilY helon•oii;
• In the mean time if therware :ant who
of face enbjeot : oiir actiuulDe•!tre'9PenAP
1 1 1 10',r0, 1 ?'f:W. 1 4144
New Orbwin..lo
'4 , • '
.1941.# ;010f 2 1 11 . 111: 4•101.L/101;.'
• cir4Rilaentoonttlepapere arei.ttet OW I
pai spag+rthit fai r t he ' Bill, t r,O
u- no!L otiia:Rablio;liarticiiki.4 , 4ttetilittri r ttt:
• * alt'ogilt'hir oirtliar - opiasitiou, end to mal4 , It a
hobby atthe approaelihm election. . .;
ui feirly,itatiiptua-the• polloyamalualL
ohnieness of the pleasure, end where the bluest
jeriqjyyfisto 2
Goiernor Pollock, in his annual tainting.,
inakecthe, folhining-remarkeir----"In-reTatibii
_-- to the propriety Rid Tolley - of the sale of the
- Main Line of our Public Imirovintente; nj
Opinion hes not change/. Every
.. eansidera.
•tion of pnblio policy, o p aaaaa t and fawn
_interest. requires .ths separation et thp r Altate
from the raiinagement aid control . of these
Works. ' Thceipendituieell'etAt prition . of,
- -thi, line.bitween tAjttnotrim - And Pittebttrg
largely ding :the; reiennek the excess
Averaging . e t nntl not„ieff3 Inoo,ooo.
And °noise ire in constant' operation
stamors inuresee the,dellehtioy. 'Ole • cow
-thine! drain '•vinin the Treontry, to sustain &
work., 1111; nriprednotivei.should' at once ,be
o e..., of Oa" Main Line fora fair"
oonaideratlon. and, upon terroa joat and. lib,- •
TO, to ti? pimflpeara,, Jal4,:p_roPor •rothedy...,
aph_eala-ontertpa-amply protactiv - of - Atir
rigtita and intaroata of the peoplo t pro.;
per affaoted.
Tn nonnuotion with the psymont rltbs pub
question becomee'deeply linport •
ant. ;The :Cale meuld constitute a DOW Cm in
tholnancial history of the Otato, and.nieure
still moroi t ptedy reduction 'of tha public' debt
than rimt oltrltieb reference has been Made.'
The subject is earnestly recommended to your :
favorable conciderallon."' , • ,
. . .
"'these, are • the riew, of ciovertser - Polfoelt
and .the :union Party of itepubliesne sad Ater'
" rhum. will,
. ; wo 'doubt; endorse and defend
The Public Worhy on tbe.Mato Line. if they
e be' muds iirolitable :by State manage
inent, Itod,efford.only the mein. of enriching
I)Olitical dernegognes. - ought to 'be. .cold.
_do nobility. howeierohetthe misimutn_price
cis iceforth - in thiebili ii.l sjair conoiderg
1_ _
The receipts howl tae Main Linedining th e
last year was $1,229,273 88, itittke.hkexpen-,
dituree $1;805,884, Oewleg exoets-ef
576,012 beyond the receipts, hater the - Money
leid out , $267,000 wee forantlifi_ south thillit
on. this Columbia satlrctd,nnd $158;049 in
..ivjpg; fp, .motive pay . er 41,1' 5,-deductin
Shoes it would 10118 $ 8 411, 4 11T/As - the. revenue'
okthe Main, Line: This Watild , not be quite .
the ; tereat•of sevelt tajlftene akt.filre per cent:,
and seems to be the ground en:Which the Le.;
&haute fined this minimum prlge.
I :hove not the 490Weleeth , , , ereee me, but
believe thin tnialmutaFloe would . not beroore
I°. than o • ne•third of What 1111,11 Works cost the
: 4 1 0 PVIII en 1 40171490 1)4 111 a &a_ ile, -
11 . 0 0 11 0 km "lettere ',he resided, for
twn ty 4b9u 4110 4 dollars, And. found that' after
psylpg tene4t PP1 1 1!4; •114 . 9 1 110• 11 • 6 of agency*
is •yiiilded , hire kutilre b•edf4 4 d°llar• neat
Proll•Oille 14 14 .4, hi !AO - 441q110 .nice thousand
dollars foilt,'nugkt .$9 *eV,. Tide would
d•P•ullort •- ••!141tI:0 1 09414111'1114Psi first, whe
ther thedellolettoyinAm re4ulte •was not the
fault of his ewe edensinageeleat; soma& if
this was nottko ease, then whether the 'pro
perty. wad likely to admits moon -In value; in
either case,, be ought net 41611 for thentfered
- • .--
Hitherto , the management of the Public
Works his been grossly perverted to 'party
purposes, 'and the money of the State wasted
in rewarding men who looked .to these offices
, as the spoil for theiramertione in the political
- entwine , - Whether - tlibfeliulirei - 1610 - not
remediekby_wise.legiebttion for ascii indivi.
dual to form hie. own opinion of, if it -could
not, thin a sale on,this. ground alone
geni,to correct and relieve the aunrannity,
from such abuse. ? -
Tfie -interest. of nine million! of dollars a!
five per Sent.. would be $460,000, which is the
19inimum price required if the Pennsylvania
- Railroad , 'imbues; but it is amid that • the
- State throWs into the bargain the tonnage tax.
yielding the last year $260,947, all of this is
. paid by the Penboylvania Railroad, but
part by.the, Harriebing road,-and it may - be
remarked, that this tei is sot politic, and sets
asa discrimination' in Increasing the cost of
transportation . on our own railroad*, in fever
' of the New York and Maryland roads, It is
.. not wigs' in the Legislature to maker the ex
penses of merchandise passing .over our Rail
roads such as would drive the western mar-
shuts to seek other routes. This tax ought.
therefore, to. be repealed in any event c and is
therefore not of much account in.the °onside,
ration of the price to be paid ; get I em. of
',4epiniou that thiprice fixed igloo low at any
rite, and that u would be 4 a/T . 0703p Sell the
Main Line , even' at nine militias ; , ,besidett,
there is a great objection to giving such" power
40 any corporation, as would fellow , tattoo.
trol of this..great artery of commerce its. out
• State,. We, /lave an illOstration, of this evil;
in gib ease of the Camden and.. Amboy Rail.
— road - Company billevr - Jersey.
-- It :Witty then be asked, what shall we dot
We' have tried to. sell for a higher. pries and
cannot get it , if we donut sell for what:Weill
briciat.e, fair sale at auotiolt; we must con-,
rinse to bold on;liCwavergresi and Inoreae::
Jig the
At the p 'time piece" depreciating
Aild Cieiy Nast else , is Inereaeing in value,
.Ii the
,but it 'ls abs Orbed by the' improper min*,
wine at! ilia 'iiiaitolia"eMplayti'd.,' , j"wauld7bp'
for airing 'Fine ado
at'twelve .0404 stioefilni!!4"
and Ilaieeiarata, part. of y a.piaiiirrtlanata•
'encib sum bad
would' appoint '; an,oußinasr , of kngija ; iut.sritj'
",. and abllßy ta inanage,tlt, Fa:odualTa n paving',
Jtleown`nepAn.ibili f ; and lease odt the
ania'fa indlilduala and i'alpianiel tar'
ir the yrothi. are iiereithelees Rohl to tie
Peolljr);44ato larte/
Howl, ettA
, hetr
~ toOtte4ii'l s o ie:!"dit;t;
.P4 e , F ; !5 14 . 6 11, 6401
9#o4'eh b?exogi,inkia aS
etAteh.httekrek'eitkOilicePetiiiii.y . Otioistirhi
kit :
MILLIOXS pig*, 0 WO tO •
fi l iAirs ' 4 ' , l2 d • BYie R o ile o 4r l s. 0 1 , 4 0 31 .#,4 1 :1:'
P 1 : 14 #4
T4iivit!• !lieu thii.Teught kn° l ,in 'IP!!
