e 31,00 Intiertisements. GEottoE W. NEIDIcii . NN ILL lie, .1 Ltitillt trotu earlis wunlithe - Tali of Much (October 1, isfitl, • - - nrwo VNIAJABLE - AND IFLULILY , C 1 . I ATE:b LI.SIMONE FAIDI3 AT PRIVATE .SALE: , Sittiato Didziuson t onrush* Cuutborlaud •county, "No. I: Situ Ito about one-half milo.Nrost of the Stone Tavin;n, on the Walnut Bottom Road, ahnut seven miles west of ._ . • CONT AISING ABOUT 220 ACRES.' . GO of wads aro c, •Ored with Good Timber and the resi due is in a 10,01 eta,. of cultivation. ' .. ' • ~ The'isupti v e Mon to a 'a large double Two.story Frame .. ' House; lied,. la ...wlth brick, and ~ ___.. 40 1, ! ....-- L . weather.b rded yliitchen aLitched, . ~f pou house,wash house,smeke house • %'',. -, • i 1 s i . A . l:, t o double Log Barn, wagon shed, ..." corlil'orib, and carriage house. There, are two nes ...,,,,,ine,4 Wells of Water,.one at the house 'and one at thi! Oleo, and a., large cistern. ' A finti Or -eharti-ofapple...-togetherzwith peaches. pearscelterries,' . ___l _...,__ ___,...___ grapsth, Ac. . A line has 1,•.:M ron dividing the tract into two parts; one of which with the above mentioned' improvements will (imitate...ll A'',...ress: ~ ThereA a S one • ind-m - e.holf story . • I Log llhuse awl Stable on the other part. No. 2. Situate.in said-t - n,w-ttsVip, about Woo mile west 1 .. of No. 1., on the ett.ste It 4.l.leading from -Gettysburg to Newville, an.l ahMt u siway between the Walamt Bot tom 119ad'amt the Tsir mlise, . •:. „..r • - . l'. IN V. A ,'ING 110 ACRES,' about 4A of ' , .1.1 , ,is are covered with excellent Timber, the reilduci,ium good.state.of _cultivistion isnd under good fence. Th.? IM . provesounto are entirely utiw, and ennAit, of • a 1- i',A '4 E wEATimusoAni.), nous x,..two stMies, with a. basement; a Frame Barn, lower fort stone, a-cistern at the fluor, with ether improvements. These pros,crlies are handsomely sititated, and offer the greatest itcloceinentslo pitre.basers.• The hind is of the most m. 0.! aeti ve character, and the location desire ble in every re:ipect, For-terms and further particulars enquire ,if . ~ - A. L. SPONSLER, - • -:-='-'OO7l - 1556 4 :4•1wi--------Real--Estate-Agetit end c:criv, - - REAT A ItRIVAb OF . FitESll . .1.3‘ GOODS! . Thu subseril.hr has just returned from the elty with the largest and be t .t, idocit of ' GitOer GLASSWATIV. — BA:SIG:TS, ever lirou L tlit t- this plice, to which he invit,i's the at tont:ion-of eio“,,tilurs and the public ginierally. Ills stock has with great. rare..atuf lie feels' confident that it is unsurpassed for excellence or- varth ty. Cotfee.'-foit. .Molasses, Syrup. Mee...Choy Starch,ricklesiliotchtips, f the very br,t , itc i • ,ity. Tea and- tit , ts. and every variety of China, Stone an'd 04mm, t Pare. Clothes; :Ili.; .Traveling and ratNy, Baskets great variety. Fresh:So , d i d 3tarkerel, Salmon, &c. • yonrxelvm;. . • • Call aid Oct. 1, .To - c0,.,.1, CONS UgitatS: 2 l.'lic sub'- • scriba - would respretfully invite 113 attention of Life olti=eus iit to daripus kind., surh ad Lykon's Nut for Li tnel , ari iers, 'fro Kur ton, Egg sail :`.; at,- Mu Broken ; licr Anil Nut; . all of which he will sell at reduced prier s 1. , i1.1 last year, fur''Ttir Broken . . Lillgg, and stor i i,l 'for family use, striving L hope •to have tt illieral patron Age. To BLACIf SMITHS. I am now incl.:Lyda to supply you with the Vl.lutratthl B which le ern the best in the State. ••Coine Malt Allegheny Coal also 011 t1R,1.1, all of •Nvlikh l will sell low fur rash'. Quick sales :u,; ;dart profits is illy motto—a nimble sii panrc is,pette.' tutu a dull shilling. 'Please give us a call ? orie.and I'7 Acou9ll Ittl \t. Estra,All.ora,rs_lAtt: at 11 roldop.celn 1 nst 471 - 0{711% "Mr Peter Moo-, and 4.lenry*txtorni storeic vitl. - be ...prompt* , ,[pet. 1, 1,,5,5‘,.. fL 0F C 0 subsicit• I, • lukthig • detormined to eliettige their Int.iuuss, will noll 911tkielr'outIro stuck of lI.A,II.I)WARE AT WI-Yr rltlek:S, either by 11'h:flys:le or retail.• ' The stock is all new, having been recently purchased at prices as low; if.not lover, than any stock of the laud ht the csttutry,vvhlch latabien us to glcu bargains to-all,;;- We th.a•ctere incite Mechattles of, :ill kinds, town and country storekeepers, builders, farmers, honsokeeperA, and others, to cidl and examine our stock, Which' we are .prepared to sell- at the loweot Avhotosale city prices. The stock consists in part as follows: itUILDINg• 11 AnDWARE of all kinds, such as locks, iatehes, hinges, antis, bolts, screws, 4:c. Also glass, putty, paints, l.ruslies, ite., all of which are of the best quality. • CARI.NIa-.lt :KERS are hivited•to our assortment of garnishes, vezl;.k.rA..kitobs, moulding, hair-cloth; curled hair, sofa and chair springs, 8:e. Coach Makers will do well to Oceania: our stock of ,Coach Trimmings, all et :•,,,which we at first cost. ADIMER:; will also find the articles usually re: r , qUired tUir of...business—such as enitineiled leatlMrtgirthinz.stralaing•wobAvur atni-lwass•plated and wooden •hannis, buCkles, rings Am i DIACKSMITyliI•should conic and examine our large stock of roliel hammered iron. Also vices, anvils, scraw.plates - ,flors - c - rasps, - Sie ,- Mechanics in i zcilerafare invited to our large assort meat o f edge o,•ls . —axes of all kinds, draw ing,lculves, , chisels, planes . , lorels, savrs,,, braces', • hammers, rasps, files, turn sews:, -I:c., all of the , ,best F.X.1011:11S will had it to theiradyantage to call and examine our of forks, shovels, Sintdes.l4oes„.traces, halter 110113..E1i f.E'll'l'AtS are invited to our 'large stock of told() cutlery, plated spoons and forks, ladies, coffee mills, c,nllostl,ks. waiters, stair rods, bolloW,ware, • brass and Iron k,'l ties, sad thins, scales, choice patterns of Wan Paper, I ,,, rders, and window ikluoles. f,a ite nor friends and the public generally , to < gyve us a. call; every thing will be sold at cost with - Out reserve, at the new stand, West Main strdet, west of the . iDilirta.l Depot, pop. 14, 18i'%. -ArAi,u-A 13 1 , 1 PRO I' 141.11,T Y k'O It sAI,F t ,.