Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 06, 1854, Image 5

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    . Congress and a handsonte majority in. the
Legislature, which insured it Whig U.S. lidtir
mon The dethocrats of Allegheny comity,
miet Pittsburg yesterday and nominated
Hon. Clatees Shalor for Congress with a full
county ticket, Resolutions WOO also passed
approving of the National and State Admin
istrations and denoun'ing the Know Noth
ings, which caused great excitement, tun' the
Convention adjoined in confusion. The
"Soft portion of the democracy of New York
held their State Convention in Syracuse, yes
terday, A goon' deal of excitement was caus
ed by the dischssierfof Nebraska resolutions.
'Rive slaves of William Horner, late of War
renton, Pn - iquier county, Va., but now of Wi ;-
c idAin, having stopped at a hotel inPittsburg
.o ► Monday, to get dinner, were rescued from
his 'custody by &.mob of blacks, led on by die
hotel waiters. Horner said lie was taking
them to Wisconsin to set them frelt. The
slaves were a mother and her four children.
The '"Articrican Protestant Association," a
secret order opposed to" Roman Catholicism
had a great , in Newark, ,N. J., on
Tuesday, and iu the afternoon some shots,
stones, etc. were fired upon them from a Oath
'o'ie Church, and also from a party of Irish
standing on the corner of the street. There
upon a. great riot ensued, in which the church
was completely riddled, everything inside be
ing destroyed: A large number of persons
were wounded, and o:lelrishman.named .John
McCarthy subsequently died of his injuries.
Nominationa—Cley.Mort allty-
Extensii4 Arrest—Plare up In the May
or's 011iCe.
The,ProhibitorLiquor Law Convention as
eembled on Wednesday afternoon last, and
after a rather exciting.discussion on the claims
of candidateS, nominated the following-ticket
for the Legislature in the old city district,
viz : Senate, Thomas S. Smith ; Assembly,
Ilenry_K._ Strong,-William-R.-Morris r dnmes
M. Robb and John C. Sims. Mr. Smith is
on no other ticket so far. Messrs. Strong
and Morris are on the Whig ticket, Mr. Robb
is on the democratic ticket, and Mr. Sims is
on the Prohibitory ticket alon - e., There are
now three tickets in the held, the Whig, de
rnocraticand Prohibitory ticket. The Whig
candidate for Senator is Wm. A. Crabb; the
the democratic 'candidate, George Smith ; and
the Prohibitory mndidate, Thos. S. Smith.
The nomination of Crabb is unsatisfactory
to hundreds of Whigs, who will prefer to cast
their votes for Thomas S. Smith, WHO is a
Whig and a man of sound ability. The
Whig conferees of the third Congressional
District met on the same evening and nomi
nated Win. Millward for Congress. Edward
Joy Morris . had previously - beenlioininated
for Congress by the Whigs in the Sonth Ohs
On Friday last the Whig Delegation of the
Second Congressional District met, but fail
ed to nominate a candidate. There were
seven ballotings. J. L Gossler received 19
votes, (within ono of a choice.)
rick 7, and Dr. Jayne 5. The Whig county
convention yesterday indefinitely postponed
a resolution•absolving the members from 811P
porting Any nominee who may be ascertained
to be a Know-Nothing.
The interments in the entire city for the
week ending at noon on Saturday, were 301,
of which 23 were cases of cholera. This is
a decline of 15 deaths since last week.
About one o'clock on Saturday morning
the police 'made a - descent upon nine disor
derly houses, ou Dupciriceau street, (late
Blackberry alley) and Osbourn's Court, a
small avenue leading into that thoroughfare,
and arrested 38 females and 16 men. The
females ranged from 20 to 50 years of age,
and among them were young and beautiful
girls just commencing a career of vice and
misery, old and shameless Cyprians ' married
women and servant girls in respectable fami
lies. The male portion of the offenders com
prised clerks, professional men, knights of
the buskin, and two countrymen, whose wag,
ons were -in- Market. They were escorted to
the -`police station, when the proprietors of
the houses were held for trial, the females
committed as vagrants, and the men dis
charged on. giving security not to be caught
ip such places again. The affair finally led
to - rather an ugly flare-up between the Mayor
and one or two members of the Council, and
the resignation of several of the•police. Dr.
