Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 11, 1855, Image 3

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    tittle loth.
2 t4 'l ‘
r tie
Gustavus, Hermann, and Annie, walked out
Into the field on a fine spring day, The lark
and athousend other birds were siyging, and
the flowery unfolded themselves It the -dew
and in the mild beams f the orning sun.
The three looked ro7n , ull of ladtiess, and
sprang from one *all hill t another, and
Weaved crowns of flow re. cThe3 also cele
brated in song, the bea ty of he spring, end
the lova of the heavenly, Father, who clothes
the earth with grnss and flowers; and they
sang of flowers from the rose which grows on
the bush„ to the little violet which blooms in
retirement. So the spring of life and the
spring of the year appeared in a lovely union.
Then said they ono to another, "Lot us each
select the little flower, which each loves Most."
This proposition delighted_them, and they
sprang into the field to select the favorite
'flower, promising to meet again in the arbOr.
So the three went their different ways in con•
tor& to collect the beautiful. A lovely flower
gathering! Suon all three appeared again 'on
' their way to the arbor. Each one'bore in the
hand a full bunch of the selected favorite
flowers. When they came in sight of each
other, they held up the flower above their
heads and shouted aloud for joy When they
had reached the bower,- they agreed that each
one should tell the reason of their choic l e.—
Gustavus the eider, bad chosen 'the violet.
_ (..!S_ee.!±_said he,_"ithlooms.and eendsforth_its.
fragrance in modest stillness, amidst moss and
grass, and its work i • at ncealed, like the soft
approach and blessing' of spring,. Men honor
and love it, and it is praise I in beautiful song,s;
and every one brings a bunch, when he return"
front the ft -i I, tind he calls the lovely violet
the first born of spring, and the flower of
modesty; therefore I have selected it as my
flower " So saying he gave Ilertnann and
Annie sonic of his flowers, who received them
with inward satislaction; for these beautiful.
flowers were aleo,atheether's gift. Now Her
mann came forth with his bunch. It was the
delicate lily, which grows walt-r the cool shade
of the grove, and liftS up its blooming bells
like strings of pearls, white as the light of day.
"I have selected this as it is the emblem of
innocence and of a pure heart, and it speaks
to me of Him who adorns the heavens with
stars and the earth with flowers. Was not the
lily of the field honored above all other flow
era, in giving testimony of the love of our
heavenly Father in whom all things live and
' move! This is the reason why the lily is my
favorite flower:" Thus spoke Hermann, and
offered his flowers to Gustavus and Annie, who
' recieved them with joy and respect. Awl
thus was the little flower consecrated, Then
came Annie. the kindly, lovely m tden, with
' her gathered flowers. It was the blue, touder
forget-me not. "These flowers," said the
amiable creature, "I found near the brook !
They glitter like the bright stars in heaven,
and sport in the clear water on whose border
they grow, and the little stream flows along
more beautifully, as if weaving a wreath.
Therefore is it the bower of love and tender
ness ; and I have select, d it as my favorite,
and I transfer it to you, my dear brothers!"
Thus saying. she gave to each a kiss, which
they returned very affectionately. Then their
guardian angel smiled upon the amiable bond
of innocence When they had thus'seleeted
their favorite flowers, Annie said, "Let us
-weave them into two wreaths, and carry them
to our parents." So they formed two beauti
ful crowns of flowers, and took ,them to their
parents and told them the whole matter, how
they came to choose these flowers. The
parents rejoiced at the little tale thus related,
and said: '•A lovely crown: love, innocence,
innd mod• sty combined! see how ono flower
exalts and adorns another, and in their union
they form the most beautiful crown of towers!"
!'.l3ut one thing is still wanting," answered the
Whole three, and with lively gratitune placed
;the crowns on the heads of their father and
mother. The parents -were deeply affected
s with jay. They embraced the gentle ones
-cordially and said: "S'itch a crown is more
glorious than the crown of princes,"—Lilies
, and Violets.
....morn that he keeps constan
uu hand a supply of tau "Shemansagner," an admi
rable Wash for the hair, manufactured by himself. Tito
excellence of this Tonic is testlged to by all of his CUR
lemons who have .user( it to be one of the host articles
mown Sro cleansing the hair of dandruff. He also men-
Sfeetures a Hair Restorative, known no tho -'Corashee
bum," for giving new growth to the hair on bald heads.
Ample testimony exists Of the efficacy of this excellent
Restorative. While the Shenumsagner clears tho hair
if dandruff and prevents It from coming out, the (Jo
hshoorkwm supplies n new growth to ibogo who have
Ind the misfortune to lose their heir. The public Is in
dica to call, examine and purchase these invaluable
,rtieles, as ho is confident they will retider satisfaction.
lIIAMITONING attended to in the best style an usual.
it hie Old rooms on West, Main Street. near Marion Hall.
