6. s irorms irhpartuunt. ,;.=.7.7z. , ;•......44.--.::L..74.17-74,7. , -,-,isp--..,,,:.,7 , . „ ,;- . : 4 9 '4".--...:::+z:z.z.-...-:,-...7-; , • • •,,, , -1"Z:,--,:',it . . , .:±', 4 ~ 4 - Ti..7f-:. • --- .. 1 1 ,.., 114 • - • -= , :i;•••--f, ‘ 1 , .tieef. ,, t4X,'''• i'• ,IX.v:qg .•• - • • .., '. • , 0 . ;kr' = ..'' - . t, . % $ lit' -- 4,417 - ^k:-.4 , 1V-, - z. , ,, , ,..P.../ 4 •0 • • • .. • • ry . .• ,f, A , 'ci ,: fg kt :exe :.„..mpte. ~ • it.,„ ~. 4, 4 1, ~. - 1. , , , 2,, , • ' •-,'. •:, ' i '-. 'igic,..--,!.11,Ar--czta•---ra1,..i.,w,15, .._ ---.- :-- ~... -irittt,illdkg•,•4;,,,Allii. A. '..-- •---- ,: r .,--,. • rifll,'...exr• • • ,af.t.5.%44 . i., , ,,P . .,,4 , • June. Work on a Tarm. . . In June; all :.the-eropS retinire - : — entistatit - att - Lintion . ud --- ilt - eir — tratuzell t-- - during :ibis . on th wll :decide* % - vh.eib.,er, they are to be ; henetitted, ,or not, by atnio,spheri,e, influences • . A:plant,* as an :ailing], to grow fast, and well, west, be bealthy—and that? health will 'depend -.,..up0n. the circumstances un*r •which it is placed: If in a leaa', compact; el:we soil, ,its rrioWthwilf:he slow, it• Will - 14" mote -or less moss-covered, and look shrivelled and old, eves} Tut if it. stands ' :in:a warm,. generous soil,. light; finely pplverized, and porous; so as to,adinit and heat, then it s;iTriitreteli — away' cheerful and vigorous gro'wth, and come ..to maturity in season. Plants show this difference according to the•treatment they 'receiver; but that they may -ItSSume . the, latter form', 'the sQii:2oiould-be rich ? and the:cultivatof and hoe kiipt in frequent mse, especial] •-di•ing the month of. June: Plants may erive impoi•tant aid from the • atano. - ip. • ; but in - .order to avail then:- . selves of this, they' must, •bevigorOtts : and -in health: Paring all their growth they require large porticins of baibonie acid; -- and - if hard and weak, thqvare it ever t4its about thetn / waiting to to pressetnrnlo . their service.: It is the food -.;,ofl . plants and of the. whole vegetahl'e world; they ,it into their systeinF, and whilst they retain the;, carbon, they emit the oxygeO, and so ' feeding then, : • selves, they purify.onr atmoildiere. .stinesphere,-also„ con ti nual ly..,,eharged : _with.vapor+, - Ivhich, as the earth .heeinnes ,„cooled at•oight; is eentLnsed lipon if the soil be fine and porous, is ts ken tip"by it and appropriated, by - the' . roots-of the pidilts._ , • . - Soft,,,So . e.p and Seed Corn.---; Somebodypublished a meonimendation to increase thil'arop of Corn to we. don't. know how many • buSheis pbr acre, by Soaking ar' seed twenty lour hours in copperas water, and then coating it with . soap-drying it by any • convenient mit stanee,..such as:ashes, "duster, loan) ( r dust. IVe=suppose that a gbodly no in hcr of tarthers,• of a class always ready to ,L•izo . upon anything that promises crops ith out manuro, or by fertilizers app' ed in honmeopathic doses, have tried the soft soap process of raising corn, though we have never heard of any remarkable re sults beneficial to the profit side of the "larmees-.aceount-in-ithisequenterTof-this ipplication of soft soap, .. . Soap is undoubtedly a good . Manure. .Copperas acts' only as an absorbent of am monia. The - gait titwoul — de - vend on the amount of soap used, or rather on • the fertilizing propcfty.of the potash it diSen;s -*, kiion took place at a meeting of . the Air= aeelphia Aggriedltural Society last week: , • pisenssion on Coen.- - Mr. S. C. Widets, of flohnesbUrg, in quired' as to the success whiel had attend ed the planting of corn - this season.. His corn had: come up_ very irregularly;'a large portion- °Mrs fields had - been planted, with but a slightly improved - result. He attributed the-failure -to_ bad tined corn: ' Dr. K . ) . R. King, of .Arndalusia, Bue4 Connty,, had experienced the same cuity, and with him the - second ,planting had. turned out worse than the first. On light sandy soil; as well as on stiff clay, had the failure been experienced. .He felt.surc that-the cause did not lie.fm.the --nature.or improper preparation of the soil, nor. in the season,,which thus.far had been ; Mr. Landreth's, experience during this Spring bad,tiot agreed with that of the last 'stiittkers. 