Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 20, 1856, Image 3

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1114tiltaOciilte ! - : - ..;:. : ._ .
C! I
• L . QIISTM,3I - 10 -, • - - „
~.. . . , .
3111F.foitANOrxTE;ANAT., REMEDY: • :
By thelald of ii*Mierotioope, we 'see millions of little
openfini!i oo the surfice of our, bodies.. Th - ro•Tith these
fide Ointment, whetirubbed - oli - the - skilf,lKarilid to
any orgm'or luiveril part, Diseases of Um ,Kittneys,
disorders (if the Liver. affecting of . ,tyloheart, Inflania-
Mon of the. Lungs, Asthi,nas, COuglis add-Colds oire by
its means .effectually' cured. Every houSewhe knows
• that salt, passes freely through bone or , theist of any
_ lhis Lteallnq. Mutation
.far_more readily
• penetrateSihrodili any Date or ffeWy_part 01.1.1H7Tivillg
, body, curing tile mosrdlingerOus inward complaints,
that cannot be reached by other 113011 Si • '
• • ..11U.S.101tS:, • •o.
• No renietly.has eTar done so Much, fort& cure of (M
-enace' of Skid whatever. form they.may assume, as
the Ointm tit. No case of Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Sore
Heads, (Aida Or .Eryklpelsui,' can long withstand Its
Janne Theluveutpr has travelled over many parts
th e eisithig the principal hospitals, dispensing ;
this Ointment, it iving,advicie /, and
halt theliteatiticif restoring countless dulubsra
to health. , •
- Some of I lie • mdst'nalentiiie surgeons now rely auisiy
nn the Use of this wonderful Ointment, when having
to cope with the .worst. cases of mormornitads,: lacers,
and-Panora— itrofessor-I/ollorray
-has, of Allied Clovernmentsz-dlipatch
ed to the hospitals of the East, large shipments of this
Ointment, to he used uuder the directions of the Sled'
cal Stag, in the. worst cases of wounds. - lt,will cure any,
ulcer. ghtinlalar airellibk; 'tattiness-Ur contraction ante
joints, even of 2p year's stantßug.-
'These and other sinillar.distressiiiii eViiijilithits . can be
~ 'effe(ftirtity if the i)ifitineht: Ire irell , t II bheti in aver
the part - ratfe.i.ted and by othenrige loilvwing the
' ad dire.etions seruund each pot. -
,LOTH Tool { 01:111lEiT IND P 11.1.51 811011L0 Ilf, COD If ims
- . rotLovrtsu etssJ: • , ,
Ilti L iilon's 4 : • 'Piles • • ,Sprni its .
burns " • • Rheumatism
~ ' Scalds ',* .
Chafit , .l ffands Salt Itluntin Swelling,Olands
- Chß Olai , :p'sr .."., Skin Diseases .' Stitt' .1 - oilii - • — _ . "
Fistulas' - Sore Lee - Ulcers'
, I Uout • • . ,Sore - Breasts : Weiierinl - Sores .
Lumbago, , : Sore . tleads - • • Wounil/Cyf all ..
, Mercurial I:rup- Sore Throats.:..,_ : • kinds -
thins - .- -Sores of all kinds . ,_— . ...• '
. . , ,•..
- 4‘,47 s
dil at the Manufactories of Professor,
Rd MaLlen Llue, New York, nrxtl 244 Strand, Linnton,
Ind hy all respetiable Druirgeiits and Dealers of Medi,
:inn th6iughout the United Stateil, and the civilized
world, In Pots, at 25 cents. U2,!,,e, iiiiits. and sl'exch.
• .0.0- 'Morels a considerable saving by taking the
• 'arger ii -Ac.
T'N.ll Directions for the guidance:of - patients in e•e'F•Y
.ii s . o n h.,,,, re affixed to,each : P.....t.
• • - •
. .
. .. , ~
;, ; - ,...:c7 , ;; ; i-4:,.. • 11100 . $lOOO !! - -
* 4;<:.' : l . ,',•••;.::' :',T. 4 1: . '-;.- '...Cert'ill*ED . •-. •
•':''' i ' t iAt ! - Cnt cut and preserve the fol
. 2 ''‘..,
..k,,. ‘,.. v,...,, :. , - lowp g card . .. It is particularly
',.'.1-:,.----...----,----- finpert:int 'to :"TR.A:Vor.its Aio
...... TRAVELLERS, to leevent their
- ' - - being misled and . deceived by
- le lying hoists, false )11 . 0IlliKOS; 1111/.l ' spurious rearm-.
lend I.: ins . (frint the . dead..and unknown) of Foreign
id N. 0,1 i e,Quacks. of whOnothoe are more in Phila
. Aphial, h in elsewhere, because of the cloMency of the
o s ',-;• tilo state. Citizens know and.aviiiil them. .
. . '11 , iv.p . .,,. trhid one to twenty' dollars worth of Quack
ii.TiiresTi: , . - Dwets.rinrigorating - Liiliairs. -- Cor.lials , lit ,--
rs, ;c... A ittIOUL effect—linving -- boon , deceived by inis
pre,..mte,l and exaggerated itccUuuts of ;Self...abuse,.
~r ef- Dis.aeii. and their lionsequences, Published in
lyerli,,ineitts, - Books, &c., and misled' by false re
.ipt , and adx.iee contained therein, purposely
in;,.... s•-e sOfferingi, and alarm and frighten the nil-
in iiin i.iiie more easily to extort largo fees, (which is.
SIP .vi,l,ot, being Sptl.for less than cast of. printing_
i.f gots ortising)—having piti4,llve tWeite - Itundred dui
.rs•tsi Foreign and Native Quacks, .
tying ;mlPred much and long—though the 011ie lost
iii 1 Is,: ,lq:,illed, nor the money recovered you paid
. ,I were defrauded of. yet •yon can be'cured, however
d....ty1,....: Nc:iiidity..4 or minding your case, by Dr, heist'.
