ll' f S VOifilbefpf . 41; \" : I N ‘ N C IP 1 .11.1. 4' ' S in I anS r a ti ctur t e l r tun; S ipv l e l ntor of SIAIiNE .. i , :t f EN T MU AttE UPRIGHT WOOD Box: mATenk: ~. •.100 North I'OLIRTII .9 Erect (above Race) PIIILADE I, II A, Matches hating become an indispensable (Attie housekeeping, the subscriber after a great sacrifice of to and nionoy, i ,, enabled it, offer to the Mlle an or ;(3 at one., colliNiling Utility and Cheapness, I'lle4n -.tor knowing the danger apprehended. on account - of • iliansey manner in which Matches nro , conorallY •ke.l in paper. lox by the aid of Now Steam 31achine Ly his own invention. succeeded in getting up a ;AA FET Y . ' ' , TENT :RU Ala; iiPliltillT 11'001 1 Ih)X; this boa Is • preferable, lit liF; marl] that It occupies no tuore room in the old round wood 100, and contains at, least •4 1 illiiirei Inc Cent Mare )1104,e5, iviikh to lii etc aalSitlorabla Aran tie it is ~litirily nee% aoll ~,,,,:,, 41,14 inniStala• MA 'span taiii.tata entnim. tlon, dispels danger on trallaja.rtatian by means et Railrfai, Stoini '' a 4)0 any °thin. Mafia or enbveyn nee. f1n.43 :klatches are packed so that one gross or more .y be shipped to any part of the Werld with penitsit 'ety. They are tlit , nif4 titial,•;ll,li , art jell, for liome ,atinptioil, end the Southyrn and we , tern markets it have ever been invented: N . ,li:AI.I , ,RS and SIIIPPEIVii, 'will do well lo call anti A_...., int Inc ate themselves. _ n... These matches. ere WARR A NTED I.', be .superb.* iny thing heretofore offered to tho Public. .1011 N 'IIONNF3,I,y. . 106 North FOURTH I. Illilinia. hilt. Dee'r 4, 1554. • 1111 - 1:53S & CLOAK TRIAL INGS.- Ncv. 2:16 CHESNUT STREET.IteIim l;lnt'entli and LIU iipl TII SECOND STREET, helow Spruce.•Wo invite :3tteiiii , :n to our eomplete ni:TA rltnent of Plush and Silk Ithulings, Fringes. Pullons Staple Trinnliuts., , r our ewn ituportatlrat arc! Ulu Icture. sec Wed it s few Iv t;. )1.4 VW ELL & StlY. .20flelle , lut St-and 17T1.5...1111) • ARIES FANCY IT l+.. RI.II it A. Importer, Manttnirturer and (M.iler in ...Inds of F.tNeli Filltt. 4 . for - Ladies :not Children. at' t tAii,KET Strret. above Eighth. laying now completed my lar,m and heantifol assort ut of all the ditrortmt kinds of Fancy Fars. t hat a ill , tarn by Loth, and Children dining the present sea : this assortment of Furs is equal tk, any 0 , Le filo 1111 City. either, it a. quality. nriety or . my Furs in Curopo Mr Cash, ar m ! has c m i d on manufactured by the . Most competent ten hu m , Mr my own super\ ision, with reasonable economy.-- u determined to soil them at small pr.,11t,, aim only, ST,)iiEK EI:PP:US 1 t ill.` I•r•rnr pur,lrocinv.:. JOHN' VA It Ell( NT.% it Street, lAI 'S Al; E ('( - TTE It S AN 1) ST( i:11;1.--ses oral la urns at :11,01.0 r. n Land Al.d h..lcsale and rot nil py I..Ir:CIIA LI, 11i 41 CCI.. ,rier Ttnrat NVartfllonia , tool Seed Story. ,artier th Market. Plllladolphla. Der. 11th. ATM (.1S1)11,E111C (311:11.NS 7—A full supply of the above celebrated Churn, now mu t t of all the different sties. from .1 gallons to Ja i 1441;0 the first premium at the late Pennsylvania eb+• Fair, the first premium at the Franklin Institute it Delaware and Nlitryland State . Fairs, and retinas irs at different places. It will tnalse more and better • i ter from a given R111(11111 t of cream. and M less time to any churn in tile. market. Ifer sale wholesale and ill by P.ISCII ALT, MORRIS •t'.• CO.. ••ticultural 'Warehouse and i'eed Store, corner of itit I `l.