311irat1antoug _PJICIEING UP 1091i,HEAVIEIN A little child was playing - with its mother, stud they. were talking about -Heaven. The mother had been telling the child of "tho joys and glories of thetappy world,, the beauty and glory of the angels with their shining wings, — the streets of gold, the gatos-of pearl,- the gol den crowns and the harps, and the song of re demption. There is no sickness there, no pain, nor death, nor sorrow nor sighing, for God shall wipe away all the tears from eve eye, and there is no sin, which makes all the trouble here, but perfect holincii. All will ho holy, just as the Lord Jesus is holy, and all 'will be perfectly happy in him. All good chil dred will bo there, and ho hinself has said "Siff_ for little children to come unto me, and forbid theitnot for such is the kingdom of Heaven." Oh wliat a happy world! There shall we see God, and love him, and rejoice in him, and God himself shall be with us, and bo our God. "There shall we see his face, And never, never sin, And from the rivers of his grace Drink endless pleasure in." Oh what a happy world ! And how happy shall We all be when we once get thoro I "Oh, dear mother," said the liitlo child, jumping up at the thought of snob a bright happy phiclo, and such happy company, "Lot us all go now, Let us start now ! I long to be there. Let us go right away to night." "Oh, but we cant ,get ready tonight; we must waira little, and besides, God is not rea dy for us to come yet, but when we must come he wallet us know." '•But why can't wo get ready now? Oh, I should like to go now, right up to heaven.— Dear mother, let us go to-morrow." "But my dear child, we are not ready yet, and we must wait God's time, and when he is ready ho will send for us." "Well dear mother, let us begin to pack up now, at any rate." We hope our readers, who have not already "packed up" fdr their journey to heaien, will soon be about it. Get a..l3ible—obey_its com mandments, and you will be "plickeil up." far The Chi Noodle Gazette is entitled to the smile which the following will create: 'ls this. the place where they get bounty warrants for old soldiers?' inquired Julick, yesterday, as ho entered the office of one of our attorneys, who has made himself useful in sc ouring to that veteran class of our citizens their rights. 'Yes, my friend, this is one of the places,' replied Coke, with his blandest smile. , 'Well, sir, can you do anything for this 'on responded Julick, tossing on the lawyer's table n half smoked segar. I found the old soldier on the side walk, and thought if any body could help him you could.' Luckily for Mr. Julick, ho was accustomed to dogging boot-jacks. XM,It is curi 'us thing sometimes to notice the effect an word, and the different meanings given to it by a "Simple - turn of the expres sion," as Sydney Smith tsrms it. There is a new anecdote of Charles Lamb, which exem plifies this very pleasantly: On a wet miserable, foggy; 'London" day, in the autumn, he was accosted by a beggar woronn, with "Pray, sir bestow a little charity upon a poor destitikte widow-woman, who is perishing better days!" "Sci have I" said Lamb, banding tbo poor ) creature a shilling; "so have I; it is a misera ble day! Good-bye! good-bye!" AN ANCIENT PREDICTION.—The National In teligeneer quotes the following ancient predic tioe: “Lordlings, all , of you I'll warn If the day that Christ was born Full upon a Sunday, The d wiutor, Omit bo good, I say, The great winds aloft shall,bo ; The summer shall be fair and'dry, By kind skill and without lose, Through all lands there shall be peace ; Good times for all things to be done, But ho that stealeth shall bo found soon What child that day born may be, A great lord he shall live to be.” AN INquiniNo MIND.—The following anee dote which a friend related to us as nu actual occureuco, smacks somewhat of tho sto ries of children related by the Knickerbock et; A stripling, some eight years of age, was engaged in the manufacture of astool, on account of a disparity in the length of the logs, refused to stand up. After .fruittess efforts to make it do so, 'Mother,' inquired ho, 'does the Lord see everything?' 'Yes, my son.' Well,' replied the young hopeful, 'then I geese he'll laugh when he sees thisetool.' fierA young lady having been engaged to get married;-took occasion - to, change lier mind, and besought the aid of a friend, say ing, "do help me out of this knot." , "0 certainly," replied .her—friend, "that's easily done, as it is only a beau-knot." fteit.An old lady, who did not know wheth er her plantation was in. Virginia or North llittp,iina, found when the lino was run, that nhciiltvas a resident of the fornier. "Well," said she, "I'm glad I don't live in North Car olina. It was always a . sickly State!": ANOTHER GREAT ARRIVAL! FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, At the Store of N. W, WOODS. Sdcond Arrival of Winter Dry.Gends. THE subscriber respectfully informs hie friends and numerous ensiomers. that lie has returned from Philadelphia with a large nation , menvolifull - and -Winter Cuods, -- consichig of Cloths, ClAb81111e1 . 1:tl, Veatings. Dluslins, tick ings, checks, flannels, limey, cravats, haven. dare, gloves, kc, LADIES'. DRESS GOODS, bombazines, meriamee, cubing cloths, fig'd plain and changeable poplins, - ginghaine, calicoes,,nlpacas, shawls, hosiery, &c. • HATS AND CAPS, Mon's and Boys —a very large assortment, al. so Bonnets and Boys, BOOTS AND SHOES A largo ussortinons of Men's Womon's and ifThildreirn [loots and Shoes, Jenny Lind and Buskin Shone at very low prices. 4. Colored nntl White CA It PET CHAIN, •. GROCERIVES, A'largo assortmenTof GROCERIES, suck i u Sugar, enfroo, Molasses, Rice, Toss, 'All who visit our establioliment are free to acknowledge that we are selling Foreign and Domestic. &ry Goods, Boots, Shoes, &o, at as• toniahingly low, prices! Our low prices have already attracted a faro . ° number of people. • The attention of all v who wish good maintains hinolicited, as groat inducements can !Maimed to:purchasera. Don't forgot the old stand, Humorich's cor -11-7-0-Nor.fh Hanover Street, / , prices. and . $ ' taken nt market pec'llFl. 1853. ' "W 0 ODS. Agt, . . . Fish ,, Fish, 0 Fish! A wholahu lot of No. 1 MACKEREL, in, and quaqer Ws, also a lot of Mau No. 3 Mackerel for sale cheap for cash 'at the family grocery store of • Jima 22.1853. J. G. WILLIAMS, " .. tors -,S1)opo FIRE INSUIt.ANCIL The Allen and ;Emit Perineborough Mutual Fire Insurance Ctimpany.of Cumberland code . - !ty„ incorporated' - by' an Act of Atisembly, is now fully organized; and 'in dperation 'under the mana'geindOt of the following commission ers, viz: Jacob Shelly, Wm, R. Gorges, Me hail Cock Melehoir Brenneman, Christ, LdStay. pan, Christiun,Titzel, heal H. Coov Lewis— flyer. Henry Logan, Benjamin H. M,enr, Jni cob Kirk, Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wicker sham.. ' 'The rates of insurance are as low and' favor able as any Crunliany of the kind in the Slate Persons wishing la become memheis aro in. vi ted to m!ilie application to the agents oh .th. company, who Are willing to wait upon thew at any time. BENJ. 11. MOSSER., President. flerrnY Loci Arr, Vice President; Lewis flyer, Secretary. Michael Cocklin, t reasurer. AGENTS.. Cumberlgod County.