M II 3Atitultutal. Froni the ClerhvinOwn Telegraph Cutting Hay •11 r. FR ;:AS : —There are at present,:.a trdtitudc of conflicting opinions in re e_per !vraliS Sh uld_ h. cat—so 11J contendiw , that the opera tion It mowing should be commenced as ,on wi the developement of the flowers has c (mmence. 1 ; others that the sythe ,hould by no moans be introduced till the s•!:1 has become partially matured, as• they suppo4c the superior value of diis add , more t,, the value of the plant as a whole, than it; abAracts. No definite howey, , r, 0 . 111 h e laid down in this In 'a.m., as Facticc must necessarily vary with tli coatinreticies of temperature, climite and the specific character of the ordinarily cultivated. For my own part I thin' , that one should so'M as infloreqeelce be ! ,in4. 11 0 will then have time to get thromrh It 1).4(1r, , the erop becomes too far a Iva:iced towards maturity, and his hay th less heavy, and consequently liss v ilcl lido a: a market ;product, perhaps. will be much moire succulent and s weet, (lion if p.rmitted to stand till a later p trio 1, or till it bonmies ((cad ripe. Tlie old inetli,d of maldny. hay in the •in.l drying it till seorecl' a particle of in,isturo is left in the fibre, is now ahno, ; t, nniv , 2rsally depreciated. On this subject, one of the greatest farmers who it is ever lived, has the follow rc urtrks AS S:»11 as the grass is fairly freed from moisture, it is put into narrow heaps which are made as loch as possible ; and t ) orovent these from falling down a n stake is driven into the "round, ar )und whi,di the ! miss is carefully ar r In4ed with the hands. A handful of is then taken from one of the swaths, and the longest and strongest pird,,ns are chosen from it to cover the t the heap or hay-cook with,. 'care I) , in , * taken to trim the•upper or ffoSver in, part of the grass downward. These pyramid d heaps are then suffered to re m tin until the ! grass of which they are c,nr,.»sed, is tlprJughly dry, which is gcnerally somtiwhere between the eigloh and tit'teenth day. On the heap being openc 1, the grass in the interior of it will g.3ll!rally b.: found o retain its hue an 1 freshness. I have seen grass thus mule into large heaps, in dry and windy w which h m nle ve:•v rapidly with ait re i n:ring to be moved, and h hen quite groin. Temprary rain or showers not 111) it, any harm beyond that of deprivin ! , the external parts of some portions of its greenness; - bat should the wet weather continue for any c period of titan, there is a pssibility of the hay becoming ttio much cupressed; It will be then necessary to open the heaps, and shake and loosen the In:Vv, in order to prevent it from ac• (riving an unpleasant flavor." This may be obviated by making the C3'ilkti small— say of about eighty weight when first put up, and covering theta carefully, with firc..it grass. I give you this for what it is worth—some may be induced to try it this season, on a small sca'e, and report the result. One ibing is admitted by every one, which is, that the hay in making is exposed to the)sun, the in we valuable it is—it retains its color and flavor better, and consequently is worth a great deal more per ton than when dried up by the burning rays of the sun. J. B. R. BI?IthINOTON Co., N. J. " Soap-Suds. It -is but seldom that: any effort is made by our agriculturalists to save this valuable ,liquid.. Enough is annually produced on each farm. to constitute a very material addition to the manure heap, if properly managed and 'applied. One hogshead of suds, mixed with ,the liquid from the will: produce allthe &l is of a half