Marsellis, a member of the Select Council,
undertook ; on Saturday, to remonstrate with-
Mayor Conrad in relation to the room in
which the several abandoned females, arrest
ed on Friday night, were confined, stating
that it was too filthy and close for so many
prisoners. The Mayor, however, said he
would not•be dictated. to, and dismissed the
doctor .very miceremonioesly. Subsequent
through a misapprehension, the females were
released without taking their recognizauces.
At, this the Mayor became much incensed,
and discharged The turnkey, Archbald Nick
els,:and Samuel Gouldy, one of the specials,
who ha'd charge - of the prisoners. Upon the
heels of Gouldy's dismissal, Wood and Mir
kil, of the specials, and Charles Smith, - the
messenger, proceeded to the Mayor's office
in a body, and tendered their resignations.
It is thought this is not the end of the flare
- LawnERN SCIIISIL—Two iiestions. have
cently agitated the German Ltitl cran denomi
nation in Cumberland Ald., as to rove caused
a schisld. . First as • to;whether i Odd Fel
lowcan become a good Christian, an o
the proper method Uadministering the bread
in the Lard's Supper. ,
~ ____. ,
136 r FRANKLIN'S nano hae been immor
tal ted In varknts ways, and it is connected with thin:te
rms l ocular Institutions. Among the most popular
places with which. It is associated Is Franklin Place.
Philldelphlas on the corner of which, No. 111 Chesnut
street. ts• the groat poptalarAClothing -Establishment , o.
it Wilson, the largest, cheapest, best and most
fashionallin in thq country. • •
gra- Palpitation of the heart, Nervous Diseases, Liver
Complaint, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Costiveness and Piles.
arealr relieved and cured in an Incredibly short space of
time. by Carter's Spanish_Aixturo, the great tonic and
purilier of the blood. it mint:tins not a particle of Mer
cury. Opium or any noxious drug; it Is perfectly harm
14ss, and has cured more than five hundred cases of dis
can only refer the render to,the certificates, a few
of which may be found in anothkw column, and all of
which are detailed in full areund the bottle. It is the
greatest of all Song and Fall Medicines, and possesses
an !Minorco over the blood truly remarkable.
*0 See Adsortir l ement. y .
~inf- The circulation of the blood is justly esteemed
We greaten:L. ordination of Divine Providence; by that
beatimpestgirre, the heart, it is driven to all parts of the
s 'ADM. giving vigor and strength ,to the complicated
machinery of mar. This livi.ig flood, whether we sleep
'or wake. FniCes br sitly thre.ugh the arteries and returns
softly through the veins. How necessary that it should
be kept free from ell impurity, and yet how negligent
many a-e respecting this groat, essential to the enjoy
m..nt . f perfect health. • Derangement in the Liver and
N, rove: is generally the primary cage and Jaundice,
IndLestion, and all the harmssing feelings attending
Dyspepsia. ghich makes life a burthen \ sult'from it.—
Suicide would rapidly follow suicide, if there was no
cure. No one would suffer .long, if he is able to obtain
a bottle of Ihdland's celebrated German Bitters, pre
pared by Dr. C. M. Jackson. Philadelphia, they rarely
fail in affecting a permanent cure.. .
On Saturday the 2u inst., by. thsi. Rev. Thomas R.
Simpson. Mr. W. A. MiTeltEL) o , to Miss MARY RILED,
both of Philadelphia.
in Peoria, Illinois, of chllern Infantum. JOSEPIF E.,
ithnt son of David & Ann Stuckey, fivmerly of CUM :
berland county, aged one year and twenty-seven days.
In- Stark county, Illinois, the 21th of August,
'MN WETZEL, aged 78 years, who for many years was
a resident of this borough,
Suddenly, on the 2d of Sept., 1854, near Dolling
Springs. Cumberland county. Penn., Mr. CHRISTIAN
WOLF, aged 74 years, 5 months and 28 days.
Lancaster papers please'copy.
On the 20th ult., In thin borough, Mrs. ELEANOR IR
-VINE, consort - of-Robert-Irvine,sr., In the ,74th year of
her age.
On Sunday morning Inst., In tlialomugh, after a lin
goring illness, WILLIAM D. SEYMOUR, Esq.
JIM atmertisements.
cer; and Iklanacers of the Cumberland Valley
nallmad Company, will be held at the Company's 01lice,
In Chamhernbum, on .Mosenr, the 2d day of Ocronxn
next. between the Lours of 10 A. M.. and 4 P. M.
septe-,lt E. M. DIDDLE, Secretary.
