Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 07, 1853, Image 4

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• , . ztEziray, , SA.XTON.
r. THE subscriber having returned 'GM Oh
city would call the attention of. Ma friends add
the public gnerally to the large" and well g
• lectedlWortment uf' Hardware which ho lid'
just received. consisting in part of ' i
re,'.: . t..0 - - B LIILDI - N - ,G ,MA TER IA LS, , i
trench as nails, scrws, hinges, lucks, bolts,
glass, putty, paints, oils, &c. TOOLS—
ed,to tools; saws and planes ol..every desert
lion, with filo, rasps, hammers, anvils, 4.
A general assortment of
together with morocco. lining and binding,
skins, , shoe thread, was, pegs, lasts, harness
mounting, seddletrees, &c: '`" • .
‘., ' COACH TR /MAllNG — canvasskplain, en
amelled, figured and embossed,)" patent and cit.
' Eamelled„leather miles, springs, hubs, spoke,
lellocs., 'halts, &c, &c. I
Cabinet Makers will find a large assorrnent
of varnishes, mahognity and walnut .veneers,
ieibultling. rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, &c.
,The stuck of IRON is large and well selec
d, comprising all the kinds in general use, as
...,... hammered and rolled tire of all sizes, flat. I.tlr
and hind iron, roudd, sOarc and oval iron,
horse shoo iron and nail rods, Wilk a large lot '
of cast end spring steel, English and American
c ,.. blister steel, &c. _
Hmsekee,pers and those about commencim
will find it to their alvantagcrto roll and exam.
inn our cutlery brinanin and plated ware
pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets, &c
In addition to the above we have received I.
eplend.d aseertment or WALL PAPER, nit
king the stock complete, and at Ell , It mires at.
tan not fail to give satish.cnon. We it.vitc all.
friends to cull, knowing it, will he to then mull
advantage. ' Remember' the old stand, East
High Street, Car,isle, P, -- - ---- • . , „
Oct. le, 180.3. in...N'nY SAX: ON.
Freshet Spring Supply'!
-p -
1i.,,, r , jos, recur red a fresh stock of Med-
Fi . hones, Paints, Glass, Oil, Ss., Which
having Deco purchased with greet care at the
best city houses, I can confidently recommend
to Parnlies, Physicians, Country Merchants
and Dealers, no being fresh 'and pure.
~,,,.. _DRUGS.
Patent Metheinte, Ilerbsand Ex at ta,
Pine lienii cats, Spiees,ground and whom,
..' Instruments, Essences,
Pure Essen': Oils (Perfumery, &c.
God Liver Oil — Warranted tort nine.
Log and Cam Woods,
Oil Vitriol V
Lac Dye'
Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
Jersey Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turnvm
tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lend.
All of which will be sold at the very lowest
market price, Also,a fresh and splendid ns
surtruent of r 4
FANCY GOODS, FR1. , 1T8 . "
Confdetionary, and innumerable other articles w
calculated for use and ornament, all of Lich
are offered at the lowest cash prices, nt the
cheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of the sub•.
scriber on North Hanover street.
May 2841851.
10,000LPMXiS !
T HA VO jitsi opened the largest •assortment
4_ol WA LL PA PERS—ever-opened -in
lisle, consisting of about 0,000 pieces ef ctie
latest French and American designs, ranging
In price front 5 ets to 1,1 75, else Window Pa-
Pere and Fire Screens, Platn'Green and Blue
Papers, &c, Persons wishing to purchase tiny
of the above can save at least '25 per cent t y
et:fling tit JOHN P. LYNE'S
Hardware Store, West Side of North Hanover
Street, Carlisle.
THE subscriber would respectlullyannoundd
to the eitizent of - A his,, and all Perso n s
visiting the same during the Holidays, that he
has now on hand and will eon tinue to be F
Plied with the latest novelties up to the close of
the season, - comprtsing in pin'
of the choicest varieties, such as Fine Candy
Toys, Jelly Cakes, Bort lions, Gum Cordial,
Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Rose,
Vanilla and Bunn Almonds, French and cn•
eluding Secrets. Also all the common varic•
tics, all of which will be sold zahotesa/c and
retail at low rates, at
in North Hanover street, a few doors north
of ihe Bank, where we have just lecejred
of the latest importations ~zuch os Oranges,
Lemons. Raisins, Fsgs, Procne. Cition, Cur—
rants, soft and {taper shelled Almonds, Fil
berts, Cocoa, Cream and Ground Nuts. Alto
of ovary kind,from all parts of Europe, man
ufactured of wood. glass, china, papier macho,
tin and India rubber, zinc, &e., such as Fine
Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sewing and Card
Baskets, Work and Fancy Boxes, Flcwer
Vases, Molts, Cups, Tea qetts,' Music Boxes,
Per Manatee, Battle D'oors._.Crace.iloot.s,
Masks, Drums, 'Crime, Trumpets, Dominoes,
lotto and other games, &c. Fumy Soaps and
Hair Olis of every variety. In .connection
with the above a large stock of
such as pulverized, crushed and bray; n Su
gars, of every grade, Coffee, Molasses, Starch,
Green and Black Teas, Spices, Butter, soda,
Sugar, Water and o.ber Crackers, cheese,
The subscriber returns his sfnecre tbmks
to n generous public for the patronage hereto
fore bestowed on him, and hopes, by a desire
to please, to merit a contiman nee of the smile.
docls P.-MON Y
TILE undersigned are now prepared tofreigh
4 44 4,p m ha andeirchitdrait;rionmwyPe,liailt re
duced rates, with regularity
and despatch
Bazby Sc . Ca., 345 Market Street, Phila. •
Go irge Small, "Small's Depot," 72 ..... N0rt
Steel, Baltimore.
:01IN W. BELL,
Tozacar W. BELT. dz. CO.,
A hjo ,
ly 13 7 ALTIM ORE.,
__TOUE, Sign, 'Fancy 'arid .` . Qtnamental
Palmer,t Irvies (formerly Harper's) How,
next door to Trout's Hat 'Store. He will at
tend promptly to all the above Aoseriptions of
pal - flung, at reasonable prieep.' The „various
kiOds of graining attended tor,-(Moli as, mallog
any, oak, walnot,.&.e., in the improved' styles.
Carlisle, July 14, 18.52-IY.
trooifivord Schmidt. .
novl2 CARLISLE. P.
Styles of Hats !
