Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 06, 1856, Image 5

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..• . .
- ' 'Ciouniii of
181 ; . r!.A.YL:40, 4 Artuan5.,..1.02 r yks
•. • ; b6DEMBEIt;
• •
. -
Made by-the Commissiontre to coMpljance with the 're! ,
• tralsitiorts—conteinecilli—the-221katid 230_ sections:of_
. the 'act oritsSeiithlY - of this •Ceremenwcalth; .passed
on thy 15th Aitty of April,..A.D. 11334, and Eke In con
forreltyWathAtte;B7ll.tame-actT4'.'i, '
ragni es the'Conrity Tretontrer once. in every. year to
state .his account and produce his voucitere to. the
Commissioners, which after, eiamination by said Qom.'
misSioners, , Shalrbe by them laid before the County
Auditore'for settlenient, according' to law..
In accordance with which N. V.. Woede,..Esquire, Treas.
Alrer of Cumberland County submits the - followfng as
•a correct exhibit of his, receipts and expenditures for •
the paSt year, ending the 31st day of December A..; D.
Difpb. . • •
• " '1 , 7 W. 1W001:03, ESQ., TREASURER,' ...•
- •
' RECEIPTS: •. • - ; •
• .
_ .
• Mance inlitindsnf•Treniurer - at
• tleuient as per Anditer's report,'7 . $7,694 'OOX
Amount ef outstanding taiee, 1 ' ". 0,676 57
. • - 1%;.• County tax assessed for 1855, „ 30,545 66
• ltj, Received of Jos. M'Darmond, verdict fees ,0
in Quarter - 459 14
Carlisle Deposit Una: L ,1,071 66
1 5 Abatement:for tho year 855,' ' 1,473.9 .
(I. %V, llituer Weroskeg .
Jas. Orr and others on bond for gulks to
. '• bridge,
• --- S. Martin verdict fees, .
' Jacob limvinan verdict-fees;
,J. W. Shearer:verdict foes, ' -
• Of miscellaneous receipts from variMis
T9taltitcellits f9r1.885,
"OF JASIUADY, A. D. 1850, 81 . 31.1.1.pT ExoNpaAnoms
_1853. Jos.iph A.,WeaklOY, Dickinson, -
Christopher Mellinger, Newton,'
-1854:- Samuel Ilietern, - Dickinson - , -
• • • 'William Grahain,• Frank . ford,..
3loses Bricker, Monroe, .... • ~ _
- 110POrt 311ver, Nnwville, - - 75 -s'.
' .I.ollli 11. S'pahr, North Middleton, f 500 69
, Henry llecternell, Silver Spring, _ 1002 50
1855. William Stephen, 7 . Lower-AliOn f -:- •. • -' 351- 80
. David Taylor; 'Alien; • - 547 1 . 2
. .
• Ibitir y S axton, Carlixliy 685 20
. ,' - Lafayette Poffer,',Dickinson, ' ' • - 1071 32
George W. Fussier, Eaet Pennshoro' 083 53
. Benjamin Jumper; Frankford,' •• L. 309,77
Daniel .31Vey, liopewell, _ - 2 . 68 34
.. . John B. Ferry; 311filin, 812 59
• John Paul, Monroe. 'Ar. .: 1317 08
George Filer,} Newt On. --'.• _, - _ 681 78
- -Win, Porter, Now Cumberizind, •2433 ;
• , George W. North., Newville, . , 03 54
• Jacob allorntr,f, North.Miiiilleton, ^ . - .288 22
John W. Duey, Silver Spring, . _ • 563 72
• AlexiT,liihifilighiaini,* - Soutliampton; - - 2 ---- 021"42-', ),
. Thorrias Spencer,* Sri ippenxburg. (Do?.) -07. 41. , '
~lolin - Stuart, jr., South Middleton, 621, 03
Thomas Gc4liain,j . West Peniisbororougg, , -0-31-10
Those' In/irked thus* have :Inca first of January paid
In full. Those marked thus f have paid in part._ , -
. ,
, 7. . . . - . - • ,/, - - .
Grand Jurors, for sorvheS in 1851, - ;
Ti•avorso Jurors. . do,
Willinw could, as Court Crier, •
Haan), swarth:4 as per ordor of
Court, ""
--=--------? DEPUTY.,ArrpitiIEY•gIeiNE . RAL
Wm. J. Shearer, Esv. lieputy Attorney
Uuneral, fees fur f'..,,iiu'th raseN " .,
'44 l, _ __ .. .• .. ____ _
- • WITNESH ° FEES. ' -
i`tCuc:a`Yaas~firtl~rci~~tsn~i-~rtiL~ses, --16ti-33
IL:Ftices' row lit Comb:low - fetal' case's
Comtables' fees to Commonwealth cases;
• niidcle v
rk, ler services.
uditiug of Prothonotary,
rt and Regiater, . •
). K. Npelli fees fir 18:15,
'ally M. Gregg, fees hi Commonwealth
" . :imuel• Martin, fees in Commonwealth
rave. , -
LouddD fpr docket for llttP, •
tines Louden, or duplicates, I.)lnding,
stationary, L-c„
~Todd, for'professional srvices, ••
amok:Manors' travelling expenses,„•
' 'in. liiley ' six months' salary as clerk,
' its of the . case of Symington,'-
' Armstrong, Esqr, pay as'Commissioner, DOW), Esq . , do.
• fil. Gralunn, do.
.M. Henderson. Esq., • do.
. Wise. ,t listing making Duplicates,
- Wise, for services as clerk to Cain
- .
• m. 11. Miller. for prafessionaLservices,--
repirim , in_Conts,_ ,
registexhil births, itr.,
liztt : thltir, for Lo . yer Preps,
4 rhuntin, fur public printing,
Pr atop,
\ _ -EASTEILS-TENlTra(lliAnr..
support 01,COu rids, '
• -
• :. -....".
