Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 03, 1855, Image 4

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yThe following interesting items
for the farmer, we extract from that
sterling paper, the Ohio _Fame.:
Buttf r . firkin of butter is 56 lbs.;
a tub 84 lbs.
lloy.—A bale of hay is 300 lbs.; 100
cubic feet, in' a solid mow of hay, will
weigh a ton.
Cold.—A chaldron of coal is 58ii cu
bic, which is 36 bushels. A bush
el of coal weighs 80 lbs.
Wood "awl stone. —A cord of 'wood is
128 solid feet. A perch of stone is 25
cubic feet, piled, or 22 in a wall.
Land Jii4surc.—Six hundred and
forty acres in a mile; a cubit is 2 feet;
a fathom, 6 feet; a palm 3 inches; a
span, 11 inches. •
Soil.—Ten inches depth of soil on an
acre will weigh 1000 tons Lime should
be applied su as to compose one per cent.
of the soil.
B a r r ei.—llice, 600 lbs.; flour, 196
lbs.; corn 5 bushels, shelled. At New
Orly ans. a barrel of corn means a flour
barrel full of ears.
11'c,,9//i.—A sack of wool is 22 stone;
a ball of wool is 22 stone; a pack of wool
is 17 lbs.; a tod of wool as 2 stone, a
chive of wool is 7 lbs.
Stables.—For Cattle and Sheep—
should be placed . on rollers, so as to be
moveable, from one part of the farm to
the other.' I.lL,this way the liquid nitro
gen is distribded around the farm.
Manare—Arttrate of Soda.—Forty
two lbs. of nitrite of soda, has on a (par
te: of an acre of ground, increased the
product of wheat 155 lbs., and the weight
of straw, 139 lbs. Anti-book-farmers
can't Archstai.
Fodder.—A working ox requires, of
hay. 2 per cont. a day of his own weight.
Thus, if he weighs 2000 lbs., he requires
40 lbs. of hay a day. A cow that gives
milk, requires 3 per cent. of her own
weight. If she, weighs 1000 lbs., she
requires 30 lbs. of hay.
Potash.—(the ley of ashes boiled down
into a salt,) mixed with grease, foi Ins
soft soap. Soda, mized with grease.
forms hard soap.—For the want of soda.
soap manufacturers use common salt,
which is the 'ululate of ioda, composed
of chlorine in about equal parts.
Alkalies—Potash, soda, and anionia
are called alkalies. Potash and soda are
called. fix& alkalies, as they will not es
cape in gas. Amonia is called volatile,
as it always exists in vapor, unless detain
ed by sown substance, as plaster, or char
coal, for which it has an affinity.
Sow Good Seed. —"Whatever a man
soweth, that he shall also reap," says the
Scripture. If you wish cockle, chess,
weeds, and poor wheat, then sow•sach,
and you have the promise of Go ,
that you shill also reap such. Go it, you
poor, anti-gook-farming Farmers! Ver
ily you will have your reward! •
Sub io iVng . —The roots of wheat have
been traced four feet. - Farmers usually
plow four inches. Well, let the other
three feet eight inches of root take care
of itself! A man must be in small busi
mess to be fussing over a place for wheat
roots to run! The fact is, they have no
businus to run so far.
kind of food for animals should be changed
frequently. A horse, long kept on shots,
will be•affected by a' fever in his legs and
feet, prod udi ng a result similar to founder.
Shorts, corn meal, or cob meal, should
.never be oivep., except in a mixed state
with cut hay, or straw. This will require
them to eat slower, and the food is better
prepared for digestion.. If given alone, it
ferments rapidly in the stomach, produces
a general fever, injures the . digestive pew
, ers and finally produces a stiffness
throughout the !limbs. When these re
cults are dis Covered, the rmedy is a change
of food. Continued feeding on oats., a
lone, will produce the same ,results as
'shorts, or. meal; and many founder is
caused by it, as well as by feeding, or
drinking; when the horse is .warni. If
necessity compels a person to feed a horse
on shorts, corn meal, oat meal, or cob
meal, supply of salt should be added to
prevent fermentation' in the stomach.—
MI6 Farmer.
• Hulling Up the .Milk.—The. New
England Farmer give the following in an
'4wer to an inquiry as a good method of
treating cow which has acquired the
Habit of holding up milk.. heed well, so
is to cause an abundant flow of milking
allow her to eat a little meal and water, a
handful of fresh grass, or some frsh more
sol, and she will soon get into the habit
of giving down freely.
11{.. .B. °like in North
B. damn rr stroet two - doors from 'Weise & Campbell's
store. tidier: how's. 001 e particularly from 7 to u 0
and from 0 to 7 u*eiorlt, P. NI.
CARD.--IIO€TOR 8. P. Z 1 tULLii
front Lancaster city. offers his Profession
a, soxylecs to the citizens of t'ariisle :Ind vicinity ia all
its various branehes. Office and residence in the it •use
tsrinerly oecupled as Sener's "lardware Store. Werth
Ilanover :street, where he can he consulted fit ad hours
when not professionally engaged. Calls to the ..”untry
,r atiptly :wooded to. it ~ ,,;harges moderate.
