Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 04, 1857, Image 2

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    trit!it 'Cxp#iitor
r A :1
VMDNESDAir, FEB, 4, 1857
the Cargest t9iti (Eljeapest 'paper
,Our, that*s are,due •to" the flan,
Lemuel Todd, bf - the TT &Meuse of Rep::
reeentatives; nod Mr. Peltet, of Our State
Senate, 'for tablie'doenoteate.
. .
• 'or Pnigrox S. Bnoop:s.- 7 The
• Ittitt.;-1 5, reston 8.!BrOoks, ,of South Cara ;
tine who gained 'sneh.on
toriety by his cowafdly attack upon,SOna4•
for Sninner, of plissaclali F iT, during the
denly at iyown'tillotal; City "Of
.on Tuesdni 'evening '
He had benti in:, bed. fora day or two,
entering from an attack , of croup,--Ahoef
feels of ,a severe- cold.: His . physician
ciauterizedliti throat op Tuesday morn
ing, iindit was supposed he was getting
better. He greW :ivorse' in tilt.. eve :,in
• yrhen . another physician was called in,
but just as he arrived Mr. 13. gave a con'.
vulsive effort and:bAatlred liis last, lie
' was choked to d. , the peculiar na
- of the disease: - 'Ph , deceased was
- only 'B7 Years old, and leaves a wifo and
four children.' . His death with announced
in the House by his pe ~ n.l friend, Mr.
Reitt, on 11U - is - day-morning. .
• How , ifisorutabia are the wais of Proti
- dance; Brooks, in the enjoynient of
bust health, is Cut off in a Inewent when .,
- • • least expected, while the a lbject of his
• - brutal ' - attpk, - who. -- Isras -for—so--manv
'-inonthtra:physical-wreek, bids-fair , tr_re-.
gain his wonted'idgor, and to take once
more'a leading position in the councils of
the- nation. . • .
-4n.his recent annual Message (lov.
Pollock spoke in just terms'of the impor
tance of'thie ace. .Those who are open
ly or . sesetly. opposed . to -education, of
course are hostile "to it, and those who
expected it"would xmniedia`tly do every:
thing, are disappointed. But those -who
Thave watched its worldngsave seen'
it has already done =very • great good:—
A . new feeling in behalf of education has
been awakened. In the single matter of
examining teachers, and granting certifi
cates, and the emulation it has excited,
it has done far more "good than. the office
ling cost. The money eon other
:way be expended so advantageonsly for
the cause of education._ It reaches •the
A movement has . been
,made- the
Legislature, we regret to-see, to • abolish
this, Office, but:we, earnestly trust it will
not prevail. In'every. county. in which
there has been a judicious selection of
4 Superintendent, (as in our own county,)
we are confident the people are opposed
to abolishing the office of Superintendent.
Rm. Mr. IftietfAlq AN, the President
oleet, arrived_iti4ashington on Tuesday
morning and Look up his quarte . rti at
the National Hotel. There was no pub:
lie reception. At I o'clock the same Alay
be paid his respects to President Pierce,
at the White House, where there hap
paned to be a public recep6bri. Ho was
warmly welcomed by lifs friends and the
President, •the latter of whom' tendered
him the compliment of adirier
vitesd . guests, as did also Judgo Douglas,
'and others,bnt he \ declined them. fie,
-will remain in Washington a week or ton
daye7—doubtlepS to , fix pp' his; cabinet;
from garrieburg in the Philadelphia, In
,quirer says A good deal of sdiemis
don, and • in feet excitement hes been
produced here among the American and
' Republican tnernhers of both Houses,
relative to the call put fortl'a by lTi -
bons,'Chairinaitof the liop,ublican
five conan2ittee, for a: Convention on the
25th of Bfarah. , It ;is.understood that,
there will be a,. eauens :of • the menabers
crelative to this rnatter,ity a day or two:
What course they will take I do not pre
. tend to say. n• But I can saythatthe , preta;'
• pat is, in
th e beingrephipp by
. one for a Cnion
Conventioni toilomonaposed.otailtheele
.:4 inenta.o oppoaiti6n te , Buoitanan., I be
' lieve'that native measures designed • to
have thi ff effect,' will be : taken 7itbin—ii
qaucialpanieron the newiy-olCul
_ted_Seitator,_ia-uncloratood, to favor Allis_
course dooidedly.
Both organfl of the Democracy of 'West
morelaad county, Sustain the coursmpur
- nod an-dhisT.oblimignes,
itfrefusing to suppOrt Cal— Verney. , The
.dr.qq..a gives the ~Pennsylvanian. sigdifi
- caully telimierstand that the patty id.
Westmoreland' is -opposed,te Val:Torn ey,
' imd-the Ripubican says that the delega
tion from that county have the thanks of
their conatitlionts for the course,, they
_ 11 79/MG•r — Ple frignli of Genqral.
unFilirop.p, colelprateil,, his
de bo o l Lora:as:V-4. Seiutte by, an
:-xtation sud 143 . 1)g of cannon . ' on = Saturday
f?Or'4 l 4Tei;XfurdOk4 . cleniiiii' '64
..s o w : A r d.rk ito , :'fOil'a'oo - idii:otz .iii'Tii.4.
AOTINI on liaturdoi.'.7.,..c-!,y:'.t,...-
tratrisbUrgF-Didly • `rep,92::474, of
N f „ - 7 -
q : *tt , tite 0 Ocith.,Zols, .
Vihiisiietermination was finliiediongsince,
Aga ,11 4$ oftea /film
publiely_andi-priVateiy,--to-- his—friends._
Ile is not, and will not be a canilidate."
Iu •
ndtioing the abciye authorized
nation of our present , 'Chief
,nlggiit rate, the lteading Journal reniarke•
- that .it is confident 'the declination "will be
received witlr - regret,,by the great body of
throughout, the - State. Goy. 1.-',olloolc's
'haniinistratioit *Liadds t
bepn Anurnialltsgecessful,. so , -admirable,
_indeed, tho i tieven ihis--politioal, enemies,
, unscrupulous as, they alvisyS their
pcilitical.'tastree,haVe' labered in v'ai;i to
find faulf. beriod of his 1;1-
auguration .iip,ftc.the present, he has not
committed a.single faux-pas. : % The: in
teroals of the 'State , have been carefully
gyarded---her intellebtmrhonottil and
panciil advaneenimit have been' his sole
~ • 1 , ,
;.•,?,•'' •
.•-• -. • ~'•
• '.-i. • '
„...,..... ..
.. ..
.; aim. Thartg,h keenly attentive to the
ditties of his high position, which hecome
more and.more 'ardUous -and, important
with each- succeeding year, -he has found
time to mingle among; the Masses, arid
• • lend his assistaheeto . thoptoinotion ore-,
ryigoad . Work. administering the affairs
of this great ,Copinontrealth,.he (4-
, Whited less-of the qualities of the mere
partisan, and:marethose of thm,colight.
coed. Chief Magistrate, than any (Joint.-
_ nor otmodetn : So, steadfastly has
he pursued this emir* that if he has laid
hiinself open to °ensure at it--is
rather from those:whe raised him to- his
y rsition, arid- Who, in accordant.° -With
party usage,.. - may have imagined alai they
had an exclusive cliiim to his gliod'uffices,
than-from his tellew-eitizens - of a :-ditter
en Cpuliticat faith. . -
cOarse , has
been entirely •nne*ceptionable and •enii
-nun tly judicious and prop - r. - With — a
• party' divided and Uplit'intolactiona - not
by any fault of his, lie has Labored zeal
forisly,. and not without success, Leal .
dissensMmi, instead of promoting them—
and tbroughoUt his•career has been re
garded as the bond of union' in' the - Op:
position : ranks. Tie will. retire with ;the
Confidence and respect of all_ who hare
the, honor to be numberedamong. his
original supporters, motwiihs-Mill I 11 ,- .thi‘
unfortnprato differences on nationahissu&
PRoaitEss of FItEEDOAI.—The Now
York Times states that eight yelini ago,
when Gov: Sewaid first 'took seat -in
the Senate of. the United. Si-ates,- there .
were'but two members of that body who
avow& any kind of sympathy with the
political sentiments he was known.torap
resent„ .:Next winter , there will be in
that body - twenty Senators, acting openly
,and steadily with the Republican 'party.