• . ,
v. & ).7utshrill, on-account °tem:Arita
of jail, . , ' ~
pit 31'intrmoncl,-Shiirlir, foi support
rf prisoners. fees. 3,:e.;
'. Woods, C: Ogilliy, slid others, for
- .I.ohing for prisoners in jail. . • .
klirainit• and lieorge W. pilton, for
- >-- - . - . - "ti ,in , coal, • •
- 410 (/ is .4: Water Company, for us • e - of
• .0.,t , fir jail,.
...___• .21 07
. 1 lionstoefot"(!barcoit - forr - jall ' ----- \ --- . - 21 - 701 - 1
. . . at;.. for malting 1(6 , , , - - -- • • :1 l ,••
4- A. 1
'o:(;orgatt,tbr Wive plpe. ,t . e., --• 8 14i I
._ : L . ) lie, fur east iron plate for jail, • • • TA"
. :,
li 5;
p .V. ffolgon, for paving putters in • . ,i'' •
. • . 'if ):tril, IAO
, . 0; I I 01)Pa rn, attorney fl.r Symington . 70;1 83 -
l).ll* , .. , phystelan to jail, , , 25 00
• ''....- lt•ortnan, Sheriff, - , for suppert of - - •
coon nousn
-I.t, rano) Esq. ' 11rd:ismer, amount tu
• tamats,lltr 181'41, 1
. rroisoir, :is cls3tcr to Poor nous°,
'4l " •
11 1 4‘t it, till'. services Os Director,
' tot mint,
Briudlo, ilo. , '
• onwes t AS:n n'AhtAgr4t
satiny:l Sitddler, uiul otilin•s;
by tho,Court,
u.LS persons On eer.tllivate,
I, fnli f.,r
!ai': ~~`~ri;l~;n ai
- " 4 . 7 "" T • APPROPRIATION.
Indolimidoitt,'Cumberldnd and Ufilcilit,flre
companies, • ' ' .
'• • • • • .... ABbESSOlts •
se_T:3Li?o,_ibr,s_ervieep performed In 1855, 381, 273.4
Ofpoorn of Onorrilliftti township•electiono
retcnzi -,r
, aril ?lecher, ono year's ealary,.us
keOper of publ 75.00
Mrs. punbar and Mrs. Mcmdy,scrubbing
and cleaning court room, .'
Ephraim Stool, for winding clock, -
O. Lamison and others, for rePuirs, , '
,Carlisle Oat and' Water company, for use
of Water for court:house,
0. Inhoff; tbr oil, fluid; dc,, for rouii houso,
Andrew Hecker, for repairing loifkS,mnd
' making key, " • .
konrcie Morris. fur gas find•wkto?PiPMAri.
court louse,
Bonds palifandyttereAr
Wm. Roll, amount of contract for erecting.
fence,. • •• • - _
Cornmissionerte travelling expenses fbr.
john -K. Armstrong, for luniber,
John IL Brandt, for si.ono coallbr 1855,
floury Wolf, for charcoal,...
Gillard.Dock, for scale,
Robert 51n1lon, Bm-carooal, • "
henry Saxton; fdr nails, Ac.,
Jacob Spangler, for boxing trees,
Wm. Line, for trees, • .
Alfred Sponsler, for assisting_in making
.:Duplicates, . "
S. M. Hoover, for lunibor, 1 • •
Barmay.Karney, for whitowashlng,
A. Seligman, fonhorse hire, '
John B. Bretton, for postage, .
Geo. W. Sheaffer, for agricultural society,
Andrew.llecker, and t;thors,,,ix.i
2,170 00
1,550 00
12 00
$ 215 40
271 27
91 60
91 61
1(4 9i
Fordinaya fteot :sq., 'for - &Wingin
quest and jurors - ay, - •
J. Lotigneeker f Esq., ' - do:
J. C. Thompson, Esq.,. do.
C. Willcar;Esq.,
Win. D:..shupp, Esq., do.
George . Millerpund cithOrs, &r., do. • • .
• • . -
• .
• • ' ATEM EN TA:
!long highlands and other Collectors, '
abatement* MI - OVed tax paytirs for
:1554. an - 11 •
John Strcck and others retundod.taxds,
on 'teilißcatcs for fox scalps,
Amount roturnsOn cprtlB
- catft of cfork cf Court,.. •
By amount on Commissioners' orders, • '01,151. 6434
Treasurers' commission fees nt llc a per
.illieurrent money in Treasufere' hand, • • .8 00
Outakaticliim taxes unpaid by ColleetOra, - 11,870 40
.eolloclorafet;a at 6 poy mot., • -. 1,340 62
Exonerations,, -- _
.726 f1:1
$ 332 371
1977 02%
- ±54 119,
86 40
We. the Commissioners of Cumberland
sJRAiT count.) ,•do certitlying•aublilt • - •;tic,:oroviviz,
tut It'eofrect Statent6nt ur'tecelpts and tit
pendltures of the eounty'afiii/sald, from the
Ist day ofJanuarYT•ti - ilib 31st day ofWiegOmber, 1835,
ittelusive,/ts also a schedule Of the outstaildiv taxes on
the . . 31st d.iy.. 'of .Deconiber, /835; in boroughs
add townships therein stated, together with a 'state
'Mentor tbe expeliditiires under eachTheinrotiiiipropria r
dons the Commissioners In compliance' with
the "requisitions contained in the 22(1 and 23d sections,
of an, act or- Assembly of" this •Corninon wealth, passed
the 15th day_of_Aoril, 1834. Witness our ' hands and'
seal of office, at Carlisle, this 26th day of January, .A:1). •
1856: • • • .
~28 413/
118 24, \
aa• 00
- OEO. AtAlltAllAM,' ' 'Commissioners
Atteit—M. Wtsz, Clerk.
0 00
47,,y734 .