Carlisle, Slay 111, ISss43tit
DR. (1. E. 1314 LT AI ENT 11 110-
)i(E ipATTric PHYSICIAN. Mice 3.1.1 residence
en I,uther street, one eat 4, or the• eiornntlt Re
twined Church. Dr. Blumenthal respe. Gaily oilers his
serrires to the citi?.ens o 1 .Aisle and
tch-Persrins from a dittanee laborim; under ehronle
diSWISCS may eoasolt by letter. 'Once flours, from 7 to
A. M., and 2 to 4 P. M. septn,',s4tl
°TIC h'.—Notice iN hereby given
that I hare, this day, ess.ww.ted with MO in the fro el my profession. WM. )1. i'0111,1“. and Th..s.
Biddle, Es irs. .111 business. in luture will be attended
tobyllie above under tho fi rm .4 . -1111,,,,1 t PLNItOSE."
Evl. 14th IS, - M. 1111/1)1.E. A t'tv at Law
P. II UM ItlUtt, Attorney at Law
11(41,1111's ,o, w. All bu,ingss utarust
1.11 / 1/1m will be ininnptiy ;Mended 1,11.
C. 11,1111PDI, AttOrney
V at 1.3 w. 0.11,..• in 3131 n ritreet, l'a.—
'Mi.:lavas antra...cod to him will i, preiiiiitly at
tended til. Fob, 7. '55.
N. H EN, At.tonicy at law, has
11e . 1mitiesharg,"for tln pram irr or his
pror,at.m. All kinds of Legal NVritimg.
Court promptly :1it...1141ml to. Wave "pi.-
•111` 1)r. L ntK s “Ni4lence. Sl • It EA I.\ 11 in all its .11110-
reat branette, attended to.
- 113. CO E A t torn ey at Law, will at
irktorid proniptly to all loo•iiie.s entrusted to Win.-
1),,o . 1 1 In til.• I.rlikerly oretipied li.vine.
1 .. N i nth iLmover ,treet,
.I . (,'.1.0 1I S
wth Ildnover fitreet,
tiw,t door to the Pont
10 . , ,,.15"111 be absent from Carlisle the last ton day ,
of each month. [Aug. 1,
DR. GEO. W. N E 11) IC 11
DINT (ST carefially attend* to all
eadra optantions upon the teeth and ildjarelit
parts that disease or irregulailty may require. Ile aIII
also insert Artifieial Teeth of every descliption, such as
Pivot. Sine:le and Illoelt teeth, and teeth with "Coutiu
usus hums," and will construct Artificial Palates, oh-
Curators, Ilee . ullithnt Pieces, and every appliance used it
the Dental Art. —uporating room at the residence of
(Sr Samuel Elliott, West High street, Carlisle.
G EoRG If Y .l
:N Z is ß RET Z,
tenders his professional services to the
public. Artificial teeth inserted, from
a single tooth, to all 011tir0 set, 011 till , latest and 1110,4
a proved principles. Such as Single. ]bark, and "Con
tinuous ti um Teeth." Diseases of the Mouth and Ir
regularities carefully treated. OFFICE at the residence
of his brother, 00 NOrth l'itt Street, Carlisle. I jail 10
-811.—A. L. SPONSLEIL It a Register of Cumber
mini w ill rite...fully attend to the transaction of
all suet] business as may he entrusted- to him, such as
the writing of Deeds. Mortgages Contracts. .tr. lle until
also devote his attention '0 the proeuring of Land 'lt or
rants, Pensions, Sze. as well as the purchase mid sale
or Real Estate, negotiations, of loans, At.. ttin Illlive on
West 1110 i Street. formerly metipied. y . JI. yen rost
Esq. near the Methodist l'hu•esr..
TN. It()SENSTE 1., House, Sign,
Fancy and Ornamental Painter. Irvin's (formerly
Harper's 'tow, near {littler's Dry Goods Store. Ile will
attend liromptly to all the above descriptions of paint.
Dig. at reasonable primes. The various kinds 14 graining
attended to. melt as mahogany, oalt, walnut, am., In the
improved styles.
(:1_ 13RANDT, 31anufacturor of
31luer,t1 Waters, French lead,
Bottled Ale, Porter and Cider,
North Hasf Street, near the Pail ltoa4 Bridge, Carlisle
i) Fine Factory tilled and Ground Alum Salt, can
stoutly on hand and for sole.
Flour, Grain anti Lumber Commissiim Merchants,
Spear's Wharf.
Alan. C S:11 ENT and CALCINED Agent)
of the N. A. and Bosendale Co.
Baltimore. Jan. 22, 1K55.
Will locate Land Warrants, and enter land en._ time,
loan money on Real Estatu security, and pay taxes for
'laving a largo experience lu the selecting and pur
'lhatillig of pnid it! hand, and 1.. q ita hited a ith the most
ifAverable points lirr investment In western lowa, we
flatter out selves that we can locate land narrants to the
hest aduantage upon timber, 'wake, bottom, or upland,
near county seats: adjacent to the line of proposed rail
roads: and upon land watered In' never falling streams
as the judgement or taste of parties may direct,
Persons Intrusting money or warrants to our rare for
loan, will find our terms liberal, we refer to
lion. A. (I. Ego, Westminster, Carroll Co., 'id.'
