Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 12, 1853, Image 4

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.warti ST, Zlpps.
"Saxton Zeads the Cullman."
A FTER days and nights of unceasing toil
(I...and troubro I have succeeded in marking
am arranging ray new stock of HA It t).
W A IL is , and almongh there has been a tre•
mendous rush of .customeri. who know Where
to deal on reasonable• terms, and Who appre
ciate my old habit of Selling cheap without
making much titse about, thu matter. 1 am
constantly making room or new customers to
drop in nivi examine vi hat is undenbiedly the
LA lt DES 1 . AND 13 EST assortment agoutis
ever olicred west cl Philadelphia, and embra
einj everything assullv found in a - ilardware
Stove, .irt.en a 'medic tu'an anchor, all of which
are of the hest quality aid will be sold at prices
which 'eannot Intl to give satisfaction.
I wo.ild say that my stock of cross nut. hand,
hunch ripping and buck aims, brghl,black and
blue angars,, chisels, planes:leeks, hatchets,
haves, screws, straight necked and bar-,colts,
broad, po,mting and choppiti,g nx'es, iron and
steel squares, rules, tape men urns, levels, &c,
cannot tail to , please the most fastidious.
A 11 E 8 "
C n be accominodated on the most ronsofinble
Durkee's celebrated Yeth plows at
85 37. Also Plank's, Craighead's and others'
Itt manufacturers' prices; spades, rakes, forks,
aroci mid grain scythes. (Dunn, Dar
ling make.) Patent and comma.
Baulk: of halt n dose,, different kinds. Carlin
Cr elleq,(r;rego , 's„ Flank's, and
Ura•cbich's nnikr,l at reduced rates. ; .al Isu
grin elidi n g baxes.rehain I it-tern and
pallll,, halter, breast and lug Chains, Sill
gle all-I t1..111,10 traces and spreads Cedar-ware
such as seta, backris, bowls. water kegs, to
VIIWr wide 1111 tar lagthw assortment of table
fr aud p i lint culler,', VpoOrlS, shears and serz-
Hors. e:tadlesrieks souffers,,sbavels nod tongs,
lietilet, pant, sad iron-, wsitera, brushes &c,
wh!eh w;11 be sold by Its wagon load, ton yard
bushel or in the ordi: tilt way,
Thnn coma friends, give us a call and ace
0! y o n r s e lveq t We'll wait 0n.y.,0n with pleas
ure and give' you bargifias of Which vou,Fan!t
enliplain. Remember the place,.Eastllligh
Styr ot t opprlsite Ogilby's
Jane I. 1055. HENRY SAXTON.
Preshst• spring Zupply!
v„II Votl . u I rest! : , 100( of Itled•
:sines, Palms, Glass, Oil, &,•., which
baring been fforchased with great care at the
best etty houses, I call confidently ITCUMMend
Physicians, Ct.hinfry 41cl - chants
hnd Dealers, as being fresh lufu pore.
Patent Medicines, Herbs:Led Extracts,
Fine he int eels ; Spices.veund and whole
Instruments, E , sences,
Pure Essen': Oils I Peritnocry, &c,
C:cul Liver 0.1-11"urranteri Genuine.
Log and Cam Woods,.
Uil Vitriol,
Lao Dye•
Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
Jersey Window Glass, Linseed Oil, 'rumen ,
tine, tjepal and coach Varnish, and Red Lead.
All which will be sold at the very lowest
market price, Also,n fresn and splendid as
Confectionary, and 'innumerable other articles
c 'lsolated for use and ornament, all of Mich
aro ,nllitied at the lowest cash prices, at the
cheap :Drug Rank and Fancy Store of the
settbcr on North Hanover street.
ITP , I II undersig,ned haying purchased the
.4 . right of Franklin and Cumberland coun
ti,•=. l'a , and Wtiehingion county Md. for
MILL. AN I) I' It ESS are new mainlined tiring
under the immediate ennui VIS 4111 01
Unary —liepler, n pract i(i..l ntillu't iglu. Order's
ii be r civeif and filled with protapi 1428 B
• dn.:hit:es will lie ‘sarranted.
ily this MachMC, Nyhtch can be conveyed on
a 'vile. (harrow, one man and a tinny can make
Intuit live 10 eight ban cis cider a tipy,wllll
ca,i, arid the eider is ihoroughly pre,aed Iron,
the poluntive. The joiner is light fled the ma
chines arc simple !mind permanent.
This nun Line was exhibited at lite State
Agricultural Four, si Lancaster. and tested with
several miters, and the committee awarded the
premium foal. 'l•he machines are warranted
to ',erten° . what is herein stated. 'Orders are
rests., hilly Hid!'
N he preso connected with the me
clit.te nail he used fur pressing entrats ; and
cut' in„ veJetaldes. fir lei ihng t-toi I<.
.1 A CMS II()K , E.
1 0 '11 rill
Idi If: subscriber continues to carry on the
nice business, in all ilevarions branches,
is Y-,rilt ilanovor - streer - , - Carlisle - , two' doors
North .11 Leonard's corner, %%here he intrude
Loading 01 hand agclieral assortment in hie line,
e,ontnSling at all kilid e of (fish
iooaide SADDLES, Bridles
martingales, Girthe,Circingles
• (llll'o -
and lialiera, also
'l'iiUNKS,tray tiiii77)
eling and saddle '
bags. - lie also -
MAIIIII3O area t 11C111081 approved
Spanish Spring, ever
used iu this country, , those
wishing a han, durable and pleasant sad
dle will do well to call' atrd bee them. He also
imminent urea flatness, Bridles, Collars and
Whips in all their varieties, and confidently be•
Neves front the general approbation of his cue
tomers, that he makes the neatest and best
gears, in all their variety of breadth, that is
male in the dountry. lid als t makes all hinds
of Ntatr.tsses to order, viz: Straw, Husk , Curl.
oil Hair and Spring Matrasses. All the above
articles will be 1113110 Or the best material and
work,retaship, and with the utmost'despat ch.
The Allen and East ,Pennsbornugh Mutual
Fire Insurance Cnmpnny . of Cumberland noun :
ty, incorporated by. viii cAet of Assembly, is
now fully organiz d, rind. in operation under
the management of the following corninission - cra, viz:
Jacob Shelly, Wm, It. Gorees, Miejiae
Cocklin, Illaleinar Brenneman,'Cliristinn Slay
Than, Christian rime!, Jacob ll,Conver, Lewi
flyer, Henry Levin, Benjamin 11. hlusser,ln
cob Kirk, Samuel Prowl:ill, Joseph Wicker
•lia in.
The rates of insurance-aro ns !my and favor
able an any Company el l the kind in the Slate.
Persons wishing to become members are in
vited to make application to the agents of the
company, who are willing to wait upon them
at any time.
BENJ. 11. MOSSEIt, President.
LOGLIN, Vice President
Latvia flyer, Secretary.
Michael Conklin, Treasurer. - •
Candler/and County.—Rudolph Martin; N.
Cumberland; C. B. Herman. kingstown , Hen
ry Zearing, 'Shiremanstown Charles Dell,
:halide; Dr, J. A 111, Cluirrift.ovm Samuel
Graham, West rimnshorough; Janice 51cDoIv.
el, Crnuldortl ; Mode Hrifiiih, Sankt, Middle.
ton; Samuel Coover, gemjamln Haversack,
Mechanicsburg; John Sherrick, Lisburn; Da
vid Omer, rSltcpl dstown.
York County.-qulin Bowman, DillEbiirg
Peter Wolford:Fraillclln; Julie Smith, Mill.,
Washington; W. S. Picking, Dover; Daniel
lielieneherger JW. Cm( I, Paradise.
