Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 15, 1855, Image 7

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We copy the folloWing from the New York"
Mirror. "We accepted an invitation from
Dr. Carnochan, to accompany him last even
ing on a visit to his twelve hundred patients
on Randal's Island, and such a scene we have
nova before witnessed. Sickness and suffer
ing in all degrees of intensity and from every
variety of cause ; and patients of both Sexes
and all ages, from the infant of a day to the
Veteran of four-score, there they lie in the
long wards, with their narroiw beds foot to
foot, only a single passage way between the
long rows of cots, each occupant looking his
pale vis-a-vis in the face, and every face iudi
eating the various emotions of physical an
guish and mental sorrow. When it is recol
lected that no inmate of this emigrants' hos
pital can have been over live years in this
country, ono can readily immagine that the
memories of many of these poor victims of
proverty Mid vice, are busy with the scenes of
their childhotods' home, while their hearts
are aching with loneliness iu the midst of the
multitude of their fellow sufferers. In one
of the wards, a poor aged woman is suffering
from a cancer in the breast, as large as a full
blown peony, and not unlike it in appearance;
and every breath she draws adds but another
pang to the agony of her existence. In the'
same room we saw a nine-looking girl, some
fourteen years of 'age, whose tongue has been
growing out of her mouth from infancy ; and
although it has been several times cut off,
still continued to grow, until Dr, Carnochan
adopted the very ingenious plan of cutting off
the glands that supplied the means of growth.
The effect is already very marked, and the
pour child seemed delighted that her tongue
had become so much reduced as to euable,lier
shut her mouth.
"And yet it is surprising that so few of
these poor creatures die at the hospitals.—
Dr. Carnochau informs us that during the
past year, out of twenty-nine thousand cases,
the proportion of deaths was only about six
per cent. ; and in his own department, the
surgical, out of over four thousand cases he
lost only ninety!
When we take into consideration the fact
that the indite population of Randall's Island
(except the physicians and uurces,) is but one
mass of miscellaneous diseases, and that the
average portion of deaths is.scarcely greater
-than is shown by the mortality bills among
the .outsiders,' the fact speaks well for . the
snore scientific treatment and systematto nurs
ing of the hospital regime.
,13Z — The Paris correspondent of the Cour
icr dcs Etats Unic tells the newest bit of Par
isian scandal. Thus runs the gossip: "The
gay world is very much amused, just now,
with an adventure of the charming Dutobess
de Nl—. Having planned a journey for•
the summer, she had advertised her country
liaise to let, and, according to the directions
as to where the owner could be found, the
young Count called to negotiate for
the place. Arriving at the door, he requested
to speak with her Grace. 'Come up ut once,'
cried a maid from the top of the staircase,
•Madame has been very impatient to see you!
With a polite attempt to inquire whether he
,was understood, but entirely overruled by the
talkative servant, the Count mounted the
stairs, and was shown at once into the bed
room of the lady. 'Ah, you are there 1' said
the lovely Duchess, 'now, then, I am at your
service.' And throwing herself into an easy
chair, she drew up her flounces, unclasped
her garter, drew off the silk stocking, and
held out her bare foot to the astonished young
gentleman! She and the maid had both ta•
ken him to be the corn-cutter, who had been
sent for that morning ! All Paris, except the
Duchess, were quite amused with the little
blunder." •
LA(11311 BLIM-1/01D itamade.---A' interest
ing lager beer trial came off in Petersburg,
Va., on Satutday, in which interesting lager
beer statistics were brought out on oath, and
may, therefore, be believed. Mr. Solomon
Keyser was the defendant, and was charged
with keeping a disorderly bier saloon. A very
respectable german fitness in the case de
fined what lager bier was. He said it was
manufactured of malt and hops, and to niake
it bitter an extra amount of the latter was
thrown in—that was bier. This compound
'Was placed in a barrel lined with a casing of
rosin, and was laid in a cellar, from which
laying in store was derived the name lager.—
This was lager bier, or 'stook ale.' The wit
ness thought it might burst a man, but would
not make him drunk. He had known German
ladies in New York and Philadelphia to put
17 to 20 glasses (pints) under their waistbands
in one day and never feel the effects.
orA Lawyer mum approached a pretty
quakeress, and said she looked so' charming
/le couldn't help giving her a kiss.
?Friend,' 'said she, 'thee must not do it.'
'Oh, by Heaven, I will.'
