Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 25, 1855, Image 7

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ti nt r tui.
00 remier may be curious to know at what
od the event I am about to relate oecurr-
Reasons of delicacy, however, prevent
'min gratifying even lo reasonable a de
: and I will only say that the harifowing
'instance tooli place ib the summer of a
lin year, between the time of the arrival
first bear at the Zootogical Gardens in
, n nod the ptc , amt day.
had been a midshipman on lmard the well.
.v'u ship named after his majesty King
iam the Fourth; but, receiving letters
home announcing my father's denth,'l
just returned to take possession, as well
minor could, of the family estate. I was
very well acquainted with the world—
la the' liquid part of it—having been,
ight up in a country town and shipped in
loud ; but to make up for that I had nu
lieut opinion of myself, and watched
pride and anxiety the sprouting of what
mzeivcd to be a promising 'moustache.
tie evening after getting Myself into full
I was diFipinying my horsemanship near
7oological Gardens when I saw in the
leading to the entrance one of the loVC
woman that ever appeared to the eyes of
xreefer. What was that to me Y 1 do
Lnow. It was a thing completely settle I
ly mind that I was a full grown wan and
a full grown man has a right to lo9k nt
womale In short I distmiunted, gave my
to the groom, and lullowed my wrinity.
the girt was behind her, walking %sith the
, e maid, who had another chid, an infant,
er arms, and to my great sati,sfaction this
less servant put the baby presently into
army of the order girl not much bigger
t tt,‘tlf. 1 watched the proceeding, saw
litt,e creature whose walk was but a tut
it the best, swaying to and fro under Ler
len, and the baby's long clothe,4 trailing
he ground. .
M.olatn," said I to the lady—touching my
,in quarter-deck fashion, "that baby,
", is in dangerous bands ; you are pet hap,
aware of it ?" She turned round instant-
It was Ivhat I wanted ; but the flash I
.ived from her beautiful eyes-had a world
autiness in it; aui although she bent her
head blightly and said ' Sir I thank you,'
d not dare le continue the conversation,
walked rapidly on. In fact it was obri
the woman thought 1 had taken an un-
rnntable lirerty in Criticising the arrange•
to of her walk ; and as when turtling away
right a smile at my discomfiture on the
of 'he nursemaid, who snatched the baby
;lily away, indignation mingled with my
'ho was thislady? Was she the mother
two children? Was :he the governess?
she n relation ? 'Was she single or
? ;The was single ; she was the mother's
1 decided upon that.. Aud after all,
Ler haughty look so very reprehensible ?
1 she not been addressed by a stranger,
that stranger a man—a man of somewhat
ingne figure and most promising mousta
? 1 relented ; and as I saw her enter the
dens my'bcart gave a great leap , for
sidered it uncommonly likely that a lion
ild break loose, or something or.other oc
to draw forth my chivalry and extort her
titude. I was not in error in my antici
tons ; although the circumstance that did
it was too wild oven for au imagination
mine. Had it come suddenly, 1 almost
tk I should have shut my eyes, held my
ith, and stood still ; but as it was, I had
;line to reflect ; the uppermost idea in my
d was, that I would do something heroic,
ething desperate; and wheu oportunity
Ted I instantaneously did it.
he party, with many others, were looking
the enclosure at the bear on his pole ~
in order that all might see, the nurse
d had the little girl in her arms, while the
e girl had the baby in hers. This arrange
it was mot very reprehensible as a momen
t freak, for the maid of course had got
1 of both the children—the elder of whom
jumping with glee ; and my attention
7efore was exclusively directed to•the lade,
) stood fillorbed- in the spectacle before
All on a sudden there was a scream
n the little girl; the unfortunate baby was
r, the enclosure, and lying senseless on. its
o in the arena, and the gigantic bear was
dily.desconding the pole to secure his prey,
Po climb the inclosure and spring into the
an did not take me many moments—but it.
