Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 27, 1856, Image 1

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    at _AVT
3 .
~'ROPI TETOII A Nit. P 11-4:R
' • The - CARLISLE LIERRLD, IS - publisha - - weekly on
,a rgo
srigerstirthe rate of $1.50 If paid. strictly in advance;
paid Withilf:the iyear;. - or $2 in all cases when
?itylneut is delayed untilafter the 'ex . piratioil of the
. year. .No subscriptions rdceived•for a less period than
rix months, had none dlsOontinued
. . sais lialdiluitlos4„Atlho
sent to subserlber — s — Ming out of Ciunberjund• county
by some responsible.) person living in Cumberland coun
ty.. These termnwill be rigidly adhered to lu all cases.
. . ... •
._ . . • 4 . •
Advertisomonts will be charged $l.OO per s nare,o f..
' t:Vralve lines , for three. Jusertiona,aiutg, , s tents for 'each .
'inibsequent lusatibri. All advertisaanuitaof loss than
- twelve lilies coasidenal as•a"sqUare. - The following rates
' , trill be . clutrged. for Quarterly, Half Yearly aneltearly--
~ tutvertising: ~ ' ' . .
. 4a • - , . , 3 Months. 6 .111autliti. 12 Months.. - - - -, -'- , .! . .1. - Square, (.1.2-lines,)_. $3.l•Wr $5.00 ~ • $B 4 OO
__ •
' 2 " " , ' 5.0 U . . 8.00 : 12.00
. 1 4. Column, '- .7 - .8.00, ,- 12.00 • -10.00;
3 - - . - • . 12.0 • . 29.09; . 30. CR,
1 ' '-" ' - •• - 25.00' . 35.00" - - :' , l .00 "i.
( 6.
'.. ' • Advertisements inscitediXfore Marriages' an Depths,
i'conts per' kink for first Insertion, and. 4 cent per Hue
forimbsequent insertions. • Communications o subjects
of-limited or individual interest will he chargt. 5 milts
,per lin, The Proprietor will not-be responsible dam
.,,, 8f " inli In advortiseinente. Obituary, 'otices not
,i, exceed liValinticiviii - ,Li? insertelii l liiinui
30 •Pti.lN TI NG.
-• TEM CARLISLE IlikAim JOB Pliltiinpla OFFICE ik the
Jam& and, most complete establishment in the county.
a:lirce good Presses, and a general variety of material
-- suited for Plin. anit.Nanny ' work of every kind, enables
us to do Job Erintiug at the shortest notice and ou the
most reasonable 'Whim; Persong in want of Bills. t Banks
or any thing_ in the Jobbing line, will find it\t, sir in
terest to giveus a call. - Every variety of WANK con,.
_ siantly Ciii'liatud: ' • •
Mliettors eifbusiness 'must tozi" 'poa-piiid - to se
. cure attention;' - ' ' ,
Neu) Abuertisetrients.
, A PPEALS FOR 1.856::---Tlici--_ Coln
_ 'n,;_ thissloners of Cumberland ..oulity have fixed On
thu tollewing times and places for 'raiding the appeals on
the trhuriniml eSsessment for the b eyeral townships anti
boroughs 'id said county, . .
County tax, dbllar ride3',4 mills.' . ...----,"
. State tax, dollar rate 3milis. .- .
The return. to benuole by the- respective . assesnrs at
tho tlinee'endPitmes.tixed for the appeals. at which thee
' ----- tlit - i — iffiAiskurs - lrill — re - .- t two ...*speetable citizens i for
. ri .-'''' llectors. ' 'c , •-,4tie , •
o Menroditowns , t iliblii lc house - of Samuel
Algler; oh' Moudapj. . trd day. O' . f March:. .
- -.- Upper Allen-e'n.d.,
.t hanicsburg.itt,the..publiediouse
of-Odorgo Spetuder,- echauiesburg uu Tuesday thb
4th day of-Mereli . , ' -- ' , , - -
...Lower " ' au4. • ow Cumberland at the pfiblic
Waco of..- : Hall on Weduesday the Sib day' of
401 ,
. . .Y.lait Peri ti-oath and ilampden at the public house
Bedlam-in Clay on Thtirsday the oth day of Mardi.
Silver Spring at the Public house of Deorge Duey on
- ' Fridayd the 7th day of.Mii,rcli.
-Newville and Frankfort} et the public - house ofJno:
M. Woodburn in Norville on -Monday the of
• March. . .
. , .
- Mitilin,,and Newvill at the same Plate.ol l Tuesday the
11th day of March.' :
•Ifepewell at the public ihiuse of David Monrey on':
Wednesday the,l2th.