Carlisle, Dec. 27, Mt. WM. BURGESS
PUMPS.—Just received a large assort
moot of PUMPS of every variety in general use,
embracing Iron and 'Brass Cistern and Cistern Side
PuMps. Also, out-door Pumps, so regulated as not to
ho subject to freexing 'ln whiter. These pumps are got
tp 111 the very hest style in Point of quality and Nvorh•
ammiiip. This nianufivturon; having had p rom ith„,
mar +. pantos at several Rate Fairs, Where
cloy bayo boon on olbiblt m. A constantly on hand
I full assortment of Iron Well Curbs end Chain Pumps,
l'er sale low ai
—The subscriber respectful
ly Informs the Indies and
gentlemen ofrarlisle and
vicinity that e has now on
hand at his !lair Dressing
and Shaving Room on West
street. an elegant ;Issortmet
gentlemen's WlOS.and can
furnish to order at shorteq
°tice every kind of flair
Vert: of the best quality.
lie also begs leave to In
"lnn his friends and custo-
ST otp.„ l . t a l t i;
t r i l
tit LE.—The
'osof n.Drir. St ro. late tho property of 11:11::01.1.1s
.,oi, deed, hi Churchtown, Cuinhorland Thorn
IA 110 other Prug Store In t h e place, atol :t One opportu
nity is now pres,nted to
any young nut n ishing
. •
I commnece this' business. or h,rins eloiniro of
I.I.IINRY SAXTON'a. n 6 , Arndl.-
Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the Philadel
phia Cullum of Medicine, and Aeting.Professor of Mid
wifery; ono of the Consulting Plush:taus of the Phil.
adelphia Hospital,lockley; late member of the Nu
tional Medical ASSOCilgiOll; member of the Philadel
phia Medical Society; member of the Mediro-Chirur r d
cal College of Philadelphia; formerly President and
- Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in Cas"Fton Medi
cal College '
Vermont; and also, late Professor of An
*Only and Physiology in iterkshire Medical institu
tion, Pittsfield. Mass., &w, Ac.
Has lately Introduced in a popular form, several of his
vorite prescriptions for the principal diseases of this
climate. The name of each article will imply the dis
ease for which it is intended to 1.1, used.
Coughs: Ate., Price 25 eta
DY. 'Price 50 etc.
**lug the 11lomi, Prim $l.,
Die. McUtdsrovies Dyspeptic Elixir—For giving tone
to the stomach; relieving pains after eating. heartburn,
and all disagreeable symptoms arising from indigestion.
Price $l.
getable-Remedy fur Internal use. Price 50 as.
Usti; Sprains, Swellings - . Ice. I'rire 50 etc.
Dit.*MeCtativecs's A NODYNEMI Pains, Tooth
ache. Headache, Neuralgia, Ac. Price 50 eta'
Die. MeCuNrocs's FEVER AND Anus SPECIFIC—A certain
come for all Intermittents. Price $l.
vexrivs—A Safe Remedy.
Costiveness, Ileadache.Ac. Price 25 etc. • .
Da. McCLlNToox's ANTI.-HILIOVS Pula—For irregularity
in the Functions of thever and Bowels—the beet !Av
er l'ill made. Prim 25 cts: a box.
,For sale by Dr. J. McCLINTOCK. at his Medical Delia,
tit W. Corner NINTH and FILBERT Streets,
ohia, and all Druggists. Druggists and Dealers in Med.
clues who wish to be Agents. will please address Dr.
McClintock, furnishing reference, name of Post Office,
county and State.
11 - 9_For stile by W. A. Kelso, Samuel Elliott, Carlisle;
J. 11. Criswell, Shipponsleirg; Entrain;
er A: Co.. L. Ran
01:111, MechanltSl/Ilrg; JuSej,ll Herron, Ninvville; .1. B.
Zhhincrman. Anders mborg; Haines A Fertig. Millers
town; A. C. Klink, New Bloomfield; Harriet M. Singi.r.
Newiert; B. F. Gardner, York springs; A.. 1. Jlfller and
.1. S. Nixon. Chamborshorg; B. Mon t 7,,,,
Henr,ze Ifor4-nrr and D. R. Jones A Co.. Ilarrishurg.
'DU. 31CLINT.ICH ran he consulted, without charge,
& i lls, f r om lo to 12 A M., at his Depot.
Promo her 5, 1 ,154---ly
1101,11)A ys !
&r. kr.
)V. 11.11 i;• rgeelNed_ from, thy city
and is now a splendid tiisplalv of l• AM.) tic)
IT the ;:ppro,..ioug Holiday r-.anon, t., u hi It
he oleslres to van I lie tit tout i•Pti of to is II Wilds and the
public. 111. zt.,ortint.lit 111 I hi. hoe caotiot, 4ul 'passed
to nevelt . ) alltl and Wall in quality and ',tie..
of the articles, cannot fail to please It wuuld
be •
imposill,le to enumerate ills
1101.111 AV FA
will, h routpri.. et err t trlvt.) u 1 lancy article of the label
cal e .nape such as
lsuper Mar tic bran's,
alabaster and pnreelain ink-stands and trays,
Mary, pearl and shell card =Laos,
Lndl •s' Fancy ISaskets. •
Finley 11'ark Boxes, with sewing Instruments,
Pert )1 , hoaies, of every variety,
G a m pr. a A nd pont-els, Fancy paper weights,
l'apeterioa, and it large variety 01 la,lies . r alley station
Mott , . s laic and wafers. Silk and bead purses,
Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished, Ladles' fine
Perfume baskets and bags,
Brushes of every kind for the toilet.
