Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 29, 1855, Image 3

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re of a Lost Child.
the 7th inst., a child of
;on, residing about two
Miles north of Rockaway, went into the
woods\s'ith an older brother to hunt the
co4vs. 'The boy was only about five years
old, and by some means got separated
from his 'brother, who cause home Vitt
out him. The mother then started in
search of him, but he could not be found,
Ori Sunday, the parentsvided by a few
neighbors, searched in vain, and in the
afternoon some seventy persons turned
found no
out,to scour the wo
trace of him.
On Monday, pro
persons were searc
directions, and on Tuesday and Wednes
day it is said - that two hundred were
searching but without discovering. him.
On'Thursday morning, a young man from
Denmark Forge concluded he would
search, and accordingly went from his
house to Behch Glen, directly across the
mountain, which overlooks, the Glom.,
On the top of that mountain, lying on a
rock, lie found the child alive and bright;
but very thirsty , and hungry.
He had lived on berrries, and told his
discoverer that he was "looking for the
red cow and had nut found her"
Being very timid it is supposed that he
had heard the calls of the men looking
for him, and had hid himself, fur they
went several times through the mountain
where he was found. For the same rea
son he had not dared to approach (lie
houses in the Glen, which were in sight.
When found be had giVen up hope'of
finding his way holtim,
He had been without food Foul Satur
day noun until the next Thursday fore
noon, about five days except the berries
be picked in the woods. During that
time he had not had a single drop of wa
ter. The little fellow was disinclined to
f~cll his adventurers, but called loudly
or bread and water, which were given
him sparingly at first. The boy is now
as well as ever.—.Arcwark Advertiser.
The Boy Farmers.
A 4s, (Me.)paper tells a good story
of two boys, one thirteen, and the other
eleven, who on account of the illness of
their father, were left to work the farm.
They thoroughly plougcd and cross
ploughed three acres of rather rough
ground, which they th'en sowed and then
hal rowed it three times over. They also
• assisted in clearing one acre of new land,
which was sown with wheat. It" grew
well, especially that first sown, but at har
vest the father being still sick, there
were none to gather the grain but these
two little lads, Having neither strength
or skill to use the cradle, they grasped
the sickle with a resolute hand, and reap
ing What they could each day, perserved
until the whole four acres were harvested
by them alone. The produce of this crop
would command in market $135, an I
they did a good deal of work on the farm
beside. This shows what boys can do if
they really set about it, and: make work
of work, and play of play—not trying to
dO both at once.
tdil/iii also for sowing only. grass seeds and , ..
guano. Kniuser's Portable Cider 'Alin—the best ..„
in the market. Halliday's patent Windmill.— '
.llorso Powor'a and Thresher's, Lime and Guano
Spreader's, Daniel's ility.• Straw and Fodder Cutter.
Little Giant Corn and Cob Mill, Spain's Atmospheric
Plum,. Thu above Superior Implements with all others,
for the yea of the farmer 'or gardner, (or sale Wholesale
and Retail by
1 1 ASC1[ALL, 510ItIVIS k
Agricultural Warehouse and seed Store, corner 7th
-and. Market streets, Philadelphia. July 25,'65.
HEAP GOODS.—The subsciiber is
new opening a fresh lot of seasonable goods, at ho
new location, oppaslte the Itallmail Offiee,ln Main street,
Carlisle, which will be sold at the lowest firice.
april 11, 4t. MARGARET sNononAss.
pATENT SKIRTS, &c.—Just open
ed another invoke of White and Colored Patent
k rta, Mosqueto note, with a variety of other seattonn
ble gouda. july Pi. OHO. W. musant.
¶ENOiI . CORSITTS.—just receiv
rod, a further suikly of Wench Corsets of extra sl
yes. Miro yarrow 'Linen ]rings for trimming Basques.
inne2o GEO. W. lIITNEIt.
.Boy, PLANTED.—A b9y 'wanted from
is to 20 prars of ago, at the fitoro of
augl-0. U. W. HITNER.
EltS.--4 1 very o;cionsivo, nod now stock of Bonnets
• u ooh anti ArtiAcirds, now-wing at two (loop store of
ttay, 'M. • .
RIO icino.
. _
eason's Whole pleasure, all the joys of sense,
Lio iu 'dime wortle—llealth, Peace, and Competeiace.
But when we have pains, affliction or anguish Of dis
eases. Is not our pleasure, our joy, and our happiness
thereby destroyed', \ Vhy lot our sick fellow-being suf.
lerY Does not Christ say : "With the 5111110 utvuswc ye
mete, it shall Its. censured to you again f"—Mat. 7, 2.
"Who is it wise Mall and imdowed 'with knowledge a
mong you, lot hint SilOW out'of a good conversation his
works with meekness and n isdom."--dames
'6Uli11E1:1! AND MEDICINE.—Doptor. I'. C. CARD—
DER, f(urgoun and Physician, who is Botanist :1101
Physiologist, and is lir:Rio:1(e of our best Medical Odle
:pis, and has made himself acquainted with all the , " 11-
oils systems of 31e.lical Science, and with the recent
discoveries and improvements in the various depart-
Monts of the Ilvaling Arts. faithfully attends to orders
thr Surgical anti Medical Aid. and )( hose medicines are
all made or r,lnoposod strictly iu accordance w ith the
Science.; of Pathology, Botany, II) dropathy and Physi
ology; and wletso medicines are all cum posed of whole
some roots, plants, and hydropathy, goud in all (licenses,
and to whom the afflicted are in% ited to apply timely.'