'On dome portions of his land the corn had .corne - up irregularly, while ,on other,portions the same kind of ..';.ieed:.,eimilarly planted -bad 'done well. „cPi* AntenOed fer seed onght4e se the ceb,.and not kept bulk: i rliiii'WO ,, e'Speuiall3C, , ,frue of the white 'variety, th?,pe , h,,of ,which ir o py • ;Mr. Willets,renittrlted that the millers; - had ~,elopr,YO:d't ' tke ififoriOt crudity of much ottltd 7 'corn of , last syeai, t e nical Of the P eYerage..gttides,'' IHe !,paalptained• that to:. plant - such ~C or's; on roost result lildlibrifluitififiOrit. . • , 311 WolybOla.belleVeditluit I the c. vaDint.iite3pect'ott t 141,1f,tkeet; 4,r lq I IQ; posure, might in part account for. differ ences in:germinating. Soine fields were much mordexposed to, tjfe chilling; infl'u l , ences of ttfq cord clear MOAB' which* we adabrrin*-thEd- Mr.;John S...,llArris,,';et Germantown; had noticed 7 that_ thepapers:of the West ern Btates contained compTaiiifiThifTife coming corn crop, siinilar,to those: made here. 1- had tested with, the: Stovell corn the Superioradvantage "of 'planting the grairrwhieli had been - permitted:. to reuaain . on,,the, cob. • I Dr. Keri.neS.j inquired if, the so- Called* Chinese Sugar Cane, or • klu.%4ltnin, •S'qcelvcratuin,.tir variety of broom cony,- ilie-seeds - of - Which were,n"o*" -being diii.- tribut.MLby4lia_Patertt °tee, 'and which was - cultivated - for:fodder, been tried I by - ittir of the members. • '• The Chair replied that he had neither seen nor heard any *account of .such "Ai trial,..although Many of the seeds distribu tcd. by that office,. were almost as,.. well known:in this, country as , itt„that whence. they had been' imported, .: and :other's a gain were far, infei iur.to ; the hinds used here, Adjourned. ;_ _ gusiness4 (Eartts. E 0 11,-G K• •E G E - • -‘ Jusuct; OF TUE 1 1 ; ACV,' 6ppof4o the :West owl Of tlui Court !louse April 23, ib4o-. 4 t P. LILIAIRI.OI - 1, --- Attorney at - Lavi% k_.„i•-.--1111eo on • North Ilpnovor.v.treet. n fl.tw theirs s.nith liotol..'• MI bllSilleSH ontriish.4l to him' 111 ho inlitniit,l* . : lttohlo.i to. ••- - . •A 14 lt Attorney_ at Law.. ktst *tin , Stieut, 51eltaniesbut - 4, ittt,tini to :. , I)II.VEYINU In connexion with. his nrotet-siouL '7 - • pliky 21, E.I.1)1CJI„ I,) :n )t [l r t ) i i ::4:±l " ect i) c lN orl i ;:l ‘ ,. l ;so l 11 1: 1 11 . 1+1 . :1 ..-11a11,1Ve..-_ , Lllith.LE.tred.,_('itlis)e._ _Nay - 11J, • L..l.l,ltl.ltiTtilit — offit`C - 4 - 47N. T 1)14 , 11 ' I tnov'er street two tiriorsirinn Weise ,t; CAmp'toll's ItOurs, wore particularly front 7 to U o.clOeli, A. .)1., and to 7 o'clock, )1. • iiOCIT(W, S: -1). Z 11 , ;(4LEIt.—Oilie6 . y and it.5i,t,,1.,,i, Vast, Maln — Strpot,thlrtt door' PinW .11! . .%Ut.r150t,'11 ,, [4 , 4e. CAIN in town and e.Anty promptly att,tooil. - • Cailislo, Jan. 2,.155n. • 4, .-. • _. J -1 7 . 4 4 . 1 3 I....ttornev_ 1 k `. 143 w. (Plioo In Miklii . Stroe.t, Carlisle, Pa.— ;loess entreated' to hiut will bo promptly • at.- Fel). 7. :5:1. IIL. Da. 1.( !1.400A1 c. : 4 '611t2t lin it..ver htreet, dlur to the font, WM absent. from Carllslo -thu last ton, days of e.teu mouth. Aug. 1,'55 G E011(11 , : • S. S.E A - , g_f It 1(1,1 I lA:NV.I4, from the '• thnore College of 11)e . ntal Surgery. now prep:trod' to Insert Arthielal Tgeth of every do- Scriptiun, and to perform all 'the other Vtitleuts 'thltjes to the'nrActlee of hie : profeeekon Oftle6 at Pio II ri.Sll/01/pl , 111 . /I. 111 her. East Lnuthoretreet, three dooni ' i•l. t.. f (leo. Z:llrett,Of 500 . . M 1,3+,1- I LRY; iti`l•ll Itistruetiq t Dr; ‘ 1,111, ' 4, Lreth a py3;te,4te ui WO Balt •CoIlego). 11,111. u.. 1 to reeekt r g tits Irldntl4 41"1 I,,Elliral the vari nt. orriti. 1.8 la the line or cf., 11,, ital proft.,4iett, at 111. rt..l.leirt.% hi S. , attli street. tlair.l frua Wsst roo. Givi• a:; a Call. 'ATMS 1110410111 La. 27. Iti,in-13. 4 1 N. ROS ENSPF, 14114, Ii 0118 C,. Sibn 1 , 41,n6 , and Ornamental PAINTER Axt) pAvolt,limslovst, has removed shop to iionth llonover strum, opposite the .5 , ., e11111 Presbyterian Church. 'ltiociilonce I'mnfrot rue l, a taloa - 7irs attend promptly to alr.the ahaim descriptions of pallet Ing. at mia4onable'price9.. Thu yttrium, km& graining attomied to, .sitAt as mahogany, oak, waln.ut, Ste., in on mproved style. . . . • QUlt:r N . l) CON - VEYAN .