HAMOViri Bi. 4 .Adn:llozEtoen.'--Tlie -. 14n07rei,. (Va.) SpeciatoF; : announisatisiticetdi)i;.h:Y,y. Gender Of an invoice of:lrcni acarlye, - ,tidOq ti ath: to the laying .of one:half the railroad to thatplaen frC.oia , llialOaltia l !ore and Susquehanna Ishad: . .- lifi 4 : z trondeioli in tention ts.ooinnt 01'4 th - e` i sukr4o,tiq4i4° co o n as the junction section is graded.. 't)t Itkct PHILADELPHIA DIATLICE'T. • . ". - del pm N. erman Office 1 'Weekly . Revlew4 . July 18, 1851. f r R811AR11.5. 7 6-TIM nufavoiable tenor of the late foreign., news 'having further 'depressed, the markof 'tor Breadstuffsi,pricos h'ave since ruled unsottledainl drooping. Groeeries are in rath er more demand, and ,firmlY held, and salted Provisions' artake of a .bettoi fooling, with more doing m Bacon. In other articles there are no . ireportont changes toJ notice since the close of,last Weelc,but business,generally, isi . very dull, FLOUR AND DlB T AL.—liFith Moderato re ceipts and a Very limited detnand, the market continues dull and drooping; ad(' the transac tions for Flour only'rerichingsome 70,00(Qom bbls; ' including standard superfine, at 654,25; better brands $4,311054,371, and, extra lit $4,50054,75 `b'bbl., closing with lit tle or, no demand for export, [and- holders gen era* free sellers at 'our lowest figures. Tho home trade has also' been to a moderate extent, mostly within the aluvid rango et:prices. 'Rye Flour lute been in limited xequest, and some small sales are reported at :$8,31 ; } 9 barrel, which is a deolino. Corn Meal Is without much demand, and the market closes unsettled: A bout 500 bbls. Ponn'a Meal sold at $2,84. Thoro are rumors of larger( sales-at $2,75 9 bbl. Tho inspections of the Week ending 17th instant fire 12,019 bbls. Flour, 72-half bbls. - do. 319 bbls: Rye Flour-;• and 1626 barrels Corn ' GRAlN—comes forward •slowly, and the de mand for most kinds continues limited. Of Wheat, some 16®20,000 bushels Peen'a fourid, buyers, chieflyprime white, at 100ef,101c., in cluding some very choice lots at 102 c.; and good reds at 93®050. Nerd , Southern Wheat is more . plenty, ankthe miti'ltet 'closes with n downward tendency ; .some Sei.oooo bushels having been disposed•-of 00®95c:, closing at 00e,Olc. for fair and good lasi Dye is scarce,--With sales of 150062000 buShels Penn. mostly at 72c. Corn is stationary, and 25,000 bushels Delaware and Penn'a. yellow. mold at 61c. Oats are lower; sales of 10©12,000 bushels having been made at 30 ,C, , ,100. for Southern; and 40012 emits for Pennsylvania l 'as in quality._ . Ob .Thursday,.3uly 3d, by the Rev. jM. E. .Tolineten, theitey. Samuel II: aiesy, of Oreens burg; Pa., to Miss Auna 11. Smith, of Carlisle, formerly of 31ereersburd, Pa. • New mu&tioements. Camp-Neetilig Notice. A CAI -MEETING, for Carlisle circuit, will be het on the land of Mr. Lewis thicker, about 2} Miles t illechnniciffarg. The Meeting will commence on the sth of 'Septern bar. Pretiebeircia people from the surrotiiid. ing stations;and circuits are respectfulfy and erwnestly invited to ationd"with thew tents. July 28 'sl—tem JAMES SANKS, P. E. ,Pon. SALE, .- - TWO good second-hand PIANO FORTES For particulars enquire of-the editor. (jy 23. REIGISTER'S NOTICIL -11g0TiCE , is•hereby-given.to all liereonain: , tcrested. that the &Roving accounts have been filed in this office for examination by tho accountants therein named, end will be pre !meted to the .Orphan's Court or Cumberland county, for eunfirmation and allowance on FRIDAY, Um 22d day of A agust, A. D., 1851., viz : 1. The account of John Homer, Administra tor of Mary flumer r iate of Kingstown, dec'd. 2. The account of Wm. Clark, Aermr. of James Clark,:late of Southampton township, deceased. 3. Tha account of 'Jeremiah I . 3owera, Adtr,*r. of John B. Ebright, late of Silver Spring two., dec'rl. r 4. The account of Jacob Zeigler, Ex'r. of Maria E. Zeigler, late of North Middleton Ip., dcc'd. 5. Tho necount of John 11. Coover, Adm'r. of David Dear, lato .of Upper Allen township, dcc'd. - 6. Thei account of Wm. Maxwell, Ex't. flesrge Maxwell, late of Southampton township, deed. 7. The accounts of Benjamin Musser, guar dian of Susannah and Mary Snavely. 1, 8. ,Thfraccount of Wm. IL Gorges and Pe ter-Barnhart, Er'rs. of-Susanna- Fahnestock, , late of East Pennsbaro township, dee'd-, 9; The account uf.John Shopp, Adm'r. of George Rupp, jr. late of Allen township, dee'd. — lO - : - Thi — accoutir - of John Rupp, Ex'r. of John Sncvely, Into of Hampden township, deed. 'IL The acconOt of John Houser, Adm'r. of Henry Himmel, late of the Borough of Me chanicsburg, dee'd.. 12, The account of,Reuben Starr, Adm'r. of Isaac Lloyd, late of Lower Allen tp. deed. 13. Tho account of John Lehr', sr., one of the A'dm'rs. of Peter Lchn, late of North Mid -dlston-township, dad., as settled-by-his-Exec— utor John Lebo, jr. 14. The account of-David Foreman, Aden with the will annexed of Peter Cope, Into of Newton township, deed. 15. The accnnot of -David Foreman, Adm'r. -of Mary Cope, lute of Newton - township, deed. 'l6. The account of Frederick Wonderlich, Adm'r. of Peter .Roelfafellow, late of tho Bo rough of .stochonicaburg, dee'd. • " 17. The acconnt of Samuel and Da vid Demuth. Ex'rs. of Charles Garber, late of Newton townshin, decd. 18. The account of John-Sheets, Ada*. of Jitcob Kauffman, latii of East' Pensboro I=l - ' 19. The account of James McCormick, Esf. of'aeorga McCormick, late of Southampton township; 20. 'rho !....e:t!eunt of, John Lase, Adel.. of Abrahama Lua.r, lato-of Silver Spring deo'd. 21. The' eecount of David 'Lehr), Adm'r. with; tho.will annexed of Cohrad Emminger, We of Silver Spring township, deo'd. 22 Tfia eccount of Solomon Mulder and Ezea. of - Daniol Mohler, late of Allen township, deed. •23. The account of John . Fircovid, Adintr. bean fliodlemen,.lutta;..of Silver Spring . totvn 'ship, dce'd. • 24. The account of George Koshi, Adner. Of Absoloin Thommui late of North. Middleton !lownsliiii, - dee'd. • 25. The account of Elizabeth Wise:- Ex'r. Of Jacob Wisc, into of Lower Allen township, dec'd. 26. Tho account of Samuol'Wherry, of Robert W,Sleb, late of the borough of SOip ienshurg,' .27. The accounts of Robert C. Sterrett and Richard Parker, Elers. of Thomas Uric, Into • of North Aliddlotnn township, (Meld. 28. The nom:Milt of O. Titzel, Ada er:of Jas. O'Brien. late:6lou Borough of Mechanicsburg &old. ' 291 The account of Thomas - Sibbet. Omar ..dinn'of Mary rinitJoiopli Seireroninor children of DaniclSeirer, deo'd. 3D. Tho account Of Julio Trimble, Adm'r., of ,Wm. Trimble, Into of Silver. Spring , town'ship. &c.d. It. The account of Aciunfr.. of , June Moore, lite of thactiorough: of Carlisle, deohl. . •' Tho account of Thoe. B. Driisen, Guar - Alan of Jan ios noel SnrovEl. Mums. •••••• .• . • •. WM', GOULD, .Register. 