. . ~ • •:- • • „ "" '~Fs"~r` ~ • - . .• 1.0 vb - ii - A - 1 - Ir - s - xili - ; ',TUN F 4;;lBpep fi,e f •,t qtlicst . 4l,iti,:•ff,t) . rtil . !• tt liali.et 11 . E a r tr 14, .tEltM$ -:---.Tiyo-EroccArt-A-A7,Y,r34l;ait-Orw-Do-r -; Tait ANI) FIFTLOENTA..I4' PAID $1 7i5 IF ' , AID WITIVN TIII ILT NION •ST .4Cl' T C K 'r ' CANAL COTOITSSTONER,'" ' • ''THOMAS E. COCHRAN; of YOrk • AlYtlftQll GENtil i • • • • DAAWIN PIiELPS of 'A rnistrcizin.'Co • Stil i tVEYOR, (lENETtAL, BARTHOLOMEW I.,APM, Bradford TO'THE PEOPLE OP TIIE STATES, . • The Peoplci of the. Ultitini. States; itith - ony r egnia' to postPaiitipal differences or. clirisioos.' . who ;tee, oppciseti 49 tile repettl of the ::tlisoitt.'," Coinpromiseito the of Alto' preshit r ministriition,.to the. ciitension•of Shivery int• • the Territeries,;iti' pevor ,of the etituission 4.1 1 .1C insas. es it Free ;?trite, ntia - of festering. the'il action of the 'Federal Covet:um : eta -to; the -ruin : ''ciphis of WasitingtOtt paid ,leffer'son, itre invited*, by the-Nniienni , Cetnniittee;.•nppointel: by the: Pittshittg Convention; of the 22,1 of Feb )T v iv.v . 1856 front cult :State throe Delegatesr _ from .et.tery.. !Carr:. UW3 i 0.1 I itl District; _ Delegiites At - large,' to" meet in 1 3 1fILAPEI, ii‘7lo47l:lNil 'DAY' for'the purpose of ieettenmehtling ettit 411 dates to be sopported for. the' offices of pte tdetit nn•l Vice Pre4dent of the United .State•.. • ,Ily order "of (lie Nhtinnal Cominittee. • r ..... COFAITY CONVENTION:. Tho titizOis of 'Cuinherloiol:County favor . - .blo_.ti.the-.61- - ;jeots_srpeoifietl in theLnhave;ell l ----nre fequested-to-tneet'in--theik tever,al hoioughs and township, tit,thoir,usi)al of 'Lahti oz-tilelZgo t ArrLitt:.o - os, the 70 instant . , had ` m et Delegates Nom each, tb meet inCoutitY - Cni • vet,tion On • Montlay, - •the 9th instant, .for ti: Jurpose ot .electing a Conghissidual Iteprk -. tentative. to the said National Convention; - - - I\l-ANY. . DELEGATE .MEETINGS. citizens of the East %Van', Carlisle, /V requested, to meet at the public .hotse of .1 septt Heiser' anti 'the' citizens of the Wi thepublic . honse „of .4ohn lifill110:„ on AsTunttAY I:Nxt.to, the 7th mat., to delegatesto the County Convention. - . . DISMISSAL OP MR: CII4._IPTON.--7MI Cratiaptou 7 the British Minisfkr; was otT cially informed 6O,Vednesdoy . -ei'enim of the discontinuance of his officio! rel: Itions as Minister of Great Britain to fh do . verniugnt,, aiid his passports furnish( him. The British Consuls at cincinnat -New- :York. and nise:informed .by , letter - of (heir. distni; . sal, and the notice of the revocation 'their exequators - jras sent to them. • Ir. meiliately - following the diSmissal , of . 114 , Crampton f we have:the - announcement the close of the Legation At.W.4.sliiiigtor , Mr. IJually; the Secrotary,.has detuanth •,..his passports. r l- pis' , • that Cranipton.resigned se - yen : months butyy'as Continued by Ai' government, *Recent advlces from En} . Jan d' lea ci to - the - belief that - .Mr. ..our Minister.te the British Court,, ;speedily receivo his.dismissal. • THE . CENTRALAMERICAN QUI:ST.ION' A' message from the President in re]; tion tO COntral Ani6rican affairs was sei" to, the Senate,on"Friday hist,, coveting letter. pf Seerefary. Marcy to Mr 'Dalin: dated..lllay 24th, upon the aubjeutiof tl i..different , constructions of! the .Claytox 'Bulwer Treaty.. Ju tliis7etter, Mr. tia ' is iristrueted entreamor to termini.: - existinediti'eUltresty . diteet rieptiatidr . and thatcalkno, ))1p Oone, , to'ennui - into the ecindiiiene of arbitritTair' eortain p*t4.3,. „The lato,sk advie fro the NatinPal (. 