IMEOVATIIIC PHYSICIAN. Oflice and resldence
nn touther street. ono door east of the Germ:LlP Re
formed Church. Dr. Blumenthal respectfully offers his
professional services to the citizens of Carlisle and vi.
Ar..4' .. PC1T.0138 from a distance laboring under chronic
diseases may ebtisult by letter. Office hours, (Min 7 to
9 A. M., and 2 to 4 P. M. sept6,'64tf
DECEASED.—Notice is hereby given that letters
of dmlnistration, with the Will annexed on the Es
tate of John McCarter. late of the borough of Carlisle.
Cumberland ,e ix, deceased, have 'been granted by the
Register of said county, to the subscriber, residing In
the same borpugh. All persons knowing themselves in:
dohted to said Estate are required to Make immediate
payment,,and those having claims will present them for
settlement to
sop. 6, ism
In Pitnitianee of the last Will and, Testament of
Abram dee'd,Jate Ms Monroe toWnship. Cum
berland wanly, will be offered at on Thurs
day the 12th of ()etcher, •on the premises, the than of
elm thketimeXiaiwite i .h ) said township, two and a half
. infloWillonlnßiePlitirdatown and thre'e mites film Church
town, botinthiid by . l4Ads of Michael cocklin, Henry Reif,
John. and -others, containing 257 acres. The
improvements pre two good MYE..I I I.-
'NG 1101.7MIN,Akret'llatne and all nee- di -- ‘ , "l ,
cssary out-houses, a
g ood spring of .f
water house. The Yellow 71 .
dlnseches eTeek passes along one side of
the ann. be 'sold In one, two or three parts..:-
Sale to comme4Mat 12 o'clock, M., when terms will he
made kninin by 1.
1 Exec's.
Scp, 6, 13.54. 7.
`York Advocate and Lancaster Examiner copyand send
bill to this el lice. -
Tl 4 xEcuTowsf SALE.—WiII be sold
Lid at public, on the premlse, on MONDAY, the
sth of October next, a small TRACT OF LAND, situate
In West l'ennsboro township, late the property of An
drew Forbes, deceased. It Iles about four miles west of
Carlisle, on be State Itrad. near Plafidleld,and contains
about :IS :Kris Of first rate Limestone Land. There is a
well of water on Ho place, but no buildings. Palo to
commence at:10 o'clock, A. M., when terms will be made
known by, W. M. HENDERSON,
Democrat copy. Sep. 6, 1854.
PUBLIC SA LE.—The suks,sriber will
sell at public sale, on Saturday, the 23d day of
September, 18.53; at the Public House of henry Hurst,
Newvllle, Cumberland county. Pa., that well known and
beautiful Fertn near Newrille, (formerly owned by .1
Dock; Esq., of Philadelphia.) The Farm contairusabout
128 acres, 115 acres cultivated laud, with 13 acres timber
land, situated on the Rig Spring, near the NewvilleSta-
Hon on Cumberland Valley Rail Road, and near the
town'of Nowville,about 0 miles from Carlisle and 9 miles
from ShipPenalturg. The property la. a bcautifhl.Linto
Stone Farm .with a huge and oonvenit i gm
eat two-story- STONE 110110 ft CAST
HOUSE, with frame and stoner Dank
Barn, Wagon house, Corn Crib, pig -pone, g g
and all necessary out-building's haring
near the door a novel falling wall of
water,provided near the Earn. wlththe stream of spring
water, caused by Big Spring. There Is near the house a
thriving young Orchard of selected Apple trees, with a
number of Peaches,. Plumbs, Pears, Cherries, and other
fruits. The property la desirable for its location, build
ings and quality ofland.
A furtherdettcrlption is deemed unnecessery. Parsons
wishing to purchase' cah,seezt.heproperty by calling on
Mr. Snavely, on the proullses. . • •
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock on said day, when terms
will be Made known. For further particulars call on
Sop. 6 , 1854. . No. 5 South 3d
street, Phila.
AVANTE]) , ---A good e. , Terienced
man to nut a circular Saw, to whom a permanent
situation and good wages will be given.. Also, a good
Driver for a team of mules. A man with a small t4inily
preferred. Enquire at this cake. Aug.! 24.
