r , 4 KlOq adeLALZSPII , WEDNESDAY, Ifi'AitAlli .15; 185 Z tOe eargegt Cjetipest o per . . . ... 'Elt ..O'Lrfetl'ElVL 'A V V 00ITN T Y. . • 1/401018:-A4V0 DOLINES A YiIAIL, - OR ONE DOL , LAS WEDVIETE CENTS. IV PAID•IN ADVANCE. . .$1 ;7,5 TY 'PAT) WIMIIIN 'THE YEAR.. ATAP6INTMENTS: =42 4tY „ piiiiotine has . to wor. :id 'Washington, by the new AdMinistra -. temp; ands - quite a nnmber OfiriOree's off' . ---idalsluiva-Lhketheirmatis slimed off, to . to. room for Mr. Buchan:ill's faveritW . The decapitations, thus far, have been, ; mainly 'in the Northern, and =Western' 'States: - ' The South is understood to be oliposed to retiumals except for cause, and. _ thcremovalsin, that section :will not probably be so get end nun the Westand - North. It is .officially snnounoed, .in -proof of this position, that the president - has re-appointed Oct.:old Postmasters at, Richmond and Alexandria, V i rginia and Mobile and Tuseiloosa, Alabama. •It is . also stated that hif - ht - Vi - ,te=appointed - the old Collectors' of the Custoins at "New Or; • leans, La., and Charleston, S. C. .The appointments for Philadelphia are announced is folhiws in a telegraphic des. latch,, blitAliether this announcement - is ' or not not yet determined. It in said that great dissatisfaction exists - anitmg the democracy ,of Philadelphia in censequence. Collector- , C01. 4 . B. Baker. ' NaVal o,iftcer—Chatnbera McKibben. -A7ostnuister—Gideon G. Westeott. . Surveyor -John Hamilton, Jr. Navy AgeUt—William Badger. Marsha/ of the Eastern, DietrictL-J.' •, We hear of no appointments .yet an flounced in the the inte - iii3r„og. : tim i . ; state pylbably nollieltiende j ci to un til the , larger posts at-7;7livm—i7iiir:7 Naw TAturroomes.—.lt seems probr -blairom_present appearances, that the next Congress - will piss bills for' the or ganization 'Of the embryo territories of Nevada,'DaeotahTArizonia and Neosho. When Minnesota shall be admitted_ into the Unian the nunihei of'St i ates will ,be thirty-two. Oregon and', Washington drill laise the nanjber le, thirty-four, - and Nebraska and New Mexico to thirty-six; and the four obi territories would, when admitted, increase the circle to forty, Should Texas and California - each be di tided into three States, as is proposed; the number would be raised to forty-six. Then there le the proposed State of .Su parlor Or Itasca, making the number for ty:seven. 'We hove omitted Utah; but if territoryhe admitted - as a State, the number would be forty-eight. "This number would be reached without any division of Nebraska, Oregon or. Wash °. 'ington. But the former is large enough for Erik or seven States, Oregon for three; iind Washington for two.' These calcula - Fiona serve to. to ocinyh an idea of 'Oct rapid growth of our republic, the • . manse extent of - our unsettled itrritorh • arid the importance of the . legislation .af • feoting'it. TOE WASIIINGTON PCOSONIVI CASE. —We have all sorts of stories accounting for the epidemic that has been prevailing Ittaong the boarders of the National Ho tel, at Washington• It was generally at- Whited to rats, poisoned with arsenic, Abet were said to have got into thetanks by which the Hotel re supplied , with wa ter. -But according to the N. Y. Tina , one of the proprietors •of Ithe National as serts that there is not tine word of truth in this report. We see 'by a late' tele graphic despatch from Washington that the Board' of Health, of that city, have taken.the National Hotel in charge, with a view to a thorough investigation of the premises, and the'causeS that have pro. dined so much sickness and death. We shall thus be furnished with • an authori tative decision in reference to this rep- I.teriouakoase_, :13ANIL FAAUTWAND ; LARGE bEF.sit, CATpiN;=- ' . 7Thill'ittaburk T Chronicle' - an • -nounces the failure of the Batik of New Castle, Pa., and the disappearance of, one of its officers with the sum 0f.550,000 in casib, leaving on hand just ,$4, in coin to redeem a circulation of over sloo,ooo Thes'Ohninjele - adde: ' largo amps, , we -are credibly informed, Lave been mecklessly loaned to corpora-, aiOns,the greakamount of which, Will be, ' a total loss to .the, bank; among others, $20,000 .to' the worthless • oraniercey Bank, "Indiana. The - causes, Of-the fail ' Ore are similar to those of. the' Lancaster Bank, and, occurring just now, when money is in such urgent demand, will tand still further to increase distrust and unossinesi,in - the money Market. 