E it it pp, Esq., St rasburgh, Shenandoah Co., Va,
Emanuel Arbogast, Esq., Crabbottem, ItigLhmd Co, Va.
Tin; subscriber hilbrum Dealers and Farmers that he has
greatly Improved the quality of his SUPER PIIOS.
MATE OF LIME, and now confidently recommends
the article Innnuthetured by him, as supouen t o any i n
the market. You aro invited to call, examinu and try
eAspixs, SOAP, &c. At the lowest market rates.
Successor to Thos. W. Moron,
• No. 9 and 10 South Wharves, Philadelphia.
, ,OZ"Farmers can load on two private alloym,and avoid
the crowded warf. July ^_6,'66..
. iuwutteturur, N.W. corner 4th and Chesnut streets
areAlwayti on hand a largo and varied assortinefitof
Port Mammies, • 'Work lioxea,
Pocket 'Books,
"Bankers eltfieli, Travelling•Thigs;
Noto Holders, llackgannuon DoardS,
Port Folios, Chess Mon,
Portable Deslcm, • Pockot IllemorandunalfOoks
'Dressing Croce,' ' Cigar Crises,
Alsci a general essorttinint of Engllsli,Viencli and("ler
inan Fancy,lluods, line pocket eutler,y, Pamir
B Miiiaand Delft Pena: •
• 2r -0-Wholesale second and third riders.
• . . ,
nprlS . ' , t.' 11. Mitt'll, ! '
' ' ' , N.W. cortnyr 4th nod Chesnut Ftroois.
N. 11.-09 the rocotpt of Ai n superior (low lon, will
be soot to any port of, dm country by moll—tlesollituft
poo thus, modiuut, hard or soft. . ,r f) •
(!ffslrilltl l s ltj4vsatot,
IN(3.--The undersigned would inform the
"mu: of Carlisle that lie has made arrange
mem,: AS Ilia' and ,PLUMBING at short no
tice, 1111,1 011 reasonable tol'llll l . L Ile has engaged this ser
‘ Ices la a lirst rate hand front Philadelphia, and has sup
plied oneself with an extensli e assortment of FIXT-
Gitt.r, NLich will enable Lim to till all orders promptly.
.111 I.orls will be warranted." His stock of Gas lnixtures
will t e fund in the i•ootil exactly opposite his Tinning
est a blishment on North ll:mover street, where he invites
a ~ill.
. .
fINS ING, SPOUTING, &e.—lle la also prepared to
,ur MAI. or make to order, every article of I'IN NI Ala.
use.' by 11,41,.1.1 , pers and also uttegd
and I'l,l 11111 Xll.
The tad ol for the patronage with which be has already
heel) to cured, he respectfully solicits a continuance of
the same.
Carlisle, Juno 14, '54. mositoE''''momus.
lIKILEN respectfully informs the citizens offer
... lisle and Ili lofty. that he has just return
0 ell from Culithrilia, and is prepared toexe
tente all kinds . of work con audit with his
line of LIISIIIeSS. Ile has alwa son hand
a large assortment of ready-made Rifles,
(ions, Pistols. Locks, Keys, (inn TriMmings, &c., all of
wlikil he is ill sell 'll hole sae or retail. lie also attends
to repairing linos, clods. locks, ,tea engraves on brass,
copper :old iron. Ile hopes that by, strict attention to
business. and a desire to please. he alb merit and receive
public patronage.
4.6. All kinds of Fire Arms made to order.
Carlisle, April 26, I s:i4-Iy
Q A1) 1) .1 , 1% AN I) II AllN 1;.•'•S I‘IAK-
I. 7 INC. Ti,(• s'itherlber continues to tarry on the
:those IdisilleAs. In all Its various branches, in North Han
oi cr strek:Carllqle. Iwo tort North of Leonard's corner
where lie intends liceping im hand a general assortment
In his line, consihti in: of all hinds of Ilishiontible SAI3-
1 DL ES, Bridles, Martingales, Girths,
_-.--"^ i'i reltigles and till tors, also TltliNliS,
x..4„v...--"t‘i , traveling and saddle. icslT ) )
1 1 1 ,-, II also. man
ufactures the most ..,,, t
i' iol\l
1 1 , ' ,:, ` ,. . P , 1 ,; . ,: t : t ' i ‘ r ;, N . ), , 5 , ::: , ; 1 1,1 t , N 1 1 . . , :t5: ,, v , , ,, :r i.0 t i t i 5 , i ,, I
u l 7 18 % 3 )11 d !
sone.. durable :Intl pleasant saddle
at ill .1. troll to call and sta. theta. lie
a 1t1...r Illannlaidina . S harness. lirldieq,
rollers and ‘t Illps In all their varies
Lieu. and ronlidontly Irt.lit.v. , front the gonerill lipprohn
t.too ol hik ro.t, torn.. till! 110 makes OW neatest and
test ,ear, in all their sanely of brolili, that Is made In
the ~ miry. he also inal:es fill tinds of )httrasses to
order, ti/ • Shone. 1111« k. furled Hair and Storing Mat.
ra....,..... All 11,,.,,1.,,, 3r11e1,.• will he nl34e of tile Lest
lIIIII.adaI and w.lrldnaiddlip. :Ind with the utmost des
patch. V, OSBORN.
