Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 25, 1857, Image 2

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    -/Btritt l7 -ZX.l ll l lsl ta
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• ,• '•
- 17/LRLXSLE, - 1 111 ..
'WEDNESDAY, F] B. 25; 1857
et,.eargesst anb ioe apc St 1/11,ler
• 141 70 IF PAID VIE YEAR.
Mclean SESSION.--The Prosideirt 'of
thTalliEeOtaktur irasissifted ,-- his — procla , t
motion convening the -- U. S. Senate in•
k M., •
extra Bet3Bloll, at 12 o cloo ,„ on.
the 4jof March, ".to receive .and. act on
such communications as may be made to
it on" the par(;` ofjlie Executive."
Mn. 13iidiiit'Aise's•CliiiiiNtr'will; it is'
say, o composed of Lewis. Cas,, Socre-,
ttg of State ; 'flowell Cobb, of qeorgia,
•- ex:Governor
- (1 3 9)th;','?flennesaecti 'Secretary of the
i•,'••' - .l , liiiy:''l4itikititiOeY' of C,onn Attorney
3:•'.0101§Oi-4,6Oesf, of
to lid sueuregt'`corre.Qt of -.-yet- given,
shoWs thlit,44begaWan haacleterminc.i.
to:Take ids administration pre-slaveryup
• to the hub,•• The majority of the Cabi
net (if the above list is correct,) are from
. the Slave :States, and tholie from the
Nortil have aiWayS sided with the . Slave
interest. It, may, he . set down as. a fixed
(, fact that the new tid,rninistration .do
nothing-,positive io.prevent.the spread of
the '. peculiar institution.' This is
, out the principles of modern •' de-;
---nioeraehl-but-is'vastly-behind - the-spirit ,
Of the age, and Mr7Bucharimliiillfindif
efo~e I3is term is out fine true sen-
timent of the great body of the People,
North and South, is—no more Slave Ter-
le..Mater piokiamme soya Clancer f ,
Jbnes lius=decli~sed the T': If) — Depart- .
moot; and W. C. Alexander, of -.11 . 9w'now oonouocod for that post.
despatch from New ; .Orleans last week
ga_vii_v_ory_flattering aecounts, of Gen.
• r wiiikit's.progress I , in Nicaragua. The.
arrival of the steamer Tennessee at Now
York, on SaturdaY, brine us the other
side of the story. Walker's entire force
is now stated at 800 men of which 'only
300 were with him. The reinforcements
_ • ,
under Loeltrid , m and Titus are estimated
at-550,-but whether , these are included
in,the 800 we cannot say..,. The battles
inwhich the Costa Rie,ans•were reported
. 'by the New 'Orleans accounts to •haVe,
• been beaten, now turn out to have been
very doubtful in their results ; the . . Filli
busters losing some of their best officers.
/%6,W YORK ' TOWN LLEcrlONS''—Re
turns frotirthe courdies — of Montgomery,
Lewis; Steubeiii, BultOn, Broome, Che-
Mting, St. Lawrence, Vega, 'and Dela
ware,' show the following:result iii the ag
gregate of the elections Supervisors :
Republicans,_6B;_Demeerats, 87; Atucri- .
cans, 13: - ;Seine counties last year
Republicans, 52; Democrats, 463 Ameri
cans, 36. There ie therefore• a gain of
- of 16 for the Republicans; and a loss of
9 for the Democrats, and 23 .for the .
for n_ member of the Ohio House of Rep
reientatives, to succeed John P. Slough,
the expelled member, has resulted in the
choice of Mr. Hosea, Republican, by a
majority of 10, Slough, who is a Demo
crat, was a candidate for re-election, and
there also an American candidate
running, -who received idiont fire hundred
vacs; The city of Cincinnati gave
nen 41b majority, hift..oe rural „districts
of the cOnnty• gave Slough 406 majority.
pnbacanslaving got possession th,
governmont_of Ohio, arc making
some interesting , explorations into the S
---'naridttl-nduiinistratiorr Of their predeees;-
sore. The legislativc , pommittee en Pub-.
licilnstitutionsand IlUildings, haire de'
tented overcharges and stealings to the
atiaionnt of 8279,383.: MOst,:of them oc r
• curred4 " '; ioatistruetiou of-,the new
State o o 416,4• which is probably the lar
. gest lifitittost, ;expensive structure of the
kind in:the miiititr;if. has been built
caiiha party principle of the :spoils be:,
longing to thO vieters,,,so tips, Las
fopled.the oppertunity for serious Specu
lations by party favorites. -• •, • •
juiCiarsed,Pongroas and pow only needs,
the aignature,of, OA e Prpsident 'to, beee roe
a law.4l)y wllieh•the Spanish and Meal
ean.silver received at :the
Mint for•the space,.of two,yearai atvtheir
full nominal iallie;
netv'eiente,"the dbtha ~d of ~dlfic~liie'~iiilho
041 . 0 . 9 . IT):PCeCIi
eubiOiiiix6iomunifickol44 tbbtimayAm
Al . , P»
AIM.; Wk: L. VArtcorf,' , ltitb'Retoublil
;ot. the
United Btixte4; 'by
Genorarfofthat.Statti: /va.l r . , 1 .15e., 1,
i) AV, 3, tl.qi
i.• ,1
- ad OprA Q 4 ip ay, P•tpil.,
' Tula is* , 'swiiilticreirialritik;
• A 12,plomplid .A. lyted ratsy. ••1'
thkStatO,:liave - ngre‘ct. :- to - sisiiie
ofidclefat r ei4o the
Coniention)*Statla 001 7
,initteis to hd, held atellarriturg .on the
'2sth Of Marah, for the, nomination o
candidates for State o,fficers. The call
,embraces "'all 'citizens ivhii
'`aTo "opposed
to the extension of shive'ry,, and to the
other equally obnoxious principles of tho
incoming National Administration, - as
flounced in the Cincinnati_ platform—
' Who' are opposed to the union of Church
and State—to the exclusion of the Bible
from our Common Schools, and i 0 favor
=".. 0 f 'protecting:the' ball'ot-hOiliMii the cUr,
------rupt--infltiences--bylvhich-the -Uri 11--bf- the
people was defeUted ip the recent State
• and 1 restdential ;elections.
• ' ' It WaS first suggeslcAsuys the Phila
., d9lphia Ritmo, Republican State
o.Comtnittee sbouhfAvithdraw .•thii call !of
. ,
t _ther_Qoxontion issued'by their C,t, t:, sit_t •
but this th'sk declined to"digh3f4itt #tift'tiP.
Talons ioto.' :11,41 1 ;GinbORSOinCirop'Os4
'• tolhoLegislatiyec_atleatiCOl4itt(Ssikthi,f;
-.1 ititi' ottlA fssus..ii , ,naitfo 4`
r„ : ,04 - 4'
•, of dele , e&in a foruoViiiiitoki4lot
,conflict with the, Kinciples of the Iterittb
'limns, the'delegates elected übdoreithet:
' 'call might Bit-in : the "same s Ootivoutibit ;
• - ~•
and -in. this the 'State Comtnittee also
unanimously acquiesced.,., The• Legista
'the caucus adopted the form above men
tioned, with the understanding that. but
--- one set, of.delegatei would ihinliosen, and
• that those already elected would be enti:
.• tied to represent their respective districts
in:the Convention. The entire- opposi
tion represented at Harrisburg appeared
to have Deen . guided in their action by
the most patriotic sentiment!. . - • •
The proposed. Convention•will result in
the permanent organikatiom of those who
' are'sineerely hostile to the -false Democ
racy of the day,_ on a basis that will Up
hold the honest Ponnsylvanitt'doetrine of
tory, iniiiiitiiiiroilfsyare4i - Utpublit - 0 urz
cation - as - it -exiAs'--- - -witit-the---Bibl&An—the
schools and enoourage a lilieral.and gen
oroUs sentiment towards aU goorcitizeas
. who aro earnestly concerned for the wel-
JurruS the State. We shall ,'have no
Morepolitical combinations merely to car
ry an election ; but one consolidated par
,, founded on justice anA-truth, and re,
_ti re:eslahlish the principles of
- 1 - Washington and , Jefferson in the admin
istration of the. Federal Gfitrerimicut.
