Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 13, 1853, Image 4

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... Plainfield'Cia.ssical Academy -
... .-
.... • -,,
Near :Oari(ele,' ra. . •
IHE 14th Session (five• months) will cent
- mence hlar2d. • .Tho'haildings are-new new
nn • extensive qua° :erected last tali). 'The
situation -is all that can be &aired for health
fulness and moralpurity , . Removed from the
excitementii of Town or. Villrige the Student'
may here prepare far College, Mercantile -par
suite, &c. All the branches are taught which
go to.fortn a -liberal 'ducat on: A conscien
tious 'discharge of dot? has secured, 'under
Providence. the present flourishidg condition
of,the Institution. Its future prosperity shall
be maintaned by the same means.. ~
Terms—Board and 'Tuition (per'
• session), . - '550 . 00 -
( For .Catalogueswith hill information address
. . ' • . Principe/ & Propricipr.
Plainfield, Cumb, Co., Pa. .
Oumberland Valley Institute.
A Meet Boarding School embracing two distinct
arid ,eeperate Departments, Male 4. Female.
' REV; J. S. LOOSE, A. M.
EilS institution will -hereafter_ occupy the.
new and .commoalous edifice just erected
for its,; accommodation. The buddinglisfpc
culistay adapted to meet the warns of both de•
partments. ' The rooms are largo and well
ventilated, and the whole house is warmed
with a heated air furnace. which is especially
healthful. is located on an eminence near the bor
ough or mechanicsburg, ,Cumberland County,
Pal; with ample grounds, handsornely laid out
and ornamented, surrounding it ; inviting to
phyeicalexereise and to amusement. in the open
-air. Every facility tar an accomplished aid
classichl education is here'offerecl that can be
found at any similar•lnstitution in this State.
Board and. Tuition, per session,• • $5O 00
Masic and Ornamental Branches, extra
Tho Summer Sesaiiint will open on the .0d of
May, and continua twenty one weeks. •
Rev. J. S. Loose, -A. M.,Professor of Moral
Science and Ancient Languages, Henry . Com
fort, Assistant Miss L. C. Walker, Principal
of Female Department and teacher of Music,
Miss--Assistant; Mr. Edward Fells,
Professor of Modern Languages ; J. 13. Her
, oing, M. D., Lecturer on Physiology and. Laws
. of . Health: •
For," Circulars" containing references and
urtlier particulars address-the Principal,t
. Cuinberland Co:, Pa.
March 30 1553. ,
Three miles 'West of Harrisburg, Pa.
?HE, Fifth Session 'of this Institution wig
cuatmene. on 'MONDAY, the 2d day o
May, next.. Parents ancfguat diaus are reques
ted to inquire into the merits of this Institution
before sending their eons or words elsewhere.
The situation is retired, pleasant, healthful, and
convenient of access. The course of instruc
tion will embrace. the different branches of a'
thorough English Education, together with the
Latin. Greek, French, German, Spanish and
Portuguese Languages, and Vocal and Instru •
mental Musle. The Principal will be assisted
by foot well qualified Teachers, viz t two in the
English Branches, one in Penmanship and
Drawing, and ono in Music and the Modern
Boarding, Washing,Tuition in the
English branches, &c., per ses
sion (5 months,) " sso[oo
Ancient or Modern Languages, each, ;5 00
instrumental •Music, - - 10 00
For Circulars and otherinformation address
D. DENLINGER, Principal.
man Trhite ]fill, Cumberland county, Pa.
The Allen'''and 'Halt Ponnsborough Mutual
Firo Insurance Company of Cumberland coun
ty, incorporated by an Act of Assembly, is
now fully organized, and in operation cinder
the management of the following commission
ers, viz: ,
Jacob Wm,. R.. Gorges, Michael
Cocklin, Molchoir Brenneman, Christian Stay r
man, Christian Pitzel, Jacob H. Coover, Lewis
Hyer, Henry Logan, Benjamin H. Musser, Ja
cob Kirk,, Prowell, Joseph .Wicker..
• 'rho .eates of insurance aro as low and favor
able as any Compahy of the kind in the State.
Persons wishing to become members aro in
vited to make application to the agents of the
company, who are willing to wait upon them
at uny time.
° BENJ. IE. mossErt, President.
• ,
Henan LoGAN, Vice PfedideNt3
Lewis Ryer, Secretary.
Michael gocklin, Treasurer.
Cumberland Couhty.—Rudolph Martin, N.
Cumberland; C. B. Derman,Kingstown ; Lien
ry Zearing, Shiremanstown; Charles Ball,
Carlisle; Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtown; Samuel
Graham, West PentieligiMgli; James McDow.
el, Frankford ; Made Griffith, South Middle—
ton; Samuel- Coover, Benjamin —Haver/Mick;
Mechanicsburg; John Sherrick, Lisburn; Da
vid Coover, Shepherdstown•
York County.=-John Bowman, Dillsburg ;
Peter Watford, Franklin; John Smith,
Washington; W. S. Picking, Dover; Danil
RaffenshArger, J W.Craft,Paredise.
• llarriasarg.—Houser & Lachman.
Members of the company having poliples
admit to expire can kayo them renewed by
making application to any of the agents.
Nov. 24, ly.
WHICH surpasses in quantity quality and
prices any that has ever yet been opened
in Carlisle, consisting of the greatest variety
of all kinds of Hardware, such as, Shoe Fin
dings,Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, Paints
Oils, Varnish, Glass, Nails, Files, Anvils,
Vices, Bellows, Springs, Axe's, Bows, Felloos,
Veneers, Cedarware, Farming Utensils, Bar
and Rolled Iron, Steel, &c., with a thousand
-more articles unmentionable. • "
Having purchased largely of Heavy Goods
previous to the alliance in prices, I am enabled
to sell goods at old prices,. Persons in want of
Hardware aro invited to call and examine my
goods and hear my; prices, and you will be-ifitt
isfied where the Cheap Hardware is to be had.
0.1411 y stock of WALL PAPER is nnalr.
•preached by any in the Borough..
' Thankful for the former liberal patronage, a
continuance of the same is solicited b
L y •
Was: Side of North Hanover Street.
J. E. GOULD, • '
.IVb. 164 Chestnut. Se., Swaim's Building, Phila.
10XNENSIVE Music Publisher, and Deal.
Jed or in Musical Instruments or every do.
script ion.
Exclusive agent for t sale of fact. Davie
LI Co'a Patent Suspension Bridge JEolian and
L. Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons; Mar.
tin's Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music,
Music Books, &o. • , .
Residents of the country will h o supplied by
mail or otherwise with music they may wish,
tut low as if purchased in person.. Having one
or the largest stocks in the United States. I
feel confident of satisfying all who may favor
rno with iCcall or'order. . •
Dealers in Music supplied on the most fibers:
terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos for
sale. , ,may 20 1853 ly)
Gan "'Wares and Lamps,'
11. N. 24 Street, near Vint4 Phila , ,having
had' menf:Years practical. experience in the
business, and all work sold by us is manufac
tured under our linmediat2 supervision, we are
enabled to offer to ottremsere puperior articles
in every braneh of our' trado.,' Actiur.Store
'may be ,found in every varietyof style and
ilnisk l LGeo dr: Learn
D A TS, ' SIDE, BRACKETS iorliallri;
*Churchesi &es, the Improved ,Pinevoll, Lamps;
'together with a fine , assortment of Fluid; Lard:
and Oil Lamps, Oirandoles parlor Asliglit and
Reading. Lamps, Rennet Hoidens, ere: , . On
heed [Amp Glaesen, Globes, Wicks, eltadestito,
All work warranted, or no sale. Factory No.