'-Shippensherg Donee - o'llnd ToWnship at the -Public
- - house of. '
, ~Attglifietniugh on Thursday the 15th -
Southatiip tou nt the same place on Friday the 14th.
' . . -Dieldenon' at theiMbile. hose of - Jacob Itedsecker on
• gliturdpi the 15th, . : - -
• West Peunshoiongh'ef the public hense . 'Mt.' at . rpe -
on Monday the 17th. • '
North Middleton at the COmmissiniacrs Office on-Tuei r
- -
day the 18111.\ ' . .
South Middleton at the same place on 'Wedn
. Y
the 111fli. - '-,...... . t
• Carlisle East Ward - af the same place on Thersdlty the .
• -
Carlisle West Wai:d at the same'plece on Friday the
.. "- . 1
8i senors Office, Jan.:l4. 'N. i' • ,
114). to Conindssloners' give noticciLthett they will
' require the priucipal &0 . -assistant assessors' to assist
-in holding the appeals.
livt . j: 4 4, -- ZlNf i tio l k? .. P,+• • '--,..-,,
,-•' .• • J:r. .12 t .' , "....!' *4 ":--,?• . 7.--c '''•-,. ~'ik./ :".:-7-
~ ~
...,',..-,7,---T--,,,p,t-i;rOT, ,_ - , 4 ._________
,:41 , 1 l-, , ,!' , ,. , , s;„ , . , ' -_l-.--_---,z.
AND COB Mil. ATE2);TED NAY lean; ISC4,
' Who Lorric - GlAN•f;tirfettOi but 'recently introduced
„from the•llitis.r; now -Stands 'PRE-RMIIVENT .as the 'west
titui•ta,.lltarturAr, and. popular: Fa rio Zilit.t of the age.
OUr !Ii,V,V . UFACTOCIES aro probably the only ones in the
World- 7 exchisively'aovutcd to•tunklug, Atetalio Mills,
thiirCfore pitsoss superior advantages in preparing - Such
- an admixture of Meta* as host adapted to nttiking
•• - •—stnnig•-aud.,clurable article.
!the LITTLE Otaxr has been awlwderl the First Prete -
ul4 ut,the Principle Fairsof the..Natieti,as the mu i
conipletoeild convenient Ntill non- in'usc. ._
---- 37uise1111.1:s - life - iiitt otilrrtilirifilt - atorintirariol , all .
others in their cons(. ruction _arid to • ly Of air:vial,
.-..h.itts.liar ,, t--!'”' Imaix'oc_m4.4
with any given power t Arid warranted -in Al ''eritiCS to
- - suit ,- ci• the purchase-Arline) .- ruin - natal Mk return cif the
. They aro itforwd'to Farmers and, the trade complete,
- . at ~ :28:, ii...,12 and' Vie,, thi No. 1, %No. 2 lot NO. 1, :tad :i.'2
. egtra fiic 031:tip,ii . Warranted to grind front .ti to lb
' 1 tOrels,per houraecording to size. .. .
. , .
Sc(Y.PT'S .
NIA113.11:1 1 1 .GIAN't GRAIN
,--- . 'MILL '(cAvE.ktls)-3i4tl; Is.ifa.7-- --,
< Tos Alm lea mostmomplOto And; important article
' for Planters, Farinera and WWIS, haviti i :horsepower
".• or Miler convonienras Ibr running, a belt. - . .Thay•ess' ho
. worked advantagiiowdy with ono, twiior - Ilifirl .110)'SO!?,'
wherever a speed of front four to six; hundrod; rorehe
Mons per mintito'cau be obtained upen al4-Inehpulley;
with a iijlllich holi:. -' , i ' ... ' • . .; ._•
These Mii.i.s are adapted to any kind ofwork, zilun
trig costae feed frorti corn, oats, de., or flno 'meal. front .
oorn, wheat or rye ••
' amt corn ki*ili In - the most satin- • •
•; --; -
- factory manner, arid wlth'a vast saving ,of pow,er oKor '
all other' mills, tiro Cob being 'cut will; sharp cast:ateel.. -i i ntLADELpittn; Feb..2t,.,ln' the American
- -- , -Tha first prorninin',wasnwaeded these :Mills at. the National ,-Notnimititi ,, ' Convention. yesterday,
- 'toile maim orlieuiJorsey, Pennsylvania; find' the Indus- Mr;'Hillinger.olfered b .a.„resolotion, declaring,-
tr3Bl.lishillith;n, at Boston. . • .... . . . .