1 .4.41 serious AS . Pa ` • to the, atate;ofo ur relationsyrith the Bri, „ Ler Gen. Win: 'Ayers, a' prorninor citizen of Harrlibttrp, iliod on the 2G ~1 11%.Mi.'•(Tagli'so.n;: t h1 r itisillnin watt -44,mi,ved irr poo; only ea 3 , !privioup to r Crim'iton. • . „I ~' ; r .~ V 4 • i .It'is-truly said ya a optompopiithat fit c - sit ee - esses - . of:the Sonifi l ltiyeThicri, .in IVashi ngton . . It is thCit':thae,.,she . ,,niusi te:tilet, ip peaceful_ConstitutiOnallmOdes, ,Depriy_Olier of_notring_whieh is-6ra -by " the Federabcompact, hut give Way, to : no effort• to ma( shivery noional.. - Let her domestic ins itutions alone L-but ,pyeveilt .her.doinestleating thein : :inanynevi ,ter ' 'ritorY. : This can: : be ' detie,,aneiniiht _duoeL hectOona_in,i}32o.,:if byr_a-c: tiniprom: raise the . /Southhad . not been emboldened to demand whatbefore shaiiiiiirilierinre d . . - •!--•of.L,Shalas.nbandpne*„thrktiOntpremiss4, :' and 'everY-ineh of tha'publie•lands,"nbrtir or south of 14aSon and Dixon's line; is. , now Open to controversy,--by, -the .-consent_ :of the South herself. Let u meet the • issue ealinly;Lbut.resolttely„;andliO•irOW to believe' all.;the exciting. starie4 - Which 1 -we hear. Thezeneral goyernment, may _be pledged tO., the slave -inter* : - ;- , but,there is a limit to its .power as '1 as a terni , t43 its ,duration: MANY . _ . . THE Irtvtsrion•TioN.—lt is stated that the..inveStigating: con in lace of the .IJouse of Representatives; in the case of .. ,• • Mr. : lfreOkii,•ltitve prepared. their - repprt. It gives' a synepsis:of the evidence talten, yhich covers ntbro' than° . pa- . .:rini3 ? ' and pOncludes'Wfth a'resolution. ex=, pelting,:.l3rnolts ',and,, censuring 'Alessi's.. 'kola. and 'Edmondson: ••-• The .. • minority ~' report that therelia3'heen no'-breaelt privilege, and ifthere" has thatitho Ifouth has no, jurisdiction:-, . 'The re'pc;rt" . 7ir , as made on ntinday,,..llA -, it is . not. likely 'Brooks be ex . Pelled as that " , ; two-tbirds vote. • , , •-• INDIGNATION :MEETINGS in regarfl to • thtrontrawr Was:hi9iton are -tpi ng : hchl nil o•fer ItinglthiOnsett4.' 'ken of nil pattiwifiatticiAate iin tirna, and the State seems to be thoroughly aroused. • : IMRE .0,$,00 . (1( . 1(v1 Tlio dastarniy-assikult ivory Sum n@e, 4.llPati •4* the'Soutliena ne*afiapcivs -iMmt of! 494 *lll nogalkirt' struilQr ato "the language'_ liqed' by: , the litbli~ind td Whig, cinpted in, our last er. rts The Baltimo're Democrat, 'only •,regrclkthia.llr.,'l3raplis did ' not ficlisit some othdr - place tha'n - the Senate Cham: ber for the "well :niC4d Thel:"Ctersburg, (rVa.) In tplli _gekluer IlittaS ' its article " . Siunnr ' s ' Lfekitio that _ Mr...1 - 34)6h$ :11 is - i I contact. with , Summery . - ;not ,becau'se 't ic .Latter." got a Imican's ; 1.1. c • llirtf'S''net . .jUstly• entitled. to all fie`got, . :.more besides,?'but because the assault•oti 11h for liis The 'lntejligencer wants • : Seward .thraslred neat, - i thiiugh it iS":puz ' z.led to hnow litiW 'a pretext 'can . be got, as Seward is too stuaft.'te violate the tortinf of. deb,itte." • TheL.Senth_Side---(Va-.