__ . '..'. 1';1! Wi;o, hytinles; D A:tys am dangerous."
"time is Money: , 'dim tift•.ed is aloney eacaied.". .
;1 e. irsrried, or c'iiiitou pl iting marriage, stinting
' ant t''' . .•Alni. , ;( ,• or its e u s e inenees, or suffering from
•y "in .1. eauses;.def ets, or doseases, and _LADIES,
tat,, er their disc: •iis or situations, may honorably
y mid w.i.itide in Di. Leidy's skill and success. -Ac
iini,elatioils, if required, with birth and , eilleient, at
. ran 1....., at - DR. LEIDY'S PRIVATE HOSPI,TAI..
T,(CPII IS 111011 rl7 AND WILL PltEVAlb I
o\l. i u5. , ... ND pol.mts
wa cluitut be cvutratlieted, nanielx;
. '
;.,.1 I 1..N0r FOIMTII Street, abtrykitace,
tlo. only regular.. Physician residing in l'hilatlel
f,t; t; rad t,he , University of l'enusylsatila, of
years) exclusively .etigaged in the
at a.' , l tof Seeret or:Delictitil:Dises of faith sexes t
-11 .11:nut its cOnSO,illOnces; NVealt miss
1 n.t1 , 1 lity ; Seil'Ousintss; Irre.;ttiltwittes and. other
or SitilltlOLlS of Females;, find which he will
- in less time and less restrahig - iiiefe ellVettntlly,
:em any other, under forfeit'of • .
01- has more patientvr. and cues them too,
in a, l..i,drertisin -Doctors, se called or otherwise, In
si ',Dv refers to PriMis-
restteetable Physicians. many of w tom eollt
cases, and respect:Ode Yft,r
-,4•-r- :d floiol itroprietoes, as to his 10.1001) ski)), re..
..,tt • . , tad unparalleled success. .
• • Sl'A NT l' A 'ft N _ '
hat 0. necessary adVicu niodielno — Rant — them - by. -
il or otherwise, to Any part of the United States;
er,l,!eription of their eases (enclosing a reason
!, fee , let.txr to - N. 11. LEIDY, •
' • .50.,114 North FOURTll'Stroet s ,Uhove
' • '
B.—Letters of Inquiry or Information oity r i,',(ex-.
tfront patients') to receive attention, must - poutain
1•1 I+,ll.l.Ait, in consideration of time aud prouJble an
•rin , .!: and information given.
iTz.ustift',),Bss. • • • 't
. . •
-t. to subscribers dcsiro to inform fitriner, and finbllc
. 'fall , / that they trim' "kayo on hand OM are constant
' vai nii , t cptring: !Thrashing Meliintisicith PierponPs
!tit Simko . , which. tire Oncrall3 , acknowledged to he
.....inisLartielow mitt in 'use. - Also ty: variety' of ,Elnver
~c; : . Corn Shellers and litraw . l.Outtcrs: - Tlfey .tiisc
. d to the renairing. nf AHoultural . Mach nery' in
' 'teFt. Manner and on reasonable turn a,- Mattuflic
tin o -;
rth llaitnover strevt, directly oiliuslte the
rta..ei u fcleongelietzgar, Esq. r .
• , ti. , t, S ' eeci . . - . • . A lliuns d , PLANK..
- - .
. •• TAIW'PAPER:—Just received' a
splendid - stock of, Paper Hangings, 'Window %
St 4 0.11.1 Firehoard Prlnts,••entbraclng all the newesi
>Lnist /gproved-styles, The diAlgos are • neat and
• oh anal the'primm'sueh 'no cannot fail to give satls
. %Ve invite ipur friends and. tho : public gialerab
4111 i OXaillij*Ur assortment before purefiasjug•
"• )1. SkS.Tir!ir
/ % ;, 4 1 , ' East :Hain Street, Carlisle
•. • .
IOT TRH, 1NV0 . W.E,: 1 3T:131 - e.gatiti
e.dleWorked Coller:::. Itatlllttg, Inserting's and
(11,, kast received from fee'York, at very'. redneett
reit . • Caltrilq z 9ol.4.l.l.lY. 1
—4, l il , l . . ' ' . --'•
- --"----.....-.--- :
1 %4. Qi DOOR. ROLLERS.---A new ,
print - art ia . ls for hanging Barn Dor.
4r3rtind 6roitie.ot, • . SAXTON'S.
- 'e *hole pleasure, all thejoyn.of SIAM,
tree wards—Health , peace, ssud Competence: -
ten-five-ha:its painsalliletion.'ur-arigulsh of dia. ,
ntstjesuryy.p . !'et• -streyystitY4sty r itittl.imar l•hppiunsay
lestrhyecir • Wht let our sit* folloW-Iseitig,,Suf
ts-nut-ehrists,ry...--"-W-14C "1 4, ‘" , Ye
;liall.beLmeasured ta,you'agalit?"—lll7l . 7, 2.
a N4BO - sl!lttil
I, let hint show 'out of. a. geed conversation his
lh meekness and NVlStililll,"-7 . 731111.108
;ICY 'AND 11hD1CIN.E.—Docterc-P;C,-11,1ARD
rgeeis .and BotaillA and ,
;Ist, autils Graduate'M mur best Medical Cone-,
las-made himself acichaint..drwith all the var.P
.of Medical Science, and. with tilie °recent
discoveries -and improvements. in the various depart
the' Dealing . Arts: faithfully attqualit to orders .
for Surgicaraud Medical Aid, stud whose' titudiclues.are
all-'made or composed strictly in ,accordance with the
'Selences of Pathology, &deny, Ilydropsitify and Physi
ology; and whet's...medicines are all.climpused of Whole
some roots, plants; anti hydropathy, good in all diseases,
and to whom. thesafflicteti are invited to apply timely..