~ Th e Ni m bi, th mo, weiiimrt . t ; ou •- t , , .. 00
pb ' i i n . t -j s : o '' ccup t s . - : that the CenVetitlen would menunate 'no -, -man
tog lcm . mee - of3',,inrhes s•roui t e: jt,l s p,,e,uliarly simple,, 10 o WaB IRA in. favor „of interdicting Slavery ,
tr. ,.. ..;f t. , s h il l ciwatittolr.3,hte; .re , i . 0trt ..... 7.'79 skill to run iti • or to ) la ViiO•STUtt-01-0-thrritrii, , lei north 'Of the -i-para
-1 lel of' 86 degrees $0 rainatee.'• This was' laid
alloy Sr o oritred complete, ready ihr athirliiiig; the' - '
belt, at x. 55; tsitli cast 'cool cob at tacit/molts, $65. • War- OU the..table by a vote-.of .151 to 61. ...Millo
ranted to give the most parfott mitiSlhatlati. . e--votowits b*g.taken,,a, despatch wile read
• ttleaso Lan iit tho,.Littlo ' (i,iant - Works, and .wit's
- Vital- operation. - Marnatliehnted he ;. . front the. ;Ainerican MeMbers of the Perinsil=
. .. . .• . - ItOsT SCOTT' et CO:, •• ' ' Ih - tale - l i egiSlaturp, asking that na nomination..
, .... ,
.1.. 17 th - L'Coater,,St., l'h_ila.
-. • . 'R5h.,.1,3. flmo—pd. ~ . . ' .
~, , ; ma.,v'be Made a present. -After the-Vote . IVtiEt:
• ..- . anno.utteed, Mr.. Perkins,.:olPoon•l .iti &leen
, . .„ „..
-CORN SIIELLEHSI -.:- -• . - ' well ei)eech, alll.l uficed :that the ; Alorinectictit
_ . ~, ~ •
.... ,
CORN BIIELLkan. . . ] Alelegntion would - ow',. secede. lie invited
- - : - ` . --trheitubserlhet:' /laving -to the Ink. fear years framed .ga e l i delegates its cite `tO - go 'lVith 'them . to.
_ eiwarti of alrandred and forty Cora Shallots for Lion.; •
ry nhomlaiwishos to in forinthe-Farmers, of (Arniberland : theMerchants' °fel; to forma new
meet at . . , ,
counts; that he i N prepared to frame them anew. Twill- platform. -„ A great, eici tement ensued; Pei'.
. tatio Corn . er 'Wood 'hi pay for Frataltik, :ead-irttuni.
.-. , sure . the inaebtne.s id run vett. .ity stlep, ;east Lire -.I receded ' eeates from "voriona other _Northern States,
North and of West street.. : • , •
.. - ' with 'titoSe . from.` Conneetiont.' •-- A
\ Aug
,29.—:201. -.
~JOSE. 1 ;11 IVitavra. ; ballot was then taken. Or. a candidate for
. .
. . .
. . , .
. .
. ..
. ..,. . .
.. . .
. . . .llr „••.' , ;11)+ ~' ' ..
, .
. ---r-- *
, or. • : '
, .
. .
... .
`" This body, called, togetherks : the purpose
Of nominating' candidatesler- thiirresidenoy
presented. as the , standax4-beurers, of; the
Americanparty nest fall, ussm - 71u
delphia on Monday the 18th inst. Vie' pre
liminary proceedings of the'rneeting, from All
acogiints, were, not of a very harmonious ()liar
acter._ At the mottling session, the Hon Wtt.
BnErrs, of Indiana, was elected President pro'
tent, in conlequence of the absence ,of Presi
dent Bartlett of Kentucky, - 2 .1 1 he number= of
delegatrs present '!as ahodt 160. •
The afternoon's proceedings were distirbed by
a difficulty between twofactiens of the'Penn
sylvMiirdelegates, and it was feared dna the
contest for ,supremacy between the two would
end in,uu 'open and person I. conflict. It is
thus expli lined
There are . two State counsels; - one repadint
ing.the twelfth - et:coon iu the Notionitt
'foray the other embracing-it
their chief-Corner stone. Toth/have:sent ,fllll
sets of. delegates, and ffill -- "ttettiou bet Ween
them _hy,.the_connell 44 au 'ugly
The State council repudiating the twelfth see,
tiouls the regular mil leginthate one. The .
()thermos termed . 1).1-about a dozelt -seeders
from it Met. surtuntir, - . Mostly "treat I'hiladel
,pl.o.6. . _ .
• PuitAn4r.iiiA. Feb.- : 10.--.The Natioinil
Anierio: , n Council. re-assembled this morning,
Charles ll..Freeinun; Vice. President; presid
ing.- A' resolution providing fur the admission
or reporters was uttered, but laid v an.The• table
wait action shall he had' on the queStion
. aitesied seats.. Miring the --calling uf the
rim the Leusiana dchigatiou preiented Their.
„credentials for•admisskum which was objected
to hecause the ltoretiu_Catbulic. test was .not
, recognated by the louiSiana Council. - 4. warnf..
