Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 27, 1856, Image 6

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    s.."*lntiv --gitlnW..
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One May May a farmer's
,boy e
Mos ho ‘ aug out the cilia. •-- .
And moodily hidtistoned long. .
To heaothe s dlnner horn. :
The. weletMie blast wts heard at last,
..k.rid . doivii he dropped his hoe;
But the,good man shouted hi his ear,
' My boy, hoo_out your row i"
Alibi - aril; a hard one Was the row,
..I'o.iiso . 7l plowman's phrase,
A itd • the lad, as sailor's bikve it,
diegiuning well to "lutzti"-- • - • • -
"I can," said lie, and manfully
. lie seized again his hoe;
And the good man smiled to see •
The boy boo out his row.
' • . The lad the taxi remembered,,
A . nd proved the moral well, •
.• That perseverance to the end
. At last will 'nobly tell.
Take cotiia`vge ntuii4olve you can,
• And strike avigorous . . blow ;
in lire's great field otioyied toll
Alwa3•x 1100.0 . 11 i Xvur row.
Farmers' Club
. ~
The followiiiefidMirable planfor a far : .
niers' club is taheii, front the Leivisl,niv
Chronicle.. .. ' •.
. "A. feii • congenials farmers met to
gether and selected one of their number .
Secretary. The admission - of other inenT
hers was:by the unanimom . .yot,e •of the
crab, unti) — thelfilaximutp of thirteen was
reached. u •
We meet at each , other's •hoisea
. in
turn, 'erenth day in each month;
_a - tiff - co . P. iII in 'alphabetical -
•) -
.sirderi al i , two names - conitueiMe,
withlh letter, the eldeSt hasrire: -
cedence. , 1
The first bUsiness in order is the elec
tion of
. a foreman for the :afternoon,
whiCh is not put to vote, but, merely a
name nientioned__lid,seeonded. _ This is
followed by the reading of the minutes
,of the last meeting, held here (if' in Op
eration more than one year.) We then.
sally out to make an inspection .of the
system of culture; the fences, stock, fat
ming implements, garden, bidding, and
.- indeed every - department of the farm, are
examined and.eritiCised to tFe fullest'ex
tent,,firiding all the fault we an with
whatever is out of,order, which i, noted
down by the Secretary.
• Returning 'to the house; the next busi
ness in order is the reading of the min-
Aites of our last meeting; . foreman
_ tl.en.asks each. m.ember,in turn,- whether
'he has any question to .prOpose to, the
Olub.+—When a question is asked, each
_:nember is_ required to give -Iris opini~in,
.and the Sectotary notes down the decision
of the - meeting: • -• ''' ''
All conversation ' except on
ral subjects is out of order,.unless *e are
summoned . fo'a iuin supper, during
.which perfect freedom is allowed.
.A register oferops, with the tt:thipler
of acres upon,which they are gro,
kept by . each • member, and, handed, Ali,
yearly to the 'Secretary . , who prepares
table, by whichat a•glance the averag
inerease•can• be af•all tinues'aseertanti.
No rules have 'been found neeessaq
for our government, save that of-kindness
to ea' other, and deference to conflicting
opinions. -
'We have-been thus associated for more
than tyvelve years, with the interest Un'a-,
-bated;---Enelt - nieruher; and 1, may Taltd,
each membees wife is. fully convinced of
the great 'usefulness and good 'social .. feel,
ing engendered by its *establishment.,
. - CLOVEIL—OIoyer patches that
have leen cut, and ate now devoted . to
thd.gro . wth.of shouldbe coated with
-- plasteriat the - tato - of about - 100• pounds
s to the acre;.aS it will push the alovOr for
ward rapidly; if.tho :weather should. o.ove
'• to be dry: 'Chi's crop does not: receive
sufficient attention. isfq . fanner should
be obliged to buy 'his clover seed, as by
care he can raise a batter tirtiole:than he
can usually buy. • Any,lanit congenial to.
• thd crop, if well seeded„ will pay intereitt.
• on $lOO to the acre' in Addition 'to -the
lay, wilich-i K , better for being cut
or at the period-of full blossom'. . . •
ok- The eorn and_potato
it was thought, a few weeks since; wold
_be a total.failVe, - are pot , unproroising,
ter all.Arrare too 4pt, td, cry) in this
respect, before we are hurt.
. .