114 Character by Fes's - et:table Neighbufs; dm.
Copy of a bitter.frout(thefitovy
- I1: -- 11 — ER - p - r rorltio'W ; crut-S.,prings --Itespocted-Sir
13w use to Introduce to"your 'friendly notice, Dr.
call of Nevi 'York. I havir•knovin Dr. C. for sixteen.
years, he his d . one.businetts forme with sobriety, lion
exty anti with accuracy; therefore 'I do' believe lam to
be perfectly sober, honest and trustworthy. Any favors
,yoti may see .propaito confer on him, will ho highly,ap-•
preciated by his numerous friends, and 1 - py.none more
highly than your sincere Medd and hutuble'servaitt.
• Landisburg, Pa., July 15th, 1851- ' •
Copy-Of tto r -- from George - Spahr; Efifi. Cohn CY'
Treasurer.-1 d 6 certify that the medical advice of Dr.
P. C. Carader has surpassed any other which 1 have
hitherto had in the cure citl-sovfire fever in My family.—
/ would.therofere recommend Itlru-to such persona -who
may be afflicted with aforesaid disease or otherwise.
being well et:gush/tea with the re
cent Preneh discoveries, with their new and safe modes
of treatment; and the speedy and certain rethedles and
cures for Dyspepsia,' Liver -uomplaints, Dysentery, Ultid
era Morbus and all Complaints or the Bowels and Stom
ach; Superior Remedies fur,the preveuthin and cure of
Asiatic Cholera. Reniticlies Ur - Isrl - the, defects sand dis
eases; of the Ueuerative °twins and reprUsluetive-econo
thy in MU!' and heittudiektbr insanity;
and Uniely cures for all ConsuitiptiOnsrlinislience:Ster
ility. Sexual Abuses; Vedureal Diseases Snail their fortes;
.Suppressions and otpor delicate few:Roc outpl3lnts.
there remedies emairate front the most indite .silence of
ilotallay and lfydropatlty_ct:indAned, t hat no pokon.),--
- licaj all manner yY sickness ailiTTatmatmer of disease..
New Testament. It Kfisr heating that Christ runfusen-
Amli the, Sallliliiflll.—Luke, 10, 33 to 37, and with coin.
MonoteAns. -- "Prove tilf - thlngs,.hold fast that which is
good.”—tat. Thossitlonlitos;l, '"Therelbre. let us lie-
Ware of laying up -what we should layout 'for_ imam',
for there is that scattereth and yet itcreaseth, and there
is that withluddetli More than is meet, but it teudeth."
Ref - welts, di, 24.
The dilferecitmodicinew and - their •direetions trill Le . ,
lent to the atill.tted lu any- diroctiun by mail' r express.
Address . Dr: - CA ItDDEIt, Carlitile,Cuutberland
ty, l's., past paid, and the fee $1 - always aceompanying
the letter, with the order; bigot lierwith, a descrlption u.
the feet lugs and the symptoms of the r tioniplanits of the
Afflicted itiolostid. It is this system of 'fledical - Science
the .Roolfs and the motleauf cure only, which.Dr: Card
der employs that • allow of ureilleines entirely made Or
coMposrit of-Wholesome Waits, Plants, and Ilydropatly,
good in. all disoisses r (no — polson), and .ivIIICLI Ctill make
speedy and' , certain remedies and cures for •mll manner
or 1416<udss and all manner of disease, - and WlllOl . sar
-I'a,,,s all other medical ,ineanti In point of goodness. he
,;mid all hounds of comparison. .01ilitel, South llatniver
street: Best Sidicimaraltithelaw - thirPresbytersan c'hureli
Carlisle, Pa, Testdinunialro,Trom. - uutnerous persons •of
the highest respectability in this :tad the adjoining
counties, give' authentic evidence of the goodness of
tlerilder's.character, and-can be seen at,lils "nice. .
N. If. 'Clio afflicted an receive superior medicines and
the ihrections for their use by
- the first retorts amid' or
express. if interviews he desired) or visits sbquesteil,
dtr. C. will endeavour to secant modiste applfeants as tar
'au he can. '''lliti'Dector'speaks the English and thii lief/-
man Languages, etc, .hm: 17, WI,
• a Ei , :51:36. - N's
• 'Tub combination of lugitilliont's iii^-these Nils is the re
cult of a long and ex tensiapra - cticel they are mild in
their opUration, and -certain errestoring nature to its
proper channel. In ovopy instance have. those
red successfUl. They . iiivaritiblY4men those obstructions
to which Females are liable, and bring nature into its
proper channel, whereby health Is restored and the pale
and deathly countenance clinnited to, a healthy. ute. No
female can enjoy good health unless BIM is regular ;.aud
whenever an obstruction takes place, whether from ex
pusure cold Or any - ether MUM) ' the general health im
mediately begins to decline, turd the want of such a rem
edy has been the cause of so, many consumptions among
young females; To Indies-Whose health will - nkortrermit
(Iran Increase ord,heir family,these Pills will prove a val
- nabliracquisition, tis they - Wilt ... prevent - pregn s ancy.
Headache, pain in the'side. palpitation of:tlie heart, loa
thing of fomlT'und (11th-rhea sleep do most always arise
from she interruption of nature; and whenever that-bi
the case, the pills will invariably remedy all alert evils.
Nor tire the lesaidlicadous in the cure of Leuctirrluea,
commonly . called the "Whites. :"these pills shotild nuv
or be taken during pregnancy, as they would be sure to
cause a inhicarriage..- Warranted purely Vegetable; and
free from anY thing to lifd_or health. Yulland
;exillivit directions accompany. each box ,
. These jdlh arc pat lip in square' brat ba;[CS. l'evions
residing where there Is no agency rot: .lished, by enclo
sing One in a letter. pre - -paid. to r. 0. L.
MAN, No. LMS. nieecker street, :WI! York, •ati hive them
-sent to their respective addressive by Lllal
.j)REPXIIE it! . .
The,subscriber at his old stanlif WI, North Hanover st.; . .