•I. • • • Itoglster of Cumber 13- 3 ,1 • . •.c thilt.rnilsact.lort of all xn'-• • • n i b ••.icrustod Cn,hitu, cash as Chu „, • • 1.1 t ...I.ryS -Contracts, Sic. lie will ,v,•11 the purchs.so and sale of , • of loans, n9.0111c0 on West t.m.n. focoirrly occupi9s4-..y .Wl - 111. l'ourod nomr ths let hocl!gt..Cbto-!:4," N-111 1 • .11111.. nufatetti4r kJ( Wetera, French Illead, • • Bottled Ale, Porter and Cider,. near the Raildioad Bridge, (*aisle - -- 'V x, .11'1 , 1.41.ANA N YDER & 7 • • - LANI) AGENTS. Ali SNEAPOLIS, Opposite the Suspensi2n- Bridge, Falls - • • • of St. Arabity, Nllnnosi4o Territery,_ • will buy and i lands, negotiate loans, locatoland warrants in Milineseta,-lowa, end W Inquiries respecting the pountry, by letter - er otherwise [ promptly answered. ' r • ILEFERENCES. • • lion. Alex. Ramsey, Ei-Gorertior, - • - lion. 0, 31. Rice, Delegate to thingreSsOfirineseta, Otiv. Pollock, Ifarrlsliarg, ' .• • . larees R.Steele'itc Co., Phltedolphia • lion. Frederick Watts, Carlisle, - • A. Brady Bliarpe, Esq., '• , • • G Iliagoun, New Ytirk, ' Itebert Wnlsh, New Orleans, - • • ' , James It. Irvine,. Esq., Newvllle; lion. J. B..Bladk,•Siimerset, Penn's., - . , ~ Gen..). It. Eddie, !, • .• Good, Mayori - Spiingflold, Ohio,. - - - ' • 'Goo. C. J Anthony ' " •" • • an, Carson; itiq.St. Louis, I . . 'Wm: Wilson, Esq., Ilattlinere, Md, • T.;.Wright, Charleston, 8. a, J; M. wow% Pitiladolph!ft. -; •—: • . , . Lau •.. — .30.000 Acme of Upiraproved d for Sale; at frOm S 2 ,to $lO per acre;' Isis° Improved Farms. Lots fur sale in Anthony, andealt towtivne.the ginner stn rvc r. , , . , ~ ; ' ' ir..40 . ..Particular ; littpntion glTell,-to.:111.0 ' Co nn in got Dimity', and Futprlug,Laud Warratitt , , - Addne.s.s. I .• P.tiYDEIC 4/4 . ArrAtILAN . p,: -' • ; l'it;iret ;16..185(1,-I'y 1 ,'' . . ~I.ll,ii.meapolis,,Min. TO. • L -1 ,4 4 ; 87[7174 11 lt iFJ,IVTaiTTHITE,O ----. , : • 1:...., qathseribor tins Bast meollaat a lot, of - 8111'.111.101t ,VltE,§a - ', - , - Irklit,RlG - - orthlo year's &tub: For. tolo nt' tho cotabllsliag OroeurY '''' ". '',. ''y ,• , 'J. 11. lIIALIitIItT, 1 's pill 2a, 1855.1_1....., ...:......North ]Hanover Streot, .... TAWIIIILI;INCt I.i'Oilt. REN3.'4:—Tile , t i „, ,bwenin g tat6tlic:ll to, linw.litis' Sboo gttire t itorth cast curvier !iltiin an..). 1 14tt btreuts. ref-468140n Over luunotlintoly Applylto ' J. It, JA.AILSON, I • ,:. ' ?.)fity'2l/18E.1,1---4r.1,, . AE the ShoiSfiturb:4', . a ~~~'~_~?I~ ~~~~1~znti~~ ; a~tne : ~G'~r~~ - ~:i ~ ~f,.~ -.~ ~. ~a~rES~e ,-~~ex-n~l~ dbucatiOn. 11)LAINFIELD ACA.DI4MY.L-Near • - - Twentieth Session (11v,,e 4utnthW ll, 444oPlifkiffei.AUl ,7 .l l dffai; -L ADIMON IIO inif has 'keen eructed containing Gyinuasiunt; Room cte ith. Increase& faeilities - for 'lnstruction- and'nmplo neconunedatlons his Institution 'presents 'groat .; uesuiontiFTS. parenia — VvVrAille — the' - pirystealAind : mental improiretuentol their sons. • • Torras. per Session, $65 00. For circulars; with full inforination, address - R. K. iillltSS,• • Principal and Proprietor, • Pialniield,Simberland eo., Pa. April 9, 1896 tik7 ITE II ALL... •A CA M Y;--, " TT . Three iniltaiAlt4of liarrishufg The 'eleventh suss ou o this Institution will 'continence 'Oll-Ilonday, the Ith oOlay, next. Parents And ti uardians are re spectfully. requested ;la liMuire'into the merit's. of the Institution. Tice location is retired pleesaniiibil hcnitir ful, and the emus& Cl instruction 11111britreS the nrdiun ry,uud liigher branches of all English Education, to gether with the Latin, Greuk,.French, and German len. -guages, -and—vettal—entiLinstruniental_nutala,.....Xernis, boarding, leashing, and:Tuition in the English hthipch -eaand vitt-alma:do per session (21 weeks) $0,00.. Fur circular containing 'particulars address. . • . , 1). BF/Al NO En. March, 12, 1856.1 • " • -•lierrisburg, Pa. PART:ISLE EJMALE SEMINARY. Vi :lilt. and "11 113, GLA R IC; who have been for . several years engaged in Catching; respettfulfy announce to' the e l tizens of Carlisle and Vicinity, that on the lot. of April, 1-trat,'pexr will open, 1u Luuther Street, the house lately Occupied by Br. Blumenthal, at .• SEBINABY Wit YOUNG LADIES: . • .Tile Institutnin will he,,hoth a beardieig and day. 