We, theinndersigued Auditors otCurnberland county
raet-aeeerding- to law, and having examined, tlio ae
'counts and vouchers-of N. W. Woods, Esq., Treasurer of
said county, from 'theist day of Jaary
. 314
day if I/even/her A...D.11;Ni, inclusive, do certify that
we find owing the Treasurer, N. W. Woods, Esq., the
sum of une-hundred andlivo &liars amt. y-one and
a ,half cents, due by the' eintn'y of (uniberland, as will
'appear by the foregoing 'ln testimony
whereof we have' hereunto set - our
this 25fh day of January; A. I). I Ka). - • . ,
- ' J. D. DRAWRAiItIII,.
. J. STEM! AN,
102 20 -
.68 313,-i:
50 5734
100 00
11 80
250 00
f 5 57
423 00 -
146 50
225 00
40 50
52 50
T- ,IST . 0.1?..5.A LES': k.),F.:P14",11.80NA--1
ju !Toil:wry by IVM . ..E. HOUSER, Auctlonesr:_ 7 ,
' Januaq 25---Situtuel slater. `-.-
20—John Coll, deed,
".• , al— • Do. . ' ..
rYelirdary 8--John ilidyer. ~
,;---- o—.Dafid Neiswaguer.. • .- ..;-,..;
•' ' 11—Simon !Munich. ' ...
" - 12—a W. Sadler, Adams Co. :-
=l-----.L._ Do. ..
~. .
14—Joseph Eller e . . - 737 ----n---- ' 4- ----
" lb—John ‘‘'engard.
J• lii—llenjamin Clay.
.18-7Conradt -- Acq1):00. --
- -Ill—lsaac Basehure. ..-
. .
'2il—Simon -Dreelsteh. . • .' .
- 21—William Pett , i's, Athvue Co. ' '
22—.Jacob•Nohler,—.. . ..
• 'l3—.loluts Ininsbarger. Sliver Spilng.'•
_, .25—Ellae litinille: _ ". .
2C.—A lir:them tliiodyear. • ..
' 27—Rudolph Ilarthler.
"(g,..2B—Joseph Wendt. ' .... - .
" 2)--Joints liumbargor, - E. 7'eunsbeio.
March , - I—Abraham Sulenbarger._____- ' '
" • a--I.lphralut limner. - -
" • -.4—john Sprout Dcr'd.- - ...„, '
". . s.—.l6shlia Culp, ,
.i6_,,f L ie o li I!. , ldeinan. - - -,
/ " 7:—Alft el Moore.' . ..,
" 8-- 1 -Josepo Elrod:. • '
" 10—John Shafer. • ~
•" ll—Fiancie A.I. Eckel, ' .,...k.
... , .12-4aeob Fireslone;, -•
~. • . ' 4, ,
_____A. , _.l3_-4.leor'ge Porter. . , •
-, 4. - 14—JaCribDtreTii - t - 7 -
". ]b—Jolin•iloi•.ett.. . • • ,
,• ". • 17—iohnlleChre. .
.' ',, - .lA—Jackj) Nen•comer.
• 4 10—,hteob Elkhop, .
," 20 2 --John Su'lleabar.,, , m -
" - 21-,--Leivig Siliquirl ,, r, - .
-...,, 22—Jacob %Vest:ell, • '
- " ' .' 21—.101m MrCuedv. ''
_l3EN3. ' 7t .& .1-3)t.0.,. would ;call •the . lit,
, ' Aenifoil of thu.publieto their large and splendid
assortment of ' t : . • . ~
2,50 00
4 60
25 001 j
114 . 40
2:25 . " 4" •
..:J 00 ,
150 Ob
6021 00
16:13 +3
110 48
32J SO
6500 00
10 00
10 00
30 00
30 00
30 00
' . N -IV -CI 0 0:I) S.
which ups) , aro- ineroariiiig by duily-iecolpts Jrom tho
eastern,ritlet. including ,, , .
Silks, ,lorilis.22. I. 22 ines,''Alrgteluts;.lipitibm.ll.lo . .CO•
burgs, Habit, ilulib24. flotilla Silks . ; Vtivetniul,.,
' Fouthao2,
0(41141'112in •
. 1 , 11 - mieb;.(':upetwantlrarpot
. , Cbat:F2.2itlusr:2.C2ll,.2,
. lurid Ott`l'y - 6rietybi'l 2 l2iiii,222l . •
• • Fano' 1i0224 2 -
. - TAT T 41.10, W
Fpnrbtl noltiee 15x;e40,t to thole. '..-t , boic uT 117 VS, 01111-
PV;Sillg all the vij.b.l.2•••, 'flee. - 122t.i - e' 2.15.2 k
•.12 • . u::4
oy,4t , :10::0•0•• 10:i •••••• 0,00 4(0 0 -I'll
..I‘ , o-;0 - af;:i •11.:0 0, , ,i0,01:0•;1% , bolt F.! 1:-. .•
731, 41
4)70 01
Foic pntiitus.)
Amount of iecoipts,
Balance cliciTreasurer,
i %\illkwltaz,:ilDii,olioi.,,
tU abutrtisenfrnt
47 60".
7r - r - '3ESSESSITIFFi3if - Mlit -- A - 1•30 :-. 111611T-Ifirtlite ,
See - County -- and : Siate„purimea,, as, returned 'by Abe
assesson: of the respbctlye•townsblph and'boronglis in
Onutberland count , y l sullied tarevlotonand appeal: - ,
Tbwpfhlps:and Aggregate val. Incl-ease,on • .