-'_ftudolph Martin, N CuMberland ; C. B. Darman. Kingstown , Den ry Zeuring, Shiremanstown; , Charles Bell 3arlisle ; Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtown ; Samuel Graham, West Pennsborought Janice I%leDow el, Franliford ; !Mode Griffith, South Middle- Jon; Satnuel Conner, Benjamin Ilaverstick, Mechanicsburg; John Sherrick, Lisburn; Da vid Coover, Simplierdstopii. Tonle County.—Jolaii Bowman, Dilishorg Peter Wolford, Franklin; John • Smith, Esq., Washington ; %V. S. Picking, Dover ; Daniel Raffitnebefger, J W.Crali,Paradise. Ilarriiburg.—Houser & Locliman. Members of the company having pnlicies admit to expire'' - con have them renewed by malting miplication to any of the agents. Nov. 2'4, I y. FRENCH vironn. WE have this dtM received teem New Ynnt a very large assortment of Worked Red Jacunet aid •.ziwiss,Edging, Inserting Underslerves and Speneors, limbed Ifand kelt hiers, lec., whien will be sold at the ',meat prices. WEISE & CAM PBELL. HARD WARE--FRESH AARIVAL ! ! ECENRY SAX ON. THE subscriber having returned from the city would call the attention or his friends and the public g nervily to the large 4111t1 well :+0 - heeled assortment of Jlardware which 1 03 has just received. consisting in part of BUILDING MATERIALS,' such .as nails„serws,—hinges, locksr huhsr. glass, putty, panes, .oila, &t. TOOI,S edge teole; sans and planes of every deserip nun, waft tile, rasps, hummers, anvils, iL'e A general assort man 01, SIMEM. & SADDLERS TOOLS to4ether with morocco. lining and. twain] , skills, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, lames. mounting, saddle! tees, I,&c. COACH 'f(il)l.N G —canvass (plain, en antelled, figured and embossed,) patent and en (;vile lied leather, axles, sprinp, hubs, spoke knees, shafts, &c, Sze. Cabinet 'Makers will find a large assorment of varnishes, mahogany and walnut VC Dee rh, moulding. rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, &c. The stock Of - IRON IS large and well selee ed, comprising all the kinds in general use, as hammered and rolled-rite of all sizes, Bat, bar and band iron,.round, square and oval iron, horse shoe iron and nail rods, nith n large lot of cast and spring steel, English End American blister steel, &c. Housekeepers .and those about commencing will find it to Lhoir a ivnlitage to califand exam ine our cutlery, britiania and plated Wore pans, kettles, ceder hare, baskets, &c. In addiaen to the above wChave received a splendid nesertment-of• WALL PAPER., ma king the stock complete, and at sm.h prices ns cannot fail to give sittisti.ction. I , Ve i invite all friends IS/ call, knowing it will he to their own advantage. Remeinber the old stand,• East High Sirect, Cardslc, P , Oct. Id , 1853. LIEN ay SAXTON. Great altractione HO! FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Kand KINDLE'S OLD HALL is now will continuo to be swindled with the greatest novelties up to the closo - of the season, comprising in part . 1 .- .OI:YDIONAN 111.M3 of the choicest varieties, such as Fine Candy • Toys, Jody Cakes, Bon Bons, Gum Cordial, Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Rose, Vanilla and Burnt Almonds, French and ex ploding Secrets. Also all the common vane• ties, all of which will he sold wholesale awl retail at low rates. We have jest received FRUITS AND NUTS of the latest importations such as Oranges, Lemons. Raisins, Figs, Pruens. Citron, Cur rants, soft and paper shelled Almonds, Fil berts, Cocoa, Cream and 'Ground Nuts. In connection with the above th a largest assort ment of • . TOYS AND FAN GOODS of every kind from all part; 1 - Europe, man ufuctured of wood, glass, ,hina, papier mache, tin and India rubber, zinc, &c., such as Fine Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sowing and Card Baskets, Work and Fancy Boxes, Flower Vases, Motto Cups, Tea Setts, Music Boxes, For , Mutinies, Battlo Doors, Grace Hoops, Masks, Drums, Guns, Trumpets, Dominoes, lotto and other games, &c. Fancy, Soaps Emu Hair Oils of every variety. In connection with the above a large,stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, such as-pulverized, crushed and brown Su gars, of every grade, Coffee, Molasses, Starch, Green and Black Teas, Spices, Butter, soda. Sugar, Water and o.her Crackers, cheese, &e. Ton subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a generous public fur the . patronage hereto fore bestowed on hint, and hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a continuance of the same. I'. MON YELL Carlisle, December 7. 1,853 SPRING FASHIONS FOR 1853. EORGE KELLER respectfully announ. _Aces' to his old Patrons and the tile gen. , . orally .that ho has just Ric ived the SPRING STYLE OF GENTLE MEN'S FIATS, manufactured at ono of the bost establishments in Philadelphia, to which ho invites special attention. He has also constantly on hand a• large and vaned assortment of his own maquineiure as well as cit . } , muUo riATS AND CATS, suitable for. he season,comprialng every varl et.' of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk Hats, Welshed in the latest style, together with a full assortment of Caps of every shape and des. cription, and ut every price. He particularly invites the public to call and examine his exten sive assortment, which in style, material and tiaish, cannot be sarpassed by any in market, and which he is Ole to put at prices lower-than ever, irS - Remember his old stand on North Hanover street, between humor's and Senor's spire. (June 1] . • _ WAS. Corner - of Ilanover and Boucher Ids., undersigned has always on hand a largo stock of superior Cabinet NVare, in all the different styles, which he is prepared to sell at Ihe lowest prices. invites attention' partic ularly to the l'ateat Spring. Bottom Bedstead, a most useful- article,-which entirely obviates all objections. The bottorin can be hunched to old Bedsteads.. They have given entire satis ac tion to all who have them in use. KruoniTss made to order attho shortest notice. ' • JACOB FETTER Cnrliela 22, 1851.