Parlisio, the sign tifthe —Maninioth lied Coffee pot," de
fres to call the attention of the public to
,his. large as
'ortmeat ES - of the newest/old most fashions
'l, he
- coo .0,4; an,Cssf all pritee from- 1.5% , Li.
hi:, PARLOR . 1 / 4 : CIi.A3IBEI SToVES
are tile ' Atirytlr tin: Arctic., Star,
;'epshn. Uninil'lllld _Etna Ali - Tight. t...goi her
_ h-other-pattorns'_ulich he_has.of:all_kkes':
5,r parlors .g. lAutmbei • stalidTalettiatqd for burning ..Adler
'wood or coal.. Also, the Aftna, Globe,. Astor, Albany.
Flat-top and llandbox or Poor Man's,- with other COOK
ING STOVES. comprising .the latest improvements in
kitchen stoves, and intended for eithrr . wood OrTcbal.- 7
Also; the Dining , Room Cooking' StoVe r .-ft .new
gant article, to which lie invites tholia}tkular atten
tion offamilies. • itiSl?boking , titffearangti in Price front
$lO to '25, Nc_ftli the fixtures romPleto:. Also, Nine Date
Stoves of various.patterns and different prices. ,
ing Stoves, Brass Kettles, /,:c. Also, every article in the
linc_ul ware. The public •are respiAr
fully invited to call. as..; - ho hls - large
Stock, variety and cheapness, of hying *btu to give en,.
tire satisfaction to purchaser. Call and see.
Oct, 25, 1851. • M. MORRIS.
L Joirg DAloitaAs‘croult inform the
.publiO that
'ho bus now on linvittut"la"tiNitlishmont, on Main'St - ..
nail diptinAusiAirion Hail., the largest and on
:: _ ......: . plots, asSortinelits.4COOK. OFFICE L PAR.- .
1.11, 1414 R STovc.s ti) - I,c found In this eounty, - .
-' LT,: AViiieh wilt.' he sold nt the lowest *lees for
-s;-• .;,,. cash or approvad credit:. Ills stock consists of
Z 4 a large' assortment of new and highly a*
- • •-,_ proved PATENT CtMIING: STOVES, it she
in the most complete manner, and 'Went ' - Pi:either.
weed or cent, or bath. •All - .Lb .914 Ste third . patterns,
whielrhave stiiod tlik - Mit ,ote4nirion , found
at his establishment.. Also, a grent'An iety of thn - most
approved and - henuti.ull PARMA. OF ,CE STOV,FiS; ifi
cluding'a'nuniber of new styles,* Bossing.. very supe•
rior adVantagos over.those heretofore in use. Families
and housekeepers are respectfully • invitett to giVe Mina
call beihro purchasing` elsewhere.. Stoves delivered to
env pert of-the country andr,put . up at'the she est nu
tie. Ile continues to do fill kinds of, TIN 01) !BET
lito;v.wAitE, and Copper Work, and has cult a tlyttn
hand. or.- will make ,to order every article required by
hintsekkioperiiorothers• In-tliis-line.--liis_stoclatlln
•nlid Qpriei Ware embracea every. kind •of hous - ehold•nitd
'kitchen utensil, warranted equal to the best intinufac•
&Isl. Persona in' want of articles in his line My 'eV,
ways ho sure of heing•acetimmoilated to their satisfactiOtt
by giving him a call. • ',.. • '
If jou have contrasted , ko. orri d„o.sease•w cl,
Once matter' littlia - systom, willufoly. godown from um
geoitatiOn to annther, undermining the'cOnstitutlon
aintstappiug the very, vital Mulcts of .liro;do not ,trust ,
yoursht in the:ha - rids of Quacks, Who start-up-every day
iu a city, like this, and.llll the papers with. glaring false
hoods, too well calculated- - lo deceive the young,-and
those not acquainted with their tricki.4.l.ou cannot be,
too careful in the selection of a remedy in those cases.
The Fluid Extract' Buchn' hay been pronounced by,
uzninent physicians the greatest - remedy over known.—
It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its taste, and very
innocent imits action, and yet so thoroughtintt it:anni
hilates every particle of the rink tind'polsonous virus of.
-this dreadful, dlsensp;- and, unlike other. remedies; does
not dry the diseasein the blood. : .• •-
Constitutional:Debility, brought on by self-aburat,.a
most terrible disease, which- has brought thousands of
the ItufMtu 'race - to untimely graves, thus blasting the
thithud the
-glorieus-anibition-ef;many ,M.10.-yontlx_ca n lasur
by this Infallible Remedy.. And• a•medieine which\
must benefit everybody, from the Siniply delicate to the
confined anitdespairing invalid, no' equal is to be found
sating - both as a Cure and preventive. .
For Purifying the Blood,-removing 411 diseaSes nrixlng
from exCess oUltlereury, exposure end ituprudenCe iu
-const it utionnl - iliseaserarising :- fronintin
impure state of_ the . Illodd, and the only reliable and,
effectual known remedy for-the cure of Serttfula. gait
Rheum, Scald llead;lllcerations of.the"Thrust, and
Legs, -Pains and Swellings mf the Bones, Tetter,_
Pimples on the -Face, and allticaly Eruptions of •the
Skin. •
This article is now -prescribed by. some-of-the-meat
- diXtifigulithe - rriffifSTelffn Siff tliecducil `
r};,a>7iiTin~ proved'
more efficient in practice than any preparation of garsa-"
parillzi yet offered td the public. geiTral crises of reeon ,
dewy Syphilis, Mercurial and Scrrifillous diseases- have
entirely recovered in the ineurnble wards of bur Public
Institutions which had fir many .yeArs resisted evry
mode of treatment that could be aexised. ;Those cases.
furnish striking examples of the salutary effects of this
. medic' tie s fu arresting' softie of - the Most inveterate
- diseases. after the glands werd destroyld, and the 'ones
- already affected. •
Notter.—Lettersfrdm responsible Pli'ysicians anii-fcro.
fitssors• 'several Medical Colleges. and (Till - neat 6ti 0.,
cures Dion patiouis will be found acompanying Loth
particle of Mereury in it. An infallible remedy for
Scrofula, Kitties I::vil,Rtleyttalat is tu, t 'Nit-lonic Cu toneous_
Eruptitinst, Pimples or Pustules -ott..the.Eace, Blot ylms.
lting - WOrm or Fetter, Scald
Bead, Eulalgement and Pain of the IlmieS and`d(iiiitiT l
Stuborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, spinal
Complaints and all diseas-es arising from anituudicious.:
- use of Mercury, Intprudence iu dfe, or Impurity of the
Blood. - .
