Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 04, 1856, Image 7

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    e "YarJ,
Boys; whem'you court, , ,' •
You sfiould deport • '-,
Yourself wish ciyoutuspcctlos;
It rs's ei•V • ' ;
To seelt
And trifle 'vrithalleoliort.
• Nor, when sincere
. The men,appear
. In gallantry and wooing,
"Can woman jilt
--------Z---Without-the..guil •
' Of eimaiitr misdoing.
. •
Too pa ny. court.
lit..tloogh i tiesa„ sport,
Nor think when Ihey have, putiel
On what they've 'doneL
' Tho loving. one
Left on ted.brokenAelirta
Too many jilt ••
quark - Up, — 7 -- •
'Sor think while thus ther.lttiflo,
• . • .
That men have hearts
. ifp„rof.lA.c. t v4's . (ihrts
Though theY'tlteir feelings •stifle
Io all ve do _
Wo — sh - oad - be - true,
Nor raise an expectation,
Unless 'tie :meant,
To full 'extent, • '
To meet the obligation.
i i f'uurtiuL
------ -
take the responsibility'.' .1
JOoon, 'upon
,s)n occasion iv hen..tho, opinions
Of his constitutional advisers differed from his
own , . Recent events - at Washington: bare
iliour,n boy mueli Moy be assumed by the
President of the. United Stites in committing
he . Congress and nation to., d peculiar.rline of
policy, •and in fact absolutely ciunpolling the
• other.branches and members the . govern
tdent, The iti;tory of our country, brief us it
: is, is full of inStenses witieh exhibit
king manner the cenfrol'of the Eieiutive,. and
displays his actual Poweraseßnost autoet:alio,
not withstanding 'thetheoretical - liinitatons.--
TheTresilent .of the United States has, if he
chooses to exert them, direct and • indirect in-
Buence conferring an authority . reallf ec gr;ater
than th,it of any other chief magiOtra the.
world. What monarch could lin've,lcept the
conservative emirs of General Washington so
successfuily as he
. ?There \vas iu his, time
an evident and pnwerful disposition it fnVor
of alliance with France, and War with Eagland,
Sympathy with the French, late the allies of
the struggling providenees,the appeal of grati
tude and the unhealed enmity engendered in a
seven years' contest, the sincere impulses of
the people, and the wolllaid plans of demo.
gogues,' all strengthened the war. party.—
Nothing but the'weight of character and die
c'ons'ummated prudence of Washington could
have averted .the .calamnity. Elie saved the
United'States front' an early embroilment •in
the wars of Europe, mid from , an entanglement
Which if it had riot killed the infant Hercules
in the cradle, and reversed the myth, would
have loft the-marlts . of the snake folds upon
:himeven to this day:, ,
The . party adverse to raSiiington triumphed
on the tiefeat of ,J . .ohn Adams—a defeat howev
er as much the result
.or hitt, :own- iMpractica_
Wittyl :as of any other cause. Honest *of pur
pose,. he was judiciousin—his meow to effect
ends which:in themselves •liommanded the res.
pect 'of all doneetvUtive imp; TO him - followed
Jefferson, and in his administration 'was exhibi
tod, in a manner even - more striking than that
,of Washington, the Executive influence.. The
mere accidental toss. up
. of •LI majority, „had
such a presicient_filleci the chair, would have
'done nothing but drift -with the popular cur
rent. Mit Jefferson managed' to .control the
very elements which put him in . :power. He
was a man of marked and powerful; though
nut of brilliant talents; and without compro
mising hisdemocratip reputation, he amused
the radicals•with axioms, while he directed the
policy of the nation and resisted its too rapid?
proclivity toward the extremes which we have,
'witnessed in later days. A mure'hapPy defl
nition of his character could not give theta in
the undersigned verdict of posterity. gver,jr•
thing is Jeffersonlan. We have aeon . Jailer
,sonian Whim, and -Jetferaonian Democrats
and if, in the sectional ; differences of our day,
the A.bolitioniats' do not ! tali' themselves Jeffer-
Aonians,'it is not oannat fortify
'their pOidtiOn.iiitia7itractei
,fronr.itie writings _
L.-and quite tq; the point 4io. for jelfeeson
'bad no'airtyli:dngree Tit What stateamntl'. call
dip/".13,0Z and common People ilerteminate
ounninv . tAitrcould, be: very unequi . Viiiial in
deciaiations 'which taint u n iceidaillY bOolutrin;
eFect; thpu T b• degided is wer)ls.'
___theAbolitioniSts claimed bim,,theSouth could,
, ' ua " a prnotierd
,oh . amplob of
the peculiar , iuetitutipu. .
After detfersOnlaame'llladison. In Wash.