SS Noble street, near . Fourth. Remember...—.
.Store. No int N. 2d 6 t ., nep doot to .1 Slower
DePuY' ll Catrat Store, riuty2o
Or_ EMMEN* ANZIP Eiti*,lo22MLl
Day Goods. ..
At the store of the subscriber, the great Mart for
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots 4. Shoes,
Tito subscriber respectfully informs his friends
• and numer_ous custotiters. that ho has returned
from Philadelphia witle.a large and varied as
sortment of Spring and Squinter Goods, eon
in part of Cloths, Caseimeres, Sat
floats, Nestings, Muslim 'Pickings .Linseys,
Velvet Cords, Cravats, Suspenders ,
Silks, Bombazines, Plain and Change.
able Php;ins, MausHis de Laines, Grrighanis,
Calicoes, Alpachas, liorinoee, Shoals,, Hoer.
ery, &c.
A very largo assortment, embracin evry
style and quelity. A largo assortment i.l
Bonnets, Ribbons, Umbrellas. and Parasols.
BOOTS AND §.14,0E5.
An extensive variety of Mon's, Women's and
Children's Boots and Shoes; Gum Shoes, from
the most cerebrated manufacturers. 'Also,
colored and white Carpet Chain.
Such as Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, &c.
Choice Teas from the well.known tea dealers,
Jenkins & Co., &c., &o.
All who visit our establishment aro free to
acknowledge that we are selling Foreign and
1/mastic Dry Goode, Boots, Eileen, Sec., at as;
tonishingly low prices. • Our tow prices has
already attracted a large number of people.—
The attention of all who wish good bargains
is solicited, as , inducements can be offered to
purchasers. Don't forget the corner opposite
Leonard's old stand, North Hanover street.
Butler, Eggs, rags and soap, taken at' mar
ket prices. ' N W WOODS,
,np6 Agent.
rresh Spring Supply!
HAVE just received a fresh stock of Med•
icines, Paints, Glass, Oil, &,c., which
having been purchased with great caro ht the
best city houses,..l can 'confidently recommend
to Families, Zilysicians, Country Merchants
and Dealers, as beingD RUGS. fresh and pars.
Patent Medicines, Ilerbsand Extracts,
Fine •hemi oak, Spices,ground and whole
Instruments, Essences,
Pure Essen'l Oils Perfumery, &e.
Cod Live, Gil—Warranted Genuine.
Log and dam Woods,
Oil Vitriol
Alum, „ I Lae. Dye" •
Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
Jersey Window Glass; - Linseed - Oil, Turpen
tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lead.
All of which will be gold at the very lowest
market price,- Also,a fresh and splendid DB
eortment of
Confectionary, and innumerable other articles
calculated for use and ornament, allot wLich
aro offered at the lowest cash prices, at the
cheap Drug flook and Fancy Store of the sub
scriber on Nerth,linnover street.
May 28 1851.
rinliE subscriber continues to carry on the
A. above business, in all itsvartous branches,
in North _Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors
North of 'Leonard's corner, where he intends
keeping on band ageneral assortment in hipline,
' Consisting of all kinds of lash
ionable SADDLES, Bridles
marting . alesjiirths,Clr cinglcs
and flalters,'also
TRUNKS, tray-114),
cling ancl saddle
He also
manufactures themostapproved
Spanish Spring Saddles, ever
used in —this country, 'those
wishing a handsome, durable and pleasant sad
dle will do well to call and see them. He also
manufactures Harness, Bridles, Collars and
Whips in all their varieties, and confidently be
lieves from the general approbation of his cue
tourers, that ho makes the neatest and pest
gears, in all their variety of breadth, that is
made in the wohntry. He also makes all kinds
of Matrasses to brder, viz : Straw,Husk, Curl.
od Hair and Spring Matrasses. All the above
articles will be made of the best material and
workmanship, and with the utmost despatch. • WM..OSBORN.
• -..0-3.-.41.z4.-4*.i,t„ 4.74Nhi
THE snbscriber continuesto manutacture at
his Foundry in East High street, having
On hand a great variety of good patterns, and is
prepared .to furnish -'IRON AND- BRA - -
CASTINGS, which will bo executed to order
(if not on hand,) null° shorter ,notice, such ae
Cranks and Mill Gearing, Spur and Bevil
Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, &c_, Plough
-Castings. Cutters, Point Shears. Wagon and
Coach Boxes, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car
Chairs, &c. Steam Engines built to order and
repaired: All kinds of machinery in Paper
Mills, Grist Mills and Factories repaired
olaort notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned.
Viso, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines,
such as Bevel Gear Four Horse power ; Hor
izontal Gear Four Horse Power ; Horizontal
Gear Twit Horse Power, Ploughs Corn Shot
lors and Corn Crushers. Threshing machines
and Horse powers repaired and Job Work Rom,
at the shortest notice. Pa,terns of different
kinds on hand and made to order.
lie also has on hand n large supply of Phila
delphia and Troy Conking Stoves, and is con making Cooking Stoves of various im
proved pat'orns, for coal or wood. Ten Plate
Stoves, Grates, &c.
Repairing done to all kinds' of Machinery.—
All kinds of old Iron, Brass and Copper taken
in exchange for work.
Fish, Fish, 0 ! Fish.
FIFTY. barrels of prime No. 1, 2 and 3
- Mackerel, in whole, half and quarter hsrrels,
just received in store and for sale at-the lowest
prices for cash by
..marl? J. G. WILLIAMS.
. iVY AcEr.EREL.
bble, in Whole and Half barrele, now
receiving and for sale by
Window Shades, Oarpets and Oi
AT 223 North 2d Street, . above • Wood
Philadelphia, would most respeettat.
ly all the attention' of hie friends and the
public in general, to his lame and well . se.
elected gtoeli. of Carpet', Oil ClottarMattinge,
Window Shades, Door Mats,' Stair Rods, Pi.
ano Covers, Table Covers. Corea Matting; Irmo
Fn. yards wide, for Public Houses, Counting
Muses, &e.
Also—to my branch Store, 13T, Spring] Gar
den Street, above 9th
.iLivruzi 1 1'31AGIIDT I
Two Women Twiny Butchered 1. I I
THE greatest excitement prevails in Phila.
dolphin on account of the inhuman massacre
of- two helpless females I but n greater and
more intense excitement exists since the arri
val at Bentz & Brothers, of a splendid lot of
which we'are selling off to the public nt very
.low prices., Among thenoi or Dress Coeds,
every kind, Bonnets, vcryiblioap, Ribbons,
Chintzes, Muslins, and a great stock of Clotho,
Coseimerio, Vestingo, Summer stuff; and a
general Variety. Further particulars horoal
mar& 16
, • CO4.L I COAL
• ,
The Best and Cheapest in , the Market ibr .
