S illarketg. Frobuce 3liorfiet. REPORTED FOR TILE HERALD • ... - • 0 irlisle, Wednenilny Morning, June 6 FLeun Superfine, per bbl do Extra, do Family it YE do WHITE WHEAT per bushel D do do BE WM do . " . " ---- ` 4 A — do GSM CLOVERSEI•II) T m sEED BALTIMORE MARKET. 'MONDAY Evj7NlNn, June 11 Fl,Orit AND M tr.—The market-to day wag' quiet, buyers not much disposed to operate except at n l'eduction. Holders of Howard street hrands axe asking $lO,B - hl, without being, abla to find purchasers. Nothing re p ~r tel in City Mills; there are sellers, we he liove, at :ii10.623 per.bhl The Flour market close , ' raft( r Rye Flour—We note sale, ni $7,62,) her WA. and a fair demand. Corn ‘ltal.--A steady demand, sales of country-a; 1,73 a $4,87, and city manufacture at a per O. I. Gn 11N.-Whrut---Thf . supply to day was moderate. .About 3,500 bushels offered, and sule+ of good to prime white at 2,50a52,63 red at 2.50:0:::;2,60 per bu,hel. Inferior lot nt Ifi t 18 cents per tin hid less Gum— steady demand. Alymt 25,000 bushels offe t?-lay, and partly sold—white at 1,06a51,0S yellow nt 1,06;0:31,1 , 8 per bushel. About 0,00( bushels of the above sold by weight, 56 Its the bushel, at $l,lO per bushel for white am yellow. No mixed was offered. j i r 111 F, snl), , cribers in Erniidoun, Che ter count), have 01:01)(0 a right to ha, a , s , L! ALLEN'S MOWER...A:\ nli FA Ph.D. patented 11 at ?. tilt' 155:1. Five hundred of the 'Mowers we:o 1.. lot s 0 , o n, and a lion wall IA AO 010 UlliVers3l Fat f,t ion. A great mother of delineates on hand to th e7Te , t. The price il , silel WWI two Cllttelli. The Fearer and .Mower combined has a high charael r4ceivlint nremlume nt it number of County Flies, well ns at the late State Fair. • Price $.140 with two ri ter , . Te lea loud at W. W. DlNti EX.'S Manufactory. Y , or be addressing early the subscribera at Erclldm Che,ter (-minty. they %till be delivered at tiny station the Cumberland 'faller Ilan Read. th e pure puhaser pa% i the freight. 113110 E S; NEI I.liS. apt' I 1 7.5 • Pi NG ANDMOWING NI .' lA. 11111 NES.—IdANNVS latest patent road fined justahla healer and Mower. with Wood's I mvr9v gine w he offered to the farmers of Eastern Ponnsylval far the harvest of 1545, on usual terms, Ar rotor. EastaalertA would do well to sand in th o.det , early, a., preeedenee W ill 1 Cll CV flrst. to den , . .1 dire., J. WINEBRENNER ri spill I 1 ano, I tarri Sl4l r ;.; , I%i Ill'SSEY ' S oi llEA ( PEly Nvizs, Th. , undersigned respeetfutly infcrnet the Partner, this :MI conntles, that he routine , man of tet itrOnode 'extensively than overso, lluiaa refel,rated 11.E'AP1;1t AND MONVISU MACMIIs:K, p r .., ,, ,‘uerally In use, at his Sbnp three pothers of a in north of llitnover. 'Partners wish ,bv to engage a itr error a Hewer nod Mower etanline - d, thr the neat s son, ran hare their orders tilled with. firouptuess smile; them on immediately. The prh es of these' chines are as follows: - - 1 . 01 : n Reaper, - .For a !tearer ILII4 Mower, from - - iVIOS to ' &a,. Alllremg me through do Hanover l'or4 On: Yoli:. oyuigy, Pa. CONRAD NoUL Istiip—rmi .. .. TNIPORTANT TO .FARM.RES.-1\ are now prepared to fwd'ah. H. It. UUItST'S fate .T.LANI:1111 F.XUAVATOWS to, farmers, Innriedtattdy weipt of their 'orthra. .Which f¢ warranted to ails' welt for dean' *.g staldes,'ne gathering manure In I,a y. k r,i;, and tan sank) Inaebine with a very vllght hti alien In 10.50 worsted to answer I,etter for elevating in Barns than any othqr'llooroit In non. p r i q '.i.'dp,Ou per mar line. ror further partleuh. A. Wes.; ll.H.lSHllST,NnwHnutherland,...Agent for en hnr).ind anvil (1'.1"1"S PATENT FARM R pot4eSs on wirriOtoge owto• , O ttoraio Io log - mmlo With ao butahlo iron easing, 11111 irraotly otiatiflor'nPkiol•ami provontri loss of Istat. are nuolo of va low , siims, front 10 A 0 120'011011 . 5. at nix portable, and may ha set in LW) kitehoo for hoop /wt.:* ;4tit of rlpnas °oral:ll4A ..Aberjorti, 1- 11ani,4,c..,,r(21'1/ullltig.faorifor stock. • Nor Bade tiy• • cAsextAx..l.. xottirci co., and Shad'. Store, N. 1.: rOrp) of 7 ih'Snal :11orket it mis t Pirfot.' %"14110iltrtt._, i .4Y.ltrels of prima No. 1 SIIAI.I. , jIt , tO2 AvitorizA.m.T.TAlitby.onoccily. Aprii f .. •• , t pOifitbe,fpijin. Trim CHEAP CASH BOOK ANTY sTATIos Mtn" STORE, North West-corner of oth WO Arch streets, Philadel ISAIIGAINS IN B »XS !--Peotkal. Juvenile. Miscellaueaus Standard and Prosentatlan Books, vary cheap I SPA ME AND FANCY STATIONERY. inland:a . White. Ruled better Papor at 1,50 per Ream. batter and Note Envelopes In great variety. Weddings Furnished at very moderate rates. lards Written and Engraved. _ illott's and other swop., • 4aperior Mott Wafers. 