a. cord 'of the beg ma nure, and when used in irrigating cola posteaps will be equivalent to much more than that quantity. rude, in 4 prutroSeent , state, contain the food of • plants in a state of solutior, _which ne c r.!its far the rapidity and energy of their action - when applied in irrigation. Wheat and other cereal grain, sprinkled upon n plait of wass, if , , covered with tiwir awn 'straw, moistened with- suds, . wi;; 'fl.6velOpe and mature healthy. a:1 1 r ? erfeet 'ortnit • - even', tbottglt—their roots never touch a particle of soil This proves the 'great efficacy of the liquid as a stimulant, and should recom inmid it to every farmer or housekeeper who has plants to feed. --1• Beans. If you desire to grow food for your sheep, that is best adapted to encourage grotwh of wool, prepare an acre orso of land, the first week in this month, by tunnuring, ploughing, and pulverizing„ and plant beans therein. 'A gill of bean meal and 2 lbs. of hay, or fodder will keep a sheep in fine condition. M=M I AYE r'rVELLI LE SE:AIf NAIIY.--This Instituti - in will open on the first ,l , ,ntlay In a now and twilit:Ohms building' tireetml for that parr - etc, under the direetian and super t-odo nee cd . lle v.. 1. Kennedy and Samuel 'PhOnut Tito thin Ili nary is healthy turd retired.— I t to the 1 -.I:01 of the Prin:ipti that the r.nirse of hi; afro tuorugh, and the ex pcitses nidtiorate. Thc,ltest te.tehers will lat einilieeel. Pupils will ha arr.lii4ol in ela,ses itoording to tho direction of th- ip There will he three el.tsser—Priatary unior and Solli tr. TERNI.i:—SU..)I)IEIt 51:5:3407 , T. For h ,ara, tt.tshing, fuel anti ii4ht, par sessi.)n of 4 ni mthq. ruiti •n in S‘mi.,r riasslior sossion, •• Junior In lit try ilrook. Latin Or Fronch, on Piano and use of Inatruliont, palntili,i and drawing, For lart,lvir irnintion nildross .1. K ENN El/Y, .T;in wiry 17, 1565.-3111 Fityettrilic, Franklin f•t. Pa L 1.,N1\ 7 00 I) ACADEiNIY. iiFF slt.uw, P, Huntingdon County. Penn. il . •St !MASI tit of this well known instil ut ion will op n W,itliiii•olay in May. It is located at Sll.ltte tier. eit Moon miles trout the Mount lit.ion station on Iho l'emisylvailia Railroad, from %Odell there is a .litilv lit.° of sta , ros. lielng sit rite , ! In the ,iolintry it I, rani toe I all the sires and tv•upt.ktions of t “vn.— I li , large, airy an I Otilltll Slittlls,..tlit title of • tttlill Plitt 11•:. S tlllO f..l butane ' Those soh-) taut not. It, to , ' tat'sittlt•ti in the inntitntiran Obt:li II ~;•.,..(1 i tarn 1, in the neighliorti out per wool , . 5,..Y.,j,.11 of fivt, months payable .111 - 11•- ly iu - ,hence; nz t ets per dos; and Put!! ootro. For further particular!: address. W. It. IN'i) MS; liio Principak mbiresq wilt ho Eastmt Pa. mail the kt of April after which time Shade ship. iluntithribm Un. Pa. Marehl 4th. \ l iT ill'f E II ~ 1 IA I, A(111).1 , 13I V, three y inuo, west of 11-krrisburg. The ninth SeSAitill of this p ,pular awl 1161'0,111u:4 Institution will em - in ince on Monday, the ith •.1 May next. under the most favorable mispices. I)nrlug the present year snob impi,‘ units and tdditions have been made as its ill -01,1,1114 patrona.te demanded. The Principal will bens -oi,te.l by a full corps of eompttent and experienced to pliers, and speAal attention will be paid to the health and emefort of the Stu:lents, \Vaslli ng and Tuition In the rattrlisli !Crunch es, awl Vocal !limit por Sossi,n, (5 months) ztaio.cl Instruction in Latin and Creek, - 10 00 Preach and Cerny ii 5.00 The attention of parents and guardians ig earnestly invited t this 1 nstituti 0. Circulars will be furnished and any Information will be 4ivon, on appleation, either personal or by letter to D. D. , NLINO ER, Principal. Harrisburg, Pa. Mar. 14 1555 pI,AINFIELD CLISST(IA AC A 1)- 1111:11 . earl l'a. The 7.ith Seasi , m eacu melee on 't , ITEsnA Y. %I k y 10. 