.(llTAßCOA.l4,—Charoolaanstalitly bn •
kj) hadd and for FAle by
, nov. 21. '55. • " W. D.SIUItIIAY,
. ,
1)00tS AND SHOES7-1111e : stibsbri,
liars respetfUlbi thelifriends Ovid the pub
• - -' 7, 11e - geiltirallythatliftifidtrtrfaliTOWd 7 tifalriSOOr - AttiL
• bliOR manufactory to the store-room in North
•. ilanoier street, recently occupied by ilii.SbuCh•
• .t man, two doors below ilaverstick's'Ditig Store,
, . 1 1 loimerliatilropposltaliorryveweonfectini
itrA•where•they arii prepared to make Soots. rod Shoes
to Pleasure In ochry variety, with a good dssOrtnient of
• stock. and competent workmen. They will spare noel
tort to'giVe satisfaction. J. k U. T.11:1.011. •
Carlisle, April Hi;
Ikt -v
' No. 118 North Street, •Baltimore. Md.,
Would inform the public that, they have entered WO
the ttlwoe business, and will pay particular attention to
the Hale °
. timl .Counirty Puontmk { euoral '.
.. , •
and will remit erficeetis e sitiNt. promptly.. Cmisign
nitinfirs'afetted; , 4.IITATMEW,IV7I3Ii7arIiIf. - 7
J. V: 110t411.0Ull.• 1
• } York County, Pa.
•-• ;April itf, ltiott---iitn. • . ' Y
rte.—The undersigned has lamp a ll arror,eu *al
agent for supplying NIOULDINGS of arty design, or Pat
tarns fir Inaildings, at a much less
.rato titan they car
Le made Lore—so said try our-most experietured
ehrtnies. I n H
... I:int:ES II if Elt It I,N- ( i- 1 ,--TheH.
subscriber has jt4t .'oColvetl a lot of
.SUPERiott 4. 1 '11,F;511, II p.qu,NG,.
if this , 6:oaCc. catch. For sale* thorstahlishod i
c . Onicury. J. I). HALBEivr,, ~-
. — lOl - 23,.1855.1 - Wail) Street.- ..,
lmsTon E. •
subseriber haF k just ujimied.ln. the .tore-romil fur.
nte1 , 1% , 04:4 - pred by . tted of - ttio
puhll squaee, )Lain Atrek._ilear the Market Ibitte; aud
• luljulififfg 'the i .fewelry Stfire ofll'mCl)..Nung)u,uuCu
• Wel) , and spleudija ,, , , ortmont of
' . lIATS. ASD SI.DES, • -
of every , variety and linisli. •
, Him lints consist of extra-' line_ l'lfoleslOu. - Bearer.
'ctrl, Claret. Kossuth. Spurting flats; Also Stratv
Ilan of. till Vali , . til3A. • T 110.515 Hats:aro man ultetured by
Oaldle•d. Morris k Co.. twit (Mu; celebrated hattor:Cof
Philadelphia. Ho has nls.. every carJett'of h ui, nvunt
f•rar um. - these good's' he will guar - mama to 1.:1 re entire'
.111 s stnrk of Shoos is madc 'tip of overt 'variety and
st vic from tho : elivapest to .the best artful° in thu mar.
Lot. and - CiilTiii4 lo)ileasc. • .
Ito renportfolly solicits tho patronave of'ihe
fnrlln comidont that boyan tho'cheAmst and"best
;,mule In the county,
._ •
, lhon,
- VIO11 , 41.N•! ; --- ., •
i • • B. MAII.TIN4: iON,
• would respectfully announce to the public generally
Is. that tlrity intend opening an ox tun slim Lutubor.
Yard iqt Nett Ca mhademil, thlit Spring ; whi.i l e'el4ey:',lti:', t,i ketp all It bid; and ipielitiiiitf ,Itivor ,I,itinber;
and also that tdier,have.oti hand now . abour-nne him
qua thousand n4,it of dry boartir, and phydot, (Pine and
__....heinloclt) or ditrvrotit tittilltWs, - ,which they offer to':
the public on yeasonableteraui._ : __ . . .
~. .
-- :J:to 1. 5 i1, - tTigil.:23l" . .
v:u•ieties, for'saiowh.l esale nh.e ill. Country dealers
supplied At A Ober:l*llBcount. -
Agricultural Warelniuse and Seed Store,
Cur. 7th and Market as.. Phila. •
liftr 36, 's6]
'1 ARDEN EVI.NE4 I.o;'' ' .).
stream Of ,ra;tAkt f to CA) fo t . re st Iron Lift and
Pirco [Wilms, Ilarn4K/1 ar Rollers ,' ' 11i4lrills. SVlseat
4 i
Di.u..zwiti, thit•tatnil Wags-Sono tite,.4o.-Plowitnf
vnritius ratterliiill!ftTa 'Akeil, Situ "I'''' - ..r. _Expanding
Hartong, HorifOtneiulual'-ii, i'it .r: Workiry—a
now article just .r el sod. A ,• Ii t r artkles in
—their-prober-gtaignOia-ttiti-far • • -rititoo.