'MOST.IDIroRTANT Fawn( lUTAEC..—L•The - Viaabingten Star states; that,there tire ', infermation Wishington that *WWI Yning and las 'crew. have burned-the United States archives, court • resititii; 4; :in UP*.te ' rFiio7:i 4 2 4 they : have have demanded' the apuointnient: of , one. ; • of tWeichediile • i.etiederer_otficers, , both, leaded'by . . , , Brigham.YoUngfor Governor? 1114 the, arOwel pf the purpOscerdriVing. ' 7• • ()filer out of the territory by force of •-• , the Mormons ere feedy.practiaally , im !ratate of. rebellion.. • ,I•,+, ' :. i i. ~ netot ~ of Allegheny, sti: , t, . Nilititie ' ' ' 1 ----,l o4 oo44 #,: ii i ' opep64 - 0 1 e !,;i tbei - 4 4 0f . ..,floa r labpr g , lieflnedioppoeition,to,benVil te;he the qinathsienn of deunr;iney*N , • . , -1-..-• •: . :L____________—_,.„4.,. -,',..•-• . - - , ~.,_ •',l•••Fk:` titi9driati6;j ninerat tiv,es state .. tnieht. Of Ikansas, comionnicated; to tho etlittir . oPtli4'paPer by . oiiit. Geary hitnOelf, on 414 ifslYto r tVialtiligion. all t fte sttitinnentiltith; el:to made as to the atrocities, of the pro-' • slaVery party•int.hat territory. It - will be found in auothereolumn. These'statements of Gov. Geary it Is to. be hoped will have the effect, at. feast, of letting it little of the light oUtruth in to thole befogged people time, could not see that any wrongs had been perpetrated in that territel l y 1:1 pro : . NOtiii — Afitetieett we I -remarkeithey-would'notibelieve'tele— . graphic despatches, reporting he com mission. of all sorts of:outrages; 114 the _letters of correspondents, . - vo r luminous reports . ofTt - ecitigliiainnitretto - -'z mitten'which . took itseVidence on the spot. Civil war, - arrests for treason, the emplty . ;ment 'of the regular army for monthe . the territory; 'vide trifling matters, :and signified no 'more thari a little distnrbanee •created hy'some free Boilers. Gov. Ree . der VaS removed for speculations in the pliblic lands ; Gov. Shannon for incom petency, perhaps; but what shell now he said 'of Governor Geary; that favorite' of his party, whose just - et:airs& was to allay all disturbances, show up the falsehoods 'that had been published to the world re speoting the pro-slavery men, and quietly make:Kansas a slave State ? How are his testimony and present action to be ac-, counted for on any other ground than the truth of the, charges long made by the Republihns ? ,One more effect it nniSt, also have--to make theßepublican.party sleep. watchfully .on its arms. That party only, failed to carry the , , last Presidential, election, because many' northern men felt confiden:l s e in thnpatriotism, firmness and wisdom o t Mr. Buchanan, and were Will ing to give him an opportunity of display ing ,Now is:the , time foe - _ their exercise, if ever. Now, and, lucki ' ly 7 at the vary - outset of-his'adtninistra— tion, we' are able to learn how far the hap py expeetationa formed of him are to be realized. The action of the new admin istration, in the present emergency, will. go'far..to determine the coinpleiion of Parties Tor the next four years, and will helve an Importantbearing on. the 'great -,interests of the country. -„' "' 11111 %ME •I:LJ IN •.' FACT / 1 9 FOR-TAX-PAYERS. . i"Tho Board of•Rvienue Comthimionors, recently in session in Harrisburg, embod ie(t in the final report of their proceed ings the followingrerunrks upotithe three mill 'tax on real and personal estate - in this commonwealth, showing the necessi-, ty fora sale of the public works : • This tax zetiches (almost) every, citizen. —it enters every household—it is a..di rect bnrthen upon the industry of every latiorer,• every mechanic, every farmer, every nierekcat, every professional- man,- and etiiii3 grade of citizen and might be expected to accumulate an immense reve nue, but how few khOW the actual amount thus gathered from the pockets of the people. In twelve-years last past, it has reached the enormous sum of over seven teen millions of dollars ! ! And - yet it is a startling fact, that the debt of the Commonwealth is this day no • lep than when this •tax was originally Imposed.. Why is this tlYtterclut - ve the-glearrings from Pennsylvania's richelst field been ex pended? Why is it that no material re -. duotion has been effected in the general indebtedness notwithstanding the almost unparalleled taxation made to meet the, pitblic wants? The answer is contained in the same record, from which the Other statement bus been gathered—the' official records in the offices of the Auditer Gen eral and State Treasurer. It has been spent in the completion of I the Portage "railroad; in building the North Branch canal, end_in the maintenance of the , main line of the public,,werks. Of Penn sylvania's public impitevemente, the main line is the -only non-sustaining "portion. For several years (the cost included) the revenue of the public works has been re-' ported as substantially equal •to the ex penses—the profits of the Delaware divi sion and the North Bratich'lcanal, from the former of which they have been chief liderived, being absorbed in the work . int, of the mainline., There is no reason to anticipate a material reduction in the expenses; in view of the diminishing trade upon the canal foinffg a portion of the main Hite, and the unexampled cost :linen of carrying freight. over the Port-- - age -railroad. While the Commonwealth rattans the ownership and Intinagethent of {_the main line this expenditure of the -,-profits-of-tho-%livisions--willrcontinue7to the serious 'embarrassment of-the resour nes of the Commonwealth.' Hence, a proper regard for-its pecuniary prosperi: ty,--in the opinion of thisßoard, demands the sale of the main line, if a. reasonable . ..price and responsible , purchaser can be , seoured.• - • • wt. The • Itev. Calvin Colton, well known as'the author of a life of Henry Clay, and` many tract:4 advoca tink.the prinilipteLol the'Whig party in the, canvass . ef . 1844,,0ied at . Savannah, Gge. on Friday last. g Jt ie *mid that Ate engineer . ohnrgo —•-of-the-train-whloh-wita - M4oipitatied , ,itito7thra - Desjatdins Canal, - near, Celir., Whistled brOksil.".llllowhile endeavoring, to evert the natasirptihe,. Went 'down with the engine: =l. . Instead of attanipting to - etosOe' - at 'the 'fret warning, he remained at the 'poet-Of duty, and rterifloadltielife, in a, Roble effort Lo . save . , Ifenateninei; Margit' niaittng • bate omen tb doy t tate` Benate on the'reeolutlone'condeienhig the &chitin eithe Supretne , Coort in-the Cored Ehietteue.L.:Tbey 'i IMO QPldly referred to soeloot,ootoodttoo,, , SPRING SALES.;=;43III6 for the follow; lug Sale, hate been printed aCtitisofrice t" • ''• Sale of 0. i i Tiffany, in Carlisle, ,on IYed4 teaday, the'2sth Of Idaroh. . of "2111660th . , Culliberlend Co.,' on Saturday, the . 28th ;Side by`tlet,Eoitintetwetilety Beitthqued, 4.;;deitpiteed,,lti-Clittietitortaptin 9atutity the 4tb I .zouiti 464 40untO aitattels: EvEcTioN.-- The 'Union 4Veles-;.!Viet,o-rioutl—Tbe _borough election4in' t •Yridaiiist -ititailted in the complete trin:Mph, 4:l' the Repnblicene. and: American .eo9losttes In 'She West. Ward, and .the , eleetipi i of; three .. torthe'Reiniblican and RepublioatinrAintilit can candidates for Council' in the East Ward, where the Democrats have heretofore hado: controlling majority, .and where they confl.: - - dently calculated upon' electing - their entire ticket. • This" gives -our friends the. manage-, meat of ourbovonghoffaiis,:for mmther year„ The - new conncil is .composed of good • men who will- vigorously carry- (inward. the, work. of borough improvement •Wo subjoin the re tarn!, by whiot it will be seen that our friends hove elected their .candidalee for t Chief and Sayan out of nine members. of Coutioil. .Glory enongh for, one; day . :,!, Mum, Cminnyerre, - - -Itobeit'Jr,* 152 E.livaid-VEk4l 'George 162. f-Willlem zettie, 148 . . • .• , • • • Town Connell.. • 'John Guteltall,* ,170 I thoinaa'lll.'Biddle, 13b Jnmbe Ciliito,* "" 175 Sainuel Mortiti,* 164 P Gardner;* 161 Jentee.Waggorter: .135 rater Scribe, 134 Ipnilip 143 Jocob C. Sentir,', 130 I Pater Monynr;:ii..' .166 Jame; Mulliik* 148 R'underliob, 168 Charier Fletiger,,:, 154 I Henry'R: Ritter,* 195 . j Inspector. A. T. Deedier,*" , .166 I Alex. P. Meek,* '164 Ammon , William Ball,* 153 William Gould,. 