Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 01, 1855, Image 3

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From tho Now York. Evangelist
Angry Boys
"Stop that, tell you, Hen. White ;
if you thaCdog another , blow, I'll fire
,this stoic at your hcad."
So er ed Jesse White to his little broth
er, who ~vits teasing and striking a dog
which iv is their joint property.
"Fire: it then; I dare you to do it. 1
guess do what I like tothis dog—he's
as much mine as he is yours."
And mamighty Fleury gave Hero anoth
er Aro]; of the whip he held in his hand.
"Take that., you hateful," shouted JEs
se, as he, threw the stone lie held full at
his brot! - lers head.
11e127 . , , , gave a dreadful shriek, and
droppin . the whip, covered his face with
both hands, and Fifarted for the house.
Poor ,ricked boys, what sufferiag they
brought ,ipon themselves! I wish that
their hi . - pry might be a lesson to all who
read it, id that it might teach all vio
lent chi .icen the danger of giving way to
anger a 1 rage
The ion had hardly left Jesse's hand
before i repented hieing cast it; and
0, whe ./ci saw the blood pouring from
betweei , he fingers of his brother, who
was sta, :ring across the yard, he was Cant with an:ruish and fear.
"Oh, dear ! I'm sorry I threw it, Hen
ry. Cth„ what shall Ido ? I never, necr r
will do sr, again," he cried rushing to kis
brothe - i't , side in time to hinder him from
falling tot the ground. The outcry made
by the two boys brought their mother to
the door, and her feelings may be ima;.cin
eddt, thy sight ()flier children with their
bloody- f ees and hands.
She s rn learned the cause of the trou
ble, and ,Icnry's wound was cared for, and
• Jesse ILA uo further punishment than
the knorledge that his act had deprived
his bro: ter forever of one eye, for poor
Henry's right eye was cut open by the
sharp of the stone, and it run out ;
and the erightfuTl Scar on his brow and
socket, where once rolled a clear bright
eye, are a perpetual reproach to Jesse,
and walling to both the brothers, which
has cured them of their once fiery tem
Don't Whistle.
"Don't whistle, George—pray don't,"
said a lady Mrs. Holt by name—to her
son, who had acquired a bad habit of
whistling, She had.often talked to him
on that subject; but to no purpose, for
he would
. not give heed to her words.—
"Why, mother ?" George asked, after
she had spoken to hint as above.
"Because," was his mother's answer,
"it is not polite—it is improper. How
would it look if you should come into the
parlor some day, when I have company,
and begin to whistle:—it would not be
acting politely, would it ?"
"No," George answered slowly. "put
then," he resumed after a pause, "I nev
er whistle before any one but yin and
father." •
"That is all very true, my son," replied
his mother, you. ought to show more
respect for us You should never whis7
tle in the house, or indeed in any place
or on any occasion where it may prove an
annoyance to others.. The habit of whis
tling is a very bad one when so constant
ly kept up - and tires alwost.every one who
is within hearing."
After that George took good:care that
his favorite habit should not annoy oth
ers. .
HARKNESS & lisuhum
sire to inform the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity
that they have just received from the city and are now
opening in the room adjoining Bents .t Brother's Store,
a very complete assortment of Groceries, such as
and all the vartems kinds of SPICES and DRIED MEAT
such AS Hams, Dried Bret, Bologna tinusams, &c. by the
piece or pound. Also Herrings, Mack
erel, Shad, Cod Fish and a great variety
of articles not necessary to enumerate. In addition to
the above, )ve will receive our regular supplies of
. _
AS soon as they appear In the city markets, to all of
which we invite the attention of the pultlic, ae we i e .
pm" to sell at ttit very lowest. wises for Cush or Coum
try Prodace. 11AltriNE9S A MULLIN.
ARPETING.—An entire 'new assort.
meneof earpetingitist reeelveid. Impertal,lngraln,
Vonition and cotton, soiling very , dump by
play 0 '55. eIIAItLES OCIILBY.
Storc9 nub ,sl)opti.
S. W. IIAYENSTICK has just received froin the city
and is now opening a splendid display of FANCY 00011 S,
suitable for the approaching I lolida,v Season, to %Odell
ha desires to call the attention of his friends and the
public. Ills aNhortnienk in this line cannot be surpassed
in novelty and elegance, and lad h in quality and price
of the articles, C:1111114 fail to please purchasers. It would
b..: Impossible to en e
o bleb comprise ci cry variety of ihney article of the most
si to shape such as
l'iogant alabaster and porcelain !ob.-stands and trays,
Peery ivory, pearl and shell card cases,
Ladies' Fancy Basket,.
