Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 28, 1850, Image 4

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    _~lii~erc~tri~g; ;;i f'atta,_`v
WEATHER Icareful "study
_ of the thermometer has shown that
"Cent of the temperature-'of London froth
fortyzfive to thirty two degrees generallY
/ kills,. about three ' hundred . persons.
° They may not all die-in the very week
When the loss of Warmth hikes place,
but the number of deaths is found to in
crease to that, extent over, the, previous
average within a short_.period after the
change. The fall 'of 'temperature in
truth, kills them as,certainly. as a=well
aimed cannon shot: Oil' changing cli
mate, or deficient fecal_ and shelter,. has
weathered themlor , the final stroke,' but
they actually die atlast of the • weather.'
Instead of a Werra sttinmsr being folio•'
wed by a bold winter, the tendency of
the-law of the weather is to group,
warm seasons together and cold seasons
together. Mr. llasier has made out
that the character of the weather seems
to follow certain curves; so to speak, each
extending over of fifteen years. During
the,first halt of each of these periods the
seasons become warmer and warmer till
they reach their . warmest point, and then
they sink again, becoming colder and
colder, and colder till they reach the low
est point, whence they rise again. His
tables range over the last seventy-nine
years—from 1771 1849. Periods shown
to be the coldest' were years memorable
for high priced food, increased mortali
ty, and popular discontent, and political
changes.-,-Dickens' Household Words
Hew TO GET TO SLEEP.—How to get
to sleep is, to many persons, a matter o
highimportance. Nervous persons,
who aro troubled with wakefulness and
excitability,usually have astrong tenden
cy of blood to the brain, wiih cold ex
treinities. The pressure of, blood on
the burin keens it in a stimulated or
wakeful state, and the ,pulsations in the
head; are often painful. Let such rise
and chafe the body and extremities with
the hands, to promote circulation, and
withdraw the excessive amount of blood
from the brain, and they will fall asleep
in a few moments. A cold bath, or
sponge bath, and rubbing, ore good run,
or rapid walk in the open air, or going
up and - down stairs a few times, just be
fore retiring, will aid in equaliling circa
fation—and prothoting sleep. These
rules are simple, .and easy of applica
tion in castle or cabin, and may Minister
to the comfort of thousands who would
freely expend moneyfor an anodyne to
promote "Natu're's sweet restorer, bal
my sleep."
It is strange, that Priori)/ is regarded, in
all countries,as a peculiar day. In Eng
land it is generally considered unlucky;
and. many- people-will-not commence any
undertaking on that-day: and most sail
ors believe that the vessel Is sure to- be
wrecked that sails on Friday. it
riage takes Place on that day, the old
! rives snake their heads and , predict all
kinds of misfOrtunes to the bride and
bridegroom : Nay, the3r even, go so fur
as to pity all children who are so unluck
yasto be born on Friday. In Germa
ny, on the contrary, Friday is consider
ad. a lucky - day for weddings, commen
ting new undertakings, qr other memo
rable events; and the -reason of this su
perstition is said to be the ancient belief,
that the witches and sorcerers held their
weekly meetings on this day; , and of
ouree, while they Were amusing them
selves with dancing, and riding on broom
sticks around the Blocksberg, they could
have no time to work -any.evil.
Tut Ham.—Each hair is a tube, con
taining an oil, of a color similar to its
own. Hair contains at least ten distinct
substances: sulphate of lime and mag
nesia, chlorides of sodium and potassi
turn. phosphate of lime, peroxide of iron,
silica, lactate of ammonia, oxide of man-
gan - ese-an -margaitn-Of-t hesesu I phur,
is the most prominent, and it is upon
this that certain metallic salts operate in
' changing the color of the hair. Thus,
,when the salts of lead or mercury are
applied, they enter into combination with
the sitlplier, and a black sulphuret of the
trietat-is - formed. A common formula
for a paste to dye the hair, is a mixture
of litharge, placked lime, and blearbo
nate of potash. Black hair contains iron
and .manganese and no magnesia; while
fair hair is destitute of the two first sub
stances, but possesses magnesia,
is a tree called the Machaneel, in the
West Indies;its appearance is very at-
Menke; and the wood, of it peculiarly.
beautiful: .It.bears an apple,.resembling
a golden. pippin. • This fruit looks very
tempting, and smells very fragrant, but
to eat it is instant death, and its sap or
juice is so poisonous, that if a few drops
fell on the skin, it raises blisters, and oc
casions great pain.. The Indians dip
their arrows in Itsjaice to poison their
enemies when they wound them. Prov
idence has so appointed, hower.n,that one
43f these is never found, but near it grows
a white wood, or a fig tree, the juice of
either of which, it applied in time,' is a
remedy for.the &scan , produced.
ASSMCETWA.—This article is obtained
from a large umbelliferous plant growing
in Persia. The root resembles a large
parsnip externally, of a black color on
cutting it traversely, the asirikmida; ex
udes in form of a white .thick juice, like
cream, which; from exposure to the air,
becomes yellower and yellower, and at .
last of a dark brown color ! It is very
apt to run in putrefaction; and henco
those who collect it carefully,• defend • it '+'
from-the sun. The fresh - Juice has no
excessively strong smell, which • grows
weaker and weaker upon keeping; a
single drachm, •of the fresh fluid smells -
more than a hundred pounds of the dry
assokeetida brought to us.—Scientific
—Wo learn from a late number of the
North American Review,' that there are
three cypresseiin`Meirico,whose ages ye.
ry frorn 2,890 to 1,,p2} years, at the min- ~
imum estimate of „ `”ntifiecalculation ; at
the maximarn,-from 480 to 5,12-1 years
almost coeval with th creation. • ' These'
calculattons ara based pon inspection of •
the - layers' of.'wood, as .compared 'with,
the,known age and- relative growth of
smaller trees of tho name species. The`.
girth of the cypress of Montezuma is 4l
lef44— That. o 1 the giant cypress of -San
<la Maria del Thule, the' Nestor of • the
;race; le, near' the hue, one hundred and
twenty-two :feet, Or :forty'feet in dialneter: -
-Its height is not given, but 'the tree , - as •
1 yet shows' •ito. signs '
o{ ; ; decay: ' Pinua
DOoglaskattaini emaltitude,pf 'frOM 200
to 300 reek; , "ono tneitahred, by I_.ewis and
•CiatltO gaste,olB, ,'- f \ .,
. - ,
. GreftelGarkozns:
AN'be'expected.fromtho subsOriber,'ns he
V. kis just-received' e. hew and' Splendid ad:
sortnient of WINTER: GOOPS,
,which .he
offers to his .customers - and others livito may,
favor, hint with a cAll,at great Bargains ! •
satinet's, velieCeetds::•KY. jeans; scarlet, yel:
low, , white ) and'eanton T laittiels, tickiks. nm:
Cashniares,delanes,:ilpaess, 'Co
hvra•cloths-, gloves; hosiery, Irish Amen, corn.-
f'orte, SC,a,,
A largo and splendidassortment of Long
and Square Shawls, at all. prteesto Milt the
times. : - .
Mee, Boots end Shoes, which he is determ
ined to sell low, ht his atnnd; Nofth
first store below Haversack's Drug &bre.
vat street, Carlisle.. J. G. - GARNION Y.
THE undersigned' respectfully informs his
friends and numerous customers, that ilto has
removed his store to Humerich's corner direct
ly opposite 'Wm. Leonard's old stand, in North
Hanover street, Ho has recently returned from
Philadelphia, with a largo and carefully se
lected assortment of
New Spring Zoods,
purchased at the lowoet prices, and which he is
determined dispose of at very small profits.
arge assortment of
at front 75 cents to $6 per yard. Also, Canal
meres, Cassincrit and Vestings, at various pri
such as Delaines, Bereges, and a splendid as.
sortment.of-Sillts. Also, a very extensive as
-sortment Calicoes and Ginghams, suitable
for the approaching season. 'Also, Checks,
Table Diapers, 'rickings, bleached and un•
bleached Manihiki, Bonnets, Hats, &c.