'wheel. fir which all the hranehamecessary for the com plete eilueatred-ofyouni.;ladloß willas, taught. Assist ants of the highest character fur qualifications and morality Will he employ ed 4n ail:QM:ince with't Ina wants of the -Institutldn. Thu government will be conducted omst victly.ehristlan Principles,. while sectarninhem will PO US rigidly excluded. The Principals flatter themselves that their long anti successful experience as :teachers, as testified by the reeieninetidations in tiielr possteeliun will eneblii them to establish, an Insiltution of the -114;heat character for vtrittrr Indies: They 1101 fully persinttlikl that such all Institution . will be sustained . here by the citizen - sand nei4blioring cutintrSr. and hope that their cent:donee • may :1 ,, t lic, disuppylinled. , - flopailment•• for — younger ejlildren will be In?,=- 1-ne,liately'l)rgattizeil. rt.nms OF FOrE moNri - ,t+ Boarding, Inclnding, fut.l, lalvts, and • wAslsing, Primary. Department, - '• - Wlent t,a,ngua;.;i..g, each. - 31,,dern •. (Trollywnial bcruiches - nt NI/ dednu4.l9..f,r :11,M31103 alter entrance, 'except cnse in-otraf•tcd iilue. o. - . _ _ c Eti • • • - IV AT !try. C. P. WINO, • . .1. 11. P,t Esq. ! JAIIF.S fIA Nll iiri)N, Esq., • ..1.11;/./11 FltY, - Dr. I`. 111.1.1NIEN'tll Rev's' B, :kII.IItSS,. :‘1,tr. , 11 111, 18ritl--1 - year. . • 4(6 4 4 1. Ird;;Y•H .. • EltC L COLLEGE; r4:mov.,d new- if/111, `. l tl atid • ' .'• 1.1:1)1Cipal ankl urer . upotOlerean _Pharge WriAli„Tvrtrtment • • NV. li. , :lsti;litHUucLor Sit M,civatttilt , AS;‘,./.ltt: .11 Ott tittoritig 17tiFtrttitt•nt.' ;Vit,t,lter 1:1 N0 ,, ,k vyping. C,.tnmeri ht I - L-31r. yemet 11.kve lett yet elap:;o4 sim.r the f•itablish. uiout of this ok lt utlgu,.; during whiat t lme-litrivardA eight hundred ri , tudents'haVu he.*ll Itt ofu.ndat.ee, tlibarly every rltate In thti, Union.) among Shout aro uunthers in Baltimore and elaew here occupy ing prominent pealtions ax busineK.4 men and account 43atie COUREIF. OF SWOT, BOOK 11.1DP1'ING.—The Principal /fag the utninet con fidence In iiiianirlng the public that after an expel le rice u fourteen yeArs in qualifying youngpien for -the Count I Jowl: omit Rad other important st.ttletis,apU sit osfrii: race ac , inaintivire with the nianr;4ann'ent books of every 'llcsorqtan, (assisted as lie. is by two I .coidlic :to:aunt:its.) the course traliiiiir • in part luent Is ''''''''''''''' the various pursuits' of Callum:rec. ant Trade, Including Partnership, Mereantilo, lianutheturiteg, Commission, liarliatige, _hank ing. :shipping, steamboat. Company ma:rations, Pr:Nl/AN:MI.I%—Thu exercises tinder this head are, free. easy and graceful, combining rapidity of execution with beauty el : construction, thus enabling the st itdent .tb write au elegant business hand on completion ef the Ceurse. ihtCANTILE CALCULATIONS In all their various be.irings urn taught by the most accurate and to.pcili• tiles Method. - -liaily-feeturespre delivered-upou-the4elence kit rountS, lereautile, Customs, it.c7, -- ttrbsTi Inconneetiun with a seriea of lectures on Commercial Law, Are of the highest luipoitance to till aapiring to occupy prominent posalcins in the business community, • -The time noeeßatArydOr tut Indusi(tlens student 'rein plettilh e beitpse, - -varies from-6-k ere being no vtienthiit, applitiants can enter at any time, and attend both day and evening. Examinations are had at stated periods, and diplomas awarded to t,. ise who graduate. Per Units, etc.. write and bay,' a el: 1.% Jar.figwmr.stAliA mall, - . • (Oct, 9, Stoat) dub Sl)opa. • • Ni t E S i fORE 1:11 :The. s ubscriber returned r luisjuSt from city; and Ls now opening, vest door to Chas. Maglanehlin's hotel, in North ilanbvor street, a splendid. „r. new and cheap Dlty GOODS, comprising Ikitm'ets, Ribbons, Cloths.tlassirnehs,Gingliains, Lawos,Calboes, DeLaines. Alus,ins ' CheeksTliekingS, Hosiery, Gloves, white atilt colored Carpet Chain, .4c. 0 It001:1:111.3,,o1;a11 kinds, and best quality. • Also, a large stock 4)1 suPerior-BUDTS, AND riIIODS., AU of whieh.hd t will 5611 inirlioap as/my house in town. - • Butter, Ito, Bags, Soap ano Dried Vruit -taken at Market prices. . N: IY. WOODS, AWL. • Carlisle, April 16; 1p51.' • 185» 4"i i FTho-ulileirsined°has.VsterepiLish od his sloes uri" , • DitODERIES AND QUENNSWAREi • and Is prepared to supply his friends end customers with almost anything required. In domestic use, at prices which,he hopes wilt prove satistutory. His - stock con• hist!, of every variety of goods suitable fur town and country use. Whits also on hand a general :assortmentof lIAADW ABA such as may be needed by farmers and mechanics for every day use. Iris stock of '• O,INEB,'DItANDIES AND QUI DU LIQUORS liflarge and emirates an excellent assortment, of choice (mattes. All lin' sale Wholesale and tiotall,'SoutirEast corn* of Hanover nod Loather garotte, caripd e , 4-"ireOuntry.l!roducit.talten in exchange for goods,. • npv. 21;'55. • . SAMUEL p, nuyErr. 