-):saysAliW"the -,telegraph has recently announced 'no fo‘ more grateful to, the — feelings of the editor ofihat paper than thb"clas sical caning" received by Stiwner at the hands of the,"-chiValtousl3rooks;" which he says,wa/the only puniSlitnetit-ade -, ade quate to a.Proper•restraint of - St,uuner's - Abe-Detneeratthinlistlitit if Sunn:orhad possessed a,spark cour. tvre lte.would have been - .lnoreL thaii - a . match for Bii;cik.::4, but that 'hes- " played. • - the craven to perf4tion, Azid, fur lite. tfdtere can be .wer . spnpat fry." : 1 1.m,LOnisj ville (Ky.) ofTrooks 'as 'a ,most henornble l e.t,va. l ; 1 rotis aild • . feels. Sure that he has done ii~itliin; iii gautremitn. It is. iis(A - e:ss - , eXtraets i s. as . the -- - great-tfiass-ofthe-fiouthertt-press;; so - far spiritof these extracts affords 'striking evidence' of the 'eteetS of S. - Iw. - . . • _ TUE' TitUE STASD•: =1 THE ULD-LINE WEacip.:---The Nation ill'lntelliien6r at Wasbingtgan urge4"the old4ine Whlge to keep.up todistinet or ';ganization And te hold a National Conven- t e :• ,kv 14 - 1111. p tiox t the :citras:eic;Wded:tii' evettiowiti - With • d elegateii! ft fo the locofocb'Na iil 'Convention 9nd4,perfect tor_tf eXeiterrient pier ' The:Pininsi; 'vanuths are said - to out-numberrther-out sider 4 froth other States at least t iree And iikertin all their energy:a It'd 4i11 , t0 - seeure;the - nemithalotiof , )l.l.,:nn- - ' ; . ciettatia , O.: in -VonditYls :papef.s ".frout Cincinnati , rppresent, ,, 'chances to' be.stroiwly -frfthid.4-tire--,Stingnina .. o . lc despatch say.-„ • . • INC INN Dyne t:—Tho cent den - de' of theTrimids,of Mt'. Buchanan i 4iercaS ing 'hourly, •as the time for. the,assein Wing PCaOrlada Seem to 'warrant OM good ing. The States of Indiana alfd Vqscon,:: sin haVe, declared by a . majerity iii .eau- this; in his favor. •• Mr. Breckenridge; of Kentucky, is here, and: is, working ,•flr. Buchanan With :the: expectation ' being - ableto , kring round . a prospects of President Fierce. ; aPpear• to be given up, the kpiesi.lon being whether . -it is best to drop him aftek the: first lot, with ''4 tolopliweOtroy4i•oto; or to keep him. on the : course :e . f,rer two of:three balkits, so,as.to'giye.the appearance of constancy.on the-pant - 0110s friends, The ' .arguntentof tlx.‘advbeajes of the• single ballot is, • that t,o , lecep bi4t , lomy,er, on' the course will give'hiin ilie - disativintage of tkppearing like a Ifeaten:candikitite.• prevail., The Dttug. continue titjuse , ronad, itud now' tall: . of how lfe can retire 'gracefully,. So as to protect the.fcar.. - • . Another account sais o:3:Tierce_ ilele.. gatc.l, are very . (fug the friends of , 13 n (.11 a tja 'eon Ili:16* - qm nominal ifin—it unite 4----Ifunter orcler-to:ileft'iaV— ;..;unitier ass-ault l 4 said•. to hate .u►- creased :strentrth - at least tWouty votes: There is_ae--tallc'-7-iii—t'e scinditi,:.•the two ,third . s - rule -- and - - it - :is thought it, will not be. attempt:A. 