- • , •
• •
•••••,-; •
,g•-1& J. KElXER,..oestro.rospalutly
Ix. form their attainment and 'frier! s ilia' they
are now supplind'With n great variety of,
HATS AND . cAmsa . .
for • Fail and - Winter •ivear. In addition to
a beautiful. spring style, of Silk Hats end their
extensive assort - nit:tit - OP HOC and coloured
Hata just received friam the cities.. ''rkeir
sorttnontis largeri fi d failiea'uty of style:excel.,
lance of finish nridlowness of price lheit'ean'
not be surpOssedi."A94ge•asuortment ol
exclusively for suninfer wear, constantly on
hand. Also a etirafailli - selected aseonmeht of
CHILDREN'S : HATS. • " '•• •
We most revectltilly invite the ' - citixiMe of
Carlisle and, vicinity:la eall.and examine our
assortment at 'the - old 'nand, opposite to the
Telegraph Office. • , I=y_, I I
PLAIDS, - .I'l4 ;
4 very hatideome lorof Plald•Caehmerajuet
received at the newland cheap atevemf
WILL PORrltErriVcr:
THE .underelerioil offers, life Merchont Mill,
tho Corlielo.ltonMorksi for rent from the
of April next.'
nr2 611 • ,[11,1:.i 'PETERIF. EGE,
1` ,
A riarded to this Machine at the Fair of the, AnterloiriOlositittte, NEW Irorlc, Oe t. 1
• A Diploma at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. First Preniiiim ' at the State
Fair, Utica, Nal,. York, and at the Columbia and Denstelner county (Nor York)Fahra,
and a Diploma at the Westchester County Fair at White Plains.
In the present arrangement of this highly approved and
valuable Still, the labor le divided by arranging a cutting
Cylinder to break the apples, pod then deliver theta to the
lower Cylinders to be reduced to penance. By this ar
rangement the work is performed faster and with much
less labor.
Tho Preen in arranged with a much larger screw than
formerly, and by a very ingenious dmicelhe use of the bag
in dispensed with and the Tub made to open at will to de
liver the pomace, whilo nt the same thane the Cidr is loft
dear and the work mu be done with much less labor than
by the old method. The Cylinders are covered with heavy
sheet Zinc, both on their peripheries and ends; tho wood
in thorn is arranged so as not to swell; and the whole work
oh the 31111 and Press made in the very best manner and
arranged with especial view to their durability and service.
No Po: timer who uses the 31111 carefully and according
to directions viii be disappointed, baton the other
bond he will find this one of the most valuable and effleient
.machines on his firm.
Thu machine is rondo to run by horse, steam, or hand
power, and when the apples are ground, a small hay of 14
years of age can press the pomace with all ease.
In all former times it was suppomi that a large quantity
of Cider could only be mode by using a ponderous maehine,
that slowly crushed the apples without grinding them fine.
They, were then made lntn n mnssive cheese in straw, and
most severe and long pressure Was required to extract a
portion of the Cider, a considerable quantity being absorbed
by the straw and the moss of pomace; and to obtain this
unsntisfactory result the Harmer had to take all his bands,
and perhaps his six-horse team, and devote a whole day dint
could have been more profitably employed, to maim from
sic to eight barrels of Ciders To obrinto the difficulty the
Farmers have heretofore Inhered under, this Machine •bas
been Invented, and the statement of a few facts will prove
that it Li not only the best Mnehine of the kindlti existence,
but It is the most profitable that a man ran hove on his
farm. The apples are by this Machine grnted up into a fine
pulp, so that it requires but a comparatively light pressure,
and that but a minute or two, to eitrnet all the Cider, it
being ascertained by practical experiment that One-Fourth
more juice can ho oldainod than by the old process.
Mies this, It only requires two hands to grind up and make
Into Cider a Ihrger quantity of apples than can be possibly
done on the old-fashioned machines. On this press, owing
to the compactness of the pomace in the tub, and the com
plete manner in which it Is ground, a presare of from 3 to
ft tons—that ran-easily be obtained—will produce n more
favorable result than fifty tone pressure on the ordinary
Entered According to Act or Ciongron, in the year 1952
t 6 . ,-. 2 , (;;'l'4 , AN .t N! ‘f ,
snbscriber continuesto manufacture in
AL his Foundry in Cast High street, having
on hand a great variety of good patterns, and is
prepared to furnish IRON AND BR A S
CASTINGS, which will be•executed to order
(if not on hand,) at the shortes• notice, such as
Cranks and Mill 'Gearing, Spur and Bevil
• Wheels, Gudgeons . lor Saw. Mills, Re:, Plough
Castings, Cutters, Point Shears, W'hgon and
Coach Boxes, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car
Chairs, &c. Strain Engines built to order and
repaired. AII kinds of machinery in Paper
Mills, Grist Mills and Factories repaired al
short notice. Mal Spindles dressed and turned.
%Iso, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines,
such ns Bevel Gear - Four Horse power ; Hor
izontal Gear Four Horse Power; horizontal
Gear Two Horse Power, Ploughs Corn Shot.
lers and Corn Crushers. Threshing machines ,
and Horse powers repaired and Job: Work dont.
nt the shortest notice. Pa.terns of different
kinds on hand ant: mnde to order.
He also has on hand a large supply of Phila
delphia and Troy Cooking Stoves, and is con
scan ly making Cooking Stoves ol various im
proved pat'erns, for coal or wood. Ten Plate
Stoves, Grates, &c.
Repairing done to all kinds of Machinery.—
All kinds of o d Iron, Brass and Copper taken
in exchange for work.
J. KIEFFER has just returned from Phil
adelphia witkan'additional supplytof fresh
DRUGS, which in connection with trti fernier
stock will make his cEtablisliment etlmplete in
this department.
In addition to the above ho has also opened
fresh supply of Confectionaries, Fruit, Nuts,
Pasets and Fancy Articles of every &scrip.
tien. The altention•of the Ladies is especially
invited to his extensive assortment of Fancy
Amides, 'Ladies Toilets', Fancy Soaps and
Perfumes of every variety.
Gentlemen are - invited to examine his fine
assortment of Fancy A rticles—Segars, China
and Porcelain Pipes, Tobacco of all kinds,
Shaving and 'rollout Soaps onmperior quality,
Canes, Riding and Carriage -Whips, and many
other articles which more especially inter° t
iientlemen. A number of superior 11,Voollen
Matte on band.
Th * o proprietor will be very -happy to have
his friends cal' and examine his goods whether
they may wish to purchase or not.
July 6 1853 B KIEFFEEL
dr4l EORGE KELLER respectfully announ.
Ulices to his old Patrons and the public gem
• ernlly that he has just received the
MEN'S' HATS, Manufactured at
. 7 ! .11 1 one of the best establishments to
` t i'*— • Philadelphia, to which he invites
special attention.
He has also conetantly on hand a large and
varied assortment of his dwn manufacture as
well as city made
suitable for.he sonson,compristng every vari
cyt of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk Hots,
finished'in the latest style, together with a lull
assortment of Caps of every shape and dos.
cription, and at every price.. He particularly
invites the public to call and examine his exten
sive assortment, which in style, material and
:finish, cannot be surpassed - 1)y any in Market,
and which h,g is able to put at prices lower than
ever. I):TRetnembor his old on North
Hanover street, between Humor's and Sener's
sto-o.' • (June .