1 • Ofliee, Carlisle, t Carriage Foi Sale, 'A NEW -ROCKA WAY will he - sold IoW7 the owner having now further use fur -the some. Enquirss.of the Editors • • , (fulkl6 tightTea.ohera Wanted. . • School pirceteraPf Southampton - tp. Cumberland county, will meet ut the public 'house of John Clark, in , Shipprouriburgi on the 'NINTH day ef.AUGUST,•to esamine 'tench. • ere and give out Bald ochool. By order,of•thb :Board. . SAMUEL T.AYLOB;Soor!Y. ju1y16,1851. - RNOLD.S .a. very ea. eoerinr Ink foredo et fiI'BOARDEJ , . - ,? • 4 IVCAIVIIVIOT4 WEIN& inrEu EXHIBIT AT CARLISLE ON SAT-URD AY, August-2d.—Doors-open frotri 2 to 4 and from 71 to 10 o'olock.. Xdaiiitance Twenty-Five Cents, Children. under • nine years of age, haifrprice. ' This splendid , colloction of the retreat and most. magnificent specimens of the Animal Creation, obtaincd from all quarters of the globe, will enter town on the morning of iho day of Exhibition GRAND PROCESSION, and.prcceced•by the gorgeous Orphean Chariot, Containing the NEW Yoax Muss BAND, under the superintendence of Mr. .losarn NOSIIER, and will consist of all the beautifully decorated 'vehicles of the company, drawn by a megnlfi• I cent stud of ' One Hundred Horses. The Menagerie of G. C. QUICK & CO. stands unrivalled by any other similar estab— lishment in the world, and in it will bo found representatives of every animal which has ever been discovered by the naturalist. posed of the two great collections forMerly be longing to Anc, Titus & Co., and Van ✓tn burg & Co. And among the principal attract ive features will be found the trained PERFORMING ANIMALS, which were an celebrated .both in Etirope and America. PLR. BROOKS, the unequaled Lion-Kidg,' will snperiptend this part •of the Eiliihnion. - In the course of the performance Mr. LANG worcrily will introduce hi highly trained Ponies, who will go through with their wonder ful feats of dancing, waltzing, &c.,, forming a pleasing episode to the general entertainment; julyl6 1851.---School Tax Notice, THE duppeate of School Taxes for the pro pent school year has bees issued to the under signed, Treasurer of the School Dietrict:ofthe Borough of Carlisle. llpllar Rato on Occupation, Profes- • sion, 4 mills Property of every description 31 do. The Treasurei will attend at t 1 •• C 0 UN VV . COURT HOUSE, in .seid 13on , •utlt on FRI- O AY, the 15th of AUCUStf rust, between the hours of 9 ansl 12 and 2 rnd ", o'clock of said day, for the purpose of rceeic.o,s, the School taxes aforesaid in.aw:ordance with the School Law. An abatement of five per cent. will heninde on all such Taxes as - may be paid on or before the skid 15th of August, next, and of three per cent. On all tltpl maybe_paid after said date and before the 15th c — if October next, after wihich np deductions will be allowed, and for all un paid Taxes. a warrant to enforce the .collection thereof, will thereafter be issued as directed by Law. .J. W. EBY. Carlisle, July 16,1851,31 v • I,PIII3LIC SALE of REAL ESTATE. Oa S.2TURIM Y, the 2d of AUGUST, next, Subscriber will sell by:public vendoe --or-outcry on-- thelPretnises,-at-1-&-clock-r -p. m., the following,plentation or Tract .of land situate in Silver Spring township, on the road leading horn Machanicebtirg to Carlisle, and about halF.a mile from the former place, adjoin• ing lands of Joseph Strock, John Myers, va rious .town lots, and the. 'Prindle Spring Ta vern place, containing SI- Acres and 155 Perches, about five acres of which are wood. land and the reidtio in cultivation and well fenced, and first quality limestone land. There I is ; young Orchard on the premiks of well selected Apple Trees and other fruit trees.— Alan. an excellent welt the house. The buildings are ,; g of .vote+ •- , 5 a _two story LOG & WEATII -7,sl'e- 11 ll' ERBOARDED HOUSE, with r_Y- back buildings, a BANK BARN un , et part stone, the upper Ireme and weath• erboarded, with a wagon shed, a stable, a large fodder shed sixty feet long, and other necessa ry outbuildings.. The terms and conditions will be made known at the time of solo. WILLIAM WILEY. julytfits :Lancaster Examiner and Lebanon Courier insert to amount of 82 each, and charge this office. Perry County lamas . AVP PUBLIC SALE. • On TII:URShak, the 4th of September, next, VI ( I c lock , EZ.f offered e l d at Public I p i c re m 81! Zs ° 1. 7 1 40 VERY PINE LIMESTONE . FARMS, sit uated in Toboyne ,township, Perry county.— These are adjoining farms, one contains about 240 acres, and 275 acres is contained in the other. They will be sold separately or to. gather as will suit purchasers. They are a bout 8 miles west of Landishurg, on the main road leading up the valley. 'One farm has n STONE MANSION HOUSE & 21," - BAINK B . A RN on it. The other _a 1p LOL L HOUSE and LOU BARN. sib l'here are thriving Orchards .on both of these places. They are sit. uated the most fertile-part of .the county, and offer molly •inducements to purchasers.— Persons' wishing to see either of the above tracts, can obtain information from the tenants residing on tit , : pretnh.es, or either of the un• den=igieed executors. Attendance will be given and terms made known 'on clay of sole by RR:HARP PARKER, R C STERRETT, ]y1604 Thonas 'Urie, ,*•tJournai," Reading; "Gazette," Lew— istown t '• Extuniger,".,Laneastar, and "Free man," Bloomlield;'insert till sale, mark cost, and arnd bill in this dike. INDIANA LAND. CiOlt SALE a valuable tract of land in Clin ton.county, Indiana, lying 10 miles from the large and flourishing city of Lafayette, and near the rail rimed from that , eity,to the capital of the / Stater'Cincianatti and other eastern ci ties, containing 181 Acres. Tho Land is in ._a gonerally_improved rind healthy_section,_und is well accommodated witir , commn -, roads, and within a few miles of two . : dt roads, , leading to important points oh •Vabith and Erie Canal. •Clintoti county ' . • , ';ie great valley of the Wabash, and i. . •rated for lie lertility and productivenos. , os soil, it not being-uncommon to produce , run succes sive crops of wheat, of 30 to, 10 bushels to the acre, front the same field, and 80 -and 100 bushels of corn to the acre, for almost an en limited period. That section of Indiana and particularly Clinton, is mostly settled by goad and tubstantial farmers from Cumberland and the adjoining counties in Pennsylvania: The -land bore offered for'salo is of excellent quality and finely timbered, and lying as it does to the vicinity of extensive prairies, the timber alone is very valuable. TIM above described tract would -be sold at aeffo e r at it b n a p r r g o i v a n n d fo rn r y e ol s t t — w o o r wy l al m d l a m p e: h . i c o ltr i tg- ; the position of the ,land in relation to the ye rlous public improvements, towns , Sec., and the o pin i ons and certificates' of public officers of the' connfyi of the value and location, &c., cam be mien by application to M Ag - rtiEl,v MOORS, Popes - own: Cumbevleatel county, Pa. ' of 'whom also terms of solo can be obtained. • July 10,-1851 4tpiL,,,,, - ... ' • • ilasigneo% Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that' GEORGE LI SAILOR, ono of the firm•of Sailor & El. borti, of South Middleton township, cuinlier• lend county, Pa., dill on the , 25th clay, o(June convey ell Me property, reel: end percondl, by deed of voluntary nesigninent;to thesithscritiors for the benefit of his creditors. All persdns hav— ing claims rigeinst'ssid Sidiorairo 'requested to present. them for settlement, and those indebted to mho numediste payment.to - • ' • . • ' DANIEL KAUFMAN . JOHN 13 0813, Jujy - 2,105i '. 