•urket e Dec. (;;--ISr-a.l—.lf Notices. )ILOO 1/A M ATI ON—Whereas the Hon. James 11. Oraharn, President Judge of the ;.gal Courts of Common Pleas to the Mut, ties or rum -I.lllli, Perry and Juniata, and Sanniel Weodborn runt o Itnpp, Associate Judges of the said Court. in the .1 county of Cumberland, by their precept to or en t ' , I, dated the 12th of DeSr., 11.154. have ordered nn ,u rued Court of Common Pleas to he holden at Cat . on theillth day of February. 1S:15, at 10 o'clock in :rennon, to continue one week. •-tiee is. theref , re, hereby given to all persons hr led to be then and there brattendance, JOSEPH Idel) Alt MO.N D. Sheriff. nnintry 16 54. _ .‘1 'OIITAN'r N ()Tic 111---The :,üb sv-ribors intending toAlissolve partnership nil the let ..T'elanary ties, t , respeetfullY request those iiidnirted hem to ea)) and pay up, and those hating claims a ,hst us are requested to present them immediately fur !anent. •e_iAtill on hand. a very large and splendid stork el wideli we will dispose of at prices •'eheaper lhau • .theapest." Cr DITO R 8 N( [C, subseri k_ her, A ndit,,r appointed by the Court of Common 01 Cumberland comity, to marshal nod distril.mo the hands of flenry Rupp. Assignee of Jim. - under a lived of voluntary assignment for lgoletit of ercditors, n ill attend for that purpose at itimp's Mill in thumten'township, on MON tiAy. • 1:1 day of January, nt 10 o'clock, A, M., on or Ilef..fP .ich time those liar log Claims will please present Oth? 13 , 1864 DANIEL SIIELLX, Auditor. k I ST ATE OP JOHN MILLER, DE . I et:MED—Notice is hereby given that letters •t:rmentary on the estate of John Mllier, late of Mom • township Cumberland county, deceased. have, lawn , oted by the Register of said county. to the suhserf r, residing in tins sante township. All porsotit, know ing •111POIVOS indebted to mid estate ars required to make mediate payment, and those having claims to present for settloment to tot:, 27, 3854,—cti,,1 for Safe nab :Rent. STORE ROOM FOR RENT. conNenient store man fin runt. Thore is not • ',Attc situation in t- NV n f•r businesN. Ethinn, nt office. jhn;l FOR RENT.—The sada, Shop on the corner of Pitt etreet .tnd• Dieklusen Alley in this . ;horeugli, thin half a square of the Rail Hotta IWO!. iVirAllevll" (w -elts' by Mr Boyle, is offered it rent frtilli die Ist day 'll , Ol liExt. For b;rins oliquiro of :1;13 • FOR RENT.:—The two sto , AI 4- i ry Fit AM E 110 USE, sit nut eon West II 4.1! : . :sinltt street, ome:lte the hall Read Depot, ~ - II • . now'ln the occupancy of J. N A nastrong,rus ' ' • a Tobacco Mime. It Is suitable for a stern shop, being one of the best business locations in Ow syn. Ilse, for sale. a first rate FAMILY CA lb .d :AOB, fa. one or is horses. The carriage k•---.-- .. , .f.. , '" built strong and of the best materials. It scut la, Hol for rash. Apply to •tor 'Xi TALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY t OFFERED FOlt SALF. AND POSSESSION ,1)1.7171M1 AT KIN.—A Large deublo TWO . STORY HOUSE %Intl nabling and Kith iv • ill / 110112;(222. The lot of ground 1.01/tlll2lB , great variety of choice grafted fruit trees. tt.:•,. ThiA property to situated. on Etu4. street, bounded by the hetort String. lou,Two me anti one Fralllo DIVELLINti liitAtiES,A taunted Beduin' titreet, north of the talthOran Church, and nn improving part of the town.. Also,a email FIELD, r tcruis apply to 'arlittle,9Doc. 27,1844 , ITORH ROOM FOR 7 eapneftnts anti contra] STORE ROOM on the corner Main and I'M streets, now ("Peopled by Iteltry Peters, offered for rent front the let of April nest, Vor terms ;quint of (n0v291 ROBERT NORM. • 1 4 1() it ,ltEN l l%—'llle cor al uua of * tho rcingh. Cali o i Georg° Ego. \Doe'r 20, 1651 I3ENTZ 13110THERs PETI:11 1111i1,Eit, Cxecutor ROBERT 'Stmt.': WM. IP. SEYMOUR W. 