L---L----Union State. Convention.
The folloviing call of a. StateConven
tion' says the
.Harrisburg Telegraph, has
been signed by nearly all the members of
the. Legislature opposed ,to the.. present
National - Administration ; , ,rind. l at a Meet
ing held - last oiening• the Conilittee'tu
obtain signatures were, we underStind,
instructed to publish the call - with the
.on Tuesday ;
,As several
members ar&absent who itre,(understood
to be favorable to .the callyits
libation is held' book till • they, return .to
Harrisburg': o
-The citizens of Pennsylvania who are
. iniposed• it; the extension of Slavery. and
.the other: eptallY obitoZious principles
of the' incOming, NationarAdministration,
as If nnounced' in the Cincinnati . platform;
—who are opposed to the union of church
and State, the- 6xclusimi of - the Bible
from our Common Schools, and' in. favor
• - of 'pretecti ng the ballot:box from ilie - eov . ;
rupt influences by which the will of the
people was defeated in the recent' State
and. Presidential elections, • are requested
to elect delegates, equal: in number, to
the present representation' in the Semite
and House of Reprcientatives, to meet in
Convention in-the Hall of the House of
Representatives, at Harrisburg,' on Tues
day, the'2sth day•of March 'next, at 12
o'clock M., to nominate candidates for
Governor, ,Tudge.,of the Sup' eine • Court
and Niel Cemmissioner, to be supported
at the ensuing October election. •
Feb. -21st., 1857.
prENVB..PER C...ANCII/.. CroplN
tred„Cree. , Eypter have .withdriwn .from
,the Repopitary and Transcript,• publish
ed Chambersburg, Pa., and' 4
been ,s
-cooded by G: Merbleiti 'Ci). "The
• • .
'.yeposit94ls , p.;good- psper,: and.-we4vish,
the:,ineMning editrni•arni . pieprieters'ano'-'
,00ss iri its . pnbliontion. The rptjring edi
tors have our best- .wishes. .
_C_o_nfcrence of the two branches of our
State Legislature; have yeperted the 11th
of blarelt, as the, cia v ysfor going into an.
election of State ; Treasorer,i ,
the , World;;-ilitrong,Folt.
. .
A young heiress. worth a quarter„of
a ratlike, eloped frant . oiraryf the fashionable
. „
Seminaries of New Yerk city, on Monday last,
.„ ,
with tibachelcit Of thirty:One, hnd' Wan „
r, ,„
to hira liiraeo'Cliuroli The hippy pair, ne
itie'y die called, traraddintely staideitfor Wash.
itigton 'city' where, doubtless, they intend to
reniaindw.witness thiOnattguration of .I , Tetti',
deut. Peahen:in; find spi.lkthe honey-nke,
About seven o'clock on 'Thursday evening
n Young' mdii,:'railetetin yonre 'lige,
medical stUdwiti:Cotninitted
. suicide at the It - Ouse...of .I%ll%l:Snodgrass, in
Arch skreit, .P,ld!cdelphia. „The„dec9ased crap
a native of Neweantle,,f.avvrence ,county, where
hte tether, 'C. Wrltiiioo;_riaideb,'" About
the 'hour- of , saven• - tri 'the i_eitining - • ao fellow
student called a t:hia room, and finding,thndoor
factooed, :and, rceelving, no anewer either
raps - or eidls, the - door' Wei tercel - Open and
. • the young man' was found lying on hill back in
bed quite' dead, --A—paper--wrapper, labelled
hydroalfihict Reid,. was discovered on tt. ti at
lite - focit of the be4 - bitil if line ntear to` all that
younelican' 'had ‘deititeyeella; by
• Moans of•that: subda,poison... ;
• cl'eloßlsa4 44,9, 41;tdbnipen,q,,3b,
druggi attiqliiideS) I ikhd , littrobieed::
poison with whiebdte,tbakhiti,life. The drop_
• ghtt , ,k 1 1 01, ,4. 1 . 111 M t l .o l. olledieni - gudellivitql
: , A4ererere, , lad,,,no beettqt . ibn,.oout eellisg him
lib' %mi . n'boliffeliiiiiik
' klliiug youraelf .with that ;tit,te , whieh , the de,t•
!o. o 4fiDk:lre.-IPP:fled : 1 1 1 4;f49„'t, yrp5,e,9,t,43!4pb..
fp?‘. ~ A letter , dkreMel. sp, his father Weir
, r,.,)Vatislii"ttlii 4'06E1; 'but' is obbietild 'rib
tditeliwthe' osuie , whigh'indtioed the'dorrimilf
pitVti c
ourtt -tt Crs.
riCt4JOit:, I.4KOTUEE.=ATiirge,..
':faiblepatiji4 , :n l l intelligent audiencuatanni.;::
%led -,lastllEbnisday'evening to hear tio,"lirtiv:
, iectuie of,the Union Fire Company's cp.oreeiby
- 1 "? . gaj0rE. 4 421; Ek4. - The reputatimktitThaeV
inier bad indlts, as we'll as the
nity, to expect n rich' intellectual !vent, in the
telling of a Twice-told Talc." The lecturer
however, announced in his introduction the
'subject 'lnure properly . to be, .! P.94,,Euei a
True Poet,",-Ifiod is - the - hatiree of hie remariis
showed-so 'retned sense. athe:beatititul,
such as intimate knowledge.of the poetry* .
'the 'English Langunk, - and•4o - happy use - of
words and imegery as to delight and °harm
-his hearers, from firEtt.' , ta:,ituit., lAisfp`appiy . rip
on Woman's character was' truth:l:6llde beauti
turer,'And eVory'manithaaoiLtia_reduLreL.
sponded o'l4l pure and noble sentiments.
The' ' delivery ot , 'Major
plenehrit,--hie jestieulation ie , gineeful and
propriote without . vehemeneennd ; hie voice;
thouglipot strong; is: exceed iugly' naheleia Obi
well msoki.o We h§pe:thieleotutle!Will be
repent' '..e•d(ty for the betieflt :of
thoee: ibrfuriete.'h`ei to-biLte
enrd .
Tho'nex]. !Mile wilibo delin , ed to-inbr
jrow eVeoing,.biGov' PoiLoat,' who"wde'hope•'s orowded:hopsOF-----."7-'-'7l
. .
ly demonstration In Minor of the night day of
be Fatherof his Conntry; • in '-our !borough,
.Plll3 by the juvenile:military corps of "'Junior,
Cadets,", whci 13indo" quite an atti•aotlbe parade.
But for the- eniliusinOM manifitited 'by '11;6
boys, the 'eventful day we' fear. would have
passed entirely'uaa•tticel. •'
Court'for the= trial of eel:thin' Coupes; corn'•
menced itb, ueseion' rn Monday 'last: Judge
-Penrson,:the-nble-liresidilnt — Judge . of - thetleu
phin district, is on_the bench. .
SELE62 . SCHOOL. , --Whe following is'tlie
return of Selei3t SeholurtviOitho quarts entj
leg Jan. let, '
- No. 11. Nopewell Nopburn, ILiwin
nold; Charles F. kinkl9,--
- No.' ls. Anna A..Voir, Dolottiy
Mary Sullivan. ' . • • • „
N or-.l3—An nit..9.-Buoher„.Tan it_ E.....parkin!L
14: Win. S. Roney, Mation P. 'Sipe,
tVkiiti • _
NO;:16. Anna A. Foolit, - Rebecon J. Martini
Sarolt , E: McCartney. . •'-• "-
No. 16„ Wm. F.'Law, 13enjamin Lamiterton,'
Raptinel Smead.
•No. 17. Crollne tinrher, Annie Lytle,
Lizzie ,Tientz.
No. 18. E. F:•Flret, O. o.'Worl, B.MoLion
D. P.ctur,g, P. EL El
SPRING - SALEB.- -4 Nlls for the tol,loW
ing Sales have been'printed nethip offices.