k me too many. 1.-wus at a little distance
m the spot, and before I reacluld it, the
ir had caught up the infant, whose little
.e. was buried in its fur ; and, on my ap
)ach, made for the pole, and began to as-
Id with great rapidity. I followed Without
ing myself time for a moment's reflection
d while I . climbed. caught hold of the long
o'es - of the baby. The action was Well ili
a, V;(` Went (11'ealInli---
11t:Lp5 fqtal .. ; for the bear loo:ect hi 3
1 th , peer little thing fell to the L. ti
)...gun mechanically to descend hut di 1 not
dare to look at what was in all human proba
bility a corpse. And presently I could not
look ; for the exigencies of MY own position
demanded my every thought. The bear above
was descending with huge strides and angry
growls, and another below—a great black
monster, of whose presence in// the inclosure
I Ivi•loot been aware—was—Aambling along
to the support of his comrade, and had al
most reached the pole.
The lix was terrible, but it lasted only an
instant, for the keeper now made his appear
once, and with a few hearty wallops sent the
back bear to the right about, while my pur
suer stopped short with a terrible growl.
" What are you doitig there?" cried — the
keeper, as I staggered upon the ground.
thust give you up to the police fur a luna
'Never mind me,' Said I faintly; look to
the child for 1 dare not.'
'The child !—what child ?'
'Are you klind ? There !' and I forced my
eyes upon the hideous spectacle.
The creature's bend was off! It was wax.
I hardly knew how 1 got over the inclosure,
A sound of laughter was in my brain, as if 1
was made of ears, and every car wits ringing
its loudest. The nursemaid enjoyed the ad
venture more than anybody, but the little girl
in her arms clutched Ott we furiously as if
charging me with the murder of her doll; and
was not pacified till the fragments of that
sickening baby were handed to her over my
shoulder. I darted array; and it was Ugh
time to do so, for all the company in the Garr
dens were rushing to the spot.
The fair cause of the mischief was standing
a little way off, leaning on the arm of a tall
noble looking loan with moustaelieS ten times
as big as mine. She scented shaking between
recent alarm and present mirth ; and us I
sail she, with swelling cheeks an .1
unsteady voice, .my husband a lobes to thank
you for our little girl's doll !' But I was oil
Ike a shut without even waiting to touch my
hat ; and thankful I was to get out of the gate
for many of the spectators, on seeing me run,
followed mechanijally.
It would be vain to attempt to describe my
retleetions as I sped rapidly along. But in
the midst of a1l„,1 knew what was before me—
t had an intense conciousnes.s of what was to
be done. My resolve was fixed, and 1 felt an
insane joy at the idea that no possible Mier
ventiou could prevent me from executing it.—
As soon as I reached home I went straight
way to my own room, locked and bolted tny•
self in, sat deliberately down before the glass,
drew forth my razor and shoved off my mous
The Manchester, Mass., Mirror publishes the
folloWing story :
In the fall of 1847, a young man came to
this city from a Northern county, in quest of
employment in the mill. After weeks of un
successful effort, he became reduced to the
pitiable necessity of disposing of Lis best
clothes, in torder to obtain means to liquidate
his bills and seek employment elsewhere.
' After consulting about disposing of his clothes
at an6tion, he returned to Isis boarding house
to pick up the same; when the lady of the
house handed him a letter, directed to Isim in
a female halal, which she informed him had
been left there by a buy ; which, on being ,
opened, was found to contain $2O in bank
bills, with a note of hand for the same amount,
accompanied with tht,s following explanation:
"Mr. --: Knowing your pressing
wants, and having the moans at my disposal,
I send you $2O, with which you will please
immediately settle your board bill; and call
at the card room in -- Milton -
Corporation, when by applying to the over
seer, whom I have seen, you will be able, by
giving your name, to obtain a situation as
card•stripper. The work may not be desira
ble, but persevere, and in time it will lead to
something better. In return for the money,
you will please sign the accompanying note,
which you will enclose in au envelope without
direction, and with a penny for postage,. re
quest the Postmaster to place it in box
The note was made payable 'to bearer
Though greatly surprised at such a timely
favor from the hand of an entire stranger, be
gladly availed himself of it, and, impelled by
an irresistible power, he obeyed all the dire°
Lions to the very letter. On application at
the designated room, ho found that the situa
tion had been secured for him, through the
earnest solicitation of a young lady, who was
equally a stranger to the overseer, yet whose
pleadings ho could not withstand.