'M. PENI2OSE 4 1 ALL STYLE OF lIATS for . 1854. , °Bow N KELLER respectfully announces to his Patrons and the public generally that ha has just re ceived tho FALL STYLE. OF OENTLENIEN'S HATS, manutitetured at one of the best establish ments in Philadelphia, to which he invites speeial , ntion, ~.. le has also nonstffritiy on hand a larie , nral varied Wl !Tient of his own manufarture nee well as city made s and Caps, suitable for tho season, ci iriprlslim, every iety of l(lls , Sl3,,,Deaver, 310lo , Itin 1 1 71(t Silk Hats, file' al In the hdest stylo, together with a full nsliortment 'Al's ~I• Usury shape and li'Seript itill. 111111 nt every I*. Ile partieuinrly Invites the pull), to call and ex no his extensive tos , wtinei,t, witirh In style, mate end finish, elm not be surpassed by any in market, I which be Is able 1.1 put ;:t prices 11/1\ or than 111'01*. ..ementher his old stand MI Ntrth Ilanover street, he .on Hunter's and Server's 144 ,11. g. F ALL STYLE (W lIA TS & CIA PS. wm. lt. TROUT, dosirc., to inform his old friends t. Ite 11:18 rtglloVell IteW canLliahmcut un Iligh near the Railroad Perot. and is now (moiling Li • Ithe gentlemen of tarlihlQ 101; l'equ , sted It mil and online. Ile has ids, a large ns}a Shitudi flats; CI! Ids own utinintheture, got up in the t style and at Aaritim pelves, the troelletom and Mils!! whieh his will warrant. Ills stock he is confidant su nsuits to he it iminisied to i.e approvei': Also, a large ply tir 11" y ., and UllillllCfl'S eAI'S. 01 (101 I Fur. and Of evely rat iety of style and privejnst re ced from Philadelphia, Let all who want a lint or give hint a earl. as they may Lu sure of luting suit to their own satisfaction. , '(,',ASS .AN 1 ) QUEENS WAR 1:--111.1 Housekeepers and with Una.; hi , are exthallitA• 1.: hre•alle 11 ,, US0k001 , 01S : iv molt call at 11.1f,n1.:1:1": , ttlIX til;t:crd: V and cx Intl ids ide.tant assurtniant lassand Queens.. v 0 :M.( , ther 1111i,10,4 in till` housekeeping line, such Vreiirli and English fiat gets. heavy halltiPii .1 to I) rtt nit 0, and blue piaiu. Itinner sits , I I•V• varlet allii 311'100—boll IS npd pitchers, tureens. dish e. table and mantel ~l elribris and ~L lirr great verity. table and bar Oilers. u., Fruit and'preserve frl.4/h.p. lit la. y Inv Lets, iu lim's. bowls, mutter ItSilllll hid los. 111‘..i1 h111:4111,—,W1,01611.1.% and shoe brushes, 'dusters, ,v.•, Mirka. elothes.t.ii,l travelling baskets. t Is. a .•11.•i,.,• as: , t tof Tobueri, and Segars. Call aro , 1.1.1 of clud,`, 1 'Ands uL : 4 012:141: and tl'y tin Steitall,.llh, and MA101'1 . 111 , 3 .011 tea 21101-11 ihaht.y. .1/so .ind regarS, With thole,' and t ! Ch()TiIING ! The sub rait- hrt-riihr hip.; NS I , it It 110 %di! Sun us cheap it than any eqtl.ll , liment to the • will ti u A I ill!' It ): E S I' A t' 0 A T l`oti A 'l' S TA 1, (1 - 4 I N , vESTIN , I, ntadt rut of TlOllO but the 1 4 , 1, lilt)" or go. 41.: rut out , Lc an ex nerlone4 and gond ter. and the comb qnd up in the icct manner and begt.ot Intinti. tim:enott nn hand tt lot of oboire thing, and all Ito ask ii, for nurrhasers to Ott , vs a I 31111 they ht. preasecl critic the - stork and piers. tin old stand on East Sluht street. tan 18] Ci 1A