-71 y. KRUPP'S ESSENCE OF COFFEE MANUFACTURED and for esje' by ELI KILUPP, No 639; North Third street, Ph Indelphin,ls warranted to render entire satis faction, and is beyond doubt the beat and most wholesome proparatioly Coffee over known.,:— One package. nt .19.1 cents. WI% 'SAVE four Minds of inds of ordinary Co ff ee.. T y It and be con vinced, A number of Esseqes of Coffee were deposited at the-Franklin LiAtitute in 1852. nod the .ludges decided KFtifirils to be TILE REST in the exhibition.' Friends; it you wish lb enjoy a good, cheep and healthy Cup of Coffee procure Kropp's Fescue° , of Ceffee. It is for sale by fleetly ill the principal Grocers and Druggists throughout the United States. ' ' . April , 2o, 1P5.3. _ • XOSENa'Z'ZILEL. TlT ° P. j ii B nTe . r, S l i r g v i in'triTe n r a t Y nerl 'i yliar O ti:e n r' a aj n l e l n os t v al next door to 'Front'is Hat Store. .He will at. tend oromptly . to all thombove descriptions of kaiptinr„ at reasonable pricoa. The variant intla of graining attended to, such as , ipahog, -- 16,.ortk;rwolnut,'&c.; in the improved styles. 1852—1 y. • Wiri'bbls, reooiving and for aoletA....,,rr°lB, now IV, 0 QDWARD..Iit 'Sarth,„„j MEN ' - Jativfelb:lllCollo. - - CARLISLE ' FQuivrini UAO fN gsHOP. • .;I'ViOt:-ZrA4_,„,'• , FIVE anbscribe'r continueFto: mmnutacture - at his Foundry in East High street; having on hand a great variety of good patterns, and is 10 . 01/11r00 to furnisP: 'IRON AND IiRAL-S CASTINGS,- Which will be executed toorder (if not on hand,) at the shorteS• 'notice ' ' sueh as Cranks and Mill 'Gearing, .Spur end Bevil Wheels, Gudgeons for Suw ills,„&e.„ Plough Castings. Cutters; Point Shears. Wagon and ,Conch Boxes, Spindles, Cre Wheels, Car Chtiirs, &c. Steam Engines buililo -order and repaired. All kinds of machinery in Paper Mills. Grist Mille and Factories repaired at ' , bort notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned. \leo, Hortna Powers and Threshing Machines', such as Bevel Gear Four !torso power ; .Ilor izonial Gear Four Horse Power ; Horizontal .Goar - Two Herne Power, Ploughs Corn Shol hers and Corn Crushers. Threshing machines and Horse powers repaired and Job Work iota. at the shortest' notice. Paderns of" diffbrent kinds on hand ant: made to orddr. ..11i3 also boson hand a large simply of Phila delphia and .Troy Cooking Stoves, and is con stamly making Cooking Stoves of various im proved mwerns, tor cool or wood. Ten Plato Stoves, Grates, &c. Repairing done to all kinds of Machinery.— All kinds of o'd Iron, Brass and Copper taken in exchange for work. npr2lll PRANitf.IN GA E.TYNF,I"- 117.11110111,V1R1E. A LARGE SPRING.. ARRIVAL ! WII ICH surpasses-in quantity quality and prices any t hat has ever yet been opened in Carlisle, Coneisting ot the males! variety or all . kinos or Hardware, sm h as. Shoe Fin dings, Saddlery. Conch Trimmings, Paints. Oils, Varnish, Class, Nails, Files, Anvils, Vines, Bellows, Springs, Axels, Bows, Eel Mes, Veneers, Cedai ware, Farming Utensils, Bar and Polled Iron, Steel, &e., with a thousand morn to titles unmentionable. Having purrlirsed largely of Heavy Goods previous to the advance in prices,4 am enabled to sell goods at old prireS. Petsbrisin want o Hardwate are invited to call sod e:\ amine niy goods and hear my prices„noti.ytm will be Fut tsfied where the Cheap Hardware is to be had. ":Irlyjstoelc of IVALL PAPER is nnap proncheiViy any in the liorough. Tliank al for the former liberal patronage, a continuance of the same is solicited by JOHN P. I YATE, Waal Side of North Hanover Street,' Fresh Drugs, ItiedieineF &c. &e t have just received from Philadel phia- and New York very extensive additions ilYiny former stock, mitre itare ping nearly every article of Medicine now in use, tope, tee with Paints, 9ils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soups, Stationery . , Fine Cutlery, Fishing 'Prickle,— Bridles of almost every description, with . n endelss variety of other articles, which I EMI do (ermined to sell at the VERY Lower,. mires. All Physicians, Country Illerchanis, Pedlars and others, are respectfully requested not to pass the OLD STA ND, ns they may rest, assured that every article will lie sold of a good quality, and upon reasonable terms. May 30 Window Shades, Carpets and Oil Cloths. 3. STEWART DEPUW, A T '223 North 2d Street; above Wood, /IL Philadelphia, would most respectful ly call the attention of his mends-nod the public ih general, to his large end well se. elected stork of Carpet', Oil Clothe, Illattings, Window Shades, Door ..tllats, Stair Rods, Pi (MO Covers, 'I able Covers. Cocoa Olattivs, IrOm eE yards wido, for Public Houses, Counting Houses. &c. Also—to my branch Store, 113 e, Spring" Gar den Street, above 9th. First-Arrival of' Fall Dry Goods, At the Nem and Clecap-Slore. air eise .0" Camptiedd wO U L 1) respectfully announce to their friends and the puddle that they have just received from, New York and Philadelphia a large and handsome assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of the latest styles of Dress Goods, „ , ,French plaids, cashmeres, mous'de all wool, sinus de lieges, Persian cloth, plaid, brocade and black silks, al paces, and Mourning Goods. 1) 0 M E S 'l' I C S Bleached and unbleached muslin, checks, Ginghams, tickings, wht and cl'd Canton Flannels, table linen,table cloths,N apkins Damask _towels, wool flannels, &c., &c. , • LACES AND EMBROIDERIES cambric and swiss ruffling, edgine and insert• Mg; lisle mechlin and Florentine laces, collars, undersleeevcs: spencers, culls, &c. HOSIERY AND GLOVES ° Silk, cashini,re and Saxony hose, merino half hose, white and black silk hose, black, white and mixed cotton hose. ladies and gents silk, kid, fleecy lined silk and cotton gloves CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES A large assortment of cloths, cnssimeres, sati nets, Leniucky jeans, merino, Bath' and black silk vesting% , BOOTS AND SHOES , A large ass.wtment of Indies and gentlomens shoes, slippers and boot h , childrens shoes, from the best.manufacturms. FAMILY GROCERIES, Rio and Java Cayes, New Orient) , Cohn and refined, sugars, Loverinti's, Syrup Molasses. Cuba do., and Spices of all kinds, Their goods have all been selected with grout care from the host New York and Philadelphia houses, and cannot fail to suit purchasers 'both in quality and price. sepl4 PAILL AND WINTER Styles of Hats!! .• 1:••;••• • k GdiLA - ELLER — desire respectlVlly to in Corm their customers end friends that they are now supplied with a great variely of , HATS AND CAPS for Fallk and Wi rater wear. In addition to a beautiful, spring style of Silk Hats and their extensive assortment of light nod coloured Hats just received Prom the cities: Their as sort tnentis largo and for beauty of stYle.exeel• lone° of finish and lowness of price they can' not be surpassed. A large assortment el Gays, exclusively for summer wear, constantly on hand. Also a carefully selected assortment of CHILDREN'S HATS. We most respectfully invite the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity to call and examine our assortment at the old stand, opposite to the Telouraph Office. tray ll SADDLE AND HARNESS MA HMG /TIRE subscriber continues to carry on the above business, in all itsvartous branches, in North Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors North of . Leonard's -corner, whore he Miends keeping on-hand ng.rnieral assortment in hipline , - Cohsisting of all kinds, of lash ionable SADDLES, 'Bridles martingales, Gfitbs,Circingleti and Halters, also TRUNKS,' tray sling and saddle bags. He also manufactures themost approved Spanish Spring Saddles, ever used in this cinintly, those wishing a handsome, durableund pleasant sad dle will do well to call and see them. "He also Manufactures Harness ! Bridles, Collars' and Whips in all their varieties,- and confidently be lieves froth thu general approbation of his cue. , turners, that-Ile make, the neatest and best gears,ln all their. variety of breadtli,,that is muds in the country. lie Min makes all kinds ni Nlatrasses to order, vie r Straw, Husk. Curl. od Hair nail Spring filatrasses.. All the above articles, will be made of the hest . material and Workmanship, and with the utmost despatch. „ Wlil. OSBORN,: ). 