-' 'Dotoughs. - '' tbr 1856. - . Ausesx. '63. , Derette
...• i -
Carllple, :J,3o,oth t - 102,;146____
131anson, , .. 1,203,629 ..• - -105,132- - -
4*st renusboro, 496.547 ; -. 8,084- , •,
Prettltr.rd,.. •- . 214;086- ' ' - 32,139
Hampton, , .- , 564,6117 " • 43,026 .•
Hopewell, , , 229,799 ~. .-. , 14,703' --,,
Lowe. Allen - 518,051 '• '. 20,254
alittlin, ' . 311,421 '• • 8,805'
Monroe; .017,202 ' 00,4,P
Mechanicsburg, , 204,161 , . 60;166
North 3116.3.1et..ini-- 833.596 - - 102,690
No•wvine, . Itis;s44 - . - 13,689
New Cumboiland, 69.051 :' , • 5,07.4,
- Newton, . 715.808 85x064.
senth Middleton, 1,004104 . 17.266 -
Silver Spring, , • 43,069 •'
Southampton ... 605,430 ' ' 56,981
Shippensbnrg.ll9 - . ' 22,700 70,315'
Shippenshurg twp.,. 81,003!-- 7. --70.5'13
Upper Allen,' .. . 624,273
West Penusboro, 946,288 . . 180,406
19 00
20 00
21 H
5 50
(287 31
4600 001
05 77
10 08
150 26
8 00
20 25
10 50
9 92,
-1 4 1 Alt M Hit S TAKE NOTIC
I,ll'he first premium awarded at the State Fair, held
of ilarrisburejn 3855, also first premintris at the county
Fairs .or NorthUmberland, Franklin, York, Lyemnlng, -
Centre, Westmoreland, Washitigton, 'perks, Sehuylkil.
Montgomery, Del: wale, and Chester, in- competition
with Trow eight to. ten different reapers and mowers.
'rho Atkln's self-raking reaper and, mower will to far
sale' at the Factory r.t Harrisburg, , also at Hoye.- &
Bros, Farmers whthing reapers end mowers ;or .he
next harvelit can :them at a. reduMed 'priee, by
giving their peders fur them before 'the let o: March ;
185. ff. . „
5 00
0 00
5 00
22 Sa
100 00
5I 44
_ Vrbie of Reaper. cosh, - SIC.S,
." Iteoper and Storey, cosh, - .' 90, -
it ordered before the Ist of MIIITII ai"Lor i,hoi time,
freight frourDayton, Ohio, added.
—['Kee of lieaper -- raid — Moltpron - titne, $2OO ; saV•an'.,y
lice dollars, on delivery, - seventrftcre -dollars on of.
October, and' fifty - dollars - Ist Jhnnary, RSAT. - All the
reapers_ warranted...to_give. entire . satisZte:.:on or .the
money re2unded: Leave. orders with II iii‘.ltY L.
111.11t1i1101,DER, _Agent for, thuaberlstid county. and.
Ttnyelling , „ Agent DireCt all order) and leVels .to
JAme..s l'Arroll,lioneml Agent for Pennsylvania. ,
•-• Jan -23, 1850.-1.1% - • ' - ,_- .
16 13 1 ( 4
18 3O?-
li nji:
• n 4113 1 ;
13 00 I
•'.1.1 . he store of the.sulecriber ill hi Coccipt k and the
shuivewitre now [applied with a handsoute ['election of
fine and rich ' —• •
2239 44.1,.
and decoraletifitney ware, such as inkstands, Baskets,
Vases, Coffee boxels Toy Tea and Dinner
setts,,,Chlrut Ilona in variety, atid a variety - of other
articles all well suited fiir the t.:onthig
' O.ItOC,EItIES - ANv svicy.s. ' • -
in every variety, fresh and-of best
. tittality have just
u o
bea addict to our - former stock.
Of very fine quality in -- suutil sael,a" also on band - ,
Currents; Citron and other goods - adapted to the Season
constantly' in store and fur sale by
GOODS - 1 4 '0 -- Tfl L-1)A I'S!
- FANCY- (l 0 .01), tIIFT /WOES, .&c._
- - 89 08
617 29
S. W. IrAviatBTlck h`p., jutt receive , ' from the city
Lindh: now opening is splendid tlisplayaill'A
suitablo-Mr the ripproaciting - 11Miday — ecaTalit;
he desires tn call . the attention of his friends nod
public. JIM assort meiitri n iliallne Cannot be surpassed'
In noielty. and elegance, and both In quality and price
of the acticles r einnot fail tOplqcoie purchasers. It would
impossible-to enumerate lila •
1101.1 BAY FANCY 0001/8,
which' corn prise every variety of . laweyarticle orthe most
exquisite shako such sis . - .
Eniper !Bache tloods,.. . . -
Elegant alabasterstailliorfelatti ink-atanda,altid trays:
Fancy ivory, pearl andlhell card rases,'
'Ladles' Panty Baskets,
Fancy Work Boxer:, with sewing instruments,
l'Ort .Alounaies, of ovary variety, .
Ovid pc:upend pencels, Fancy paper ,welghte,
Papetaries, sail a argovariets,of ladles'Saiiey station.
$55,725 7(1)";
_ 55,6'22 88
$lO2 0134
. -
'Motto seals and vicdWrs, Silk and bead purses,
Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished, Ladles' 'One'
cutlery, '
Perfume briskets and bags,
• Brushelf of ere:•y kind for the toilet, . • . • -
Roussel's Perfumes of tdir various kinds, •
Musical instrtunents, of all kinds and at all prices: -
together with au innumerable vai•lety °rankles elegant ,
Iy-finished and s tfl table thr holllday preseuts,, to which
he invites special attention. ,
Also i an ostensive and elegant collection of
comprising the variou'!; thiglislaand American , ASNUALS
,for ISIAL richly enibelfshed and ilustratrd POETICAL
-WORKS, with CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL Initili*-for.,
children- oral+ ages, thaw which nothing call - be Inure
aiiPropriate or pleasing as holiday Otis, ills - assortment •
of School Rooks and School Stationry is also complete,
and confprirs every thing used in College and _the.
Schools. i re hiss desires to , ••alr the particularattention
of Pittallies to his - • c'
from the extensive eittablislinients of Cornelius, ArcheL
and others-of Phibideljthia, comprising every style of
Parlor, Chantbsr and . Study Lamiy, f, , r burning either
and sperm or 'ethereal 0i1,,.. together with FluvrerAnses
'aneySt , reens, Ills assortment in this line is fur
guided ifv - ,tiarbOrtngh - .• Also,
sLity.vo -••-
In every Taljety priers. all 5f it hirh nre pare
end-fresh. siteltluyean=die , erailidevtiv reepininelidedt9
his Month' And the embrwies
every thing in the Hale iif.Faney .41016. t 11 . 11134 nthei•
Atth.k. , :tuaut It 9 liiiii,T. , kixoporg — whiat -^ the. -- )mhil. ft re.
espnchilly invited to rail au_d, , Ate.iltirinti the holidays.—
Remember the Old 'tiCautli'nearly.opposlte tkiu Bank on
North Hanover suer..