It I.ES 01; I 1.4 Y. roit MILLION PA 1 ant just recoil lug my rail iff l okiNClllC`Cf:,7; , „.:* stock of t..truiz itANuIN(iS, ' bleb surpass style, quality `''Cw - ---t,- - 'tttttb price any flint hale mot •11 exhibeted in Carlisle. I respectfully solicit n call person in mutt of Pnper Ilangings of any dcserip t. tis 1 amcnntidenl by assort mont fin' siirpasaes itity. Ant Itorough: and in styli, aittl - prlecs lint but lbw in the city. 1 o n ly ask of the public to call, mind ex int, lily assortuuwt betbro purchasing, ns I ant cont . ,- t lily chaste dcsiglis cannot fail to please the most th/lotts. .1011 N P, I.\'\ E., West side of North Ihinover Street, O 0 K O 1.7 T IN TIME !—Cholera morbus, Dysentery, .Diarrhoea, he.. are malting it appear:me. You kunW the remedy. If you have • regard f .r the well me of yourself, y,‘ kir wife. or your Amu, supply yourselves with BEECHER'S :Al AMT.. 4 : 4 OA 111 AL. otherwise al dde tha 0 .1,151411301C0-'1 , 0., 3111 Z from a I,lgoted adherence to old , iwichery. This littehless Remedy - C4lll le had et the Drug Sim., of H. .1, couth If:mover street, a few doors south of the Court use, Carlisle. d)( )( )T,-; AN 1) 8110E8. The subs(Tili 0 , 01 hand a very extensive and nen se sh,eh of II 0 'IS and SIII) E he Will .ell at unusually Inn prie law rates. he can oiler such induc e - ,• et; pureltassrs as sillmake it their interest te. I , Is e-t.tl ilshnient. lie has every article Inthe Ihs.t Slv.e tivittleitteter wear—he Tel re deems it unnecessary to jehlieularize. 414 - Pers . ots•d , siring gued and cheap ).,7novls are inrit tp gime hint a mil. TA ME EL, C'nsttoltly Itautl and , 4, CODFISH, HERRINO, HAMS AND SII)E.; :0101TI.D1i11:•3. MAIMET 13TDEET WIJAVF, LARD AND CHEE:SE, S.\ I,W)NS, PHILADELPHIA: DDHIM ARE CRANCF FOR ,A BUNT -11 NES: I MAN.—The subscriber offers his property sate, errnsistilitZ of a DIVrmANG, 1101JSE. .100 and An the town of Anaron s . •z, Centro County, Pa. The buildings are stout, itml •k - . with (in feet trout, nod ooeupy the most desirable ,iess Mention in the Yawn. The munt re surround , is not surpassed by tiny in the State for f;moing•pur gis. It offers inducements to a bustorss man sno t tie I,lrint to be met with. Terms will be made known miplicati,n personally or by letter to the subscriber. oar 22 JAMEB I', COBURN. 4 . 4 1 1114.1511 DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. have Just reeeived from Philadelphia and d New York very extensive additions to my • • former stoek, embracing nearly every artlek of Medicine now in, use, together with faints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perin; mere, ioape, Stattmary, rine Cutlery, Fish. .".••• lug Tackle, Brushes of almost every &seri!). at, with an endless variety of other 'articles, whhdj I determined to sell at the VEItY LOW MT prices. All Physicians. Country Merchants, Pedlars and oth. +. are respectfully requested not to pass the OLD AND, as they may rest assured that every article will 141..0f a good finality, and upon reasonable terms. S. ELLIOTT, Aldo 30. Main Street, Carlisle. ~fiu ni(ttrc, ()BERT B. 83111.14;Y, OAI3IN . I, MAKER and UN I / I :IITA.K.EIt r il l Honorer street, next door to Zntliwe:- hotel. • 1..' - Sl'" - -""*""-,‘"'• Ire would respectfully inform the • .Izens of Carlisle and the public generally, that In '4 now 011 halo a large and elegant assortment of FUR. eansist log in part of Wardrobes, Card and etli- Tablet:, Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy 'wing Stands, tie., manufrietured of the best material .1 linality warranty:l. A lsa a general assortment of Cll.ll 11S at the lowest teas. \'t : AiTice i11.1.N1,3 Made to order, and repairing anptly attended to. AnE ) .