323 on a sheet, for RI cents. :nkst unls. Penknives, Paper Weights, die. ins Turkey Morocco P wt() Monnaies, Folb , s. Card 'asre, Backgammon Boards. Am. With a very large and ehoice assartutent of TAY n )) ics, uAMES. DIS.4ECTED PICTURES, Alloca , ,, Scrap Books and Rtagravings. may 2-ly P. Tit )US "IN. I 1 H. SMITII, Polll' MONNAIE, • ['JOE B))IC and DRESSING CASE kuktifacturur, N.W. corner Sth and Chesnut streets PHIL %DI:LT . IIIA, tai) - always on hand a large and varied assmtment of Port Monnaios, Work Boxes. Gmakors Cases, Travelling 11a4s, Not. II 4 , 1,,r5, Bad:gam:non Boards, Port bblt is, ChossM en, Portable Desks, I'. what Mem , randum Books Dressing Cases,Cigar Cases. Ar. Also a general asgartnient of English, French ambler limn Fa no). N ~oils. tine p 'Act Cutlery, Razor;.l, Razor Strops and (lola Pens. Rte-\,Vhdesale second and third Floors. aprl V. IL SMITH. N.W. e ,rn or 4th and Chesnut streeis. N. 11.-11, tau reaelpt of i`,l rt supori (1 , 11.1 Pen will Le vent to any part of Cal a ovary by twill—describing non thus. :no Ilana or sift. 4:10.0 10 2 100.5 6,5 r, N(1 II T I 117 SS —liernia or upt..1,0 5a,,,,r,01y treated and earn Ilart insured. by Ilia 4,r the atle4ant Troiddi Trusses, hop tiled by the stet, Tiber. and in ale t larder expressly for his sales. - 111 snierin C with Itopture Will be ga-atliii , d to learn th at the octeed ti now ailfetos to procure a Truss conihint in areal , li 41011 , -tis with elatlwilur.thility and turret c an , trueti in. In lien of the cattnbrons anal uncomforta- Artiele nail tiles ILL An extensive assortenen rtIWIIVS On 1 111 4 1, :14:1:/tts41 to evotty variety of Rupture In lad tilts nod children, anti far salo-at InTIVI k Oto sit it oil. Cast of Single Trusses, V, S,A, $1 and $5; Dauble, $l, and $lO. Persons at a di , daneo ran li ivy a Truss sent t e on tirc.R, by remit tint the anion nt. sending measure ar non! the hips. and statist t side affeeitel. For 5-ale ills ale anti Retail lay the Imp irter. Ii t ddill 11. IN II S. W ear. of Tirttlith tt: Itaoo Sts., Philadelphia. Dap - it fa. 1/r. If Main;s Improve! Patent Pod,. Brace: Chest Fivivindees and Erector Braves: Patent sholibier rtraees; SivipensNry Illiett.;es, Spinal Trips and ?op ports. Ladies' Roams, with competent lady attendants. tiprll 11. , IT ER 4ING'S PATENT C , HAN! 'n.r. Tito )14. u.' I+EB, with Ila:I's ['Mehl Powder Proof Locks, which were "ltl awarded separate Medals at the World's Fair,. London, 1551, and 'so at the World's Fair, New ark, 1863 and 'fit. The Sa 1 tot are the sale manufacturers id proprietors in this state of to above unequalled Safes and ae!:s. The reputation of the mains ollerring's Safe" is e,..,,e1,1 and for the last thirteen ars the mercantile commit', y lye witnessed and borne tioiti tunny to their v,:i•ett }&tI.INU tiro proof qualities. More than 12,000 of these Sifts have been actually wild and over Two lIIT,I9IIED have passed triumphantly throuzh I,odiontal fires. 'rho public are assured that all Sal . , 111111ufactured by the solar:alters are not only 1.; elrllll - to b 0 fully r !mil. but in many respects even supe rior to those which hove been in, severely tried by fire. Few will forget th'•ir ,irviees •In the. burning of the • - Tribuno establish•nent," New York, and at the tlro:rt Fire in Strawberry street. at the lar,ze tire. last .lulu, npp the Ilirard House; and still inure recently in the Fire at Fifth end Chesnut sta.. In the, city Phildelphia. in whieh thee, Safes came forth the Ito twledred Cu veolos, when many other securities FARREL Si . Iww Utter, IND litter; MlK.ltti, W A Street, Philadelphia. f r ,, with Powder Prrint books, 711:i:11/ Noturml exprrssly 1 a- Hanks. aml trona roguii. Rank Ote. nil hand :ttt.l mate t, order. All the most cAebrated 1.-i; Its fnr -iale at manufacturers' Se-mrt hand e•Satii4, - "Salamanders - and Iran Chasm - of otlin inakerri. have bona taken In pat t pay ment for Herring' f sate at half prior. tipl.l I 11. FRANCISCUS, • MAN UFA( MITER 01 1 OOTTON W.alinn:r.. Ti. Para. Ca.pot Chain, Cottnn Yarns. C.l , ll)Li AN) FLUID WICK,. whlelt It, t-t soli at thr, I,:most Ca:da Prlos at EV) Street nh.n•o Sc.: unl, North side, Philadelphia TAM MS M' NTOC K, D.,—Late ty Profess trot Anatomy and Surgery in the =Oda Cullegt of Medicine, and Acting Professor of 3lid wifery; one of Ow Consulting Physicians of the Phil a lelphia Hospital, ; lato unlimber Of the I , ln. tional 51olleal ANSAcintion; mombor of the Philadel phia Medical Society; membor of the 31odico.Chirtirgi cal College of Philadelphia; formorly President and Profes+3r of Anatomy and Surgory lu (astloton cal College, Verarmt ; and also, late Professor of An at nay and Physolo;gy In Berkshire Medical Institu ti ~,,, Mass., &c., &c. ling lately introdtived inn popular form. several of his vivito prescriptions for Duo principal diseases of this climato. Tho irtimr of e.t..11 nrth•lo will Amply the dis. iLiSO Wllll.ll it is Intyttdad to he used. Da. I . 