E T , 14.)J7._.A . _N-Q-Y
Ci1'7 , 1 . 1 7: 01
. -
Ana will lei . at his Ohl (teal' tZusrters In / Worth
Ifanover street, (luting the S'hristmas anti
feki - iitles, with one of the largest assortments of ,
"Ever otriTed In this placo, vonslsting In part of Fftie
Candy 'flys and Fritica,•Jll.V Arai froini,,,C
Ellookit..l :and Prolt 'Drops, Ito,:e, l'itullla, and. linrut
Almujida, Proneli.ani oxplOding Secrets Sre.. .Also all
the_ varletleg. . ' '•
AND NuTsof the. latest 6up n•ra4tuus
surh ax Oranges. Letnolis,
Raisins, Elis., Pritens,.eurrants. Citron, soft and pai‘er
.41elled I'relun, Cocoa. *KU. Grio!od
.Nuts, In connection with , the :there au estonaive
sorttn of .
°rely quality iii&price, runalsting lit part of ,Flue
china,, 63111Z - 11nd other • liee lug and
- Card Basket:;. Faney- itoxes, Phnrer ‘ , . es; Stotitrfeups,.
Tea Eetts; Itrunis..l7uns,Air Pistols, A ceded
Ila monk:ins, Trumpets, Chessmen of hallo and wwl,
LOt to and pther ganies. Fatier.Soaps. Hair
Oils. and , l'nrt
.We. 173y13 ah:o a tine. lot of
ROUNIti ES, sneh pulverlFiel.,Yrnshed and
brow n..-Surars.hf every quote., Coffee. Molasaes, Stargh,'
Green and 'Wel: Teas, I•pirea. lin t tat:, ugar, Watt r
and other Cl:73 , k(:l'S, .
. The .an hs'erl her returns Ids slueere tha . nks to a geder--
mu: puld'lc for the patronage heretothriebestdwed on him,
111141 a desire to please,' to merit a continuance
of the same,
" . ,Carthde, De‘e'r 12,1555
4if 's OAKII.:8, Fliti,ITS &,. T,O VS
. • ., -ki•%: . .. 1' • 011el tlt ifil'it.kejANlf N EIV YEARS.
'4 4 ....4 i44 . .. —2ll'n Sni3 "Fi l, " 11 4 , S,:•9lvPd from
. ityo,4l ? (k... N:iln , ll , lrittig . and' is ),low .p.iii g g- an
... • (miller H , vit.iitiv of.. .
Agit:Q.lo for t1i .. 1ippr... , 1011111:-110141:tys. Also, always on
lialid ,rt•tv vili•iotr (,:. rAstv.UAlie.S. Frail ea 'cr.,:
- .I r•Il• I '.•!:r.. PoirtaCalsoß nip.l isvcry otli .r Altri,teV. , t 1 I ,
'1 fi. 1: .i 1., : 1, 4:1 11 :* - St . 10 , •t.04114,,,k ,If 1,'.1; u i.i mil c•ko:-
I,'Etltil.):: A !;I'. MI ,' f''l% . !!i• It \x)11 L.'. F.l,i 41..,...1i i , ) ..,,-
our rri,s - J;1.4 . Nc . ^ . kit t.!, ;', ~ ...1... Jo , it.,.(l to • i...: ~., .1. J.
12.610,5',Z4 , 1,140,819
11. NC II Cil I A;
'', , 'ior: 'Stife . • cititi-lient
:.VOR RENT.—The corner.
ltl • • by -N. W. Woods' as Iliky_Ooodo
iTist, stands
, . •
Aim), tiotjl‘yyji rug fluao" oo west. touther . Btroot.
now occued. by..3lyg..E izabei.l3.BLou3b. ..Teruati made
knoctp, on appl'eaL'on
-• •••••••••• • . •
IO; r A. 11 U
.. ~ ~.____
A'l' PUBLIC SALE.-:-.That dosintilliiilotise - and
Lot; situated on Fast Main streekin the 1b rough of
Carlisle, late the. property of Andrew
.. . • -; .
11.1fluies,;lisq. The lnzprOretnente are .....'''''' •
a commodious two 'story' Weather- -..:
boarded House with a large and
,con- ... :! •
venient • liack-ini 1 ,•011ics.• falai- ;;- , . ... • ~1:..,
'`fetry...Out-bulldhl , s,- at a large nod. ' • .....
•substatiMal Log S ble -- The 'garden contains a nuniber .
of .fruit tines. , • • ' •
.._....._ .
POBSCWOII will be g . f.r ,iin the firstilay of April next,.
It .wlll be sold on Saturd r; the 10th of February rtex . ,..
at-the Court Mouse. at 10 o'cl , lck. A. M.. '
,;; ...
_ For terms and further particularilnquire of the un
dersigned. -• ~. -. • '
.Titn. 2, 'Bel
• •
1t00313 FOB, ho aubse•l'oer .destrons of
changing hls klye,r:Jore lar:io anti tom
niotßous ou -he iwoA rea
sonable terin.s. l'heso .uono have' a conitnandinz situ'
ation 1n the most businos,and routral,pa to LheTown:
with an excellent No,..,::een and. a , er.duliral,ly
to the taking or 4111 - 5,n,,i , : 10
nC FAV31,.1t01 , 1 C,t, lisle, Pa.
..t!lt r i.e. l !". 'TIMBER LAND FOB SALE.—The Sub
sc'riber• offers at private'sale rer4rEAM
:11 Will= SAW MILL situated in South 111 id,ll.
• ..