• COFFINS made :it tbo shortest notiee: mid hay; iv splendid hearse he will attend funerals In (town or entry. ire- Iteineuttar the Ft d al , tl l / 1 1—next door to 11 . : (Mayn't it. 11, N.WI lAN% . ._ A"., ' OTS AND SHOES.---A verylarge lneorten out of Meta taid Shoes of evertleser4p: et just iorelved and selling very cheap. . lao4 '54 CHARLES 001LIEV Em cs of Physicians and others In the. Practice of the at,.,A• ure.flyll. Bausse. Front the llerman.— No Dydnq>athle Family Pity siclati. A Ready Pirseilbei and Hygienic Adviser. with referent e to the Nature Cause, _i!revention. and.Treatinent of Diseases. Acci dents, and Casualties If every tied; pith a (1141 , 10 , 41 D Table of Contents, and hellos. illustrated will, tre.wly. Three Jimidrial—Engtneings. By Joel Shew, M. D. One large volume of 820 pages, substantially hewed. PALI. Nepali! by mall. $2.60. Hy:drool hie Rneyeloptedln; a System-of Hydrepatliy. mid hygiene. Containtim Outline Pliesiology of the Human Toady; Hygienic Agencies anti the Preservation of .ifealth; Mantles. and Hy dro pat hie ('not cry Theory and Pimlico of lVe ter- Treatment: Spech I ['ethology. end Ilydro•Thermue tics, including the Nature. Causes, r•ymptoms. mod Treatment of nil 'known Diseases: Appliention of llr (Inds/thy to Midwifery and the Nursery: - --„Designed LIS a (;ilieto and Students, and ar 'Text Book f , r Physicians. By It. T. Troll, M. D. 111ns tried with upwards of Three Hundred Engraving!. and Colored Plates'. Substantially bound. .Prepaid by mail, $3,00 This is the tnost comprehensive and popular work yet published on the subject of Hydropathy. (if all the publications which have attaltiod such a Si m, t r , i , n l m . ny. nv tvsurd by Fowlers and 11 ell, perhaps none an 1 / 1 .1, adapted tee general utility than this rich, eompre bensive, Milt well arranged Enclopadia.—N. Y. Tribue. Preetlee of Water-Cure, Cmitatning a detailed account ~r the various pr Woooofi used in the Water•Treatmerft &v. By Wilson and (iully. 80 emits. - Philosophy of Waterlitre. A Dm elopment of the true Principles of Health ana Langevit:-. By Dal birnic.— ad relit,. New Ilvdropathie Cook Book. By R. T. Ttall. M. D. A System of Cooking ate liy dropathie Principles, con taining an txposition of the True elatiens of all A time tary.S tits Lances to Health, with Plainlierelpts lir preparing all approprWte Dishes fur Ilydropathh Establishmenls, Vegetarian Boarding-houses, Private ,te. dc. It is theCoales Complete Outdo for all who 'cat to-live." Paper, 82 cts.; muslin, cts. Science of Switnming. With Instructions to Learners. 111Mdral.cd. 16 cents. Water-Cure In America. Over Three Hundred Cases of Various Diseases treated with Water. With Cases of Domestic Practice. $1 25 , Water Cure applied to every known Disease. A New Theory. A complete Demonstration or the Advall tages or the Ilydropathic System of Curing Diseases. showing also the fallacy of the Allopathic llietinkl and its utter inability tee effect 41 Pormanotit Cure.— With Appendix, containing thellydropathic Diet, and Rules for Bathing. By Rausse, 8i cts. Water-Cure Manual, A Popular Work, embracing Da seriptians of the, Various Modes of Bathing. the hy gienic nod 6111111Y° Effects of Air, Exercise, Clothing, Occupation, Diet, Water, Drinking, Ac. , Together with Descriptions of Disease's and the Hydrepathb Remedies. By Dr, lihew, 87 emits, Water-Cure Almanac. illustrated, 6 cents. Comb's Pysiology. Applied to the preserv a ti on of m a lt), and to the Improvement or Physical and Mental Ed. • nottion. With Notes by 0. S. Fowler. 