The whole transaction was so unusual, that
alter our here, by assidious devotion to his
business, had secured the confidence of his
overseer, ho rclated to Win the wild° affair,
and solicited his aid in endeavoring to obtain
the name and whereabouts of his benernotress.
lie entered willingly in the plans, yet two
years iiiyvtirry I%.mmiiied
wcu lcr 1. fu the rm:totime, the
beep promoted to giiioler, laid by M
ettruilip the Ain, 'IN his interest, in the
)s,ni!. ,- ,1.b os)intvo.
Sayings Bank, so as to be prepared to settle
so just a ellim at any moment.
In his first endeavors to unravel the myste•
ry, he applied to the Post Office, but found on
inquiry, that the bo in which the note was
placed was not usedbranybody, permanently
nt the time of the occurrence. Every suc
ceeding attempt in other directions proved
equally abortive, until at last he ceased all
etb.rt, and resolved-to wait for coining events
to unfold, or coming time to reveal the mys
Our hero after a residence of over four
years in this city, had formed sonic very valu
able acquaintances, and it is not strange, that
nutwithstanding his pecuniary obligations to
one, he had formed a very intimate acquain
tance with another of the fair FM True, his
moral sense rebelled at first, against yielding
up his affections to one while being so strong
ly under gratit•udle to another: brit gratitude
to the unknown was compelhid to surrender at
last Co the captivating image of the known.
He made expiation, ht,wever, for his gratitude
by frankly confessing to his beloved what an
other of her sex had done fur him, without
solicitation, in the hour of his dee,pest neces•
city. .
She laughed outright at such an unmaidem
ly act, declaring it proceeded from impulse,
not regard, of which it was evident the actor
felt ashamed, and hence her studied silence,
And she took occasion to console him with the
suggestion, that by the deposit he had made
of the amount received, he had fully absolved
himself from all further oblig;ttion. His lady
love being both law and gospel, he acknowl
edged the truthfulness of her s.:ggestion, and
resigned his affections, without I.c - serve, into
her keeping.
As ono of the most mitural thi; gs under ate
sun, they concluded at last to get 'marl( d.
The day was set—but a 41,1 y preceding which,
he received a note through the Post Office, in
a letter which contained the following:
"Mr. : Sir—By this eve
ning at No. —, street, and paying the
n.ite, with interest, which I hold against you,
you will save espenso.
Ile called as directed, being extremely anx
ious to settle a demand tshich, from the very
mystery which surrounded it, made him feel
very unhappy, Ile was rectlived at the door
by a domestic, who conducted him to the par
lor, when, to surprise, he discovered in
waiting, note in band, his .)IVII dearly beloved
—the one he was the next day fb call by the
endearing name of w,le.
Explanations followed, which may he left
to the iningintitiou of our renders. Suffice it
to say, they were nun vied nt the time set—
and to-day the gentleman itand9 conQpicuous
as one of the most industrious and respecta
ble of our intelligent manufacturing popula•
tion t and his amiable wife has occasion to
rejoice constantly, that in the fall of 1847, she
had ttrenty dollars to spare,•
A "stuck up" sort of a genius entered
a shop in Philadelphia, and turning up his
nose at some apples in the window, exclaimed
"Are those apples fit for a bog to eat ?" "I
don't know, trt• them and see," was the in
stant reply of 41e shop keeper.
,t qu(l :::1)1.1tT
urtq knol er street, next (tow
G 112,4, HMO. /.‘";.•
Ile would re,pectfolly Infirm the
citizens ill Carlisle rind the public generally. that In•
has now on hand a large alai elegant ztw.rtutent of 1111 t.