- ,
. - , `..,a2LIA r illrl6 t ' 7
• i
..:, ,
1.!1 , „....-
.„ 1
...--_ , :•7.---.,......,,.. 7 , ---„,1„..r„ i 1, A !
••,. : :,..,1 11v05rii . , ,,,„ .. •
) A 'l' P.' N T SELF4.".ri'APPENING
NK: FE e tuant
ED rTTEIIB, man '..•-n1 for
.11.1111 ICI I & S.IIIIIENT. No. 410 Market. street, r blind!'
Thi: cutter is superior to any now In use, for strength
luraldlity. and shaphoity of construction; It cuts fast
er, and is-the only self:sharp - ming Hay, Straw and Corn Cutter ever made. It has but 1./12'i ST112119113!
KNIFE, which any person ran grind and set with ease.
but in ordinary ewe., Is griund in the mai-blue. Thou
sands have already been sold, and the demand Is daily.
increasing, In me,t eases 311 oXllllllllMion is tillindalt
tO rtillVillet! OM, of Its superna by. No one after a short
trial would I art with it tar an) other. All sizes of the
Ai we constantly on hand and for sale by
.1. I'. LYNE,
oct 11 , Sole Agent for Cumberland county.
mply , ..."Shentansagner," an admi
re-hie Wash for the hair, manufactured by himself. The
excellence of this Tonic Is testiged to by all of his cus
tomers who huve us. d it to he one of the best articles
known for cleansing the hair of dandruff. Ho also man
ufactures 3 Hair Restorative. known as the "Coreshee.
num." Mr ailing new growth to the hair on bald heads.
Ample testimony exists of the efficacy of this excellent
Restorative. While the Shemansagner clears the hair
of dandruff and prevents it from coming out. the Co.:
rasheenum supplies a DOW growth to those who have
had the misfortune to lose their hair. The public is in•
vited to call, examine and purchase these Invaluable
articles. as he iv confident they will render satisfaction.
SIIAMPOONING attended to in the best style as usual.
at his old rooms on West Main Street, near Marion Hall.
Carlisle, Dec. 27,1854. WM. 11131U/ESS
Council lowa
suIIANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, !mortar.
rated by an act of Assembly, is now fully organized, and,
In :pnther under the management of the following
commissioners, viz:
Daniel Maley, Dorgas, Michael Coelclln,
IMelchelr Brenneman, Christian Stayman, John C. Dun
lap, Jacob it. Coover, Lewis Ryer, Henry began, Benja
min It. Musser, Jacob- Mumma, Joseph Wickersham,
A nco itil7 ea low and favorable as any
I T e t e n
In:itteersCoartihnesaurrta. -
Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to
become members are Invited to make application to the
agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon
theta at any time.
BENJ. H. ItIOSSER, President.
HENRY LOGAN, Vice President.
LEWIS Urn., Secretary.
MICHAEL COCIdrN, Treasurer,
CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—ltudelph Martin, N. Cutn.
berland; C. If. Herman, Kingstown; Henry 'Leming,
Shiremanstown •, Charles 8011, Carlislo ; Dr. 3. Ala,
ch ucc ht o wn ; Samuel thulmm, West Ponnsberough ;
James Md Dowel, Frankfortli Mode Oriffith, South Mid.
dloton; Samuel Coavar, Bouiarain ilarerstick, Mechan
icsburg ; John •filierriek, Lisburn; David ()saver, Shop.
YORK COUNTY.—John Bowman, Dillsburg; Doter
.Wolferd, Franklin; John Smith, Ewl., Washington; W.
S. Picking, Dover; J. W. Craft, Paradise. ,
HARRISBURO.—Houser Lachman.
Members of the company,having policies about to ex
pire c an have them renewed by making
ny of the agents. .
AYE YOUR ,OTAD, .111 - FITAL:-L:Caqh
old for OLD METAL, surh ns Copperalrami aid
Iron, at the Carlisle Foundry and Marline Shop.
• •, : . , • FRANK. ,OARDNED
li..'FRANCISet.JS ' . ~
ll'Vddliw. TIo Yarn. ('arpot ell:1111. Cotton 'Y'arns;, '' 3 •
111,91110 otters to colt ot the Lottee),t Coolt Prlceo nt No.