Family.. Use., . ,
- R
200 TON'S ,ottimtlebritod ach Gap
Coal; 'Dauphin. county, and Geld Mine Gap
.Coal ; ,o ahnyhtliNionnly,',iiiarreealved 4 ,and
gala at.prioeirfrem $3,R5 te'...3180 per ton; by.
C;131D1)11.41,1v, at ihci.'wilicalionali.larnierly
Aiivned by g.A,:•lfoover.'„i
etirCoaf can' dolivarod' 'whore 'along
the lino of . the .Ciunherland V a lleritail , Road
Orders by letter-(posi paid) Orfliptil! r ,110,1 41,4 '
arok , • 3..r1 ~,„
• - •
, . .
~~3~.t~.A~ ~~S~q~S3~o
4•••: . * • - . 1:1-:•:.:, 6'.• '-'1',.7. - : - . - ::::. q
NEXiOAN ItlppTA:Dl(4. L 1011444.1%
• ,
'Through by Egpross.;•',i!
We have beeit , using your 'MEXICAN
MUSTANG LINIMENT with the. most per. •
c O n
u o e l h o t i r t o r
u n b s l o: d t
y a1;1 1 1 ,. 1 5 ,1 ,: e E
or tumors on the fetlocks; they had grown tar-:
ger than hen's eggs:, Besides being disfigured
by ti-se .npliendsgett; the limbs, and Joints ap,, wille,,stiltene4sw ol len and I lame: SWe
had tried many Li uments and other - remedies, -
but nothing appeared to produce ally effeetmpas
them: We would willingly HAVE GIVEN
TWENTY •EIV E DOLLA ll S to have had them
removed, and the horse restored to soundness.
'Our hostler obtained some of your Liniment, nod
applied it without knowledge.• A few days ago
lie called our attention to the horse, and to our
surprise and gratification, his legs were perfectly
Llt DISAPPEARED!' We asked him by-.what
magic he -had effected such a remarkable core ?
His reply. was that he lout been using the MUS
TANG LINIMENT_ on them about ten days,
and the result was the entire removal of the tu
• mars -without producing. any soreness or leaving
u scar.
We therefore take great pleasure in '•ecom
mending the Liniment, and shall continue to use
it whenever ozcasion requires, in preference to
any other preparation, so long as it primates such
remarkable results. -
June 300052. KINSLEV E.? CO,
Southern and, Eastern express, No I Wall at.,
corner of Broadway, N ew York,-
.Since the above eertifsca'e was given, Messrs
liiuslar be Co have informed us that one of his
dt leers was thrown from his wagon in the linty_
part of the city, and very badly hruised, the
wagon passing over his hinly. Ile was taken into
a Doctor's office close by, and ME Prri SIC
LINIMENT; as be had recently tried it in a
similar ease with great success. lie did Sp, and
all the soreness, lameness, and stiffness was re
moved, so that the nest day be was about his
business as usual,
We take great pleasure in recommending the
MEXICAN MUSTANGLoixizyr to all
our friends gad customers. as the best article we
havo ever used for sores, bruises, sprains. or
gelds in horses. AVe have used It extensively
and aluays effectually. Some of our men have
_also used it for severe bruises and sores, as well
as rheumatic pains, and they all say it sets like
magic—we can only say that we haw. abandoned
the-use orally other Liniment,
Stable Keeper to the American Fxpress
and for Haruden's Express."
NEW YORk,July SI, 1852.
We s ner.dby certify that we have used the com
find have no hesitation in recommending it as the
best article we hive ever--used for the eure_of
sprains, grdls, cuts. bruises, iqc on horses. All
who doubt this, will please call on the undersign
ed, and they will be happy, to afford all oilier
information in their power nsregards its efficacy, i
&c. LUTZ. I>A LL Ez CO,
Proprietors Manhattan Stage Co
Extract from a letter dated
I believe the MUSTANG LINIMENT most
an excellent article: My elite brought a couple
of bottles with her, which I must thank von for.
Since she came here, • Mir 11011SE . ‘ FELL
DOWN WITH Mb:1;11nd injured me consider
ably, but brake - no bones. 1 had recourre to the
Mustang, and. the relief, and in Inc , cure was
astonishing: , (Signed) D RANSOM.
Extract-from a letter dated
PITTEDI/110, OtItAIT 5111,1852:
Another circumstance which 1 noticed a low
days ago, I ihnu,ht spoke highlyotthe virtues
office of the Mustang. Being in the of is Ptysi •
elan of high standing, I noticed as he opened a
door of his, several bottles of Mtn
tang, alongside . ofwhich was an inarry Mustang
bottle, and a two ouncepreseription Vial FILLED
was the following directions: Bub the throat
well night and morning with the Liniment, and
wrap a woolen cloth around it."
S. W. HAvErisTicCbr. S. ELLIOT, and
WILLIAM H. BRET,Z, Agents for Carlisle.
General Depot, No. s:Phoenix Block, corner
2d and DOck atreets,'Philaclelphia.
A. 0. AN DREWS• Gen. Agent.
wHATEVEßconeernsthe health and happi.
netts ohs peopleds et all times of dm most
valuable importance. toke it Mr granted that
every person will do all in their power,to save the
liver of their children, and thaeevery persou will
endeavor to promote their own health at all sac.
rifices. I feel it to be my duty to solemnly , as.
sure you that WORMS,necording_to the opinion
of the most celebrated Physicionsore the prima
ry causes of a large majority ,Of diseases to which
the children and adults are liable , if you have
an appetite contintutly changeable from one kind
of food to another, Bad Breath, Plus in the
Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hardness and
Fullness of the Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever
Pulse irregular—remember that all these denote
WORMS, and you should atorice apply the rem
'An - article -founded --on -Scientific- Principles,
compounded with purely vegetable substances,
being perfectly .safe when taken,nrid can be given
to the most tender infant with decided beneficial
effeeta where Bowel Complaints and Diarrhon
have made them weak and debilitated ; the Tonic
properties of my Worm Syrup are such, that it
stands without an equal in the catalogue of med
icines, in giving tone and strength to the Stom
ach, which makes it an - infallible remedy for
those afflicted with Dyspepsia; the ablonishing
cures performdd by this Sy rap alter Physicians
have failed, is the best miience of its superior
of icacy above all others. "
Thisis the most difficult Worm to deiltroy o
all that infest the human system, it grows to an
almost indefinite length, beeotning,so coiled and
(listened in the Intestines and Stomach offecting
the health so sadly an to cause St. Vitus' Dance,
Fits, bre., that those afflicted seldom if ever sus
pect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an
early grave. In order to destroy this worm,a
very energetic treatment must be pursued,. it
would therefore he proper to take 6 to 8 of my
Liver Pills Ito as 'o remove all 'obstructions that
the Worm Syrup may net direct upon the Worm,
which must be taken in doses of 9...rnbleepoonfults
three Cram% a day. These directions lollowzd
have never been known to fail imcuring the most
obstinate ease of Tone Worm. -
No-part ~Ithe system Is rittire liable to disease
than the LIVER, it serVing as a filterertii purify
the ~blood, or giving the proper Secretion th the
Rtle ; so that any , wrong action of the Liver at - '
recta the other importnnt parts of the system. and
'results varirusly, ,in Liver Complaintolaundice,
llyipepsie, &a. We should therefore, watch cc,.