3P2nli dL WAVER XII oon. , , , , . LA it 1.28 Vire end -Wilier - Pr:0;61 :MINT, la. whidh has _been so, extensively used for .the last six yoars.with the utmost., supeese On ihe roofs. of Houses. Bttnimbonte, cf.t,e, t not: a single instando is known whole it lino foiled: , ror sale by— , ttril2l, '.,. , :11. S'AltTO NI : . ..,,,., ITILATEI DP MAGIst,E§I,4An igrea, ILJ able and ,nl,lld rafrigorat, 1-111DBARD. Dil#24 i7 : :' - 'o.' iiii.4.:,...'4-koliiiijo A-Neyr 13n •, FARINA; !C;OFFEES; ;'SUGARS,".- I: I' n'oLA R S I S C E E S,' andett.rhe .other neceesary,variatioe, 'just re. ' calved hy'''':' - (junels) - ; '• • I'W G can and . 81ack Tau. .•. , , ;EROlll'the atorO, of tke Messrs. Jenkins of Thiladelblga; of the beat qualities, and al. ways freeli. - coinlari!ly for,aFde bq • ' june-25 -:. '-- ~' -- J W EBY. NEW 41002)5V.. NEW GOODS I THE most extensive assortment of SPRIkG GOODS everlirought to Carlioo, now opening and offering by thosubedritior on'the' most ac. cotnmodating terms and uncommonly, cheap.— Among the lot will bejound a most splendid. assOrtmont LADIES DRESS .GOODS,' such as Chena and Foulard Saki, Silk and Li nen Poplinea, Bareg9 Be Laines,. Fig'd Stirg, Lawna, Barages, Tissues. Maroelines, Bril liantine, &cc.' - f _•, BONNETS, • An immense stock of Bonnets, all qUolities " and prices. Also, Bonnet Ribbons and Flow ers in great variety and very beautiful. CARPETINGS & MATTINGS, A full assortment of all kinds Carpetings and Mattings. White and colored CASSIMERS, Some now and elegant French Clothe and Cassimores at reduced prices. Mustins, Tick ing!, Checks, Hosi9ry,.Baggings, &c.. Tho public are invited to call and .examino this large and splendid stock of new geode, and they will certainly, be suited with the goods and prices. Recollect the old stand East Main at., Carlisle. [ap2] C. °SHAY. SUPERIOR FRESH GROCERIES • Call and See before Purchasing efsetohere ! /1 4 111 E subzcriber is just receiving 'and oenp -1 ing, at his Cheap Family Grocery and Queensware Store in West Alain street, Car lisle, a very largo assortment of all the arti cles in his lino of businekt. • Rio Coffee froml2 to 14 centa per pound,. for good to a strictly prime 'article. • Also, Brown Sugars of the best quality, from 740 9 cents per pound, Lovefing's best crushed and pulverized Sugars from 10 to 12 1-2 cents per pound, N. 0. Spgar Hoiti4 and Syrup Moles* see of - all grades from 32 to 62-i per gallon.— Also, a supply of fresh ground; SPICES of all kinds, -warranted pure. SOAPS, Fancy, 0 1 8' tilo, Rozin and Country Soaps, Chocolate, pul verized Sataratus, Indigo, Mould and Dipped Candles, Common and Winter Strained Whale Oils. Also, a supply of fresh Hominy; cheese from the best Dairies always on hand. Fancy sewing, traveling, clothes and market Baskets, together with a general assortment of Chew ing and smoking , Tobaccos, Sjinnish and half- Spanish Cigars, Common do., ropes, twines, and Brushes of aldkinds. - -- • • CEDAR W A it E. , -ITouselieepers, and others expecting soon to embark in the seine business, please ball and examine my stock of - Wash tubs, - Wnshßubbers, Churns, Cedar Buckets, fancy, painted and varnished Buckets, Brooms, &c., ' GLASS AND, QUEENSWARB.—TIte subscriber has just added to his alteady largo stock a number of white Granite, Gold Figurr— ed, Blue, Marble, Flowing Blue and Mulber ry Too Sots, of 48 pieces, Also—Plates an& Dishes, Tumblers, Prtserve Dishes, Syrup Bottles, &c. of every description and price so that ho will be able to, meet the wants means or till in the comMunity who may fivor him with a call. mars 11 0 O.OOILBS. THE undersigned has jusi returned from the city with a SECOND SUPPLY of ~Goods stumble for the season, embracing Clothe, Cos. simeres, Vestings, Summer Cloths, Barego do Laines, Silk Tissues, dress silks, , Black Canton cloths, bombazines, alpacaas, gltighams, lustros missiles, checks, iiirkings, pantaloon surfs. Also BONNETS. A large lot of Bonnets including all 010_1101i' and desirable styles, at greatl`roduced prices. BOOTS AND SHOES. A. full assortment of Boots and Shoesnf every deseriptioti, from the most celebrated menthe. tories of Philadelphia. GROCERIES, t • such as Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Molasses,Spices, dem. Also, the best quality of Colored Carpet Chain. The public in general aro invited to call, inasmuch us I can assure my customers 1 can offer great inducements to urd Butter, Eggs, Rags and Dried Fruit taken at market prices. juno26 N W WOODS, Agt . Inedicinos! Medicines Fresh Medicines recently received at Row. lens' old eland, next door to the Post office, Main street', Carlisle. . -Dr..l. McCulloch, a graduate of tho.UniVer sity ofTennsylvania, is now ix partner in this establishment, and will give his especial super vision totthe compounding of prescriptions. All Medicines warranted pure and' genuine, and sold at the lowest rates. Fresh Pine Oil and Fluid constpntly for sale. May 28.'51. . 11 M RAWLINS. NEW smarm GOODS;=, • TAG subscriber has just opened a generill assortment of Fancy and ':Staple Dry Goods, suitable to the season, among which may be found ft most splendid assortment of • LADIES' DRESS GOODS, such as Barego Do Laines, Barcgcs, Poplins, Silk Tissues, French and Scotch Lawns, Plain and dotted Swiss Muslins; Silk and Linen Lus. tree, Gingham, English Chintzes, s r . A full assortment, of Bonnet Ribbons, Lase Gloves and Mite. Kid, and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hand kerchiefs - in - great - variety - , Lined - and - Plain - Par - °sole, %Vide Silk Tramming Laces, WorOted La ces, Ribbon Dress Tiimmings, Bonnet Caps and Puffins. with a general assortment of Mil— linery Goods. ' May 21,'51. . G. W. HITN ER. • N. B. An experienced salesman wanted im mediately. ramr.sa GROCERIES! A NEW supply . of fresh Co ff ees, - White and 13rown Sugars, Spices of all kinds, ground and unground, with all the other varieties of a (i ro• ceryiStore, including nlso a new supply ol , Jen- Ao. 1 Quality of FINE oGREEN & BLACK TEAS, in metallic 'packs - of - quarter, half and pound Dackages - from 50,t0 $1,50 per pound, as also n the bulk. All just oponed and for sale ni the store of I2] J W EBY. ATTEND TO HOUR TEETH ! Dr. J. C. NEFF, Dentist, respeetlidlY -in forms the ladies and gentlenteo of Carlisle aid .vicinity,-that-he is prepared to Terri), a ll rations on the 'teeth and On eta, belonging to his profession, and will be,,hapit to render his -services to all who may rennin , them.' Dr: N. has recently returned front the city of Philadelphia, where ho has made himself ac• quainted with all the latest imptovemonts in the art, and flatters himself that Ito will be able to Insert lull sets of teeth on the atmospheric , pressure principles, or with springs, equal to any made, in that city. OFFICE in High st., ono &tensest of the Post Office. Persons wish. ing to see specimens 'of his workmanship, will please call et his rooms, where-they will hove an opportunity to see and judge for themselves. june4.losl-ly . . PROOLAPIATION. 