4:l:l.lNrotats PIICTOCAL S IiCT, $l, Utt iSILICLINTOCK'S COLD AND Uill)011 MIXT Uit (1011g1IS. &c., Price '25 rts. Da. )ICCLINTOCK'S ASTIIMA AND hoar NO Coven Dries tir. Priou 5U ct'. Dr. MCCLINTocIeS ToNIC LTIMSATIWE SYRUP—For I'LL. ivizr, the Blood. Prirr Dn. IMCCIANToIIK'S DViiptiptiC Elixir—Fur giving tone t t the st rurieh, relieving pains utter eating, hawthorn. and :m all ilkyrent , lo symptoms arbilng from indigestion. Price tf,,i. 11u. 3L CuNrocr', Ititroixric Mirrteß—A Purely VG. gatable iteintaly forhi torten' use. Pelee 50 Ms. Dte. It /I FANATIC LINIMENT—Fur Rheuma tism, Sprains, - kr. Price 6U rts. Dn. 7410%1.NT:4:Ws A 5.11.5'55 711tvrinen—For Pains, Tooth uche.llowla,llo. Neuralgia, &e. Pric7o 50 sty. • Nicet.isvoca's Fri AND Aotiz'Sreeiric—A certain cure f )r. nil Intermitter) ts. Price $l. Ntrili.Lvroex's DiuiRFIC6.% CORDIAL AND CIIOLERA PRE. VENTIVE—A Safe Remedy. Tin. igeCi.mrecK'ei VF.OETAIIIR PURGATIVE PILLB—For Custivenesn, Ih.vinrllq, &c. Price 2G ctn. Dn. Mcet,ivrouieti Axil-4111.10ne PILLS—For irregnlatity in the Vunaionti of the Liver end BOWobi—tho best Liv er Pill merle. Price 23 RIG. , . • • • • -• • . . For We by Dr. J. McCLANTOCK, 411E11'1'016M Depot,. N. W. Corner NINTH and FILIIBUT Stiontil, Philadel phia, and all Druggists.- li,m.wgisis and Donle,ra 3i.A 10. eines who wish to Agen:s, please address 31c(liinteek, furnishing reference, uaino of mom, Office, county and State. us),„„For sale by, W. A. Kelso, Samuel Elliott, Carlisle; .1, IL Cris well, ,Itildpnen slinrd ; Braminger Oe., L. BM tiff. man, Mechanicsburg; Herron, Newville; .1. 11. Zimmerman, Andorsonburg; Minos t Fectig; torn; A. C. think, New Bloomfield; Harriet M. Singer, Newport; B. V. 11hrilner, York Springs; A.. 1- Miller and .1. S. NiNen, Clrimbelsliorg; B. MentAer, Waynesboro.; id eorge Bergner and D. IL Jones I: Co.,,lltirrhiburd. 1.111. 3ideLtriTota stn he ocosulteil, Avit t chOrge, daily, from AO,to 12 q'olocic, A. M., pt his Thipot. December CI; 11153-Iy. ; , , . „ ' --- .T • ' A T'rENT lON I.)YkiI?EPTIOS—Tbow. Nt yottArlio hove:lron 4ffilltittl rot .y1);r811•Itli lotlsorsauta disoaso,, and olio havo :boon, uotrig olotost ovory tiostritro twroto thO publlo 'ortthottt roAof, tro say : t',) you try ",Kinffer'et Antil):),•speotla q Snit you olltoooo Ua oartrlorott of Ito groat suporlorltf over every otter, l o ' r r ti l tfo r g at Xratt ' s 'i d ' atTt2 d ttlitr:litTi t lVl n o 3 Zi ! lo v rinol t r tl i k =L .2 'thatt ollt•':111111 ronuoir 18 proparcatatil 'loll, AMID Drug StOrtt HElttltZli, -South Ilanover•otritot (ow doofa south ol•tho Court • ' r .p 'AJt"k fl& of Rledicincs, ~~3`~~~~l~~ sik~3~~l4 Stores onto Sfiops. .. FALL STYLI; OF HATS for 1854.- 1 oEoitol.l E ELLsit respectfully annonnees to his old / -Patrons and the pnhili, generally that ho hasinst re. colved the FALL STYLI.: OF or.NpuoiWN'S IfATS, manufactured at one of the best establish , omits in Philadelphia, to which he invites special attimtlon. Ile has also constantly on hand a' large and varied as sortment of his own manufacture as well as city made Hats and Caps, suitable for the season, comprising every variety of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk Hats. fin ished In the latest style, together with a full ftssortment of CAI'S of every shape and description, and at every price. fie particularly' invites the piddle to'call and ex, amine his exoensive assortment, which in style, Illn te- On and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market, stud which he Is able to put ttt prices lower than ever. Itemenil.er his old stand on North Ilanover street, be. tweon Ittuner's and Seiver's stores. FALL STYLE OF HATS & CAPS. wisi. IL Titotyr, desires to inform his old friends that he has removiA to his 116 W establishment on high street, near the Dalkon I Depot, and Is pow opening a fyi large and elegant assertment of the FALL F'I'Vl.K .