cry symptom that might indicate a wrong victim.
of the Liver. Those pills. being composed of
Roots and Plants furnished by nnture to heal the,
sick: Namely, Ist. EXPECTORANT ;
which augments the secretion from the Feline , .
nary mucous membrane, or promotes the dis
charge of secreted . matter. 2d. An ALTERA
TIVE, which changes in some inexplicable and
inseniinle manner the certain morbid action of
the system. ad. A TONKi, wsirit give tone and
strength to the nervous system, renew in t ; health
and vigor to all parts of the body. ath- A CA
THARTIC, which acts in perfect harmony with
the other ingradients,and operating on the bow
ies; and - expelling the whole mass of corrupt and
vitiated matter,and purifying the Blood, which
destroys disease nod restorespurifying
You will find these pills an invaluable medicine
in many complaints to which you arc stibject. In
obstructions either total or partial, they have
been found of an inestimable benefit, restoring
their funetional arrangements to a healthy - action
purifying tire blood and other fluids so effectually
as to put to flight all complaints which may arise .
from female irregularities, as bonded'. riddiness,
dimness of sight; pill in the side, hack, Ite,
None genuine unless signed J. N.•Hobensack,
all others being base mutations, " •
Otr 4gents wisliihg now stfpplies, Mut Store
ktepers desirints of becoming Agents must,ad
'dress ~the Proprietor, J. N, Hotiensack,'Phila
&Jidda, Pa.
Ha\ferstick, 8 'Elliott;"tind 'S HUM:m(1,01'111;1p:
Lloyd, Lisburn.; I Day. And J PS pahr, Meklinn
leiburg ; Coyle; Hoguestown g Ifitverstick;
Strohm, Kingstown ; Senher, 'Cliurchtown
Hayes, Sitilwensburg :"Divin. Pnpertesin :
Cresson, Plainfield ; Russ e t Dice , Dickinson:
Weakley &. Shrivel.; 'Centreville t Donaldson k
Green, Pahnetown.; Mardi &;;Wherny,
Priao,2,s nentp each • . ' ,
• • I
_MADFARA; 'Tensiriffb;.: Nrolain;
Nuasat, chap° Julao,.Piirt'and Anobor brand
ChOmnagnd Midas. ;Boston, :Rum, : GiOnor
Brandy. C h erry : Brand y Palo, Co plum, and
Dark Brandl4 - flolland
;IIdparrn , .CANDLPA 310 por Sirup
ind , Maliinipi':3VlOLA',LSE9, 'Washing Sodae'
IntOorlor Y . Hyaon,lmporial , and Black T FAS p-
Prinnipo,' angalia-rand Puba,CIDA R 6; for
bido'by'tha box or retail. bring' on'yodir moo
And tre.'lloya,:.:fraol/) 01..8AR,N,1T ZS
&mans:. delebrated , ....ToothAValitii ,
• •
Film§ peeinirationhan I ong IMen Used
14. York and.Philadalitliini where it. has
attained an iranictist3, icoputarity,Jor cleansing,
preserving gad, beautify inc the.•,teethi la - an
excellent reinedy.for'sorit„sottCFlileteding gums. '
It also minims freshness to the mouth
and agreeable odor tolltelieath. • ; •
, Dead t.'se fdllosi.47T fi:Vni Di. Murray..
"I can, with the idirdiet confitlenee, recant
mend to the public;,Zermati'c Anti-Scorbutic
Tooth Wash sin the best in use. In My praidice
its It Dentist, I have used antfrecommundod it for
me last live years, rind have Wend it to give: .sat
istittuton in every instance, as the Wash sloes not
contain acid, er anything, injurious. o the teeth or,
gums; but, on the rontrary, is the - best nntiseptio
is the practipe,rind therefore, would reeemmettd
he use of it, lint only to those who wish to pre
'erielheirleeth and gums, and luiven wholesome
ibreath, but I,lso tt those who have diseased gsinto
tor teeth. The use of the Wash, for a short time,
will itisaire.a return to their healthy slate.,
No- GI; S. Eleventh st., 6elow Chesthut
tleiniel,.„ot _Carlisle,.sayv Mr. Eel , '
man, I am well pleased with your Tooth Wash
-it not only_cleauses and whitens the teeth 4ithout
injuring therr,but it cures sere or bleeding gums.
I cheerfully imeommend It to theprofessnin and
public, as (lie very best preparation tied - can be
used for cleansing and preserving the teeth,
healing the gums, and . giving sweetness to the
JOHN W. lIENDEL, Surgeon Dentist.
Price 25 cents per bottle. Prepared only
Francis Zeman, Druggist lin& Chemist, °Omer
of Ninth and Catharine streets, Philadelphia.
For sale by sAmtria,'ELLIOTT, Cal lisle,
Pa • ' octla, iv) - •
rintlE undersigned is prepared •to manufacture
'storm engines and boilers, blowing' cylin
ders, gearing for rolling; grist and saw mills.
lathes and
L.F.-Wrd planes, shafting, hangers
'fit' 41a.., mill screws,
and pnllies;and every vari
ety of mACHIN 1610 rand CASTINGS,such
as hot blast pipes, gas and water pipes, retorts
and lamp posts, car wheels and axles, fire
plugs and hydrants,
cellar grates and water
spouts, wall coupcing; and a very handsome
assortment of new style paternefor patent lence
making, posts and gates, cast bathing eibterns,
large size, a.nd a number of new patterns for
cook, nine plate and parlor stoves, horse &vi
ers and threshing machines of improved plans,
plough castings, cast columns and fronts for
biouses. '
Mill owners and - mill.wrigbts - are respectful
y solicited to call and examine my new and
mprpved assortment of mill gearing patterns.
Patterns-and smith_work made to ' order and
machinery repaired promptly.
13.- Railroad—Gra .of all dimensions
built and repaired.
Harrisburg, May 26. J. R.JONES.
.Y 1 IJr °STORE:
S. IV. Coriter,of N. Ilanover and Lowther ate,
EG most respectfully to call the early num-
LP !lion of the citizens of Carlitle and vicinity
to our now and beautitul assortment of Spring
Goods,.selected from the very best of the New
Yotk and Philadelphia markets, consisting of,
Persian Cloths, Barege de lane, Black Cliali,
Chnli Barege, Chamelion Silk, Bombszines.
Alpacas. - All Wool De:eines,' Mous - de blip,
French Chintzes, Lawns ' &c.
Collars, Underaleoves, Cuffs, Spencers,
Swiss and : Jaconet Banning, -.-
Swiss and Jaconet Edging and Inserting,
Lisle and Mecnlin do do
Florentine N do ° do,
Linen Bobin do do, .-,..