Yaney Work ItoKes, with sewing instruments,
Port Mounaies, 1,1 . every variety.
dd pont• and peneels. Fancy paper web.tbt , •
Bapeteries. and a ;ago lari:t.) I'vney ;Aaiun-
V. , ttr , seals 31141 wafers. Silk and head parses,
L.ulics' riding' whips, elegantly finished, Ladies' fine
rut 4•r v. •
l'o o fume basltets and hags,
Bi u•dies of every kind for the toilet,
Porfuines of the various hinds,
! , lu,i••al ivistrtunents, of all ltin is and at all priers,
with oh innumerable varh•ty arth•les elo•;zalit
ly and suitable fla•holliday presents, to which
lin. ices siatei r al attention.
'Ale.o, an extensive and elegan . t collection of
comprising the various English a nd American ANN VA LS
for 1855, richly embelished oil ilusirated POET ICA L
WORKS, with CHILDREN'S 1 1(1111 lAL llOoKs. for
children 01511 ages, than which nothing can Le more
appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. His ass •rtno•nt
S,•1 100 1 Books and 6,•10ad Stationry is also complete,
and comprises every thing usi d in Colle.te and tire
Schools. He also th•sires to, Cl the particular attention
of Families to his elegant •1•, -, • cf
from the extensive establishments of l'ornslitts. Archer
atol others ,if Philadelphia. conlprbsibg every style it
Parlor, Chamber and Study I.:imps, for burning either
lard sperm or ethereal ;vil, together with Flower Vases,
Fancy Screens. ,t.e. Ilis nv this line is Llll
- in the borough. Also,
Flu; !Ts . , t ,„ ,
tin every 'variety and at all H•lees. all of which are pure
and fresh, such as. can eetobleotE, rer , lll/1101til,a to
111 ,, friend,: .111,1 the t al,s, His sial, 1.1101:16e,
every thing In the hoe of l'ancy ith man) other
art isle , tt,ctol l•P 11,$114,1o.vircl,„high 1110 pubti.
I! , itrJ tt Cal) 4.11,1
Nehlt•1111”, the 111 , 1 :"[llll,l. 11,111) 1.1 , ,/,Nlte thlit
North llatiover
dee 1.1 isai
EAT AI".I.'IZ.A oT o N I'U
put: IioLIDA vs.—MUSS KINDLE'S 01.1111.11
oew and Will Clllltilit:e to be ,11111111 ed I , lth the
'St 110Ven le, up tit the 1 . 11 , 1,1 , .re11e ,e11.,111,,,1111 king
part C.i.NFECI. lONA RIES bill., choicest varieties, so.
as Fine Candy Toys, jelly Cakes. Bon Bons, ti um I:ordh..,
Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Ruse, Vanilla, and
Burnt .]m au ls, French and exploding Secrets. Also
all the common varieties, all or whtoh will be sold whole-
sale and retail at low rates. We have just received
FRUITS AND Nurs of the latest importations such as
Dranges.hemons Raisins, Figs, Prueus, Citron, Currants,
soft and paper shelled Almonds. Filberts, Cocoa, Cream
and (Around Nuts. In conmsnlon with the above the
largest assortment of TOYS AND FANCY DODDS of every
Lied from all parts of Etinme, manufaetured o f wood.
glass, china, papier :nacho, till and India rubber, 'rink,
Xc., such as Fine IVas, kid and jointed Dolls, sewing
and Card Baskets, Work and Fancy Box es, Hes er Vases. -
Motto Cups, Tea Setts, )Lick Ilexes. Port Mointies, Battle
Doors, Urace'lloops, Masks, Drums, Guns Trumpets.
Dominoes, Let to and other pines, &c. Fancy Snaps and
Hair tills of every variety. In C011neCU(111 tell In L
above a large stock of FA-MILV UILUCF RI ES, such
. _
pulverised, crushed and brown Sugars, if every grade,
Coffee. Molasses, Starch, Green and 'Melt Tea:, Spices,
Butt6r, soda, Sugaf, Water and . other Crackers, cheese,
c. ' •
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a gener
ous public for the patronage heretWiore 11(e:towed on hint.
and hopes, by a desire to pleasu, to merit a continuance
of the same,
Carlisle, Der.r 7, 1554
We have just received front Philadelphia, a large
assortment. of now and SPLENDID ANN UALS,and GIFT
BOOKS for the Holidays, which having been purcha,sed
below the usual wholesale rates, we are enabled to
soil at greatly reduced prices They have now In store
a splendid stock of
Gift Books,
Illustrated Pouts,
Standard Works,
Bibles, all sizes,
Prayer Books,
Hymn Books,
Sunday School Brioks,
Tract Books,
Juveniles, &e., &c.
All of which are NEW WIOKS, fresh from the publishers,
splendidly hound and embelished and got up expressly
fir the Christmas:: Holidays. Also FANCY sTATIONRY
and Fancy articles generally. In great variety. The pub
lic are invited to call and examine samples now ready
for inspection.
gri - iie In ' , tither. the place to buy hooka, cheap, la a
PIPER'S. Maio street.
lk , e'r 20, I>:d
EAT I I Ell.—Fritz Hendry, Store
. E 4 29 North lid st. Philadelphia. Morocen Manta:yin
ors, Curriers, importers, Commission and General Leta
er bustaess.