Ilarrisburg.-Houser & Lockman. ,
Members of the company busing policies
•dotit to expire can havo . them renewed by
muliing•application to any ofthe
. Nov.:11, ly.
Cheap Zid Gloves.
The subscriber has just opened another in
voice of the best quality Paris. Kid Gleves,Mi
the low priccur 624 eta, per pair. •
To Boilders .8c 'll(iiis)ceeticro.
THOSE whqi . 'cire building, or tibbdt coma
maiming housoyeeping Will be sure to.
find at all time. an' nasortment:to'selent from.
Locks of oil and' sizes. with brass . ; 'argil..
.lu, mineral and White knobs, with japanned Or
plated furniture, butt hinges; east and Wrotighti
window glass from Bxlo to 20 8.1aults,sereiim
&c. &e.- Yeti who pre about tote Married and
giving to houselteeping:, we have everything , to,
please. such an limey waiters and traya,.rvorY
handled knives end Takla, in . sensor by the
.dozen, cotninow !coves and forks;. butter
with plated and ivory handles' frying and bread
pans, auto thing irons, -tube, Churns, 4.0.
farliele - ; . 4i4sli 9,186 V, •
. ,
;_ • . -.. SILVER MEDAL .' , .
. , ..
.A.sii.o.d. to flits Machine nt the Fairsif the Amesdean Institute, Newyork, 0et.'1852.
A DrPlonta at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. First Premium at the State
,iair, lUtleaMinvl(ork, and at:the - Columbia Midileniiselaer County (Now Tork)Fairtt;;
and a Diploma at the 7tVestehester County• Fair at White Plains. • • ;
. . . ,
In the present arrangement of this highly approved,and
Calurtble'Mill. the labor is divided by err/Inning n rutting
ylinder to break the apples, and then deliver them to the
lower Cylinders to be reduced to pomace. By this ar
rengement the work is performed faster and with much
less labor.
Tho Preen is arranged with a much larger screw than
formerly, and by a very ingenious device the use of the bog
Is dispensed with and the Tub made to open at will„to de
liver the pomace, while at the same time the Cider is left
clear and the work con be dons with-much less labor than
by - the old method. The Cylinders are covered with heavy
chest Zinc, both on 'their peripheries mid ends; the, wood
In them is arranged so as not to swell; end the whole work
on the Mill and Press mode in the very best manner and'
arrange.rwith especial view to their durability and service.
No Farmer who uses the Mill carefully and according
to directions 1,011 be disappoint ed, but on the other,
hand he will find this one of the most valuable and efficient
machines on Ids Rum.
The machine is made to rim by horse, steam, or band
power, arid whim the apples are ground, n small boy ot 1.1
years of age can press the pomace with all ease.
In all former times it was supposed that a large quantity
of Cider could only lie made by arcing n ponderous machine,
that slowly crushed the nppleS without grinding them fine.
They were then mode into a massive cheek in straw, and a
most revere and long pressure wee required to extract it
portion of the Cider, in considerable quantity being absorbed
by the straw and the mn.s of pomace; and to obtain this
unsatisfactory result the farmer bad to take nil iris hands,
and perhaps his six-horse team, said devote n whole tiny that
could have been more profitably 'employed, to .Inake from
-six to eight barrels of Cider.. To obviate the difficulty the
Farmers have heretofore Inbored under, this Machine has
been invented, and the statement of a few facts will prove
Cott it is not only the best Machine of the kind in existence,
but it is the most profitable that a man ran 1111170 on his
farm. The apples are by this Machine grated up into n fine
pulp. sr that it requires but ncompnratively light pressure,
and that but a minute or two, to eNtruct all. the Cider, it
being nscertalmd by practical experiment that Oue.Fourth
more juicd' ran be obtained than by the old process. Be
sides this, it only requires two hands to grind rip-anti make
Into Cider a larger quantity of apples than ran be possibly
done on the old-fashioned machines. On this pro's, owing
to the compnetners of the pomace in the tub, nod the com
plete manner in which It is ground, a pressure of front 3 to
6 tons—that ran easily be obtained—will produce n more
favorable result than fifty tong precsurc on the ordinary
Entered aocordlng to Act of Congress, In the yenrl6s2, in
MILE subscriber contintleeto manufacture at
hie Foundry in East High street, haulmg
on head a great variety of gOOll patterns:mod is
preparen to funds.- IRON AND 13 fIASS
CASTINGS, which will lie exCeuted to order
(if not on hand,) tithe shortes• notice, such as•
Cranks and Mill Gearing, Spur and Devil
Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, tr , Plough.
Castings Cutters, Point Shears. Wagon and
Coach Boxes, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car
Chairs &c. Steam Engines built to order au&
repaired. .A II kinds of machinery in Paper
Mills, Grist Mills and Factories repaired .at.
-hurt notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned..
Ism florae Powers and Threshing Machines,
such as [level Gear Four If orse power ; Ilor-'
icontal Gear Four Horse Power ;
T llortzentnli
Gene Two Horse Power, P loMt he Corn Shel z
hers and Corn Crushers. Threshing Machines
and Horse pow'ers repaired and Job Work inim
at the Shortest ,notice. Pu teats of different
Kinds on linnd am' made to orate r.
11.• also has on hand II large supply of Phila
delphia rind Tint , Cookine ves, and is cou
sin!) Iv makine Cookine SWres nl varn us im
proved out erns, tor Cool or wood. Ten Plate
Stoves, Grains, doe.
flcpairiniz done to all kids of. Alnehinery.—
All kinds,ofn d Iron, Brass:lnd 'upper taken
in exeltange for work.
apr2l,if FRANKLIN GA 1: DNFTI.
By J. KIEFFER hasjuet returned from rho:
1131 ridelphin an additional supply of fresh
DRUGS. which in connection 0 iih_lasiormer
stock will make his establishment complete in
this departing. 01.
In addition to the above he has also opened a
fresh supply of Confectionaries, Fruit, Nuts,
Peseta and Fancy Articles of every descrip
tion. The- attention of the Ladies is especially
invited to his extensive assortment of Fancy
Auricles, Ladies Toilets', Fancy Soaps and
Perfumes of every variety:
Gentlemen are invited to examine his fine
assortment of Fancy Art les—Segurs, China
and Porcelain Pipes, Tobacco at all kinds,
Shaving and oiletirSoaps of superior . quality,
Canes, Riding and Carriage. W bins, and many
other articles which more especially inure t
gentlenien. A number of superior Woollen
Matte on hand.
The proprietor will I.e very happy to have
his friends col' qtul examine tie goods whether
they diay wish to purchase or rot.
Jule , 6 1853 B .1 KIEFFER.
9p . poiile Me Rail Road (Vice, Vest High Sirlei,
H. ShILES desires to inform his old
o friends and the public that he his opened
a general clothing:establishment. and has now
in.sture art extensive stoek of the best and
cheapest goads ever ofThred in Carlisle.
films, Youth's and Bers clothing,
for Spring, Summer and Winter wear,-now on
band of every variety and furnished at reduced
rates. Ile has also a large and. well selected
assortment of Piece Goode, of English, French
and German Fabrics, of new and beainiful pat-.
terns. for coats pants and vests, which will be
made to order in the moat approved and lash.
ionahle manner and in a sn_perier style of work
manship. A full and elegant stock of Gentia
n-totes Furnishing Goods, such as gloves, plain
end fanny shirts, collars, handkerchiefs, ties,
&c., constantly kepi on hand. Also India
Rubber 0 vercoirs and Lyggins.