:debate ensued on a Moiion'to admit the dele
Agatetrivithout . oredentials,--. which prevailed- 7 .
yeas-149,. nays 60... The council lititl.,a warm
debate at the contested seats of ;the Peuusyl- - :
%Ma deleotinn, "Which . tel , minated in the ,
ddmissiou of nr. Ede and others, 'ignoring
the 12th ettotitni of the NatiOnal •plattortu.—
The',vote.stoed 84 to 46* catiaingbitter feeling
among the Southern defegatee, There are 21
$ tee ,no _ _ ,•District of"Coltitnbia;re resent
ed in the by about 4 14:16•••• , • ',l,es t ,,
The following States, are ,not„repriemente'd at
all i ---- Maine -- Vertnopt c :- 2 -)lichigau ' __Gecagiti;,
•Alabama, ir;zaii, 111iisisidPpi;' 1 0bytll Carolina.
--PHrtAnktriu . A, Feb:- ;?.:o.—The: National
American. - Convention-requistintiled to day at
Franklin pall, President Bartlett in the chair.'
The resolution for the adinisSiaii. of; the re
perters was pasSed, and the:delitiertitiona were
thus made public. The subject under debate
for nearly the entire ,day. has been- the sreecin
ding °libel 12th section
Ford, of- Ohiomade - -.a strong anti slavery
speech; inererising the-disstriislaction . of -the
Sotithern. Members, and.. inducing -some
. of
th ein'. to: wove to, adjourn, biuu die, :which
.., • Pit itAn r,tinti.,__, Feh,....2 1..-=-The „National
Ainerican Council passed this, evening — the
phitforntof principled publiShed on the. lath
inst., in the 11'ir.7 . /iingtOn Organ of n'aubstitute
for the whole platform established by the'June
getivention. The vote pt d yeas. 308, nays
TT> , . Varions . members . . freak Ohio made
speechesthe subject, e tile deploring" that
the platform was a death blow to Americanism
in Ohio, *tile others expressed themsolve
content; find defended .Mr. Forch . of 011ie, from_
tlui, charge of Black Bepublictutis* unfde -b
- Sl - IBenutitt; of - Ng:iv York. ' ~ , --7-7"
l'ittL'AavaxittA, Feb.. 22.—Tlierm7riciiii
N iron a 1 ULM v t re • asiowil bled at ,S stittl
street flail tiatardapaporning, and
Stormy session of.tright hours-mid a half.
•veral Southern 'delegates left tla;:---iiiinVention
and there ,wt's a generalltotiMpation of dom.
-Netseeparatien of the rectiou •Mr Bartlett
nieyOti - that the Convention tidjourn the 3d
of July next. Upon .this motion t3peeelfes,
were 'aide by at leatit'one third Of 'tho. mein
beri:of the' bottyrundltw:as then tabled by a
'vote Of:yeas:4lB, hays 78.1 The ..Cotivontion
then adjourned to meet.on,Mottdal a when *an I
attempt made to,go_lato tftnlttion.
~_iii...t/. . f,#. _ :, ..: friT7f- i tili- i '::.:::- .7i '
WEDINTJSDAL - :-F,EBRVAitY. . r-:. -185 G.
, , . •
I President - of - tliti-ITnited—states,... when
blillord.Fillmore,.ofNewYork;irpikoves 'nominated,
receiving '179 votes. For Vice President .
Andrew Jackson Dcmaldson,_ or Tennessee.
we nominated. • Thee candidates Nve.e greet
ed with immense Cheering,.ainidst whicti.the
Convention 'adjourned sine 'die? The seceding
talegates from the North, held tv_Meetingat
• ...Wednesday, Feb: 2 1 1—,Amongst a "lumber
of petitione proem - A.O, was one by Mr: Evans;
from ettizens.from Berke count '~ for the re-.
peat-of the "Jug Law," and . trio for a law' to
- pr - eVetit — JUstices::of: ther - Peace - or'Alde rrna
said cOunty, froin practising in'said courtif
Attorneys.: ThtiCotninit,tee-on 'Railroads re
,ported as_dommitted, the bill 'relative to the
. LOhigh:Valley Railroad,: Mr Evans" called Up
house bill to incorporate the Clayton,..Siiiiltz
iille and 114 erstown turnpike Company; which
plis . sed it several 'rCadingfi: 4 bill to mrike
appropriation of $26,000 . to Ib.e Western Toxin
53.Ivania ospitatfor the - Insane, fur the pur
pose of erecting additional buildings, line then
taken lap and.dbxussed until the • hour of ',ad
TI ou .13 wail - called to order at 3 o'clock':
hu no quorum ofinemberd being prosent, udL
jo trued n7i - thotlt trun'sacting nny_busiuess.