• Jefferson were exhibited what a,
'President could was. demon
strated what could be done with a President.
• ,
• The:war 'party ,Witutod,.the.. „ preltlgt eLef.L.thes-1
,Presidenes.naratt:rantritn niter of history
that the •J'Ajoutig . Atneriett'!._of ISIO-11. as P 41....
pably pee hed . gr ..esident jute., 'a - War,
with England,4ecver an irresolute :Men was . :
crowded;againet his, • own wishes..,
over "Monroe and .Jobn Adams, neither
need we dwelt' on 'General Jackson.'. , .. What .
. one man could . :do, ho too strongly, ex hibited
to_ileed.any.recapitidation. Van Buren fl ave (11
.Ottnadaoind lost and-a little bird.
.whispers that'thelessoh is, not 'Unappreciated ,
by President Pierce. He .is not ' ' dispoSed to
avoid foreign difficulties to the jeopardy of his
the Unian: President without consul
ing Congress': baited a trtip - TOIT next* .with.
Gereral.Tayler. Obedient party, with the
forced aid of therolutitantsp'.When. the .'trap
sprung declared Mexico at war* with the ,
on, and the country was_'_eornmittetk - to the.
President's - darling measure:' • tVliat.
.m.ightdone,:had. life been
spared; it-is painful to recall. What Fillmore
,not do we knew. lle did not:prevent the.
preciptation Of theNortli: - and South into an-.
agonise.., Pe - omPa •no-, one - e:ould—but we_
lurk the administrative talents .of Washing
_ten, Zeffersaii,:orlackson - wculd have• - had tt
conservative influence which Fillinere did :nel
exert: What Mr.. Pierce can' - do, ho is nbent
to shoW us. What be hos done; we have seen
It the domestic relations of the. country,' and
its positioefhtard foreign nations arela a
'grave crisis, it is becase the inherent and nee.
esSery difficulties of both belie been - needlessly
increased, either by the opinionated 'self-wall
•of 'Mr. Pierce, or by -influences which- liave
, heen brought -to, ope'rate upon him. We think
'his ruling motive is a•desire f rll, re-election ;
-and that he is hidliing fur a, nomination, in a
Mode tneTt undignified. Wo do not allude' to
the stereotyped tricks of polities, bui to., the
thew.' avnilitlilo resource! 1,4 *ha% dis.,
covered-- namelyi'the tacit, if not direUt proin
ise•of iArey_ersion. to mother or others,, should
he become pcilitically'tielotiet. There are two
surylvorships • in, the politietil ,post obit b'y
ishielMr. Pierce- wishes to keuro voteifin
Cipcianati, and we are not surethere are- - not
even more.' . •,•-•
The point to which the...hufried review of
some of the leading facts iu our history brings
us:Lithe vast Importance of the choice of a
chief magistrate. , lie iitiot - a mere regal toy,'
like some bereditarreovereign. ...If a luau of
talent, he has - mnri . porrer for good or evil than
any prince or
.potentate._ And. if deficient
either_in firmness or in • sagacity, the weight
of his officio givesliirnan influence which any
cunning wirepuller or 'Monti - irons
inieto the peril of. our peace abroad.. auOf
our happiness at,horno. It is not a mere twos•
tion of the'spoils of Office, but it involves our
prosperity atid.hanor as a nation, and, as bit
izens,• our • dourest l itereste. It is simply
weakness to sartha - t * to erg of office is short
and that if the President prove incompetent'
ortinfaitliful, he can be removed. A great
deal may be done in four years—oven in, four
.days 7 -nay, even, iu 'four_ minutes, tte , Presi
-dent—Polk_ showed_w • It et_ he__rnadel whis
augural the incautious expressions which im
peded Our diplomacy for year's, and oven now .
may beone of the causes oftireign jealousy.. man in. the world—morally and
intellectually, Watuially - OS - to — getilus - and
character, and_ practically'as to experience and
acquirements-.. Would not
s linve any of hie
faculties unemployed if he essayed a' eausoi
entions,-Patriotio and impartial. Performlance
of the duties, and exercise of the prerogatives
of the President of the 'United States. We
should; riot dare to 'enter upon the election
Of such an officer without a full sense of the
importance of what We are to do. '
The bayonet ifirives its Immo from the place
wherS it was invented, Bayonne, in Fraiiee,
and was first used in battle as a.wetipon by
theFren*. in the year, 1603, proving u novel
and ettioierit arm. •
. .
Bearded vomen have. been known in every,
age ; one was seen at' the court of Czac Peter
I„ iu 17 , with i , ..o, beard of „immense length.