His Character by Respectable Neighbors, .fec.
Copy of a letter from the Hey. C. 11. Leinbach to Mr.
11. 11. Etter, of the %Vann Springs. Respected sir :—A
low me to introduce to your friendly notice. 1/r. CARP
-1/Ell. Of New y6ris. 1 ,linvo, known Dr. C. 14 , 1 . : sixteen
years. lie hue done lumint,:s thr me With sobriety. hon
esty and with accuracy; therein's/ I do belles e biro to
be perfeetly sober. honest and trustworthy. Any favors
you ma) 4t/ proper to conhu• on /dm. Will lie high!) ap
predated by his numerous friends. and by pone more
highly than your sincere friend and humble servant.
Landkburg. l'a., July 15th, 1551.
ds in all
Copy of a letter from 11/iiirge Spahr, County .
Troimurer.-1 do certify that tile medical adviou of Dr.
P. C. Carilder Itac inirpasAid ;my Mho, which I ha% o
hitherto haul in the cure of eel ere lever in iny
would therefOre !WM - MOM' 111111 to Stiehl persons 11110
may be afflicted with albrotaid othernlte.
EOM./ SPA lilt.
Bloomfield. August 211t11, 1851
lilt. CARL/I/Ell 'being well acquainted with the re.
relit French tusenverles, with their new awl safe modes
treat ;neut. anti the speedy anti certain renttnites anti
cures for Ity,petott. liter Onnplaints. llyneutrn, lieu
eta )Inrhus ninth all Complaints tut the Itowels and St, mt
twit ; ttittpt rinr Itentetlin, Int. the pre, ention :HA cure of
Asiatic t'lc,lera. Innnedles lie all the &reefs and di--
eases at the cleuerative c lra.‘ us awl repr,ltto nn cep on,
my in !nen w - onien ; Remedies I. a Insanity; certain
:Intl timely cures for all Consimptions.linpnterce. ;tter
ilit). ;• , e tuna! ‘lnises, oder.. t; In.-ease , in au their 1 . , rws.
:.‘uppr.-1-1:s ether dr lirale tenatio comp:Ant .. All
tore rrmrdlPS e min With t• trot. the ni ,1 nolne ,rience lit
It , it in) and It tiolett eontnint-1. Lilt no }we'', 1-
"Heal all !thinner et sickness and all maimer disease.
\ 'l',•.t 'uncut. "It is for lie ding that( ((list eciumen
(bah the Saniarikin.-1.111,,, 1(1, :id ((nil ii Itli com
mon means. "Prose all Chit gs, hold last that iihich i.
ThessaloilianQ, let us
1,:•e or laying up what Yve should lay out I•e* health.'
thr there is that sc.itts rill( and yet increa•el h, and there
is that withholdeth inore than is meet, but it teddeth.. -
Proverbs, 11. 24.
The (111feretit and their direct ions will be
sent to the ((Misted fu any direction by umil or express.
Address Dr. P. C. C.lltDDl.:ll,Car9issle.l'undserland
ty, Pa., post paid, and the fee ;Isl always itecompanying
the letter, with the order, toget her with a ils,C.riptritoll o.
the theilligS and the symptoms of the complaints of the
afflicted iil( 7 loSed. It is this system of
the Ihmks and the modes of cure only. whieli Dr. card
der employs that allow of medicines entirely made or
C01)(11,4'11 (If P10(5115, and 11ydropathy,
good in all diseases. ( s it° poison), and which ran make
speedy and certain remedies :111.1 cures for "ell 111.11111er
of sickness and all manner of disease, - and which sur
pass all other medical moans is. point of goodness, hr
yond all bounds of (soniparisen. OFFICE South Ilannver
street, last side near and laden the Presbyterian lurch
Carlisle. Pa. Testimonials Instil iltilliers.itS persons of
the highest risspectaldlity In this and the eiljtoilling
counties, give authentic evidence of the , 00liiiess itt
Dr. l'ardder s character, and can Ise seen at his ufliee.
N. B. The aillieted ran reeelve superior medicines and
the directions for their tie I the hest sad urn of mall or
ex presg. If interviews be desired. or visits requested,
Dr. C. will endeavour to accommodate applivants as far
as he van. The hurter speaks the Enclisli nod the Ger
man I...tuutuages, etc. t Jun. 17, IStffl
Tim combination of ingredients in these rills is the re
suit of a long and extensive practice; they are mild in
their operation, and curtain of restoring nature to its
proper channel. In every instance have these Pills prx,-
ved successful. They invariably open those obstructions
to which Females are liable, and bring nat ure•into its
proper channel, whereby health is restored wed the pale
and deathly countenance changed to a healthy one. No
female eau enjoy good health unless she is regular; and
whenever au obstruction takes place, whether from or
cold or any other cause, the general health
mediately begins to decline, and the want of such a
edy has been the CUUS.T of cc many O,llslllllOlOllHlllll.
young 1 . 1.111311,. Ti. 13,11(.,.. whose health Will not rerun
of an in; cease of their family, those pills will prove a sal
cable aequisition, as they will prevent pregnancy.—
ileadnehe. polo, in the side. palpitation of the heart, loa
thing of Pool, and di turbed sleep do most always arise
from site interruption of eat aunt whenever that is
the rater, ihr 1.1;1, will invariably remedy all thert
Nor arc the line afflri•iuus in the cure “r Lencorrlnea,
common') called t -Whit vs.' . These pills should net -
er Lr 1.31..41 during pregnancy, 118 they would be sure to
cause a mis,ar Warranted purely Veret.ll.lo, a n d
free fruit, Injurkus ''r health. Futland
oxpiirlt ali,etions an...e'er:my each box.