Thuriduy.' Feb. the Senate, Mr
EVTnas•presentetta,Votition from physicians of
jerks cothity, for the repeal of the Act relative
- • •
COrotiers in Perks and Lanenster tatintios.,
;Also one from_Phila - delphiajor_the_repeal_
the tax on bonds -and Mortgages, amLareinen
stratum froni Lancaster ttgi4itist the incorpora .
tint of the Laticastercity, and Ceneatago unit
Road Conip.any,-.. - Mr. - : Evans also read in pluce
- a hill relative - to roaeviews_ in Berke county;:
which was taken, up,, and
during the' afternoon , session. passed
regulates- the /
laying out of neWrratle ;:•-em
poefers viewers in the first instancy to RSIOSS
the damages; re q uires the person the ,person
or persons making application for sx road,. to
'notifY•the County commissioners of. their. in
Itentiou; lireits the nuraher , of viewers to five
-empowers the viewers Co take releases cf•
Ages.;_and-requires them ttr• male /apart. ;o
113`eCourt before nenfirmation.) Lftubaoh
Wand Fegelsville Railroad. Cofilpany" , 'he. bill
to repeal the Liquor Law of• 185.6 - was then M. - ,
ken up arid Alt. Browne's license
stunted for. th ehouse . bill for_the uribendition- '
, repeal of the liieSent law. Mr: M'Clintook
then moved to go. again into Committee . of the
Whole for special taiiondment i which Wits a 7
greed to.; and be submitted an amendment; to
leliiinge the basis of . •licelsep from 'the - rental
to the aaionnt of sitli,772 - Lirro reduce the price
oniceitses'in the rural
.districts from ~ si*,o to
$15.. •ii au/011(141ellt . was. disagreed, to-=
yeas 10,- nays !,;0.
• • :1116..bi1f was then sent to the House for•eon,
'currence.• The bill to-appropriate Y;';,:15,000 to
.010_Mostefri.g,eimsylvati a Hospital for Ike In
•sane, witsrlegativetf= • , as 11, hays 111. This'
vote" was SubseqUei y reconsidered, and.the
Willis -- ttgairiThenre
tire to the. Lehigh Valley Railroad company,.
passed t 6 3fiird rending, and was' laid over:—
The bill to enable joint tenants . and termini; in
common. and s owners of mineral
lands, to, develop°. and..•nianage flip same, was
taken up and debated until ttle
.hour of ad
. In the-House Shenk_presented akeraen,
sfianee-froni,citizens , oldteadini,
.against the
passfige Of a Jaw to prbitibit....Aldermen. and
Idtrsi - tiles — ottkl'ett - eo - tro - nr - pruntising - Wk - Ai l iitz
neysln the Courts of Berks Bu.
aTallTl7ll7ll3 . ..Atet4Vßll4)-. 7 41, 11.
Ivo,- td dt-Alitilar-import. Mr. Crete - als - t - pro-- .
sented D. petition from Physicians' nr Berl.:s .
county, fur the repettiol"tho Act of • Felieuttry
8; 1418„rehitive to the C.troners of litirks cud
. \Q
Lanc.... sier counties ; and one from citizens.,of
fliiiinle. , Ilia. for the repeal of the laW taxing
tt.•neys a intere's't. A resointion , was .adorf
tett, Axing; u'el. "ckt A.- M., as the hour •be
'meeting ; un at ;liter - Wednesday next, Bills'i
were' read ' plate, to 'incorporate. - tlfb Battle.
of Beaver oututy," the - Shebang° ValleS, Bank,
- d ud rtdati co td the fitcs-of District_ Attthmeys;
also by 11r. Getz,. ouo s terepeal seinuch of - the
Act of
.Bth ;February, 1848,:,asyclates tu!Berkil
county'.• ' The suppm
leent icharter of the
' HarrislAtrg and Lanett:Stet. Mid Company;
wan : again taken. ilp, jtielgli on pending be
ing on the second • 6cctien, providing that if
the Company tilittll eetiiiiiMice'iliti eitenSiOti Of
,their road to Da'aphin. within' one ,•ett.r, and '
tent'pleteit'withill'''fOlitlOUM*l - Y ' 0 - Oft:litre
totere•granted to any other cotiipaiiy - to hake'
+moll o,.x.tensiobratioli road, betweeu Datil'
phtu and ilarriSburg,- . -shall be, repealed. Mr.