87 cents. Chronic. Diseases: especially lieu Nervous Diseases of Women. fix!). Bosch- Freon (ha German. :It/cents. Digestion, Physiology of, Considered with Bidation to. the Principles of Dieteties. By Combe, Illustrated. Price l'it) mots. W. Sll ELDON for iilo by PALMER S: v o ,.a coil filet. With Observations on the Dietetic Rao.: imen suited to Disordered States of the Digestive trr gam; and an Account of the Dietaries of sone of On Principal illetrotAltan and other Establishments for Paupers:Lunatics, Criminals, Children, the Sick, &e. By Perim. Price $1.25. Kansas: embnring the descriptions of Srenery,Climate Productions, Snit, and Resources of the Territory, in terspersed with Incidents of Adventure and Anne . dotes of Travel. By Max 0 teen. :al rents. Hereditary Descent: Its Laws and Facts applied" to tits Anon Imyroremont. fly O. S. Fowler. 8i eents. Maternity : or the Dearing anti Nursiug of Childred, in eltiding Female Ethteation. By 0. S. Fowler. With Illustrations, $7 cents. Natund Lars of Man. By Y. 0. Spuazhelm, M. D. An , important work. Price ;l0 cents. lOiysiology, Animal and 3lental. Applied to the Pre. serrat and Dent ore Don of !health of Doily and Power of Mind. illustrated. $7 cents, ::ober and Temperate. Life Discourses and Letters and Biography, of Louis Comoro. 10 cents. Telmer°. Three Prize Essays by Drs. Trail, Show, nod Baldwin. 15 cents. Teeth: their Structure, Disease and Treatment, with numerous illustrations. 16 coat , . Future of Natitus; in what eenskts Its Seeurity. A .‘etttre„ By Kossuth. With a likeness. I.t cents:* _ _ , What the I Sist or Arts Tea('lt es to Fanning. An Address. By Itora'ee tlrooloy. 1:2 cents. ['rue (lasts of A merlean Independence. An Address.--2 by lion. IC 11. Steward."' 12 cents. Ahornesillstery tut.l Prospects. Robert: Dahl Ow en. Conte. lints toward Iter.rins. Conqsting, of Lectures. Essoye, Addresses. :nut Other Writings, fzeeond Flitioll, En lar,2;ml. By llntnee (lreeley. 2.5. ' • lopes find llntpk t o tiro Young. Of Both Rexoo.. Relat ing to ahu Foruutliou of Character, Choice cf Avoca- tanisic 110ficOons. • ( :__OOD BOOKS BY MAII, I . Published by FOWLER & WELLS, Now York. /30. older to areonnuodate."The People" residing in all pails of the United titates the Publishers will tel ward by return cti the first wily book named to the fol lowing list. The pestage.will Le prepaid by them Mille New York (Aire. by this arraiweinent of prepaying °postage in :wisdom, It fly per rent ' Is sati•ed to the pur eynser. All letters 'containing orders should be post spaid and directed as 11.1 low— Constitution of Man. By George Combu, The only au thorized American Edition. With twenty engravings, and a Portmit of the Author. Priee, t , " coots. 1 tetimee of l'hronology. Containing an Essay on tha Nature hod \ aloe of phro,iol.ol4l Evid,,Hee; also, nil able Vindication of Phreno/ogy. By Boat - Irks 87 1.71:1) (R. Domestic Life. Thoughts on its Concord and Discord, with valuable Hints and Suggestions. By IS neltlMl: Its Elementary Principles founded on ,the Nature er Mall. 11yJ. ii . Spurzhelin, M. D. With an Appendix. containing a description of the Tempera ments, and an Analysis of the Phrenological Faculties. 