These pills arc put up in square list boxes. Persons
residing Whene thene is nu agency vstablb•imb by enclo
sing stile 'Pillar in a letter, pre-paid, to Dr. C. L. (2111.E.51-
MIN, No. h 7, lileerker street. Nov York, ran hare them
sent to their respective addressive by mail.
Stour. St,
N D. oiORGAS would inform MN: public Oa
- has uo,r an 11:11111 at Ills establishmout, on Mum 'St
next door to Marion Ilan, thu Isrgest mot most eau
pl e to assortment of COOK. OFFICE .t PA
al. bolt STOVES to be found in this enmity,
a . which ivill 1w sold at the lowest prices for
,• • , rash or approved credit. Ms stock row:lets of
a large assortment of new and highly apr
f. proved PATENT COOKING STOVE:, finished
In the m o st complete manner, and ealeulated for either
wood or coal, or both. All the old standard patterns
Nv bid, have stood the test of experience, may be Ruud
at his establishment. Also, a ,;rent variety of the most
approved and beautiful PARLOR OFFICE STOV LS; in
cluding a number of new stylus, possessing very supe
rior advantages liver those heretofore In use. Families
and housekeepers are respectfully Invited to give him a
call before purchasing elsewhere. Ftovea delivered to
any part of the country and put up nt the shortest no
tice. Ile continuo; to do all kbaide of TIN AND SHEET
IRON WARE, and Copper Work, and has constantly 011
hand or will make to order every article required by
housekeepers or others in this line. Ills stock of Tin
and Copper Ware embraces .very kind of household and
kitchen utensil, warranted equal to the best manutite
timed. Persona In want of articles In his lino May al
ways be sure of being accommodated to - their satisfaction
by giving him a call. Inovl-1854
The subscriber at his old stand on North ilanover et.,
Carlisle, the sign of the 'Mammoth Rod Coffee Pot," de,
s irs to call the attention of the public to his large as
sortment of STOVES, of the newest and most fashiona
ble styles, from the best manuflictorles In the
country, and at all prices from $.3 to $l5.
4 are the Mirror Stove, the Arctic, Revoro, Star,
Persian, Union and _Etna Alr Tight, together
with other patterns which ho hoe of all sizes
for parlors or ehanibore,and calculated for burning either
wood or coal. Also, the iEtua, Globe, Astor, Albany,
Flat-top and Bandbox or Poor Man's, with other COOK
ING comprising the latest Improvements in
Mixon stoves, and intended for either wood or coal.—
Also, the Dining Room Cooking Stovo—a new and ele
gant article, to which he invites the particular zitton
tion of families. Ills cookhar stoves range In price from
SIU to 25, with the fixtures complete. Also, Nine Plato
Stoves of various patterns and different
ing Stoves, Brass Kettles, fie. Also, every article in the
line of Tin and Copper Ware. The public ere respect
fully invited to call as he is confident with his large
stock, variety and cheapness, of being able to give en
tire satisthetlen to every purchaser. Call and see. '
pet. 25,1844. AI. 3101IRPS.
Ciathw arc,
I ____
01-IN P. .LYNE—Wholesale and Be
tall dealer In American, English and German
• HARDWARE, Oils, Paints, &c., S.
and the public generally, who are In want of Oardware
~..4. , ,, , -.,, of any Rind, are invited to can ill and
e4f, examine my unusually.- larg stock 01
.- ", goods, nhich lam selling at very low
- .
plies. * Oll,l, stop ill; it will only detaid you a N_CrY
faw minutes to be convinced that what everybody say s
—that Lyn's is decidedly the place to gut good goods at
law prices—must be trite. 1,1(N L'S liardwine iqoeii.
West tilde North 11.• no street.
II E N - oN. The
subscriber having ret urned fuoin the city would call the
attention of his friends and the puidie genernll3 to t he
large tail well selected assortment of Ilartla are a hint' he
has just. reettistal,ronslsting in part of ltt:ll.DlNti M
TI.. scros s. hinges. locks, bolts. glass. pal to,
paints. ILS —thipc tools; onus and planes o.
every description, with files. rants, hammers, anvils. A: e.
A general 88:,81.118.111, of ttlit/10.1.11LEILS AND SAD
DLERS Ti 1111.5, together with nintetto. Mint
ing skins, shoo thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness Intunt
ing. ',addict rocs; &e. "
TILI VOlLNG—eativass (plain, enamelled,
81111 cmla 18,..d.) patent 00,1 enamelled leather,
axles. springs. hul:, spokes. fllotts, shatts, att., &e.
ealtinet )takers will find a large asstattutent of varn
iSLies. mahogany and vvalit 015 anon's, moulding, rosettes,
hair riot h. curled hair. tt:e.
