Igrituttural. lii ADVA.,NIVAGE . OI O . BOIENCE. lEES3 • The skill of Unmans, derived from , his inti mate knowledge of seiennc, devised a method of _destroying an. insect, or of_ preventing Its. v oyages, whiolt bad oast the Swedish'govern , went many . thouFand pounds annually by its destruction of ship timber. in a single dock ' yard,. , The insect was the CantearisVavalis. BY merely a knowledge. of the season' when 'the 8y laid its egg's'and attending to that fact, the timber was immersed in water A the pro . per time, and thus the ravages of the insect prevented. By hie botanical knowledge he also twee!: tabled the cause of a dreadful disease among the horned cattle of hiMcountry, whioh had baffled all oonjecture,,ald was considered wholly unaccountable and irremediable. ~ Under the management of Mr. Forsyth, and by his knowledge of vegetable physiology, tim ber trees in - Kensington Gardens which had become hollow, were filled withbnew wood, and made to produce nevi and thrifty branches— and pear trees a century old, which had be `tome so deetlybd and knotty as to leave no fruit worth gathering, were restored to such health and strength as to cover the garden walla with new, branches, bearing to profusion "•••., of fine fruit. . These three facts strongly. llustrate the im portance of an intimate knowledge of _ the things about us which we are constantly hand •iing,' 'raining and using in all our 'operations upon the, farm. This is certain knowledge, icience;' it saved the ship timber, healed the • diseased onttle and rejuvenated the trees. The farmer,. of all men, ever has something scientific to learn; ho should study, reflect • land examine,.until he can walk in his fields and hold intelligent converse with bin .soils, trees and plants in relation to their wonderful structures, springing and grow.th.—N. Eng . - /and Farmer. IMMTI2 zeneeds, it should be recollected, areal , 'ways more exhausting to soil than either roots or grain crops. They are indigenous, conse quently gross feeders, and abstract from the soil only those elements of fertility which are .essentially and indispensably requisite to sus tain the more valuable and. cultivated crops. It should over be a rule with the farmer, to allow no plant to perfect its Seed on his pre- mine, that will in any way, diminish the pro- 'duetiveness of his soil. There are many ", weeds which, if out close to the soil, while in indoreseence, inevitably die; and others, if so treated, will'not start again till the following year, or if they do, it will 'be very feebly, and with so little vigor that they will effect but little injury, oomparatively speaking, and without - any possibility of producing seed.— Mullen, thistles, burdocks and many other ob noxious productions of a similar class, may be 'eradicated by placing a tablespoonful of salt upon the stump of each plant after cutting it. When these weeds are "in force," we have 'fre quently 'found it profitable to sow salt freely after mowing, as the exuding fluids of the roots dissolve it, and of couree`take a portion of it into their vessels, where it acts as a most ef ficient destroyer. If a field infested with this tles be mowed when the thistles are in full blOom, and salt, say two bush_els to the acre, be sowed upon the stumps, and the sheep be permitted to graze upon the enclosures, it is said the thistles will be at once destroyed.— This is perhaps a more.eoonomical method of eradication,. than removing the plants by the roots, which is tedious, expensiveand but sel dom successful.—Maine Farmer. Xteir Faith and medicine aro about the same thing in the eyes of the Tarter. If the Lama doctor happens not to have any medicine with Lim, 130,18 by no means disconcerted; he writes the flames of the rernidies upon little scraps of paper, with hit' saliva, and roles them up into pills, which the pasient tosses down with the same perfect confidence as though they were genuine medicaments. To swallow the name of a remedy or the remedy itself, say the Tarters, comes to precisely the same thing. THE SIN OR COVETOUSNESS.-WO read in the Bible of portions falling into gross sine, and yet being restored and saved; but not of the recovery of one who was guilty of eopetous tees. Balaam, Oehazi, Judas, and Ananias. and Sapphira:OFe lawful examples.' JUST RECEIVED, PLSECT- Lake White Fish, Plekled Herring • ' Haddock Mackerel, No. 1,2, 3, The above hue been selected with strict ref erence:ft) tinnily use and 16r Inds low.. Also TonA.aco-- .. „•Fig•Loaf—mild and kgreeahlii ': Yellow. Bank. Fine Ciil;.., ,---- - I ' Catiehdish. , --of fine 'quality, :• ': Congress., Grant's and Racelrerse.i l '• „ .; Smoking, Twier, &c. ' • ' J • BEGARS-- • i . ~. ` Yard, La Milken brands timp'‘th 1 • ' - ' '' LaJose:4llml anePlaniation - ' ' ' 'Sikes, Hall - Spa n fieh-and-Cominon- t All the above artistes o hand at the Faseth Grocery: . ' J G,'."WIL,LIAMS. , I virizzyzi 3x.a.raz ..AGILDEIVIV. . .. ‘ Three Inilee. (Vest of Harristimg,'Pa. . .. all p.g... SEVENTH SESSION of thi5:f10ur .,11...,.. islaing , hunktution"oll commence .on 111.04 i i \t, no.Y, tbeTst day.° Nair -next, The ad= ventogea which it Am de,' . EI believed, are ore supersor character, and parents 'and guardians are , solicited AO, ,inquire into its merits before sanding their Bona or wards elsewhere. It is tavorably eitunied; the instructors are all corn l patent and experieneed.ment the course of in 4 etruetinn le extensive and thorough, and speeiall attention is paid to the comfort and health or theinudonts. . I. Terms. .illoarding, Washing, Lodging, and Tottioniff &rigliah, and. Vocal .Mu.. Oa. per tiessiop inontho,. . 'T.Rstruotion in Ancient or Modern -. Larlguallos.._oaoh.. ..! • -t .5 00 I mitrumontal'Huiio. {O.OO 1 4 :Or CircularB and other information address .13.13liNLIN GEIL jiarrieburg, Pa. CM /4.. p . pAH LONG SIIAWLS—Just re - einved,,a few Long and S q uaie Brodie awa,andifoyaple bY , - .• ' • , „ C tvit,FIFT'NEIL . - Oiriiste ,Pemate Seminary. • iissElB • PAIN& will commence.' the 5F.3.3110N of thfiii Beihinary on tuo.amionidlMottday in April, in anew and ,eornmodiona , aidtool room, next cloof to Mr. Leonard'e, IsIO ! th /Ittuover atredt. ' • Instruction rn ilia slanguagoa dm' 'riming no elttirCharge, • as.rAio,t,t t4itt,hYun experienced teacher,nt an'etten nharde.— sedpdtti . E 8 , 11, TEA 13; 1 /to', , .TRNKlNS"..Velit'Brand of Tens;'Grean and' Blaok. in metallic packages,•ulsh in bulk anti in original packages. A -large and metal as • sortmenvof thebest W ki iftON STONE ANB 4 :MANUS WARE, with a variety 01 Glass ,Ware.and;Gentuign Ware of every do , sorioon, 4n ontts or, otherwise to cult the ohnsproogother, with, OkDAR 'WARE, WILLOW WARE; and n.variety Of , Fancy , Were always in stare and for sale a' the "Fenaily,Grocery" Of'• ;• Jane* 8.1863. , ' •1, vy. EBy; SHANGHAI 011101rENS.