Feelinzeonfident fromilie reptitaithn which
it hal been — his constent.laim for a course of
years to secure for his catehlishment; of his a•
builty to please; Ito respectfully invites an ex•
amination of his stoelt,which tor'nuality,work
manabin and low pricedcannot be surpassed.
May 4, 1853-1 v.
EORGI KELLER. respectfully announ.
cos to his old Patrons and the public gen•
orally that helms just received the
IIEN'S HAS, manufactured at
~ono of ,the best establishments. in
Philadelphia, to which he invites
• spacial attention.
He has also constantly on hand a large, end
varied assortment of his own manufacture as
well as gity made
uitablp for he 'season,comprising, every vari
eyl of Bessie, Beaver, Moletiltin nod Silk lints,
finished in the latest. style, together with 'a lull
'assortment of Capi of every shajie awl des
cription', and at ever! , pricer Flo particularly
invitestche public to call and examine his mem;
hive assortment, which in style, materiel . nnd
finish, cannot be surpassed
,by tiny in market,
and whiehlie is able to pat "at prices lower than'
aver. Ler Reinemlier his old stand on Noith
11tmover Street, between Limner's and Sencee
etre. „ [June II
Extensive Furniture Rooms,
T.A.MEg ; , reereel
. call the attention of Hatted Keepers and, the
Vtg a N t ilAt e t e rnti C td i rirC ( f ) u r e, Wa E rVoas T ,
f.lantre 'and. ritherNahlee,, Dressing. anti plain
:BO'realie and every othsr article in his breech, el.
buefness.nos.; o'n hand' the lergeit es
aortinent of c_te4 laDarliale, at, the lowest
irreolline ade-nethe shiirtesraot ice
-and a Dattreo - provide for funerals: He 'Baia;
its i• call at Ids eataldisorient, on'. 'Noah i.Dancr •
vet' street, nonr Glaeu'd, 111:-F1tr
nitmto larod'out by the `month or year, • rt
Cartieli; Marsh ,90,)Vigh-,47
- W --
'," \ \k
~~~' .~~
Cider Press, oven if tbo applCs were ground as finely IN on
the improved Mill; and if the apples were merely crushed,
as on the Nut Machine, it would requite a pressure of one
hundred inns to produce the result accompludied by this
Patent Mill. The following may be adduced es the decided
advantages of this Mill.
First—lt will maim morothicr than any other Press, with
n given quantity of apples, in a given time, and with much
less labor end expense.
Peened—lt Will make cleaner and sweeter Cider than any
other Mill.
TI lrd—You can tnalco tho Cider as you want It, and when
you want in quantities from ono gallon to 6 or 10
barrels. .
Fourth—With it you eon pre-as your Currants, Cherries,
Berries, Cheese, Butter, Lord, nod Tallow. -
Fifth—With it you eau Faro one-fourth of, your
time in 'nuking Apple-butter.
Sixth—With its use you eau at all times kayo Fresh
and Sweet Cider.
With all t lo advantages resniling from the possession and
use of such n nmehlne— nt.n prleo ro low that It is within
the roach of all—enn It be that any intelligent Farmer
would do without it 1
DO you wish to have in your home et ell times Cider that
is sweet and fresh, the only Woe It is really healthy and fit
for use—and do you wish to nave a great portion of the
hard Jabor attending the making of
Apple-but for 1 If no. buy this machine, and our word
for it, yon will net be disappointed.
This 31111 is warranted superior to any other portable C
?lilt in existence. and the Proprietor is ready at any time,
(on fair notice being given) to test 'lt with any Portable
31111 that is.not lb Infringement on It.
Farmers examine thin newly IMPROVED
MILL, before you buy any oilier.
One great advantage of this machine over all others, it,
that It will not choke up, merhard or eon apples
eon he ground, and yet the Cylinders will Always remain
clear and In grinding order.
All orders will bu tilled In the order In which they are
received, and all persons wanting them would do well to
Fend their ordeis early, and state nt what limo they want
the Mill Fent. 1
Tl& 11111, nt tended by 2 men. will. ,rlien properly worted
necord Mg to directions, make 0 to 12 barrt•bt of elder n day—
nnd will grind stun by horee.itower from 100 to 300 Lushelo
of opples n day.
kiy• The Price of the Mill le $4O, free of freight. '
IlAnatsoutto, PA., May, 1b53. W. 0. ELIOKOS.,
the DiAtrict Court of the Eastern District of Pcnuoylrant.
SEM) V.T.l.,bran
THE subscribers, in addition to the it
sive Grocery, have concerted therewith an
s • It El,lo ' Market surd, near he
railroad. Hai rishurg, Pa., and are prepared to
fill all orders, by I.s hole:Ale and retail, of all
kinds of A. gi 'cultural Implemi its, Vegetable
and Flower Seeds, &e. Country melt:hams
with reasonable disicountS to sell again.
horse-powers and threshers, wheat•drillls
and seed--planters, plows, harrows and
_cult iva
tors;foilder, hay, and straw-tint:yr . grain bins
corn vegetable culture, hand grain
mills, clove, Owners, horse rakes, churn; grind
stones and unproved hangings, hay, straw and
manure 'mks, farmer's boilers, ox kohno and
huts, patent bow pins, cow chains, spades, hoes
and rakes, post diggers,- wheelbarrows, grain
cradles, scythes null cry thestones, point oe drags
poet augurs, axes and hatchets, grain bags,
grain measures, garden trots Is, pruning find
budding knives. grass rind grain sickles, screw
wrenches, pincers and gimblets.rat and mole
raps, cultic cards and horse - brushes, carry.
combs, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees,
guano. plyster, poudrette, bone dust lime, gar
den, field and flower seeds.
t lan. n Jorge and fresh essoriment of GR 0
CERIES, TEAS, cheap for ells!).
0z.7 - Grnin and produce of nil kinds received
n exchange Ipe implements.
Apr I I a, 1.-59.—1
Zermans Celebrated Tooth Wash.
mins v.itiabie prep: u •ation 68 tong been used
io N eNl' York and where it has
attained en immense popularity, for .cleansing,
preserving and beautify iq the teeth. It is an
excellent remedy 11,r sore,solt or bleeding gums.
It also i mpnrlsa del,glitlid freshness to the mouth
aad-agrscahlc MIOr to. tlt
• Rend the Allowing froth De. _Murray.
_ •
4 ' 1 can, with the utmost confidence, recom•
mend to the public, Zerman's 'Anti-Scorbutic
Tooth Wash us the best in use. In my practice
as a Dentist, I have used and recommended it for
me last live years, and have found it to give sate
isthetion in every instance, as the IVash does not
contain acid, or any thing injurious to the teeth or
gums; but, on the contrary, islhe best antiseptic
ir the:practice, and therefore, would recommend
ht use of it, not only to those who wish to pre
serve their teeth and gums, and have a wholesome
ibreath, but also to those se Ito have diseased gums
tar teeth. l'he use of dm Wash, for a short time,
still insure at return to their healthy slate.
GEORGE E 11 Ulf RAY, Dentist,
No 61, S. Eleventh st., below Chestnut Phil'a.
1/r. Ilendel, of Carlisle, says ;—" Mr. Zer
man, I am well pleased will. your Tonth Wash ;
it not only cleanses and whitens the teeth without
injuringthem,hut it cures sore or bleeding gums.
1 ',het...lolly recommend it to_the profession tind
public, as the very best prepnivion that can be
nsed for cleansing and preserving the teeth,
healing the grans, and giving sweetness to the
breath. t — r,
JOAN W. DENDEL, Surgeon Dentist.
Price '23 cents per bottle. Prepared only -
Frimcis Zeman. Druggist and Chemist, corner
4°l Ninth and Cittlinrinw sheets, Philadelphia.
