Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 13, 1854, Image 8

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- 'The cholera broke out in Columbia in its
most,malignant form on Fiiday evening last,
an has been.raging with terrible results ever
UT 'to Tuesday morning, some seventy
depths, had oceurred, and no:abatenrient what-
ever appears in the number of new cases, al
the town': hits been deserted' by fully .
one-lialf (if not two-thirds) 'of its• inhabit
ants. Among the deaths which have occur
red, we are only enabled to ,give the follow
ing, among whom will be recogif&aid the
names of some of the oldest, most protni
anent and useful, and energetic citizens of
hat enterprising borough, now almostdeel_
_tutted by , the pestilence which "stalketh
Abroad," viz:
Francis Bradley, Robert Spratts, (Des-
uttcher,) Edward A. Howard, John Gilbert„,
Constable,) Dr. Richard E. Cochran, Joseph
Strickler,, "AIN. John W. Shuman and.
laughter, Mis . 4"llayden, Miss Fisher, (dangle
•or of, henry Fisher,) Mrs. Win. Hippy, Mrs.
Stn. Rees, 'William Wade. H. •H. Liehtv,
inkeepe - rond his ostler, Mrs. Jacob Crosby,
frs. Morgan Hays, David WelSh, Mrs. Rich
rds, (moth& of Luther Richards, Esq., of
~ ancaster,) Miss Ann Harnley, Mrs. 'R. -Dick,
fr. Snyder, Samuel Hinkle, Mrs. Stephen •
elix Mrs. Hinton, Mrs. Eli Derrick, Mrs.
Elton Kiniburr• Mrs. Minnieh, Peter Render,
olin Kidders, Mrs. Boyd, John Gien, Mrs.
.iavis, John lloyd, and numerous others.
Considering the populatiqn - of the place
to numerous deaths that have occurred ex-
eeds any thing we have ever heard of.,
fatly of the stores and .ether busines.--, places
Columbia have boon closed. Th‘; A-cots
are, been spread with lime, and liar rids of .
and tons of Pittsburg, coal are burnt in
:?;trects throughout the day and night.—
of the citizens left the devoted brtuu , ,h
i Saturday, Sunday and Monday last, and
physicians have mlvised all others who
•Th possibly do so to leave the place. Sem e
the victims were seized stahlealY while
-- the-streets, and_died ULLA few 'hours_
'forwards. The cause of the disemte is at
ibuted by many to the impure water with
the town is supplied from the river,'
IA low stairs of the Sat-numb:tuna, equalled_
eily by the low water of ,Ist43. The river,
.elow Columbia.. towards Turkey !Till, pre
ants to the view but a lake covered with
reds and grass, in which dead fish and .
Inuils are caught but to !itrify and poisrin
he air. A South-west wind,- last Fri day,
dew the miasma over. that fitted borough,
md although the excellent corps of physi
iiansnin Columbia have 'exerted themselves
•,o the utmost, but in few eases have been •
iacce4sful. A number of physicians from
Philadelphia and Lancaster wets sent ar,
Intl thev ton are unable to stay
ravages. The exeitement in Columbia is
very great., and it is impossible to find Out
he 11:111108 of all that have fallen victims to
;he dreadful distlase.—ril,-
The nelult in Ion•n.
...The Administration Trape .
little to say !Tont lowa. The result in that
State seems to have paralysed them. And
well it may: fir since the passage of the
..."Wbraska the Adnimisrration has
lost six Dnititil Siates . S,niators,„ five States,
arni. half a score tit' Meinhers of the House of
Representatives I " Popular Sovereignty"
Beene to be illustrating its potency in a man
ner Olt° unexpected to those who applied
the principle for the purpose of extending Sta.
very. However, as they sowed the wind it is
pleasant to see them reaping the whirlwind.
Where is Douglass?
TOTRIE is hereby riven that the (Thin
oeatod at Cumterland Ilan. in Dickinson town,hip,
Cumberland county. will mako application to the next
Legislature of the eonunmiwealth of Pennsylvania for
an act-of-IneoPporatium_with a capital of no(, boo thlll
Ten nor more thou Thirty ThousamdThillargJor - tp ,, p ,
pose of recoiling deposits of money both transitory and
on .interest, and of making Mons and discounta, mRh
aueli othor priviloges as are usually granted to Savingfi
Inatitutiona. By order of the birortors.
[June 2S-Omp'
D. L.' 11 . F.T.31. 1 / 4 x, Stee'y
NoncE is hereby . given that appliea
..: ta will Le tattle to the next Legislature, a...reen
bly to the constitution and laws of thi , Connineiwealth
of Pennsylvania, for an alteration in the charter of the
Carlisle Deposit Batik, .so lls t. , 1 CollfPr 11110 p said Bank the
rights, and privileges of a hunk of issue, and to change
the name te'lliat of the CA1t1.1,1.1, BANK: alms to hu.rotso
the capital stock 'Ono hundred and lifty. thousand dol
lars, it' practicable.