*' A • A Fine lot formate Cheep.' Apply to 0 SOMA) Al. OWLllll.lri ~iiiNCGlk icoui. HARDWARE-FRESH ARRIVAL!! ximitity ' THE.subscriher having - treturned from the. pity would call the attention of his friends and the pidillo'gnerally • to• theltiro add" sit• lected - aisortment of7liardware'whicki -lie -has • ,wit received, Consisting id part Oil „. • UILDIN,G Al A TERIALS,. g , berwi, hinges, locks, volts, . ass, putty. paints, eils,,&e. . TOOLS-- edge tools; sates and' planes of every descrip.., turn, with...file, 'rasps, hammers, anvils, &c., A general assortment of . SHOEMAKERS & SADDLERS TOOLS, together with morocco. lining and binding 'skins,' shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mounting, saddletrees„i&c. • ,C °AGIT 'PRlMMlNG—canvass tplain,:en atnelled, figured and embossed,) patent and en- Eimelled leather, axles, -springs, hubs, spoke, lellues, shelts, &c, &c. Cabinet'itlakers will fitut a large aseOrmerit of varnishes, mahogany and walnut veneers, moithling, rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, &c. The stock of Th, is large and:well boleti ed, comprising all the kinds in general use, us hammered and rolled tire of all sines, flat,•bur and band iron, round, square and oval iron, horse shoo iron and nail rods, with a large lot of east and spring steel, English anikAmeriede blister steel, &c. • . Housekeepers and those about commencing will find is to 'heir advantage to call and exam= inn our cutlery, brittania and plated warp pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets, &e. In addition to the above we have received splendid assortment of WA LI, PAPER, ma , . king the stock complete,'ond at such prices as" cannot foil to give satisfaction. We invite 'all friends to call, knowing it will he to their own advantage. •liernember the old stand, East High Street; Crinkle, P, Oct. - 12, 1853: -- . HENRY SAXTON; Great altractitait HO FOR THE 'HOLIDAYS. lIRISS KINGLE'S OLD HALL isv now and will continue to be supplied with the greatest novelties up to the close of the season, comprising in part CONFECTIONARIES of the choicest varieties, such as Fine Candy Toys, Jelly Cakes, Bon Bona, Gum Cordial, Lemon, Chocolate and' Fruit - Drops, Rose, Vanilla and Burnt Almonds, French and ex ploding Secrets. Also all the common vane• ties, all of which will bo sold - wholesale and retail at low mice. ' We have just received FRUITS AND NUTS of the latest importations such as • Oranges, Lemons. Raisins, Figs, Pruenti. Citron, Cur— rants, soft and paper shelled Almonds,. Fil berts, Cocoa, Cream and Ground Nuts. In connection with the above the. largest assort ment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS - - Of cunt' kind from all parts of Europe,, man ufacturell'of wood, glass, ~hind, papier mache, tin and India rubber, zinc, &c., such as Fine Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sewing and Card Baskets, ,Work and., Fancy Boxes, Flower Vases, Motto Cure, 'Pea Setts, Music Boxes, Port Monnies, Battle Doors, Grace Hoops, MIAs; Drums, Guns, Trumpets, Dominoes, lotto and other games, &c.. Fent y Soaps arta Hair Otis of every variety. In connection with the above a large stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, such as pulverized. crushed and brown Su gars. of every grade, Coffee, Molasses. Starch, Green and Black Teas, Spicee, Butter, soda. Sugar, Water and o.her Crackers, cheese, &c. Thesubscriber returns his sincere thanks to a generous public for the patronage-hereto fore bestowed on him, and hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a continuance of the same. S. MON YER. - Carlisle. December 7.1,853. ' -4k r v0,63), CFO S WAS Corner of Hanover and Loather sta., Carlisle, roHli,' undersigned has always on hand n large & stock of superior Cabinet I,Vare, in all-the different styles, which he is nrepered to sell at the lowesterices. lie invite= attention partic ularly to the Patent Spring. Bottom BrelAtead..n most useful article, Iviuch entirely obviates all ,bjections. The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have given .entire Batts ac tion to all who have them in use. KI - COFFINS made to order (tithe shortest notice. JACOB I. ETTER Carlisle Jnn'y. 22. 1851 ,—lv CARTER'S. SPAISH MIXTURE •".Not a Particle ofl - t. lNieraitryin it. Rn infallible reniedy forScrofula;King.NEvil, itheumatilib, Obstinate Cutanucus Eruptions, Pimples Or Pustules on the '-Face;;lllotches, Boils, Chronic SPre - Eyes, Ring Worm or Tel. - - ter, Scald !UAWEnlargement and 'Pain of the Hones and Joints, _Stubborn Uleers,iiyphtlitio Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints and all Disenses'arisiug limn an injudicious 'use of Mer cury, Itlikudence in Life, or Impurity ol the W00d.., 'chi eq valuable Medicine, which bus become celebrated • lor the thimber of extraordinary cures effected through,.its agency, bus induced the proprietors, at the urgre,p, request of their friends, to oftbr it to the pu blic, which, they'd° . with th.uttnost confidence in its, virtues and wondeefilLeurative properties.' The • following .certih'eal4 selactful from ~ t ll. large !number, are however. testimony than the mere word of the prifpriettirs ; and 'ore till from gee- I tlemen knewn in their' localiti , fs and of the respectabflitymalit• of them residing in the city of Richutonit,Ve. ' F. HOYDEN, Edq. of the Pocrkange Hotel, I Richmond, known every where, says he 'fad seen the Medicine called CARTilell 'SPANISH MIX.; Time administered in over a hundred eases, in licarly - lt I Illre - ri kerne& for'whieltitittreciimitfeit7: ded'with the most astonishingly good results.— 'lie says, it is- the . most extraordioury medicine 'lie has Ever seen. ' AGUE .81•101 FEVER—GreatCure.—l here 'by certify that for three 'years I bad Ague and Fever of the most violent description: I ''hail several Physicians, took large quantities Qui nine, Nlereury, and believe all: the Tonics acl- , vertiseiG but Without illy , perrniment relief. Rt last I 'tried Carter's Spanish Mixture, Iwo 11 bottles of Which effectually cured me, 1111 Tam' Inipprtitaay I linye 110 neithe'r Chills Or kevee since. I Consider it the best Tonic, in the, world : and the onlimedleine that overreached my case. . . JOHN . 4.:O,NGDEN:' Beaver dam near Richmond Va. G 13 LUCK Esq now in the city of Richmond 'tad for jenny years in the Fosfollitie. haft ouch confidence in the astonishing cilicacy,ot Ctirter`e SPArasit Mietitre,. that he has bought onwards of 30;bottles which has given away, hit .the afflicted. Mr Look says he has never known it to fail when taken according in directions ' Dr MINCE n,practieing physician and fore : ter , ly iof the' City Doted - in - the cify of Riahmend, says lie has ,nitneeeed In, it wittier of histancee `ilid effects of Carter's , Sparnsit. Mixture which •were Meet triibiriim.prisin4. lie says in a ease motion,of',Conso dependent" 'no the Liver; the 'good effects were wonderful indeed.• SAMUEL M DRINKER of the'firMlirink: ix 'Sr, ,Morris, Richmond, wail 'cured of Liver c o . l „to o f i ,t of 8 years stantling,by the use of two, 'bottles of Carter's SpanitirMixture; • ' •- CREAT CURE OF SCRDFULA--The edi tors of, the Riclimoitil IRepubliettii had 0. servant 'cropltlyetr In their Tiresti room' 'cured 'Of kielent Smmfula combined with Rlieumatistri, which en. tirely disabled hjm from work.. Twehotit, s o f 'Cartel's Spitnielt Mixit&enriaile a, perfict 'Cure Of him,pnd the eiliiciredn a public say, they "cheerfully recommend it to 0111,who are afflicted. with any disiiitee of tlie blhod oTILL ANOTHER CURE'. OF SCROPLI 7 had a very Valuuble'boyourett'af Serofida' by Carter's Spanleh Mixture. ' I coneidar It truly valuable medicine:lames M Taylor Condnetor. on F It ,It; Co! RiOrtloodlYA; Mr..rolirr;Thi3eBp,ing Abe city of Riebiiiinur,'Nes cured bY:three.hitt i tleenfeitriere paid iih , MixtUre'or pot Rtloo,.