- 'Will be sold at public sale, Ott the preml• ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18,1856, that well orvorty of the lato Dr. hays, deed., ." situated - in t ravine, Cumberland count, nine miles west of Carlii,lc. The lot containii - abOut T y WO ACRES, haying thcroon ercted a two story MUCK HOUSE well e calculatod fortwo families. a lirst. , vase - Frame Stable, aad other buildings; • ' 4 4 a NVoll of never-failing Water near the , hair, and a good Cistorn. Tho lot fronts , '* Main street , and la 501/calculated to : . divide into building iota. '- - This property i very desirablii,' being in p healthy. neighborhood awl convenient to churches + schools, atorcti,mills; Any person wishing to view tho property - vrillpleaso • call on the anbsaitior. The sale will ebintuonceatl: o'clock; r. 14.;•On'icaid day, ashen terms - will be 'made known by " • Sep. 04,1'80 . ' Srl'AlTlVElt & HARLEY.- ~ 4A-1 , % GI 1.P.,.1..1. , WA I uIrES - /t - N - D 3 11-1 li- NLILY.--_:. ; 5 1 ," W trdesale and Retail, at the "Philadelphia A etch and .lio.reirY store, " No. 911 North Second street, eorner of ttuat•ry;-Philatiephla, • ' . - - .Gold LoverAreteintifulljowelled, 18 carat , cases, , 420 00 — Oold Lepine, 18 carats,. •24 00 . Silver Lever, full jewelled, . . 10 00, Wirer Lepine, jewels, ' o'oo Superior Quartiers,• • 700 -7- ticild .Triellaaiii, -- • . , • --------7-00.„ 1 • Flue Silver do. ' " . • 450 . . Gold pracelets, - 390 "'Ladles' Oold . rensils, • 1.00 lidlvin t Tea Vpixffin, set, ' , - bOO Gold-Pensywith-penclls and-silver-holdor 'l 00 , Gbld Finger- Illngs, Watch Glasses, &c. All goodie warranted to be what they Oro sold for.. , - - -OTA-I.7FPRIt--& - --11ARIARY,- ..------ --. . .... • Successor of 0. Conrad. - : 4Gron hadd • SOnlo Gold and kilver Levers and_Lepine still lower than thc above prices. , • •G OODS.—The sub Scriber has just received and Is now Opening a largo a mid. anent of F,RISII GOODS suited to .tho season—please .call and get bargains. carliale r liot.l4, '56.. FANCY_ BURS:. RA, 0. 234 Market Street, above Bth, Philadelphia. Importer, )laindlieturer and Dealer in all kinds and qualities nr.FANO.X_F(III,B filr Ladies anti Children. J. F. would call the attention of the ladles and °thereto his immense assortment, being the direct importer fond Maituffet urer of all iny . Purs. feel confident hi eftying that I eau offer the greatest inducements t9,-these in pia it and .st the_stimalline orthe largest assortment to select from, ' Storekeepers and the trade will,,please give the a eng betlire•purciosing. es my \Omit:idle department, is well' supplied:l,o meet,- the dethafid for every article in. the For lino, and ut the oVest possible Manufacturers' Prieeii. . JOHN ' FAltFltt4, Sete24, 185.- 7 4* ; '234,Market Street. • 1 N14:111'... HAT; -OAP; AiSTD 'SHOE nottp.. - . . • • •• . ,--- • .. ARRIVAL -OF FALL GODS FOR MO, The subsvriher has just oliened . in the store-room ihr merly eccitiihat by Oeo. W. Hither. on the corner of,the public !vinare, Main street, near the Thirket !louse, anti .-atijetning-the_atmehtore of .Wirt. D. Nuttgle. on on 1 thely nlnv and splendid ttssortnumt or FaaialV.iitre 1 Hoods—comprising the jatest styles of • • - I • MATS, (AI'S, itOOTS AND SHOES, ~.. . . . of every variety and finish; . • His ItatA consist . of extra fine Moleskin. lleaVer, Pearl, Claret, Koisaith. Sporting flats, 4c. Aloe Steaw I lats of_oll varic les. ~These llats are manufactured by Oakford. 3forris 4 Co.. and Mile.' ~ colebrated hatter s of Philadelphia. He 11:11i 4180 every variety of Wthe menu. facture. 1,111 these goods hewlll guarantee to gip . ) entire satisfaction. .• His •titlick' a Shoes Is made up of every variety-and styld.from ttl.e cheapest to tlui best article lu tho uuir ket.-and cannot ran to please. , 110 respectfully solicits the patronage.of - the fo ling colitident.that hu eau soli the cheapest and best'• goods in thu county, I , Sep. - 170856. riy():l4ol+3=_l:9 s,he__.l4,ga tees and Dis , tifiaiiteesqtnau?'-111-e. - rioi; eeaSed r , , to 'wit-1. Levi. .Christian, Jaeolf.and : Swartz; 21.tii'.. 4. tpairied to 'Win. Fry, and Sainuel Swart Z. - 2: George John, tieerge, InAstion, Jaeolt, Ephraim , . ttrid.lVitiliitut Tit ler. 3...1 osepti Selle• dirtrer, Joseph; neen and Levi Sollenberger, Susan, married to - Mlirtln Shank, and Ann, married to Samuel. Eby. Alin, Mohler, Martha, married to Wendell Miller, Elizabeth.' niarried to D. V.: Doufbaugli, Abner, Ilan loon, .J din and. Catharine 310h1er.7 Fanny', and Thinie1111,,r,,,„,tt,„,,,13n , »n el Nlohlei.. Mohler. B:•Martin .wh'i) "Ens: 91vier • for , uardian. v. 3lichoel • il eo ver and 'Esther. lits wifo. Benril .and •, Martha, his with. 11. Joseph Mohler. 