-- township, Cumberland • county.
with which is converted about NINE HUNDRED AISI,
TIiIItMTILII Eli ACRES of good Pfne, Oak. Chesnut
and Poplar timber. The 51111 lord Engine are in the
-best running order and can ho started atie r day7cnotice.
There is a good double two-story. 1 / 1 1' y.LINO DOUSE:
on the PriTertY,Sultablellor two families, with an Offiee
and good stabling. About fifty - ecreS of Cleland could
be athianemmously culMated and converted into a pro,
fitable harm: The property presents great indUrementa
to-putelinters.' Terms . will
,be Made
-easy',. _For _other
particulars apply to th subscriber at Carlisle. Pa..
dec. 5, '45. , _ • WM, D. SEYMOUR-.
,-•1)0PLAII, 'LOT -PII.OI'E.RTY' .At
..,,ritti'ATE SALI. That valuable piece of ground
situate In Small Hanover street, in the borough of
Carlisle, known as tlre•••••••'''
. . -, • •PO PI. Ait'l, pq : - , , : •
Said lot contains at'nut CHO acre and a quarter of
ground and from its desirable and advantageous Y,Ctl
thou is tolinlrably adapted ter building purposes:
The lot •e• ill be wild ;411ir.t. or in lots to suit pur
chasers. l'or terms and further particulars enquire of
• • . • ••• - A. I,: t:4I'ONSLI•IIt.
,-.L0CL.31, '.55. ilea' Eitate Agent and tlerlsoner.
That , very 'valuable and null knowh
sTA:ltsitroate on the .cornier of North Honorer and
Lout Streka,la thtrboTough. of Cariisla now owned
and ~rcu pled by ',Jacob Fetter,.-enntal fling feet • front
0,4 k 11,11mr :cr. street. and 240 feet, on Loather street.,-
Th A. hnproromouts on Han noeer- Beet are 'it . _ lama.
'711111.11÷ - nfilfrltritll3lZ - Willi:e. largMiek bark build-:
hog-thelnost elegant-in:lnner. containing 11
:aroonis4ncluding the store room, besidek pin tries
.;;; and convenient closet arrangtopents: The STOW&
iri.)(l.llls I'M feet. indi 'nth, fitted up in the. best
nossible of the most desirable and 71,r,
stAblished boldness liwations In our town. -
There is kluge twu st,:•ry brick building 'fronting on
Loather street, with a shop attached, , 1 /o , r MTUriVa ne
n-cabinet out cr , chop. Ahern stable ott - therfoot - of - the
lot,, and other nocesauir - out buildings. • The property
Is in excellent order having been recently Iltttd up by
the present occupant E'er turps A% enquire of
• , A.Z. atqccst.En,
sept • Thud Estate Agent and Bciivener.
.. • •• •
• ' ilaticattuat.
( - 1011 N SIIE ! LLERS . . '
. . COil! SITELLEII.9.
The subscriber having ltr the• last few years framed
upwards ef a hundred and forty corn,, ,, ltel.orm fyr nen-
Tv nhoads. wishes to inform the Farmers oiTuntlArle.nd
4fluky that In: is prepared to frame them &new. 1 wig
talw Corn 'or Wood tn - l - nty .forFraining, and will in.
SUM the marlines to. run well. 'My, shop - i at the
North edd of IVe:lt street.
. tug 211.—:!.m. • '• - JOSEPH . WEAVER.
~..__ -•.. •
~, t larronssort tnent of Suporlor e'orn Arlrers,, i vlutt
Ing React I u„ 's ;Vatent, capable ..tfsh'elling—ltitlQlttt , ,hi4s
"f torn ner.thiy.' Also l'entiouleifiaoti and piiUrrlzhel,
fern, Wit It varions other plet:tnt...4 , 4.ValitillS pri , e - e: 114ii 1 ",
Strav and Dodder Cutters of tho Inost ai`f , ".•`ir l ..,-'O
- and In creat: Veirlety. SAIIR3.Ic; y ! - I , 1.4.. - i . .1 I'd'
Shiners... Double Al icl4Att,
,Subsoil. j I .i.,,:, , , 4 ::,t l'Ar
401:tre Plows. tuner or Ox Yokes and 11.—A, 6,,..1 Ys•,!..
. . .
nirmerslers:Cirrii and t'olt - •[..1
Sprettaer),: Sc , P-01`j!III0
• pmzcli A LI, Ur ,.., ••; r•„
Agecillturnl Ware) miso an Steil :t•, : i•.'•.
and 111.irlit - I t. 111
NAVO(} . I.)
111., Two lie n fl elegant Itv , rwrotl' . f s i.
6etaves, Winn the cel , O , ritril man utli.
116ston. TLgca I tgq. Irr
larg'e nod' ern c:tl,ll.te o entiri, 410st:talon, They t.,' 1 11.1,43 e,01,1 at,
• C 1 Ty-=—P•lti V.llB .
e),4in . (Tar! , by a I•ofili,efout, or one yea%
Mtll trark or bad); rlll. - :ot: 11111, A.11.1 . }.
to purchase itizi.Dillnbtritatent...areinvittd 0..1 , .111.1tp0r
the sith!,“•ll , er;it lilh..reidtlence in le.
t TT() gow gen.4 , l-114thil i'lxnri p }rfrcti•••
$l-per ipi•trtfr. ' et)ll.N
-nov. .
rik - - 4000 TONS .14vb:EM‘.
4 4,1 , Dauphin nlOlllllO t.lror.
•• • 11 , • Nut Or COal t • -
Lykt , ll,l V3iloy. Pittston and Shainakin Ciad,
MS4), WS( 0 . 11 . 1 1 . 4
Al.o. of all kinds, and I,,;st ryprPss Stiinrlrr
lal of . wltieli will 1.0 sold unusually low. Friends cal;
fi r
Aug 29 If
•1100KR'FOR THE 110.LIDA.YS.--:
1,1) „.. A. M. PIPER. maiti"
.111th just reiIPIVNI . AIId Is itii \‘' 00;111,11g splendid
sortmerit of NEW . PUBLIC.A.TIP:\!•c 61,1" r lith -4 Ks„
Misi.oll.Bile,ol, , 01(s, Fal,4 7— Artivles,,,,N(Orhil raper ,
l'okt . T4.ll,s.' Port. Moimais'. whivi
ha I.llC,lttlhelt at. fIlIV:Illt:Irph,111i trili his' Id It
the7I.3IWEST 111Auvites'''p.utiotil, --
lttention nt 111,4 wplcudld sh.wk of
%ultra, '
. „
• '
Illiist.ratod poets,'
. St:10111,1 11011.04
. hlsh: tat &AK..