RlL.Keo r trle, of Mifflin township,
-on Thetliiily, the 10th of Mnroh, . •
--Selig of George W. Biondt, of Carlin, on
f?6tli . ot February. -
•Snle of Tobias 11. Seitz, of .Diekinson town-
ship,onFriaay,.the Iso of March.:
Sale 'of 'l. 4 iitz, , of Atoned°, township,
on Wednefiday, the 4th of Atareh... •
Sale bilihn'lt. Niteeutor, of . Rev
A. Stiaep,' doo'd!.l of Newton 'township, •on
Wednesday{ the , llth prlitaroh.- , •
Sale,orJacott-Sarsrer, South Middleton'tp,,
On Saturday, the 21st of March.. • ,
gale of Alizaboth Doha,. Storrott's Gap,
Cumberland C0.,;0n Saturday, the 28th of
March.. ' '" '
Salo of Thomas _Sroasoo,Plainflold, West'
Pennshorough - tii.;'bri . Wailnesday,'tba '4th - of
Maroh. , •
Sale of William Cameron, ono ,mile west of
Carlisle, on ihehod, on Tuesday, the 17th
of nub: : • .
. .
AVVOINTM.EfiT.—WO learn that our
townsman,. Col. William Riley, has been ap
pointed Collector for the 'Cumberland Valley
Railtood,.at Harrisburg. . Mr. Riley will make
an efficient officer, and we have no doubt, will
render full satisfactiort to
_the company's well
rie the . •
, •
Good Will Fire CoMpany of this plseet has it
in contemplation - to - build - a - Towti Ilnll, which
is much ueedod - iu this place,•nnd for tho pur
pose of ralsing.the necessary funds. arrange
ments are 'now king mode for the.diStributla
of a large nmo.unt':of • property on 'the joint
stock principle.. •The company is composed of
a number of energetic young •meo, who will
nolifubt carry through, suboestiftilly, the en.
terpliee.- , -
THE Pi.ANETS.—Jupiter and Venus;
being'novi in sonjimetion, present's blitintiffil
eppenrehoe; in' the eouth 4 weitern ' the'
hsnvens, .eerly in'•tlie'- evening. 'Venus;
though the , sintiller; frottiltei grenter"iicinity
icii the earthi. is the brighter - of the
tnuelf 2t&oited •abOut a murder (mid 'to have
boon chmtnitted iienrgroivni,taiiri. wnehl
!eged that a liedlarmaif'tntirdefid lit a famine,
;where he feminine(' o.ver .nightv.and'three:wo
men .were , orf'epteci:.,,,'XheYeXntniintion.,thhk.
tiVetroit. (I ; i nin_ten ti Ton • ' lnn.
,Pbout louae, The case har beant fully, in
;iedqvited, apCcha popp,ao, ITera ahoat,apm;,
roing'hia,,the tealiinov irparka,Nulahinpn,roB6:
In tho'' jirkiletiteci agninet the
sheep' Wanes rad , kith. *Mali bud
been tiALlaaed ad evidenaotof a mardar;,being
!Akan. to , .reppie* Lie, uWn bully, ne ,hp ppa,
the itlent4inl pedlatwho wee aupposeo,to . hpy,e,
toktionta . rui the thie'e
thnt:the forthciiinind "the
-ATEA PEON luanig.- , -.13i the'
arrirelnt yew York biltM •eteinialt4J:Atritr,'
from I,ivorpool, we linvonfivieeti, frchrieMilicipe
one week , later,,,On the,3di the , lirttishr Par. -
liatuent,,rs,assemhked,..l ,The Annen'e apettoh
allUdet — i — tn7thiOlegetiatienaFwith — ,themUnitair,
Ow" n 4. jl 9 prike,, , t lon,, 4p ,Central
tuner,. l6 l l 4l,tifrakifie , M 4 eJiPre!Pee that Abe,
ulfßoulties will poen hp settle+ „The, Psrsiaa
and' dhirieeif Waite liiivahoth been dieetisseti to
far ii•tlibitatahl
wri tt en, by ;himself-yr hen,in °Mee k , rkrohibi ti
the English, local authorities at Canton &qu i ,
taking native measures without referring to
thellorne , Gtvernment, irhieht deithaiehlretaa
written,aftmeonferringwlth.ihw Th* 6oo ' lol4, ,
41141.' , A 4e.t!ft tP„i b 0 4 ,9 1 49, t P' +04 0 9/!i9l
Parlintneut on the suheet ,of I tonuinni,B
Bdy cOntiany'iltidlieteirlidriat
{j:7 . f },r:l
j 'MANSION..-411:'.1D111 More 1110
print6e 0116:000 fo:F.Ppa porpos ~ft eel eup,,
• • .1 •10
*hieh ootild well be expended to bedtpf
pet toot emelt, to proeurOtoeotottit 'lndents , (or;
thOr44tl, ll 9ike§tAr,,g4)lPraingP,lt
ere oo,ropelleq 44941i:0 , „
hOteor '`A
of tbe Waif . tiroppee4; , hboold
•vided;. l g.,tat. V. 441
''''..!Vi:':',2 , t ifir'
..., ~ • - 44,• •f,:,. Asnlncrott, Feb,
2-: lrr' - thellitnalitiitie l bi,W froni lhe--House.for
tl,,le v rel4riit - 54te(14 - apfii - ,,f,i;ansea;i:efeall - nit
~ *pi.letkr t itiOep'acitt;. i irovidinW fei a new
elentleOvide. 'yeetilviid itarti motion lolly it
XkliWOJOlP!'iii'ro,of94'' 08.91tePtJ,!!. the:
1-iiiiiiiiiio,6,::)4o4dtto,3ahliii;nl - iiiiiii; 6gai,
and - carried, The debate on the Heine amend ,
mote AS the Submarine Telegraph bill was
'fiiiiiiiinefi hnd - coneluded: - : --
- - -
- In th e e House, a bill wne reported from the
Committee on Ways end Means, to extend the
itiri a; for-itie - Nertolk ;and Piiternhari2Rnilroad
-to.piiy,thi 'duties' on' tub Irons i mperted-fer.tha t
wind. It was laid, on the' table by.four ihnjo
rity'._. Mr..D;tide, ot , of.
the Corruption Investigating - Committee, offer , .
0, to makda special yoport,in the case of WV
'HAMA; Gilbert, of - New firork,!nnif tneye&tb - nt
`the report lie . printed: Mr. Grow denied the
right orthevemmlttee . to In iikt 'a - report. with',
• out ,periniesion. An. °miffing scene. Toped,.
''liiretition- - -Lthe:43PenVo : 'Wald' that he 'be ex
pelled.. The clitireigitinst'Mr.iG.; ill thathe
,voted,fordhe Town,land bill for a corrupt eon.
,eideration,;nnd that, for'n Oftein suni of me.
.iieY,/ . lie helped to 'procure the - parige of a re-,
'liana ri': et. bill atithoriiing' the purohnee of
oertnia„eopiewof la horde of F., F. ,C, Treplett,
on. the Pension .and_tontity,,Land ,Law. ~ A
long debate oneoed, after which the efrial ro
• port was ordered to be printed, ntid the'coilef
-deratibn-Wthez,reeblutionti -iostrionil- until
,IVe4neellay , next .;. Mr,' Voile enid. ,ti nt the
committeetuut - three other, epopinl, re orte. to
make concerning membine, Ono `SfuargesW.
.W...Wilsh,.or Conneethint,Wiililpartlcipitting
in , theiTriplett,,boolotpointiritiow - and - nlan4lili
attempting to'preoum moneyirbnriJeutes It
13F.eertoy ; for yeporting 'favor:o4,m) a claim
froin the Committee! en Invalid' lionsions
Franeis'S.'Ediards; a caemb'er'froin New' York,-
. .iii, oharged'.with-attempting to: induce 'lt T.