Sr t: eollsi sti Jig In part of IVardrobes, Card and ot h.
er Selat. liellSLealle,, plain and mney
:Sun I Stalids, 4e., manufactured of the best IllatQrial
alit! quality earrauted.
Also a general assortment of CI! Al its at the lowest
prices. Vi:NrraAN 111.1N1,6 made to order, wad repairing
promptly attended to,
. . .
41tr) - • 1...%Wr1NS inade . nt the shortest roblee; and har
ing a splendid hearse be will attend funerals in town or
rh) • Remember the stand—cost door to H. Cilars's
hotel. It. B. SMILEY.
-JAMES lt. WEAVER would ro•neefeully rail
:.,, , , , ,tr - , the attention of Ifouse-heel,ers and the nubile
to his extensive stock or elegant FfiltNlT U It E,
I nel udin L''ofas, IVartinAws, Cent re and Tables,
- 7 Dresslngd Plain Lureans, and every other
:Akin in his branch of business- Ale now on band,
the largest as.,ortment of CII AIRS In enrlisle, nt
the lowest prives. AUFFI NS made at the short
est notleo lied a I [ohm. provided for funerals. Ho
solicits a eon at his establishment, on Nortl4 Ilan.
over Am:), near Masse's IMO.
11t! - Furniture hired out by the month or year.
si'sa. 7 13ING II AM, I)AVIS &
e - Co:, 276 Marko. Strout,
AGENTS FOR JACOB 1111E101, cAnLishr,
and Philadelphia. Cars leave both places East and West,
twien every Ireeh, Tutu',lays and Fridays. All business
entrusted to Binghatn, Davis A 00., will be attended to
with promptness. whether lu sales, produce or freight.
A. If. BARNITZ, North street, Baltimore. has also
entered Into this tirr7ingetnent, and will attend prompt
ly to all business 'entrusted to him. 111030,-3m.
l an, / NEWT BOOKS !
The White Veil, a Bridal Olft, by Mrs. Bale, a splendid
ly illustrated gift book,
Longfellow, Ilyrol . ,11 Moore, Mrs. Mumps and other pc.
sliest works, beautifully embellished.
Irving's Sketch Ikmk,
Jerusalem and its Sacred Localities, by Rev. W. 11. 0-
denhehner, Rector of St. Peters, Philad'a.
Pickering's Greek Lexicon. Homer in the
Miranda Elliott, a new and Interesting story. '
May and December, by Mrs. Ilubback. •
Ellen Norbnry, by Emerson Bennett.
Grace Leo, by Julia I( AV:11111Z11. •
Hobort (batman. by Mrs. Hurst'.
1 I :mo's. 4 11,111:.111 t; and t :odry's 71fitgathies 114. 3fity,
If'itl ittunorow Uher matt c' at
).'.'l'!;\'f' i'.l‘; 4 , t'l en
0n , •!1. in' 51 lilt, en..l i P. tent.
o e'‘ ' , "" 3
Qt., t,i Et),
“Itoason's whole plehsure, all t j"Yt' "t't'e ,
LW ltt t lire(' / 1011101, i'VZICO, :{l:d
Ilia Illicit two have pains, affliction or (C
id di,
„„ialit our joy, 111111°,11r
thereby destroy oilN liy, lel oar sick tel
tilt? Christ say : ith thy
unto, ii .hall bit Ineasttred to yuli a5111,r --IVat. 7, ~.-
-11 . 110 is a also main and endowed ti lilt I.fflo. t:.
' you. let him show not of a ri
worlis anti meekness anti trisiloto.”--.littnos a.
ANIt 11.11)1CINE.-1./ortor. I'. t'. i'.litl.