Roussers Perfumes of the various kinds,
Musical instruments, of all kinds and at all prices,
together with an innumerable variety 1.1 articles elegant.
ly finished and suitable for holliday presents, to which
he invites special attention.
Also, an extensive and elegant collection of '
cinnprising the various English and A merican ANNHA LS
for 1x55. rich ly enabelished and ilustratasl POETICAL
children of all ages. than which nothing can be inure
opproPrlate or pleasing as holiday gifts. Ifisassortinent
cchoOilftiOksulid School Stationry is also 'complete,
and comprises every thing used in College nod the
schools. lie also &Artist, ea:: the particularattention
of f amities to his elegTit .
from the extensive establishments of Cornellui, Archer
and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style el
i'arlor, Chamber and Study- Lamps, for burning either
lard sperm or ethereal oil, together with Flower Vases.
Filtley &TeI:AM &O. His assortment in this Duels un
equaled In the borough. Also,
sEnrr.” FRUITS, &c.,
in every variety and at all price's, all of which are pure
and fresh, suite as confidently recommended to
his fi binds and the little tolks. Ili: ~trick embrases
every Ailing in the lino of Fancy ',Mods, Ni 101 Mp.IIS' nthor
articles useinl to housekeepers NY Welt the public are
especially invited to coil and see during the holidays.—
aemediber the old Stroud, nearly opposite the Bank on
North liainu er scree
den Cl IS3I
Glt HAT ArrltA(7loY! IR) Flit
1. now and will continuo to he supplied with the great
est n e t cities up the else soasm.comprisiu,„: in
part CON Fr.(' I I, /NA It I ES of the choicest N:triet such
Fine Candy Toys. Jelly (al. C.. Imo Boos, I out
Lemon, Gluicolato and Emit Drops, hose, Vanilla, and
IS unit Almonds, French and exploding Sect ets. Also
all the common varieties, all of u Inch will be sold 1,1101e
s:do and retail at low rates. 11 o have just received
riturrs AN II N U'rs of the latest importations such as
t Iranges. LOIlllllll4, Ilaishis, Figs Pruens, Citron, C 'arrant
soft and paper shelled A Intends, Filberts, Cocoa, cream
liround Nuts. In connect ion u Int Om above the
largest assortment of TOYS AND FANCY lic.hllisol ()very
kind front nil parts of Europe, 1113111.1faet tired of WOOII,
glass, china, papier Waal°. 1111 and India rubber, zink s ,
Se., such as Elm, Wttt, hid and jointed Dolls, sewing
and Card Baskets, Work and Fancy Flower Vases,
Motto Cups, Tea Set la, Music Boxes. Port Monnies. Battle
Doors, Grace Hoops, Masks, Drums, Guns Trumpets,
Dominoes. Lotto mid olio, games, ti. Fancy :'l,ll, d
Hair tit' every t,tricty. lii Collll,lloll NI lilt the
above a large stock of FAAI GROCEIIIF.S, such us
pulverised. crushed and brown Sugars, Of every grade,
Coffee, Molasses. Starch, Green and Illaek Teas, Spices,
Butter, soda, Sugar, Water and other Crackers. cheese,
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a genet.
ous public for the patronage licretofofe bostoweil on him,
and hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a continuance
of the same,
Ciflielo, Dee,r 7, 1854
_lmo havojust received from Philadelphia, a large
assortment of new and SPI,,ENDID A NNUALS, and OM
BOOKS for the ilolidayi., which having been purchased
below the usual wholesale lutes, we are enabled to
sell at greatly reduced prices. They have now In store
a splendid stock of
Gift Books,
• Illustrated Poets, .
Standard Works,
• Bibles, all sizes, ~ . •
Prayer Books,'
Hymn Books,
Sunday School Books,
Tract Books,
Juveniles, &c., &e.
All of,whlch aro NEIV 110011 6, fresh from the publishers.
fiplondlilly bound and embelisheil and got up expressly
for the Christ mess !foible vs. Abel FANCY STATION lt Y
and Fancy articles generally, in great variety. 'rho
are invited to call and examine samples now ready
for Inspection.
ire - ltemoniber, the place to buy books, cheap, is at
,PIPER'S, Main street.
Dee'r 20, 1854
11 A 00K FIERE!--,A
ri te m thseriber iu emisiquence of ill-health, offers his.em
tire st?cl: of lIARW ABE te any person or porsons wish
ing to enter into the Hardware business. lie having so
'resolved in quitting, the business. a ill give is bargain.
besides his influence and custom. Any one desirous o.
wetting into this busine4 will do well to call sop, nod
If not disposed of by the Ist of October next,fte will
then commence selling off at cost at the old and well
known stand, In North Hanover street, next door to
Charles Maglaughlin's Hotel. JACOB SENER.
subscriber having returned froth the city
,would call the
attention of his friends and the public generally to the
large and\Tell selected assortment of hardware which he
has just received, consisting in part of BUILDING MA
TERIALS. nails,screws, hinges. locks, bolts. glass, putty,
paints. oils, Ae. TOOLS.--edge tools; saws and planes o.
every description, with files, rasps, f hammers, anvils, &e.