'The . National :Democratic Committee, - whoaie examining the claims ot.centesting,dele gations, have deeitled in faVor:of , - admit tin. the Anti-Benton delei , ates from .11is.i EMI souri r and are ordeavoring ti the difilettltiei- between tb Soft dclegtitions from Neii SIIAIIII TALK IN THE ATE. he Suninernlnir was liraltfiti-t -. up in the ~' . unto, on Tuesdni,4.y.srs: . SLinem,. and , -1.) wuB,--whit--replietl-to-the : statement-of-Mr;- S tuner, explaining their position wiih niter ,- s f 7 t;4 erre to it, and denying any ,pnrticipation Tin the outrage; or any previous knowledge of an inte'ailenTioThit.tiho'klfr, S: . ". , --. ' - ' Butler, of S. C. who had beeh ahOent frr some days, appeared in his seat; and re -marked that he approved orthe el:induct4 his gnllunt nephew, and nasutued upon himself iifl the responsiblity. Mr. TOO4IIB of OeOrgia,afao ioniarited that the conduct of. Brooks, met his' WADE of Ohio. said that; it was impos. sible for him to sit still and hear such princi-. plea avowed ns hail been on.this occasion. ' As to the feels in - - referende to the assault,' he knew nothing atiout•thent and had nothink to say on that point, wee" there in a pretty leap minority, not-wore 'than omi fifth Of the Senate entertaining Opinions similar to his: but when he beard it stnted upon that, floor .that an, nssassin-like, cowardly attack 'had been made upon a man unarmed and haring no pewer fii'defendliqel4f; and that be heti been stricken down cud althost Murdered, and then heard a Senator avow that . he , approved, such conduct, it beeopes matter:of some. in terest and ponie itnportance to'all thii.,tiembers of the body, and gm, minority especially. A brave mnn could .not, defend himself agahMt Such attache as thin, slid he Might :be over-- ,powered by, numbers; but , ovelpowered' Or_ not, live or die, (said be,) I Will•vindionte the rights of liberty flebste and the fieedem of discussion. soilong eel liver • , If. the principle, avowed hero is to„privail;'let us come armed for:the •eombat. are: f our to am here to meet.,Toul ',,Atnan" can , die in no bette.r cause - ,than in vindicating," the rights of debate, upon., this.,ll4or: If these prineiples are to.lo approved by thiimajority. and boom° a "part:end parcel, - ef fa* •of Congress letit l e uriderstood.",.. - , Mr. WILSof., of Matfift.:ftfildnied: . riq, • Berne. remarks designed fo.,`.laffo*ltkat wo4' nothing inconsistent in the `statstnettt. of :;. Sumner with the' elfdanntioyfi';oo4lfeseis,', marks, , characterized , the . attack of Mr. BrookS'as brutal; murderous and ,cowardly, assault. To which Mr. numen, On his .seaq replied,—;“ - Ken are a liar.". Mr. Wilson l yith prudence and , forbearande, which is not ea eify apprecinted, 41,40 certainly 'common - M.! bk. continued ifls reninile - without noticing the vulgar retort Mr. It;' The debate vas out short, by: the arrival. 'of the bciar forthe 'taking up. the special 0r... 'dery El ( ! €4 iiitiiit : fittii:.*-iouittu-3,llq.tters: - - ~.. . ...; PriVAitTl.liti InAoys.--,Two piittiee,of Uragodue, ittt`clei r7 'dornpart al' Lidute anti , Eitardt left ttke Carlisle "ipprr4kil,bn,49,ncijiy . .rmaiiitiiii . ,4o; - destined for Poi Ailey . iiiiiitat,i,..• . :E: - .:4:: . , : : , .y.:%•' - -• ., ' " ~• -•,• i',....i.,- ;T6,91)----D-pr-ropresett tative Congrosa home atnolig i li!.* _ . ou nslituey, Coogress , ha i ying ad)o:uttned Jr o -soine•days id ottler to have their liall fitted •'. • •• ; :- . 11 , 1 1 3 0 0 rilPnimer;and - „tni'aliow, - 'the ttemocratia Wernher§ to attend the Ciuclimatteotivention. -:1)1613-N AX , :- tLY --SPaj N G W. Pation's n6v - , and elegant trot& at - tho . miles,Fouth of will heopen for tlie:yeeeption of visitors en the Ist af,Jtily.. 