By order of the Board of Directors. -*
W. 'M. IW.F.TIIIf,
June 2.3,1854-6m]
orricil,----AN ELECTION for °fa:
eor and Manattorn of thu Cumlairlitud VnlloY
' 'timid Company, will ho hold at tho domparty'ketplice,
In Chnraborsburg; on MoNDAY, thu 2tl day 'or
float, betweou thu hours of 11) A. 111„ and 4 I'. M.
goptn-llt , • E. M..IIIUULE I t+vcretary.
, FblCEASED.=Notlee
IH hereby given that It•tters
of Adiniolstrution, with the Will annexed on the EH
-% tato of John McCarter, intauf the lworough of Carlisle,
Cutastrlmul co., deceased, havu been, granted by the
Register of said county, to the subscriber, residing . in
the same borough. All iwr6ons knowing themselvt.s in-
Lp to said Estate aro required to make immediate
payment, mud those having chains will present them fur
settlement to
DEMl—Notice Ic heroby given that letters of Ad
ministration en the canto of Robert Dunbar, late of
East, Ponusboro twp., CllllOl. co., deed, have been issued
by,the ltogiSter lu had for said county, to tho subscriber
who resides In the township of All persons hay
having claims or demands against the °Annum' said dec.,
are'requested to make known the same without delay,
end thoseludebted to make payment to
JAOOB 11UM31.111.,
Adin'r. '
Aug. 23-ot.
. S
DECllASlllb—Letters Tetttenientary on tho estato
of Rudolph Krysher, lath of 'ellurchtown, 'Monroe twp.,
doe'd,. have been granted by the Register of said enmity
to John (loodyoar and (temp Wunderlich, residing in
the sausolownship. Persons indebted are requested to
?lake payment and thus° having datum to prosont thous
.>rsuttlumodt to JOHN uoonyeAlt;.
Aug. 30,1854-4 t. Executors.
IIVIOction: • IPkoclattlistion,'
. .
w in ;v e il
c h o y in v i c i
weii t i l i t i e: o l , ; n e e ii t i • i n I.
sylvauin,entitled An Act relatingto the. election
.0 this Untottionwealtlt,' passed the, tltl day
~1 1). 1839, it tna'de 'the duty of the She
cora every comity within this CotntnontWealth,
to give public no k ice of the Getteral Elceti me, and
in enell notices to etioiddlide
4. "I he officers to lie elected.
-2. Designate - the place at which the election
is to be held. •
I, JOS. NI , 'DARMON'J, High Sheriff of the
y Jun( y aro mbet•land, do hereby make known and
give this you tic n nice to the electors ()roe comity
o• iindierlitild, that on TUESDAY, the 10 It
il;tv of O c tober next, nn election will he held at
the several (Auction districts established by law
i n said c - ri i imv, at which time they will vote by
ballot toe the severall officers hereinafter named,
for Governor of !he Stuto of Penosylvnnin,
fur Camil Commissioner of the State of Penn—
for JudAc of the supreme Qouvt of Pennsylva—
to represent the. counties of Cuntherlantl, York
and Perry in the llou,e of Representatives of
the United States
tO represent the county of Cumberland in the
Ilonse of Represeutt•tives of Pennsylvania
for Vrothono:ary of the county at Cumberland
for (:Irk of the Courts of the county of Cum
for Register of the county of Cumberland
for Commissioner of the coon y of Cumberland
for Director of the Poor tout of the House of
Etoployouiot of tht• county of Cumberland
AnditOr'S, t,p settre the pubic accounts of the
couniy of Cii•nberlatid
The said election will be held throughout the
comity, as follows:
I ite election district - composed
if the borough' of Carlisle and the townships of
.7111idilleton,Sooth Nliddleton,Lower•
inson, Lower Fralikford Anil!.,•ower West Penns-
borough, will he held „at the Court House, in the
Inn nindi or
The election in the: election district con)l osed
of Sits er Spring township, will be held at the
pill-lie horse of George Duey, in Roguestown in
said township. •
The election it. the election district composed
Of Ihunpilep township, will he held Pt thehouse
fortncrl:i occupied bY FL Bressler in said town
The election t the election district composed
of the township iif U i tper Allen will be nt
the public house ot 'David Sheffer in Sheyherds..
election in the election district-composed
or the township of Lower klleii will be held at
the wstipm-in ulcer shop Of Jonas Iliinclibiteger
on Shalt- Ilill..
The eleition in the election district composed
or hlast l'ennshorotigh township, will be held at
the house now occupied hy. C Dotson, lit
west end of the tarrihhorg tiridge.
The election in the district composed ot New
Cumberland, will be held at the public house of
\V 11 Bold, in the borough of New Cumber
land. •
• The election it the district composed of the
borough of Mechanicsburg, will 'he held at the
()Milk house of John llobver, in said borough',
The election in the district composed of !Ann
roe township, will be held at the public house of
Gtiodyear is Churchtown, 111 said township ;
'1 lie met:lion in the diAt Oct composed of Upper
Dickinson township, will be held at the Inuise
new r occupied hyl,,kltristian I.loffrnati in said toWn.
