Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 24, 1853, Image 4

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,Oti - ji6' . 'si' Oirciii;
itoikzam. - .
HE her4Oforti.existiog firm .of M. &
L. Steineri.hae been dissolved - fora short
time and havp again united under the flan of
Steinor &' Bros. S aCorrier of Market Square.
Hoping under the ilibroneed firm of Steiner
& Bros.. to have an increase of their former
business. They have now every. facility and
,will snare no efforts to plenary their Pustomere
they having made arrangeztents with the las.
goat importiOg houses of Baitimore'add New,
York so qs to ramie° lho first styles of Goods.
that came to those markets, and at' ho LOW,
_ _
Thankful fer past patronage they solicit a
efintinuance from their old customers,. and
.respectfully invite all otliorsTo oxanino their
new style of saperioi
all of their manufacttire, and making as cobi
4 plete an 'assortment as can be found - in any
store in the United States. . , As 'follows:
or the best qiialities of English and French
Cloths, made and trimmed' in the very best
style;. single breasted Albert Coals, a new
Style, well adapted to - business men, of French
black and,colored cloths, at very low ;nicest
single breasted .Freck coats of French clothe,
close imitation of the fine dress frock coats at
half price; spring Sack Coats or cloth, cassi•
merea and tweeds, various dotourit and prices•
n -
French Black : Doeskin and Fancy Cassimers
of et try description.
Rich Fancy Silks and Satins, Black do, Som.
bazines, Valonclas, Marseilles, and CliaHies,
at all prices,
A full assortment of. Boy's Clothing.
emWacing all the new styles of Fanc! Silk
Cravats, English Satin do, &o.
Gloves—White. black and'coPd edit, FA I,
Lisle and cotton of every description. 'fri nis
and Carpet Bogs of superior finish an / At low
prices. Siispenders of superior Pre 41( 11 En•
glish and American manufacture, Ilwet•
shirts and Drawers iff fine - -Merino, - thle.c, - not
, Sean- and muslin, of eyery description. Lto
?.hrellas of silk. and -cotton, very cheap. • All of
Which will the lowest prices whole•
sale Or retail.
0:7 - Remember the Stone House, corner of
the Public Square. STEINER &
Carlisle, May 18, 1853.
91 H E undersigned Miving purchased the
right of Franklin and' Cumberland coun
ties Pa., and - Washington county Md. for
MILL AND PRESS era new manufacturing
machines under the immediate supervision of
_Henry Shepler. a practical millwright. Orderp,
will be received and fiildd with promptness.
Alliinchines will be warranted.
By this machine, which can be. conveyed on
a wheelbarrow, one man and' boy can make
horn five to eight barrels ~f cider. a day,with
ease, and the cider is thoroughly pressed from
the ensnare. - The labor is light and the ma
chines are simple and permanent.
This machine Was exhibited at the State
Agricidtural Fair, at Lancaster. and tested with
several others, and the committee awarded the
premium to it. The machines arc warranted
to perform what is herein stated. Orders are
respectfully solicited.
N. 13.—The press connected with the ma•
chine can he used for pressing currants, and
cutting vegetables for feeding stock.
Mny 11, 1853. Gm
Zineral Water, Sarsaparilla, &c.
rTFIE subscriber would respectfully announce
to the citizens of.Cgrlisle and the community
at large, that he bas commenced the instutfa,..
are of Mineral Waters and Sarsaparilla of the
-very- best flavor and quairty, and the bottling
of Porter, Alo and Cider. He is fully end
amply primal-ad to furnidh all orders promptly
and with despatch, and hopes 'by - strict attention
to business, to, receive, that nt.ter.tion due to
enterprise, which he resp Jet fully asks. Resi
dence in Main Street near the Rail Road
Bridge: - GEORGE:-W. BRANDT;
march tfi—nm,
Extensive Furniture ROMS
, -
140-AMES R.WHAVER would respeettully
call the attention of House Keepers and the
public to his extensive stock of ELEGA-NT
FURNITUiIE. including Sofas, Wardrobes,
Centro and other Tables, Dressing and plain
Bureaus and every oth?r article in his branch of
business. Also now on hand the largest as
sortment of C HAIRS in Carlisle, at the lowest
prices. VrCollins made at the shortest notice
and a Hearse provided for funerals. He solic
its a call at his establishment on North Deno
ver street, near Glases HOTEL. N. B.—Fur
nitura hired out by the month or year]
Carlisle, March 20, 1850.—1 y
Gas Fixtures and Lamps.
N. 2d Street, near Vino, Phila , having
.had many years practical experience in the
bulginess and all work sold by us is manufac
tured under our immediate supervision, we arc
enabled to offer to purchasers superior articles
in every branch of our trade.
.At our Store
—may--bo lound--in--every—variety-of style-and
finish. Gas & Lamp CHANDELIERS, PEN
Churches, &ci. the Improved Pine oil Lamps,
together with a fine assortment of Fluid, Lard,'
and Oil Lamps; Girandoles Parlor Night and
Bonding Lamps, Bonnet Holders, etc. On
hand Lamp Glasses, Globes, Wicks. shades etc,
All work warranted, or no sale. Factory No.
36 Noble street, near Fourth. • Remember—
Store No 221 N. 2d St„ next door to J Stews;
Depuy's Gai•pet Store. may2Or
Beeehers Matchless .Cordial.
InHIS medicine has• navel known to fail in
JL curing Cholera Morbus, in fromlo to 15
minutes• ' Cholera Infanturnor summer eom•
.plaints of childres'Dyscntiry, Diarrhea, &c ,
in from ly to 24 hours. It is certain and safe
'under all eircunistatKies, having been fairly
tested in apwardslof fear hundred cases with.
out a sinitlo failure. Let every family provide
itself with at least sine bottle of thikinvaluable
remedy. Try it, and it will secommond.etselt
It is prepared upon purely scientific principles,
and cannot be justly iermed.a ?nark medicine,
unless science he quackery. kor sale by
•,• . I, I IB,:.J.KIEFF,EIt, Druggist,
•.. South Hanover Street,
A few doors south of the Cdurt Hputl,
June'32, 1833, . Carlisle.
The Allen and En'at, ennsborough Mutual
Fire [demotic° 'Company ofCumborland coun
ty, ineerporated. by an Act: of Assembly,- is
now fully . organized, and in operation under
;" — thermitnagempritOftho following nom:Manion-
Jacob' Shelly, Wm, R.. Gorgds, Michael
Conklin, Melehuir BrennoMen,Christian,Stay
, man; Christian Time), Jacob 11. Coover, Lome
llyeri,HOnry Logan,)lionjamin H.Munser, Ja.
' cob .Kirk, Samuel •Piowoll, Joseph Wicker.;
—.TIM rates of ineuratica aro as IoW andfavo•
able ae any Company of the hind in tho Grate:
Persons •Eviithing to become members aro in
vited to Make application to , the °genie of the
company, who are willing to wait upon them,
at any time.
BE :51.1. iL MOSSE ft, President.
HICNRY LORAN, Vice President]
Lowia,[lyer, Secretary.
Michael Cocklin, Treasurer. .• '
r. AGENTS. • '
Cumberlaird. —R Counda.udolpli , Martin, K.