OS Market Street atioro ;y30011(1, North Add, Plitlatlolbilla
• I
—The subscriber respectful
ly informs the ladies and
zentlemen of Carlisle and
•irinity that he has now 00
mud at his hair Dressing
eat Shaving Room on West
street. au elegant assortmet
lentlemen's Wit/Solid ean
nrnish to order at shortest
mtiee every kind of Hair
11"ork of the best quality;
Ile also begs Jew% LI to in
-4111 his friends and (mean
mire that ho keeps eonstan-
I% ARE and FANCY line assort•
meat of the latest quality, Mr sale at the lowest cash
prices, af IVm. t: bi:lolsliktAlfu, 1.5.4 South
.street between Pine and , lnion, west Ni(10, I bilodelphiu
the assortment embraces a large and select stock
1 11 etches, Jewelry ttdlver 11ste, AlLidaNt are, plate].
with tine silver, ill tistous,korks, Leaks, &e.—Jet goods,
Vans and fancy articles 01 a superior quality, deserving
the examination of Iliac who desire to procure the best
goods at the lowest cash pikes.
s. Spr. t Having a practical know ledge of
the business, and all asallable tactii
ties for importing and 31anutartitli
ing, the subscriber cold:Men tly invites purchasers;
lug that he can supply them on terms as favorable
as any other establishment in either ol the Atlantic
All Ithols of Diamond!, nod l'earl Jewelry and Silver
are Dianvfaetttred to order, a itltio a reasonable time.
111 . 01:aches, jets elry and silver want' faithfully re.
paired: ..„ 1\ it 31. F. 1..1:1011.1:AD '
• No. 284 South 2d St. a few doers :linty e the 2.1 st. Ali&
ket, West Side. •
the south window of the Store, may be seen
the lemons Bird CI,o h, o hieh comma Mit , the admit !aim
of the scientific and curious. • (hept. 2tt, '64—lye.
Kj--A full supply of the above celebrated Churn, HOW
un MIMI 01 all tut: different sizes, 1111111 4 gallons to 60.
It received the first premium at tile late I em.sylvania
elate Fair, the first premium at the I ranklin Institute
and lb:Meant and Maryland 'Mate I airs, and various
Miters ttt ditlerent Mares. It wbl nothe more and better
butter from as given amount of crone, and in less time
Wan any churn in the market. Fcr bate wholesale and
retail by l'At4.ll ALL Molt life. dt, CO.,
Agricultural Warehouse aud aced .:tore, corner ut 111
Mid Market, Philadelphia. Der. 6, 1864--tf
I)L'EI'E L. KNIUII'f, (Successor to
j Hartley A: Knight.) 1;1,1 , 1)1Au ' AM) cAI(PVI
Street, tit e doors
allot e spruce street, Fluladelphia. a here he keeps con
stantly WI }I:11AI a full assortinent of et ere artiste in. Ills
Ilue of lodness. lectithei s, eather Beds, Patent
Nlattresses, N elv et. '1 apestry, apestry, Ilrussets.
Ingrain, Venetian, List, Hug and lletnptarpetlogs.
Oil Cloths, Canton Afattiti,u,,Curna and Nottlings
Floor and Stair liruggets, Il earth tugs, Door Nats.lable
aid Piano Covers. o which he int ttes the attention 01
purNusers. • 4oct's4
I)OLLAlLD„l'rentiunt Artiste in "lair
I n lit Ihe l'eleln atud tiossatner l en Witting
oup,e,aunt: uetiont• to eliztlth
Oehtlettlett to ineanuto their health tt ith ac
Put. %Vida, inches.—\o. 1. 'I lie round of the head; .Ne.
ruin 0% VI the head 1.0 the neck; .Nu. J.
1. rum ear to ear ut er the Cup; No. 4. r rune 1..1 to CIO
Nand Lho to re to nd.
Toup e es and s ,a t ip s , inches.—\o. 1. From forehead to
;ad s a:. tur na bald; over foreliPattab rut as requir
•d; No. 3, 11%et• the etvtu❑ ol the tivati.
It. DOLLA MP has always ready ter sale at splendid
stock of 1, en ms, oupees, Litoies' U igs. haul 11 ins,
t mots, builds, Curls. nay man utactured and
as cheap ale auv eNtlll,ll,llllltint In the L MOM
lierbanium Extr:r•tor Lustrous Hair Tonle,
prepared from South American Herbs and Hoots, the
must suecessful article ever produced ter presening too
hair hunt falling out or changing color, restoring and
preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant state. Muting
other reasons why Dullard's hair cutting saloon main
tains its minimise popularity is the tact that his Tonic is
applied to every head at hair cut at his establishment,
consequently it Is kept in better ',reser , . talon than Un
der any know n application. It being thus practically'
tested by thousands, oilers the greatest guarantee 01 its
Sold wholesale and retail at his Old Establishment 177
Chestnut street opposite the State House, l'hicadelphm.
it. Dullard tins at least discovered the ne plus uhra ol
HAM DY 1 •, 111, 4 tilitiounces it for sale with perluct con•
mience in its surpassim: m 1 ery thing of the hind now in
usu. it coitus tau hail - either black or brown, kits may
he desired) and is used without injury to the hair or
skin either by stain or otherwise, can i.e washed in
tell minutes after application, without detracting from
its efficacy. Persons visiting the city are tu give
Wm a can.
Lettors addressed to It. Di ILLARD, 177 Chestnut st,
Phlladell will rece iv e uttolUun. Jan.