.•'' .-
'PASeil.kfai MOHR'S & HO••
'Xi • - ' '
• July sb, ispb.j•
(41 ) 1i. TAG
tt.t VW. i•ittlti,
they Ida 6e,pleim
. rm.
Muhl at
Ligut ni
Night al
-4 • Notin ut
Dress 3,
Hf Moine ...tug Clothing',
4 Bright and'aoft hued Clothigg,
' " Big and Belle Clothing, 'V
Bops' and young men's Clothing,
Grave and stylish Clothing, HAV
- Cheap and cheaper Clothing,
Or any kind of Clothing, ' • •
may be had at STEINER a I.lltO'S. Cheap Clothing
Storm •• • • .
r — A mong their extensice assortment inm be found Flit]
• • — ':'Bka;9;k ati.9llne New SVF - 23 tress Mal - Froc - k - Ciiia onaido
in the latest fashions or French and English Cloths.
New style !tuskless Coats, of Black, Brown,Blumand
LinenOingbarn, and. Cotton' Coats, of every kind.•
Double and Single-breasted Vests, an endless variety
Plain nod Fancy Silks, Satins,
dine and Marseille &a.
-• Vino B lack Went& Doeskin and , Fancy - CaC4ttiera
Pants Light-Colored Fancy . Cassituore Pauta—
Sprldg Styles, . .
Also a full 'assortment of Shirts; Collars. Bosoms, era.'
vats, rocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Stocks, Moves,
llosory and Umbrellas. •
Carlisle; Aprll 'lO, 18,50. • _
-subscriber-. has.
.iugt returned .fro*: to city Nina is Opening
general assorttneut of Fancy and Staple Goods. consist
ing of French Merlimes, Coburgs, Alpliccss, •Printed
Cashmeres and Mous de Latium Dieu Silks in great
variety, Long Mocha .81kavtls from $l5 to $2O. French
Blanket Sbnwls. Cambria and Swiss Edgings and In ,
sertlngs and. Cambric and Swiss Collars. llierino, and
-- Silk Shirts and Draws. Dross Trimmings in great
variety with ether Fancy and Staple Goods.
. nov. 21. oEti. t+ lllTivElt.
0--A. full supply of the abo,yel celebrated Churn s now
on 4110 *all the different saes, front gallons to fd).
It ree . fiN,•eirthe Orst :premium at the late Pennsylvania
Slate Pair, 'the first premium at the :Franklin Institute
amt Delaware and Maryland State'_Falrs; And various
others at different place's; It will make more and better
butter. from.a. gi re A
_N4OIIII toLereatu t .auli inless time
Ilan any churn in the market. For sale wholesale and
rel all -by , r. P-ASGIIALL-Moll}Stt-----
Agricultural Wm-Wiens° and'Seed Store, earner of 7th
and Market,,Philadelphia. • .- . Pea..o3lBs4—tf
j'.Jif AIR, E A t0.1.)R ESS e
Obsc r be r Lawjust reeplvett MOW,. Ileatt Drew
owl, IS Irt Hoppa; Mid a few Spring'-DresW tiodw. -"-
March 6. . O.EO. W. lIITNER.
IJOOR ItOLLERS. - ---A, new
_LI and auptirlor articlo forhnriglag Darn Dcora. dnst
and for sala At .U. sAnows.
CAItLISLE. l'a.—The Tientletli Session (live
lug has boon urocted containing tiymnasitun; .dusk
'Room Scc. , .
With increased 'facilitit4.lor Instruction and ;apple
necoutinotlattont;, tilts - institution pruSents , great,
ibis - institution presents- great. nn
thicoinunts to - parents why dusiro, tho physical anti
niutitai improynniont of theft suns. • -
Terms pur 8085'1011, $65 Mb .Eorclrcultns with full
inforniationoddross, - • • It: K. till .
Principal and Proprietor,
.„. Plainfield, Cumberland co., Pa.
~ April Si, 1856
. LL • A CADE .
0-41 tree teller west of . iiitirisnurg elerentlk
seas on u tirig ins - Minion coniiitenee vii
the oth of May, next. Payouts. and Utiardians are re
spiletfuily requestAgi;:to inquire into the nitwits of the
11 Ibti t ution,. Theloeation is retired pleOVlllt andheilltir;
ful, and the course of instruction outhraces the urdinti•
ry and 1110ter branches of au English Education,. to,-
boarding, vitiating, and'lttition in the English branch
eireular.containing particulars address.
, March,l2, 18301
CI ,A,R LISLE Ip r iklAtti ; :Bll4' 'MIN A RY , .