12. John Mohler ii . teLS - usan, his wife. 13. Livid PlouglOutd.Catlintine. -Isis wife.' Li: .I:web Shearer..and. Sara:l4'4in wife. The Orphans' CourVa4.oumberhintl Ointy, upon ti . ; petition of Magdalena Mohler,. hn 'grantill rub() upon td o ;there named partiN3 to ;Ippi,:lr tit Allo - -niixt Or. pilaus' Court. nit the :34 .of .oetol;ur, 19bf., ntni shOt cause why the House ann Lot of Ground purehaseilVv the Executors of the sold chrhdiat i Mohler, dooeaseci, for the said w WOW Magdalena Aluhler.'shonld • unt he Sanniel Midiler and Jossph Sollen berger'the Executors, sl, ill take tt ticc. J. I) : IL11.7381;T _ Ity order of the Court. SALER , Ws Office. • .I.teUlt BOWMAN, Sup. IT, • ArNEY . IVA NTY,D.--The . subseri . . 1 . .. b w - is inueh .hi want of fututi. :tuct would I.ii In Uk! IL obligeTto those huh.htv.l- fm. six Jaunt 4s :ti 1 d up. mirds,t,, rza) and settle up Prytuptlyv . • - . " ;514), 10, 165t0' ' . . GEO.-W: irrrsi,:n. 1411,1 C ILAN Fol.t BEN . 7, r , l —'l 31111 at the Boiling Springs, east.of Carlisle. it. , tkifered Lit .rent from the Ist , - ,1 .41.11 tillXt. hiiconti,d-orilio-tharos ; . I.LTE I t 1W E. A i r UNtr T -4 0 C A-DRALY . )lOITNT JOY. LASCASTNit CO., p.V. • 'I he 0 Inter Scst.lon will comnieneri the. -Itirof—Norenthor, —lu-this lutriAntirm„the rointimit and Ength.4i - ltranclies, the Latin, ti reeli, - Frenchatirll ticcnutit Iginguages, togothcr with Vocal and Imam- mental. Musk; are thoroughly ta tight. Circulars for warded on application to the Principal. In, 10. - >ki—.sw.). I. L. Nsoimt Vl r O O I)S !, . BAY GOODS ! I vii sT OF Tlll4 SEASON! The salcieriber has just returned own the . 4 astern cities and is mit./ °polling a splendid Assectumil of -FALL tiAItODS,. which. will he sold at very low - prices. • A large stock of ,:elegant Stella, Thlbot, Caannere; .Brocha mid Blanket Sitawli • 0 An immense assortment of the Most elegant, Fancy and Black talks, iery cheap. - Mous do Lahti's, Challhis, Merinoca, Piiramettas, and great,variety of Dress Ooode, very handsome and,very heap.. Flannel, Blankets, Cassinetts, Jeans, Cloths and CllB - in great variety. 'BOOTS AND SitOES—A large let .of Jlools and Shoes t f every description, at'the.lowest prices. . •—•C - A VET! NO—A new assortment _of Imperial, • In: and Vag Carpets.. • . f_lll to Assort 1111.11 t is 1101 V Very largo and Completeand all persons n ,f-handsuute_amLelloalt good ' s are ,respectfully invited to call at the Old Stiinit, a Strititt• - . Sett. 10, Is'r)il,y - • • • cuAs outi.BY7-• FOURTH ANNUAL EMI - J DITION OF TUE UNITED STATES MIIIICULTIL h h SOCIETY will - he, held at Powrtros, (Philade). phis,) on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday, - October 71h, sth, oth,,loth and 11th. ' from Twenty-tire to Two, ilundred `dollars, aMounting ill the aggregate to Fourreen Thousand dol lars, m ill he odered for the various ehissei of Domestic Animals, Fruits, American Wine's, N'egetables; (Trains, and Agricultural Implements anti Machinery. cal Committee et Philadelphia, representing the ;ariffus branches of industry. has been appointed to cts, operattf•Kith the Officers of the Slwiety. In perfecting arrailgomettts for thuexhibitlon, And fifteen thousand dollars have terrguaranteed to meet expenses. This materiaLaid, coupled with the excellence of the soleet tett-location; and'the large emount of premiums offered, induces the expectatfekthat the exhibition of P 156 1911 be superior to any of its — "tprodecessers. A (.grand calturfil Itatiquet, in whlefriadles as well as gentlemen will participate, will take placbtm inlay. October 10th, 'when distinguished gentlemen Will se assei- Wage. •Favoraide arrangements with, I rail rouds,,for tilt transpertation of stocita hies, are In progress, the terms of which wi t the office.• The List of EntrieS, the Avert urns, and the Preeeedlngs, AAMI be publshe trust of the Society for 1830. The Proud» he Regulations and Programme of the E.) ill 'be. furnished on {AMMO/W(7n to Mr. John Mclinwan, Assis tant, Secretary of the United States Agricultural ,100 Chesnut Street (remnant the Philadelphia Agricultural Stitiety),lor by addressing the Seerei4ry at • ISosto».. BTAYMAN & SO.NS. ISIARS/lALL P. IMPEIt, Pies . . Witwo.l S. Kilgor;"8so. [Sep.lo, 1850. A .FULL ASSORTMENT OF ,• OF 000DS for the Fall Trade, ornsisting of Lime and Guano, Spreaders"; Hay Prrsses: Plows of various patterns-and sins, Porta. tde Grain Mills, both large and small, Barn • kiliers r -iforse-Paumand Threshers, Grain Fans, Corn Shellers, for hand And horsepower, caps - M - 3T shelling 1000 bushels of corn a day. ..Pennock's Grain Drills, Double Michigan Plows, Expanding Harrows, Also No.l Peruvian Guano, Super Phosphate of. Litho, And other fertilixers,- - - . . J • PASCHALL MORRIS k CO.;. {implement and Seed Store, Ith and Market, Phila. DAVID S. UkftS, sop; 247'1850.3 TORTABLV, :5"...4 - 1 0 ' CIDER MILLS can stillbo furnished of . ..J.: , Improved construction and finish. Their grinding apparatus hi. peculiar, and givek them an advantage over all other ni_thwtien of txtik reelprocatingplstons, the apples are forced up against the teeth .of a raiddirriftilviiiT cylinder and retained till ground to a tine pulp, which of eatlrsaylaids - more - juice when suldectsd to pressure than if the, pomaCe was coarse. :The Screw Press has hcen greatly improved and strengthened since last year;and the whole frame is tightened by strong joint bolts. It adapted to either.hand or horse power and can be worked by hand to the extent of six to eight. barrels a day. 2.IiSCIIALL NORRIS & • Itaplement and Seed' Store, and Market, Phila. SNONIIIASS, -atedi)--I.lopittisetheitts. Sop. 24,1856 rytal). pLEcTios. 