110 Extensive ,Furniture Aoems -TAMES R.WEIAVEIft would •roSpoctfully la call thonttention of Hausa Keepers and the üblic tt:Otioextonsivo stock of ELEGANT. . - - URNlTURE.:inoldding Sofas, Wardrobes, Centrmantlother,Triblim, Hressing and ,plOin 'l3areatts and ovorY otlor article in his branch of business. ,Also, now on hand the largest (le icirirriont of CHAIRS in Carlisle,.at the lowest prices. larCOrnita made at the shohest ; retie and a Hearse provided fer,fuiterSW solic• itsti calf at his establishment on North verstreet,near.Glass's nittire:ldied otit - by . th - 0 month or year, , • orlisle.lVlarch 18110.-0 CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, Prepared by DR, 0.. M. JACKSON, No. 120 Arch Street; Philadelphia. Their power over the 'above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any other preparation in the United• States, as the cures attest, in many cases alter skilful physicians had foiled. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rec tification of diseases of the Liver afid„ lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and ulli.ictions of the digestive or gans, they are withal safe, certain and pleas ant... Testimony of the highest chdracter ! HON. GEO, S'I'ROOP, Judge of the District Court in Perry county, Pii., Nov. 18th, 1852 said: "your •Hoolland's German Bitters' has been in use in our place over a your past, end to the astonish ment of many has performed wonders. We may notice a few instances that have come under owe nonce:—almost every person who has stopped at the hotel of Wm. Lackey, one year since, predicted amp his o. mucinted countenance and debility, that he could not - live much longer. He was unable, to attend to his buiness, and for the greater part of the time confined to tile room. We rec ommended him to by the German Bitters; he did; and to the sorprise of all his friends he is now able to attend to his usual business end perform nianuuLlabor. -_The _nose of Henry Asper a stone mason, whom no one supposed would ever recover from the debility of his system, but was looked upon as fast approach fog the grave, took eight or nine bottles of the Titters_ during_theiast_winter,_and _this sum. mar he has been Ito the surprise of all who know hie case] following his trade. The case of William Piltir.,7lv is no less astonishing.-+ no too was so far : reduced es to induce the general belief thai - . the grave 'alone would be Ids only remedy. Mr. Lackey recommended him to try the lloofland's German Bitters; he is now apparently a well man, and able to do a hard day's work. We could mention many other cases of a timilar eliaractcr.ifit - Were necessary. I myself derived much benefit from their use. "I Imve given considerable of it a.. way, not for your benefit alone, but to relieve suffering humanity, and let mu assure you 1 am pleased to see the happy result. . To the afflicted we say, try them fairly and 1 will warrant relief." S. ELLIOTT Ithiin street. —arlisle These Bitters are worthy the attention of it.valids, possessing great power in the resto ration of a healthy action of the liver and the lesser glands, giVing tone - to - the stomach and nervous system, and bringing the system gcn evilly to a %Iligli_state o, health. .Far sale by S. IV. Haversticic and S. Elliott; Carlisle; Ira Day, 'Mechanicsburg; J. 11. Her ron, Newvillc; J. 9". Altic, Shippensburg, and by dealer's in tnedieimis every where. South Hanover Street, Near the Court House. .1) J. ICIEPFER - , druggist, would respect. . folly inform int, eitizeni'df, Carlisle anti vicinity that he bas , opened a new CIIEMICALq.'4ND DRUG STORE. His stoek is entire.. ‘"`•?w, and has been viekm tod.with great caro-' As many'of Ito articles in daily use by ph , ~ i iciane and families deter' orate , by age and e - liosuee, great cure will h 0 taken not to allow -cacti articles to accumulate in such quantities. Attention is especially 'invited to his stock of Medicines, Esseinial Wines, Extracts, Conlections, Chemicals, ace. Together with the above ho has a lull assortment of Paints, Varnishes, Rye—Stuffs, Paint and Varnish Brushes, and CONFECTIONARIES df every variety. He has also on hand armlets; did assortment of ,Perfameries, Soaps, Extracts, Fancy, Hair, Clothes and Flesh Brushes, Supporters, Breast li,'xhaus'ers, Nipple Shields, Toed' Washes and Pastes; also MEDICINAL IVINES AND BRANDIES, of the best quality. SEGARS, from ate best Havana and Spanish houses, of every flavor, front ono cent upwards. In order to ensure his customers against mistakes during any toinporaray absence of the proprietor, the services of an experienced and competent assistant have been ser.ured; - . which will be felt to be important, itt view of the responsibilities which are known to devolve upon the druggist.— rj'PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS will be faithfully acid promptly attended to.— Orders from Physicians and Merchants in the country will be filled with care, and at prices which must prove setislactory. N officinal preparations mode "iit' strict accordance with the directions or tii: L p U. S. Pharmacopoeia. A liberal share of public patronage is res pectfully solicited. Terms Cash. May 11. 