Y.k.—This great alterative medicine and Purifier of the.
Blood, is_uow used -by thousands of grateful patients in
all-parts of the United Statea, who testify daily ti- he
remOrkable claims porformed by 'the greatest of all medi
cines, "CARTER'S SPANISI). MIXTURE." Neuntigia,
Rheumatism, Sprofpla, Eruptions - on the Skin,-Liverltis
ense,,,Vevers. Ulcers, Old Sores, Affections of the Kidneve
Inspattes of the Throat, _remote CiMiplaints. - pos ''
Aching of the Bones
. 100
. .10Ints, ore very speedily - put
to Ili,;111 uSing Th is great tind inestintalde remedy. •
For all diseases - of the Blood, nothing has yet beep
found tucompOre to it, It cleanses the system of all, int
actE..gentryiind eaciently Mt the Liver and'R itt;
•neys, strengthen! , the Digest ion. --givrk tone to rho Stow
nth, makes ho skin clear and healthy, and 'restores the
Constitution, etifeelded by disease or broken down by the'
excesses of youth, to itS prist ine'vigoe-and strength..
For the Ladies it 'is incomporabLy Lotter ilion'allthe
cosmetics in*.er MIA. A few iloi.ti'rof - t.oti`ilt . ; SPANIAn
Mrurtics wilt . remove olltsalloWness of complexion • bring'.
the roses mantling, to fife cheek, stskve elasticity to the
step, and Immo% e the general-11.0th h itt - a remarkable de
gree beyond till the medieines ever heard on
Thelarge number of ei , rt Bleat es which 'we have receiv
ed' frOm from persthis frost all ports Of the United States,'
Is thZ,'t evidence that there Is tot Humbug about It.
The .press, hotel-keepers. magis't rot es, 11hp:del:ens, - and '
public nun, well know n to the Colllllll.llth v. all add their
Testimony to the wonderful effectapf this dttEAT BLOOD
eußintmt. . - ••• • . .
on the Aors-r, and get a Circular and 'Alumnae,
'and read UM wmnierful .cures this truly greatest of all
Medicines hat performed: •
Folio genuine Unless signed BENNETT & BEERS, Pro-
Prime, s, I. :t.' Pearl street, 111,1 too tel. Vs. to wit
........... 7 .....—...--- 7 ..--
ortlers'blt tqlrriW• and nire»elt:s nitu4t iv addressed.
.Ailot f. , r 5:11e..,y,5. I.lliott, S. \V. Ilavt•rstit.h. Carlisle
La' ht,v, Met•l'.illit.o , ll,.::'.l.. 11. Ilerr,,n, NttN‘lille; .1. C
Altiv. Sliijiwitisl,til g., and ly dealer: , iii
.191.416i:eh every
where. . - : . - -.
• C. L..Kelling. of 'Mechanicsburg, Clumberlitftd
Muir anigoinces to those •atilieted with Tunr , ra,'
W Cancers. Polypus, IMpus, Moles or Marks, Snot
ula. King's Evil And all diseases that have been usually
treated with Caustic or Knife. ho can remote them-with: -
Mit •cutting,burning or pain; neither Chloroforin or
Ether is administered to the, 'patient. It Is inimattet
on - what part of the lierly they may be, he can remoie
them with perli.ct safety, and In a remarkably short
tame.. No Mineral of Vegetable poison is applied, and uc
money retinireit until a cure is perfected..,
•Pridstiap - s',Uteri: -- Fiiinate Complaints, - ,Chronie.Vepe ,-
real flint all other dtseases4rentest with positive success
particulars can be obtained by addressing hi elate;
Englisli or (Lerman; post paid,• Patients cau be accom
unaluted with Board on reasonable terms.
Mechanicsburg . Is one of th s e pretiest and'lMAlthy
towns Or s ' ny bei" titater his 8 nillea - TrYiriz
Ilarrisburg, on th C thegmetil %Alley Ball Bond, and
,accessible from thl p its of the Union. The Doctor will
visit eases in part &the State when desired.
Vt - P,...Kiyd reader Cf Voll '1411,00 . 4.ny_44lllCfOrfaig.W Crea .
tyre, d'elAy rot to tell theist of this treatinetiV
- 4.o'' •
. 16,iit0„.::„±.:
tir.,A 61.) , - ;
'CoNil;olfNti 'FLUID iilrTßA.t'.l)UCllif,
. . _
For gisooso of tlielVadder and .I.i.iduoyi p Secret Diseases,:
• - -SOletureb s -IVenknosAes and.allstl,,hiensos,ofihoilrAutil _•
•"--Orgetnorwirothor.44-41:44=0r-F4nnto r tfrout-WhalP<•nr .
ot;e.t hey way have orjzinnten,npd. no, ninttq_uf how
l'usera,Fluid.l , :xtrnet of Purim, $1 per bottle, or It for $5.
" Sarsaparilla.
equal lit renir_t h-to onit gallon of- Syruy-of Snr!Aparlllit:
Prepared and wild by -11i , .T.-11.1•32 , 101,1).-clieniisl, - 212.3
Pheatioit Street, near_the Girard flolUo..Pltilklelphlet.,...