DEIC, and trio/ Is Itotitnit.t
ifflysloffleist, null Is Graduate of our In. .411
gr.:. mid has nutty hintsulf acqual.itcd with all Ihr tail.
oils 5 . . st oats of ith Line rise, t
disoot cries 4111 d 1111priirlird011tS to alp tali. us ihtat :
11101IrS or the ileatio% Arts. faithfully at!''r.J, to is
for Sureical and Itletlical Aid. and ttlioso
ail Made or t ”ilitostol strictly in rir..ll thv
:3rdeticei: of l'atlyrlogy..lll,tain), opath)
; and %1,11,/s tak,licini.•:- ore all
sumo rut a, piauts , turd li)druptaliy. his all
and to whom the afflicted are int ilia! to apply fat ely.
Ins Character by Respectable he.
epl)y of a lett N. fr.,in tlu• Hey. 11. I.eint.nell to Mr
. . .
11. 11. Etter, of the 11 - erin Springs. Ilte/preted it :—AI
low 1111. to intro Ito,. to your fritoldly nrtirr, tar. C
of Arty 11 , 1 - 4. I hart' Itnt,w,/ ‘l(r. (1. I,:r
years, hp has ,1,011 0 I.u,loess for tor w
ray:utd wail ri(etinte); tlwrrfore 1 rllrte Lint 1.,
hr pert, 113 kelleSt /titd trusts/ orll/y. Ann IaVI , IS
you /nay 000 1 , 1" ,, j . 1 . 1,1) Ct/1110V 1.1!11. st ill I,V 111:411i)
prelated hy his Tionter,u, I.y w e r e morn
.t , ate 1./net/re I: tend .to/I I/molly sot tal,t.
C. if. I..:l:Ni;At 11.
l'a., 31/1) 13tli.18;:l.,/
of a 1.1. t tq• fr..nt Esq., (.'4•11nt.3
Treasurer.--I .1.. el.q I:ty that the totttlical ads It.o t.l .11r.
P. (oilier ha, any titter 'whit]) 1 hole
111110'41" he.) in thy 4' ure t.ttreee Cele! In Illy
ttuuld therrf , rr r,o..tilineqql 1.111.14. ',itch
trio by :Lillie:, .1.4% it LI. arqrcsaitl live, I rj)
I I.
DR. 111• II nrquti,. teed tt ith the re
ernt lll,CiPVt•rit's, tu tu their lie, otol
of treatlllo , ll. Anil the ,Iteetly anti vrl tail re :11.1
cur., Ihr lly,pe g •,la, Liver I lotnillaitit 0 . ‘ , 1•111.l . e. 110/
ern )lot lots and all Coulplaittl, vii the t•lt ue
for pmt 111111 rote
A 51.1.1,6. 1.. r all the tIIN
r du lit '
my /II WM' 1 . ,. luuu,n, ; 1 . 1 eta 111
cures 1 . .. r ail o.nstuni.ti.•us. 1...14.111i ,
idle, yet 11:11 hum,, in
doli,•rtie 11,11,1.• All
Intuit tile
14`i.110 : I, lil I tyl.llllll.lthy 1.141101/ell, • I, --
' 11, al :LII lier of 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 10..1
\o,l I.• , t:trn :It. ••If. AIM.; ii.,
11111.11 I 11.• :',11.1.1111811.-1.1,1.11, 111, .1,111. , '.81141 With I ' l l/
111..11111,1115. 01111 1,1.1 L.( tll,ll. , 11 1111
pod • lit '1111 1 SS: 1 1101111111ti. "TL , let to. I .
inn: tip it hat tt e alopulti ..tit tot Itsatll I.
11l I lotre to that .••att-rt th and :t Is .11 .1 ill. t.
