. , .. • . , . .•• • • . . . --. „ . , . . _ . . . .. '7 ~ , . • [... ..r , ". . z-..). _ . - •.., AVM,.,' • ' -,. •._ - - --. ,- - -otv: ; , • 4.,• , ~-„, • - Ah ,i)I • ,L,. ~., , ...., • `fit )1, -' •a%,t....t s'g) ~., ..- ~..t..., s A ‘' r 1. ti te.W/q{',4, ' C , h. '. • , , . - V.." .• , • . .. , ' , • ...• I* " C.' ' ... ' , 4, < P, - . . , -....,,, •1 1 '.'t ~.< • ' 1 : 1 •fl) ..-`, it ':,\ . - 1 ,._, ~),„ . • *.,•• . .- ' . t 1 OP ...-. N., , . ' l. ' l ''' =fie`, , ',.tP•• i'' ' '' s ' ".:' ' \ . 4 ."' etloxi/VI -- ',..... 2, . 4P4 # .. . ' t ''-- t V ..4 1 ! ..1 !: 1 -I 'l '" F-- "1'LV.2.4N',..,....f ...-".•04,.. It . - • - • 0,• '''''•% 111 • , . - • . ' • wviit 1 - c7c. , c 4 .' , A+WT " '": <7...4*" '_4 , — .-..--. . 7 ... „ . , . , • ..r . •5 . . v- . BY E. BEATTY. 'kEilitbs, John W n, ATTOR N EY r LAW.—Omee; in the house of illiSslVlOGinnis, near the store or A & lY Beiuz,,South.flanever street, Penn'a. uplo 50 PITZSECIAN AND suzscrEopt, - Doct. H. Hinkley: OFFICE on Main Street, near the Post Of— ' Pico. Dr. 11. is prepared to use Galvanism as a remedialagent intim treatment of Purely dabs not guarantee succes from.its application to ' all or oven any of these diseases. Rel.& luur been given and cures effected in a number of instances, and may be in others..., March 27, 1850, ly. ' Cara. . ' FI R H w ill JAS. AIeCULLOUG iII give his nuendrifice in , the various blanches of his prolession, in town or country, to all that may fivor.him with nenll, OVFICE opposite the 2d Presbyterian Church and Wert's Hotel tafely - Vocupied by Dr. Polak - Carlisle, sept JESS Doctor Ad. Lippe, HOMOEOPATI - 11.0 Physician Office in Maih street, ill the house leFinerly occu• pied by P. B. Lechler. „ up 9"4ti - Dr, - 7 WILL perform al t lrEtt e f operations upon the Teeth that are requi red for their preservation, ONII as Scaling,. ',Filing, Plugging, &c.., or will restate the loss of. them, by kliserting Artificial Teeth, from a single. tooth o a full sett. Office. on I.'it ‘ t street, a few ours south of the "Railroad Hotel. Dr. L. is ab• •ent the last ten days of every month. lII.eVU'GL, Surgeon Dentist .ICJ informs his former patrons that he has a urned to Carlisle, and will be glad to attend to I a ill: in the line of,his profession. :leet3i Carson-C. Moore, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office in the roetp: lately ocoupied by Dr. Poster, deceased. mar 31 '47 Wm. Penfose, / CP TORNEY AT LAW, vilt practice-inXX- the several Courts of Cumberland county. OFFICE. in Main - Street, in -the room-former -IF-occupied James R. Smith; " ATTORNEY AT—LAW: .Flas RG MOVED his.ofiice to Ctootem's Row, two oors Iroin Borkholdor's Hotel. [apr 1 GEO3EVGr, MGEI Jus'rtcE - CIF. 'll.-1E PEACE. OF FICE at his residence, corner of Main street and the Public Ssivare, opposite 13nritholder's in addition to the difttes of • Justice of the Peace, will • artend:toilllkinds of NiTiting; . ' such as deeds, bonds, inortgrigesi indentures, articles of agreement, notes, Bic. Carlisle, np v.Plainfieid Classical-Academy, .NEST OF , CARLISLE. The Eihlit4 Sei'sion will commence on .1110N DAY,'"Ofay oth, 1850. tonne Bence of inereaSing -'4 Watrondge large and, commodious brick - edifice' bagi been erectbd r rendering this one of the most desirable institutions in the state. The various departments' are under the care of competent, and faithlubinstructors, nail every_endeuvor will be made to promote the moral and intellectual improvement of students. The surrounding country is beautiful nod healthful, and the in stitution sufficiently distant front town or village to prevent evil associations. t; Terms—'sso per Session (Five Months.) For circulars with full information address K BURNS, Principal Plainfi rid 0., Cumberland County, Pd. aplo, '5O Atavville academy.' SELECT CLASSICAL AND SCIENTIFIC F,p17001.-NEW VILLE, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, FA. WT 1$ confidently believirdlPt few Institutions A- offer greater inducements tostudents titan the aline°. Located in.the midst of a,contlitm: nity proverbial . tor their porality and regard, for the interests of, religion, this . Academy- can oficdluglly guard its members fronrevil and immoral influences. Adv - Xlitago. ' are tiled olfered . to those desiring to '.pursue the 'study of the physical sciences, surpassing those, of most similar institutions. Those having sons or-wards and wishing to send them to a seminary of learning, are re speotfully solicited to visit Newville, and jUdge' • of the advantages for themselves, or, at least, procure a eircular„contaitting full particulars, hy addressing, ,„,„, JAMEb U§TON" - --. \ , trvg 22 ly - Principal. . Extensive Ftittifellocns.. irmn." - -91,v01.,k,VE It would respectfully ell• call lie attention of House Keepers and the ptibliecto his extensive stock of ELEGANT IP Ult N-IT URN. including Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and °the& ;I'ablos, Dressing and plain Bureaus an. it - 27tefy...otkir article in Me branch of business. Also, now on hand the largest as. sortnent of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at;the lowest prices. i)-7 - Colli made at the shortest notice G" and a Hearse pro i .d for funerals. He solic its a call at his cst Hello - tont on North Hano ver street, near Glass's HOTEL. N. B.