1853. Persons feeling themselves disposed to in dulge in good shgars. are requested to cull nt the Drug Store of B. J. KIEFFER, where they may obtain an article which he hesitates not to recommend as being the best in Carlisle. Persons visiting Carlisle should not leave be. fore.t tking a glance at B.J. Riefler's Drug and Chemical Store, South Hanover street. such has on hand a . variety of fancy articles, such as hair, hat, clothes, flesh and tooth brushes, co logne - bottleti, - fitrnituria — dUsters, port folios, note ..paper, worked and cord baskets, visiting cards and cases, a fine variety of fanS. accordoons, Sec. The ladies areimvited to call and oxatnine superior matte. Call soon, as he isdeternutted to sell bargains. B. J . . KIEFFER. Tilly 20, 1853. S. Hanover st. t. PRIME article of Sugar; Raisins at !Ai cents per pound, Bunch do, a good article, at 15 cents. -Citrons. Mace, Spices, Brandies, Lemonsa Oranges, Preserved Fruits, Dates, Sugared and Dried Prunes, Figs, 'Tamarinds, Crackers, &c &c, in connection , with all kipds of Confectiona ries, all of which will bei 'disposed of on the most accommodating terms. June I, 11152 B. J. !CLEF FE R J. W. EBY'S' FAMILY GROCERY. Sava' and Maracaiha qaffccs, Green and -- Roasted:do, •-Orleans-and- Clarafied. Bran Buors.yulyerized, Crashed Onda Rico, I'ai•ina and Corn Starch., Brotna, Cocoa, C;woolitto, Vanilla Bea!), Mneo, Citfon, with Stileee of ovetyitind,;:t: Saertri, 'Mould, Adamantine Candles,' . '.orlonna and' Sugar s H..Syru 'Molasses, ' ILovering' fineat quality Syrup.. ' D Y A fresh assortinont of all the above ples, .'and . a . general supply' of other articles usually kept' by us, all just opened and for sale at our. now store rooms. Jtm0 , 8.11353".. • ' rirlHE 'tindehigned having been the agent e, .11 the Keystone Idle Insiircieeo Company, of Harrisburg. Pa., continues to act in,that ra pacity, by authority of Said, Company. . Iftt would respectfully inform the community,thet. be will ettendto such persons as may Rignify their desire to insure their lives, and thus give, Some protection to their berenitcd'farniliis and: friends, in case of death. Office in West PerM frorStrobt, Carlisle. ' . • . May2s tf • , J, WORTHINGON,„ ECEI.V.Dp. this Ofyi'dirpet rpm Cineinna. ,ti, a full - supply, of ilitfollowing ealebra led' bronchi: • " • ;1 ; • I,oo'9li!rar Cured Davis & Co's 'Beef Harus.• TOO. • thirdiier;p h ipp 41:, Co's llama, 100 " " „rn Daell° Westphalia ' do: • l'his loci bread'gained'ilie Prize Medal nt the bondon World's Fair. ;'Also ri largriatibaly of Country Ilams;*Babon,7 , slOuldefs stud Sides . all . 01whiell will be sold very low for cash. J. .WILLT Ayf ..f i .►~in~ nj , i °MI3 - - LIVER..•COMPLAINT, • D'YSPg Pzi A; /AWN DICE, CDRO . NIC 01; NEtILVOUS,DEDILITY:DIS 'IASE,OF ''ffi'D'AIDNI:YS,.:AND ALL DISEASES ' AIMING A DlSott.,DEltol) LIVI lt.. Oti.. Such as Oonelipotioni inward pden, fulness of blood'tollio head, acidiiy ol the stomach, .nanseu, lieurfliern,Taiiigust for food, fulness„or .Weight in the stomach, sour modalions:sink ing or .fltittering"utYthe; pit M the•Stonnich, 'swimming of ilie head, hurried 3111 i) dial putt breathing, fluttering a t . the heart, chokfilg. eufronstlng eensatittna when in a lying posture, 'diiinicim Of vision,' dots or nubs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the head, defic iency of persPiration, yellowness of the , skin and eyes, auto in the side, back, chest, liinbs, &e., sudden flushes of heat, burning in:the fles, constant imaginings of evil, and gran depression - of spirits, CAN DD EMECTUALLI: CURED DY Da. HoOFLAND'S READ. AND BE CONVINCED NEW DRUG' STORE !!! Segars and Tobacco. aUSTRXICEOLVED MARION HALL ! Loaf!o,Sott Crunird (pfosoryinv do. W. EBY. Lxrzi INSURILNOXI. DEEM AND HAMS pun - 'Aolueritscintniv. HAYES7•TATENT TUBULAR OVEN ROT AIR RANGE -, Various Sires, to suit Families; hoarding • houses and Iloicts.r.' _ OSE,in wunt'of a superior Cooking Ap '•paratas 'are - invited to call at mn %Vara - liouse add ermine this liana°. Ivor'dutnbility economy.and simplicity in operation it stands ;unrivaled: It hasa perfect het nir ventilation —and meal:Stalked in this (Wail will rota in-heir juice and flavor equal to that roasted core on ',titian .Meats and pastry cooked at the 'same time wit Mutt onemlfecting the other. It will supply sallicient halted air to heat addi tional rooms hir the coldest weather. It has ,no descending - or return flues, and is equally well adapted to b.tumitious or common hard coal. Tee steam valve aver the boiling part of ff the Range carries o the steam mid ;cent of ns well nalinat in slimmer. Every Range sold wavratned to give satisfac tion, or no expense id the purchaser, HAYES' VENTILATOR, nifetited Octoby,r, 1848, For Public flails, Factorars. Railroad Cars, Clananes, flues, Slaps, Steams; s, Pure Air is a subject elaimine. the attention of every individual. and all nuildiags should he provided with the proper means of ventilation. Also, a powerful Warming and Ventilating Furnate, For Mediu+ zs, Schou! 'Awes, Churches, Halls, 'Stores, Factories, A large atsortment of (Pee, Ilan and Conk inis, Stoves, Parlor Grinds, Registers, &e.— Wholesale and Retail. ) RAND & ITAYIO,S, 4VOrth Sixth street, Phila. 14 ri-PeNnual aiten'tion given to warming an cvntilming bulb public-and privatll -Christmas Goods --A T W HoLusAmt. Dealers will find it to their advantage to call. German Goods—toys dolls drums, baskets, Games—All the new games, building blocks, boxes, tools, dominoes, Very beautiful new style of embrohlJred and other Fancy Baskets, Children's Baskets French Goods—Paper weights of Gins, the latest styles, viz—the Crystal Palace, &c. Al abaster Goods—New Styles, a largo assortment.. Pearl Goods, Pin cushions, Yard measures, and other notions. Together with French Toys rind Fancy Articles, as exhibited in the London tind New York World exhil.dtions. In fact, our assortment it wou d imueSsiblet to enumerate. ROBERT SWII'T, Importer and Manulecturor, 312 . Alurket Si,, above Ninth, Philadelphia. [deel4lm DAVIS CV. CULIN, Deniers in Lamps, La. .terns and Chandeliers, N E Corner Fourth and Cherry, sts., PUN, TEN - AVING enlarged and improved their store Rand having the largest assortment of lamp. a Philadelphia, they are now prepared to tur nish Camphine, Pine Oil, BURNING FLUID. Ethereal Oil, Phosg.me . Gast rind Lard Oil.— Lamps. Lanterns of all patents, Funny Hotel and 11011 Lamps, Chandeliros, Gwandoles and Candelabras, and Brittanin Lampson the man ufacturers lowest prices. Glass PIIIIIIEI by the package, at a small advance over auction H aas. Being largo MA N UF.V..:111 ERS of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alco hol and (tll6 only true) Phosgene Gas, they can furnish these articles at such prices that Mer chants will find it to their advantage to buy.— Call botore going elsewhere, it you want bar gains. Also the Safety Fluid Lamp for sale. October 5,1853-1 y Cheap Watches eV Jewelry WHOLESALE and RETAIL at the '. Philadelphia Watch : ::7 7 ,.,.1 and Jewelry Stoic," Number : 1 00 North Second Street, corner ~ Atkii ..; of Quarry, Phtladelphia. '-.7.....- 1 4 4 . .4 - Gold L'ever Watches, lull , 4 . •ndi) jewelled, IR carat eases, 520,00 - Gold Lepv,e, IS carat case; 824 00 Silver do jew e l s . 