• To be had of - Drutgi , ts and Dealers every w . bare.
All letters dlatseted. to -tlo l'n;prietor orAgent receive
--- Nojjninedfate, at lention.
3tily 25. 155. •
&Splendid inrlefi of • ,
has 'just replenished his _stock of'
imp; and Phan - deals. haveltterese.
care, he la priparedllidr orders
ode tnaf iiily ; upon the euuluenese
TIZOTIONAIIY is large and selected
ice to the: liolitlay's. It mill.afford
inky desire 'ln ;that line. Its has s,
French. Gerniati land donteStliFsucy
id oft he st•i•l'rlksizt quality.
'GODS - is, Isrge , and euihraces nl
kecessary fer,the Toilet rind Dankly,'
tteotion -to-his-Estinty2Werk
oe-bottles:Watch a n rd!trays,
profits. and . itrict . corisistericy in
!rise our business.' •
• D: J. itIEFATIt.
Dr. Giles. :slue ton . Hamilton, Ps., May, 1961, said: "
hare used myself half it cithen bottles of your Gertuar
Pere foliver CoMplai_n_t_and diseases, of a nerrot
characton'resultine from the abuse of mercury... I w'
l❑oisoned and nhileted with fpasuis trove ilia use of th.
atter article. Tito German Bitters is the lirft actin
titn•which 1 obtained any relief.. I , hal o 'also given tl .
article to - inany With tbe meet salutary r
sults, I think as inany,tubre bottles aill cure me.'
C; Young, Esti.; of Dauphin. pp., writes illay 6, '6:
"I was attlicted with Genera-I 'Debility; Intestinal Weal
mess and' Costiveness. or which I used many ditlerer
rentedres without relief. Int last used - Your liot.tfan.
German Bitters. - I took a few ,bottles act:boding to t
motions, and was completely cured. . I.have not been
liMithyl for ton years as I have, been S\llCO took
Bittern, arbiobe is about one year,aeo."
'1 hese Bitters are IINTIntLY Vltlri - AirtivilatamstrenAl
suing the system. and never prostrating Ft.
r Sold-by-dealers,in -medicine -and- storekeepers ever ,
whore, and . by Sainnel. Elliott, S. W. Hal er,.tick and I
W. tau finian, Carlisle; Kin ingot. & Co,. Meelmid,e4l.urt
Snyder A Diehl, Newburg, anti by Dcaleis Medici,
Nov. 22,1664-1 y
•OCTOp• . .
V o t;.1;
_1 S F;1.1 , -- ['III V A'l' 1.15','
' mean:, ,I _ Llie ..i't.l I __
11T .]SCUT,. 1 I'll -.. , r :.tai
•Un HIS OWN PrIVI. It'lk::
lint, 1n,;.. h. oit •
oimhundredl4l.;; Cu) h...:,,hei
lug ['Hiatt!. Iti.,-,,,, 11fid MA
forthations td the tot . l.oJaill -
, SySIVIII, 111 l.),; - 1 Anio.. •..
f o rm: to Mil•t•li IS :"I,lPti
Tr0:1161! 011114;1 ith,l,l•l 11.1 I
males, intended for the es•
' females only, tseO page 100)
lug of the highest importan ."
to -married people. or tlmse co:
e,:,,ily. \VN. You No.. M. 1)., Orolli4ii
. . ..
of the 13 hiversitY ofPehooylvaoht, of-the. Ito
RI College of tiurgenns. London. and Honorary . 11,1emb: •..
.In, I hilitltl.4ol .) M - 't.l. Xill, I 1111011,.1,1t1 -
11Mt& otvtilval
•Sect'ot- ti
Pr, .trat'e I ini,otv'tn‘y, - I )1 t :t
and all i;oe'iilt. pi,ti
langulge. 'lll,O chapters use iztyl
_Wealiiteis is .Nvoi - t by utlituateul'im,ittt/thtien r and,h„iii,
be rend by every one. Young then who have been Ali
fortunate in eontreet disease, - previetis to - idneir
yon-melves uhder the care of npy doetor. uo inuttbr II hr
his Preteusiops cony be,get a copy of this truiy,valtuth
work. -
• Soa . Captiiinaand persons going to sea shoUld puss.
Ur. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the Pocket .21iseulai .
'us, or Every'otia Ills own Physician..
. .
.11:1- Let uo father be astruned tospivsent a copy of tl
Nsinilnplum to his child. It may save blinlfrom an ear ,
grave. Let no young man di...woman enter into th e
cret oblitllNis of married tiff, Wit bout reeding the per
et . Mit no one suffering .gran a lutehnii
'coughs pain - in the side; rest less.»lghtsPnervous Melia - -
I and . the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations. and , git,l
up by. their physician, be another moment without co
suiting the "Esculsplus. Have ,the married or tie
about to be married any • impediment, read thi; Ivo •
useful- Book. dt it ihts. boon no menus el' saving the
death. Upwards of a MILLION coplesof thiscelebret. • Ji;
work has I.een sold In this country and Europe iducill
when the find edition•waslissued; • ' • •
'Air Any Tie ruling TWENTY,FI E c its
elogrel o iti - ii Lett r. wt, receiv -o ne - copy of - this- book-l—l
mail: or the espies will be 11;14 $l. Addtess
Post paid.
Twenty. years practice in the elty oe'PhtlndOphiit sir
'Willy, entitles ..Dr. Young to the edufidence of the vi
(laud, and he may he consulted .on any of the disease 5 •
described in his different publications, at his °Mee.
Spruce streeLevery day 'betWeerolVand' 3o'clock,
'days excepted) and persons at any 'distance can. commit
-Di. letter, Po.S.r non. - "
.T.U.P., PAM
• TI.T.G4 RY OCE ,ST,OIII:I.Pf Os subscii'biot., it Ara
rlon Ilan, " . • . , ..: . . .„
A new supply of fresli•Vater crackers, • • ,
• Sods, nutter. Pic Nie arid Suer buiscult., .