Curnbarland ; C. B.,llorman. Kingstown , Hen
ry Zeartng,. Shiremanstown; Charles 8011,
Parlisle; Dr..•J. Ahl, ; Samuel
druhum, Wesr . Pennehorough; Jarr4e's McDow
ell, Frankford ;. Mode Griffith,South Middle
ton; SaJntiej Cnevor, lkiejamin ,Haversticic,
Mechanicsburg; John Sherrick, Lisburn Da
yid Conver e Simplierdstiirm-
York Odurty.-Jollo .Bowmon Dilisburg;
Peter Wulford, Franklin; John:
Washington . ; W. S. Picking, Dover; Daniel
Rafiendhorger, Paredise.
liarri'abur g :-4: Houser: & - Locli m a n. .
Momberi Of the compeny having policies
'Wont - .to expixejnin have Ahem lenowed 'by
making'aPPlicariton to any:of the agoras.' '
- •
clinned anetherin
volee.of the bear qu a l i ty-l'aris:Kad,Oloyen; ot
the locci'prleo
Fresh Trenton , Orackers '"
I.Terra6elvdd ;it lot of Tra'atArLigtraahe-ta;
atleo-Wate;7-11utterM , Poda rOeheta, at
the ehenp Ortieeryt
).. Juno is 1853, 40 1 ) W.' k. CAR. 0 .77140" t
, •
17 •‘• • ; r' •.••,
~,'. . .lo,re*_. s 4'
Vresh Spying:Supply:l. ; ,: •
!GAVE just received a fresh stock . olMed•
i ..iciness Paints; - Glass . Oil, &c.oviiich
having been purchased "
with great. care atrihe
best env houses,lctiMconfidently recommend
to Panilies, Physician's, • gountry 'Merchiints
rind Dealers, as bell - freak and pnre: - ' •.,
l i
Pateilt Medicines,. Herbs:lnd Extracts;.
Pine hemi cals."
••: Spites,ground and whole
Instruments, . ,Essences,' •
Pure Essen'', Oils', 'Perfumery, '&e. '
Cod friven Oil— Warranted Genuine.
I Log and Cam Woods,
I Oil Vitriol • •- ; . :
I • .
-Lac Dye* . •
Wetlnarill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Breen and Yellow, 'Paint and Varnish,Brushes,
Jersey Window Glees, Linseed 'Oil, Turpen
tine, Copal and conch Varnish,'and Re'd Lead.
All of which will be sold at the very lowest
market price, Also,a frarin And splendid as
sortment Of
C onfectionary, and innumerable other 'articles
calculated for use and ornament, all 01 AvLich
are ollbred at the lowest cash priori; at .the
choap Drug Book Find Fancy Store of the sub
scriber on North Hanover street.
May 28 1851. I
RTMMITi7WirrriT9I .I 7:MM
subscriber continues to carry on the
iibore business, in'all itsvartous branches,
in North Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors
North of Leonard's' corner, where he intends
keoning, on hand ageneral assortment in hir line,
Consisting of all hinds of lash
ionable SADDLES, Bridles
martingales, Girths,Cireingles
and intilters, also
11.0 NlCS;trav- . 71
cling arti,,Jldtlle 4x.
nuinufact tires themost approved
Spanish Sprung Saddles, ever
used in this country, - those
wishing'n handsome, durable and .pleasant Nnd •
die wilt do well to call and see them. He ,also
manufactures harness, Bridles, Collars and
Whips in all their varieties, and confidently be
lieves from the general approbation of his elm
miners, that he ma bei the neatest and best
gears, in all their variety of breadth, that
made in the gauntry. lie also makes all hind ' s
of, Matrnsses tp_orjie,r, viz: Straw, husk, Curl•
ed flr and - Bprinrlllatrasses. All the above
articles will be made of the best material and
- workmanship, and with the utmost despatch,
ianl , l-1v Will, OSBORN.
MITE subscriber continuesto manutaettlie:Lit
hie Foundry in 'East High street, having
on hand a great variety of good patterns, and is
prepared to furnis' IRON AND BRASS
CASTINGS, which will be executed to order
(if not on hand,) antic shortes• notice, suelt us
Cranks and Mill Gearing, Spur and Bevil
Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, &c., Plough
Castings. Cutters, Point Shears, Wagon and
Coach Boxes, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car
Chairs, &c, 'Steam Engines built to order and
repaired. All kinds of machinery, in Paper
Mills, Grist Mills and Factories repaired at
short, notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned.
\lso, Horse PoWers and Thre'shing Machines,
such as Bevel Gear Four Horse power ; Hor
izontal Gear Four Horse Power ; llorichnial
Gear Two Horse Power, Ploughs Corn She!.
lams and Corn Crushers. -- ThrethiiirniTichines
and Horse powers repaired and Job Work font.
nt the shortest notice. Pa terns, of different
kinds on luirid,and nude to order.
'He also has on hand a large supply 01 Phila
delphia and Troy Conking Stoves, and is con.
scan ly making Cooking Stoved ol various im
proved nat•erns,lor coal or wood. Ten Plate
Stoves, orates,
done_os.ail kindii of „Machinery.
ill kinds.of old Iron, Brass and, Copper takei
in exeharige for work:
'nor2ltf. FRANKLINA lI.DNF,R.
r .
inp J. KIEFFER has just returned from Phil:,
adolphia witli ( an additional supply of fresh
DRUGS, which in connection with his former
stock will make hid establishment complete in
this department.
In addition to the above he has also opened a
fresh supply of Confectionaries, Fruit, Nuts,
Peseta and Fancy Articles of every descritr.
titra; Tho attention of the Ladies is especially
invited to his extensive assortment of Fancy
Auricles, Ladies Toilets', Fancy Soaps and
Perfumes of every variety.
Gentlemen are invited to examine his fine
assortment dl "Fancy. A rticles—Segars, Chinn
and Porcelain Pipes, Tobacco of all hinds,
Shaving and Toilent Soaps of superior quality,
Canes. Riding and Carriage Whine, and many
other articles which more especially intere t
gentlemen. A number of superior Woollen
'Malts op hand..
The proprietor will lie very happy t o o have
his friends cal' and examine his goods whether
- therumy - srish — to - purchase or noE
July 6 1853 13 .1 KIEFFER.
subscriber is just now receiving and
a. opening an unparalleled assoritnent of
WALL PAPERS. Those desirous of trans•
forming the interiors of their old dwellings
into new ones, and giving additional embel
lishments to their new ones, at n comparative
ly trifling cost, will do well to call and examine
for I can sell thetn from ml eta upwards. Re
member Jim old- stand, East Main :st opposite
Ogilby'a Store. By the tray. I wonld say to
those who also want to improvp The exterior of
their houses, that I can furnish them with
Wotlierill's pure and_fresh ground White Lead,
together with various other colours,- blue, or
alige, yellow..various shades of green, &c., in
short everything calculated to adorn and dcc
orate your mansions.
mar 2
Opposite the Rail Road °Bice, West 111.5i1t Street
rgl SKILES desires to inform his old
Ji • friends and the public that he has opened
tLgenoral ciothing,establibbniont. and has now
in store an extensive stock of _the best and
'cheapest goods over offered in Carlisle. ~
Melt's, Youth's and "tors clothing,
for Spring, Summer and Winter wear, now on
hand of every variety and fuinished nt reduced
vices. Ile has also a large and well affected
assortment of Picco Goode, of English; French
'ilitilE9iiiiitti:Fahries, of now and_beatitiful pat
, terns, for coats pants and vests, Which' will be
made to order in the most approved and- lash.
lionable manner and in assperier'style - cif work
manship. . A full and elegant stock of Gentle=
men's Furnishing Geode, such pa gloves, plain
lintrfanny shirts, collars, handkerchiefs', ties,
&c.; constantly kept on' hand. Also India
Rubber Overcoa's and Leggins.