11'11411,,KSALI:1 AND 11E' All,--Manufarfory 15 Ma
fis,allOreet. Sep. 7-ly
t, inform you that they have roomy
52 South Second Street, to the new building No.
2011 Chesnut Street, (live doors ahoy° Eighth, South
side) where they will oiler on increased stock at re
!need prices. 11 , 4„Ne‘v Spring 1.;0• , ds daily openin!z.,
PEITZ. III:N110; co.
No. 29. N,-th Thiel
moitocco :NIA\ ti"rtin
or:: of iIiEN(II CAL I' SKIN,, and lioalvn• in Ilea and
Id..dhrreci 1)2,`,-- I y
( 1,6 ; Jl. . U S STEIIN
\i'vt. 145, North Thlrtt Street, Philadelphi
Whelarale Dealer in
'Fancy Dress 'Trimmings and Millinery Goods,
and Manufacturer of Fancy Silk Bonnets,
keeps constantly on hand a very extensive assortment
of Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Flowers, Bonnet
Frames, Gimps, Fringes. besides a great variety of other
Fancy Goods. Ile solicits a call from Country Merchants
visiting the City, and assures them that they will be
sure to find any article above mentioned at the lowest
prices:— marchl4-2m
JOIIN STONE & SONS, No. 45, South Second
Street, Philadelphia.
Have Just opened their Spring Importations of
Including a general assortment of MILLINERY ARTI
CLES, of the most fashionable styles. The above Goode
hue boon Imported eqpressly for our Spring sales and
ounprise the largest and best assortment In our lino to
be found in tho market. marchl4-3m
SUMMER. HATS.—Just received at
the Store of ROBERT DICK, a largo assortment m
:Men's, Youth's and Childron'a SUMMER lIATS, con-
sisting of Panama, Leghorn, French Straw, Canton and
other - varieties, part of which are colored and black—
some quite low In prim. may 2
opening a largo amortment of Spring and Summer
bloods,consisting of Plain and Figured Samos,
Plain and Figured Silk Tissues, Darage do Mines, Plain
Lawns, Figured Swiss Musllns, Organdies. Scotch Ging
hams, and a great variety of other goods at as low prices
as mn be found any where in the town.
May Oth, 'a. • GEO. W. lIITNER.
llN(l—entivasa enamelled, fig
ured mill embessed,) patent and enamelled leather.
strings. hubs. spoke's. fel loss. slants. &c.,
Cabinet :51akers will find a large assortment of varn
ishes mahogany and walnut veneers, tumaiding,
Lair Cloth. elided 111115. Ase.
1110 Stork of Troll Is large and wrell selected. aware's..
lug all the lilnds hi general use. as 'manered and rolled
iron , If all sizes, flat. banmad band iroh, round. SOUIIIe
and oval iron. horse-shoe iron and nail rods. with a large
let of cast and spring steel. English and American !dia
ler steel. ke.
Iliiiiselteeiters anti tlinse - ahitit ef l llllllolll . lllg, Wilt nPri it
t.ll their :lily:tilt:ere to our rnth•rr, I.rit-
Lnnia and plated ware pate, kettles, rater ware. baskets.
In ndalt lon to the nhove We havo reeeirell it Fplenditt
roo:ort meta of Il'.l lA, PA NEIL took nig the stoeli
plete. nod :it such prices ns cannot fail to give
thou. IPe invite all frionth: to call. It Ton) In v. It ix he to
their 411V11 holt notat , ,e. Ilememher the old stalo.l. East
111 , 211 Street. Pa
(let. lth es.:(
AllltT \'AT, if A 11 1)-
. WA It stilp.r•rilwr having rel.nrn.l
thr,•l(l I r thi• Pall t NIA.' 11 11111,1 111.1
!Pi , 1i 1.1,1i.211 1111.1 .1 .11111 , 1 i, II:11'
thing usnall, t .,, tuld in that line (ir
.11 tin
j.; Vc.:l% t111.1 , -1t1114,:t I I•11' .1. 1,
`1111'111...1 - 1 !It 1.1 I.t ill on,h
.it a %cr%
nit•nowr nil. 1.1. t M:1111 t t i'a.
S. W. 11.11'
A 1)\1'_11 I:.—ll;unlilt'tL
prirnr. Arrival at 1, l' Ne r th ma r .
t..-”Al.t • f ,v,r Street, where Ih. public ate I vim:
supplied with every variety of Hardware, Paints, i•il
e,A. at the inwits; k,II MICE& Cnll lu, we can :mat ni
'mutate a ew more.
11.E.1,3180LM; (;+2I‘;I7I.NE E
For disease.•f tho 111:olar and K idorys. Seeret Discuses.