For sale by SAN' U El, ELLIOTT, Cm lisle,
Fit octEl
surpasses in quantity quality and
prices any that has ever yet beeweponed
Carlisle, consisting of the greatest variety
of all kinds of Hardware, such as, Shoe Fin
dings, Saddlery.. Conti Trimmings,. Paints
Oils, Varnish, Glass. Nails, Files, Anvils,
Vices, Bellows, Springs, A xels, Bows, Felloes,
Vetoers, Cedarware, Farming Utensils, Bar
and Rolled Iron, Steel, &c., with a thousand
• more asticles unmentionable.
Having purchaied largely of Henvy Coeds
previtme to the evance in prides,' I am enabled
to sell goods at old prices, Poisons in want of
• Hardware are invitedao call and examine my
goods and hear m 3, prices, nod, yen will lid sat
,where the Cheap Hardware' is to be had.
stock of WALL PAPERia Mum.
'pron. lied by any in the Borough ..„
Thankful for.t he former liberal patronage, a
continuance - of the same is solicited by
Watt') Ode of North HanoVer Street.
'MADEIRA, Tonerae; Malaga, Lisbon,
'Muscat, Grupe Juice, Port 'nod Amami brnnd
Gliampngno Boston Runt, Ginger
Mandy, Cherry 'Brandy, Palo Cognine and
- - .
Dark Brandy. Holland Gin and Wino, Hitters.
Sperm CANDLES 31e per pound,
..and.Mnlangn• IVIOLALSES, Washing Soda,
superior Y ,Nytion,lmperial and Blank TEAS,
prineine, Regalia and Ceiba. CIGARS, for
sato by the box. or retail, bring on yourpipes
and (m,r26) CD CS. 13A R
JENICINS . -13es't Brand of Teas: Grben'and
Black, ihmetallic packiges,' also in bulk and
packages. A largo and general as•
sortment,pf the beat WHITE IRON STONE
AND GRANITE WARE, with a vairiety.of
Glass Waret and Conimbn Ware of every de
scription,tn setts or otherwise to suit the pur:
chaser, together with t,
end it vaitety of Edney Ware . 'alwayi in store
and Cprstolo a' the "Fanilly 'Grucery"'il '
• • Junel3,lBo.' J, W. EBY.
'7E 4 ItUACT , C4IVEVCES,:Acc. ,
FAMILY tiartica .§abba(i SLhooln and pi 6
nig rinyties in gohie . totlin enuntry will well
..i)ln.oalling at the'
,cited!) 'Dint; Stoto,of If, J.
lOrtThr, Wilerqthey
° earth° with,or..
tielt,:6 l lo%veht poles nila of ttio bens ggnl•'
. kll)l.—r6c4i!,.p . iied: 20.apnta,pat:
lenurcitasoropont'oeNtopt Alp,d•
' ;duce
y ~.
Soutk ffahover" Strict 'Near Me' Court IlousC
Tifjp druggist, Would respect
1131) . . fully Inform tuo.citizons of Carlisle and
vicinity that he hits,opehed a now
cimancdik; - AND 'DRUG STORE.
UM stock is entirely now, and has boon selec
ted with great cam- as ntany_of the articles
in daily use by physiMans,tind fay - Mlles deteri ago and exposure,. great care', will htt
taken not to allow such,artmles to- accumulate
A.,teutton is especially invited to his kook .or
. Medicines, Eiser.tial Oils, OHS, Tinctures,:
Nines, Extract_; Conleotions; Chemicals,
e. •ogeiher with-the above lie _bas_a Jun
assortment of Paints, Varnishes, Dye—Stalls,
Paint and Varnish Brushes, and
- -
of dvery variety: -lie has also on liand it'sPlen=
did assortment 'of • :
Perfumeries, Soaps ' Extracts, Fancy, Hair ,
Clothes:And Flesh Brushes,Supporters,
Bri.mst .
,Exhausters, Nipp l e Sields,
'Poo,h Washes and Pastes; tilso •
of the best quality. SEGA RS, from the best
(Lavelle and Spanish houses, of every flavor,
from one cent upwards.
In order to ensure his customers against
mistakes during any temporarily absence of
tlie proprietor, the services of nri experienced
and competent assistant have been secured.
which will be felt to ho important, in view of
the responsibilities vhich are knows to devolve
upon the druggist.
will be faithfully-and promptly attended
Orders front Physicians and Merchants in the
- will lie filled with care, andat prices
which must prove entialartery•
N B.—All officinal preparationi made in
strict accordance with the directions of the U.
S. Pharmacopoeia. •
, A liberal share of public patronage is res.
pecttully solicited. 'Forms Cash.
May 11. 1853. B. J. KIEFFER.
Spring & Summer Style's of Hats!!
rat:Er , '
,/ tri & J.KELLER desire respectfully to in
' farm their customers no& friends that they
arc now supplied with a great variety of
for Spring and 'Shminer one In addition to
hintniful spring style of Silk Hats and their
exten4ive misortment of light and coloured
slou,k hats 'they' would call parts nine alien.
lion to thew Panama. Lawton], Chip and. Straw
hats just received from the cities. Their as
sortment is large and for beauty of stylo.exceL
knee of finish and lowness of price they can•
n ot lie surpassed. A large assortment of %vs,
exelusive for summer wear, constantly on
hand. Also a Ziarernllv sake:le:a assortnient of
\Ve most restieetfully invite the cif icons of
Carlisle and vicinity to eall and examine our
asstattnent at the old stand, oppci.;ite to the
Telegraph Office. try 11
s• mavid Landreth's ' 1*
„ 0 .1
Imple_mentA..Seed Warehouse.
No. 65, Chesnut Street, Phila.
TUE: sub Scriber offers for sale an extensiveas
.s.rtrr cut of
1. - lonridulaußAL TooLs,
Garden, Grass - Field and flower Seeds,
Agricultural, ilarticulut al and Botaiancal
Implement and Seed Catalogues, Landreth's
Rural Itegilier and Almanac fur 1851,
g: ILI u ipn personal oe prepaid application.
May 20, 1.353.3 in
. 4 1 -
• Through by Express.
MEN : We have beyi using your MEXICAN'
MUSTANG LINIMENT with the mum per...
feet 8111:1:1298. One at our most valuable Express
horses had beets much troubled by large swellings
or tumors iin the fetlocks; limy had grown lar
ger than hen's eggs. Besides being- disfigured
by these appendages, the limbs and joints op
tic red mute st ileum!, swollen and lame. We
had ti led many Li uments and other remedies;
but nothing appeared to produce soy effect twos
them. e would willingly HAVE LIVEN
TWENTY FIV E DOLLA lIS to have had them
removed, and the horse restored to soundness.
Our hostler obtainod snipe of your Lininteut, nail
applied it without knowledge. A few days ago
he called our attention to the horse, and to our
surprise and gratification, his•legs were perfectly
LA DISAPPEARED! IVe asked him by what
nntgidhu had effected such a remarkable cure ?
-4 14 s.roply-was-Bial.Mrsliud-beeii-tising-she-MAJS
TANG LINIMENT on them about ten days,
and the result was the entire .ammoyal of thrt.iti-_
mors without producing any soreness or leaving
a sear.