-It .was not easy to believe, in the face.
such results, that the cause of,hostility to
the extension has made such progress.
In View of this simple foot how Much en
contifgenient there is for the friends of
human right and • the cause of freedom.
They .have only, to hold MI to their faith - ,
following it up kith. works, to secure, in
time, a perfect emancipation of the gov-,
erniuent from the thrall of.the slaucTow
er. We may not - live to onjoy'the•b]ess
ing,. but the time will surely come, when
the perfect rights of freedom be re
spected by our National Legislature,
la?" LIE SEVEN ' DeISOOTAIS mothers,
, of the Pennsylvania Legislature, who vo
ted for Henry D. Foster for %U. S. Sena
61' . -
eri - have - mu tshed - therr - reasons for so
doing. They" Stigmatize l‘Tr, 33u eh a mem.
alleged interposition in favor of Mr. For
ney, which" they say they ban satisfaoto=
ry and overwhelming prOcif of; as an'"nn
war"rantable assumption of authority,"
and say that had , knot been for that they
wouM-havoisupported the ,ClllleUl3
~: - Messrs. Vi r agonselldr stnd. Lebo, in rein=
sing ttOsuptiOrt COl. Forney, and voting
. for Gen ! : CamerOn, has set ,the•Democ r ,
racy of Scluylkill, into a regular ((misfit:
Ole portion of thoparty, donounces, their ,
- ediftlotrikuninealakreal terms, and anoth•-•
Or sustains it' as deoidedli and".ildrjuaj !.
„fiddly ; Nre f etiit'o inc being' Veld
aides all,over.ch4country,•and „ Chi)
natio' ns are tha the, election, .ott Goa.:
. CaMeron wilt fhil to produce :atiy ;.other.
result, it has effectually set the Logo go
'!Yos of Soln!,ylkitl county by the ears, and
binseh iu the
latest intelligence from 'Central
. .America
v indicates too clearly to be inisapiwehend
ed that Gen. Walker's position is now ,
deriperat€Tinie. — PiarsihlY ho. May, yet ear--
Mount all the obstaclevand come eut.;:of
the seige victorious, bittitliat scarcely
, We see nolstrob_hope for hint )
pow' that' the costa•Ricans ni.e 'in posses
MOP of GrOytetvri; and have` 'pins cut ,bin ,
off from:alJ cou,imuaieation,.7lth 'the At=
halo kitates. „
_ •
NO% A: late; end 'enthueieidierhieeting
has been held' ai'Pettiville l iweeiiinieed&
tine of Medeis:'Wo l idniedler and t ebo for
-voting for Cliftiron.c. •• ' '
i'kus Ifitiv CENT. , ,Tho 4tew - ktoti alum°,
frioturlng by ordei t wi l . .eooo'be, in , lgratilli—
tiouk Xt ' le/lthitej in, color, about thiOolsti;or
tlio old bolt cent, add io chiefly mittlu..ftutp
- .
ounio 3Tfatters.: .
. 3, cc - - • ,
Deixn - . .op t ßuv. ApEx.
conuntitry:htis lost one, of its nuist promitlin
Snti4 citizens in The death er4lltis
emittentNininter - of the Gospel, ~,exieji4
XeltOr thl . toViudry heed spays bniVOnitetilb-,i'
ute to hie ohnticter. •
. . •-
—.-11111: -111.7NiiiiiitiiiNVLEcruni.=titi;
Second Leotpre oFthe - Union Fire Company's ,
coarse wpe, deireere ti, ma 1 1 21initailit'y evening
lasi, by : Iti3l::godeeinib;:ii.; arid' was' Mtt
eltignent tribute to Labor and ill 'Rewards- 7
whioh.thelothtstrer atioatindad axthitt - subfoot.'.
1110 leeture was vcry.;,,nppositely illustrat ed
by a , graphic. sketch' Of i' . ,thol life end icetekr Lot
Binjamin Franklin-6 who commenced life
tiFiritiO'iii;ititei. — liiiiititiOfotied hiiicivreOr ue
the Mosi;emittent htPliilohopherS.i-L1
44 Viuo'nltt, tb iniliettilkod iii fritinti to frliinif; 1
~ A od vrovo Ws wiz% 'iliof kilo lightliipg'fiuitAk." ". ,-
„lite third:-Lest rit" . -will be' aelive'red 'on
Thursdarovonint this iteek' by Dr. 'Latitl
born, onti , the.foartl n Thursday 'ofening of
next 'Week, -hy Rev: ~. 4, ,k i TianglittiY, "'The'
company havo ; mole arran g ements, ti , hove,
the (mute° inorCasetl to savenicOtttes,instend-,
oUgt7ing five,.as at'Firet intoncleft • -”. ' .. I
.S.LErtilt4rTa...— , The- sleighing ' no*
;gditiiin6le' dad aie 'all the_
- rage. , Almost every evenie:gjoneenri see pass
leg streets large two '.9r
. foer
'horse sleighs , croivdmirwith belles and"bendi,
on,:theirray to !i_lportoum; Atechaeicithuili-Or`
'seine, of the popular.resorte in eleigbini
Friday 'night Inet 'there':erne another
heavy, ell.or suou; followed by n ' light rain,
and as the 'Weather has qua° beeti eiceeding
ly sharp the sleighing •has 'beep:rendered I
Much betier; • - • „ '
"•PIPS,• LEVU% .4..IID..Qt7ARTEIt9?"--:
These ohl•fashiotied silver coins now Third a
-general subject of conversation among
interested in receiving or payinglhem out,
undJive understand a 'number' of cue:shop
keepers nod others refuse to receive
_them in
at their par vaiiim They are flee
refuried-nt the banks Land-the poStofhoe,--
Wee hive had numerous
,in9uiries within
a day or two' as to .the exact pollen or - the
!'Pip, Levy and Quarter,' 'question—Lemma
being. under the impression that 'the bill
-Sbollshlng their tme;_er reducing' their nomi ;
-nal-tirthe-deolmni fid - ally ;passed
Congress: This is a misiahe. 'The hill
paseed.the Senate;STU - Titus 'mudded id the
lions; and therefore, goes book to the Senate
in 6G!
irthirme urns shone a new 'bill,
Tho Senate must yet act these amen,
monis, and if they are adopted, anti - the hi
meets theapprOval of •the Proeident, it veil
then ho tbo loli'of the land, and
. 101
be worth only five cents ; "levies," ten cOnts,
and Spittle: "quartersrtwonty :cents. Al
,thobgh the bill has not yet become a' law, we
no doubt that the Senate:hill option in
We liouse,—atnetidtnetqa—and—the--Prosident:
approve it The.'net good one, and will
;fleet with.' unitTrani approbation ;- for those.
Jolafsmall Spardsli "coins - had hechnie-tt puldief
nuisance, and ought long since to have been
thrown Out of circulation,. Tn the Aelintime,
Borne of- our business men will OFtintio to
take them, while ethers will not. Thbse who
continue to receive them at: their nominal val
ue, wilt, nolosubt, receive "tt good run of
custom," and naeordingto the following,from.
the.lll, Y. Express, will not loose muoh by the
uperation, either:
, .
"'The Intridain value of those coins, as
proved by recent assay in a .deposit at the
Assay office of aboht $OOO, showed only a less
of 82 per cent., and these consisted entirely
of smooth pieces, every •quarter. eighth and•
sixteenth which showed the pillar, or would .
pass -current in. any South. American. port,
having been. previously takeit 'out. Every
eoundluerter, on which the impression is
distinct, is vvorth.intriusically from 26 to 27
wilts, and 1s readily taken in exchange. for
American currenoy by all of the bullion bro
'kers. The same is-true of the smalls . ; pieces
which aro not worn smooth or clipped. There
fore, those dealers who' advertise, to. receive
dem at par will suffer -on an average less
discount upon them than uOon ancurrent
bank notes. The coin, in sums of $lOO and
upwards, can be deposited st the -Assay Of-
Bee here, and if, the propokban of smooth
coin is not too largo. there will be no loss to
the depoaltor from the - face of the coin."