Feeling confident from the reputation which
it has been his constant aim for a 'course of
years rottecure for,his establishment, of ititc.a.,
hilitY„to,ploasc, ho respectfully invites nrt
amination of his stock, which for quelity„Work:
inanship „and-low prices cannorbe eurpiltisod:
May 4;1853-Iy.'
4 1r-4EOI - WE KELLER respactlidly annouri.
Vices tolitio eld'Patrons and tho public gen.
orally that lie has just received the
.---.-; 'MEN'S HATS, - manufactured at
\ one of the hest .ostOlishinente. In
' \ Philadelphia, iii which ho invites
special attention. , , ,
Ho has also conetaritly on hand a large and
varied assortment of his own' manufacture as
well as city made
suitablolor , he season,eoniprising every vari
eyt of Russia, Beaver, Moles cin and Silkollats,
finished in the Idlest style, together with a full
assortment of of every, shape and des
cription, and ' v price. lie particularly
invites rho pull t all and examine his,exten
siie assortment; which in style, material and
finish, cannot be, surpassed by any in market,
and Which he is 'able to put ,at prices lower then
ever." p - Romember. his Old. stand on North
Hanover WOO; betivtionjitimeesend Sener's
st° ll '•-• ' ... • ' '.':..' .'
_. : rJuno . ll. . • '
•. .. ,
* Visli, •
ory prinio, NO:,l, and '3'
J'ej. in wliolov ,Itnif and ''nitertoir
, iniCxeccrioad in'etblre Lind: fay lowtiot
nficott, , f4t, goal'
Through by Mrpross,'
'IVESSRS.AR!,,,,[I,I3 : AGG a. op.— G ENTLE
10:14 Wil:11 ave Amen using yintr MEXICAN'
MUSTANG 'LINIMENT with. the most per.:
feet success. One of our moat Valußble.Express ,
horses had been much tronhled by,lerge swellings
or tumors on the fetlocks; "they hail grown lar
go, 'than hen7s,eggs, llesides being ilisfiguretl,
by these appendages, the limbs nod johns op,
cared quite stilteted; swollen and larne. We
End tried many L131;11(116 other remedies,:
but nothing,ninicarcd to'produce any effect upon
them. We would willingly. HAVE GIVEN:
T‘VENTY-FIVEDOLLA It S to have had them
removed, and the, horse restored to soundness.
Our hostler obininod Some of your Liniment, and
applied it , Without knowledge. A few days ago
he called. our atteotion to tlni horse, and to our
surprise and gratification, his legs WON! perreCtif
LI pISAPPEARED! We asked him by what
magic he hod effected such a round: Side cure ?
Ilis reply was that the hod been using, the M US„,.
TANG LINIMENT On them about ten days,
and the result was the entire removal of the tu
mors without prothicing anf soreness or leaving
Best. r
We therefore take great pleasure in yeeorn-
Mending the Linimentv anti shall continue to use
it whetievel• occasion requires, in preference to
any otli_r preparation, so long ns it pronuces such
remarkable results. ,
dune 30,105 , 2. KINSLEY & CO,
Southern nod Eastern espress, Nn 1 Wall st
corner of Broadway, New York-,
Since the above certificWe was given, Messrs
Kittsl4"& Co have iufm•med us' that sac of his
di laces WIIS thrown from his wagon in the upper
part of the city, and ,vevy tautly Isruised, the
" agon passing over his body. He was taken into
Dector's office close hyoted file PHYSIC
LINIMENT, as he had recently tried it in a
similar case with great success. Ile did so, and
all the soreness, lameness, and stilfness was re,'
moved, so that the next duty he was about his
business as usual.
Ile also
" We take great pleasure in recommending the
our friends mid customers. as the hest article wc
havo ever used for sores, bruises, 'sprains. Or
golds in horses. We have used it extensively
and always effectually. Some of ibui men hove
also used ir for severe In IIiECB and sores, as well
as rheumatic pains, and they all •sa'y it nets likr
magio7-we can Dilly say that we have abandoned
die use of tiny other Liniment,
J. M. 111METT,
Stable Keeper to the American Fxpress Co.',
and for Haruden's Express.",.
NEW YORK,JuIy 31 185%
We hereby certify that we have used I le com•
pound known as the MUSTANG LIN MENT
and have no hesitation in recommending it
,as the
best article we Live ever used for the cure of
sprains; galls, curs. bruises, Ezc on hot ses. - All
ho doubt this, will please call On the undersign•
ed, anti they will be happy to afford all other
information in their potter as regards its ellieney,
LUTZ. DA L.L. bt.
- Proprietors Manhattan Stage Co
SACRAMENTO CEI T, Cal. ARO:. 15,185'2.,
Al belieNe the 'MUSTANG LINIMENT most
nn excellent article. My wile brought a collide
of bottles with her, whiels.Lowst thank 3on for.
Since she came here, , HORSE FELL
DOWN WITH ME; nod injured the consider
ably, hot broke - no bones. I had recourse
,to the
Mustang, and the relief, and in lac , en0.,X113,3,
astonishing,. ,(Signed), lI.ANSOALS',
Prrrsnuno, Ottldter sth, 1552.
Another circumstance which 1 noticed a kw
day a ago, I thoti,„lit spoke highly of the virtuct
of the Al nsiang. ,Ileing in the office of a Pl 3 ai•
chin "ol high staaing, I noticed as he opened a
door of his book•cose. 'several bottles of AI na
iling, alongside ofit Melt was an marry :Unstring
bottle, and ti two outicepreseviption vial FILLED
WITII 111usTANt; LIMN) ENT on which
was the following directions " ItuiCtlie tht•oat
well alight and morning- with the Liniment, mid
wrap a it oolen cloth around it.".
WILLIAM It. BRETZ, gents for Carlisle.
General Depot, No. 5, Pkoctotc Block, collier
t 241 an Dock strecqyPlulatlelphitt.- _
-A. O.
.-ANDREWS - G - etc.' Agent.
lATH . A7EyEß F .oncpmethe health atid
V nesaul a people is nt all times ot,tho most
valuable importance. take it lot grafited that
every person will do all in their power,to save the
li rev of their children, and that every pqrson will
. endeavor in-promote their own health at all sac.
rilices. I feel it to be nt3 duly to solemnly as
sure you that WORMS ,accorting to the opinion
of the most celebrated Physicians, are the prima
ry causes cif a large majorits of diseases to which
dic children mid adults are liable , if 3ou have
an appetite continualy changeable from one kind
of food to another, Bad Breath, Pain in the
Stomach, .Picking at the Nose, Hardness and
Fullness of the Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever
Pulse irregular—remember that al these denote
WOR AlB, and you should at once apply the rem
An' article founded on Setetdilic Pt loci ples,
compounded with purely vegetable•substunces,
being perfectly safe when taken, nod can be given
toThemost Lender infant with decided beneficial
effects where Bowel Complaints and Dinerhoa
have made them weak and debilitated ; the Tonic
properties of my Worm Syrup are such, that it
-stands-without an - equal - in the - eataltigue - ofliTEdr. -
icines,in giving tone iind strevii to the Stuns-
Ili:II,. which makes it nn innilitble remedy for
those afflicted with Dyspepsia; the astoulthing
cures performdd by this S.) rup utter Physicians
have la iled, Its a beat ei idenee of its euperior
offiency above ( 4ll orbers.