'WHEREAB the liontaablo Fannon= WATTS, PrOSident Judge: of the sevet;al Courts of 'common Pleas of this,:connttes' of Cumberland, Perry and Jualati, iu Ponnsylva ale,' and Justicopf the several Courts of Offer and Terminer and General_ Jail Delivery in said crudities , arc! lion. John Stuart and John Clondonin,'3udges of the Court of Oyer and 'rerminer and General Jail. Delivery for the trial of all capital and other, offenders; in the said county cif Cumberland; hy thcirprecepts to mo directed, dated the 14th of April, 1851, have ordered the Court of Oyer. and Terminer 'and GenoralJail Delivery, to be holden at Car lisle on' the 4th MONDAY of August, next, (being the 25th day) at 10 o'clock in ;dim Sire noon, to continuo ono week. , it therefore 'botchy' given, to. a:* Corinter, Justices of the Peace and Conatablea o fthe said county of Cumbetland, that they at op by the said precept commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, regards, inquisitions, • crucninations i and all • other remembrances, to do those things Which to theirdifices appertain to be doine,und all those that are by racognizafietie, to prosecute lagainst tho risoners that aro or.then, shot t o , tnithe Jail of: said county; are tcr,bathero •is • prosecute hem' ail shall: bejust,; ''• ,' • DN.VID, P.M1T 11 0 3 4 6 0,:,: Carlisto,•July ..,• .t,••• . • &digit(' fd • . • , ,SDOC42 4 . . • 'J +', oF SAL'" reeeist*. pod for sale ahriii) at. the warehouse of Udoo LW B RRAY, • - n7 . b o l u ing ititt aa n it ii, ', 4. ., THE abat , (63st4 'b:'.l iatei on ihti , briivr o the 1 aceees, and:Ual:lo6u iled: t Places :',l, amusement - rt i leaving HarrieburOn hit Nesrville, in ?the; car . ail houra4ratiel, at a 'Coe 4.1 ~ the two fi fetninned to . . ':il - Kii care of " attention s { s der 'a etay at these Sprin sill' ,• ~ • SCOT- . June 4; tailzStr.. "', , .. . , 1: tat Springs u TYV PA: Ot,ie 4teauiitully• lo• onAlai, re easy or it deeirable e 'lion:— Perrone b reburg can reach nee by,' image in* • ip)...from either of I4MiliV1•111 1 1004'11 1 , , , • THE ProprietorOrthiS ful Watering Place, fuel!lial the success, which' has 'nu rnent Ofthu above eatablia ' 1 liiniscniThas increased his ,e place and 'accommodations and comfortable: . • - The Warni Springs era s Pa., on the'bink'S of Sher the healthiest situations. in waters are well knoWn for i icinal qualities, and pre the neat cure of Scrofula, Tett Of the skin that has ever be The Springs aro . decessi Railroad to Duncannon.* ways be in readiness. on tit from the East, to convey pa to visit the Springs, 14 mil non. Persons leaving Phila ing train of cars can arrive the same evening. TIM co running daily on and altar I.lt next, and continue during tl the Springs every mornings cars going oast. All comml Warm Sprtngs should' be din' P 0, and will.thon arrive atj The terms tor,boarding w every attention paid to those ed to pay him .n%visit• duri Ample provision has been mi exercise, and passlime amuse C man's reek affords delinhtl junes,lm • lI.H Wr CARLISLE S.' • THE proprietor resPapti friends and the public get fitted up the establishment el SPRINGS, for the acconime , . Ora large numb - Boarders. aced four miles 111111V1it a fine, heal place,wliere'eva for trove lore and visitors may pold and 'warm baths in gdool Visitors coming in the ears' cities will be promptly attendet Livery men with their fine car vied to the Springwthe same Juneti.s,6t D. - UPHOLSTER . , - I'IN subscribers would roe edtfully inform the public that they have comt snood" the bn sincsr of Upholstering, in al its branches, at t k their shop.; on Loather strec, near Leonard's ; corner, where-they Sre-propar iliiimannfacfure' to order all kinds of Ni Aril ISSES, such as the newly„ patented Spiral S dug, Mattress, Curled I,f,itr :Mattresses, Hits Beds, egg., all of which are mado:in.the best yle,.and at.very lovi prices.• , • The public are becoming awcie oldie liciiilth ful and invigorating influence lag these beds, in preference to feathers, and the experibfice of eminent physicians in- cities aq 'elsewhere, U. titvcrsally recominwdsTtlientraftlia=besno , bo= i used. y persons in health as w II as the infirm and invalids. Principe - 1e or. C lieges; Acade• miss, and Hotel kcopers,as all as families, are respectfully invited togivh lis a can.. LCYSADDLIN G in all its vdrious branches carried on in the same shop. •1 . ” ' May 2.8,.'5.; ..TIZZA RD .4 % SHIiLLY. PORTER -: ......... L1:77.7 11 . 111 . tyjr:r! it 4 Pateni Oreigm i gginzrisaherV , 'Ltd kttl ' paean and and experiment. has euctieeded in produ cing a TWYERE for Blacksmith's .borges, which, wherever it has beep tried, has prolied itself superior to anything of tlia hind ever be. fore invented. It lib' advantages which no other..T wye re possesses. ' tat. The blust-can t,e regulated offlietually so as to suit any kind of work. 2d. The blast can be kept clear at times without the use, of a poker, or without' breaking and shaking the fire, thus enabling-lb:l.BmM' to take a clean clearhdret.- .5d.-- By-actual-experiment it saves one-third of the Fuel, while the work can be done one-fourth faster. 4th. - The bffist is re moved eight or nine Inches from the back which is a great advantage to the smith; doing crooked or difficult work. sth. It is not liable .to get out of order and will last:many. years.._ 'l'.'he following Certificates selected ram ma ny in the possession of.the _Patentee,Will show that it has given com More satisfaction, and also its great superiority over till others. Carlisle, April 28th, 1881.—This isle certify that I have in my lire one of Porter's Twyeres7 and for the short time that I hare„rried it I can say that" condo more work by,one-thirl than I could do with the old Twyere., Of all the different Twyeres that I have. eyertried, I can say that Porter's is the kest, on account of the facilities of the Valves. WM. WORT. Carlisle, April 1i 3 .51.