'Well, friend, as thou halt sworn, thee may
. do it: but thou must not make a practice of
The ferry boat between this city and Cam
:den last week, was the theatre of an occurrence
not very often witnessed under the oircum
stniMes. On Friday, at noon, the day being a
little pleasant, and the lady passengers, which
by the way comprised only about a dozen.
were seated upon the benches enjoying the
scenery of the Island. Pretty soon a shout
was heard. 'Mien Cot! Miiirt Cot! vile is go
ing to be Radek.'
Instanter the ladies all 'rushed into the
ladies' cabin. -The husband was speedily
turned out of the cabin by the ladies, one of
whom kept watch at the door, while others
made preparation to receive the expected
stranger. Of course we cannot enter into the
details of this subject, for we were 'on the out 7
side observing the husband, who begged
lustily for admission.
'Oh mein Cot!' he shouted through the door.
'Keep a stiff upper lip, Katrina; tont be
schairt. Oh mein Cot!' and he danced around
the deck in a perfect fever of excitement.
It was impossible to quiet him, until in a
few minutes, one of the ladies inforined him,
though without granting him admission, that
'it was all over.'.
'lsh it a poy or gal?' he shouted.
'lt is a girl,' said the lady sentinel, anxious
for a littlo amusement.
'Oh dunder!' wa- the vexed reply.
'No matter; a gal is better as hotin.'
'lt's a boy,' again said the lady.
'Vot ish it changed—ves it a gal vonst, and
now a leetle poy?'
, Thotistiod tuyfels! vet ish it, den?'
. 'There are two—a boy and girl. You had
better procure a carriage when the boat lands.'
'Oh dat ish Boot! Pat is better as gout, a
rwy and a gal mit one job. Katrina ish punk
ins, I always knew it.'
And the happy husband disappeared in
deareti of a cab to conduct his family.hotne
lama Ibmr.—A lady in New York has re
cently had a remarkable experieno9 with a
new Irish girl.
'Biddy,' said she, one evening, 'we must
have some sausages for tea this evening ;
expect company.'
'Yes, ma'am.'
Tea time arrived, and with it the company ;
the table spread, the tea was simeriug, but no
sausages appeared.
, Where aro the sausages, Biddy ?' the lady
'An' sure, they're in the ta-pot, ma'am!
Dil'ut you tell me we must have em for to ?'
GAIN OF Tuir.—The difference between ris
ing every morning at six, instead of eight
o'clock, in the course of forty years, amounts
to 29,600 hours, or three years. one hundred
and twenty-one days and sixteen hours, which
is eight hours a day fur exactly nine years ;
so that rising at six will be the same as it
nine years of life were added, wherein we may
command eight hours of every day for the cul
tivation of our minds and despatch of business.
BAD PrNcrunno:4.—A blun p deiing composi
tor, in setting up a toast, —Woman; without
her, man would be savage," got the punctua
tion in the wrong place, which etude it read:
"Woman, without her men, would be a sav
age." The mistake was not discovered until
the editor's wile undertook to , real the proof.
ExrLostvE.—"Don't talk to mo about your
gun cotton," said a gentleman, the other day.
^l'll put my wife aguittst any invention iu the
world for blowing things up; if the Allies could
get her to bit down opposite Sebastopol, the
Russians would leave instanter, or be blown
sky high.
TUE POOR Guns!—An Aberdeen paper
states that in the beautiful town of Thin, with
a population of some 4000 souls, there has not
been a single marriage for twelve mouths.
Bar' A friend of ours is about to get out
an almanac from which all stormy and cold
weather is to be kept out. If ho can only get
the elements to play second fiddle, it will be a
great affair. Well, it will.
A ICATunAL IlionENoE.—ls it not reason
able to suppose that when a young lady offers
to hem cambric handkerchiefs for a rich bach
elor, she means to sow in order that she' may
reap ?
S67^llf a girl thinks more of her heels than
her head, depend upon it oho will never a
mount to much. Brains which settle in the
shoes never got above them. Young gentle
men will please put this down.
Dia„,'l find, Dick, that you are in the hab•
it of taking my beet jokes, and passing them
off as your own. Do you call that gentleman.
ly conduct?'
'To be auro I do, Tom. A true gentleman
will always take a joke from a friend.'
,6" In virtue's. en.the good are always
great, the great riot always good.