Paine, ofNorth Carolina, to vote crirrtiptlyfor
`a:hill to which he ,waii opposed : .' 0;8., Matte
lien is'cliiirged with , ettemPting. to procure a
bribe from the 'Des Moniee Narigatlon Com
pany, to aid ie :the passage of it lawin . whirl
Lthet,corportitiou was interested. Resolutions
are attached providing for ,the expulsion of
'each or these members. , The committee say`
-thht Die allegation that a'number of the mem
hers hat-banded theniselveStogetber fore* -
rupt purposes is false, and was only; used. 'by
these few 'corrupt persons for their own' pur-,
1 -poses. ---- Jam - oe - W.l3imotiton, - i'eporter • of the'
N. Y. Times :chnrged with `being 'paid to use
bislnfluenee for tha'passage of the Wisconsin
-Land Rills and also ether, measures. The re,.
so:in:ions provide 'for his expulsion from The
1 floor of the House as a reporter' The corn'
mittee report a bill' to, punish member's for
corruption. - ., • ~
In the-Senate, Mr..l 3 ugh_intreduced . a bill
prescribing the time end monner of electing
_Ndivateit7byrtlicFLegivintures or. the severs
States and the form of their credentials. Mr.
to the so.oalled joint"convention of the Lodi.
ens Legislature, by which Messrs. firight and
Fitch were °looted Servitors.. Forty. five tiri•
vete bills were then passed. - The credentials
of John R . Thompson, as' &Onto! from New
Jersey for six yeave from, the - 4th of March . ,
were presented. . .
• In the llowee, leave was granted •to the
members named ia•the resolutions reported by
the Corruption file answers, to
the stotecitints„Ooncerning them. The -agri-
Oultirral port of the. Patent Office report was
laid before thellouse, Cerritnlttedef
Whole the new tariff bill was•taken up. The
benurnittee..vaso, and,in order - to got rid-of - the
JimsWiil6lito,ilr,_Crtmpbell offered a new hit.-
iff bill-tie being.aubstantiallly the
same . as the one lost reported, with few slight
alterations:a...This was taken up and passed—
yeas 110, nays 84, - •
, In the Senate; the bill Ocim-the.,llww,pre
viding for the organizatleu,of aState 13 0 verl. 1 .
I r ment in Mingesota, end /pr. its a mission ! ID o.
the, MAT ..al4. Stab?, was , passed with an
, amendment ttlat, 4u,the, electioneprovided for,
110Ae but ant:fens of the United States shall
vote.' A slimier bill, relative to Orogen, woe
then taken up; end the same amendment. in
trodbccd. ' Another 'amendment, providing for
the admiration, of Kansas;' *is debated-until
the udjoinpment.. In the Wiese ofltepresen
tatives, on SatUrday, the Post Office Appro
priation' bill was passed:' It'includoa • appro
priations of upwards of $10,000,000 for the
inland service neat year. • The resolution to
ported by the,Conimittoe•on ,Elections, deela
ring,blr. Whitfield not entitled to his .sent as
the delegate from Konsos, was laid on the to
by a vote of at es 90, noes 85. The expen
sea 011ie Corruption Investigation Committee
are estimated to...amount to nearly $6OOO. The
President hue signed the ,bill increasing the
pay of the officers'Of the army.
A 'SCOUNDREL CAGED.—A certain Capt.
Charles Shores,' who 'visited Reading, and
other towns, lest November, in 'the character
.of " Agent of the Philadelphia Kansan Relief
Committee," and succeeded in , collecting from
our citizens several hundred dollars, has been.
mregted in ,Milimukie fur swindling rind for
gery. From papers found in his posseesiOn
he Appeers to' have trhveied all over the'coun:
try; in whatever agpncity would 'pay' begi—
n*, one place sulioiting.eultscriptionfrin. aid , of
14 Kansas, guffererg,„
' nt another taking up
runaway negrues, Sfo. th e course
his tour throligh•TeimSYlignia; he,'•called on
Mr. Dischaoatitmt-IVheatland, and , ' diddled'
him put of $5O. Ilia inut • dodge,' at. Milwnuc
kie,, was in
,the,- ammtned character , of. a St.,
J:oals• detective policeman; in search of Al ftigi.
five murderer... , This threw hiMin direct
tact with ..thepolice department,' who. some
1'9110,1 iii** - hu, was a greet rascal, and'had him
nrrestedwid,iient to St, Louie, whore he was
Wanted, fa . ' nusWe'r cliiirgAi 'of (rend
and' forgery: -Copt. Shores tenet the first
scoundrel who Asa , when -advantage of ribs
.neyolent oblept,tonceompilsh his Ile
leTbri lioped'-heswill get if '
,R.S.TlaoriviNtaii'llEamiosA most remark-I
able case' ordelitsion , has just • been •brouglitite
light in A lirge•ttuthberoftg
_nornutsdrieruktinutvert - dts - AueTrpirrilittieTtl.
then:l6oml , b6 - ' viotiMizedi . bY Iwo:aids or
tbeirnwn'tictr, nhmed'Ann Pre"'
tended,to 'be tilt+ plater of , JettutrObriet..
appears to, have exercised unlimitad,contral
over them, extorting, largo, sums of, money, jeivelriP t , koic'="Ab`oording to ode of the' Wi feeds
nsi•tilre. kfaisteri was prepared to • •go .on t
fincyon, seated,•on,,a , nbite•lierse,, and at the
right,eide' sr , Clod ? nud tgat snots were all
around - bet!. 'Sh'e• buuld not go, 'however, as
she bad'lto bare id' 'geld' Watch. gold 'noun%
and' gold., ring4efore ebe' could get. into
lienveu., Money, was rupipliecl ) ,iior
•frionde to enable ber to procure these articles'
fikP l o4! , ;rt , :ri:7l9, o 3 l Plol l M POPPO,II
in cr e °P l 9s 1 1 !!)P14, , !'fX,1 1 9,) 0 fflogrAft.1::09'tkrAlYf
It 1 . 110411 gya tero,e, ,Pepal dem ,
to become a law, which It bee
'et,ed i ,f?e,o6lllll„ At :,.11tarWLleat.„popertiT
4 Soott'e $1,1328, melting We yearlyavn• -
tieiisatlnii - $1(4111.0?"1116' ihoreatiee
oritbkl Prigade/tliebraletleitliielelitl'lloo';
klelenele'-ealeriee 11800; tberlieutepant;Colp-:
n'ele . .SQs(Pi tb areal $,1561).:, the„Copkitne t
$400; the.. sooo * malting;
,thidielitgr tifie'il4el3i,47,6(es3,obb,..
1 12 1 600 ; 5 *2.t00; [ '. $L!,8011. , ' And
doierforeinarenetiats6Qo4.o each tolliger, , , de, in',
.$525;000. jaw.,prat±irlee i thatianjk
ihoreeso of the ;pay. of the army,,e4allyjlt
`tivelffilfbet!thiff t,f the !Itiirlife'Poriii;" •
7 . 11,1J5163 ..,h'4!!..1
I'I: if , !,1' ?AV , V 1.
il --" ?M ilg.- 7 11t1110711C t it r i tP g 7nY ---eL lvee l-9-ti.Xl
• I. 1 , • 0
Syr'to to
fi9me;iinti oves:hip haqtf w o n der ful
Tile-'&ghtliiifd I:' ^]`
6. 1611 te"iieldniii'inibillii-dAiiiiiliops/nriefiitik
'l,llhinight:l4twirletir ,;IVir/bnilerri , .. , In !mullet
,muq, ! 0„,..„ titivingorßvAyi,em out ,of I.l..rup.ilh
tiafollooni'en an ri
SOY•Thb , Lord DigyOrli Lowihne•lut , .._
fidm - ltiredittif
-D*l4 T t`..OF DR. 'KANE.
• Dn.- KANE.- , -Advloeg; have been r . sobitvil
-- leconi --- "Havona, _1)3 , 21111i - gettiletnnnlO. -- e r - rleitirk:'
stating that hp was falling'very fast, By 00.0 i
not possibly, survive; - antl , lt - is fekred-Alint , te
has died before title., Some of his. maids have
of hie ultintati recovery kt_34
in 'the same oriticiltemiiiigrni fouNMellefOre ,
this—once in Egypt, front nn attlidk of plngi;
" iince in
. Aftipo, PrOstrnted by the lAfrienn fe
-- Vet; once in the - Mediterritiann, wi,h lock
jaw, mid itia was dangerously wounded, in the
,Mexican war, while carrying {lpspatclies - for
General Scott between Vera Crug and - gexiini.
,This lasi and supposed.fatal ,- ,attitok, 'wns At a
Scrofulous nature: ntising fronrscurvy and ex- .