No. 29, Noi th lhird ztreet,
MOIWCW MAN V FACT t 14.1 th. Curriers and Impot t
erm of FitENtlf CALF tilithS, and Dealers in hod and
Oak polo Loather and Klp. Feb2a-1 y
coIIN sitELLERs.—.t large assortment of tut
ed !lay, Straw and Fodder Cutters, now en band.—
Also. double and single "corn shellers nrr either hand or
honie power. of the very latest manunieture, including
the premium shellor at the late Pennsylvania statskan,
For sale by I'AM2IIA.I.I. MORRIS &
Agricultural 'Warehouse rind ,?...eed :Store, corner ol 7th
nd Market. Philadelphia. Doe. b, IS,4—tt
iaIoPAIL.. Surgeons' I:3andage
INSTITUTE 11E310VE1, to'Ne. 4, Uth
serest, sixth store above 31arket. 13. C.
EVERETT'S patent Graduating Pressure Tit USS, fur thu
cure of Rupture:Shoulder Braces, Supporters, Elastic
Stockings, Suspousary, Hemorrhoidal, ntl2l Bandages 21)
deformities. Jan. 11-Iy.
To all persons Wiliam! with Sexual tllselses
SEMINAL WEAKNEFA ., ', IMt'OTh\lF:, litiNollllll.4
OLEET, &c., &c.
The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia, In
v i ew o f th e awful destruction of human life aud Realty
caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which al.
upon the unfortunate victims of such disease:
by Quarks, have directed their consulting Surge n, as
CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give
MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all persons thus, o f•
dieted, (Mule or Female,) who apply by letter,r(post-paid,)
with a doseriptlon of their condition, (age, occupation,
habits of life, dc.,) and iu extmne poverty and suffering
The Howard ASSOnlatilat is a benevolent InstitUldon;
established by speekti endowment, for the relief of the
sick. mid distressedrafllicted with •• Virulent and Epl
donde diseases,',' and its funds can be used fur no other
purpose. It has now n surplus el' meting, which the
Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It
is needless to add that the Asseelatiou commands the
highest Medical skill Of the age.
Address, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. It. CALIIOUN, Consult
ing Surgeon, Howard ASsovintion Philadelphia, Pa.
fly order of the Directors,
EZRA D. lIEARTWELL, President.
npril GEO. PARECIIILD, Secretary.
JFIt E IST C .11 . 'TRUSS ES.—llern in ''' or
itupettre successfully treated, and comfort Insured,
y use of the elegant French Trusses, imported by the
subscriber and mode to order expressly for his sales. :
All suffering with Rupture will be gratified to learn
that the occasion nod offers to procure a Truss combin
ing extreme lightness, with ease, durability and correct
construction, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfbrta•
hie article usually sold. An extensive asftorttnon always
on hand, adapted to eVery variety of Rupture in adults
and children, and tbr sale at a range of price to 'oital!.
Cost of Single Trusses, $2, $3, $4 and $5; Double, $4,
$5, sn; $8 and $lO. '
Persons at Is distance can have a Truss sent to any ad
dress by remitting the amount, sending measure around
the hips, and stating side affected.
For Sala Wholesale and Retail by the Importer. •
.8, W. cor, of Twelfth 4 Race fits., Philadelphia.
r Depot ,f4rrldr. Danning's Improved Patent.lled , / , Waco;
Chest 14paslers And EroCt,or braces; Patent liboulder
Braces; SustionsorY ,Dandagos; Spinal ,Proptrattd 'Sup
ports:. Ladles' Rooms, with competent lady attendants.
_ t.,, . . - • April 11.
~ . ,
r u
ttNNottcs otaniATE wil
d a p ad tom) 11,1000 u-b ig oats. grass suede and
guano..lCrauser's Portable Cider Mill—the best •""7„. 4
In the market. patent Windmill.— ':-
IfoftMrewer's iflireshel''s,,Lithi) and (luau°
Spreader's, baniera, Iluv, Straw and' , Podder 'utter.
Mita' grant Porn and Col> ktniotd)lirrio
chiwn: • The nhoro Superb:U.' 'lmplements u'ith ;Mind's,
for the use of the (armor or gardniir, for solo Wholesale
and 'fetal( by , , • , „
, ' )'Toilitus k CO..
Agricultural Warehouse anti Seed Store, corher ith
andliaricet atreets,•Philadelpbla. July 25,'55,
p •
EMY, near Carlisle; Pa. 'ilto - loth Session mill ruin
on TUESDAY, Slay Ist, 1165. 0/ Stu
dents limited,and constant ONO; used , ior their Mora
and intellectual improvement. ' per SeFSII4I.
Circulars with men:mewl and fUll inlet toatkn furnish
ed, by 1.11,11 M ,,
liptl Proprietor,
April 18-1851. Plain Mod, CuMbei !hod
blittit ULM/ 11l Cbelltgi bilperil/t iiteihtleS Li/ 31. , 11i.:
wen desimus of obtaluiug n practiew buHliti!sb
course of study embraces Double Entry Boob
Keeping, us practically applied to the numaibment
Mercantile, Wok, Mattulattuiing abd kteanituit•Lt.ol,
—business Penmanship and Mercantile ltanpututitm
—familiar Lectures on Commercial LOW—upon Life nut
ject of bills of Exchange, 1 runissory Mats, t. ontiaLt,
Partnerships, &c., &c.