Qtlr#lT:rilitoa Qs)4l,lV„
Nori,.,illanover street, next door to
was, E, nom.
lie Would respectfully inform the
citizens of, Carlisle and the public generally, that he
has anal on hand a large and elegant assortment of PUB-
N tT Li RE, consisting in part of Wardrobes, Card and oth
er Tables, Solas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy
Sowing Stands, manufactured of the best material
and quality warranted. -
- Also a general assortment of CIIAIIIS at the lowest
prices. VISNIT/ AN BLINDS made to order, and repairing .
promptly attended to.
Aril - COFFINS made at the shortest notice vend hav
ing a splendid hearse he will attend funerals in town or
coo n try.
Remember the stand—next door to ii. aless's
hotel. It. B. SMILEY.
1 -JAMES R. IVEA VEIL, would respecfeully call
the attention of House-keepers and the public
to his extensive stock of elegant FURNITURE,
including Sofas, Wardrobes, COD Ire and Tables.
= L Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and every other
article in his branch of business- Also now on hand,
the largest assortment of CIE AI ItS' in Carlisle, at
the I west prices. AOFFINS made at the short-
est notice and a. Hearse provided for funerals.. Ito
solicits a call nt Ids establishment, on North Han
over otreol, near Gia,se's !bitch. .
.4.1j-Furniture hired out by the month or year.
Stores Huh SOops.
FALL STYLE OF HATS for 1.84, .•—•
OEt)1071,1 KELLER respectfully announces t lis
old Patrons and the public vynerally that he has jut -.:-
, reived the FA LL STYLE OP 0 ENTLEM P. - .i.
J }}j HATS, manufactured at one of the best establl. -
ments in Philadelphia, to which he invites sped ,
Ile has also constantly on hand a large and carts Ur•
sortment of his Ilan manufacture as well as city d
Hats and Caps, suitable for the season. cm anprising at ry
variety of Russia. heaver, Moleshin and Ilats, fin
ished in the latest -lyle, together with a full assortment
of CAI'S of every shape :nut description. and at every
price. lie particularly invites the public to call and ex
amine his usocncive assortment, which in style, mat e
riti and finish. cannot lie surpassed by any in market,
and Which,he is able to put at prices lower tb , in ever.
Remember It uld stand on North Ilunor r street. he
tweet' Hunter's and :-. , 01/er's stores.
_IC&LI, STY I,F, Olt' 11 ATS &,. CA l'S.
' WM. 11. TRorr, desires to inform his old friends
that he has removed to Lie Ill.W ustallieluuout on High
street. near the Railroad Depot, anti is now ',Leming a
larze and elegant a tsortment of the FALL STYLE
eitl id.' lljust received from Philadelphia, which
the gentlemen of Carlisle are requosted to aell and
examin e . Ile has ;its , r a large assortment of Silk. Fur
and Slouch lints tie his own manufacture. got up In the
Lest style and at various prim,. the exeellenee anti finish
at which he will warrant. his stock he is confident on
ly to be examined to be approved. Also. a large
supply of Men's, iloy's anti Children's CAPS, of Cloth
and Fur, and of et or'. variety of style anti prier'; ust re
et,i VC. I from Philadelphia. Let all who want a Ilat
Cap giro him a eall. as they may be sure of being suit
ed to their own satisfaetion.
WA ILE—Old housekeepers and young, with thi.s
also who are expecting to become housekeepers. are hes it
ed to call at 11A LBERT'S FAUI I.Y 01:1 IC ELY and ex
and no his elegant assortmen t of China. ti lass and (Detente
ware and other articles in the housekeeping line, such
as French and English tea sets, heavy banded and plain,
White t/ronite. gilded and blue plain, Dinner sets ,d ev
ery variety and price, taiels and pitchers, tureens,
es, &a. tilass-ware—run tee table and mantel lamps,
Cdndelabras and other lamps, great varity, table and bar
tumblers, goblets, Sc. Fruit and preserve dishes. in yr
Cedat.-ware—t übs, buckets, churns. bowlr. butter
prints and Indies. meal buckets, &c. Brushes—sweeping,
white wash, scrubbing, hand and shoe brushes, dusters,
brooms, &c. Market, clothes and travelling baskets.