'Margaret, goVerness of the'Netherlands, had
Bowlines an English game, aarias com
mon as . early se the•thirteenth oe tar r y, espe
ciallymenu. the hig.her ranks. Charles 1.,
played at it; and it formed a dailTTAZ4ation
tor leisure hours with Charles 11.
• , Stone buliets,were used until the year 1614;
when iron came into use. If Wag near 'the_
close of the sixteenth century' before leaden
bullets were generally adopted. Stone_oatAncitt
balls arojyei used inthe East; . .
The pinnace and•principle of Inkurande is
of great antiquity, and was well knoWp in the
time of Claudia . 4 Clew; A. D. 48; cer
tain-that assurance_of ships at sea waspran!
aced as early as the year 46A. D. • '
Chocolate:was first introduced Into England
from' Mexico, A. D. 1520. It was fnadefrom•
the ilowerOf the. cocoainut, and soon'becamo
very popular and universafly used in.,thOLOn
dqn ceilett•houees. . • ••
A Few.Seraepe.
,rI .".. . 14' A•• ~ 0 'e J te , ... j./ • .
'Oriit*4 OW :Y
44.410 f•
7 - E1f:47 . 4' . .:-:P.t0t.5,.
with aSplentild . varlaty
;04).N ECll`.l UNARY 'AN DIA NC r.0(19:0 1 ,5.'
:41,te- , ,tidersl.tood.has,.jastreplenishod..hieriateck 4 O,C
.11i8 Drags and , Chendeals, have lieen* . i:
lectod with great 'can, he lit 3ireptirod, to 1111 ordsta-
li'ronnitly:• reiy•apon . tho gonutiniam•
and ' ptirltY ef eiery , -Y• •'• • •
Ltis . stecit,of CQ:sti , '/WYVIONAII•Y is large a>ld Selected,
With speciar liff.
reforence to tlioliday's;-
any variety, persons May desite- to that lino,- ilo•has a
largenisiiortmentotFrench,tiorman and'dOmestiOltmicy...
caucties,'all fresh and of thiVery,betit•ifaslity.,ills as;
sortment of .VANOY• 13031/S. 'ittrinCandotalances at:
most everything necessary rof tho Toilet and Family.
lie invites special attentiMi to his Fancy-Wilk-Boxes,
Ladies' 1134.13, Celogite : b.)ttlei,lVateh' , and'eard 'Trays,
!Ant VOPOR; s ••••• • 1.. •
Quick sales, small , profits , had ,strict consistency in
dec. 10, ' • • ,11;:.1. KI,F.FVV,It.
P it ESTI - DRU - (3 ---, 1S110)1AM.N . S,.- itc .
.k, dt6,---1. hay . ° just itaidwyd frem'Philadelphia aiid •
-•!----- •.., - New Yoilt veryexteimive additions to my
, ' ~.:' •-• 1 1 , former. stooki . embraci lig nearly everY artiele
. 31edqtiq , " - now in use, together__. with
, ~..:e.c • -• • Paints, Dils,Varuishes, - Turpentine; l'mni•
- , ---1 ...ii --' eery,Mails" , Stationary, Fine•Cutiery, Fish
- 'lug TaCkle,Druslies of -ainiost every &scrip.,
ion, with an endless .variety of ether :articles, which I
mo determined t...) sell at the VERY LOWEST prices.
A l l_l'hyslelans. Country Merchants, l i ediars and atli
era, iti'll . respectfullY reqUestiol nbt to pass the .OLD.
STAND, as they may rest inquired that every article will
besuld of a:good-quality, and upon reasonable trolls.
May .:30.• ' Mails street, Carlisle:i
•. . -
1A RUGS' . 1. I)ltßitS I. DRUGS ! Fresir
I. J:211 PE hY I r has just s rocelied a fresh stock'of
/.. • letileines, Paints, Wass; Oil, - kc., whichi . having
beau purchased with.. great care at the best, city
liouSe - S.T canconfideutly recommend to Families,
Physicians, country. Merchants a - mi Dealers, es he
..,....._ • ,
ing fresh and pure. -
Diti.VLS--Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Instill
ments, pure Essential Oils, .11erbs.and Extraets,..Spices,
-ground and whole,.Essonces; Perfumery, Sc-_. .•
Cod Livir i ni—Warranted - genuine., - - - - •' .
DV E-SrllFFS—ludignes, Madders, Sulitac,'-Alura, hog
and Cam %Woods:Oil VlD:inl,,Copperas, Lae Dye. .
l'A I N Tt.i- Wi.theril I A; Drother's :Pure 'Lead, Chrome
Orion and Yellow. Paint and Varnish lirowiles, Jersey
Window 11 lass. Linseed - Oil. Turpelttine,Copal : .rind coach'
- Varnish, and‘ited Lena, 'All of which \Viil LOR wild at'the
very lowest market price. .. '
)lAlso, a fresh' and splendid . assortment of FANCY
I DIY IDS, Fruits. Confectionary, and innumerable other
articies-calculated Mr use and °mamma, all of which
are mfeisld ;ILA he h,west cash prices. at the, cheap Drug..