The exercises are .strktly practical, Icing deduct,,
trum actual business transactions, and - so ctinpletel
combine practice With themy that stutituts, to St. n.i,14
Lion ot the rourt , e. Ire 111 es eiy t elpect eomi ett.m t
cl+ultUst,tfinticutit Iriuciplts,lnynetofhaulm Lintr
l:o4,1, a. studet. to hate lICCOB to u Ltu.thert nil L
I i ar.t prt turd expressly is their acct. 1.1 n, mann. t
ens lb 01 tune to et inpitte a,. CI 1111.1
h 1411 :2 tt, It, Wtel, o.
ur pail tacuaaa xrite end receive a. circular L) tuull
alai] 11
Drug ,-totc
11 , 1tES11 I)llUtib,
ocr.—Ahave just recta% to frciu
NeW lark very ebtirunlVe naillte,,b
^)' • Ibriner blmek,,...adln Lent lo'c , •er) uttke
Of Meth( lLc 1,b,1V in Übe, Log, Lll l S. 111
Painta, VIIS, 1 arlinthes, 1 in eta,
inery, bLutloi,tit3, t_Uilki)ltso
lug Stickle, Drublieb id, II I II
lull, . ;ill '1 11l el i 11,,, i.l Lit Lli
ant tletertalued to bell at Om 1/ Ll.l lit 111,1 1/: lon.
All Physiciaus, I ,, tuitry blerctial,ta, reu,ats and oth
ors, are runpoctwhy requebtvu hut to pass the (Jl.l
as tile) way rem. Li.,lll.vt that el. 1) 1u Licit; Mil
be ',old at a ;cod quality, sod upou teanta.a, a• Lel 1118.
.1.1.1it41t ;
lt nti tut, 1. 111
flu uu,
J .
. LEA. ! lrc,l
, j ust receneu n ile,li
1 ltes, 1 .111,1%, 1011, &C., 1.1/%11,
tall% 1.1%%%%Lii_..04 1% /1./1 Malt Cal a al. Llie Ltnl 'q
11 / cu lat4%latea ,) rec\.u.wuutt to 1 taLll.ll,
sl. ,
ell) andlaJUl. LI ) ‘...1a41. L., a LIU ,igt/in a, u.> Lt.
uc, 1. at, %.1 %J.
lit —1 ;AL,Itl. 11edi, ill( s , Fine 11i., 11.ht1 U
mouth, pact tAu,, 111c6h anu E.1114,te, ,tinca.s
grulatut uliu m LUIU. I.Milf Lech, 1 1:11U11.4:1'),
'Lug Liver I : ph—mttniittLtAl 6,lmun,
LS :hatlclon, Sumae, Alum, Lei
at I 11l IV LK .11S, (~IL t- , 1.1 ,00 1 1 . 11,4 ')o.
I'AI.VIZ , -11 ethyl 111 a.l.lvtu,rn ture LOU,m Chrom,
Green fIU CIIVN. l aiDt anti lira bh bl tof ot , .,erae)
Miudow 11 Into , Libseo.l tni, '1 urpvtll.l ival uk.lik. I
aruthli, auu hod Load. All UI 11 Welt tIIII Lc t•tad at th.
very lt , Wma. Iltarhet 1.1"Ite.
Aim', u Irt,f4 aou ,ylooLlitt aSsortmout of FANCN
runs, Lop leut r, auti 14.utun..isi le uthil
artkles calculated Jre use aUll °mamma, all us s%
ztre ulterets at the Isoleht dish prices, as Ulu eLuup Drug
awl Ulu bULtitribt/r. 011 NOrkii hut,
owe) street. b. I' ItAILItBIICII..
S *IN t OIN ON A 11Y .
Zhu undersigneelluis just roturheil holm Plula
a fresh suppiy or Anl.
The former in connection II nth his stoeß. on hand ull
make nis assortment of lietigs, 31eUiclues and li:mica.
complete. llisassurtnient to etiN.F.hCI:IO.N.AIII is :also
flue; consisting 01 pure sugar White a n d - trunspaielo
Cana) To) s; and) , counnon, assorted, and tine Lamina ,
el et cry %arlety i nits, a its, ItUlt Ut cry thing
belonging to that denarLitient of truth,. 110 mould can
speenti lictuutxun to his bUiply 01 k ALIALLi.s
for the likalua)s, and genera, use, atuoug Which nia, lx
tonna the good, the ntsuaul , tntU the uselun. .41,a an
tuliteu to call Wlteltsui they Wish to 1/I.lhCil..SI:
IS. J. nil Ell
Car 1)e,..,E .64
Professor ut Anatomy and surgery in the l'hiladel.
!dila Lollegt oI 3leoiethe, and Acting Prolessor m And.
