Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 31, 1854, Image 4

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, • .
In this age of progression, who; everything
is:advancing both in quality and economy of
Aoduotion, we,cannot but imagine that the
Implements, although 'ffinterially
improved, have not met so groat a , share of at
tention from inventors as they deserve.
Mechanics'. tools have been so Materially. iat
proved within the last twenty years, that many
parts of houses which were worked ourlabori.
ously-at the bench, are now manufactured by
tools moved by steam power. 134 hes, mould
ings, planing of boards,' tonguelng and groi
ing, and even the making of (loois.are no
ger part of the occupation of the. gbnErciii -
builc!er; and the some 'difference exidta in all
the mechanic arts.
Cast iron is now plowed by machinery, and
turned even in ecoentricforins in lathes; where
as, fortherlY, it n'as laboriously modeled by
the cold chisel and the file.
In every other branch of art similar im
provements have occurred, until the common
est house utensils now partakes of a graceful
Commerce has also been benefitted by now
inventions, until the exact length of voyages
can be foretold within a few hours, and the
New York merchant leaves his house for his
counting room, anticipating the certain arrival
of a European steamer on a paiiioular day.
Our larger manufactures, including the cot
ton and woolen fabrics, - have Weed materially
improved in quality and reduced in price.
Nor have farming tools entirely been neg.
.looted, but the advance in these has not been
so great as in those used by other classes of
citizens. The reports of every fair where dy
namometers are used for testing plOws, show
material differences in the amount of power ,
necessary to propel them at the same depths;
but still this all important instrument ha's re
ceived so little aid from the gometrioian that
we have nb` week which clearly and unequivo
cally explains the principle on which the true
shape of the mould board may be ascertained.
It is 'true that Mr. Knox and ti'feW others have
apparently for their own use, solved in part
the problem, but still the amount of animal
force 'wasted, from •the mpl construction of
plows, is almost as great as that used for the
true disturbance of the soil. And notwith
standing the well ascertained necessity for
sub-soil ploiring, the sub-soil Plows in general
use are inefficient. We have essayed to ins
prove this plow, and we hope our new lifting
sub-soil plow may at least give hints to more
able' inventors, who will produce an improved
class of instruments, embracing this plow, so
far as tenable, for avoiding 'uteless friction
and compacting of the soil.
How many thousands of hand hoes are used
where horse hoes could, with propriety be sub
stituted! How many hiMd scythes ace need
where mbwing machines would add materially
to the quality of the product, and to the profit
of the farmer! The improvements in cultiva
tors and horse hoes:hap been somewhat rapid
of late, and among the best are those now
made by Ruggles, Nourse, Mason & Co.
But many a former is now using an inferi
or cultivator; limns° it is not quite worn nut,
when the substitution of the improved kinds
would save him many tinter its cost in a siu
gle season.
Farmers are beginning to know that culti
vators may be used with advantage in place of
harrows.,,. The form of the harrow tooth being
a wedge pointed downward, is continually ac
tive in compressing portions of- the-soil, while
the tooth of the cultivator, having all its ten
dency of action upward, is always loosening
the'soil, and they should be preferred for the
purposes of disintegration to the harrow.
The use of Digging machines is now being
agitated, and we find many English farmers'
.advocating their use strenuously. We have
made arrangements for trials of some of these
machines, and hope at an early date to be able
to place the result before our readers.
___lt~ie well knoWn that when the.price of la-
bor is low in England, farmers find it to their
advantage to preserve spade-culture. The
crops are larger from a spaded acre than from
a 'plowed one, and . the rate of this increase is
so well understood among many of the Eng
lish farmers, that they have a price at which
they Will always spade in preference to plow 7
ine This is doubtless due to the fact that all
the action•of the spade is upward, and it does
not tend to compact the soil; whereas, with the
plow, a certain amount of force compressively
applied",• must always bo acting upon the roll-
lug furrow; and tu4 equal amount in - the form
of fpictiori compacts the face of the soil on the
land side of the plow; and it is for these rea
eons that spade culture leaves the land in bet
ter heart. Machinim then tvbiuh lmitate, ore
closely the action cif the spade, tbalt7that„of
the plow, may possibly be so made as to be-
ocmo valuable implements. They are at..least
worthy of fair investigation. When 1.r...Me-
obi tells us that tho plow is doomed, We think
•he may bo mistaken, but atilt we are innlined
to give the subject a respectful examination,
and we hope that our agricultural societies
will not be • backward offering proper pre
miums fur improved Agricultural Implomente.
Parking Farmer.
Store, 20 N. 8d at., P, ila. :
Morocco Manufacturers, Carriers, Importers,
Cammiseion , and General Leather Business,
Mandaelori 15 Margaretta street
Great •Rneh for Bargitins!
AT the New and Cheap Store of .WEISE
CAMPBELL. Weire selling Wu large as-
Aortment of Cashmeres and Mous do Loin, at
greatly reduced prices. I Call and see !
Jan 25. 1854.
fIIHE subscriber informs die pub-
Jll lie that he has constantly ,on
hand a variety ,of choice young.LQ-±
• COST TREE34rom ten to• fifteen
• . feet high, which were raised from
the seed, they are all of the yellow locust. He
offers them at moderate prices, at his nursery,
in Hampden township:Comb. county,
about 5 miles west of Harriaburg,en the /urn—
pike. Cal Land examine for yourselves.
'Fob22 lOwpcl3 AM'L EBERLY.
01111 W. DELL. • BENJ. DARBY
• Opposite Centre,- • • ,
ruistunrari Eiziwznova
C 0 NTIN UE:to supply- Lembo at , alfic hide,
at't he 'shorieat tiatiabittn& on , fermi lower'
titan can be had elsewharn.'Alforders directed:
to E. HASKELL ' Peportown. , or -W.lll. '13,1
,4r.,.Earliald;wilt he promptl y
attended t 0...
about commeneing,Hbasekeeningliad'ahi
era in want of them ) can get•Availed* vh`thl
K n i ves . and Forhe, Spoonb Ladies.; Cedree4
Kettleai Sad!',lrone, at the
InweAt rates by
- 13 - H SAXTON. .
~ _votes' Vjap,4,
• THE subscriber having.returned from the
city would calf the attention of his triende and
the public girrally to tlits large and,well 'se
lected assortment of_ Hardwire _which helms
.jus&r.eocived.,coneisting, in part of, • , . ,
nails, soma, hinges, locks, bolts,
ass, pnty. paints, oils,Nc.. TOOLS-.
edge - Idols; saws and,. planes
.I.d every descrip
tion, with filit, , rasps, hammers, &r:!
A general 'assortment of,
together wi t h. morocco. lining and binding
skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts,. -harness
mounting, saddletrees; l&o. •
COACH TRIMMING-r-eanytiss (plain, en
atnelled, figured and embossed,) patent and,en-
Elmelled leather, nxlee, -springs, hubs,' 'spoke,
ielloes, shafts, &c,
Chbinet-Makers will' find a large tisedrinent
of varnishes, makingany - and' walnut venders,
mottling, rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, &c.
