3lctu Ilhoertisements TlCE,—Notice is hereby given, N _ that an election is to he held on Saturday the 6th ay of .January, 1855. to elect by ballot 13 directors for the Cumberland Valley Saving Institution, at their office in Dickinson Township, to serve for the ensuing year. JACOB It EIMECKER, Secretary. Peer. sn. 1; , 111. tend 4.,,A 1313.1 TH r- SCHOOL ANN I.VER kiSA It 11.—The exercises connected V. ith the anuiver. nary of the First Lutheran Sabbath ;choral, will take place, in that. church on the evening of the 25th hist, (Christens.) Admission, 12 1 ,..*; etc. Tickets may be had at the stores of IL SAitroN, 'East Main street: J. SI:NU, North Hanover street, or 11. S. larrun, South Hanover street FOR SALE OR RENT. g , That desirable private residence ' 4 4 t! g situated on Main street in the Borough , ,2 . l . (' , aylisle, adjoining property of Mitchel met leilan and others, and now in the occupancy of IL L. Burkholder, Possession given on the lst of April, 1855, for terms apply to w. M. PENROSE. Dec'r. 20, 1854, FOR RENT.—The cor- N: ) , nor STORE ROOM, now occupied o r 13 I t o orc l;_„r o o n 4;l ' . t. 0.1.11 on George Ego. lle( , :r .20. 1564 ATALUABLE T 0 W N g y PROPERTY AT PitivATE SALE. 4. The subscriber will sell at private sale. that valuable business stand en the eor it-' • .1; tier of lianover and ',outlier streets, in Carlisle, Pa. The lot is:10 feet front by •240 feet in depth. Them is a largo THREE snnty ST IN E PLASTERED mull finished. a largvi yard and garden, and every thing necessary to make it erahlf.rtel.le and eon seinent residence, For terms enquire of Carlisle. Dee'r. O. 1854. lARITOS AND CONFECTIONARt T 1) e undersigned has just returned from Phila. with a fresh supply of DRIAIS and CONFECTIONAIIy The f o rmer in connection with his stock on hamrwill make his as , , , rtmen4 of Drugs. Medici Tins and ( hemicals emnplete. lis assortment of CONFEtTIONA RV is also tine; consisting of pure sugar white tind transparent :only Toys: Candy, common. assorted, and line Citodies uts,t ntl—ev ery—t h belonging to that department of trade. Ile would call special att maim to his 'Supply of FANCY A IlTIrltE:" f. a- the !beide . % C. and general use, asimng m Welt may be found the good, the tasteful. and the useful. All aro Incited to ce.ll whether they 11 Isle to purehase•or, not. Carlkle, Pee'r. 20, 2S I )0( )1c S FOR TIIE El 0 LI.DAYS. I reevived from Philadelphia, a Tall!, . thie11t0r ileNr and SPLENVIDANNUA I,S.azid It UT BOON. , for the llolidays, whi,at havitm been purchased dhe usual NI holesale We are enabled to sell at rreatly reduced prices. They have n u n in store splendid stock of \uuualx, Gift lllu,trated Mats, branch ill IV .t9:<, !tildes, an r I.:. 1 iyat n ~ bu ni.lny 8.(k,, Tract J tiv &r.. Ate All of whidi re NEAP Inn )IC.S. froeh treni the lionlid and mulailishiat and wit up eNrt,..SIV fir the (lird i t A F.‘ sT.ATln\}(v and Punrc art kles generally. in great I :Irlety. . The lie are invited to eall and examine samples now ready fur inspe t kv4 the place to bay I,e hs. clicap.i.4 at P I PEICS. Main ,t met. Dee'r 20, 1,:,1 ATTRA("rION? 110 FOR Tit E KING LE'S OLD lIA is nom; and ti ill eontintio to Le supplied with the great est novelties up to the Otise of the F.e.14;011. comprising in part CA IN FECTIoNARI ES of the rholoest varieties. snob as Fins (a sly Toys, Jelly Cakes, Bon Bons,llum Cordial. Lemon. Chosilate mid t'r sit Drops, Boas, Vanilla, and Burnt Almonds, French and exploding Seerets. Also all the sraincin varieties. all of whieh will be sold whole sale anti retail at low rates. We hays just reecived FRUITS AND NUTS of the latst Importations such as Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Prnens, Citron, Currants, and paper shelled Almonds. Filberts. Cocoa, Cream and Ground Nuts. In connection with the above the larzost assorttnent of TOYS AND FANCY tiOrlDS of every kind Grim all parts of Europe, manufaet tired of glass, china, papier maehe, tin and India rubber, rink. 4es, such ns Fine AVax, kid and jointed Dolls, son ing and Card Baskets, Work_andyanoy Bows. Flower Vases, Iltitto ups . Ten :set ts, Mush-Boxes. Port Monities. Bat the Grace Hoops, Masks. Drums, Irons Trumpets. 