-OE—HA-p,c4,-juld-rirtoitto-rront-Phtiadophiz-whirh "*.., the gentlemen of Carlisle aro requasted to aril and examine. Ile has, also a huge assortment of ur and Slouch !fats no his GIVn manulacture. got up in the best sty to and at varions prices, the excellence and tin iSh 01 WlllOl ITO will warrant. Ills stooli.he is enniidontnn ly needs t' be exhinined to le approved. Also, a large supply of Men's, Il4's and Children's CAI' S. of Cloth and Fur, and of every variety of style and price jmt re ceived trout l'hiladelphia. Let all who want a !lot or Cap give hint :t call, as they may be sure of being suit ed to their own satisfaction. CHINA, CLASS AND QUEENS WARE-01d housekeepers and young, with the s also who are exporting to become househeepers,nre inrit oil t() Can :it II ALBEitT'S , FA:111 0 110CEIIV and ex tunillo Ologa astiovtruan t id' China. (.1 I ass and Queens wnro and other articles in the housekeeping lino, such as French and.Engllsh tea sets, heavy banded andylain, White (Iranite. gilded and blue plain, Dlnnur sAs of ev ery varrety and price, bowls and pitchers, tureens, dish tt-e. Glass-ware—v.:litre table and mantel lamps, Candelabras ttnii , other lamps, groat rarity, table and bar tutublers,,gobittts, &A. . Fruit :mil preserve dishes. In va riety. Cedar-ware—tubs, buckets, churns, bowls.but ter prints and ladles. meal but-nets, &e. Bvtishos— swee pi ng. white wash. scrubbing. hand and ,hoe brushes. dusters, hrtrtms, Market, clothes and travelling lasket.:. .A. 1.. trtnnnit of Tnitaron and rail )0 n ht. are fotl.l .. gait; and try t Print lin , . 1!0;:t . allaA. Star.Lllolll,9 ;Old , t h„,. And yult 111) , 1 thoni f nimitparlin) PIM/MY , Al.t '', half and Conunou : 4 0,;ars. tttth detitty snuff n1, 1 1' 4 01ntii tttltatton. _ _ ..„.„,,,.,:__, r oil Till' MILLION ' PAPCTN: - ' - "- - - 4 , • , : I Mn jtu.t. rece i v ing in.. Fall , a r.'`,',- -- -k , *a \"ACM. IO, --,`--:,;?..-: s toot of PAPER HANOI:NiI,. ' WI 1 4 ....14 , bleb surpass in style. quality •, "_1.,-- , -- and price any that hate l•N 1 . 1 Loon wililbeted in Carlisle. 1 respeetfully soiled n call b•oin pers , ,n:s in Want of Paper Hanging, of any des.•iiis tine. as I am .• wridel:t by assortniunt lith snrpaF , , an} in the itrn,tull; and in sty le and prices has but few : i raft In the city. I may ask of the public to call mud e,t amine my asset (intuit before purelinsidr, itsl am erinfh dent my chasto designs cannot fail to please Lit no i,t. . - . fastidi.us. .1011 N P. IA NE.. West side of North Ilanover Strret. I 0 l) K 0 11'1' IN TIME '.—Chidern j ' , T h us , pys,,,,t,ry, ni,,rownt, ,c,,, are Ti thin their nrp•lrnt - 10. You knew the remedy. if vot, lucre ..r rwr,ai 11 1 -, , the woMfAre of yflurself. :win. wife. of your ehildren. supply yours.4ves tvith 111.:Erif E 1 'I M A.f eti i,Ks.B l'' 11t1011., otherwise abide the eensequeure re qultilvz from a I.l.totel arlhorenei, to Oa II WiCt N . Y. 1h IS .• 31 a teh /1,4 S it 0 M011Y" Call he hud at the Mutt Ft , re of IL .1. HI EFFI'.II. South II tnover street, 11 few door:, south of the Court House, Onrilole, )()()TS AN S ) ES. The bscriti- I or Iraq rimy tat bawl a very elttl.ll,4‘e anal well Fe i•ted stock of 11 ll 0T S ftitd Sll 0 S. whi••11 he trill sell at unusually low pric es. Purchased from it 11..losale dealers, • at lutv rattan, ha can offer such Induce ments tu purchasers as will utalor it their iiiterei.t tat It lain t.4taldishimatit. 11 , has et cry arti..lo In the B ou t and Siva, line--far 1;1' (;,11t/eIIII.IIS . Chi:valor° detains it unlieet.i.sary t , . i.artiettiarize. i,. • ot , sirin , z g 41, nrr Ins It • oil to glue him at mall. - *)000 'I()NS LIM 14', IN 1) rt cow L - - 1. ! ., , Al ,v, w . , , 7 0‘,.: coA I„ now on hatai 11101 ti l. ... v n .0, , .1v Ing at the to11$0..10:: p; lees: Dauphin I.IIIIP haul - - - V.: 30 to 3 00 " Stave, - . - • :; (10 to 4 .'a: Lukens tulloy I.llno - - - - - :175 to 400 • 4 Steve - - . - 4 00 t•; 4 M l'lnu Grove Ulna - • ; ''2" - - 375t0 4 110 stove 4 30 t.; 5 ((0 Pittston Stove Coal - - - -500 to 5 50 111311:NIIIII /I . s foal. per indiel, _Gels, IrrLAN. IMME:111: of all kinds. Common linankand Scantling from 310 to $lB per Mu feet. rir t ,t Common mid Panel according to quality. duel:;—:ltti S. M. 11001.1,112. ~GROC? r I I .l.:Ats, COO 1:.1: r. d" h111 , 51,11 1 er t. formersteak rt .- general selection of CIIOICE 01100E111 Ett, as well as all tho,other variety of nrtiell.F tisunily kept In a tiroecr,y Store, embracing Rin Colfc--roastoti and green—at and . . 1.14 cents Sugars.erlb, Orirans,.Clarltled, Crnshed 'and Fulverirod of fine qualities: Choclates. Spices, hairy Salt, and n variety of Fancy articles, all of which are a. fared at the lowest cash prices. We are thankful for the former support Oran us, and invite a further call front our friends and customers. J. W,. EBY. Marlon Ilan, Carlisle. N Ew GOODS.