'T4 EMOVAL-DRY GOODS ; _ILA, The subscriber has'rime w rod he h e is h st o or ha ei: recent& occupied by Dr. U. N..ClaufTuutn, next dbor to t tis h: o r r l t e i s na ll n l t ut.,• o l l, anghiln'a 11.4 4 011 ) DicritlOirDS; OBOOBBIES, BOOTS and suom it •and be• happrto have .his friends and customeis come and see him. 'Thankful -.far past .favors, 1w hopes • by strict. attention , to 'his , bUsilicas talnerit a share of public patronage; • • , Olt „ .WOODS. iv, - • , - TOR -T l lll-4TIZION • . ..fr„, i'iieelrlagin.)°Fan '', 1 ,./r4• CMOS stork PArtn. itiNoxNoo, , anquiss In style, quality t •cm , and Nice .an chit haNtt ever boon •ealtibeted . Cariiii o ; ••T,resper full snijel4tfe c ari fl in pulleys Ju 'want of .raper IlarighigS efuny doscrip. ti on ,• ns I ikm,Conildent hy - usortM,ent: fat surptupseithby. In•the'llireitin and style and 'price* has but few ri tO l 4, l *''th 64 l. - aik , of thoPublid to callAhul UX • amine car Itag ofott tulAills','lLit cowl; "defit deal - ;1W, cannot fail 'ta pleake unlit fdatid r. y.rOUN I .I.';'.I,.YI Wes t side delt;irthr itullo!e‘h• gtiect, • . . • - 8 00 1,) - • 1:: 00 •••00 '';‘...f3ljillii6. -,, .'i....; , ;:.::: ,, ‘ ,,,, . .:---, , ;‘.. - . , ,i. ,, ,' , :!-f , . :CARbiSLII DEPOSIT 'BANK: . . .rc - PIVIO r • amiceting, oftholinitiilcete, , lfeLd - on - jhe' - sth TlNfaiiihT lB6o ,'lt , was unaniinOusly ri r , ,solted' that interry est'ehoud lbo paid deposits by the Carpel° Poposit Bank, incorptirutod by the State 'of Penney!. vania, as , ~• , • _par_eenL 2 par_anniiik.forenenthF,---: .interpst eenr ? es after the explratio Of the certificate, '.utdeskrenetv.ed, and the iimuer caity,s paid back with "opt uotice., , • : fly ordor.of tho Board of'Dkectors. 111nrch 12. 1856.1 - • W. m..iirxrgm. Cushier' .. • • CUDIBEIIIAND VALLEY; B2.'iNK . - . pitopiti.ETu .. - 'itB.. -. , wiLIAmicKER,, ' . 11tLIA111,011t. DftglitaNTA?t, . • •• . ROBERT C. STERMIT, .16 , 1,111 1i1INI,A1.; Iticuinu IVoovB,, '- • ' .Thus S. SirtEir, - . 101 !N C. DuSIAP, .. I.l.l;Nrty A. STuitur:ox.. This Bank,: doing: husitne.3s In the name of HIM, lIRI yNEM:&NI CU. is,uotr fully prepared to do a giln, erni - liankitnr - Business - w I tl Fpr, naptoess-nod- fidelity. Money rereire! .7 4, Deposit alai paid 'hick deemed without notire. ktOrest paid on 1 4 peentl Deposits.— Particular. ationtion paid _to the collection of Notes. , Drafts, Cheeks , le. In any part of the United Bta t ea or Canadas Itemittane4Made to England, Ireland or the Conti nent.. Thefitithful and confidential execution oral] or. dors entrusted to them, may to relied upon.. The - 09H at all times he. pleased to ghe any 1p fokmation desired in regard to money matters in i.:llneral. . Ti n ; proprietors of t,1*,..1.1 - fatilt aro - liable to - the.extent of their estates fur all thirtioP9,iiiiiiliir Other obltantlou . s of Ker, hrennemarr to. pr-,,- - .),Bankingllnuso in TrouCs Itnilding.. Main Street, a fare doors east of the )toad Repot.—Open Par I wisi auss from 9 u l c,lock In the morning juntil 4 o:elor-4 in the otenlit„ - . D. A. -SlltllitiECN , Ctishie'r. N. A —lnterest at the rate of 5 Per cent, per annum. will ire paildon Special deposits es heretofore. • arc Carlisle Morale 111. • ISSP. • • • • — . • ~.etou,tz...;s/, Tl.in,vat.c. —.—• pREPAIII4, .F 011.• IVIN',l',El.t! -. pm(Loit•.A.ND f26..As.tmi STOVES. Tho'sni)scrlhpr at his old Amu' on North linnever st.,. Carlisle, the.sigii.of the `•lllauilikli bed -1;:nllCe Pot," de . hes to call the sitantion ot the lofldle. th ,his large as- . ortinont.of STOVES, of the 111/Must' drill iciest tlishloria.