'The - taire,.atreng, -tain T uiri-gOod-4viiterlnntl--fine tteigy.torhood oe.o.e,skingi,'hnve :rendered theni a re,piAltir'rert,liiia' wit - ere - iontlaen t that visitors :will - fttni• in' the new botch. it gentlennutly and alraiflelandhwd, 0,1. that l i 'they can desire to 68111'0 a delightful sojourn during the eurumer: • * MOWTRIAL;O . are requested nh state that 4 s.l'ial of. one of . Ketchum's celebrated Mowing.:Machities N%lll 1111i0 Ole() oii . :the s farnt of Col:,,W.„lll..,llentler son, near, on" B;iturdlfy._the7 14th of June, when.WftHarmers of Cumberland county. 'are requested to be present and witness its operation. ',Mr...Jacob C Mcßride, the' agent for this .flower, -will have a number of the ma chines on the ground . and gill receive 'orders from thas-c - ilC:iring. to purchase. - !On . Saturday ;night, last, about half pn t .even o'clock, on. Lonther at., It soldier named 'Bollard .McGreeq stabbed another soldi'er, mulled Thomas. NleGary,•• tlicting n wound so terrible as to Canso - the - dentit --- 9fMctiTiryTirti Monday morning.' Bodin •the-men belonged-to-the -11, 5. -Dragbons-all tioned.a.t.the Carlisle. Barracks. At an- earli er hour of the ermine . they had met in town aril had all amp Lalterclition 00 occoant of - 8 - mic4lll - a . liy, but parted' witkont Onining to Iplo*a.'- The next time. they' niet - ;MoGree pianged.A large dirk, knife into McGary, whO ° ttniuediately . fell covered with blood, - Mc, _Gmeevy-waS arrested and after a .hearing be fore Justicelldeaiab, - committed to jail tor trial..„..,Thii,ve,Ounded Nan was conveyed to the ;0 atriepnlth e'd le q' err end ay,. -- ioraJA g: • - '''• ,-, - - '.Eiß,ltstit4r:Ccoit.N.--+Wolcitrn that : 1 a _grent r inalpOut:fartners.. hive ; been forced to eidatit : t heir OortrthiS • ' The ,'shoot tie t l ajolieatritt g t tit the'p rep, r time, eittialeation , has.heetiMadre'tinil,the . grain found to be- in process of decay. • This matter being very general a good deal of speculation Una • arisen' as to thti tango. The received opinion vie-fuld, is that the extreme cold weather of the past winter froze,the gvo.of the , grain, • tlius.de-_ if - thia be tdie.easo, it will not do for:our farmers' to expo S- corn in- - tended for seed in open.eorzietilis. They - will 'pa under .the.hec'ea:-ItY of" protecting it. from eiitrenceiiiitri4Telial: It Is, tiiii& - thlit 7-When the corn -ins gathered last fall, there watc,com.,. siderable pap' in the.cob, .and.this of.'enittse is nn 'additional reason why it, hat been kille'd' by •The frozen gore), when'exaNined r • proves to Vedry and easily . rubliedto a p0w... , tier,',whjlii that Unaffected by, the frost retains the natural , Noisture:alwayerobservable in : the living- groin. • . monize d and AN , EvE.Writa, Nuiirß..—Sutpi•day night last will be long remembered as nn event ful night in our, borough._ The first and great event Rasthe introdUction of the, •gits into dwellings and stores; which-:exeited a lively degree ufentliusinstri and throngs of &penis-, toiliiiiiiro - titidlea 416Sebetties vi Mai Were meet bciltinntly lilipiinated, ' The next event was of a totally diffehat and Melancholy Warm,• tot/Itont half-past nine oclock an alterca tion occurred :oz lAentlier street, :hetweentwo private soldiers ,from , the garrison, the fatal result. of Whichle,det6Aed u another notice. -Ct