Strictures. enknewrs • and all disonsys id t.
w het hrr its MAI.. rr Fonmlt.. inn], a hatovor
eau,. thry Ilia) lilts ”rigioututl,tlnd no tont tor'ul how
Inns stand)
If you hart famtracted the terrible disease
once seated in the system, will surely go down fr 1111.7. e
generation to another. underminiug the countitution
and sapping the very vital fluids of life. do not trust
yourself In the hands of Quarks, who start up every day
In 4/ city like this, and fill the papers with glaring falls,
hoods, too well calculated to deceive the young. and
those not acquainted with their triehs. You cannot be
too careful in the soteftlen of a femed y In those CaSCIL
Tl/ a Fllllll 1:a tract Ilucha huts been pronounced by
eminent physicians the greatest rented) ever 1111 JWll.
It is a medicine perfeetfy pie:want in Ste taste. /11111 very
Innocent ill its aetion,und pet so thorough that it ant&
Itibites every particle of tho rank and poisonous virus of
this dreadful disease: and, unlike other remedies, does
not dry up the disease in the
Constitutional Debility:- brought on by selfabuse, a
most terrible disease. which has brought thousands of
the human race to untimely graves, thus blasting the
brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting In the bud the
glorious ambition of many a noble youth, can be cured
by this Infallible Remedy. And as a medicine whiat
must benefit everybody, from the simply delicate to the
confined and despairing invalid, no equal is to ho fouud
acting both as a Cure and preventive.
For Purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising
front excess of Mercury, exposure and imprudence in
life. chronic constitutional disease, arising from an
Impure state of the Blood, and the only rellatie and
effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula. Salt
Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcerations of the 'filmic anti
Les, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, 'letter,
Pimples on the Face,'and all Scaly Eruptions of the
This article is now prescribed by some of the most
111, , tinguished physicians in the country.and has proved
11 , , efficient In meet ice than a n y preNtrat i‘pi% et Sao-a
nal-ilia Vet offer, ,I to the publie. Several C:ISeS
of cettnu
d:ry it ph Ills. Ilercurial and Scrofulous diseases have
entlrely recovered In the Incurable wards of our Vublic
Institutions which had for many years resisted every
mode of treatment that reuht im devised. These cases
furnish striking examples of the salutary effects of this
medicines in arresting some of this most inveterate
diseases, after the glands were destroyld, and the bones
already affected.
•Nortcr--I,etters from responsible Physicians and Pro
fessors of several Medical Colleges, and certificates of
cures f-ui patients will be found accompanying both
PRICES, Fluid Extract of Boehm $1 per bottle, or 6 for $5.
•• Sarsaparilla, .•
equal In strength to one gallon of Syruy of Sarsaparilla.
Prepared and sold by li. T. lIELMOLD, Chemist, 263
Cla,nut Street, near the 4lirard House, Philadelphia.
b,, i and healers uvervu hem
All let hc:.• t r r r•—•viv,
at tehli , a.
p' 1(1 'l' 11 W.ABI f.-13ciint ;All Nl' hit
.1 To( til Iloatch an,l a s.vm.t Pd.; Lt h— All wt.
d,•Kirotti thes.!l,efielits ZER
)IAV:S ('I:1,1:1;i1ATED T.)0111 \VASIL
article combines se many meritoi ions qualitlec that it
has now become a standard,faverite with the citizens 0.
New York,-Phlladelphia and Baltimore. Dentists pre
scribe It In their practice most successfully, and from
every source the must flattering laudations aro awarded
Inflamed and bleeding gums are Immediately benefit
ted by its use; its action upon them Is mild, soothing
and effective. It cleanses the teeth so thoroughly, that
they are made to rival purl In whiteness, and diffuses
through the mouth such a delightful freshness that the
breath is rendered exquisitely sweet. It disinfects those
Impurities which tend to produce decay, and. as a con
sequence, when these are removed the teeth must al
ways remain sound. Dead the following from Dr. J. A.
Mr F. Zerman--Sir: Mating used and recommended
your Tooth Wash In my practice for some time, I And it
the most effectual Dentritios in use, and therefore worn.
mend It to the public.
Dr. J. A. CABMAN, Dentist,
Read the following testimony.
Mn. ZERHAN—Dear Sir: I have fully tested the merits
of your valuable Tooth Wash, and can, without hesita
tion, recommend it as the best that has come under my
notice during an experience as Dentist of more than six
teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and hardens
irritated Gums. and imparts a delicious fragrance to the
D 03.10. From the mouths of those who make use of it,
however, it will certainly speak for itself.
Geo. P. SCOIVELY, 811140 GO Dentist,
2 7 9 , South Tenth st., Philadelphia.
It is used and recommended by all the eminent Dent
ists in Now 'York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other
cities where it has been intrudurod. All should give it
a trial.
.I* - - Prepared only by Francis Zenunn, Druggist and
Chemist, Plilladolphia, and sold wholosalo and retail by
t'ainuel Elliott, Carlisle, J. Dorsheinuir, BlochanicslOurg,
J. Irerron, 'Now villo, J. C. Fihipponsburg, and
by all Druggists at onl f 25 cents per bottle.
.BE - Z"..:111 - kinds of Printing done cheap.