We thcrethre take great pleasure in 'Team
mending the Liniment, and shall continue to use
it whenever occasion requires, in preference to
any preparation, au long as it produces such
remarkable results
June 30, 1052. EINSLEY & CO,
Southern and Eastern ex uess, No 1 Wall s
corner of Bro Away, New I ink,
Since the above certificate was given, Messrs
Kinsl4 & Co have jlabralled us that one of his
di seers was thrown from his wagon in the upper
part or the city, and very badly braised, the
ti ngon laming over Isis tinily.. Ile was taken into
a Dcetor's Mike close by, PHYSIC•
LINIMENT, as he bad recently tried it in a
similar case with great success. He did so, and
all the soreness; lameness, and stiffness was re-
moved, so that the next day he was about his
business as usual.
" We take great recommending the
our friends 'and customers. s the bestartiele we
hive ever used . for 'sores, bruises,- sprains. or
galls in horses. We hav • used it extensively
and filnays effectually. Sme of our men Wave
also used it for severe bruises and sores, all well
as rhemnatic pains, and they all say it acts like
nitagio—we earn only say that we havo abandoned
the use of any other Liniment,
Stable Keeper to the American Express do.'.
and for Harutlen's Express.!'
NEW YORK,JnIy sl , 1852.
We hereby eerfiry that we have used the com
pound known as the MUSTANG LINIMENT
and'lnive no hesitation in recommehdlor , it as the
best article we. here -ever used for the om•e o'
sprains . galls, ans. bruises, ?,,te.on horses. All
ho doubt this, will please call on the undersign
ed, and they will , be happy to afford all (abet
information in their power as regards its efficacy
' Proprietors Mantatuan Stage co
Extract from a letter dated
I believe the' MUSTANG LINIMENT most
an excellent article. My wilettought a couple
of bottles with her, whieh I mast thank you tor.
Since she came here, MY HORSE FILL
DOWN wiTiu MK ; and:injured ine consider
ably, but broke no hones. I had recourse to the
Mustang, and the relief, and in hint. cure wua
astonishing.. (Signed) D RANSOM.
Extract from a letter dated
l'irrenun , °dull er sth; 1852
• Another circumstance which I 'noticed a few
days ago, I thou n id spoke highly of the virtues
of theM among. Being in the'ntlice ohs PLytti..
clan 'of high standing, I noticed as he:opened—a ,
door of his book•case, several bottles of M . usp=
fang, alonside of which, was an nstririNinstiing
bottle, ant - ti iwoonnce prescription FILL:FM
rr 1.. MUSTANG LININI ENT on which
W the lidloWing 'directions: " Etih' die throat
well eight and morning with the Liniment 'add
wrap a woolen' cloth around It."
S. W. 11AVERS'In111:, 1)1.. S. ELl.lOl', mu)
WII.,LIANI mtwrz. Vgcmts . fon Carlisle.
Ge'llero6 Depot,' No. 5, Phoenix 13locky corner
nfid Dock.streets. Philadelphia. ; .
• , "
A. 0. ANDREWS Gen. Agent.
"tlnieburner i er - , Coal;
1000 TONSLiniebuener's Conlof the' beet
'Aux%!try just receiving and for sal d by 4 k1.113113:
OL j
E; r.! , :Only 00,40 per ton! 1 ...•.•
Larlislo, March 16, 1853..1: • ; , •
Tfill - suLscriber offers for stile tho'BRICR
H.OUSEl'and Lot, 65 foot 040 ft deep,
occupied by ..11 , 1r4lent.CICeller, in North
Hanover stroot.. Trye.h,u q p .na all tho imp
Provemento Oar nearly ' Tho dwelling
Contains thirteen' celled mains, Indluding dou—
ble; :parlors:,: -Attached is a cistern,. fimoho
Alouso andJtitahle. •.,,For.,further., information,
apply noxt:dpor to' ato prornisos to! •• -.•
.1 12, - • ••
Juts I3,185~ ,", 4 Agent,,;.,
I II P 11_
7 •••54,7:
1 111:
) 1 r
• •.7, L'• GOULD . , • - -
[BI3C6ES - ROR To A. FIOT,] •
.Nb. 164 Chestnut St., Stvaint's Building,. Phila.
10 N ENS' V Music Publisher, and Deal
er in Musical Instruments of every dt
Exclusive ngent for tie sole of Hallo. Davie
.'Y'Co's Patent Suspen&ion Bridge /Eoliun.und
L, Gilbert'sßoudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Mar-
tin's GuitarS, Harps, . Violins, Sheet Music,
Mimic Books, &c.
Residents (Attie ° country will be supplied by
mail or otherwise with musie .they may wish,
its low as if purchased in person. Having one
of the largest stocks in the United Stairs,-It
feel confident of satisfying all who stay favor
me with a call or order.
Dealers in Music supplied on the most librra
terms. Pittnos to let. Second-hand PirmoS for
sale. ;may 20 1853 ly)
MA `UFALTURED and for sale by ELI
SAWN', No 63 1 .1, North Third street ;
Eh ladelphia,is warranted to render enure sans.
Ihetion, and is beyond doubt the best and toast
who! :reparation of Coffee eVer know a.—
One : at 12.1 cents WILL SAVE four
pout ilinaly Coffee. 'lay it and be con
vino number ol Essences of (•oree were
tiept the Eranklim• Institute in 1352. and
the Judges decided Kralip's to be TIIE REST
iu the exhibition. friends. it yuu o ish to enjoy
a goad, cheap ankbealthy Cup of Entree pronwe
Kral:W.4 Essence of Collis:. It is Ihr sale by
nearly Al the principal Grocers and Druggists
hroughout the Oohed States.
April al, 1,53.
Window Shades, Carpets and Oi
.7. STZETART DEr.u . sr, •
Airr -2.23 Non It ted Street, oboes \V ;
Pliantly}pion, would most retpettlittl
ly mill the stioniout of his mewls nod ih
public in general, to his hirge and well se
;sleeted stock of Carpi , Oil Cloths, 31tiltioos
ll t Shoilee, (Igor Oluts, Stair Roils,
atm Cotters, 'Fable Covers Coron Iron
—4 , yard,: wide, for Public Houses, Cuuntto,
110 ises. &e.
Also—to my branekStore, Spri , gf Gar
Siren , abort , !till •
Located No 127 Baltimore Street, Baltim o r e , Md
The °stem-able object 01 this he:mutton is to
plac e in the leach tit individuals proper tactli
lies for obtaming a thorough ' and practical
Mercantile Education. 1\ otlong inceed has
been omitted that is calculatcd totproduce the
desired result.
.Tlc robins of the College are well fitted up,
conveniently arranged, and-situated - in the
must desiralitts part of the City. Connected
t hereto is a - Commercial Library, and this, in
connection with familiar Lectures on CoMmer
cial Law and Mercan'ttle Science, is a matter
of the highest importance to all who desire - to
lieeome ;Accountants olthefirst order, and oc
cupy el athms of petit and responsibility. A
young man can hrre obtain a more cor: ect
knowledge-of general Itusine,ss matters in a
New weeks than can be acquired in as many
years in any Ono Counting Room.
The course of study claimers Double Entry
Book keeping. anti its adaptation to vat bus
depart menu of Commerce and Trade. Me'icau
tilo calculations taught according to the'ilitli - at
approved methods. Practical Penmanship, com
bining raltrilitv , ltf execution xvith beauty 01
construction. 'Lectures on Mercantile Law,
(Split] varmint important Mercantile subjects
hasn'e malty other petals necessary for a book
keeper or business man to understand. The
time necessary tor an industrious student to
complete the course varies from 5 to 8 weeks.
l'here being no vacation. applicants can enter
at any time - and atfend both day Mid evening.
Examinations are lield at stated periods and
Diplomas awarded to those who if aduata.—
For terms, &c., write and have a
. Circular for
'warded- tiy - mbil:
March, 23. 1853. ly.