A well selected assortment of Men, Women
and Childreit's Boots and ShOCs, of superior
quality, and very cheap. Also, boys and men s
Cloth and Hungarian Caps.
of all kinds, vizr".Suaar, Coireir; Molasses, Pe
kin Tea Company's celebrated,,Teag; &c., all
fresh and good. Also, constantly on hand,
the best quality, of Carpet Chain. -
-'lllO-subscriber- respectfully.-asks,hia_eusiom:
ers and all who wish good bargains, to give
him an early call. Don't forget did stand, cor
ner opposite Leonard's old stand, North Han
over street.
aplo N W WOODS, Ag't.
N. B. Butter, Eggs, Rats and Soap, taken
at market prices.- ""
A Large Stock of Dry Goods elling
"k 4_7 r •
AT • t 7.....; .!" THE
" B -.
0 Z .
FOR the benefit °Call my friends in A°
town and countrf the subscriber makes
the above announcornent to show that he has
concluded to chnexic fiusinesa. Settle up
all Book Accounts, and sell out his entire stock
of dry - goods at cost:
All who wish to save a sixpence can do so
by calling at the BEE HIVE in North Hano
ver street, as I wish to dispose of my stock
between this and the first of Jankary, 1851.
ve..a..1 arg.o at up le_good .n suit.,
ed for family uses: Please call and examine
my_stock.._as. lost.,_find_nkat
tention.will be given by the subscriber to please.
1 -.m3 constantly on hand Ready .Made
Clothing. Also -,it made by .41r. Thos.
Reighter (who is_working in my atm.,
o order any gttrment on the shortest notice.
july24 S. A-. COYLE.
Ahead of nil Competition !
Tllllntibsclibers have returned from Phila.
- dolphin, with a large assortment of
consisting partly of Mous do Laincs, Lawns,
Bareges, Linen Luatres, at 123, 181 nod 25 cis
per yard, Alpachau, Gitightims, Calicoes, and a
variety of other dress goods; Cloths, Cassi
nieces, Vcstings, Summer stuffs for men and
iMys wear in endless variety, checks, tickings
muslins at old . priecs, flannels, hosiery, gloves,
laces and edgings, insertinr,n, and some very
cheap CARPETS, groceries, queensware, &c.
Also, a large imortmcot of very
Palm-loafs d braid hots; bonnet ribbons,at a
prices and very c leap, a few pieces wide hi g
lustre black silks, together with a general as
sortment including nearly every article in eur
line of business, all of which have been bought '
for Cush, and will be sold to our customers and
the whole country at considerably lower prices
- than they - can be bought in Carlisle: - - Give us
6n, call and judge for youiselves.
Carlisle, .11Dei
90HE subscriber respectfully informs
-m- the citizens of Cumberland and Perry
count , es, and the public generally, that he has
taken that largo, new and commodious hotel,
on North Hanovei. - Street," CarliSte; - 'kridwri . as
the Cumberland and Perry Hotel, ant) recently
kept by.ll I'V_Orth.7The house is a new and el
egantly finished establishment, is pleasantly
situated, and is furnished with good bedding
and other furnittire, and his accommodations
arc such as to make it a convenient and desira•
ble stopping place. His TABLE will be—fur
nished with. the best the market can afTord; and
his BAR with the choicest liquors. Ho has al
ways on hand trlarge supply of FEED, suitable
for all kinds.of Cattle, and good FEEDING
LOTS, with other accommodations which cam.
not fail toreador it a- desirable stopping place
for DROVERS. Ilis 'STABLING - ie extort•
sive, capable of accommodating about 7ii head
of horses. He has also about 200 acres of good
pasture land for Cattle ; which can be had on
reasonable terms. In short no pains wit) be
spared to render the utmost satisfaction to all
his guests, HENRY GLASS.
Feb. t 3. 1550.—Gm.
2 1 41.11.1YEARS' IXOTEL.
subscriber, (late of the "Stone Toy
ern." Walnut Bottom Roud,) respectfully
informs his friends and the public generally
that he has taken that .well known ',Cavern
stand, in East High street, formerly kept by
Mrs Wunderlich,, and that Ito is now prepared
to accommodate-Farmers, Pedlars: Travellers,
and all others who may favor him 'with a call,
in the most accommodating.munner..
His stabling, which is large and •convenicnt,
wIR be in charge of a careful Ostler.
Ho flatters himself that from his experience
as tin.inkeeper, he will be able to render gene
ral satisfaction.
myl.3to C iIitISTIAN HOFFMAN:'
egoden Memo. Motel,
TILE subscriber havin g
.tho above
large and commodious 110 PEL, situated on the
corner of the Public Square and South Deno;
var street, and lately occupied by Bon!. L.Esli
lemon; begs leave to announce to his friends
undlito public that Ito is prepared to entertain
them in a ' manner. which cannot fail 'to pled
their approbation. • _
THE HOUSE has the moat pleasant loca
tion in the borough—tuts been newly furnished
and otherwise - iinproi , d, and no pains - W ill be'
spared to make those who may sojourn 'with
hint, comfortable durin their stay. flis par
tore arelarge tind well I mislaid, and his cham-,
hors supplied with no and comfort& lobed -' ding. • ,
HIS TABLE will b sup flied Will he best;
the Market can afford, an all who 'aro c enact
ed with his house will be found attentiv caro•
ful and obliging,
TILE BAR will contain the best liquors lha
city can produce. . 4,
' • lIIS'STABLING iaontirely new and'exten
sivo, capable of accommodating from 1/0...10'.60
horses—makin it a desirable' stopping place
for DRO VE and Will be attended by a Ail.
Al ribi
WI Ostler.' ltort., nothing. will be wanting '
,'ealetilateil to„ odd .to the comfort and•Oonvonle
ence, of tbose who truly raver him' With 'their'
,: BOARD 411 S Mkint bY;tho',Week , month, or year •
.:DO7Tilists Illoriertsre. '- `' V, •:
! - , ' !'.I ,'.‘ -: 1
'..'-'fill4ti'd-Vttf; 2 ._ --- - 701.111-41ANNAW:-'.l
Oheap Greco
' Sugar; Coffee,' Molance, Honey, Checeeifreeh
Splices, YeasV.Poxyderb;Macearoni; Farina, RICO
Flour, Baker's ',Chocolate, • Baker's ; Cocoa,
Ifrowa , a flomnalatthic'ehooolate, , Orangea,.
'con' Nuts; Raisins, and Currants, foe ado , at
March , -•• ' '
• " '
' - ' - * - -lit ': - P j)iittbelpi)ia;'l,,,
• "'rip)" ;ies . ' •
.. •
WIRE largest; itnif .eheapestr and most
-•• eioom . assOrmlent of - NANG:POW/To •
n the United Sttites,"eattmlwafe'be fotindahlte
warehottio of the gubscri.ter, • •,•• '
171 Chesnut Streekabove .
At.the Old Ste:id. nectipied more than a third of
a centui.yby IlLe•Gitorge trunk publish-'.
or. Pianos:limps, 'Otgani, Serephines '
arts, &c., fresh from the most celebrated "Alum" ,
lecturers in• New York, 4oston, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, and elsewhere. ' Sold, wholesale',
and retall,at the maker's cash prices. '
. • 171 Chesnut Street,•Pliiladolphie.•
13,11350: •
, Watches and ~Teweirsa, .
CHEAPER- 4f.k.tit - EVERT:
• • :. -Iklik _
( "PhiltidelphirilVatch and JeWr
t , ,clty Stol'e, "No. 96 North 8E -
jr. l .;:v. C OND street, corner of Quar- 4
..:1+ii44%=.41- •. s t reet..
1 . / 4 .•...••
Gold Levers, 18 k. cases, frill jewcllod, $3O and
upwards . •
Silver Levers, full jewelled,. sls„and upwards.
Gold Lepind,-18 li.• eases, jewelled, $25 and_ .
upwards .
. ~ .