. .
IhhE. AmEttrdAN
NS'e are indebted to the publishers of this pa
per for a
,package f Qhu ese Sugar Ci;ne
Seed. The Agrieuaurist is nu excellent pa
per for the fanner and worthy of .exterioive
patronage: . See advertisement. On our
fOurtb page will be found nn interesting ar
ticle relative to this new seed, its origin and,
IT 18 TOO TO SuCw."—We hopenever
'.O hear these words used again MIA. the severe
experience wa Mum just:had ti4ii is not only
never too•cold to ow, but that the oolder•it
is the more , it snow when it once gets at it.--,
Sunday-morning, t a 18th just., was .0110 of
the coldest, fiercost and most piercing ones we
over felt, and, though - life snow. fell grifdging-:
ly'rer an hour or two, before noon . wo found it
1 driving,in upon us , apparently from all points,
\ of the 'impose: What the depth of the snow
.-18- ib .... forests..tiberelhere_w.aB_lta.drifting,-_'.we._
haVe as yet no, means of ascertaining, but. it,
Must, we think, be fully 4 foot deep en au nv
erega: Never has there,been in thiti country
a more terrific SnOw' storm, and ,we hove our
apprehensions (bat many parsons tiliveperiSli•
ed:freutifs 2 effecteiti undi,' hilcalitioa-' '"-''''”
On The 14th day at January, l lBBl;4ltostioits' ,
hut ,was, ['Scold vied,pieroing,.ner that , of 'last
, Sunde,y,-and n 691101 &Moak in ; tlio,day, !mow
.00nitnisnaddriVing itself Into one's face di',
-reetlitfrotn , the.noilli, ea' ii'dld th - epreatint
'snow, and it continual 'then to snow undbleir
nittil,one o'oloeit,ef the 18th of that menth- , -.
tAltintarcenree between folks, in the century.
vviip'titispencle4" flirat least a 'Week; en 11C00 Ullt,
Of }lmputes t.f sinew In, the lanes' whim rondo
• poseed.tbreugh,lmd the greatest dilliculty4x
,periopped inmening even -a, horse track...rime
,anew contitketl,Y hea, feet and a halfdeen for
a" least
,niOnt4ii aita 4 lefoitienXilid not final,'
ly ilisappear'netil about 'tile fi r ret-of `March: -
The next groat Brew fell , during Ohtietmag;
184 - iifia ilici - 4th end . 8 1 V - ef . JanuerY - fanerrr
, ing- were eiiremely,,cold . hays.. Notate
weather moderated; many' fruit trees, in the
neighborhood' 'of the'oity'weritlidied'l4 its sa
'Vert.' 'the followingmonth of February'ritts
extr mely,,cold,,but : dry and tolerably..elear:of.
snow. The third'groat snow of the-Met thirty„
years fell
,on, the. 281 or, 24 th;of-Deoember.
1839 i and the : 'weather , Was nevere when it
' oo h*leneederiewine- and the itleiOltig'in the
. country continued good,untll the let of ' Feb-
,ruttry, On the fith.OfFebruarylt turned end-
.denly warm, and Mut' , enow:neorly, 311. dicer,
l 'Petired in twenty-four.liou're,,caueing,coneid-'
erabie _flood 'in ' the' Oreeke and 41vore, ' Vrti
'had vitriolic deep-snowel et Alt "time.:', l Tho
,opoW-of December, 1884 and 1889 abevo,:res
fantail°, were two feet sleep : . tut eit,Rl'eroge,
but there Wee'liut Wile' drifting then Camper
eti With the tortilla Storm Ofjanuiry . 14tlitind
115thii1881;- and the we have' 'just bad , on ,
.141.18th,OfJannery,-)851., ghe,/etter,excell.,,
ad' WI . he' 'others' we, have , mentioned, - in the.
ipriereiniati :Witeciti Oe'its Commencement and
th ementintniMeveritylif ite-liTaitik"' •"'.' l >r''
- . l4Bl oCotiwtYscW ;2. , -Nothing Tositive. ito.
Detail elicited in rcatird t041b,0:./.3wrdelLtOltidlii i
dark : Vosi - fcitfriit yekterday Bordelre room
‘tticl to ) isie l belOngtidlii
Tunis itmlnittetPbott r'dero.`: • tEckleo
;PlL!,l3Podgro46 anAthqriboard.iib,iftig9they,
witp Biro. Culm rn ingba are,,QPW-'lll,,q_lll4Pditt:
nwniting *km yetnt4,,ol tholavesiiintion.
‘ , •,,, : ,,Vnisnai, Jan
a'ritiiiiitiotAit . eierek , o4 , titdeao.
TlifiMili4iip4rPiratiiilifll44obied and
; Uitiridaan'AdjaniiiiidA"X;; .
,CoMinAteal,eWaYeililgAlleyta . ;ii , an-mended
.'l i iiiitrbtlfl'airiatintitionie . nrrorejn the draft
of' the bill formerly reported. •It reduces the
annual revenue fourteen millions of dollarit
marine-Teiegraph-bilrmatrreferred to-tbo Com—
mittee on.Waye and MERISS: Saint) debate nleo
. tookS p ta, dEf7.041 7a,".bilt:hlvirnttu„inah lioneFf,af
Ctirigreturihn .iiuntrak of,n,)autitictipnt
fund;• I
~BANATE.-011 May Op ;of, 111r.,IVilson, teas
' YeLave 4 d that . bOttialittect Ott t'preiipt - "Atein.
tione tnqujre . intorthe expetp:
eupy of sending a,Cortimiesioner to the 1'2;4104
ortho kdet retain Stellipelego, With power to
itiveietigato the 'eloinie :to sorrergrity wbkli the
government of 14 Netherlands asserts folio's'•
glees over- the mown( -these -Taltinds,..and f'orni
treaties with suelidolependentStotes and titbis rte mep lio'Pound therein .
of eufgoient,poiver and
importnned -to 'i,enildr Sueb : trantisinMidsiiary.
Mr.iDoujklasti. reported bill establishing .
fliofal and Land districts in thei - 444ilen.pur',
abase: Adjourned.
denthils'of , dames IleViin,„U.-)3.,Sonntorffuni
luwa ,
who was quelifiedind 'itiink • his' seat
Theloffieinl notification of the deniii 'of Preston
Citroline":Was announced;
and eufeetos pronodnedd, on The usual
resolutions of regret and symnnthrrere
ted;,tilid the'eettwo adjourned.- •
Keift'onnehtiOed ibe,dolb .
Preston S. Brimks, member of th.e Renee from
Smith Carolina. A number of eulogies were
.spoken, and the usual resolutions pasiked.,--Ad-;
jowined. • ,
- SENATE.—Petitions in favor.of• tha sale of
the Public Works, and the repeal of the. Usury
Lairn,:wpre presented. Several .privale..bills
-were. introduced, and one or two' of the same
character passed, finally. They ore without in,
creel to )nireiniers, --' -.-. : - . .• -' _
liousg.":-.Peti lions 'Were proses ted fora mod,
.ifientbin of -the iltiury Laws, for n nenocounty
out of Westmoreland, Armstrong, and Indiana,.
to be called tkiskemintntuf, and fur various
other objects. Mr. Beck- d:fere,' o resolution
aliening the names . of Meserti, gauschl, Hill;
-F osteri - Backus, -- Stuith - T - cif - CaliibitaTenili oun ,, -
Johns, Anderson, Iteolc Harper, newer id
York, Jiamseyof Spidladelphia,,lfillegnki lin,l
'.el; -Campbell, Arthur, Ent, IlleholsonlAnd
'Brandt, to be added to the protect in roldtro - tt
to - Mr. -- Cameron's "'election. The question of
its reception woe discussed at some length by
Messrs. Foster pad Ktliglit in its advocacy,: anti
neitsrs; Bair, - Mumma and MCCaltuont, in op-'
.position, and it- was then' ordered to a second
reading—yeas 4101Aps 35, . Adjourned; '.•
• . r
• • TILIMDAY, 4011: 27.