Carlisle, Pa, The Fall term of this school will
commence on MONDAY, the 4th of .
September, and con
tinue eleven weeks, Tuttion from Five to Ten dollars
acebrding to the studies purintmit For further 'lnforma
tion enquire of the principal, Mrs, J. F. DOWNING.
Carlisle, Aug.:43.-3C
Black silk Laren of superior quality, and different
'widths. Also, BLACK BILK TILIMMINGS,OIuips•and
other tritutnings. • • GEO. W. lIITIEB.
43 tiro,' lAtoro lounedlotoly. • All appllcatlono, (to le
colpo attontloti),uuust bo mAtIo lu person• Apply to
- Aug. 23. • , GEO. W. 11.ViliER.
igartislc f)cralb.
an order of sale front the Oephans' Court of cum
twined county, the subscriber will offer at puhlle sale.
on the promises.. on Saturday, September 21, 1864.'at 1
o'clock, P. N. the followitnt property, a part of the real
estate of Chr istian Wolf, deceased:
1. A Tract of Land-containing forty-ode acres, more dr
less. situattxl in North Middleton township, adjoining
Lends (1' John hoover. Henry Snyder, John lieidler,,nud
the M'Clure's Gap road. On this Tract
there is a two-story LOG 110t1S1'. and
- a Log limn, a large and good Shop.
suitable for a Wagon-maker or Carßen- t tr•
ter. There are springs of wakes in ...Kis
several of the fields and near the house. and a number
of fruit trees on the promises. About two acres arc in
2. A Tract of about eighty acres, near the. above, In
Frankford twnship, of which about fifteen lI(TCa are
timber land. On this Tract aro a tiro -story 1.0(1 HOUSE,
with Kitchen, a log Stable and Ilog-pen. There Is a good
spring of water convenient to the house, and other
springs In the fields,/ It Is well calculated for a grazing
or stock' farm. It lies along the M'Cture's (lap road. ad•
joining lands of Armstrong Noble, and the heirsof John
I lays.
Terms.andcomU c hms wttl ba•made known on the day
of syle. PERES- HOW AHD,
Sep. 6, 1953. Arfm'r of Christian Wolf. dee'd.
VARM FOR SALE—The subscriber
A . offerafor sale his Farm, situated. In Silver Spring
township. Cumberland county, abottk two miles...north
east of the village of llogestown: and about five fillies
north of Mechanicsburg, on the north side of theCanno
dognimet creek. arlydning lands of Hunry Ewalt and the
said creek on the south. Benjamin Eberly on the east,
Jacob Demmy on the north and west. It contains '_*"i%
acres neat measure of the black elate kinds about 111:41
acres are cleared and in a high state of edlifiyatifin.—
Over :1000 bualiola of limo have been put on the land In
a few yews p 414;aug,about 400 panne! of new post and
rail fence tiffs been Made; the Farm Is well supplied with
water. It is an excellent farm to raise stock, and well
adapted , for all kinds of Grain; the remainder is well
timbered. and may nearly all be cleared and cultivated.
Also, a great number of locust trees dispersed through
the fields. The tnaprovements are a
a l
good two story DWELLING HOUSE, . ... -- "-Th
weather-boarded and painted. A new -.,' .: ~.- ''
Bank Been with. wagon shed and corn ':::iiirK,''
crib attacked,, a now Tenant House. .. - e— o.‘„, -..ei-__
and other outrbulidlngs. There is also a spring of ex
cellent water none the house, and a good bearingorehard
of various hinds of fruit.
Persons desirous of I.mrchasinra Farm of'tills kind.
will do well to call upon :the subscriber, residing near
the Fairview iron works. two !nits abase the Harrisburg
bridge. near the river, or upon Samuel Eshelman, resid
ing on the Farm.
The Farm will bo_ offered at pdvitok sale.unttl-Satur
ilny, the ISth of September, and If not tu,td. it vial then
he exposed to public sale 'at *hat day, al one o'clock In
the afternoon.
Aug. I ft-st. ritEDEßlcic MAY.