‘rhich, he had nearly 80 ye-iii: and *lo'ol'ol the Acidly would not cure. MrViionnoson lea well tciintin nierehele,in' the.eity of, Rinlittiond, end hie ouriticmosVreparkablew; n' Principal-Depots at M. WARD,. Br. 'CD, No 83, Maiden Lane, New-York '. •• • 1 W. DYOTT & SONS,ISO.I3O; North •ad street. Philadelphia. • • • 0,,, , , • ~•,• • 'WNW; VT , It BEERSMO-125 Mairretnoet • iteltmond. 1 , 11 iferron, ,- And for stile tritiS' Elliott ; S averstiok; Carlislet Ira Day. Nitedunidesburg; 4 Norville; .I'o - Altio, ShlpOoksburg. 041b1 des. him fa - $55 00 01 / O P O . Dollard, PrerniwnArtiste in Bair. . . , ,, Inventor of'ttae Celebratedeineennner - Yentilating krtiz and ,Elnetid,Bancrronpaces. - . •• • •.% Instructionti to enable Ladies, and;'Gentlemen to meastire,their, beads- with - accuracy ,- i •.• .:- I . . For INigs, inches Teepees & scalps, inches No 1 The round of Nod From forehead•to the bead - . - back as fur as bald I . 2 From forehead' - 2 Over forehead as fnr . • over the head to • - as required the neck,, , . ' ' , , 9 Over the 'crown of the I 3'.From c ar to ear - • head . '... , over the top 4 Ft - cm ear to ear • . . round the forehead , „ . .11 DOLLARD has alware ready: for Sale a splendid stock of Gents* Wigs, Ttinpees,Ladies' Wigs, half' Wigs,,Prizots, Braids, .Curls, &o; beaut ifully manulactured, and as cheap as any establishment in the. Union. • . , . Bollards Ilerbaninni extractor Lustrou's Hair Tonio,.prepared from South, American Betts and Ito ts, the most successful article-ever pro, (Mewl . for preserving the ham from falling-out or changing color; restoring and preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant state Among. other, ree sons why, Dollard's hair cutting saloon maintains its immense popularity is the fact: that his Tolle, is appied to every head of hair cut- at his estab fishmeal, consequently it is kept in better pres ervation than under any known application it being thus practically tested:llv thousands, offers die greatest guarantee of its efficacy. Sold wholesale and retail lit his Old Estelillsli meal 177' Chestnut street opposite , the State Hotise,LPhiladelphia It Dollard has at least discovered the ne plus ultra of . 11Alit BYE and announces it for sale with perfect confidence in its surpassing every 'thing of the kind now in use It colors the hair either' black or brown, (as mby be desired) anti is used without injury to the hair or skin either by' stain or otherwiSe, can he washed' off in ten minutes' after + application x without detracting from its efficliev Persons visiting the city are invited to give him a call Letters addressed to R DOLLARD, ' 177 C liestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive atten. Jan 25, ly NEW DRUG STORE 1! ! South Hanover Street, Near ehe Court Boum 13 J. ICIEFFER , druggist ,. would rdspect- LI • fnlly inform tno citizens of Carlisle and vicinity that he fins opened a new CDEMICALIAND DRUG STORE. His stock isontirely now, and has been selec ted with neat care. As'many of the articles in daily use by physicians and families deteri orate by ago and exposure, groat care will be taken not to allow such articles to accumulate in such quantities. • Attention is especially Invited to his stock of Medicines, Essential Oils, Oils, Tinctures, . Wines, Extracts, Contections, Chemicals, &e. 'rogother with the above he has a full assortment of Paints, Varnishes, Dye—Stuffs, Paint and Varnish Brushes, and CONFECTIONARIES of every variety: He has also on hand a Eiden did assortment of Perfumeries, Soaps, Extracts, Fancy, Hair, Clothes and Flesh Brushes, Supporters, - -Br. list E'xhausters, - Nipple - Shields,' Tooth Washes and Pastes; also MEDICINAL WINES AND BRANDIES, of the best quality. SEGA RS, from the best Havana and Spanish houses, of every flavor, -from ono cent upwards. In order to ensure his customers against mistakes during any temporaray absence of the.proprietor, the services of an experienced and competent assistant have been secured, which will he felt to be important, in view of theresponsibilities which are known to devolve upon the druggist. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS will he faithfully and promptly attended to.-, Orders frinWPhysicians and Merchants in the country -will he filled, with care, and at prices which must prove satisfactory. N B.—All officinal preparations made in strict accordance with the directions of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. A-liberal share of public patronage is res• peettully solicited. Terms Cash. ltlnv H. 1853. 13. J. KIEFFER.. STOVES! STOVES!. STOVES! .JOHN 1). GORGAS, • IVO ULD infortnthe public that he has now on hand at his establishmen!, on Main I street, next door to Marion Hall, the largest nd most complete assortment ol COOK, OFFICE & PARLOUR STOVES to be found in this county, which will be Bold at the lowest prices for cash or approved credit. Ilia-stuck consists of a !urge assortment of new and highly approved PATENT COOKING STOVES, Finished in the most complete manner, and calculated for. eitherwood or coal, or both. All the old standard patterns, which have stood the test of experience, may be found at his estab lishment. A6o a great variety of the most ap proved and beautiful PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES, Including a number of new styles, possessing very superior advantages over those heretofore in use. Families and housekeepers are respect• fully invited to give him a call before purcha sing elsewhere. Stoves; delivered to any part of . the comity and put up.at the shortest notice. He continues to do al, kinds ol ' TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, and Copper work, and has constantly on Hand or will make to order every article required by housekeepers or whets in this line. life stock of Tin and Copper-ware embraces every kind of househOld and kitchen utensil, warranted equal to the , best manufactured. Persons in want of articles in his line may always be sure of being 'accOnicidaied to their, satiafaction by' giving him a call. ; lOctl9 2000 T,O N 2 SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, DEB CMG'S Original and Genuine warranted of superibr quiliiy, the cheapest manure in the world. 4.Farrnerb and dealers supplied at low priceti.; • _EXTRA QUALITY LAND PLASTER. • 5000 barrels extra quali,y Land Pinata!, so !acted expressly fol. its fertilizing quality 10,000 . bushels of,annle in bulk. ' 1,000 barrels Calcine d Plaster. 500 do Gatitink. -100 do . Dentist. • • - • PERUVIAN GUANO, this'ertlele wo ate]. in confidence to our cus tomers tuti equal to any -imported, and fur eupe rlor to, meat in the market- r s'ooo bags of this_ superior Guano for sale at the lowest Market -rates. ' Also, Patagonian Guano, Poudrette, Ground Charroal, &a. &c, , C. FRP.PICII & Co. ' - zl4.loo_S(Ontn_Pla'arerMilla-junation-of—York Awlone, Crown and Callowhill streets, Phila. irealqA • LARGE ARRIVAL! 