Book and Fancy Stokof the subscriber on North !law
ovor gtrilitt. ' . . S. ". lit V Elts,Tlcif..
• furnituyf.
... .
4t.i. ~iou' C 0 1tN.14( of thin ,
' ' l / 4 .6fir l / 4 . i; ~..., # - _
r- 9 ,
,• , 9 „ j , over nod Loather fi ts.
CP. . kVP• Ir CA itLlSlX.—The..mdersign
ed InnZ always on hand a large stoelc of superloryabloot
I Wiire,th all the.different sLyles.,whicli 111.111 prepared to
sell at tn., lowest pelmi: lie invites,attention,,partieu
'lady to the l'almic - SPlllaa '110171'131 . 1.0:11STE11/ 4 11. most
115111 . 111 article,'wnich entirely obviates 11111,11101.t10110.-- .
The hat tont ,`an be attaelical to old Ileaktentis. they halve
given entire satt4loldon to all whil.haVelt lienidninfe. - _ - _
- '4l - (7 , OFFINS•inalle- to order at the shortest notice.
' 3 A.cou Eiwrioc.-:-
- ,
ii) o
13 1 , : ItT 13. - SMILEY, - 0 A.131N - ET:
k, MAKim-:,,,,vIINDEIiTAKEit ...,- ~..,,, ...
,--- . .,,i
Nona Hanover sfrect, -neat door to- .1 JA. - .' A
Glass's Hotel.'
- no would respe4folly infirm the - '
citizens of Carlisle and the public.-generally, that he
has now all 1111114 a largo And eloontimSiirtmentof PUB-
N ITU ItK,consisting Impart of Wardrolas, Card and oth
er Tables, Soffits, Bureaus. Bedsteads, - plain and fancy
dewing Stands, kr., manufactured of the best" mate - and
31111 quality warranted,. ~.:1 , . ._
Alsa a general a}"otorttitt•ni of CIIMRS at the lowest
prices. " VSNITIAN 111.1:10S 11111110 to 'order.ATlO repairing
'promptly attended to. . . ' . , ,
.tn t r .. o 1.1
41. NS condo•at" the shortest notice; and hat,
lug a sidondld hearse he will - attend funerals hi town or
40- f teiiiitiiiTO."ltie - idn - nd - - - rrox t - ettoor-40-11-.---41 I a 1 , 408-
Botch. ' . It. 11-SM ILE li.
pi XTEN S 1 V 1.; 1. , ' LI ANI'L'UItE ItOO M -
. • ,
Al —.l ANI ES It. WEAVER would resueefeully • call
.— , ..1,.
~....„ the , attention of house-hoopoes and the public
.....g i
to hiti extensive stoel‘of elegant FURNITURE,
Including Sothr; Wiirdrehes, Centre and Tables,
Dressing and 'gala Bureaus, and every other
article-B-I,llls branch of business. Also:now on hand,
the largest assortment of CHAIRS In Varlbilt, at '
the lowest prices. AOFFINS made • •it the short
est notice and a Hearse provided for funerals. lie .
solicits a call at hAs.establishment, on North Han. • '
veer Ansi, near Gl'asse's. Hotel. . : . •
('he subscriber has Ow satisfaction or u.
7 . ll cr if i n ivi :liming his ohl friends and patnnis that
lils.establiSliniunt Is el g4lu lu activo ope--
n, now buildings haying lawn erected sine° the Into
-dial trolls tiro and tliu whole establlslitnent but in oulti:
plan working order. -Orders are_therufora rospwtfully
Rollatod for)voticirr - 114 e; iii dung with
prouiptness and In the hest innunor?'
- STEAM ENtll3llls BUILT To ORBEit . •
and repicircil. All kinds of Machinery hi. Paper
Grist Mills and Factories repltired at short notice. 31111
Spindles dressed and turned.
such as Bevil Clear Four_ilorse Power, Horizontal Gear
Four Horse and 'lwo Horse Powers, Ploughs, Corn Shol
lorteand Crushers, tic. Patterns tondo to order. Iron and
Braver CASTINGS executed to order, If not on hand, at
tho shOrteit notice, suet' as Cranks and Mill 'Gearing,
SpUr and Bevil' 11'heels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, Plow
Castingil, Cutters, Point Shears,-Wagon and. Coach pox.
es, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car Chairs, ,tc. lie line also
on 1140, a largo supply of Plilladolphia anct-Troy-WOIC
INO ed VES; and is constantly making Cooking' Stovys
of various Improved patterns Cur coal or wood, ten plate
Stoves, ti puce. &c. done to all kinds .Ma;
chinery. All kindsof old iron, Brass and Copper tatted
n oxchange foy. work.