The stock 'it Iron is large and well seleeted; compris
ing all the hinds in general hammered :mil rolled
Iron of all sizes, tint, jar anti taunt iron, round, square
and oval iron. horse-shoo iron anti nail r o ds, aith a lance
lot of ea. 4 and sitting steel, English and American blis
ter steel.
t :!Lout etimriletieing 1,111 tivil it
ti , their :till tip call !Intl PN:ll,lltie 011 r if try, 1 , 11 t
tan ia and plated aure rims. hcttlrn, itetlitr ,s are, 1 iisket
In addition to 1110 above tee hart , re.. 01,41 a Aills . n/lid
assortinvnt. of 1\'.11.1. I'.\ PEE. inahing the stool, rlv
piety, and at sueli pt lees as eaniu.t tall to give satistlxo
- ion. 1\ 0 nit ito nil fi 101itls O. Sall, hunt tug it u ill Ino to
their own ath,intage. Ibumunber the nbl. stand, Exist
High Stroot. Carlisle, Pa.
Ovt.. 12. lIENEY
11:1 , 11 ES 1 I A1111IV:\1. Olt 11 A 111) -
iv A subscriber btu ing returned from
th e ,jty ha. just ~1.011,1 for the Fall t rad. a large and
i t (Italit•A 11311 H are,
umbra ring 0, er . tlxing found In that lino of I,ta
-I'lol.ll lifillell,l,.lllll 11r pull it ceior;llly
isrrepoct .111•00t0d to tlt.•
suring tutu that ;ends ot all I,inds NN ill 1.,, soil f,.1.1.1101
:It a ,111:111 Ild,:11111• im 111.1 , 1111:10111,,,pri,.05. the old stand, East 1\1:1in Struct. l's.
Aug I 11. \TON.
-----.. 11.1 II !)‘V_l It E.—)laluinoth
tv:' :4 1 .,i1,v An i,:kt at 1.1 :, FS 411 Not-11111m,
~ ,- ,,vor .".troct. ~Iteit. the 111)1 is are Icing
,llpirlival ~1,11.2.•ry N ari,ty of 11.11,11 Var,. PAUL., I his
Vt... at the 1.,0 Esr c 5511 vhict_s. Call in, IVe Call aertall
Itaahle a I..NS Mo'.
311e0 icii►es.
YYl4:1,)11.“„)1,1/'S GENUINE PEE
pm{ ATIoNs.-11ELmnom) . 6 cori-
C4011•01:ND F1.1:11) EXTRACT ItiTllo,
disjase ut the Itlad.ler 31,1 hvleeys, s•ocrei Diseases,
Mru•utros, Weaknesses. tied ;ill ,iiseases of tho Z•OXII:11
, hvttu r to or iretn 4119tet er
eati,e they 111:6`11:411. I IS matter td hum
If pet ha, e eel:tin:toil the terrible ilisense which,
oiled seated in the s) styli', 1%1,1 sure') ge duo 11 trot. one
generation to another, liniterit.lnitig the vonstitutien
and sapping the turn tltal hulls 1,1 hale, de mgt trIASI
)4)1.1,,,11 Ili the hallt1: , or. %,110, start lip every flay
it) +1 city like this, and lilt the papers pith glaring false
hoods. LO,, well c.dcuL•lted to del rtte the young, anti
thoey not fieqUailited lutli their t Wks. I . Oil C:111110t be
too l.:11,41.11 111 the selection of a remedy Ili the!, eases.
The Fluid EN tract. lamina lms pronounced by
eminent physiams the greatest rented!, ever know n.—
t is a methel us perfectly pleasant In its taste, and N etr
iilll,4l,lli. ill its le:demand yet so thorough that It anni
hilates every partiele et the iank !arid putsuuaus ire, ul
tuis dreadful dlsen.e; mot, unlike other remedies, dues
nut dry up the disease in the Mood.
Constitutional liability. brought on by self-abuse,
most tenth:o disease, which has brought thousands of
the human race to untimely graves. thus blasting the
brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the bud the
glorious ambition of many a noble youth, can be cured
by this N 11111114.0 Remedy. And as a medicine which
must benefit everybody, from the simply delicate to the
confined anti despairing invalid. no equal is to be found
actingboth as a Curs and Treventive.
For Purify ing the Blood, I'OlllOV log all diseases arising
from excess of Mereurv, exposit'e pug - imprudence In
ronstituiional disease, arising Irons an
Impure state ot the lilts I. and the only rellable and
ottectual h IMNV Is remedy Mr the cure ut Scrotulu, Salt
Itheum, scald Ilead, I y kerations of the Throat and
Legs, Pains and swellings of the Bones, Totter,
,)11 the Face, and .ill Scaly Es options of the
s trill, is now presented Ly some of th„ mast
distinguelLed phy•vian , ill the country.and has pro% ed,
mote efficient in ',tom e thin prepar,tion I .t s a r sa .
parilla yet oilmen to the 'midic. Several cast, of cecons
Mary ry philis. Ma curial and Sorolulous diseases ha, o
entirely recovered in the IIICIII:11.1e w ords of our Public
Institutions it hilt had for many years I eASleil every
mode of t reatutent that could he dot iseo. These cases
furnish striking examples of the salutary effects of this
medicines In erre:Sting some of the most inveterate
diseases, after the glands were destroy Id, and the bones
already alleeted.