Vslencenes Laces,
- Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread, Mohair and Cotton
Gloves: • ll
WII . -ndillltick Silk, and 13Ik Ingrain Hose
,r hite anclißlack Silk, ,
Mixed'Aind White Cotton
Mona Half-Hose
- - - - _
Ginghams, Chocks, 'Pickings, Calicoes,
White Muslins, Nankeen, Kentucky Jeans,
Blue and Fancy Drills, Vesting,
Plain and twilled Linen,
Fine Damask Linea Table Clothe,'
do ToWels, ~...
Napkins. '74_41-
Bird Eye Diaper, 4..
!Slack and Fancy colored Gaiters, , (Willis),
Shoes of all descriptions. (Willis' make)'
Fins Calf Boots, h.ip'Teg'd Boots,
Maps Calf Congress Boots, Boys Boots,
dp Gaiters, • • do Shoes,
All kind Childrens Shoe's and Gaiters.
Rio•and Java Coflint,Lovering's Syrup Molas
ses, Cuba Molasses, Sugar of all qualities,
Rice, Spices, &c.
Purchasers will find it to their advantage to
call and examine our stock hclbre purchasing
elsewhere..ns it is entirely new-end we have for
our!motio "quick sales and small profits.
' • Carlisle, April 6, 1353.,
all' OGI Lair , s .10.1111 P 011117071
S caused •by the great daily ItUSWFO
IL •
NEW .GOODS at that old and established
OfIE'Al" STORE. .Now opening a splendid
assortment or
SP 11.1N0 GOODS, viz:
Chid:les Cloth, Barrsiza 'de LaineS, Brirrazics,
Elegant dress Silks, Mims do Begs,
Chintzes, Calicoes, Gioghams,
Noodle-worked Collars, Undereleevos,
An immense assortment of Bonnets from 37
coats to $5. Beautiful and Cheap Ribbonp,
ArtiGetals and Bonnet Linings in great variety,
A big lot of now and cheap Carpetings, not to
be excelled in price andbeauty in the State.
AlcOmPleto assortment of Parasols. and Sun
Shades very low.
I have added largely to this departmont4and
will sell them cheaper than over.
A fresh lot of cheap .errocaries just received.
Come on with your CASII and save a prOfit
by'seleming your purchases tram this magnif;
leen' assortment of Cheap Goods. IrTßem
ember the old standi' Fast Main et, Carlisle.
April 6, 1853. \ QEI ARLES OG ILBY.
High St., two doors East of Jltarket House,
South Side.
rul HE subscrilier thankful for past fa
ears Would inform his old customers and
the community in doneral: that he lute just re
turned from the city with a.-larg t o and full as
sortmont of Groee'riee, tonsiating inpart of
superior Rio,' Java, Llguayia, and RI/listed
Coffees, Lovering's , Lump, Sand and Pulver.
fixed Surrs, 13rown . Sugare at all prices, Mo.
humeral all qualities and prices. • • -
of every description; lincluding French and En
glish China, in setts or by - the piece; also,
.Stone Chino and 'Ooinmon ware of every do
seription, and a tulk t O
assortmenf Glaini wale.
such as Clothes, Market, Travelling. Sowing,
Knife, Tumbler and -Children's Fancy Bas.
(tots. Tube, Painted and oder Buckets, Iron
and lirees,ho - und 'Wooden-Bowls, Butter.Fir
kins, Grocery Boiee, &C.. ,
r • WS A S ;
superior Black, traperial • and Young [Tyson
Teas, Choeolatejrepored Cocoa...
of fine - quality, tegother with superfor Dry
Reef, Smoked Hailing, Ground Allum and
.fine table Salt, , Spices of alkkindo. " "
• •FIRUIT, • •
such as -Oranges,.lminone, Figs, Prunes, Rai
sine,' &c. •• . 4. • •
. • ~ . . • , •
. • • tAMP, - •
a full supply of • Pre....0i1 rind Fluid Lanme;
Safety Pluid 'Lam r. •
• .Seearcand 'robotic° of fins 'qualities and'itt
ail pricer. Pieties . call and examine, for your: ,
selves nt'the old stand. •
• ~ M aY,IS 1853 • • ' -
r .
, .. .-,......„,.,,,.,.,,.
AL' i) ELI hig • ail lo of ,Sugari 4sisinif:ot:fcti
..ti. , conts por'pou d, Ban& do, a good officio,
.at 45 cents. • -71 : ','' ; • .. •• ~ •
••. Citrons, litltco, SpioSe, Eirandies, to mons,, .
-Otariges, : -Prosorved- Fruits, Dates,
' C' §4l.garlid Ltnji
, D ried Pronea'fFigs;
orntirinUs,,Crookors,liolifoo,. ';.•
in oonnootion loitlf all "kinds _ of ConfUctiona
'ries, all 'of' :which/ ;kill' ho iiiiiinised or On the
most tiocninniodoVngterrns. ,
'Juno u, Aps2 • . • , B.' I . KIEFFER.
witin `f.ii,inntitsenteniv.
MA LA' -110 t•-•t.e.o uuu lOC bikel. 11, lit:I
KRUPP,: No. 639; -North Third stre et,
rim ladelnbia,is warranted to render ent:re Baas--
faction, and is beyond doubt the best and most
wholesome preparatiol of Coffee cvpr known.--r
Ond panicage at )91 cents WILL SAV E four
pounds of ordinary Coffee._ . Try it and be con
vinced: A number of Essences of Coffee were
deposited at time Franklin Institute in 1652. and
the Judges decided 'Krupp'i to be THE BEST
lin time exhibition. Friends, it you wish to et joy
It good, cheap and healthy Cup of Coffee proct .rc
Krupp's Fasenee of Coffee. It is for sale by
nearly .11 the pOnci pal' Grocers antellruggis is
throughout die United States.
April 201 1853.
Worlds Fair ..Pre'm Safes.
More "proof of their stsperiority.—The laic fire
in Jersey CO.
Mn. SILAS C. HERRING — Sir: It gives ad
much 'pleasure to state that a Safe of your
make was the means of preserving our books
and valuable papers, together wall a lot of
Silver - Spoons, Forks, &.cl. from destruction
by the fire that occurred in our store on the
night of the '27th ult. at'No 45 Montgomery
street. The fire commenced near the Safe,
which, owing to its situation on a Wall, did -not
fall into the cellar, but was exposed to the full
heat of the fire from.its commencement,' anfl
when taken from the ruins had all the brass
plates and knobs completely melted •
Yours, • It. B. EABLE,„& Co.
Jersey City, Feb 3, 1853.
Great fire in Strawberry at.—Letter from Lewis
I S. Ca.—Philadelphia, March 29,1852.
Mr. Joni FIARREL — Sire It enures me much
satisfaction td \ inform you that the "Herring
Salamander Safe" which we purchased of you
a short time sicce. preserved our books and
papers in good' conditiOn, during' the severe
ordem through which it passed at the disastrous
conflagration that took-place at our warehouse
on the morning of the '2Bth inst., when the sale
was exposed to the most intense bent for.soino
hours, and when dragged front the flaws was
red hot on several sides. We - make this state.
menthy wail -of bearing testimony to the -worth
of these valuable Fire- Proofs
Very Itespectfully, LEWIS & Co.