• - ,
131tESIfalW, ING. S UGA I{,: - A general
assort nent of Crushed, Sifted and'Pulverised
-Sugars-of bust-quality, as-also-Soft CrushodiClarillect
and other qualities constantly on hand, suitable for
preserving and all °tar- purpoSett--rgeuerally at OLD
a constant supply of the choicest Coffees, Tess,
Prceti and other articles in variety always on- hand.—
at tendon is invited to our stock before buying else where. -
Carlisle. July 25. '55. •• • ,J. W.- EBY.
supply of-thp above-relubmta4urn,mow
-00 hand or, all the different sizes, from 4 gallons to 00.
it received the first preadult* at the Into Pennsylvania
State Fair, the first premium at the Frankliu Institute
and Delaware and Maryland State Fairs, and various_
others at diffeient places. It will make more and better,
butter from a given atnottnOyf cream, and.4n less Unto
than any churn:ln the market. For sale vitholeilde and
retail by •. . PASCHALL 3101t1t18 &CO.,
Agricultural Warehouse and Seed gtore; clirner pf 7th
'and'Nlarket, : Dec. ! _l3, 1854,—tf
'NIL The 'subscriber continues, to carry on , the
above businessAn all Its various bnia`c"Ps;in North Han
over 'street, Carlisle. two doors North of Leonard's corner
%bore ho Intends keeping on hand a general assortment
wills is. consisting of all kinds of fashionable SAL
' • - 7.1.1LE5, Bridles, Martingales, Births,
Orel n gles am' Halters, also TRUNKS,
, travoling and saddle
„bags. Ile also man—
" -,alitetures the most 4 , 4 1 . 91
(10 approved r
'•:, • ( \\
• 8 pit :•1 0 .Btems , over Used In this'
•• country, and those wishing a hand- ,
• . • 1: some, durable aild pleasant saddle
. . • • "}yill do'well to call and see than. lie.
. .also manufactures •Ilarness, Bridles,
, • , Collars and I.Vhips in all their varie ,
ties, and confidently - believes fromdho general approba
tion of. his eifstomers, that be 'makes the .neatest and
best gears; in all their Variety of hrodilt, that Is madeln
_the country.
,Ito also nukes, fin :Muds of Matrasses to,
Order, viz: Straw, fluskrOuried Bair and Spring Mat
rasses. All the above articles will be rowle of the best
material and Workmanship, and with the utmost ilia
patch. • • 'WM. OSBORN.
• • V'
.s:torct Zliiaps;
IEANCY +JEW R idiVt - aze-:• • • ;0
Z" . % thavo,now orhan(' and tor enle at
4,ll,yl,9l§trtiet, opposite•Alarind-nallrarr
ifiiihWitii•yind,:elegant Stock of • • -- -
041Ittevim With:hex; hunting and open cnse, Silver 4o:°. sitvoi• CePhIU and4tuarter atchts, a laiktf '7f/tidy.
'Gold Anehoirt for Ladies and Gentlemen. -. •
assurtuteut for Indies and gents.
llronsf Plus,nfirvury - pattiiiii - , - -and all prices;
.' •
for rust and curb chnins, • •• • •
Plow Itings,Culf-phis,•Stritis. Sleeve Buttons, :•, '•
Crosses...hrtip - ittl Floop Ear-binge, n large variety. • .6
iiilver'and Plated So, Table and Ten Spocnit,iitter
I KnißeAc. of various styles and prices, ‘• ' •
'Gold and :Inver Thimbles,_ ',• .••• • •
Gold;.S_llvor nud Cmunton Sprit lorgensitorthyent- .
to suit all . ges, nud to 'Vlach wo Invite parfitular ••
----..attentlon• • _
Port Ithinnales, a large"a"gsortment nt every price; -• • .
lifeld_Pelo.o.lfi.h . Q:bsoit Ding. at various Pricer. _, .._, ."
Fancy Boxes, Port Yellow, Accordentis. Spectacle cases,
_Ladles Card Cases, 'silver and .pearl, at various prices, • .
Bracelets, gold mid einamon t , Watch Challis ditto.