The nteek ,of tt-optu
ed, comprising, alt. the,kinds .itrgeneral use, as
hammered 'and
,rolled tjre of all sizes,llnl bar
and band iron; reund, square iron,
Inic'se shoo' iron end nail rods, with a large lot
or cast and spring -- eteel, English and •American
blister steel, &a: • .
Housekeepers and those - about c.unirriencing
will find i: to their advantage to call and exam
ine our cutlery, brittania - and Plated . ware •
pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets,:s4c
In addition. to the above ,we have received a
splendid asscrtment or WALL PAPER, ma ,
kineilie_sto'nk complete, and at sw.h prices as
cannot fail to give satisfuction. We invite all
friends to call, knowing it will be to their own
advantage. • . Remember the old stand, East
High Street, Canis)°,
'Oct. 17.1'11353: HENRY SAXTON.,
-- jitractionf
and will continue to be supplied with the
greatest novelties up to the closo . of the season,
comprising in"part
of the choicest varieties, such us Fine Candy
Toys, Jelly Cakes, Bon Bons, Gum Cordial,
Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops,- Rose,
Vanilla and Burnt Almonds, French and ex
ploding Sherets. Also all the common vane.
ties, all of which will be sold wholesale and
retail at low rates. We have just received
of the latest importations sueh as Oranges
Lemons, Raisins, Ftgs, Pruens. Citron, Cur
rants, soft and paper ; shelled Ahnonds, Fil
harts, Cocoa, Cream and Ground Nuts. I
connection with the above the largest , assor
meth of
of every kind from all parts of Europe, man
ufactured of wood, glass,'Lltina, papier mache,
tin and India rubber, zinc, &c., 'such as Fine
Wax, kid and jointed Dolls; Sewing and Card
Baskets, Work and -Fancy Boxes, -Flower
Vases, Motto Cups, Tea Setts, , Music Boxes,
Port Monaies, Battle Doors, Grace Hoops,
Masks, Drums, Guns,, Trumpets, Dominoes,
lotto and other games, &c. Fancy Soaps and
Hair Oils of every variety. In connection
-with the above a large stock of
such as pulverized, crushed and brown Su
gars. of every grade, Coffee, Molasses, Starch,
Green and Black Teas, Spices, Butter, soda.
Sugat, Water and o.her Crackers, cheese, &c.
The subscriber 'returns his sincere thanks
to a generous public for the patronage hereto
fore bestowed on him, And hopes, by a desire
to please, to merit a continuance of the same.
Carlisle. December 7, 1053.
R ou
Corner of Hanover one Loather:els:, Carlisle,
91111 E undersigned has always on hand . a large
stock of superior Cabinet Ware. in all the
different styles, which'he is prepared to sell at
the lowest prices. He invites - attention partic
ularly to the Patent Spring: Bottom Bedstead,
most useful article which entirely obviates all
objectiOns. The bottom can be attached to old
Bod.tas.ln. Thay....havot_itiyeri - ontire_ antis ac
tion to all who have them in use.
irreOFFINS made to order aithe shortest
Carl isle Jnn'y. 22, 1851.—1 y. •
Not a Particle of ' , der/fury'
An infallible remedy for Scrofula ;K
Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutanecus Eruptions,
Pimples or Pustules on the Face, 'Blotches,
Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or 'Pet
ter, Scald Dead, Enlargement and Pain of the
Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic
Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints asid all
Diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mer.
cury, Imprudence In Lite; or Impurity of the
This valuable - Medicine, which has become
celebrated- for the number of eitraprdinary
cures effected through its agency, hat induced
the proprietors; At - the - urgent request or their
- friends, to Offer it to the public, which they do
with the utmost confidence in its yh.tues sari
wonderful curative properties. The following
certificates selected from, a -large mumber, are
however. • stronger • testimony than the mere
word of the proprietors ; and- are all from gestL•
Romeo well known in their localities and of the
highest respectability many of-them residing in
the city of Richmond; Va.
F. BOYDE.fc, Esq. of the Exchange ,Hotel,
Richmond, known:every where, says he has seen
the Medicine called asamEn's BPAN[BLI MIX
TURE administered in' over, itindred cases, its
nearly all the diseases for iW hich it is repomnien.;
sled with the] most astonishingly good results.—
-•He says it id the most extraordinary medieine
.he has ever seen.
. AGUE AND FEVER—Great Cure.—l here
b' certify that for three years,l had Ague a 0
}.ever of the-most violent description. • 1 bad
Several, Physician's,ltiOrlhrge quantities el Qui
nine.:MercernMod,lbelieve oil the Tonics ad
,_yertised,•but all without eny,'•permanent relief,
it last tried :Carter's Spanish Mixture, two'
bottles of which Offectbnlly etired me and 1 am
happy , to say 1 have had neither Chills or }ever
, since. , 1-consider-it the best-Tonic in the world
and the-only medicine that ever reached my case.
Beaver danaILORPRICIRnInini VA; , •
, 0•111 LUCK • tig now - in the city of Richmond
and for many yeara in the , Pest 'Office, has'speli
confidence in theistonishing,Oieney 'et Carter's
Mixtuie . .,thOt lie has bcisight upwards of
battles which 'hail given awvy,to the afflicted.
Mr' Luck,says . be has never known it to fail when
' • taken according In direetienS
' Dr MINCE 4 praetidiog Physician and former
)y of the City:Rotel in the eity of
, saitiliebas s witisessell ins nember of instances
the effects of earter'si'' Spanislr,Mixtpre whiali
Weremost:trisly surprising... Ale says hi a case
-'of • COnsum p tio n., , deOentleist On the Liver s the ,
good effects were. Wenslerlidlndeed.
s.Amirgt.. M I:TINKER of the firm prink]
" u Morris,. Iliclsnoial, Was unreal of
Complaint or 8 years standinal the use oftuosti
bottles of Carter's Spanish " '
tors or the Richmond Ile hit .
employed in .their cured of Ninlent
gernfula combined with Rheumatiem # -Tybi i 4
tlrely disabled Idat from work.: - Two bottle. 'of
, Carter's Spanish Mixture madee.perf-ct core of
i , him, and the editors in a publicmilitia Say they
"cheerfully recommend It to till' who are Minuted,
yid , any disease of the blood'
STILL' ANOTH,EIi 'CURE, or: 6 r 6R0141.!
, hairs 'Yeisy Valuable
,bOy bured'ef Screfidif
Thy, Corter'S'Sninish'Mixtilre..lediisiderit trulyl
Xivaluable 'Jaines iiYier: Conduit*
on the ,RP & ,PII CO - IliobitiOnd Va
Mr 'John 'Thoinpion• residing -. in 'the-city of
:aimed by thrielbOttlest of Cstrtersi
Smash itliatorc,or Balt Rbetim . ' had(
. nearly 20 yelit'add',,whielt airdeiphysialans ni
'We dityWould not ThoMpann,iin Wei(
e', known'merchant hythe city offßialtmliig r Vs!4
ronat.remarkable: .1. r , • 1
' "'Principal Depotiot ' l .ltlt , WA nub:m.o9r
co,. No 83:Maidett Latinvlciv•kOrk " •
T W DYOTTsIi SONS: I S O 4B2Morth 2d
street, Philadelnhia.' :I s-•
AiENNE ET ISt BEERS;NoI2ti Main street;
'Ain} fir
S; Elliott ; Iforersliskl
earlieltit Dr_qw lilleebaniesbergy,J.,ll-nerrom
Shippensburg i 'arid by des.
was in annlielnall everywhere. • '
Dollard, Zromitunartiste in flair.,
tnuentor o:f_ the Cilibreitedgosoiner; Ventilating,
Wig and : Eldatic:Band, Toupaces.