-:'-rarlim;-o.)rn.tils - reli,-I'ltpio ,, :o_:• , igu. Pearl-liarley;• -- -
• .Extract of Cutferi, tier Flour, llaldoir.Powilub Ac., •
A new let of superiori'fablo t)ll, . .-
.Pickles, 'romato lietchnp, rkencl3, Mustard Pa,
" • ii;',. itant. e.dr • ji ... --.--.- -. 4, 1y,.r,81.,
O • T • INPOATANT TO ..111.11
Awiet,been • lu4g and widely kntiwu as inittriably
peliabiln'tointiving• any ktoiqiage; irrigulitilq, or
preasion oY tdielnenses, • . ' .-.••;•• ••• • • "
In the 'Vienna; Paris, aud
Ality_ltaie_outiretY.auperseded..the.useutall utherLY.
.lest 4 sacituse;-where-t-tu'rer!Witttattntllttritrutedi
agenebei,,they are certain' r Success. 'Their ustuoi
Clime Would be el ntmt_thercai to,
••• •
df?eing ioturnm muuthly periud After all hope bad
treieira ba I) cloned: .
10. civery - easo, from whatever cause the obstruction
may- arise, as. also to prevent, •pregimnCy where the
health %rill not admit' of increase or tatuff,y, they are
always efficient; for, which reason they Must not Le used
dining - pregnancy; though- iffV;iy -- nilld, healthy, ,- eate
and certain in their. ' • ' • • •
',Slurried ladies will Una particular instructions in the
directions, in widell' are stated in veriona sympiotna by
which the causes ol• the - suppression may be determined.
Price, One -Dollar per•Buz, containing explicit
'Cons. , . • • .
..Ench box-will be signed. hy - DrrlirG. Ozifinfrn. • •
Piinelpal, Unice, 1Y i§ Liberty Street, Nevt,„rof k City •
Ite9pnAilile agents will be 'appointed lort„heir sale a
goof - ran practicsbfe. lh the mean time, all orders - aret : •
be Addressed to lir. ill..CliitikNKß,ll273.::, Liberty.fttreef -.
I.;fiv-17ork, City,
_0r...t0 - box 2466 IS.•;1'. Poet. OTher,,itrd
I sealed anyelopeff' • and can be sent 'with the sttigtest pri
• •
Yacy ,to any part of the United States. - • . •
•varions not- only ineffective but Injurious corn
', POundm purpbrting - - to bs, , TxmAtx Dub?' Under all hinds
of names as "lam Plum," "SILVER PILLS," "001.ty-N
rlttS,".-..PERIODICAt -- rlttoi" - &o: - are attempted to1.; . I
palmed' °IT upon. the creduloum or - unwary, it is only
1 necepsury for on, tlitir guard aggiiiit the at- -.
feinpfed imposition, and ill all capes where there in no
authorized agent .for the-sale-of '•Da..O-mismssit's
87IcUAL NUS,' to order direct froth him by wall, by ro
turn of which a hex will be sent. - 1
July 26,!65. .
-AGENTS. . . .
Meesra:Oeorge Rose, Lebanon; S..T. Miller, York; 'K
A4rettiatr,:ritarrisburgrlL.-- -- It. , :tonas;'llerrisburgr- ,-
,Iturtno /t - Herron; Lite; titewart 4 Sinclair, Erie; t..
Vettey, klillbacb. - •
. . .
. .
i—' • • .
I V E lt. COINIPI,ALINT, - : :Dysp' epsii
. 4 .likuildiro, Chronic ornNevimiiii debility, //ma, heel
L..e iiiilueysiaud all diseases , arising iron ii, tin ; Qrdrse
Lis er or Stomach, such as Constipation, inward pin -
fuhiessyot , blo , 4l to the . head, aciulty of the stun: m - 1
anuses, heartburn, disgust forfoah fulness ur v,riyil t II
Ithe stomach, sour ernctationt, sinking or fi tilt,' ii,g a
! the pit of the stomach, swilimillig of the - heiM, 11..bri ie
and thflie ult. breiktlimgi fluttering at the. li eart. ci.olcia ,
lil* 5 nal waling . sensatiuus 'when in a lying post ure, Ullt
nesaof 'r /slim, dots - or webs bef , .re the sn...lit, MN er ittn
"dull pain in the'llead, deficienry of perrpiration,y elfoli"
- liens of the whir find. oyen, pain in the..sule, baekolfyid
-II iitbrc &e.i..slithlen - aunties of heat, burning iii the teat
roestitilt , linaldnindS of evil. aufgreat LleilleSSlolll/1 spit
its, 'call, be effectually-cured by.—lnt.:. riot.] I AN-';'R Ck././
I.IIIATED tlf:101AN 111TTEnS, .prepared, by bin. C. L
JACKSI,N, No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. ..
Their power over the nhove. tliSein,es as IRA excelled,
equalled, -by 'any other preparnt.iou in the 12 iiitell . Stitef
'AM the cunt Attcßt, 111 many- cases- after skilful tilkyl.4
ciann find failed. . e •
These Ilittore are earthy the attention of lirialtdi.—
PueseNthig drent •irtues In .the rectiheation of tlibekt:4(
or the Liler and leasei glands, exeredzitlg the roue
searching . pnwera - irr - Treak - twasittl nt the d
gestise prgatis, - tlicy,aili—ivithal nate, certain and pleas
1/.: ,- pring. April I. "
eau gt.t you some 'good certitu.ater. for your tielithin Ilil
torn ir voit..wlßlEllunlE. A lit , l3.lurlimA
tlg r:oluii of lt thifi invei-thet it is hy Jur the bi!st
'having clone—lier—smit—h-cr
met to ije over .Anew,
daughter much good. . ,
Lawlon, ileulard's store. Somerset aug:
15, IM3, s'oys, "I our Much . atttn•heti to your - German
Bitters, 11155ing used two bottles of 1L.% Wilt 1 pi , olirt
from i. Kurtz, your agent at Somerset, and Mundyient
relief front im disease of the Liver., - 1 nod It ht a
great effect on my lungs, I,trongtheni up and itt‘Mto at mg
Ahem, whieli„as am a Itublie speaker-, is a great bell) to,
The Yankee and his Twkeys.,
y but you hag
tirosatoNinies, if u ott"t see it ~ •
Faot, and no ?'