A general assortment of SHOEMAKERS AND SAD
DLERS TOOLS, together with morocco, lining and bind
ing skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs; lasts, harness mount
ing, saddletrees, Ac.
COACH TRlMMlNG—canvass (plain, enamelled, fig
ured and embossed,) patent and enamelled - leather,
axles. springs, hubs, spokes, felloes, aunts, Ac.; &c.
Cabinet Makers will find a large assortment of varn
ishes, mahogany and walnut veneers, moulding, rosettes,
hair cloth, curled hair. Ac.
The stock of Iron is large and-well selected, compris
ing all the kinds in general we. as hammered and rolled
iron of all sizes, fiat. bar and band iron, round, square
and oval iron, horse-shoe Iron and nail rods, with 11 large
lot of east and spring steel, English and American blis
ter steel. Am.
n,, use k, e p ers and those about commencing will fled it
to their advantage to call and examine our cutlery, brit:
tania and ',hated ware pans. hettles, cedar ware, baskets,
In addition to the above we have received a splendid
ass4lrtment ~1 Wll.l. PA PER, mating the stock cot -
Moto, and at such prices as cannot tail to give sat
tion. We invite ail friends to call. know itm it trill be to
their "Iva advantwte. Remember the .11,1 stand, East
111,01 Street rarlisim Pa.
0.1.. 12. 11:.:NRY SANTON‘
,; I, IL—'ehr subscriber hat ink; returned from
the city baa just opened f:• . the Fall trade a. large and
well selected , t.kek of foreign and domestic Ilaidn are,
embraelng o3erything usually found in that lino of bu
siness. The attention of friends and the public generally
is respectfully. directed to the assortment is !mud. as
suring them that goods or all kinds will bo sold 1 - 'rr rash
at a very small ad Vain, on manufa..durers
member the old stand, East Main Street, Carlisle. Pa.
Aug 30, 1554. li. SAXTON.
0 T WASH.—Beautiful White
L Teeth Healthy (lulus and a Sweet Breath—All who
are desirous of obtaining these bomb to should use
NI AN'S tlEl.rillltATiqf TOOTH' \VASIL This delleimis
article corn hints so many meritorious qualities that It
has now become a standard favorite with the citizens o.
New York..Philedelphia and Baltimore. lieu lists pre
scribe it in their practice most successfully, and from
every source the most flattering laudations are awarded
'lnflamed and,bleedlng gums are immediately benefit
ted by its list`; its alive upon them is mild, soothing
and effective. It cleanses the teeth so thoroughly, that
they aro made to rival pearl In whiteness, and diffuses
througli the mouth such a delightful freshne,s that the
breath is rendered exquisitely. sweet. It disinfects those
impurities which tend to produce decay, and. as a con
sequence, when these are removed the tooth must al
ways remain sound. Read the following from Dr. J. A.
Mr. N. Turman—Sir: Having used anti rirounitended
your Tooth Wash In toy practice fur some time, f find it
the most
,atfectunl Dontritico in use, anti therefore reeum.
mend It to the public.
Dr. J. A. Cattnsst,tehthd,
Harrisburg, Pa. .
ttead the following testimony:
Mn. Zkauss—Dear Sir: I have fully tested the merits
of your valuable Tooth Wash, and OM without hesite-
Won, recommend it as the best that has come under my
notice during an experience as Dentist of more than six
teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and hardens
irritated Gums, and imparts a delicious fragrance to the
Breath. From the mouths of those who make use of it,
however, it will certainly speak for itself.
Oso. P. Scuivktr, Surgeon Dentist,
270, South Tenth st.,'Philadelphla.
It is used and recommended by all the eminent. Dent.
ists in New .York, Philadelphia, Ilaltinuire, and other
titles where it has been Introduced. All should give It
a trial.
di.- Prepared only by Franeis Zertnan. Druttglid and
Chteabd. Philadelphia. and sold ivlodesale and retail t
Samuel Elliott. Dorsholiner, Ileelianiesburg.
J. llama), Norville. J. C. Wlllianid. Shipponsburg, and
by all Druggists at only 25 cents per bottle.
LI PI ',EPS Can be Cn red . Lake's
VEGETABLE CMO POUND, .or tho mire of EN
i.Le,l or Frre! 14 performing 1111 MT aonq, rfll enres than
any other medicine yet knoWll or before the pull
TM. proprietor has in his possession numerous certiii
eates narrating the astonishing and miraculous cures
odeeted by thi. tiled Hue, and directs attention to the
following only, to assure those who are so unfortunate
to be at:lb:tell with the terrible disease horvtofi reregard
ed incurable, that LAHL'S preparation IS ALSIOsT MALI
Fr,an Mrs. Brooks, widow of slaj. Jas. Brooks, late of
.Conneaut„ 0. • • . .
CONNEAUT, Feb. 3,1863.
Mr. Z. 1, txr—Sir: Please send me another bottle of
Fit Nledivine, as I do not like to be without it on hand.