V . ,1 Mit. and Mild. %ARK, who teivo'been for 'several
yours tnge,,.-ed itt tuathing,respectfully announcu to the
citizens of Carlisle and vicinity , thitt ou the lot of Sou
tent bur; ISs6,.titoy w ill-connnencethu second auOoion, to
Loather Street, near ttitNiertnatit Ituf.,rined Chnrcb, of
. - . .
~ .
The Institution will he both 'a boarding and day
Ipschool. in which all the , W necessaryinches Tor the cow !
lcte climatical of yong h adios will bo.i.aught. -Assist
ants tif 'the .highefit Enter for 'qualincationa and
inbrality will be employed in accordance jcith the wants
of the Ifistitntion. The governnient will he conducted
.01Ltittitily,Vinrititinu principles, Ashlle t secturianism will
.ho as rigidly excluded. ,
. .
• The l'rinelpils ilatter theinsifivea that their long'ffild
successful exinfiTeino As teachers, no testified . 4 the
recommendations in their 'pessessitin, gill enable thmn
to establish an Institution of the higheut charlieter for
yiiiTiglifthert — Thcii are fully persinid•Jd trial suck - int
Institution will hi sustained here by Dili citizens and
neighhoring country ' and hope - that their confidence
inay•tict flisAppeinted.
'Cho chit-Oaf:ft: year - will Consist of f o ur tertns (eleven
eeffs tutting in tiePtenafer . .l. and 'titling tun
second IVisinesday
, • TERMS Phit gIItILTELIt (11 weeps). • ,
Including fuel, lights, a 44. 1.
•tnition Lt hilgitkibrativbes,- • - .930 00.
Printat:y Departinenti,.. ' -•• ti 00
• • ill,fiter lingtish, • 7
Ailuimit and )IAII/110 Languages, each, - 5 (Y *
firtottnefttal branches at proicA•or's +tarp:F. -
tel for absence After entrance, except -in
cant of pro! racted illness.- •
ikon. FILEWK. w.trrs,- .Rev. p. wo, iN
U. I.n. pAILKEIL csq., totioYEß,
.1A NIES 11.1M1.1,76 - I,N, JACOII
11 - SKILE:% I :mI.; - " .1A1.7011 - EEIX;
De.B: 11. KIEFFER. .1. B. *intsB,
Kiw, 11i;. STEKRETT.
- ,
Mdr. 11 , 11, 18 8 year. .
.1. 11. KELLER
r/. 6M',/W/;*f
1 - 10 - INI I'4 E I A-L 0 0 LI, 141AE,
removed to the tt6tv dud rind
1: - ,11:1'11101tli tiTltltEl; tr::r
1111Cip.11 and ' Cr tkpoit Mortunt
Lilo Seroucti.
•E. l'. Lusisa, 111.01:n*4eof Wrltlug'fleparhucitt.' . , 1
U W. li)atl% Itottruntimin..'Nloreatitile t'aleul " Is and'
, A sqoriato hi nook Keeping' Heti:vle
iont, • '. .
i f
.1. , 1 1...i'ond.trs, Teselleriti hook h:eoPtog• et,
:VT.. WI idds.lts, Leaman...on Corninurriai r ,
Titruo - yodrs have not yet olapsed sludifAit atflitdi,,
moot of this lost itll Gi9ll, during. which tithe ' sOf
right hundred'iltudents have been in atttiuda ,(rup•
reinotting nearly usury State in the•liniom). among .
W 41011( are. num bers'i ti. Baltimore stud elsewhere oreupy..
log prwitlnent posittontrtut, business' won and aecouu
'Ants: '.' • 1.• 2
4 ; ..ii : COURSE OetTUD . Y,' '' , . F ..r.`.' .
t.ij..110011. di. - 41'ING.—ThoYritteltiakbpsf. ..:;.,,':.. }, f l r: .. '..',.... ''
•tidenee in tO' tiring khitrittthlic tittit'ai...:,:::: , .. ' ;':'V..'.eo •
fauvism] years in ti . *citing young. !:' , '":',4 ''' ' th. Count
log Room anil et impnrtaut stilt d' ,1 2 : :., ud an ovum.'
sine,aoluaintao ' ith the num'. '....nt of busihetui
_books of every."). pon, Oissista ho Is, by two SO
dlltiliC areduattifs, Lie course of,
.' hing lu this de
partinunt is entinegily practical Aii well Athixtett to
the various' pursuits of Counnetlitild itl.'rradgAitlitittnii
Individual, l'artnership, Merea4flle,'lllatiufattiriug,
' iiiiiiissiolamporikm-t*Whipping,etilairbeet•
lug, e4,..mpottii . molly uperidions; ege., ' .1 '
.1.1.1:4,11ANI8ill '.t..."The eierriseszuuder *LIS,„.. \_..,:,:tt •' froe, easy stud graeefitteomblutmerapidlty til_... - "... .. ~..,, 1
with . .biia. itty of coingruetion,thifs enabling t. s.'
to vvidtosl....elegaut business hand on rumple '..''.:...,.,.'.• ;.,
conniii. -',. .... 4 . 7 •':V".'.:'.:. ;. ''
. '''. 4 ••• • ......''::'
• . .•••
'AtkatPti.NTiL - E - e - A - LrutNrigxs in A ...t ... ,:',••..:..,
bbarfito are.taught by the most accurate-a , .