Also a choke assortment of Tolso re. and Starnes. .Call
ye who are loud of choice brands of Segars and try the
Principes, Leg:alias, Steffanonis and other Cuba varieties,
and you will fluid thou! of uninirachahlo quality. , Also
half Spanish and Comtnen Segars, with device snuff and
chewing tobacao•
• „,___.. F OR THE MILLION
4 3 , PA Pti\i"-- , ,- - 1
jm , ~ t,1,4 1 . , : c:‘ - -. lam just receiving my Fall
•.., HAMM =::-..-;;..5, stock of PIPER HANG I Itit; t 4,
4 Dilltta —--'•%-.; which surpass In style, quality
• eau .5,,, Maur and price .any that have ovn.
boon exhibetedm
i an n Carlisle. I respectfully solicit aV ll
fro persons 1 , 1 wt of Paper Hangings of any loser)..
tion, as I am confident by as , ortment fir surpasses aqy
in the through; and In style and prices has but few ri
vals in the city. I only ask of theimblicla call and ex
amine my assortmant before purchasing, as I am confi
dent my chaste designs cannot fall to please the most
West sklunf North Hanover Street.
AMES ! please call at RAWLINS'
j Wholesale and Retail SHOE STORE, opposite the
:Rail fiord Depot, if you want .
(hood French 31orocco Boots for $1 00
Tan colored Gaiters, foxed. 67
Fine French Morocco Jenny Linde, 16
Linen Lustre tlaiNrs tI2
flood Cloth Shoes. fal
French Morocco Ties, 37
Good Madras Slippers, 05
Children's Roans, 12
Carlisle. May 2.3
ROOTS AND SHOES. The subserib
er has now on hand a very extensive and well se
ected stock of It 0 0 T S and S II 0 E 5, N
which he will sell at unusually lowprie- Id aho
es. Purchased from wholesale dealers, '•
at low rates, he can offer such induce- "- • ':'
minas to purchasers as will make It their interest to vis
it his establishment. Ile has every article in the Boot
and Shoe line—fbr Ladies' or Gentlemens' wear—he
therefore dooms it unnecessary to particularize.
4?) - - Persons desiring good and cheap goods, are invit
ed to give him a call.
le „, 1 / 4 14 . BINGIIAM, DAVIS &
C0.,0 Market Street,
'.11.t1 .
'and Philadelphia. Cars kayo both places East and West,
twice every Week, Timadays and Fridays, --- All - business
entrusted to Bingham, Davis k Co., will be attended to
with promptness, whether in sales, produce or freight.
A. 11. BARNITZ, North street, Baltimore. has also
entered into this arrangement, and will attend prompt
ly to all business entrusted to him. 31ay30,--Om.
A gg NEW BOOKS ! •
Tho White Veil, a Bridal Gift, by Mrs. Hale, a splendid
ly illustrated gift hook.
Longfellow, Byron, Moore, Mrs. Romans and other po•
°tied works, beautifully embellished. •
Irving's Sketch Book, plain,
Jerusalem and Its Sacred Localities, by Rev. W. 11. 0.
denholmer, Rector of St. Peters, Phtlad'a.
Pickering's Crook Lexicon. -tinnier Iu the
Miranda Elliott, a now and Interesting story. •
May and December, by Mrs. Hubback.
Ellen Norbury, by Emerson Bennett. •
Grace Lee, by Julia Kavanagh.
Robert Graham, by Mrs. llursh.
Harper's, Grahams and Coders Magazines for May,
With numerous other now publications just tin'd at
niay2 PIPER'S Cheap Book Store.
The subscrll4r has just
added to his former stock a general solection,of CIIOICE
GROCERIES, aa well as all tho other varieqr of articles
, i usually kept in a Grocery Store, entibmchni Rio
"XS • Coßee—roasted and green--at 12% and 14 cents
• per lb., Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Pulverized
Sugars, of fine qualities; Choeolates,Epices,Balry
Salt, and a variety of 'Fancy articles, all of/ which are 0.
fared ut the lowest cash prices. We are thankful for tho
former support given us, and Invlte'a further call from
our friends and customers. • J, W. EBY.
Marion Hall, Carlisle.
) 4 9e192 0 ,' FRESH SHAT).--A few
bairela of prime No: 1 SHAD, just
pprll 11.
Stores nub
ShORE, W. D. A. NAUGLE, would respectfully
aIIIIOIIIICO to the , itizehH
/ " Carlisle, and vicinity t ha.
uo he has opened a largo and
beautiful stock of l'ime,Ecf.
fO2 Cz. WATCHES & JEW E bit
p the N. E. corner of the
Square, hi the root,.
formerly. occupied by.Satal.
Elliot, one door East of ff.