'WHICH surpasseS in quimtity (futility and prices,any thht has ever yet been Opened in•Xarlisle,.consisting of the . grottiest , variety. of •all khnis of 'Hardware, such.as,..Shoe.Fin ilings,"Saddlery, Oottoh Trimmings,. ,Ppints Oils, Varnish, - Files, Anvils, Nibes, Bellows, Springs, Axele; Bows, Feiloes, Vdneers; Oedarikrare, Farming• Utensils, Bar and Rolled Iron, Steal; &c., with a itionsand ni_re articles unnientionable. • diaving purchcsdd largely of Heavy Goods previous to the Advance in limes, I ate enabled to call goods at old prices, Persons in 'want o Hardware are invited to' all 'and mtamine my gnods'and hoar my prices; and Tou,will be sat.," 'shod' where Ilta Cheap Hardware is to be had. 'Qj My abieti WALL' pAPETO, i nipapi preached by any in the Borough. .. Thankful for the formerlliheral patronage, a ernatinnanco of the Dame is solicited by • ' .• • ,• „ • ~.• JOHN,P; LYNE. ' • ' Wept Side of Worth Hanover Street, Carliel !Beecher& Matchless Cordial,' • gritits' nibdieihe, hoe have, Ittaw'ooallin i 'euritieeholetm Morlntek in, ffcirn 10 to 15 nainuteirl Chblere•llnfantilfri,'Or Punimer point pininiti Of children, D yeeeiery; 'Diarrhea, dec., in from 1016'24 hours. ,1 1t , le;bertein'end vole Plider , all ,oirelimettineen,'luiving been 'fairly teelled,io upwordalef lour ilutidred. cases with out. a einele fnilure. Let every frimily,provide iteglf with nl leael,pnebettle 91 this invaluable remeitly,;.TrY,O.PlAlt wijk.rectommend,ttoOl. it itt.preparecl'upon, purely epiantlfie p rinciples, .and jp o . ly . terint p ttack,'ltit diottp. urifeee melanin bit quneftery. ' B. J.KIEFFER Druithlit, ' -sotitlilinnovay'Siraef, ! A few tliblecairl House Juto 12448:14. , „L Carlisla '{'he subscriber 'will -psy,,thih for STRAW of env kind delivered at4litidleies..: Falinere will Ind it taabeir• interest. to sell their straw and purchase other mainline, • ' Agent; 1 novSoto RA,0414 Iff.ANTED. 111 • EINOetteneively engaged in the matiii ,l t %kap er.,w e 'dl at to,Coitritfy erStninte ind'othere` Whig Itege'ror Bele; I nitini 'then 149111.60k' hfriiliet p'rico—MASll: it • ' I IF.tpIUT ' ,-." PenerMamtfiteterere;, ' . Pihllndelphle*Noe.li4 tind 25 Nth 14'84 (Int $ 1 1 , 4 1 •110,1ir Alitb. *wimp antiltin !Ittiotettancego L I V~f.R~ . COM~PL~A.LN;T, , . OSPEFS/A, -- .1 A DICE, taIRONIC Oil NERVOUS DEBILITY,' DIS EASE OF THE , ffID,NEYS', ANDIALLi DISEASES ARISING FROM 'A • DISORDERED LIVEIt Ott-'• •'. .S.T 0 SI A.O Snob. as Constipation; inward piles,.fulitesis of blood,to the head, aoidiiy of the stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust for food,- fuloMid or weight in the stomach, sour eructitimoi, sink ing or fluttering - at the :pit'ol :thir stomach, swimminli of the head, burrind'and'difßault breathing, fluttering at the heart, choking. or Suffocating sensations when in a lying pimture, dimness of vision, dots or webs Indere the eight; fev'or and dull pain in the head, defic -17(4, of perspiration, yellowness of thin skin a d eyes, pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, m, sudden flushes of heat, burning in the • Ansi., constant imaginings of evil, and".grea depression of spirits, ' CAN BE EFFECTUA2LY CUBED BY DR. 1100PLAPIIVR - -- - CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, ?repined by DR. 'C. M. JACKSON,' No. 120 Arch Street, Philudolphitt. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, a - equalled, by any other preparation in the Mated States, as the cures attest, in many cases alter skilful physicians had failed. These 'Bitters are' worthy, the attention of • invalids. Possessing great virtues in ,the sec: tificution of diseases of the Liver and lessor .. glands, exercising the most senrching powers in weakness and uffections of the digestive or gans, they are witted safe, certain and pleas ant. READ_ AND BE CONVINCED, Testimony of .the • highest character I HON. GEO. STROUP, Judge of the District Courtin Perry minty, Pa., Nov. 18th, 1852 said: "your 'Huolland's German Bittern' has been in usein our place over a year past, and to the n. 541111811- ment of - many has performed wonders. We may notice a foci instances that have coins. under own immediate notice:—almost every sateen who has stopped at tlie hotel of Win. Lackey, one year since, predicted ruin his 0 • maciated countenance and debility; that be could not live much longer. He wits unable to attend to his buiness, and for the greater part of the time confined to his room. We rec ommended him to try the German Bitters; he did; and to the surprise of all his tripods he is now able to attend to his usual business and perform manual labor. The ease of Henry Asper a stone mason, whom no one supposed would ever recover from the debility of his eyelets, but was looked upon as fast approach log the erotic, took eight or nine bottles of the Bitter during the last winter, and this sum. mar he has been .fto the surprise or all who knew his case] following his trade. The case of William Murphy is no less astonishing.- -He-too was so-far -reduced as: to--induce-the general belief that the grave alone would be his--only remedy. Mr. Luckey recommended him to try the Hoofland's German Bitters; he is now apparently a well man, trod able to do a hard day's work. -. We could mention many other cases of a similar character. if it were necessary. I myself derived much benefit from their use. limy° given considerable of it a way, not for your benefit alone, but to relieve suffering humanity, and let mu assure you.' am pleased to see the happy result. To the afflicted we say, try them fairly and I frill warrant relief." These Bitters ore worthy the attention of invalids, possessing great power in the resto ration of a healthy action of. the liver and the lesser glands, givingto the stomach and nervous syktem, and h inging• the system - gen orally to a high state e, health. For sale by S. 15'. Haveratick and S. Dllinit; Carlisle; Ira Day, Meelianict.biirg; J. II: her-. ron. Newville; J. S. Attie, Shippensburg, anti. by dealers in mediein :a every where. AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE SEED STORE THE subscribers, in addition to their eaten.. sive Grocery, have connected • therewith an AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE and SEED S T ORE,. 110, Market street; near the railroad, Harrisburg, Pa., and are prepared to fill all orders, by wholesale and retail, of all kinds of Agricultural Implem ate, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, &c. Country merchants with Nasonable discounts to sell again. Horse-powers and threshers, wheat-drillls and seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultiva tors, fodder, hay, and straw-cutter, grain tuns corn shelters. vegetable Miners, hand grain mills, clove, shellers, horse rakes, churna,grind stones and improved hangings, hay, straw and manor forks, farmer's boilers, os yokes and bow, patent bow pins, cowchains, spades, hoes and rakes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, grain. cradles, scythesand'scythestones, potatoe drags post augurs,• axes and hatchets, grain bags, grain measures, garden trowls, pruning and .budding knives, grass and grain sickles, screw wrenches, pincers and gimblets, rat and mole traps, cattle cards and horse brushes, curry combs, Barden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees, guano, plaster,, poudretto, bone dust s -lime, gar , den, field and flower seeds. A Ism a large and trash assortment of Gil 0 CER.IES, TLAS, &ct, all cheap for cash. BOYER & HALL. ISI:7 - Grain and produce of all kinds received n exchange for implements. April 1 3. 