Getz.spOko againSt the 'section, tti'a 'violation
of the plighted faith "of the. State;:and ad un ,
justifiable wrong to the Northern Central Mail,
rOati.Certipany; to,whoM the, righ . t sought .0,110
revoked; was granted -by the Act of 3010 4
15".51.. Tho s sectiOn' was further discqt l isa by
~ M essrs:Montgomery; - Miller;.• Magee, and;
MuMtna,.until.tliethotir of, teijourtituent. ~•;..
the, Senate, • among,
the bills reported was. one to authorree, the
- - . - Ponn4 tania - Railroad teirapitnrto — construct
ir k from the Columbia• .I.tailropcl 'to - the
l it
' 1 • ._ rbcilawarer, irLPhiladeiphin, .' The hill to
euspentl the . toting() tax;passed . in 'C' s ominittee;
of the'il'lidii;wris laids•over...Thnibilt to allow'
.1 •
writs of error in ' c riminal eases WitB ordered t.o -
be-t•ratiseaibedl - firr - a7thitil - readil 's',
: btu, gik—
irig the rending the' . Betiate ruljorned.:
-- 'ln the Mciuse, the penate b+ll :‘relrtive' to'.
riquor Licences wnri.4ferred to a Committee
• Vriibven , -..Thprosolutiotirghtilve. to the elm.,
.. •
.pletion. of the fortifications ,of., Philadeliihlit
harborwari prtsretl finally; 'The - bill 4 r ,fttinr
to the revival Of judgments was tiegati. ed„as
was - the - 13ill 16 - nutheriseTthe fle - atipn --
. of the minority opinions Of J ? lurdges ;lie . Su.
mule Couft, in constitutiona es.: • ikt.l'4„,
o'clock, the Governor , Hestu l l . of Departmenf, ,
and Speaker and members of,...the w Senate.were
introducel,.andWlshington's Farewell •
,dress was read. • Subsequently, 15,000 copies
of the Address wine ordered to be printed in,
and 5000 copieS in German.
S'ettardety: Feb. 23..11a tlisSifMcict• - the bill .
from the House•to. ineorporate the Franciscan.
Brothers' of Cembrie : county, writ; • repottMl .
witha -- medritiyed - rea omeMiation. - , T be. bill -. '
fr . om 'the Ilmise, to prcivide_for• tboeleation of.
a Pyinter,,,passed r. C . OMmittco . of -.the Wliol , 1
with amendments.TlM` hilt to atitti'orize.iiil
of exmiptiou * to Orimiiial eased was plisse
finally, A veto message was received from the ,
Governor, i.etut.riiiig with' hit phjection t ,_ Ow::
bill to autheriieJMin N. No - u Mani of -Phila
°l del
Oda, to borrotvAnonei-en-security.
ttin"chnrelt property; •
In the louse,, the bill from . the Senate do
'elaratory• of 'the act of-. 1842 ,, th,o bonds of
coda find ritilrottdi-eotnpanies, passed
witifitmendmerits,ln which the Sonata concur
red: 'Mr. Morris presented a petition - , siguod
hy...lo;oolnvamen,.o.f. Philadelphia, irf, favor of
restrictive le , rialation - upon the Stihjeot of tea
perattoo, IttaCrend:in,rlace a 'bill for Ole Ldiseo-•
littion of the.:HotnaueSoeiety and the transfer
of its funds to.the Pennsylvania Hospital.
itA'idnes4 cfm, Feb. le the S'enate the
rti,solution tilling for the journal 'of the Naval'
Retiring .13oard was .passed. -'her' -Centro!
a I ' •I,
- •
Inite .et Chit-region trioeured o•tetStir
0$ .iytia''.4deretl to.W' . . f ddjetirtied.
I).tellotipe rejecte'd;' , three iriitir;iity;'
. niOtion to lay on.thelahle the metion• .
to allow '
fge Committee on Electione to send - forPer-'
,sons,and:papers in referetted to rho Kansas
election. , The.resultition . then passed byjhree
majority, but wne - subtlequently ,reconsidefoll
tinal reterred to the Onnimittee for information
as to ine'reasons - fer - thOirretptest. Mr. Maur.
introduced' 4 bill to_prevent the _extension-.of
.slavery: north of the parallel apf3o degrees "30.
'minutes in'tite Territories.of the lJnite*Lita teal
and Motctl..that' it
,ho referred to cirt
tee onterritoriett• The Speaker Lavin : * do,
Cl deal this. motion in - _ order,- ta. pp a , aa f was
taken, pending which .the-liotise took d i ,
! 1 tuts !itiiistiun as above. Th , e___A :v_itt.aat_too
onl:',WitaiSit said, will soon 1.4a,.1.1 . ' i.ta the
contested elections flout • •aslot ).1,14 - Maine. ,
General Cullom; the Clerk ofKt •11,m4, is, .1
dangermisly ill. The election- N ot' a l'ii•a;alatat
was indellaitoly postponed. .kljourned. •
Thuisdqy,..Feb. 21.:-;-In the senate 81;1.1 un
important.hillk passed, and--4,1k3 SenatC - .,thou
atljuurned.ttli Monday. lu the !louse a. Chap
liti_ulvas.elected, the_ person ' being the 13ev i
H paniel Waldo, a revoltitio.intry soldier, in his
`=rears - a - Congressional - 'elergyntan; . : -
tion from the Setiate, eillikg . the vacancies In
the Board or •Itegeilts of the Sinittnion - ilin In.