When 1 ~ , unneneed giving the medicine to my son 1:d
-ear. he bad Immi one to three fits per day. Ile has now
taken the medicine over live months. and has had, I
think, but two tits in that time, and those very rht.—
Ilh and mind are very . much improved; and by
the blesAtig of (h.!. 1 feel that the'medielno will restore
his body and mind to their wonted art h Ity. lie is '2B
years old. and has had tits over 12 years, which have
been very frequent; and very destructive to his consti
tution and mind. Hundreds of dollars have Leon ox
pended for medicine to "cone FITS,':„ but nothing. has
relieved him until ho used your medicine. ltespertfally
_ _ _ •
From Judson Landon, County Superintendent. of the
Ashtabula County Infirmary. ~ . .
KINGSVILLE, Feb. 4,,1853.
Mr. Z. LAKE—SIr: Please send a few more bottles of
your lit Medicine;" I may not need it. but think saf
er to keep it on hand. Your medicine Misdate wonders.
I gave it to Miss Jane Delano; she has had fits for' 0
years, tonight on by having the monads when lint four
years old, which,eouid not be brought out to the surface.
After taking the medicine a few days, HMI !lAD A FINE
CROP OP lIMSELS. and has fiklt nn fits since. Shelia(' fits
or symptoms almost daily. Shot And her father concur
with fee in saying that we believe the medicine has Or
will work a perfect vitro. I also gave the medicine to
Miss Jana llenderson and A rls Carley, who have had fits
almost daily, for a number of years. Their fits have
ceased, and I believe the medicine have the desired
effect. Mitch money has been exiiiitided,by the friends
of the above patients for dectorir4 all to no purpose.—
The cure was left fir your medicine to perform, and I
ran cheerfully recommend it as a valuable discovery.—
Respectfully yours. JUDSON LANDON,
Superintendent Ashtabula Co: Infirmary.
Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. LAKE, Conneaut,
Ohio. •
. . .
E. F. WELLER, traveling atent.
Sold by S. W. linverfd lA. Car'lido; E. H. Thomas. ste
clianiesbnrg; D. W. limos, Ilarrisbtirg. Oct. 6-1 y•
CORN largo assortmout of im
proved liar. Strnw and Fodder Cutters, now on hand.—
Also, dout to and single eorn shelters tar either hand or
horse pewee, of. the very latest manufneture. including
tlin preinium sheller at the IMO Peniniylvanla.S'tato
For sale by PASCHALL MOIH4I;i & Co.,
A , :rioultut'Al Warehouse and SeeirAtore, corner of 7th
arid Market, Philadelphia. G. 1651--t1
JOLIN I'. LYSE—Wholesale and Re
tail dealer in American, English and German
(ills, Mints, ,ke., &. Mechanics, builders
and the public generally, who are In want of hardware
of any kind, are invited to call in and
Pet t,4 1 , examine my Unusually , larg stock 01
which 1 fun selling at very low
penes. clap in; it will' only detain you a very
tow minutes to be convinced that what everybody says
—that by Ws is decidedly the Ithice td got good goods at
law prices—Must he true. I.I(NE'S liardware Store,
West Side North Hanover street.
TILE AoE—Farmers, Families and others, can pur
chase no remedy equal to Dr. TOMAS' Ne - notion Liui
moot, for Dysentery, Colic, Croup, Chronic Ilhoutoutism
quinsey, Sore Throat, Toothache, Sea Sickness,
Dorris, Swellings. Old Sores, Mosquito Bites, insect
Stings, Pains in the Limbs, Chest, Back, &C. If it dues
not give relief, the money will be refunded—all that Is
asked. Is a trial, and usmit according to directions. 'the
article is an English rentiiy, and was used by IN ta. IV,
Slog or England, and ebrtitied to by him. as a cure for
Itheinnotlsm: when everything else recommended by his
phy Shilling had failed.
over 10,000.000 of bottles have been sold in the Unit
ed States, without a single Milure, and fatoilies have
stated Aiwa it nos worth $lO per bcltle. they neNer
would he without it, in rase of ()imp, as it is as certain
as it Is applied. It cures Toothache In three minutes;
Ileadache,in half an hour, and (hiders, when first tak
en, ill a few' hours. It IS Perfectly innocent to take in
ternally, and has the recommendation of ninny of tho
most eminent Physicians In the United States. Price,
25 and Si) cents.
Dr. Tobias has also put up a Liniment for Llorses. In
pint bottles, which Is wirranted—dumper and better
than any •Other, for the cure of Colic, thins, Swellings,
old Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Scratches, Crocked Ileel, etc.—
Price, :in rents.
Dr. Tobias could fill a doyen newspapers with tho cer
tificates and letters received,'relating to the wonderful
cures accomplished by his Liniment, but considers that
warranting it is sufficient, as any person who-does not
obtain relief, need not pay fur it. There has leen so
much worthless medicine s' Id to the public, that Pr. To
bias wishes his article to rest on its own merits, and it
ho gives the value of the Money rerebred, then he asks
the patronage of the public, not otherwise.
