Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 14, 1856, Image 7

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3 i~iPCillln~Dltii;
Adventuies in Washilgton Society
' A'cOrrespcmlent of the . .pributi 'relates the
following frota ° lllo .of • ayoiith,
wlieutoler the Oar° of IL
tenipts, ns a first esSay•in• fashietmWe
birtiinight tairl,g:ven'at IVaShingtoti
S)C•nr,llLidi'sem the •Rmisian • ,; •
As we . entere4 the house, two tall, specimens
of littumnit3, (11:seci'ver.y. like • nii)itia geb6r-
A - 'lll'3l-' et=tl , 39ll - q - 11 (. 4.Yor.::ll_ll . 4dirt , h_ cuL A
ting.uished peoplo, I boNyeil tip(l.9olemilly.
• They .s.Mrted am) bbwml. .Tha -scene was im •
Lpressixe_l(l.9 the-
Scti n tor he fe re Me . ntion&l; s
to thosefellows;.•they are St'll'allfs—gie Mem
,your'clolik.'. The information - was liTi - e - riil but
Unpleasant.. tlit.rried on hulling off myl cloak
as 1 went. JuStWithiii.the first • cloor•ofthe
drawing rooustooda. fat, little oily gentla.
'man, bowing oilt4o but.nut Magnificently got ten
up us my first iteciunintanees. of my.
clime now; I; in the•m6st superb style, threw
over hire my cloak •and • hit'rried . on. Senator
Euilled me lutek and to the. aMotiltilted
Lifile felletv,mp . W • stiiy,gling from niulei
broadcloth, - -.1 Was lirei4ented. IGird nearly
smciltered the Ilussi:in
merEly'at the mistake.. •
My.indorser, the grave senator, became evi
dently alarmed... lie hardly knew what , I
would accomplish next, and left ate,. soon as',
Ito possibly, cauld, to - my fate. .1 I- wifinteretli
about rather dieoirs• - date.: The ,lighis, iro:
sic; danCing,:fun, au l laughter,, were alt noV
silica and •elnirtning,' for_a .whilei but I knew
I‘ 3 , and after an'-'hour's . looking , .on, hunts t'
;Aieflid, the Senator, Mid baggeiliiiWir;
t+. me dSome of the - young Itt!lie:t
damominit• :And consenteil-,1
iLtro I
led up anti resented magnifi.
cent creature...l Imll:_iong : l;noked up . 4m with
silent , was :rented
and I wn
in-an easy. non 'clntlant . manner, • eonverSing
with-4 circle' . of gentleinen,.-and -favored tne--;
• with- a graeit - JUSnial. As • I stood -wondering
,whether this was tolie the end of my iktrodoc
- tain - , -- a - monstatihedrilandY - Caine betw4n tie
' perwit_iite' •ito _relate
the joke-of the soisotr.! my . Irerriq he he
!gliti the story i r f the-cloak. -lily fir s t ini v ulse
t,,kiock mill my second: to - ran
away ; on my third lueted. - Interrupting, the
ksa,id—'l.legging your pa'rdon;-
but Miss- W . I tun the only person who
-.Mut dii,itistice. to thfit joke',-.and--eoutinaing, -I
relatt ,. ct it itithoat in any way Sparing myself .
,She laugliod heartily, as - did the circle, and j
rising from her tool:. my arm, • Sayleg
that I must be:cared for, Or . . I should!
murder sump one: With a grace and kindness]
b never• forget she placed tub at ease.
• I.convalesced rapidly, I even grew amusing'
and we Aced and promenaded. IViien
per was announced,„l war t her escort. • I 'has
tened to supply My belle of the ball with re
freshments.- •She wished an ice-cream and
attacked a pyramid. With -a broad silver, knife
I cut away valorously., _The frozen substance
gaup 510541 y, first; then -while my entire
strength Ntilts• exerted, gave way spidettly„,
, a'tts: not prepared for' Oils, and, lb my horror,,
about 'a pound of that ,refreshing substance
full in'the eye: hvw, icecream:used-as-wdo
tion is not pleasant, especially when applied
with the unexpected force of h bombshell.—
The" elderly female gave afearful scream, and
fOling_back,..upiet .a table on whicli• Stood-a
bowl of stewed oysters. Before - this aged
guest could be fished ant of the frightful wreck'
and .while•the crash and screamB were ringing
in my ears, 1 fled'thc city -It. scat 3 my l first
and last appeuranee at ti birthnigbt bull
Srtra, Lim —An artist .Venerating man, yet
fond of subjects .for still-life pictures, could
find considerable if not all ho wanted, in the
.-± eiiie,tif_thilitti' W Ilium .Sharpe, of Werlds,
England,' The Don ;aster
,Gaseye says, :that
he Went to bed in 18 r, and never got out of
it till ho ciled_there in 1856 a still life ef -- 49
' a yeare, - pasOti in a chamber seemly. nine feet
square;: thewindoW of . :whieli" had not been.
raised for the list 38 years—and passed twin
.terruptedly . in bed. When
.he was thirty he
went one bright church to bc mar•
ried. his alltnced.came not—herlather ha•
ving an invincible repuginingo to Mr. William
SharPo as a son•in-law. The mortified grootn
went home, undressed, got into bed,. 'culled
the blankets over his , head, and''for forty-nine
years'obsiitiately-refused to getup, and - clothe
himself and go to work, ' .It .13 , reMarkable
'that be Was never at_allserionsly ill, during
thle.tnaritellously protrtreted - incubation over
his shame. Ile was sick for but' a.week before'
his death. His body-Wei perfectly sound, in
Itpitc,of its great ago; and great abuse, As we
understand 'the latifilif health.
A LIMICY SnoT.--:Doring the siege of 'se
bastopol it Russian shell buried itself in the
sidO of a hill without the city and opened
sprats. A little fountain bubbled forth r/here
the cannon shot-had fallen, and (luring the re
maindei of the siege Afforded to the, thinly
troOps 'who were stationed in that vicinity an
abundant :suppty of :pure cold ivater.