litute, by theintuient of George ,E.
ger and Prosessor. lolten,was passed. A Ruth
ber. of hills for . intisrnal, improvements were •
presented anti referred; among thiiiit hing one.
for the conk:pi - dation of .a railroad and te!egraph
to the. Pacific, which was referrt;tl to a select
qounnittee of-thirteen. 'Adjourned till• Mon
day. , - , •
Mon.lay, congress,-yesterday,
the Bonate - leceived coninniniCation . frotn.,l
••• -
the Secretary of the Navy, saying that
port of the Naval Board wa l e notaccOmpanied
•by any journal, or other paners, nor wore the
causs -- -of 'action in the , Several eases, 'anode •
.ktiVi - Vittethe Department -- ,Mr; - -Mallory---re--
ported'frona the Naval" committee, a bill on
the subjeat,', Mi. Mason offered a tesolittion;
asking for the doduments in the Brietialt enlist- „
•tuentoillair,.tn prevent the ptiblio,mind being '
misled by the - Statements. 'of 7 Lordi`cla.readon
in Parliament: Mr, Cuss approved - of the re
Solution, and said that'lM hat! never seen a
Stateinent contraty)tdi - facts; as thattif Lord
,o,larepdtat. The,eittbjeut was debated further, .
„by Mettsrs,_crittindatt,,,MasOtr, I.tatulin, James
and ireudey„ - . after Whieh, Mr. Afason's rosolu
'don Wiiaa.iicipted: = :l6 . o subject of the Kansas
correspondence was then taken up, and Mr.
Jones spokethoreou.
. .
. . .._ .
. .
. ~
~ - •
. '.....': h ','. , 1 ' ,
. 3 ....
. . 1..
NO. '26.
Y n ,
^ • NO. *Am ly gitir• tit fr., 13AtirrIO
____~.__~..______;:~ __ r
,~ Ezcltement upon American A~trs - ~'
from Liverpool:
hates-Mr-the4ith-d-fistilzarrived-off,Sancly4-1 - bok .
list' night .at• 1 . 0 o'clock and reached her bert
• at nine .o'clock,this. morning ; She experienced
strong.westerly gales:for ten:days. •in
sl'On,,.and wits for three days in la'rge . ;fieltls.sof
She brings no news of the •
ship Pacific. . *On the`44ll4.inst.,. the Atlantic T
pdssel the_Ametica, from Halifax _ for :Liver:4 . _
pool, in lat. 61 long. 1 7 . •
Tim Eurepennjptielligence showS that all!.
go • es favorably the direction of a pitace .be
tween :ItuS . Sta and - . the Alliai.• The .- Tirpt6col • -
. ...•
:for:.the_preliminery Congress . at Paris• : ;•has.
hen signed,. and it is reported that the
liteerwpf -- 11nssiirmndPAinrtritirivith - VUtt — ..riir t s
uti r ritig the conferences.
. .
An armistice from land operations only will •
'probably be agi'oed npon till the' 31,st of March. -
• Nothing of interes, cotaes. from .the
The last of the'doeks at Sebastopol 'has been
destroyed: . . •
.7 •
C-he real intere'St of the news by tini) Atlan
tic isin„relation'to..the prevailing i.xcitement
itt - Thiglandsooncerning-Anierican atlairs
dt hasbee — n_reported__on._:_the.LLiyerpooL i .
that ~e" that` Tlr
.• Buchanan'. has denianded -
's passports; and the.absence of himself and
my from a seiree.given by. Lord Palmerston •
;....attributet) to the personal misunderstanding
..etvreen , die Earl of:Clarendon and, himself. •
By our latest desplitch• from 'London . - we
lye no particulars ot . tho reported misunder-
Itadiug,, ns the English papers 'maintain a •
' onpieta silence on the.silbjectl. •
` The Earl of Clarendon is, howeyer, - rePorted - -
have spoked in
. the most imperbius .manner
Mr Buchanan, which
. the latter- promptly
locked by closing the
is'stated that the Derby party: intends-to,
ritigferwarti a motion in Parliament,.on the
ibject-of the omission of all allusion to
the Queetoa 'speech. •_ •
— lt is also reported that France ani9 England—
' joitttly sent envoys .to• Brazil to enlist
,at country against the interests of the :UM,
. tit Stateit iu Central America •
meantime,' the general tone• of the •
Press is•threatening• and ,prestimptu
•ts towards-the Visited -S'tates:-:--Tite—perely
mitnerciatkesses form nu exception; 'and.
le Chambers of Couirnerce of Manchester'
ii - krtiverpool - protest against any interr tipt
r the. dinidiblp: relations with the .Unittiti
Jilt? . have been 'depressed
' , Arent : o'oh% aspect •of, •r. .