1853.-1 v 'DRUGS DR UGS I DRUGS f.. Freshet Spring Supply! .. . ir tiA vo jusL received a (retail stock of Med• L icines, Paints, Glass, Oil, &c., which Raving been purchased with greui care at the best city houses, I can confidently recommend to Patnlies, Physicians, country Merchants and Dealers, as being fresh . and pure. DILUOS:—.... .3Patent Medicines, flor4sand Extracts, Fine !mini cols, Spices,ground and whole Ijlnstrtiments, Essences, Pure Essen% Oils 'Perfumery, &e. Cod Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine. DYE•STUFVS. E Indigoes, Madders, Sumac ME I Wqthe'rill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome •Citrtien - and Yellovv, Paint and Varnish Brushea, Jerioy--Window—Glass,-.Linseed—Oil,—TurPen tine, Copal'and coach Varnish, and Bed Lead. Allef which will be aold at the very loWest Inarket Price, Aleo,a fresh and splendid as segment of . • FANCY GOODS,:rIUTI7§, Confectionary, and innumerable other articles calculated for use and ornament, all Of wLich are offered at' the lowest cash ' , prices, at the cheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of the sub scriber on North Hanover streOtZ f '. f- Mav 28 1851 8713DLE AND HARNESSi NMCND THE subacriber continues to carry on the above business, in all itsvarimfa branches, in North Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors North of Leonard's corner; where ho intends trooping on hand ageneral assortment in hirline, Consisting of all hinds of lash ionable SADDLES, Bridle nuirtingales, Cirths,Ciroingle and Halters, also ' TRuNics, tray- nr „ t eling ands, saddle bags.._ He also ". , MA ti fa et t 'inmost 'ani 3 r o v4: Spati(sh Sirslng ;Saddles, ever used in this country, those %flatting a handsome, durphisand pleasant ead- Ale will do well to call and see them. He also nimmilacturce Harnose, Bridles ? , Collars and Whitte' ail thinj• virictioe, and confidently be lieves from the general appro bation of his cue tomors,' that 'he'mahea the neatest and beat geara,.tri all their variety • of breadth, that is made in Abe country, Ho plan mattes all hinda 'ot Mammas to order, via t'Stritw. Husk, ed Hair and Spring IVlatrasses. All the above artieleslwlll be • tnakof the,boat material and workmit'nship, and witlithe minim•Jesnatch. , ianl4lv "f)Sj3O il„111110 ~. • • CLOTHING I. -.CLOTHING! aubstiriber is:nowt hiving made up a lot of Fashicinablo,tincl;Subritantial CIE:44v whiuh he will'aeti is - cheap if nqt cheaper than any co, rablialimont in tyre 'borough.' r The stook will , ,ocinelat•of . . 'OVERCOATS, ,Fine•DRESSICOATR, LSACKtCOATS, riPANTALOONS, , • VESTINgs. st.e. Thectothing,minotteAade :nut of none but the heat quality of i gnede i t, cut ,{tut ,hy att,exlte-, and 'gped oOctor, tho got ;in .thtt Veto inftariiii'llnifli the beat 'of 11010877' We Ivo n.hertti'n,hand'a, lot et atiblite tinpl all We Ask , 18'for Vut.oluisore to givci t.tu Call and RIO will be pleased with the•work and itrecaf.'` t:the'tild 814140 n East Main street,. ' 00/41:+y. EMI ILog and CantyVoods, Oil Vitriol Copperas, I Lao Dyo• , PAINTS. S. W. HAVE'RSTICK ABINET MARERAND UNDERTAKER Zbeth'llanover peeet, and nest doer' to page's ' • (Hotel. THE undersigned would iespeetfOlyintorm, tho,oitiiona of .Carl ,and. mho pitbl4,getwr-, ally, that he now hne on handgc huge and ele gant Bosortment of ,EU 111 V 1,13.11 i Ei consisting, In Mrt, or Wardroberi; Card and other Tables, Sofia,, Burnam.' Bedsteads, ploin ,and fa ncy. e Sen Siando,i4r.c..mairturopturod of ,tho b est , Mot 3riol;and quality whrronted. , • . Ateo a.genorali assortment of CHAIRS ot, ihe ,leweot roftiatt, • 41inds escudo' iq, ; nod remixing promptly attendAd to. t WOoffioa made at the shorteat notice. ~and., hiwingla.splendid hearse ha i will attend Num , . ale in town or country.. • • Dlrßemomber, ithe stand-r. next.doni Obiss' I. 110 1 11. noVII. 8;81514.34,:r... •1 1•11111111 ottn:atourruseincinv. 1 . ;A . * . t.§ „1m3.1,1/.4a Aim 'RANGE • ifraiiotcs'Sizis; fo •tuiiratatie.l; Boar liuJ Rouses; and'HotetB:' ' '•' rrEIOSEItti mrant - of a superior Coldring paratus are mined to call at out }Vtire - house and imadine this Ranee. For durability ecriprny and simplicity in. upertition -it Btonds •uutivaled. Yt has a perfeet.hot air —apd'ilicalabaked in this oven will return their juice and fluVor equal to that roastel-betere an open fire. Nleats and pastry, cooked tit.the Caine tune with - out one affecting . the other. It will supply sufficient heated , air .to limn uddi-, tional roams' fur the coldest Weather. .It.has no descending or return dues, and .is equally well adapted* to bituminous or common hard coal. Tne eteam valve,over,the boiling part of the Range carries off the steam and scent of cooking, as well as treat in mintier., , - Every Range sold warrantedro give satisfac tion, 'or no expense to the ppechuser. HAYES' VENTILATOR, Patented Oetobor,''lBlB, For Public Halls, Factories. Railroad Care; Channies, Flues, Ships, Steamers, Pure air is a subject alnimino the attention of every individual, and all buildings should be phevided with the proper means of ventilation. Also. a powerful Warming and Ventilating Furnace, Far Dwelli»gs,School Houses, Churches, Halls, 'Stores, Factories, ts.c. A largo assortment of Office: Hall and Cook ing Stoves, Parlor Grates, Registers, &c.— Wholesale and Retail. RAND 2.T. HAYES, 82 North Sixth street; Philo oh a I attention given le warming an evntilatiag both public and .privale,buildings. "PELVIS dr. CULLN., Dealeri in Lamps, Lai .terns and Chandeliers, N B Corner Fourth and Cherry ate,: Phila. jXAVING enlarged and improved their store, aand having the largest assortment of lompg: in Philadelphia, they are now prepared to (or ate!' Camphinc„Pme Oil, BURNING FLUID, Ethereal Oil,' Phone Gas and Lnrd Oil.— tamps, Lanterns of all patents, Fancy Hotel and Ilall Lamps, Chandeliros, Girandoles and Candelabras, and Brittania Lanipsou the man. ulacturers lowest prices. Glass Lainps by the package, at a small advance over ASIII( tion pri ces. Being large MAN UF.V.ITUR ERS of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Lilco: ha and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, they can 'furnish these articles nu such prices that 51er chant s will find it to their advantage to buy.— Call betore going elsewhere, if you want bar gains. Also the Safety Fluid Lamp' or sale. October 5, Itiss3—ly Cheap Watches 4tr Jewelry . - WHOLESALE and RETAIL • 1 5.K\ at the." Philadelphia Watch , ......A . • and Jewelry Store," Number -- t ( -_ 96 Nowt Second'Sfredf: Corner . ~, ~/ of Quarry, Philadelphia. 0 ..ti15 , ....... , .;:f. Gold Lever Watches, lull . ntatNalgajewelled, 18 carat cases, $20,00 Gold Lenin°, 18 carat cases, $24 00 Silver do- jewels;, , 900 Silver Lever, full j wellcd, „ )2 00 Superior Quartiers 7 00 Gold Spectacles, 7 00 Fine Silver Spectacles. 