~Irtstructions to enableLadies..and .Gentlemen
to measure their heads with accuracy' •
For Wigs, inches Toupees k sinlps, inches
No 1 The rounil'of No I - Fronk - forehad to
hack as fur ns bald
2 , From forehead S. Over forehead as far
over the head to • "as required
the-neck • • • 8 Ovid. the crown of the
3, From_ ear to ear!_...head
• : over the top • ••, • : • '
• Ft•cm ear to ear .
round the forehead , . .
. . .
It DOLLARD leis always ready for. sale a„
splendid stock.of Gents' Wigs, Toupees,lailies'
igs, half Wigs,,,FrizotS,..Dtaids, Curls, &c,
beautifully manatee - hired, and as , cheap .as any
ostablishmentin the Unfott.: •. „
Dollards Ilerbanium'exOact or Lustrous flair
Tonic, prepared from South American Herhd
and Ito Is, the most suceessful artiele - ever pro
ductl for,
,tieeliervlng hair: fromTalliiig . out
or claingitig'eoloi.:resteritig and prescrviag it in
it healthy and luxuriant state ' Among rithe.r' reit
sons Vidiy'Dollard's hair cutting Solemn maiidains'
kaimmense popularity is the fact that his T o tic
istippied to every bend of hair cut tit his este'',
lisliment„sconsequently it is kept in better pres
driiiloti • than under any known application It
being thus,practica I ly
. tested, by thousands, • offers
the greatest guarantee of. its efficacy.
Sold,uliolesale - and retail at his Old Establish
meet 177 Chestnut street oppo..ite the State
Howie, Philadelphia
It Dollard has at least discovered the ne plUs
ultra of HADA DYE and announces it for Wile
nithperteetconfidetice in its surpassing 'every
thing of the kind now In use 'lt colors the hair
either' black or broWn, (as may be desired) anti
is used without injUry . to the hair or skin either
by stain, or otherVise,:enn he washed off in ten
minutes after' application, without detracting
from its efficacy Persons visiting the city are
invida:to give hini.a-call
Letters athiriissed to 11. DOLLARD. 177
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive atter)...
thin. , • ' ' Jan2s, ly
South. Hanover Street, Near the Court Rouse.
mo J. KIEFFER", druggist, would respect
. folly inform the citizene of Carliele and
vicinity that, he boo opened a new
His stock is entirely new, and has been selec
ted with great care. As many of the articles
in daily use by physicians and families deteri
orate by age and exposure, great care will he
taken not to allow such articles to accumulate
in such quantities.
Attention is especially invited to'his stock o
'Medicines', Essential Oils, Oils, 'I Met ures,
Wines! Extracts, Confections, Chemicals.
lino. Together with the above he has s full
assortment of Paintlq'Vitrn;shes, Dye—Stuffs,
Paint and Varnish. Brushes. and
of every variety. Ho has also on hand a splen
did assortment of
Perfumeriee, Soaps ' Extracts, Fancy, Hair,
Clothess and, Flesh Brushes, Supporters,
Br, ant , Exhausters, Nipple Shields,
Torch Washes and -Pastes; oleo
of the best quality. SEGARS, from the best
Havana and Spanish houses, of every flavor,
from one cent upwards. 1
In order to ensure his customers against
mistakes during any temporaray absence of
the proprietor,- the services of an experienced
and competent assistant have been secured.
which will be felt to be important, in view of
theresponsibilities which are known to devolve
upon the druggist. -
will be faithfully and promptly attended to.—
Orderafrom Physicians and Merchants in the
country will be filled with care, and at prices
which must prove satistactory.
N B.—All officinal preparations mode in
strict accordanCe with the directions of the U.
-S. Pharmacopoeia.
A liberal share of public patronage is res•
peettully solicited. Terms Cash.
May.ll. 18,53. B. J. KIEFFER.
Hardware, Hard w are
THE subscriber wished to draw the atten
tion of the public to heir own interests,
which they may consult to good advantage by
!mullion% , tho and. oomploto
ment of hardware ot every description, which
he is now rcceiviug at has old stand on North
Hanover street-t-
' We have a large_aupply of springs, hubs,
bands, laces, curtains, and floor oil cloths and
drab cloths, of different qualities, in tact every
thing 111 your line.
We offer complete setts of veneers, knobs and
mouldings of walnut and mahogany, to sui
both the taste and the purse.
to splendid sssor meat of touts in your line
as also s complete stock of building materials,
such as locks, hinges, screws, latches, glsus,
paints, oda:varnishes, turpentine. &c. and va
rious carpenters tools cheaper than over, as
has been acknowledged by a carpenter who
has seen them.
cannot go wrongin giving us a call a sup—
ply ut hammered,,rulled, slit and other icon
genetally used, as also cast,, shear American
and English blister steel, &c. &c.
will also consult their interests by looking at
our cheap shovels, forks, trace chains, homer,
and: every other article from a..erndle to a
plotigh,to suit them in Price and quality,
'are also invited to examine the quantity and
quality now on hand of cedar ware, tubs,
churns, buckets, oils, such as, fish, sperm and .
flaxseed oils, which will be . sold at the lowestj
c a sh prices. I. vrould also call attention to my
splendid assortment of WALL PAPERS,
presenting a numberless variety of Patterns at
prices !rem 6 cis. upwards. Remember there
is no mistake here, as all articles will be sole
at the lowest cash prices at the old and well
known stand (v North Hanover street, East
site, between McGlaughlin's Hotel and Rell
ties Ifni Store. JACOB SE..;IER.
march 16
WOULD inform the public that he has now
on hand at his establishment, on Main
atrcet, next door to Marion. Hall, the largest
nd most coMplefe assortment of
to be.found in this county, which will be sold
at the lowest prices for cosh or approved credit.
His stock consists °fa large nasortmon; of new
,and highly approved
Finished in the most' complete manner, and
calculated for cither.Wood or coal Or both. All
the'eld ettindard patterns; whiCh liave slued the
test,cof esperience, may be found. at his hatub.
'lishmeht... 'Also a greet, variety of theiincialrap-, ,
proved end'beautiful A ' • ,'4 , •
Including a number of now styles, possessing
very superier adyantages.over those heretofore
in use. Families and bousekecorsolicreepect•
fully inVihidito dive him a call .before purcha.
sing elsawhere../ Stoves delivered:to any part
of the county' and put up at the shortest notice.
He do, eh, kinds of
„., . .
'Mid Cooperwork, and,lifiscoustantly,ou hand
or will make to order' evsry article required by
Imusitlinepers or otheis in;this litie.• ,Hip stink
aud.Coppor-ware nmbroces "every kind'
or household and kitcherr,.mensil; warranted
. equal to' the' best mnpUtactured. Persons in'
walk OF articles io his IMO may alvvtiyit bo'etire,
boiog • accomodated to their satislaction - by
giniiig him
11:01iERTI. 13; : s.virximx"; . j' .