Midnight - to cOrtipiMe the events of t 66 night, 'the alarm of fire.was sounded and the ci i m „, un ity` wm roused from, slumber to wit ness a conflagration. ' The fire proved to tie' tithe , , • a , barn of.llr. Jacob Zug, at 'the extreme . • A ie • 'ru 'seetioti.of ,the bn r (A - lg h ' Beirt:of &Jinni and 'filled with combustible' materials 'the forts of the , firemea to save it were unavailing - The'ilrnyttit,undonbtedlY originated.by an-in • were cer oi a ty and twomon were arressed 0 9 0 444. clan but atierwtqd tlischnipd for Want of , sut: 6 ' 00 '4 oofeuen•to• subsicintiate their 11 ;4 The first and last events'of thnnight,hrlpg - 'tug into:vrictical use both the thaeandWater Werke,. afforded the Most satiefactOry. demon. • 'strati - on - of their Utility and' Veit *,intOrtinCe to, the cPmforf and safety, of the community pErTire attention 'ot etre favoyable iiiit.itl,lnvited to the, call for ,a County Con. vention to send a Wept(' to the People's lin.. , tional Convention. • , • ' HEE =NM ¢ .........,A...-.i =MEI sie Gras iforks are at lentki . corniqeted_and npraptical operi)tion_ . _Ou Thnrsday.night the publiatstreet lanips'Wereligiiiiii and on' kat urday-nightjhe.ga-s was introduced into the •:. which wereikeprired with the proper, fittures T • for lightinilitp : . Thebriliianey of the light at once ft tteitcql ,th 'suticesSfnl Worlt ing. of every port of ; tife machinery Through ut the.whole extent:Of ..maiixp* hnt - bne. iepk lyas_diseei,._.-_- ered., Which was •, speedi!y . .rePhired,: . .. The . .gas is of a s . uperior.tptality,, the light being clef „ tiit ,Many, residences' were. splen- • didlyUdaiihnted on 'Salt/idsy night,' inaking display_whickelicited- T the-niest-enthusiastia o spressions • `Of satisfaction: We ear tilY .eon gratulato:the;Dresident and Directors . of the , Gonipany, 'and their indefatigable •So - perinten-. tient, Mr Irish, upon thaAritupphant result of their labors: :-.-AK-many-of.lmr-ren.lers-liintilot-beaequninz--- ted with the inthle of remiufacturing s coal-gas, • . We Will. ,IVC iheiri:.soniew het of :in h6w . the thing is -done,' It is' much sirnpter than Many - people imagine. The gas is distilled- TrOpi tiituniinons coal- in "ret: - rts," . which are Oblotfg cylinders' of iron, kept csnstantly-heat 7 -' 7 etficiA . high degree, and the front openings of . which 'aro' -closed carefully by au' -iron iMor with-the bilges cemented with soft cloy. The vapor arising frent.the coal is received into a tube; by means of which it is paymitted,•to escape into a — Berieg of vessels, where is cooled and-deposits much of itsimpural i niat-', ter. - It is that passed into -another 'cries of vessels containing-quicklime which robs-it of its sulphurous and, other mixtures: . this reCe-iver it fle - Ws _purified, es.wt; . lintlit in use, into the gasometer, and is fruni diStributed as. may be needed , -- througli.mains and service pipes, in flic-Various . parts of the. borough:— . TIM.: highly charged bituininous l coals are found hest adapted to The purpose gas-Molting.. In the mariaracttiro . offgaS Newcastle _coal, a chaidron iveihing 27. cwt. 8;1150.0bie feVi — of gas, 14 aryl. of coke,l24:gallcins .galions of thick Jar. -E-e-ttftel,eoal.,will upon an average:Jl3,l2oo cubic feet Of gas to• ttiVetifirdion-.- • cr. ENCJINIt.