It -is singular, -but none the leso trnedlint.
4101.ollita: opinion haSlit-every age established
';str - ong art , ofanegic.and
. Amon„ all Igll6l of ;tint Pi , :
Atterittaraceso.tbultie;tielliu.aWitt and the.=oon -
,Inrel•aire nue aifar'thwsauio pursuit,: and his :
tone-tells us that to cinitintratively
late.pori'ell, there-wait r.citre.fy a recipe
pres:lription . log\Vn even a the rek:ular : facul
ties of Europe which wa mot tinctured with'.
.sonte trace of occutil nous :ape:
0 f-litte-yera i et ne-1 tas-bee-n-:.ted netel-t
ono qt::::11.ul ;most 4ecitrate. land. practicitl
- I)isoffse, if
. not as yet •iintSiered,Js'
- nn - lcarger, tire: t errible'riystery H II err, - %V
! Ind about the last iklea;wlticlil . vonlil ever• oc
cur. (o*th . eregnlar doetor of the seheals,at the
preseutday, wutiki bu to attribute each. !nal
ady:to the presence or ;t peculiar. and in•q4d 7. ...,
demon, or to ;oppose that la-figure draxsin
:tt n currant Conjuffeture of tiro
.laid q pon ri ht iktn )iint). Would-aid- in setting.
and healing it.-_ Brut though tile
halledong since ltinf,ltetrell this superstitious
trash, out of doors,- it has not been. lost, nor.
}rid-it- tarthegroand - • There. were .in 1110
outer tilarlin.eSs, legions : of blind and illiterate:
ontsideiS who gathered it up treasure,_
.and - wlio - cherlsh it still iiketi saCrell ,
iVhiert boasts, anL . l with jtui•-•
lice-of containing by far - the ;les,t m(1,11 - 61 . 1,1
solieol in 'the coulat,r,y; ',ttnit Where cozilpion.
5ellSO 1041 !,'clptice 'l lit least: 'are believed' I.IY . lie
pi:etiliarly"iii - honie, there are tliousarrls on
thonsands oltnen and. women whoceihen as
tug s I;eek theit cure in' the. most iddietilotilv
rtpoi•stift)tis treafini:mt, Cr( cSursc
ez:tremelY. tifen42(Ll)3:cone,L__ , w 116:-11-y- , 1:1411411-
to snhui noiural. ny at least aitogethe'r ant 0r
the 'wily 11(complishment$,
-reatr--eici;en'tnvirr i t Ittini iiti:i~
thft• t hat. thorn :tre tiroini l tfs fanny wh . o wool i.
if the We re aaileillonlo:.l, - jo.t
Until. heart In-lie•ve ILa Fwn blitn lering :
old crone itf a iit,2 - griss is c;).1; ti•ed with
denied to Piysicians \vitt, haye penetrated the
deepest "nf nature s _
the boot: of science, -Yet. there-are •s•nelt; . and
- pe;irifew liCtry''huen et that, erho..
-.believe that toothache and wart. c in hu w his
. .
Pere,l away, and who wo;il l Hither give .t t so"
c o ined." oistoolrogiet,",e double Foe for- a.: tni
sensicai preseri.ption, than bestoW on a rrgtr
lor d..setor regular payment fur sensible ell
vice; •
- T - Eijfifilly - ahsur - d,7thotig.h not m;
is the belief that the ludiltusvero. - ite
arcpossessed of a vast antenua. cc Medical
whieh by some singular chnnce
1 has never i den as yet revealed to any reguial:
menthe:. of to faculty, piling!' it is sometimes
professed in a 1 its plentitude by some 'illiter
ate stroller, chose nlrilities . ore of course.
greatly enhanced if he cliiiNto be the,seventh
son of a seventh son. Beyeted.-queStioei the
Indians had their amii i lo reniedies,:but—they
also all Wild tribes, many which
were useless or 'positively injurious. There
was never an " - Indian doctor"_ as yet who'
could not learn an immense nuniber Of facts
rela.kiVei td;the- bealingepolities of--the herbsi
in his own 'forests front any ordinary botanist
and chemist, mod
_those who at thepresent
day' pat, faith in them would do — much better'
ifelidee - repute
tion. Half of the Indian Medical "science"
coush3lB' of howling 'and powowing, atttl it is,
not very likely thai they would have attached
much importance to -Auchnonsense, had.they
had such wonderful panaceas in the herb line ,
as hus been claimed for them.
ne m A..witty correspondent sends•us the fol..-
lowing-not,ice of-a-brief street-eellogaY,,reeelt
ly held by 'a maiden lady of n . little' beyond, a
Certain age rind a newly married ftfininine.j.
- ' - .!0-youtqc,goinetn,IE.± ..... 4ei house, are - yea?",
,saiTilieli - derly maiden:
"VS," was the reply. •
~ G oing' to have a girl, I suppose,?' was pier-
.tnade wife colored-and.Alien•qiu
etly resOndod thnt— .
"She really didn't know .wbether . it would
ben boy or a girt"
_WHAT TAE LITTLE BOY Got.—,Several little
children were telling their father wind they
gat•at school. • •• • -
Theehlest get grnmm fgeography, arith
metic, etc. The next , ot reading, spelling
and detinitkons..
“And what -get my little soldier?”
laid the father, to a respeheilked little folloif
who was at that inAn2ent slily daving a . ten
penny-nail . .
"Mo ? oh - , I gets , roadie', and.
spanking ' • .
1.1.1 V GOODS:—Tho subscriber hu
jusereuelvod and is now 613 , 0113111 g a largo 11.45014 1
/111:11t of FRY,'SIi t7001);$ suited •to tho tiCaHoll—'please
pall and gut bargalna.
.Carllalo,l o 'ay.4l, '55
L 7 ad a lot of Silk and 'Worsted Elastle hells In all
et:4 ors. -
tiov. 21, '55.