I, that 1111.11 h. 1.11• Ill 111 .re 1,11:111 1, 11/1111.1 la it
pro's ins. I I,
The Ii Clyr tit inetll,lnata told theht direct Ito will I
Sent io tit , nth lost 111 Any direction I') mall la 1,111.1.1",
/..I.lreaa ilr. rionla 11 tint ut.
l'a.. letat paid, anti the fee al, ay a acct.tnpa it) ill,
trlll. 10(1.'4, st ills 1.11....1,1111•. (.1. r :1 1 :1111V with .1 de , ' 11111,11 .
the let ling, and the st of the et :apt:slut a ol
inclosed. It is this stem l• iellet
till, 11, ~1 11. 11 Chu, .1.1
tier a that allot, of ~,,.11j,•11,,,
sonny Kota, Plant:. anti llt lisspnthy
Ruud in till tilattaatts. I not poison i, and it Ilicit taut inal,e
apony and cert.:tin remedies ant} rui ea for -ell T 1,111,1
of ~,•%I•4'SS till manner it dote:tett, atitl with II Slit
pas,: ill other tnedictit 1111 1 .111 N i^ p. int to,
tont! all Itoulitla of coniparlastai. 11th Ilatiover
sheet. Vast aisle nettr anti below the l'real.yterian Church
Carliale. Pct. 'restinittnials halm 7111'11114,11N 1 , 01,011 S nl
reSpeetaillity hi 016 anti the atljolitin;,
cout.tlva, give authentic et lilt:meo Ist the gr, , lness tit
hr. rartitler a character, taut Can lo Seel) lit Ills office.
N. It. 1 7 ,111 receive superior intantittes anti
the directions tint their use by the lint return of mail or
If litter% forts to desired, er visits requested.
Fir. I'. will tOOleaNollr CO 10`0 , 111111, date alptit
ax Ito rasa. Tim Under speatis tLe Loglieli and the Ger
man ban...mai:es. etc. .!1,11. 17, 1 Si',
p ii,()llTANlyr() l'E)I A I,ES !
The cembhoition of ingredients In these 1 ills in the ris
salt of :t Mlle and extensit It itraLtie..; they are mild HI
their itistesti tn. rind certain I f restos Mg le:ante to its
fa'alser C113:1110. Iu every insl.uuc have these fills
red successful. They iuvurla6ly open these obstructions
to which Females are liable, and bring On' lot. Its
preper hannel, whereby health is restored : I nd th e pale
and deathly rountettance changed to a healthy (me. No
b.i tit d e ca n i . t i k l i ty gix-t1 livnlt indess she Is regular; soil
whenever an obstruction talcs plttre, whether CPO. eX
pOsttre. rJd Or any other cause, the getlCrat Learnt illi
-1110.11atul) begins Li deelice, and the Want Of such a rtall•
tat . l WV , lien the cause of so many
)0111Itt (010310 S. 'fo ladies whose health not remit
of all Me: eat, Of their bunny, these pills Will price a sal
tialde tirquisitien, as they will plot eta pritArancy.--
Headache, pain lu the ...him palpitation of the heart . is is.
thing of fet.d. and di Wilted sleep Is. most always arise
froal silo ihterruptien of nature; and 11111,10API that is
the case. the pills will invariably remedy all tier t ea its.
Nor are the less aflleticlous In the core of Ls-11cm the,n,
romm,,Tl bites." These pulls •lictild nev
er he taken during pretzunney as they would he sure to
cause a tulscarritt,.te. Warranted puroly I,, e tat.t... and
free from ant I !ling 115:1011Ni ..r 11,1,1111. Fullot:d
expll,ll acefelipally 4, 5 10114 , X.
These pills are pat lip lit nal Itexes. Person,.
n•.i ling It here there Is tio agency e.l:ll.ll,hed. I.y u•riel,
clue Dollar In ti letter. prispaid, to hr. I'. L. CIiFENF.•
was', Itleocl:Or street, NOW VOrk. eat' 11:1 . 1e them
sent to their respective addresslve i.e
py OROCERY STORE of tho u Mu
A new supply of fresh Water Crackers.
Soda, !:utter. Pie. Nic and Sugar Pidsou
Patina. Coro Starch. Tapioca, Swzo. Pearl Parley,
Extract of Colice, Rive Flour, Baking Powder, .t c.,
A now lot of X urerietr Table Oil,
Pickles, Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard, Ilny
Item. Ac . J. W. nil'.