The' Proprietor of the genuine " herring
SalamanderSales ' " challenges the vhole world
in the sum of One Thousand Dollars, to produce
their equal. Awarded .the PRIZE !UEDA L
at the WORLD'S FAIR, London,' and the
GOLD MEDAL by the 'American Institute.
Over 8000 of these Weil have been sold and
are now in use. and more than 100 have passed
triumphantly through accidental tires
Second hand Sates and " Salamanders" of
other makers, having been taken in part pay
for "Herrings." for sale at cheap rates
• - JOHN _-EAR BEL, _
34 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
air Marbleized Iron Maniles, Table Tops, 4.e.
from the 'rorke of the celebrated r
MANDER MARBLE CO," on.hand in great
variety. mar 303 m
Importers and Dealers in French -Millinery
Goods, No. 45 South Second Street,
. Philadelphia,
HAVING received by late arrivals a large
and well selected assortment of
are now prepared to offer !heir customers, at
the lowest market prices—"
Glace Silks for Bonnets,
Fancy Bonnet and pup Ribbons,
French and American Artificial Flowers
Crapes, all colors,
Fancy Nets and Laces.
Together with every article appertaining to
the trade.
March 9, 1853.
1,500 Doz. 'BUCKETS, Assorted Colors.
The largest stock ever offered in Phila.
delphla;iind the cheapest in the world: 'Or
ders promptly filled.
J. M. ROW E,
March 9,1853 YIII I.ADELPftIA.
Cheap Watches and Jeweliy:
, ~1 . at- the-' , -Philndelphici- Watch
( --
• and
N j o ° r N tL e l r e Y c Second Street ,
.ii. ~. of Quarry, Philadelphia.
47..4,_.i5:re4,'. Gold Lever Watches, lull
- K:ozirtolll'.7 jewelled, 18 carat cases, $20,00
Silv'rdo Wird, $l2 Gold Spectacles S 7 00
Silver Le'po jwls, 10 Fine Silver do. It 1 50
do .. do do 9 Gold pracel6tst..3.oo
Superior Quartiers, 7 Ladies G'd P'ls 1 00
Imitation • -do 5 S'r 'l'ca S'ns, sott,s 00
Gold Pens with Perini and Silver'llolder, 1 00
Gold Finger Rings 373 cents to $B . ; Watch
Glasses, plain, 12t cents; Patent, 181 ; Lunet,
25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be what they are sold for.
septBl9 Sn ccessors to O. Conrad,
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and
Lepincs, still lower than the above prices.
- .l.PortM aM rke.'s in
clousti.isiotc”..wles wyr'ema
n.wcutr. amm.wAnr... ruerED.•
AND Y...
Are constant's , remivi.B the Wen ell. •.
of the above. Gmb. which nza offend a
remit, g
No. 216 bluket 5tr.t.. 1 ... Sixth. near
Mentor &Mt,
st 4
lykw,6ls (MT
' TIIE subscribers, in addition to their eaten
sivo Grocery, Kaye connected therewith an
SEED STORE, 110, Market street, near the
railroad, Harrisburg, Pe., end are prepared to
fill all orders, by wholesale and retail, of all
kinds of Agricultural lmplem nts, Vegetable
and Flower Seeds, 4r.e. Country merchants
with reasonable discounts to sell again.
Horse-powers and threshers, wheat.drillls
and seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultiva
tors, fodder,!hay, and straw-cutter , grain fans
corn sliellers. - vegetable cutters, hand' grain
mille,elnvet shelters, horse rakes churns,grind
stories and improved hangings,' imy, straw and
'manure (mite, farmer's boilers, ox yokes,and
how,patent bow pins, cow chains, spades; hoes
and rakes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, graiq
Cradles, scythes and sat heston es, point neArage
post augurs, axes and hatchets, grain bagsi
grain measures, garden trowls, pruning and
budding knives, grass and grain sickles, screw
Wrenches, pincers and gimblets, rat and mole
traps, cattle , cards and horse brushes. curry
combs, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees,
guano, *Wei. ' paudretto, bone dust, lime, gar
den, field awl flower seeds. "
A leo, a largo and fresh assortment of GRO
CERIEE; TEAS, &c., all cheap for cash. •
•, 'BOY ER Br. HALL. •
, iiklrGrain .and produce of all kinds recinvel
n exchange
Aprirl 3, , 1853.—1 v ' . 4 .. • •
ROBEIRT B. 13.1141LE1r,
Word,' ..11anOvel , Street, and next door to Glass's
-• THE undersigned would respectfully intornr
the citizens of Carlisle - Ind the- public goner
lillyi_that he now has on hand'a largo and ele
gant aisortment of 'FURNITURE, consisting
ln'part of Wardroliesibeirtrand'other Tables,
, Sofas, Bureaul, Bedsteads, plain and fancy,
goviing-Stands, dtc. manufactured of the beat
matertaLandnualitr warranted. •
Also`nvenecal assortment of CHAIRS at
the lowest prices.' Verdant; Blinds made to
order; and repairing promptly,attended to. . •
• orCetfins made at the shortest notice, and
having a splendid hearse be .will attend furter•
ale in townstr• country._ • ,
2:1 - Remember the stand--',•next door to It
Glass'ellotel...' , . nov2l R. 8.-SMILEY.
E OF .
g _ T TATEa". 9q
OtiTi ' ' '-i ~Ftt:=l4 ecip
1 -
7 1 ,,,
ai l R tl':' ' 11,f_ ' Z . ::0::;:r :
A i tikAgitilie r
_ _L. , ' 4 , X -
For the Cure (AS
330.11.RSENMSS, BRoisr-
Of all the numerous medicines extant, [and
some ot them valuable] for the core of put.
monary complaints, nothing has ever been
found Whickcould compere in its effects with
this preparation. Others mire sometimes, but
at allttimeaand in nil diseases ot the lung's
and throat where mcdicinb can give relief, this
will do it. It is pleasant to take, end perfectly
safe in accordance with the directions. We
advertise for the informntimi of those
who have, tried it bin (liege who have not.—
Families that have known its value will not ho
without it, end by its timely. use, they are
secure from the dangerous consequences of
Coughii arid Colds which neglected, ripen into
fatal consumption.
The Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute
was awarded to this preparation by the Hoard
of Judges in September 1897 ; oleo, the medalo
of the three great institutes of Art, in this
country; oleo the Diploma of the Ohio Institute
et Cincinnati, hos been given to the CHERRY
PECTORAL, by their Government in °onside ra•
Lion outs extraordinary excellence and'utiefill•
ness in curing affections of the Lungs! and
Read the following opinion founded on the
long experience of tho eminent Phyeician of
the port and city of
ST JOHNS, May 8, 1851.
Dr J C AYEtt :
Five years trial of your CHERRY PECTO
RL in my practice, Was proven what I form•
saw,from its composition, must be true, that
it eradicates and cures the colds and coughs
to which we, In this section aro peculiarly
I think its equal has not yet been discovered
nor do I know-how-abetter remedy -can he
made for tho distempers of the ThroM and
Lungs. J .1" BURTON; M D, F R S.