W.:l . Wer's dry good store. The stock consisting ou
every article in the trade, vi GOLD AND SIM' El
WATCIIES of every style and quality, gold fob, noel
vest and chatlains chains. gold lockets. breast pins, ea
Afc. All goods warranted to be what they or
sold fur.
nip Particular attention paid to It EPAIRINU ,
Watches, Jewelry, Sze. All work Icarrauted aceonlin
fo duality. The subscriber flatters himself that he ca
glee entire sat6thetlen to all that fit eon: him with Mel
custom. W.l).
Carliede, ISI '55
- ' have now on band and for sale at
4t l.
my UM Snind on Alain Street, oppositc;" Marion hall,
entirely IleW and elegant stock of
doll Lever %Vatches, hunting and open ease, Silver do,
SklVer Lenin° nod Quarter Watches, a large variety.
;old Anchors fur I,adius and Rundown,
Medallions, a splendid assortment for ladies and gee to.
Breast Pins of every pattern, and all mic's.'
()old l•hains for vest and 111, gold curt,' chains,
Finger flings. Cuff-Ins, Studs, Sleeve Butt,lns.
Crosses. Drop and Ilonp Ear-Rings, a lot-go s ; u•icty.
Silver and Plated Forks, Table . and 'Ain Spoons, Mittel
Knives, &c. of various styl4s and prices,
Gold and Silver Thimbles,
Gold. Silver and Counnon Spectacles: a large assortment
to suit all ; ges, and to which we In ite particular
Port Mon na les, a large assortment at every price,
Gold Pens, of the best make at various prices,
Laney Boxes, l'o rt Folios. A ecordeons, Spectacle eases,
ladles Card Cases, silver atg,d pearl, nt t rictus prices,
Bracelets, void and common; Watch Chains ditto.
Also it largo variety of articles in the Jewelry line.
which I will sell at the lowest prices. All atticies war.
ranted to be what they are sold for.
IM.l`artleular attention paid to the Iit:PAIRING OF
WATCIIES and all work warranted. lteturainv thanks
totay old friends and enstomers for former patroimge,
respeetrully solicit a conlitltmnrr (d their fawt s.
june2o i• TIMM.% S CON IS N.
D SU l:
1( 7 )o t ). EziloEs I—CHEAP FOR CAS,II:
i illll rceelving a large assortmw.t, of
tr .
Shoes of tho most, fashionable styles and ex• A
client make, fresh from the best mon ufmlories, r
which 1 will I t ell'extremely low for Cash.
L toms' Tan-colored Gaiters, of Willie's make, a hall
,Ine article, only $.1,25; fine Jenny Linds, 'usou.,.
trot hi to 1,15: black Lasting (laden, 11 ill is' make.
1.11 ; French Morocco l:uskl us, single soled 75 rent..
French Nloriiceo Boots. double soled, I:_'s: ['arts beets
1,25; menis Mmorro Shoes. home made, I, E JO ;
ditto 1,71 ; Kid Ties, 50 ots: Polka Bouts 1,31 ; Cush.
intuit Tills, 1,31 ; Sontag:: and Allamis
(11:NTI.F.NItN'S -Ext ra Fine Freuell Cult hoots, a tenut if al
article. only Ezi..W; Calf NV:ill:Mg Shoes 1,50; calf
Congress llaiters. 2.25..• Cloth Menteros Patent
Leather oxford Shoes, 1,55; .lull ten Ties 2,511; patent
leather Congress Onitors as low 2,1111; also patent
Pump Ties, fine Cloth Gaiters with patent lips, Ben
kert.s A No. 1, p;!tent leather (zlot y -top Puttered Con
gress (Miters. enamelled, patent leather, le. at very
law prices. Also Carpet and Velvet Flippers.
Misses Polka Boots, Opera Beata and Jenny Lim's:—
ColormrGaitees, patent tips. 87 els; two Kid Boots at
Z 0 cents.
ClitumEN's Highland Boots, Ettrokas, Excolsiors 311,1
o kleA les. I:onns for 20 cents; Calf, bittglt• soled, fm
5 cents.
MEN'tl Kip Boots In great variety, Forno as Inn' as $2 ; ItrozAns Cult - skin shoes it 1.60.
Womk:N'S KIU Buskins, double soled. 75 to $1.2..5; 1.41t00-
tees. Calf 75; Heavy Kip Boots Llnnen Oaiters 7.5;
Half Gaiters 12; Slippers 37., a
Bova' Heavy Kip Boots, Fine Calf !WAR. Brogans as low
as-75 vents; patent Congress Gnitors, patent leather
MOuroes, patent leather Jnllion ties. &e.