11.19,0 tho kibbaat sem fy of th Corona , eitlth bJf Putt / untitled nn n Act' rolatia • o tto °Jealous ~ , f this Volinon,- - werilflf."l3llno 8 - 2ti - day - ofilttly - rAlt-SBt) T it-hrittrult..- the duty 9P ho Sheriff of every rottoti , :within this lletilin9plittalth to givu publlo nutlee.'of. the Ovni)tal 100, a tfons, tuld in surli.notire to - enuateratot-.. /1 -r4 i ft u l r " the " i l tac '3 l l ,7lt whirl; the . . . . . if.ACOD Shorllr.of the i.nitta. of Citlaborlutol, do her'eby uuik kziowil arid gh c AM, oh tc that, ouTUESD:I,I , i. th0.14t.h....day of th•tober t, olovtiou will be held at tho'Fovaral election.. dlatrwts tablislied by law lit said county. ut which Um.? they will vote by ballpt for.the several offiveraliakeianur Ilatlfl!ti, 'V IA 1. PERSONJoi . Catial Counnbzsionor. of the-Cain: inoilwv•alth of l'eniiFylvania, -t.o;lhiON -for Atulttur Geflorat_of the _COIIIIIIOI Iveattlf of l'ennsylvimfa. OS PGIIoIOS for Sflrioyor Go - floral of the Conuitot wealth of l'enesylvanfif. - , . oNv efoiBiis to represunt the counties of ettitil.orl: lttnit, and Perry In the Cungr4s of thu United Statue. ONE PERSON to represent Ulf. enmities of Cumber lantt,eiiiiiiiirryTfrtlitq,inititii--of—penirsykquth.,—:_...-L._ Two PEIISO,NS to represent the eonuty of Cumber Jautt In the House ~f KepretiontntiVes of PotOlsy I vtinj4. pluts().); roc Plstriet Attorney of `Uttntberland -rountv, . . . . . ON 1.; I,'IntSON toe Shrveyor of Cumberland county. •TWO‘PKIt.SON;i fir .:tsocinte Judgym of the county of Cutniwriutl. N PI•;ttSON ti. Commissioner of Cumberland Co. 4 - 1 N IS PERSON fur Direaor of the Pooi of Cumberland coiliity. • • • pm-A-zoitor of Cumberland county.— — .ON rI : PI.:I{StIN for Uorouer of Cumberlnial county. ,Tho :tuft' ho held throughout thLi . cotinty us fttows: The election in the election district coinposed of the borough of Carlisle iind the townships of NeTtli South Loner Dickinson and "Lower hida at thticollet I I.9use in NO .1)./1* 1 1 11:v:it of . The election Tii the"elertion district composed of Law 7 ex.,_West_ l'eoust.4unt:l: township,:will• be held at the North-School - -- The election in eleetion•distilet coniWsc - ii ot ver 6Pritte: township, a ill be liehl at thi public Louse or eorgt• Duey, iii llogestewn in said township., ' Thu election in elm election district -composed of Hampden township. will he held at the house occupied be tithiry itickernell, iu said township. The erection - in 4.ln , eletlien district composed of the township of trpi,er Allen ,will held lit — tier - - -- putille hurt-a• 0 W ! kllne, in l'i , 'll ' epherdstow • The election in the election district comp:;;:ed of the t%viiship of rower Allen. will he held ot the wagon eieke,, s hop of•Jonns I luitchhargec, an .11 i 11: . .1. B; KELLY.II . . • Vl(' °tort lon in tlio eleetiom . tlistrfet pomshoroywit tow I,e Ing‘t :it tlii, latbtid liqu,.o nms zw,!uiljetll,,' Huntsberger, at tbe West - ‘ llO of. tlio Ilarrisl,ull.llrid : Thu elivtiost 1,1)!.i 1.11 , : lfon-Alstrict Cinnlinseu pf CuMberlaml, w-111 - bo held at•tlits. itowu liePt by Wtil:ll... Sohl, iu ttio lx.)ruµgh of New -Vioelectfoti.lll , 4thaelLie.tionAlistilei.l._.ctmtle_.,..llpf•tlat• Itorough. or M.,elvAni,liburg, w . lll 1.o r at - tlip lIBIIFP ‘,15.1.1itt Itoorm,flisattl toorothtli. The election ht On!. election lIS t 1,,1 ' CI/11111 , St•LI of -Italue toWusliip,,tili 'at. they ' llill.lle sme , Q;burchtottit.lU said tow , 0 1.,0.1”.' hi the election IlistrOt,eomplmq 0( 'ln ver tronnlsii., Le.held nt the 11,1 , 114 Nita . election in the eleelion dintri , Ceoninomnit!f the beree.;4ll anti townships 14.)11011b.,.1.11,iier yn i nkfeea, Upper \Vest I'velasl), , ronj:h. arid 01 Notytain township not itivlihleti 'tithe LeenlnimtelPrtion district; vili ho bald at the 1)11,:k Se•ti el 11.0uFe !wroth:ll Newsikle, -- The electiolbiil tt , eleil.boi distriet:e_oinisi.ot —of jh i p oiee ll township N\ ill 1 - 1 . e .. 1101.1 at till! .`l . l' 11/ 0i & ; 11001 Ill'llMtl, i.ti Newt,urc, iii slid to w ii; ,10 1 , _ ' Tip , olo;i1On in Ow okodion ili.siti,t, , iotp•v,l of thy' IP.rttilgil or Shippensintrg. Slilpimlislmrq- I. ),41,,artel th a t paa of soorhattiptoo - t".valshit,' - ncd,: chlited - itt" Allo 1 0 .“,,4.111 , ..: e.ection district.. i,lll I , i , Itdt3_4t tile rounoil ilotiNi.i lii tit,. b:1-..,,,o, .d.r,liippon s t. in • g . • Tii9 0104. i on la tin . , oloetion district, ,dnii . o.so , l•of pit t:: ~f No i ton and Southampton. tow to:11111A. !Mt VIIITIP:11.141 in Ailk,. St;WVIIItI 31/tt elliPpl.11,0111n: digrktS. will be hebbAt She hail: , rTtienly oceurioti_by it . illittzu .sbii: 0,11 in Locsburiz. • I , __ That every pm•r.au except ju . sticeh or tae re:Lev who shall hold /thy ollice or appointment of port or quid' under dile States'or of this iitate. or any, city or fni•itrpiratel. dhlrict, whether a COLIIiiIIihVIIMIA "(next or otherveis,,. a subbrctionio idled or ageod; wbo Is or .riall be t.roploycd..under tbe logl.o3tdve, exortlilve. or judi ciary departments ands tate; or tiMl.lnitcd etates, or of any city or of any incorporated district; and also that any Member of Congress And of thu Slide Legisla ture, and of the select or-Common Contivil of iiny-Oty, or commissioner of any Incorporated district, is by tae• Incapable of holding or exerciedng at the same tittle the "Mike or appointment ofjudge. Inspector or clerk of any elections of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector. inAlfe. or Other °nicer