-• ;
01:0. W. UITNER
4 - • tr *f`i L `lll'° .
tr,lt k ( )ItN -1,1 t
, I, , ,tt , fiet.
,ml St~w;tlt+'acti ./1 3111 1 2. f-t 4,1;.
niff'etat , r, , nt to.
: 4 1;•;:rq,i '13:6:41.!6:;
axt.1••10, )vllll.ll okrinti“Cui)
rho I) , tt)m.c•iii attth+l3o•l to obi 04.,Ntit'alio, have.
4 ivtin to 010”1 . ill
• ira- (3:II•'FINS mita ? t,::por, shrli•U•!.r, It.t
" vio.-1. •
• .. •
J.:IIT .
N'ortat - 11,6c, - Vlll. Al7lt, -iiu:;L ,Tlir,r it) '
. II o wmli.l ri , Te4 fully inform tho'
,i/ ruid tMhiaiblie t. idly.
.11aLV.Its:.)!:r.i- 4,M , ..,;:tatm4An'tmemt It-
E. m;•i:„.in",.: it. 1.4r1 ,-, f \Var.! ro'a:a :,en :
iaaniq:a.l.l.4red la:,t; ;matt:nal
a nil .111:111t." Wll. ,
Lt go•lera:'a, , ,:al.,:iellt fit V,--mILFt
pri e o t :. si made to m'der,
gitl!tlilko4l , 4, 1 ,
mmia nt tim simrt( 4 4t
splamn.l ; . atar:m actemi fuLerals iti t•mn (5\
- 7 7 7 - tv;i , nhet the -stito—
n!A 4 ;. 0 /
11 , 11 A . ' - - fl. 1:. ; , : 1 1 :1.1:1•.
. ii A '.l 'X
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i. ii ___l.vl;:-; it. v.E.V1.:1: ‘1,111(t I.,:;o,erplely rni
,-. :- 3: ,1 . , At.::t.ioli yi • lioki , o-1.1.11 ,, r, aull 1-1 1 1, i lit'”il
~...-;.,..., t... 11,-, ,, 0. ,‘, , i;irc,A,, , i; v,f ,: 1,,,..i 1 1t Cr I: :,, 1 . 11'i: L.
~.. I n ,_ i'l• . ! , 1 , :::1'.:771.1!:. W.tra1 . :11. , ...:. 1 . 1.11t1'1' .11111 . 4 H,
, ~ : - . :7-.+4_j:/1. 0 ....41114 :i Id il:till 1:11t,:itl: , . ai:LI Oery ,411. ,
Artic!.• Itk }Th hrtp , ...:11 of 1.11 -, :rw,h4.- ill,O now (iil band
Ow 1ar.!,, , t ,i,••:•,1•• , (. i.,,t of (13.% I i:S. lo.• Carns'i:, ct ~..i - - -
'du' 1. , .w..5t prico :. A - 01-TI.NS livol,. :it tit,. short-1.. ..
est. lathe a.ra j i 1 il•ht . .4t, provid,ol l' ,, r.fitmrals. IL 15,-7?
,-7,;-1,1t,. f.„ILAt his ~.4,0,161,,,„1 , ,z 0ti N ,,,.. t ,,,, rn .„., i L
vc,..,...1n,, - .,.(c,,,r,;].,,,,•,: 0.40. . . .
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ltr r-*-; taltl.l.;:;LE: FG.U.N..l)l{}:'; ,
YT:1_,;:11 - 1;11:1 74 " "... • : • . 4Nf) N.1(:11 . (N I: FIIOP,
. ",1
4 ,,,,..„. h,,,,,,,h5,.,.ii,,„.has „„..,,,,,,,,,.„,....„,,,,, ~,.
!...,,,,,,,„. i,...,...„.....„,p.„„..„,-...inp,r-, aipi patn,:i:! (kit
• - .....I=m— , , isysta'alimliinelirmagnin hi zt , :i Vl3 op. :
. ...) . ',l , 11,.11, ! ..,, • ilitil.lhog.,lsliving I.o'll I. ivoteti silcs the , iatv
i'ts'otc. tits a.;td. the wisolo t..:•tal , ll, , ,hiswist Fitt Ist 4,151-•
‘‘.,!...1' . 1.g d, ,
r, therA.l.o
iis hi. nsiv, tl hivh
pl r ouspulef.,,._avd in
111' 1., IS ES. IN;
aisa :%Lytastery
` ilg7 - ; . 1r; l':1 , i •, .. 1/. 1 11 , .. — E41.511- , 11. ,• - n 1 • V•
:1114 , 14••• iff . ` . tl4l
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t.IIS 31111 11!At":11,`1:;.'
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Spin .1110.1 •, 1'111. 1 .111',. VI. 4 •
1211:1!11 S, n . 111 1 , 1 ., rll - u,S ‘C:1.',',..n.,11•.•.1
I',ll W?1,..15, • .
ok it .1 a 1..
I 4 .. - 1; 11.„:; ":1 •Ve: ,
'1111;10i ... .. 1'4:1 ...IJ - 1.,/ iron, lir:l , , :11/ItC . I. piw:!,ll,Cll
4 1 i,f,t•'.l`tlir,,..r.
liO - Nt
‘ 4 l4lt•tiustiv Irtuti ‘it
0.:1 other- pliriofwfi—,itit:4l , 3l4:.—.no--4 , 61.
• . .
• , . v.
.Vsii , II ( . 0-11mt VIC FkllTl'lrV 1" ,. rilI,111111..(•,it l'o e.
rre4, T,..1,,
...'pit - ••4 . atiil Ahoy art i:Ls . .lll vn:l..ty n 1 q flys tin Ititi.l. 7 :
it touil•Ai. r••• i,,rit.”.lt., our mock 1,1. , r..rr buying ci, , s. t...•it.:
CAi . ll.4lo..ltily. :!•'...'Zi...---.., ' • J. IC. EliV.
. .