.r)!tlll\t,3).t . it
garbw arc,
Jr- 0 lIN P. 1.4 Y N E-1V holesale and Re
t tall dealer in American, English and Gorman
HAM/W:11M Oils. Paints. &v.. ,t. Illeehanies. builders
and %lie public gent-..a11y. who are in want of I lardware
any kind, :Iry invitrA tAxali in end
woanainr nay upusanily hr stock of
• g”ods, Sot ',III st Ver . > hIW
- prices. dust stop in: it. will (wily iletaiit pui a err)
few minutes to I 1111 i hiCed that %% hat v.l 11l body says
t I,yo'• is dweidwdly. 1, 1 :0, if, 1 . ..1.1,(h• at
prlct,--11111A l e LEW'. 11;0,1 wue ;-tf
It r<t Sint,' Lin ,, vor t.g
IH\ VII : 4 .1XT 0 , N. 'no
„ .
Stlie• t Inlet I no ,Ity tt nul , l rill th(
ntk,no,m of hi, I': ;end, tad the I ts 1 , I1,: I;,vterullt to ttu
large and, well set ,,, telln,, ,, ttnient. cif 11111.0w:we which ha
jit,t revetved...c ,, n,i,tint,_: it , hart t , l 111. I I.ltl `.IA
paints. --edge RIWS nud plafee..
O%eV.) de,eriptiett, with 'rat , :ps. hammers. ant !Is.
A general assortment. of SII , tI-.711 A liEltS AN)) t'A.l
1)1.1.:1 , 1 to , , , a , ther with 11101 oven, lining and 14;n1-
inc shins, shee t , ax, pegs, lasts , leleeeSS
lii chicflics.
I‘o S T IMPORTANT TO 1.1.1117,
. LADruz.-Ur. ( Mimmner's celebrated It 11:: , MTr.lif.
01.1., InVe been loan and widely known as invariably
Lertain in removing any mtomerge, irrermlarity, I I I:ri
o•orisinmof the menses. ' -
. .
In the Female in Vioatia, l'aris, and Berlin,
I,llllrely siiparsedtal tllO lthl. I f all 44114.; i ima.-
' , la,. n gum L. at tllil,lll by mod if•iaal
agt.brics. t I . l . fili 11 of.
Wt,11 . .11 Lu , 11111 0 ,t. filen. .iible. if v4,11..1a.d
. i aqui itald- nunioratis 111Si:11111, Jr• -
111icila , ref liras t lily ia•ria L l after all 1 , .1,0 Lad.
m. hat OIT ea itsr. the t rth.t
s /115 t/t p1111.'1,111,1y e.hete lII°
hra;th e ill I, Of I •l l t:unil y. they MO
ertieient: for which rett , on they ittt..t not he It,.
thirittg prt.zhtth,y. 111,e_th healthy,
And vortaill 11l 1.11 , 11. aveht.
Married Indlrn "ill lied part in.t ructions in t
directions. in rice 'stilted In viiri,itis
which Ihr elitist , t the I.i.
Price, tine lire Itox. containing. explicit
Each box will b.: sipm.(l by fir. It. (t. tlrissxrrt
. . . .
Prit. •I pal Liberty Street, Clly l
Lisp riidlolo agentsll be appointed for their• side as
soon as prod b able." ln the mean time. all onL•rs air
be addressed to Dr. IL 11. Brit..'}:!.. P.27 1 ..i Liberty:
\ • err-l'a'th ('ity. or to boa 21:di V. 1 . 1.5 t 1)1E. e aid
hex will be saint by return mail, as thee are put up in
sealed Of) VelelleS. and eau be stint tt ith the sttlytest pri
;ivy to any part of tfie United States.
As various not only inert . .. Mlle I lit IT:jurlous com
pounds purporting to be - FEMALE under:ill kinds
t.l I - 1111110S as HBO':
I, be
palmed off upon the ri liif ii or tio war). It I s . nly
11,1'Ssary for Indies to be on tlieir guard ItZldlibt the at
tempted And in res.-< is here the. e L, no
scent for the sale of "OP,
:47'111'11. pats. to order direct from Iby total. buy re
torn of , vbieli a ls{N will be sent.
duly 21.,
_ •
R. .1. B. 11.\ CE.L.E
_H I lINATED FttlZ 111.1,111:1.' At.
[(RI; W . ' tsCril:ltlNli FE:11:11,1.S.
it stands pre-ernittnnt
4G . \ VOI if// /Vi' hi al) the di,
Vas,: u111..11 it is nr.r.t•nt
• nt t 'n•i tt tl. •tttlled
11A1.1% t ' t t' I 1'1,.11 \ TS.
: .
Sri. I teri ei
• ..1 ti. 11 ,Itt.; I . lw,
' •
Lint i"4 •
• ,
• • • „,I
I I •
t il
t li.