187:0, Number of t4ttt• iota.. Itinite.l.and ennatant off-rts use.: fa' their moral and int el nal i•nprovement. p l'lroliktrt+ a ith references and full int win:ain't furnkh ed, I,y it. N. iIIYRNS, Principal and Proprietor. Ipril Plainfield. rumberlnni 'n. Pa 11/ ‘10313111:11.CTAL COLLEGE, No. 1'27 BALT! NI lIIiiMTitCET, BA Md. Tins Institution pros its superior facilities to young men d -.trolls of obt tilling n prnetkal business othmt- I hot. The course of studs• enthrteos Double Entry hook_ Keeping, as practically applied to tint tnaintgatment of :11arcantile, Kink, Nl:tont:taming and Steamboat Hooks —Basil toss Penmanship and Miexcintilo Computations —familiar Ito:domes oil Unmmerrial I.3W—upon the sllb d of Bills of Es:di:mgt, Promissory Notes. Contracts. Part nurship.t. &co &t.i. 'rho exorcises aro strictly practical, being dedu c ted from a dual business transact hms, mid so completely couthilio prod IVOii ith theory that students, On mantle that, of tits conrse. are In es cry respect (.411m:tent to conduct. on scientific principles, any sot of Doublo Entry 'rho stiolonts !taco access to a Commercial Li brary procured expressly fir their accommodation- Usu it It, tit of time to complete the vrhole.coerse, from s to 10 woolts. =I 4,111 LY COAL.-500 Tons Lyken's 'Vano v Coal, broken and Sereonodi. prop:moil oN presqly Il , r family use. revelvlng and ti , r sdlr Ly Jan. 17 :1111 W. It. :111.1111(AV, Agt. lA ' TOOLLEN YARN —A lot of very y y Superior lieavy and Even Woollen Yarn just received, much bettor than the city yarn, all colours. novg Olt AS. 0013,11 Y. ) EEVE L. KNIGHT, (Successor to I ILI I & Knlght,l BEDDINO AND CARPET ‘VABEIIOUSE No. 148 South Seound Street, Ova doors -411)01;11 Spruce street, Philadelphia, Where ho keeps con stantly on hand a full assortment of every article in his line of business. Feathers, Feather Beds, Patent t' ring Niattresses Velvet. Tapestry, Tapestry, Brussels. Three Ply. Ingrain, 'Venetian, List, Dag and limp Carretings. 11l Cloths, Canton Mattlngs, Cocoa and Spanish MattingS Floor and Stair Drugvets. Hearth lings.Doorldats,Table and Piano Covers. To which he invites the attention of purchasers. f 4ect'ti 17, 1 STAT E SAMITEL 1314',A11, j(TASIM.—Nntiro is hereby Oren that Letters of Administration on iho o..tate of Samuel Boar. Into of WeAt l'onnshoro tow 'lshii), Cumberland county, dere:ism], have boon duly gyatitod I.y the llogistor of said county the subscribers. ti n t first residing In Dickinson and the latter in West Ponn shorn township. Ail persOns 'snowing themsolves indebted to said estate are requit 8 oil to make immediate payment, and thoso having claim to present them for settlement to r%fiiy 16—pa USTATE OF JOHN SPROUT, de eensed.—Notice is hereby given that letterstteste niebtary on the I:stoic Of jolt John Spront,late of Hampden township. Cumberland county, deee:ued. hove been is sued 11 the Register of said county to the subscriber, residing in the same township. All peri-ons knowing themselves Indebted to sold estate ere required to melte Immediate povinent, nod those having claims to present Woo for settlement to nprlB•pd THOMAS IL BRYSON, Adm'r. 1?A PER . .—Pe vions w i)g MALI, Mitt an. extonalvo atrelr fer sale my C,IIEAV al. ' . 4014., . . ( f gliSaiWL 4tll3Dis7 •Bu9incEistarb oncE.