1:11 a E-s cr r - 7. r i 1., I.T s sy, s ,
_N\-0, - ;:iiiii,.: 105,
Lii,,,--.....t.:,..„,,„1„,,,,.t kr' I 11:1` . I Pp. i t•I:t or Ikaii t....V.e.
w.:.:.0•Ai1,p.:',;v .1 - by' ih..1,114;111. , :•••t,,.0. :11111:: rit ig.,.....1 g Wgl
rhcoacpard..iy mses.rior G. as)
ti) Cols. -tit. tlu,l tisst
stoi:, Os° StrA:tssr t ass.! t
auy ,411,1, in 11,11
111,1 LIU S'll. 1111`fe i • O.) m,
ft.ulty :tt; ll' 1111.i1 4 7. ;11,1 4,11(.11 OW 14;1.111,1,,,it.
011 . 11 ,11/ I',`:::111 It, I rrAti..l `lllllollt (11:1“,1!.
.4 . 1 1151417 f ( 1 , 1.11 0 11.10 to ra liii 1110 :141,C1'11) ! .1',
1'3 . 11 11,1 - Vl , the Till', to any 4,17.1r0i..;•, by rynkittiriy
tlru (011.11 L:110 ton 1-,r thy d , tO.
wil h •11,:thuror nallid aLd 64.31111 g
It v.1 11)40 0• , i!i6.140,1 .edit 1 , . turb,44.;
nt ;Awe, Palo ~nly Lr ill,. '
.• . 11.
Corner elfth !Indic:lee st . rotis.
L tnms, ro , inirlngltho bOirtit. Merit:llll,M sup'
,oviot; to the derlingotnent of the. internal On
of the 11'01111 , , Vocal; l'ohnonnry,
t . vportio. Nvrrons told ! 4 pitral ll'ettk.nt , .'F . , .41. re fottned
Atia_a_rompt.ttent_til'l,l—oNiwrjetlw.4_ 1,14 4 y_w 111-I I 1 1 _,
loud:tore at tlio 11.Anntt. (set , :Ili:at for their (o..9litsit . .
ust.) No. 111 TlrEi.rl'ii.:q.,..lst ikor bihtw- ltace .
duly '..:,3Z:7,1•!.-
Q R.l. IN'S AT:SI OS1'11.14:111 (.T 11 I.'.RNS
uu 11:11111 Or 1111 I ill. litill11 . 1!Ilt SIZOS, frwit 4 gall.ns 4o LU.
It rttt:t•ive4 preudiu,it . L itiv.....b.L.,l4,llp,..yLvani a .
State. Fair, the 11r.t.proutitnn at the Franklin
and lkl.w.y_aro and :11aryland State Fairs, and 1".11'1..US
ntliers at tlllierent places.. It. will 111111:4.1 1110 re Una Lot ter
butter front a IfiVell :up.unt ert . `3lll, 111111 111
than any dual-it in the market. :For mio wholesale nail
retail hr I'.lSt 'I ALL 111.)111t co.;
. . ~
- - Acrieulf ural-Warehotts; and Seed Store ; ettrio4 01' 0 ,9h
'end Market, Philadelphia." ' Dec. 0, 1 - ...A---tf_
, SA DDLE -- A
ND II AIIN 1..5.-..) Alk
. i.. IN,I. 'rho sobfieribcr.eoutiofo•s to carry on the
those h 1.151110.111 all its various branches, In Nerth flan
over- street, Carlisle. two door's North of Letentz.r, ~..ivr
witt,,,. h,,50„ , ,a,,k,,,,hi g on hand a general es , ortnient
lit his•inte, consisting of all kinds of fashionabl e vA it.
......- -'-- 7 --- LIII 4 KS, Bridles, Miretingales, I:iiiiis,
i • ,, •`.---...........„. .\ . Ci rcirnrik a tui I falters, also TI: US-KS,
- \, , , ,;f4, , ,,,,,,, , V \, , traveling and saddle . 7- 3 - .11-7. )
c‘ ',l \4 \ , Imit. '.. i l t ''' lB " I ".i ln- • ‘" --- 4.-t 7 - 1,1
.. ,t- i tifectures the most •., 3- ,
.; f-i appmv,dp.,,,,,t;
_. , ,•,,,,. P - lil - N te S:A.m;Lks- ever msed-hrthis
• 19 I, country, awl. those wishing - a band-
, - i smite, durable and • pleasant saddle
. . will,dp well-ta.e.dtiend see thein. lb,
All ailo:.!uttutufact tires 'farness. Bridles.
, • ' '••_eollars and; Whips in all their varie•
the;, and confidently believes front the general apProlet
then of his customers, that he makes .t lie neatest and
bestgears,'ln all,their variety of invdth, that Is madtcril •
114 , et s u nny~ Ifs - also makes all , kintis of Matrasses to
order; viz :•,Straw. llnsk. Curled Bair and Spring Mat.
rm.:es. Alt the - above articles will, be made of the best
material anti 'Workmanship, and - with .the utmost des.
patch. • ' ' • - '
M. tifillf ti:N.
-- •----------'
1 110 Entertaintnent,—The subscriber respectfully
informs t e citizens of Carlisle and•the public general.
IY:t that he Itentis opening a public. house Of enter ,
talument on lie •1.,,t of April, in the .buildin g now m y.
minted by Mr. Pools as a storo•on the corner of North.
Hailer erand LeMei. streets ti.the borough of CaFlislu.
;le . will be.ready . r ' I times, •accemmodate all who
may thvor him with t lificeti n.•and no pains ‘Oll be
spayed to make all feel entirely at home: !listable will
at all times he Fupplittil with the best the market eau
afford. Ills stable with a good and attentive hostler,
had everthing tointike man and beast both comfortable,
'will - be ft - nit - idea. Boarders will be taken by the Av_6ll , L,
month, or year, at reasonably rates. lie hopes ,by strut
attention to Mirthless and a deslie t'Zi please to receive ti
share of public patronage.