- .
NEW - 'Coat[:; Feb..24.--T-he steams lip Asia,
....omliiverpool, with Ettiopean
. dates to the
,the 9th instant has arrived. - .
Trio Asia !Nino' presenta. - irom the- British
kiiernments, consisting of pinto. medals. Stc..;
the officers and crew of the A.retro
under Dr. Kane.
The papers -received by .the'qt.iia,, add - bn ..
-- the to the jutelligence:ftirttisherFby - the - pr t or.
.rrival of the .
: star 5, ttvAt
I:4e, t.o,act tet. Latidiairir
. bettfeen' the Dritisfi_ '
.GovornmentAnd 112 r. Buchanan,, Thiestrmli::
Went is Said to beat. the desire of Lord 04- ,
merstott. Au interview -was to take. place ' nt- -
the . Arnerrcau Embassy; when Sir Henry BO- •
wer-would es.plaiii sat length to 11r. BuChauan -
the compromise he-is prepared to recommend.
• All the other papers maintain a profound
'silence Upon this matter. .
In the !louse or C?unnons, Lord Palmerston,
in nn4wer to- an il - 1 111;Y . from Nir.,CAleu.
Htid that the correspondence with the - Anteican
.3ovjrrintent itrfron Central Atterk•?lll, nirairs
would, truen.e.liurleted, be laid becnre:kar.l.ll-.
men t. '
Mr. nitidlie_:remite_ke:l_thitt_he woulti_ posE . _
pa , Me the motion, of.whieb-be had given n' ice,
-iit.i4m-..t0 -the --eniiiittntints-qcn—tho . --- Us i ted -- ,•
;S•iiitiis, until. after the 'correspondence' Itirit --
•i:ean Madly. public'. . -
.--- . '•
~ : . . - -
rho Landon Times of Saturday - ,morning •
censureA.the course taken byhoill theTuglish.
'lot American Cabillt`tS, )11. reference to *the
existing ditkultieS, and after rellltlrkikOhat
even humanity, as we hare thorn, must,have.
its limits, concludes as follows :—"We are as,
desitous of pcace its-\.r. ciobien can be, but , •
We, know that when a tuttio becomes' Coif
printirto liste!ll to reason, the, only appeal is'
4 '
ro arms "- - _. . • - _
The Tim si.y,s alSo:---.-"'We esxpect to hear
-4, t . .."4f:---, -si , • -
-re (,! eirtr.l- ,Iris 5v . ? . 1.1 s -
Tha'l',ln't• course, will •eue6ftel NittriLir
}.:•••.ee....din , r 4' .s on our part with regard to th - •
,Nmer'ietl.Ministar, and Mr; Itachanatt and,
tcratupton,„ the ter() inotleustyo guttoritert
I..o.oenting:o4,guterntuofits at Wattlting•tun
Ind Lnndot, cries edett outer -
OH the ...Itlitntio After deploying the- exist -
of a domestia,quarrul, England •
gized - gatisfy ten European etivieti r
Intd cveextitiOt 4,4(1 hot' responsible for, the
...strung anent. The Ameriettns tun receive
alt otistjuato r•)sistaitco if tiny drive us to
GataitieiSrcotiut the cost.before - thy take tile" .
fatql step, eleiu aftor'two or. three passim- they`
toil! niako ealdulation 1l vain.'.' minaTiT' L.tor SEntrinnes.---Thei-a is a
!.(‘ , lnotion hill tieforg the Kentucky Legislature
io wlkien nn llricniltent 111.4 been'x,m :ll ltil o ..
..shich if ndopteil, - will - crente-Sunie-. , stir- :
ladies. it pro , h4les
otteinpting to se , lue,2, -yon ng; •trind by
in:; low neck cireiges; n!,11 other, eapti‘4tiiii., ,
orttcles of attire, shall b i e4.rp.uxii...ihod the
11111/C pep.alty.litlieti to cases of seituctiott.4 -
The;gay deceivers will be. oblidged to onrr
their itaidt.s:shonlr.l tiolfrtfiSxept lie fatipt
NnurnErt Ifousd of Cosangss . was in sttesion
on Fritlay anti ~Saturday. Many, niembeiir
3vailod thomsetves or the opportgnity or at
tonding the Anio - rinan Coavtnition•
at il'hilsololphin: • . • • '