•• • PI - lIVN UK/Is:3,
Ifyltin Books,
•- -
Sunday Schuss: 1 • . - • • al.ssw rooßs to, our list Iv this tom'st . populm - i-uutlusr,
, Tract Books, . " and shall iulti otheis ths , ensnlml - fallvnesfln*:
I'•'-'-- ,
, • r luverilles,he:, - Ar., - Art` barn' the best 1.;. - tilid- Iyeids in the
All of stlit:li are NENV ltilOßS'lfyrdt from-thepubllsherh country - . 5.u,..115,r It. , ansljudt - e for youtselrett. For
Apleutlidly h.sund and elnbi..lished Wlttl:gut up exprtltlsls full pudic- du. , And lbd, , .
, , .
foy the • `ltristinass liolitiiiN. .4,31 , 0 FANCY STATION Iti . A'Lltr"s .1: IVA:III: Ar) Lvir . Pill 1 i , ber.
and I , anrY ,In .rrat vtArit',tY. s.TIIP ptllt ' •,• " ' t 1 6 .•
. 1.. N ''" l' " urtb Slwet • r " 01
bil ' l2 ; PI '
lieare im.lted to 011 end - ,toutnitre fetnlples now .103.1 . '.t . ". !- . •
Ibt• insno.4l.l). ". . ,': Ai r :ON 1 V. - . •W ANT 1 , 1T).--:-A Lpersons • .
4 ,- 47-n lin;),u her..the ;11308 to buy - Isx,lts.elleap, Is pr -..„, •...' . ii ,, m ,,, , ,, i to Ili , sub „, :nit „ file t ,,. ) rt , ;z e w , (l ,, fl, 41
PIPER'S, Id:.1.1 street. .. ' , . , -- lontni and worArds aro earnetdly mk:slested tp all
D0',x..12,11:.15 . , ' - • ' . . _
,4-1 5.. 1 .t10 up withnnt doily as money is nnu•li needed
- ..• !Inn at tbo prm,ru( tittle.
4) - F., 'lll 0 V A L. —, :::,,bs:rui be r..-..1111 - ;. -- , `.13, , ,..;:0.
k . ,:.',. • .I! ~ .: %...i 10. .!,1;': t! ', I :^„!., . ','„! . Ht._ ~ ' ...!.:, • II() n..,V jFt 11 fij . \ j) DjUi:SI , I..S . .---,,1 usA
c • • .
JANE ANN - 110.0.11%.-
ILLIAII 110131. KB;
By b's AC,..OrtIOY ifl (act s ,
,JOHN IIIV/1".1Ez.„..,,,,.'s . yrtts 'Ant rim DXST :itiastrair asolyN Ti; p
..auenz x •
Diarrho.a Ittllanno itlen ' Lewn'as or Spirits
Drop _• Neneret Catlin-talks
lit the Manna / .2.tor , lesjtof Professor ILlotten - tr
FO SWL, o , N`ew KOrk, and '244 Styaaid, Lonthon;h,t ,
041 raipcstahle hrtt , ,ttrisht and Dealers
throt4rhatt t the Unlted.States..and the t•itilizidt world;
•In boxes, at colas, 112.V 2 cents. and sl.each. • '
considerablo - saving by taking. thq.
.larger ,-
LI. the gnidAnee of pationt'S itti every
dlgorth each Las.
• •
• yet.
- -
I in every Totin 'and d'Ountv - in
the Cu %Ili ass for the uteri popular.lllp
-- torl-s1 lye n'tidsaleahisl7ooks puhllshed.
The (corks are 'particular] solnoted to the of
people, beautifully, illustrated tvlth and
\%urot Most 31ILMAIltlai
wanner. i •
Agents now canvassing Imam, Chid-it a , plenourt atti •
, prnflitahlo employment. .
• Our'llsd P 6" 11:n1114 t Ole st. works ef T. S. A RTILUILL
(leer 1011.000 .volinnes l i ute heen seht the past, year. and
heir shlo Is IA ill Increasing. , We hat , rjustadded sever-
. ' •
a 4
F t r.
A. 41
---- - IiD.AKANTS-f,..6A ' ti,.24 . 4-At : R . tE . 0-T
• • , ' i'L II 'AILT or - 16 . 952,1441titrgy. ' -c - .-
- The nioyt es tilioriliiiiiii...liesiltV"Ch Nlug igic . ii - itt - 4 -
..-- TIllt" .11 ) , I 81 §Ali?MAAR/A04 , ', , :-'.• -1
Tho'viiiy' t.) tam 'Altoril,;ll , liitilindoyM , ado,Nuikter, :gel'
•- 0)140 n.Leverf , , ~i : •- • •• •:: , .
". M. v. - I,o,neo r e,Aor,p , ,J , , „;;.,,; ,-, , . .
- fioo. - No replay - alrea.ily ,, ,JitstietiV , ',llll',eteintilt'- edition
- ready . Pt I,l t( l .l.lnti - thelipesfp.iper, - ,iiiid•Litinitrited 1n . ..
the llrst style 0fart... , •'!..., ~.--,' ..'.
~ ":14.Ve rides the:mind...JlM carripvtini-gr.ove: - -
,For kn.% I. is Heaven, and Heaven Is tovo.'•
tz, hUilg the herd: yotthouilandii pine , .
. .. •
For invii 7 -tallf6.the light divine--!! • •
Whnitlid therkneW some gentle charm, •, • • • ' -
' . 'rim lidtrts . tit these they love to warm, ' , ' . •.-
Might lira, might die. in - bliss supreme,, • '
- • Possesiiing all of whirlithey.dretim..