. .
SENATE—Mr. Penrose, from the Judiciary -
Oomnlittee,..made an elaborate report concerti'.
ins_cases_of-aonte s mptiot,eotirt; and- 'milieu,"
Tarly - of the ease of General Small:. A nun):,
ber of , new bet*, and Other' corporation Pills
were read. .
. , .
-- HOWIII.—A - lnrgoAfifinber orlirivele - bills
passed first readhig.: The bill d.Arroorporite
the , Univ,ereity of Free Medieine•passod fled-
WIIDNiSDAY, Jan., 28. •
Siriseiv.=—Among,thesala read in plitoo . vias
one's° submit to tbe'peOpli of Philtidelphia
the question of the:v.47o4ot tbe Consolidation
act; to ivoorporilte thelltenixvlllo,Bank,&o.
The Dill to'antlioiite• the lehited States
.to pur,
abase a lot In'Plditidelplila:ns a site for a Post
'Office, was potted finally. The bill relative
to contempts of Court pasted first reading', end
was then lola over. MrAtraub'gave notice'of
his intention not'to sign The protest of the .I,le
mocrotio.members of the Legislature, against
the election;,,,',4 Simon Coltman to the - United
States Senntrtnd file his reasons theref:a.
novse.—Mr. Foster submitted ajoint reso
lution, ordering a joint Convention of the two
Houses on the . l.hth of February, fir the elm
tion of a State Treasurer, wbicb passed first
reading, and was then postponed. The reso
lution direotinti • the 'Committee of Ways and
Menne to frame and report a bill for the sale
of the publie works, Was negatived—yeas 88,
nave 49. A reaolutiop vgs offered for the up
pointrnent of a special osnttnitlee of. five, to
prepare and - report' a bill' for the sale of the
main line, but it was lost—yeas 89, ttnys
On lerive given, Itlr..Wagonseller read a speech
deft:tiding his-coursein
erensforllnited States Senator.° Ife road the
letter'of Mr. Buchanan to Mr. Mott,' said re
flected severely upon Mr. Forney, denonnoing
-the Presidential interference in legislative mat-.
tent:. The following, among a number of other
were fowl in placer - A bill to ino6rporate, ,
the Chestoi. Valley'llarik; rat Coatesville; to in
corporate the Bank of Plienix'ville; to lacrosse
the. capital stook of the 1 ayneshurg.Bank; to
extend-the charter of the Boston Bank; to in:.
:nOrporato :the Schuylkill Haven Bank; tofu.
crease the eapitirstook: of the Manufatturers'
and Mechanics' Bank of Philadelphia; to in •
oorporate.the State Bank, of Pennsylvania; to
protect laborers and, jouineyttpcn; tovstub/ish „
a Free flunking Lriw; a bill giving the consent .
of this State to the pdrchase. by thrUnitCd
State's, 'Ufa lot in Philadelphia for the erection
of a Post,Offiee and Couttliouse,
SEICAiE.L.-11:0 MO concerning oenteropt of
'court gran disceesed at length;: 1.111/9 were in
trod need concerning tbefeesat Juaboes of the
Peace, and o_geteral law,fertho iney_cparation
of aTolapanies,
resolution, Offered the pro•
vions day by Mr Posterjflxing
February for tlicielectiooof a State Troiontler
lakery4p4oni pasael4 - ,,E10
not to' bq
4014 eyer... : Among rim
-nett to s 'nbelieli 'the
gin oe'•' of . (Nun ty - Sepe'rliktenif Coui hie it
Bei!AilF —The Judiciary, Ceminittee repor.
ed 6,tak thehill relative ',le * certain ~cOIIII.IB it
Philadelphia, wifil a. recolurnen4ation that it
'be passed; ,also, a hill relative to ihe of and
duties of tfil3 'Attorney -General ef tbc qfate,
-The bill relative to liens of rcechanies and,
others on lo 6 otdOti * ies'wiis'reilelited `TOO.
c gaiire: ratioinreendaelon;lelso tie•supPlement
to the actilloorportuipg.tho It ' inirlingtinsurnace,
Cempany..._,Mr-,PenFose,"-n suppiement4nrilie;
'tint refittee'iii t the jurlOiction and pewera of
.oouiti of Nieuwe ,
to incorporate: the Jartiey•Shore4Tank:, , 'lldr,,
C i ' alib ll ,, . ,,, eUppiellaent,tolllo,actitincrpera.ting
t 46 Plek o(North4tnerhi. , 'The bill inlatiee,
coittenipte: of Courts woe.jakeu . iiiendlur , :*
.thet debated . till the *adJeininnett,:e''
- ' to
the improvement of .thelphtoliver iviionindet
epesial:order ,of .tbadity.forlaostivxnesfa,
On, leave gives., .addressed., the:
Horke nt some length; la reply, to to the reoent
'remarks =Of - lir. Nitagetieeller; 't6 the'
U. t3. , .Setintorial election.- He relpmed e9voity ,,
,ly, on,tbe ection,atiiiessre; Lebo. Wagonislier,
and 4 1 !.n.qiiy:„, mu' JD,
coitreof of hie remarits denonneed .- Mi:' For.
soy d iv 'Strang tertne: Tho Pint ieeillutiOl3s:
'relative to the -Teriltory._of Kansas were thee
colfelllerod,.flutk gave ,rlso,tp anAnireated ,de
l'l,loxrr .74)
"enennt Volley, le,*.werereeent/y frozod
, t,e deoth in conaUtuentrwo „getting :lost in n.
enow ateyni. At Montlea, /o, p er
3101331, 11 31111311.:3 1 . 13137WQ 13 OD 11-6 114 Rere e- '
'froiere:_ie 43010 Thee iiii , e: , Veriii ) ;Abir, a Itar;lrlii-Oawngt , Tpuir -:'et the -21dt , -saiti
osolt4 . oloolo , on o v e ioa,flio-,to!olabe;fe„t ..;Iguicturantt,pert-Lehe:Ontri4lo:4"fiAll,4itNlA
'fikl,pl , iwentetelinehewo r,the,l(ersee-.,hecoming- 1, ` 4 9 116 . 4 1 , 13 .;
j 1 4 1 1 , 92:1,A911;0,0,.111,1,0,14y, —ehorb-e,s..t,en4d,'ent Inie' thu ahnnt
. •'="- - ; ' ."heyiiitt whieli the witer ii still. vrelbkoa4
.c., , C , ..,,,
Aeati3Ary 4 lCetigrupsj,i , i.::.,:t •
- ,----.?
_.; . '•:?..E?,:: . • , ...1--
Impvachnieht,,o4....Tud lici , Wetelaiwe c luar, '
. --s/:,ns. •,? ' I',* (Z:, ,,
.W4tiffNOTON,..liinlBls 4 —;•The House Crunill i t.
, . ,
, le 'Ol tha Judie! :,v 'h Jo
. . resole/4 11:06!(t
~et.-. .
opedehinent:i3.• iligwilintifeuerefTexdAlfe,
f t ,
..:. lilloil inns Anil . ' liiiiiiiiiiiiiWre: iiiiiiiiAn4b 3 i•
. rat impeaulwn'ent of a Federal Judge, in the
' .3st 27 years. The *counnitiee will make 'a'
.:::...:439.r_A : nt,Alle.gret r efipurtunity.-- . ..,-_,,, __ .
„. :.,-;
.Corruption Investigating Committee.
AVAsitiNtfrot, [non=
tin:lS:ll , ot Witnesses, 4tii ne • rar Aistunt.'frOto
f„yriabington, the Corruption - Investigating
--pomm t tee- will -notbs alite-to-mflke TV port- ns
- - soon is
+ ll , O .Y B e. ; •
f".• _
. . .
T l 4.e...Kazissts. Judgeship,
VfAsitiztortt'N Tan. 80.—The Seto weut
- fete ,etteeutive'tisaion 66, itejetj,
ity, upon. the'rie;ninatieti of 'Me.'