Altera largo •vnrictr of articles itt'the Jewelry line,
which I will lipllnt the lowest prices, 41 411 articles war
ranted to what thitYTare sold . for. - •••• -
tyl)i Particular nttentlan Paid to the REPAIRING or
WATILBIRS and all well( warranted. Beloit:Ong tbnr.itti
o .thy.ota *Met& nod, customers cosi:former pat roti u ga,',(
respectfully solicit a continuanee oftheir favors.
1 • June2o • T lOM A CON !NY.'
11116 N
77-7 ,; --- ,---. . FOE. nl.: lt , l J 4 . 1
,e,c PA 4EV I / 4 ---,---•
••," • .. 110, : ..„---,_, • nil tisti- r ( . Iceivliv , i?pieill '
• iIfte9SCIRCS -.:- - , .. - 5-: stock of PAPER _DANIA:\ 1:!
• 4111 . 1141 ,',„ .
m l i sp ad ie p hAirt li i n ii; I t u ha s t ty i l i ti , , n r , I .c il c i i
been exhibeted In Carlisle. I fespectfitlly solicit /1 '+i
from persons in want or Paper Haugh ps of any &seri ".
lion. as I am confident by assortment far surpasses II I
iii the Borough; and in style anal Prices hue but few, I i
eels-In-the city.- 1-only Ask Of Vie publie to rell-and;t•—
athine my assoitmant before puirliuslug.,as I ain eor,
dent my chaste designs cannot-fall to please the nlc •
flistidious. .10.1 IN P. LYNF.;
: 11 AND VARIETY S'uolt:
ThO sullseriber wenhirespeetfully inform his friends nt
the Nubile generally, that be has just - returned - crew. ti
city with a .olartre and varied assortment of
FFRIT;',te.; Sr.. which he offers tor snio-oiLtile
mostreasonable terms, at his New store,
corner of North Hanover tdreet awhile Ptil;
lie Square, directly opposite the Carlisle Pe.
posit Bank. Ills stock . embrases over . ything . nsnal
in tg(irocers and , Variety store..
The public are Invited to-call and 'examine sto ,
ltefore pnrclinsink elsewhere, as he reels confoleht he ci
:Well the best gondA •loy est prices.. . -
43 : 11-INGITAM , DAVI
-Co., :till F :
-r • Philadelphia. • •
• •
and Phlintielph la: Cars Iwtve both pincem East sod Wes
twice every Week. Turrada3s and Fridays. All Encino
ItCIISECII to Bingham. Davis 4.V CO, will he attended 1,
with prionptliess, whether in mks ; produce or freight,
A.ll. flAINITZ,north strimt, Baltimore . , has si
mitered into thlk arilingignent, and'Will attend larlif•
lv to all business entrusted to'hitn,
4 =E szy- Ti ro jv
added to Dis former steel( a generabseleiitieri' OfC 110 I
illtOCEßlFitos well ativill theLotherygritity.otitrtitt,_.
usintily - lieKin - a - fkoceryWire:embraring '
.100 1 CoMio—roaseed - nnil-grveen—at 124 And 14 COI'
per lb., Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Pulverir. '
Sugars: of fine c uallo6st. Chocolates, Spices. Dui ,
Salt, and n 'variety of Faiiify articles. all of which are
feted at the lowest cash prices. We 9re thankful fort'
former support given' us, and Invite a further call frt..,
our Mon& and customers. ' d. W. till Y.
Merlon Hail, Carlisle. •
, .
./ -WARE--Old honsokiMpei s' And young; with a
ititt who are exporting to become housekeepers. are in.
od to call at 11A1,11ERT'8 FAMILY tIIIOI.7LRY - And
amine Ids elbgant assortment of Chin a, glass and (Nem
wate.nott_etherar_tides In Abe_ housekeeping lieu, sw
as Frond' and Ih:flashier, seta. heavy blunted and pla):
— Whi tell ran Ito. gilded and blue plain. Dinner sets of e
My variety and price, bowls. and pitchers. tureens. ills!
.4c, tilass-ware—eentre table and mantel innit
Candelabras and other lanips, groat rarity, table and I
tumblers, goblets. Ae. fruit and preserve dishes. in , i.
eddy. Cedar-ware—tubs, buckets, churns. bowls, butt
prints and ladles. meal buckets. &v. lirtudics—swoopli,
white wash, scrubbing. hand And rt”P l•rushes. (hotel
brooms, .1:c. Market. clothes and tr . :1.01111g baskets.