„pasure duripelkii3l. tortheKu :explOintiont!... _lle
)viiiithirty-four years of :ago, having been
--born in Philadelphia in
. thi Jenr 1822. 11e
" teOeivtnEdrChisizifoal education
. nt the Uniyet•
" city anditia. medical education at
Jtraduated. as a doctor of medicine in 1843*—,
. Bonn niter degree he ' vins:apl
pctuffarsurgWin. ti:V.the,BrOt Amo~tc in. win
Ilion to . China.. Ile. travelled extensively,in
China; the 'Dist India molinpelngo. British In
Und 'Egypt. After - las rettirn
• tod Stnteit froth thiniondventutes, 'lto next shill
. - odfor-the•l'Vest...Censt of Africa: And visited
Alm slave factories from Cape , ounile,
river Bonny: 'Dining the war writh 'Mexico in
1847. he CotintlY; Midperfoimeil
o!..kperilnes . nerylco in - bearing TreSident
despittelips - to,Genornl Scott.- ••Omthi . return
of pence, he' woo.nssigned to' the conokoutvey
undiit 'Profesenr was ntworli in
111etien"When tinifirit'Ainerican
FIIMAY, Feb 26.
during which ho made the impokant geogesph-.
world in his recenrbinits.
Ystrk_Oaert_of_f3erteral Sessions,
7•'orhanttittlay; - tlio — CtraridViirrprnifriitell-trlie
Indietment'againet John'J. Eckel and
Mrs. Cunningham for the murder of Dr.. Bu
r..: lell, , .who,were accordingly seueto the Pombif. -
.Ihe daughters were released froin custody,
and Snodgrass was 'bidet° bail in $2500 as a
witness to .appear find testify. It thus ap
'.,peurS that tile mysterious story about the jury
and police being on the track of some new,and
hitherto unsuspected persons as beitig the as
•.sassicavvras mere moonshine. , It motto doubt
concocted by some of the newspapers to keep
:•up the excitement. The N. Y. correspondent
~of the Ledger says-- . . .
SATtIitDAY, - F9 '2l
.;:_Ealler,V_of paioling nddisnuumiy,iwith Insintiaj
eslikbiOaqs,9f 011 . ,tinFmryq...4,q0,0y.,.acq9,1pow,
Oath:mei - 4re to;iti9 pr,o'vided jp-t*Jpilltuto:for .
tiiiiYinpellitaiirGittotili4Y:' 1 ''''
, Ilighis ls .Noiluintl!VO'nyetiiion;; .A o bot u •
psnying i. wiiiiiiihernorintiontlie'Vegielaturla
• :Aftiooonklerattle, l ittoplc „thownini
thi,ey iinjep . t i ,,, Th(±
y, AtitsiiterilYEo7 s
"'7lt' 'to kriii'to -, tinS
o.lnimitnio , cifllnohel6rs,iorybdcoildr.llinonil
mont, of Vennngo, is ohnirinnti.:fcronl,nrioN
-4 mar 'Tine in 11014' apprioniion lir this
kind' wliloh °. ließ , bleiti;! . tiettre-Aie t LeglslAttigi
ouppdoetirke•yore , tissilned.
ere long ;?,,have nn einborny?,,,andip4llpqophl
`7; .9034i141:;40.ifi,.Itifig,,n?P/tio!,;(if,,B.,lln,b9to,rn, in
egaru to IrciMairtf goneraily,. mid par
' -iouraii3i:
''.lsittforolitslligelieloVii , ropOrtarritknousidnea ,
; .be inteieet.
_ — expedition - wna - nrganizeci.twtienreh-foi.--Sit
John Franklin., Dr. ,Icano !cutout no resenior
surgeon; on us return ho
'tive of the cruisii,..iui it line snoreely reedy;
-before ho stewed on theseonnti
_expedition to
!, the Arctic regions, from he 'returned
with his treolth
• ge' A
,telegrlipitid,despatelt.frotn New Or
leans brings us the end; intelligence which the:
Inn 'locoman from Elavena foresfiedoived. ,Dr.
Elislea K. Kano; of this city, Ilte_ditring ex ,
plover and the :courageous; generous hearted
and . chivalric 'adventurer,- is - more.hit
died in, Havana, oil the 16th Inst„ in his 35th
year, of diseasecontramed &Aug his last ex ,
.•iteditian to the Polar regions. Iris life has
'been a saerificii• to the sauce of. science and.
humanity, but, hereafter his name will live,
embalmed by his aahievearents, 'Among those
0 the world's 'heroes.. , Few lieu have had a
more adventurous life. 'lle had visited neer
. ly every 'part 'of the . globe—China, Inthie, Af
. rise; :he explored the Nile, wandered through
-..Silreeoei—vish h
visited-alave , marts — of
armed in MI6 • Mexican, war as a- volunteer,
engaged in the Grinnell expedition in pearoh
bf• Sir Jo'an Franklin, nail rKally undertook
more extended•exploration 'Wrehe Polar Sens,
hardships encountered in that terrible expo
broke' Join his cobstftutirmal vigor.
.116, was advised, to Atilt Europe for
iTeMtery. of his health: But fate decreed that
Ile should never return• tcr , hts' bathe idioms
alive.-Hie body is nevi, on its way to th a it fami
ly tomb •in. this oily, This sad event will
awaken a deep sympathy :in this, his native
city, and _whutever,teatimonials tho_large.cir,
cle-of his frieuffeMaY dome proper pn. tint re•
ceptiOn' of .his romnlns,_will be heartfelt, and
sincere—the -- involuntary offering of their
peat to the worth-and ganfus'of the decetised.
Ledger.. • . .
• . o !.Whett , the news of •the indictment was On
inounood to Mrs. ,Cunningham. she betrayed
but little emotion. Later in .the day, how,
'ever, when milled upon by her daughter, she
wept bitterlyL, Ikkel manifested bdt little
emotion. He maintains an imperturbility
which, under the . ciremustanees, is really won•
derful. Snodgrass was highly elated, and ex
pressed the belief that the 4;2500 buil would
be forthcoming , by - Monday.
The affidavit of Spicer, Dr.,Burdell's former
partner, professing to show that deceased had
written to hint that "ho was obliged to marry
'Mrs. - Cunningham;"-is-pretty-roughly' handled.
and is looked upon with suiiiiicion. In' the
first place, it is thought strange that Spicer
Test the letter" front the doctor ; and next,
the extraordinary anXiety he betrayed 't come
forserrd to "-tell all -he knew - ,177 - fs thought to
have a lindiook ,
, • The newspaper reporteretmday were on the
truck of a certain Alm Williams, who lives in
'Harrell Place Broidyn, in whose company it
was said, it could be proved the dower was Ott
the. evening of the murder, from 6 1111 - 10
o'clock. But a relative of Mrs. Williams gives
a flat denial to the wholeetory:
iMpressiOn aiming the Mast experi
-,enced members of the bar that, whet the trial
comes on touch of, the teatime - by that, tolls
hardest against theaccused will be riddled all to
pieces'; au , l their conviction is not by any
merits ioifsidered a certainty. Hitherto. the
testirnony of Farrell-bits been looked Uptm
,main prop of the truth, this mart hes a ball
character, and us 81101, his testimony before
tbeinquest .taken cam grano salts.
. • VtIIFIONT DONATION.:--George Peabody, the
gi I. banker, but st"'untive citizen of
I il Rates; bas' - donated $3OO-000,- to
be lierentahalf 'al million -- dollars,
ft iliiitmeut: or en Institute in Bald
:the detaileorl'which!:nee 'given :in ti lot
ter,t published ',in tbe:l3altimore , papers, from
. butt siddroastar to:n number of: the Intuit ngui
Sens organ
Oustosa °Ph° : First,...there mast be:an
; tettitiye l lihrory.w
~,ell, furnished, in:wry-LAO
partMent 1604,1, and prilio ast up
'prov'etrilteljattiitql.4o hooks nr which m ere M ' A,
ekorpt in . specialloases, to betaken out -of!'tlae
„bpiliting=a, Prory,,in ; jam., for :students : awl
meraons engaged in ,reasearottee. Stmorol,,nr.