-This is iii,certify, That I have tried the li-wYere or Rohrer Pori ter, and I find that it is e most excellent article, for I.hrtve tried several Twyeres, hut this 18 fur superior to any that I have ever sifen used, for it heats quicker and more and with it I ertnido one third more work io 'the same time. (~therefore, recommend its, use. to all who stand in need of such an article. GLANDINti, Coachsmith. This is to certify that I have pat in tny.forge of Porter's Patent GraduatiN; Twyers and 3 the host that I have ever seen, and sustains al the advantages claimed for it over other Twycres. I would not taka tyrant) , dollars and do without it. ' . A B ZEIGLER, S. Middleton. Persons wishing to examine tho above twyero , an do so by calling on the undersigned at Wm Porter's. Carlisle. Righta 'for counties or tates are offered for sole Early'nttention is' requested. (7nty) ROB"P .13 PORTER.' VALUAIILE FARM TOR SALE, 'ITN PURSUANCE of the Mit Will and Tea. of Matthew Thompson, sr.; -- lateof - Mifflin township, Cumberland county, (Med., will be sold at public sale on'EttllPAlr, the 25111 of SEPTEMISER, 0351; at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the premises, n".itact of Ismrsituate in the aforesaid township of Mifflin and bound ed hrtho Conodtiguinet Creek and lands of Jo• scab Hershey and Samuel Weitheffer, con taining:23s ACRES,.of whialiabout fifty acres are timber land and the residue cleated land in a good state of cultivation. , The' improvements ate a large 't daul,lo two story STONE HOUSE, ...Ilk, and HITCH .largo. BRICK Situ. RAITIC B ARN,. tOO feet 'king,, a Wa g gon Shed, Oorn Crib, aSpring House and Smot° House, stAvell:of water con venient to the, door and a goinfaPple orchard. The above described -land is grant, With a, considerable quantity of alluvial bottom of the best quality. hie within, a mile of the limo.' stone . land. • It in sittiated'about four miles West. of•Newville, and near the State :Readafrom Carlisle to Roxbury.' Tho forms, of sale will to he paid.by, the purchaser when thnproPorty is stricken' down—one-half of the whole purchase money, including the aforesaid, 30, on.thelst. of A . dril, 1852, when poem:lesion bo given 'and .deed'inado to tlmpurchaser, and the reaidne in throe equal annual payments, without inter-, eat,. to be ifectirekby judgment or mortgage; the landlord's sharii of the grein,no go to thq purchaser, .. •. • moland - putt:lilted; and itidisinttntile title' ill be 4ivan clear of all • Mcumbrances. Persona wishing to view the: aforesitid - rani can call on James' i3,oyd,:volitCresldas - on - The opposite sJAKE'S ffIe of 'the ßOYD!:', croekTroin said farm. , V ' • !".• • • ••• •• ! MATTHEW,THOMPSON, •!. ,Adm'r. de•bonie non With %the wilVannexed MatthowiThompon, , er..;:deed... • , , .Chalienge IF OF PERE)) n.,m'attizabl rtir beti• • ter artiolo of Soap, tham_hieYu‘entAinguotio; eirbor for removing i tapouriburg, ond , ,Phoplei3 from the skin; ~or. for• elievitig..:,Mariureeturefl by • E. MeCiain,..B3 North- 7th'''etreet,'• .obeve Cherry, ,Philadetphia.A4d2sobl:by ,, E. , NV; ELA.VERSTICK; bie Drug Ith A :Pooh Stunt, North Hanover Argot, Cerlisle.:,; ,o l,'Llil,lY2 arff tiarte'V Stores SIM ZE44oEirtr: . -•-•"( V Frirah3.llrugsj..llfeelicineii:t ry, , ,,Teney, I , .4rtsejee, tee. • rz El , nub eciribett hasi net Oolied Eniipply .of.DRUG AN]) t 'MEDICXNES - . C,IIEIVIICALS, emeng whi eh., can -be kid ever.? Article, ueeil by, ,Phyininane • in their; pre ecriptione, to the . , pntiing,up of which;he will, give particular attention: , -Alen,- • Paints, _OllO, Dye 9004.1'0E111=m . y, Soaps, &o: ,'end a-variety of Fancy articles too num craps to mention, together'with a sueeriar lot of TOBACCO AND CIGARS' of:vedette brands, all of which; having purchased in per upou the most: favorable. terra, he will guarantce,ss beim; of the boat quality, and is . willineto sell, not : exactly , at City Prides, yet for' alory small advance for CASH. He would• respectfully' invite the attention of Physicians, Country Merchants and Pedlars, to, whom ho will make a liberal' deduction.— Opposite the Rail Road Depot,ecirner of Pitt and High streets, , Carliste, Pa. ' mnrl9 - A,.HUBBARD. .bervraptitig to 'ten= •Idosont 4nid ponofi-' .p,YLE; Prop'r. - ' °m'utt and delight= ighly,dratfiod with diid iti6 manage ' entduring the first rut to' reederthe ill ;more , inviting , n itt a ist r iLP k er o rLc o oi Iha State. ' These i iiiiiailliiti t - trind. 7 at for tho perma-, , and; all' dtsefisea asdertained. ' shy the_ e n condi will al irival of :lila. cars engero who desire N. W. of Duncan.. 1 . Iphia in the Morn. the Sppngs. early will , commence 15th day , of June t - 'minion, leaving as 4o' roach the i icaticins • for the led to Duncannon e Springs daily. I be moderate: and ho dhoti. be i picas itho season.— . 0 for' gymnastic ents, while Sher- I fishing. R, Proprietor. _ ~ LATEST ARRIVAL OF . . CIT smareo di. stramtma - ao 0; ..dt the Cheap Store, 148 North Hanougr t. niAirlNG'returnod from Philadelphia w th a selected assortment of Spring an d um— mer Goods, I would respectfully invite all per sons who wish' to purchase new goods to will' and examine my stock, nal am determined to sell at small profits. Among them may be found ' Slid' . as Silic , 7issues, Silk Lustrea; Foulard Silks, plain and figured Do Lamm's, Berege, Being° do Damned, Lawns, Bingham and call eons. BONNETS, .• ' . A largo assortment of Bonnets, ell qualities and. of the newest styles. Also, Bonnet Ribbons Kid Gloves and Parasols. CLOTHS, .CASSIHERES ¢ VESTINGS, Tweeds, Jamie, Gambroone, Velvet Cords, Blue Drills, Sz.c. - Also, Muslim, Tickiegs Th ble Diaper, Linen Table Clothe, Checks, Ho story, Bagging, dr.c.. GROCERIES, Coffee, Molasses, Green and Black Teas and Spices. Butter, Eggs, Rags and Soap, and MP kinds of Country Produce, taken at mailiet prices, in etFchango for goods. ap9• A p FETTER. INGL t Hy inforrris his :railV, that ho has he CARLISLE .) • tion,comlortably t of Visitors and , pringteare situ orth, of Carlisle; y and romantic 1 accommodation r be relied en.— irder. om any, of the to by any of the rt ages, and • con , ny, if desired. 0 RNMAN a ec b I For the Benefit of the Public. TUE aubseriblirs take this method of inform ing their'old customers and the public generally that they have removed their extensive CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT S' One door north of their old stand, to the room formprly occupied. by S' 'A Coyle, in North fianover street; Carlisle, where they have ad. dedko their stock nn extensive assortment of SPRING! .3. SUMMER CLOTHING. .They keep constantly on himd a full assortment °loyalty kind of clothino either for dress or la bour. Their stock consists in part bf fine cloth Dress end Frock Coats, Cassumere Pants, Silk and Satin Vests, and also coats of eattinett Tweed, Croton Cloth, Casinnerett, Linen, '&c. and a full i essortment of pants kir - summer Nicer and to their assortment of clothing there is scarcely an end, embracing almost every varie ty. of pattern, make and price; they also keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of goods for which they_are preparcd_to malca_..up.to_order_ at:short notice. They also keep constantly oil hand an assortment of Leather and Half trunks Valises, carpet bags, umbrellas, hats and Caps, suspenders, dress and under shirts', bosoms and, co'lars, fancy and plain silk neck and pocket thandlterchiefiond-lois of-notions-to-numerous to mention. We invite-you to give us a call and - exaniino - for yourselves, as we hive the stock and are prepared to sell to suit customers. They would just mention that they have no city clothing, but that• their garments are all made in Carlisle-under their own supervision. 