07 calla. We regard this volume as ono of tho most imlr,„rtanl that has boon offered to the public for many yrars.—Bosrox Atm. ANn Suit. Jorio.yi, '.oetarea nil Phrenology. By ii co. Piano c , With 'Notes. au Essay- on the Phrehologieil,, Mode of fur esth;atiort, and an Historical Sketch. B 1 tr. Boardman. lilos tratod; $1 25 coots. Maio Low: CO liistory and Philosophy. A i t hrtroclogiettl nod physiological Exposition of the. Functions; and Qualifications necessary for Happy .Marriages. Dated. 75 rents. , Mennvy and Intellectual Improvement ; applied to Education and dui - I:vile 'mitt:tic:Gm. Twentieth edi tion, iltnstrated. 87 cents. Matrimony r, Phrenology and Physiology applied to the selection ti•r I.il r e; hr clotting Directions to the Married for ti, tug together Alfecitienate/y aird happily. cents, Phrenology Proved, Illustrated, and Applied: neer-w l . tiled by a Chart, eralcracinglysfs of the Primary' Mental Powers in theft: N11.1 . 1011S Degrees ~f Develop ment, the Phenomena prc.clueed by their combined 1e tie lty. and the Locatinc of the Phrenological t trgas. dricget her. with a VfeW of the 3loarl and Theological Bearing of the Sclenre. Price $1,25. Phrenological A b»anle. )Vit lc Pot traits. ft cents. Phromclegy and the Scriptures. An able. though r nail w, irk. liy Het-, Jr bit Pierian t. 12 cents. Phrenological ( b ride, Designed for Students of their own t Innacters. Price IS cents. `ll.lf-rutin.% and Perfisdion of Chat-m.l tire; 111011,11,1 g the Education and Sin agentent of Youth. Price cents.' r,r Nsvrit ittXliFt, is rho motto. No /Mil itill.ll taut l'ettti it 1,41,..1` of it it it il 'tit. ts,i /tit iltipp/ed Sehtroti AtlN't• t i t t e . llett,t' ill Plkettc..l,,gy ni,tl Physloke . y. Illtty- TFAITqI, I.lritrt for tis,rtling Pogrecs s l o p . meld. Py 0 1 . 5...t0rl 1. N. • tor. Pricy in papyr, cettr , . 611 rows. and Electi.,encies: A Ceitlyr 1,1 1,01..0.s for Trotincet in 'Bleeding, Cuts, Ilritisys Spralk, Ilrokerellones, .1 1 1sIocations. 114,11,,ay and Sresinborit Accidents. Burns att.' Scal , ls.llll, e.l 31,,t Pholern, Injurcil E 5 , , , ,. (11.4.11,g. 51,1,-Stroiro. Light tut tg . prt,llllillg. Appendix by Trail. it, cents. tilwer. Forbes. unit liotiglitol, oi, tho Walerl'rratreent. Compilation of Papers noel bycilift'S on the. cut jr, in nygitit t i t and ilydrilltAti.q. Eelkr4.by ' onstimptirit ? its I ' rerfqiiioll tinch Cure by the Water Troittment. With: Alt% i.e coot errin g Ilemerrhage of the lungs, Coughs. Colds, A (+Claim, Ilmtiellitis null on, Threat. Ily lir, tiliew. b 7 cents. totiestie Pritetke of llydropattly, with /I Form of it re port for the Ait.istatire nC I'ntiot•G. consulting their l ' hysielatis Curresp..tidenee. Ity Ed.. 1,11 !o. EIM LEES ,t W ETAS, 31iS Brunel It ay, NI`VI York . t4itTo'.l'lCE is Hereby given that aiiplica, t.i.n will be mode to the next Legislature, agreea , rly to the crnstitut lon and laws of the Commonwealth of 1%21111S) I cut Ii in, lot an altelation lit tho charter of the earlit-le Deposit Ilank, to to to confer upon multi Ilitnk the rights and tirivileges of a I 0.111%- nt i 531.111, hitch to eliange the natne to that .4 the C.tni.istr BAN 1, ; ;11,. tO hit rease the eapital stork (hi, illIII(IrVli 11.1111 fifty lb, ttsund dol lars, it prnetieable, I;y eraer ,q . the Board of Directors. 'M . M. 11I11:1.1 , -M, June '2:i. 1 sr.l-cmi ca,hii.r. t )(/1:11 T 1' ( 1, AIVA T 1 ()N.- hereat: the lionot.tl le .1 iite,s li. t.s.tti.tit, den t the, seil•ral Ceurts of reniiie.n Hem. of the roll ratio, ot COW Ict land; Perry and .itiniata.lu Pcuust it unia. and diddire e l th e set en,l Courts... 