CAItI , ET B.VIZI of ever description-OH Cloth. Union, Prue
sets. Velvet from bOrt to $:.!
rk,Alst, several thousand dollars worth of
Country Merchant's mid other dealers arc Invited t,
All who wish to buy good shoes and save mono ,
will call at Porter's old stand, Maio street, near Hai
Road Depot.
April ISth
HA NTCII . & Co. have opened nod now of
k fer for sale at their Store on West nigh Street
000 Ivor west of the liotel formerly kept by C. Stough.
an entire new stuck of heady Made ;2lnthinr,
salt 311 , ,N ANi) itOYS . NVEAIt.
Also, Cloths, Cassino red and Vestitms, which will im
mada up In the test- Ftylo awl on reasonakte terms.—
Shirts. Shirt Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, nail)
and Summer Stcks. Handkerchiefs, &v. of the netrea
styloq and best manufacture kept constantly on hand.
Confident of their ability to please, they respectfully so
i cit the public patmidige.
41 lIX O BOCEBY STORE of the subscriber, n Ma
rian Hall,
A new supply of fresh Water Crackers,
Soda, Nutter. Plc Mc and Sugar Hulseult,
Patina. Corn Starch, Tapioca, Sage, Pearl Barley,
Extract of Coffee, Rice Flour, flaking Powder, ac.,
A new lot of superior Table Oil,
Pickles, Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard, Bay
Rum. Sic. .1. W. rail'.
i „ GRocER .4=s , .., NEW GROCERY
The subscrlher would, respectfully Intbrin iliii friends :md
the public generally, that he has just returned from the
city with a large and varied assortment of
PISTE .t.c., &, which he o ff ers for sale on Go
~.„I " t i i, ',,
most reasonable terms, at his New Stoic =Alit
corner of North Ilanover street and the Pul fi „ l t t:e,
lie Square, directly opposite the Carlisle Dv.
posit Bank. His stock, embraces everything usually
iu a Grocery and Variety store.
The public are invited to call and examine his stock
before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confident he can
selEthe best goods at the lowest prices.
neslre . to Inform the cltizeas of Carliale and I'l6lllly
that they have just received from the City and are now
opening In the room adjoining Bentz & Brother's Stare,
a very complete asaortment of flrocerlea, such as
. _
and all the various kinds of SPICES and DRIED MEAT
such as Dried Beef, Bologna Sausages, tze. by the
piece or pound. Also Herrings, Mack
;'44l444&'"ac erel, Shad, Cod Fish antl a great variety
of articles not necessary to enumerate. 'ln addition to
the above, we will receive our regular supplies of
as soon as they appear in the city markets, to all of
which we invite the attention of the pubijs, as we in
tend to sell at tht very lowest prices for CsAh or Coun
try Produce. HARKNESS k :BULLIN.
. 114 opening n lnrgo assortment of Spring and Sutninor
Dross Goods, consisting of Plain and Figured Damps,
Plain and Figured Silk Tissues, Mingo do Latues, Plain.
Lawns, , Figurod Swiss Muslins, Organdies. Scotch Ging
hamsolud a groat Tarloty of other goods at as low prices
as can ho found any whore in tho town.
May Oth, '55. OEO. W. urn Eli.
RN? CORN Saeumn, decidedly the best and cheap,
ea now in use. Fanners are requested to call and ex
amino it at the Carlisle Foundry and Machine Shop, o •
at Sax.teree hardware Store. For sale at reaaenabl ,
prices by
Aug, 3
SUMMER HATS.—Just received a
the Store of ROBERT DICK, a largo assortment t
non's, Youth's and Children's SUMMER HATS, coi
shitlng of Panama, Leghorn, Fronch Strad., Canton an
other varieties, part of which are colored and black
some quite low in price. m 72
i E. GOI 7 T,D; [Successor to A. Fia.
t N. IVA ('li stnut. : , t... Swaith's Buildlrg. l'hilndel
phlu, extonsiv e Mtv.ic PlNlsher, and Leak' In 3luelcai
Im•trunic Id, of el pry de,erill jell.
21:J•ut, ILr the sad.. of flatlet. Davis k Co.
Patent Suspension Bridge :PoHan turd O.itter.PIAINCS„
Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos. :111..drot.s, 'Abu tin's Guittus
iiimPs, Violins, I , llost 3111:4bl, :1111,1,. Boobs. &e.
liCSidelltS,,i . the country will by fr.all or
othorwiso with musk they inny"wish. as 1, w its.if pure
tdiased in person. Haring One of the largest ste,hs iu
the United States, I feel..ronlidont of suth•fyingoll wbo
rosy favor me with a still or order.