159 • •- . • Sclooi Direetorc Ndiftpositio'n. Henry Sait6n,*• 815 .Con#aqe. Robt. MOCariney, *,242 potiepb May, Robert Irvine, Jr.,* 189 Eqrrard Ege, 184 . Araigiant Burgear George' Handel,* 178 I- William Zettle, 105 Town• J. B Parker.* 188 Wetzel,.* 185 JA) Halbert,* 185 Jacob Duey,:k--147_ • : Auditor. Sams Mullin, *176 IJ. 17.19un4erliob, 706' J. Poatletbwool77 I John Taylor S. M. Hoaxer,* 174:1 G. L. - 11eighter, 102 A e3easor. s , • William ifelf,.* - 172 I 114 • - &Iwo! Direciors.- . JllllllO3 finmiltoo, (8 years)* 276) No . opposi .l.-G. Williams. (1 year)* 281 f • tion. pith Pearc. -- A. L. Sponaler,: 126. E puvidS . nith,* 161 J. F..Haffer,t2 172.1 No opposition - I'hoar, marked thiti (*.) are elected.- . . A SUPERB PlottigE.—We were shown a fair dajteinee,"WCApt Porter, si !ergWand truly_ beautiful steel, engraving of " Washington and his fienerals,'!, of which his has the *gassy , for this seotiou of periniYirs.; Ma. The striking figure of the groat'ohlef Is conspicuous in the foreground, while grcupiii around him are all the general officers' of • the Iterolution.- - -It-in mustinterestiog and posing soeno and executed in thrbighest style of theart. • A splendid publication, too, is the illustrated edition of Irving'e Life of Washington, leaned in semi.monthij parte by G. P. Putnam & Co. of NOw York The first volume bee been com pleted in fourteen jiarti, end foams a beautiful volume. The illustrations are composed of Virtriiittfrof Watihington's Generale and' battle ...nee - We - Wilreheerfully ft;rwird subectin tione for the work, whieh-can be . seen at our office. =From the list of 'appointments made by the Baltimore Conference, In session in Baltimore during the last two weeks, we take The follow ing for the Carlisle District. Our community will be especially gratified with the refap. polottnent of Dr. Dougherty to'Emory Chapel in tide borough.. Mr. Reese; the able and en . ergetia Presiding Elder of the Dietriet, is also re appointd - . Carlisle District— A. A. Reese, P. F 4 -Car- lisle, R. D. Chambers ; CarlieleEmory Chapel, Deugheny.-;- Carlisle Ciroult, 8. B. Dtinlap, R. Norris; York Springs. 0. Ege, J. C. Ste liens; Newport, George Stevenson, one to he supplied ;- Petersburg, T. D Gotwalt; Lewis town, Joseph A Roes; Lewistown Circuit. F. Hearken, Samuel W. Scars; Wilson; hLt9lin, Wm. A. McKee ' ,J A. Price Concord, N. S. Buokinglistii, A M. Creighton : Hely Bloomfield, C: Graham, Wm. H. Kieth'; .Greenvillage. S.' W. :Price; W.' Howe, sup ; North Meutnain Mina, to bestir... plied; Shippensburg, E. B. Snydor; Wrights ville, William T.WWilson.;l l son.; York, John Stine., Wm Wickes, isup ,t!ShreWsbary, H ' Furlong, F. E. Craver; Castle Finn, Joseph S Lee, B W. Daugherty; BangorXelsb Mission, Henry_ Roberts:' One of the most imiiertant note of the Con &ranee was to make a division of the body. The-main:Efeattireerof-the=divistort--are=asf - foli• lows, a few. stations and oirenits , having' been changed fromone side to the other ; . . "Resolved, ,By the Baltimore Annual Con ferrules of the Methodist Eilisoopal Church in Conference assembled, .That this Gotiferenati be divided by-Districts, and thiethe Thiltimere Conference, proper. be 'composed of..ther more, Potomac,.f i ewistimg; Roaaoke, Reeking ham and Winchester Dietriote; and• that the Baltimore East'Confereece be ecimliesiii oftlie North •,Baltim..re,. • Frederick.:"Cuinberiond, Bellefonte, Northumberland and ~the:.Carlisle „,:. „ „ SPRING SEEDS The odworqiienient of the PoiAllher of t. 1115 4nyrrf4ia r Agrfcificuri . B!„ in tO-Alny'n PPPer. 18, vroYN liti9ntion Former.._ F ',"r§°'' 4l !?f f "r4 ,b n'P_ bean_ .Pt .. °", 00,1 ; 04 -eiRrf#7 1 -g r -9 4 . -- Pitieiri"r""h. t rfPrlv ny f i' c d "' h e79. olll " l4- seed° PlronMtlt!,... The 69°- 16 ° 1.3 _ 0 .' 14 Pklredo , r l 4 PlaBK, l O9 414 1 $*_ eid fur Pb!nldipi,s,eed, Or, , a: PreP, Irlt,Yll'rn if, the rant • Prole l, w9Ft4, Or Ont. 9‘, 13 , 0 n a ! I iPPW'Prrnn!"etlt, ' ,M43llprj,i/VANTEp 1 7 -Pee nAyert,Winekkt, of t).0,000 wanted ,0,t,f.0p por.ooof.julmoet,ll4, 1 ., 0- deet. pap*. 1, i 2 u. :!;:u i-11,• - , • , •