0 00 Silver Lever, full j welled, 12 00 Superior guarder° --- 7 00 Gold Spectacles, 7 00 Tine SilVer'Speetacles, 1 50 Geld Bracelets, 3.00 i.adiceo, Gold Pencils, 411ver 'Pea Spoons, set, 5 00 Gold P r ins with Pencil and Sailer Holder, 1 00 • Gold Purger Rings 373 cents to 08 ; Watch Glanscs, plain, 120 cents t Patent, 181 ; Lunet, 35 ; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to he what they are sold for. sTAu F F ER Sz. HA RLEY, sept7ly Succrsooro to 0. Conrad. On hand. soma Gerd and Silver Levers and Lepinea,still lower than the above priees. i 4& COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Located No 127 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, I 11& The ostensible object of this institution is to place in the reach of individuals proper lacili lies ler obtaining a thorough and prvetical Mercantile Education. , Nothing indeed has been omitted that is calculated to produce the desired result. The rooms °filly College are well fitted up, conveniently arranged, and, situated in the most desirable part of the City.. Connected thereto is a Commercial Library, and this, in connection with familiar Lectures on Commer cial Law and Mercantile Science, is a matter. of the highest importance to all who desire to become Accountants of the first order, and oc cupy stations of profit and responsibility. A young man can here obtain a more cop eel knowledge of general Misiness mutters in a low weeks than can be Immured in as ninny years in any one Counting Room. The course of study embraces Double Entry Book keeping, and its adaptation to viii ions departments of Commerce rind Trade, Mexcau• tile calculations taught according to the most approved methods. Practical Pen einnship, com bining rapidity of execution with beauty of - construction. Lectures on Mercantile Law, upon various important Mercantile subject's beside many other points necessary for a book keeper or business man to understand. The time necessary for an industrious student td complete the course varies horn 5 to 8 weeks. There being , no vacation, applicants can enter nt any time and attend both day and evening. Examinations are held nt mated periods and Diplomas awarded to those who g For terms, &e. write told IlltYc_a_Circularibr— warded by mai l. March. 23. 1853. ly. , a „ )11itr t .kll I ) J. E. GOULD, ISucr.Esson TO A. FIOT,) Xs. 161 Chestnut Swaint's Building, Phila. WII'NENSIVE Music Publisher, and Deal or in Musical Instrunsents of every de. earipiion. Exclusive agent fort so sale of Ballet, Davis E./ Co's Patent Suspension Bridge ./Eoliairand other PIANOS, L. Gilbert'sßoudoir Planes, Melodeons, Mar. Guithrs, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music, Music Books, &c. :,Residents of the country will ho supplied' by Mail or otherwise with music they may wish, as low as if purchased in person. Haying one of the largest stocks in the United States, II feel confident Of. satisfying all who maypevor mo with a Gall or order. Dealers in Musk supplied on'the most libers terms., Pianos joint. Second-hand Pianos for sale: .tnns 20 P31)3 ly) LEJLTIZEIt. '.FRI.T,Z & HENDRY, A S'iore, 29, N. ,3(1 at., ,Phila. MereCc° Al. , ‘nulaqturera, Cuiriere, Importers, Commission an I General Leatper 13usiness, WHOLESALE Bc . It}HAIL. Manufactory 15 Margaretta street. sep7ty ' To Builders & flouskeepers. vosE who are Witting, or about cam. mencing."lmuseitaoping 'will be sure .ta Grid at all times all assortment to select from. Looks of oil sorts and then. with brass,' lit:mineral and white knobs, pith japanned or plated furlniture. butt flinger:toast and wrought,, window glues from SAO to f.lox2B:bolts,serows &c. &a. You who are about-to ha married and 'going to housekeeping, we havo everything to ,plense. such as fancy . waiters and trays; ivory handled- knives anti furlia; in setts or by•the dozen, common knives mid forks, butter knives with plated and l‘itny handles frying and brand pane, smoothing- irons, tubs. churns, t.S.c, ' • . • HENRY SAXTON. • , , I • MYERS' EXTRACT.OF RUCK. ROSE, 4'4 (nod Meade Remedy for all Scrofulous Dis eases, Im-ligation, 'Salt Rheum, Sick Head ache, Cancer; ..Nursiny Sore Mouth; and General Peldlify, and as a . Purifier of the Blood - il is The Rock Rose hu gained a reputation at lionte and abroad. which no other medicine has ever done in the same length of time. Acimrding to the opinions of emindnt Physi cians, the Rock Rose Pima is Unequalled in ,Curing Scrofula in Its Various Forms! STATEMENT OF REV. E. R. WARREN, (Pastor of Ills 2d f)a ptist Chcrrh,Ncw London Ct. ) relatila to Alyt.rs' Eiiraet Rose. To The American Public. As my name has been tised in connection with recommendations of Mr. Myere' leek Rose Spop, in various advertisements by the manufacturer, I beg leave to rake the follow ing statement' with reffrence to my ilet: with the remedy and tests to which -I trove subjected it, and the reasons for having intro duced it to the notice .of private friends in the community in which I reside, long before the medicine was advertised. 1 n•uke this state ment freely, because I trace, as a principle, withheld my name from all ;intent medicines, and sedulously uhstamed from recommending them to the public, believing them frequently the spawn rf quackery and hunthube, and as tending to Increase, instead . et leseening human - disease and suffering. Such, leer, is the character of a large portion of the patent pans- Coos of this medicine making age. "Their name is le; - ;.ion," and trom their influence, so froM the demoniacal spirits, we have reason to pray for Ekes fe deliverance. The First nst.—l find myself suffered oc casionally with sudden attacks of Sickilead eche, and Bilitous Diarrhea, and I had sought a great variety of curative agents to but little purpose; and suffering from this disease (diar rhea) at this time, I determined to test the new, Syrup first upon myself. The results were be yond my expectations. It was a powerful alterative, and the morbid action of the stem was changed, arid the functions. of secretion were restored to a healthy state. It gave tone rind elasticity to any system, and corrected the derangement of !he digestive organs; and gave me that inestimable blessing—health. Thin test was not determined in a week, n month; but I took four or five bottles in perhaps-as many months. Since that lime I hove suffer ed but slightly from these derangements. My - Sickileochichels eiltirely Cured. Other Tests.—Finding this medicine so lin t-id to myself, lat once gave it to several inva lid triends. About this time, I was earnestly solicited to give advice in reference to a child, some eight years of age. This child was severely afflicted with a Scrofula humor, of a v,.ry severe type, the humor showing itself on all parts of the surface, and then suddenly dis appearing. The child was --very sick, and it was thougitt doubtful Whether she would live, The humor resembled black specks or mortified flesh. ,In additien to some other remedies, a gave the child this Syrup for about six weeks, whop she had sufficient strength to go DIA to school occasionally. The swelling of her limbs ceased, and she was restored to health. The family feel that they owe her life, with GAl's hlbssing, to my remedies. This test satisfied trio that the Rock ROSe pnsscssed specific powers fur Scrofulous hu morn. I then tested it in eases of Cutanetbis Eruptions, in Measles, Chicken Pox, Curie)?,, Sure Mouth, Erysipelas,Salt Rheum, Pilch, Niel, In all these Cadell with perfect success. Allot testing this Syrup for- more than a year, I wrote Mr. Myers (October 7th, 1850) entbusi• astically, not expecting my letter would be finhlisned, that his Syrup was n " Pankorite," all.laWing, and I gave him the result of its operations in several instances. 