EdEIVED tlfls'clay, direct from Cincinna,
11 - 11 ti, it lull supply of the following cclebra r
led 'brands:
100 Sugar'Cured Davis & Co's Beef Hams,
100 " " Gardner,Phipp & Co's Hifmel .
100 " " Dalai° Westphalia dt •
This list brand mined dm Price Medal atAtie
London World's Fair. Also 'a lorge supply of
Country Hams, Bacon, Shoulders and Sides all
Of which will-bo sold very low for cash.
r • Grocer.
Juno 21,1853
TILE unlersignedAtre now prepared to freight
merehandize from
Philadelphia and
" v iilC-I" 427" • Baltimore, at re
lueed rates, with r. ,J .. rity and despatch.
DE 'Oil S.
Treed, Wnrd & Freed, 315 Market Street,
1 1. 11. Barnttz 76 North Street, Baltimore.
Ilichnal Herr, North Street, Baltimore.
ap226m J. tc D. _RHOADS.
subscriber offers for solo the FR.AME
ll USE and Lot, 22 font front by 240 feet
a depth, now oactiPied by David Smith, Esq.,
i East. Main street. Tho dwelling contains
fight coiled, room, including double i!nrlo . a
'mantled is a cistern, amok° house and stable
'or further information apply to , •
. ;
Sep 21 tf Agt for ra AntfDay.
rauxT, CAIEDLES,;43itc.
~F4IIIILY parties Sabbath Schools and Pio
1;•a parties in going io the country will do well
'calling at the • cheap Drug. Store of D, J.
llictrar,twhere they, can be supplied with or.
lola RV the lowest rates and of the boat qua'-
, CANDLES—retail priee t. ",2Cr eentetper
, A ganoral aiertment.:of:Pritent Mad.
o..oCoonkatantly on hand. jy2o
Cider Preen,even if the apples were ground m finely ad ma
the 'mut...reKt Mill; and if the apples were merely crushed,
as on the Nut Machine, it would require a pressuro of one
hundred tons to produce-the result acaomplished by Ude
Patent Mill. The following may be adduced ad the decided
advantages of this Mill.
First—lt will make more Cider than any other Press, will,
n given quantity of apples, In a given time; and with muck
loss labor and expense:
Third—You can maim the Cider aa you want it, and when
you want it—and In quantitlee O'rout one gallon to 0 or 10
barrels: )
Fourth—With It you can pram your Currants, Cliental,
Berries, Chem, Butter, Lard, and Tallow.
Flllh.-With it you can SO SO one-fourth of your
time in making Apple-butter.
Sixth—With its use you can at all tuna have Frank
and Sweet Cider.
With an the advantages resulting from the possession and
use of such a machine—at a price so low that it la within
the reach of all—can it ho that any intelligent Farmer°
would do without It?
Do you wish to have in yourhonse at ell times Cider that
Is sweet and fresh, the only Limo it Is really healthy and fit
ihr use—and do you wish , to save a great portion of the
hard labor attending the making of
Apple-butter t If so, buy this machine, and our word
for It, you will not ho disappointed.
This Mill to Warrant.' superior to any other portable
Mill in existence, and the Proprietor IS ready at any time,
(on ihir notice being given,) to teat it with any Portable
Mill that la not an infringement on it.
Partners, examine this newly IMPROVED
MILL, before you buy any other.
One great advantege of this machine over all others, Is,
that it trill not choke up, and hard or soft apples
can be ground, and yet the Cylinders will always remain
clear and In grinding order.
All orders will he filled in the order In which they are,
received, and all persons Wanting them would do well to
send their orders early, and state et, what limo they want
the 11111 sent.
Thin Mill, attended by 2 men, will, when properly worked
according to direction n, make 0 to 12 barrels of elder a day—
and will grind alone by horse-lower from 100 to 300 bunhela
of apples n day.
Int. The Price of the Mill is $4O, free of freight.
ilAnntenuno, PA., May, 1653. W. 0. 111010/C.
the District Overt of the Eastern District of Perssylrasia.
THE aubscribera, in addition to their omen-
sive Grocery, have connected therewith an
SEED STORE, I 10, Market street, near tho
railroad, Harrisburg, Pa., and aro Itprenared to
fill all orders, by wholesale and retail, of all
kinds 'of Agricultural Implem nts, Vegetable
and Flower Seeds, ,Yee. Country merchants
with reasonable discounts to sell again.
Horse-powers and threshers, wheat-drillls
and seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultiva
tors, fodder, hay, and straw-cutter , grain fans
corn shelters, vegetable cutters, hand grain
mills, clover shelters, horse rakes, churns,grind
'atones and improved hangings, hay, straw and
manure forks, farmer's boilers, or yokes and
bow, patent bow pins, cow chains, spades, hoes
and rakes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, grain
cradles, seythesand sop hestones, potato° drags
post augurs, area -and hatchets, grain bags,
grain measures, garden trow Is, priming and
budding knives, grass and grain sickles, screw
wrenches, pincers and gimblets, rat and mole
traps, cattle cards and horse brushes, curry
coati's, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees,
guano, plaster, poudrette, bone
den, field and flower seeds.
A leo, a large and fresh assortment of GRO
CERIES, TEAS, &c., all cheap for cash.
in - Grain and produce of all kinds received
n exchange for implements.
April I 3,1853.—1 y ' '
Zormans Celebrated Tooth Wash
Tvaluable preparation has long been used
_IL in New York and Philadelphia. where it has
attained an immense popularity, for cleansing,
preserving and heautifyink the teeth: It -is 1111
excellent remedy for sorc.soft or-bleeding.(lums.
It also imparts a delightful freshness to the mouth
and agreeable odor to the breath.'
R e ad the fallowaig from Dr.'2llurray.
" I can, with the utmost confidence, recom
mend to - the puhlic, Zerman's Anti-Scorbutle
Tooth Wash as the beet in use. In my practice
as a Dentist, I have used and recommended it for
me last five years, and 1111VC 101111(1 it to glee sat-
li i stliction in every instance, as the Wash does not
—tintsin acid, or anything injurious to the teeth or
gums; but, on the contrary, is the hest antiseptic
n the practice, and therefore, would recoil - knew,
lie use of it, not only to those who wish to pre
. servetheir teeth and gums, and have a wholesome
ihrestli, but also to those who have diseased gums
toy teeth. The use of thin IVosh, fora short time,
will insure a return to their healthy state.
_No 61, S. Eleventh St., below Chestnut Phil's.
• lir. Hendel, of Carlisle , says ;—“ Mr. Zer
man, 1 am well pleased with your Tooth Wash :
it not only cleanses and whitens the teeth without
iitinring them ,but it cureasomor bleeding gums.
I cheerfully recommend it to the profession and
public, as the very best prepaption that can be
used for cleansing and preserving the teeth,
s healing the gums, and giving sweetness to the
breath. fte.
JOHN W. HENDEL, Surgeon Dentist.