North ilanor!er,Street, and,tic.F4,thior4o Glass'!
:hotel. ' • - - •
I Tllo:undersigeed would reepoictllillyinforni
:114,ellitiena of 'Carlisle end the giner
hoe ote,liond a large and ale
gant:aarortnient,ot 1. URl ,l l3',VRE,,conailtilng
in itart of
,Wardrobeti;'card einUoiher ,
'Sofas;' Buipait, Bedeteada, :plain and foncy
:Sawing Outride; koOntintlftieturad,,Of the beat
material and,Oallty'yearfanted: , :
Mae gen eral , aikerimenti Of al
the lul , fle to
order, and i•Opttiting'ittompilS ,.. tatonOed,,to."
3D:7 - Coffins made at the ahottetti notjte,' find
having weplpiififif hTfiyie 11p t6n'd
ale in, tovkn or conl3o.. '
otatitii.l . ,ilext.,door toff
GIRPI3'.S iiMer 1 - :1161 . 124 11, SIVII,LEir.
C"rftnfers good R.lldrtro on,,ittrit , to
) •'F Calpk•
JAfilii_gi 1111 r moot o
Bolio;HilrgOerfSil4rvo',' , Glotlii;l P utty ;
61 belt ' , tit • . •
,••• •'
marl 3
" P eArNN'Si .
• •,
refi, t 4 ', • 1 . • ptch. ". 1 , tg ,, rish. , .4 ;•.. ° I i
P rll i: ii : ,tt‘ ':44 iti),s 47 h ll 4lll_, C Sn °lt litr . liii l e . i' v ' h e °‘ l l , 4/' ' h „ 6.*
hue, o u t4tiele Pr tiALm ON °
TROUTYo ' r:!!he
i11..i1 l Lekee ; proVor ihe Aipt;ioe broOght io'„thie
merhet, in more end for,4oe li Abe • subicklber:
,;_,A 7 ,W . , Corilei'Mitkeeff tinte.Ctifibilit,,'
' S. D. ALBERT.' -
n 4 ,
1.1;11E 11-' C. 0 M P AI NT,
•117 J A U . ADIGE,
•: oirtoisimoit.xedwous DEBILITY, MS
T 0-N1 A C U.
. . .
SuehmE,Censlipatien,lnivaidWes, fulness
of blood to Alio head, aoidiiy of the stomach,
naue(M,.heartbuin,'disgust for food. fulness or
weight in the stomach, sour eructations,- sink ,
jug offluttering at the pit.ol the stomach,
swimming , • of the head, hurried, and difficult
breathing, fluttering at the heart, choking or
stifflicatlng sensations when in a lying, posture,
dimness'of vision, dots or webs bolero the
sight, fever and dull pain in the head, defic
iency or. perspiration, yellowness of the skin
and eyes, this side, back, chest, limbs,
dr,m, sudden flushes of heat, burning in the
flesh, constant imaginings of evil, and gt4a,
depression of spirits, " -
• int. itoormarzirs
Prepared by
Dll; . C. M. JACKSON,
No, 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Their power ever the above diseases is not
excelled, if equalled,' by any other preparation
in the United States, as the cures attest in
many caeca alter skilful physicians had faded.
These Bitters are worthy the attention of
PossesSiag great virtues in the rec.
tifieution'of diseases of the Liver and lesser
glands, exercising the most searching powers
in weakness and affections.of the digestive or.
grins, they are withal safe, certain and pleas
Testimoo of the highest character! HON.
GEO STROOP, Judge of the District Court in
Perry county, Pa., Nov. Ibth, 1862 said: ""our
'Huofland's German Bitters' has been in use in
our place over a year past, and to the astonish
ment of many, has perfOrmed wonders. We
may notice a few instatmee - that have coma
under own immediate notice:—almost every
person who has stopped at the hotel of Wm.
Lackey, one year since, predicted awn Isis e.
maciated countenance and debility, that Its
could nut live much longer. He was unable
to attend to his buineso, and for the greater
part of the time confined to his room. No rec
ommended him to try the German Bitters; he
did; and to the surprise of all Isis friends he is
now able to attend to his usual business and
perform manual labor. The case of Henry
Asper a stone mason ' whom no one supposed
would ever recover front the debility of his
system, but Was looked upon as fast approach
rag the grave , took eight or nine bottles of the
Bitters during the last winter, rind this som.
mar he has been fto the surprise of all who
knew his ease] following hisrtrado. Pie case
of William Murphy is no less astonishing.
areioo was so ,fur reduced as to induce the I
general belief that the grave alone would be
his only remedy. Mr. Lackey recommended
hint to try the Hoofland's German Bitters; lie
is now apparently a well Man, end, able to do
- a liard - day's work. We could mention many
other cases of a similar character. if it were
necessary. , I myself derived much benefit from
their use. I licve given considerable of it a
way, not for your bentfit alone, but to relieve
suffering humanity, and let me assure you
am pleased to see the happy reCull.:, To the
afflicted we say, try them fairly and I will
warrant relief."
These Bitters aro worthy
.the attention of
ii.valids, possessing,grent power in the resto
ration of a healthy action of the liver and the
lesser glands, giving tone to the stomach and
nervous syttem, and bringing the system gen
orally to a high state o, health.
Far sale by S. W. Haverstick and S. Elliott;
Carlisle; Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; • J. IL Her
ron, Newville; J. S. Attic, Shippensburg, and
by dealers in medicines every where. . ,
.. -
Freshet Spring Supply!
r HAVE just received a f resh stock °Med
-L. 'chats, relate, Gin.., Oil, 6,..., which
having been purchased with great t eare at the
best city houses, I can confidently recommend
to Fainlies, Physicians, Country Merchants
and Dealers, as being fresh andpnre.
£Patent Medicines,Herbeand Extracts,
']Fine hemi eels, Spices,ground and whole
Zjlnstruments, Essences,
- Pure Essen% Oils Perfumery, &e.
Cod Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine.
Log and Cam Woods,
Oil Vitriol
1 Lac Dye•
Wetherill & Brother's l'uro Lead, Chtome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish BrUshes,
Jersey. Window Gloss, Linseed Oil, Turpen
tine, Copal firtcoach.tarnish,.and Red-Lead.
All of which will be sold at .the very lowest
market price, Also,a fresh and splendid as
Confectionary, and innumeiableother articles
calculated for use and, ornament, allot wl.lch
are offered at the lowest cash prices, nt the
cheap Drug Book and FanMr Store of the sub
scriber on North Hanover street..
.Itiny 28 1851
rinHEAtubticriber continues to carryon the
above .business, in all it svarious branches,
in North Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors
North of Leonard's corner, where he :intends
keeping on hand netteral assortment in hipline,
Consisting of all kinds of lash
ionable SADDLES, Bridle
ntartingz!re, Girths,Circingle
and fialters, also
TRUNKS, tray- "ktvr
cling and saddle 4 VI .
bags. lle also
manufactures themoit approved
Spanish Spring Saildks, ever
used in this country, those
wishing a'handsome, durableamil- pleasant sad
die. will do well to call and.see item, Ho also
manufactures Harness, 'illid.lei4„ Collars and
Whips in All their varieties, and confidentlY be
lieves from the general approbatiOn of his ass
tomers, that ho make 4 the outset and best
goers, in .all their variety of breadth,f hat:is
made in the country. Ile also makes fill kinds
of • Matrassos to order, viz: Straw, Husk, Curl
ed Mir and Sprihg Matresses. All the above
articles will be made of the beet material and
workmanihip, and with the titiiiiist despatch. WM. OSHORN.