• this hiviihtientwott4
either Threo ,*.giong "iv; avm .ttie
the "ar - ' l-- 'let Om
tiltrboitit ought - t o know the. name, of.
those trio:rated ther e skid every county ehoUld
nudeayir . to'isrid then to , the neat Legisbittirti t
-not only of .ludgment- and ,
Ity andjiotiasty, and who will not wiiely ant
titniintu. *001.44.
_thelatite,./sid,relievinc us, fr.,ottrAinVitedelin t
oisa,gretatedebt. •
• A . tale of the Publid Iteprovementieto be .
,vithl,should' be retiged,by_a Vote_of: itigr PlkOn.
Pi, and snob n provision - ought to have been
. itutertadin-ths.bill be es
- -rest-!tittlibeti.ithe . lawriedt 'the Vratlk
where it , ought to reit - - .lf 'I - had -in agent,
and - Celt . pirrt' of 'oty property;.-1
would certainly entect 'that • herein it' should
be-binding I would approve of ,It!'itite, haste
with which the'amide, is smother olijecc
lion: property so linittetasely - valuable, and
affecting , so 'materially the' hitereite ef . thi t
whole 'State,' . ought not to be diiptnted 'of 'tint&
th'e potpie had time 'to
thing, end tot.priss their 4WD& for igkinet ,
the,nessureiin their . Prituntyttlentligt.'"
Girreinor vault/ itet the'
sale' iroin inituthto •intitith Until ilie - sairilette
the people ntihilued is td'the - expetlisitirkif .
Jtildfipetdilon atthis pride; and'let 'the' people.:
Mike care tblool/11, neii . devion net eittitnitt%
ed to oquituli* 'SWAY the Prodeids or 4tvert it
-front its ligitithatt - object="' • ' •
How TO ...13EilAvz.-. ppcket Mapual,
of losrinkigoir, gXIWIZTTI and tinkle •,to.oer•
!cot Dersonut,Nabitooritb Nlpetratiorit, Aneot
dotes, Rules Icir DebUting Sooistles And Deli
berative. Assemblies, Now. York, FOnlor, and,
Wells, Publishers. i2tuo,,:pp. Priogi-Pli
poll .80 pm," ojool,- . 60 etc.,
li No., lIL softhe handbook , for home
improtement,twhiott the publishert are. now
issuing, and: as the. second .erid• ,
provement on the firet, so is tilts one Superior'
to the second.• This little work will supply a
want felt; in , American bottles; as the' books.on
Etiquette -scattered over our'country are ge
perallysompilstions from English works, filled
with partirnilei obi er aa node; and'uttenited to
Americetts.' In the one before Us the author
hue dwelt Intgdlg en7tbe - ginierit4itidelpres et'
Ntiqu'ette, showing that good-breeding and.'
'good moral's are 'identical, - jet he has :not
slighted special: observances, they hue . their
place, and 'be.bridlrasyti : the Niles 'for:belie
vier front the ginerarprinsipale of good breed.
inn. Het'its endeit'cmo,and;_wit-think,:eno .
oeeded in making the work highly American— I
one stilted to our' peculiar InstitatiooB, and
common seise Wei Of doing.thinge. • We heir=
tilt' recommend it , tdthe pubtio,•and hope it
may- find' its wry into every faMily 'in our'
country; as iii thhik ;Its • tendency
.will be to
improve the - youth of our land, physicklly; so-
Willy, and Morally. The style of the wOrivis
attractive, alluring you on from page to page,
:while the common since views - and remarks Of
the autbor appeal to the judgulent; and Ys'e
eareslyourApProbatiott. It is a work Intend..
id for all'classes, and Contains all "the neces•
eary, instruction, - which. If pritetird; will'
make the refined and polished 'lady of gentle
man: W. shall rejoice when we, as a nation,
are Individualized, as respects' . fashions,'-and
etlquitte, and not ape after" other nation.,
whotiecustomi and -odal relations are - totally
uncongenial to Mar Republlcitts - fsoil. Walk ,
tip hook, we think, is witrid• in • tbatfree
lion.tOuccess attend It.' ' •
HIPPOS!' or TIM U. Burris from ihe etdi
eat dliborerimrtir the present time.—[Now
Edition] by/Marone Wilson; author of Ameri..
uan History eta. a [1;31o.• Pp. 441 No*
York: Ivfaon and P
. Inney 8 2 1 Broadway.
As-the rebitation - room is the only true teit
bywhich a tent book can be judgedthe beet
thing possible for us to say of this work ill that
the present is-its fiftplifth adittou. The dates
in ft are given in the new style, and the vies.
ions are schemed,. as the'pupil to
hare s knowledge of the whole teit in order to
answer them. This-localities *fill important
places are given in emelt maps et the bottom
of As pages—thus-givinc the %rip!l gio:
graphical' knowledge, which adds double inter.
est to the bistoty; and *Mae him to read It
understandisigly. -- 111•Asites 'and 4nestions
are arranged along the Margin which is an
admirable feature. ilia plan, of the work is
excellent and will reComend itself to every
- .
'THD Wo a ss or Bait!? Swig . ; uumPritiog
Travels, Tale of a.Ttib, - Battle of the
Books, Thoughts, sad Elamym, and Advice to
a Young Lady on her Illarriago:- In.two vo=
inures, 12m0., Pp. 860,J.Liw York, Darby and
Jackion. For salt• by Elbryook, Taylot; and
Stnitb..T. • .
1V& have 'no Idea of Writing a critique on
Dean firrifei Work.. The' viOrld passed sen- ,
jeno• on them a century igo, arid ever since;
they havei occupied a drat rank inner* the,
British Ciassies: :The present' 'edition sorties
before the public, resting Its alibis for favor
on- the foots, that if lathe-I:Wrenn:inlets Auto 4mm di ti on, that,: the _publishers -hivit
gotten it up, in a very superior and attractive
style It is eopiouely-elneldiited by notes
'Croat W; C. -Taylor, LL.D., and.oontaine a life.
of,the , Author. by Rev. John '2Aitford. The
paper is of",aatiperior, 'quality, and the type
large - and-altar. As , Oomph - 44a
'Without f.Drailivrift,..! this -edition OW filod
great, favor with itlllovetit of, -English , Litinrtij
me:.' . •
'Peuatit Lerma, nett. 1 .
,••, , „ Xs, 2500407. J .
ifautmos,' We have heard with deep, regret,
•of the 'death Of ''f.N.• Ate'Criktow, .E. 9.,, of Ban'
Atrrfnio; 'foils,- w h o buttifew'•yeiro Ste `re' ,
'ideated from our Hell wilii tope to hiumeit
:and to the Booloty l and fittihAtf With nut'', ao
'health,radd gleatolig with bright tuntiolpitiono
:or Adhesion/tom In the great bottle of life, luttf,
pots oulidonly•out,dowef
thir'liiirOutittli — olliCß l'revidatice / ly„th.,
heed 'of the deitroyer, when li; lad Joel ea:
,tered.'upou !tt'`Ohriter ot uottfuleimi; ' lid' Mt*
left • boblitt.hirati stumertmo :allele. or.firtendi
`,to litment•hio lon.- 4 ..1 •• , , -• ~ , i ~ ,-:
1.: liesohted,. That we iduaiiie!3; 4piiiird the nu
dimly death ' of ourboithor,4•ltud tiondidei:eut
Alooloky to /mei lost and Genf fbrightlet.bytti
tleziis ; thle•,•Ver - Ohe'''of itiOmbit , -iietneliihg
Okomberc, 40-lhe...l3titi Of lie Mloptiart-orto
Of its moektatepted•yono; tuttn.'' .• ...':
,• '. w
• - ltetettieCTltaa• We 'MM. oiti.lieeitfilt ilitii,v
, pfttiiy . .io . his lamtly'dpol'ittiVituf•• beilittP
meet - ' - • ..;,•,:.-•;:, - -ir •••••• ..' % i•:. •'• - , - . .,J. ,!••,
!f , Resol6ed.lTliat_ik, a teltimoulei of our'eor;
trow.,tior POI Jot shroeded, lo:•truntrokul. ***,
0tti. 1 0 1 ,14/a I* k 4 us ual -l isd 4O'tft O i l,
,' 1 . ',...::: ~
~.s,•'• 1
~ ',: '
' ; , Retehatik That *ooo , ot thoiti4loo . ohitliopii.
be' , eee**'l69 , feedle et , the' , .4lkeeelloMLlO
ihat.OoOleilM,,elso attiiial•MPfl'lo,l,o!'9"Pi'lei.