—Notice is hereby given that 1. }my°, this d ay, associated a ith me in the practice of my profession. %Vin. M. Penrose and Thos. M. Biddle Esqrs. AWbuslness, in future will he attended toby the :ilmvo tinder the firm of "Illontr: S Pssluoss:." Feb. 14th ISM. W. M. WIDDLE, Ntly at Law. el P. 11UJIRICH, Attorney at Law kje—Diller in Beeteill'S Row. All business mitres Ca to him will be promptly :ittentlect to. WILLIAM CI Attorne at Lair. °MCC iii Unto Street, Carlisle, Pn. 4'r) usiuesa untruhted to Itim xOl bu prinaptly tended to. Feb, 7. N. GREEN, Attorney at law, has settled in .11echaniesburff, for the practice of his professin. All kinds of Legal Writing, Collections, Court business, A.c., promptly attended to. 011itpoppi; site Dr. hone,.'s residence. in all Its' rent branches promptly attended to. GB. COLE Attorney at Law, will a tend promptly.to 311 business en trusted to him. °theeln ,th-Fromn E, 1., North Hanover stredt, Uarlitir. April 20, ISS: It C. E. IMUM-ENTHAL, HO mi - E)p.szrme PHYSIC! AN. Office and rot:blow , on lemther street. one door, east of the German Ito flnmad Church. Dr. Blumenthal respectfully offers hi professional services to Alm citizens of Carlisle and vi deity. Ro-Persons front a distance laboring under chrmil, Ilis,,:ows may consult by lett6r. Office hours, front i I( A. 1., and 2 to 4 P. M. taptiVr,it I)R. S. B. KIEFFER 4)ffiee in Nortl 5t,,,,t two doors flii4lVelso A Campl.clr story. (Miro hours, more particularly from 7 to U o dock A. M., :mil from 5 to 7 (iclock, PY M. $lO 00 SOO 600 4 00 5 00 15 09 - • "111. li(). INT. NEI ()ICI! DENTIsT q•arefolly attends to all 111141' operations up o n the teeth and loljacent part. t h at tli,easo or irregularity may require. - Ile will also invert .11-titicial every lit,cription, Stull a, and Block teeth. :mil teeth e.ith "Contin uous and will construct I Wend turat l'elatinis. es and of err applinnee OW Dental A r t. ___operal r,10131 at the re•lileira , Elliott, West II et relit. 'at I 'l , ', () RC 141 Z. 13 '. lET7, , 1). 4..17 4„ - ''',,,.. i ir D. s., DENT.. isT. ,:..,,„.,•„,, tri-,.1, , ~_„,...._ i 0.. -s his professional 51.1,14. es , to OW rr • t l'a piddle. Artificial teeth iii,....t...1, from a .inal.. 1., 411. to an entire sot. on the la . ..,t :old Di; st cl. jest,l p'•Int•11111,. SllOl as Single. 1110 I;. and - C00t...m-1i: t...m-1i: it not 1'....th." Diseases of tho 31,u1 I. and I 1.- re4ttlaritli., ...irefully treated. • OFFICE at he ....50b..., of hi, br d1i.... on N. rth l'itt Street. Curtis e. Jan lo J. ('. )113 .1 . J. sill perfo Wr.%, rm ail tiperationr, upon the Teeth that tiro required for their prosert itt ion. Stich ;Is Seal Plugging, it)c., ore ill re-tore the them In, inserting Artificial 'reetii, from a t fh to a full sett. it • inlice on Pitt street, a few doors smith of the Itaiirmil 'lntel. 1)r. 1. is aiseul from ()is - Ikle the last ton days of every month. I!N. It()SENSTE EL, [louse, Fancy and Ornamontal Painter. Ire In s i l'ortnerlN Ilarpor'sl [tow, near Haller's Dry Hoods :-1..0re. Ile %III) attend promptly to all the above tleverlpt ions .t• nt, Noz•conal.lo prima. Tho 111 f graining attemled to, is mahogany, oak, wnlunt, de., lit the improved nt) W. 1311ANDT, 'Manufacturer of k_fi • Mineral Water,:, French l‘lend, Bottled Ale, Porter mill Cider, North Basf Street, near tin. Bail lit Idge, Car'isle `Zltour SZ -in-tuarc. ‘,Z r _l'l) V P.' ! ST( V 14',S ! S'l'o E:-; !!!- Ly JOHN I). (1;1101.