4 at ..1 l'esotit.er and tiot-yral ltelivery in said r. un hies. I I. 'n• 1. 1 . and S'o4l I LI. 11 iy , D13.4.N .1 1 1/1) ces .11 t h e (' , not or and Terminer null pelletal ror - th , dritil -and- et-tht s It. the said (ttn.ti - or ( und ettand. I.y their preseuts t, toe dlr. , tea. I 'rating tiMe the Hil l A A y hate ortiere4 the t'ourt aver and TO-miner and liene- Nil Jail huh% el), to nu_hidden ut I,arlisie, t II the.. Yd lit January. Liming the tqh day) at In cl, in (1.,' reimen, to imi,tinue lA, net L.S. , T IYE it, therefore hereh) }teen ti the Coroner. . 1 11:Ake, Oi Chi' Peace and Constables of the said County of Cuiliderland that they are by the said p crept ettit tiutudell to be then and there ill their ptipes persons. It itlt their rolls, re. .iris, iniluiAttont, examinati o ns , anti all other reli n emi raitees, to do those thinint it Welt to their , times appertain Co he done, And All these that tine heitini i,c reeeviiiiattet.s y _to pioleente airitini , t the - pi ht ;men: that are or then shall lat. h. the Jail of said intlnt)•, art H I e thee, t., pre,eente than aY . of each article will Imply the dis ease for which it, is intended to he used. lilt. MrCtiN•rock's it cl ohAt SIIILT, $l. lie .. 11 CCLINTorti'S COLT. ANO COGGII 311XTURF—F Or ColldP, (. ..1101S, dO.. P I ice 2t its. l'at. ; 11 rel.rcii.CR'S A.S . I 111..10 Aiill /. 1 00P 1 N c i C ° ‘:" 11" ID. Ur. Price trU etc. La. Mcel.tl , reett'a Torsrc ALTT.rIN tiro: Stittr—For l'to rifyliez the Wood. Pri, e $l. - la. Motersrot E's try speptie Elixir—For Kiting tone to the stomach, relieving pains after eating, heartburn, and fill disagreeable symptents.arising from _lndigestion. Price $l. Dm :11C(1.1.N.1011Cii Illirt MAI% Mi s iTtnts.--A. PurCly Ve getable hearer's for interred use, `Print. HO cts. ~> Dm I.IN MCC racier: 1:111:1.V.Vile I.lNnass'r—For ltheuma tiers. Sprains., Swellings. to. Price fio etc. Da. :Wert WrOCIC'E...I..N 01 . ,Y i; r. ril I XTV lir--.l.'nr Paine, Tooth ' Rohe. Headache, Nelira4,la. Ac. 1.1111,n Mt (ts. lie, :lirt l r.frilet-ICS Vi:v la: sun ,1 c UF.Errviric—A. certain cure for all Interior tter.ts. ('ric'e $l. - fin. Mr ('LIN . IO( Cr. DiAli it liCri.i COltlii.ll. Ain OMURA PAD. ViiNTICr.--A Safe Ilenvecly. I , e. MCCl.llsTecK'a V1...11113,r PIIIGATIVE lltts----Fre Cost li micas. Headache. fir. Prire 25 eta. Da. Mcer.tstotg's ASO l'll.l.:—Fer irregularity in the Functions of the Liver arid Plaxels—tlie lial liv er Pill Made. Price 2.f.; as: it I ux. Per sale by Or..I..MeCLIIVICICI(.nt his Medical Hopot. , N. W. Corner Ni NI 1 1 and I>'ll.ll Llef Streeter, Phil:Wel -1 Orin, arid all Druggists, " Hruggisis and Dialers in Med ; Mines who wish to be Age» to, will please nthirese lir. ' :McClintock, furnishing roference, mane of ..P, st (Alice. county arid State, it‘).Fer Fide by W. A. lielso.'Santuel, Elliott. Carlisqr; .r. 11. Criswell. Shipper slurp; Frominger L . Co.. L. Banff ninti, Mechanicsburg; Jcseph Herron, Newt illit: .1. 11, Zimmerman, Andersonturg; Haines di Ferlig. NM, rs terwri; A. C. !Hint:. New Bloc:infield; Harriet N. :ringer. Newport: 11. P. Harrincr. 'fork Sprhiy - s; A. J. MiDer a i.d .1. S. Nixon, Chamber sl lire.; B. )lento,-r, Wa) in . rt . orc.; I ;cella, Bergner and L. E. Jones & Co.. llarrishurg. 1111. MaCLINTOCK can 1 e consulted. without charrre, dolly. Anne 11l to 1:20'e1,,k, A. . 11.. at hi s p ‘ . l ,, I. pocember 11, 1i 5, —ly. Tiny sfjontos. CITAS. nalLnY