The -election in tite district composed of the
Borough of New ville, and townships of Mifflin,
Upper Frani:lord, and that Part ofNew f3ll WWII
:11111/011A ill the ' Leeshurg election (14
trim herein after mentioned, nod part of Upper
Allen township, will be held at Die Brick
School Douse, in the borough of New ville
The election in the district composed of Ilene„
well township, will be held at the New finch
School !louse in Newburg, in said township.
The election in tit district composed of tht
borough of Shippensbutl, Shippensburg tow n
ship, and t h at pail or Southall - ,ton toi'insliip nut
included in the Leesburg C tuition district, will,
tielvettratthe - Cnuticil - ilouse, in the borough of , .
And in and uy an act attic General Assembly
of this Commonwealth, passed the I.d July, 1839,
it is thus providedt "That the qualified electors
of pets of Newton and Southampton township,
in the county of Cumin:Timid, boo tided by the fol
lowing lines and distances, viz: Beginning at the
Adams county line, titmice along the line dividing
the townships of Dickinson and Newton to the
turnpike road, thence along said turnpike to Cen
tre School ilouse,ou sold turnpike, in Soutlrnmp
ion township, thence to a point on the Walnut
Bottom (toad at Be) buck's, including Rey buck 's
Farm, thence in a, straight direction to the Saw
Mill of the heirs of George .Clever, thence
along Krysher's rung() the Adams county
thence along the line of Adams county to the place
of beginning, be and the samedt hereby, ,declared
a new and separate 'election district, the election
to be held at the public house'of m, Maxwell
io Leesburg, So‘..thaninton township."
. • Notice is Hereby Given,
That every person excepting Justices - orfike
Peace, olio shall hold ' any - oflice or appOintnient
of profit or trusts under the United States, or of
-this State, or any city or incorporated district,
wit titer a commissioned officer or otherwise, a
subordinate officer or agent, who is or be
employed under. the legislative, executive, or Jts
dietary departments of thiS State, or Lithe United
states, or of any city or of any incorporated dis-.
Oct; and also that every member , of Congress
and of the State I iegitglaturts, and of the Select oa
Common Council ?Yriny city, or commissioner or
tow incorporated istrict, isly law incapable o
holdingor exercising at the same time, the office
or appointment of judgc,inspector,or clerk of any
elections of this Commonwealth, and that no in
spector, -judge or other officer or such election
shall be eliAilde to be then voted for.
And the said act of Assembly. entitled van act
relating to elections of this Commonwealth,passed
July '2d, 1839, further provides as follows, to wit:
he respective"Th4lilteinspectors and - Judges shall meet at
places appointed for holding the
election in the district to which they respectively
belling. before 9o 'clock the morning of the
S eooiulTsubeaslillanyp64lnoct onoto elk
be r, and ,
each of sail)in
spectorssholl be a
qualified voter of such district.
case the person Who shall have received the
sosontl highest number of, votes for inspectitr,
shall not attend on the day of the election, then
the .persun who shall have. received, the second
highest number of votes for ;judge at tho,,;.nest
preceding election shall act us tcior or lo his
-place. And in. case 'the.person wlik shall have
received the highest number of vot64 for inspet.
tole - Shall not attend, the person elected judge shall
appoint an inspector hi his place; and in case the
person elected a judge shall not attend, then tln
mshector who received the highest nut - Ober 01
votes shall appoint a judge in his place; or if any
vs caney shall continue in the uourd ler die space
of one hour alter fhe time axed by law for the
opening of the la lection, the tpudified voters of the
township ward or, district for which such officer
shall have•heen' , elected, present at the place of
eitectior., shall elect one of their number to fill
at tracaliev
' 'lt shall be the duty of the several assessors,
of reel district to attend al the place of holding
every general special or township election, dur
ing. the. whole time said election is kept open, for
the purpose of giving information to the inspectors
and judges when called on in relation to the right
of any person assessed by them to vollt
election, or such other matters in relatioWilie
assessment of voters ns the said ingiectors or
either of them shall from t'me to time require
"No person shall be permitted to vote at ant
eiect ion as aforesaid, than a white freeman
. 01 the
age of twenty one years or more, who shall have
resided in tliis State at least one year and in the
election district wheie he
. offers his vote at least
tell days 'immediately preceding such election,
Find within two years paid a State or county tax.
which shall have hue as.sessed at least tell dnys
before the election. But a citizen of the United
Stales, who has previously been a qualified voter
of this State, and removed therefrom and rei urn
ep,Pand who shall have resided in the election .
district and paid taxes aforesaid, shall be entitled
to vole alter residing in this State six Months:
Provider!, That the white freemen', citizens of
the United States, between the ages of twenty
rote and _twenty two years who have resided in
ito election district ten (lays as aforesaid, shall
•be entitled to tote although they shall nut have
paid taxes.