Also a choice assortment of Tobacco and gegars. C:
he who are fond 01 eholce brands of •Fegars and try ti
Prinelpes, Itegallas. Reif:monis nod othert'ulA varlet',
and you will unit them of nnimpeaelsal.le quality. Al
tier Spntilsh and Corinne: Cegars. with choice snuff at_
INO.—Tho.untlersigned would inform tl . '
L-T clptens of Carlisle that ho has made arrant ,
muutstodol A FITTIMi and I'LUIIIIIIMI at short r
tie°, and op retuottoblo tonna. 110 has eninved the se
vices of a first rata hand from l'hfintlulphia. and has su• •
plied'hittitelf - with - art• oitenalto - asaortnlent 'of FM—
•UItES. which will enable him to fill all order's promptl
All,mork will be warranted, Ills stock of tin& Fintun
will be found in thmroont osactly opposite his Thant)
establishment on lq , ,rth Hanover street, whore h'e
a nail. •
TINNING, SPOUTING, &e.'"-1/0 1s also preparini
furnish, or make to 'order, ovnry :Lakin of TIN WA I
used by hous.,. , konport; and others.-- 110 VIII also Mtn)
. .
'rtilinkful for the patron/Igo with whirli , he Imsnireloo
boeii favored, by respectfully.xotielta yc colithluanco
,j,he 821,1110.
Carlisle, dime 1-t, -,
Re Kntertalumout.—Tho subsrriber -respectfully
Informs the citizens of Carlisle and the public general
ly: that he intends opening a public house of outer
taintninit on - the Ist of 'April, In the building rdfre oe•
euplud by Mr. Woods as a store on the corner .of North .
'Hanover and houther streets, In the borough of Carlisle.: ,
Ile will be ready 14 all times, to accotntriodate who
may %or Mtn with their cuktele. and no pains will ha
spared to 'make all feel entirely at lime. ' Ills table elll
at all theca he - supplied filth the beat the market can
Allard.. • Ilia Stable with s good, and attentive hustler,
and everthing to make man and beast both couifertable
will he provided,. ReardersLwill be taken by the week
month. or year, at - reasonable rate's. Ildhopes by strict
attention to business and a desire to please to receive a -
share of public-patronage.. • -
P. AUG inntuAuGlL
710 R E C 11A,N CE. S
Iv . • . •R. 'MARTIN 4 SON,
uld - respectfully announce to the Public generally
ly. that they Intend openings-an extensive Lumber
Yard in New Cumberland. this Spring,' Whore. they' In
tend to keep all kinds and finalities of River Lumber,
and Also that they have on hand nori,,sibout 'one .huns
droll thousand feerdtdribairds and planks, (Pine and
hemlock) of different qualities, which they. offer to
tp_a,public on reasonable terms.
San 20, 1850-3 m • • '
vv SOAP,---Oonway's pure Palm Soap.--:Cenni3oif Im
proved Chemical Olive Soap. A. full .supply of these
truly excellent Soaps just, roc:eived and for. gull!. At
li",1.51I IN GROCERY, Main. Streeti •
- Carlisle.-Nov. 21, '65. - •
. .
ROSENSTEET,: House,, ! Sign
• • Fancy and Ornamental - •
'has removed his shop to - South Ilanoverstreet, opposite -
the Second Presbyterian Church, Reiddetwe In Pomfret
strobt, a short distance below 'Hanover.' lle
attend promptly toallIhe: :hoi() descriptions of paint
t Mr, at reasonable prices. ' . .Tho various kinds, ofgrOubig
attOn4o(l - to;lntah nru,alhogany,_Olgc, &e., In au
improved style • • • • •
.1 .4 ' AI) tr, . ... . . .. .
+ §..--:- 5110,1415.-rA . , full.. afiscirt ,
... . .
. vapid of 'Laillo;i'" Hilo nirocy.o and )iitl SUrg's aria
BoOtt ., ,AD•zolklises'imd Obilaronte pa .grcytt yArlot)—
just recolved itt_thp chtTp &zee. - •
Aprll 4, 18b6,4 • " 0114 g. OGILiIY.
.Voifq,cpc)o. ~
dc • 'PI HAFF.B I ,
or ...merchants, lawyravi: fitriaere, dud-other!,
• ealts,4apers or • other' valuables,' to preserve .h.
i+litl ,or liffitfiLAlts: • • - .'-' ' • ' •
,:flay (Ilobb'e).l3A — NK 1.9C1•13.
' A pAILD.--Th6 Proof liiife,"•tliat•preserVed'r
papers, '&e.; ditring 0)0. great Fire .at
Buildings. Willi purchased of tiLly,F , li E ANB, 018. 2 ,
,Bt.,l,*iltidolphia, • • • i (tril 11 'DUCH
. • • REFitiCE.RATOIiii WATER FILT11118;: ----
-;11T-ANW-Prentium-Vetitilated-liefrigerati,rs for cool
,and preserving meats,, butter, milk,. water, and .1
articles for culinary purposes,:' , . . • • •
WATER. Flurwts fOr purifying brataisit or. mut', •
'Water, whethei afrOted by inins; litnestont , ,nvart,
Miler cansei; _can 'be had separate. or attached to
Refrigerators—La small quantity of ice cooling the WV: .0
,In the warmest weather.
or cold water. • .