9rip.3m ARNOLD ttr LIVINGSTON. BONNETS,' zortnwrzeis The subscriber is just-receiving-a - large and vatictl'aesettinotirorStrarv - BdiVnets',"ortill - de , ; seriptions:- Also, 100 Bolts Bonnet Ribbons, the cheapest over offered in Carlisle:'-Call soon or you. will miss bargains in Bonnet Rib bons. --- HAND,KERCHIEVS,I We tire now opening a very'choico- lot of La dies and Gentlemen's Linen 'Cambric Eland. kerchiefs; at various prices, decidedly the cheapest lot of handkerchiefs we have over of fered to the public. Ladies do. not miss them. T 1? FP.T : I T NT Mr n. - ' We are just receiving a large lot' - Irish Linens from the best Bleacheries and at low prices.— Also, Barnsley Shootings, Pillow case Linens and Muslins, with a general assortment of Li• nen Pent Stuffs. NEW STYLE DEZESS TRIMMINGS Just. received the new style Quilted Rib bons for Trimming Ladies Dresses. - Also, now style Buttons ot various kinds for Ladies Dreses ' BLACK SILKS, &c. _. Just opened a general assortment of Blue an& Colored - Silks and Bongo do Laing, with other dress goods.. . epB • ' • - G W HITNER• -L- 0- L 0--T. 731 N 7 G - -I --: VERY--BODY-should ernirrace - this op portunity to buy CLOTHING for Men, YoutViiaa Boye, at suelyprices as have never yet bean known to this Borough, nt STEINER'S CLOTHING ESTABLISH- MENT, West Hain st, next door to Burkholder's Hotel, Embracing a choice a the beat, most desira ble and fashionable '• CASHMERETT COATS, HABIT CLOTH do. , ' LINEN_DRILLING.do.:_ • , T WEEDS, iStio:, rte. • Together with t great variety of Enulisb. French and American . CL,c, and Suotrii , Paiwics, alapied to tit.i• wants of Alen Boys, both lor Dress and BusinessAGarinents Particular care has been taken to prueul* the new style SUMMER COATS, PANTALOONS, . iste. • To Which he ‘yould Invite special- attention.— 'FURNISH I N G GOOD S, consisting of Shirts, Stocks, Elandkorchiefs, &c., 'all of which aro offered at the• lowest possible cash prices, and as Chain as any other Clothing Store in the Union. Parents Mho desire Boys Clothing, are earnestly invited fo examine tho stook: Country s pro keepers can be accent• modated at very low.rates for cash.. • fl6ap .1 1 .E1 1 ° • SAP REIM G 0 S AT THE CHEAP STORE. E have just returned front the city with alarg,o an 4 extensive assortment of• - cLows, GASSIMERES 3. VESTINOS, Linen and cotton pantaloon stuffs, ihr men and bays wear, moods, blabk summer cloths, Ken tucky jeans; &c., cheaper than ever.,. DRESS GOODS, - . . Mous. de Lathe's ' 4000 yds Chintzes, • Barebe de Lanes; • Dotted Swisses, Lawns Plain laconets, Alyachas Barred • do. Silk 1'01)1172p, Bombazines, , Colored Bat-egos, s to., BONNETS, A - good assortment, from sff cents 'to $2,5 Palm Ldar,-Leghorn 'rind Rough and Ready Flats, &c. • MUSLINS, 'PICKINGS,' GHECKS, linen and cotton dialmrs, nunkoons, and 'an'ei.• collont stock' of Mullins, that cant ho beat for chonpness,,Edging'a,• lnsertings,!Gloiros,• Ho alctry, Suspenders, and a large lot or •• RIBBONS .3. PARASOLS, 'which will be sold •choap. GROCERIES, SPICES,::TEAS, &c.,lwhich wilhho sold at 'lower prices than the Mtn° can bo bought'here or elsewhere 16tri The TY niverzal Refrigerator. .''''TlM - subscriber would invite the citizens to x - ahiitio the Universal Refrigerator With:Wa ter Filter attached, which may be seert,at his .residence;. haw oporation, and.can be 'fur nished at city prices, thereby eatieg. freight, Idny. 21;51. , • , W lIITNER. Tr4.l -,mmir. MEM . v y ATEST' ASR RTV•A'V .11-4 FROM CHINA'!—Thd :0 77, lovors'of good TEA. con , too Egtlf.7*-4, Supplied with Jookin's & , rrr Ag ; Soporior Green "tind , , Black Tone .either'looio. or:pot'Ari in fourth, - half br.:.p9illl4,:tilel tgliid itY, suit - pi rtiktitiors at piicewrangipg in* 50tonis'up to Cilpor,pouna: hy cnllin .et the store or: (mrs] 7. 11. fuIp.GBERT: . • ... -,-,ltY,sT'il;66tigifniroiliiiit tto,cElugq , which wit! lie Old veyy low-etithe .old ehe#P More tket• ' • 40-r, .4. , '4 - -0. •001 Lay., TM LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENYLEMEYS WEAR, SPRING AND SUMMER A & BENTZ 'scellariears ' t ;;homoeopathic Medical, Aloliege of Ponosyloania. „ - Filbert Street 'cibove - +Eretie4th, .Philadelphias' //IDE LCCtures df the regular COUrtle will commence annually, on- the SECOND MONDAY. of, 0 stoett. tul continue until the first of Itiarch onsuirig. .n - Am't of fees for a full , Icoursa of Lectures $lOO 0 Students who have, attended two full cdurses at other schouls go 00 Matriculation Fee, paid only, once 6 00 Pamir:al Anatomy 10 00 30 00 Gr T ad he uat c lo o n m F m e e e ncemont will take place early in March. FACULTY WALTER Wirmsstfon, M. D., Professbi 'of Ma. terin Medico and.Therapeuttes' WILLIAM S. HELMUTH, M..D.• PrOfe#SOr of Ho moeOpathic• Institutes and the Practice of Medi cine. FSAI.III6L FRESDLY,' M. D., 'Professor of Botany' and Medical J.urisprudetice. CIIARLFS NIEDUARD, M. D.; Professor of Clini- cal Medicine. , Tama G. Liionrs, M. D., PrOfessor of Oh statries and'the Diseases of .Women and Children. Armor E. Spam, M.D., Professor of Physiol ogy_and Pathology. MATTOM SEDIFLEi M. D., Professor of Chem istry and ,Toxicoloey. Fn'Allcls Suss, M. D., Professor of Surgery. WILLIAM A. Genninsn, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. . J. B. ParnEnntunor., M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. GAILDINER, M. D., Dean, No 303 Arch Street, Phitada. June 18, 1861-Gm. . MZTZEL, WRITE & 00., BALTIMORE, Md. GENERAL COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANTS North Street, opposite the - Suquehannah Rail Road Depot, Baltimore. Keep constantly on hand for sale, Fish, Salt, Guano, Plaister, 6t.c." Lib eial advances made on consignments. - Juno 18;61. 6m pd. I= M. Xi. PARSER & CO. S, E, CORNER OF CALVERT & LOMBARD STS, BALTIMORE.. • PEALERS ,in Tin Plates; American, Eng lish, and Russia. Sheet Iron; Boiler and e Iron; Hoop and. Rod Von; Iron Wire; Tinned Copper; Zinc; Spelter; Pig and Bar Lead; Lead Pipc;,Slicet Lead; Block and Bar . Tin; Brass Kettles; 'Firmer's Tools and Ma chines; Stove Trimmings; America . ' Rivets, all sizes, Tinned and Black, &c. March 26, 1851-Iy*l. • tiew and Popular School Book. .arIOMPREEItNSIYE SUMMARY of U— n—) NIVERSAL HISTORY, together with a I3IOGRIIPGY of DISTING U I, SHED PERSONS, to which.is appended on epitome of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy, General Astronomy and-Physiology. Adopted in the Public Schools of Phtladelphin. E. S. JONES & CO, Publishers, S W Corner of Fourth and Roc° sts. Phila. 