• I I• , t •It 1 ttin
.• • t • r ‘ ‘ N '11 , •
• I rro, ot
u„• l , ! „! r ,_ it h a;)
- Ay. ••• ‘innan3 inq ci IS. (C;111,,
.. , 11 . 1 . 1•11 . 11. I no ntritt••r hitt. St ,
en! ••t 11 , W kit,: , 1,111 , 111.=
hi, lllVinullll3 has 110VVI'
Lned intryslin, I h, empty 111.1rS rind mkt , prnsoi•trtli• us,
turn is It intender'. that its present popiiirtnity sit:C.ll , s
sustained by any nirstiiirn Lut its merits :Arid the iti•itro•
lotion St tire wilily
:1 UTICA: 'll.l Tlll UNFORTUNATE . YE.711 ALE
I fool it n duty Incumbent upon myself to declare
publicly the great blessing Pr: 111archlsER Uterine ('a.
thoolbasio has proved to me. For two years my health
was miserable; I was almost unable to 'walk. Physi
cians pronounced my case felling of the womb. exten
sovo solo-orations. commencing with 11110 r ilFnx. Thu
pads. ira nation, I,rostrattom, &e.. rendered life a I motets.
In this miserable coosiditilo. Dr. E. I. N es‘1,1)(1 ) . re(lns.
Dr. Marclob.i's the Cat helicon After I:sk
i,: for I' Wes I find in) self in 111.114 , t }Wait )1 ( I :It
Ludt, Sim we reksoirottion makes me ardently desire :bat
ell nfp e x, alike onfort 'mate, rimy Lind sure relief from
this inestimable medicine.
No. ISO IVest-st., Utica, N. T.
Tito BIiOVU statement I know to be true.
F. P. N 1.3 %. LA ND. M. D., Utlea. N. Y.
. .
I Irm, no hesitation in saying, Dr. Mnrehisi's Uterine
I.llollcon Is invaluable in uterine diseases izenerally
I bane used It In Fluor inenorrhera. Prolapsus
Uteri, and In eases of extensive nieernon of the vagina
nd rs uteri. It Is worthy of the notice of the Faculty.
JOAN C. 011 DICK. M. D., Md.
all lido-laded call anti uldain a pamphlet (free)
collaining. ample proa f. he zap.: t ri”.lllTial le
r,,c, of the beneficial rrsultS,Of its use: togethe r
a Ith letters front highly experienced Physicians, wh
have used it In their practice, anti speak from their own
J. fizarrtn, Drumirit, South Hanover street,
solo Agent for earlif.le. Pa.
J. B. :BAK:HIST & CO., Proprietor&
Central Depot, 304 Broadway, N. Y
.Tanunry 24,155&-6m
T 111: tIREA~ I ' l 19FIER OF THE 11L01111.—Not
a particle of Mercury in' - H
Infallible remedy for
Sm,fula, King's Evil, heumm is m, stinateCutatwo u s
Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules On the Face, )3I t'hcs,
Chronic Sore Eyes, ging Worm or 'fetter. Scald
Ilead,'Eulargentont and Pain of tho Bones and Joints,
Etuls+rn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumhago, Spinal
Complaints and all diseases arising front an injudicious
use i Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or impurity of the
.I!t• , l,l , ive mal r 4 the
111, d med in t :I , lterni I b
all pat t • the ale te:•tity daily to the
remarkable votes pert , rtinal I y the vf all tat
etat-, SPAN !St! 11 \TUNE." Netnal.4ia,
I heimmt i• la. EroptMns 01/ t Shim Welt I
1 , 1% Ukci:, 1 4 11 the ii Whey
of the Throat. l'emale 0,1110:tint:, rains anti
ig of the Items and at , lnts. are very speedily pit
to IlLtht by ur , luc this great and iticatimable nantaly.
For all diseases of Mo. Bloody nothing tins yet Leen
found to compare to it. It cleanses the system of all im
purities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kid
neys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stom
ach, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the
Constitution, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the
excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength.
For the Ladles it Is incomparably better than all the
cosmetics over used. A few *doses of CAMIZIVB SPANIBII
MIXTURB will remove all sallowness of oomplexion, bring
the roses mantling to the cheelt, give elasticity to the
step, and Improve the general health in tr remarkable de
gree beyond all the medicines over heard of.
The large number of oertiticates which we have receiv
ed from' om persons from all parts of the United States,
is the best evidence that there is no Humbug about it.
The press, hotel-keepers, magistrates, physicians, and
public been, well known to the community, all add their
testimony to the wonderful effects of this GREAT lILOOD
Call on the AGIDIT, and get a Circular and Almanac,
and read the wonderful cures this truly greatest of all
31ediclues has performed.
Fone genuine unless signed BENNETT & DRIERS, Pro
prietors, No. 3, Pearl street, Richmond, Va. to whom all
orders for supplies; and agencies must be addressed.
And for sale by S. Elliott, S. W. liaverstick, Carlisle;
Ira Dar, Mechanicsburg; J. 11. Herron, Newville; J. C.