No person shall be permitted to vote whose
name is not contained in the list of taxable in
habitants furnished by the commissioners, unless
First, lie produce a receipt for the peyment,
within two years, of a state ur con itv tax asses
sed agreeably teithe constitution, and give satis
factory evidence either on his oath or affirmation,
or the oath - or idlihriatiou oh another that he has
paul such al tax,or Ur, failure to produce a receipt
shall make oath to the payment thereof. - Seernet.
ill he claim a right to vote by being au elector be . -
tWeell the age of twenty One 31111 twenty twt. years
he shall depose on oath or Oil miition that he has
resided in this Stateiat least one year nett billiore
his application, and ma it such proof of residenee
it the district as is required by this act and that
lie does verily believe from the Account even him
that he is of the age aforesaid, and such other ev
idence as is requiecil by this act, wherenpon the
mi me of OW person an admitted to vote shell lo
inserted in the ntitlekSteical litit by the inspectors,
and a nob.: made oppoaite thereto by writing thi•
word !tux,' if lie shall he admitted to vote 115
reason of haviog.paid tax, or the word 'age; he
lie shall be admitted to vote. y reason eland' age,
shall be called out to the clerks, who shall - Maki;
the like notes in the lists of voters kept by then,
'ln all cases where the us me of the person
claiming to vote is found c,, the list furnished by
the COMOSSiollerCaltd assessor, or Ilk r 1,111( to
rote whether found thereon or not, is objee ed to
by :thy 91181'6.41 citizen, it shall be the duty of the
incretors to exainMe such persons on oath as to
his t l isliliemiatts, and it he claims to have resided
within the State Inc one scar or more, his oath
shall be sqllicient proof thereof, but shall [mike
trout by at least one competent witovEa, ‘‘llo shall
he a qualified elector, that he has resided within
the district for more than ten days next it.miedi
ately preceding said election, and shall als:)
sweat' that his bona tide 1-esiduticc, in pursu
ance of his lawful calling, is w itlen the district,
and that he did not yeinove into mill district ice
he purpose of sot ing therein.
• , t;c e ry person trialdied as aforesaid, and who
shall make due prod if required, of his 1c:6,1...1ice
and payment of lases as aforesaid, shall bead
`Mittel) to vale in the t.iwuship, ward ur district
i n which he shall resitie.
•I f any . person shall prevent or attempt to pre• ,
cent any officer of any election under the act
from holding much election, or rise or threaten any
violence to any such officer, or sh di interrupt or
improperly interfere with him in the extent tor of
of his duty, or shall block ulithe whitlow or ate
mu. to Jay window where the same may he hold
inn, or shall rioitni‘ly disturb the peace al such
eleetimi, or shall use or pr.teticc ally 1111i111ld:t)ng•
threats, cOrel., 01 violence, w ill' tlet-igti to influence
'manly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him
i . 1 .0111 voting or to restrain the fret dont of choice,
such persons on conviction shall he fined in troy
sum not escecttiug live hundred dollars and Le
imprisoned for any.titite not less thou three nor
more than twelve months, and if it shall he 6110 . W11
10 court, wht:re the trial' of such offence shall be
had, that the person so Wending was not a resi
dent of the city, wat•d, district or to wi Still) v..lll!re
the offence was committed, and fait entitled to vote
therein, then on conviction lie shall be sentenced
to pay a fine of not less than one hundred 1101.
more than one thousand dollars, and he i mpriso-
I lied 1101 less than.six mouth nor more than two
ti nay person or persons shall make any bet or
wager upon the result of and 'election within the
Commonwealth, or shall offer to make any such
bet. or wager, either by . verbal isroplamition there
of, or by ally written or pri..ted advertisement
challenge or invite :ray person to make such bet
or wager, upon conviction thereol he or they shall
f and pay three times the amount so bet or'
to be bet.
'hinny person not by law qualified, shall fraud.:
silently vote at any election in this Common
wealtli,, or being otherwisetpialified shall v.:(e: nut
of his proper district, or it any Berson kIIOWIIII4
the want of such qualitications,shal I aid or pros
cure such person, to vote, the person offending
slenl, on conviction, he fi ned in nay slim not ex
ceeding two.hundred (Whirs, and tie imprisoned
for any term not exceeding three months,
'lf any person shall vote at more than one elec 7 .
tion district, or otherwise frandulentiv vote more
than once on the sante day, or. shall fraudulently,
fold or deliver to the inspector two tickets to
gether , with the intent illegally to vote, or shall
procure another so to do, be, or they °Wending,
shall on conviction be fined its any sum not less
than fifty nor more than fire hundred (linters, and
be imprisoned for any form not less than three
nor more than twelve months •
'lf ant person not qualified to vote in this Com
mon weinth, agreeably to law. (except the sons of
qualified citizens) appear at any place 01
election for the purpose of issuing tickets or of
influenChig the citizens qualified in vote shall
ois conviction forfeit and pay any sum not exceed.
ing one hundred dollars for .every such offence,
and be imprisened for ally term not exceeding
three months.' • - .