N OTICE.—Lett ors fruit responsible Physicians and Pros
fessors of !several Medical Colleges, and certificates of
cures fisim patients Ii 11l he found accompany lug both
PRICES, }laid Extract of Buchu, $1 per bottle, or 6 for $5.
" Sarsaparilla, "
equal in strength to one gallon of Syruy of Sarsaparilla.
Prepared and sold IN 11. T. lIELMOILD, Chemist, 2t.,11
Chestnut Street, near the Girard House, Philadelphia.
To he had of Druggists and Dealers efimywhere.
All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive
ivutiliate lateution.
July 25,
T 00T II WAS I.—Beautiful IV hit
Teeth Ilealthy Boos) and a Sweet Breath—All wh
are desirous of obtainlic,i . those benefits should use ZER-
article romldnes so many meritetious qualities that it
has now Iweenie a standard flivArite with the citizens 0.
New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore. Dentists pre
scribe it in their practice most successfully, and front
every source the most Battering laudations are awarded
Inflamed and bleeding' gtuns rice hnutediately benefit
ted by Its me; Its action upon them is mild, soothing
mid offective. It cleanses the teeth so thoroughly, that
the3 , ,,are made to rival pearl -In whiteness, and diffuses
through the mouth such a delightful freshness that the
breath is rendered exquisitely sweet. lt dillinfeets those
impurities width tend to produce decay, and. as a con
sequence, when these are removed the tooth must al
ways remain sound. Read the following from Dr. J. A.
Mr F. Zerinan—Sir: used and recommended
your Tooth Wash In my practice fur some time, 1 flud it
the most cifectual Dent:ince in use, and therefor° recout
mend it to the public.
Bead the following testimony:
Mu, ZERMAN---Dear Sir:. I have fully tested the merits
of your valuable Tooth Wash, ' And can, without hesita
tion, recommend it es the best that has como under my
notice during an experience as Dentist of more then six
teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes anti hardens.
irritated Gums, and imparts a delicious fragrance to the
Breath. From the mouths of these who make use of It,
however, it will certainly speak for itself.
OEO. P. Semcta,r, Surgeon Dentist,
:27f,Soutb Tooth st., Philadelphia.
Tt is used and recetaniended by all the eminent Dent
ists In New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other
cities where It has been introduced. All should give it
a trial.
U Prepared only by Francis Zeman, Druggist and
Chemist, Philadelphia, and sold wholesale and retail by
Equiniel Elliott, Carlisle, .1. Dorsheimer, Aleehaniesburg,
J. Herron, .L C. R9llinms,Shippeosburg,and
by all Druggists at'enly 25 cents per bottle.
Pir. Job Printing promptly executed
It !CiClitCs,
1 LA DIES.—Dr. Gels:meet: celebrated lilt:shield.
FILLS have been lung nml widely known as invariably
certain in ronwving any Htmipage, Irregularity, or'bigi
pression of-tile menses.
In the Female Hospitals hi Vienna, raris,and Iterliu,
they have entlivly superseded the use et all other reme
dies; because ; where a cure is attainable by medicinal
agendes. they are certain of success. their astonishing
ellicacy would I c almost incredible, if not, vouched fur
by indubitable testimony. iu 11111111.1 . 011 S instances pro
ducing returns of the monthly period after all hope had
been abandoned.
111 CI 19 . ) cane: from whatever cause the 111 ti111(1;:i.11
may arise, as also to prevent pregnancy t hen , 1110
111,11111 Will ant admit of increase of Mildly. they are
alnaVS etlkient: fee which reason they must to be used
during pregnancy, though alway wild, health.): alb
and certain in their elicits.
Jlnrrlud Indies will find particular Instructions in the
iirectL ITS, in-which are sin'ted ill I:icicus spiiptunis IV
551 1 111 1 . 1111.1.'S •suppresslen may la, del pun' tied.
Price. One Dollar pur Box, containing explicit direc
I 1r will he signet! by 1)r. it. G. GI:IssNI
I.ll.urty Street. Nov-York City ,
Ite,porwittlu ‘llll be appoint e d roe their } al e as
SOOII lIS 111.1111 leal 10. In the mean time. all nrilelt:rle to
Le 1111411,1,111 to Dr. It. It. It ris,Nt.D. Lilawty t t t..
Nutt-York City. or to lox N. Y. lost itlit e. 111111
kill IT Feat Ily return Mail. Ilwy are. put up ill
sealed unt (*pus 111111 011 1,0 Sl•lIl with the attirtrSt pri
vauy to any pal t Clio United States.
, CAUTION 'lll I,A 111 ES.
various net ‘ , ll/3' 1111411 We but i11,111'1 , 11 ,1 COlll
- purporting to be ••Ff.1'.1.1". PILLS lllitit•r iii Lin d e
4 11/1111, 11.. .1110;k1 PIM," ''1 4 11V1:11' P 11.1,5," - 1;91111...,1
1 . 111. 4 ," - 1'1:1111 1 1111*Al, ore attempted to lay
palmed upon the eredubnis or 111kMary. it is only
neees,try for hell, to lo on their guard :igaiust the at
tempted Imposition, zuet in all eases where there is lill
affillorized agent for the rale of —ln t. Ibrisssfa',
t•T1 1 .1 . 1 . 11.1.." to 1.14.11 1 r direct fount him by mail, by re
turn ,1f ,111,•11 ti !pox NS ill i.e rent.