"Ihilge'of the litip'eeine''Ciiiire of aneint. io
place of 'Juke Lecompteiand-acljeurke.l'afthr
-.three houre',. worm debate,. without taltiug, the
queutht., It 11.4 thought that ,Mr, 'llarrison
cantiot'be.etiiitirteed : se, the auto will
reionikably oloett:.
• • LANC,AfidEII. ..06ifi4/en fly rte 7
Berted. tedvilie:OMeere ottlie LenaWater' Bank
tviil nuke ne neeigumenPef its effects onAXen•
day aupreciat 0.-i he UP tos eon
swoon was followed by a aevero . illneed.
Tien I got i litrops-Stiugh to; look about me
again, I foetid myself in one ofthelarm•houSa
beds—my father,lllra.,Kniflon, and the doctor,
. wore Shin the ivorninyeat was asleep at my
feet, and the - pocket•book that I bad caved lay
on the'rable There vvas:Plenty of
news for ., nie to hear, as talon no I was fit Rl:tuts
tatt .to
,The.tbie'vesbail bCorcotuight,...and
^ prison, - Vl'ait)og the:W .. 464'ot the, neat
Nr.- and Mrs. Koine° had been so ..
,the, dang,ent had run—for which'
they blamed their own want of thoughtfulness
in leaving the pocket-book in cm cora as they_
did•tlntf: -- the'y insisted -on my father's remo•
viodfrorn our lonely home to a nottagonn••their
land, which we were to inhabit rent free. The.
brnk-notesthat - I had saved were given to me
to buy furniture with, iu place or the things
thot.the thtexes_lind_broken—Theso_pleatiant
tidings assisted me 80 greatly ... in protoptingmy
k . ecovery . , that I waesourr_able to relate to my
friends at the farm•bothie "the partiCulai•a that
• I have ;Vritren_here...-They, were all-surprised
and interested; . but no onn, as I. thought, list.
ened • to WO wirheuoll'breathleWnifiditfon
the farmer's eldest eon. Mrs, gnirton noticed,
this tae, anrbegan to.tnake jokes about it, in
her light-hearted - way, as soon - As we were
alone: L thought little of her jesting nt the
time; but wh'en'l got well,antl.tvi, went to live
at our now home, 'the young. farmer,' as ho,
was celled in our parts,:eonstapriy.earanAas ea _
'Us, and constantly mantigedlo'ineet me out of
doors. I'Lad slum) of vanity, tike other
young women, antLl___heon_ to think orliirs.-
IfniftinenTjekes, :with tiome'ti4ention. To be
briS, the young farmer managed one Sunday
. 7 ,••I never could tell bow7-tclose_hisufay with
Alorrony,-Jno. 26
mo . ifi'returniug from_ church, nod ,before we
found out the right road home egaiu he bad
asked me to be file wife.
relations were quite as much astonished
.angered "at the step ,he had taken as you
youteeif would bavo been,' young lady, in thick
. place. They, did all "they could to keep us
asunder, and break off the match. nut the
farmer , Veitsjao obstinate for them. lie had,
one form'Cilii'eaver te'ellmlajeetions. "A man,
if be is worth the name; roerries according
hid own ideas, and to please himself,' ho used -
to any.• 'My idea is, that when 4 take a wife
I tun .p/ocing my honor end happlbeas—tbe
most precious things I have to trust—in one
woman's care. The woman I am, going td
marry had a smill charge coVided to her by
chance, end showed herself worthy of it at the
hazard of lier'life. That , is.proof enough for
ZOO that she is worthy • of Abe greatest charger
0911 put into bertaands. Rank land riches
_-are nne things, but the certainty of, getting
good wife iaa-something better still. I'am of
tags, I . know any own Mind, and I mean to mar
— ry - the - stoue.mason's daughter:' '
And ho did marry ate. Whether I prayed
myself worthy ormot of hie good opinion -W.4
question, young:lndy, urbroli I louse y.qu to Ask
my. husband, if you over oltonee io'cionvengain
into our parts. In telling you the oireurn-
s'Aitces which led to my lucky raarriege, I
have told y ou all that is necessary. You
now, perhaps, he ready to admit thMt a iyoman
mny posse..B noicher beouty, birth, wealth nor
tccompiialititents, and yet, in spite of these
disadvantages, may still linvo .atlractions of
. .
, .
, . .
•Itex ow e a in the eyes or p - ornoiLlo uto. ', Whim
yon'tixt•feel Inclined to oipreas some oaten
iabineut litriiliot finny ut ttee to you '
re strange
. • ~„
learringe, renieuibey- n4:'ense, dna dletue,t
your UNVII beat}, no-thin-Klllitre
orreweril - for . , the trouble I kayo
taken in letting you about TILE Same ok •rtip
BLack,'Ce'rriee. • . •
anl,=htis' hail
'!tie 'effect of reintering travetion'intliontis'Ati
by' t her' 6ififip filie t _tte4ii;
trUin on Saturdny hist broke , n ten belCliv'Mid
-) although' kibieirirered by.e temily
'Melding neer, t !oases:'
gnenee of ,, eiliielr was' 'tlint' the' bp' tiein , inn
I)llr4ryirOiP,,oll t lll ) ,[l 7 l ok , tliiti:4oll% AU. OM
bmibtoelit.ecniie Sweaty foot, high,..mmishingnn.
engqie several oars theiu on
' 'the last 'enr . ' the pn's.gongers''
tbroien- , beint, down '.for taii me
meats a fearful swine ensumi, but were all ,
renoupiloiithout ,hiee A . llimnbe r :were
ode diisigerouil7, I,liier'y Garden from
-"neer kiphritto in Leinenntercininit ielie'
boil:vitae is'net, expected ,- 'ft{
kiivisPApnit icriterin one
b r iPitefit ofVile"'ibis eel',
triet they way, eleep nitiah more
ooi4Oriaiii.' b'ea clollies,' by
pinoing: or ; thieltneeitee• of" pager
(aallinten , nesieraPer••• wilrrouitrer),...lietptern
, .00 88terlote of.theitl T. l . ll, , , rultY•appgnc
rhilantoua aotoeiBB diSt IP tflo , wtwu i firs t
hes trot it ; t tried It; 'l' len% lea fy;
froin 'B:Orlando thallfitiitn'etteetive remedy
for eohittleeping.:, If , thoee..w.ho :toinieteri to
tin-1%94 0 f tho.peer !Tilt :ire. it a trial, ,I be
:-I,eve they. wilt, Hod it valuable aid in rplievilit;
"their elitferiage.'" ' • .• • .
Cexuatztos, Otdo, Jan, 80 —ltt.; the House
of Itetiresaptatives, yesterday, a' fleet vote
waxbill - upon- las .. revelation to expel, Mr.
:(4‘l3iough,. a taerabor of. the, Haase froze .111anul
too county, for, an assault, . Mr. ; caderell.
Tha i resplutlop was apopted 6 n'voteof7o
; 86, all' 1:1;e' lioradarati*votili ii tfi awie
lutiou,'e:bept 'Obey ot,liaruil ton. f'f"
onsa.. caused, eatisiderable excites:mate
vbe ;; lletive l tros„ kelt. 'of ! portions,: anxious:for. final deoislOo: P4r , .41 0 1A;10,:, 1 0i'i"
. • .
, .
Siege . of, the Bliolg .Cottage._
49 - T p,4cps
„ Aitt.tx.—T/ -tariff-14
rep tied by lifr.titilibel , lf of .
•;) N 1%•:,.•
iVedbetittiOs:fivii•• ten t andfifteecifperiteOlk of
t;theltot ttAtt4Willit fe wriceptjens;dirsiMb,
..eXeLtption of a few items,:eatrica to • (lie 'free
`get; whist reduces . the revenue about six mil-.