APRIME 'article of Sugar; Raisins at lEti
cents per pound, Bunch do, a good article,
at 15 cents,
Citrons, Mace, Spices, Brandies, Lemons.
Oranges, Preserved Fruits, Dates, c
Sugared mid Dried Prunes, Figs,
" Tamarinds, Crackers, &c &e.
in connection s"ith all kinds of Confectiona
ries, all of which will he disposed of on the
most accommodating terms.
June. 1, 1852 B. J. KIEFFER•I
THE undersigned owning a larie Steam
Saw Mill, recently built, on an imprttAed plan,
with a circular saw capable of sitWing_ with
groat rapidity, located three miles west of-Va
pea town,Cumberland county, at the base of the
South Mountain, on Spruce Run, and having
in possession near one thousand aCres • of the
best timber land, in the Souther n part of Penn
sylvania, aro now prepared to saw and furnish
prober to order, at the shortest notice of the
various descriptions used fur mechanical pur
poses. They cat furnish frame stuff for barns
one houses of any length end size that rosy be
required, weather-boarding, flooring, and teri
eing boards, poillar and oak boards u n it plank,
shingle and plastering laths, oak and elicsout
shingles, cocper stall; pitch pine pests, and
chestnut rails and posts. They have now on
hand several thousand feet of Mintier; chesnut
rails and posts for fence, nub and pine wood by
theeord; and can engage to bb delivered in its
season several hundred curds of chesnut ook
bark Cartooning purposes.
The prnprietors having availed themselves
of the: natural: advanttges of their location;
which, abOundri in' a variety of the find!(
timbe, and baiting, also o practical Icnt.wledge
of the lnisinees, are enabled to furnish lumber
lower to the citizen's of Cumberland count;
then can be done by any similarestablishment
—and as they wish and expect to do- a large
tuisines'N; will spare nun pains to accommodate
the public at the' shortest notice.
The various descriptions of lumber" Will be
delivered in Carlisle or elsewhere us may be
desired. All orders addressed to the proprie
tors, Diven - St Haskell, living; in' Papertown, nr
to-Win, D. Seymour, jr. in Carlisle, wilt secure
prompt attention.
Nov. IR; ly.
Mineral .Water, Sarsatiarilla, Etc.
MT DE subscriber wotildresreelfully announce
tO, the eitizenc of (inflict° and .the vpouttunity
at, large, that he bas vonnuetwifd the munifn -
tore or Mineral Water° and Sarsnentillo of the
very heat flavor and quality, and file bottling
oft Porter, Ate and Cider. Be is fully and,
amply all 'Ordere'llromn . DY'
nail with despatch, and hopes by strict attention
Infsidesa, to xeceive..that attention due to
entiwnriae;'whieh heresp.,etftilly &di.
derive in Main Street near the Rail .Road
Bridge, • , • GEORGE IV:. BRA NDT.
. ,
. .
111 , ; ;
. o . gbp,crilior is just now receiving and.
WALL l' n ,t . Ptil g.l l l . ' l lira l : li des i i l r s a ß a n o n f e t n i t timi cf ,
forniiii - g, the interiors of their, old, dwellings
;P to
ut i n c a n w i a " a ti ll i a their '4 n n d - u
now givi n g
oii tii ata a d d itiona l
eom pri e rTt 1 ;4 1 7
ly trifling C6td,%wilUdoWell:to Call afid'exiiniinnl
for I can Bell them front lif etu upwards. Re
member Alm old stand , - F,:a.t Awn. Bt . o,oll.obite'
Ogilby'ii, Store, Bytho way.- I would. sty to
,thotie l whe:olvo , wantto_ improve the exterior of,
th4ir., t.... 0,,. that : ., I 011,:ltottialt :them :with
Weil rflPtilptiripand,frcalt ground ,Whitotead;
loge: ir with verimla.otheri colours, blue. or
ia I,go ~ NW. ; Varipuji shades of kregn, & e., in
:short° rythingieelculated to.adorn•ond doe-.
Oratolour, mansions, •• ~, .. • •,. , -.
i mor 2 ~.,,,p„it HENR.Y.§AXTON
6 ! - PA'NKORITE:r
An Inndluable Reincdy for alt :Sc'r o fulou's
eascs, Salt Rheum, Sick !lead
'. ache, - Cancer, .Nursing Sore Mouth,
and General
,Debilify, and as a
Purifier • of
,The Blood it is ,
' • -,Chequalled, ' ' - • • -
'The flock Rose .hark.gaincd s rcputstien at
Lome and abroad. which no ether . medicine
Loa ever_ done • in the sa me length of time.
'According• to the opinimis. - of eminent .
otana, the Reek 'Roan Phut is unequalled in
Curing Scrofhla in Its"Va.rious Forms!
Vastor of the 2d Bow Ibi Chuirl,,New Lendo,
relative to Illyern' Extruct Ntiee.
To The" Americap. Public
As my name has-been used in connection
with recommendations of Mr. Myers' 'trek
,1108 - Syrup, in various advertisements by the
maimlueturcr, I beg leave to - make the follow
ing statement with reference to my acquaint
ance wttli the remedy and tests to which I have
subjected it, find th e: reasons for having intro
duced it to tlieinotic'eioLOnte friends in the
comdinnity in which. I rattle, long before the
Modicine-was-nrivertised.---+ make - this state
ment freely, because I have, as a principle,
withheld toy name from all patent medicines,
and sedulously abstained from recommending
them to the public, believing them frequently
the spawn rf quackery, and humbug, rind as
tending to increase, instead of lessening human
"disease and .suffering. Stich, I fear, is the
character of aiarge partion unite patent pane-.
cons of this medicine making age. "Their
name is legion," and from their influence, as
from the demoniacal spirits, we have reason
to pray fur a safe defit;eranee.
The First 2",...a.-1 had t»yself suffered oc
casionally with sudden attacks of Sick Head
ache, and Billions Diarrhea, and 1 had sought
a great variety of curative agents to tint little
purpose; and Suffering from this disease (diar
rhea) nt this time - , I - determined to test the new
Syrup first upon myself. The results were be
yond my expectations. It was a powerful
alteretict, and the nimbi,' n'etion 'of the s , stets
was changed, and the functions of secretion
were restored to n healthy state. It gave tone
and elasticity to my . systeth, tutu corrected the
derangement of !be digestive organs, and gave
me that inestimable blessing—health. This
test was not determined in II witch, 0 , 1 mouth;
btu( I took tour or fi ve bottles in Perhaps as
many months. Since Mil time I have suffer=
rd hot sliffluily from these derangements. 111 y
Sick ru'irely rulrd.
Other Testa.—Finding this medicine so use-
ful to myself, I at once gave it to several
lid friends. About tins time, I was cult:ol3
solicited to give advice in renitence to u child,
some eight years of ;Igo. This child was
severely Mimed with a b'crolulu humor, of a
v.ry.severe type, the Iminor showing itself tin
all parts o r the surflire, and then suddenly dis
appearing. The child was very Hick, and it
wan thougnt &IMAM! wht thsr the would live,
The Minim resembled black : T echs of mortilit d
flesh. In addititM to sonic oilier rein dies,
g ive the child I fits Sy up for about six weeks,
reltan she had stillicient sirength in go' oht to
school .scensionully. The swelling of het - limb:l
ceased, and she was restored to health. 'Fl u
family feel that they owe her life, with G d's
blessing., to my remedies.