.luiy '2.", ';;;).
'J -. 11 . J. B. )IAUCIIISI'S CELE-
.Ultl.: OF : , I . II , EIIING FEMALE: 4 : • -
It staud.s pre 7 rmilleot for its
curative potu•r'. In all the 111,-
ease, for N, high it I. 111-
11/1.11.1e11, usually called IE
these l`rolapsus Uteri. or
Mnlliuq of the \\ fqnl, Ilnor
or NI Litt s; Chronic I ti
tlalolnatl-o :111.1 1 . 14,1',1ti..11 of
h , • iii,olcittal 1 I,•wor.
, •r : I'lll
: , tipir,r,,svkl. t ¢ It
Av., %.11), all their
lot; evils. ICat.vvr
matter hu.v.
ter,• „r„ 111:w I.lw ,tantliyg
'1 he\ Cr
been int reduced by empty init.reprtseutlitiens,
m.r le it, intended [lint its pret,ent p•pm4u ity sl,lll le
sie•thine , i I t any medium but its merit, mid the appro.
ball ion ptibli ,
NoTicE 'co TitE
14,1 it a duty incumbent iipm, ni!. self to declare
pliblielv the ..frat blessing Dr. )larellisi's Uterine Cie
dlrou Las proved to me. For two tea r s my health
was its. i able; I was ;due st nimble ill
imaffingired my case of the wont', ev ton
sii e ulcerations, commencing vi itL tint r 011115. The
iry itat ion. prostratin. At...tendered Idea !Auden.
111 this miser:4lle condition. Pr. F. D. New land rite
mended Pr. MarchisFs Uterine Cathelivon. After tak
ing lour kali., I lied myself in period health. tliatil
tilde for my resict-ation makes 1111` ardently desire that
all Inc sox. alike utitilrt vitiate, may find suit , relict lii
this inestimalbe medicine. . . .
r - N6. 7tt est-st.. Utica. S. Y
The above statement I knmv to Le true.
F. P. NEWLAND. M. D.. Utlea. N. Y
liana no hesitation in saying, Pr. Marehisi's Fterine
eatliolicon is Invaluable In uterine likl•ases generally
1 have iv:ea It in Fluor Amenorrhoa. Prolapsus
Uteri. and In rases 111,r:1(4011 i t the vapilth
a uteri. It is worthy of the Dodo , of the Faculty.
JOIIN C. tillfll('K. )1. lbr lialthmle, )Id.
Let all interested call and obtain a pat -t-tulvst-tfrre)
containing ample proof. from the me - , respectable
sources, of the beneficial results of I . use: togethe r
with letters front highly experienced Physicians, wit
have 111-0(1 It In their practice, and speak front their ewe
J. KIEFFER, Druggist, .901.101 Hanover street,
solo Anent for Carlisle, In.
J. 11. )IARCIIISI k CO., Proprietors.
Central Depot, 304 llnceulway, N. Y.
January 24, Itifi&-CutO
a partiele of Mercury In it. An infallible remedy for
Scrofula, King's Evil, ithentnatism,tßodinate Cutaneous
Erupthms. Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches,
Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Totter, Scald
!lead, Enlargement and Pain of the EOM's and Joints,
Stuborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumlago, Spinal
Complaints and all diseases arising from an injudicious
use of :Mercury, Imprudence In Life, or Impurity of the
ttn.This great alterative medt.:lno and Purlfer of the
Wed, is now used by thousands of grateful patients in
all parts of the United States, who testify daily to the
remarkalsie now performed by the greatest of all medi
cines, "('ARTER'S SPANISII MIXTURE." Neuralgia,
Rheumatism, Sentfula, Eruptlotison the Skin, Li yerlds.
ease, Fevers, Ulcers, Old. Sores, Affections of the E Rine) s
Diseases of the Threat, Female Complaints, Pains and
Aeldnq of the hones and Joints, are very speedily put
to night by using this great and inestimable re m e dy.
For all diseaseSr of the Moa d. nothing has yet, Iron
found to compare to it. It cleanses the system of all int-"
puritibs, acts gently and efficiently on the Liverand Kid
neys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone t . c, the Stom
ach, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the
Constitution, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the
excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength.
For the Ladies it is incomparably bettor than all the
cosmetics ever used. A lbw doses of CARTER% 55.151811
MIXTURE will remove all sallowness of complexion, bring
the roses mantling to the check, give elasticity to the
step, and improve the general health in a remarkable de
gree beyond all the medicines ever heard of.
The large number of certificates which we have receiv
od from from persons from all parts of the United States.
is the best, evidence that there is no Humbug elect it.
The press, hotel-keepers, Magistrates, physicians. and
public men, well known to the community, all add their
testimony to the wonderful effects of this OItEAT nouLl
Call on the AorNT and get a Circular and Almanac,
and read the wonder ' ful cures this truly greatest of all
Medicines has perforated.