Silver Laplace, jewelled, $lO and upwards •
Silver Quartier Watches, $4 ,to 10 ~ I
. --
Silver 'Spoons, equal to coin, per sett—Tea,
$5, Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro
portion. All goods warranted to be what the
are sold for.
(F.:Constantly on hand a large assortment aline
Also, an assortment of M I Tobias & Co.,
E Sitnpson, Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates &
Co, John Harrison, G & R Beesley. and other
superior Patent Lever Movements, which will
be cased in any style desired
Arrangements have been made with) all the
above named most celebrated manufacturers of
England, to furnish at short notice any required
style of Watch, for which orders will be taken,
and the name and residence of the penal or
dering put on if requested.
CI: •C 0 NRAD ,
nova]• • Importer of Watches
egaf - lANKFUL ,to the citizens of Carlisle '
1 and its vicinity for their increased custom, ,
we again request their company to view our
largee n d_aplo , assort me ut
• China, Glass a. queonsware,
Dinner Sets, Tea'Sets; Toilet Sets, and single
pieces, either of Glass, Chinn or Stone Were,
sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than
they than be had elsewhere—ln fact at less
than Wham:ale Prices. AMERICAN AND
in, greater variety than ever - before offered in
the city. FANCY CHINA in great variety
very cheap.
7 - We would invite any person visiting the
city to call and see us—they will at least he
pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and
to-view the futest,China and the __cheapest the
world produces. Very respectfully,
Nu. 319 Chestfut Street
ir did. Roam,
&MAN UFACTURE,RS and wholesale deal.
.LVIL el - SITE - R - 0 0 M BAS E S and
WOOD WARE, have removed to the largo
store lately occupied by Messrs. SeUces &
eon, where they hove opened an extensive stock ,
of Eastern and .City - mode BROOMS and
WOOD WARE, which teley are now selling
A full assortment of Bristleo, Brushes, :Vats,
Cordage, Lee.. constantly on Imucl. No 111
.North Third S,treot, 3 doors below Rnce, Phil
adelphia.tyl7,'so:l'. et.
rioressor C 9d Roback,
Office, No. 71 Locust St., aboveStil, op
posite the Musical• Fund
BY My numerous friends on the late Presiden
dial election, should convince those skepti
cal pet sons who talk of PAT t ohm, that no such
thing as rms. is or has been known by the emi
hand and disiinguished- Astronomer and Astro',
oger, C. W. ItOBACK, during•his :experience
of over a quarter of , a century. Do you doubt
predestination ? Then why not every man - gain
a celebrity of General Taylor, alhiniel Webster
or a 'Henry Clay 1, And yet there are some svhe
are foolish enough to doubt t ; At 11 than may be
born with the power lo see into
.flow can it he possible that the ,destiny of man
should be governed by the mere shuffling of a
pack of cards 1 and yet there are thousands who
allow themselves, with open mouths, to swallow
the greasy wora of some old womao, whose true
skiff consists in Ailing them with wonders that
are most difficult for the digestion ofothers, who
ire mire credulous, yet more scientific. It is
rioh that bring discredit on a profesdion that has
b 'en acknowledged to he a science of the highest
o derfrom-time immemorial,and is the orly pro
es-ion that has any authority to sustain it, Th e
higli respect which General Taylor, and Charles
Bernadotte, late King of Sweden had for A-Strol
ogy, is shimn by their letters forlheir ,
tics to the subscriber, which. it Will give him
great pleasure in show ing-- to those who favor
him with a call. ,-"
in addition to his power to foresee_ future e-
vents, he has the power togiveineh information
as will effectually redeem such as are given to
thi! too free use of the bottle. Ile is also calm-.
aloof caring diseased heretofore considertil
curable int{ is co retry. by. the ordinary medi
einesotal wishes all to give bins a call who has
beed given up by physicians and wish to be cove'
ed• • lle will warrant a cure in all cases,aittl will
make no charge except for the conjurations he
shall make use ono his office. - Ile is often asked
what a Nativity is ? He answers ,nceerding to_
Geornancy, one attic the points in - ihe:stierice
'uf Astrology, that it isalliorroseope of the future
events of a person's life, carefully calculated and
'transcribed on paper, containing all account of
all the lucky and unlucky days in the months and
years of the persons life for whonpit is cast; by •
which means- thousands in thiscommy and else=
where have been prevented from misfortmas tha
had beenlMlden in the womb , of futurity,., by re
forcing to their Nativity before entering on an
speculation of business or pleasurii, it should
be in the hands ofeveryt one AS their alumnae for
life: A Nativity of ass individual cats only fore
warn the possessor oftroubles that ate its future
for him; these who are Involved 111 present difil
culties of any kind Must wait on tile subscriber in
person or by letter, Who is prepared to exert his '
secret influence for their 'immediate benefit: Ito
is ready to melds influence to forestal the results
oflawsuits,and all utidertakings in wititelitlfere
ts risk invidvad, Ire also makes use of his power
for the restoration of stolen' or lost property,'
which he has used for the advantage of thousands -
in this city and elsewhere. Who can doubt, a
gentleman's abilities, who has bad the honor to
be called on and consulted with bv all the crown..
dl heads of Eisrupc. and eujoys a higher repute--
Aiottaa an.astrolegerftlian_any_one.
Wl° can be consulted wills at hilolliee, or by I
letter,.if pre.paid, and he is prepaid to make
use orbits power on any' of the following.topics:—
`Business of deicriptions;travelling by land or
sea; courtships; advice given for their successful .
necomplishment; speculating in stocks, ruerchan.
' disc, or real estate:the recovering of legacies:in
dispute; the purchasing of tickets; and the safety
of ships at,sear.l le 1110 ()Graf : as setviees
.ting health, wealth and ntnrriage, love antra,
journeys, la wsitiits, di Ilicults' , iu busitses,' fraud,
and in all the concerns of life, and invites all to'
call.wlso are afflicted, corporeally or mentally. '
TERMS. ' •
, Ladies, 50 cents; Gent leinen;Natiiities
calculated and read in full, according In the Or
acles of Masculinc Sign a—Latli ea;'lp Oentlotnen
Nativitles calculated acoord toGeornan
efirPr Lodie'sdir2; in r g il; $3 l 'Cemtlernen 4 sa,
'Brushes 1, Brlishesl
. .
A, great varieiy of, Iberia ottani articiett.te. of
feredlor.salt)oonatating , orWhitewiielt, Swee . pl
ing,,Serublimr, rainicre, loth ! Shaving;ifittri
Tooth and Nati, Flegh and'Oratning tirt4shOe, if;
groat .variety„ tt){:of'yhicir,are of ilia beat' qua
ity and will be !told at the lowetit Rican
Juno - ELLIOTT. •
• • •
, _ltsrante , dompallico.-;
TBE Alton and East: i',ennsiloraugh.: Mutual
'ire Insurance Company'of:Cumhtirland county
icorporated bk . an act of Assonably,.is now fully
,irganizad, and in operation under the manage
aunt of the following commissioners, viz:
Jacob Sholly, Wm R Gargas,.Michael Cock. ,
n, Meichoir Bronnemani Ulinstiun Stayman,
bmini Oystar, Jacob IV Coover;'Lcwis
floury Logan,
Benjamin II MI wager, Jacoli
ICirk , Samuel Prowell, .3 mesh Mit erslia
The rates of insurance are 4 us low inul'Evora
hie as any... Company of the kind in tho State.—
Permit's wishing to become members aro invited
to 'make ariplication to the agents of the collTa-
by, who are willing to wait ' Open thunt •at any
JACOB SHELLY,. Treshient.
HENRY LOGAN - , Vice, Preiideut.• •
Lewis IhrEn, Secretary.
Gunther/And county.74tudolph Martin, New
Cumberland, C B - Herman, Kingstown, flunry
Tearing, Shiromanitown, Robert Moore and
Ohl:tries Bell; Carlisle, Isaac Kinsey, Mechan
icsburg. Dr. J...A1i1, Qhurchtown. .
rori: county.--,John ShOrrick, Lisburn, John
llowman, .D illsburg, Pdia Wol ford, Franklin ,
John Smith, Esq., Washington, W S Picking,
Dover, Daniel Raffensberger, J W'Craft.