M O R E 0-1 - ANCE $' !--- •
~ • theARTIN tt, SON;
. .
would" respe . fully'annouuce to'nubile generally
Iv. that •th 3 ,- Intend opening an ettensiv<ltuber
l'ard in Nu v Cumberland, this itifirlegF;'; where they in
tend to keep all kinds and qualities Pf Miter Lumber;
anal also that they have on hand now about ono bun
dyed thousand feet of dmlimy& and plaiiks, , (Plne and
hemlock) of different qualities, wbieh they • offer to
the public on reasonable term's. "'"''• • :vi -. •
Jan 20, 1850-41 in ... •
Cheap Job'::',
0 - 111.1):\Ff
• - •
I;triiui earlkiv.
ULA SS A s iN D • (s? 1;
\VA it t",==lllA 11.,uselepel rand it 11
whq'are vx ;4,1 lug ), , , ,, n.1 , 11'.1.• ; ...; ,iiit
enn --nt lIA Lil Ela . S FA s;,x
maim. his elegant es,oetment of Una •
V.:try mill other at th Its In. the hottsekceMM. line. sue It
41 , From 11 nwj Ettklisli tea sets, heavy lutehltmelpl4l,
ilited mid bite pialm•llinner c•-to
tit rP
err variety and.price: tols and pitchers, toeWns.
.c dish.
.(c. e—r Cent v tablo turd mantel. lamps,
Oimielabraa and otherlampm. great varity, table and I ar
I:4)blvts„tc, Ft - nit and pret-pete dlsbrs. In va
riety. C'edar-ware—tin's. Michels, churns, lon Is. butter
printsand ladlt•s. meal }:tickets, Itrnsties— sweeping,
w1;41• solibl'lng., hand and shoe bit lies. d note' s,
brooins, sic. .Marltet, clothes and travelling lasitets.
-- Also a - cheice-assert talent of-VoNtere
he loin aro field of itholee brands of .'•e:.,ars and try Ulm
t.. , tetranonig Intt Other Cala varictits l / 4 ,
Me.l Vett them of unitti'pearliable quality. Also
no‘ Opa nIF II :Old 0)11111101 .``Op.r:i. /Vali choice cc utt find
loh • teco
untlershmed would left t he
vitt:sollN of CattiNly that he has :made arrange
ments to de riAS„111"1"11 , ill and- 1'1•1511111 . Nt; at Omit tin
We, and ou - reaSonable terms. Ire bag en:mm.44lle set;
vices of a first rate hand from Philarielph la. and has sup
plied himself with an--extensive assortment Of F t
MIES. cc Welt to till all ()Mon: pmntptly,
All work r. mho warranted. His stook of tas Fiat mos
will be ("aunt In-the man exactly opposite his: Thwhig
establiAnnent On .S , ,rth IlanoVer street, where he Invitee;
it call. . • "
Tis,:saNa, Itl'—lts is Ili ill 'prepsrud to
furnish. or melte to. order,. every art kit ef TIN.wAI:I:
utast by liontAeopers and others. ' Ile Krill- also attend
and I'ItHMHI.N.I7.
Thattlant.fOr the patronage Iritit whichlic haS ahead.
Inset, latorod,ilie respeafulty ',solicits a continuance 't I.
the sane. h' l 7 ', ' „
i .
`-erirllSKJu4o 14, *54,. - •.
Ar.—C.'onwav's pure lain lioap.—entrwayVfm.
proved Chandra] Olive Soap. A full supply of these
truly darallaht Soaps JuKt••raralved and thr nala • at .
WI lAA A MS' FAMILY (111001311.Y,,31aiu Street. ' '
Carlktdo, Nov. '2l, U.. •
V., N. .ROSENSTEntiI o Sign
Vaini and O s rnamontal :
hss removed his shop to South Unmoor street, 'eppesito
tb o s ec o n d preshrterlon hutch. Itettictenee in Voinfret
street, A short
,tlista co below - Ilintorer.• lie mill
attend' promptly to the abovo-deserlpt Ione; of paint
t coesorinlole prices. The vorlousliluds orgrati,ing
attended to, such as nlahoganneuk,•milnut, &e., Irr au
/t9proyed style. • . " . • • .
- Eiti,ll 7 rE3 51)0435.
- ' 4.., :z,.....•. 1 ' 4' . ,, ` Ri• ' ')V A ' l ' c l liFST Cjjl)l. I, % . .
i&;! : •:tt: ".:.....';' , C-;•\ •
.1':,:;4'1• :1 J,'ll' I: 1.1, Y. A ..
I ezlkt'• , •. , :-;- - 11 .- -Z‘ r, g l :Qe .. l;',,y , .„ 1 b.% t(, t, c , • ~ I, ha 1111 - xl - .1 - I t,,,
:1) , , /,. , I , t , funa ~ .h., ,t raiii.;, t rilet. , ,i i.sit,..r.,nrin,ll I (al!, all
,1 1
I!ll..irely 1111,7 (011 1 1 ;11.1:711,1t. Ri..( 1 .11; 11 • '• a' ---
f • V" • 11'1 :/t h"....."!..i_r.A1.i.:.,1iY, • Mh..1)'T1 . 0' , ,5- '-',,•- --
~C0, 1 ,i Lt., I TIV 11 . 1,11( ' 11 .11 1 .1111111 ti (f; Iti Iwo t0t0, , .. t - •,: 1 el' Om.
‘ f•il 1 et' 1 -I , i , ' 4 ' a I.O. 1 :1 1 o1 1 , i• 11 .- 11.1111,1.1 %a: tit).