'ratigentents mast be molls fel , the regular:pa ,
tiodical deliVery,'Ortiteialopet-Senson'of Mich
year,. of lectures by dhemost :capable und:
'soltoliqn,and men of science,, to
which not more ihne fifty saholers of enqh sex
in the public higli schools shell he ediultied
,free, , ..Twelye httettrett,tiollars , ,must, ow: be
i t,lkotri 1,94 tea, 9,9nUally,in..l„lle,cetrie- same-eel oids,. ` as
prmes - for clenalinCss, , Winnneri.
etc.' 'Thitd. there' mintf l be 'Mee 'an
imiikmy of Onosio. witiun oupAisibus•and
miy.rtircil.hc4.,,,Riooq: and qtkoktonittethr.
t tr,pla,allett)tibi!,lon,B, Tinfty . r:pt !. .l4lo9l.,4et 1
,1 ,61 "!ci
:tor I tuilyiiig p'ritotising music Ft'itt
,Ilyousions.veroWomArN.RmiTs. l -41 , hailimak-'
ler:Orlihbliouttiloril4ptveentririves;qa Flairit??
burg;' aril preeen fed an: 'hitter from
itev. AntoinettO Brivirti; , ohniiinin Abe: Vitit
Fr: F s Y , •
IlitiespondOnce of His N. Aportecni
-Wiannnuno,- Fetr ' .: . l l ; l , - 1 1 ,i 3 cd_1 - ,r 2-
iiie4a4nuettuieratl have 110 andoY
fillderinilßeer a tiji . or, two, the tiotertni4iton
ttnitaliatilien tit taxittiork.-;- -
here' are , inrovriliti lipterlnintng_differoitt
'equalization should take place. One party,
headed byC.l..llendrick B. Wright„ of Luzerne
wishes , to - retain - pa -- aeseatted - vitluatitut of
1851, end °emetically to raise precisely the
amount of revenue now' It:alibi for State pur.
poses upon the real and personal property of.
.t 4 O'C uninonwealth. The other - party-desires
fa take the returns sent into the State Treas.
'ttrer's office,'lly the,Colinnintioneta of the dif
ferent cournties, and levythe rate which' the
law now prescribes—three per oent—upon that
valuation. .
The valuation of 1854 is 1533.270.484.--
',D.PAO,OrR , PS, at! lhe.e.9-9 1, *!? : 19,10 0 4,4 8 7 1 .t. , its
yet mode any, indicate that the increase in
real estate throughout the Commonwealth has
gate, tilYour $42.000,000: • This-is rot strictly,
neeurate, but is' a proxinotle calculation.—
• llenoe„inroml qmbeis, the aggregate vain - .
alien' of the - reel and porperirpit4erly f e the
Stott*, is,tfict7tl,oo . 9..ooil i at ; preoeut. • ,
The itmotint revenue n,ort , tioaruing to
the State_ Teeitsory, from
1854'0t the•rtitiri of three prr ,cent.., slightly
over $1,600:000 The iricreitie unto the proxi
-Mate -valu , ttionyuf,lBs7,eweuld-be4126,1300.
Title would ho . a - yery dutportunLinerearni: to
the'revenue of the, State; and ,might be verY
. properly applied to Ihe,ainking fund, and thus
hasten materiallyd.ttu r feduottorrofthe
. Rtote_
\.; If Mr.!Wrighl'ErpropositiUn bondepted, this
lunch will be lost to the State Trinistit , y The
other porti.holds thorthe Buord,has no power °
to ignore the 842010,1100 of increased valu
ation, and if there - id.t t Ittit'inti 'greater amount
of revenue thou in raised' at prevent,, the
Board .should apply 'to the Legislature fel' a.
reduction of the three per cent 'rate. A coin
mittee, consisting of Messrs Wright, Wilson,
arid Lindley, was appointed to consider this
Matter, who reportettildu morning . The re--
port itas'l,ageti 'upon a oduipiontiee of their
different views There were two generat.rules:
for the goverotalet , of the .menibers of the
Board: first, that, the assessment of 1856,,
nos taken as real aggregate value'of the per:
small property of the. State, and that they
will not,as former boards have dome; exercise
'that -liggegote;' , Efebon:d;'ffierthit aggregitte 'Of
diminutions .whidli the board , shall discrimi
nate in favor of certain counties, shall' bedevi
ed upon ethers, but no mere.
• Mr. 'Darlington, of Chester, offered to emend
by _a rosodution.,..whipitArednionittat—the-first
rule of 'the committee be adopted, but that in
regard to any hMrerine af, revenue, the.behrtio
if it found. that it wits unneeessar'y, should
ask . the' Legislators •to redden:the three per
cuitt.:ratO. This amentlineut,and, indeetli-_the
ot;'eport of . the coramittee, underwent a very
Tengthy - discussiam -- Mr.-Dorlingtim'ernmerid.-
'ikin - t wee b7 - 12;fr117 - TlCe:fiiir
i :.proposition of the cornmittiie.wes adopted by
111m.enmv_s_qte, The 8ee9. 1 4-nrft-P-9 , 14191 , -1'0%.,
odepted . by five Majority.. The Board was en
gaged for somedimo also fn discussing a echo
fulion relative - to the propriety of , relieving
salaries • from taxation. This was. laid upon
the t table for future consideration. -,
'lliirAttorney GjaneraPs Office.
Honnufaunti...Fob--21.—The-bill introduced,
soma few weeks ago,:ipto the Senate by Mr:
Jordan, which accurately alines the duties of
the Attorney .General • find fixes his. saTary.nt
s3ooo"per.annum, was passed' by, the Senate
yeeterild'y - te.. third 'reeding: It dime:ryes -A
more particular - tiol(oe - ns It-will - pass-the
SenattefifirillY, antrielirii6firlit'Obn.bly - WeiT- -
actettitito n law; 'Aittintigh the - salary of the
Attotiitex,General be
.inereofsed from the
_pittance' of $3OO per year, to the -sum 'of
$3OOO, it is in reality Is Meiistire of economy.
Claims by the State IMvelteen • heretofore en
.truoted for collection to •the honda - .pf such
attorneys as the Auditor General and State
Treesiirer chose to select. As the State W7lB
the` illailitiff,'Wetie attorney's' alWays calcula
ted upot: being Of trnviignAtlj, pita,' and made
the Inas% enormous charges for their services.
During the last year the ,agg,regato amount
lbf the der:tends made , upon the Treasurer by
:prOfesstonal:gentlem'en - for alleged services to
the Commonwealth-amounted tp. $20,000, and
,ioJtaidto be , an.,ordipary. annual 'occur
rence. ,Sevcral . institnoes were given by Mr;
Jordan iii the Course of 'his speech in :idio
m:ly of this bill, Which' showed the tinWro and
enormity, of !these •cbarges.: In. one' ease ,a
wtestion was raised with a cortaiu batik,eoe ,
.cerniiig the amount it ovied'ill'e State on divi--
:lends.- The Coinnionweidtb' claimed 'intent
$6000: Three • ottorneys'•were employed to
try the case. ,They
,reeeived the amount of
the claim, - and
,charged the State $3OOO a
piddelor their seevices, tanking $6OOO cost to
the State in , colleeting half' that uthOuni of
money. , .
the Attorney General receiving but $BOO
a year for his services, could hot of course be
expected to attend. to the'cellectien of claims
for the State: It is this 'state of fakirs that
the bill . proposes 'to remedy, by paying the
Attorney General on ,adequate salary, anti
snaking it,his duty to collect all demande of
.the Commonwealth. ire is 'to' fix' hiss:3lllos
-pertnonently at Harrisburg. keep-dockets duly
indexed, showing ,the nature and condition
claims in ,his bonds. and ,make en annual re,,
port thereof to:the Legislature. The jurisdic
twit of-the Conk of Connitoh Ploasef Dauphin
county is extended Over•the whole State in all
civil notions against, public defaulters, so .os
to obviate the necessity DlLl:Hewing them into
the respective counties.
Crime of ,Defaulter•
A bill was before the House this morning,.
.which , gay? rise io Considerable' discussion,
and exhibited- one 'the fintinohil officers of
the commonwealth iu no very enviable light
The was to extend - the' time for the pny
meta of, the, nanny„ for which the bail of Mr. - .
Stacker, some Hine collector of lolls nt Holum
hilt, wan” , atietatied' seas to
'of' their lilthilttyvnaer thene..airournekanais.;.