Price 25 cents per. bottle. Prepsred only
-'Penneis Zeman, Druggist and Chemist, corner
of Ninth and Catharine streets, Philadelphia.
For sale by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, Carlisle,
Pa octl3
wITICH surpasses in quantity quality and
prices antaliat has ever yet been opened
in.Carlisle, consisting of the greatest variety
of all kinus or ilardwaro, such as, Shoe Fin
dings, Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, Paints,
Dile, Varnish, Glass. Nails, Files, Anvils,
Vices, Bellows, Springs, A xels, Bows, Foliose,
Voucers, Cedarware, .forming Utensils, Bar
and Rolled lroti, &c., with 'a thousand
more articles unmentionable.
Having purchased largely of Heavy Goods
, previous to the advance in prices, I am enabled
to sell goods at cldprioes. Persons in want of
Hardware ar c . invited io call and examine nip
geode and hear my prices, and you will be sat.
isfiod where the Cheap . Hardware is to be bad.
1:0•11 , 1y stock of WALL PAPER is nnap
prolched by any in the Borough.
Thankful for the former liberal patronage, a
continuance of the same is solicited by
West Side of ,North Hanover Street.
rollE subscriber is just now receiving and
E. opening an unpnrolleled assortment of
WALL PAPERS. Those desirous of trans
forming the interiors of their old dwellings
into now ones, and giving additional embol
ishments to their new ones, at a comparative
ly trilling cost, will do wall io call and examine
for I can sell them from 61 els upwards. Re
membre the old stand, East Matti at opposite
Ogilby's Store. BY the way: I would say to
those who ales wont to improve the exterior of
their houses, that I cau furnish them with
• -
Wetherill'e pure and fresh ground White Lead,
.together with various other •colours, blue, or
at,go, yellow. various - shades ofgreen, ar,e:, in
short everything', calculated tb adorn and dee- .
orate your niansicins. • '
• tnar 2 ..BEN,RY,SAX.T.ON
Corner. of lanover and .iouther ate.,
yinliE undersigned has tilwaye on hand alerge
stock of superior • Cabinet Ware. in all the
different styles, which he is prepared 'to sell at
the lowest prices. Ife invites attention panic.
ularlyto the Patent Spring , llattotit Bedstead, n
most useful artiele';•'which entirely' obviatee all
objections. The bottom can be attached bold
• Bedsteads. They, have given entire eatiefac.
(len tp . who have them in mill.
acre° FFINS• made to order atthe shortest
notice. • 1, , , , • '2'. ..
•ICarliajo JaVy. 99,4851.-11.
, iitncclCaueous.
South Hanover Street, Near the Court Houle.,
LPJ. KIEFFER, druggist, would respect-
LP . fnll y. inform the ettixene oli,Earhele and
vicinity that he has opened a now
• His stock isontirely new, and has been soles.
- ted - with - grearcarli, — As - manrortg - e - iiiicles
II daily use by•physicians
. and families detcris
'rate by age and expoduce,:great care will be
taken not to allow such articles to accumulate
.0 such quantities. •
Attention is especially invited to his stock of
Medicines, Essemial Oils, Oils; Tinctures,
WilICB, Extracts, Cussiectiewt, Gbemicale, •
he. Together: with the above he has a lull ,
tamortment of Paints, Varnishes, Wye-Stuffs,
Paint and Varnish Brushes', and
of overy variety. lid has aka on hand a epic
did amortment of
Perfumeries, 'Soaps, Extracts, Fancy, Hair.
Clothes and Fleah Brushes,Supporters,
Breast Exhatisters, Nippe Shields, -
Too,h Washesand Pastel , also
of the best quality. SEGARS, from the best
Havana and Spanish houses, of every flavor,
from one cent upwards.
In order to ensure hie customers against
mistakes during any temporarny absence of
the proprietor, the services of nn experienced
and competent assistant have been secured,
Which will be fait to be important, in view of
iheresponaibilities which aro known to devolve
upon-the druggist.
wil be faithfully and promptly attended to.—
Orders from Physicians and Merchants in the
country will be filled with - care, and at prices
which must prove'satialiactory.
N B.—All' officinal preparations made in
strict 'accordance with'tho directions of the U.
S. Pharmacopoeia.
A liberal share of public patronage is res
pectfully solicited. Tertbs Cash.
May 11. 1853, B. J. KIEFFER.
Through by Express,.
attx : We have been using your MEXICAN
MUSTANG LINIMENT with the moat per
fect Success. One of ohr most valuable Express
horses , had been much tronbled by large swellings
or tumors on the fetlocks; they had grown lar
ger than hen's eggs. Besides being disfigured
by these appendages, the lintbs , tand joints tip
pe tred quite stiffened. swollen and lame. We
had tried many Liuments and other remedlei f
but nothing appeared to produce any effect upon
them'. We would willingly HAVE GIVEN
W ENT Y -1 , 1 V E DOLLA RS to have had them
removed, and the horse restored to soundrtems.
Our hostler obtained some of your Liniment, and
applied it without knowledge. A few days ago
he called our attention to the horse, and to our
surprise and gratification, his legs were perfectly
LI DISAPPEARED! We asked him by what
magic he had effected such a refilarkable cure 1
I Ifs re.plv was that he had been using.the MUS
TANG-I.lNi M ENT on them about of
and the result was the entire removal of the tu
rners without producing any soreness of leaving
We thcrefcre take great pleasure in recom
mending the' Liniment, and shall continue to use
it• whenever occasion requires, in preference to
any nth preparation, so lung as it produces such
remarkable results.
dune 30;1052. KINSLEY Ee CO,:
Southern toil Engem expresp,No 1 Wall al
corner of Broadway, New
Since the above certificate was given, Messrs
Kinsky & Co have informed us,that one of his
tit Ivor* was thrown from.his wagon in the upper,
part of the city, and very badly bruised, the
wagon pawing over his body. tk was taken into
a,Dector's o ff ice close by, and rHE PHYSIC
LINIMENT, as he had recently tried it in a
similar case witb great success. He did so, and
all the soreness, lameness, and stiffness was re
moved, so that the next day he was about his
business sensual.
Wc take great pleasure in recommending the
our friends and customers. as the best article we
have ever used for sores, bruises, sprains. or
gelds in horsei. We have used it extensively
and•always effectually. Some of bur men have
also used it for severe bruises and sores, as well
as rheumatic pains, and they all say it acts like
magio—we can only say that we haTe abandoned
the use ashy office Liniment,
.1. M. HEWETT,
Stable. Keeper to the American Express Co.'
and (or Haruden's Express."
We hereby certify that we have used the com
pound known as the MUSTANG LINIMENT
and have no hesitation in recommending it as the
beet article we hive ever used for the cure of
sprains, galls, cute. bruises, &c on horses. All
who doubt this, will please call on the undersign
ed, and they will be happy to afford all other
information in their power as regards its efficacy,
&c. LUTZ. DA LL & CO.,
Proprictore'Manbattaa Stage Co
Extract from n letter dated
SACUAMINTO CITY, Cal. Aug. 15, 185 g.