C;• 1 .1 , . 1 11( . 1.turs I I . 1 4:4111,111.(t1-1((ilti1"11 (I I II .' :
: ' ! "'' ' '' i i ' '' ‘l . a tP. 1; 9' 11. / 11 ( 11,111 11.1411.`11.t. Lg . kt 11 5 .1.. ;111(i Vt 11.41%
i11,(1111•11 1 i, t• i t .. , 1.f.;:y ... pott. , vo, :,.•“),:.!1 1.ti.v..,,
1 (:...41 i ;lain.: tor r , FT:tiot I , b. tr(.1.1 ..k,r) , .. 1 . '4,., -
. ' . ,
ci;, , ,.1 ,, Jdn,,,, i 11:1 1 1,ii,,,, St-A,,,.,. ,t , i , v vHu t C. , 1 s:
c., ~,,,, 1I ), a1:41 I rt.. j, r.. 11 i try , ".. 1:opc N.:• , ty,
1 i• I:, er nott i'itlo.l i't,r1., , ,, 'lO 1.. ;,,,,i .1 , ,,, ,, :,_ 1 ,,, , ,..,,, L uttur ,
- ' -I,.‘i IN vs, ,t. , -„Yr %.11 - 1; , 11.• : , 1•,1 , ., i, I 4 pi ~1(:,
(if/r ' N't11(1:^1i1 1 •T - , . '
, —
.TriT,T, ~..,,•, vy :1 , ,,i,( ( 1 111111( 11 1 11 ,11C(1t, 'CNA,. r, 31 , .fi ,•A 4 -o!Ii , int,
. ,'
1 . 11 1 1111W,I • '- ' 1". to ,r 1 10 15 • 411.• li VIII I hilt.. 1 .ICl , lt•
ott,t,tio,i. ‘.
l'ort. ..1,1',. tat i. , .. a i•;: -. f.t• o...' , rruonit at ev,lll - ,1•1,.)
linift 1'..0 . ... , II lit' i.,...• th,.. 1 :.• 41, 1 az - ) .11 ,
Tii - tiWc• - 11 1- T — .. , / - P1Tt1 7 .11. , .. .k , ,•,•• I , i,•,,F.f
.T p , ~.;„ It. 1.81,
i,,,,ii, , ...( ',,, i. C, , ,, , ,. , -.1110.,..411,1 - , , ,::t. 1. :It 1116, It , pill. ),
Br.t. , , th•ts. tz01.1A . .1.41 c 0.11.. 14: 11 zit. li i 1111; .4 , lit to: • •
A 1:.., a 1 tr,:; ,,, Va - ii ty +O.; 'so t , .. , 1, to tilt' .i_( 1 (1 ' , lvy lino,
svhi , •l, I trill twll al. Lilo 10w, ,, .1 prior 4. AI 1 OTti( les um
tIL;)t - ,1 1,; 1(J 1 . 1 IMI tilo Vi. 4 , .... :, M}, 1.. , - .
ioul:c•attent i!,?) 1.310. the EE1',511:17..(: (
I 11,n).1 R
to loy PIO f(E.p.6 /"11"er
rotl , o.4lit;ly ~t 1.1,(• . !r r:.14
C 1:( Y.1 ! 111N(.; C.I,(J"I.IIING
11:1Vi. 1,1 , (1,41 a 1,4 I:1
•••• Gar for . at thvti b :•1 1 .•••!,
nun , , - 1,1 'the lli ti , ll;,em,rly; 4, l,
an (.1, irc ;•'l.Alliing . • -
M: 11EN D.
Alt-0, el , tip:. 1"( F.t.11g4. .12.1" !I;
mad'', tip in the 1.1•4 t ~ t
irt 11(141:ry;':•:-11.1e1“:;.•.J:x•
l'f , he t v t o4
t;.t.ylos 1:1:pt 1::tPil;
Cindident (.11.11eit triuy
;lie pit
, • . ..
I I A LI; ;'.:'!..Y 1,1 , ', (_).if .111%1'S & ('A rS,
, .v. 11: H; Ti.,!l'-'l', , l-sit, , ,, 1.4,—i1l f, In his . old 1, i. , ,;(it.
1,,,,v..),1,,,., , N •ll,;.ved 17;,1,1,-. 1,1 is r•-t:,1,1h.11111.%, , , r i n I i :01
st r.:, , v.• Turn i• t 1.,-.knilrosul Pop , t, - ..ti,1 , 1, Lor ~ r , •,: I , L'a
f 7., 1:'11; , 2.i. :1;11 c•11-_,a:t.a , softni, of I ho F,\ I, 'I. :- . 1 1 LI,:
, •1 fq , 11),i : , ..)lisl, - re, , ,;ji ol runt 'Pliilioloil;111 ~,1.,, I, .
the gooll , •ioon of I 'Arli4lo vv,, fog!: uhf tl , ll ;::0111 '
V., WIWI , . —l/1 . 11l ;Li,/ riir.: , . ti l "lrti,!l lit ric Srl . f' .l,- r .
itYll Slilllll iliais'' .• his r,wrimulnuf:,..lllll.. ',',l4t 1 :1 , 1 4 ,1 Itl ,,
ts7;.t r ;: , 1 4 . 3 'lO ' l t '4 41 , 1 14 t 1 ;" 1.:1 , o , f10.0... , ,i,:fic-1::1,,1 ~, b •li
1 ‘,l I,lll'll ill' 11 ill' .;,; at i :mi. - ills :71...i ,, T:1,7 ~, ~01 , e,ft l. t , ~,.. '
r1T:i1T.: . .,',.,
I ~ 1 . : 0 05.:,0 1 -
1ir,0,1 F , • 14. Ipl.l , o:i:1 . 7, ,... : . !.,., :, • 1 : ,F.,, •
~,,1 0 1 .
v .. -, ,i...1,.... it ,-...', ,/1•41 IV '411, 4 14 r : 1 'A 1::' , . 141 l 14,111
3 , 141 I'lll'. :Intl 4 4 -4 14'1'y N tti 114, ,• ilt 4. tylo ,7 , 41' pile , 144.4 t 14,4.