Bee, Auttirtie; eitt•Atz#6oljapitiittre:feViiiblfi•'
estitic , " , ` , "•••'‘: , •-•',- 4... ••,, ~...•,,• 'i, 4. a "..,
•' .1: 4 . ' ....•. '..11,44 . :431einie5i (~-‘m•,.. .., v.l . I si
,"•,i' ;i•: ' , 1' , .._ 11 Y - . IO %'ORT!. 9iii.l i ~17 4001 f fti, '
, , -•'•• ;e, •:" - -, •I'.1f,;•.11:• Etitoz„k, •,• •':i.l.. .. ; ''
:4.,::: :? ,/ :"... , e . 4 , .e. .',...:! 'F. ' : ' t' !.'',..,.. ' '..:i.ii::"! 1',. ..',1',1`:,:: ' , " . ;!'•
.44.9ir 41 art A gi, ! l l4:g L 1/V • .
kui;.i? , ' , .:7 . 1..0 4 ,Vf...•.; '•:,...:;*,:f
--, - , - ~. 4 kq . `tf 4 , 4, i , %,/
.3 , „;;le.`,:*(4l:tiL
, 4 . 4 1 ? i1-' o llg liiiisAYL- -. ' ' , • i "-: 7- = -, ' .- ':: l ..'
!:;:•,;;-„,„,.. .7. -, , ,, i; - -, , ,-,0 , , ,, .---....,;,, . ~...'h -- ' Y ' P . ~..; ,
, 1300k . ' itaOte.
eidt.:;4lltOrriiiiitq . Waiters.
f ., ,;c•, smog::,oT,l4,
~ trAmong
ligOkiiiiff44o , . - 0,01... i 1.-•
,_ „,
,6, 0,1 *44itikoterlootilinter•
;it:4: ll t' ..' ' re'lf,Zitt* , -.liititt l 72
lir ''
itaiillr thiiiiitiOn . of young La- •
dletc thine OforAtinite•tbe youth of our cone-.
...*:.. 0 .00i;!10, f ,/enilltta! la 7 .!itn);,itaPraa,O7 ,
inset,' Thointeitintrseteifter , lei of 41'1104:
seentteiettibinktntr - Tallerminit - iesarnr - blith - - ----
'tyl*flteintlilitileti# 44;:.., f :,'fi r elr l riii—ij:it'-
415i144',)'-:: , ' L. 6 0 6 -o.4thlig: emit
ter-lathing* " ,1,,,1, ' e s - •-..-.- ,:i 2 : - ', --- ".7 ,- : . --
.Yrbitria . "; , .
...; ! 2,..7. -, Chsiiii . illef benefit of
full* iio' ' ": ),._. . : Pitt.**,:,lo l , !! 6n _s d d r - ,
:510,;q4ic. ,.< ' ''' ''..71i - -; , , 10.0„thia. upt Ant
' 4 .1. ''
AN ainryo ittetiiyottilet*m i litvlllnl•aßfat'im 1
' -.- .
..-1` eor.ta . • tos. .
. ,
Stamm I; .61:11'.'iniient by Mo; &nate Ind
Itqysi o , lol : :taiiii , i?!ifi'L . the' COnsmonwearth
of l'i;44yltioLirk in, qiistral ;11sembly nit. and
`it ill hitrabLeiatied by of tii.ociem,
That thtii *ball be ttadliat'ebY to' ettahifehed
, atlltitathanbtaburg, Iti,,iontity - of Cum itkr;
Nitta, al Institution litiiikridog ter the 'dens
'ilel.Oft'fm:Ntelee tn . the, a - it:lens branch os - Of ie ., ,
flet i id:: : _k_itlitledlie 4 . eolonoe, literature, ancient
ajjkiatirp fiegueititit;iff 'the nitn , ttZti.eA jik Led.
eitlel o fle
ininiterintle, College imder, the
es* , /direction:Alf* Board ,orlrnetrea not
Itieeadlititifweity.lire is number; .who;,.with
Itlieltt*oianrivin offinclahall be and hereby
;arttleektietto be 'Orie^Btly Politic lied- oterpo; ,
' 4lsl,4o';iellikimkto htiNiirtitia by the
listinii i ttt,i;h, 4141 title . of; Irving Feinale col.
lr gr;s4?7 they ra ( nr•":0".1 •! ., yr. i!e.r.v#o , 4
_mmottiatiot, and „shill be ehle.. to one and be
aued, plead and be impleaded in all courts
_of JaMliiif 'equity, : aint:itelt. he "eteeehle : in .:, .:
law dectegiiity - to take hold and purchase ' -. 4 . ',r .
the nee entf . Venittt oty said College;- lands,
'goods: ithattele lititi"et'otteye of air khurithet. : ,
:eini by irlft,'Nratle, eciveranee!deelei:er be.,
quest from any pernon "or persons whordeoeier
eapahle'ef malkini the lame front time to *line
to aelkuiarvey, mortgage at disPeee 'Of for be'
nim and benefit 'of ield College:'/16(i ' Atli shall
Inivelitiiiii4 erect neoh'bulldlmte co 'may fii
nroreearr BM the''pnriosee of mid Collefie,
lied*010;14-libratiow;-'spOir ant atu!; all'
other needful means of impertiti a, I'll!! and
tlnwenth ' ammo :of Initinetien in, any Or ill
the 'ditynCrinienfi of aeilionee. - tittreturti'ild the'
liberel! art*. and to' do' ail - int eirnrular±thi_
matte:zit ind thing. whleh may be lineal
theht toll° for the' well-below of said
end! far the OW niatiogeinent aid orderidg of
the affairs theridt' -•
Recrriew 2. 'That for the sprerint th'e
:teem' b . f. , the.' geld College-obeli- be Docitoilra
tiay.tfoetwr-r; IL. Long. Solomon' P. °erre.
,Ephraim Zug.' ..tohn Riegel. Sohn Breidt, R.
Eryenti. 8. - Coiner; Cooler end
George S. Atllelhe,-who or-lay three of 'them,-
oo and kfter the' Passage of- this let shill hey.'
power' o orgintlei lid sold Baird of-Trusteed,
end VlMlrttallaid organisation ihritcetein ,
basil:4 , o4omi" hoard shell 'constitute's - qua , :
rani' to de'heein'exa at aiy Meeting, milted to
- ad.e form mmerdiag to the briaire eetabllebed
bj maid Board. ' • ' '': • '
Samoa S. That the itgard.of Triisteee goal ! '
belie-power to fill all Vacillates in thalr*dirn
body to appoint such 'Whom.' and agents for
their Owdbody... may be' deemed expedient;
and til id pt and. rikabileh their owalkj
,f lawe .