Harrisbura.—Houscr & Lachman.
Members lof the company having policies
bout to expre can have them rano - wed by mak,
ng application to any of tho agents.
marz zNstrriumcp.
The Girard Life Insurance Annuity
and Trust 'Company of
Office No. 159 Chestnut Street, Capital $3OO
- Charter Perpetual.
CONTINUE to make Inmuranees on Lives
IL./ on the most favourable terms,' receive and
executo Truefii, and rpocivo•Depuno on bite
The Capital being paid up and invested, to-.
gather with accumulated premium fund, affords
a PERFECT SECURITY to the insured. The pro.
miens may be paid in yearly, halt yearly, or
quarterly payments,
TIM :Cquipany add a - BONUS at.staterl pe
riods to the insurances for life. This plan o
nsuranco is the most approved of, aim is;more
generally in use, than any other in Great Bri•
tain, (where the subject is best understood by
.13O..P.eePle.,..aarL.3vhem..ilteY_Ikqe had tbe long : ,
eat experience,) as appears freiti'tlid'T6 - ac - i - hui
out of 117 Life Insurance CompauMti there, of:
all kinds, 87 are on
this plan.
The first BONUS 'A as appropriated in De.
cember,:lft-14. amounting to 10 per cent: on the
sum insured under the oldest polices; to 80 per:
cent., 7i per cent.„ &e, Sr.c.,en others, in pro
portion to the time of standing, making an ad
dition of $100; 887.50; $75, &c., ec. to every
81,000, originally insured, which is an average
of more than 50 per cent at the premiums paid,
and without-increasing the annual payment to
the Company.
The operation of the BONUS will be seen
'by - the folldWing examples from the Life triad
ranee Register of the Company, thus
Sum Boring or Amount of Policy &
Insured Acidttion Bonus payable a
t the party's decease
$l,OOO sloo'oo $1,100•00
2,500 '2501/0 _ 2,750•00 j '',
4,500 400'00 4,400'00 •
2 1 500 175'00 2975'00;
5,000 437'50 5.43•00
-20 i
- 276
- 331
Pamphlets containing the table of rates
and explanations of the subject ; forma of ap•
plieatiom--and furtharinformarintrann - freinuf-nt.
the office, gratis, in person or by letter, ad•
dressed to the, President or Actuary.
B W RICHARDS, President.
JNO F JAMES, Actuary.
ro2'l9li ,
.< • -11;..-•
cl os tio 0 F . 4l . L _ A
{f thalami* of MT SI of Scrofula, Concert, Stpliilis, and
they inoi ,,,,, !i”Ose of the Illood—and i the VERY SMALL
QUANTITY whit* thaa wed di/ a Ategiieine n, ee'ert cure git
engrh di Go oidirost of the purifyinv omboal Pow"
the Afiglgline inhleA has inbiroM angi oanqiierril ouch di:Warts:—
their aort unquestionaMgr evidenoe that—
is rueit c MiariehtuTits - trisy - tsspAit ;atal thero - la abundant
repel; in yrs it curt& elrec, ,, l; that isblE BOTTLE of It con
tains store tatvifying, healing elittio, and etedieaf power,
than Baru la coutnitied in FOUR BOTTLES or any go.
yasiii,s, or nay other ntrilisino that has over linen oftstaa
for aale. Therein undoubted proof - our.ataphiels, that
lov the use or this groat inslian Purifier, they dint were DT.
KO yet LlVE—thou that worn LAMF. and cIIIPPJ.7III
inn nary WALK—IIi - ay that wore SICK, SCROFULOUS,
and °Bemis° diasised, hero boon 13,-4LL. tad CURED.
who heon used 171IANT'S PURIFIER, after having used
end tested at, the Sam - tray and other iv:ditties roe
ouunot,tl,l to curo blood dtsotuta,"hcau docidod Unit—
Grant's is the Cheapest ,
bee :loge one !ankle of It lots wine medical, curative Intro,
In It, and, in consequence, cures wore disease, in-annch
_Pout une bottleof_de ether trwllinine,
FOUR DIMES more dietitian Ilion we bottle of Sorsaporib.
In—" BRANT'S tUItIFIER" would he to cheap at four
da//ars a bottle, rn Vornisve ilia at one diair. But Das ber's
PURIFIER is sld for unly ONE DOLLAR a bottle; and
as a Inntlenat It has cured, and is aapahla r of nmin, Form
TIMES an much disease as one bottle of Sarsaparilla, there
fore. Sampanlia, in COIIIII,IIIIVIICO Or it. leas 'gawk and kat
medical eilicncy. should be sold nt no more thee WM*.
five tents per bottle, to ha as dual, as dm PURIFIER at
one dulls,
Oa& 'Dollar's Worth !
:now - muck CANCER:—how ,no k-SYPIIII,IP-..bilyr
murk *CR( ,IPUL.I.—wIII ors* dollar'. . or th o r BR ,th-rs
PURIFIER eu.l Rood tko following atatument, VIIIcII
aire,ancri _
This Is the tile of • 'kiln, wan who yel lint. Me war
cured of a worse one of SCROFULA, by only twelee bot
tled of liram's Purifier, Olin ever wes cured by the 100 Of
twelve cotton. of the bent Sarsuparias tiled was over male.
Saraopirilla has not attilicient ordinal powor to effect the cure
of such a revolietyly hotels nano,
Mr. J. IL IfitS FUN, of Rowe, Onteitia 0n.,.1V. Y., had Serni•
tau f.ue yaars—oral tenting& to hia bed than Last yale—he
yr., pm much diseued and debilitated as -to ho venble km,
raise his hand to his head. Ito hod the brat anedieal adoiir
—had it - m.l oil, of - Sarsaparillas to no good ellnet—
got wcroe and i.e., and Wall considered to be in a tildes,'
state, and enald nut live hortavfotte dour, lonoVrerr when he
commenced uain ! C . R.A.NT'S.PURIYIER. His nth ti•
Mien warty off, ear to oar; a hole was w ain threush
Au windpipe, um or his chin, so that he breathed through,
the hole L • hia for vans se eAtell around that it could ho m 4 ,4
up omit Of Ito place, it oily holding - by a /mall ;awe; the use
of one arm ' , Li destroyed by two ideals; an ulcer unt:or
the arm, an !urge MS a trianbt hand, had nearly nom through
his aide int.; hi* body. Tim. lie wan Willett:a with twenty
auch putrid, acrid, rufentive *deers, mlarioto parts of Ido
letsun. Yur further and full particulars, too our PAM-
the, THOMAS witri ADlS,cmus of thu moat skilful phy
sicians of Rome, was called to see Ifaskin Iho day hefi rn
ho commenced using Ilrant's Purlarr, the. AV. ..mined
him, Lad then told-him that all the ntedicinet in the world
Wad oat nue MAN . —that his tau wan
Worse than opelessi
Nov RASKIN'S statement °retire! He Said •
"My, wife procured ono bottle of /112.4.\''IeS
TR.IC:R, of /limit 4 Leonard, deteginss of Rome. ' I
commenced using that, nod even to get bettor. That loottle
enabled me to get off my bad. whore I had boon conljned
one year; the me ond bottle snabled mu to)?rt but of th, how;
'the third bolts enabled me to astah too wife, to Items Cm.
tre, whore I procured eta ladder MOM and when I had C.
tithed using p.m, *collagens out of horsey ulcers had hadad
te,--and throe bottles more effected a rERFECT - CIURR of
W the ulcer., and restored me to $?ood haelth.n •
HASKIN boa avrom to ilte above fnide, and Oin redo
aro witneocd and certified to by Dr. T. WILLIA.Mg—Itr.