Thu subscriber would resisletfully inform his friends and
the piddle generally, that ho lens just returned from the
city with 4 large and varied assortment of
up.OcEialf,s,GLAS:4 and QUEFINS-WAIW
whi c h he offers for sale on th, 1 i•
most renst..oable terms, at Ms New Stun 2 g, il f t
corner of North Ilanover street and the I'ul
lie Square, directly opposite the Carlisle De.
posit Bank. ills stock embrases everything usually
iu a Orocory find Variety store.
The aro invited to call and examine his stock
before purchasing CktMilCrli, as lie feels eenthicut he ran
sell the best goods at the lowest prices..
14A. SALT.-5000 Sacks G. A.
. SALT, fur Palo by
CAltlt, GETSE & Co.
Flour A: Grain Conlinlsoion Morehunts, SpoarN w hurt,
Doll imoro, Duo 5
Ecall the attention of the public to
watering itardena or extlngutAing firm An excellent
article, neat, cheap and convenient. • For sale at ~
novl-1354 BA XTOI"S.
118k,) - e .my spring stock of 11ANOIN(*
which t666h0 largest and most varied assortment ever
opened In Carilsle, to which I Invite the early attention
of the public, so I intend selling at prices which cannot
foil to please the clonal purchaser,
Tv of you who havw boon offlictoti for yezirs with thin
othersomo dhwto,w, and nho have" be e n u...fie..; J o ines t
arty N 0.4111111 b,1,01 roliof,
v ant I 111 cc" an‘l yen v, , ow
w-10. ; Li • i !;..,eri , tit y oVvr 1,1
Oyi•I Thi •
ct . m ft.!. , tie:t, ft f.•
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Ti,' , irs i - tliisi I i t t r i ~ t itit. at ,1110 !tits, Isc 15,4 July,
r yi , . ,itc Ilse t,:114,1 r.5 . ,1 •ti I scs se rye/ Illy
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falit 11. 1 . A I:1: I I, A ro„
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T :-tt( et, I Iditididi
Chilled lion Ni ith IN xi der l'it I .1.1 cl s. tillU
fi9lll fo r I:)+4,,eus, . I cAsellt rs. rid
111 ers foiltiiit•iz scull m 111 \
11, 1,. II 1111111 e I. Id,. All ILO LIP :4
c, ti 1.0 tl.O tint of tlt'rcte Hi, es.
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PIIIA. ha% inr• I e,, n r nia it dtisiet.,all,. u 1
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tie', IIIL; :II 1.4:
I t . lJt4 i,1111111;:. the Witql r phi, I 111 :It , . cnt ii
the Miro vy 11111'11,1 in it bit \latflis uu Ll.lllOl,
P 3 ' l ' ' I u , P.N , •Latl s the aid.. I :;•tel.n. 3:addicts .
~t 1.6,1111 Ii: I It 4 . 411',1 tc It up at A I 1;1
Uklcl(.ll'l' 11 t,t, it i i N; I. a is
fur pit:Li - al Ic, hi us mu( it t, t uptes nt, nit 1e tilt In
it:.: the 4.1110111 d r.o.d I r.:%, acd ruanlnr , :It 1t.c.14
TWO til , ll per t cnt Int ll' Yllt. it( S. 1; hi, It to hipy et
i• ;la Z11tr4.1..; it is chthily hew.ntd iveuie
1. , ,:a1t•,t no ist ore 1.1.(1 sl outn n.Olls rwa , uttit n, dispels
:111 .1814 4.1,41 I I:II:Spa II L. Itiiitinatt, Steam
la at . t• any . (her 11:11',...f
T haaeNat, hen ate I,,,ett . t hat I pe frets rr mete
may la, It t a t.I I.lly jalt tf the IN t Ild ttlthletfctt
511.4.). They are the in , st du it an thin• fir Ili not
t'..asumpth u. ttad the r'aul la Fa and Inc:dem unlike%
that has a g•re, 1 rya hart hied.