1 00 Gold Bracelets,' . 3 00 Ladies' Gold Pencils, • 1 00 Maa=ll3nl Silver Tent Spoons, set, .500 GOld Pens with Peneil.and Silver Holder, 1 00 Gold Finger Rungs 373 cents to $8 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 121. cants; Patent, 18; ; Ltinet, ; other articles in proportion. goods warranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER & HARLEY, scpt74 'Successors to 0. ,Conrad. On hand. some Gold and Silver L evers and tepines,still lower than ....... aooveprices. . /.w1 'COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Located No 127 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 31d. The ostensible object of this Institution is to place in the reach of individuals proper facili ties for obtaining a thorough and practical Mercantile Education. Nothing ittoced has been °millet) that to calculated tu produce the desired result. The rooms of the College are well fitted up, conveniently arranged, and situated in the most desirable part of the City. Connected thereto is a Commercial Library, and this, in connection with familiar Lectures on Commer• cial Law and Mercantile Science, is a matter of the highest importance to all who desire to become Aepountants of the first order, and oc cupy stations of profit and responsibility. A young man can here obtain a . more corset knowledge of general business matters in a lew Weeks than can be acquired in as many years in any one Counting Room. The course of study embraces Wilde Entry Bookkeeping, arid its adaptation to.. vatious departments of Commerce and Trade, Mercau• tile calculations taught according to the most approved methods. Practical Penmanship, com-, liVling rapidity ofx execution -with-beauty of construction. Lectures on Mercantile Law, upon ,yarioue important Mercantile subjects beside many other points necessary for a . book. keeper or business man to understand. The tirrie ',necessary for an indUstrious student to complete the course varies froms to B.weeks.- There being do vacation, applicants can enter at any time and attend .both day,and evening. Examinations are held at stated periods, and Diplomas awarded to those who g - aduatc. For-terms, &e.,-write and have a Circulapfor. warded by mall. March, 23. 1953. ly. ;:tz-iiitrzeD, [Successon To A. 'IOT,] No. 164 Chestnut St., Suseni's Building, Phila. MIXN ENSIVE.Musie Ithilielser, and Denl lCJ 'l4neienl lostremente of every de aeription: Exclusive agent for tie stile of liallet. Davis Patent Sitalit - tion" - BildgelEolitin and other • PIANOS, L. Gilbert'sßoudoir Pianos, Melodeons . ; Mar tin's' Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet•MuSic, Music 'Boole, fgc. Residents of tho country will ho suppliedby mail or other Wise with music they may wish, saloW as if purchased in person. Having one of the largest stocks in' the United States, It leel.confident of satisfying all who maAtavor me with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied on the most 'niers terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos for sale.. , ,may 20 1853 ly) 'THE WONDER Of ..T HE,: 16E. ------ For thoCiire of Siltrlieum, Chilblains, Com mon SoresiChapPed or Cricked Iltinds,,Burns or Scpldey Cuts pr Wounds, Piles, Inflammation of , the 'Breast, bites of insects; Sore Lips, Pim., pies on the Face and Breaking Out and Sores on Children ; owl nil diseases of the Skin. • This: Ointment will cure the 'S'alirlieuro Burns, or Chapped hands. quicker and , surer than any other medicines of the: kind, before the. public. - , . , . Toaubstantiate the above,l can give hundreds of :certiticutes..but (consider it no.itse, as (nnv . . person can do the same. if they have friends, for even a , , tel th letst article) ,rely , solelv,,mr. the merits Or the Ointment for the p ublic patronage. N. 1.1.—A single box of this Oiotn oat will .keep ani , Blacksmith's, Farmer's; Sailor's; or Mechanic's hands, letthem 'Chap or crack ever Co had, toilful and in good wiirking. , order' all 'whiter. . - ,,,Prepared and sold by • MONROE TERKEL, `: • . Naugatucik,Connr.' , ' Sold ,also by the principal 'llruggtste and 'Conntry. Merchants. Price 26 cents.penVoil • Islciv.,lo, 1160—IY 'AO/IEIAT' B. sraxstrar, ~`~jr~Cllt~a :, ~.,:' in YILNKORIT.E. 99 , • MYERS' 'EXTRACT' OF -.ROCK ROSEii An invaluable,Reniccri fat' all S'erajulaua' caw, lackryeation, Salt _.l?acin, Sick .I.lead ache, • Cancer, Auraing Sore. Mouth, i and 'Gen - oraland as 'g%srutifier of ihe . . illood 'it' itt Unegucilled - - - Tito Book nose' haelitined.o,repttlation '4 hope Old abroad,; which tio'dther'inotheirp hoe (jotle in the game 'length of 1.06. Act.arding, tp the. opinions of eminent Phyoi= eiunii;the jßock goon Plitit ie thielpelleil hi timing - 4 c:roi ' ul "hilt Ifolriner STATEMENTOF. REV. E.R. WARREN (Pastor: of the 2a Ru p tlst Churcb,New London'. Ct..) relative to Myers' Extract Rose. . To The Amer t lcan.Publie. As my name has been used in I connectimt with recommendathins of Mr. Myers' R4h Rose Syrup, 'in various ndvertimmente by the manufacturer, I beg leave to make thi3 folloW; lag statement with refih-enee to my acquaint: . once with the remedy and leas to which I have subjected it, and the reasons for having intro. ducod it tothe notice of, private friends in'the community in which I reside, long before the medicine was advertised., 4 ,n , altu this statist merit freely, because I have, us a principle, withheld my name from all patent medicines, and sedulously abstained from recommending them to the public, believing them frequently the spawn of ..quackeru and humbug, and as tending to increase, instead of lessening human; disease. und suffering. .Such, I fear, is the character of a lurge portion of the•patent pane coos of this medicine•maliing age. "Their dame is legion," and train -heir influence, sa from, the demoniacal spirits, we have rea s on, to pray, for a safe 'deliverance. The First T Wt.-1 bad Myself suffered oc casionally with sudden attacks of Sick Head-' ache, and Billious Diarrhea, and, I had sought' a greal variety of curative sgents to but little purpose; and puffeting from this disease (diars rhea) at this time, I determined to test the new' Syrup first upon myself. The results were be yond my expectations. It. was a powerful alterative, and the morbid . action of the arstem was changed, and the functions of secretion' were restored to a healthy state. It gave tone and elasticity to my system, and edrrected the' derangement oft he digestive organs, and gave me. that inesitinable 'blessing—health. This.: test was not determined in u week, or denonth; but I took four or five bottles in perhaps es many months. Since that time I have suffer, ed but slightly from, these derangements. My Sick Headache is entirely Cured. Other Tests.