Agecalily to the provisions of the sixty-first
section of said net, every General and Special
Election shall be opened between the hours of
eight molten in the forenoon, and shall enutiline
without interruption or adjournment until seven
echoic in the \ evening, when the polls shall be
closed.\ \ .
I am also instructed by law. to insert the fol
lowing copy of an Act, entitled, "An not for
the suppression of the manufacture and sale of
intoxicating :liquors as a 15toverago,". in. -the
PrOonitnation for the tleuerel Election to be
held on tho second Tuesday of October neat.
For the suppiession of the manufacture and sale
. of uttoxicatinlj ltquors,"as a ,evcrage. ,
Whereas,All laws to be efficient should have
the approbation and quvoctioti c of the people•:.
And whereas, It,is rbpresented that a large
number, if not a majority of the citizens of •
this Commonwealth, are deeply impressed with
the necessity of the passage of a Prohibitory ,
Liquor Law :
And whereas, It is impossible to obtain a
certain indication of popular sentiment relating
theretc(by means of petitions and remonstran•
°es ; Therefore;
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly
met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority
of the same, That the qualified voters of this
Commonwealth are hereby authorized at the
places for holding the,general elections in their
respective wards, boroughs and townships, on
the second TUESDAY- of October next, to vote
for and against a law which shall entirely pro
hibit by proper and constitutifinaljegulntions
and penalties, the manufacture grid S'ale of in
toxicating liquors, except for iiiedical, sacra
mental, mechanical and artistical purposes.
SEC- That the officer& authorized by law
to hold elections in each surd, borough and
township, of this Commonwealth, are hereby
directed and required nt the place fixed by law,
fn the several districts for- the holding of the
general elections in said districts, on the sec
ond Tuesday of October next, when they Shall
,be organized as an election boamh to receive
from each qualified voter of their said di- tricts
a ticket written or 'printed on the outside
" Prohibitory Liquor Law," nnd the tickets in
favor of the proposed law shall contain in the
inside the words, "For n Prohibitory Liquor
Law," and those opposed to the proposed low
shall contain in the inS'ide the words "Against
the Prohibitory Liquor Law," which votes
shall be counted and returned to the Court
House of the o( unties or city in which the said
election shall be held, on the following . Friday
by the return judges, who shall c - tit up and
and certify all the votes polled in said county
or city, to the office of the-Secretary of the
iComnionwenith - at - Harrisburg, directed nnd
transmitted in the same manner, the votes for
Governor are required to he directed and trans
mitted, and the said Secretary shall on the
third Friday of January next ensuing. c, mum
niente the said returns to the Legislature, to
he opened and counted in the same manner the
votes for Governor are opened and counted,
and considered as the proyer of the voters of
this Commonwealth relative to a Prohibitory
Liquor Law.
BE6. 3. That all - the — Clectionlaws of the
State prescribing the hours of opening closing
the polls, the reception of votes, the punish
ment for illegal voting, the defraying the ex•
penses of pnblieation, and holding of the gen
eral elections and return of the tonne, and all
other matters incident thereto, be and the same
,are declared applicable to the election above
.S.Ec. •I. That it shall be the duties of the
Sheriffs of the several counties of tbis Com•
mon-wealth to insert a copy of this act in the
proclamation for the general election to be
held on the second Tuesday of o , tober next.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
APPROVED—The twenty-eighth day of April,
oue thousand eight hundred and tlfty-four.
And the Judges of the ttsketive district salon.-
said, are by the said act regnitetUto ,meet at the
Court House, in the borough of Carlisle on the
thiludday "after the said day of election, Icing
Friday ihe 13th day or October, then and there to
perform the things reluired of them by law.
The return judges of the Cringressional dis
trict win meet in the Court Ilon4e in the ho
rough of Carlisle, on Tuesday the 17th day of
October, then and" there to perform the duties
required of them by law.
Given under (;s bond, 0 Carlisle, this. Ist
day of September, D., 1851•
()SEMI MO) A 1010
SuElturr's OEFICE, C A IMISLE, Sheriff.
„lug 27 185.1,
3101 ,'F>ltit,e Safes
Th,, subscriber will elfer at 11111 1 111 1 F,lll l , 011 the pre
-011 SATURDAY, the _till of September, 1b54. his
V A I,IIA L'ARM, titttab‘ in North Middleton twp„
rtonlerland eotnty, 3 miles north of Carlisle. on the
Waz..t.ter's tlap110:01.110111411111n1 about 79 ACRES.of grad
Slate Land• all of iv Nell 1,9 I.lolll'l l d :11111 la a gond state 01
cult iT:ll.lOlll`N , Vid aboiiit 12 acres of tint- 4 ,...,1 .
her hold. 'The improvements are a don
ble two story Log DWELI,INIi MOUSE, 46 g g
troatherboarded with a {prod Kitchen 5 g
attached : the Barn en, this farm was ,•
,“.1.14 ;
burned on the tall inst. here is also
on`tho premises a young apple Orchard and ether fruit
trees, and two never failing wells of water eteirenient to
the !use.