O. R. it nowid, p roprielt Or of the Mat-Rome/fin ta—m NOM
BISSELL .14. LliONAßD,erbolcaain and retell druggiella •
and 'ELEVEN other reawielabio wittimea.
For eale bylL W. RAWLINS & S. - V
HAVERSTICK, Carlisle, J C da G IL:A.I6A
and W D E Hays, Shippensbusgr-Win _Lbs'yid;
Lisburn—J P Spahr, Mecriantosburg—H Her
ren, Nowvillo—A C Klink, Bloetnfiold—Ben
vor. and Haines, Millorstown—J A Linn & Co
Lnnbdieurg—J MilliCnn, Ickesburg—S Low,
Newport-4 W Eouglass, Cliatubersbiirg.—J L
Shearer, Dillsburg—J . Maitin Lutz, liarrißbrug
All letters and orders moat be ;Warmed to
Whitit'oe Sp CB,, 106 Broadway, NBW-Tork.
Restoration & Preservation of the
Sy BIL {Vigo &lion, of Virginia.
Midi WIS.:* SON,. finding it altogether
in impossible to attend personally to the
great number of daily applications, from all
sections of the — Union, - for — their - rotnedy for
l3aldnoss, and for theirnolobratcd HAIR TO
NIC, have found it necessary to. Oppoint.p.
Urn cral Travelling. agent, to visit ditrurent
cities and towns throughout the United States,
vesting him with authority to appoint '
gents, use and vend Hair 'rents, and top,.
ply thu RESTORATIVE,! and td put than
into the hands of those he may appoint to opo
'rata ivhorever a sufficient number of-paticute
in any town ornoighborhood shill be obtained.
Capt. GEORGE CALVEU.T, of•Fauquier
county, Va.,is.alono authorized to act as. Gen.
oral Traveling. Agent, with the powers • above
ndicated. -.t ' • • . •
Capt. C. may be oxpoctod to visit, as armed
'Hy as practicable the principal %Mies and town
„of the Union. , • •
• N. 8.,‘ Capt. Calvert. will always-have on
band a full supply of the' HAIR TONIC
.(which cleanses ,the bend i ot dandruff, strength
ens and invigorates the thaire and, prevents it,
also,-from fulling off,) for The region of enuntry;
most contiguous to his . Operations, or, it play
always ho obtained at Wholosalo, find forwanicd ,
to 'any , part ;of '
kho Onion," by addressing tho'
proprietors,) M. WISE SON , Richmond;
Etar•Prico g 9. or dozen cash. Six bottler' for
$5 , - or one dollar singlo bottle.. [nov2B,ly
• For Oslo -in Carlislo -by S NV V E II
.STIOISr-tt , ce::,, Anitadt
Rea.d l Listen end liefleet:
,1 / 4
On EaSratiki4..„:„St reel,'in the room formerly or
eitpied flantch as a 'Clothing Store. '
gritlE attention of the citizens 01 'Carlisle," and
JL ,C umbetlai at and Perry Countiosis invittd
•to this newly established Clothing nod
and see the wolf Selected and most elegantly got
up clothing eVcr . offered in this place, It would
bo.well for every man to knew: that a larger,
assortment, better .styles and mere:desirable
clothing can be bought for less money at this
now estnblisliment_than at any .other store in
the place _without any. other.exeeption. ' The
assortment is well selected nod the cut andindke
of the latest spring nail summer fashions, which
are far superior to till others for cave and,ele
goner. All who wish to purchase will find they
can save frontqwenty live tautly per cent by
buying at the new stand of ,
Coats. Pants and VeSis we sill remarkably low
us the following list of prices will show:
_ ()OATS
- -
. ~ . •
puperfine 'black plod]. Dress Conta - $6 to 18,00
• ~ ~ Frock " 6 18,00
Fine Francli Habit Cloth coats of .
different Styles, 3 10,00
New Style of Cashmerett coats, 2,50 9,01 X,
French Coats .of all colors . 1,50 7,00
Rough & Ready Tweed, now:style 4,00 11,00
California Lustre, • 75 5,0
Linen Coats, . 1,00 2,50
Business coats, - 1,00 6,00
•• ' PANTALOONS. Ty. .
,New Style of American e n d French •
Caesium plain, 1,50 7,00
New style of American and French Ft
. .:
Cassimera, superior in quality and
variety of colors ^ - 5,00 10,00'
Fine black mass, end dbeskins '. '2,50 9,00
Striped and cross barred cass.,Bants .1,50 5,00
Now SfYle Napoleon stripcdPanis 1,25 3,00
" - spring cans. pants 4,75 6,00
Great variety .of Corduroy pants 1,25 3,0
Fine linen drilling striped and plain 75 2,50
New style of Cambroon 1,50 4,00 '
With an excellent assortment of wet.-
king pants whia(ivill - oh6travl any
other in this place 50 2,00
. .
Superfine black Satin vests 1,75 5,00
Now style of figucred and striped do 1,00 7,00
&-striped-velentine ' — 5O • - 4,00
I! inn light sutnmer Marseilles vests 75 3,00
All kinds of working vests et very low prices.
We will.nlso keep n good assortment of
consisting 3f Moats, punts and vests and sell
then: at very low urines. In addition to our
stock of ready made clothing we will keep on
hand an assortment of
such as shirts, scarfs, cravats, suspenders,
drawers, collars, caps, Itinbrellas,_gloves, hand-.
kerchiefs, socks, &c. &c` , which will make it
the interest of the purchaser to examine belorre
buying elsewhere. Xllgoods, sold at this store.
warranted to give satisfaction, and defy compe
titiarbin quality, elegance and Ft yle of the cut
and durability, and we hope by close attention
to business to merit a share of public patron
age. Don't feftgitt place, North Hanover
Street, a few' doors above Lotithop Street West
- B. Clothing made to order nt the shortest
The .People's
• Clem' . the wrack I •
THE undCrbitnwl
of thousands of their friends, hereby announce
to all who seek and loVe pleasure, that n Grand
Excursion will take place this and every day
throughout the season in the beautiful safety
car "Cheopsitle,",vonelked by the low presenre
engine "Fit•sure,' and in which all, both old
and young, arc invited to participat6. • The ex
eursiOn Will he conducted upon a plan entirely
different from any before got tip in--this-neigh- -,
b or h o od, both for cheapness and dispatch ; and
the pleat ure it will affordthose who join to it
can scarcely be etinitited. 'Tickets will be
furnished-at half the Usual price, and the public
can start from any point they plehse, stopping;
only at the 'CFI EAP AND IMI'IW VED‘
- Clothing Emporium,
next door to Burkholder's Hotel ou IVnst Malta
street, where the cheapest and roost fashionable
assortruenk.ol CLOTII1N(.; can be found—all
our own manufacture—turd which we can sell
as cheap as they can be bought at any of the
large city cstablislintents,and 20 per cent. lower
than at any other house itt this Borough. We
respectful') invite. the pullic to lake thin pleas
ant trip to our store, and examine our large as•
sortment of
of various colOrs.nnd Styles, Pants Vests and
Rounclabotes, Pert Jackets, HATS and CAn,
Shirts and Stot,kitit7s, Suspc.udere, Crat tits, and
all the different artieles , necessary,to constitute
a Gentleinaea., Wardrobe. Don't forget the
place—neat door to Burkholder's Hotel,- to
where we have just removed. Having a lake
assortment of Cloths, Cassimeree and 'Vestings
on hold, we are prOpared to make up to order
all kinds of Clothing at Its Ajtortest notice and
on (110411051401150111i1110 te.ormt. -
Better than the Goldmines of Cali
- A- Whole Spit cj - elothe pi 31,75!