I believe the MUSTANG LINIMENT most
an excellent artiste. My wale brought ft'abisple
ot bottles which l must - lima you tor.
Since she came here, MY HORSE FELL
DOWN WITH ME;and injured me consider.
ably, but broke no bones. I had recourse to the
.Mustang, and the relict; and in fee. cure was
astonishing. (Signed) D RANSOM.
Extraet from ■ letter dated
I'ITTSBUIQ, Octe;ber sth, 18S2:
Another circumstance which 1 noticed a few
days ago, I thott A ld spoke highly of the virtues
of the Mustang. Being in the office of a Visysi
elan of high standing, I noticed as he opened •
door of his book•case. several bottles of Mum : -
tang, alongside of which was an nstrrir Mustang
boitte,and a two ounce preseri ption vial FILLED
was the following' directions : Rub the throat
well night and morning with the Liniment, and
wrap a woolen cloth around it."
WILLIAM 11. BRETZ, Agents for Carlisle.
General Depot, No. 5, Phoenix Block, corner
2cl and Dock streets, Vhsladelphia.
A. 0. ANDREWS Gen. Agent.
Segars and tobacco.
Persons feeling themselvee disikiac' to in
dulge in wind slogan are requested 4o call at
the Drug Store of B. J. KIEFFER, where
they mar obtain an - article which, he hesitates
not to recommend as being the beet in Carlisle,
Persons visiting Carlisle should not leave be
fore taking a glance at D.J. Kieffer's Drug'and
Chemical Store, South Hanover street. Ile has
on hand a variety of fancy articles, such as
hair, lint, clothes; flesh and tooth' brushes; co •
logne bottles, furniture dusters, portfolios', note
paper, worked and card briskets, visiting cards
and caves, a fine variety of fans, accurdeons,
&c. The !adios ore invited to call and examine
superior snails. Call soon, as he is determined
to soil bargains. B. J. KIEFFER.
July 20, 1153. , S. Hanover et.
31:181T RECEIVIM !
tiPRIME article of Sugar J Raisins at 181
cents per pound, Bunch do, a good article,
at 15 'cents,
Citrons, Mace, Spices, Brandies, Lemons : 9
Oranges, Preserved Fruits, Dates,
Sugared and Dried Prunes, Figs,
Tamarinds, Crackers, &ci &c,
in connection viith all kinds of Confectiona
rice, all of which will' be disposed of oto he
most accommodating terms. •
June 1 , 1552 11. J. KIEFFER.
(Jaya and Maracaiba Coffees, Green and
Roasted do., Or!cane and Clarafied
Brown Sugars, Pulverized, Crushed' and
Loaf do, Solt Crushed (preserving) do.
Rica, Farina and Corn Starch.
Cocon, Chocolate, Vanilla Bean,
Mace, Citron, with .itfeverylcind,
. .
Sporm, Mold,- Adamantine. Candles,
Orisons and Sugar If. Syrup Malamute,
l'fLovering's finest qiinlity Syrup..
gtrA fresh assortment of all the above arti
cles, and a:general supply or other articles
usually kept by us, all just opened and for sale
at our. new store rooms.
June.B, 1853 . T. W. EB Y.
Window Shades, Carpets 'anti, Oi
. , <_—Oleths.
A'l' 22$$ North 2d Streot, .above:101. o
, Philadelphia; would, moat reapoothlt
ly call the _attention of, his (Honda and the
patlic!' in goneraielo his large and Avail ae.
elected stock of earpett„ . Oil Cloths, Matting's,
Wiadoia Shades, I)aar Slab. Rode, Pi.
•ano Covets, Covert. coeoti .111 attinqr, from
wido, for Public Home, Counting
1i0n,,,. &o.
Alao—to my branckStore.'l3o,Elmingl Gar.
don.Screot, above ptb • ! a
.tors Sr- -
3011-N D. ib.OI2GA,
1V 0 . 1 , 1.12 n i d n . fo t rr i rg hooafttatViifTnihactnrh,
on Stain, has now
street • next door to Marion Hall, the largest
nd moat complete assortment of
io bo found in titre county. sr Va . will he sold
at tho lowest prices for cash or approved credit.
this stock consists of a large assortment Cl mat
and highly approvdd
Finished in the most complete mariner, and
calculated for either wood or coal or both. All
the old standard patterns, which have stood the
teat of et:perinea, may be found at his eatab•
lishment. Alpo a areal variety of the most ap
proved and beautiful
Including a number of now styles, possessing
very superior advantages over those heretofore
in non. Families end housekeepersare rospcct•
fully invited to givo hitn a call before macho
sing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to uny part
of the county and put up at the shortest notice.
He continues to do al, kinds of
and Copper work, and has constantly on hand
or u ill make to order every article required by
housekeepers or whets in this line. His stock
of Tin and Copper-ware embracer.• every kind
of household and kitchen utensil, warranted
equal to the beat manufactured. Persona in
wont of articles in his line may always be sure
of being accomodated to their satialaction by
giving him a call. n [Octl9
• -
Cheap Watches JP Jewelry.
as \ at the .. Philadelphia Watch
t io
' g h..l and Jewelry Store," Number
96 North Second Street, corner
.',2' of Quarry, Philadelphia.
;'.:7,1 , iiiiii Gold Lever Watches, full
'.... ,- ' ol, ' , '•;Se?-' jewelled, 18 carat cases; $20,00
Gold Lepine ? 18 carat MOOS, $24 00'
Silver do jewels, 9 00
Silver Lever, full j welled, 12 00
Superior Quartiers 7 00
Gold Spectacles, .. 7 00
' Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 50
Gpld Bracelets, S 00
Ladies' Gold Pencils, 1 00
Silver Tea Spoons, set, 5 00
Gold Pens with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00
Gold Finger Rings 371 cents to $8 ; Watch
Glasses, plain, 12} cents ; Patent; 181 ; Lunot,
95 ; other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be what they are sold for.
Emptily Succesiors ta 0. Conrad.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and
Lepines, still hovrer - than the above prices.
No. 4, North Eighth Street, Phila.
V. DEPUY returns his thanks to his nu
e" incrous customers in Cumberland county
for their liberal patronage duriug the r lsst sea
son, and is now prepared to supply them at
reasonable prices, with every description of
Fancy Dry Goods. His stock comprises a fif
assortment of
Rich Plaid Silks
Brocade do
Plain do
Changeable do
Satins and Flo ren 'c
Parrs l e Beges
. _
Fine French Merinoes
Rich Plaid Cashmeres
Paris Mous de Laines
Plain, all Wool ,do
Cheap de Laines .
Imported Gingham'
nols and Sackings.
ill widths of the BEST
Shawls tMnntillae, - Rib.
, Cloaking Clothe, Ike.,
Embroidered Collars
Sleeves Chemizetteo
Also. n lull lino ?1,..