Also, mill be s.dd at the same time and place, a Tr et
of good '3IOI.I,NTA IN' LAND. containing about 15 acres,
situate about 21t1 miles isn't the above mentioned Farm
and ab 1 4 of a mile froul the Ltimes hap
Salo to 1101111111111C0 ht 1 WC10(1iI,d . .":111, of add day, when
the terms will be made known le
Aug. ;10, 1;4:4.---ts. AT), MIAIDOttF.
REAL ESTATE, situated in Carroll comity, W.,
19 miles from Baltimore, (over goral Fends,) conitining
;:)00 ACit ES, highly improved; with some • .•
TW ENTY-TIVO Bill IJDINOS on the ~ 1... ' y t
~ +
same, all now ; :laving whieli is the hand- - ' . ' 4
ROlllent COUNTRY Mt:SIM:NCO in the State, • 4 0 - ,g,
and the other building's in protinrtfon, ~,..' .ai •' .
with ithundaneo of Wood and Water,and .
every In xury,A (MCI LARDS, Uardens, FlOWeiS, VrllltS
and Shrubbery, 411.11 scenery unsurpassed, and ono 0.
the oust healthy places in the Union; convenient to
Sehools, Chureiter and Mills.
Those desiring to purchase an eibgant and valuable
estate, eau do so on favorable terms by calling on the
sttbscriber,;residin gout the estate. near Taneytown, qar
roll county, Mil.„beforo the .27th day of Septemher.TlCit.
I f the property hi net sold by that time lt w,ili be sold
at the Exchange, in the city of Baltimore, on I.I.IIIIIS
DAY, the Rh of October. at. 1. o'cloelt, preelsiely. Title
indisputable mtd sale positive.
11,1),,, Terms easy. Per a mere extended notice, see
Baltimore Bally American,
Aug. 30, I S4,—ts A. G. EGE:
itiol Lot Of Orourul In South 'Hanover j , ,ii, .
street, now occupied , by Charles liar- nv ~.
,- -. 1
nitr., ininuhllatoly opporito Bontz's it, 1 1 . —C.
stoio, is offered nt private sal°, For .-1 MR
, "
tortus inquire of the subscriber , AttornoY,tbr tho on nor.
Sop. 0,'14] R. :q. HENDERSON.
T A IRESI.I AlittIVAL - !-- , -A full supply
of liahor'n and t lionntillatitte Chncolato, COCOU, Fari
na, C,orn Ftarelt, !lino,' Flour, and ruarl !briny, kZ..e.
.expose to public sale on the premises, on FRIDAY,
the 15th of September, ISri4; at 11 o'clock. A. M.. by vir
tare of an order of the .Orplum's,Court of Cumborinod
toxin o' tract of first rate hl M 1 f.A
in Upper Allen town Ship, Cumberland ,a)., containing
Oil acres 155 perches,about TO acres of whHi are elearid
and in a fine state of cultivation, and the residue in
good Thriller. The land is situated nista two miles from
Mechanicsburg and is considered about the best part of
tininberland . Valley: itmljeins John !longer, the widow
Eichidtz, John Garrett and ethers. The title to the said
thud ift . gOod, and the term Es, will be made kit. twit .tn tho
day of sale by JACOB MUMMA,
snug. 23,'64. r Guardiatof 'Benjamin Garrett.
virtue of an order of the Orphan's Cowl of ClUlli).
younty : I will sell et public sale on II.• promi we, at I.
releek, A. 31., on :F.ATtniDAy, the 12:d of ,eptember,
Is:A, a 110155 E and LOT OF I.IIIOIIN D. :,Ittlate in the
‘illace of liinvanwu, and late the property of Daniel
inkle. deeeas - od. The lot has a front of 3il fee Lon the,
:Sterrett's (lap : road arid eitends back le feet to ;in an ey.
The house Is a one story and a half fraTllo building re
cently bullt. l Terms will be made known on day of sale
by \V ILIA A:11 Y,
aug 1554.. Ouardlan of Wit. 11.
JO; sltbscriber offers his FARM for sale, situated in
Hampden township, Iltintivrland ermuty, on the turn
pike loading from Harrisburg to Carlhdo, miles lima
the former and 13 from the latter plaeo, CONTAI NINO
ISti ACRES and !Pi PERCHES, shirt Of first
rate Limestone and Black Slate land. inferior to none in
the (minty. Adjoining the Canedogninet crook and
lands ,if Dr. It. 0, Young, John Sherbet n, (leo. Sherluthn
and others. There are about 1 S acres of Woodland and
the remainder 'elrared and Under Braid lotion find in a
high stato of colitis '['lice aro a great many ho
emd trues on the harm ready to hi' r a into VOStS. Also,
a young thriving ()Minot with differont kinds of fruit.