TllE undersigned (MIAMI for the patronage
of Om Citizens of Carlisle and adjoining
country, informs his mum.rous friends and the
public lir general, that he
_fins just. Mid in an_
entirety ncd , Stork' t!I":61oltionUble Sprin . e and
Summer cloptintr, matte up in the best style and
particular:y Cal2mlated for this place, ths stock
consists of line Dress 1141 d Frock canto, habits,
Cassimor, Drab, hoe., snit Chian coats, Tweed
Linen and Cheek coats, llussinetis emits of all
descriptions, superior Black Cassimer and limey
Pantaloons, a great variety of Vests from ,Bete
to ftd 00, a largo assortment of fancy articles of
Gentlemen's wear, whits linen, striped and rod
flannel shirts. Gentlemen arc lematdictl to call
and examine the goods; and . he is sure thosg"
with buy will be well fitted and at low prices.
' A {,real wat , ortinent of Boys clothing, also
Caps and flats, front 123 to fied 00 constantly on
hund at OLDMA N 'S
.Coath East camera:llam and Market square;
arlisle, -- 111arch 98, 1850.
- Carpets, Carpets.
A SECOND supply of Imperial, Ingrain,
IX Cotton and On-thing Calm :Is, sdlielk will
ho sold cheaper than can be bought at tiny other
establishrimut ih the Thorough, •
Just lilt 'Of Lau ids Walking,
Shoes, SlipPetsN3tiskine add - 'Millers, di — the
latest Shapes atul hest Philadelphia manufac
ture. Also, a - beautiful 'assortment. of Chil
drim's Shoes. Boots and Slippers.,
A-Anrgo - Supply 'of Trunks and Travelling
Bugs of a supcnor Wain v, lust received. •
The etttintimiof thy Ladies is particularly in
vitod to' my large and splendid asstirttnent of
BON N Sol all Itinda,:prloys and qualities.
Aloo, a very 'ergo nod beautiful lot of - Bonnet
iltihhons, selling very low nt the ehenti story of
liatesg Ji•rivaL
ITIHE Cheap - Family Grocery Store of-Jo.
K. 'Faith D. Halbert, West Main etrect,Car.-.
has luta received a large and fresh supply
of the best FAMILY GROCERIES that ilia
Philadelphia truirketa can nflurd. 'rho suborn
bar has just monad frotn_tho city.. and would
respectfully invite his friends and the public
generally, both' in town and country, to call
and examine for tlicinsolvee his large and in
.creased stock, which embraces all th e artfciet,
usually kept, in his lino of ,business. Stroh as •
Rio ; -Java and flt.Doming,o and Laguire Coffee;
I niporial,,Aeu Pt! Hyrum_ and !Black- Tonsful
limy superior quality and flavor; Laverillg'S
'crushed, loaf, fullingt, loaf, and loaf sugars, or
ango grove, clarified New Orleans and brown
pu g ara of ovary grade and quality, With trice to
putt,--,honey, sugar limple, Orleans and syrup
Molasses., Spices of all kinder which he will
warrant pure and fresh ground. Brooms,,Ce
dar and painted 'buckets, churns,. tubs, halt'
:bushel mnatturea, butter bowie, butter prints,
bettux . ..Ndlos, wash rubbors, &c . Clothes,'
faherttewing,-traveling and market baskets of.'
all kinds. , Castile, funny, rosin and,...cotiatry •
SOAPS.' A-Istre a garland nasealrtont of chewing
'and smoking TOIJACCO , span is h half spattish'
and common, CIGARS, Ropes ,twines and
Ilrualten of all kinds.. Prime C '
if ERSE' nlwaYq'
on hand. qpgrin, Winter, strained Elephant
and Common OILS.
GLA,51 . 3, QUEENSWNRE.—I Brave also'
added re my already •Itirgc stock,. a number of
sew patti3ritif - tif White Granite and' ha i ry ten.:
cots, with CROCKERY WARE of ovary do- ,
foription, at the loWeet prices
liar cash. . ,
Foe ling gr'ata Scir rho born, patroniiir,iinrn•
Wore licatow°cl upon him by x ginioninit
dionntimeirkiir tendimi thorn Idxhearty & altionra
iliniike r and hapax flint in Ida °fibrin, to Noma
and pnriicular attontion do buniiipan, fu moat, u
OtitliiunnOti thilir support, • '
hi troli iu 186 q, ,10f3, D.. HALtwitT;..
~feDicinc .
MAllleterci All-Healing , Ointment.
• ; Or. the Werld , i'Salve.
• - ealaha ow Ofercurll'or other 0171wPal:
. •
From the" Reading L'agic." •
THERE was-ncvor, perhaps,medi
eine brought before the public, that has in
o short a time \Will ouch a - reputat lint ns " Al
lister's Ointment, Or the World's
'Salve." Almost every, person that
,baS made
'trial of it, speaks warmly in' its livable. One has
been euretVby it. of the 'most painful Rheuma
tism ; another of the Pilco'fb third of a trouble
some pain in the side, a
.lourtli of a swelling in
the limbs,-&u. If it 'does not give im mediate'
relief in every ease, it can never do injury, being
applied outwardly, As another evidence or the
NVOlldeatli healing power possessed by this salve
we subjoin the following certifmnles from a fe.
spec:table citizen al Maidenereek township, in
this county.'
Maltreat:reek, Becks co., Pa., 1111/Cli 1817.
Messrs. Ritter & desire to inform you
that 1 was entirely cured of a pa in - the.,ba oh, by'
Meuse of MuAlliter's All-Ilealing Salve, which
Purchased from you. I suffered with it about
LK) years,. and at night was unable to sleep. Dur
ing that: time I tried various , remedieo‘ which
were prescribed for ,me by IM)sicians and other
persons, without receiving relief, arid nt last
made trial of thii Salve with n result favorable
"beyond espectation. I am now entirely free
from the pain . and enjoy at night a Sweet and
peaceful sleep. I have also used the Salve since
or tooth-al:beam! with similar
happy &sults. Your !timid.
The following ix from a re„nlar, physician of
extensive practice in Philadelphia.
James NfeAllister--:Ar i I have for the 'two
last years been in the habit of itsitig your Oint
ment in cases of.ltheninalisui; Ch Uhl:lint, and
in Teal a Cspites, /Scald lit:n(10 vi o l thus lar
with The liappluSt , 111 . 0. I think, lento the ex
periments I have made with it, that it richly de
serves to he tallied as an article of evvwy dny
use by thelircifesstiiii ut large. Yours, Pee.
Philadelphia, Dee. 30, 1847
To James MeAllisterDear Sir: I take pleas
ure in making cnown to you the great benefit I
have yecatted by using your Vegetable Ointment
or the World's Salve. 111811 an ulcer, or run
ning sore tm my (pat's of many years standing„ 1
had applied to several physicinns but'all to no
purpose; but by 'using your Ointment a few :lays,
it Was completely dried up and well. I have
se - d
it..for-IntrnsvforAch kit- I' fin:Ft r e.t ,
cellent article; Alio, in all cases of inflamtnntioa
I certify thuabove statement id true.
No.'oo Mat ket Street, Philadelphia.
'rEll"l'Mß—There is nothing better for the
cure of Tether.
BURNS---It is one of the best things in the
world Ent. Burns. (See 'directions for using it.)
PILES—_-Thousaiuls are-yearly -cured- by this
Ointment. it never lails in giving relief fer the
P _ _
(0 - Around the boxes are directions for using.
MeAllister's'Oiniment for Scrofula, Erysipelas
teller, Chilliltd.', Scald Dead, Quinsy, Sore
Throat, Bronchitis, Nervous A frections,
Disease of the Spine, 11 rad Ache, Asthma, Detif•
tress, Ear Ache, Morns, Corns, all Diseases of
the Skis, Sore Lips, Pimples, ts.c. of
the Limbs, Sores, II heuniatisln,-Pifeei-Cold Feet
Croup, Swelled or Broken Breast, Tooth Ache;
A - gue in the Face.
GORNS—Oecasional use of this Ointment
will always keep Corns from grossing. People: -
need never be troubled with thorn If they use it
ir.rThe. Ointment is good for any part or the
body or limbs when inflamed. In 80111 C cases it
-111amidlicapp'lird often.
C IUTION—No OintMent will be genuhie
unless the name of JAI . IIF.S MeALLISTEII. is
written with a pen . on e‘ery label.