1 stated in that letter that it was invaluable as a remedy in Cutaneous Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, and ether disorders, included in the varied family of diseases known as Scrofula, &e.: that in Dyspepsia it acted with wonder ful efficacy." My opinion of its value for the above named diseases, remain unchanged, end the same as vi her I wrote Mr Myers in Oct. 1850. Ido not recommend it for all the ills of our suffering humanity ; but I unhesitating ly say, that as a remedy fin Scrofulous affec tions I believe it superior to any Itnown'eitru live agent. It has been sufficiently tested by domestic practice to establish its othiption to extensive usefulness in mitigating human suffering and renim ing diseases But What is the Pock Rose ? The following history of the reek Rose plant and its medicinal properties, we take from the New Raven Palladium, March 1852, The increased interest manifested in the Reek Rose plant, in consequence of the many wonderful cures ef f ected by Myers' Compound Extract of Rock Rose,' calls for a brief history of it, in order to correct any errotio , ent opin ion that may have been entertained' , encern ing it; and also to set in a true light the na ture of a plant which promises to by univcr, sally beneficial. "I'Va ere indebted In the United States Pie pensetory of 1847, for the following descrip tion of rt It is entirely different triim the cominnn Rose. It is a red•stemmed, oblong feat plant, having a bitter taste. In addition to remark able peculiarity of the plant, of bearing two crops of flowers in one season, it also has OHO. ther interesting and beautiful properly. Eaton says, that in the months of Nos vember and December, he has Seen hundred ot these plants, sending nut near their roots, broad, thin, cuivoel Jee-crystals, about an inch in breadth: which melted during the day, and were renewed in the morning. For a more' minute and win:Mica! description nf it, the reader is referred to Toney and (;ray's Botan ical works. Its -DiediEat-Hi story-and - Properties - Aro fur the most important, since upon thus', dependsits.value to the community. Dr, Lou. don says that in 1790, It was so- valuable in England, that it was cultivated (torn seeds. Ever since 1806, Professor Ives of Yule Col lege, has habitually used it with great success n Scrofula and Chronic diseases, nod throne!) biro its virtues were made Immtin, until, 1111 Dr. Tyler says, " it is now in this section (New Haven) a common article in domestic practice for the curd of Scrofula, and Cutaneous Ms.. eases." • Dr. Whitlow, a Scotch Botanist of notoriety, while travolling In America in .11314; - learned its uno in Canada.. Returning to England, ho employed it in medicating his baths, which became greatly celebrated for the curd of simi lar diseases. Dr. J. H. Thompson, of the same place,'pre scribed it in bud eases of Scrofulous patients et Wills' HoSpital: His success ottrseted the ottorition of senior physicians, Htl reports the - following - romnykshlesase..ofwlilte-swelling of •the hip,TriFebruaryi 1814 The lad was seven years old, end Juid three ,years. The hone was dislocated both upWard end outward. There was a liage,operiing in the hip loading to the lhone: into which I could thrust my finger. I counted three ulcers. He lied been under sellersl physicians, who had given him up, I ordered'a decoction of Reck -Rose. In two days, his - night sweets ceased. I then ordered a teaspoonful of Rock Rose three times 'day. Thirtraine days after lie was entirely. well. Dr: Webb, of .lifadison, Gt.',,testifies to the value of Iteek.Rose, as evinced- in the cure of numerous cases ef. the Serofula4espocially in. children. 4 Mantifncturod by Win 'Franh & Co.; New Haven; Ct. 11r. Warron, 004 , 1) if minister. of the GOR. pel:lias for a period of 15 yearti, gi‘Mn nttom lion to tlio subject of medical science, to miol- Ify him to, administer to the. eidk, in omitjaction with his pouto!al4l!)tjee.. r . , - EDWIN It. WAIIREIC Neio London. April - 2,1853. • • Agents•sn Cumberland County...—S. W. Hay-. ermicit, 'S. Ellt,ut. Dud W.;.A.Aclsu; : arlisle; linvorstick 8z Strolitii, KiUgslown; J. Swisher, Mechanicsburg; M. 13itimr; Shiremanstown; Epprey & Ernst., POO' I . )iing - ;,—J. Sterrett's Gap; Thomas Girenbrin, PluinOolti 'Heron,' Nowvl4;,•'.l. 11. Wilick,:Ore.oll i S y ; II r ti,. & .Eyitp I 10v r wburg W. 13 p...4.16)4 siqopti r our - k ; up. 4.1 ' D i c e ; ,t • Mu)len.yonrrlown. Sticbtriitc, !!!RANKORITE.” .1410.icine5, EPILEPSY CAN BE CUBED • Lake's Vegetable °Compel/ad.- FOR 7110 CURE Op EPIttEPsY on Prrs: Is performing mbra wooderfai ewes' that any War inedunne'kci Irnawn or Wore , the }Odic. PRICE FIVE DOLLARS A Bo'rrix. The priiprktor hos 111 Ills 1/09:C11601111UIller9U3 1 1 / 1 1 . 11itiirg the . Adonis4ng and Miraculous Cures! eireetedby this medicine, find di, ents nurniinn to the ictsissuiv those tilos 111 e so iiti- Wl:it:sate to be 011h:tell stills the Merit 11 disease heretofore regarded iticitrable, that LA E'F. pre payntiott IS ALMOST YISFALLIDLE IN lIS url:r.! From Mrs. Brorks, oidoC..f Maj. Jae. ISt ook - it, late of Conneubt, CONNEAUT, Feb. 3,1853. Mr. Z. CARE—Ski Please Feed lee imoilivr battle of Fit Aledicine, as .1 do not like in ke without it On ben 1 cutuntencsd gh lug the medicine to my son Ell; ,he had Il viii one to ihreellin per day. lie has now litho, the me dicine over live months, and has hod. I think, but two tits in that t me, and those Ot ry light. hotly and mind 111., lOU ninth improved; rind by the ulessingud Gird, I reel that the medicine will restore his body mid mind 10 their :touted activi ty.: Ile is '2/1 3 earn old, and has had fits over 12' years, w hich have been very frequent, and tecy , , destruciiic to his constitution and mind Iltin- 1 dreds of dollars have heel, expended for medicine tti "CURE rrrs,”int malt . .gluts ;dieted IMO.UII - lie used 3 our medicine. Itesprolullv terms, POLLY From Judson I melon, efitint o the Ashtabula Como.) 1< 114 0811t.m., Pcb. 18)3. Mr Z. (UM' 11a0l, bottles of 3 - 0111: Flt Alt:divine f'l may Ire( uccd it, hilt Ibi ilk S:11 . 