30~hsply °t" Teachers end School Committees addressin letters to us post paid, will be furnished with copies Por examination. ' . IP - A:full assortment of . Books and. Station• cry for sale at the LoWest Prices.. Harrisburg Steam Wond _Turning and Scroll Sawing Shop. WOOD TURNING in ell its branchT city style and nt city,priccs. Every-variety of Cabinet and Carpenter work either on hand or turned to order. Bed Posts, Table Legs, .B oning Posts; Balustres, Newell Posts, • Wagon Hubs; Resells, Patterns, ' Columns, - Slat and Quer/cr Mouldings, Round or Octagon Chisel Handles, fp. aTivA:wwitßy.=-Atrpv . ;: near Third Streeti and as we intend to please all' our custerners.who want, good Work done, It is hoped the trade will givens a call.' Tan- - Pins and Ten-Pin Balls made to order or re• turned. _ _ .w. 0. HI I(C) K Harrisburg, April 3001;1851-1y. SA "'g° 11175E1,- . FOR BLASTING niRD 'llSS9lll l ARlCTruilijeh 2 fia * nufiseion , near Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pa., will meet with prompt attention, and be filled at the lowest cash pikes. . GEO. V. COOVER, Llaplypd PETER GINGRICH,' Notices .7Votice. nuOTICE is hereby given that application ill-will be made--to-the-next -Legislatu'r'e, ogre ably to the Constitution' and laws of this Com monwealth, for an alteration in the Charter of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, sons to'conter, on said Bank the rights and privileges of a Bank of issue, and to change the name of slid Bank to "The Farmers & - Mechanicsßank - ofCarlislm" By order of the Board of Directors, . - WM. :VI: BEETEM, CaShier; - Car . Dep. Bank, May 28th, 1851-Gm. Notice to Collectors. itTOTIGE is hereby, given to all delinquent it Collectors, that their several accounts must be closed with the County Tretiiiurer, on nr beiore the 17th of July nest, after Which time, no further indulgence con be given. By order of the Commissintim. Attestt-W,ll. RILEY, CFI:. 4 Cnnimipsioners' (Mice, .fume ISSI. Iti.r OTZCE I' it 'eeeting d the Cit.el , vtland Vudev, :111. Farmers Five Itiseran..e d in Shippenshurg, on die 10th ins' .the'tot . low,lnd hinted persona! verb elected office's viz —SAM UEL WifERRY, Eery., President; J I:ttEssLim, Secretary; and GEonos ALLEN l'rensdrer. Executiye• Committee.-- , Jacob Foglesongm John Dressler , end Wm Menne, .., June 8,3 t J CRDSSLER, Sect'y. Estate.of Richard Patton, dec'd. 'NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Richard Patton, late of Dickinson township, Cumberland coun ty, deceased, have been granted to the subeeri tier, residing in West Pennsborough,tywnship, in said county. •All persons knowing them• selves indebted to said estate are required to coins forward and make inimediate payment, and those having cltimis toiiresent them ter set tlement to JAMES McCULLO UCH, _ jun2s,6tpd. Estate of Christopher Johnson l deold: ITOTICE is hereby given that Letters tamentary on thestate of Christopher Johnson, late of Dickinskn township, Cumber land county, deed., have been granted by the Register of said county, to the subscribers, re siding in the same township. All parsons knowing themselves indebted to said estate aro rliguested Prromelorward and make immediate payment; and those having claims to present them for settlement to SAMUEL JOHNSON, CONRAD JOHNSON,' Juno 18, Gt.pd• • - Executor. GRAIN -WANTED I • , TREAT, RYE, Catilti — AND OATS V. putchased by the undersigned, and the hlghest.marhot price paid in Cash. • Also, good Family Flour and Mill Food of diflOrent kinds for oalo on tensonablo torms, Apply at the Farmer's Mill (formerly Giied Era") West Pormsborough township, Cumberland, county.. inav7-2irtpd MARSHALL 'JAMES. 7fe.ELSIE NOTICE. A LL persons'indehted to tho potato of Hen ry Church," deed.; aro requested to call on . tho subscriber et the offs or pliuich, Lee & Foornan; Lurnbprhicrehtinte, in New Cuid— barlend and settle the eamtaiout delay, as a further indulgence cannot - ct giv en R RCIL nuay7tf, , Adm,r, OFF' AT COSTI -- TEE Oubiieribor !giving,purchased tho "stook of of Dry Goode, Greeerloo. de : e. Of A'. C. Fetter, ot:tho oornor- of NorpAnnover and Lowlier .streoteinforrno , the winds cif tho largo and olegnoi stock will bel sold; out AT COST. Look otdroy kingpins., -; JACOB FETTER.: , _ FEMALE, SEMINARY, , TillS Institution will aommencelits next term oa the.let orSeptember, under the camp(' Miss. .Phebe.Puine, 'assisted by cempetent teachers.; I,nat'iuetion in the languages and . draiyingi'no Axtht Charge. . • . • Music taught by "an experienced teacher, at; , an eat& ebargo. -• ...Ljuan,2s,lil,-,11%)• 411 - 9 r , Laijeou FOS TEM,ROXIM6.7I3. Splendid. Ferric) :' , Geode y l leg,azilt • k.. Gift 'llSoillitii;;;Aic.. duo , , ; • ' - l _t .• W. HAVHILS,TI6I{: firi's Snit • reeelted )..iii from the cit y undid notv openings splen did display of FANCY GOODS,.suitalslejor the 'approaching. Holyday . Beeson,. to 'ribiCh he desires to cell tee. attention of his friends end ;the public His assortment in this - Am cannot., be surpassed in novelty, and •elegence,.'and. • both in nuaiirraaid price, of. the 'articles, can not fail to Meuse purchasers. It . would be inv. possible to enumerate his . '' , 7. , .."- , ..• .: • • ' • HOLIDAY FANCYLGOODbi - '.• • which comprise every variatY of fancy' articles of the most novel styles and exquieue finish, each as • .: Ladies' Fancy Baskets: ' - • ' .- . • Fancy, Work Boxes, with ' .sewing instrueets • t • Terracotta Work-in recent novelty,) •-• ~ 'Paper Mache Goods, - ... Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink...stand" and.trays, --- - --. . , , .. . •Fancy ivory, pearl and shel,l: card case s ,, Port Monnaies, of every v ariety, - •'. • ' , Gold pens and pencils, ...- _Fancy.paper.nmighte, • - - Peptones, with a largo : variety . .Of "adieu' ' ncy etotionery, -• . ' - 1 • ®Motto Beale and wafers, ' .. ' ' ^ . • • Silk' and bead purses, ' • ®Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished!, Ladies' fine cutlery, ...sail ' , I! Perfume baskets and bags, . Brushes of every kind for the toilet, . Romero perfumes of the various kinds, •'' - • ViMusical instruments, of all kinds and at_gll prices, together with an-innumerable variety of nrticlee elegantly finished ,and suiifibki.. - for fro ',lyday presents, to which he invites special at.. .tention. , . , • - Also, an extensive and clef HOLIDAY GIFT - BOOKS, comprising the various English and American 'ANNUALS for 1851; richly embellished and illustrated POETICA L WORK Si. with CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL B 0 , 0. K for children of all ages, than which nothing can be more appropriate or pleasing' as holiday gifts. His assortment of Scheel - Books and School Stationery is also complete, and- com prises every thing used in Colleges and the - Schools. He also desires to cull the particular attention of Families to his elegant display 1/ LAMPS, GIRANDOLES,.