_The linloo emonts are a TWO t:ITtIItY .1.0(1
weatberboarded with a Kitchen
att. - 11...1 :tail rvilar ',tutor them; n f irst
rat° It \\K .11A liN mnl alter nit
V.llll :1 er fniling well with pump near
t Ili` kitehen doer. A further tles.:•ripti ml 3
•oned-unneee-isary. who nre devirnu. to pur
‘,lll t i 0 1 ," the pr:morty. Terms NI 111 I, 111:111.0
knen 11 hr the :mbs..riber living on the premises.
.4U•-•.%. DAVID .)1 k RTI N.
Ey, SATE.—On 1.'1111.)A.Y. ,
the, nth of Ortolter„ ltd vi-tuo
droll •f as.iannrnt. by Ilarlalit•r and his a if_ Eliza,
t lie tatlest,lictr w ill 'ell, tin -11 t• enamed .las-,-on Elm
prendi , s. the 11,11o,,im! descrii., , ,i ; ma im
lirt,l•lll,lt, 'at.: A 'fract ,r first. rat- L r s
I. \NI). cdulninitur 25 acre. ttiol 25 p I 1••••:1 - 11:31.1111 1 :1 , 1111. 1 ,
.A11.11.1i12:1 in 601 cr 6pring tomm.hip, 'um'. Hand county, ' , II, 111111' and a halt' north t.l n and tho
turnpildt. 'rho improV(.lll,lll't are :1 Sl,lll. 31111 f111111:1
111.=4 MILL. with nn excrilent N 1 •Itt•t-Pow cr. t stir
passed 1.2, any in the crcea : lame d
.Nl.l Mi11i..., 11, 11 z.ll, A FItAMP.
tious - E, and FRAME ItA RN. Abut. a their-
11114' young Orchard and otiotr fruit Imes. and 1l y ; o h
a well of water near the hott , e.
The above 'leant ptoport bt very de- gat
One : 10111 1 . 31:11 . :1 1 11 , w::tla 4o v. ell to
attend the stall Or 1101 111,011 the andtteriber, who urea
'mar Mechanleahnr4. or on Mr. War,;.-tter, the miller,
who Inas it rented; Either will dear the pr.tic rty or
describe particulars relating . to the Nl.lllO. bentre the day
of sale. Further description is ticeolcd tut riereNstirj ;
the property and its ads.antmxt.s at,d h wation, w 111 r,
commend itself tin :id IN 111 , ninny 1:411i L, 5: , : 1. 1t. Fele to
etantnettee at 10 O'clock A. 'M. on maid 111 when t r ue
1.411111 , 11111 1:4.) Made 1U1 , 111,11 by
aug. I`sl. As.signeo Of .I,hn
-1,,TA1,1,T ABLE 11F.:11, 4..-
F,ST_l'l' E AT
Y Prt: vi'rE 5Ar.r..— . 1 . 11.• 'follow hitt l , Alt M anfl
Tru.t. ~f NVf tom. tNtf, tiff' property of Mt , s )lartha Putman
of Carlisle. wilt he sold at wit 010 1,110. 1 1'...: .
All that fa:re:tin f.truf, situate in Southampt•in tirp.,
1:11;:ilith . laSIll es•way, 1,u,,,h,1, I,* [awl. or kohtteles affil
littittees heirs, Francis Fulton, 'thou: an 1:1:511101. l'f-lto
and ethers, containing ISS ACRES. strif•t Illetl , llrt..
Thi, , Farlit, ellieli is shunted ,011 the Wtonut &Abaft
rata. Within 1,, mile, °I the Iforou."1 1 ft . :shippenstfur.4,
is of a first rate finality of Minh woll rttlitimitod and
fenced. and Dear!) all t 1ea1 , ..1. , ith .nit- ....,2
,:thlt.11111:1.1.INI. ItOti: , E. likitN, ant) , 1t...4 .'"
out-1.1114i figs. Th 1. 1 .0 is a 11, 1111
. ~,.!. 4 ....,, , i, 1 1 1 .„A
tillellAlt 1.) of well selected A imir Trers s ' s it s it s
oft tha 'itemises, together is ith fftlier&c•A .1-,,„.4.