Afents•-..;:0.Gtic1.1ar5,....., -fitiistlred:pir
shnlf..,--Sug'ar, wollaesee, lead, nail, w4l, 'anti
hemp, are put at ten per sent., ,rediteing” the
reibnue:about seven millions of dollars. Iron,
dotted, woolen and silk manufactures nro re
tained asmow: • TIM old twenty, twenty•fiver
a nil_ .thdrii!periceti t. u I es:. are sot', tatt,.
- teriany - o - tinWerdliiit t - iiim - diteins hit - item ore
carried to tbeTree list. The direct reduction
of the revenues, annually, will be. about $13,-
000,000, which, it Is-supposed,, will- be i.
ereased sotrMillfol7l; hjr , ihEief n. eOla r. or= this,
nierieure; to substituting keine' manufactures
for thoie imported. • . . •
TEIE LIQUOR QuEsnow.- 7 An effort te
l .
mugs. to modify lbs. Liquor.. Lnwmf last'
, .
seat session , but Wiff. ) kobably fail of success.'
:d• bilC.bae Edready- been introdUCett in the
House. to repeal Au 0114 sseitioU tboolet
of 1856..mtuLtim iritortoifter-browersmWdlllsill—
leis till.pniti of the SrSto AA)) he eetif (I,'
loAsed,' ustiessMl,,and' liovinea , O
site - provisioits.ofddiemol of. AOM
to crsnte 64009g:fund. pits souteni.
Otte L4nikt agilounuent.of_ilte_preseni- By6W7).
eu far deieloiSS to liEoweis'end diStillori, 'arid
'a • return., to the. system of Itemising in - opera
tiumborare 'the existing bisr; was. passel.:
INPLEMENTS ' . :—Tbo.'Clominittoe . of -the'-United
states Agricultural. Society;:aiipointed at , the.
ehh anttunl.meeting, held Ili the Stuithsoniati
iii;titute, in the city of iSlashingtoil,.en. the
14th of. JaontAry,.. , .t . o designate the - time and .
to make liltihe necessary arrangeinenis for a
national ' triad in the field of , agrienharat imple
ment. and 'machinery," have, invited tliwinvett
.tors ..and-suanufnetores .of , all cuelt articles ,- beth in the' United :Staiee'anu! foreign 'gotta ,
ti4e43cLiiiinticlpatiti-nritaiXe'trinl to'he made
at Louisville, 1{;y:, under . the - auspices of.the
Soideq t duiing the fall,of 18.67. . '- . • I
The ' Andover Advertiser
stated the-following toots from a personal in
Teireleir4iih'Stinitor B.: - ' •' '
".Altholigh•he.presontire noble figure in his
nertion, the frying •seenos through, which
boa inieeed during the last, year have lart•their
indiliblo mork•npon . him. His heettli ie im•
proving gradually, but at timea he suffers from
hia 'toned. He 'exercises - iisity_in the-or,
nii,lTria -- heeps his Mind as , frie no presible.
Proui the day 'wno stricken dOwn,in, too Se. ,
note to Alio present time, .he hao.not eat" tip a
whole clo'y 'Mr. Sumner will visit Wnehington
inn fen , week nii_be_preseut .in tho. kiennto'
to record his vote on some practical matters to
,be passed. upon by that body. before its nd
journment; 'After the close of the session be
will take a tour to Europe 'and spend several.
inonthe on the continent in 'visiting ohjects of
,curiosity and interest; he Oen` expects - to rez
mum home perfectly restored." •.
EMANOAPATION . zx M18,50VIII:7-4710 SL'itol/18
Loader, a strong pro slavery Democratic. ,pa
-per-admits-that-the emoneipittionknts:can,Tpoll
many thournindu of,
they,bave oomph:nit posaessiOa
ml l ari ,, l-ootaiti.3- that-thOY.liaii - at.ipa#Ai i i r „
teen inehibeis of the • State 'Legislature; ,und
that there are probably many' more in that
' body, us'many of the. interior •odunties ore
pretty tborougliiy timaneipoijoniied. Tbo
party, is Dow just beginnjog to Agitate the
• • .
It Would Lordly " do for 'ant , ono , t hove the termerity
now days to question the excellence rbf tioolland's
German Bitters, which are prepared by Dr. C. M. Jock
son. , In cases of dyspepsia, liver complaint, and de;
rangernent of the digestive' orgnus, theirs mApy virtues
have long RITMO , boon anode plainly npporent. They
purge from thil system the morbid humors Arbirh
turd the nntural 'Unctions, and bring paleness to the
cheek, and suffering to the brow: Tkey huffish 'those
clogs upon happiness, and:roans° the voter's, to high
health. Beendrertisement.
FitliillONT, Iva MuaragO 001. Fremont
bad ns many friends as the Mustang Liniment, the-op•
position could not draw a corporal's guard: Mr. Fro
moot remarked, in hie dispatches to : Mr, .Fillivore‘
while transporting horses and cattle over the Pliane".l
Mexico. "That If the Government would send on a 114.
'oral supply of Mustang Liniment, It would save 25 per
cont. of hts lossos." This is very linportnot for all Far
more sad Liverymen to know. The 5/netang Liniment,
Is a wonderful article for man or beast. It should al
'ways ho used for Soros, Swellings, Still Joints, Burns,
Bruises, Rheumatic Palos, he., and for ankle, Fprabla
Spaying, Itlngliono, de., upon horses. Beware of 'mita
Untie. The Alu.,taug Is sold by all rospertable tickler.
evorywhoro. BARN ES & PAIIK,
Ort. kJ—lna. : • Proprietors, Now York.,
• Dlt.' 1 SAM] TiICiMPSON• 8 Milell-0010-
hinted EYE "Ito mortis stnuti Unrivalled."
This old, tried and %Yalu:lade remedy nor all thy die.
eases atilt( eyes, after having-stood the-thittild7oVer
- Fifty - Tears, end 11M - dente - MI for It is Still' increasing,
is now, add has been for the pant two'years, offered for
sale in an entire now dross. Each bottle will have a
Stool Plate Engraved Envelope,. with aportialt of the
Inventor, Dr. isaac Thompson, New London, Cerro.,
and it fan simile of his signature, together with n
. • sitttlie rlgnature of the present proprietor, John,
l'hompsm, No. 161 mid 163 Elver street, Troy, New
York,lind,nnue other can 'ly genuine.
The proprietor has been compelled to make this
chango in the style of the wrapper owing to the large - 1
quantity of counterfeit which for the past few years
has been palmed upon the community, and especially
at the west.
.• . •
Purclueters are particularly requested ti buy none
but the mote described; and an the red label hereto
fore pmcd has then celled in, any, foam{ in. that fortn
the proprietor does - not hesitate to pronounce cdunter
reit. - • . •
Fpr sato by all ihe'raapectablo Iln
dad States and Camilla: • • •
subdue the pain and Ind tuna Don from the, fiererast butt
r scaldS; In from one to twenty minuteir-and that' u
wlll Mud the wounds without a sear; and effectually
cure , . Fever Sores—Plies—Solt Ilbenut4•lntlanumitury
Rheumatism—Sera and Inflamed Byas•-•Catty—Wounds
"-Liiruises=4ll4 -- and 11:motorail) kores-r•Scald
Conn; mid ~Buillonst•ErYslindiur,Efiralnit wellings•••-
Pelmm-carliblains--Eites of Insects—Rivalled and Oro.
Urtuud•-•;"Sore 'NlPPlus—Eruptions-'-aud all other
inflammatory. and •cutauootis disetuneywhero the parts
• Don't tie incredulous about the many diseases named
't abgairierd•broilly - :one - thing , ..tutrittect - thatthe'rew;
;but posltlic;mwde a rtles .41 , 1'104,01e 4abto Alone.
nontaloe,and aiheretafare iniumekated--one
can reach mot yltike• af,./rmate,a. Monad :discos" .but
„ Qw , ry.—Do nut regular bred physidantiproscribe rale
tool inwardly SM. 'scores oftlifferent "
Each koa of DeNUMS,T,'S,PAIN.EXTUACTOR baSAlir,
on It 'n'Stool Phi to Engraved the . liigindurtili
or 0. .V. CIACKEINEE4 CU., .proprietors. and RENEE ,
tr.A bLEY, manufacturer. All ptbors are counterfeit.