or i t ch election shall De eligible td bb t/Ib /V voted for.. • And the said net of A SROmbly, entitled ant . act rela ting to the elections of this Common passed July. 9, IKot, further provides »s fictions, to wit: "'That the inspectors and jud::es shall meet at the glare appointed for holding the elei thins of the district to which they. respectively helion.t, before nine n'clork hi the mottling of the Seoind.Tut•Ntlniy in o, , toher, et d each of said inspuetori! shall appqint clerk, who shall be a outlined, voter 1 -441-earai-the_periiiiti oho shalt have received the see and highest number of votes for inspector shit t., , „,t.en•the,t.y.pt_the_eNttren..tb_e»_trie ts:tsulk • 010 shell hat received the sinaind highest number of votes at the next preceillinf - ele'ction, shall act as inspector in his plac,e... Anti Ii cinfif tai, person who 'Shah have re ceived titolniohest nnuii,er of ti tea fir inspoctor shall 'not attend, the r s.rsoi, elected jthigti•-shalf appoint an insir ctor in his place; itnd in case the person elected judge shall not attend, then the inspector who reedy ed the highest number of votes shall appoint a jii t re•iii his place, or if any vacancy shall continue in this lioarti for the space of Otte hour alter the time tired by hie,. f o r the opening of the election, the qualified , titers o f th e i i musjilp, aril or district for wlik-h such •otilciir shall have been eleeted, present at the place of citictiot ,*stt:dl elect ono of their number to fill such vacancy. It shall be the duty-of the several assessors of eadi district to attend at the place of !Aline: every general, 'special, or township- election, during the whole time said-tdoetion is kept orain, for the purpose of hiving i n . formation to the inspectors and Jutlges•w ben called on, in relation to the right of any•person assessed. by them_ to'l•irite-at-such rileytion, or :inch other trat ters in rela• tiolt to the assessments of,voiers as the.'said • inspectors or either of them shall then time to time require. No person shall be permitted to vote at any election I its atOrClitiN, oilier than a white freeman of the age of tWenty-outi years or more; whosnallhavo resided in the. State at least' one year, and In the election district where lie offers his vote at least ten days 'immediately preceding such election, and within two years paid a :ital.. or county tax, which shell-have been assessed at least ten days Wire the election. But a citizen of the hilted States' who inn priiviously been a qualified voter 0 his State, and. removed therefrom anti returned, and who • ell have resided In the election district and phi taxes asAforesaid, shall he entitled to vote after resid ing in thlir‘Stitte six mouths: Provided, That the white freemen, citizens of the United States, between t% - ents-one and twenty-two years, -wits have resided in an election district its aforesaid,- shall be entitled to vote although they shill not have paid taxes, "No perstirriduill ho permitted to vote whose pains is not contained In, the list of: taxable inhabitants for iiithedby the Coinntissloners, Unless Pirstajie produce ,a recelpt . for the payment, within two years et a State or 'county tax assessed Mireeably to- the, Constitution, t t-ort„solarador,,tLinlsiouceajther on is malt or af firmation,or tlio oath or affirmation oftrt — iiitlitri — Ohat lie bits paid such a tax, or oh to to reduce tr‘r ... ricelpt• shall Make oath to the payment . thereof. Second,i(he claim a right, to vote by being an elector between the, age of twenty-one and twenty-two pin* ho shall pose on oath or affirmation that he has resided in this' State at least one year-next before his application, and nuke such proof of residence in the district is hi myth% ed by ‘ this act, and that he does verily believe, front the accountillvon-http,thathe is of_the.no_aforeriald; and such other evideniii as is required by this act wlic~o upon the name -Of the parson. thus admitted to vote shall be inserted in the alphabetical list by the inspet , tors, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the wont ±t ithe shell be admitted to vete by reason of haste/ paid tai rrrilie wahi''T aKp `2f !Yo xchaii he Admitted to vote by reasoner RIO ago, shell blicalled nutto_the clerks, mhoshallmake_lhoUkttnetes_on the, lists of voters kept.hy them. "In all cases where-the tunas of the person claiming to vote is found on the /id furnished by the. Commis. atonement! assessor, or his right to vote,..whother found thereon ornot, lanlijected to by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of the inspectors -to examiner s such person On oath as to his quallticationSilind ho to have resided within the State for one . }car or more, his oath ahall • be cadent Diouf thereof; but shall NOVO: IS 111:1;111tV (:IVEN . . undo proof by at leak one competent • Heys, who: _shall be It qualified tileetor, that he. has resided ill tho district for more than ten days'' unit Tinininliately - prol': ,- mling inch eiretiOn, and shall also hiloselfHwear that his bona tide residence, inpurnuance of his lawful call- KllllVl:ctiletTwr,itthat - ilmitrtlnt - rnintrre enthl illat,lnt, for the . porposn of Voting therein. 1;a cry Por ool o qualified ns..afart , suld, and who shall make due proof, If required, of the rrnldonce and pay -in-atirortroce:ntra-Viregithl-,-shatttie-ittril4T-d-tv the toiv-iiship, ward or.district. itt which he shall • re, . if any , person prevent or attempt to prevent anj• otlicor of any olsotion.linaor this ort from holding 1 - AlitloittivtiorrFor - y.mr - tir - ri” . tsten=or . s^vi-atirr i re Cam, st • .. 