DN. TOBIAS' Office, 240 OTIEBNIVICH Street, Now
For sale by A. Smith, Seventh and Chestnut streets;
Dyott & Son, 132 N. Second street; T. B. Callender, 88
S. Third Ft relit, and. by the Druggists throughout the
United sates. . '
, ,
a particle of Mercury in it. An infallible remedy for
Scrofula, h il, Rheumatism, olmti nate Cutanecus
Erupth.ns, Pimples or Pustule?: on the Face, Blot: hes,
Roils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or 'fetter, S - eald
ilead, IMlargemert and Pain of the Ropes and tel
Stuborn Ulcers Syphilitic Disorders, Lumhttgo, Spinal
Complaints and all diseases arising from an-injudicleus
use of Mercury, Imprudenec 2 - in Life, or Impurity of the
elriThis great alterative medicine and Purifier of the
Blood. know used by thousands of gratefol lett tents In
all parts of the United States, who testify daily to the
remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all medi
cines, "CARTER'S SPANISH AIIXTURE." Neuralgia,
Rheum:Mont, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Livtrbis
ease, Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sores. Affections of the Kidneys
Diseases of the Throat. Female Complaints, Pains and
Aching of the Bones and Joints, are very speedily put
to flight by tu,ing this great and Inestimable remedy.
For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet teen
found to compare to it. It cleanses Du:system of all im
purities acts gently and efficiently on the Ilverand Rid.'
neys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stom
ach, makes the skin clear and .healthy, and restores the
Constitution, enfeebled by disensti or broken down by.the
excesses of youth, to itspristitio visor and strength.
For the Ladles It is incomparably better than all tie
cosmetics ever used. A few doses of CARTER'S SPANDU
MIXTURE will remove all sallowness of complexion, bt log
the roses mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the
step, and impeiAo the general health in a remarkable de
gree beyond all The medicines over heard of.
The large number of certificates which we have receiv•
ed from front persons from all parts of the United Sink's,
.is the besCeVidence that there is no Iltimbug about It.
The pr'ass, hotel-keepers, magistrates, physicians. ar is
public men, well known to the community. all add ti sir
testimony to the wonderful effects of this GREAT D
Call on the Aotarr, and get a Circular ^ and Almanac,
and read the wonderful cures this truly greatest of all
Medicines has tmrformed.
Fone genuine unless signed BENNETT & BEERS, Pro , '
prietors, No. 3, Pearl street, Itichmond„Va. to whom all
orders for supplies and agencies must be addressed.
And for sale by S. Elliott, 5, W. Hairerstiek, Carlisle;
Ira Day, !Slechaniesburg; J. 11. Herron, New villa; J. C.
A Hie, Shippensburg, and by dealers In medicines every
• For the curo uf Saltrheum, Chilblains, Common
Sores, Chapped or Cra . cked Hands, burns or Scalds, Cuts
or 'Wounds, inllatunuttion of the Breast, bites of
inse,ts, Sore Lips. Pimples on the fan', and Breaking
Out and Sores on Children, And all diseases of the :Skin.
This Ointment will cure the :'filtrheuin and limns, or
Chapped hands, quieter and surer than any other tuedi•
tines et the hind hitnre the public.
To substantiate the above, 1 eon give hundreds of cer
tificates, but I consider it no use, as 9iny poi $Oll can do
the same, If they have friends, fE r ere', a worthless ar
ticle) 1 rely solely on the merits of theOintnient ftr the
public patronage.
N. II .—A single box of this °liar le.t will beep an) .
Blacksmith's. Variant's, Fftilor's, le hanie's hands.let
them chap or crack ever so lad, sou it And in good work-
hug order nU winter. Vrepared .old. by
MC 1:01.:
Aaugatuch, Conn.
Sold also by the principal Drugg,sts,;.ud Counter Mer
chants. Price Ince:its per box.
Nov. 10,
11 AV E you a cold ?-11 a lloher's Elixir
has acquired a just ',celebrity for the cum of all
diseases arising from severe eolds, and its eftleiwy has
bon attested and approved by hundreds of our mast re
speetablo citizens. in every Instance immediate relief
has-been given, as the following certificate from three
who have tried it bears testimeny• Manufactured and
for sale by '
We tlieundersigned do certify that we have used Gal
lolier's preparation for Consumption:C.Wds, Diseases of
the Lungs, Liver, &e., and having experienced immedi
ate relief therefrom. would recommend it, to all afflicted
in that way.
Thom: H. Sidles, Mrs: M. Gould, R. N. McCoy, R I.
Wolf, Peter Monyer, 11. S. Hackett, Joseph Lobach, N.
W. Woods.
Carlisle, April 25, 1854—1 y
TY.—From outiroly original Surveys, by actual
measurement throughout tho wholo county, by H. F.