,' On Friday. then of September. 1854, will be sold
at public sale at the Into residence of John Chisnell, di -
rensed, in Dickinson township, Cumberland county, by
virtue of the last will and testament of said dece ased.
the MANSION FARM, containing 75 nerve. strict meas
ure, of first mite Limestone 11.1nd. lying mostly on the
north side-of the Yellow Breeches Creek. The Improve
ments are a two story ling DWELLING
. t
Ili :USK weather-boarded and plaster- . 1
4 4
.. : ... A..
ed Inside; Log Barn, corn crib and ,i- . . . ,
Wagon shed, spring house, kr., with a • 1 ,--
net:err:tiling styli of water at thedr or. ' )!..s.aWvs.
Also, at the rune time and place Will be sold Three
Lots of MOUNTAIN LAND, two of 15 acres and one of
5 acres, well covered with first rate Chestnut
These lots are easy of access, and within two miles of
the Farm. Terms of sale, one half on the first day of
April, 1855. and the Wallee in two equal annual pay
,menta, without Interest. &tle Mcommence at 10 o'clock,
A. M., on said day, when attendance will be given by
Aug. 101 JOAN T. GREEN, Ex'r.
47.3)^ Laticaster Examiner 'copy and send bill . to this
SALE.—On Tuttsday. the 28th of Sep , :
tember,lBs4. will behold at public sale a first rate SLATE,
FARM, late the property of Michael Miller, doe'd. situ
ate in North Middleton township: Qunberland county.
near - Middlesoa, on the road from Aliddlesea to Sterret's
Gap. about three milt* east of Carlisle and half a mile
north of the Harrisburg turnpike. le,lios :throe the Ca
nedoguinet Creek, and adjoins farms of Samuel Sadler.
Samuel . Bear and others. This Farm coniainkahout
ONE HUNDRED AND V.lVTEEN . .acres,'4l-whfelt about (
fifteen acres aro Timber Land, and part of it Is fine Mead
ow Land for hay and pasture. There IS. also upon the
farm a young thriving Orchard., 9:kiwi 4;; ,. ..
Improvements aro a good two story
LOG 110USEand Kitchousilth pringt , , -
at the door it new, Datd4 iriaTilis`kc• .'; F
Also, at the same time and plaoo a
Tract of MOUNTAIN L.AND;contalnlig, a+ acres.
Fit unto In Carroll township, Perry county, t For further
informatiorrinquire of the undersigned, livhig in North
Middleton townslit Terms made known day day of sale
Aug. 9, 1854.
In pursuance of last Will and Te,statnotit ofJacoh
n doc'd , lath of Southtunpton•towiithip. Franklin
county, will he offered at private sale, the term of the
said deed, situated In said township, fourtniliw WeNt of
ShlpponsburA and one miletast of Ornitown„ The Farm
'(.011 talus about 112 acres of the best twenty. °Cling:stone
land, a good proportlod'of thriving timber, and: the.bal.
num In aWA state of cultivation. 'fhb hoprovoinents
area large T W 044 T 0 it 17 11 It I C K
'I) %V ELLING 11(RTSE, Stone Bnnk . ' --"")
B arn.Wagon Shed omit:on; Cribs, ac., .'
all in past npair, a well of never fail. ':".' ;" t ...: •c;
I ',
ing water and a cistern at the door.— . ..._ , ..5! 1 ...a , .
Also, two Orchards of choice fruit, Ac. This farm is,
pleasantly situated ono nillo from the thriving village
of Orrstown, Where good stores and mechanics •of all
kinds are locatML — For Weaamtness of locatien and rich
ness of soil, the farm is believod ono of, the best In
the eastern end.of Franklin county, If it should not
be'sold before the 20th day of September next, It will
then be sold at public outcry at. 1 &cluck, A ei.
Persons wishing to view the property will please call
on the subscriber living near the same. •
Executor of Jabob Knisloy, deed.
Branch Millis, Juno 14, Mit
~ILUItBIAY, the 28thof September, .1554, by order
of the Orphans! Court of Cumberland county; will be
cold at public sale on the premises, on the above inuneti
clay, the following mil estate, late the property of Peter
Kuleeley, In Silver Spring township, In said county,
deceased, to wit •
All that certain plantation or tract of laud. situate In
said twp., bounded by lands of Henry Grimlnger, John
tiotshall, Abraham Ilenniman and others, containing
135 and :4 acro,'striet measure. The iniprOveruente
are a two story LOO HOUSE, LOO BARN„ •
THS ANT HOUSE. Stable, Illackatnlth Shop
anal*. now Lime Kiln. There is a good• s
11 , •
Welt of Water at.the mansion farm house,• "
and there Is running water on the place.