*O r li - ' toint,ittei , *hint iiikohit 4 prior:
Jtio ail Bully of !mimic - au' :nab ahall'lm
oharged w th"-the direbtlert,Lid . mineiimint
of the 11 affairs of•tha' 1 6O1Iola; pieithbe
thi`dai* of - middy, ieit•holika to be usedlind
the 'llloolEite for the goviriiirieni of 6,1'4.
pH*. ' a:president 'or anyr4ezitbiira of the
oultk . ayba removed fronkoffee riberieteti in
the Moir o f rhffliosid of Trustsee stolt.rir- _
anp . irrokieSiiiiiy toILI interast of the iiiill;
storm,* 4. That the faculty shall have
' power to confer sualiliteisry degrees and ie.- -
dentio - fittio?sle ma are ;penally:granted by Col
leges upon such-pi:mils aliihill tialre.botailet
ed, in • w• estiefsetery . thinner 'the' Irreeeritied
scores: itituity.' , ' --
' 014:014 6. That 'the Tfrustetis shill - faith: - .
fillkiiiiiipprilite all mini,s and other effect.
tlinifiniay come Into thetr hands
_rot the soh
benetleeflheilifd" itietittilloo, irelo.ttell any
bequest ,r donation 'roads to and reeepted by
tffelosid oard for speoille educational objects
eier be eklirerted from the purposes demignatisd
by the diiner. ' : • . ' '
Szortoff.ll That the College shelf always
be open tt• thwadmiselon of 'pupil. of all roll:
gioos ' denominations' Whe exhibit' inirisiora
eharsoteri Ind are' willing to yield a reidy
obedience - i t° the general regulations preecrib•
ed for therooncluot of th'e.puplle and' the go.
rernotent ft' titiriestitutioT '
2 ' o'' 'I% &
aaIOTION ff. , .6,11.• pongee it every religion._
dirionilnattiitliall be isPebleof being elected,
trasteessraPpointed. prefeesor. and teacher.,
teilielr ''y person .4er• lie fruiter, profs.=
scir,tittor.. r Pupil be refused admittance into
;War epilog or deitedqny of the PlivileitOO.
'immntritief or st4vantegeeLthereof for 0t....e0
account ofilla
. entime H n
I i s' h matter,r ofel
' .- rk
Sicersoa,Bi - That pa tilinamer ot,aard agr::
dr:47'14:t4:'4511114 0 1144;:i 7? 1, 9 7 ; 1 : 11 ;!;7 4111. d (f a t ;t 1. ° " : "
nos:; :,!;iiv, , 171!00faitut or. theVarti*i
41 . 3.4i1 r# 4l o! Ili aPPeir 5/P" IA! ) f 40 0.• or do
'1 1 N,,,III;or Nti.W1L..7, 11 4 rtb7:lll.l.teßtate,r=
irs f r i..... t y w i l ti 15 11 4. °0 t o P a llea t° or from .
the s aid e9r .Pl ati .°P; Pl'idtfl 9 40 , That; she
Ifies r.7, BTl7 h r ° P 3ll .? ?ll 9 ForP9r4tioro 0401
n°i ' !x"ol l P4lPi,,oo4 deJtrA, , ,
• , .1 k ,
FLO ll 4l;'FlliTivALA4LaeltiVeriin • g, w'd
ond'lb'ijiftiaeute!bt ottenattitthe • ofient4 ir
IIIII4IOVA 'iriiittot'Siti iota iioio 'ir = 044 ' kolk
in ciurioriti ty die trittoii Vrii'dothilitlfr. , • - lt
timer Omit( if 4isttaittetlify;:iind ere!Yliaiii
-niptanid tO ib4 a' Oiliite' , l44llelf titiOttlii.ot
elipsolty. ~ The Idiot Of. O to Fietlvol. fir'tO'
obiliiii: l*iijii' eipitriitlO:,ifrebiliiii'Etigl4,
Mora:: - oaii,44v.birtioillmed - intr' itri --- O4yl
44initlgtorti)e.44:1 - 1 1, ')v ' •'-i , ; - v ~* ~„ '
.; '•!,,,,,.,, ,L 1 .,,. , ...,.:_,. ::,..: '7 , , , c;
~•:: ~ -, •11,1, 1 ,, , : , r,s ,
a P... ,: ..-4p . fir, , ..ii,Puula °at Cs lll3 l
4 ill:: :6146(44.0 ioeAAti f il l iie: at, 84.-
4 4 7, 011 1 c OR* ,!.i'! .31( 1 ?,!v; }or ,-. 14 i kitiq.,..
. 04 ; ,.
&AIN? ' .! i4co l i',k 4 Frili • I!"t i rff i i rn ll l3Pi
!Citt,-* ffiiria, MO. ft; 4 - St i . :0 0 4 44 tf01;1 1 ,0%1
j P ii qt°!?. , F l lFlPg. qz! , f`i 30:.'11 1 •0!!P°9 - A
M.4014i,41 Fro ',1,40.°101°!°.•;a0...ta4P!t4
male t!!!' i ta!'!it.P- I , o l 4l . 4l t:rf v ,a l WP3 lll a;?°P: , :
try: .' , :• .. ';:.: •,, [•-• : . ',;' . ~ • '
4i Tao B e l oSuilitinamolnl;`;'4+ IP.
& *l l 49tiosito4: ; iiiii';',4 t , iegigir .. lil loo 4c
s iOgrojelivi l ihe44iiKPlA., ', lo l *.ili;iteVaji
oil l o7 4 # ' :. Oiglii.l! 4 o, l ooi'iii!!' raii'skr
'4. 8 : 1 0 1 t i'Ona ' , o 4 l #. 4 1 1"104 , ' , Ifixt 64 4e" : frAlidi ,
*Poitaiiimtillii.o l 4oliii..**l4 , itiot, , iiir.ti:
ill!o°M lo ,'; 4 4"Pfisl*lftiktik".. . , 0001" , ,
# 1 404 1 0404 , ;:, *lliipt44 , 4 l4 ‘,lpo tliiii!i';
4 # l *V**l s k: Oki r Ot t. 1 00 0 04 i ik0 ,, , ,
.4t1144#41 . 0' , A40, 1 :41. -. Ao - 4*gio.o;*iiii.ii , :t.
soinfol.l ,l ,lll:Dt,frf.,!,Pl?".:,
Pt i llklFOlß', , 'Mt,. I,l,yiniftigjiit..;• ;,:...,,,,,,
~ :.
',.. : '7ii: : ' : ':' , /,'•,; : i'l'i,,'r , . - 71`,' . .fi.,'. , , ~ , :i.'''.4 --- :. `'QP,
FttttMeri't;°'7PesepE —Yes arch ^wile
cgala day in torro; f :, and our streetepreecitted
an unusually - dieelynpiserailee. T 'The
Fire Company had , r n general paralle,'lroje4oh .
the 'Good Wl,llaiW OnmberiandilComPantes
_ joinedby_inAntioft._:Ji.`:.eoMittee-trelieetal_
the- Geed- WilKii,ofiefrilinan,;./tetellkned-ek?,.
sorted them to the Cumberland;apd then both'
.00mpanies came up Main street, and met the
-Onion Company,- and Junior Cadet's, at. the:
square... There they, all formed into a prones
e 0 ,. , -- .and . l.tornhrough the ...prinbipal,
sireide: . •• Thei ireernied imposing: aP , •
-Pearitnee,,and they hails:ascii reason -to-oon 7
- gratulete themeelvee on • making a splendid
1 1 :,,,uee , IPileringes and • Engines ware on
• vgred, hithillieliistittil wreaths of Bowers; and
:,..liael,i)ndsketteireLed thelhoulders of-each are.