' 0140121111 G CLOTHING!
.THE subscriber /a now.having made. up o lot
Feehrotable and Substantial Clothing which
he will sell'as - e betililf not cheaper than anres
tablishm6et in the - tioiough. The stock' will
0 VFftCOATS , ' '
The Clothing will be made nut nf none but
the hest quality of pada/ 'cut out by an expe
rienced and good cutter; and the work got up
n' the liestmanner and -bY,the-best-of-herois--;
We 'hate now-on hand a lot of (theme Cloihing;
and'all'Wo ask is for ptirehnsere to• kivOue n
enll'and they 'will'be pleased with the work and
Price& At the old atund4n.Enst Mnin Street;
Inn . 181 „CHARLES i)GILBY;
-•- • : t u rn sN l stritimc33.
1 lindersigned ,hating.fficenthe agent o
- ' the Keystoneldle I n surance. Company,
of terrisbeirg, , Pa., (*Hinnies' iti del in !hat ca
pacity, by 'authority of said Company: :"'No
Would respectfully inform the commumiy.that
he. v'.lll-aitend to such persona ne may signify
their , detiire to insure their lives, and. thus give
soniwproteeiion to their bereaved , families and
Mende; in cage of dedth:. Office in Weat!Pom
fret Street, Carlisle
'',11 , 14v0 a
Tresh Anival of, Raxdtvare.
"', pE,'Siihsaribei• haslng ratnnied None :th'p
• iCity.',. haa - tust opened iMr Ilia ilipiing
irc calarige and well tieloeted steak 'of HMI If
WAR.% foreign - end doniestiO,: a rnbtaciag ev
arything deuslitr:found in that lihe of bitterness.
Tha'attoniion . oll tripods .and the nab ha genes;
_ally Is meet:U . oly ditleaMi td , iho aesoilmant
an hannd . ,,assurlng them that. - goods oral l kinds
will be sold far sash at a very smell advance on
't inatialkettiihts'pricos.. .'. ~ •. • • ( Y .' ''',
.Irr Itemeinbq ,!hcloAd stend7'E_lT. Main sib;
tit.lifila, Pa. 'ri ' ' ' ''
1 "
''' ' mars •''r '' ' 1''' , .. 1, " HENRZSMETON i
~.,4 3L0vv 3 1,
nn Ohib'iti;4` Pelineylva
,o4ilitrnil.-Cl4O PER 'SPED for_aate,,by,:'
dr , 11 #4JP, , ';
Implement. Agricultural and saad.Stota,
marl) • - - Hitilabizt'g, Pa -
: Aolleffi3rlllCnif.:3':
Various Sizes, to suit .Families, Boarding'
house,, and'otels.
THOSEja want of a superior Cooking Ap
-paratue- are_ invited. to cull-ut_oin -NV ore=-
house and examine this Range. For durability
economy and simplicity in .operation it stands
unrivaled. It hita - ti perfect hot air ventilation
t—and meats linked in this oven will retain their
juice and flavor-equal to that tOastail before an
open fire. Meats and Pastry cooked at the
same time without one affecting the other. It
will - supply stacient heaved air to heat addi
tional rooms for the coldest weather. It hue
no deseending or return flues, and is equally
well adapted to bituminous or, common hard
coal.. The steam valve over the boiling part of
the Range
,carries off the steam and scent of
cooking, as well as heat in summer.
Every Range mild warranted to give satisfac
tion, or no expense to the purchaser.
Patented October, 1848,.
for,Public Halls, Factories, Railroad Cars,
Pure air is a subject claiming the attention
of every individual, and all buildisgo should he
provided with the proper means of ventilation.
Also, a powerful
Warthg and Ventilating Furnace,
For Dwelhnp, School Rouses, Churches, Bails,
Alarge aEsortment of Office, Hall and Cook..
ino stoves, Parlor Grates, Registers, &e.—
Wholesale and Retail.
trr PerAnnli attention given to warming an
evntilating both public and private builaings.
Lamps, Lai .terns and Chandeliers, '
. E N
A l;' , C lN or
u ner en P l :
r u
g r
e th d a: :I d
i C u h ip er ro i - y ve .v d ts i .
li e l i ' r h i s i t a o . re ,
and having the largest assortment of-tamp;
,t 1
in iludelphia, they are now prepared to Mr
nish Camphine, Pine Oil l
Ethereal Oil, Phosgene Gns and Lard Oil.—
Lamps. Lanterns of all poems, Fancy lintel
and Ilall Lamps, Chandeliroa, Girmadoles and
Candelabras, and Brittanin Lomps,at the man.
ulneturers lowest prices. Glass Lamps by the
package, at a small advance over auction mi
ces. Ruing largo MAN UFACTU R.ERS of
Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal 011, Alco
hol and (tho only true) Phosgene Gas, they can
furnish these articho of euclt prices flint. Mer
chants will find it to their advantage to buy.—
Call before going elsewhere, if you want bar.
gains. Also the Safety Fluid Lamp for sale.
October 5, 1A53— . 1 y
Cheap Watches 1S• Jewelry
at the , . Philadelphia Watch
and Jewelry Store," . Nunribei
96 North Second Street, corner
Of Quarry, Philadelphia.
Gold Lever Watches, fill
jewelled, 18 carat cases, 926,00
Gold Lepi'ie, 18 carat cases; $24 00
Silver do jewels, 9 00
Silver Lever, full j Welled, 12 00
Superior Quartiers 7 00
Gold Spectacles, 7 00
Fine Silver Spectacles, I 50
Gold Bracelets, 3 00
Lodieb' Gold Pencils, 100
Silver Tea Spoons, set, ' 5 00
Gold Pens with Pencil and Silver Holder, I 00
Gold Finger,Rings 373 cents to 88 ; Watch
Glasses, plain, 121 cents; Patent, 183 • Lunet,
25; other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to he what they ore sold for.
sopt7/v Successor/in 0. Conrad.
On hand. some Gold and Silver Levers and
Lepinea,still lower than• anovepricea.
- , 14 - 495. 1
~....,...- ..... ....d X • •....e.'l ""'fi.,±-.--.._•• -
• 1 7 , 75 , " 7 ":77 , ':-.7 , 77 - -.-",
r w-, : -„,,...,
1i,,. . • 7
V 1• • •
[Successor To A. FIOT,I
No. 164 Chestnut SI., Streim's Building, Phila
EXN EN SI VE Music I üblisher, and Deaf
er in Musical Instruments of every de.
Exclusive agent for t to snle of Ballet. Davis
Es' Co's Patent Suspension BeidgeiEulian and
L. Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons. Mar.
tin's Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music,
Music Books, &c. •
Residc;nrs of the country will be tupplied by
mail or otherwise with music they may wish,
.as low us if,,purchated impersom = Ilnvieg-one
of the !skeet stocks in the United States, It
feel confident of satisfying all' ho may,lavor
me with a call or order.