'puck ollicue,, 0 1 .1th:a interrupt or improperly it:terra:li with him in the.execution . a: his day, Or shall Mork up the window, or avenue to any Window where the • sumo may he holding, or shall rlotousl,y disturb the pe „,, a t such election, Or sluill use any intimidating threats,•folve or, violence, with design to intlaaare mt. duly or overawe any elettor, on,topnivi, m t ta m tint! or to restrain the freedom of chilee, .such-.persons_ oa 'conviction shall he tined itt any soot not eareedine; five hundred dollars, and imprisoned tlw any time, not loss than three nor more than twelve months. and If it La ihow it to Court, whore the . trial of such °knee shall be had, that, the persor so odendititi was ilot a .reshlant of the city, word, .iistrkt; or' - township wlntro fin, nfreneo - was emanated. and, mat "entitled -to 'vute mreinrtheiron-aotmictlo_lteltali besentenetl t pay. n Ancor not Ins's than ono littiMtett MirTnts•re thni: one i M•agand tlttl lure. and lm imprison - id not loss that six nu•t+ths nor Inurtrttutu two years• • • " • lf ;toy' person or persons shall male any het, sai wa. • gcr up-n the resat of any election within' Om i.:Ott m onyvositli. or shall 'offer to make any. Such .1,11 or ger; citl,Or . by verbal prodamation therbuf. or by . y writtoul r printed ativertitonuout, Challenge or iov lie any perso,, to make goehhet or wager. upon oin v idl ion ' they shall forfeit and pay, three times - the Ominnt so Vol, or, to be bot. Irony per: to not, by law'. iqualified„ shrill fraud to irntly vote ari any 'eleid . idliof this . Couum , ne eel Ili, or . tiding otheryris° qualified shall 'vote out of ,his proper district., or if liii' pewit)' him% iiig• the want, 01 such 'qua! ince or pr.eltytt such piirsim to v o te, - the person • °trending. shall, on convirthor 10 tint d lii ally suit) u4t OX(.er ding_ tWO hundred (11,11;115. 1..0 lvgn{soucd fit any NTH'. not my:ceding - nu lie itiotiths;°.s. " If any person shill-vote at . more than Imo iilcotimi dist+ irt..or.otherwisc frattiliflowtlvv°tO more than mh-ii Lo Ibe tWO tb hots togotheii...ikith • the lotout ilregally to vote, Or shall proimr, another to di , . so.'he 'or they offending. shall it MI111(11011 Le #111C(.1 iii ins' 'tint not legs than fifty hOr more than, lice' hundred' and be imprisoned' for any ternt not less than, three Mir nitre than Ortilvy• months, • , ...If any persoititot.quallfed.to veto Lit Wf4ltll attrOo2ll.lY to law, (ex,ept, the fiollg of 'llloi)jfipti citizens.) shall appear at any place of election for• the purtiese of influencing the. ell liens qualified to v4 . A.1., lie shall on convlet;ufG,erfell ae.d pay ni t y sinn list ex.' ceding ono.hundrett dollars 1..r..e% cry s ()Irene.% HMI' . be impriSened for ally' terniunt - rx-eeditur three wont hs.'L Agreeably CU the PrOrisionsi.f the slaty-first section • of the said met, every.iieneral and ;-peeial l:/e01011 shan— be opened betWcfen the hours 01 ei L ht'and in the fbretton,and shall erintinue without interruption or adjournment until seven fi'Clock in the evening, Ai hen the polls shall be ci ee 1. , And - the-judgesFef-the-respeetive-dlArlets atbrekabl—, are by_ttut.sald art riattiir,A to ineet at the Oourt llouse In the borough of Carlisle, on the thlt•tl day after tho eel uetlon, tbring*Fricht:i. thelith (iv of Iletolier.?, then _ tt d-thore_to_perform_ the—thinge, renit i red OT tliela'ly 'the return judgef of the CongrOssiAnal di'itriet, and these of the - Senatorial:district - will meet at Carlisle at the time fixed by law; • . _ .ilivor motor •my hand, at Carth-le, this 4th day of ii ..1Ae(MISO11' , Jictif._Vihil,t , • ; 1111,s-, 1)E51RA1317F. ,;: 11 5 .)11 . 1.1. N Q NLt:l' Thp mo,s,vriber_oir,N prinivr( y nn 1011 , 11 )in noir 11% , ”4. sltwit.. 1,,,u,'L1•t• •-h 0:4:: 1, ,ronEth. nearly r;npnslto. Inclatibon 41nt pn;- perty inny3sts of n • _ - • __BRICK DWELLING Ittif;til; .atid Lot of firounil r -eontalnim.7.ALN.4 .aO, _1 ACR E. more or less. The house Noy 4 ' d; 'end in excellent ,:rdee. and ha., 11 V • • modiatis lade Minding, .Stablitig and ‘„r out-Itoliies attaebed, with a well of water and pump. The grounds are.well etiltivated, voinprising tower plots 'shrtibitery anlldinde trees, and the lot is amply 11110 S with the chelee3t varhoins nt fruit, comprising eignt lambi of till and wintec . apple,i, at least twenty varieties of 1w :whiff. Ifftit . ,w flwff , ll lenrit3- flys of plums. together with eliCrries, itiricots, pears, raspberries, Currants, goOseberries, alniond and lig trees. fix., in adunilaneK all of uldelo,are hi thrifty hearing condition. It is. in. every respect it - ilcsirable propOrty. Persona dlopesed to purchase are requested to call and exanithe. seplT, '280.1 i p CHAR LE.S.E. • • fiRPHANS' - COURT SALE plirsuancu of an order of the oephnn,' (.I,llrt CUlOulitvriii county, will 100 .sold 2ir the Tavern at Bridgeport.. ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9. )SZ4I: at 10 o'clock the luteroA of tin, cow mirror c wt. dren otII. Church, (Wronged, in that yid iialde pn pert v Bridgetort Property:" - opposite enamiriivA theltirgo 'facer» . Ilunga, Saw Miti, 111 0 DWl'lling: I ii.iiSeM t COl)tnin i 0,; Ili, La, being. well ealculatial for Lend erie l .: arid Vane.: fit,r ueeofoxcellet quelianna: river, and Dear the; reitil,OV:li !n li:inroad Bridge, - Terms made Luuw'n oit (tat. )1")1. It. asrrtiAS. S e p 17, ISt,ll-3w..] ITAI,I3A - 13114 1 4 ( rt AT PIIIV.ITE Tlll4 is iv; couitty,;:lout s t•I tqt Lilo Vt.ltow tiremiwp Cl-4•Elc. andis • - A Bit A'N' WILLI A.VD.'