• ..,,'• .•:',..'
tiou,s unithi;nl.... . , • ' _
notylectures'AN - delivorCd .• .
upon th . rO . • ... At. 4 l
countsirMereauttle Customs, , 6:c., &h.. : .I:nl'64lon-I
wlt*,,Ve, tosirlectures .4,Commer ~,. - re . of the
hiai ' ortatieuto allitspiringt .1 ~• .•piudnent
polar community.' •., ..i,kl i '
The . Me itmstitry4for,,,au industrious 'student to
Comple ;' 1 . ..,,',. , 1,• - ...3,, ..otrleirfroui 8 to 12, weeks,,, There
-1ieing :. ,„.1 . .,1 fin, applicants can ? ,'
Undli. •',.j..'.th day,. and evening.
l id u a t . . .v;...,'1,,,.,:2.;1,
, pe,clods, and "tgluing.
who grad" , 'T ... , For turms r eteit' writ"
lan furwardid 14 mall.: .- 'b: '
superior BOOTS . AN.
which be will Soil as cheap as any ht
But tar t *Eggs,, Sags; 'Soap uud Dr
Market. prim& .
akaL' •Carlisie April 141,..1854.
Qr, ...PALL js . !
111 2outr.- The ludersived
, n his. stock of
' and la, prepared to supply his friends and eu,.
aluiostuytldpg reguired In disnestle use, at Vices
wh i all . ° hoped vrlll pi 4 Mve Satlatlictors . . Ilia stool/con..
cuntof,every vaßety of„mxida 5k 11 1A 111 , 04. 9r49 3 .NA-Antt
oiiiritife. He li es elan on 1101114"01tOeml. aural:newt'
of 11A WARE . , suds , err inflyllm n'aot l 4bM*P:Mrs.afttl'
mccliein ' Pere Voriday.uSa i .ID.Nlittgl -0
4 . , W . , , i.:W I:I3,IIIIANDLES AND 041.10,14440.11,9
is 'Mtge ' 'd embraces an excellenreasertvontof ellelo
44PLUilteSs ' All for sale AVholesalol4o4 Metal! ; South -gl4
curlier of, pimover and Lowther streeta, Carlythylia;-,
4aoCountry Produce talion hi eaelraintsfOrimeds; , . :
n0v.2,1, '1,5. „,.... 4 .„ 434.111U111, 0: fl Id YEW,
Thn idtbscribor litoro to the house , '
0:coolly Dr. 1.1. W. Caulfutanf tam tiloor to
Choi:hoc. litaglaughlin't Hotel, whore he has ugenoral
assortment et • v
DitY (10:)1:41, tiltObEltlES, nooTs "
and will be , barony to hive his friends and Vestmnei
come 4oil see him. Thankful , for paSt &core, ho hop
by strict attention to Ills butSinoss to merit a:shame
public vitrunitge,
April 18401,
you who havebeen afflicted for yearsorlth this,
bothersome disease, and Who hero boon ushig• almost
everySostrtim before the public without 'relief, wo say
to you-try , iiiielfinos - Antilkyspeptlc".and you willsoon
be conVineed of its great superiority orer every other
preparation.' 'We could glee you nunoy certificates orolf
orating-our tessektiotia, but a siriglo trial is worth more:
than all. This remedy is t propared and sold nt the.ltrug
More of 11.4. Kb9FFEIt, srittlt iTIMOVOr street a fay
doors south of the Licurt .I" - se, C4elisle.
- 77 ' 7
~axti to Otredb.
(Ebucatto .n
llarristrurg, Pa
u.,,t ' retut
toot to ei
Not, A RI
00b8, cot
loin, ,1:i:
'N. W. WOOPA, ttgt
3u ;h
"itrinirgiitlffiriifilifinTaiifutlifireFterk - Md - Wih s e 7 fith ,-,
of' Al arch . , Ibbli t it Has liner iniousli resolved that inter
est aliond lbe paid an special deßpsits by the Carlisle
Deposit hank, incorporated by th .ituts of kennel.
viol a, as o 1)%146:.
• 4 teir cont: ,per annum for, l'onths,
.4% 4.1 ka
Interetit ceases after the expiration of the Certificate,
unless renewed, aud the Morey always paid back
oat notice. • • • • •
- By order of the Board of, ;
.March 12, liifio.l W. :I.l:lll 4 .ETKll, h tlisliler- '
• .