Ono portion of the land Is Limestone, and
the other portion of It is elate lent,' About three-fourths
of this land is 'cleared and in cultivation, the other
fourth Is well timbered. The fences are good. The pro•
party lies about 3 miles north-west of liogestowm
Sale' to oonunence at I o'clock, P.M., on waid,lay, when
the terms will be made known by
aug. 23, '54,
Adm'r. of PMMo► &Mosley, deo'd
v Tho subscriber oilers at private vale A FARM.
situated in Silver Spring towinhip Cumberland county,
about a mile fa 5m Kingstown, on the Trindlo Spring
road, containing 59 acres of [Anse/done Land, nine acros
of which are thriving Woodland, and the remainder in
a 'good vtato oralitivatino s The Improve
ments are a good Log . DWELLING w ate r. .
NEW BARN, with a good well of water. •
Terms Cash. Perrone di elious to eisaminit it,
are requeeted to call on Emanuel Line, liVog
on the promises.
Aug. 2:i. JONAS RUPP.-
IL and Four Female Teachers will be wanted, In the
Illirl'rei/t Fmn Sehoolm, in Hanover borough, durlngt he
ensuing winter session. whiat will last emonths. '1 ho
schools to commence cn the Id of octoler npxt. Appli
ualona-will be reeelved till thelOth ef Fent:ember. Lib
eral wages will be given. For further Information apply
to 's li. C. ECKERT,
Hanover Aug, 23-31 iccretary.
Partionlnys of tine taking of Dom arsund
In 139 ewlxtu/Fx.
NEW YORK, Sept. 3.—The steamer Pacific,
arrived at her wharf at 3 o'clock this after
noon, bringing dates from Liverpool to the
23d ult.
She brings a full confirmation of the .cap
titre of llomarsund by the English arid ErenCh
The capture of Bomarsund occurred at half
past 12 o'clock on the afternoon of the 16th
tilt, The galon, numbering 2,000 men,
were immediately embarked on the allied
fleet. There was_ but little loss of life tin
either side, the French having lost 120 killqd
anh the British only three orfciur.
The round forts behind Bomarsund, named
Forts Yzee Itad Nottich, had been 1 reviorslY
reduced, being: no. ditliciat task, as they were
garrisonetLby only 12,11 men each.
A handful of artillerymen in Yzce made r
stout defense, fift, , y being killed and only $C
taken unhurt. I' uttich was carried without
loss, Both forts were blown up, and the mail
assault made on Bomarsund, the walls of
which were bactly damaged before the garri
son consented .do surrender. Thor honor of
the victory belongs wholly to the French, who
fought with the greatest firavery.
Private accounts. from Dantzfe state that
the numbe4.aprisoners, will not exceed 1,600
and that they have been sent to Ledstind.—
An overwhelming display of force was made
by the allies. Fifteen sail of the line were
within range of the fortress. The allies fired
100 pieces of cannon.-
Admiral Napier has issued a notice warn
ing alI neutral vessels to leave the port of Ri
ga before the 10th of August. -It is therefore
surmised that Riga will be the next point of
Genera? Baraguay de Villiers made a nar
row escape. A cani on ball passed between
him and an aid-dc-camp with whom he was
The Austrians entered Wallachia on the
18th ult.
Prussia was ahning at all points. A setni
official article in the P:6tssian Correspon
dence says that the evactiatinmof the PrlTlCt
palitit'S by the Russians does not fulfill all
the objects of the alliance of the two great
German powers, but that it grants more than
was demanded by the note dated Vienna,
June :Id.
The Russian steamer Walladimer sailed
out bbldly at Kosloo, coaled , deAttleyed two
Turkish brigs, and made off salidy.
.The expedition to Crimea is' only tempo
rarily delayed until the abatement of the
cholera and fever among the troops.
The cholera had considerably abated at
Varna, Schumla and Constantinople. It had
been fearfully destructive among the French.
Catholics Against Protestant s—OnO Per.
sonKilled—A, large number Wounded
—Catholic Church Sacked.
The First Animal Parade of the American .
Protestant Association. Lodges in the State
of New Jersey, mostly composed of Irish.
men, took place in NEriiirk ;On Ttlesility . ,lfrid.
was in hOnor of the first session of the Amer-
Jean Congress. Ledges from New York and
Brooklyn united In the demonstration.