Deale'rs in Music supplied on the mostjibera
terms. Pianos to let. Second•har d Pianos for
sale. . may 20 1853 Iy)
ZINC PAINT S, one third cheaper than
White Lead, and free from all poisonous
qualities--The 19sw Jolty ',Mc Componi I ey
ing greatly,entergerf their Wm ks and in preyed
the quality of their products, ate prepared to
execute orders for their superior Paints, Dry,
and around in 011, in assorted noenges of It OM
25 to 500 pounds. Also—dry,in barrels of 200
pounds each. ! Their rWhite Zinc, which is
sold dry or ground—in - oil, its warranted pure
and, unsurpased for body and uniform ,Winte.
nesit: A method of pripsralien has recently
been discovered which enables the company to
warrant their Paints to keep treshiand solt in
the kegs for any I•easonable time. 'ln thiti re
spect, their Paints will he superior to any other
in the market. Thier Brown Zinc Paint.
which is sold at a low price, and which can only
be made from the Zino ores from-New Jersey,
is now won't:flown for its protective qualities
when applied to iron or othermetalie surfaces.
Their Stpnecolor Paints possesiies all the pro.
portico of the Brown, and i 4 el -on agreeable
color for painting Cottages, Depots,
_dings, Bridges, etc.
Dealers supplied on liberpt terms by their
/!gents, FRENCH
Wholesale Paint Deallrs and Importers. •
N %V roe. loth fit Market.sts.. Phila.
THE subscribers are now prwared to exhibit
at their Splendid Vim-Establishment just
completed on the site of their former stand, .
an entire new and benutiftif stocleof Straw,
Fanfiy,end•Silk Bornets 'end Flats, Flowers,
&c: alifi'Ponittna, ll",qlin and . Summer Hata for
Gentlemen, which our old patrons, Merchants
and Milliners generally, are invited to examine
confidently promising them, in extent, in varie
ty, iii novelty, and in styles, Betook unequalled.
fl Orders carefully and promptly executed.
mhe2-3m. THOMAS WHI l'E & CO.
The Allen end Ent Painsl:rough Mutual
Fire'lnsurance Cowpony of Cumberland ciitin
in--incorporated, by an Act of - Aeeembly; ie
now fully organized, end in operation under
the management of the following ciuninieeion=
ere; viz: . • -•
Dank.' Bailey,' William R. Gorgon, Michael
Cocklin ' Afolrhadr
Brenneman, Christian Stay..
man, Jo hn' C. Dunlap, Jacob H. Coover, Lewis
Byer, Henry Logan, Benjamin H. Mtieser.Ja
cob Manama, Joseph Wickershain; Alexander
The rates of insurance arose low and favor
uble'as any Company al the kind in the State;
'Persons wishfng to become members are hi
oiled. to make application to tho ogotits'of 'dm
company,' Who are willing to wait' updn theca
at any time. •!. •
• • I DENJ. H. MOSSER, , Preaiderit-'
Hems . LOGAN; Vice Preaiderat • •
' • ' "' ' Lewis flyer', Secretary.'
MichaelCocklin, 7reasurgr. : .
„- - -
, Cumberland County,—Rudoliih Martin, N.
tikeberland ; C. B, fierinan: Ringemaiii,'; Heti
:ri Zearing, ,ShiromanetoWn ; Charles' 8011,
..7,arliele ; 'Dr: ,J.. Mil,' Churehtown i Samuel
Graham, West • Pennebotongh; Jernea.Meflown
el, Frankford ; 'Mode . I,4riffith, South Middle..
ton; Samuel Comm; Benjamin Haverelick,
Moglianimburg ;.lehti ; flheryielti I.;iebtorn ; . Da.,
144 C.oover,'Bhe r phertletown. ,
For:4,', OM.O.4.—John ;Bowmen,' 'bilitaburii
.FtherNolford, Franklin; .lohul, Smith; - .Eso,,
~ W-4aßtangtonl ' W.: 64 . ,101 4ingt ', I Dov9F V. l .W.
Craft,' Paradise. ; : ; :. ',.; A . 7... ; .,,
1 , Berris/Mg...—,Houser & Lochtnar. ..: „ . ..
-.: Members 'of the company having poliefee
*ideal td 'etpire Min ; have them! renewed by
Making application to any of the agente;.” • ,:
Nov. %lily..
elumnies 3 Flucs, Slaps, 'Ramos, §-c
FSiores, Factories, cf•e
82 North iiaih sired, Phila
• Deniers in
'7PA:l 4 ,it*:ol - tricE:s9
4n Invaluable Remedy for -all Scrofulous I)is
eases; diyestion,'Sak Rheum, Sick Bead
-• . ache, Cancer, Nursing Sore Mouth,
and General Debility, and as a
• • Purifier of the Blood it is
• • Unequalled,
Tho Rock' Italie liar' gained a ieputation at
Immo and abroad, which no other medicine
has aver done in the twine length of time.
According tq the 'opinions of eminent. Physi
cians, the Rock Rose Pltnt is unequalled in
CurtnOcrofula in its Various Forms!
(Pastor of the 2d Baptist Cliureb,lslew London.
Ct..) relative to Myers' Extract Rose. ,
To The American POlic.
As my name line been used in connection
with recommendations of Mr. Myers' Rick
Rose -Syrup, 'in various advertisements by the
manufacturer, I beg leave to make the fblldw
ing statement w ith reference to my acquaint.
ance with the remedy and tests to which I have
subjected it, and the reasons (or having intro
duced it to the notice of private friends in the
community in which I reside, , long before the
medicine was advertised. I make this state
ment freely, because I have; as a principle,
withheld my name from all patent Medicines,
arid sedulously abstained from recommending
them In the public, believing tberri frequently
the spawn of quackery and humbug, and as
lending to increase, instead of lessening human
disease and suffering. Such, I fear, is the
_character_of a large-portion of the-patenl-pana--
cens of this medicine making age. "Their
name is legion," and from their influence, so
from the demoniacal spirits, wo have reason
to pray for a safe deliverance.
The First Test.—l had myself suffered oc
casionally withiudden attacks of Sick Head
ache, and Billioue Diarrhea, and I had sought
a great variety of curative agents to but little
purpose; and suffering from this discaae (diar
rhea) at this time, I determined to test the new
Syrup first upon myself. Thbsrcsults were be-.
yond my expectations`. It was a, powerful
alterative, and the morbid action of the s:stem
was changed, and the functions of secretion
were restored to a healthy state. It gave tone
and elasticity to, my system, and corrected the
derangement of the digestive organs, and gave
me that inestimable blessing—health. This
testuvas not determined in u week, or a month;
but I took four or five bottles in perhaps as
many months. Since that time,l have suffer
ed but slightly from these derarigenients. Illy
Sick Headache is entirely Ctired.