---W 4 3191..C4)01.1 . :118: for.ilatkds.. Stores, and •
. STORE, Tit r moving boats, bales; iiC2 •
FEAL I'itESSE:3, Copying do., :I/rtiggist , do. •
; • ; (OYER •EVANS.
No. SeecindiA . ..;(2 doors below Cbcsn‘
March t. 1850-Iy, fEskablislie7l in 1845)
• Nt").:B3 . DiI.CK 'STREET:
The State exOngt! Fund Is attractlng cleposita
allelatitrof the Onilintinity,l9 every Sectli2p of the-.
and country. All sums of money recurtiva ni dews
Deikwih3 fore:titled by mail In the OCder of tha - Tre:
ror, will rectUvii every "pecess;iry attention. -
lit O . U. HART.
' President
Feb. 20, 18567—Ciuy
Gls:Et:its AND - DItAIIGUTSMEN supplied
Mathematical Drawing Instruments, separate attr e ,
eases. such 2UI Dividers. Parallel ltulea, ivory, 1t0te..." •
rend Paper &ales, T squares, Triegies,, .
Drawing Pens, Protractors, Clunter'srlOcales,TatoT•
tires. Metall,: Tapes, Surveyors Chains, '2 and 4 Po) , •
and inn
_feet, Surveyor's Coutpresses, Engineer's 1., • .
and Transits, Target Rods &c., Lc; `AI iii ratite'?
the best Conste uction. Scriptural Diagrams, Astrete •
Natural History, Humorous, Chromatrope or Artl.
Fire works, lArselrittg Vistws, Magnets, Poloraniees.
Pumps, felectrlcal apparatus, Gab:ally apparatus C •
large collection of Philosophical lnsteurnents, su
for colleges and schools. Also,
Spectacles. Spy '
Microscopes', Thermometers, - Daroneeters 'Readings ,
'NUS , .
. .
Having received the agency fbr the sale of 1'
furnish Teachers with an Orrery, a Tellurian, a Nul
Frame. a 'inch Globe, a Hemisphere Olohe, as,
Geoloct rical Solids, a Magnet and Text Book, All p,
in a box with lock and key fur VAL Illustrates
priced catalogues forwarded Gratis,
204 Chesnut St. Philadelphia, East of 10th .
)0 Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania in It.
One door above_Second Street.
Re - COlien Deposits in sunis a One %foliar and upvn ,
from all Classes of theeenunity, and allows int,
lat the rate of tivo per cent per annum. Moneys
hark on demand. - .4a•Office opeu daily from 9
is o'clock, and on Monday and Saturilayountil 9 o'el,
In the evening..; • I
This institution will be found ^ a
convenient and , •
place of deposit for Farmers end °them doing bush
lu lre - f icisitsltro paid on demand Will..
any previous notice being required.' , '
. Edmund - A. Sender,' ; Ilea. Job R. Tyson,
Stilwell S.'llhhop, ' " George Doldin,'
James P. Perot, • Robert Morris, • '
• John McCanleit, 'Edward L. Clark,
Jacob Sheets,: , Capt. John Gallagher.
Joseph rd. Cowell, . drain Mice,'
Joseph D. Myers,'
Edweni 11.'7 1 rotie,r; • Wllllimi Shipper', jr.
Franklin Bacon; - Wm.T. Jenks, '
Thomas Cooper, ' • " Edger E. Pettit,
• Presidont:—FßANKLlN FELL
Tionsurer-01A8.31; MORRIS
• Secrotary--JAMES S. PRINGLI
• ve...The Charter 'provides that - no manager,Oltice•
agent shall, directly or %Indirectly, borrow any nic ,
from the Society, " - 0ct17,1814-1
• T ie FOIL
JOHN STONE SONS. No. 45. Sonth Seri'
, • • • Street, - Philadelphia.
would particularly cult the attention 31erebanta r ,
lilliners to their largo and handsome assortment ei
such as
. GLACE SlLfi 3 , , CRAPES, • •
rtnd Otlrr i rOttlelo appertaining tR t ' I cry trade
': Theeldovesaznods'hare beetk , traported ex y tbr g
Spring Sales, und comp,rhe , Abu teskasiart silt to I
found intbe elk": ... (April 856--to.:
subiicriber has luta' received:3,lol=lr floodlit ,
tee, Skirt floope, and a fow Spring Drees Goode.
Nardi b. ' • OXO. W. lIITNii.
Itlebivd G:Stoteidititt