,won„ttaducel to enter ; into cex
lan:kook speculations by: Jelin 111 ,fticket;'ut
tlint'itnid Stain' Treasuret.' After' being' in
.;Otlicio..cino...Year,l and his nOpHontion for n
atpppiututent was-before the Hanal..Pourd. they
- Truferyed - iirtheleencurerierknew7.the - statc - 0
Ids acconlite,_iiied were assured by . ,het Officer
;Oaf they'wereall oterrOcie. - . ''' "
8111110rdeuratice was giien by:then`Otibil
rer l to,hts sureties,. wttn , were thsrehyAnduced•
to go again, upon his beed 7 ,, A kitits time he.
Was netd;dli 'it ,deftaiter' amii . aliit" of
:$20;000 , At the'end itf the'Steded y'eiit• Unitas
appuitand tor the third.liirte‘3• The slime app)i
lentinit was span unote, to the. Treasayer as te,
the condition of his accounts by the Canal
',Cotitiniayioners and by
.fili'ittileties,„nntl nghin
they were informed. that 'were•correet, ,
wittil,itt ;Net; thettreeunt ttf his ,indtbtednets
t‘l the .13ptte jp9' FAftsed.; At .the
- end of 11fr. Btrickler's term his defaleation
tlicrllouis;t bought that the , bhil
• It are ; Itottod,,.,lltex t hqytt, already,;
paid 8 , 25,0pq,, A sti;mig,,ditpottitien, mmp OT. I ,
IvArialby 11)13164a - to reach the lite' State'
'preasiire `le"
Abißilteflito4 t and Iltireayhtittiftwelal se
tptystion surqttea,wetwOudneedAtt, go.
r WA, •
v to ;
. .
..i : ii‘ q lit —iie J.ii -1 , di l, , iiti,. - i , - : ~, .:.
14iVElii.",illifil/0, 1 - .AIN
' au ' hddiaireVadr` Atfia a%iiitidiii4 taboveiwavtlitat'
or slitlda,,lnfroiti,!pird; to f)titohby , tbintitthilAind tabat ,
.hlllheal -LW wound)) .riltbdut. ti sairraitdttiffeatuilly ,
ill.. Pt.t h o *SPATAIRA — § M} i!AiWitrA t4P TI II7
liheumetipol—?oq end . intlerirei hype —putreuutia ,
.4..dtd1eaa. 2 04 'and ItiVetorate lbelrat-u.tteltidltdad-b• • I
tfiltAllEri l inWlLVitetiVag &VP Vrt '
-0,,, n prabatet,dtqua;tklllplwa,fatitalona-1-apd all vtborr
1 I datoraatOry and uutaneouadlaeasea where the parts
.oiiier trelti6Hirihretai r tiii nnitiyidlaeluillitiantical
t? tk4 117, 4, 1 17imi1.Y. - °tagarkt .01trq AT:.
4 t-pobitbee-pbopeiti ith. ... b-idatia-
MalbaialidliattarolOttinatenniputtall - 4iont 40,40Urr4,
n ranch not y tb) .0)1 , 10101 ttoned, dineploa, but
Qttbiy. ,l l)&nolluf,i)lo.lrodblijalitittiiittiblitttlakaillo , -
e irauVOM P ffie r Mu t ft l r " I l kihiaa" lir
Itekittnoinstin-Ebstavadllatballultauthaidynatu n ot - ,
o C. V. CLICKENEtt a co., proprtotota. • nitd 'lllOlltY
ttALLItY, nutuntaaturor; ' ? all 'unit& sia-connttalbtt:'
- elit9g-741a l rat1 - -%96 3 4 5 ,-VMPISf ,
jr;.-Pt x, ; o l , ,liPt i fEe tt a tllttubOitut t1y01,440,.
KA TAAttS.TAINM•3-7t, , h411.9 .
,rl6lto Tariutnus fir po wring., yba Mallard .
' , by.R"g-0,""
•44,4;:15id1d ,
- ' ,„ • •
- :
' ttio - Ittif..o,:_.
manti—ii7ohatie.lsth In. ..
Dicksfin; .7QIIN K 1 FIBBER, to 511.. 711.,
.WRIBLE,II, boltt 11,0 1 (.0On:1.7 . . ' - •
'At tin; roaldenaof hiS fistliOr in Sprlngfleld;Wont
1' ooboroa ¢ h township, on thelOth of January, A. D.
DM/ Mr. WILLIAM D. VIIILLIPSingod 2i . )ioarii and
2 daze. •
3trmi ,flooeftisements.
' --- A -- 'OA - 31,D7= - -De - DrEibretl - 111 - 8 - - Ow
plotothhtaldul les In the %Minim College of Den
al Surgery, ohtt*)ll now oil ond to professional culhh•at
hta office.. opprifilte Marion Hall, Corliele o
Fob. 25.-3 t,
he subecrlbers offer Tor 0410 n, lalg o tied well selected
'DRY .LUMBER, stgriai ! Es, .1 . .., .-
at their Yerd`oh Profit gi. ;fiber., the Cotten' Feeto.l •.
. • lio,p4mengorit thu-drubliele reeportfulbelsolleited
,' 'Fel,. 25, 1857. ' '• JOSIAH EPSY it 'Co.
ATZBNAN 2 YV .-; AN.T,ED: — Ap expe.
, .. riettcqd Salesman te *anted by the subscriber.-
'eb. 25 • 1857. •i. , - .OEO. W. inTratt,
QHN: fix GO.,—Nos. 2,
• dc 4 CHESTNUT RT.. (South aldei beldw Ni - nter4
• • •PIIILADEI/PHIA. . • •
(TpkTlitot:rr ,Wooniynk Ironed: rt
. ! TDD' t 1.74.
Manukrellirel•i'AMl Whntosale:dealent In'Pdtent
ehlne,madelll3oolB,Pa tent Grooved CE VYR•I•4IIF. yrar
•ranted not to shrink, WOOD WILLODCWADE, CORDS,
Ilatranie,,km. of all desprlptlena...Pleam call aa4 exAm-
Ine nor Mock. • . •
„ r ..Pub:2s. 1557,7:45.%;,
• Solo Proprintth- of Joinuion'a highly. approved and
much improrod 911111PAND SCREENING MACHINE;
Improved Tron.Concetve Dran Doctor, tlio Prignium ?du
chino ftir Millers. ' -
-a.rl.7B.l`c=;;Pono.AttQAT„. Street, (18th Ward,> , ad
-Suer.-1 taydeck Stgeet, below Froot. Philadelphia.
Bonnet, 51111 Stonie, :Bill Irene. Sniutt slneldneO, PA
' 10nt . 31111, Buell, Portable Mille; Stretched Bolting,
Convent And Screen Wire.
Feb. 25; 1867. - 3 m.
NOTICI4I.I—That we the undersigned
Moramts of ertritalolvill elm, our stores nt dnrk
fuou Ist of,April omitting- 11114lio let oS Ortobor, 1867,
(Saturday nights oxcnptod.) , •
. .
- ,
Carl!nlo,,P.!l). 25. 1857.••
It cv.T.ll. KiiiTinut, of Carlisle, will deliver the me- t,
^Tenth Leann) belt wet the UNION FIRI. COMPAPIi OD TUURP.
DAY, the Gth of March, 18$7, In the .Cointr MUM ..-Sub.
Ject—Tits itemorous CIIAR tCTER OP WASIIINOTON. • '
Beason Tickettt admitting two persons to the course,
$1 00. Omen Tickets, admitting one, 50 cants.- lick
ets can be obtained from any of the Committee. • • ,
A. C CORIPMAN, . • C. 31Ecir, ' •.
elfer for sato 40,000 barrels of their - - -
(Manutimittred from the ulght•ficiii of New York
. City,) •
In Into to cult purchasers,' .
Thus article (greatly Improved 'within.Aho last two . -
years) line been In tho market for elghteeiCyears, and
still defies competition, as a manure Mt corn or garden
vogotableicboing cheaper and . more powerful than any
othur.-and at the MAO time free from disagfeeablo odor.
Two barrels will manure an aim of corn in' the bill,
navelltri.thirdn In labor, will mono it to route up -
quicker, to grow faster, ripen efirller,Aud will bring
larger crop on poor ground than any other fertilizer, -
ands also a preventative of the eui r ,worm; also, It does . „
not - I'4nm Ile seed to bo put In contict.with it.