- - 1010 sti;leA, front the i‘st. unitiutactoriesin the o''. , ' country. and at all pricraisodu $3 to SIC). , '• titAk-h1.,„. -, , Anning his PA liLp! t t i til- , (41.tA , 5119:1:. 6:I(I . N t 'ES ' . : ,.,A. ~,,,,,,r et 1 i a , ,,..,,t , r ii i i o u r i: ,:t ti t i ,r l;t i ii e- 41 A 4t . i , e , „ i:4 11 1 e t„ e t r 4. 4.. a , 0 1.' t 1 . i t t, i i ,... , ',-.... with othor pittternS which he as of all 'rFizes CA' pivrlup, or chambers. aturcaiculatedin hurill lig either 41 - I,imi or• coal. Also, the. ilAna,, Moho, Aator, Albany, 1:14-top and Bandis,x or Poor Mairs,:wil.h,other COOK -INii -tiTOVES,-isoirprlsing_the..lateat _inilirtmenieula..i.u_ hitclloii-stoves,and- i law il4 od 14”' ratite-:wood or ,:oal.— , Alt:, the Dining- lto.d» Cooking iittcce4,s; new and ele . ~...a-nt•artiel,Adi-witi‘dx....hathiAlihlsartictilar atten tion of fautilles. Ills 'cooking litovearonkol in iiirEe,lroin $1 , 1.,25 with the. 'S* tes of - various patterns 1101 thlrerent pikes . . Also: 1-1.NA311:1.1.ED AND TINNED. M AllE for Cook ing :haves, brass Kettles, &c,:• :Also;.ovory article in „the line of Tlira int topper \Yam.' Alio :-pu,'lMle are rospr(!t,, fall} - invitpd to mil no he is, conildetit with Ills - 4arge". stock, variety, an . ii chCapuess. of being ll. Wit to-give eu tire satisfaction to every litchaser. •li , all.4nd See. - net. •21i: Ilia): - ' " .--:.,:;)Il Mt/lt - 1119 , , •. _ _........._______ • ' - ' • r if 1 ' 1 - 4 I . i.. 1 r , I fif - 4. - TO V ii:' , ' ! .:, LON . E'. - 1 1 ,... - SA ON ES ...--- i.. J JOHN It. jlnllll AS wotildinfor*ille'. - pitidie that .11 , 7 haa'af.llV..oltll•litti.ill Wit Nitttiitki! r tiplelitt;:till •iditiil 5.C... next door to Marion lien; Pao': iariiost 'find ' IW-44, - . - i•of f i. . . PI i. ,63 eSaortilioil t. • in; (oils, .01 , 11 cEAipA k_ i. 1.01: liTi.f 1:1‘.‘A... to be foie atiilit ;' till% ri.tility. -. '.. which will _be. soil-ay-,the loWest prices for ter, cash or approved credit, 11l; .-sttirk'ein,klets of r it large as 'lf nor . aind -111,41dy lip. _ proved PATENT o , ooli ocl 3... NW ES, ihill.hed hi the most couipletai wannt;r.nl4, talcaniited ilic e ither wood or coal. or Inith.. All idle ; olti 'itttiltilaril , pal terns_ which hero - stood the test of ekpeilonCo, Way lio Wand at ins as ablishment: Also, it ghait'ilnietr of tho twist approve and halation PARLOR OEVICIV 1 , :T0V,1.5. In ellaillnK. minnow of new stylety i pii , 4essing . very supe rior ad vtita tinreii burr those- hernia> ere du use. Fatuities ? 1,8 '4111(1 housekeeper!! are reit , * . I . ll,llSiittiltiiti,to MVO' nitn a calllbefere -pinclailr ) t elite ere.: lshoVes delivered to any part of tini.countrylini put tip at 'the shortest un tie.% lie continuesl7 da all kinds of TIN AI) N riIIEET 'I 4.4I.NANV.A , and, t - riper Wiont, gain hniv Ignl stall tly 03 1 -bawl ' de l , will make, Id order every article required by housekeepers ar others In this 'llan, - Ills stock gn . Tin ri nd, Copp6l.Ware 'millraces evety:l.trid'of household and, I:Mellen atOßsil..warrtuned elven-Ho' thebest wiatzufac- Lured. 'lie'rirrneriVt.iittViirarthilelalLMS Into may•lib ways Ifo StlCOttC.leittg tiCCollitilltillitti4 to their satisfaction by giving- Olin n eft4ll:.‘l\ ~ i r : , i,ir, ~: ~., '". 1 ~, i ~, -1 riti iitiiii,il;7 \VEST BRANCII: jiNSITItANCE y uo., OF !ACTTAttkiNi htsureo, Dot/whet! latildlitizti, Stores, 3lrrchantliitor::Dirtu Itroporty, and ether buildings, and their •euuttlit.s-nt. poidelato rates. tjAltFV. , t 1..r . VA!0 000--ell A IVVNIt PEMPETTI.A.L._ - lieu 0 . 0 !Torrey, • Ahluttis, , D. Jackman, White, • . Then. Kitchen. -- 11 - 0INT: - 0,1,...11 -- .tit-ittrY;-Prra.-- • . • T,V;.Acti.Asta, Vice l'res. •- TIIJMAS KITCUEN, Seery ev.-,!•" • at;rrittlsatt....s..' • Samuel TT. L 10,• d, . R. D., A. - -•• L. A. Mackey,. ' Fearon, • A. White, *Mr...T.E . FF.4.lrawforil, , • fatuesQuiggli, A. tiptlegroff,' ' • John W. ittay nerd, • James Ariniitrpng, Sheen Uameron, Wm. 1110,er. _ WM. O. Aitcet. - May 16. - - - [t!arlisle, (7AII,Ja I.S 'EI ENC Y FOIt INDIDINITY'AGAINST LOSS ITV FlliIL•• • lion. John Pearce, John. D. 11201, Charles A,. duper, Charles exist, Voter Dickinson,. TIIF FRANICLIN FIRE INSintANCE • . ....• UP PlI/LADmplim. Charter Porpfilnal.—Vini,noo 'cupitiii : paid in. 081 ea . -, . . A 63% Chesnut. litreut. ....