, that • the .! fair ones," ; without
wiloal 44portolan . 66 Institution Can ;prosper,
talie a deep, i:nterest in -thein r and- appreciate,
the RrOkelticin the .Car-.
sweet innsie„.lrf9l.l
seed felling 11 1 .:erelliu'ii;, f eed Put
eery pereod jo `excellent humor
. and 'OM neighbor; :
is Vary rapidly, tint:
the 4TP:0'04'14.1104 kin real,ing toward'
coltenee,viryiiiiiketing to the members. 1
The Itiiior atireeted_e,onaiditrable.
nttinpob, land they , errml6)y were a set or
finelealiingilitle (ellen": Motiroe Mor..
Tie was Chief Marshal on the 000 alli;no and he
-well aseleted by Mi. Samnel Sipe.. Mr. Itobt.,.
. ,
McCartney was Marshnl orAli,a,Cueriherland,
and Mr. Johnson Warehndi, of the bead Will
Company. These gentleinen acquitted, , them
sief,Ms l6 *ieryletiditableinannerotad it,vas
ening' their altilf (hit every thing pulsed
'off so excellently. ,
Ylefo ,
aeparating,_ the. companlea l - d retvvp
aftheequare, and , tionnirnousiy Oilseed a re,
solution tii.haie a general tiaiade,,aometitne
in the littjr Part oft the, aummer. They then
gave 'their Chief Alarehel three' e4eire, end
.Ifereietiortell'arOud 6 . 640 . r:4)3000e heltd 7 ,
qhttiters.. At the Good !11l llenie: thti . Chlef
Mareheill wai ciillearckitt by ttirie'eltere, and
delivered & neat .ippaoli aeinotiledging the
Miter conferred - en •
We *bid ioaeo that "the Intereatiti Untie
inorertainp4thiy - ettould' .
be liberally 'adetained; *itd ire think our ail- .
zees are ready to their pail mantuilly:
icithii Virethbui
. . .
.CcOEGE..7—Tina ;Annual
.tbal, the past year has been one,' unusual
prosperity.. • Not only has die numberui an
dante m attendsnie ,inereseed..but.ibe built
loge bave.been improved., and-addltional feel-
Mite bate , been obtained for toe asquieitlen
of learning.;
:The following ls - the'drunmary of -the num
ber of students In attendance.
I . IIII 9 I GII9y3VAT/111.-.30140174, 19.
• Juniors, 40
Sophomores, 44
• greibmpn,l,
PaigrAitimas thpA•unt-iix.,
Total • 193
- The another of vermeils% the libraries ha
also beau iudeateir, . " • •
.Thereollege Llbrary e.ontaise t . 6.480 vole
TheitelletLettree " " 7;187 "
• TTis Unioarriallomeghlital." . "
.An Astronomical Observatory -hat been
erected, and anAohrontatts Teleseepe, haring
in objeoeglass of. ftve,inches, aide, focal die ,
tone.°ism fiel t _hu been purchised. The
4 . eleseo I is Equitorially nounted, and fur.
-- ;;Dishedl;ith - itight:AsOension and Declination
'Cirolei and Cloak Work. We understand that
` to these there will shortly be added a superior
Transit Instrument. ' -
, Also during the past year Joint Quinn, Esq.,
of Philadelphia, has furnished the College with
• fund to be appropriatia- as priest' for Ora.
tory. They are ,to couplet. of 'a Gold -and •
Enter Medsl 7 .to be awarded -to members of
theJneior:Cleie—hy- a - Committee,' after - a - ,
iOblic contest. , . • I
The programme for Commencement -week
premieesi • rich Omit to the lovers of literature"
and Wane*. • Besides the Intel 'College 'Ex.
(raises, we uotioe tbst • number of addiesses
ire to hi delivered by the C loßowing, dietim ,
guished gentlemen: • • ~
Prefesiorgohnsoq—Baoaalaureate Sermon,
SunilOy..July 0. .
'Rec. h. T. .11aTtine-Bennoti before the tio-'
()tiny .of Religieus,lnquiry,.on the same day.'
Rfru.-.13. ,f.. - Brooke,• Oration before
the Belies.Lettrea and Union Philosophic:Si
•. - -
. , .
John—M-,Saxe,_ Esq.,—Poem; before sense
•oaieths, Wednesday, July 8.
,Robert A. Lamborton. A. Al.—Oration. be
fore.the Assoarated Aluthni--ayening or nolo
Cowuedoeaetrr .Exencusite, , on Ttiaiiday.
Terhapo it.will-ht4Atiesthrg - to ,hottionfirt
' Sokolonwhipo to know tbnt they hove:Wen-In
' value fifty_ per. ...those- fort
c-iwicigo *ors bought tlir 116i:tiro now worth
.0197.01CtolakIneou'e oourgps vier
Mira wad iupward." - • ..
,NoiwitSiiending ilia baoketavis siring. the
I'll4' ridne We havi . had, and thepreseof,ireim
: weather are doing , wonder! in the regeteble
worid; '-- and -- niii—tilende - front-*te=7eoue-tfr
63114 as cheering news of an abundant. 'meson.
kiolde that looked bleak and bare ale weeks ago
• i are itiiifeoviired with the'green livery'Viearli
' " Faiiimer;:awd the trees ere In fuilhiiiii.. Ais. r
~k argOluiliftb her she ia's'lieltii jade
tit 'beet, roi."0111; half 'tlie'tinle she was le, ie'ers
:-. aud'ike other . kelt ile thri# d'iri in Our t ie`; `
1 tali *era bears - id Julie careen avec tba,,,11114
1 { wiiii-h t e'r lat'skiliiiiiteil - iiitlc 'tl - 4ylTri'lii4l - nn 1 3- ,
~, :Ingitilidn'teiti the young iatit"44i Viireting,
.; , :fortgfrettismel!g„the fedeebloetwien:` "',
, '
' 4 1 ,4 '4 ' r!i'llid 'i4 : t oji"/":;•:" i. ~f/ 1; 3 1. 1 ° ,,, .9 1 ! ° :
1 •brlglit end traitifal the wrst¢er is delightv
-1 Jul end the l okultei ' eirs out ~,In lull eosisaaa,
:- 1', 1 9101 1 /4 !"P 4 ! ) sl . ll ,Pi'l lo !;q3 e ;" ‘" f il 'S4Pd
1 1 ' llt:° .lPi i ! ii-i f ill ": l l?"t* t lb ° l sanlif!rJ;•
9 13 :44 0 11 6 , mt 4'. 9l k n P,l r 'lP !M b : '!"! e f ...
d irl'eti,MPell67l4lbfel,i'!4 r ti r . ilb 'P r l ls ' , '
''. ;P r°ll ""lii 0 4 " db i,.t in Tt: i 4 l PP!'4; Ai r ;
I ivalemil viko egad isiiioakt igen) smelly, If.
` - ‘ , 44 40 ;i 10 .4 11 5 11 1 11 Vk 1 ar , 0p,, ~ ",,i',. +, ....• ~,.
0 .44 Veltappeevesmo,vaatialiltaTe, au o. l o ll l'
''' ; 4 ainf ' 40 07- 1 0tfrak l q".ob ol Prlaota , ao: 4 ' ,
4: P o Mb•lt'lo 11114 0 , the eats '
.cad , tattaloalk4ak
:u"Oriill00# ~ tho;gorn i•,'efluitug up ~korßßitol:w
';4 — WO'r‘ir Oo f 'BralP;'4 1 4113 09: 0 N
1 41t -IPc, 41Clatafas• aid RaTlansal AaaAl4 , at
..,,, , iroft, why should ho grimbliel,./Atipii*Mirtr ,
4 wait atio#44 . ol; the; frulak‘i4'or'ear,. 1,9 i,...