Tll, A-G K-SILES-oirrth'
bons, Cloaks, Yolvets
in great variety.
His goods ere bough
first hands.
t loss, in large lots, from
, 7. V:tOEPUY.
.7171.1" US STERN,
No. 171 North 2d street,. opposite the Came
- Hotel„ Philadelphia.
fI rgAVING in Store a full and extensive as
sort ment.of Millinery article*, Trimmings.
and Fancy Goods, such as Ribbonds, Laces.
Blond, Gismo Silks, Florence', Bonnet Frames,
and a large as•ortment of Needla•werked
Collars, Cape, Flounces, Inserting., edgings,
&c., togerher.vith a groat variety of other ar
ticles in our line too numerous to mention, at
N. B. t request all stieh alert *bent making
their purchases to give me a cell. Isep2B2m
MANUFACTURED and for tale by ELI
KRUPP, No 639, North Third street,
ladeloldst,is warranted to render entire satin.
fitction, and is beyond doubt the ilt.lll and most
wholesome preparation of Coffee ever known.—
One package at 121 cents WILL SAVE four
pounds of ordinary Coffee. Try it and be con
vinced. A number of Essence• of Coffee were
deposited at the Franklin Institute in 1051.. and
the Judges decided Krupp'. to be THE REST
in the exhibition. Friends, it you wish to enjoy
a good, cheap and healthy Gap of Coffee proenre
Krupp's Fssenee of Co - ffee. It is for sale by
nearly all the principal Grocer, and Druggists
throughout the United States.
April 20,1853.
Located No 171,_ al t s ore Street, Baltimore. Ma.
The ostensible object of this Inatittition hero
place in the reach of individuals proper facili
ties for obtaining a thorough and practical
Mercantile Education. Nothing indeed La*
been omitted•that is calculated to produce am
The rooms of the College are well fitted up,
conveniently arranged, and situated -in the
most desirable part of the City. 'C'onnected
thereto is a Commercial Library, and
connection with familiar Lectures on Commer
' cial Law and Mercantile Science, is a mxttei
of the higheatimportance to all who desire to.
ecome Ac'countanta of the first order, and ec
cupy stations of profit and responsibility. A,
young man can here obtain a more cart Oct
knowledge et general business matters in
few weeks than can be acquired in as many
years in , any ono Counting Rood].
The Sours° of study embraces Double Entry
Book keeping, and its adaptation to various
departments of Commerce and Trade. Mercau
tile calculations taught according to the most
approved methods. Practical Penmanship, com
bining rapidity of execution with beauty of
construction. Lectures on Mercantile' Law,
upon various important Mercantile subjects
beside many other points necessary fora book,
!Limper or business men to understand. The
tints necessary for an indwitrious student to
complete the courts varies from 5 to 8 weeks.
There being no vacation, applicants can enter
at any time, and attend both day and evening.
Exnminations are held at stated porioda and
Diplomas awarded to those who g - aduate.
For terms, Sce. ' write and have a Circular for
warded by mail.
March, 23. 1E69; Iy. CZ
To Builders & Houskeepors.
PrIiHOSE who "are building, or• about nom.
.Inoncing housokeeping will be sure to
find ea all .timos an assortment to, select from,
Locks of oil sorts and sizes, with braes, argil.
10, mieeruland. white knobs, with. apanned or
plated furniture. butt hinges; oast and wrought,
window glass from 8:10 to 2048, holts,serewe
&o. &c. You who are about to bo marriod and,
going in housokdeidiag, wo have everything , to
please. such as fancy waiters and trays,Miry
handled. knives .and forks, in setts or by the
dozen, common knives and forks, butter knives
with plotod and ivory handlOs frying and broad
pans, smoothing irons, tubs, churn., of c.
Carnal° ; March 9,1853.
'Aro. 164 ehestitut St., Siositn's Building, Phila.
EiIXNENSIVE 'Music Publisher, and beal
-1241 er Musical Instruments of every de.
,! , ..Exelusive agent for t te sale of Ballet. Davis
El Co's Patent Suepeneiop Bridge Zolian and
L. Gilberealloudoir Pianos, Melodeons, NUN
tin's rQuitare, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music,
Music Rooks, Rte. • • • -
'Residents of the.conntry will'bo. supplied by
mail or otherwise with'musio they may wish,
an low an if • pnrebased in person._ Having one
of the largest clench in the United, Staten, II
feel confident of satisfying, all WhLt may, favor
me with a call or order! ' : '•
.Des!ors ht Music supplied on the most libera,
tempo. rianesio Ist, •:gecand-hono pi an o or
uilq. " I . • I • may 90 1853 'ly)
An Invaluable Remedy for ,alllone Dia
p,digration, Salt Rheum, Sick Ilea
ache, Canter, .111trzing Sore Mouth,
General Pe and-ca--a-
Purifier of the .IPood it is
The Rock Rose haa gained a reputation at
home and abroad. which no oilier medicine
has ever done ,in the_same length of time.
According to the opinions of eminent Physi
cians, the Rock Rase Plena is unequalled in
Curing Scrofula In its Various leornisty
(Pastor of the 2d Stylist Church, New London.
relative'so Myers' Extract Rose.
To The Anrrican Public.
As my 'name lino been used in connection
with recommendations of Mr. Mien' R,ck
Rose Syrup, in various advertisements by the
matmlbeturer, I beg leave to make the follow
ing statement • ith reference to my acquaint
ance with the remedy and tests to which I have
subjected it, and the reasons for having intro
duced it to the notirciof private friends in the•
commimity in which I reside, long before the
medicine was advcirtieed. I make this state
ment freely; because I have, as a principle,
withheld my name from all patent medicines,
and sedulously abstained trom'recommending
them to the -public, believing them frequently
the spawn of quackery and humbug, and as
tending to Increase, instead of leavening human
disease and snaring. Such, I tear, is the
character of a large portion of the patent pans
coats of this medicine making age. "Their
name is legion," and from their influence, sa
from the demoniacal spirits, wo have reason
to pray for a safe deliverance.
The First Test.-1 had myself suffered oc
casionally with sudden attacks of Sick Head
ache, and Billiton Diarrhea, and I had sought
a great variety of curative agents to but little
purpose; and suffering from this disease (diar
rhea) at this time, I determined to teat the new
Syrup first upon myself. The results wore be
yond my expectations: It was a powerful
alterative, and the inorbir' action of the system
- was changed, and tlte•functions of secretion
were -restored telt healthy state. It gave tone
and elasticity to my system, and corrected the
derangement of the digestive organs, and gave
me that inestimable blessing—health. This
lest was not determined-in u week, or n month;
but I took four or five 'bottles in perhaps as
many months. Since that time I have suffer
ed but slightly from these derangements. My
Sick Headache is entirely Cured.