The subscriber is nor engaged In making Surveys
preparatory to publishlk a new and complete Map of,
Cumberland County, upon a large scale. Every Public
Rowland Stream, with the locations of ell, Mills.,Storea,
Dwellings, and Public Buildiegs, will be - accurately
down. A lthee Public Buildings in the County Will he
distinctly indicated, and the names of owners of proper
ty generally, will be inserted In their proper positions on
the Mom
A Table of distances, Statistics of the County, - ere;
larged plans of the
: principal Villages. and few of.the'
most attractive views In the County; will be Mort:tell n
the margin; thus giving every satisfartien, and render
ing thellap moot valuable to the Owners of Property,
Merchants. Travelers. Conveyancers, and the inhabitants
generally, of the region delineated
In ns much as this work Is to be made up of ectuai
surveys made upon the ground. it will require Limo to
"iveampllsh it: it is mist expected. therefore, Mot it will
be ready f publication 'mph under the period of Two
Years. The ci e tif the Map \v iii be about live feet by
four, and will cost five dull: re.
N. E.• corner of Bfurshall , and Wood !it. l'hiladelphin
Sept. 27-Impd.
Li Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous 1101,11Ity
e Kith - lux, and all dinensed arising friar a disurderr
ver or istonutch, such us Constipation, inward paw
Mess of blond to the head, acidity of the stemack
uses, heartburn, disgust r ffir food, fulness or a eight It
stomach, sour eructations, sinking or fluttering a
u pit of the stomach, swiniming of the head, hunts
d difficult breathing, fluttering at the liezirt, ihok lb
SlnTOrllLing eunsatione when in 11. lying VA tutu, dim
SS 01 vision, dote or weld befire the eii,ht, out er
.11 pain in the head, deficiency of perspantion, 3 elites
ss of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, back. a heal
ohs, Ac., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the flesh
...slant, imaginings of evil, and gieut depressiininf sph
can be etlectually cured by Dit.
.1104,11. , ,5n s (ELI
!ATLI) (11..1110 AN lIITTEIiS, prepared by DR. C. kJ
cssoN. No. 12(1 Arch Street, l'hiladelphia.
Their power over the above diseases is not excelled,
; nailed, by ally other preparation hi the UNlted:-tatim
`the cures attest, in many cases after skilful phya'
.110 bad failed.
These bitters are worthy the attention of in %ands:
ssossing great virtues hi the rectification of disease
the Liver nod leaser glands, exercising the mos
trilling powers in weakness and alfeetiens of the .
•tive organic, they aro withal safe, certain and pl".
J. IL Spring, haceyville, l's., April fi, says, ■
u get you some / good certificates tor your German/BO
fa in this vicinity if you wish Omni. A lady. purehiu
'SOIIII3 of it this week, says that it is by far the bea
4divine, she ever knew, having dune her and he
lighter much good, &c.
S. It. 1•BW5011, llonfard's Store, Somerset co, l'a., Aot
, ISO, says, "I am much attached to your Germ's
tters, having used two bottles of it, nlll,ll 1 procure
in S. Hurts. your, agent , at Somerset, and fl.m.d area
lief front Win disease of the Liver.- I find it hr
•at effect on my lungs, strengthening and li.. im.ratia
em, which, as lam a public speaker, is a gret.t help I
In.. Giles, Newton Hamilton, Pa., May, NM, said: "
ve used myself half a dozen battles of your I[4erzna
ttore for Livei Complaint and diseases of a nervot
:tractor, resulting from the P !JIM of mercury. I WI
.sowed and afflicted with spasms from the us., of th
ter article. The German Hitters is the 1.1.v.t amid
la which I obtained any relief. I have also die et. tb
.ido to many dyspeptics. with the nu st military a
its. 1 think as many mon• bottles will cuts toe.-
.1. (. Vrang. Isq.. ni Dauphin. ht.. o Vit'y 1. 'S .
was n 11114.104 with tioneral Debility, It (u
costivenes s . pm whleli I caged unM) diferer ,
nedies n ithout relief. lat rlir , t used 3, or /1.. t and
man hitters. I•Luskn few Is lib,. nrmrd ir too
dons, and was naripletely cured. I bale r.. t I vett
1111)y for len Jelinn. lIS 1 11:1V0 I,PII . .• I 1,1, yos
tors, which is about ono year nim. -
fhec , e hit tern are FAA' I'IG I T ill I:. ale.,a,rld
hug the' system mid never prostratiog it
Sold In' deniers In medicine and st , eel eerers ever
, lerm-nod - hr Sam uel - is 1
. Cant/man, Carlisle; En doper d Co., Mt, uis •
ydor ICewburg, and by Dealers in Medici's,
lerally. •
Noy. 2,1854-1 y
lIkOCTOR Y(11;fi
cents, by mealis of th e pi ei
ET ...ESA2I.ILAI'IIi: , ' or Lye,
The thirty.sixth 'Edition, wit
one hundred engra s, slum
log Private Diseases and M•
formatiOns of,the (leveret],
illysteru, in every shape an
form: to which Is added
Treatise on the Menses of P
males, intended lor the use I
females only, (see page 10e( bt
lag of the highest huportans
to married people, or thoscrot
npinting marriage. By. Wm. YOUNO, M. D., Gradual
thoXiiiversity of Pennsylvania, Member of the flo•
College of Surgeons, London, and Honorary Membi
the Philadelphia 'Medical society. The 4 - 31htiptop's
Secret dlsease.s, Seminal Weakness. Diseases of la
, strut,, Impotency,solitary habits of yeuth,
thfully described; and all the receipts given In ph/
.gunge. The chapters on self abuse and l-etuiru
Letkness is worthy of particular attention, and sboul
rend by every one. Young men who have been us
Innate In contracting disease, pravlous to piaci,
arselvesMuder the care of any doctor, no matter VI bI
. pretensions may be, get a copy of this truly valuab
zlea Captains and persons gliing to sea should pesos
. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the Poeket-a.sculai
or Every one Ills own Physician.