Forte genuine unless signed BENNETT k REIMS, Pro
prietors, No. 3, Pearl street, Richmond, Va. to whom all
orders for supplies and agencies must be addressed,
And for sale by S. Elliott, S. W. Ilaverstiek, Carlisle:
Ira Day, Meehanicsburgt, J. 11. Ilerton, Newyille; 'J. C.
Attic, Shlpponsburg, and by dealers in medicines every
QUNIMER lIATS.—A largo invoice
of moo's and boy's Panama, Canton, Rutland, Pod
alßrald and Runstablo Straw Hats, now 'opening and
soiling uncommonly low at tho cheap stoso -
May, '55 CJIA'S. (If/WRY,
AVOOLLEN YARN —A lot of very
Superior. Heavy and Even Woollen Yarn just
received, much bettor than the city yarn, all colours.
nova CHAS. OM MA'.
.1 - I V E It COMPLAINT, Dyspepsii'
n anoodico, Chronic or Nervous debility, tdeso so
toe kidneys, and all diseases arising from a dist,rdere
Liver or Stomach, suela as Constipation, ic%iard
fulness of ideial to the head, aelinty of the AAp a, s
nausea, heartburn, disgust fur food, ful nrss or weight i,
the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or tottering a
the pit of •tho stomach, swimming of the head, hurt le
and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heat t. chohin
or suffocating sensations )8 lien in a lying potion.,
nc.114 of v situ, dots or webs bek , ro the sight, fever zt.,: ,
dull pain to the head. deficiency of perspitat )el
ness ”r the skin - and eyesi Pain in tip side, lark. cin;si
limns, .I:e.. sudden Hushes of heat. burning in the 1,1.4
constantlinaginings of evil, and great dem ession et yjh
its, can be effectually cured by MI, Hots Li
BitATED GERMAN 1111"11.1tS, prepared by 'tn. >,
Jsci:soN. No. 120 Arrh Street. Philadelphia.
Their power over theta , Oto di:qui:it, is n. t excelled. any other preparation in 1 Ile Unit ed tale , :
as the 'ores attest, In many cases after skilful pt s
clans had failed.
These bitters are worthy the attention of in valid!-.-
Possessing great t irtues in the rectitientir n st
or the Liver and lesser glands. eXerei!dirg tint
Sean:llbn; powers in wealtlit,s nnd affections of LIM d
gestivo orptus, they are withal Safe, certain and Oct s
.7. D. splting, Laroyville. Pa., April ti, ISt..l', says,
can get yell some good certificates' fir your (teeman Ch
Less in this Ibinlty , if pip %%jolt them. A lady pun has
lt,g some of It this week, says that it is by far the I est
She c't Cr knew, 100 lug done her aid her
daughter marl good. Ac.
IL las. son, hen rd's Store. Somerset co, Pa., ring.
15. 15511. say 5, "1 am much attached to your Gilman,
hitters, haling used two bottles or it. which I procure
from S. Kurtz., your :igent at t 4 ,,Mer et, and found gym ,
relief from it in disease ol the Liter. 1 find it 2 4
great eireCt ou my New.. strengthening and hit igoratli g
them, which, as Itot a public speaker, is n great h, ip ti,
Dr. Giles. Nes, ton Hamilton, l'a., May, InUl. said:
hate used myself half a docoll boil acs of ytiur thrum
Diner, tor Liver Complaint and diseases if a tient t
character. IlesultillT, from the abuse of mercury. 1 al
poisoned and afflicted a Rh spasms Iron the use of th
latter article. The German Litters Is the first Jtrtle!
netll which I ebtailled any relief. 1 has' also giN ell tl
article to many dyspeptics, with the timed salutary I.
sults. I think ms many more bottles sill erne
.1. C. Young, Esq.. of Dauphin, l'a.. verities May 5...5
"I aas afflicted a ith theocrat Uehility, Intostioal 11 e;l
n ass :111d Cod 1 . 11 e,.. for v. Lill, I used difieeel
NllllOlllO4 without relief. I :it List used 3 our 110e1:1111(1
il•rnIall hitters. 1 tiii3l: a few bottles according to
reeetiors. and V1:15 completely cured. 1 lane u. t I ('Cul e
healthy for ten years as I fills(' Leen since I look pi?
Dithers. t. Ideli is :divot ime 3 ea! Iglu,"
'These Bitters :Ire Is 1 11111.1" VD; EI always strengt
enimr the eid st ion and pr , tratiu2 it.
S.eld dealers in midi, hie and storekeepers ever .
Samuel Elliott. S. W...
,Ilaverstielt :1111/ 1
11. Cannier - 1m Ilmilurer Mk. sleclianie
Snyder & biohl, Nea burg, : a id I,y Dealens in Medlin.