Other Tests.—Finding this medicine so use
ful to mysclf;.l at once gave it to several inva
lid Iriends. About this time, I was earnestly
solicited to give advice in reference to a child,
some eight years - of age. This child was
severely afflicted with a Scrofula homer, of a
very severe type, tho humor showing itself on
all parts of the surface, and then suddenly dis
appearing. The child was very sick, anti it
was thought doubtful whether she would live,
The humor resembled.blimlmipeeks of mortified
flesh. In addition to Immo other remedies,
gave the child this Syrup for about six week°,
whon alto had sufficient atrength 'to go mit to
- school - occasionally: Theswelling of her - limbs
ceased, and she was restored to health. The
family feel that they owe her life, with God's
blessing, to mrsemedies.
'flits test satisfied me that the Rook .Rotre
possessed specific powers fur Scroful..ue 110-
more. I then tested it in cases of Cutanetous
Eruptions, in Measles, Chicken Pox, Cancsr,
Sure Mouth, Erysipelas,Salt Rheum, Piles, ha
In all these cases with perfectaucceos. Aft
testing this Syrup for more thin a' year, I
wrote Mr. Myers (October 7th, 1850) enthusi•
rustically, not expecting my letter would be
published, that his Syrup was a " Pankorite,"
all.healing, and I gave him the result of
operations in several instances. I stated in
that letter that" it was invaluable as a remedy
in Cutaneous Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt
Rheum, and ether diaordera, included in the
varied family of diseases khown as Scrofula,
&c.: that in Dyspepsia it acted with wonder
ful efficacy." My epinion of its value for the
above named diseases, remain unchanged, and
the same as when I wrote Mr Myers in Oct.
1860. .1 do not recommend it for all the ills
. of our suffering humanity ; but I unhesitating
ly any, that as a remedy for Scrofulous affec
tions I believe it superior to any known cura
tive agent.
It has been sufficiently tooted by domestic
practice to establish its adoption to extensive
usefulness in mitigating human !suffering and
removing diseases.
But What is the Rock Rose ?
The 'following history of the Rock Rose
plant ■nd its medicinal properties, we take
from the New. Haven Palladium, March 11352.
v. The increased interest manifested in the
Rock Rose plant, in consequence of the many
wonderful cures effected by- Myers' Compound
i , xtract of Rock Rope,' calls for • brief history
of it, in order to correct any errone . Is opin.
ion, that may have been entertainede oncern
ing it ; and also to set in a true - light the na
ture of a plant which promises to be. univer
sally beneficial.
"We aro indebted to the United States DIP
?minatory of 1847, for the follow ing es ern
lion of it:
" ' It is entirely different froin the common
Rose. It is a red-stommcd, oblong leaf plant,
having a bitter taste. In addition to remark
able peculiarity of the plant, of bearing two
crape of flower. in one seaeon, it also has ano
ther interesting and beautiful prciperty. .
Dr. Eaton says, that in the months of No
vember and December, be has scan hundred.
of these plants, mending out near their roots,
broil, thin, curved ice crystals, about an inch
in breadth: which melted during the day, and
wee. renewed in the morning. For a more
minute and authentical description of it, the
reader is referied to Toney and Gray's Bota-n
-leaf works.
Its Medical History and Properties
Are far the moat important, since upon these
depends its value to the community. Dr, Lou
don ■ays that in 1799, it way so valuable in
England, that it was cultivated from nada.
Ever since 1806, Professor Ives of Yale Col
lege, has habitually used it with-great succuec
n Scrofula and Chronic diseases, and through
him its virtues were made known, until, as Dr.
Tyler says, " it is bow in this section (New
Haven) a common article in domestic practice
for the cure of Scrofula and Cutaneous die.
Dr, Whitlaw,'n Botanist of notoriety,
while travelling in America in 1814, learned
ha use in Canada. Returning to England, he
employed it in medicating his bathe, which
became . grentlir celebrated for the cure of simi
lar disposes.
Dr. J. li. Thompson, of the same place, pre
scribed it in bad oases of Scrofulous patients
at Wills' Hospital. Hie success attracted the
attention of senior physicians, Ile reports the
following remarkable case of white swelling of
the hip, in February, 1814 :—Tlio lad wa■
seven- yeais old, and had the disease three
years. Tho bone WOO dislocated both upward
end outward. There was a large opening in .
the hip leading to the bone; into which I could
thrust my finger. I counted three ulcers. He
had been under several physicians, who had
given hiin up, I ordered a decoction of Rock
Jose. In two days his night sweats ceased •
I then ordered a teaspoonful of Rock hose three
Omen a day. Thirty nine days after ho was
entirety wall.
' Dr. Wehb, of Madison, Ct., testifies to the
value of Rock Rose, as evinced in the cure,tri
numerous eases of the !erofuls, or4aiolly t iti
Manufactured by W'm Franklin,& Co., Neir
Raven, Ct. . •
ir Mr. Warren, though a minister-of the gos
pel, has fur a period urf.s years, given atton.
tion to the subject of medical science, to gust
ily biotic, edminlsterte the sick; in connection
with his pastoral duties. . .
New London. April 2, 184
Agents rn Cumberland County.-S. W. Haw
erntielt, S. Elliott and, W.'A• Hclso, •rile;
HaYeratick & Strohm, Kingstown; S laher,
Mechanicsburg ;,'M.; Shiremanstown;
Eppley & Erna, Cedar Spring; J . Ingham
Storrett'a Gap ; Thomas (Dneen., • Plainfichl
3. H. Heron, Newville; Wileb,Gteen
Spring ;; Wherry Eisenhower, 1 , ?9,1,,burg IW..
D. E. HaYs;' Shippenshiwg ; Enamel
Diekinann ; Aleitander & - Mullen. DepeTtown
Dr: L. IV ; LinhCi,'Cliurch town. '
L4ke's Vegetable -Oorepomad,
-18-performinr-more wonderful min. than any
other medicine yet known or Before the public.
'l'lte proprietor has In his itoslessiott numerous
certificate - s, neteratitth' the
- Asfonishing and Miraculous Cures!
effected by this medicine, and directs at it at ion to
the Iblloaing only, to assuee those alto are so nn_
fortunate to be pH - Hated n ith 'the territtlt disease
heretofore regarded incurable, that Letice's pre_
From Mrs. Tirocks, widow of Maj. Jas. Ifrooks,
Into of Cooticatit, U.
ONNET, Feb. 9
Mr. Z. CANE—Sir C : Please AU send me 1111 8 01 her
bottle of Fit 111edicine, as I (to not like to
without it on hand. When I commenced gising
the medicine to my son Edgar, lie,had from one
to three fits per day. He lois now taken the me:.
(Heine over live !mouths, and has had, I think, but
two fits in that role, and (hose very light. His
body and mind are very ninth improved ; and by
,the blessing 01 God, I feel that the medicine will
restore his body and mind to their wonted activi
ty. Ile is 28 years old, and has had fits over 12
years, clutch have been very frequent, and very
destructive to los constitution and mind. Hun
dreds Of dollars have been expended for medicine
to "cone errs," Iput nothing has relieved him un
til he used your medicine. ResPectfully yours,
From Judson Landon, County Superintendent of
the AslitalVa
_County Infirmary.