1, fiery; one ut the Consulting Physicians ut the l'hn
adelpiiia Bluekle) ; late member 01 the na
tional Medici. Association • member ut the Philadel•
phut Medical Society; nienler of the Mednu-thirorgi
cal College tit 1 hiludulph,ia; formerly Piesident and
l'rutessoi of Anatomy and surgery in Lastletun 31ede
cal orokollt ; and Also, late Professor et An.
atomy and Ph) slulogy In Berkshire 31euical lustltu•
thee, Pittatield, :Bass. '
Ac., Au.
Ibis lately introduced in a popular tbrin, several of hli
vorite prescriptions Mr the principal tlibellbes of this.
climate. Thu wane of each article nill imply the els.
ease for which it is intended to be used.
La. Met Liszt/es:ls EXclultAL STRUT, $l.
LK. M.UULIN TOOK'S Li) AND lAPUOn..llixionx-for Colds
Coughs, 4c., Price 115 (As.
UT. l'rieu 510 eto.
Ant. 310.."sisa ()CEOS Tosie ALTERNATIVE SYRUP—I:W . I'U
rifying the Blood. Pricoll. • •
Dlt. MCCLINTOCK'S Ilyspeptin gWing tons
to the stomach, rolioutig pains utter eating, lie,artlurn,
and all disagreeable symptoms arising !rein indigestion
Price $l.
Da. MCCLINTOCK'S RHEUMATIC 311.s.runE—it Purely Ve
getable Remedy for Internal usu. Price Lt)
Mcetisvoca's ltilnumAric LINLVENT—For ltheutua.
fish, Sprains, Swellings, .te. • • Price till ctsa', • -
Dm Mcl;Lth lecK'S A onwat AltaTtlits—For l'afna, Toot B
ache, Headache, Neuraixia, 4e. , Price 50 cts.
Bit..Nietlisvoca'a ANL AOUE arstunc--A certain
e on ) for ail I,uterwitteuts. Prim $l. •
V Ali VE—A Safe Remedy:.
IM. 3letitiavueit's VEOETakt.EI 1. ) 11110ATIVE
Costiveness, Headache, Sc. price' 5 cts.
MeCtisrock's .A.sit-iattous-Pn.f.s,--Fur irregularity
In the Functions of theJANer and Vowels-; Lis.
er Pill made. Prlce'2s ets. a
For sale by Dr. J. :11el"1.1 NI:001f, at his Medical Depct,
N. W. Corner NINTH' and
,FibillatT btreuts, l'hiladel•
shin, and all Druggists. Ivuggists and 'Dealers in :lied.
vines who wish to ' - be AL,oetils p - Wlll please address Di.
fitellintovk, furnishing referente, name of Post (Ace,
county and State. • • • • , • •
tril_Nor sale by W. A. ROW, Samuel Eillott,'CarllSle;
J. It. Criswell, kihippensburg; Ennui tiger & Co., L, Kane.
man, Mechanicsburg; 'Joseph Ilerruu, Newslll6; J. B.
Zimmerman,' Andersonbnig;•liaines t ,Furtig,
tow ; A.C. Klink, No* Illooniiield; Harriet 31. tihiger,
Newport;‘ B. F. thirdnur, 'York Bprings; A. J. Millerand
J. 8. Nixon, Chambersburg; 11. Moutzer, 'Waynesboro.;
George Bergner and D. It. 41)440 a CO, linrrlAbUrir.'
• DILAteCLI N TOOK 'can 1)o .corsulted, without charge,
dally, from 10 to 12 o'clock, M., At his Depot.
December 0,1054-Iy.
F l ll-11i 1 . 01 - 11 -4 )AP04511711 - 001i AND
STATIONERY- STORE; North West corner of Gth
and Arch Streets, Pitiladeilthia,..W4EAT BARGAINS
iii.lolls I—rev**, ittvenilo, .51iseullaneous Standard and
Presentation Books, very cheapi.- '
Superior White Ruled Lotter Paper at 1,50 per Ream.
Lotter and Note Envelopes In groat variety;
Weddings Furnished ai very moderate rates.
Cards , Wrlttotkand. sEttgraveil, ;
Gillotes and other Steel Pulls. '
Superior Motto Wafers,, 323'en 1 1 ,5 • Ceitia.')
Inkstands, Penknives, Paper Weights,2o,,,. • t
Fine Turkey !Romeo, Polio Monn'nh " ,
Port Folios, Card Coses r iktckgaunontuards, tt ;
' With a 'very largo and aliolco tumirtment oY
A Nuns, ,scrap Rooks and Engravings:' .
nifty 2—ly: P. TIIOIBSON.
QUADIER jiATS.---÷jiJ,sl.;i:de . eiva a t
00 (toreof,liolllgta LICK; d large aSS O 4I6I)t or
)lell . F, • Youth's, and .C1111d1:011'S fiUJI Vklt BATS; e , ,na-
Flaallig of Valltalllt, Leghorn, Freitell Straw, Canton and
other varieties, part of .whlch. aro colored and black—
,sodie,gulte law 111 price. , ; ' i