—Finding this medicine so use ful to myself; I ut once gave.it to several inva lid, friends. About this time, I was earnestly solicited to - give advice - M rele'rencoltiVehild, - Polllb eight years of age. This child was severely afflicted with a Scrofula humor, of a very, severe type, the humor showing itself on all parts of the surface,.and, thed.suddenly die appearing. The child was very sick, and it was tholignt doubtful whether she would The humor resembled black specks of mortified flesh. In addition to some other remedies, a' gave the child this Syrup for about six weeks, when she had sufficient strength to go ont to school occasionally. The swelling of her lilpbs ceased, and'sbe was restored to health. The family feel that they owe her life, with GAl's blessing, to my remedies. This teat satisfied Mg that the Rock Rt.lae possessed specific powers for Scrofulous ho. mors. I then tested it in eases of Cutunea :s Eruptions, in Measles, Chicken Pox. Cane 0, Sore Mouth, Erysipelas,Salt Rheum, Piles, &O. In all these cases with *perfect success. A ltel testing this 'Syron for more than a year, I wrote Mr. Myers (October 7th, 1850)'enthtisi.., settee Ily, not expecting 'my letter world he published, that his Syrup was a Pankorite," all.healing, and I gave him the result of its operations in several instances. .1 stated in that letterthat " it was invaluable as a remedy in Cutaneous Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, and other disorders, included 'in the varied faintly of. discuses known as Scrofula, &e.: that in Dyspepsia it acted with wonder ful efficacy." Illy opinion of its value for the above named diseases, remain unchanged, and the same as when I Wrote Mr Myers in Oct. 1850. 1 do not recommend it for all the ills of our suffering humanity ; bull unhesitating ly say, that as a remedy for Scrofulous affec tions I believi it superior to any known cora agent. It has been sufficiently tested by domestic practice to establish its ad i aption to extensive usefulness in mitigating human sufferiiT and removing disease's. But What is the Bock Rose? The following history of the Rock Rose plant and its medicinal properties, we take from the Now Haven Palladium, March 1852. "The-increased interest manifested in the Reek Rose plant, in consequence of , the many wonderful cures effeetell by Myers! Compound Extract of Rock Rose,' calla for a brief history of it, in order to cbtrect enj ,: errone spin. inn that may have been entertained(' oneerng• ing,it;.anrhlso to set, in, a true light the na ture of-a plant which-- promisee •to bu univer aally,beneficial. . • ('We are indebted to the United ,§tates Dia pease tory of 1847; forth i tbilowing v tlecerip then of it • "' It is entirely different 'from' the common Rose. 'lt is a red-stemmed, oblong leaf plant, having a bitter taste. in addition tosemark . able peculiarity of the, plant, of bearing two crops of flowers in.ene, season, it also hub ano ther interesting and beautiful property. ' Dr. Eaton says, that in the months of Nos , vember and December; ha bus' seen hundred of these•plants, sending nut near their Toots, broad. thin t ourved ice-crystals,'abont en Inch tin breadth: which melted 'during the day, and ,were-renewed in the Morning. For a more minute and authentical descriptlon of it,,the reader is referred to Toney, and Gray's Detain. idol work's. • „ Its Medical History and 'Properties Are far-the-moat-important,-since—upon-these depends its value to the community.. Dr, Lon. don says that in 1799, it was en, valuable in England, that it Was' cultivated — from seeds. EVer sinea 1806, Professor Ives Of Yale Col:; lege, has habitually *tiaed it with gr eat suacinia .n Serofida, and Chronic diseases, coo through him Its virtues were made known, until; as' D r . Tgler says, t , it •Is now In this seetian (Ndvi Haven) eeemmen article in doniestie'practice For the:pure of Scrofula :and •Cutaneous ;dirk; Dr. Whitla w. a Soo , eb botanist of notnrielf, white trundling 'in Atnerimi in 1f314, leaened itkuse in Canada. Reuniting to toglaid, lie employed it in modicuting 'his' Mahe, Which bepume greutlycelehroted for the cure of einii olartiiintocio. . . , • ; 1' Dr J. N. Thempima, of the same plaOo,'Pl.4, boribf4 it in ,had eirices of:Scrofulous 'potioniii tit Witte floSpital. , illis success iittracted rho attention of sersiof,physteiline, Ile reports or followitg'reatitkable case 'of *bite swelling - of Vie hip, in Febtea'iv, 1814 :--The lad. wits ' btolan: Years' Add: and bad ;t ii dieoise tbiee ' years.: Thu bono . :Waa dialoentod both:upward end 'outward: wee n loTgo oponi og i n the litilloadink to tfie.ttiOnoi into,whichl could tfireat inilingor.': I eotinted throo'nfOero...lle had been 'under 'ati'veraly phisicisna,•orliq had ' given'bini siidore'd d o coptibu ',MTh' Rose. In two daye..lila night sweotii canoed: I theuerdOred rileaspennfut of Rock ltoso throe titnes u day -0 after ittr.tette entirely toed. .Dr.Wpit, of ,Madilion, Cl., , teatifieal to the ''ialuirof Buck :Rase, Da ; twinned in ,the curio of ' numerous , eases of the oqt:chilly in ohildreni' ,• .. • • . :: • • Manufactured, by. Fran,' lily& !Do.: New 'fieveni Ci, • , •• k Mr., Warren, though , n ,minister ,of.the got'. ":, pal, hoe fora-period o 4 pinis ' 'given! et(ot‘.' ';tion . to the' enhjet ot'Jmeiliool'eoleneii;tlO'quab; liy to' ad min IsterVir the dial in eiinnactieri • iFith'his poetoril cintise. ,EDWIN'H.,WAH • New kendon.'4lliit;lBsl . 46 r entf,_,,p' 4 0 t 16 4i ontfi , u:lu"Pitik': B 4:sl! ;o 3flNinihgt: l owO t ' illiefiliradeoliurt ,Ohnomuni,town'; • 13pple"ye kko Er/184;004r, Springv.4.33inhonf fiterrefeti'Oop iyThoepoo . , - Greeeoni ., tofu infield • j Heron, Newvillo; ' , Wiley; , Gteen priog;' , Wherry' & Eldinilumier,'N'ewbute ';N,6 r t , : Ha vo,',:.SlOPPCMllixirg Ainisek,,S4 „Di ce; 1 , Irlullen6 PapertociPn`. ,;, r. L.' kg La iloo6 . Chyrolitown. ~„ ;.- I - i . .', i!4/10.ifi : 4 6 +: '-, EPILEPSY CAN - BE CUBED. , Vegetabie compound, _ _._YUR TIIB CURE CB EPILEPSY cirt.:FITS Is performing more wonefirfia et:ea . than atm) other medicine pet known Or'before the public.' PRICE FIVE DOLLAR'S . A" BOTTLE, The prcpristor bud in his, possession nutuereus certificates, finrenting the Astonishing . and Araeulous Cures I effected by this medicine, and directs !Menden to the following onlyoo usstfle those vfho nrebo un. fortunate to be afflicted with the territle disease heretofore regarded incurable, that LAKE'S pre - paratiOn - ?, Ia ALMOST INFALLIBLE IN ,ITS CUBE! From Mrs. Brocks widow 4.1 aj. Jim Brooks, late of Connenut, . „ • ' CONNEAUT, Feb. 3,1855. Z: Luce—Sir: Please genii me another bottle of Fit Medicioe,,na I do, not like to ho without it on hand. 14 , hen I commenced giving the medicine to my son Edgar, he had from one to three tit a per day. Ile has now inkrn the,me dicine over five months, and has harL,l think, but two fits ill 'that' t me, and those very light. Il is body and mind are very much improved; and by theAdessing ol , God, I led that rholleitie restore his body and mind to their nested activi ty. I le is 25 yeari old, and has had fits over 12 ulimit have been very, frequent, and very destructhe to Ina constitution and- mind Ilun (knits of dollars have been expended for medicine' to "chic ' but nothing-has relieved him un tilE he used your medicine. Respectitilly.yoors, POLLY BROOKS. From Judson London, County Buperintemlent o . the Ashtabula County Infirmary'. • K r riosVir.r.E,,Feb. 4,1,853. Mr Z. LAKE—Sir Please' send a few more bottles of year ”Fit Medicine ;" I may not need it, but think - safer to keep it on hand.' Your"me dicine Illis done wonders. I gaie ate Ands Jane Delano ; she has had fits for 26 years, brotight on by having the measles, when but four )ears old, which could not be brought out to the surface.