See what it hue done on a .wasted constitu-
tion; not only in the following cases, but a
thousand more:
SUNBURY, Jan 24th 1851.
Dr Ayer In. the month of July lasi-1 was
attacked by n violent diarrhcen in "the_mines of
California. I returned to San Franncisco in
hope.,or receiving benefit from a, change of
climate and diet. .My diarrhcen ceased, but
was ,followed by n severe cough, and much
soreness. • I finally started for home, but re
ceived no benefit from the voyage. My cough
continued to grow 4corse, and' when I arrived
at New York. I was at once marked by my
acquaintances as a vict.m of consumption.
I must eonfese that I saw no sufficient reason to
doubt what - my - friedds — all - bellevedx..-At -this
time I commenced taking your truly invaluable
meffloine with little expeettrtimi of deriving
MI benefit from - ire - use, • - You would not re
ceive these lines did I not regard it my duty to
slate to the afflicted, through you, that my
health, in the space of eight months, is fully
restored. I attribute k to the use of your
'ASHINGTON, Prt., April 12, 184.8.
Dear sir ; Feeling that I have,been sparedfrom
a premature grave, through your instrumentniv
ity by the providence of God, I will take the
iberty tmexpress my gratitude.
.4 cough nod the alarming symptoms of Con
sumption had reduced me too low to leave me
anything like hoPe, when my .physician brought
Me a bottle of your PECTORAL: it seemed to
afford immediate relief, and now in a lew vitteks
time Iris restored me to sound health Hit will
do for others ',stout. it has ;lone for me, you are
certainly one of the benefactors of mankind,
. .
Sincerely Wishing you every blessing, I um'
Very respectfully yews,
. .. ,
Rector of St. Peter's Church,
With such assurance, and from such
men, no stronger proof can be acidi ced.
unless it be from its eflects upon trial.
' Prepared and Sold by
Sold in Carlisle by Er S. Elliott/and S. W.
❑aversaielt—an Mechanicsburg by Dr Ira Day
—in Newville by J. 11. Herron—iu :happens.
burg by J. C. & U. B. Aidelt, and by Drug—
gist. generally throughout tire Slain.
~Colll3lEltelA.L. COLLEC
Located No 127 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 111 d.
The,osiensible object of this Institution is to
place ill the reach of individuals proper Neill•
ties for, obtaining n thorough and practical
Mercantile Education.' Nothing indeed has
been omitted that is calculated to produce. the
desired result. .-
- The-ruomtrof the College are well fitte/i 'up,
conveniently arranged, and situated in the
roost desirable part of the City. Connected'
thereto is a Commercial Library, and this, in
connection with familiar Lectures on Commer
cial Law and Mercantile Science, is a matter
of the highest importance 'to all who desire to.
become Accountants of the first order, and oc
cupy stations of profit and responsibility. A
young man can here obtain a more eon ect
knowledge of general business • matters in a
lew weeks than can be acquired in as ninny
years in any one Counting Room.
The course of study embraces Double 'Entry
Book keeping, and its adaptation to various
departments of Commerce and Trade, Mercan
tile calculations taught according to the most'
approved methods. Practical Penmanship, com
bining rapidity of execution with beauty of
construction. • Lectures on Mercantile Law,
upon various important Mercantile subjects
baside many other points necessary fora book. 1
keeper or business man to understand. The
time necessary for an industrious student to
complete the course varies from 5 to 8 weeks.
There being no vacatiOtt: applicants can enter
at any . time and attend both day and evening.
Examinations aro held at stated periods, and
'Diplomas awarded to' those who g ntivate.—
For terms, &c., write and have a Circular for
warded by mail.
March. 23. 1 853. IY• .
THE undersigned owning a large Steam
Saw Mill, recently built, on en improved plan,
-with a circular saw capable of sawing with
;treat rapidity, located three miles west of Pa
pet town,Eumberland county, at the-base of the
South Mountain, on Spruce Run, and having
in possession near 'ono thousiind acres of the
best timber land, in the Southern port of Penn
sylvania, aro now prepared to sato and furnish
lumber to order, at the shortest notice of- the
various descriptions used fur mechanical pur
poses:- They can furnish Ratio stuff for barns
and houses of any length and size that may be
required, weather-bearding, flouring, and ten=
ring boards, poplar and oak boards and plank',
'shingle and plastering laths,• oak-and cliestiut
shingles, cocper staff, pitch -pine posts, and
.tehestuut rails and posts. .They have now on
hand several thousbnd feet of lumber, chestnut
rails and poste fur fence, oak and pine wood by
the cord, and can engage tit be delivered in its
simian several hundred cords -of
,ebesnut oak
bark for tanning purposes; :
proprietors having' availed themselves
of the natural advantages of their location,
which abtiunds in a variety of the finest
timber ' and having also a practical knt.wlcdgo
of the business, ore enabled to furnish lumber
lower to the citiiens — bf CuMberland count;
than con be dorm by any similar establishment
—and as they wish and expect to do o largo
busineep; will spare no pains to aecienthodate
the public at the shortest notice,
The various descriptions of lumber' will be
delivered in Carlisle or elsewhere eternity; be
desired. - All orders addressed,to- the
tors, Divers Sr.-Haskell, living in.P 4 apertorn, or
- to Wm. D.; S eymuar, jr, incarlielei , will secure
prompt attention.
.TN' STOKE and fur sale` one Oile Afor
tieing_Maciiinii,r3vith; ,, . , Mb" attoobinent,
Tbie being decidedly the beio'macttlne in nee it
is well.wortby.tbe attention of Carpenters and
Peach Makers. , It .3411 lie Sold. very , low for
yeah at the karnilr'Grocary, of ''‘
. .
I s titsceiltinepitss..
S Zatliar Cca Ann Una. ) ,)'
plendid Fancy Coeds, ,El'egant cift
liboks, dre., arc.
W.•IIAVER-STICIC has j ust received'
1--74, - from thexilv andia now ope. !ling a t P ien•
did display of FANCY' poops, ' sunahla for
the approaching Holyday . seh Eon, . to which ha•
desirf.s to cell the attention of his frienee,andt
the public His assortment in Ibis , 'inecannott
be 'suassed in mavlt and clef nce andt
both inquality aml pr e ice y
of th e e r g i h •les, ,
'col. Ail le piptlac purchasers: It Ns oul d be im—
pobditile 'to enumerate hie - - •
which comprific every variety of (Ivey, talkie ,
the mpst neve! styles Sad . exquisitt shape
such as
Papier Mache Goods,
Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink.'"vstandti
arid trays, ••
Ftiney ivory, pearl and shell card cares ,
Ladies' Fancy Baskets,
Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing inane' : n,'ts,.
Port Illonnaies, of every variet, •
Gold pens and 'pencils,
Fancy paper weights, •
Papeteries, with a-largo variety of la 'lice
Fancy stationery, .