Dealers In Music supplied on the most ill et - al terms
Pianos to let. ;Second-Mai Pianos for Ktle.
?day :!0.165:3-1!
EV, WIIOLESA LE and RETAIL. at the '•1 Lila
delphin Wateh and Jew elry State.
NutillJer North :•econd met, t r
Mr of (Q uarry. Philadelphia. (le:(1
• :aches. full •jew elled, 1S ear
at eases. i•2O I di
r• • - I :01a Lepino, is carat eases, 1.'4 all
• Silver " jewels,
••"0..C: • Silver Lever, full jer. elled, 12 (
7 10
1 to
:3 to
5 13,
Gild Spedaekti.
Dino Silver Spectacles,
(laid Bracelets.
Ladles' Cold p m , c ip,.
Tca Sprains. rrt.
Gold Pens. ttith Fend! unit Silver lichler.
Gold Finger I:lngs cents to Watiji
eents. I'atent:lB7,l.l,llmq '25; other nr01.1 , - ,
in proportion. All goods %variant ed t 0 .14: t, lAA tilt) are
sold for.
lIA 1.1. Y.
nn hand. 5 , 11111 ,, rld and Siher Lel VI'S and Lupines
£ ill lower than the ala,vo prireF.
p - EitItING'S . I'ATENI.', Cil Aikl l'i-
ON FIPP. PliVol , SAFES, %CAI.. lial's I at.nt
Powder Proof hock,. which We. e
f l
• ,•,.'...„,,:, ; aoar i i e d sop:mite f ',dais at the
ti,l t ) - 124: 4 , ,ti1:, N I % ..rld'i. Fair, London. :I 0 . :.1, and
fii iz•lib .i' t i yii .4 at. at
~t o l ie 11...... -id s , lair, N•
1r" --- `*" 1
~7 1/ tv . i r . i el ' - 2 1; g. 4,' , i , ,','!. 1 .'.•! . 'i:ii . ,`,"', 1 -I,Vii,, r ,, l ii,":t i t'i s ,!: is
~,, 1,--0,,-,,,.;`,5til :oat 'l , ;opriotot. ( : , i., t ' llis :Ante fi
ht . ,,, 1 ,-. : , y ,i1 , ::, ... 4 ti,.. - .1,L., , e, unequalled Fa Ins and
?,',.1t . • .•.' I ~.,t 0 hor.ts . .
.1 he . r . i.putatly! , of the
~ , ,,I, ... ,,,.„ ,1 ~„.4,... ii,!.riii).., ...Ile in ‘si•rlii
+4 $ :;;;;,:),,,- fx iii. and tor this last thirteen
•• s ear: the nierrantile C.lllllll.lllity
•.17kr.•..,.........,.., •
iIIIVO witnessed and borno terti
ninny to their NEVER F MING lire proof qualities. Mile
titan 12,01.0 of these F•afes halo been art unlit t.dil. and
ever TWO lIVNIIREP have passed triumphantly tiumich
incidental tiros. The public on. assured that all Fut', s
manufactured by the subserihors ore nrt ly cuarat,
teed to be fully equal, tut in many ret.pu,3s even supe
rior whir lr bare t so sever - My tried ty
re.. .011 forget their services in the turning et :le
'`Tribune est ahlisliment. - New Yuri.; and at the tiroLt
Fire in Strawhon y street, at the huge fire lilt
opposite the Ohara House: and still more I erelitiy
in the Fire at Fifth and Chesnut sts.. In the city r f
Uhlidelphia, in which these ;'ef t s (am . . forth the a,
knowludged (31.0d130N, when loony other serurilh.s
failed. & CO..
SAYE ANT , DM: LOO n . 31AnFts.
14 'if A LN UT Street. Philudelphin.
Chilled Iron Safes, with Powder Proof Leek a. in,1103-
fnetured expressly for Banks, Brokers. rs, and
others requiring security from rogues. Bank Vaults,
Doors. ‘tr. n ham' and made to miler. All the no A
celebrated Lorlis frq sale at lea 1111f:1d 111 eta' prices.