. K
• PitOrnim olis. • •
Witkimu HER, " Mumma, 11nEivvExt...14 .
ltootarp U, STEttnETt, JOHN . DIALAP,
.ItICII.IITIPW(KiIe, JulIN b71.11111T, ,
Jun C. Ini;A, - llnitcv A. Sirnatmor.
'This Bank, (tiring business in-the on o: of Milt,
'I3IOESN.F3FAN — & — tTki rally proper to - do - a. gum
. era! Banking Bin 110014 Wltliiiroutptuess
Notiey_rocelAton Deposit and paid back on demand
without notice.
Particular attention paid to the collection ,pf Notes,.
Drafts, Checks, ice.-in any part of the United•Stattos or
Remittances mathrto lingland,a ruiand or the Conti.
neut. The faithful and coutitiential execution °full or
ders entrusted - to them, may be roiled laPon ,
at all times be pleased-to g ive ally information desired
•in regard to nion s oy matters in general. •
the proprietors ca this Bank are individunlly • ilabl ii
to thwitxtinik .of their thiLlteti for. all the cloptAits abet
other obligatious of nor, Brenneman J.: to.
• ft , /n_itanking llouse in. Trout's I:uliding..hlain Street,
a few.doOrs east of the Rail Road Depot. Open for lurk
Ross from B o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock in
the evening. , • 11. A. STLEUEON,. Cashier. '
N. A --intei:ost at the late of s,per cent. per annum
will be paidon Special dcpcsiis . as herethloiqi. •
Carlisle, Alarelf , lB. 181,1.0 •
Eitrubt -&'...,iit-Oilt.!:
PA111;011 KNIT - CUUKiN - 71 - STOVIZ.
The subsMltiir nt his old stand on North Hanover st:,
Perlis - le, the sign of the "Nannuoth hod Coffee Put," de
ires to call, the attention of he .ptibile to his large "as,
.Ortutent of STOVES, of the uetvestttial MU&t fashlona
hie styles, front the best nottiontetories in The
• • "country. aini at all prices limit $3lO slb.
.AmOng his ItLOII X cd.1.1,-)1 BEE STOVES
are the :Mirror Stove, the Arctic. Revere; Star,"
, , Persiamt.Union and !Etna Air Tight, together,,
-0/1► with other patterns Which he has of SIV.Pg -
Ew parlors oridiambers.and calculated tbr onrning aftltur
wood or coal. Also, the ,Etinty (Bobo, Astor, Albany,
Flat : top and Bandbox or.l'oor wi th
_other COOE
INO STOVES, comprising, the ine6St horoventents
kitchen stoves, and Intend. d Tor either wood or mai.—
Also, the-Dining Room Cooking Stove—a new and ele
gant article, to which he invites the particular atten
tiTt of fundlles. Ine cooking stoves range to price,,fnatt
sl t0:"....5, with tho lix toms complete. ' Alm), Nine rlate
rot; of carious patterns and.dillerent mires.' • '
' Also, ENA:IIIiI,I,M) ANli TINNED' V, ARK . for Cooli.
lig - Moves, Brasil Kettles, &c, Also; ovary article in the
lino of Tin and Copper Ware, The public are reti:ect
fully invited to ea I as he ifi conildent with his large
stock, variety and heavies's, of being elite to give en
tire satisfaction to rcry-purchatiert—Gall-Ini sCe.
; bet. 25. ISM. ' ..3l! hInItItIS
_ 111,
~ TeTT .
0 I ‘ OI r ..FIS • STOI' ES ! I . STOVE S !! !-
.101 IN D. UOLWAS' weiiht inform the publie that
he has new on hand at his estaitlishutention 'Alain St..,
next door to.Nlaeloti Gall; the largest-and most com 7.
• _.. plete.u4c ament , of (100 K, 'OPIICE . S; TAP
est • I.(lit 'STOVES rto•.bo feuttil lif - thrn county-,-
• • which will
,bo',solti at the lowest price.. fur
cash or approved credit. Ills stork 'consists of
S . a large assortment ef new -and highly' op:
.... proved PATENT COOKING sTov.p:s, litiistied •
in t.he must Complete Ma - finer, and calculated for either'
wool or coal. or both. 4)1 the old standard. patterns
which heve stcOl the to.qt, of experience, may lot found
at big te. Ablislanont: 'Also, a great variety of , the most
appioVe • and I,ti.ul PA Shutt OFFJ,CE STOVES., In
ridding - numb of Tow 'styles, possessing very supe
rior 4 advantageiro or those .her,dotoro•ln use: Families,
gnd hainteketirmisNip resplptiruilylnviteit to give him 'a
all bolero ,purchfilbg elsewhere.- stovia..delieereil tq I
any part of the country andgi l : 4 p ' t no!;'
ire. Jle-oexttinues tottOtil : StfEET,L
VIICON WAitE, and Cop - '
• band or will make tt
'.housekeepe ~' '. '
.'. hers ._and Coppee ''. . bra • i „ ,
kitchen utento. . ,;A . .." I' ; ,
tured. Penton' a '.l';, ••
- ways be sure el „: , , tip . -L :. ..
by givinghini a-•
4 ' 311
• •
w ES V: ' , BR.