Motto seals and Wafers,
Silk and bead purses, • •
Ladies' riding' whips, elegantly finished,
• Ladies' fine cutlery,
• Perfume baskets anchlings, •
Brushes of every bird for the toilet,
Eoussel'e perfunes of the various ktrds.
Musical instruments, of till birds and ut a 11
prices, together with an innumerable variety c
rirtieles elegantly finished and suitable for ho. • -
lyday presents, to-which he invites [pedal at. •
Also, an extensive and elegant collection of
comprising the various English tied Amcri,crt
ANNUALS for 1853,
illustrated POETIC:A - 1. W 0 R Ii C, with
for children of all ages, than which nothing
can be more appropriate or pleasing as holiday
gifts. His assortment of School flocks and
Schoul , Stationery is also ct raplete, and rm.
prises every thing' used in Coll( ge and the
Schools. He also desires to call the particular
attention of Families to his elegant display or
from the extensive c.stahlishments of Cornelius.
Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising
every style of Parlor, Chamber and Study
Lamps, for burning either lard, sperm - or ethe
real oil, together with lower Vases, Fancy
Screens, &c. His assortment in this line is un
equalled in the borough. Also. •
in every_ variety and at till prices, all of which .
aro pure and fresh, such as can be confideinly.
recommended to his friends and the little fops.
His stock embraces. everything in the line of
Fancy Goods, with many other articles tweful
to housekeeper s,whieh the public ore especially
invited to call and see durim, holidays.—
Remember the Old Stand. nearly opposite the
Bank on North Ilonoer street.
decls 1852. S W. lIAVER'STICR.
THE subscriber would teepee thilly annourr, a
to the citizen' of this place, and all persons
visiting the same during the Holidays, that he
has,now-on-hand,and.will,continue to be cup
plietruith the latest novelties up to the c lose of
the season, comprising ih girt
of the choicest varieties, such as Fine Candy
Toys, Jelly Cakes, Bon Bons, Gum Cordial,
Lemon, Chocolate.-and Fruit Props,- -II one,-
Vanilla and Burnt Almonds, French and ex•-
pladingSecrets. Also all the. common vario•
ties, all of which will bOold wholesale and
retail at low rates, at
in North Hanover street, a few doers north
of the Batik, where 'tNe have lust received
of thO latest importations such os- Oranges, t
Lemons. Raisins, Figs, P: urns,. Citron, Cur-- •
ratirs - , - soft - and Pi! er shelled :Almonds, Fil
berts, Cocoa, Cream and Ground Nuts. Also,
of ovary kind from all parts of Eutope, man
ufactured of wood. glass, ...Ilion, papicr
tin and India rabber, zinc, &c., etch us Tine
Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sewing and Card
Baskets, Work and Fancy Boxes, .Flcwer
Vases, MOM) Cups, Tea Setts, Music Boxes.
Pot , Monnies, Battle Doors, Grace Hoots,
Masks, Drums, Guns,, Trumpets, Dominoes,
lotto and other voles, &c. Fancy Soaps ono
Hair Oils of every variety. In connection
with the above a loge stock of
such as pulverized. cm shed and brown Pu•
gars. ol every grade, Collet-, Molasses, Stardi,
tArecn and Black Teas, Spices, Rollin sivdn,
Sugar, Water and o.her Cracke,rs, cheete, &r.
'rite subscriber returns his ainet rr (Li , Ls
to trgenerous public for the patronage het, to
fore bestowed on him, and hopes, by a desire
to please, to merit a continuance of the sane.
decls P. MON 'VER.
subscriber is just now receiving and
opening an unparalleled assortment of
WALL PATERS. Those desirous of trans
forming- the interiors of their old dwellings
into new ones, and giving additional entbei
lishments to their new ones, at .a comparative
ly trifling coal, will do well to call and examine
for I can sell them from 61 cis upwards. Re
member the old stand, East Main at opposite
Ogilby's .Stoic. By the way . I would any to
those who also want to improtio the mat - riar o f
their houses, 'that I can furnish 'them Leith
Wetheril!'s pure and fresh ground White Lerid,
together With various other colours, blue, or=, yeltflw.various shades of green, &c., in
short everything calculated to adorn at.d de.C
orate your mansions,
mar 2
, for 25 cents, by means
PIUS, or,
Every. Oho
'he thirty-sixth
with one hundred en
dings, showing Private
lenses and Malforms
is of the Generative
;tem, in every slinp - e
I form : to which is ad
;eases of Females, in.
lea only (see page 190),
~ing of the higher.... married peo
ple, or those contemplating marriage. By N 1 M.
YOUNG, M. D., Grailunte of the University cf
Pennsylvania, Member of die Royal College of
Surgeons, London,and Honorary Member ot the
Hbiladelphla M. diens society. The various
forms of Secret Diseases, Seminal Weakness;
Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, IMpotency, soli.
tary habits of youth, are faithfully described, And
all the recipes . given in plain latteunge. The
ehnptee.nn sellsabose and Sentient Wealineed is
wortity.ef preticularattention and should be read
by every one. Young men wilt, baxe.been
tunate in contenet ing disease, prm Inns to phteMg
yourselves under the care of nry doctor, no mol
ter what lini,pretensions may be, get a copy or
of this truly; valuable work:
Sca"Capiams nod persons going to sea, should
possess . Dr. Yomig's Treatise on Marriage, the
Pocket lEsculapius, or Every one His own Phy
sician. _ . .
titr• Let no - father be-schemed- to preient-a --
eopy of the -7Esculopitta to his el ild. It may
save him Iront an early-grave. Let no young
Man or, woman eider into the sect et 'oblieetiona
of married life, without rending the pocket
culimius.• Let lib one sufferimg from a lineknied
cough, pain iir.thersttli.t..restleas. eight a.mettous
feelloge, nod the whole train cif Dispeptic
tions, and given up by their physician. be an.
other moment without consulting the .N.setila
dine. Have the
. marricil or, those about to he
married any intpeiliment, rend this wily tiseful . •
ns it lips been the means awing that
sands of unfortunate creatures front the vary
joys of death. Upwards of n copies
of this celebrated work hiss heed sold in this
errantry and Europe since 11038, alien the. first
edition wasissited.
cents enclosed A nyl r irrafilettetneirli.Till'receive one copy
of book by mail; or five copies will be sent
ror $l.. 'Address Hr. WILLIAM YOUNG,
NO. 152 Spree° Sheet, Philadelphia," Post
. .'•
paid:.: . s.
Twenty veartpract ice in the eity'of
phht iertfiffili,Wintitles Dr. Venlig to the confi
dence niilleteil;ottd', he may he ceneultetl
on any' Of ihe'tlisiotte* , described . Itt his'dlffetent
puhjikatione,' his elnce Spruce' Strviet,
every dity,between Vittid 9 o'clock ,(Smidari
cepted) andlOracins,nt any distance can consult
Dr. Young by letter, ro ST: PP10; ' , '
THg'gtore of the subaorlber, embracing
Ciaiedpency, antlall,tbe,Ymiolioa usually koot
bylim, is romova his " - eivAmilding, Igo's
2 84' 9, • MARION , 'West , :,ll4sin 'St.,
Marcia();' ,vy'V,}3lp.