Attie, sbippensburg, and by dealers In medicines every
irti ILA. Surgeons' Bandage
_ street, sixth store above. 'Market. . C
EVERETT'S Potent Graduating Press uro TRUSS, fo ß r ti
sure of Rupture; Shoulder Braces, Supporters, Elasti
Stockings, SOpengary, Bernorrholdal, and Bandas fv
doformities. Jan. 11-Iy.
I'jFOUS. DE. BEGES‘--Just received
LTA anntharlut of Clt° apitt. Delaines and rar
mattes Cloths. noTls] 11. W. 1111T.NER.
Jaundice. Chronic or Nervous debility. Ides ,
the Kidneys, and all diseases arising. Iron: a tlisorde
Liver or. Stomach, shell as'pation. iiiisard pl.
fulness of blued to the head, achtity of the st m
111Iuses, heartburn. disgust tor ihed ft:lnv:is or
the stomach, sour eruct:o.lo:m. sinking r r 111111,111 1 1 '
the pit fit (lot SWIIIII,II, t•St 1111111i:11 of the head. Ii erri,
And difficult breathing, lluttering at the heart.
Cr sufr-2tti.g 111 r-,...•
vision, dots r.r webs I t ill W I , the si r . lit 1. I.! a:
dull pain ui the head, deficiency of per spttai
nerd 01 the Ado 411141 et es. psi a in lie le
I iris Yuan, ol kwat. izurnilq lu lit' ft •
nn.wir legs rd ecil. and great del r. 4 ti
its. Call ellreLt by Ur. li. trl (.‘
WiIIMAN iirrvltli6; plop:trot I.y Ph. C. 1 .
JActisos, No. lixt.lrell l.....treet, Philadelphia.
Their pom or et or the alsne diseases is hot _excelled.
tilt Milled. :Mir 4.4 tills i eporation In tiw
th, 1.111.0 S attest, in litany cases after sishit.l
clans had lulled.
These Litter,. are worthy the attention of In rands.-
Posse,sing peat virtues in the rectification of dies•
f the Liver and lesser glands, exert ising the ne •
powers in Weiti(Yll . SS aria fitteal(llll3 of the o
o:esti%C organs, they are withal safe, Certaiu
J. D. Spring. Lareyville, l'a., April O, 18f1, says '
•an get you mune good certificates fin. your Uennan lil
tors In thin vicinity If you NYIX theta. A lady purcla.
lug some or it this week, says ti tit is by far the lei.
medicibe she evt.r hnew; lavi 'ig done her and he
daughter inu.-11 geed. Ac.
B. LINI,OII. I:cnllu•J's Store. Somerset co, In., au ,
15, 1553• ants. 8111 notch attached to your Germ:.
(sitters. hating used LW” lottlrsof it, whielt I pr•oeun
from N. K art z. yottr agent at s 4 merset, and fouhd gru
relief fr, in it in disease of the Liver. I fired It I .
freat effect on me lungs. strengt honing and innigoratit
them, which, as I mu a public speaker. is a great help I
Giles, Newton ilnndlton. l'a., INlay.l9fil, said: "
aye sell half a dozen bottles of your Herten
liltte:ii air Liver; Complaint and diseases f a ii.erti
harai ter. resulting lean the abuse of niereutl. Iw:
iiiisolled spasms frtm the 111, ..f
atter arliele. 'I he tivilinin litters is the . first artii .
:Joni I olitainoil any relief. I have also given t 1
irtiele to many s:w•plies, It it It the tiii st salutary I ,
'tilts. I lidrik as litany more lilittles Ni ID,"
I'. Vi lung, lisq. , of Dauphin. l'a.. it lilt )111,
'I was AP tiled with Canal:al Deliility, Intestinal It 0%1
iiiss a:,d slit ways.firwhichl litany dlfferei
einedies with - out relief. lat Inst. used yi ur
ierinan i;it tors. I hank a few Lott les tieeeraing t o
1.0 was d. I hat,. 11 , 11 ,
i.:1111iy for ten years as I hate I eon sine!.l tot 1. yt t
hich is abetit line year ago."
Bitt. , Ir, ENTIIII I VEG LI lIII.e. alv - aysstrei ytt
ninr the and inistrating it.
id I dealers It molich, and stiletiitipers ever
here. a . nd by Samuel. 1..1111tt. S. W. el stick and 1
Carlisle : huh] ger t Ce.. AI erlmnfi sl url
der ill, ten burg, and by Delijers in Medivida
. 1
hOCIOR l ' olll{
cents, by tombs of the FOCI
ET A:Set/APHIS, or }two
The thirty-sixth Editien, wit
one hundred engravings, shot
ing Private Diseases and MA
formations of the Generatir
System, In every slope au
form: to which is added
Treatise no the Diseases or 1.