'Phis test satisfied me that Ike Dock Rose
possessed specific rimers I'm Set ohil
mars. I thediested it in cases it Cutatieoss
Eriepliens, in Measles, Chicken Pos, Concur,
Sore M 1, , Drysipeltis,Salt Rheum, Piler,Ml
In all these casts with pip•ct successT -- A
testing this Syrup for inure .hue a yt nr, I
vrote.Mr. Illyera(Octaber 71.14 I S5O) enthurii
asmeally, not expeeinig toy- let leer would lie
puldisned, that his Syrup was a ft PLO korite,''
an - hailing; and - I gave him - the result of its
OlierallotiS ut seeural illif.taliCes. I sla rd iu
that letter that it was invaluable as n remedy
in CW ant Er upt.mot, Dry sits las, soft
Rheum. and other dispillera, included in the
varied . family of discuses known as:St mints,
Iliat in Dyspepsia it acted with wonder-
ML-afffcrcy." My opinion of its value for the
ab ye named diseases, remain unchanged, sod
the same as to hen I wrote Mr Myers in Oct.
leso. I do not reeemmt nd it for all the ills
of our suffering humnuilr ; but funliesitating
ly say, that no a remedy for Serffittio,is face
tious I believe sullenet. to at.y known cure
title agent.
It bas. been at:Mcleod), to-ted by d uneatic
*practice to establtsb its adoption to extcnsive
usefulness in mitigating bunion buffering and
room log dbeasca.
But What is the Hoek Rose?
The following history of the Rock Rose
plant and. its medicinal properties, we take
from the New Haven Palladium, March It's 2.
increased-'-interest manifested -in-t he
Rcek Rese plant, in consequence or the many
wonderful cures effected by Myers' Compound
Extract of Rock Rose,' calls for a brief history
all, in order to correct any erroneous Opin
ion that'may have been entertained concern
ing it ; and also to set in a true light the na
ture of a plant which promises to be univer
sally beneficial. ,
"We are indebted to the United States Dis-'
pensatory of 1847, for the lbllowing desc,rip
lion aft :
^'-It is entirely different from the common
Rose: It is a red-stemmed, oblong feat plant,
having a bitter taste. In addition to remark
able peculiarity of the plant, of bearing two
crops of flowers in one season, it also has ann.
ther interesting and beautiful property.
Dr. Ealon says, that in the months of No=
scantier and December, he hos seen hundreds
oh these plants ; sending out near their roots,
broad, thin, curved ice-crystals, about an inch
in breadth: which melted during the dny, and
weiMienewed in the morning. For, a more
minute'and authentical description of it, the
reader is referred to Torrey and Gray's Botan
ical works.
• ,
Its Bledical History and Properties
Arc fbi the most imporiantisince upon thesu
depends Its v..lue to the corimiunity. Dr%
don Faye that in 17119, it was 'en valuable 'in
England, bit it fuss cultivated'lroun seeds.
Ever-sincu 18116, Professor Ices of Yule C,
1q e. line habitually used it with great success
n Scrofula and Chronic discuses, arm through
him its virtues were made known, until; as Dr.
Tyler says, " it is now in this section (New
flayen) a common article in liVt1)031 ic practice
for the cure of Sercr i da and Cutaneous die.
Dr. Whitlaw. a Sco'cli Botanist or notoriety,
while travelling in America in IRI4, learned
its use in 'Canada. Returning to Englar.d, ho
-employed it in medicating his baths, which
'became greatly celebrated fertile cure of ainti
lar diseases.
Dr. J. IL Thommoe. of the same plair, pre
scribed it in hud cases of Sereruleue putietits
ikt Hospital. Ills seeress attrmied,the
telltenee of seeler phyeicians; Ile reports the
felluwiog remarkable cute of white swelling of
the • ittp, in February, 1614 :—The.,lad was
seven years old, and .tad the disease three
years. The bone was dislobated both upward
end outward... There was Q. : large opening in
the hip leading to the bone; into which I. could
artist fly finger. I counted three bloom.
had been under several physicismr; 'whir It d
given him' up, , I ordered a deenctioll'Of Rick
Rose ; .In two days 'lt b;"ritglit iweuia
I then orrlcredO teaspennful of Rock Itose three
times' a day. Thirty nitre days, after lie was
.entirely Tod. , • - • .• ,
• • Dr. '‘Vehl. , , of ltimlisortOCt., testifies •to the
yaltie of Ruelt.Rose, os evinced in the cure of
nummmis cases of the Scrofula, especially i n
Children: • • . • ,
Manufactured by W.'nt Fronlilia& go.,;.New
Ilaven,Cti - -
' Mr.' Warren,thongh a minister of the GOfi.
pel, Lee for, period of 15 years, given ''attob.:
Lion to the subject of medical scioncmttrrpial.'
ify hitu to adminirlertothe pielt, in coitaactOM
'vigils Lis pastoral duties. . ':; ',„
,• EDWIN it tir ATi
• Agpits Curnbrriandleonsi—S. liar,
cwstiek, S. Elliott and W. A. 408,4.,,,,
Itnierratich-& Sirohm liingsinwn; J. Swisher,
Meets:waits rj.,l ;
'Eppley .4 Ernst; Cedar:,S.pring.44,, , D/r/liann
Sterrett's GsprThomas' Sresenni Plainfield
ii. - )teron,'.3 , 74:wviiiel' J. 11,;,,Wiley, Green;
Skfiti V hair,Y; 4 Eiae¢l.ower, No btirg W.
Attagel,.:4', 1016 e;
PdAllsrii, Pa per ta
•, .
1 it
... i: '
,il, 4 ,, Wi tt„.. 1
t : • 7 . ,-... :,1 2: • ~.
-P'e• ''''': ...t. ' 2.4.74 . 0 P4A1' , --:',, • • )•*- 4 "4.' ' . 7--- •: 1 ::
w.g. ~• . ..:%.; . ;.!...,,,
..t.,;k7s, 1
;,q 4. ...'", ~=, :" . .. --- , l * , • -
ror tin\ Care or
=Frig, CROVP , , AS Ta.
Of alpha numerous medicines extant, feed
some ut them valusbley . ler the core oP puL
inonaiy complaints; nothing has ever Wen
found w'hicli could , compare in its effecter with
this preparation... Others .care sometimes., brit
at all times and in all diseases of the lunge
and throat where medicine can give relief, this
will do it. II is pleasilut to folio, and perfectly
safe in accordance with the directions. 61
do not. advertise for the informatiot, of those
who have tried It but those Who have not.— ,
Families that have known its value will not lie
without it,,,end by its timely use, they are
ccurc from the — dangerous - consequences - of
(Argils and Colds which neglected, ripen into
tal consumption.
The Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute
was,awarded to this preparation by the Board
of.ludges in September 1847 ; also, the medals
of the three great Institutes of Art, in this
con ntry;.also the' Diploma of the ()Idol nstitirte
at Cincinnati, has been given to the Cut:unit
PEcTonsr., by their Government in considers
lien of its extraordinary excellence and useful.
neon in curing. affections of the Lungs and
Read the following opinion foondrcl on the
long experience of the eminent Phyrichin of
the , port and city of.
ST JOHNS, May 8, 1851
Dr J C Aynn
Fivo years trial of yOur CHERRY PECTO
RAL in my practice, has proven what I fore
saw from its composition, moot be true, dna
it eradicates and, cures the colds ;leg coughs
lii which we, in this section arc peculiarly
. ta.
1 think its equal live notyet Leen di•enecred
nor do I know how' a better remedy can ha
!node lor We" distempers of the Throat and
Longs. .1 J BUR I ON, :11 11, E;,11 S.
See what it lies done err a vraeled.eonstrtu
timw;dot only in the following eases, ° bif u
thousand more:
SONIOnIYs Jon 2 41.11 11i51.