~•iv- 0 ,1 f,•••,i 1 - .1i!:. , lo . 11,b;.1. 1.3,.•-; ii ,rhov;al,:t. a .11:,r,„!.'
il'a;, , en 1"- Z':iiiA i'.l' t I. ~,,Th,o. ; inay I , r , !•i1r,.. - of :.vl,f - r:till . -•
0 , 1
I. 7i_ co, :r ~t'.l' ; n i• - i i , ,•11,_ ' • • , •• , "
--- • - ••• .c I ) ',. i • .t.. 1 •- g
'• . CI ; --'.:;4 , --': .-- - . 7 - - - • l ' ; ' / t 0.1 \ ilit... ,I. 1(,, , I i ).,;.; _.
,1,.. \ ''' A ''.'-- ' . rr': 6 -.j ~,I 1, ; ~..,I, ii, r , ~,,
....c.,1,,,,,,,c,, , ,... 1 -
~,,„., ~:i, 1,021, ii.‘:\c,i-2.,_:,,,......,
i,,A -- .e.,4....ii„,,;...,,,ic,,, , ,, ~,i,p,y,,i,, st,,, h.. q ua i ity
--, - —..-)---- .„, 11 .,1,.., • t I.rit lihi, I,l'l'
ht . PP. , • . , Li:./ i1 . ,1 10 .. :II ii,l,, I ri•f:N_4l , l . ll'l F 1 !h:7 ,t ( . 11:1 :
fl.nn 1 ., 1,1 , 10: iil • nnii.t:.'r l ' aliei. I III:r:!1:01: . , s: ' . :ln: , (In:•: i .I' .
;L:”•::...,:l •- ' I :tot.coot,tortt liy• t.t,orttitot•t, Ito sot uto-2 , i t• Li•y
i t d - '.121,•1',_r,.11_:1-,;_•4; , 41• lo ~.; '4,--:it:,l prim;, Itttsr-t-itt•tl.v. 1 - t----
ilis. itt t:tt• kit , . I ~ ttIN. to-lt. 'Alt tto•put,lio u t nt' t :kr I ' , :•:•
i:r:l.:' in) . .1 4 .:11.1::::::( ):: • : . ,:lt )illni::1 , i111t. lth I ii/H 1'.1.i1•
11 . 11t.. , :t' illiti , i‘i. itt, ig . rts • vottn,,t httl to pit.i•t, tt, n,• , 1
f.rsti , li, itt:. , - .... .till: l'. 1:1 :+.1•„ . • -
' ' • • - - -.-- w . ,, 1 ,hi..,,r : , ;,•ri h Hon.,- stiok-t. ""
'. '—r i Aoe,... _l.---": : -: 77 . --).
-7. I"• 111 1 7 :
~tilto(_,l.ll t.Y_
Tho , ti 16 4 ,: i 1.,r ii,tild rin - I;;";•tintli,lbft tiii r bin ftlenii, null
link puhlii• ;:;•211 , ;-: 1 . v. t11:;'. I. I:n.iin-t;ti;tiThi;ilfr; in thu
i-it :- I , it 11 a large antrval 1,4 asi;;;r:nivnt I f
i:::0.:141:11-::' , . 1:1-1:-;:-, ntot qUIX.,,N:-.-1 Alt I', °C ,4 :74 •
r _..
FI: , I1, Sr:, ,t,. i Ili:* lin c41;;;In: 1 . 6. ),.. on t 111 311 W.'••:e •
1111 - :,t . rea,:intaNt.. toyri;,; : at his :;; - eir t-':l;:r. , . 7(t,(;‘.,
',.(2m., , ,,- of Nor t11.11:111t•T Or !•i I•C'''t nil ll I iil• Pia , ,:::„:, ;' . i . : i
110 : , :inal-e. illin...•tly 4,1:1,..t.;11 1 „tim Cat•Usl e 11),.
1:;:eit UAW. 111 , 1 f,'.. , .1•1!, I . llll , l•3ht'S nvery thing iti.unfly
in n t:: orory a , 1 , 1 V!, i vir, 2,.___-- —,- • -•-• •• • • ---
Th,.. , 011 . 1 k „,.,,i,,; 1! ..., 11 ,, roll ninl t,:nrirl re hi , ntrcli
1;o1 - ;:r.; pinvin.sin;.; ;•1:o :IS' ikl. Prit,,,,tlf,ex:: t, /I . C. ;' , 11 ..
sill 1, li, , I.Tst goi),IS ilil. au! In 11•1 4 p.t. 111•1,1•!,.
1711i1N(1 If A .11, J).\ :V IS
• C ,
.ontl l'itiladolithirt.rtr*lt t. 1,711 Ott I.'S EaNt 11111 i
14 . 0 eVl•iy .
.11J I u o i
t... tn. lk 0, 1 , ,'; Iv ,
pr , •110.1.t:11 , ,, v.ll, ILc it rni r t t.t t• or furl.,
A. H. I; . AUN I'l
ly t.. !Ow
0 - • r AS' COT.f. El
E 5
• Tile sul I
Idnl,lu hi; thrlfier ti tor); sl'it.rtkpJ ot I Lin t
t1„11.0)Ci.1:1C., tall 1,4 the iitheryartety , f grt ivies
in a - qrwery ji91T..euz14.0c11,1.-1:1,
1.;1* mid 11 ids
rlll - .4lVcr I . izt.4l -
iliceidai es. SLjli
auTlTir - vnelete
Gyred at the raiai pi We'are•tilanis fit! fisr
:/rd in‘ite a further ran flit
our friends and etudinisers r . • j. IV.
iorceri:?_^.Trt?c , _ - araarer_vz
.. . )!Ai1:!1'
Iv( rr. b3s•
pr, 1..1 r
. .
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..:.., •
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E 4 , , ~,, ,,. ...., . .'.4•'(:-Y'q k A'
.V. . ,-,:; . ;;•.'i-'''t ''''.,": 'l-4ti:lt'?,,ly
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D.I ' ~:, ~:,-;'....".."-,-.,''''4,-."---' 4.,•:%.?".'-'',lC'.•
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. • • - •' - '03:4,;. ..;.4:;i•,..T1, - ;' ,
~.: ..
• ..