- Other Tests.—Finding this medicine so use
ful to myself,.l at once gave it to several inva
lid friends. About this time, I was earnestly
solicited to give advice in reference to a child,
sonic eight years bf age. This child was
severely afflicted with a Scrofula humor, of a
very severe typo, the humor showing itself on'
Lill parts of the shrine°, and then suddenly dia.:"
appearing 4 The child was very sick, and it
was thought doubtful whether she would live,
The humor resembled black specks of mortified
flesh. In indention to some ether remedies,
gave the child this Syrup far about six weeks,
whon she had sufficient strength to go out to
schOul occasionally. The swelling of her limbs
ceased, and She was restored to health. 'rite
faintly feel that they owe her life,-with
blessing, to my remedies.
This test satisfied me that the Rock Rose
possessed specific powers for Scrofulous hu
mors. I then 106'10'1'4 fn cases of Cutaneine
Eruptions, in Measles, Chicken Pox. Cane w,
Soil. Mouth, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Piles,
In all - these cases with perfect success. All-w
testing this Syrup far more than a 'year, I'
,wrote Mr. Myers (October 7th, 1850) enthusi•
astically, not expecting my letter would he
published, that his Syrup 'was a " Pankorite,"
all.healing, and 1 gave him the result of its
operations in several instances.
_I stated in
that letter that " it was invaluable as a remedy
in Cutaneous Eruptions, Erysipelas, Suit
Rheum, and star disorders, included in the
varied family of diseases known as Scrofula,
&e. : that in Dyspepsia it acted with wonder
ful efficacy." My opinion of its value for the
above named diseases, remain unchanged, and
the same as when I wrote Mr Myers in Oct.
1850. I do not 'recommend it for all the ills
of our sdffering humanity ;,.but I unhesitating
ly say, that as a remedy for Scrofulous 'affec
tions I believe it superior to any known cura
tive agent.
It has been sufficiently tested by domestic
practice to establish its adoption to extensive
usefulness in mitigating human suffering and
removing diseases.
But What is. the Rock Rose ?
The following history-of the Rock Rase
plant and its medicinal ,properties, we take
from_ the New Haven Palladium; March 1852.
"The increased interest manifested in the
Rock Rose plant, in consequence of' the many
wonderful cures effected by Myers' Compound
Extract of Ruck Rose, Calls for a brief history
of it, in order to correct any errime,,t °pia
tun that may have been entertained'. oncom
ing it..;_pnri also to set in a true light the-na
ture ore plant which promises to be univer
sally beneficial.
"We are indebted to the United Stales Die
pensatnry of 1847, for the following deserip
tiun of it -
"' It is entirely different From the common
Rose. It is a red-stemmed, oblong deal plant,
having a hiller taste. In nddition to remark
able peculiarity of the plant, of bearing "two
crops of thitirers in ono season, it also bus ann
ther interesting and beuntifu rpropeity.
Dr. Eaton says,_AltaLin the 'months of Nos
vember.and December, he hes Seen,liundred-
of these plants, sending out near their roots,
broad, thin, curved ice.erystals, about an inch
in breadth: which melted _during the day:ditti
wore renewed in the morning. For a more
minute and authentical description of it, the
reader is referred to 'Toney ana Gray`n Bohm
ical works.
Its Medical History and Properties
Are far the most important,-aince upen • those
depends its value to tho'communily. Dr, Lou.
don says that in 1799, it was so
_valuable in
.England, that it was cultivated from seeds,
Ever since 1806,, Professor lima of :Yale . C3l.
lego, has habitually, used it with great sueci.;iia
n Scrofula and Chronic diseasee,une throughi
' him its virtues wore made known, until, as D.
- Tyler says, "it is now in this section (New
Eleven) a common article in domestic practice
•for the' cure of Scrofula and Cutaneous
cases." •,
Dr. Whitlaw. a Sewell-Botanist of notoriety
whilo travelling in Anicricii in Pil4, learned
its use in Canada. Returning to England, I'm
eniployed it in' medicating his baths,' which
became greatly celebrated for the cure of Mini
bar diseases. ,
Dr. J. H. Thompson. of the sumo place, pre
',scribed it in had eases of Scrofulous patient°
ut Wilia',llospital. _His BIIOCOSEI *Minima the
attention of tienior physicians, Ifs repnrte the
following remarhuble case of white swelling of
the hip,. se 'Fabraory, 1814 :—The'
seven years old, and had the disease'Airee
. Yeats. The bone was dielneated 4otli upward
end outward. There was n largo Opening in
he hip . leading to the lionevinto which I onitlii
thrust my finger. I counted three ulcers.' 'He
had been undet several; physician's, - who had
given him up. ;TUrdered a decoction nc,Rsck
.Rose: In two days Ilia night, sweats 'ceased '
X then ordered a tenepeehful 01 Rook Dose three
times a day. Thirty ; aine days. after ho was
entirety we 11:..., •
Di. Webb, br Madison,, Cl., testifies In the
value of Reef' Resei as 'evinced. in the cure of
numerous tiaseauf the Scrofula,' cayeelally in
'children. ;' -•
' •„ Manufactured by IVm,Fronhlin & Co..'New
Nevski, Ci.
Mr.Werr • en,though a Minister of the'Goii`.•
• pc!, hoe for a period of 15 yours, given Wen.
lion to the subject of medical science, to qual
ify hint wadminister to the sick, In connection
with•hle postoial-duties, • • . .
••, • ,
New liondeu.Aprit 2; 1861: " •-
...elgetwe iii Cum6er/and County.-8. W. Env
stratick.''l3.•Elliott'and'.W. Ai Rehm; .Surlislc;,
''llaberstichAt atrohni, EitiOtown . ) w isher,
'lVlcehisidesburgt;ltt.'flittier, Sliiremittistimr9
"Eppley Si • Ernst; Ceder, Spring;''J. Pighain
124torratett,Gap; Thottiatiltypason. l4i•
Nouiville4 wit4y.
f Spring;. Wherry di,Eisonliiiiver,.-Nevgbure
D. E. Haye...Bhipponsimg;• Itnesel, Rico;
Alezandai & Mullstr,Zwertowel,'
Dr. L, 110 Luther, Chutchttim.
Lake's Vegetable Compound,
performing more wonderful CUMs than any
other medicine yet known or before the public,
The prcprittor has in his possession numerous
llcertiticates, narrating-the
Astonishing and Miracitloits -Cures I
effected by thin medicine, and directs tittention to
the following only, to assut e those a ho nee so un
fortunate to he afflicted with the territli tlisen4
heretofore regarded incurable, tent LANE'S pre
From Mrs, Brooks, widow of Maj. Joe. Brooks,
late of Conneaut, 0.
. . , CONNEAUT, Feb. 3,1852.
Mr. Z. LAKE—Sirs Please send me another
bottle of. Fit Medicine, as I do not like to be
without it on hand. When I commenevd giving
the medicine to my son Ede or, he hail from one
to three fits per day.' He has now mkt a the me
dicine ever bye months, and lens had. I think dist
two fits in that t me, and those veryll is
body sind Mind are very mushimproved,f and by
the blessing of God, I feel that the w ill
restore his body and mind to their nonterbrectivi
ty. He is 28 years old, and 11118 had fits over 12
years, which have been very frequent, nod very
destructive ' to his constitution and mind Hun
dreds of dollars have been expended Mr medicine,
to "cone FITS," but nothing has relieved him un- .
til he used yOur medicine. Respectfully 'ours,
From Judson Landon, County Superintendent o
the Ashtabula County Infirmity.