KINGSVILLE, Feb. 4, 1853.
Mr Z. LANE—Sir: Please send a few more
bottles of yclur "Fit Medicine;'' I may not need
it, but think safer to keep it on hand. you r me.:
(Heine has done wonders. I gar, it to Miss Jane
Delano; she has bad fits tor.2ti years, brought nn
by having the measles when 101 l fumy ears old,
which could not be brought out to the surface.—
After taking 'the medicine a few days, eriE lIAD A
PINE CROP OP ATEA 51,05, and has had no fits since.
She had fits or symptoms almost daily. She and
her father concur with me in saving that we be
lieve the medicine has or will work a perfect cure,
I also gave the medicine to Miss Jane linnelet,
so n and A ris Cechy, whbtliNve had fits almost
daily, for a number of years Their Ilk have
ceased, and I believe the medicine will have the
desired ehect. 'Much money 11115 been expended
by the friends of the above patients for doctoring, -
all to no purpose. The cure" was left for your
medicine to perform, and I can cheerfully recom
mend it ns a valuable (Tiscovely. Respectfully
• Superintendent Ashtabula Co. infirmacv.
Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. LAYS,
Conneaut, 011io.
E F WELLER, traveling agent:
Sold by S W klaverstick, Carlisle ; E H
Thomas, Mechitniesburg ; D W Gross, Harris
burg. oct 5-1 y•
Beecher's llfatchless Cordial.
THIS medicine has neve, known to fail in
curing Cholera Alorbus, in from 10 to 15
minutes; Cholera Infnntum, or rummer. com
plaints of children, Dysentery, Diarrhea, &c.,
in from le to 24 hours. It is cm lain and safe
under all circumstances, having been fairly
tested in upwordslof four hundred cares with
out a single failure. Let every family provide
itself , with-m- least -one-bot t le - ot this invalaable
remedy. Try it, and it will recommend itself.
It is prepared upon purely scientific principles,
and cannot be justly termed a yrrath medicine,
unless science be quackery. For sale by
B. J.KIEFFER, Druggist,
South Hanover Street,
A few doors south of the Court 'reuse,
June 32, 1833. • Carlisle.
.Y, foe 9.5 cents ' by means
APIUS, or, Every One
—The thirty-sixth Edi
ion, with one hundred en
ravings, showing Private
liseases and Malforma
ions of the Generative
vs(cm, in every shape
td form : to which is nd.
Diseases of Females, in.
vales only (see page 190),
mg 0.... e oigi, ,mportsnee to married peo
ple, or those contemplating marriage. W M.
YOUNG, M. D. Graduate oldie University cf
Pennsylvania, Member of the Hoye! College of
Surgeons,,London,and Honorary Number of the
Hhiludelphia Me diens society. The various
forms of .S'eeret Diseases, Seminal Weakness,
Disease, of the Prostrate Gland, Impotency, soli.
tary habits of youth, are faithfully described, and
all the recipes given in plain language. The
chapter on selfsnbuse and Seminal Weakness is
worthy of prrticular attention, and should be read
by every one. -Young men who have been unfor
tunate in contracting disease, previous to placing
yourselves under the care of any doctor, no max.
ter what his pretensions may be, get a copy of
of this truly valuable work.
Sea Captains and persons going to sea, should
possess Dr. Youtg's Treatise on Marriage, the
Pocket lEscplapius, or Every. one His own Phy
ter Let no father be ashamed to present a
copy of the lEsculapius to his el Bd. It may
save him from an early grave. Let no young
man or woman enter into the secict oblications
of married life, withont reading the pocket Hiss
culapius. -- Let no one suffering from a backnied
cough, pain in the side, restless nights. nemous
feelings, and the whole train of-Dyspeptic 5013:1••
lions, and given up by their physician, be an.
other moment without consulting the dEscala.
dins. Have the married or those about to be
married any impediment, read this wily useful
Book, as it has been-the means of saving thou
sands of unfortunate creatures Iron, the very
jaws of death. Upwards of'n MILLION copies
of this celebrated work has been sold in this
country and Europe since 1838, when the first
edition was issued.
03 Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE
cents enclosed itr p n letter.will receive one copy
of this book by Mail; or five copies will be sent
for $l. Address Dr. WILLIAM YOUNG,„
No. 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia," l'ost
ga ,
Twenty year prnctice in the city of Philiniel
hin certainly entitles Dr. Vining to the confi-
d once of the afflicted, and be may' be consulted
on any of the diseases described in his different
dublications, at his office 159. Spruce Street,
every day between 9 and 5 o'clock, (Sunday?, ca..
cepted) and persons at any distance can consult
Dr. Young by letter, POET ram.
40.113ERT B. SMILEY,
North Ilanover Street, and next door to Glass's
THE undersigned would respectfully inform
the citizens of Carlisle and the public gener
ally, that he now has on hand a largo and ele
gant assortment of tIIERNITCRE, consisting
in part of Wardrobes, Card and oiler Tables,
Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain aiid-fancy „
Sewing Stands, &c. manufactured of the best
material and quality warranted.
Also a general assortment of CHAIRS at'
the lowest prices. Venitian Blinds made to
order, and repairing promptly attended-to.
0:7-Coffins made at the ehortest4iotice, t and
having:a splendid hearse Ito will attend funer
als in town or country.
t XTßettember the stand— next door to H.
Glass's Hotel. nov24 R. B. SMILEY.
.1.71" D LOT
•'II.IE subscriber offers for sale the BRICK
HOUSE and Lot, 25 feet front by 240 It deep,
now occupied by Mr. Henry in North
Hanover street. The house and all the im
provements are nearly new. The dwelling
contains thirteen celled rooms, including dou
ble parlors.- Attached is a °lawn. Bmoko
House and Stable. For further information
apply next door to aid-premises to
Jule 13 1853 Agent.
H 'Cr ..di?Lrai39
.11:11t. O. 13.-
OFFJCE in North linnovoretreot ndjoinirg
Air. Wolf's more. Office hoursonore pnr—
ticuitirly from 7to 9 o'clocik. A.M.. and I tom 7 o'clock. P. M. riuncl&-51
oeFF,rts hie Moroseional - eervicen to the
people 61 DiekinGon jownehip, And vicinity,
Residenee;—on the Walnut Bottom Road, one
m ili, cast orCentroville, feb2lypd
• .
0. 2. COLE, .., ' ' •
AT T It NEYAT L A W,•w.ill *Mena
„promptly to ell bueinees entrusted to him.
01 coin the room itirmerlyi;Joceuipiell by Wit.
Dom Irvine, Esq. North liatimerS.t . Cerliele.
Aprillo, 1854.1. .. . ._ .