!i 4. iiiiiiirith , iiiiitefarsifeitiliv: l , ll4 ,k -- A . ,oftagboie
I s '-' t. , t -li.` - A . i . r . r..i.', A-Li ' ' '' 1 : , '
: ' r 1 1 6' 1 4 i f 1 r t I Y - W I A - , IG 1 51 I 1 ° iq '4l ' latest
.::!i*l, saiiii :01+114+,004!i'ii*'4,P0.,:.-f;1:'
',,Lbsi",;;',. ';:.: 'v.'. i "..'„? - 7, ,, ,,:,,,, ~ ';;;;-,•_-:- ,
', ' '' '..; ~:i,., 1 :',1 , •,!... ,;.• , • .
. ‘ P l 4l4lEl;paylitltlZAl):44 ti , BliSt 8
3411 rifatioir the'r4islao,44llthadA
iiiketid : dieelly.tatere tie edjilligioi 3 Orii - (, lie
T.egleiqure:i' ; All the legfeloilbi bitomp.iirji., to.
plate erdei wilhoutnoof.oeisitry
^H orrl bl e ' - dIIItI i~ « ~i~ gtbi~ - ge trlbYß
4 911 .p.T f pii0... Accips.,- 7 70,;•4 4 ,„
-Ki11ed14.4. - yliniiii. saPpoised to' be Hurglars
1 1,1
, CfPunterelterg,l-7tiurAitigani.... were again
alarited this morning, by the mid: news that'
trio men . - had.,been' killed . near. Highs:die,
about tour mile; betowrown, ',en the :I-lure's
„burg nedlitnomiter.liailrcadiroin,all-the
foots ire can gather, ' it'apPoare that they were
lwalking onfthe raili.tniOrack.abont 'half :past
ithrek e'dtO cl,and,titat the; We're observed by
'the Engineer of the passenger train, Mr- Hid •
1011,-who at once gave the alarm by his whistle,
i tint' at the Caine timeit t freiglit Hain from Har
irlsburAisas approomiting the men, on the- oth
'er trick directly In front or them ;• and we
! no doubt that these'nefortetate; preens .
obserked :Mitt train coming._N4-beingrawire
'tbat t 'keether train) Was . right l afteithem;•„they
'stepped on the treek_on_whlolt_thiesteseng e .
' traiit.,wae. coming, immediately in front of the
engine, anticonseiteently were at Once knocked
,off the track and killed . ' ' •
' , The 'nein° of one 4 oliite 'victim's is 14posed
:to be 'Hoo t Viokroy. ' ;-' .. • . .
When Violtroy wee fount he had a good.
I :sized oltisol in Me handr tine it is, .euppoped
t'int' beintilt have 'carried it if.the time' he
was stru& Hie pockets contained $3,221 In
'good coin—iiiie26oent piece counterfeit, $llO,
,in counterfeit AYe dollar bills on Meg:ohmage
-Bank,. l i roiittoriox. 11.1. • and one $5. eounter.
felt - note onthe kleraharits Baalt;litivib t eiu.—
'Among thepaperewere found also the Nicer
:lug notes or due.biNs : .' ' ' ' —
"Note--signed Cleo: W. J,ohntion, payable to
order of S. H. Tate, for-$lO, endorsed by Mr.
late and receipt on back of same for $11.03.
Signed, B. 11 TATE.”
. ,
•"Note—dated 180 'day of August, 1856;
pgrble oix months after dote,.. for. $26.--
Signed, . W. Sues." • -
'Tote.—dated flarriabure, July_ 11, 1856,
payable to The order of W. J. Leech or bearer,
for forty dollars, Signed, • •
rEclucir, or Ltitsanl'
"Note—dated Williemitoern , N, J.,. Nov.,'
1852, for $l5O 00,eisty days after dale(paya-
Va . to•Williain Fileierald, at the State Bank,
at Camden, on disolOurit. Signed,
ID 'J. W. Weren't."
"Note—sixty days after date, payable• to
the order of W. J. Beer for $5O. DM. '•': .. •
er : . 'or. , :56 Signed,
. Several cards were also found in his pooket
book, one of which had - written on one side
the - tritMe of A,. W. Creamer, Ciirning, Stetiben
county. N. Y. Another aril had the name of
Y. R Davis, )0., Athens, l llpulferd county:
il large 'number of other, names are also
written on cards or paper-widish we find lm.
possible to enumerate to-day.. Viokroy was
elegantly dressed:: Sevin! keys were also
found in his pookete which would open almost
any kind of locks.idlicrt which looks very sus
picious, to say the Oast of it...
The companion of Violtrey still **mains on;
reqognixed—be bad been struck by the loco
mbtive' on *he back part of the head, *here 4
large whole hid been created, and his neck
was also found to be broken—He-was living
w hen fireedieen!efed but did i - netent wive any
A railro a d way bill was found in his pocket..
with the mine of David Gleter, listunoy;-.Vriit
ten thereon; bilt whether this woe his Elaine,
we are unable to say.'lie had $2.80 good solo
in his cooker. ,
• Row these men oared to be walking on the
Railroad track at much au hour of the night is
a mystery, which will.. probably never: be ex:,
plained ; and enlace explained by other air•
cumetancee, looks very euxpicious against ,
MORE OE' THE 171071 ME.
MiohLwrown, key 27. , •
On—Wednesdayni,ght• the 47th ihst.,
Shoe Store of •Kurtznien & Baumback, was
enterk'd and robbed of about $5OO
.werth of
boots and 'bees. The stock consists of Pat.
eat leather Gaiters of different colorer, and
heavy Dpois and iShopa, in blob the subscribers,
from a particular Mirk, clan 'density, '
• About 1 o'clock at bight, two men siipposed
to . be flip.personv; were seen standing near the
store. One had on a standing collar, blaok.
coat nod wore a rowdy hat—is about 6 feet
high, the other was rather smell , and had on 's .
. •
. The above reward will. be paid for aoffn
formatigo.that will lead to the . arrest of the
thieves. '
We have further infoimation Confirming
that. these two men Were 'aeon at lifiddlettietz
last evening, and welters no doubt now,'are
actually the robbers who. committed the above
deed, what a warning' this' must be to evil
'doers when they remember heir suddenly thee.'
men' were called 'to an acootint. The geode
must be concealed
_some place, or they, had
companions who have taken charge of them.
[section. DIIIPATOII.I ,
Just %ewe are going' to press we Nara that
another robbery was committed at Middle,:,
town last night.. lumberman' 'Canted • Fin
neyese et.hpPliigZat liael; where
.his loom was entered through 'the. Window—
his trunk broken ,ttpett. and $B,OOO lb.-cash
taken. Jble enreldpe :which contained_the.
money was found on the men that Were killed
this mornitig,'bufnene . ttf the'mOneY.:-/farritt.
6u . rg Telegraph. • •-•
Thillarriaboest fferaid,of 1% 1 1.P. 8 0t 'give!. no
the'rollOwittiftittlitie. highly impOrtani'dacel-,
,Oproetitie.. • it. ifits'illatiniered yesterday''% that
the:two men killed Mirth° , Rallroadi. at ltigh6.
_spire, on Thursday, .mortiing -lied:been
, rlr . feigyfil weeks ateidents ,of ,anclown, and
°Counted it hO:Ose'NLith Street. eels! Front.=
!Die diseleittreof this' fact led to in finiciedlati
search of the house, and the Alaeorary
rictus lipitientyntit.ussd,lcithe
,manitineture . ot
.counterfeit coin Intl bank notes. . .