11..1011144.5, Lt tto and oth er w wies, dr . Fancy s o ap s : , ! id Hair Oils of every variety. In sinner( ion with the shove a large stork of FAMILY 1111110ERI ES. such as liulver'oe I. crushed and brown Sugars. of every grade. Cvivee, Molasses Starch, linen and Risk Teas, Spies. Butter, soda. Sui.car,.- ‘Vator and other Crackers, cheese. The vill,rrila.r rot his sincere thanks to n I`Vtler djus pul lii. for the p a t 11,11/1 , 40 !li.l . ot"ri)rt• L stunroi nll him. 01111 )10p1 , =, by a deshavto plikasik,, to tuorit a continuance the ,ipte Carlisle. Der r 7, 1564 E1.1,1N( F A i OFT COT.—Tlie sub -7 4 t ohange Ills business, has cona •llta 7c totted ei P his largo nod splendid stook Of IVlnter at eost for cash. Moat of this stork iris been pur chased this fall. in Now York and. Philadelphia, at the tamed cash rims. l'orelmsers ean therefore save money calllmt soon, and at the same time hare the largest soil hest at, wk m v , as to seloct from, in the tom it o r eounty. In I his stock will be 11M11,1 some fresh l'uoTli ES. Cassiotors. f`asslnels, I'f:stings, ; 4 uporior hito, rod and yellow Flannels; red. green, Ho, d ra b trey Sao!: Flannels; Ribbons and Flowers: elo.xant new stylos harrod rashinore, DO rrotieli lierintta. Paramoltas and .llpa-has ; elo,taut Bra OM /Old Itlarkot Fil.lll ' L.r',Ladies. I loths and ;silk m aa ti o s, ealiones. lliOttants, Is,. a lar‘fo nod now stook of IP ),FF:S AND sip3E : .; , '“ 1,4 o f 110 W n1111'1,1 , 11 toad,, curvil • Is the tiale-to get 141)0A cheap. All are invited cell and examine for themselves. CArlisle, Dee. 40, 1851. "It ; [A. ' IC II IS) ! ))I ATC 11 IS ! -JOAN 1 iI) ) , :N MAN, manufacturer and Inventor of SAI , F.- I.'l' t'AT ENT SQUA 11 E 111411011 V 11 . 000110 X MATCHES :if,. lo,', North CI fll It'll I Street (above Hare) Pill LA DEL. I'lll .. khtelf., having become an Imlispensable article In lu.ns , !...t.cpinir, the subscriber after tt great sacrifice of time nod money. is enabled to offer to "the Public :faqir tichvat 1i11,13 - I . olllllilli rig Utility and Cheapness. The in s •titol 1,11,1'.1,111:r the danger apprehended. on account of tint 11.ifm.cy manner In vilify!' "Matches are generally ',wised In pap •e, hai by the aid of New Steam Machinery ,' I,i, ~..v o in,on don. succeeded in gal ine; up zi sAFETY rATENT t , itritti; upitittirr Is . (ontto.x; this ho, is far prof..c.dde, ill 11S11111Z11 that it occupies ob mare room than l h.• old round wood Los, and I . ollteiPS et least Tw. I Itthdred per I 'ent more Matches, Wllll . ll tO :',llll , l'li..l'S IS 0/111-t . .C111141 . . 14,1111t:Igt.; it is entirely new, and secure :.1.,, , , dm,l.lll , ,irlure and qmitafteoint emnbusti.m, ,Ippei,, all dam. er on,transportat lon by means of Ilailrtua. Steam hont t ~.., I N. l'tilll . , 110111.. Or. 0/11VOyallee. • Th...... sto that tam ga•66l, ' Moro in3Y hr ,hippod lit any igtrt of 11119 ‘1 . 1.1111 with klat , ty. Trley Ulll the 1111 , q 111 , Sintbilf sin iCI,I Howe met the Southern and Nvi., , tern markets I.lCtl, Is tvo over boon iirresitvd. !WA !.;.ItS nod SHIPPERS, wlll do well to t-311 and eNavidok• li r matcltc.4. are WAN RANTED io be. P pin 10 r Au) bervt , ll,re eircred to Ow Pt 11,11,, Jutirc 100 N.wth IN 'HT i St. Philti