The procession was long and imposing,
having numerous bands, banners and flags
interspersed. The .procession was composed
probably of 2,000 personii, four abreast.. .•
-A f
•ter finishing the line of march they proceeded
,to Military Hall. or a collation. After which
!they again formed . in line to finish their pa
' rude. Their route lay through the western
portion of the city. While passing through
William street, near High street, m the im
mediate vicinity of the Roman Catholic church
a neighborhood thickly populated with Irish,
a collision occurred between the residents
there and those in the procession, which led
to serious consequences.
As the last part of the procession was pas
sing the church, shots were discharged, ant' .
stories were thrown from the windows. One
r of the shots passed through the banner o
flimsy Clay Lodge No. 10 of New York, and
one of the stones struck a man in the proces
sion. Some of the protestants, feeling en
raged at the outrage committed upon them,
left the ranks of the procession and made an
onslaught upon the church. A party of about
thirty first broke into the church, and it is as
serted that they 'found a Catholic priest and
nbout twenty Irishmen in the Iniilding. The
priest and some of his party got out of the
church immediately by a back way, and ran
off. The Protestants proceeded to sack the
church. They, destroyed th'e organ, demol
ished the altar and seats of - the church, broke
the windowS; and otherwise injured the build
ing, to the amount of $5OO to $BOO.
A erowd entered a - few minutes •afterward,
and when they had finished the work of de
struction, the building was completely rid.
died, and presented a most dessolate appear
ance. A large number of pistol-shots were
fired iu the church against the walls 'and ceil
ing 14 the Protestants;
One Catholic Irishman, named Thomas
McCarthy, was shot outside the church imme
diately 'after the — commencement of the of
fray. He received two balls, in the lower
part of his abdomen, out of twenty shots said
to have been . fired at him. , Ile died at 10 o'-
clock last night,
Others were • seriously wounded, but how
many were injured, or how much they were'
hurt, could not he learned;
The Police. soon after arrived on the spot,
and order was restored. •The.procession mov
ed, to the railroad depot, and as they were
about taking the cars ; larger party of Cath
olics made a descent upon the
and throw about one hundred stones and
brickbats into the crowd, hitting several, but
hurting none severely - • .
Whig Victory in Vermont.
MONITPELI F;11, • Sep t. 0.-4udip Boycei the
Whig and anti-Nebraska e.:Andidate for Gov-
crnOr is elected by ahoyt five thousand ma- .
jority. A, large scattering vote was cast in
c n quence or' the Atdges'equivocal position
.-40 the tem peranqe question. Fletcher is
elected Lient.Governor by a, much larger ma
jority—he being on the temperance ticket.—
In the first Congressional District. Mr. Melt
' charn, rims ahead Of the Governor and
si r ielecief. For the Second District, Mr
Morrill, Whig is elected.
it the Third -District Mr. Sabin, Whig,
re-elccted by an increased majority.
Legislature is decidedly Whig and Anti-Ne•
braika, which secures a IL S. Senator oppo
sed t.) the administration.
RICA: in Nets;-York.
t On Sunday afternoon, as usual, several
street preachers held forth on the, Battery, and
Orom the step's of the City Hall; and, about
ti o'clock, a large party of "Wide-Awakes,"
who had been listening to a preacher on the
Battery, started in procegsion for the Park,
attended by • some police Men, but as they
were emerging from one of the gates of thu
, Battery, a party of, Irish rushed upon them
with knives, pistols, &e., and in a .moment
James Wood, a peaceable, leas -clan
gerously stabbed in the left shoulder and side
About a dozen pistol shot; were fired bt,
either party, bat, fortunatil . . - , but one man
wa: injured: His name could not be aseer
taint 4 as his friends bore him quickly away
The police and \Vide-Awakes finally succeed
ed in scattering the Irish, airl then -marche(
iitto the Park, but the Irish had again form
ed,•and an reaching the Park, commenced
series of assaults and running fights. The
police soon succeeded in clearing the step:
of the City Hall of the thousands on and a
bout them, and the preacher, with h part of
the erowd,proe'eeded up Broadway, he preach
ing aq they walked. Another party Started
1 7 -‘ up Chatham street, and still another
. down
. Ce..lter street, in all of u hie!' there At'as more
-or less fighting.As the day closed the parties
dispersed,-the-police -having arrested
seven persons, all of whom were locked up
by dtisticie Osborne for examination.