01- it nu father be ashamed to present amity of tl
eulnplus to his child. It may sate him frtn nu eas,
at. Let no young man or woman enter into the a
•t obligations of married life without reading thepo•
.Esculapius. Let no ono suffering from a lowki,se
ugh, pain in the side, restless nights. nervous feelin
the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations. and give
by their physician, be another moment o ith,ut ce
Bing the -Esculapius. Bove the married or the
out to be married any Impediment. read this tru
eful Book, as it has been .the means of FAN lug the
Ids of uhfortunnto creatures front the very jaws
nth. Upwards of a 3111,LIONeoplea of this cede! rail
.rk has boon sold in thiS country and Europe since I
, when the first edition was issued.
44- Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents e
sed in a letter, will receive ono mpy of this look I
ail; or five espies will he RAIL fur $l. Addrros I
ILI,IAJI YULi NU. No. 152 Spruce street, Dhllndel pia
.st paid.
•twenty years practice In the city of Philadelphia Cf
Italy entities Dr. I•otntg to the confidence of the aft
ted, and he may he consulted on any of .the iiineass
scribed in his different publications, at hie stile. 166
.ruce street. every day betweon 9 nod p un .
ye excepted) and persons zit any distance ran con„vion,
Young by letter, POST PAID.
A F I' EE I) Y—S I, l lt !—S o iii e-
adapted to general use, greatly superior to otlwa.
d within the means of every lroliN
RIO PILLS tur ttt only-h‘e cents! :so extortion to
iee—no CalolllVl—no mineral pols.,n whatever.
DR. TOWNARNWEI lIEALTII PILLS fully merit the great
potation they have acquired. They are railed 1.. r front
I parts of the land, beCalltill THEY ARE ALL THAT 1111/1"rimy mu, DO—They purify the blood, they
!use the System of. Humors, they ewe DyspcpSl3 and
di:restlon, they create nu Appetite. they cure Sick
:idachc, Dizziness aryl Low Spirits, they arrest Ito era,
c) promote a healthy action of the Liver. they are al
:re cure Icr (A.A.' Vel IeSS and I habitual Constipation.
py are highly efficacious in Female Cenudaints, they
rengthen anti give tone to the System. They are tie
lit Family Medicine known.
IL is an obvious inquiry, how one medicine can cures*
different complaints. These Pills. however, are a*
onpounded of curative materials that persons have as.
to TRY THEM and the answer will be found iti'A rw
.ored lady And an invigorated mnstitution.
Envlt Box mittains 100 at the astonishingly lot:
•ico of '23 cents. Every individual should have thaw.
For aide by the Priiggistc and Storekeepers gene:l4lj
F. A . :1 3 Wdeti, - general Agor.t, Stonington, Ct.
Li L. C. L. Koßing, of iderbanleburg, Cumberland
unty; Pa., announces to those afflicted with Tumors.
t'ens. Cancers Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, Feral
Oa. King's Evil and all diseases that have been usually
coated with Caustic or Knife, he can remove them with.
ut cutting, burning or pain ; neither Chloroform ot
:her is administered tO the patient. It is no mattes
.tt what part of the body they may ho, ho can reixiwite
bent with perfect safety, and In a remarkably short
into. No Mineral ot Vegetable poison is applied, and 1111
'holey required until a cure Is perfected.
Prolapsus Uteri, Female Complaints, Chronic, Von*
mai mot all other diseases treated with positive success,
cull particulars can be 1114 ul lied by addressing In.oltbm
,:nglish or (lermun, post paid. Patients can be accom.
no,litted with Board on reasonable terms.
Mechanicsburg is one of the prettiest and healthy
tow 118 in this or any other Stat o. It is t; 'talcs from
ilarrisburg on the euntlauland Valley Bail Iliad, and
lecessible` all parts of the Union. The Doctor will
visit cases In any part of the Stabo'When desired.
try,liind reader if you know any afflicted fellow area
t ure, delay not to toll them of thin to
&.1 2: 01 CIT N IIT ST lt Err. below Elecunth, and
170 tit wrrit stiCi)ND STREET, below Spruce,
t.lolpltitt, We inlito attention to our complete ARTAfi
tin ell I of l'lnt,ll anti Ifizillings, Fel net,. Ituttomil
,m 1 staple Trintitilit , ; :g. of our own 'lmportation/Ird man,
fill . Lure. 11!)....tirtiertt executed At a to'v tours notice.
.f. tl, MAX SON,
t . toli,sout St. and 170 Smith th.lSt.;llillodelokiss.
Philadelphia, December '6,1854.--.3rrto,