- FA I' N..." t centains 2111 'ALM E; , I of the I est quailtr of I.I3IE SToN'E LAND, about :la of are col d with good lfimber, in additiob to which a largeituatitlty of Locust is growing, and tho residue In-tneji.igbest:lwn siblitstate of cultivation, .; The improvements are a large TWO-STOBY BRICK' ' • MANSION 1/011SE, with a Brick itamk•kaiding, Stone .Spring House, t .5..14.1 7 , and other convenient out buildings ' rt. tt Large Stone BANIK ((ANN, wit.ll"tiro threshing floors. 'iYageon rilieti,Curn Crib, Ilay (louse, Carriage House, Le., There Is a large Ilerbe-power."_pertnanently fixed 1.0 the_harth Aliut a largo Two-story FramoTennnt House; plastered, and a Frame Barn. A good Orchard of Apples. ;11141 fruit of every description_ A fine stream of as ter rises with in 3t ynrls of the house, emptying Into the said creek Bur:fedi:Hely in front of the house'nnd horn,_ This property possesses . superior'advantages. ard offers rare indurementa tn. purthasers. 'rho buildings' are toast &BOHN!) , situated on the banks of a . ',coml.' rill stream of water, the. . Yellow Breeches Creek. nod ftuffleicntly elevated to ,make the scenery unsurpassed by any place In' the country. Schottl houses are in the inimedlnto rleinity and a church at 'Blllsburg, I urea miles distant. with a good road leading t 041141, Sll[llo. Also a Grist Mill situated on the Yellow Breeches neer. said form,'on the. adjoininrproporty. The location is entirely healthy, and eligible In grimy point of view. For terms, kc. l enquire of - • ' - SPONSLER, • Aug. 13, IPs6—tf.) Ileal. Estate Agent and licrir. IV - PRIVATE SALE. This valuable property is situated in Dickinson toWn .shlp, Cumberland county, 434 miles south of pap er :, four), 1 mile from the Gettysburg road, Ivitig between It and the Oxford road, and about 434 miles from the York Springs, known as the WAL'rE3IYER FARM, CONTAINING 190 ACMES OF LAND, ' 1 Ono hundrodekublet are cleared and 1n a good state of cultivation,. ottid,thii:Wildi ul7r Is covered wish Good Timber, and Yeung - pesnut of the Placid Tkeamprovereenta mei one and a - 'half story, LOG HOUSE, thoroughly ' 1 repaired, LOCIIANK BARN, Wagon . _Shed_ andlgerP2Crib• Smoke Dry--House, - ant*tiler - convenient -- Out-bull legs, A good Apple thehaMr.besldes cherry, peach, and other friiit trees. _ A .beautiful stream of running water with lu, short' distance of the door, About 4000 bushels of Linukta( been put op he Farm within the -last couple of y ' rs. .The land is productive, and the fences goad. /For terms, AO, enquire of . • . • `.* . A. L."'SPONSLEII. Real Estate Agent and Scrivener, '. July 80,18813,AL.] .• i 4 .1.0.111. X DIPROIrEI) oit A.VE_ . j_ E.A.RA1.....AT .11111.1LX.1% SALE: _ Ulnae tn'a .inner nttrOi of CarliNki, on the Coned -osinet Creek, issj tining the Carlisle Water Vs orlss,, Co.'s TA 5..N.1.N0 10 *ACRES Oh LAND. in—the..adv..ll2sl,,Jitale_a_ettili rat ism ntsd under 'tits , .. _ il)11C1,, pliiillr all - liidt - ,_.. of Which b 1 I, , ,st.ztild rnii mad vim: 'l' tur: trawl- ,vomontN - ;tre at ''.l:lN'o-stur 'PL.l.St'Xitr,t) 11011811, at .karget:ltai . ivii if//iit, , , With Queer: COrlYalliClit Out •• 44 hlllidillp ztr : thin Orchard of Ap ac, I together with other fruit, and a 11 ell - . -- Waterat t lie doer: • . • The location k an eligible one, Owl ne to its prim imit o 111.1 water WI.OKA. fom.which the untim farm tau I. sin von:fentls flupplled with water. . , . For Orto,-;,' . 4ce., entialire of . ' . _ • _ . .._. . •. :;" t CM= puBLII., sALE..--1. wifl tje Ttit:SDA,V, tiw 141,1 o'etwit; ,t. u., the Lta 0 onouNn• thiwuniberi.n.t v:titoty P.nilrnad rpm puny. un Nl:Lin Strea, in nil-lisle. • I.y sai.; t.r :‘ lrs elnitifinitieno cunt III• frnrit -and .2.[FFIRA — ii; pion, It situate in-tiro inoSt elfAiblii position fut nsiness,. • Terms niado.itrinivn , on Jay of rail°. • . FlCgTrli WATTS, • Prt•sltiehi. .:,ZeK 2 t-i'•.tLl - A A BJ, E PE I t 01, 0t)....r at pniblici,al. - fht - g'ATUItTiAI, — OCI'f./13 - Eit ibt4, thtl folios 1;;;; pritp4tv—..• • • 61%, LA NI) nituat , ! iu Uplink. tow nhilip. Cumbei•iand'rount , r, tip: about: 1:1 At'll.l;S;Alivid ,, ' IiPLIS.II I III . in' a 111: h . StiltA of I'll)tiVatl^, , , irMUI limed over - Okra, times, The . 1/14-111.:4 glo . ki IMVEI.I,INO 1101 - li4, c , •l milling Oght yoviry :qv! kits.l)..n : a skew Paoli Las 3)1.TE . 54:41y 0nt4r.1.1,-,..5S a recur t;siling if %Sat. P. • its l'ard, wi:11 a pookik in -it, 'an App r. .I.lrthirA,,ab, JH:kr:lanai. and i•lniiri• co - rsnil in. al,nut Tll AG,ItES, o,t sv hi , •4 1.4 1)W13.1.1: , ' • 110USP.I . , 'Ware Jlov.e, Staktiing, property .o,cki pin) a;.a at,. e. Trv-I ”rtin.t.rate I,l:4l:sTfccE I,A Ilturth 'nl' n • mils; from 'l,:beitherdsto%, u. cm‘twitnl.l4 -AUllll4ltsni 411-pwri•lirs,.ltrmwn-As the •• think Improvenkepts aro' h. FRA:tik: 1.101;;-'1 r.lie mar 3 ti n Vst,,rit•H high, a Log SUthip, i t t ax d 11,11 , / , 1/.. With :4 tllfgef , l'aitirl r , It eti ur ll'atet• 6r.