FOR $41.1 by toy nents in'nll of the thin
eiptt I towns in the United States.• _
Sole Propt•'ctor of tho above Medicine.
PRINCIPAL OFFICE Ns. , 28 North Thirt
(PRICE. '25 CENTS PER 330.X...u;
AGENTS—S, Elliott awl S. W. Haverstiek
Carlisle ; 3 & L Iteigle, IVlcelianieslinrg 3.
NV. Singiser, Chum:Jansen ; Rlioad k Wiierry
Newburg. ; Joseph . 11. Herron, Ne w vine,
Luiz. and G 13e11 . , _
PI ' V 1. 1 °S r
''l A .. j . ,,C,F) .
'''':, f:::f;',';;3tl.ri',"-'l-.1 .I^,
4 . _
, . '•• '', -,, ,,,.. % ;`-k ':1. -, 1, W'
1 • 7.. ':-. 1 1, •- t 7 ' - ' : '4 ;... 0 7 14 5 -• - .7 • 6 7'..•=1 f .... ..: .. r :
-.,., t•
~' .: ‘,., - , :. , 1. ::::..: . ~,,,.. 7:- . A. ; ;.4. 4 . . ...74.5Zp gz.a.j..-
111 N
r;• . ; • 1,:..01k2 •
.;.1Ci.172,51 COLL',S,
yin 4-,
- 5 - )17 G E
C , _ 1'
....:-., , 1 , i: 1 "- c 0 ,.
'.!, :::‘;' 70 ~, 1^,:::,;,-;.,
_ The uniform. success.Avhich _ban .attended-the
use of dais preparation—its salutary effect—it
liaw - 09ta t eve a ntLinat rafttcif_t to tangs
have gained for it a celebrity equalled by no
other medicine. \Ve oiler it foliar afflicted with
entire confidence in its virtues, and the full
lief that it will subdue and remove the severest
attacks or diSC:ISC 111,00 the and Lungs,
These results, ns they become puldiely known,
verry naturally attract the attention of medical
men and ithalanthopists CS et'y where. What as
their opit.toi. or cIIE4HY PECTORAL may
he seen to tlo•
V. 11,1 FINE mOyr, M. D. -
Prof Sur Cullege, .Nciu York, sa
`It1;i1, hit ph to I . Clllry the YAM' and
efficacy of Ayer's 011E111a
which IU 0 081111 T ITU in Ply ad Mit VII
to curcis all
eases of the Throat slid Longs."
WritVa lint leitor to his frilaal,allo NVa 'blast sink
ing tinder no alre,clion Me' I dings ;--"l'ry Ihd
clwrry pectorul :owl if any medicine can give you
relief. with the blessing of God that will." 5,
- CIIII.3S';,,IUSTICK 121.15*1
or Lookiooo, NV ' • 'Thal a ) uting daughter of
liis was cured or sevet•al severe att.•teks, of croup
by the 'Oherry Peetoral."
The Canadian Journal of !Medical Science.
slates, °That Asthma and Ilennellititi 60 111 . 1 . 4.4-
kat iti lliis inelement - eliiiiitte, has yielded pith
surprising rapidity to Ayre's Cherry l'eetornl,
and we eautiet too strongly retionnuend this skil
ful preparation to the Prollosieu and the public
generally." t•
Let the-relieved .iiiilferer speak for himself:—
Ilse remit?, 380. -12 g, 1847.-
Hi. J . AYElt—lien' Sir t—During
I:escuk“cl frinai a painful and
,thingerous disease by
your nictlioine, gratitude prinnpts me to send
you this nektiowledgetnent, out only in justice to
you; but I'9r the infortutition or others in like al•
&Right cold upon the lungs,, neglected at first
became so severe that spitting of blood, a. violent
esingh and profuse night sweats followed and fas
tened upon me. I became emaciated, could not
sleep, woe diqtregsod by my cough. and a pain
through my chest, mid its short had all the alarm
ing symptom:m . .onel, consumption; No medi
eine seemed at all to reach my case, until I' prey tried your Cheney Pectoral, which
'soon relieved and now has cored me.
Yours with respect, E. A. ST EWA RT.
. ALIIANY,N. V., April 17,1848.
DL'. Ayer, Lowell—Dear Sir t—l have for
Years been afflicted with Asthma in tho worst
form; so that I have host, ohltgld to sleep in my
char liar a larger part of the time, being unable
mbreathe in toy bed. I bad triedw great many .
medicines to no - Purpose, unit) my iilikSiehni
prescribed, as an expel I meta, lour Ohm IT - l'em.
Milk, • '
At 'first It seemed to make me worse, but
toes than is week I begun to experience the most
gratifying relief from its use; sad now, in four
Meeks, the diseasii is entirely - removed. • I .cue
sleep to my, bed with comfort, and enjoy a style
of health which I had never expected W11%07.
- • ""' S. PERILA.i.
Sold bi Dv. Eno , Hos, 11'. A. Iltiltnt3l, S
Elliott, Cool lido; DV. .11vit Ilny, lt,t volinstiosloni;
11. Ilervon; Newvill9J.C.l.4 .1.11. Altlolt, Snip•
peosburfti and avowals toovtrally: .
0 AMU EL A. II lIIIA mhos ,
od of Mr• Henry A t . :iiiirgoon, his ntork•al
Drligl4; - Mildiolllllll tespuotrully
a-sloire of ttiu liuhhu intim:mg°, tit thu old
sttincl, coriter'of Phi unit lligll Struoto, oppouiio
t66.ltnil flood depot. •
110 will koop oonshintly on htoul, .nn nssort•
went ol•lrordl Nue., MudlidtiOnl Points, Oils,
Dye Porrumotyoind n variety ot -fanoy.
firth:lmi, which Ito ht dotortiiinetr to soli low.*
110 will ptivo his porsonni munition to the hind
nuisi'•and pat ilculurly to !Jutting up prescriptione;
• • Alibural thAildtipti inudn for Physicians coun
try It,luf•i+huotn, 11011.Podlurs. - •
•l'ub..1,1;„IHnll••;=; • -
.•or • of r 11ei... •
.. - • •
Vadat., Wi4o.
•T UHT rnoolvod nt the cheep:Hardware. a to
•r of tho subscriber in Haut High,
eentiolete,ussertmentef,Tubs, Buckets, Churns,
koi—Alne .I)uponts Rifle ~nnd : Bloating
Powder, whinh.will be sold very cheap,by
.inn..23d - 1850. IWNRY , SA . TON.
• •
For the . Removal and Permanent, Coro of all
And of thoso einitploints . whicit aro cruised by an bn
paired, crenkonod or unhealthy condition of tho
This beautiful and earivanient application alba my" ,
terious powors of GALVANISM and MAGNMTIBM, ben
boon pronounced by distinguished
_physicians, both in
Europe and tho United Steles, to La Um) most voluebo.
medicinal discoeery of the .dge.
rs uoed with tho moot verfoct and cortaln isuc . coi!l in oil
4,4 ClBO6 of .
Strengthening the weakened body, giving lone to the
various organs, and invigorating the entire system. Also
and all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaints arise
from ono simple causentimely,
. A Dorangement, of the Nervous System.
ea- In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drugs and Medi
cines incr." the (Usenet, for they weaken the vital emir
gies of the already prostrithed system ; while under the
strengthening, life•giving, 'vitalizing influence of Outran-
Ism, as applied by Rai beautifuldinil wonderful dlecoyery,,.
lire - milieupatientlifidT,U - dakoried lab - fir - 1i - restored
to former health, strength, elasticity and vigor.
The great peculiarity and excellence of
- Dr. Christie's thavanto Curatives,
consiits, In the fuct,that flu*? arrest and cure disease by
slaws, d application, in place of the usual mode of drag.
ging and physicking the Tuthill% WI exhausted Nature
sinks hopelessly milder the infliction.