1t... and alll do Nall to call nu
extmlibe ft r Iht trait It en.
119. ' 110.0 Mat , are 'V A RBA NTr D t•, it, superior
t thing he vtorore I.4Tertql to *hi.
.1011 N D0NN1.1.1.1%
106 North F0U.1,111 et. 1 hiltnt.
i'Lila. Deer 4.
.7 in less
limn Ill.; ounces, for tlt cure of Ilert•htorlluptnro
acknowledAed by the hi;. host medical antim iti,s,cd
adelphia,inaou.patatly superior to any other in use.—
Sufferers will he gratifled to learn Mutt the occasion now
oilers to procure not only tb,lll;,Liest and most tltsy,Lut
as duraLle a Truss as as other, in lieu of the mini:rout)
and uncomfortable article usually sold. There is no dif•
iculty attending the Wing. and it bon the pad Is locat
ed it Will retainsits psitlon whin ut change,
Persons at a instance unable to call on the 80141-11er;
can have the 'truss sent to any addrrits, - by remitting
nee dollars for the ,inple Truss, or ten for the double— ,
WI th measure round the hips. and stating side affected.
It will be exchamed to snit if m t fitting, by returning
at once, unsoiled. l'or sale oLly by the - Importer,
e;% - Ll,ll 11. NELDLFS,
LIP/ ES, requiring the benefit of Mechanical f!tttp. ,
p wters. owing to the dr , angetnent of the Internal Or
itninelop falling cJ the Womb, Vocal, l'ulnuounry,
OIN MIS and Fplual Wealines.:, are Informed
that a conqietent and experienced I.Aor hu in at,
toodalice at the Looms. (set apart for their exclusivi
u. , =e) No. 114 '11V1:1.11'11.1.1t.,1st door Lelow iltice.
July 21i, '54.
l ATIS !—Just "Published—A .r.( w
h r
j DISCOVERY IN MEDICINE.—A few words or the
Rational Treatment, without Medicine, Spermators hear
or local weakness, nervous debility, low spirits.lassitude,
weakness of the limbs and back, indisposition and it ca
pacity for study and labor. dull neon of imp! ehension,
loss of memory, aversion to society, love of solitudt .
self distritst, ditviness, headache. Involuntary
discharges. talus in t i n Ado, affection of the eyes, Om
pfes On the face, sexual and other infirmities in man.
From the French of Dr. B. Delancey :
The important fact that these alarming compkints
may easily be removed WITHOUT stsnicins. Is in this smell
tract clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and
1,121dy successful treatment, es adopted by the Author,
fully explained, by means of which every one Is enaled
to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible col,
avoiding thereby all the advertised nostrums of th•
sent to any address, gratis and post free. Ina sealed
envelope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps
to Pr. D. Delancey, 17 LispePard street, York.
March I—ly
A calictrimußAL AND I.lollTl
tvelli,Tutim. Tool.S.—Superior 'Unloading !lay
irks. r.u.d 1 pronged; linprove.l Ilnrvelloep,Cll/tiVa ,
('t.t 1 ron 1;0 rtlvit E.. 110.., G:tr.lejt Euglnns. Tubular
10) ..111•. lon 11 h IIIVe•
1-0 }!;,, 1, I Altooll,, I lvtlge !Amara,
.•I'.• .1. Trm , P l,o ing .
~ .11 !11,. I' , CE•u;tur.:l, is, per hue ars
r, 1.121 I,lt:'
V - 3 , 1 If 11, tt(•12111S
A , n ultr.s..ll 11% uf••• F(ed f 4 fc7o.
;!.( . 1 t f' • Cu tierk..f ittl awl n.Les eto.
(;.dl Spectncl,..
i;1.1 Itrneelct,
I.ndict. I t.I s.
%NH i'l.lll ii 1111.1 :tivyr 11.1der
Cornnr Ence.t.trvelo,
7 0"
1 .0