This is the most difficult Worm to destroy a
all that infest the human system, it grows to' an
almost indefinite length, becomiag so Coiled and
fastened in the Intestine's and Stotnneliodreeting
the 11001111 so sadly as to cause St. Vitus!ntinee,
Pits, &e., that those afflicted seldom if ever sus.
Peet that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an
eorly grave.- In order to destroy this Worm, a
very energetic , treatment mist he pursued, it
would therefore he proper to take 6 to 8 of my
Liver Pills so sslo remove all obstructions that
the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm,
which must be taken in doses o 1 S Tablespoonful:
three times n fitly. These directions foliow,, t l
Idfve never been known to fail in curing the most
obstinate rose of Tam! Worm.
No part t.f the system is morel table to disease
than the LIVER, it serving as a fillerer to purify
the blond, or giving the proper secretion to the
Rile; .so that any wrong action df the Liver af
fects thO other important parts of the systeM: . and
results varirusly, in Liver Complaint, Ja'undice,
Dyspepile, We should therefore, watch ev
ery symptom that might intliente*Wrong - tictim.
of the Liver. Those pills being•Wmposed,ol
.Ito els anti Plants furnished its...nature to heal the
sick: Namely, let An EXPECTORANT,
which segments the secretion frOni the Pulmo
nary -mucous membrane, or promotes the die
eharge of secreted matter. ed. An ALTEII.d-
TIVE, which changes in some inexplicable and
insensible trimmer the eernun morbid nation of
the system. Sd. .4 'l'ONlt. n , wbich give roue and
strength to the nervous' sYseetn, i9g health
and vigor to all parts of the body.• , ttb• 4C.8-
THARTIC wide!) nets in perfect harmony with
the other ingredients,Und operating on the bow
ies, rind expelling the whole mass of corrupt and
vitiated niatter,und purifying. the Blood, which
destroys ditiease and restores heatth.
tvill rind these pills nn invaluable medicine
.in many complaints to which you arc subject. In
obstructions 'either total or ;mills), they have
been found' of on inestimable benefit; restoring
their funetiomil arrangements to a healthy action
purify log the blOod find tither fluids so effectually
, as to put to flight sll'complaints which maptirize
from female irregularities, as headscli.
dimness 'Weight, pain in the side, back. &c,
None genuine unless signed J. N. llobetisack,
till others being base Imitations,
'iCt"*.Agents wishing now sm,plies-, and
keepers, desirous of becom'og Agents must nil—
tiress_the Proprietor, J, N, Hobeniack, Philo—
(Nubia', Pa. •
thiverstick,S Elliott, and S.llnhbaril,'Corlielet
Lloyd, Lislitim; I Dar, and .1 FSpalir,llllecham.
fesburg ; Coy re-, Iloguestown ; Ilinverstick .
Strohm, •liingston ; Seidler, Churclitown;
Hayes, Shippenshimg Akin; , POpertown
Cresson, Plainfield , nice, Dickinson:
Weixkley '.Shriver, nentrevlllC ; Donnlelson
Green,• PalmstilWo; liliords'&;;Wherry; Netiv;
Pried 21 centez:o.ach ' • 1 ' '
' 6
FR ES T E - ,11.3 - Bco
JENRIDIg'-ROst Brand ofTotis,,Green and-
Black: in mciallis,paclinges„ "ulsO in , bidtu and
to original packages.... 'A large .nuil . gonertil - as•
sortment orate bast WEITEAR ON ETOND
AND' GRA NITE .WARE. n:varittql
Glass' Wdre, and,Comninti Ware,of every de.,
acription, in setts or atitenviso to suit the pus , ,
und a variety of Fanny ,Wor t y: A ikinia
and for sale at ilic,"!Famh'Grocery!' of.
June . W. Eliy:
iUr~iciuc i
Extract from a Jotter dated
Extract frohialetter.dalcil
{ 'Ula~CCllattcotu .
• ldrAtVP STORE: :.
S. IP".- .corner of N. Llanovei. andlou'eles . sts.
EG Mg respectfully' o call the early !Mei,-
ill don of tho'citizetie of Carlisle rind vicinity
to our now and beautiful assortment-of Spring
Goods, i selectedfront the very hest of Clio Now.
York and Philadelphia.marlcots, consisting of
Persian Cloth; Barego do lane, Black Chrdi,
Chnli Barege, Chnmelion Silk,.. Bombazines.
. Alpacas. All wool Dolainbs, .MOl.lB do lingo,
French Chintzes, Lawns, .&c.
CollarJ,.Undersleeves, Cuffs, Spencers,
Swiss and Jnconet Baffling. •
Swiss and Jaconet Edging and Inserting,
Lisle and Meenlin do . do
Florentine - do do;
' Linen Bobin do.
Valencenes Laces, •
Kid, Silk, 'Ask Thread,
Mohair:end Cotton
G loves.
Whim. andißlack Silk, and Blk Ingrain Dose
Illood and ‘Vhito Cotton
Mons llalf-llose. •
' Gingliants, 'Checks, Tieltings, Calicoes, '
Winto Nankeen, Kentucky Jeans,
Blue and Fancy Drills, Vesting,, ,
Plain, and twill ed Linen,
Fide.pamask Linea Table Cloths,
(to Towels, ,litl
do Napkins, F,ll
Bird Eye Diaper.
° Black and Fancy colored Gaiters,
Shoes of all descriptions, (Willis'. make)'
Fine Calf Beets, Peg'd Boots,
Mans Calf Congress Boots, Boys Boots,
do G•titers, do Shoes,T!
All kind Childress Shoes and Gaiters.
Rio and Java Collbe,Lovering's Syrup Moles.
sos, C chn M-)l6ses, Sugar of all qualities,
Rico, Spices; &c.
Purchaseks will find it to their advantage to
call and examine our stock before purchasing
elsewhere". as it is entirely new and we have for
our motto " quick bales end small profits.
Carlisle. April 6, 1153. .
mgh St. t Iwo doors- East of Market house,
South Side.
fir HE subscriber thankful for past fa
vars would inform his old customers arid
he community in gcnesial.•that he has just re
turned from the city-with a, largo and full as—
sortment of Gromries, consisting in part of
superior Rio, Java. LagilNyra, and Roasted
Coffees, Lovcring's Lump, Sand and Pulver
ized Sug re, Brown Suwirs•at all prices, Mo.
hieses al all qualities and prices.
of every de..cription, including French and Fm
glish China, in pelts or by the . piece; elan,
Stone China and eymmon ware of every de.-
scription, and n lull assortment of Glass war.
such Clothes, Market, Travelling, Sewing,
KnitelTurnhier and Children's Fancy Ras
kets. Tdhs, Painted sod Cedar Buckets, Iron
and Brass-bound Wooden Bowls, Butter Fir
kins, Grocery Boxes, &c. -
• - .TEAS,
superior Black, imperial and Young .
Tcus i Chocolate, Prepared Cocoa.
of firie'quality, together with superior Dry
"Beef.' Smoked Herring, Ground Allum and
fine table Salt, Spices of all kinds.
such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Prunes, Rai
sins, Src. '
a fall supply of Pine Oil and Fluid Lamps,
Safety Fluid Lamps.