They strenetheitftheWhole system, equalize the circulation
of (he hland:pi emote the secretion., and never do the eight.
let injury tinder any •cireumstanees. Silica their intro
iltietkin in - We - United StateCrinlvihroo years since; more'
60,000 Pergons
Including all ages; classes and conditions, among watch
wars a largo numbor of ladies, who are peculiarly subject
to Nervous Complaints, have been
vrhen nil hope of triter had bent, ghee up, and evora
thing else been hied in vain'
To illustrate the use of the GALVANIC BELT,
suppose the case of a person afflicted with that bane of
OPEPsIA, any other Chronic or
'Nervous Disorder. In ordinary cages, stimulants are
taken, which, by their action on the nerve, and muscle.
of the stomach, afford (moonily relief, but which boss°
the patient lower state, and ivith injured facilities,
,alter the action thus excited has evened. Now-compare
the, with the effect_ reaulting from the application of the
tiALY , ANIC BELT, Take a Dyneptic sufferer, oven
in the wpm symptoms of en attack, and untidy tie the
Dolt • around - the — body, , tsing - the alagnotic Fluid as
Areeted, to e short period
. the irteenidole porepiratiort
will set eni the peaitsvo elemente of he Dolt, thereby
crauaing , a Ualvanio circulation which will pail on to the
negative, and thence back again to the positive, thus
keeping up u continuous Ualvanic circulation throughout
the system. Thus the most severe rases of DYSPEPSIA
Of the molt Undkintitoa-Clieter,
From ell parts of the auntry could bo given, sufficient
to 611 overy column in (his paper!
which conclusively pro'ves
" Truth is stranger than Fiction."
Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman
of New Jer,y, of :iiitingnilshed altamnieuts and esaitoi
lit 143
SIDNEY, Nev Jorsoy, July
On. A. H. Gums - he—Dear Sir: You wiLh to kIIION of
iilb what has been fho result it: my own coon, of the appli-
My reply is as :
For about twenty yvom I ,htid bean suffering from Dys.
pepsin. Every 3 oar the symptoms botanic worse, inns
could I obtain permanent rebel from any cone. 01 medi. .
cal/freatment whatever. About foltrittil yenta since, to
cense:weer.° of frequent ext.i.sure to the weather, in the -
discharge of my pastoral dutira, I became sollicet to • r.
severe Chronic Rheumatism, which for your alter year, '
caused me indescribable anguish. Farther: in the winter
of '.15 and , tti, in consequence of m caching a great don:
in my own and various oilier churches in this region, 1
woe attacked by the Broil lints, vs Melt ~no 1101:P111f 50
severe as to require all 1111 dodo t 111111,01151011 Of my pas.
(oral labors. iffy nervous sy ant owl now iseratiehly prop ,
• frated, , finti-114-My Brphchitis became-wa,m,.so glen didmy
Dy•pdpsta and Rheinnaticmffection—thus eviceitig that
-there-disordenrw - cmconnectccHruh-each-other - through - ' --
- therattilium - orthe - NerirouirSystem. - - Irr - the whole plum,
muceposta there seemed to bo no remedial ugent which
could reach and rocupera.s my Nervous Sy stein ; every
thing that I had tried for this purpose had completely
failed. At lost I WIAS 181.1 by my attends to examine your
inventions, and (though with no eery sanguine hopes of
-their-infieteneyo-1- determined -to- try theallee'L of th•
application of the GALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE.
with the MAGNETIC FLUID.. This wan in June, 1840.
To MY GREAT /810211O0NIENT, VI TWO Pays SIT D1(61,2'414
SILO GONE; In LIMIT Darn I was r. 21•211.0 TO ' ,MMUS
NY 7421T011•1.L•1101t0 j 2.2011 filar I 111211,1 i ONIVErtr• 11111112.2
Mirid mrrErmote sus rwriamy er•ecn re Yllolllll.r. MS.
Such Is the wonderful and happy results of thin experiment.
1 hero recommended the BELT and FLUID to many
who hOve been likewise auffering front Neuralgic affec
tions. They hove tried thorn, wires LIMP! nestrans, I
swim, IN mono can. .
I am, dear sir, very respectfully yours.,
tufod for all complantha affecting tho Throat or !lead,
such ref 'Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Throat, Nervous
and Sitik lleadaehe, Diisiness of the Head, :Neuralgia in
the Face, L'ueoing or Roaring in the Ears, Deathsts, which
is geuerally.Nert otts, and that distressed complautt.called
Tic Dolnreux.
Palsy .and Paralysis.,
All phynicinils noknowle,lge thnt these ter:111,1.44e Am
are Quoted by 110,,,elzey f Yr1T4,141 Vie__
allocted Artcle,
supply thin duticieitt power, and a conlOrtn-.1.21 entire
,14 thLin eireotetl.
1000 Cases of Palsy and Paralysis
nano Leon reported to 1/ a. Ct x no , T re au.l.ltht wifhiet
the last two yeare,'whieli have boon triterol:v
i - Car. ASsoitew J. F. Tours of Ilisa,kis n, N. Vs lota
not lw.en able to' walk a step for near knir Y:411,1,1)(1 , 1,3t
we helplesaythat he had to be fel - The meal ridebrsled
physicians gave him up. In live dayinfler l.e eoultnonacst
wearing the Osi.vartic BELT NrellAt.T.,.l,P tka< , ll;l'll.,
be walked across the room, and in thiee weeks lehed pex
featly recovered his health. Captain Tomos is 'Poets*
years of ago.
Severe Deafness Cured,
Tho following is on oirnict from a lollor 1a o v recoivra
ram a dislinguishoil physician in the Slat° et V „,
A. If. CHRISTIL, DL D.-LOsar Sir: Ono of my kg".
unknown to me, obtained , your Catuanic It, Avid MO..
Ince, with the Itragurfis Fluid, for a serious oiler tion of
lleernesc. The case was that of a lady, whose Norsout
system woe much disordered,. nail her general hooltb
poor. Much was done provionsly to the appliontl;in of the
Dolt, but with very little success, and I fool It only riglii
to tell you, that .since she commesiood wearing the Dell
end using thu 'fluid, but it row woks sgo, she inif
YINTIRICIN ItECOVltlitlat 111:11. Ill.:MONO, and 'ha
gone ral health hrbottur than for 1101'011d years.?
F;very cone of Deuhiess; if it be Hi:lemon:. h a
generally Li, coo bo curoil by this wonderful remedy.
Aro finind of cosi seirloe lu'releS or Cf.nyulsions or Pits,
efiiiiloooo, MO 1(441,30 Nervous Alrtions
lholfood upper extremities. Also in Palsy d'Parary.
ols, dna all disclose caused by a, defiolency of power
or Nervous I:norgy In 11w limb' or other cogent of the
body. .
hundred CoollACates from_all_parte_OLthie_..
country of the moot extraordinary chareetercan be ghats, ,
If required. , •
INr• No trouble or inconvenience often& the hetet
.I)IC—CintINTIF.'S-041.VANIC nit
they too, be worn by the most feeble and delicate with
perfoot ease end eafety. In many cases the sensation t
allendien their ace Ls Aighly pleasant ansregreseale. They '
on be mint any Parket Uee country.
'Prices: 7 -- •
TAO Galvanic Belt, - Three Dann, •
The Galvanic Necislitcs, Taro Da
The aelvardo Bracelets, One Dollar Esc&
The Magnetic Fluid, • One Dollar.
aro.,accotoronied. by hill and plata '
directions, . Pamphlets with full particulate may be
of the authoritestnent• o" ' • •
Sold in Oarlisltt by S.. ELLIOTT .
.Tho largeat-lot and best assartmenivr
sweeping, dusting,'serubbing and other Brush
es. ie just received. ineltiding en as s ortment or
and of tho best qualiuns,,as also.
of aliriost_eyeri quality, tugetlier with
a variaty of Dress, Redding and ,other Combs,
br sale cheaper than at any other Homo in
own, at tha!atore of —, • J.. W: tnY•
Carlisle, Jolla 5, 1350._
TFIERIA OIL for pale nt- • ^
(j 026) -ILLIBBARD'S