Come -in and ,e,. if•iou;don'..t be=
lieve , it....,Jc.toint so, you'ean have backyour
two iddllitt'Perliaps, thein Other jenttemen
that's With yon, would liket , tn.:codae in, xew;
Ite only teWshillin',.any heow 1' - •,
• This was n dialogue which i ‘lieard.• before
the door of a shantrat: a ,General Truining': 7 -
,anOctoher...gathernig in one of the inteilor
Awns Of the Empirre State, in .one Of its mid..
fund mart' Tee. • • "
I. •? •
wa t ,S:ono of .them otber,gentretnen'referr
tni to, and I-disbureed--thp-'twn---Sliillin';', l
ferred:to,- and entered, as did many others,
who, .similarlpattraet r ed, -folloWcd us into the
shanty. .„.,
. geutlemiw,': said the exhibitor, Av •
was au out-aad 7 Out Yankee; expect de thigh/ .
as `well begin...._You 'See .that ere-long- coop . ' •
turkeys. WO, I shall feed 'em' lust; and pret,
wheu , they+begia l
oats (but that's a joke,.:cause:wo..give
c'orn,) youll - sse "em, • skis Boob, the .411usic
strikes up, 'em begin to ilanee.'
- - Tliej - eoop t which'ratt' Along. : the end , of the
shatrtY, T farthest Item the door, AhoUt
fCet long,, and. must ihave :contained
surge twenty or thirty turheyr; heavy fellows
they "were, too, : most of .
arcs for a Chrhstthasi or • . , Neir-Year'l" table, -L
Into ourre!ltilUter threw perhaps a
puck—or at least half ACpeck . —of born :. •
gatlitired. up,_
taneli tightiTg on the part of
the fetqlMred reciPienticrrho Wanted to - see
fair plity—ihat" Iliad of fair play. meaning
issnich'would give tip to tho complaitMuta the
hirgerif half of thn:provatider. • -
Isreseittly - it_was'al! devoured; and the mil
- elm/ culled fur the perforinance4rubrised.
•Yes, )es,'suiti thti eihibiter,
ten ' trig a stele. - givi - us•tinie r . if you piesse
.titrike up a‘liv,el) . ;
At this ii-crockedflute, aubliiek,•gatasy
u thiCklippett ttegruolui Au
ear started utfAultith •Yuuke . e
very quick. time ; .itua s'ur'e euaugh,
every Tut key begun - to dance,
hoppiug froin, one leg,tu atiother, ern • lag
bittancuig;• chusseiug—doing eyerythitig i iu
:siturt, kiitiwu to the sultaturytrt„ except,.joiu•.
, Well, that is curious !' exclaimed tiie audi
_tors, biiiiiiituneously
Hitt) it. before !!..
'NO,' said. the exhibitor I expect on didn't.
'lt's ail asthe poet says. I cd
icated'them turkeys; and there ain't one on
Jam that hasn't a good sarfor music.' Ilere•
upon he turneti,to the audience, and added:
.Wal, you've -8 - eiti , it and see how' natural
they do i.e; ne.w we WIWI you IQ vacate: the
ruoin; aud.give theni a dome° -that's..on the
outside. Thero's. uew.cuetomers oui: there
watife, and. if you ouly tell 'em outside what
you'Ne seen with your own eyes, youlll tio.doin
a tiervl63 . 6ne, 'aud give to f/isnt a equal
pleasure with what, you have enjoyed.'.
. This is soon dune; the audienee retired
and anotber timk their•plitee—inelnilini:one, • '
however - , who had been an.auditoi at the. last
Thi3 eabie.•Seene ryas: gone tlxsoUglt •
with ; the smile feeding,''inusio an.fdauoing,' •
only. if VMS observed that the. motion of thti.
turkies wait even livelier than before.: • ' •
It .stpda the • twine- v oh i se - rver that just before
the musie-hegan mati•was : Reou to leave•the •
. 1-41. b.,
tepped out liiin;elf the last time , aid saw: th:e.t.
exhibtault .
maii busying Ilitoself.'with putting some light
-ILititiling-weod'utii i rer. - . un — opening humus - Eli the
vilunt3,' ..
. The mystery was now out.' he tur.ey-ciiv .
rested over 11,,siew tire, „ in floor, and
whefi'the music struck 13 1 3. had btcomo
o hot that the timkeys I: abont,first-ott
ne leg, then on the (alit 'waged EMsil
tions, ' seeking rest dud :nude,'-until
he fire had gone-deli:m : 4nd :they
.Were reitly
or another reed! .....----.----.• ••! ' '
.Ii is proper to - Lid . ti that tho autlx‘?E . cif
Yo.Fikeo of avatar-,the
Orphops of Tiir
JjtirLicut,•3fuurly Las demonstrated that
by witlit and - wave - lt is down stream frotat%r
country to all; anal that all nations •
must ageetafto reach-it. With • an,ocean. on
either hand, its Power descends with .celerity
, •
to, every country on the Sphere,. and that,
too, frOui even the deepest interior or the
ray. *Wiggings, irh - at era of the trorld'e
hi etory- - do' you iegard with the._ detpeet
horror?' •
'The eitol 7 ernr gasped Wiggins, 'with
spastrptlia tlbudder,
'in u
tlenrieri: walk Como in
oil :wont wish
~ fou hadn't.. if
!.,I,un't be -in'
.L__ 'icier . 7311 W any 'Wink
ep - o — m
TO- - r ---