—The subscriber is just openil , -: a frosh ass ulmont of Tory CH EM.' lli MR: , bought, at roilitoed pi ices. Cull and son Chinn. Ana. '23. 111.:0, W. lirrsuie IDIEM:MN EliS! COAL. - 2,000 J Tons. Lykon's Valley Nut Coal, a superinr article receiving and for s a le by .11%00 am W. IL MURRAY, Agt. IM RE IS W lIAT YOll \ltl;l) AT I'REt 4 ENT —The subset ibor rospertfui ly informs the ladies and ':entleinen of Carlisle and icinity that ho has now on land at his Hair - Dressing aid Shaving nonillion West street. an elegant assort mitt If. LADIES BRAIN+ anti lontlemen's mid can Furnish to order at# saor.ust notice every kind of liair Work of the best quality. Ile also bogs leave to In' limn his friends- and math.. niers that be keeps constan . ipply .to "Simmons:miter," an adult . table Wash for the hair, manufactured by himself. Thu oxcelleiwo of this Tonic la testigcd to by all of his ens. tonter4 who have used it to ho ono of the best nrtielem known for cleansing the hair of dandruf. flu also man ufacturea a llair Restorative, known AN the " COrARIIOI3. nunt," fir gIVIng now growth to the hair'on bald heads. Ample testimony exists of the efficacy of this excellent Restorative. While Dm. Shentansagner clears the hair of than antt prevents it from coming out, the Co. rashe'enunt 'Supplies 11 new growth to these who hav e had themisfortuno to lose their hair. The publie is in. riled to call,' viambie: and purclutse ihciso Invaluable articles, as ho is confidant they will retider satisfaction. SIIATINU, HAIR; DRESSING, and, ctrIVINO. and SIIAMP6ON/Nil.akteoed to in the best st,yl„ . " usual. at his tillminus on wit 111aiti Strect.DOSll'libirlon Cartisle,'Deo. 1R64. IVM. nun° • W-71 14 C 1 AItAYAG E FOR SALE.- . - rea-raFtiYarnilt' Cnrringo'-for'onn or two horses. It Is t ro ngly ,bullt of hie best materials , and will ho rola low flirt:ash.' Apply to • "rdareh743ar ' ' WM. D. /31.:Y.110IIII . 011 N SHE LL Ens . ---xA 1)F. le 8 PAT }INT COITiI DTI I.T illt ileOtbilly the 1, nut , est.npq, to Eiriners •tg),..011 a nd ex• 'ainine it ' tbe Yetinrify hfia ir it Scitienbi 'Strire. Fir •sabe ht rn!Rmntnllo yricie by • 4 , • •• ' ; •i- • 4 % 14..461 - G A 111 NEIL it BliONfl!iL.;'•: (1 U N T ' O T I )1 1 i l ., 1 1 1 1.: / i 1 u, S O I 1 1 , 11 (. 1 u 41 ‘ 1 1 t it . xit LAND co, 1. I Offer niyaell as n ennditliite for the °nice of Count' Treasurer, and respectfully solicit your suffrages et Llhc ensuing general election. JACOB IMEEM. Carlisle, June 6, 1865. ru() THE VOTERS OF CUMBER LAND,' COUNTY.—The undersignedP respectfully idlers himself us a IN uldidatv for the otTlce of SUMO FF. and solleits your sufferngen, nt the ensuing Election. May :14.th 151.5. Will. RILEY. • rtiQ TWE VOTERS OF CUAII3 V. 1{ tvk >3) fIOTINTY. , ---Fmtow Crum:Ns: I oiler_ my as &fa:I:bola Le for the oll11:e of SIII,IIIIIT of Cure Berland roomy, and pledge myself: If elect eil lo disehn n , llte duties of the office to the lest of toy judgment and ROBERT MeCARTNEY. Carlisle, May '23, 1855. `I'ECIAr COIJItT OF QI_T A RTER k sEssioNS.—WiTI:IIEAS The IT. (inn !!;;.m, President .Ind-•o of the Fevertd Comb; c_Cluternez P ens, of the, emnities of Cumberland, Perry and Jun'- atia. and Justice of the Several Courts of Oyer and Te - miner and I:encral Jail Delivery in said conutie,,;al it Hon. Samuel Woodburn and Ilon..lphn Rupp. Judge: of the Court of oyer and Terminer and Ileueral Dell very, lie- the trial of all Capital and other offenders in the it. id County of Cumberland, by their precept, to me directed. dated the 24th of Mar, 18a.have ordered a Speeiat Court of,guitrt . or Sessions of the Pence. to le holden at Carlisle. in and for the County of Cuml er land, on nut-P.4r the list tiny of June. A. 1)., 1s::. the Court House, commenshm at 11> o'elock A. 31_ o said day, and that notice thereof be given by the elerb of said v. - met by publication In tho norqinpers of s:dd bolougit for throe successive wools . Ft' the Court, Witness my hand and af.al of aahl Court at Callfale the :nth day of May A. 11.. Isr.s. JOHN M. ti It Clerk. T . 01 . 14 1 the Court of Common Plens nfCumlmeland Count %%Sr). nib A tininkt term ; , 111.pwiria our diVt.rce. ilvf,eccii I I tntbe, by- Ilm stop-111liter and next fi lend. :ham li it Her, ss. Jelin tri_thve. S:titio Ns. Same. Ict;. 1, Ni,reml, term. 1 1 1;4. All, stil.pei/'llll ,11r Itirorco. Stil.pa nit anti alias haviil;: i•stted 111.,ve, due pri•ll hat Inv: hues. Made that the snit .I. lulu iluehrs h:vriit.t. f ‘ll,ii c, „„, th e Jahn 11 11,0 put:dcnt, tun hire! , ) tin and appear 1.11 the I. 11.‘`,1 luau • I i. 1!”