— After taking Om medicine isl'e's days, stir{ HAD A FINE CROP OF MEASLES, and lira lilld so lira since. She had fits or symptoms almostdaily. She and, her father concur with me in Saying that we be - lieve the medicine luta or will work a perfect cure. I also gave the medicine lollies 'Jane Hender son and' Aria Cathy, who have had fits almost daily, for a number of yearit Their. fits have ceased, and I believe the medicine will have the desired ehect. Much money has been expended by the friends of the above patients for doctoring, nll to no purpose. The cure was left for your . Medicine to perform, and I can cheertufly recom mend it as a valuable discovery. Respectfully yours. ' ti,DDSON•LANDON, Superintendent-Ashtabula Co. Jafirinaev. , Prepared unil sold at wholesale by Z. iTAKE, Conneaut, Ohio. F, F WELLER, traveling agent. Sold by S W Haverstick, Carlisle ' • E H Thomas, Mechanicsburg- ; D W Gross, Hatlris burg . oct 5-ly" les'Only (see pogo 100), being of the highest importance to married peo ple, or those contemplating marriage. N‘'M. YOUNG, M. 1)., Graduate of the University cf Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, and Honorary Member ot the I-Ihiladelphia. Ms diens society'.. The , various forms of Secret Diseases, Seminal Weakness, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Impotency, soli - tary habits of youth, are faithfully described, told all the recipes given in plain language. The chapter on helbalat se and Seminal Weakness is worthy of ',reticular attention, and 6110L11 d-be TeSd -- by every one. Young men who have been onfors tunate in contracting disease, Previous to placing yourselves under the cure of :my, doctor, no Mat ter what Ins pretensions may he, got a copy of of this tenly-s nimble work., Sea Captains and persons going to sett, should possess Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the Pocket JEsculapius, or Every ono His.own Phy sician. . Let no father be ashamed to present a espy of the lEsculnpius to his el ild. It may sat e him trout an early grave. Let' no young man or woman enter into the secret oblications of married life, w Wang reading the pocket /Ess culapius. Let DO One - sufleving from a hacknied cough, pain in the stile restlias nights. Hennas feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptif sensa tions, and given up by their 'O3 061111.1A' Pa other moment without consulting Site JEscala dins. Have the married or those about to be married icily impediment, read this Irrly useful Book, as it has been the means of easing thou sands •of unfortunate creatures from the very ism!, of death. UpWards' of a MILLION copies of this celebrated work hos been sold in this country-and -Europe since 1888, when the first edition was issued. fl 'Any, person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents enejosed inn letter. will. recei'ye one copy of this book by mail ; or five copies'lwill be scat for el. Address Dr. iVILLIAM YOUNG, N0..152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia," Post paid. - dir.P Twenty rears practice in,the.eify of Philadel- Phin , certainly, entitles Dr. • Voting so the confi dance of the afflicted, and be cony be consulted on Any oft be diseases described-in his ditflet eat dublications, at, his 'office 152 .Spruce Street, every day between 9 and 3 o'Clock,(Stindan eepted) and pet SOIREI Illty distance can consult Dr. Young by letter. POST PAID. • gHRINER'S VERMIFUGE. Better teHtimonyAlinn wasevrr oftered in Fa ivor or any other Yernaloge4 'RECOMMENDATIONS OF PHYSICIANS, We, 'the ;subscribers, Medical .Practioners, having been made acquainted witlithe composi tion of sr Shriner's 'lndian '.'Verinifoge," take pleasure in recommending it to ihe, public as 'a ,valuable remedy for the expulsion of Worms, it being both sale and !effectual. So cauel - S,wope, M.D. Taneytown, John Swope, M D, Carrot co., Md. J J. J;,,Wjeaser, M. D. , ,Middleburg.• Ono., 11,Ligget, Liberty, Frederick - co: •• Igd.-I;hoinas rq. DI O. 11, .o,Vings,M Thee. SaPinegie 2 i MU Sidney Sappington; M D. jamei M Geyer, M 1) Woodshoro, G It Sappington, M D; Unidmuville,M .1 • • Wro:A: Mathias., D, Westminster, Md Be particular to ask Mr tor SHRIN.EWS,IN.. DI AN YE It M I FUG L, and , take no oilier Price 25 -Cents per Bottle Prepttredby ‘3 l F. Stainer; Druggist and Cite. IPlist.,,Westinia'pteri - 111 , 1. Ami sot° by all storekeepers. • I Jan 2S o ' Atit. • , hardware, Xteli•dioake. .71 HE subscriber wishes to drtiVr the atom. lion of the public to heir own Mimesis, syllich they 'may consult to good .advantage by examining ~ ,the eleganr and complete assort Mentor Hardware ot every descriptive, which lie ls.now retseivmg at his uld stand on• North Hanover street.... ' . ---• TO CO ACHMAKERS. I We, have a large .supply Of springs,,,lcubst bends, Laces, curtains, and ihior oil cloths a n d. 'drab cloths, ul-dillitronrgualities, in tact evoik •• thing in your .lino.: • ':, • ' , . , ' ju CABINET-MAKERS . - We offor . oemplso sotts,of, veneers, knobs and nloulange of .walnut. and mahogany, to sui -, both Asinine and ;he : parse, - • ,• , ,CA It P-EN T ERS It-',XA MI hit to slOSnaid'asnoriment er, tools in your line as ktoo it sonipleto,steek of building materials, ,sprit Pa locks,' binges,, sere*s,,,latchss,. glues, . PainistPl,ll..ll(arnishes, turpeptinep4e.. slid Ira'. "Pus, AtiSP.etiterft- tools Chesper than over, its • 1 dins been. aCknowledged . by' o sorpesler who , , .has seen them. - j, . ~;BL4C,KS/lIITIIS, ~ r• eon* in ,r49.ngin %lying. Jitl a. cull 'dor a sup.- • ply of hamniered“olled , silt .and °their ,11.1011 .1' gprlolokiX t upo.dippiojeo. cost, : ,shear , American a ° t 1 1,1 18 11.. h b , l F ll iarl l l2 : 's4 .F e litE c ii - 4 ' ' ii,'ll idse/scalingt,llisir ieteresin tiv 9 l• ° kin, a -9 p r Clisap 'shovelsjprks,-trsce e1aj . , 3 11 , - 1 1 - ,7,5 - -, ‘' THE '-PU BLIP' GE N ERA bliir" ' . ' ' - • p d every othek - artield troth ''‘C.'ititollo to a; p oughors suit'tliamlii Olen aud'elialiiv•,'' • ''' • ' n e also invitedici •examille• the enentit'y'.nnd q. aliiyonow , - tin' hand i of each& Ware, tubs; ,c4urnsiftutikets, nils;'llifell'ne fiSh;- - 'eperrn and ,llxseed dilioehielowill bO'Solct At 'the.•lbwe'st '''t ,s 9i sh,prines.+ - Pwould•alsweall ettentinn in isy.' . , lendid assortment .tsr ; WALL t PAPtRS,.',.. " Ori , enting, rt.:numberless ;tarietk,;or Patterns h i t' • p l icalianstr:l3 cilit:' bplwardM'' 'lt erSehi her f !hrb slno , rnistalie,zhete,itis'bll'aifldient•*ill lin 'Sold' '' , iat the lervetveash priceS 'aotlle ,, ditl'ned Well: ; ' kliewit ,, stend'• , en , Ne t illi HiShiiver"ritrtiet,•lEnrit' . s i ite, bet wstip,piloGlnughti'n'eljetbl and Kell- ''• ere Hat'Storti. `: - •. • ' ...) AV Ott 'BE3EII,.' . ,- Imd rah +l6ci • : ' - 1 ' .',' -L.,• '. OOTOR YOUR _.SELF—PRIVATE., for 25 cents, by means he POCKET lESC U PIGS, or, Every One 3 OWN PHYSIAN ! 'he thirty-sixth Etli , with one hundred en slinwing Private' oases and Malforma le of the Generative iern, in every Lampe rump !An. u Lich Is ad- ;egsp'x'ol licaualesjor