-31 r. John Hen: ' .del, of this borough, has just completed nod 'successfully tested a s,ratill . stationery engine,. • of I,tbOit o niln If bor;:e Power;- - mittrwofif - • cylinder and four-inch stroke,-and embracing • entirely new priticiplesin.its construction.: In • applying the_steamOi_o_sliipeaies-with-the.ec - centric; thuS reducing the anionnt•of friction and also considerable unnecessary. meckinery attached to •engines:onthe This is supplanted by.peculiarly_formed knives in the steam- chest, admitting steam 'regularly and 'proper , quantity •by n.: motion of their err n.. The workmanship -- and -- alone - re - - fleet great credit upon its builder, and is well, worthy inspection :by connoirettra and tlmp l ablic. ,;11r. 'lenders profession might suggest to 'some its application to his own biisiaess, ns aspeedy and ofricasciou§ publie'tooth•drfztcrr,_but We can assure the weak-nerved that, nt present, it is A not his intention to reiluce the ReieLICC to such . ._Cemplete method. •. crensingin popular favor. Its proprietor pos sesses nnsurpassed facilities Tor aupplying its oustothers with good and fashionable' BoOts and Shoes atthe very low prices peculiii to bis establiAments hoth-trere and in Lancaster. His agent here—Mi.3:B; Janiis : On-receivee tc'eikiy supplies of ; the best'work mantifalitnqd in Lancaster and. Philadelphia. Those in want of Trunks and Carpet Bags; can''elivitya find a supply at Rawlins' cheapßoot and Shoe Store, corner'of Main and Pitt streets. Our readers aro invited to call and •See_ for ',them selves. • . , . • 1T0 • 0PLA.241;13 11.9101.0; Baxxits - .—Certificate of Rldph Lute, Eiq., Editor "Spirit of Times,'' Ironton, Ohio. Ironton, October 30, 7864. - Dr.. C. .111. Jackson—Dear ,Sir—The Bitters are -in g;Teat demand hero. In addition to the quality sold' by 'ldoxley '& -- Barber, your agents, the ,two other stores sell more of. them than-any - other medicine. I find they are much titled by eenvalescent fever patients ,to rebuilth their . brek en „henstifutions. ',lave used during the last summer, in my own fam ily, four bottles. They were reccomended to we'first by a neightior; at .time whenlney system was much debilitated from the effects of severeStlliousTever. ~They' gave me "nil ' appetito,, and restored• a tope and vigor to my whole system.-- In one of the September tinm pf,my papor: I' reloted my experience of the good effects of thst.llittere„, since which . time they have hid. a large ; sale, and have now'be come, tho standaid, medicine in this - vicinity. liicouebision, liropld any that I. febl.grent pleasutvin giving you. lids. testimony of villa° itud success of your preparation' • •;* i . l Eiespectfully, yours, RALPH LUTE. Stas..advertisereent: liottoirkee L 1.13, a cure forgek - flendmhe Me.— H an , Knuere, of hover Maine, Iglus, perhaps, one Of tbo mutest sufferers from siettleyttrho and bile, scareelY n day ra.sned w'thout hierfeeding the tire:W(ll effects of these formidable exile, ho put binisoliln the hand , ' of the dcoters, but they , did him no good,. in Act. pe . be. came until ids sufferings %yen. wore thatthWnon nature could bear, and 'ho Ahura . ounh under them; fortunately fee, him. he pounrionl . 110)Ineray's upon the ciAom. deonwd the bowel.% desired the head, and by preserving e ill than for eight weeks:. thoroughly restored him - to lirolth— Ile lom ever e e hem entirely free from these Areadfui attacks K'