‘S would inform the puhlic that ho has now on kind at his establishment. on Maio St., nest Mpor to Mat ion Hall, this lamest and most rom. ti-o Lilt STOVES to i.e fionitt in this maul). which sill be sold et the lots rat prices for cash or approved credit. stock c..nsist, of ~ .sEig huge ess,rtmeet of nee and highly PA'PENT COOK I Nti STOVES. finished In the most complete manner, and calculated thr either wood ..r coal, Sr both. All the old standard patterns which have stood the test Of experience. may he too lid at his ,i,tnigi4lonent. Al,l, 11 great variety of the most amino cd and hatutiful PAIL' tit OFFiCE STOVES, in cluding n number of now styles, possessing very supe rior advantages over those heretofore in use. Families end housekeepers era respectfully Inv (bat to give hint a ctll beforo purchasing eisen here. Stoves delivered to any p.trt of the country and put up at the shortest no tice. lie continues to do all kinds of TIN AND suEET !EON WARE, find Hopper Work. end has i., , tistnittly on hand or will make to order every artielo required by housekeepers or others in this lino. ills stock of Tin and Copper Ware embruees every kind of household and kitchen utensil. warranted Clued to the best suanuilte.. hired. Pe.ssons in want of articles in his line may al ways be sti`Kt of Itch accommodeted to their satisfaction by giving him a rail. novl-1854 pRE PARE FOR 'WINTER! ,PARLOR AND,COOKIMI STOVES. The subscriber at his old stand on North Hanover st., Carlible, the sign of the 'llatuanoth Rod Coffee Pot," de ,,lres to call 00 lAteution of the public to his large as ,,,,rtment of STOVES, of the newest and most fashiona ble styles. front the best manufactories in the PI, o,lllltry and at all prices front 5:1 to S1:1. , 1 :. ~,i. A the a n , tr i i la r i ts ; r l ' ,. ...k t i , 1 , 1 , . ,,, 1 0 i: tie' t' Il Arctic.:)! 1 1 1 t E ,, i , t e S , ' , lo , N t ' 1 , , , , S q t„ , i ,, , r ,,.. persian, Union and - --Etna Air Tight, toQetlaur ...,_. eith other p Itt toms which he has of all Sizes ...... 4 .4 P.r parlors or chambers. and calculated for 'urn lug e ith er wend or cal. Also, the iEttizt. Ulobu, A:tor, Allu u ay, Flat-top and Bandbox or Poor Men's, with uthor COOK -INal STOVES, comprising the latest improvements In Lit,hon ',toles. and intondod for either wood or coal.—' Also, the Dining Room Cooking Stovo- 7 a new 2111(1 ele gant article. to %illicit he int ites the partleidar attom lion of funnies. llis cooking btaives range in price from $11.1,t0 '25. with tin, fixtures complete. Also. Nino Plato Stoves of various patterns and different, prices. Ak,. ENAMELLED AND TINNED AI ABE fir Cook ing Stoves, Brass Retties. Ac. Also, every article In the lino of Tin and Coppur Warn. Thu public are respect fully Invited to call as he is confident with his large stock, variety and cheapness, of being able to give en tire sttisfaetion to every purchaser. Call and coo. 1 Oct, 25,1861. M. MORRIS. april 11 DAVID WWI, Pll LI BEAM, Admen ATENT SELF4•3I-IA.P.P. ENING YANKEE FEED cil'trEllB. maittrist=a•vg- for ALMIICII 1 SA Itti ENT, No. 110 Marlset streut, Tht, out tor is S111)011. , r to any now in mat, for strength' duntbility, and simplicity of construction; It outs fast er awl is-tilt only solysharporting - Hay; Straw - and Cern fast er, Cater over made. It has but ONE liTil KNIFE, which ally persmi eon grind anti lint with ease. but in ordinary-etwo, Isground in tho machine. Thou sands have already been sold, and the demand is daily increasing. An must cases Mt .0:0111illiiti011 Is Slitlident, iJ 4 . 00 vine() ono of its , superiority. No one after tt short, trial would pnrt with It ti r ally other. All sizes of thu aim 0 c anda idly nit hot id and for saltily y . ocki I =UM . . • • ' • ..T. LYNE. bolo Agent for Cuurtirlaial county' L -- •• . • (, - . 