--. Tint • i - 661.t0• Wedieck woold - you know? ' : • ' • • ---.-- -.-
.. - Delay not; but to - RONDOUT go. • "----- ' . . .
Time flies, and from hit gloomy wings •• .• •' -
A shadow falls on lfying things;- . . • • -,,- ' • ' .
Then Seize the moment/tail they pasty -'. ' ' '
Lire failthe last sands through the Mosel j '
-; .. At Wald the present is your own,
-Vi all the future is unknown. .'. :
-, - A-happy marriage man ot:mitid : --h-•:: • - --. ' -
Can now , secure by liONDOUtS'aid. ' - • •
' CONTENTS: - .-
- ;It torches hew' ,
temakeladlos or gentlemen. win the . '
'devoted affections of no many of the opposite sexes their
• hearts may desire. Add the plait is so simple, yot• so.
captivating - that all may be inarriedirrospcctive of age, '
• appearance. or poSitioin and It can' he' arranged with ~
such oleo and delicacy, - that detection Is impossible.
•' - It toadies how to make love. ' -...,,,, .
It toadies every eye to form &beauty:of his own. .
It-teaches how_to act when faclnated by a lady.
• it teaches make a wrinkled face smooth. • - .
It teaches yinf the king of wife to select to 'render .
home happy,. , . ' • • , . -
It gives Advice to the lover-who haa bean once truly'
accepted, anti Is,rejected afterward through the intirfe, .
mice of friends. '-' . .
It gives a remedy for unrequited love.
It gives you A untructlona
,for beautifying the • person:
. How to make a - handsome face and hands.
' How to remove tan Out!' freckles. -.. •
• A Leeture en hone, or • a Private Advice, to . Married
, . „
-,.... • ..
Ladies and (anthanum 1-- - , .
This is decidedly the • mit r fascinating, - , -- interesting ~
and really useful and kat- iral wink on Ma
- lrimoney,;m4.l-the-dutlesla id ,daliglitii ofAlarried—Life„-
`that fins ever Liam issued- rom the, American Ore m - -
• The artificial social system, whirh in 61) many instance"' .
pr events it Uthll Oof hearts • entsacrificesto cOnveiitionn- .
liter the hapPlueswillid oven the lives, of thousands_ of
: the jn nth g and 'hopeful - or bah m mk,.in t herolfgh I ana- - . •
I vsini and exposed. • Every ono who contemplates mar
doge, and wishes foran infalliblegnide iu the selectiOrt
• ofa partner for life, should - purchase' MIS - gfear-tifir—
hook of coon u bial felicity:, . .
No one will ever regret the price phid for an - such ,in....
• atuable•seciadi . . .
' 13111 s of any of the speclG-paylng banks in
,the United -
Staves or Ennidas•recelve, (ol d dust can be
. -
sent Frain en.tiebi.z.eic ,- --- ' . -.
' All Unit Is necessary fir you to do is to write-a - letter •
In as row words ita possible, inclosing ONE: DOLLAR,.
and Iyrito the mime, witlillie. Post-office, Connty,!and •
State and direct - 1.6' • - _ ' .
• No: it 2 Forty-Sixth St., N,-It,, -
DEW ITT' A - DA VUNP0113,162 Nassau St. are the
wholesale agon ts.—l 000 Agents wanted. "
It has boon the lot of the human rare to he weighed
down by disease and suffering. HOLLOWAY'S RILLS
aro stweially adapted. hi the relief c.f 'the WEAK,' the
Nr.ft Volt:3, the LLEOLICATiI; and tho Eirfit3l, of •il.ll
age.s.iffnces,Luid constitutions. ..I'refessor Hollo•
way personally Superidtends the manufacture. of- .his
medicines In • the (jutted States-and offers thein'ta a
froo anti aaligbtalled. people, as the best remedy, the
world ever saw fbr.the removal ot 'disease,
These Unions are' expressly conibinintt. operates
on the ~ternecli.• the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the
satin, and the , bOwels, correcting - auttlerangenitint In
'ir Linetions, purifying the blood, the very fountain
of Eit. and thus curingiiisettsii In all itS Ihrnts. '
Nearly -half the human.- race have Liken these Pills..
It has been_ proved in all parts of_the ne-• • -'
t hing..bas beim found equal to them In CtlbCs of disorders
of the liver, dyspepsia. an' stomach complaints gene-.
Thiel soon give a healthy tone to these organs, •
however moat deranged,
.and whoa all other. wane • •
haye fulled
• n•al!Yof - I In; :iiiesq - dirsp4le,riovernments have opened --
their Custom lielKnsto ttia'filtrciductiOn of these .Pills, .
that they may reveille the medicine 'f ' the masses.--4
Learlit4l . Collegrs admit that this modiftpe ifi the beat -
remedy over knOwn for persons of delicate. or ti hes4 . tile
oi has been iinhiitiri'd, as its invigorating properties
' 1 toatTord relief. ' • .
-young or old, Khould be -xvithout ;this
ee:••br.ite,l Joedii.ine. it corrects and regulates. the •
1111,chly courses. all periods, maiTy C+6;013.
a charm.' It - is, also . the best Atllijttfaft medicine .
snot van be ;:iven to Children of all -ages, slid' for airy
eemplaiot; consequently no family should be with.'
nutit.- • -
. .
ilistbulti ~ .1)e141113.._ Nl: cirms _ o f,,ii _
801 , 11 , i, COlllpktilltti Fever and Amt.\ kinds., ... •
Coughs '. '. . - Ninale Com- Pione' and Gravel
Colcis ' . --- .77pisitits, - Seecdt &try. 'Symp
Chwd, Diseases -._llen,duattt. - Line
(,nsti eerie's* , - Indigesti on . Inward IWeaknOSF
Dyspepsia - , , 1 ntluenzt .
- - Liver .C4onillninii.
, t 7 T,