The point to theirinpg standing reptitation,
and 'the large capltal ((1100,000) invested in their; bind
nest?, as a guarantee that. Abe article they make.shal ,
always be of P.1101111E114 as to command a ready onto,
aff - follower
One - barrel - tofrbbls. . • - ...$2 001' "
Vivo -" to ••• 1 - - _ 1,87)
1 and at the into 75 - per barrel forany quantiVovor
40 'barrels. -'
ArZ , A pamphlet oonSalnlng ever); Information will
be sent (free) to any one' applylnk,for the same.
Orders are requested - early In advance, to avoid dl;ap
pot ntruont. 'Addriaor,
Feb. - Coe, Market and 7th streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
Feb. 78,1857-31 n.
N0.8.35 - Ilnuidway, Now York
Gold Pone, - • - • •
Gold Pen and Sliver •
Gold Pon and Double ex-Silver Molders
Mainouth 't
Leviathan ' '
Fountain Pen, Desk Holder,.
Mainouth " " " • ,
Engrossing ,Pons
Leviathan and Ili - 3c, ,
Gothic Silver Case and Pon, •
Engrossing " , .
Mamouth • " • ' -
Gold Tooth Picks, " ,
" Tooth and Enr ,
" Pencil and Watch-Keys,- - - - -
'Ladies Gold Poncli.
• • with Pon,
Gents OnJd Cases and Pone,
Gothic" OQ
Screw Pencil, P 2
And all other kinds and styles at tho retail prices.
To every person buying n gold pen of US see present
n numbered certifiente, and each of these eertifleates en
titles the holder of it, by the extra payment of 25 route, •
to an article ofjowelry, In value from 1111. to $lOO. This
jewelry consists or ti.thl and Sliver. Watches lit great ;vs.-
- Hay.- Silver Ooldets, Silver Fruit-Baskets, Geld Guard -
Chains, for ladies, Lockets, Bracelets, Orate - Cold Fob
nod Test Chains, to., none of which sell for lest than
$l. For every dollar paid us, the paity Is•entit led to a
numbered certificate, nail by the payettent of 25 ets. ex
tra on each certificate he is entitled to receive whatever
the number of the certificate designates. 'Wo have been •
In operation for three years nod thocusands hove bought.
of us. anti we have never learned that any one lens ever
dissatisfied. Title plan affords, every opportunity idol,. • ,
mininggold watch or some article ofjowolry, for aDi t,
fling sum. Allanr pone. pencil cases, ke., are genuine •
articles manufnetured by ourselves wills great rare, nod
We offer thorn precisely at, prices asked in all other attires • t
In the city.. To 'agouti; we make advantapous oilers
end any energetic person can do well by working for us.
Ve wish agents in.overy. place In the country - ond per
who would likednitecome such will piens° address
no, and Me will send, thiq'n Orbited circulars of prices,
terms, dm. We have no stated periods fur distilbutien.,
Thd moment a pon Is purchafted. the purchaser is anti- ,
tied_ to receive his premium on, the payment of 25 cents
extra. , • . •
All orders by mall should be addressed•,,
, •
385 Broadway, Now York.
pone repoipted In . tiliniterlor manner.
jinclose 'the pen and 20 Cents, In T. C.Stamps, and the
pen WIIIN manta Mid returned post paid:..' '% . _
;---.4phe'dritesructrilloto PEN-MvivoitatrrilnititoCetlfratur
wolf known throughout the collutry' bit as therm salH'
undoubtedly some who are not . acquainted' with usiwn -
swim! tire folltiwing firms as references:—
FELLOWS A CO.; N 0.17 Maiden Laue r New York.
HICKS if - ,3IITCHEhIra Tor 20 .: dp — • do
BENTON TIROS., Cor.llrtatlikayl'and Courtland street,
Now -York, and 'Chestnut street, Philadelphia,*
GOULD WOOD,NO•i•Maiden - Laite, de. " •
, •
for YouniLMIMA artpi.o anti email, filerhaUlcalupg, Cum
Noland County, Pa.
Thie well known. Boarding School for' young ladies
and gentlemen, conducted for several years, by .. .the"
Rev..). B. Loose, A:lil a *lii,be continued by the sub- -
scribers, wile, engaged Mr years as Instructors of youtb,
assisted by orate and female teachers of experience, and
skill In their profession, wlliguidify pupils to dleeharge,
with dispaigh•and.accuracy, those duties hill& arise -
'from the relations of reciprocally, dependent beings."
Buskins desire it, ATM be educated and trained for the
business of teaching.Ept - iblei attention will. be given •
In the',Normal.dopartments, having. connected them
w ith,a.mageLsohoni. fur the education and training of
instructors of youth; and, when qu alified, no pales -
sill be spired in - obtaltiing 'them oitglble situations.
It's have now mokralltt,pllchtlimittlir gooki.leachers.
In the. classlcul departmont; - pupile, male and female,
irlit be lit-tilting! for any close in college: •• •". - •
'Terms 'very 'moderate. , " -The-nekt rom
mance, Bid' 1,"1847: 'Parent's, guardians and .others
wishing' to leant• the 'particulars' from n Circular,' or':
oillorwisti, addr e ss, , '• • ••• • • • •••
" " • • rI.COYLB,• ' •
eintlb.Co, • P
.m: • ' ' ••'
,• • '
h - NEP S :56 A 0 A;D E •
bIAL E foie t
• e ass ea -chttol,"Landiebnig,l'a.-
. . . ..
' The &Condor Winter session of,ilds duatitudion will
;pan on the Bacon d Tuesday!of January, MK , ' : ---::--- ' •
1 ', The linual English nod Olasslcal branches, adopted by, .
1 our gest grade denderaletqw ill be taught . . , No pains will - , I
' l l4i-ipa:to ;lake. thorough , praelleal,and petal eeho. • :
. The:Tillage of esoaintsithitanisolttiated• hi the midst:: •
sof majestic hilland anoudialo,lscenery,.threumilee 'die,: `, -
taut from the "Warm Sp,rings,",in healtty and quiet,
9 andlcieutly reagdeariquthe,Trregelasiriprge town e,
nod yet in dellthanbelehOTta• New tind - Pounsyl. •
vault, Ilailu,iad, with thp priatipal cit es In Ur elate.
' Tories - h'erqudeber, tdigfly. e tcatiedrdieg.ta theWdel , •
. • theerr*„..„6el4, 4 Ftdach...nitulAikiximuv—VoLtn.4,.2—......
' I nolls, at cify ricer, 130 04 1 9 g /br 1 41 /0 6 ,tirTelP!rstelli! ----- ' -
nl`Bo to ed OD er week • •.' •• i •
3 1 !';',iff i ! 'I : 1 :tM 1 4•pijrifttir hisrtfieultirs' ' l :'. ''' l ' ',9' ' • ' s 'i
4 ' t 4 :! ).' '''''' !.' ..';' -' : Addresi either. , ' '''' 1..:.:, ,
. , ~ a'' ' •'"'-',' -fq .L llev:1`.•I., 111.10IIER;d03„.• • , 40 , ..
':/ 1 -••••• ,'" -'''' '''' ''''-• ' ••••' "• or 'B.ll. ntrill",'.c.a.;''', ,"' ...,
' '.
lutßAll)) , ,PAkt4lll—. 4 .4otP , ito3iVed
a or
a, IYlndo~r.r
',.. 4°4 4lt i . id ak!p iN roril td et l y 'r l i e n o t ' s, 7743‘ br d:476 xl a i re ll 7l:l7:4l
crone ° , end sue prioes noel; eaunoviall to give Retie
talc it. I, We ki4irlte etyr:itttnigit 04401 .
e'r' l k h' ll,Mi d, ";C-1 1 1 , ', 09r1 , 11er P5 . 1 0, E tt i lar p
' vleeketiori." ' ' " • ,
• ' - 17 41 44Matr"Streg , Rttlttlit
•-• $1 00
A 200
4 00
3 00
5 00.
2 00
8 00
, a oo
5 00
2 00
3 00
2 00
3 00 •
4 00
v.- 000
• .2 . i 00