Sears and riliacto.o of fine qualities and at
nil prices. Please call and examine for pour•
solves at the old stand.
Mny,lB 1553
Germans. Celebrated Tooth .Wash
ITlNlS'valtiabie'precriratichi halting iicen itscil
gg in New York and PhiltidelOsa, where it has
attained an immense .popularity, for cleansing,
preserving and benutifyiq the teeth. It is an
excellent remedy tit soro,soft or bleeding gums:
A t ,a 96 imparts a delightful freshness to tiro mouth
and agreeable odor to the - breath.
Read the fdlowmg from Dr. ?hurray. •
"1 can, with the summit confidence, recom ,
mend to the public, Zermatt's Anti-Scorbutic
Tooth Wish its tile best in use, In-my ?ractice
as a Dentist, 1 have used and recommended it ibr
me lag five years, and have Mend it to give sat
i‘raction its every thstantte, as the Wash tines not
mnitain acid, et:anything ininrions to the teeth or
gusts; Ind, oil the-contrary, is the best antiseptic
is the practice, and therefore, would recommend,
he ose of it, mit only to those with wish to pre-
Berve lho r ; ; ..•th and gums, and haven wholesome
ihretith, but also to those who have diseased glints
for teeth. The use of thn Wash, for a short time,
will insttre a return to their healthy state.
• GEolltal NIUlt HAY, Dentist,
No. 61, S. Olvventb yt., below Chestnut PUN,
llendel, at Carlisle, says ;=' Mr. Zer-
man, I am Well pleased with your Tonth Wash
it not only cleanses and whitens the teeth without
_sitinibigthein,but-it-euVrAsoreorbleeding - gmnsi
I cheerfully recoinniend it to the profess.on and
as the very best reparation that can be
nsedlor cleansing and preserving the teeth,
healing the gains, and - giving sweetness to the
JOIIN Surgeon Dentist.
Price 25 cents per bottle: Prepared only
Pr :owls Zermatt, Druggist and Chemist, corner
of Ninth and Catharine streets, Philadelphia.
For sale by SAMUI.II, ELLIOTT, Cut lisle,
Pa octCl
Window Shades, Carpets and. Oi
A T 223 North 2d Street, above Wod
11l Philadelphia, wont most respectful
ly call. the attention of his blends and the
public in general, to his large and well se..
elected stock of Carpel., Oil Clothe, Matthias,
Window Shades, Door Olats, Stair bode, Pi
ano Covers, 'rabic Covers Corsa illattings, Irmo
'1- yards wide, for Public Houses, Counting
dell Bee, &e.
Also—to my branch Store, Spring' Gar
deiit'§trotin, above 9tb
MADEIRA, Tenerdre, Malaga, Lisbon,
sLtsent, Grat) Jniee, Port Ond.Anoltor brand
Charminve -Wi.tes. Boston Ruin, Ginger
Mandy, Cherry Brandy:' Pale Cognise and
Dark Brandy, Holland Gin and Wino Bitters.
Sperm CANDLE', 3le per pound, Syrup
and Malango MOLALSRS, Washing Sods,
superior Y Hyson,lmperial nod Black TEA,
principa, Regalia and - Cuba CIGARS, for
sale by the box or retail, hring 'on your pipes
and tr , Item. ttny'all C (LIS. BA RNITi..
FAMILY parties Sabbath - , Schools and Pie
nic parties in going to the country will do well
by calling at the
,cheap - Drug Store.of D, J.
Rieffer;%•here they can be supplied with nr•
ticles at the: lowest•rates and of the best qual
ity. CANDlES—retail price, t.ln• cents per
pound. A general as r-tment of Patent Med.
icines - eonstantly on hand. . . • iY 2O
• .. _ •
r WWI surpasses in quantity quality and
• VV prices any that has ever yet beeif opened
in Carlisle, consisting of the greatest variely
of all.kines of Iludware,' such as, • Shoe Fin
dings, Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, Faints
Oils, Varnish, Gloss. Nails, Files, Anvils,
Vices . , Bellows, Springs, Aiels, Bows, Penises,
Veneers, Cedarware, Farming Utensils, Bar
and Rolled Iron,' Steel, &c., with a thousand
morn articles uninennonable. - • •••
Having pnrchrsed largely! of, Heavy Goods
preVious Id the ai'.vrtece in prices, I nm enabled
to sell goods at eld prices, Pereena in want of
llariwpre are ,invited to call rand examine, my.
goods and bear my prices, nod yeti will be 'sat
isfied where the Cheap Hardware is to be hod.
CO - s3ly Moak :of WALL PAPER. ia nnap
ix-inched by any in the Borough,
' Thankful for the former liberal pntropnge',
orninuance of the eame is enlicited by , •
r • •, • .I(HIN P.LYNEi
Wes: Sido of North Hanover Street,
I .'• Coal,
(1000. TONS Linioliurner's Coni of the' beet
renoiving'enil ler inlet, by E. 140.,
', Only 0,40 per lon. •
Carlielo,3larol , 6,lBsB. •
:'llfio9dteiird. Saimide FE
nc.02:11., , , CARLISLE, P."
. .
No. 164' Chestnut St., Swaint's Bu
MIXNENSI VD:: Music - Publish
IL/ er in Musical Instruments
Exclusive ng,ent fort io sale of Millet, Davis
& CO'kl Patent Suspension Bridge .lEoliari nod
L. Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, 'Melodeons, Mar.
tin's Guita'rs, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music,
Music enoks, &a.
1 - 4sidenis ot'lhe country will be supplied by
sailor otherwise with music. they may wish,
as if purchased in person. Having one,
or the largest stocks in title United States, It
leel confident of satisfying all who may favor
me wits a call or order.
Dealers in'llusie supplied on the most libcra
teems. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos for
sale. runs '2O 1853 ly)
Cheap Watches and Jewthy
at the " Philadelphia NVateh
l a djo l nrY‘}. 'l
Noah ;ect,ertr
or Quarry, Philadelphia.
41,,:i,14 •
Gold Lever Wet, heo, lull
itili - 4 1 VIll'il)a jewelled, 18 carat cae e s , .5.20,00
Silv'rdo lullfd, $l2 Gold Spectacles $7 00
Silver Le'pe j,”.ls, JO Fine Silver do. 150
do do do 9 Gold Brecelits. 300
Superior Quartiers, 7 Ladies G'd P'ls 1 . 00
Imitation do 5 I S'r Teo S'ne, sett,s.oo
Gold Pens with Pencil and Sitiqr'llolar, 100
Gold Finger Rings 373 cents to 88; Watch
Glosses, plain, MI cents ; Patent, 189 ; boner,
25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to he what the,/ are Fold for.
STA FFEIt he 11A R LEY ,•
sept Sly sFIICCeSSOIT t 0 0. Conrad.
On hand,.kime Gold and Silver' Levers And
Lepines,still lower than the nboveprices.
IVIAN UFACTU It ED awl tor sale by ELI
KRUPP, No (i 59, North Third street,
Ph ladelphia,is warranted to render enure satis
faction, and is. beyond doubt the best nod most
wholesome preparation of Coffee ever known.—
Oho package at I` It cents WILL SA VV. four
points of ordinary Col Fee. Try it and be con
vinced. A number of Essences of lof ee were
deposited at the Franklin Institute isiltiatl. and
the Judges decides! Krupp's to he THE BEST
in the exhibition. Friends, it you wish to enjoy
a good ,cheap and henithy Cup of Coffee promire
Krupp's Essence sit Coffee. It is for sole by
nearly ~11 the principal Grocers and Druggists
throughout the Coitus! States.