Seeoll4 11 . 11Wa “:':thinianders" and "Ig, n
Chests" of ether umbers. have teen taken in part pay
ment for lief ring's fer solo at half price. spl.ll
No. JOSS North T r-tret (above Eace) TIII LA PEI,
Matches having become an indispensable iirtide
In housekeeping., the huh-cell er atter a p cat sat Hike of
time and money, is enabled to otter to the Put it. an ft
tide at once combining, I. tility and Lbealme ss. lhe
venter knowing the danger ispprt herded on nett net of
the filmsey manner in which Matches are griteraily
packed in paper, has by the alit of New Fteam Tit ry
of his own Invention, succeeded in getting up a t3..A.FIAY
PATENT iSt/I:ARE 'UPRIGHT \VOW.) BUN; this tux is
fur preferable, in US much that It occupies no more v., 01
ban thri ,t . dd t. and worci box, and contains at Ittnt
Two Iluitirred per Cent more Mat ches, tthich to Ehipleta
is considerable advantage; It is entirely new, and secure
against moisture and spontaneous comtustion. dispels
all dangeron transportation by means of Railroad, :quern
'twat or any other mode of Con vet ant O.
These latelles are padied so that ono grt.Fs or more
may bu bhipped to any part of the World with perrrut
Ea Co ty They are the toot•t doiruble at tiele for Ilt nta
C4nsumption, and the Southern and western market
tbut hove e‘or been invented.
1).V.A11'..11S and FIIIPPE.IIS, u 11l do well to cull an
examitm fur themselves.
tty__These toatehes. are WARRANTED to be Superior
to anything heretofore offered to th , • Public.
-105 North I•'GURTII St. Philad'a.
Dec'r 4.1054.
FRENCH TRUSSES, Weighing less
than III; ounces, for the cure of Hernia or ituptmo
acknowledged) y the highest medkulauthoritiesof 1 till-
I:deli:hie, incomparably superior to any other in use--
Sufferers \rill be gratified to learn that the occasion IX , AY
offers to procure not only the highest and most easy, Lut
as durable a Truss as any other, in lieu of thecunitaxus
and uncomfortable article Miutilly sold. There is no dß
iculty attending the titling, and when the pad le locat
ed it is ill retain its position Ivilluut•change.
Persons at a distance unable to call on the subscriber,
can have the Tines sent to any, address, by remittlog
five dollars fur the single Truss, or ten for the double—
with measure round the hips, and stating side affected.
It will he exchanged to snit if not fitting, by returning
at once, unsoiled. For vale only by the IMperter.
Corner Twelfth and Pace streets. Philadelphia.
Aro"' LAMS,llifillg the benefit of Mechanical Sup
porters, owing to the derangement of the Internal Or
dans, inducing felling of the Womb, feral , Pulmonary,
yspeptic, Nervous and Spinal Weakness, aro Informed
that a competent and experienced LAtor will be In et-
Apiloneo at the Rooms; (set apart for their exclusive
use) No. 114 TWELFTH St., let door below Pace.
July 26,
• new
!—Just Published—A w
DISCOVERY IN .MEDICINE.—A few words or the
tonal Treatment, without Medicine, Spermatcribm
or local weakness, nervous debility, low spirits, lassitude.
weakness of the limbs and bark, indisposition and is ra
pacity for study and .labor, dullness of apprehersien,
loss of memory, aversion to society, love of solitude ti
midity, golf distrust. dizziness, headache, involuntary
discharges, pains In the side, afTertion of the oyes, pim
ples on the face, sexual and other infirmities In man.
From the French of Dr. E. DoLaneey:
The important fact that these nlnraning compli Intl
may easily be removed WITHOUT whim:tn. is in this t mall
tract clearly, demonstrated. and the entirely new antl
hitthly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author,
fully means of which every ono is enabled
to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible test,
avoiding thereby all the advertised nostrums of the
Bent to any address, gratis and post free, in a sealed
envelope, by remitting (post paid) two pcetage ttatops
to Dr. It. DoLoncoy, U L 15110.1111 street, York.
March 1-ly
of you who have been afflicted for years with thin
oniortio disease, and who have been.using almost
every Nostrum before the puldio without relief, we say
to you try 4, Kleffer's Antit)yspepti&' and you will soon
Do convinced of its great superiority over every other
preparation. We could give you many certificates corob
orating our mrsertions, but a single trial to worth more
than all. This rOmedv is prepared and sold at the Drop
Storo of It, J, K.P.IFFItit, South liannrer street, a feu
doors south of the Court House, Carlisle.
pl ) ilabelplpa.