KINDOVILLE, Feb. 4, 1803:
Mr Z. LAKE—Sir: Please semi a few more
bottles of your ' I nut) , not seed
it, but think-safer, to keep It on hand. Your me
dicine has (toile worukirs. I gave it to Miss Jane
Delano ; she has had fits for 26 y cars, brought nu
b,l hating the measles n hen list four y ems old,
which could not be brought out to the surface.—
•After taking the mcdielne n few days, SHE DAD A
FINE enor OF MEA3I,ES, unit has Nano fits since.
'She had fits or symptoms almost daily, She and
her father concur with me in saying that we be -
Bove the medicine has or will work a perfect Mire.
I also gave the medicine, to Miss -Jane Ilrinder
son find Arts Corby, who have-bad fits almost
daily, for a immber of years Their fits have
ceased, and I believe the medicine will hove the
desired ehect. Much money has been expended
by die friends of the above patients for doctoring,
all to no purpose. The cure was left tbr.your
medicine to perform, and I can cheerfully recom
mend it as a valuable discovery. Respectfully
Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Infirmacv.
Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. LAKE,
Conneaut, Ohio.
E F WELLER, traveling agent.
Sold by S W Haverstick, carlisk ; .E
Thomas, Mechanicsburg ; D W Gross, hwris
burg • net 5-Iy.
mg of the high._ .mportance to married peel-,
ple or those contemplating marriage. By M
YOUNG, M. D., Graduate of 'lie Universit) cf
Pennsylvania, Member of the Itoyid College of
Surgeons, London ond Honorary M ember at the
H bilndelphia Me dims society. The variou s
forms of Secret Diseases, Seminal Weakness,
Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Impotency, soli
tary habits of jinn, are faithfully - described, arid
all the recipes given in plain language. The
chapter on sell:foliose and Seminal Weakness is
worthy of perticular attention, and should be read
by every one. Young-men w ho have been unfor
tunate in contracting disease, previous to placing
yourselves under the care of any doctor, no ina.3..
to what his pretensions may be, get a copy - of
of this truly valuable work. .
Sea Captions and persons going to sea, should
posses! Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the
Pocket ilfseulapius, or Every one His own Phy
il;:r• Let no father be ashamed to present a
copy of the - /Esculapius to 'his cl ild. It may
saveiiim from an early grave.. Let no young
nuts or woman enter into Om sect et oblications
of married life; without, reading the pocket ./Ess
culapius. Let no one suffering from a hockiiiid
cough, pain in the side, restless nights: nervous
feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa. , •
lions, and given up by their physician. be An
other moment wit bout consuking the X,scola.
dies. Ilave the married or those about to be
married any impediment, read this trr ly useful
I3ook, as it has been the means of ming than
5811ilf, - of unfortunate creatures from the v Lr y
jaws of death. Upwards of a MILLION collies
of this celebrated work has been said in this
country and Ethnpe since 11138, 'Alien the first
edition was issued.
Cr Any person sending TWRNTY-FIVE
cents enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy
of this book by nail ;or five copies Viffl be sent ,
for 541. Nddress Dr. NV ILLIA,AI YOUNG,
No. 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, - l'oht
paid. IttO
. .
Twenty years practice in the city of Mandel
phin certainly entitles Dr. Young to the confi
d-cnee of the nfilicted, nod he may be..cousuh, d
on any oft he disenses described in his dill(' eta ••
dublications, at his office 152 Spruce StiPer,
eye'sy day between S and 3 o'clock, (Sunday- •ex...
ctipted) and per sans at any distance can consult
Dr. Young by letter, NAT PAil).
Better testimony than was evrr'oftered ih Fa
vor of any other Vernuftige !! I• .
We, the subscribers, Medical, Practioners,
having been made acquainted '4 ith the Co,llll(Ai
tints of " Shriner's Indian Veranihige," l a ke recommending it to the public as a
valuable remedy for the expulsion of Worms,
t being both safe and effectual.
Sarrnief Swope M:D. ? Taneytown„
John' Sviopc, M 1 11, 5 Carrot co., 111 d:
'.l. J. Weaver,.Al.l)..
Jno. E. H. Ligget,
Liberty; Frederick co., Md —Thomas Sim.
M. I), 0. 11,. Owings, ,M I) Thos. -Sappington
-M I) Sidney SaPpingt an, Al D.
James M Geyer, M 1) Woodshoro;Mil: •
C 1k Sappington, M 1), Uniobville,Mil
Wm A Mathias,hll), Westmineter.„
, Be particular to ask for tor SII DIN ER's IN.
DIAN -V•E MIFUGE; and take no othet ,
Price , 25 Cents per Mlle • ' •
'Prepared by W E Shriner, Druggist and Che
thiet, WeHtniihmei: Md. • '
And mold by all storgßeepera
Jan 25, din.
For the Cure of Saltrheurri, Chilblanna , Conn.
tom Sores,, Chopped or Cracked hands, Bans
or Scalds, Cuts or 'Wounds , Piles'; inflammation
of the Breast, bites of insects; Sore Liye,
pies on the Face and Breaking Out and Sores
on Childrea ; nud all dist:ones of he 'Fhb'.
This tltatment ivill eure_the Saltrlnenan and_
13armi, or Chapped hands. - quicker 1111 1 sorer
than:Any other moliantes of the it. ind,lfefore the
ti t u nic, „ „
To subitionfinte the nbove I canp *lc • • I noodrgde
of aertificatecinit I Considt , r It nO,use, As (ninv
person count() the_sanne. It they hai'eTrietals, Inr
even a worthless , artiaie) I rnly 'solely on dm
meritin'or the Ointment for the public potronage. ,
N. A single, box of ihis Ointment will
keey,Oni Illucktnatill's, Farmerla, Sailor's, or
Mochnnia'S hands, let them - allay or 'creak. ever
'so had', soma! in good' working order all
whater. yrepared by
711 ,1 1 sold oNl2
Sold alsri' by the principal Druggists, ,and
CountrY Sterchnutti Price. 26 cents per boron
Nov. 16, 1X5.9—1y
3:00 0 : To NS -ITO."
suptu :PHOSPHATE OF - , LIME ,
DE:I4 UO.G'S Original and Genuino warranted
Of 'superior oreility, the cheapest manure in the
'world. ...Fartuers:.sed. dealers supplied at low
prices. • • •
• 5000 barrels extra quali,y •Landino9F, so.
!edit, expressly.for,i(s. fertilising qualnyi,
0,000 buslieltior same in
• 1,060 hatreds Calcined Plaster.
do' pont ••
. ,
Thid arc tele'WoOtTof id 06AadonoOlo our ono .0041/itt aOY ,
rior to mop; in the'rnorket• , ,
5000 b;ago or this 'ooperkirioind for iknlo at
vikollowoeV , b
Glnano. foinirott4Proun'd Choir ciol,:dc.o:
Mitts Junction of York
venue., Crown and Callowhilll etieotro•Phils.
for 25 cents, by means
PIUS, or, Every One
with one hundt'etl en
ivinge, showing Private
senses and Alalforma
ns of the Generative
stem, in every shape
I form to n hieh is
isenses of Females, in•
les only (see pogo 190),