---.. MAKE IN ui.orc n, either permeneert nr limiiad,against doles or damage by .firo;oit PRISPERNT mid Arsversof every description, In .town or Country, on the most re sonable terms. Applications madeuithprperaottpily or byter, with be promptly attended to. .- - Y.:B ANC IC Elk, Pres' t. • Tho subscriber is' agent' for the above company for Carlisle and its vicinity. Ail applications for insurance either by mail or poresmajiy will- be •attoadod to by, • SPONSLEE, . , dec.l2, '55: Real Estate Ageltt and Scrktet.er. IMRE • INSUB.OOII. . , . • AND PhiNNSIICiItO MUTUAL' *RV' RANCE. 'COMPANY of Cataheriand 'ediaptk,' inearpo rnted by ma act of Ainembit, la nontitilly.organited;and in operation under -the manitgeininat uf. the . ,fallowing commisolonhrs,A , M: , : - - Daniel Malley,. Willia, IL Oorgas,' Mighnel CocklDt, bleldioiriirnnueuum, Christina Stayaltiaootut.C..ollo, , lap, 44e4.11: asaver;'Lewid Oyer, Henrys bap% posija-. Min U. • Musser; 'Jacob . ..Mumma, Jeneptk Wiekersham, Alexandur..Cathcart., • •• • ' ; • ; • . , The ratog 'of Insurance itro as low' and\rmioreqo pa anY Company of the kind hi the State.- t'oreous Wisljrng to !merlin° mbuli . lrittrAireyltod to, mAlto,oppttcWon 1.0 the itgants am° comphy, *WA uou thedr* any Unto. - - `nElo. IL .749084±,15:iiiiii4eilt; :LotaAtloticu rre.ctathity • :•;;,,•• • • • AePoNT),;:'' COMOIOLIANO C00N.Wit.,44A0104-',slc!rt.ft.O`f,,.. Cum _ CTIL - ,TlOMAni.lryggPW - 13 -- skeorl:,lrdearbo.t" -- 81110, "AnstA* 0 J ?C$40 01 !." 0 01 1, Carl i sle ; ; ; Or. chorohtmyli ; .§,0 4 0g1 r ,-,OrAhimi Wegt, 'Pountiborough ' Jautva.Mc _PUNVOI, Exitoktbrif; Aodo.Oriffith; South 'I hi. Somuphtloovery Zetninmirylblppeoitirtk t ItiMunt "Shol , - be r d it ii rar4 . ' YORK' COUNTY. , !4•4I3Ini-Boirtult4,lilll6ing; P e t er : Wolford,-Yradkilitt Wa'shington'; 9. Pielang, THWori • • OA 11.111( 811t114.0: , -4,Too#er,..t I.oNonan, Atomb`ork 0f...110 oonfiVnyindictee oboort to OK pirCZ/1:11 thom renewoll by , :kimlikkig.ltri)licAt,ion to A Itypt 14e aOtus- • . • 'ltgricuttorat. . . IMPROVEII' -.. SELI-ADJIJSIIIsII. : ' BAY ELEVATORor 'IIOI2,TING FORKS. ' r.ibeirfigifpliffElfiyll -11. iiiiete,rs . __lii4iiiiiiikfrietu. 1 5\1. ' ot. blocks, ropese. • ' ~.' •.. • , 200 ludependrnt Tooth, Hay' jid Grain Bakes. „ , 300 Ploughs. •varions slzestan pate, ns. 2 NO Cultivators, oritebllltrr ils. Vitriols.patterni. : zoo ....Harriata,s,,trinits 470 g Mid iiiiiiirt.s ___ ,-- 100 Hay, Straw and Conntitalk Cutts: s. ,:. • . ' . 100. lteadintes Patent Power Corn theiterSztltd Cleans 300 Landreth's 1./weldor hand Corn He.tllers Nos, 1 •. 3, and 4. - , . • • . • • • ' :The abets -are. all• itanufactured at oar .Stentit Wort Bristol, l'a. The' worlonaitahlp anti MU teriul are of L. . . . ~ , . • surpassed quality. ~ - • teruterfwill - profit by an-ezaminathatatdc'emparis„ with_ pther.im pletnents in market. ~ -.A LSO,, . ••• 50 Stacy's Patent, Grain 'Prilia. - .', 100 Illekok's Patent. Cider Mills nod mesa, Deitt t Dunham's Inkproveil Oink. Motion, ittapir. .and. Mowing Machines, of ivb!cliCiro. Invie. the' Fl agency in phliadelphin. . ' = • '• : Aetiultural and c sale by - - NI)10- . .! T SON, •- Nos. 21-nnil 23 B:kinctlciA.,'PlkilndOlibin• 31 . ey 2S, 18,511-3nE, , • : • . • G ItIOU LTU RAI .131 1 7 1,E - N ENT; • PENNOCK'S tiELEIMATED LI 1 , ...5T1M1L1 Adapted also for sowina.oate. grits geed., and guatuf. litmiter's Portable Cider:sllll-11;c Lest tOl t in the market. Ilallidny'a patent Wirti Hilt: !torte Power's and Threther s, lime al, d i; nano peeader's.' Dardel'a Ilay; Struir and fhler cutte - Littirr - fihrid-Cca .1 41.11T:Cpb-Mi2l;l'iialli..,l--AtWespire Churn. Theateve Puperier f Inplements "I,lth ell "othe for tire use of the farmer or, gardner, for sale Wholea, and Retail by_ . . I'ASCIIA "Agricultural Warebouge,and Peed PUT, corner 7 d ,tarkut strcete, Nos. 21 and 28 South Si%th Strec• PHILADELPHIA AGRI{ ef.TI.7IIAL /311 . LEMENT 51ANVFACIITT. r‘rirtol• Fa. _ (ffiotlNDs (L 7 6I Arre6) Bloom sditk, ta n r . ET istol; Pit 13A. T. E. N-T _A_ • AN KEE PEF.II aTTEM.•:, A. 1.011101 :\;,,0; 410 Marli.q. 5 : 4. et, fhilsr Tlitt nutter I::superl.o• totiorttotrio . t;te.-fitr streng auraLllity, and . 1)1 i;.l tx _4 eot trif4i,•;i ircots fn and is the only self sltarra.:drig Ilny. 