Philadelphia Iltarkiit: .
" PHILADELPHIA, ..Sept. 7.
In FLOUR there is no change to notice,
there is some little inquiry foi export, but
.iihippin,r; brands are very scat.ce at $9 25,
aud nn sales have come under our notice, ex
cept in small lots for home use, at prices
within the range of $0 25a0 50 per. bbl for
common . to extra and fancy tinnily brands.
Rye Flour is scarce and wanted at an ad-
ranee on previous quotations. Corn Meal it
rather better, and 450 bbls Brandywine sold .
at $1 62a per bbl.
GRAlN—There is a good demand for :
Wheat, with very moderate receipts; about
6000 bushels, Mostly Southern red, sold'at
$1 711 for inferior and $1 9Qal 93 for fair
to prime lots, 800 bushels Southern white
also sold at a price not public,; we quote the
latter at $2 - 03a2 05, as in quality: Rye is ,
scarce. tkad . $1 OQal 10: Corn— '
TIC receipts are lighter, but buyers are not.
clisposiktita Way over 93e for good yellow, at
which TtriemSome small lots have been taken;
a sale of cuir,_white was also made at 87ac.
Outs cOneinue in request, with further sales
of 3000aX000 .bushels Southern at 54a54ac
thil fbrattra itfrive.
The Provisioli market is more active, and
Bacon is, scarce and wanted to go South at-.
full Flees ; a sale of 50 casks Sides was
made at'Aie:i•''Shoulders are worth 71c; and
Hams, fancy; cured, 121 e per lb. Lard re
mains quick,. Butter is bringing better.pric
es; we quote Western at 15a17c. -Whiskey'
is scarce ; at 39a1.0e and
hhds at about the same rates.
EASEI).-Iw.tters Testamentary on the Estate
vf Andrew Fortps, late of West l'enrikboro t wnshlp
Cumberland rounty; do 'd., have been granted by the
Register of said county, to W. M. Henderson and Meted.
Parker. Persons Indebted are requested to make pay
ment and those having claims to present them for setth
ment; W. M. lIIENVERSON,
Owlish. Aug.3C.1,1853.—Ct
DEC'D.—Notioe hi hereby Oven that lettere of Ad
nilnlstmtion on the estate of liohert,i,Dunbar, late of
East Pennsboro twp. Cumb. co., deed, hare been Issued
by the Resister In and tn. said county, to the subscriber
who iesldes in the township nfiresaid. All persons hay
having claims or demands against the estate of said dee ms
are requbsted tomake known the same without delay.
and those indebted to make payment to
.DECEASED.—Letters.Testamentary on the estate
of Rudolph Krysher, late of Ehurebtown, Monroe twp„
doe'd.. have boon granted by the Register of said csouuty,
to John Goodyear and George AVonderlich, wattling*
the ptrno township. Persons indebted are requested hp
make payment and those' having claims to present thot.
for settlement to JOHN GOODYEAR,
Aug. 30,1854-44,7
NOTICI?, is hereby given flint the Cum-
locatedat Cumberland Hall, In Dickinson township,
Cumberland emlnty, will make application to the next
Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania fur
an act of Ineorporation, with a capital of not less than
Ten nor Inure thou Thirty Thousand Dollars, for the pur
pose . of receiving deposits of Money both transitory and
on interest, and of making loans and discounts, with
such other privileges as am usually granted to Savings
Institutions. By order of the Directors
D. L. BEELI4AN. Pee),
WM. 1.1 ALIBREATIr, Trram.
[Juno 1.%4111}.
N (YrIcE h.; heieby given that 'applica
tion will he made to the next Legislature, agrees, try to the constitution and laws of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, for an alteration in the charter of the
Carlisle Deposit Bank, seas to confer upan said Rank the
rights and privileges of a bank of issue, and to change
the name to that of the CA13118131 DANK 3 311330 to Increase
the capital stock One hundred and fifty thousand dol
lars. if practicable.. •
Ily order of time Ikmard of ,ijireeters.
June flli; 1f.114. 7 41nm] Cashier.
pr cos
PiIPER..—A very large lo!,
of WALL PAPER of every simile and. desist
at pr cos ranging from 6 scuts • upwards. Thu stock cis •
slsts of a full assortmont of Common, Satin. Silverea
and (lilt Papers, all of which Will be sold low at
Adm r.