; A woman in tho.bOase--aupnosed to ,
,wife: or mistreab of Onti.ottire partiel-Lenufes
ed,th at. t h e man. qame here fromMoney,' and
bac k s ppo,ooninoiion• with.a . gang ~ ,of,coutitat
[aeons thehlliddifiatnt rubbarioa:" Tini
ttrolnen , Nrito , Warel no' 'doubt *ere
neotad with theAkfuny.gsog in thattirbittraging,"
utiaappr'arittlea iFom Miildhilowit we alluded to.
joiterday, there iii<reason' to biller.:
adt , thii salon ifopirrty. ) lA."Yfuithor, imaire4 , eit
thgliouaktialtitnida , latiknigkt, and It wakar.l.
pooled that additional developmapti would,h.o_
piadin and a full °outbidden
,elicited thin'the
r La.", •
- subdue lit.thatitiOO Chia the . thirst
100 4. 1 4.NPIPtieeto. AWeolY..tiflautai ,4 wd " that
, 0 , 11.1 hail th e wounds without sloe eotually
'Serer the Bores—Ptles—Salt, Itheutn—lndiulatoktory,
• ItheUnistinfo—Spr, 41,44 4.nstoed gdos4Co4 4 ,lVoimods.
Oirt 'and , Thretefrato7tio
. 00, 70. - I ,o dßoalooST;Rxilitie .
• r ap tus—Ohilb ins—Dites welled and to.
k ddlitast-461*".:Rippiteiti4itt nAehattd.alltothet
1 tottory,and ,qutansesit s ollsesses,,Xihri . A4 A ,„ parts
irjeDonn holrednloas about thletatinp dlim mated
SO Isgopredibl . O V4E O 4O4 I2 Isistr•boAMISIOSIOLS the few, ;
'bat positive. properties which"the Dailey' Salve shine .
coOtaihs,.sod as heretotbrit enumerated—one to' parr,
can m no.t the stptm,ts , tionett Athiesess,
QuirptX- ath,
Ithtritiohni opdphYsictinliprOtaribeitto
relid lowsrdlyser most 0017=4 itaX x S,o6.l ;...
'Pah box of astwohil ttiat'it'PAnt znaprroi
Osit slitspl , PitaSKOittilxbdixtbeamlth ttbolditOlittirxh:
"01'0: 9.0110K5.1914 11 , 9pristors., and
'ltitUtirriqnsOOAettlierti'l+All, otherit are betinterfelt:.
an 0 024 16 4 1 4 , be 1 4 1 1 8 V,f9 :131lAyinv4.
i.* 11 • 10, 5*" 0 .! aßitMoololllh4it*Al;*43
Wooetti9 renowned 410*/*or chi lorsioibie':Usji
' Itistonttivel; 'still OontipOss,
ii ttils'l?or behalf the .
r .•
yrbu to be tit sop
firs toodloltisa ore Oolvortut i ,sdroitted;hp3he .Kmo; -
• this heir °Alpe, toted t h at bin beser.ektered'ihistitPs
von; tolgros Airth.oitb as much %lox. Sod Winkle:kW
'as whim hleester with the adrOtatei.of yonthi4gr i V i i
Duro can 66.00 /lOW oils
ipintly troy lair to tts'orisliisi se*: I hi stutkekli,
Mine a liskilftgl • dilgritxtmiri
_w..)1144, kopy,.; .
I,4oldrabl.*".4o,!'etith« ef01d...44 1 P ~,(Km
' •
,O.DEADE, WedgesEEi; JON. 8, A 57:
isom3 floptiOnd', , ,per bbl:'' ' $ 7,25
_ _ . 6 4-.
. 7,76
_ 4,25
WHITE WREAT per btlellai - 1,78
RED dd . do: - - 1,88
RYE d -.
SPninci BAltivrr.. do
SO"- 1 !4:
'RATON. le recommended to the public, 'retying upon Its
Intrinsic excellence to secure it Aver.' ..,• • •
I dr all .11111otis attache; It may tertrifkiliud 'safely 'we
lied upon as being -fully.capable ormemoving tbe dire
easel for which' It is recommended; and, for giving -tone
and vigor_ to'ibeipieeralsyorteni, • „
Its by
bave.bsen long pra y .'
Me, the 'proprietor.., Through the urgent solicits,'
Clone of, many; who have beeninifuie‘to . pion It be:"
fore the public ..`. Fop 'all AB{lioUCDerihrgements, Sick
Ileadach, Chronic "Dlairlweillabitual Coalman, pi
lions Chalk!, Dyspepsliii Pain the Stomach sod Dow
General Debillet ,
For lobo by drugglatiOtumtiky. - •• •
' • •' • '
4 01 4 , 0 f
cidelnatedOehrtan - Illtters, sold , liy .16-0414ittetase
re atisit
20 Arch stet; Philadelphia,apokan_oLlt tei
tdaiteit - idtatot7 , Fuliitliin, and "'honestly indleyeast it
le one of the best medicines mdrertlsteltbr the new •
plaints lbr which It ti recomntstided,,ThWurnviOtw'
sent to the taste; and can IA taken under, any drum.
stances by the most delicate -stomach. • The -press nir
And wide, he, unitedltiretdidnandltorthte Invaluable
remedy for tlympopela,.debility, de.: and such are 'the
healing effects of thlepatumea4bait werhopett may-le
intreduced to star r ta mily.whiwe - ditpetwhi-kaut or le
likely to hare a violist. -See tidy ertfiannant.;. -
ftlzmiages. ,
Oa the 27th of Ap Otraiiims,
.CerMr. HENRY BHROktoiIfIes:MAIITHA-.EElL,,all,of-
On the 28th of Map,MW 7 Itev,lL Cheret,ete.
Mr. EmmAnntsc Ittontvuf . to' biles ARENA MIL ,
LER, all of Ournberlandeseunty,., 1 • • • '•
.On the 2 1 et lest ., by the Her. O. WW l * JtiiiNr
W;DUV ALL,prilpper, lll irlbcirce*a.,u,Anwlmaats•
M. • OAMmum, of tbleplaie.„,.., • "
On the 31st of 3837, by ihi• ibmltaite . itornbe,'
at Mount Rook, Mr. JOHN L. LIPPY,,of ItalthnonTOltt e
to Mho ELENORA KLlNEFELTER,oftan.berland
In North.3llddleion* toWnnblp, on iridoy Let,
DAVID ZEIGLER, aged about pO_Tor&
Rem illkuertisernonts.
ntir.cnAttestantittoi PA.
n nitietaion designid for the liberal'
•Education of foun'y Ladies.
avesteirts—.Flva 'Moodie 'eatiti,
Commencing September tit; ry
Februa . lat., •
Closing January Nib, Jusi..lotb.
• . MARiATT, A. IC,
lT e subscribers would reseettaily, announce. to - thepublic, that they'are.norf prepared tolurriMh the fol
owing deterlbed artklei of LUMBER: First, Common
and Panne' Plank, and Boards of all thickness; Cone-
mon Boards and Plank of white plop. Ifemlock Joke
and Scantling. of all sites and lengths; White Pine and
Fella* Pine-Flooring, worked; all kindanlPaling and
Pliatering laths ; Pine kad Cyprus Shingles oral! qua
' Titles; Shingling. : Lath • and Striping. _..and_Ferncing •
dloards:2o •-All thiamin sawed to order; _by_
learlug - their - bilia - otalllengths and Sixes, (pine, oak,
Or hemlock.) Bash , Doors, Blinds and Mouldings ready
Mr use. The *borne will, be furnished osi the most re*
souiNe terms, - SUd agthe 'dewiest notice. •
' • ' Wo,hareconstantlyou hand
L kinds of •
such as Lyketut V tej,..l3lWirt VOnntain,.Trevorton,
curt kionntsin . ; Luke 'Fiddler' Sunbury. Wilkerbarrs,
end the Broad Top fbr Illack;mithai all of which we
will deliver to shy. part at the town aa low u it tan be
bought at any yard Id The town for sash Or esurthy"
produce. Coal all to-screened and delivered clean. By
strict attention to business, we hope to resolve a liberal
share of public patronage.