fruit ,refs. 2 " - ns- '024
Also, a Tract of Woodland two miles ft-on the Faun,
.a Li laiis t I Adam IN .truer. tiett. or's Itoirs,
tt nti v,nrad Clot. el% ri4lt!ti!lilllt nlrnit 111)
Luta is well C.N , •11,1 n ith toing Chestnut Thal t.r. Thum
in ilk'. en it :t 4,llllflrtaltlit Tomtit
Persons wishing to It". , Lraine thoso proportsi. enn tit Fs)
b y ~,111; , a, clotatt4e Mathows. iv!'" 1..-dlits ou thu
Farm. Fur tot-ms nud tiontlitiot,4 of sail nititlg,t to
, ',' , Chalnitta - slturg Whig publish fir :mil ...toil hill to
this Ait..:otb
ch Ni LAN!) AN I)C11 ES'EN "I' I I)
.1' $.% mill
ell al side, on Tiivii , do.\.v, the Cl,t itiy Sep
tend er. the 6•l ile,.•riheil Farms:—
o. a alual.le Fa t kl- .
ate hr there rt t ow, siri t. Frikilid ill To utrt, mil. 5 near Fr,dhuul. imijihnilig lamts
(leo l'hanillerS. J. IL A. M. ('ri,iv ell and others,
isititaiiug„ aliout War -AC It I'S. 1111 of aitnh are clear,
~thin-e is IPA an Itcl . o 4/1 it hut mhat eau IT plowed) aril
under goodifenees. The Laud is rolling and of a nal a•
cal riot! quality ; most of it has reiimitl)
and there are at present as many stones quarried ard
piled on tha Perna av ' trilt, 111111{0 IEIIIII to 25,111: 0 J
1111:410k M . 111,10. The remaining - 4n acre: are very lie t.
tidy T I 1 111;1: great timsiderat um as t he
..outing seat . - 0 and hiali through the neiglihriiim , rl.
an ui laellfe, the undersigned eleareil a small It er
datiily, the timher of whiclt amounted to more thin
thl per sere. The improvements aro a
Tmo-Stiii led I 101.:SE. iiith
out hulldinp: a
~ z ned BARN, rtaamtly bui!t
Shads, ( - mu Cribs, Am. There aro a AN ell
and haling pumps, NI ithill 11
f,w leot of thu it ,tl4
very 'advicita r feowdy sit tiated, being on all emlueuru
the centre of the Form, so that most of the t e
overlo,Oicil front them. There Is tiJar i 4e Orchard
of civic° grafted Fruit adjoining the hous e , we ll k re ,„,,
as being the - best orchard in the country, Tin loratlu
this Farm Is very desirable. as It Is in is healthy neigh
borhood. and 0110 noted for its in. are
Churches.; 11,uses, Stores, ills, Mechanics' ishopq,
. with/AA -.llol:l_ilistrinee. It is also near tint COW n.
61.4 iinill.orders oil the Cumberland I'alley
Railroad, which connects with Balthinne, Philadelphia,
Pittsburg. liarrisbunt, Chainbersburg, 1 1117,13rstew 11, ke.
• The subscriber deems it ininecessar.y pc sap zmy thi n g
rttrtkOr ill tllgOrd to Oakland. an purehason; will examine
for thi!IIINNIVUS, and they can readily perceive that it e3ll
be made to pay the highest per rent. of any Farm in its
neighborhood- The only reason the undersigned otters
.It fir side Is on arc, mgt of his removal to another State,
Mr. Jacob &Also, the Tenant, will show the Farm to
No. 2—CIIE3TNUTLAND, is a 51111111 Pinoland Farm,
situate iii tircen township. Franklin county, 3 tulles
Vast Of Fa,vet teville and 2 South of Scotland, adjoloini;
lands of NV, Thompson, .1. 11...1: A. M. Criswell and others,
17011 t it in , k• 30 At'l: ES, abort 30 of which are elritred and
under gond Fences. 'this remainder IN severed ivltlt
Chesnut, Pine and Oak Timber. The iniprovenients n.rci
a good two-storied lAN) HOUSE, LOU BARN, Corn Cril.s,
to, A stream of water passes within a few feet of the
house and barn. Mr. Joseph Wingert, the 'reliant, will
Plow the-Farm to purchasers.
.:42tio of Chestilutland at 10 o'clock, A. M., on tall
dew, mid liakland at 2 o'clock. P. M. •
slnitllll the day be very stormy and wet, the sale will
take place tw the next litvorable day. Salo liositive-s.
title perfect. ROBERT CRI SW ELL.
Aug. 30, 183 I—ts . Brooklyn, 1.; , T., N. Y.
N. , stmt. of an order of the Orphan's Court of Comb."
countv, will be for sale on SA'CURDAY, the bah
day of October, Isiil, A TRACT OF LAND containing 113.
acres. situate In Lower - Allen tewpship,on the road lead
ing flan Lisburn to the Silver Spring - Church, botweett
Meolutuleshurg and .Shlremanstown, late
the ploport'y. of :Itenry Mater, deceased.-
1. erected on It a Log DWELLING!•
lIOUSE and Shop, a Frame Stable, and rdl i
there la a well of water at the dour. Them _
Is a good Orchard on the place. Sale to
take place at 2 o'clock, P. M., when terms made
Aug. 30, 18“. uardLtu..
3teaf testate Safes:
SINN ,&•::
L' • I
•mat i
• vt.o..