' h bulidluits, Store*
CAI'IT.4 .3100401)1
JiihkiJ. Pearce,
John 110.11 all,
Charlessll, , 3layer,"
Charles Cri
Peter 1) • • n
I ‘41 1/ Int 1N41111.41.N0E:" .4 .4fift .. EN ' '
AND - EAST: FENN-10100 M l itlairnitk, 1 4 4 '7
bUItANCEL COMPANY 'of Cumberland ceuntY, .IReUrpil
rated* au itet - of - Aasonibly,:japnWlfellyit'and
im operation. under 'the imma,gentent of, therilinnwln;,
leomtctissleners, • . •
F f' lDagfiel • lbstloy,' il....ooFitalr,.htiehitet.ROSclin,
Meleholr Brimuleman, Christian Rita/mart ut
lapi•Jaceb It. Coiner, Lewis Ilya', ltenry"Ldkan t
•min 11: DlussCr, Jacob 31innum,Joseph yitiferahatu,
Alotandel 'Cathcart.
the rates of insurance are'Lifilti*And!favornblens ;by
.CMnpanyAftl)d Mild in the State. birscies whaling to
'bicrdine itemberwaye invited to, stalls APPlKation tn the
agent:lid the company, who .are willip,o;,to,.ivait'uf, ol l
them at any thou. _ . •-. , .
'.• ' - BRNJ. MOSSNlAl i telident.',
,11KNItY LOGAN, Vlce.Prosident: : '
'LBW'S Itr4;',Becrotar.j•
'MICIIAEL COCK LIN," Treasurer; . •
, • faTEN I FS;
CUMIIEitLAND COUNTY.--lindelph Marti'', N. Cain
- beriandi - C. --I , l, llernian',-Kingstewut-flonry - Zearing-
Shirounumtliwn t Charles Bell, Carlisle';. - Dr. J.
Churchtowu ;- Samuel •Oraleun, West" l'ounsboreugh.;
.James Mc Dowel, Finnkfordt,Mode Griffith, South Mid.: •
diatom; Samuel Coover,.. Benjamin. linverstielq.-
Icsburg; John' Shorrielt, Lisburn; David Coover,..Sh4.
herdstown. ;, ' , , ,
YORK COllNTt•—•Johti‘ Bowman,Dlilsbural Fete!
Wolford, Franklin; John Smith, PR. Washington t ' •
S. Picking', Dover; J. W. Craft, Pamdiso
IiAItILISBURD.—Rouser .k•LWiloam. , • .
Members of the 'epinpany hiving policies' about to tix=, -
piNan o have them renewed' by , making appilcation3B
ny of the azetns. r
I:MPROVED • • SIILF , A1)01)
•riAy ..ELBvairons'tir 'llol4Triblia.
• •
• bltols, ropes, &e. • ••• .. • , r
2001iidepenOtzit path, nay anti chain ltskee,
800 Plonghs. varliTifq sizes and pa4erbs: •
.__. •
I •; b, van
200- Marna B,.various sizerand pattorto„
100 Ilay, .Btraw.and Corn-stalk 1.. utteis. •• ,
100 •li mann g'o Patent Pau eifoin hellorg ••
d Cleanom
300. Landreth 's .I..,xecdelor . liand Corn*hellors, .N 03.1 9
3, and A. • • '•.
•The above aro ail mairalhotured at our :,teattilrorks,
Bristol, rif.-Tho warinanehiV) and nintoijoinro of -up=
surpassed quality. • ',•" •
' armors will 'profit by an °exam ination and convarloon
with, othey,hnidoulon to in.
ALSO, .....
Trb ,
• '5O. Stacy'e Pat o nt Grain' DrlllB4l.
100 Illokok'o Patent Ciderligle and Tress. • • •
. •
beitz Dunnam's Improved. ,tklo blntku.Jteaping
and • Blowing Blathinesis
, of hlch we burs' the sole
agency .in l'bilagelphial. . • ,
yliaiente •and
Woelr,(i dvn - and - leldwer.l 4 e6do fit grea t arcet)'. For
sale by • D. LANDIO.III d SON,
Nos; 2l- and - 23 - B;lllxtirict7l'Lllird
. May 28, 18811—Urn. •
Adapted also for sowing oats, grass seeds .and
guano. IC niuser's Portable Cider Mill—the test
in the marKet. Ilalliday's patent.ll'inilmill•
Itorsc Power'snnd Thresher's. Lime and (War? -
Spreader's, Daniel's Hay, Sttaw -and l odder, r. utter.