• Aid, orders'sheuld be addressed 'to' C.V.• rellitenei
'C0.,.81 Bartley. strost,,New York,„ Tutted`•
'ONPOr sale by all Druggists throUitio4'illti
,",Z7, 17r" Tr7 - 7 - 7 - r
ug.p.ig,itiT.,Arfp ,9QUNTIC., „ A 0417
reguAr raorithly•ikeattott 'thil Cniu6. , Comity -
Agricultural Soalnty bt) hula at. tho Voutt A;01.1.110,,
011 3holUUt of Pahruaryi at 11 o'claclt;
•, 11, •., hti , tlAl,llll.oTll, •;:
This Tnetittitfon rettunonces its eccond session onabo
'lot of Sehruarvistartjc,,:,:a_
'Who litiararilitnesage already urelyed, from the rods.
tortitild Saud:tern' Retell, affords 'it tale guainiithe.6ej
iliffiarrnansneyprrhp e the leeetion,and tbptotigh ostirse I
.oridetrlictlan, conur.oodall especially tolhese dakirotitr
'of 'airing their daughters a blaasicel education. ~t
'Young Ladies enjoy here all the cetufettaertd,rnflve7,
'fleeces of 'haute ; .— the - tiulldlng'being donnas:Vibes, Ilos
• chambers tor,:neatly turnislted,Orell ventilated and,
heated, and OUT TWO EiTOWINTS OCCUPY 1114840 Z 00001.
• Au thews interested in Ventalereincitlidiaraeordially
.milted to visit and avaruine the i n st ltuthnt•
f + or.'cliculanieontelishig..
&esti, ..
Jan 20 185i' Meettanteslattg Pa.
S'A Ttrit DAY WV . FNTII,ISI- I.b oky.,-
wmicAT, PAPER.
i7CAMiNE FOB xpiliOnyi*" ,
bihs " "; 'nzAcxur pmasorr:
soutth Third' ett
64 Ca
tl:o l7 4 4 ptrA v to y il it 031anuin'o ll Atuirica
ties' itusa., by• •
•:. , i4ect.117...,,,, Z. t; , 1,1?) ..::..,,-..Tt'ONST-49S.Q*
1 PION WAVB GPisitltlqr" 110NtY
tiv ., ' , 4l% ' . '
kii iaiiktqt -- s64' '-oci ' v 1 "'
'InVI24 Chotallal 7011,4 804p, - ,^ k MI% u ppgZ,A ',,,.
truly etyylloot Soaps..o4,l.rocelvorl 'Mir fitir'•,usa 11
` Witebrialfrl'AMllXOßOONltYillialuStroet.t :
Undid. Noy p , pt, • 'ny,
now* t iaor m sue.,,sc fc
a cqmo t .4ber l t,,
oriur*. mtu , t'vw.yetsamutquitues. audhaiimi elour
Q. 7.:,3,01Q.Q.,:f,1
•TairTal-P,V. •
At Ohnteborstorg; on the. 27th feet, by the Rene; br.
.Sehmeok,'lllr. 0 K 01 1(18'.0b1112, of Xediale, to , blies
.HZ4;ADA:"Cif pp m, oropmboro,arg.o, •
the22d last:illy the Etiono,-AIe.,MIQUAA%
ban._ or Mil;
• -
At Papartonn, on Nridak Utah:lth of January, EA RAF(
ADA LUNE, daughter of Wm. A. & I.l4diin 'lduthusst,
. aged 8 years, 3 Mouthy; 24 days.' .
his remittance . 14 Green Spg, la Newton town
ship,-on the night of the 20th Nor. ALEXANDEItt
SNARL., D,D , In Rho
Idrsgbari 1114 a naitro of thisamuity, was born and
attained manhood In the mule neighbourhood, and
almost trithlia sight of the lA l loolWh'pre hOCIIIML.I . Early be attached himsel(to Rho Assoeititel 'Reformed
'-Presbyter/an Church, (the
.church oft his fothertr,) - mitf .
after the usual collegial°
.course, became a student of
Theology , and siithileititiettly of the OMpol. •
g1194.1y. of tprtils'ordination, npw more. than thirty
years ago r itaiits called to, ilitthes ovorotneo contln tied
tu charge of the - congregation' to which he was wird*.
• ta4g,Whetilici • i• - i• ti;" •
: * `s'•the thim good ?etiwhole . hitylt has brititer.4 40iiittiot40 / M to iitiealobiio 4 - 42x44-
Lily not our%whaio decease ttlfeeted soletimr.Wpror
tiou of the community, and eoteic_tenstre a Chute of
•• •••
614 Io a - recurrence to -*lto '
oho roller will re;i4or 'obviotio: , o3beroi. the
"cototr!poity, ;Theit . 4l clud , to those
bltn, and never failed; vitsti ooraplon,yrq9teil
It, to.. txpiorta 114 .oplolog_plut.pisubjectf.tPubila-lm--
portance, 6.uc10i.ii,.0.0d manly Bran-
• • ,
'Poseesaci • of copaidoratile_ osta'te;' he had near lily
Ileart.:tLe ehdreh,ln..whieli, for some : yea*
• boetceousidored a father; 'AO it PIZ bane time shared •
with :it, liberally, l:ievolonee to other denozoinatiozie
when an ^pportunity to contribute irasafforded, Nor •
were these the only objects of hl;charity, for With
, the
emnpaas of an enlarged intelleet r ite favored Wier's; Mem-,
sure of a secular character tending to 6hri advanceraiint
of his follow mii,udcrith the litndireveilf.a goneroms
heart, he nevor turned" the poor of any. kind empty
frcnn hiaeor.
, • Aa 4 ;adulator of the gospel, he reinjoiforgothishigh . •
ealliolf,.aud' ;levee once sidled Lis pulpit or ministerial
• robe. with what_bolonged : roore npaperirin the foram
or public assombljr:• All Lie ;data as a citizen ho know
,and exereised,'and would have claimer, and demanded
at any risk, but kunwlng them and exorcising them ea
ho always did, within their proper l?oonds, he woe
much more the object of reopect,•cOnlidtillee, and admit
ration., '
. Of his abilities eta tubed uot speak, no they are kaotrn
and acknowledged !u the church and etneaupity, wikee
be wne afroriled ad- epPotttittYle - axe-idea theta,atiti
rutdd hate been, sufficient to sustain him with condo
deuce Wed .respeei, In any Petit+ of duty to which he
might hare Been _ • •-• •
. _
. •
As he llrod so ho. dicd,,respected the.bycommunity
ofwhich he .was so long au ornaniout, beloved by , the.
friends of Ms youth, whci were the friends of hJs iigo,
Yotiotaftad-brthwhlciliVh7llitildeliers which for 7cars
looked•upcin. him as a sago, and lamented - hy'afttrilly that
has long leainid Upon his strong arm -tor Oupport.,
Jtem fibOrtisemettisi
. . _ .
iu tu i Ito- LECTURE!
Ur, L. LA/d801727, of Carlisle, will deliver tile' 1171 rd
lectoto _before _tbo _UNION Free ComeaeVon TilliltB
--DAY3 the Gth of February, 1667,1 n tbo COVIT /lovely.
Beason Tickets, edmitting two Horsens to .thokotli-ety,
$1 pq. ' seamroleketß, admitting one, 60 center Tick.
eta can be obtained from itns of the Committee.
.1. Yamor, 0. 013,Anor, • ,
A. C.CORNAIAII; ' . C. II Mier, •
R. )1. BrzuNeotr, . •- .. .. Committee. .
Der. '24; lithe. - .