You will find our Yard In the eastern end of the be
rough, opposi te the Use Works. Ptirordoe hereafter Will
be kept opposite Bentz & Brothers storeiln the office '
pow occupied by 'Squire Smith.' , All ordeal left at 'the
odice or at tither of the eubscribers'yeridences,okfiest
Pomfret street, - or at East Street; will be promptly at
tended to
,Carlble, June klebT
;coos . ,
Bankers and Deedere hi Real inetata t
Juno 8, illissoad Territory.
iNOTICE.—The widereigned having •
81311.148 - 10 r Ita county of Cumberintd. ilain thiv
24th day of April. 1857, hereby gives notbie that all per
sons having busineu with him In that caPaclfy will
please,clireet their applications to
. ,
Whitehill, Cumb.Co,, Pa.
June 9,1957.-3 t.«
_ .
TiCe subscriber, located In the basement of the Me sh..
diet Church, opposite the Railroad DapOt, Is now' vs.
ceiling a sorlety of. Fanning Impleznants, such as
. , PLOW
• con* minims:
• .
FARM noittlus,
Corn hod Cob- Grinders "(Seoit's Clink) the Crescent
Drain ADD, Done Shovels, REAPERS AND 1101411R8
(Manny's with Wood's improvement.)' Strait - Cutter,
titc v altatwhich are of the most, improved, kind and
. voriunidi s hip, Cod will be sold on the moist mods:
tloglerros. Farmers are respectfully Inns call
and examine before porehoidop
• •• Z. Aititirnoso.
For the convenience of fiiiinert,'Mannis Patna
Grain Drill will bit Sold at Shiremanstown by Benjamin'
Clay, and at Shittensbunily...Q . ristlan Long: •. - '
.;..1...:.. FitUiT-AND PANCFGOODS. ,- ='s - .
" - iii just received a free]} stork of SIEDICHHIJA..
vi i
• PAINTS;• GLASS, 01L8,44.,, litehAalintianti •
selected with - great:oW it, the y bciat , heueeeln" "
Philadelphia. I stn confidently nkusuueiiit' td -+ , •
lad DEALERS, .as being fresh and pisrea ; , ., . •-,..., ,
Drugs, Patent Medielnes,',Chealitide, Ituiaituatentia. --
Pala (10011tiai oils, Herbs and •Patrads, Spices . ground
end whole, Erioneer,, Perflimery, An; de r ' :- " '
Cod Liver 011—Warranted' genuine,' '" ' ' •
DY&STUFFS—ltidigees,'Bradders, thrinae, ilitre,:fal, : 9
-and am Woods; On vitrio.keejTe.r.o, 1.N6 Dye.,---- - - - -,--- -- - -
' PAINT£-‘watheritrallmtheeit Pare Lead Chrome •
Green und'Yellevi - , - Paint and Varnish Driishen; 4eriley
Window Maas, Llntiood - 00; . Tuipentfoo,N* as d coif*" ' •
Fnc,uleli, and nea UM: AD of which apt, 'be add a t .
. the'veq lowintilititket *lei. : •: • —, ' ... ~.,i. :
' ~. Also, afieldiatid' splendid, 'assrtniet of F A NOY ;;•
GOODS, F titi Confectiona. iind.iniiiinierable .01hee,..,..
artiel enlated for. use 'e nd , °nut/Clint ell • of,, 'which' - -
'erre ' *Alit lawesa vvocUriees.4:, t-thaeheceLDrag,', .
;]lookand' Fanny Store of thaanliserlbernitnietitiano....l
8,11f:EIA CIL. . ...
anus Br /857.71/4
OCTiCilt ARMSTRONG-lire renlOyo„ _
(nee to Centre &mere, west ottne Chirp ,
, 1 1Vmstll ahe mar be oonsulted et any hew et um, ' , l
day or n , R . A. . hour hed , thitt Jeers experience
in the pee ' lon, the butt ten of shish have heen.den•
bd to the. etude' and meth* of EtreattoPatble Imeti
tiStle , .0.• ,-4 / 102 P ,14 7 43 P'..`. ~ '- , . ••' -• .
NoTfOE - wo - 014UR,611 - itttlLDXfts: 2- :
0- - Mani end apeslitrm l
loni Mr thanwit Iteksa. 4 ' ,,,,
;•,..o. Adecopel Church to' be' circled on the earner or.'t r
was .palpendret Streets; Carlisie.'•l)) be ethibited, ,
at the Counting room of• Jacob• Meant on Wed nether' ' •,,,
the 27th instant at ',Mar time conditions and terms '
~,,on be made known', Theiob.le lawny the aitentlon '
a flizildors, and proposals for enUri work will be
Melted IR* the 10th of rune. i •
~ ' , .
, ! The Ihundation , :wlll be reqtdredlha be Lii 'montge
Mr the Oonterdtone'ed the Bth 01J01 ~ • • .• •
+. 1 ''' • Cr. COLLIDES; • • Dame& ~ -• I
1 . 1 ... ~ '. , -'- '; J,.2lllllEtt. ;. • ''',.-, /
v ., 1. , D. ituatArt: onninute.::::.- ,
: C1ara11e,41ey15,2867. , - .r , ~ , .. • 1 : i
''' --",.........---...-. , , ,
i ' 1), •TRIS : AVAIL! 1.1- , • .choap'eq.:
it VOA,. l'ill'ittraifilroil.'2:i'V' -
tp rsh.4l., , tkith.,l4, 11 1 481 104 , 1 4 ,the for•• 0,h 00 :r
Store'Sonni• Wan Canter of the puhlloccoate, • • 1.
Trutikai-Whiriv, Pui.l_ltatv, arabrolltr Re..
il Jus4 ro*Vadirom C'hUodslplall• IC,CironiOncion
. , , and arOMMisokimetio er , . ~ . ..„.. ::i ,-, . s
.„ i , . iliztou.vißi i ii 0w,.. A,ti14,4i *. tvaora;'' t -
which bpi tong. agoiet4*th ;e4•tli‘'Velit'lMM:
i r • utaahoion awlArtalpb he , tiu,raeoulinnt tbr their Illle .
Malot. irit;ao,llli,Pf 94,1111* no box ovary Chlorin.: i
ono Mo ot and S li ce ode 'Rawl. Ale, the *woo% .. - 4414- : - i
•vvhlrhvsnihe nallivcl7 lo * . 1 )* acc#L_. r• 1 4 # . t l i tit i lkikfa '
notes Ca& nor* naltvroc; Bob wank lin , ...,
illao aime*LueootigilusluovialloPim
~,,,,d,chliamot 0p.% at OM Writ. 4 —;a 74. -.4
, ,i* orchavorinhaincroghnly pool "f . , , how if
r tmets
iilinfillelOrielWand ~1 ' liv 404
lilac Pcieh 1 ,440 14 HW it'vd *pros., t ....1-..1
s k i, Ahl_ , lb i ew - I n strotepoint L dloarat : *o.
mi4l4, .., , )
abort* . noil4Al43saancoclinsitn•., Dahl *Ow", . t .", 1
r d re, chop •W. itret.04+6,044',imu0e7,.,-
~ ,, JILIN* i' - , ...-• ,, -;:i.hrelort 11 , 14 , - ,4.:',-1r',%(,-
do •
4 145