A pri I 20, 16.53.
~/ No,t,s and Dealers in
Aro censtantly receiving the latest styles
Of the abtive G00d.% winch are offered at
wholesale or retell, at
No. 216 Market Street, above Sloth; near
Neater Strom, Philadelphia ,
-, c , ' MAMMIES ta ciii. . .t,,V
5.,„,,_ %.46 tearrented to Al IRA& melt arc .1.4
THE subscribers, in addition to their exten
sive Groc ery, have connected therewith a n
SESD STORE, 110, illat'ket street, near the
railroad, Harrisburg, Pa., and are prepared to
fill all. orders, by wholesale and retail, of all
kinds - of Agricultural Implements, Vegetable
and Flower Seeds, &c. Country merchants.
with reasonable discounts to sell again.
Hore-powers and threshers, wheat•drillls
and seed'-planters, plows, harrows and cultic:,
todder, hay, and straw-cotter , grain fans
corn shellers . . vegetable cutters, hand grain
mills, clove,:r:hollers, horse'rakes churns,grind
stones-and improved liansino.s, f l ay, str aw an d
manure lurks, farmer's boilers, ov yokes and
how, patent bow pins, cow chains, spades, hoes
and rakes, .post diggers, wheelbarrows, grain
cradles, scythes and soythestone, pot at oe drags
post angers, axes and hatchets, grain bags,
I grain measures, garden tro wit, pruning and
bud,liog knives, grass and grain sickles, screw
Lwronches,_pineer,s-and-gimblets, rut and' amble
'traps, cattle cards and horse brushes, curry
combs, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees,
guars , . Mostar', poudrette, bone ust. lime, gar
den, field and flower seeds. •
Also, n large and fresh assortment of GRO
CERIES, TEAS, Re.; till cheap for cash.
[6r-l.cain and produce of all kinds jecetved
n exchange loc implements.
April 13, 1A53.-11r
- Plainfield Classical Academy.
Near Carlisle, Pa,
14th Session (live months) will con
-11, menet,. May :Id. The buildings are new
and extens,ve (one erected last- 1.• all). The
situation is all that can be des red for health
fulness and moral purity Itemoved from the
excitements of Town or Village th- Student
may here'prepare for College, Mercantile pur
suits, &c. All the branches are taught which
go to arm a liberal t ducat on. A conscien
liens discharge of .duty has secured, nailer
Providence. the present flourishing condition
of the Institution. Its-future prosperity shall
be maintaned by the shine means.
Terms—Board and Tuition (per
session), S50:00
For Catalogues with lull information address
Principal &. Proprietor.
Cumb, Co., Pa.
Oumberlana Valley Institute.
A select DOarding Schootembracing two distinct
and seperate Departments, Atte 1 5- Female.
REV. J. S. LOOSE, A. M. Princod.
WOOS Instmnion will 6 hereafter ,occutty the ,
.JILL now and commodious edifice JuSt erected
for its necoxlmoda Oen. The building is:pe..
culiarly adapted to meet the wants ul both de
partments.. The rooms - aro largo and well
ventilated,' MO the whole house is warmed
with a heated air furnace. 'which is especially
healthful. ,
located on en emineheCnear the bor
ough of rvicchartiesburg, CumbOrlund . Cloning,
Pa., v ith ample grounds, handsoin'oly laid out,
and ornamented, surrounding it ; inviting . to
physical exercise end to amusement in open
air. Every facility . for nn necomplishen 'Sal.
classichl education is hero ollbrod that can be
found at any similar Institution in this State.
Board and Tuition, per session, 650 00:
N nod Ornamental Branches, extra
The Summer Session will open' on the. 2d c
May, and continue twenty'one weeks.:
Reit. J. S. Lowe, A. M.,Proteesor of Mora
Science and Ancient Langan:es, Homy Com
fort, Assistant ; Miss L. C. \Volker, Prineilthl
of Female Deportment nod teacher of Music.
Miss Assistant; Mr. Edward Fells,
'Professor of Modern Lonamiges ; J. 13. Her.
&tog, M. D., Lecturer on Physiology and Laws
ol• Health „ '
For Circulars" containing references and
urther partionlors address the Principal, -
— lllechnnieshorg; , - •
.quirtherland Co., Pa.
Afarch 30 183
u,sue ramaxv.4o
PRItAIC articloof.Sugnr;liaising at !di
• elinifriluy pound, Bunalk du, a good ari lett!,
il l 3
Citrona,A4geo, 'Spines, randies, Lomnns, '
iCkriingos, Presorlied fruits, Dates,
Sugared nnd . Dried Crimea, Figs,
. • Tnniarinds,praekers, &a &e.
'in connection Ail kinds of Confeutionn -
tioa,.all of will ho,disposed, of on tho
.nrigCnocommoOting torins.
' J. ICIEF,r
•-- • , •
200 bb- 'si,tviu,ltita.lagtirrels,
te q o , , , :gndortili
. wo 4 OD:W4ID A
. .
XX 9 q
a 4 • mow.&
t.• 0..•-. , 4 - - 60 0: '
* V ' !-- :? ' ' -ile
-• . - ,[4.-_,, .....,,i4v.4.: .4 to t tio,
01 , .... IMP.
rortilib cure,Or
Eroansmvmss., Bnozsr- _
ild int , Phila
er, and Deal
of every 110
Of all the numerous medicines extant, [and
some of them valuable . ' for the core of mil_
MOnnly Loolploints, nothing has ever been
found which could compare in its effects with
this preparation. Others tore sometimes, but
at all times and in rill diseases of the lungs
and throat where medicine can give relief, this
will do it. It hi pleasant to tribe, and perfectly
era in accordance with the directions. W 0
et, nut adverttim for the information Orli's°
who tiny° tried It bin those who hove not.—
Families that have known its value will not he
%yahoo. it, Lad by timely use, they are
secure from the chit:germ's consols( Imes of
Coughs and Colds tv7iich neglected, ripen into
fatal consumption.
The Diploma of the Massachusetts Inqitute
was awarded to this preMirntion by the Board
of Judges in September 1P47; also, the meda I 3
of the three great 'lnstitutes of Art, in this
country; also the - Diploma of the Ohio Institute
nt Cincinnati, has been given to the CHERRY
P I„ by their Government in considers
lion of its extraordinary t!xcellence and useful
ness in curing affections of the Lungs and
Read the following opinion fouilded on the
long experience of the eminent Phyticiun of
the port and city of
_ _
Dr .1 C Avim
Tivcyears trial of your (TIEP,RY PECTO
RAL in my practice, hus proven whnt I fore
saw from its composition, must be tale, that
it eradicates and cures tie colds and coughs
we, in thia'section are peculiarly
I think its equal.has not yet been dkcovered
!Mr do I know how a - better remedy can he
madn lot the dinternners of the Thront and
Lungs. - J J 13 QRTON, M FR S. ,
Sec what it luta clo.e on a wasted constitu
tion; riot only in 6ie following canon, but a
thousand theme a
Dr Ayer: In the month of July last I was
_attacked by a violent diorama in the mines of
Califirrnia. I returned to San Franneisco in
hope 'of receiving benefit from a change of
climate and diet. My diarrharn censrd, but
wee followed by n severe cough, and inn h
soreness. I finally slatted fur home, but re
ceived no benefit front the voyage. Illy cough
molt/Tined to grow WOrtIV and ti lien I arrived
at New York,
, I was nt once marked by my
aeguaintantres as a vietrm of consumption.