.: Ihi . th d::) I Ili /Wsu pr to ti,l1,11•1 .1416 ol'll .11.11 A It ~1.)7X D. r herld. : 4' l' A 'l' E ( /I IN it E I), (let c ised. J -- Nom., I. hereby riesOl tint Letters o f A.Lf o l o j, Ifahon "II ILo e•tate of .1, lin Mewl. list, of 111 ii.; is. de knee been issued Lr obis Itegister o i,hy, to th, ,ul;..eill tr. ri siting ilk. herlood Allperams L not. log thenarl so. lintel tea to 7.1 estate are cry Hired to make immediate pa!, went, :11,i1 I hose 11. i. iii ;•lattual,,to.peesent th t tn,tei settlertient to lt;t_ tirr es May :23. (fl ' it TO 141-t H)G E ilia 1.L1)EllS. The Commis:deters of Cowl erhilitl evni,ty will reccip4• propomis at their t/Meein Cg c. nntii the 1 t'. day • ‘ , i . 1 11110 11, , ,L, tor the building of is II tittln.:s Uhl sten as the Coto slegui net creep, a here the rum leadtng Ir.. in MI lure's (lap to Mount. It. di crosses said creek..near :11111. in the lost 11).1111, of \Vest I'n n.. borough, l'umberlaind routlty. The bridge to be of tin lullow ink ditnetsions, viz . To ....ntalti in length 12d tiet lu the clear from are abutment to the it ht r, to Lr Is feet fr'ini oto , to out, and to be 12 feet high from the door to the of the riot. Sold brid;:e to Le druid. , its.re i t with to, 111011d:1111C. the too sir tit or to to pier and the upper floor to be oak, and noised in the centre In inches and well secured. 'ale l.lidge to 1 e one SI an, to °Stem, tram abutment to abutment. the wo.,den aeries to be of first quality of timber. Sold It Idgetu be J.seiy wiother.l4 :wiled with three quarter inch pine hoards well lapped; the entire roofing. to to of good and sulfleictit pine shipgics. 7bo . rooting shall odor d a: coch end of the , bridgii 12 ['pet ever the heel Of tho es, and ottearli side of the I :Mg° over il,o weather boarding two fret. p,Lil t.r the ito. , tlivurit cute:Wt. to I,e painted with tiro tlot.d eon's I cat ening it 11 . .11,1 of while lead mixed with hulled linseed ii; the ide of tio %Mod work to hare two ;teed is f H . lllLe e L ich lime.- 1 he •hvrt•w• , tk to Ie as 11•11i.s : Two a 1 inn eats to hr built on a solid 14in:dation, subject to th , : pproval of said l'onithisionerS. to he in size VI eon tet at the 1..,t tom, mid h, to 1.1 feet high from mat, I' 1111111 f to the i.ora Ilia" or top of abutments; to be 1,11 It of good, }god suit large stone and lime nod wills 01425 tering wait if Hue lush to the It rt 4.11 three Fiats of tlo .I.lltllletah, with Ming waits till (tell nide of tin• sal bridge, IV extend on the itoith side 1111cou feet, alai the south side 7111 foet, from I,rldge said whir wall• to diverge to suit the toad. the said wing walls to 1. fi‘o feet thick at the abutment, with it loitering ...rm. Inch to the foot to the top of the fillhig at d extend... Lt that manner on the too extremes until it meets It,, rend with an asPeut not exceeding an, angle or flye d i green, with cmtain walls walls of soffit 'cut length height and thickness, and to he lien col s.rs (11 with pin. shingles. The sold work described abet., to he done it a good aml workmanlike manner, the !nos , mwork to 14 pointed from the back of the abutments. The filing :h a il consist of earth and stone well put dos. 11, the in dertaker ;Al materials at his own .Ico per se and to give security as the Commissioners shall retorts. for the falthqll performance of the worl,lllllllollll permanence of said bridge, for and during. the term seven years from the Uwe the said brith,o shall to fa I= J. 11111S1'll'ONO, UE(. M. WI AII,IAI, Cotniyassi ,, tten‘ PenunirslPner's Office, Car 'May 1:3, 1 b. C„i I,\II.I.ISLE DEI'OSIT BA N K. Stirctxt. IlLeestvs will le received at this flank fol :my length Of limn over thur months, nod interest yid!: of the rate of YOUR l'llllt CENT. per iniiitun, and tin principal paid hark at any time after maturity a ltlicut notice. Interest cease: , after the expiration of the tint, speeitied in the eertiticate, unless renewed thr anothei Liven perictl. lii which case the interest Is paid up an til the time of the renewal. Mink (pens at ti o'cluck,A. M. and riosen at 2 n' e l,,ek, I', 'AI, It. PAllikilt, President. W. M. ItErrol, Cashier. 111.125 0 '1: G' the Ileirs and legal Representatives of MARY A. KEEPERS. late I.i 'o the r/nigh of Carlisle, tlec'tl. Tithe that by- I • due of a grit of Partition and Valuation, issurd out oc the Orphan's Court of Cumberland County and t., me di reefed, 1 tt ill hold can inquest to din hie, %Mut. the Coal Estate of .sahl dee'll., on the premises, Wll 111 Ur.; 11 Al. the 21st day of May, A. D. Is.W., at 10 o'clock. ti.tm then and where you may atteild if y cot think proper. JOSEPH ItlelbiltloND„ Sheriff. Sheriff's 0111ce. Carlisle, May 2. on N t o n rt i:ott e u sp t j i e c r i t its teen lull on the premium notes of Ow Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection company, which were In force on the ltth day of March last. 