0r to keep it no hand. V Our me ilieine hat 011,1e1.S• I gate it to Al his lane Delano-s she has Lod tits for 211 t eat s, I/1111.011 It hi having the measles when hid 10111 . teals old, which could not be brought out to the surl;iee ,_ A Ilex taking the medicine a tew flat s, silo un u n rill: own : e 1 3100.1.1:t, 111.11 illiS Innl t.lt lilt ',lite, ;he Ind lilt or op mptions altomit daily. SLt and her robe, eat cur Willi ill sill ing that Nre lie - Here the meth •iite lots or s, v,rk fa l rteet cure. I also gave the medicine to Miss Jane 11 , :niter - son 111.1 Avis (',illy, who hare lad fits almost tinily, for a knottier 01 years Their fits haive reksed, and I liclic%e ilw medicine m ill have the blued ehect. 111.111 Cy hat beet, expended In the friends of thealio, Intik:ids for dm:tot:ll , g, all to 114/ purpose. ' lite cure wins left for tour medicine to perform, and I viol cheerfully roeum mend .it as a uttutilde diseoies y. Respectfully )OtII.S. JUDS(2,N LAN PON; t 4 uperintentlunt Ashtabula Co. Ittlit•nlact.. Prepa-ed awl sold at wholes:llc b 3 Z. LAKE, Conneaut, Ohio. E \V' ELLER, traveling agent. Sold by S \V Ile \ erstick, Carlisle ' • E II Thomas, Mechanicsburg, ; .1)W Gross , 1 I arils burg • Oct 5-1,1 • 1-100 TOR YOUR . 4, --- SELF—PIIIVA Tr,- , t . 1 LY, for '25 ceril. by menus 7 4 , .2 .1, of the POCK l'i'l . ' A.:,` 4 ( l'- i p`j • ,O, LAPIUS, in: s i:veil Use ift,, -.. „ t . IT, Ills U\\ N ' I'IIYSIAN ! 4 I, pi if .., '4 l , . A —The thirt) ...sixth Lili. r ! 4 i flout, Nu MI one }Manila! ele li", ,11, 4!• 44 mat illgS, shun iIIK I ' lltlife f ' f,\ . ' lf,lll . ...i . I)isenses nod I1lollornitt .0...:4;• yr, . : 4 f' lions of the (eneroti, e -fr S)stern, in ever, shape ..,..,,, ..f.....^ nod !neat : to uldeli is ad ded a . 1 . 1 , 2}1115e all the DISCaSeS of rellialt S, )11- Mallen lor the use 01 leimiles only (see page P.M, being of the Itigliei-t iroportrotee to married peo file, or those contemplating marriage. fly 11 AI. YOUNC, Al. D., Gratitude °fate University ef Penns)lvania, :goober of the Royal College or Surgeons, Lontionoutilllonornry Mstober 01 the Illtilndelphit, Ale diets BOCIAny. The various forms ot Secret Diseases, SeMinal Weakness, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Impotency, soli tary habits of youth, are faithfully described, and all the recipes given in plain language. The chapter on selfsalotsc and Seminal Weakness is wort by of iirrticular attention, end should be - resd ei cry ono. Young. men who have been unfor tunate in contracting disease, Ares ions to rlacing yourselves under the care of any doctor, DO mat ter what his pretensions may be, get a copy of of this truly valuable %nark. Sea Captains and persons going to sea, should possess I).. Yomues Trcatiie on liitsrriage, the Pocket iTisculapius, or Every one ills own Phy sician. Kr Let no father be ashamed to present 'n copy of the AF.seulapi`us to Ills el ild. It may save him Irons an early grave. Let no young 11 , 91 , or woman enter into the sect et olineatinus of married life, witbout readoic the pocket ,This culapins. Let no one suffering hoot a liackilid cough, pain in the stile, resift as nights. tiers ous feelings, and the Si 1101 i, tr:IPO 01 Its Speptie sensa tions, gives up by their plissition, be an. other , mommit without consulting the Aisenlas dins. Ilas el he merrieil or :hosc about to be m I arrii d ..ny impediment lead this !rely use ful Hook, as it has been the mums Of Easing thou sands of unfortunate creatures from the stry j,, ter , of death. Upwards of a 'MILLION copuss of - this celebrated work has been sold in this count' p And Europe since 1838, when the first edition was issued. co - Any person sending TIVENTY-FIVR cents enclosed in a letter. will receive nap rimy of this hook by mail ; or fists copies will be sent Mr St. Address Dr. N 1 ILLIAM YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, — Post paid. Twenty years practice in the city of Philudot phio cectoinly entitle, Dr. Voting to the coal mice of the afflicted, Mud he may be emipheil on any of I he diseases described in his dillu eat thiblications, at his office 152 Sproce Street, every day,licus eon 9 and 3 o'clock, (SUlldn' ex. rented) and pet sons at any distance can coosult Dr. Young by letter, POST PA Beecher's Matchless Cordial. mills medicine tins never !intim n to fail in curing Cholera illorbus, in Irem 10 to 13 minutes; Choletn Inintituni, nr rummer t ent. plaints of children, Dybenti ry, in from ll' to 24 hems. It is cc, tam two vale under all cil`cunistanns, haying been fairly tented in upu arils ior four hundred nave,. si Jib aut. a shigle_ladure. Let every lamily provide itself with at least one bottle of ibis invaluable remedy. Try it, and it Will recommend wilt. I,t is prepared upon purely scientific principles, and cannot ho justly tel in 7 varl, triMethe, unless science lie qunclterv. For sale by B. 3. I EFPER, Druggist, South Hanover Street, ---. A. -- fOw'tinoralotllll of the Gouri Dribse, Juno 32, 1833, RoarnT B. SIMILLE3r, ABIN ET INIMiER A N D UNDERTAKER North !Mauve,' Street, and next door to Glass's ram THE undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and the public tilt t ally, that he now has on hard a large, and ele gant assortment of FURNITURE, convisting in part of Wardrobes, Card and othe,r Tables, Sofas, Bureaus, itedstenils, fancy Sowing Stands, &c. manufactured of the, best material and quality warranted. . _ Also a general ossortment of CHAIRS o t the lowest prices. reniii(2ll Blinds made to order, and repairing promptly attended to. 'node at the shortest notice, and Inwing'a splendid henna lie will nut nti funer als in tows or country. Remembei the stanti— next door to H. Glass' Ilote I. nov24 li. 13. SMILEY. DRUGS DR UGS I . DRUGS I Freshet Spring Supply! r 'HA V I just received a fresh stuck of Med icines, Paints, Glass, Oil, &e.,' which having been purchased with groat care at the hest city houses, I can confidently, recommend to. Famlics, Physicians, Country Alerchanie and Dealers, as being fresh and pare. , . _ • • . • D 1 UGS. Patent Medicines, Iferbeand Extracts, ' ' Film hami anis, i Spices.ground and whole • Instruments,' Essey4es, Ptir'e Essen". Gila Perfumery, &o. 'Cod Liner Oa—Warranted Genuine. ' DYE•STUEFS. ' Indtgoes',. Log and Cam Woods, , • Mad d ers, I 'Oil Vitriol Sumac Copperas, • • ' Alum, • I Lac'Dye• P A-IN 'PS. 'C't ' Writheiill 4 Brother's .Piire , Lend, Chrome Green and Yellow% Paint rind Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window Glass, Linseed . Oil, Turpen- .' tine, Copal and conch Varnish, and Red Leath All Of which will be sold' at the very lowest In a rlt et price, Alop,a 'liven and - splendid as iortipeitt. or . FAisICV . GOODS, FRVITS . - . . Confectionary, and. innumerable other articles colealitied for yea and ornament, ell of vilich are Offered at the lowest cash prices, at the cheap Dreg Both and. ancy Store• of the sub, • ''' shriber on North Hanover street.. i• • . • , S.. W. HAVERSTICK. May 28 1651. • . , . Bonnet Peethers. subenriber has just opened. nn,inVni. , s 'ell Ostrich and nthor.tlonnot 14entliers-'ntl'e, hzttf tho ustiat v4ino. Also n ve-y Olen)) Too II