I must confess that I now no sufficient reason to
doubt what my friends uI; believed. At this
time I commenced taking your truly invaluable
medicine with little expectutima, ol deriving
any benefit from its You would not re
ceive these lines did I not regard it my duty to
state to the afflicted, through you, that my
health, in the spat.: of eight months, is fully
restored. I attribute it to the use of your
CHERRY PECTOPe.,AL, Yours truly,
WAsniNe-rosr, Pa., A pail I i, WS.
'• Dear sir t Feeling that I have beemspared from
11 premature grave, tfirough your inittrumental.
11.3 by Ow providence of (tor!, I will take the
iberty to express ni gratitude.
cough mut thea farming symptoms Of -Coo
somptioo had. reclucerl me too low to leave me
any thin;; like hope, when my- physician biatughr
inc a bottle of }our I'ccrwi,ac It Seellied to
offrod immediate a ct of, and now in a few uechs
time has restored nee to sound heath II it will.
do for others what it has done for me, vim are
certainly one of the heneGetors of mankind,
Siuterel) wiihius'you every blessing, t ant
Very respeetltllly yours, •
Rector of St. Peter's ehnrr
With such assurance, and from sucl
men, no stronger proof can be adduced
unless it be from its ellects upon trial.'
Prepared and Sold by
Sold in Carlisle by Dr S. Elliott, and S. W.
Daveestielt--in Mechanicsburg by Ur Ira Day
—in Newville by .1. 11. Ilerron—in Sbiapen s .
burg by J. C. & U. B. Allick, and--'by. Drug—
gists generally throughent,the State.
d &or ,
Located No 117 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 111 d.
The ostenstide object of this Institution is to
place in the reach of individuals proper lacili•
tics for obtaining—a- thorouglr and - pranks!
Mercantile Education. I\ ()thing indeed has
been omitted that is calculated to produce the
desired result.
The rooms of the College are well fitted tip,
conveniently arranged, and situated in the,
most desirable part of the City. COnnetited
thereto is a Commercial Library, end this, in
connection with familiar Lectures on Commer•
cial Law hod Alercantlle 6eience; is a flatter
of the highest importance to nll who desire to
become Accountants of the first order, and oc
cupy stations of profit nod responsibility. A
young man can here obtain a more 'cor: °et
knowledge of general business matters in a
few weeks than can 'be acquired in us many
years in any one Counting Room.
l'he course of study embraces Double Entry
Book looping, and its adaptation to vatious
departments of Commerce and Trade, Mercan
tile calculations intight according to the most
approved methods. Practical I,:enmanship, com
bining rapidity of execution with beauty of
construction. Lectures on Mercantile Law,
upon various important Alercautile subjects
basido many other points necessary for a book.
keeper or business man to inklerstand. The
time necessary for an indusitions student to
complete the course varies from 5 tog weeks.
Thera being no vacation, applicanii can enter
at any time and attend both day and evening,.
Examinations are held nt stated periods. and
Diplomas awarded to those who g . aduata.—
For terms, &c:, write and have a Circular for
warded by mail.
•, March, 23. 1853, ly.
.TIIE undarsigned nwning a largo Stenin
Saw Mill;recently built, on an improved„pluti,
with a circular saw capable of cawing with
great rapidity, located three miles west of Pa.
pet town,Cumberlund count , y, at the base of the
Smith Mountain, on Spruei Run, and having
in possession near one thousand acres of the
. bent timber lend, in the Soulhern part of Penn
sylvania, arc now prepared• to sdw and furnish
lumber to order, at the 'shortest. notice of the
'Various descriptions used fur mechanical pur
:finFies. They can fufrnish frame stuff for burns
Ityidheuse's of any, length and aiza, that rosy be
'required, wenther-bonrding, flooring, and ten.
°lug tiofirdt., Poplar and oak:boards anti pinch,
Shingle and plastering fifths oak and eliesnut
shtnglra„cecper atoll; pitch pine posts, and
chestnut rails stud posts.. They have now on
hand several its-noint feel of lumber, abeam(
rails and posts fur fence, ash and pine wood by
the cord, and can engutt,n to be delivered in its
season sown' hundred eurda of chesnut oak
bark for turning purposes.
TO proprietors having availed themselves
of flu), milord edvtintogen of then- location,
which 'abounds in a variety of the finest
thither, nod having ulson,proctical hp.wredge
of the hosinesn, ( iire enabled to furnish luolier
lower to the citizens of Cumberland' count:/
than can bo dons by any similar establishment
....and an they ilk] and expect to do a farce
business, *trite no pains to accommodate
tho public of the nitortost notice.'
The"verions descriptions of lumber will ho
delivered in Carlisle or elsewhere tia'reav be
desired. All ordern addressed to the proprie.
tore; DiVen & flaslrell,living in Pupertrwn, or
Wm. 1). Feynititrr, jr. in Curlidp, will
prompt attention.
. AMIECOVII.L.' • ."
TilLlatore of the sebeiiihek.erphretitig
•. . -
Queenewnye, and ell: the
by him„ unloved to hie ••evi huthliee, No's
.2,8e3, , :41.41R10N -1-IALL,..West •,St. ,
4. 0 ,1'A i r4 Ws EBY: .•
ST JOHNS, May 8, 1851
SUNBURY, Jan 24th 1851
A ,-CHOICE No.- I -Itt cgrjz nr„
.wholo. holf atid•rmalerithis, also a Vot of
new No; 3,lllaciceral tbr'stlo 'croup for rasp ;at
the family grorery,atoro.of,
Jorm - 22.1853.1,4j'
, •
T HP. subscriber wishes to ' draw the at:en. don of the public to their ownifitt liq.y,
which they may consult to good advantage by
examining the elegant and complete °semi,.
snout of LI ordwnre ot every deeerintion r .w hich
be is now receiving at his ~ I d stand on North
Hanover street.
• •
We have a large supply of springs, , halts,
band 6, laces, curtains, and floor, oil' cloilis and,
drab cloths, of different qualiiies, in fact 'empty
thing your line.
We offer completosetts of veneers ; Itnobskrand'
mouldings of walnut and maim:piny, to sui
both the taste and the purse.
the splendid assor meat of tools in your line
as also tr complete stock of building matcrialß,
cubit as locks„ hinges,' screws, latches, I Inns,
paints, oils, varnishek, turpentine, &c. and va.'
rinus - carpenters".toMsP cheaper titan ever, us
has beeir-ocknowledged by a carpcntur m Ito
hes secn Chem. .
cannot go wrangle giving us u call (or a sup..
ply otllmmtncred, rolled, : and other b on
genelallx, used. as aIEO c .l l t, slu or American
and Engrish blipicr sttel,, • e. Az.c.
will also consult !heir interests' by loel:ing at
our cheap shovels, forks. trace chains, home',
and every other article from a .cradle to u
plour4h,to suit them in price and qualitv.
are also invited to esnmine the quantity and\
quality now on hand, of ceder wart., who,
churns, hodkets.,oils, such -as fish,' Friel in :Ind
flasseed'oili, Which will he sold at the lowest
cash prices. I would aka call attentten to my
splendid assortment of WALL PAPER'S,
pre•erding n numberless variety of Patterns at
prices from G etc. upwards. there
is no mistake here, no all articles will he Fole
at the lowest ensh prices/AY the old and well
ItiMwn stand en North Hanover street. East
sloe, betiveee MeGlaughlin's llotel and Kell.
er'.s fiat Store. "JACOB Sp',.3ER.