Dr Ayer: In the mootlt of July larr 1 t‘'lll9
Ilarskcsi by a violent diarrhcea in the mines of
California. I returned to Bnu FlillsDel:sr, in
. 11,150 of rt.ceivtug benalt from a chimge of
Ii tnate and diet. My diari Iwo cnam e, h o t
was lollowed by a revue couttli, end 'WM h
esor . eisent ,' I foully witted tar Mato', hot tr..
eel" dno bent lit Iron) the vopge. bIS emit: It
e.alt limed to erow worse and vi ben I aim, d
it I New York, I was at nice d by try
ut quifini,,net s as a VII tint 0l rensiimpti• r i .
I must confess that I Saw no sstlibell lit rumor. to
doubt a hot my It lends oil believed. At this
inle I eOll/1111,1iCtfl taking youi bury inns liii,ble
medicine with little (NllElllll'Oll 01 dt Irving
any lienifit fora Its we, N'eu ivould not re
ci iv. these lines flit! I nob reglsro it 1113' duly to
state to the isinietell, Ilisoligh you, (bat my
health, in tht spat of eight manll,e , is lolly
restored. I attribute It 11l the tile of your
CHERRY PLCTOR.AL, Yours tr uly,
WILLIAM IV. 5311,11 . 1
ArlliNnstpii. Pa., Aid II 11 , 1848.
Dear rir :.It cling Odd I liarnsbeelisf,sitil,ill
o pre mature I.l4sse, throng's 31,111 inlit nod ninl.
13 by the providenve of I,rol, I will take Ilie
to express nit gratimile.
.4 cough and I lie al:midi g s 3 [widows el COll
- hod It dotes' roe till loss to mt,A. me
Imy Illiog like hope, whin in 3 ph3 &elm Lit
me it bottle of tour PIC/onAL It reels ell 10
uflind immetlialerel let, and nom it, a len 1.11 ks
time rem, red me to frond 1,, al 11 it ii 3, ill
do foe °thuds NS ha.l It his dr las Ilse The, ',so ate
es rlailsl . ) 0110 01 the hi fiel, el( rs t I ty;:1.1:11,(1.
Liineerel . , SI folding you eN yr) Llcsrit g, I mini
Very respectful]) 3 0w s,
Ju./Jl\ J,
Hector of SI. Peter's March,
With such assurance, and hoot such
men, no stronger proof eon be adduced•
unless it be from Its el - Nets upon mat.
Prepared and Sold hy
• PIIACTIcA CIIE:3IIsT, 31uss.
Sold in I;rirlisle by Dr 5..-Elliot I, and S. W.
Haverstielt—in'illechaniebburg by 14 tu Day
Nowvillq by J. H. Iletrot.---iu ens.
burg by J. C. & U. 13. Alii,li, and by Drug—
gists. generally throughout the State.
Beecher's Matchless Cordial
THlS — medicine has ne - vci known to fail In
curing Clinkra illorbus, iu Irom 10 to 12
minutes• ' Cholera Inlnntuni, or runnier emu
plaints of childre.i, Dysentery, Diarrhea, Lc.,
in from le to 24 hours. It is cci min :mei 1140
under all cireunistan7CS, having been billy
tested in upwards kof tour hundred cases with
out 11 single failure. Let cvery trinity provide
itself with at least one bottle of this - invaluable
remedy. Try rt, and it will recommend itself.
It is prepared upon purely scientific principles,
and cannot be justly termed a quark nuttlieine,
unless science be quackery. For Pale by
13. J•KIEFPER, Druggist,
• -South Hanover Street,
A' few doors south of the Court House,
June 32, 1833. Carlisle.
, fop 25 cents, by means
PIUS, or, Every One
rile thirty-sixth ,
i; With one hundred (li
vings, Privoto
seaSes and 211tillintno—
TO of the Generative
in every shape
term : to which is ad.
.ofi 0111) (see page IOU), •
being o the higheas impo rtance to ovarric#T.
'filiv", -- Cr those cOntemplatitig marriage, 1 . 1.
Y OU NG,. M. Graduate University el
Pennsylvania, 4I ember of the Royal College of
lontlow•ntitl.llotiorary Arru:ber 01 the •
flhitidelphin ' Mi'diens "Society. The varioos
forms ot, Secret :Diseases, 'Seminal 'Weakness,
Diseasevibtlhe Prostrate Gland, impotent.), 'soli
tary habits of youth, are lititlitully describeilv and
all (lie rEctlies , given in Than language. The
bluipter on self:4llmM mid Seminal Weakness ia•
worthy of Prrlietilar attention, and should be read • '
by every one.' -Young men who have been norm.-
timme in caubartiug disease, previous to plaZing
yourselves under the eare'of soy doctor, no nun.
ter ulna his pretensions., may be, get a copy of •
of this truly valualde work. - -,
Sea Captains mid pt•rmiis going to. sea, should 11
possess De. Yonng's Treatise Oil Alarriage,ltho
Pocket ./Esculapitia, or Est* one His own Phy-..
fey- Imt 110 baber Ile ashamed to present ts..
copy of -the his cl ild. •'lt nuty..„••
stiveilim from an early_ grtive. • Let no young,
rum , or woman enter limo the tell et oblientions -- •
of married lit , witbent the pocke(,„ffiss„,,
e ulapitni. Let no one suffering teen, tt liacknied • ,
dough, pain in the sale restli sa nights. nervous
feelings, nod the whole train of D)sprptle setisur.
their Iby mill M, lie mi. •
(inns, and. given l 1 p.lysCA i
other moment withotit, consulting die ".2Esctiln
ditts. - Dave die me'rried or tiliont, to - be
niat•ried any itnpetlimmit , 'read this lily useful
Rook,-us it.lias..beeti -the auat.e of saving:think
-Sands, of ; unfortunate creatures from the srry l .
jaws of death., Upwat•ils al a 111 1 LLI ON copies „;
pr this celebrated. work...has been. sold. iti-thia..•-
country'suid,:lrtifOPe-siiivier 1 /IPB'ilivhClPthe
; Writ,
edition• • • - •.". 4 • ,, , •
All) person"setilting 71`VP.NTy.viy`E
dents'eifeloseld •inn letter:. will receive one • dopk
of this mail ; or -fhb violas Will be•sent
'for 1. Address. 1/1•.: W 11..1.1A M . :' YOUNG,
No. 152
. spruce
,Sfrdo!, philadelphitt,' ; row!
1)1110, , " • • eO 3.
• prCetice in the city of l'bilatl
D eb.
entitles r.' Youinvtd`the mint- .'
(1000(3 of tlie nflllettal; arid lie, nary' be, e o,,, o h e d
on any Of the ills'f•ascs ileseribeilviti hid different „•••'
puttlkatintm, 41'MS.riffled 15'2 Spruce Strata;,
u n y, hut Wecp.9 'cud, a'elot:k . ; (Stiadar • eN. '
,ceptell)Amil Iversonikai•tfity;;ilistalice cap consult
Dr. c Ymitig liv`letter: POST 'Pill). •• n • •
- , - t
coocKlot ifil'N • d ? , • MACICII,EI;
'%itstiolet: hail' tpfeleebkilti; also IC:t
nimi'No;.l,lllnc . keft . .ej for ; iala fpr &ash at'
thin gikcyy stoic ,
iti n pu V2 . .185,3.;; : !. ( 1.-WI1J1101!$,'
. BQnnot, • •
4 iTHE subecribev.linejnet,openest en invoke -•
of OM and ofitor,Botinet, )•epthore.m : onv- ',..!
'llOll the ueunliptiedi A.•lse;lrect'y cheep lot of
4' my t • 1f •
I ittn