-party will he 5 , ,141 ti,getiker Isr in live acre e"nkuken....! at 12 s. st., on ',aid 'dny. tr/invik mad.: Is ntitili tsy , • A. es-rile.tivr . . Si.:o h. 152 4 . • • ,t 84GNEE'S be sold Int I,lll.lje7miorat.urt Hume in the tgirougl nt (::trlisle..on ti.V1'121710.1% tho•lr,rit firtn•toLer,lB;A, 10 o'vh,rlT, A. :11,j arr—aiTlCW:uiihln HOUSE mid I.o'l . ittiatea hi lito 1;erotill aforesaid, fronting on Pcnifi , street, adj,,iiiin -proerties of El,4rnini . .. , teel, Win..l itlieein. Esq., and others, and containing in front tliirt foot aMi 111"lieptil Ma , 1111 1 141'ett 111114-tWonLY ,feet. . , t'': The horse i a Two story STOS i . As. , 7 - 1 - ., 1161161,i, with Dining linoui.and Pri , 4714 ~...... liltelien. nod a hydrant in the yarn tfi ' it l'his property is a most desirable re,: '' , ..--- 1 .. donee, and i s' sisitatiql ir.,the heart , : ‘a.n. - P0.,m7.,d0n given:an the Ist of April, 131,7, »he: ern, , „ill 1.. e mallet kunivirlry' ~ . ' ' . !MI . 7 :111.17. 1R:10 • BIAG 1 sell ,atpul , llc solo 1/11 the, pi:valises; in South MI,: Teton 1.:11:1 Of Papertow v., on tl , Thllerol,h, , 4.froni 1'1111(110w!) to Cralgtuvid'a , -- )S — zi - NritirlFTT.ti'MYffi l tAlElt-11, 1 4 3L0, • • -t TRAIT. OF LAND, Out:doing Ten Acrea'of gravel haviu,„;.' thdrilon_ erected a tWo.rt UV: 'Frame linen, Hog , Pen; le 140 , • Also an excellent Well el . .. Water with • f.z... 4 zany u fonp at the door, and a youv. !e :Orchord of choice fruit: - .Tlitt — wliole - 11,, 1 „ • under , Ikl/11. fl.11(AI8 in a 'll . igh eta! of cultivation. Hole to commence at 2 o'clock, when-terms Trin i. made known by Sep, In:alto.] • j I\l P - ROVEI) . LIMESTONE - FAT. Ikl - . , . AT PEI VATE SALE. • iluato ,bruit one holf tulle ~oath-West of the borough of Norville; portly in -.Newton and p.ortly rennshoro toW tit:hips, on the. rood leuttino ao.ni Sete vino to Slblituttiolth now owned by J. U.. Mon,trland, • CONTAINING ABOUT 110 AC ILES; • ribout 10 or r high are ‘;ovoretl with Good Timber, an 1.110 residue i in m hikh stated culthratlon. Thu ]w• prolmitints are It one and a-balt stor:- .. ,4••• ; —•_. WI I1011:III. IIAM: BARN', and • '1171•17 ,•;.1.; . • other Out buildings; also a good Ten IV_ i' q, ~ 1 : nut House, and a fine Orchard to earl; ; ..........-r•• .• . loolso. A Arcata of water rises irrth, Ilig Spring . riem• the 'Mansion }louse, from %bleb at elegant supply of, cold ‘‘ Mei is afforded by aricans to , pipes. and a . pump.. A - first•ra te • patent Lime-kiln Di situated' on the premises, and the Vest quallty'or,stoue. for burning lime. This property Is, very handsomely located, the "NA Spring,' a magnificent stream of water, runs through l_hut_eeplre of it. 1t is a eimrenient distance from the -town, ex teiiiiiiito• - errmt,:-Valley--16-11-read-atAlir=....- .... 1-pnt, whlc`: -sai , l road hounds It for somo distance., . . For terms, Ac., enquire of • .• •- - -•-• • • - • • • A • 4.. SPONSIJIII. " .1 11'' 3 •'!' ' .. 7 -43 w 1 • . teal Estate Agent and :icily. ..• IMP ---. MEMEE - .1 I, A BLE IUOAL, ESTATE Al. 1•El VATS!. SALE, •i • -.• Cr TWO VALUABLE 1,1 M ESTONE' FARMS. i Lll P Silver Spring tmriothip, CUmberland ~.• Carlisle, on the 'Yrindlo Spring itead, bur f '06.1 fume, with lutprovenientq, will ho wade t, hut 120 to ltdl acrd, to suit loin:baser& with e liirh N6:I he given in °el:, acres of the bunt quality o; • limier Land. • The itnprovirente thereon are a good LOti:IIOUSE . a Bank . Barn, with two Threshine 'Floors, Wagon Shed; Corn Crib, sod other Out,:buildintta; well of water /v -ibe door, and a fine young,Orehard o. Apples, together with other.frult. I I 8 0 The other farm will contain abou' 130 memo, including abut lb acres or Timber, TM trart is unimproved, but has a basutiful slto be. Thu runees in both tracts Ara in good conditiOn, eiM! tho Lind is in u high state of c,iiltivathM. For terms ..te.,,arninire or • A.' L. SPONSLER, Sop, 10, 1856-6 w.) Deal }:stato Agent and Seth EIARg FOR,SALIi.—Tbe subscribe' otfor at public sale, on . . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, at 11 o'clock, .k. t.. oil the premises; his Farm, situatto In Upper Allen township, Comb, county, on the tot rum' loading from Barrishurg to tictirysburg, and when, the main road from York to Sterrett's Gap crosses, one mile from Sehpherdstown, two from Mechanicsburg' and the Comb. Valle.v_liallrond, seven miles from Ilarrisbari.. anti otto (min the Yellow Breeches Creek; adjoining Mods of Christian llartzler, ;rue! Miller, and .others isintaining '22 Acres and 12 pprches of slate land, al; cleared, and In a first-rake stile of:cultivation.. Th,. Improrenieifts tire a new ' ILRICh' MP',., OMR, a- now stono and Frame „0,,. F , Barn, and other out-buildings. A 11 , 03-r never-failing well of water near the • ..""•",-" door, with pump in it. A tartvier nt tppieOrena of chafe° fruit, with a variety of Panel, 'harry and other fruit trees. , This is a very deslrab: duo, situated in a healthy neighborhood, and WI enlent to mills, ehurehes,sehools, to. Persona wishing to vieverthe property will please es; 'n the subscriber, residing . on the promises, who :wi; Ivo any information required :tug 27, tspd) Tiron.ts oup,— , A RP.--"."-DR jOIIN ' mo st rfatieettAly ,informs the , friendief tionaceepath --red Refer'''. as wull as tho puLlinr;uaorellp:thathewti ,— ' e 993 lona In the practice of ittedletne and EhirgeOh:. r,ht , Jene-Minstnexa,-lata , -y._'_-._:.,_.. To am Out, Pali:me—Hy health being in d great d, , tee resterea,l will - assist Dn. SMITH in the practice ledicine and S9rgery. I 'CAM at ail' times be fband 'la attire, in Seuth.lianover street, whore not out: pre ;eestenally. September. 5, 1856. M 31eui estilte Sures. -' • • ' Him) listat,..,ltromt 3i-1114,71yr :;'11:1.11EN KEF.P.EII:3, - . Assignee of F. N. I:neensle,l 3011 S lIECKMAN JOIIN ARMSTRONG. M r,xpu.e. t, , t Octo '