'the members of said Company are herel y required to 'lay thekpro rota to the authorized Collectcrs or Treasurer of the Com pan within thirty days,'ln neenrdanro alth tho.Epla ws and Chsrter sold Company. Ity order of the Board, muy2 ' TWIN T. GREEN, Secr'y. A ssEssiviliNT.--411e members of silo mkt, and Fast Ventisborbillittittkl Fire 111/41 11h - 111) Cowpony, nro he'rel,y tddircd that tax Etlllit l'Elt CENT: Imo been kid on all !minium notes due on the 2lth day of last, and that n Collector hill cull !Hi thou for the puris,se of collt'clitqc aprltt•ftv LEWIS Foc'ry.. 1 1 ,.1.1.6; GREAT „DISCO . f KILOLLERION I FOIL 'CURIA NO TOY. ir)ii ! , .-7 For noway,years It hos teen the 01jen ofileepest study' n. ith eilt`llliNk and others, to produce n fluid that, op- IMed ti the hair. would cause it to wave suit curl equal in beauty to the natural curl. I}l, hitOLLIOLION lii the only article ever offered tulle world thot µill eiket Oils Ince.t denirablo of jert. rut three or four applies. lions are necessary to curl it as much a 9 way be desired, and for any length of tluie. From Mummy hirthin M.& eft how who have used it, ihosithsorther . does trot 1ae1,14 tate to warrant the Cr/Merlon to glveoloitisfacthin, And wove earecomended in MI ea - acs.. .'Thu recelpo fur mating 4 . 1111 1 , 41 01 ) , folf use,: Win 110 0.311t;on the receipt Omni dollar, hest The ingredient's will not rest over LI cents. • . tjare.A.4o . • ; A, rlo3.M(Priv , f LI: 3 r War C?., 0. Notices. STARTLING, UT TRUE! WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. How often it happens, that the wife lingers from Sear to year, in that pitiable condition as not oven Ibr ono day to feel the happy and exhilarating .lnpu• Inch incident to the enjoyment of health. THE BLOOMING BRIDE, But a few years ago in the flush of health and youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, iallest; debili tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung, spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress of suffering, and an utter-physical and mental pros tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health as connected with the mar riage state, the violation of which entails disease, aufiering and misery, not, only to the wife, bat often HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN " UNTO THE THIRD AND POURTII GENF:RATION," Transmitting CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, HYPOCHONDRIA, INSANITY, Govr, KING'S Evil., and otter and worse Diseases, as It DREACIF F UL INHERITANCE FRU THE PARENTS "And must this continue? Must this ho P Is there no remNly? No relief ? No hope?" The remedy is by knowing the Muses end,,poiding them, and knowing the remedies, and benefiting by them These aro pointed out in THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR.- S. M. MAURICEAD, PROPOSSOR OF DIBF.AFIFS OP WOILIM. One Hundredth Edition, (500,000), lSmn , pp. 230 (ON FINE PAPER, EXTRA [TINTING, $ GO.I A standard work of established reputation, frond classed In the catalogues of the great trade sales la Now York, Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by l h .• principal 000ksellers In tho United States. It was 8 et published 1 .11 1847, sinco which time ituNDSED - THOUSAND COPIES have been sold, of which there were upwards Of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY !FAIL, attesting the high estimation in which it is held as a re liable popular Medical BOOK PO R EVERY FE3I A If, E the author having devoted his exclusive atter 'ion to the treatment of complaints peculiar to females, in rorpect to which he ii yearly commlted by thousands both iu per.son and by letter. Hero every ;roman can diAcorer, by comp:irk her -.cm syt4toma with those described, the nature, „haraele.r, causes of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints Tho wife about becoming a mother has often noel of ruatruction and advico of tintu tu' r turo health, in respect to %Chi bids consialting a medical gentl. 