males, into 'riot! for the use
females m 1:, (see pa; µ • I ill)
log of the nighest importan
to married people. or those co
completing "age. sly. Wm. Yenta:. M. D., Oradua
of the Univeisity of Pennsylvania, Member of filo Po
al College of Surgeons, London, and Ilonomr) Memb
of the Philadelphia 31ediettl society. The various hrn
of Secret diseases, Seminal Weakness, Diseases of tl
Prostrate Muth 1 mpotency. solitary habits of youth, al
faithfully described, and all the receipts given fn pll
language. The chapters on self abuse and Sendru
Weak tress is worthy of pertieuhkr attention. and shout
Is, read by every one. Young 1111.11 who have been ua
fortunate in contracting tlisent!c, previous to plant
yourselves under the rare cf any doctor. DO matter N. hi
his pretensions may be, get a copy of this truly valuab
Sea Captains and persons going to sea should posse
Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the Pocket Asculai
us, or Eery one ills own Physician.
a - b - - Let no father be s-slilimed to present a copy of tl
ißsculaplus to his child. It may &Ire him from an ear.
grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the t
cret obligations of married life without reading thence
et i'Esculapitts. Let no one suffering from a hackies
cough, pain in the side, restless nights, nervous feeliu
and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and girt
up by their physician be another moment without on
suiting the ..Esculapius. Have the married or tho
about to be married any impediment, read this tot
useful Book, as it has been the means of saving the
molds of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws
death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of this eelebrat
nork has been sold in this country and Europe since 1
38, when the first edition was issued.
Any person sending. TIV . EIVTY-FIVE cents e
closed ins letter. will receive one copy of this book I
mail; or five copies will be sent for .$l. Address I
WILLIAM YOUNO, No. 152 spruce street,Philadelptil
Post p.tid.
Twenty years practice in the city of Philadelphia a r
tainly entitles Dr. Young to the confidence of the ut
acted, and he may be consulted-on any of the disease :
described fn his different publications, at his office. 15'
Spruce street, every day between 9 and 3o'clock, Sun
days exceptcdland persons at any distance can consult
Dr. Young by letter. rosy PAM.
chic adapted to general use, greatly superior to other,
and within the means of every indifitlual.
.100 PILLS for twenty-live cents! No extortion It
price—no Calotuel— o mineral poison whatever.
Ult. Ton NSEND'S LTII PILLS fully merit thegreat
reputsttion they lmvoacquired. They are called for Emu
nil parts of the and, because TREY ARE ALL THAT TREY
VII WiLL TRI.--1110Y purify the bleed, the:
t' I • I
I I tont vIRI , I tßcy ellro Dp.p. l l :
I ittli.l,o,-; Appetite. they cane bird
I li , atta. ho, I , m: in.:, mad : 4 pirits, they tirramt
they prow t ilby arts n, the. Liver, they err
sure rum fer :a1.,. errs mid' 'Habitant! Corn-tipitic r 'l'
t lie are iii,4lll-: minaei• us in Female Complaints. thi,
tioimt hen it Ml 1;i1 it time to the Sy: 'limy mu 'AI
It. in an obvious inquiry, how one medicine run cure :t
many different complaints. 'rhea° however. are so
rompoueded of curative materials that persons have on..
ly to TILY Tli EH and the answer will be found In are.
stored body and an inviguratod constitution.
Each Box contains 100 Pills, at the astonishingly lov
price of 25 cents. Every Individual should have them.
For sale by the Druggists and Storekeepers generally
P. A. Datkura, gen , Agent, Stonhigton, Ct. 4
C. k Kelling, of Mechanicsburg, Cumberhind
comity; Pa., announces to those raided with Taw.%
Wens. Cancers, Polypus, Lupus, Moira or Marks, Sc,
ula. King's Evil and all diseases that have been usnalts
treated with Chadic or Knife, he can remove them with
out cutting, burning or pain; neither Chianti= cis
Ether is administered to the patient.. It is no matter
on what part of the body they may be, he can remove
them with Perfect safety, and In a remarkably short
time. En Mineral of Vegetable poison is applied, and nc
money *Weed until a cure is perfected.
Prolapsus Uteri, Female Complaints, Chronic, Von.
real and all other diseases treated with positive meows
Full particulars can be obtained by addressing In either
English or Gorman, post paid. rutients can Isr worn
modeled with Board on reasonable terms.
Mechanicsburg is ono cf the prettiest and healthy
townsin this or any °the& dtato. It is 8 miles from
Harrisburg, on the Cumbatrand Valley Rail RAM, and
accessible from ail parts of the Union. The Doctor will
visit cases In any part of the State when &shed.
ItS,.iiind reader if you know any afflicted Mow trod
tune, delay not to toll them of this treatment'
IVALL" PAPER:—.Tus_ calved . a
Sh V ad% ng le ;l l 4 l4 ' bo n o f ts P o a ttP r ra l c i l a n n igillhe l% n i o n w d e n :t
and most approved styles., 'The designs aro neat and
chaste, and the prices such as cannot fall to give estis •
faction. We Invite our friends and the public general,
ly to call and examine our assortment Infore plirelfsslnt:
elsewhere. 11. SAXIXIN, .
suarchdl Est Main StreCt, Carlisle