-- Mardi 10.
Spring & Summer Styles of Hats !!
74—,..5.5.. - .3Eg • ' l2l-. 7- .-:_ ;. '-'
V-f 5.,..• .
--- _ - '4
G 4 s J. ROLLER desire respectfully to in
_turn] their customers and friend: that they
are now supplied with a great curio y of
for Spring and Summer Ute 7n tdditicn 'n
a lenutpul spring style of Silk lints nod Mir
extensive a,sortment of light mid ((dented
shwa hats they would cull part 'cult a ntten .
Pion to their Panama, Lephclu, Cl 4 nod Si taw
lints just received from the citu 1, 1 , or .
soriment ie large and for looney' (.1 . style rx<cl
knee 01 flni:11 and lei, nef.e 01 (rite tFr y r
not he surpassed. A Int ge af FM - mint of gays.
exclusively 10r mur w(nr, oonstartly en
hued. Also n cnternilv vv.lected r.S.:oltlnt nl
\,e most I•espectfithy invite the citizens of
Cial:sle and vicinity to cull nod <x<mn e (yr
assortment of the old stund, opposite to he
Te frurni ti.ny 11
Clothing House.
•IptlE subscriber is now ht,ving, mode up o
largo lot of very superim" CLOTH IN G,
which - heis determined to sell. as li.w if not
lower tharrinny other house in did country --
Ills stock will consist of—
1 Fine Dress,Afittinett,:Faek and Overcoats
Cassimere,'Skitinett and,Velvet Cord Pants,
Satin and Cachniere Vesting.s, &c. . .
Also, Moves. Hasiery,Suspenders, Cravats,
Shirts, Shirt. Collars, U Mbrellps,Abla, Can , .
Merino Shirtiand Orawers,' &c.
I will at all times keep a good assortment of
Cloths Casstmeres and Vestings bat,d,
which will be made up to orderin the hest and
moat ra3hiOntath) style, I have as foreman of
z his establishment a practical tailor, of c who
has had considerable in tho busi
ness, and is not surpassed as a cutter in the
borough of Carlisle. Ail garmentsMmde to
order warranted to fit and well made, it not,
no sale,- - I am now receiving direct from
Philadelphia a fresh assortment of ( beam,
Cessimeres and Vesting., to wltHt I invite
fhe attention of my 'timorous old easterner s
and the public in , general. All in ,Antlt of
cheap and good garments wilbdo well and save
money by calling and e.viminingt his stock be
fore purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show
the goods. Recollect the stand nest door to
Burkholder's- Untel. Make no lnietahe just
one door from the center.
JOHN D. GO R , ..4 AS hereby inform:. h:s old
lriends and enstoTheis t;:tn he era moored his
TIN WARE AN Di STORE 1100 , , , i1, t o the
Poem lately oeenpild Icy Mr. J. , En) ac a
t:recery St , le, ett Alain street, where tie will
as heretofore manufacture nod keep cot sant) ,
in ine.c every descrip ton el
made in the hest style and 10 the see y h,nent
tieod r erktnen mei the ,tri • best nia•
lerial always em plead. or as to ensure. Ato I 1•1 C
sectisfnctico. SPOUTING nod JOll-11 0111 i;
done at the shortest notice. iL n FHA lAO a f! -
ner, and at fair prices. Also, in stere at tell
seasons a large nod attractive variety of
comprising every new and holey sale, of all
priers. and sizes, adapted to burning eiflor
wood or veal. Ills in.sortl, cm of stoves he of
fends shall not he rutl fisted by tiny otla r ee
tablit.liment; ca , mprising a score or more of
ddr,rent sales to suit all lastes. Thankful to
his friends for the patronage so long bent oat rd
upon hint at his old stand, be rt speettuily in
vites a call at his new establishment, cot fident
that his large. as sortment ent.rm fail Ii p e.
April 25, 185'3. .1 0 11N 1). G OR GA S.
X. forth cent, by means
f the JESC IJ-
A or, EVin'y One
.The thirty.sisth Edi
m, with one hundred en
nyings, showing
iseases and 31allorms
ms of the. Genetatino
vstem, in every shape
form o to it hieh is ad-
Iseaset. : -01 Females, in.
ales only (see page 190),
being elthe highest importance to married peo
ple, or those cuntemplattitgplieeinge.
YOUNG, M. D., Grittluate , Ol the University of
Pennsylvania, l\lornber "el the Royal Collegi., of
Surgeons, London ' and Honorary Ni :Tact. 01 the
Illtiladelphia Aledietts soeiviy. The various
forms ot Seel et Diseases, Seminal Weak in sS,
Disease, ot the l'enstrate Gland, Impotency, soli
tary habits or youth, tire litithlully described, and
all the recipes, given in plain - language; The
chapter on sellsibuse and Senithal I.Vetikness is
'worthy of reticular attention, and slintild be read
by every one. Voting men who have been nape.
foliate in contracting disease, presious to plooing
yoiirnelves Odder die cared ary donor, no wai
ter whist Its pretensions gnu lie, get a copy of
of this truly valuable work.
.SCII CHIA:III43 11111 i persons going to, srn,,sLould
tossetni Dr. Yotattes.Trentise on \l:n•ringe,
'neket lEseulnpius , or Every one Ms (ton Illy-
CO- Let no father he nslairned to present a
copy of the ../Esettlapins to his el ild. It niny
1 611%e him Irmo on curly grove. Let no young
man or woman ester into the sect,et oblicittiens
of mnrried life , will.ont rending the pocket Xs)
colapi us. Let tin one sufliaing from nhn chnied .
entip,h, polo in the side ITSOI 03 10015, M 4,068
1111(1 the whole bolo of Dyspeptic sci ,B n•
:111111 given up by their physician. be an
other moment without consulting the jEsetilit.
dies. Irvine the married or, :bust" shout to be
married :my impediment, mill. ibis useful
Book, MI • it luta been the menss or saving thou
sands of unfortimote creatures from the. vLes
jaws of death. Upstart's tit n .011,1.10 N copies
or this celphrated work' hits - liven sold in thist.
country, and Europe since 1 838,,uheti the - first
edition wan ;petted.' .
On" Any' person sending TWENTY-HVE •
eents'enolosed inn letter. will creel one copy
of this book by mail ; or five copies will he sent'
rot. t3t. Address lie. 11.1.1 A NI • YOUNG,
NO., 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia," Post
. fears prictice in lie t city of Philadel
phia certainly Young to the,cm li
dence of the Minuted - nod be rimy he consulted
on oily of:the oC6eribell in his difktcut
p ithurntion6; . ,.l - Ids, office 152' Spruce Sti?'et,
they between 9 ninl,ficii'Clock (Snailm ca , ..
ett . !eil).and per A 11134 it not tliitatted can consult
Dr. I.lnrilliYieller, 14IST• PAID.
rash,, ti,:rtsbci