1 :1'141.A SAW - n1 L n ear r eni...i-town. Corot erlato.l .„ I ASKEW. EY AMUR emttlnue tosup rairnevagm ply„Lumter of all hinds, nt the shni test • notiee,tool on terms lower than eon I e had elsewhere. All unites thrmtml to K l'a pertown, W:tn-t7 - S.l7llltra., Carlisle, will I e pr.( mpt ly attended to. Fri. 22-1 y C AS FITTING AND PLUM 13- 4 . IFA 0, 1 . 1 ; s: o a f ~ 7- a : i l l l , l , ..e i ou ldh t ;t r t s i:i : i t , l , e th l Ls 0 , u n 1: , 1 ,1 1 , :i f: t . i r . Lit i. t , ll .. e . invittAtodotiASl.TlTlNG and I'M' iNflllisl; at ,3141. t. nu- lieu, and on reasf vatic terms;. Ile has eneagml the For- 1110 ii•g drat II imi f.upply tla Li: tel S ILN , ILL le ices of a fast rate hand from lifilndelphia. and hr.s sup. as to 3 ~ ih, r CAM' lishn ett fu ell 1.( 101 11.1 . A t tic plird himoul: a itit an urtensit e assoff 'emit 4.1 FINT•• I ail,: • .f• 1:/1/•;$, WWII] Will mfable him to fill al' orders prof ptly. All I hula r I 111 nupds d Peril :cc tuld Sill. r All work will he warranted. Ills stock of tots is too. s 1,1 are mancfrietnred to erdi r. will In a lea fi a 11e t.in e. will le found in the-room exactly opposite his 1 inning n..ff N 1 atehes. jewelry on d f.hc - er c are faithfully establishment on North 1 [ahoy er street, where he invites ratted: W:11: F. El .'1 t- II AD, a call. I 73. e. '2S4 South t2d St. a few doers facile the :t. Nur- TINICI NG, SPOUTING, &e.—lle is also prepared to bet, V. cot Side. furnish, or make to order, every article of - 11 Ala I.: I tr. , ha the sa m Indult , of the Store. b I e n used by housekeenera and othoas. 1111 wit 1, 11100 attend t ill:fam o us llird Clerk, which ccinniands the admit - nth to SPOUTI \(t, 1 !OUSE-1100Si 0, lIAZci INti, of the scientific and eurleus. (Sept. 25. 'f.4— 1 yr. and PLUAII/INO. Thankf al-fma-thopatroffnefe-withaltiffh-lie-batualrencly been favored. hu respectfully golf. its a continuance of the same. • Carlisle, Juno 14, 'fl4. Fi.lt*() M •('ALIF()ENIA.-C. VON FO II El LEN respectfully tufnrins the citizens of rat - lisle and r, I, kitty, that he has , just return ` .t4 r I . ii:• (' I T I ' l ' l rsi ' i l i i d il s 'r , i ;f in „ ..,c t u :l ' t d eit li'lle'elt'','til'‘':-itt'helxi'i's > 11t4,,,, - !hue ofialtillleSS. Ile has :0 r. it) eon Laud ‘4 O. a large assortment, f ready-made hilles, Guns. Pistols hocks, Keys. (inn Trimmings. &ea all of N 1 hi , I , )I.' Will 5 ,, 11 ‘ , 11 ,, t ,. ..11 0 .1* retail. Ile also attends to repairinc (lulls. clocks. lochs, ti: 1.111111". S I ll' brass. copper and ll On. IN' hopes that Ify strict At, itti,di I' inieturss Rod a desire to please lie st 11l Mel it idol re , eh e pithily plc wilagy. 4' - i.r • All kit lis of Fire Arms Intele to order. Ccirli , l,•. April :26. I t..Ai-ly ._ , Li I'LEN DI I) 3 Ell"- ~.. 6 „: ' , : -z,_-- -- .,,,,,,,,,.. . :!:, , :: :,, s,. : l —' , l :l l ; l l , l l ,, l i i 'l l : ) .. l t i:4:* ) , s' s, (::::;::,- _ i ? - t , 1 t 3 i.....,,,,:,, -, ...Q....i.; , - . . - . (10e. s ~ , ,, , t. ,4 ),,,,k i ! ,, , ,,1., .1. , ~t , ..„,._ ... _ i ..,.; v .-- ~..t.,.1. r riTlo , ),,r. has Just re. ..y........... '',7' As B 7 A . 1. :. ( 1. 4 1 1 s e.l the ,kftrgest al d TISt .. - .......: 1 .... t, ' ~,i- 7 • ....fr.re . • _ - ... 01,..110t q...,r'.1111•Th . f ,tri ri ,, r r l r ,,, lty over“ 1n.1 . , , 1 in ezrlirdlr,. raa gi,tilt.r. in l;„1 of 1 h.:111 511.1 `floor NVatelres or every 1 arkty at d at all prieev, oTzlit-rlzt) CI, , 1 IvS. rill et tarrle mad t.( , pte 1, , , !direr tat 10 tiorks and butter I nil es, Talld and -liver hpeetarteA. ladles' :mil trellt101”01 •• I.:add poll al, d per , il• rr , dt) , Lams of at 1 . 1 . V ,10.1 . 