'traction and advice, and also explain many sly mploms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all tho peculiarities incident to her situation aro described. How many aro suffering from obstructions iir' irregular Mies peculiar to the female system, which undermine the health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice. Many suffering from prolapstes uteri (falling of the womb), or from fluor athus (iveakncisa,..lobility, Sm.) Many are In constant agony - for many months preceding cordlike moot Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and slow and uncertain recoveries. Some Irhoso lives are hazarded during such time, will each find In its pag•'s the moans of prevention, amelioration and relief. It is of course impracticable to convey fully the rations anbjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly in. tended for the married or those contemplating marriage. Reader, are you a husband or a father? a wife or a mother? Have you the sincere welfare of those you Inre at heart? Provo your aincority, and lon no limo in learning what causes Interfere with their health and hap pineal not less than your own. It will avoid to you and yours, as it has to thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights incapacitating the mind for its ordinary avocation. and. exhausting those means for medical attendance, medicines and advertise./ oostrums which otherwise Nroubi provide (or &ermin e , years, the jutirmitioe of age nud the proper edacatiou of your children In consegrient'e of the universal popularity of the u (irk, as evidenced by its extraordinary nate, various iraposi tions :have been attempted, as well on boaxellere as en the public, by imitations of title page, %primes edinons, and enrreptitous - infringements of copyright, and other brims and deception; it has been found nece.caiy, therefore, to CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no book unless no words " Dr. A. If. mAt - HT,TAt7, IY9 Litsarty Street, N. Y.," Is on (and the entry in the Clerk's than an tic back of) the title pogo ; and boy only of renieetable and honorable deniers, or send 1)3 mail, Roil iiiktruss to lir. A M. klaurimtu. frer Upon receipt of One Dollar "TUE MAR. RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL , COM PANION" is sent (mailed free) to any part of the United States. the Canadas and British Provinces. All , letters must be post.pald, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAURICIEAU, boat 1224, New-York Cdr . Publishing Offme, No. 129 Liberty Street, New. York, 'HO IV A 11. ASSOCIATION, IJIA = TO all persons attlicted with sexual so, h SEMINAL. WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, tioNORI , IDEA, MEET, LIS, &e., &e. Thu IioWARD AFfitn'lATloN of Philadelphia, in view of the awful destruellim of human life and health. caused I Sexual Ilbse:thes, and the deceptions w aro praelisi.d up.mt the unfortunate viethes of such di,, , ,L005, by Quac k s. Jots e directed their 'commit ing Surgo 6ll . as A f'll ITA lII,E ACT worthy of their name, MEDICAL ADVICE (IRATIy, to all persons thus af- Illeted, (Male or Feniale.)who apple by letter, (rst.paid,) with a de:46lol:m of ihelr coliditht, iiv4e, occupation, habits of 11.(1., Ac.,) and In extreme poverty erltt suffering to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF (ILA IttlE. The Howard Association lan benevolent institution. estaldslied by special endowntent, for the relief of the irk end' distressed, afflicted with " Virulent and Epi demic diseases," and its funds can be used,. fo r 110 ether pUrpll4l`. it 111'01 000". a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise , the above notice. It In needless to add that the Association commends the highest Medical still of the arc. Adltlepss, (post-paid,) Pr. (l Et), 11. CALIIOIIN, fonstilt ing Surgeon, Iloward Association Philadelphia, )'a. fly Order of the Di r enter* • EZRA ILEAVITWELL, President. GEO. FA RECIIILD, Secretary'. april II IIIITC S ANI) CONFECTIONARY Thu unaermgDvd bus just return - ed Iranw t h tt frosh supply of 11)E1"(1: and Co:\ FIVTIONA 'lm former in connerlivn milli his stcek ob hand will inalai his 11: , 00111()Ilt of - 111.111•11),.s and ttietnirala N.titploto. Ills asSe,rtment of CONPF:eriONARY Is MI4I C(. l llMlitlng of puts suguy White and transparent Cood;t TOys; Candy,isminon. assorted, nfid fine eatallea of 4t err variety; also Fruits. Nut% and ovety thlod I,eimirdng to that dernttinoot Of trado. Ie would rail sVeltal attention to his supply' of P AT ithTICLES for thy itulidays, and general twu, among mitteb ntay 1.0 friend the rtx.tl, tho tat.kisit; . aria tho m.efur., All aril l invited to call ultothur.thoy wish to pus,ll set r Oct. 11, esultslo; Doe; r:.S4 QUM:AiI?, It II At 8. AT largo invoice 1 , „ 74 Men's altil,ljoy's ParrUnc, ittithtml, Pea 111,1lratd . and .IYraultablo-574A6W -Ifittst:tuiw'-opening end selling uncommonly low at Ma cheap stored. • May, 9,'65 Od 1 1.11 • Ell!EMII lI7TTU Ind Hoch in