-Is hereby, given, that llon..Tasiss /f..-olnufBx,-
reeldent - judge - nt - tlxiConrt of Counnon Pleas, has la
,gued.hla procept r bearlug date the Wld day of - Pecromber,
ordering an ,Adjourund Court of COMMOti Plea; to
be bidden er Cabllale, In and foi the county of.Curnber-
Jand, no -Monday, the 72d day of February, A. 11, 1057,
at 10 o'cloCk, A. M., for the trial of - all isiruealli the -
Fleas, depending and for trial by awry. ' -
TICE ts hereby gi - v'en that I have appllel e to
lidges of the Court of Common s Pleas of, Cum rieud
county, for the benefit of the Insolvent s: Lowe, d they.
appointed Wadi* the MO day Ot Aprll, 18574 i t, the
Court /lowa, in the borough of Carlisle, fonfrbe hearing
of me and my creditor., when mid' where you may at
tend If you think proper. ' SIII.IIIV.INIV
I _
G. P. PTITNASI F CO., will commence r7l-7..,
in a few days, a new edition of this great • "Lail ..
work, in seml•roonthly parts. Price, 23 --4 i,,-.1 ..
- 4 - /.
cent. each. ~,,, 1
Each volume will consist of four mut , handso me lyminted in Imperial' octavo. The whole work ..w, _.• ,•
Illustrated by about My superior Bugra Inge rin'Steel,
including Portraits and original Pictittl I Bmigos, by
partt, with numerous Wood ,Dute awl Nap.
Noel, will contain at least 32 pages indeed Engnsv,
tug on Stool; every other part will inulatAwo Steel
Plates. .W, - -
1. Each stunt-monthly part, mattfining as above spe-
Mica, 25 cents, payable on delivery.
2. All subscribers must engage to take the jputiro ,
3. Thu second and subsequent volatiles will be issued 0
•in double parte—and the whole. will be published at
regular Intervale of two weeks.
Among the ' 11l ustratlona already engraved or nearly
completed, are the followlngt .
ftenoSelo y ie ro 2c _Charlea-Lee,-Gon..-Putnato,-Gon.------
-Arnold, Gun,-Green;Gcm-Ward, Con• hnea,'Oon- Sim , ~.,
chifr, Gen. Montgomery, Gen. Lord, lion,-Stiriing, Gem ..,
Baron Steubeu, Gen. Lafayette, Conn! Pulaski, Gen,
Lincoln, Gen. Mercer, Gon, Mealy Lee, Col.-Moultrie,
Gen. Wayne; Gen. Clinten, Robert Morris; Go. Stark, :
Gen. Ifarnil ton, lion. Oates ' Gen. Glover. Gun. Sir Wit--
ilatn flows, Gen. 6lr IfonryClinton, Washington; (from -.-
the picture by Peale,) Washington, (from the picture by
Trumbull,) Washington, (from the picture by WoremuL
ler,) Washington, (front t ho, picture of Ifoudsou'a Sta.
tue.) Washington, (from the picture of Brown'a Statue,)
Washington, (from the original profiled 3lrs, Washing- ,
ton, (early javtral4) Mrs. Washingten, - (from Stuart) '
Miss Phillips, (hem original picture.) •
. .
, . from
' - Ilistorleal Scenes{ - (chicily Original Sight designs;) of Washington's Birth Place,
,Mount Vernon, -..' - -.
(3 vlows) firashingten .es Surveyor: -Wesbingtou fie
Fort, NecessitY; .Washjngtort Surveying the Dismal " •
Sweeter •Washington at Whichefter; Warbington's.:
Eltddlitorts; Fortifying Bunker 11111; Fort Mender° ,
us; Lake. George; Fortification at Nest Point, In 1780;
Washington•Ouoiling a Mot, (from a cetrwporur tr., -- •
lug.) View of-New Trek, 1770; Boston, Rom Bore e ter
Ifulghts i ,-,-1770; Announcement of Independence; at-
Bo of Trenton; Battle of Germentown; Bartle of o n. .
mouth; Broddeck ' s Battle Field; Washington groing•to • .
37 1
Congress; etc,: - . .
"Must amass remain, per eminencei, rnaldatory .of - •
the Pother ot his Country."—Phila.fhillettn.-,---•--.:
NB:—(CJs intended that the Mustratlons, in tilts — '
edition Ebel) be worthy of the subject and &the - Other.
The best•ertistel' have been engaged to.nnike original--
. drawings, and the molt eminent engravers are.recuredr , .
No expense will be spared to Make the engravings sgeirgt° - -.' ..
ditable-te-A m e dcetwart , and - fully-patisfoonn , kttizaME:2------,,,
tears of fastidious tante'.• ,;. .• - ~.--„•, . 1. 4 .
Agents arid Catwassora , supplied. on' Albers& terms, L.., ~,, -4 ,- .:
This w 4 ,...ti0n is published exclusively for ant:scribers. -. . .
tsae Country paper° inserting this, advertisement 3t., , '..
il receive a complete set of tho illustrated edition. •. .
• Jan. 14,1857 --lit, ..• .-; ~ • 4 '• ~ r - • • • .
CUM B'I) • ym,f.EY, - . INSTITUTE:
. .
for Young Ladies and Oentionsed, Mechanicsburg, Cum.
I„_ holland County, Pp., 7
*bin WOlLllll 4 V l6lll onitiing:Schinti "far - ireing ladies
and gontieuten, erind u cted.,lbr. several years. by the.'
ger: J. 2. timer, A. al., ecin tinned by Om nub,
. scribers, who, engaged for years no in/413RIP* ofyoutb
luedsled 'mule and female toacbers . oi egyanienegiinef, •
- skill in their profession, "ITC, qiudifigilpi la to illerbargg
With dit.pateh and accuracy, thorn duties which Aries
from the rolattoutril. reciprocally dependent beings”, -
.ddchns denim It, will be educated and trained She the ~., *--
'businoss,of to gpecial attention lain 'bit given '
lathe Normal departments, tnivible.'cointectod .
with a Model sebool,.fenthe.,thitteSPin and training of
Instritetors. of youth and; ',when „qualified, 'lie piing •
will be spared them eligible shdations.'
We have now several applications The-good teachers.
• In the elasstarLdepttetmeninpilaynuticAnd_f e _
re male„
"Will be ppaied'ibr any '
VgrY Moderate.. , Whe,next•nositop. •.cozo•
nianett, 'TArm- April ,"."147: "Parente. iNaNking and, cithlne
Acialdng-to-leaks-gho, , catitigniarinifrozei e,Qiroclay or• - • • -
gdier'sisa,. a,. . :
!ti,-;) "it • t'ora this' MeabitilicsLurg,: •
T. D p IS'T.;!A
U Engileb and Clanked &Mail, fAndtsburg Pa. -
'" TLo escond or ririntoiaeitsinn Of thin Institution will .
I open nit tlio,seetind.Ttunidey of Jimmi7;.lBs7. •
,Theiujiud EmilishAnd' claailea bmnehes:adoiltedtij • -
our that fOide•deadcintles,y/111 tau..,; , lkt. 110 paitte:wpit
. sparod.,to maim theronitb;pmetlon4'and'Mopd. echo:, " "
Tare. 7he''l4ll4ge OP 400
of r umlostlO,lllll and mountain ' acereiz,thosa plies
Anne 11•Oui' Wnrat, Spflugi,o leant y 4134 - quiet,
analclently•remotetnm the irrikula'rttleieflarge toiros, •
and yet In daily ennuoction..ila-Nowport and Penusyl.
Tanta Itaitroad,,witn tlie principal attisa ju the state.
Terms per qUarief, s34l34,ss,aceordingtO the grade
Of studies. Made. , each - and Alorman,: $5 extra.
Books at' city Mean -Boarding for ladl4l In ,ele ct ; p al:
pool' from 0.150 to $2 QO per •
A • ' • Vat flartQiet•Partfolars
''•' ' •
"••• .••• er $.ll. RUBY 'A. li.,•' •
' ; •?r..lYndraW •
10111 . AtiliiriPaiiar0 , 4 .tOr ;' Fate a ilowfeatit •111,6:. ,
,teeta 3 fti lonK RR itf . thifixliichea
gb4 r 4eo t z t !pax - flue, applt• tho .paper .11.1131 , at.' : Papiir.,,
$10b4.9.1 , 5i10- 4 -tf. W vvvr
ARP() ebristantly
t, 21. Is. :rt. kidtißiAy.