1 . 111t1 0 11. ear and linger HI vs, lured pil, Ae .at :ill pli. g's. A 1 0 A 1,01100104 01,1 :%111- , I. 111 i•. , , , . will 0 I . ollt. 1:1 I ii.? , ,If Fai,e) Art ). 1,,.. se lected - • ),-1v t r the Ili lidays. Perr.mrs )10 , ililirr 1./ 1,11 , 11 , . , are It % 0 , -•1 t, call (unit xa ualue the assur rule:lt. NVe are prepared 1. , •l• 11 111 Ivry 1. s, , lrliallole VII. eS. rmal ity of ga.,d, rvarratted t•; lea , 1;1 0 :0. , r,Jlr.l fir. a. 'll 031.‘S CAIN INN. , .. .., \\ 0:4 111 11 51. XIIION 11 LI. 1)A I: 1:111; EA N _ LTA . to )1)11s._.1. G. I: lug tat en the l'evuer ruan tes hi :1177r10n not, to as A. 11.'1 all's tlal• Ivry. 71,in, A 77 110,77-7,1 the Ladies stud Ileutletuen of t: u '- hslo that he Is prepated to Like !Ahem 7•SeS 111 thl• DU it •ttperi. r ,tyle 7.1 the art such 174 tt 111 hilly sustain the 1, potation this p,07, , ar 7....tn1.1i-1711•7•7.t. Ills ro7 lus are 1.u:,• a , ..111111' Atll,ltl.ll evil C. 1111 ., 'I'ttll I}' furnish rd. I 1,• 1 , 1,0,1111,1 N. 11,11 1110 111, a 1,01 , 1`1"1 . 111 and te7rle, t in5tr777,77•77t for toling pit (Anus :ILO warrants eati.l:47- Lion In all rsoae7. A full suppl 3-77 1. oases 71 r: 1 it•ty of so :111,1 Fl7`, 1,1:1111 :11111 erreire: tel 1.1 , 11 t 011 11:ilia. Ei.gi es lugs, Paintings. &v.. 7t,•uurately curirol and 71111711u:des teken of ITivir:ll 11177•71,:e5. 1,11,e7771a77. taken 771' sick t r detensed person.. 1 rleus incrlerate Heil ~tiSfai 11011 01'1 , 11 111 all eases. to 17,, ited to eell at. the 7llerion Ilall Pagut•rrt•n7, Rooms slut evainine the nunterrusureeinuels. /714 • Davnerre 'types Inset tell 117 Lock ets, Breast Fins, Flinger 1117 gs Pen. II lreads, Sr. 1-I .54. Li A I)1)LE AN 1) ,1 - 11 NI:.•• - •S 31A IN( I. The F ul.cril er c. t gene? I, ,at r,) Oil the slot LithineES, alit', 12rato hes, North Nolo over st i 2.et, Carlisle. two thl 01 of leoonid's , q , rtirr where 1,0 Intends kt tying on 'mod a ;;moral emit toot t 121 his line, consi,ll to!. of 2111 1,i11112., .112. 11.F.5. !Sho tiovole. 121,112.2, (Ingo:L.les and IL:titers. vim-0'1121.N li4- trltt ollog 2,i121 saddle .... hags. Ile 211 so Ilia , it factures the most 2 2 . .... OFFICE ...,...„,..,, i . c .-„ \\\\ \\l i --- 1 6 16\i i il Collars and % hip. in all their aide- ttes, and confidently believes rude the general mind a lion of his e_ dolomite, Hirt he males the neatest and Lest gears, in ell their variety et Melts that Is lend° in lite country. Ile also makes all kinds Of 11l a tiasses. to order, vik: Straw, Husk, Curled llalr and r=pi leg Al:g rasses. All the ribc.vii articles will Le made of the I cat united :II and workmanship. and with the utua st la s patch. WM. OSBORN. C c't LOTIII NG AT COST—The subseri b ; or has an assortment of fish loi.sl Ie atilt well made which a 111 bo sold oft at ctaten•r cash. TI, k v , s 1 • )f (loth and Cashivarett rents. Lin- Tweed and Jean Olds; 31arseills ; Casshners Jean's and Cord ran i.torado pantakens, with all hinds .)und In a clothing strre, anis)) this liancli of my t usiness. great bargains ran ho had by calling won at the cheap store of CilAltl.l,l; 00I1.111'. CARPI...HM.I.—d row pieces just received frcul auction and selling very low. June !l, V'RRE I INSURANCE. —THE ALLEN VI AND EAsT PENN'SbOiIO MUTUAL •11.111 i IN• r,I. A .NCE COMPANY of Cuml erlaml ccunty, Inettyo rated by nn art of Assembly,-Is now run ) • nrgatth:tql, ni,cl In operatien...under the management of the following' eommts.sioners, via: , . .. Daniel - ilailey,• William - H. Colima, Michael eneklln, Melchoir llronnenm, Chriqlan liteynntiv .1t hu C. Than lap..latob 11. Ccover. Lewis I1)-or, Henry .I.,