&e. " from the extensive establishments ofCornelius. Archer and others of Philadelphia, comorising every style of Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, for•burriing either lard, sperm or ethe reTal oil, tOgiulter with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, .4c. Ills assortment in this line is un equalled in the borough. Afsn, FRUITS, FANCY GONFECTIOARY— I= NU7 {- S-PRE3ERV - E - 9: FRUITS, in eery variety. end at all prices, all of which ere pure and fresh, such as can be confidently recommended to his friends and thelittle Ills stock embraces everything in Ile line of Fancy Goods, with many other prtidles useful to housekeepers,which the public are especially invited to call and see during the holidays.— Remember the,Old Stand, nearly opposite the Sank on North ilnnoler street, dealt S W, HAYERSTIOK. FORFEIT. DR. HUNTER WILL; r hirfeit failinglo - cure any ease '~><_l' of diseade that may come- under his care, no matter. how long standing or afflicting. Father sex are invited to this private room, 38 North SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, without fear of interruption 'by other patients. Strangers and others who have been unfortunate in the selection of a physician :are irivited to._call. Those why, haves injured themselves by solitary vice are a lso invited. READ AND REFLECT.—The afflicted . would do well to reflect before trustitl their hdppiness, and in many casea r their lives -firtheThamls-ofphysicians,--iguerant-of-this-elase of maladies.- It is certainly impossible for one. man to underkand'all.the ills the human fareiFy. ro 'subject to: Every respectable ,physician. has his peculiar branch in, which he is more sue cessful titan his brother professsrs, - and to'llint -he devotee most . of his time ancl . Study.. ' , - YEARS 02 PRACTICE, exclusively dtl 7 .. - voted to the study and. treatment of diseases of the sexual organs,togeiher with ulcers upon' the . body.:throat; nose, - or legs, pains in the head or - billiess, eitirCuriShiteurriatismTgravoli - irregular- -. ities, disease arising from youthful excesses or , r impurittbs of the blood, whereby the constitu- / .' tion has become enfeebled, enables the doctor: to ollbr spcody-reliettoell who may place•themz tielves under his care. . - TRE subscriber having rpßova,d,ltie.q&pgq , uz ---, - Tda g p-- .14 street, to the large building nearly - • u 3L opPosite'lds old aloud desires to call the attention of the public to the kfr en porior stock of IFIV6SR GROCER IES which he has just opened, and which he willsell - on the' most:aCcommodattng terms.—, The arrangement of his now Establishment will be found of, the moat •complete character, ands his assorttnents comprises every article that cad - be found in n • Perfect gamily Grocery; such as sugars, coffee, teas, spices, hams, dried' beef, cheese, shad,' tnackersi, herrings driedi fruit, soaps - .s6.c.,Aegother with. an elegant as sortment of Mina , and' Crockery..Wiqe of eye -7y style Lml quality; qintensware, •brooms, brushes, baskets, eaten en . dless-variety el ar, 'tides wh;clr it is impossible tot enumerate.— Fotcheapness and' excellence hiiarticles can-- not be surpassed , Ett calf from , the public therefore respectfully solicited mars C 1 ItNHOFF. CHEAPER THAN EVER.. rollF. subsaiher having just returned from , the East, offers to , the public a more ant ' Ppie and complete assortment of goods in him, ine, than ever previously offered, and respect fully solicits, dealers and others to git(e - hiin'ti , call, when he will show them goods at. aston ishingly low prices " •- To Builders, Carpenters , and Others: — ilL uus . unproci -- a - pent — ofi 'LI •tirti nl r,vr , v I 11111 -. r• tll 3 , I.‘ vi; •V11151!".v 5;,d 130118 Ot . • ur . ~ 571 luslu NII/4, Putty, Paints. dl cab) Oda, PA'rponiinc, Al ,s, tliil, Cross-cat and Circular Saws, Hand Pries), Ripping and Back Saws, Angara, Chi. 4813, Broad, Hind and Chopping Ales, Hatch ets, Planes and Plano Bitts,..Steet and Iron Squares, Files and Rasps, Nail Brads and Spikes of all sizes. I would invite attention to my beautiful , as sortment of waiters and Trays, plain and Go thic style, knivoi and forks, Butcher Knives,: Scissors and Shears, Brittannia,German Silver,. and Sayer Plate; Table and Tea Spoons, Brass and Emerald Preserving , Kettles, smooth,. Mg, Irons, Hollow-ware,. Tube, Buckets, Chnrns; Sze. Oils, Paints and Dye Stuffs, Fire 'all Water Proof Point. oct3o . , , HENRY GAXiON, LIGHT SITJMIER nEAMG, FOLLOWING. are am'ong . the' new _.ll.__andshenp puNicationa just received at the • /gm. book and PeriodicaVStore of — the .„:- °;; subscriber (late Martin's). on Main. ..msvris . Street. Ilerpor's, the International, Godcyrs, Gnu. hanestuand ,Sartain's Magazines for July-25 , cents each. ' . David 'Copperfield, by Dickens, 50 cents. . Henn—Mrs. Lee Hentz's new story-50 cts.. • The Heirof Mist Wayland,by ; Mary Howitt,. 50 cents. • • - The Mother.in-Law, by Mrs. Southwortli 50. cents. 409 e a:agleam, or she Autobiog,roplif • Of • te Clergyman's daughter. 50 cents.- - . Daughter ol.Night-725 cents.• - Lord and Lady Harcourt bi ,• Cirollide Sinelair 60 cents. .; , • I .The Denning} and. their Beaux,, by • ies Leslie. 25 cents. ' :' • • • The Duthess,-orWoman's LotetV.a • n • tr WO man's Hate, 50 cents. The Widow Rugby's Misbrand-50 coma: . • Polly Peaßlossom's-Weddingis 50'eentir. Together with a' -largo varieWor.other new works, All tlmilewr.publieatione art. • Soon as.Poldished, endsold'at PublisherXMo6- A complete' estiortfneht of•StationeilttEnvc lopes, &e. alwayis on hand„ w ith .a large ',varie— ty' of Books in everts Department of Literature,. Science, History, biography, Thoology,.Tr,a veto, &c. Mee.,.Schoof ,Book; of 'every in use, at the Mutest cask prices:: - July-2, 1851 - • ' PIPER, Agent irIOD LIVEk . OIL, Au excellent article NJ:Cor,aalo by, zuralG - WE, Ilttve io'ciftvoit our thirct . supply of . CHEAI S BONNETS BONNETIi/BBOXS; to whigh wo Invite tho , .attantion of Oa ladjea mQY• A & W• pEprz. AVIT-zatnitivsr reef saran: _ , A vatttabln XXVVl l 4lWitat ;:bolaisoiai (o. Jtablallrandsbary, and consisting . +oE . most of the Pennsylvania Itopotas and a'nktiohqhatodi or standard laiw'.Wolotovilt be. Sold very low to, any person inirchaerh . g:l§l . :.:lON'-!rlis, hooka orn be seen and ibo' , orioes aSOer,\hiti'e4l:by, - ,ing Otriae, '„ ,ant'collection = aEIVV®VALI 'Family Grocery Store. liUBBARDS and' Ribboim