Noy. 1954-1 y
cents, by means of the Pt ICI
.ESCI: LA PIUS, ur El et
ho, IU 4 I}ll S Pll YSICI AN,
The this ty,ixth Edithdi. u it
0110 11110 fired encl.ll‘ logs. shoe
Ing Pri te 1/kelse,s and :1a
f, emotions of the Venerati .
stem, in e‘ shvi e He
furor: to whiell is added
Tre3l.lse 011 the Disens,s'or
mules. intended for the use
female', .44, (see page 1110)
lug of the highest innl ortan
to married people. or those co
6[11111..... By. W Yot No, M. 11., tliudtut
of the Unive ... rsity of Pennsylsania..ltietaber (d the ho
al College of Surgenns, London. and lionorary )lamb.
of the Philadelphia Medical society. The Nlll,lls mull/
of Secret disea es, Seminal eakness, Diseases of tk
Prostrate Oland. Impotency, solitary habits ot youth. at
faithfully described, and all the receipts given in plui
language. The chapters ou self abuse and Sendni
Weakness is worthy of particular attention, and sin ul
be read by every one. Young tutu MllO have been ut
fortunate in contracting tir?.case, pre% loos to pia, iu
yourselves under tbo care of any doctor, no matt en oh,
his pretensions may be, get a copy of this truly valuab
Sea Captains and persons going to sea should pes:e
Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage. the Pocket Ascuhit
us, or Every one Ilia own Physician.
ARV. Let no father I e ashamed to presenba copy of tl
..Esculaplus to his child. It may save hint from an ear.
grave. Let no young man or woman °Mei , into the
cret obligations of married life without reading the poc
et Alsculapins. Let no one suffering In to s hacknie
cough, pain in the side, restless nights, nervous teeth'
and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations. and girt
up by their physician, be another moment without co
suiting the .Esculapins. have the married or the
about to be married any impediment, read this tru
useful BOOk, as It has Leon the means of saving the
mods et unfortunate creatures front the very jaws
death. Upwards of :t 3111.L10N copies of this celebrab
w or k has been sold in this country and Europe since 1
38, when the first e4iti.dl was issued.
/IA - Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents e
closed in a letter. will receive one copy of this I.K:ek
load: or rive copies will be 'soot ti:r $l. Address
W I LLIAM YOUNG, No. 1.52 Spruce street, Philadelphi
P,st paid.
Twenty years praetioe in the city of Philadelphia et r
tainly entitle:4 Dr. Young to the confidence of the ut
:t i ded, and he may be rolltikilt"t on any of the disease s
described in his different publications, at his office.
Spruce street, every day. between Il and 3o'cleek, Sun
days excepted:and persons at any distance can consult
hr. Young by letter, Pool' PAID.
A F E—S PE E DY—S ERE !—S o in
rine adapted to general use, greatly superior to other..
and within the wesues of (.1 cry individual.
lOU PILLS for twenty-live emits! No extortion to
price—no Calomel—no minend poison whatever.
Ter,:ssnifa lIEALTIi PILLS fully merit the great
reputation they haveaequired. They are called for from
all parts of the "nod, because 'THEY ABE ALL 2.1.1 r anEY
WHAT THEY WILT. DO—They purify the blood, they
dense the stem of Humors, they cure Dyspepsia Ind
Indigestkin, they create, an Appetite; they cure hiek
Ileadacho,lfivainess and Lon Spirits, they arrest, Fescue,
they promote a healthy action of the Liver, they are
sure cure ibr Costiveness. and Habitual Constipation.
they aro highly efficacious in Female Complaints, they
strengthen awl give tone to the System. They aro 1 1 7...
best Family Medicine linown.
It is an obvious inquiry, medicine eau cure IT
many different complaints. These Pills, howilver, are so
compounded of curative materials that jewsons have on
ly to TRY TIIRM and the answer will is found In a ry
stored body and an invigorated constitution.
Each Rex contains 1410 Pills, at the astonishingly lot
price of 25 vents, Every individual should have thou)•
For sale by the Ortiggistq and Storekeepers generally
F. A. PALMER, general Agent, Stonlngton, Ct.
C. L. KeMug, of Mechanicsburg, Cutrdawland
county; Pa., announces to thot.e afflicted with Tutwo-s.
Wens. Chimers. Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, Sera
ula. King's Evil and all diseases that have been usually
treated with Caustic or Knife, ho can remove them with.
out cutting, burning or pain ; neither Chloroform or
Ether is administered to the patient. It is no matter
on what part of the body they may be, he can remove
them with perfect safety. and In a remarkably shore
time. No Mineral of Vegetable poison is applied, and nc
money rertuired until a cure is perfected.
Prolapsns Uteri, Female Complaints, Chronic, Vene
real and all other diseases treated with 'positive success.
bull particulars can be obtained by addressing in either
Modish or German, post paid. Patients can be accom
misted whoa hl irdbu rotsonsbbi terms.
:kloCliAllivAllt7 is MO c . .; the prettiest and &Mel
towns In this or any othm State. It is 8 miles front
ilarrisburg, on oho Cumbeff.ind Valley Eall Itisad, and
accessible from ill parts of the Union. The Doctor will
visit cases in anv part of the State when desired.
10 Kind realer if you know any afflicted follow crow
Lure, delay not to tell them of this treatment
AN TA ,l, T l , e l ti , dia P t il.. o P ett E o l f l :l, —J apol. t , i n s an t
g r ip e o ci:i i v' v e in ci dow a
shades and Fireboard Milts, embracing all tho newest
and most approved styles. The designs are neat and
chaste, and the prices such as cannot fall to givo satis•
faotiou. 'We invite cur friends and the public general
ly to call and ox.ataine our assortment before purchasing
elsewhere.lL SAXTON,
Suarchill East /Slain Stmt., Carlisle