Little Want Corn and Cob Mill,..Spah's Atmospheric
Churn. Theabove Superior Implements with all others,
for the use of the fanner. or gardner, fuisale Wholesale
and ltcteil hy .
Agi'lcultural Warehonse nod Seed Store.cerner .714
and Market streets,'Philadelphla.. . „ - jaly ',55.
Fa En Gll 011 070 Aere4s.93l.nornsditle, neitr Brirtof. PA.
11.)LA T E.N . T - 811.1 . 1.,14'..hiTARDENING
iIIWATANNEE FEED CETTERK` Inaifuna..^..ll for
1 , !..bv51(.11.& _SA HO EN T; No. 410 Market street; Tian la
gAter is suet Ta o -r to any now - in Use, ibr strength
WrilW L and sitopliaity-of construction ; it cuts faat•
Or, sodi, is the Only self-sharjameng Bay, StraiVaitti Corn
Stall; Cu tter_ever finds. it has but 0-E.ETEAIgIIT
which,any person can grind and sat wit}i ease
but In orditatry'rano, to ground in the iuneithse.• Thou
sands have already beent sold, and the detuadd is daily
increasing. In, most eases en extunination it suflicient
to convince one of its superioritWe one attar St Short
trial would nart with it for any 'r. All sizes of the
libOye constantly on haaCt4lldSoll fia,fo
LTNE - ,4
Solo Agent for Outuberland county.
1 ittOCSIJ
sv has nee,.,.......11
An at the princiPlactits of the Nation., dia the•meat
irbinplete and conilesiont Mill now In use. e
ei e Minn are net only guaranteed superior to all
s in , ustruction and quality of material,
n 1.13 & ' Ao quegity of work tb(7 perform
ahr . ant! warranted in ' a il OWN to
oaths rata Olty-tOftttlded On nturn of the
Inilll.- 1 i - -o,
e _ efsredTermito ParraergettathirPritql 40131Preto,
at „,'' 32 and $26, for No 1, No. 3 and 15,a,,,3,• and 3- 1 .
eNtm sweeps. Warranted Jo •grind from• 8 to 13
bosh° uf,pecor , to size. i
$OOl qSRP/IM r GIANT 'bung .
. 3 / 111, ( O AYMAY/M MAY, 1 8 0.)
.VIIO / 1 / 4 illt 1 0 1 4 C5 1 1411104 an IM •
Parlir article
inrwlantera, le mrvite and others, • havinll onse-power
or other (erirttniebeett lbr nuffdliff abe /7
• 1.3' cab be
worked advantageously with ones two'or ' fu e horses,
where% er & /TOW of from kur, to six hundred revolu
tiotm per minute an bo obtainod uponial4-1141) pulley,
t .„.
with a 334 inch belt,
These &lima are adapted to any kind of work, grind
big maim feed from cern, We, &c., or ling peal from,
corn, wheat rya, and cqna a cob in the mei& with,-
factory in aer, and with Iliad MOM; of power over
ail othenrillit s the 0:11) biltiteitt with shawast Steel.
The rct premium liras etwirdod n lit ude at the
late airs or New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and the . Indus
trial xhibition at Beaton.,
The !ruble Giant weighs about 300 molds, occupy
ink; a speoc of 30 inches square. It Is peculiarly simple,
strung, and durable; milking no skill to klin, it, or, to
keep it in order. T
They aro offered complete, ready , for attaching the
belt, at trAtoi with oast stool cob attachulowigatlf,„ 'War ,
ranted to gli o the niotot pelfoil ottiorteti(tu ,
ileum, call et the Little Want Ili orks, guti. wituefo
their operation. Manufactured by
lIOSS scorr k CO,
Cdr. 17th & Coates. St., Mils
. .
-t- 1 1ON:W.A-17-8--,G7ENITINZAIONEY,' ,
SOAP. , --Conway'e pure Palm Soap ; - , boUvrers
'proved Omnilivd Olive linv. A, full Supply
,or there .„ 0 „,,
-truly exeellent Soaps Just received and -for aide
.-Carllslo Nov 21, • . . • •
N E ms. t ae
• - just I: t ech-id) frog aerrt
trpout of symiiallirgt oU:which 'wilt Lesold merjr , otkesp
- --virosttb•the Depot s parll4f., •
Carlisla, Feb: 10, 1859.- -