QE A 11111 N' SAVING . . 1 14 T:
K) Chartered by th :tats of Pones) - voila in i
• ' 0 VI: 2('El o 5 WALNUT :Alt} ET
' One dour above Seam I Street.. Phil, delphit;
I, •ccives Deposits in sums A One Dollar. nil upv,
froi elasses of the co triunity, and till iss lir •...
at the rate of live per -c t per, anplllll. Ikl 1,111,V ,
tack on demand. , •tts,, , totlfee open daily froth b i:
5 o'clock. and on Monday and Saturday - until 0 e',
In the evening. •
Thlii institution will he found a convenient an( s
place of depcsit for Farmers and otheis doing ho
in Philadelphia. Deposits are paid On demand \ VI. :
any "previous notice being inquired.
Edmund A. Sender, lion. Job IL•Tyson,
Stilwell S. Bishop,' •. George Midi!),
Janus P. Perot, liohrri. Morris,
John McCanies, .. Edward L. Clark.
Jacob Sheets, • • Capt. John Oalinglir• '
J9sepii M. torrcil, ' John ilice,,
Joseph B. 3ly (TS. • 11/chard O. Stotesbn•
Edward 11. Trotter, '•Willtni Shippen, Jr:,
' 'Franklin bacon, ,' Wm. P. Jenks.
..Thomas CoOp9r, • -... FAl:rrh. E. Pettit, .
• .
Pro ldei,l"---PRANK lAN
•TrensUrer—CUAS: M. ;1101:1; is, .' .
, ' , . . •:. Sect eta y—.IA mrs s. purNni
ir.,.).::11.3 ?Oa rt er piovldes that no manager, ofili l :
agent :,liall.'llt;eetly .ii• ludilectly; Lorrow any it'
front ftet r*,.::.1.y. . Oct ,1p54 -
FOR 18311.
ryp JOIPI STONE SONS, No. 3F, South Ste.
• Street, Philadelphia. '
would partliularly call the - attention of IllerehaPtF‘
Milliners to their large and hatulsoine amortmeut
SPRINO (100A4. '
„ tr Fa
atil ' orerr Artielt. apportainlnibelllllluytrar
The'nboyo-rvdm ""teer:litedoxirLar,sit
Spring Inks,itit x t eissortmont
14464 Di aki
4 i:V..l:7l7.rrxrp.r.r.vsmornterzn. nym. retry,
- •
!(1.: r,v. ritouy
for likerlant.s. firtni;tp:-
ottler N . : llitaltlex. to. io er:orro .
oy, 1: ii‘t I:A
INA Se slot] riT , -1.1. OV. K.
:1•r)1.4 . ...'afQ." that rritr7-rsio!,
i.; ; ; q . llO Firo 'IP
ntlPrlio_, EVA
r,st:, I -
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;7 . 111 pz((nory.t(l:: .(1(.(:;•,
0.(1. (1(1 .
•,tt N%11((:.11(.1: at((.t..(i 1(8- mitts.. I
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zT,DI) )1; To.T111: pwiT oFFicE,
Tqf ,
T. 77, 4...:.:q.t7i,,,,,,,,r,t,,,,,._,,...7......,.5.,
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.r,lfiri-11-e l v-up , :-..
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L Lici.:lop,,#., ilD.T,SaiiZia: l 3Vel
•: i i , ~ 0! ~.. ~,., 1 i','l ,- ' - 1 lt,',. 4‘ ,
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1; ,i',.'i1F4ii,',4,41, '•ii«4ls--';;E:,,,iiiiil',l4/
'°l:'-'-:::tnit:-!‘l,:.l.'''l"•oll,;',L. ,‘lf:f;!4'.7,i'ii,,,i. j,. .
''"7 ll ' riSti , liTtri'ioi.j.l.-ti'*.:! ,
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IN't I.ltl' ., 'l' 1111; 1'1:11 F.P.(N' ''
- illg. 7 t.:lt I' .Sltill.;:ti t'llll,l IA 11.t.11':{ ^ t,i;lir t1ep .. .,•14,`., 2?
All'( . ll.l , t'S - 1:f thi.lii..)lAol.lilllitY. lit , V,j_ i'S V.l'd i,•lliir th,
ni,, , , ~‘1 1. ) tf., . ..L All slim, Of lii+.nvy returned ,m ,1,•::
i)(1.,,1ts I,,,,caraed.hy mail I,‘ the order of flip. 21.,,,
rer, UM 1 . 1.•CL4V1. , tvrery necessary att r
• . . . -..,-
~ GEt), If. •
• ... , .
• .
. - . (11.u:us I.:(m,i, %.`
rob. 20, illllift--Cia, Trell'il, ft.
11 Cll ERS, • SI7 ItAT EY (,):13_8.;1„:,.,
1)i - am iiig lliftrumenis, t.,Ppanito
eves. suet' nr 1)1A Hors,
and Paper Seah.s. .squares, l'rlauglrs,
Itrayina Pers, Protractors. Gunter's Sea:es,
.urns, netnlieTapes.d . .;urviNors Chairm.::and. - 4
amt 11.0 feet, rMri.vrd's ( . 'mapaksi
and Transits. Tarm.i'llod,,
tlse Lest a ,irtttu•tiuTl cripturild Idturratus. Ar.trm
Natural Itlrtcry,llum.rmt,, t'hrontatropy
m - md,s. Plss. , llind Wirt, s. :sl:e r rto.t., P(3,1;1111 ,
Pumps. dleett Apparatus, Galt arh. allarattir
lar;:e r4.llertlon t•fd.ill , suphieal Its i t:runtents. s,
r 6,110gt , 5. And
. schools; orp py t.
11t1.1,::. , Thertounteters, Barometers Eeadim:
roroiced the agepr'y for the F:l4' '
!W( . A PPA It ATUS, 1 tun' prepa
Gs) • i
:Vv., d(. ivirli .1.;!‘,I•e, Clul - c, a
~•1:00:icaf 3 1 / 1 - gtivi autl Text Book, all i
pried (.At.alt.guvs furwitrilva Gratis.
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