'Aloe and F, Flan: Cotter ever - made.; It -lts lost O,N :•.7:TItAIGI KNIFE, winch any pnmen an filial ar ii tit wlth e. but trs ordloney en,e: In . gfoubd `co th - e: , 11 - 45. - Iiivic. Tht sands already boon Fold, and. the-4( Is tin:. IneregFing. In ISI. at cuffs an.exaluinatl. r. Follicle to convince one rii Its superiority., No (11. IL art. 64 a shi trial...Ny(4lld part—titbit for any idler. All sires of t al)os.i'ebnstantly on batnlinttLfoe , raleJ y . . J. P. I.YZ E, • o'di,ft&de Alp/nil:0 Cuturtolcind.ootnat, ) .. _ - _ ~ . . • , '- - • • ~ .4 . - . . ' -1 , Ni: 1 'C:ir i 3 ... : M , i . l : , efr( .)... . ~,•,."', .., 14 1 , .. ?,: , . ~,, •.' I . t . ft:4 .. ,.. 1 . 4 .S ., '• , ..'.. ' '•.: .I". . ' ' ' : . .,7 ' . .. ' IF . :":4.. 45. -, ~ . T. ~. ?rat ~,-...L. .:. ....),. 6"... '... -"''' .. ‘6V4,' , 17,': - „2„„..- .FP 7 --1)-- „... ii ... -- .::: - 1-'.,7.1. k!,13,- Y ' ''. r ''ill' 7.7.r." '" - • : '• 4 1 1 Maii.;‘,4.4747a,01, ,t ~ ~ ,,z ,,, t; -.- ••. • :V ',.. . ~,z- , - .- ~,jn tilk:r.`".4 ' fir - '' -.- r i--.TMe ' ♦ liZarp....' • I - 4 - - - ---- - . '-''!' -, • , 4..rT , '" z - 1 , • ,,,,, "" -- "' Fie r ' - "...'. 8 ; .i,.;'; i i,V. „. „.. ... 1 :, „.,-,...•. • ••„. 1' i,.: •.‘., -4::,„•.,, ;,,,,.., -- •• , Li.,,wril-_,•.,...,,,•,,,,,,.,., , ,,,,.....,„,....,:,.. . T • , :11 - --.,' . ._ . . _ ' ' ' r" . "17 7.: = 7 . 11 C.,4 • -)*.,_ ~., .._ .... -- .77 --- _,....._ . .. ..- 4 ` Z:: - QefYl7l."B: :GIANT-.MOIII ANb COD MILL. PATENTED MAY lean,. I Thu - though but rtvent,ky Introdtwi from the 11r.sr, now stands rnr..rxi. as• the um Siam r' Prvu , vs , t,nniiimpularininu,l9i4.Al t_beagr, Our Ilsaurscrotans aro mutably the wily once In tF World—exclusively devoted to making Ilietalle Mill therefore IN`bSC7 , 2i superior advantap.es lir preparing sea au adulixture id metals, as best adapted to making strong and durable article: - 7 • The Lirrin GIANT has been awarded the First Preen UM at the principle Fairs of the Nation, as. the two. roniplete and cot) verilent Mill now iu use. „ • Thii.e:Mii.rs-nre um, only guaranteed; superior to a others in theirieenstructien and quality of matetia but the amount and quality of work they perfor ejth any given peiver::.iiand4iarrauted all eases suit, or the purelat's&Momireeluule.d on {aura of tI ;- They aro offered to Patters atulthe trade convict at VS. $4 and Val, for o. 3 and No. and ektra . ror_,swee24 , t. • iVarnintiarto .g t dedi Veit» '6 to busltdsper.lieur oceording to size.. . , . SCOTT'S . NIMBLE GIANT -4RA1.1. - , , (CA. FATED „: This Blau is a mest complete and important artie tor Flouters; Farmem and ert, havion horse-powi or other conveniences thr run belt. 'They can I worked advantageously with on two or. mgry horse wherever a speed of from four to. sir humlred ravel tlous - per =Ennio can brehthinedimpen pull° with a 4?), - .7 Inch belt. • These 111443 are adopted to any kind of Work grin log . coarse feed front corn, oats, .te., caul fro. corn, wheat or rye; and corm*. " the lama sell factory Manner, and With a rase saving:of -.power ov all other mlllsl the Cob being eat? withalterpv:lonat-ste. • ThO Orst introlturtwratalcOdcw i t t,h_eseAllillit at tt late Faint of Now Jortiey,''Fittnaylv,ftin,and.:..the Indu triotEihtbitien atlkistott. The Want Weighs about litio.pottnds;,occup ibg .trp?cl) Of 30 Inchea square.. Ilia pekullarty . sitopl strong, and diu - ablet , roluiring.no skill to tun It, or keep It la order: . . - They are offered tOtilPloto, ready for, attaching. tt belt; at 463; whit eailt steetcobattiehments4fs. We rented to glvitehe moat . nerfeet eatilifaktion: , • Fleas° man' atltui 1410,14 WON . . B tDa " 1146' their °perinea . , llottufastood of.• • . . • • gOSS SCMAti . CO • ' • r 17th Ceittis4, nits. - Feb, 10. , , . .THg. IN'l.:—The t tetitien4 iktraNriiiitiVt44l' to Anipl4 ,- t,'Axeapest and best tai,Er4y.naent • the Age,. : Price esl.ss, with a written gnarantee'tb: ,1t FiU gtipOrlK . t.pattstaction or the mono' roturnex setbat you run ne rlatin trying it, Ace Intro.& IM) nuniber of the MCA ~respectable references, whiet be seen at n p r Store. We. haye just :ractired m 'Sprtnft.Stf , * of 1. 11 4M 1 1, • cleans, Verits„aoiels, Rake lbws. ate.. Arhicli yery large anti c‘unpletp,`Yuni sOld at Vie very, lowest pricris., A •large a 5.411, merit ItOaie-iniitle• Chains of all )antis, 41trayp in sin: at umunfut mart? prices. • JOIIN 'r. BEM ~~ ~~ ~\ ;~ ~~;, rri i'&' (,