—Fur niture hired .out by the month or year. . . Carlisle, March 20. 18.50.—1 y. • - ' John- El Lyne WHOLZSALL'and Retail Denler in w 7 Poroignand Domeitio Hardware, Paint, Oil, Glass, Varnish, &e nt the old stand in N Hanover street, µdisk, hairjust received Irma Now York Mid Philadelphia a largo addition to his foratcoMeck, to which the. attention of bny• ors is-Twine:3ml, 'as •he• is determined to 9011 lower than env othdr . liduso in.town. aprlP Lumber-Yard. TIIE subscriber, would respectfully inforni tho_public gouorally that lie has Just' opened a new LUMBER AND COAL YARD in West High street, a-font doors cant of Messrs J Ithonds'alVarehousc, where h . ° now htsi tid` . will keep constantly on hand s Vet rats assortment of all kinds of sea Boned pine boardi and plank and all other kinds of stall, all of which he will sell low for cash April 3,1850. JOHN N. ARMSTRONG Notice. . 'llll.l.Q . miesioniers of. Cumberland county doom it proper to inform the public, that the ste ed meetings of the Board of Commiesionora will be hold on. thesecond and fourth' Mondays of each montl)imi .which limo any persona having .busineas with' said . Board, will moot the m at, weir Mike in Carlisle.• • • • ' • Attest WM. RILEY, Cl'lt.. NOTICE. DAB R.ELLAS. Parasoie and Sunshades m ide,.eovered-and-ropttired, liy-the eubseriber at Ma Shop,.in East .Lontlior street, Car lisle.. Terms eash,•but prices low. WM . ..FRIDLEY. • Carlisle January, 09,' 50. •.• • Iron Iron. .. ; 10.'Ponn Hamann:id and Rollo& Iron, just re.. ' .coiv.nd , ac the clump Hardware store of thee nub= ~ scribal. in East High' street..- For node-.low-by... Fob. 13,1000. f • • HENRY SAXTON. • D yetrkg .-an a .. 8 couln g.. ; - , AATILLIANT - 4,,A1R; iii Lotit.hbr,trotai .. . 1 ,, !„- 7 -,• - mint.- the 9oliego, dyes LltlieVitnil Gentle. -"'" Inon's appnyreY, all'eoloisrand-warrtinta ell work phe alLtia99t9o., , ' IP rdere in hia line rospektully , • A fbrame' • g r h dff,air,rind in,good ordor, Emittiro of ,WAI. lli. PPNgost,,, EMI - ef .Pamity alrewspaper,-- Vievoted to '.l4,ter` fetes,. , aq ricultuke, (Polities, B usiness 'and 6e4eral lntelliq ence. - ..7 - , • , TNERE AIM TWD THINGS, SAITH LORD BACON,: VIIIGII MAKE A NATION GREAT AND PRESPEROLIIIk7, . . , , - • • '• - - '''' ,:Or.!,RTILE SOIL ANtrELISY WORKSHOPS,—TO WHICH, LET ME.ADD, KNOWLEDGE" AND FILE'EDOM.' 7 ,Bishop Hal 14,' ..... ~, . , . .. , .. .. . . • ~. , - . . . ,'tores ,51)ops, ANOTHER DEVOLUTION. AMU EL A . 'Hi BBARD, havi4burchas ' oil of Mr. Henry A Sturgeon, his stock of rugs, Miidicines .3r.c.. would respectfully so licit a share of the public patronage, at the-old stand, corner of-Pitt and High Streets, opposite the Rail Road depot.°'. , • Ile will keep constantly on hand; an assort ment of froth Drugs. Medicines, Paints, OHS', Dye Stull's, Perfumery, and a' variety of fancy articlei, which ho is determined fo sell low,— attention-to-the-busi-- , 'less, and particularly to putting ups,preseriptions. A liberal deduction made ler Physicians coun try Merchants, and Pedlers. Feb. 13, 1350• e Fresh Drugi,' Medicines, Ece, • • . • ~--,.7l. h ave just receired-froni Plrilndel- ` ~I 7 .- 4 — To pip!! and New York very extensive additions to my former sto'clt,ernbra7 cing nearly uvery article of Medicine now—ifis-nte, together with Paints, Oils, V4ishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps, Statiotiory, -Fine Cutlery,- -Fishing-!fackle,t- Brulies of alnfost every description, with an endless variety of other articles, which I arrk de-- termined to sell at the ypty LOWEST prices. All Physicians, Country . I.4lerchants, Pedlar and others, are respectfully requested not to pas the OLD STAND, us they may rest essure that every article will , be sold of a good quality reasonnble - terms:'--- S. S. ELLIOTT, • . Main street. Carlisle. 1 a , BO NEW_ ARRIVAL OF ; lit s oreign and 'Domestic Hardware JACOB. SENER 1a1.9 just received,Trom the eastern cities, and is now opening at the Cheap I lardwore. on North Hanover street, next door to G.Jass' - Hotel, a new assortment in his like, rsgelk Oils, Glass and Paints, - Copal, Japan and Black Varnishes, of extra quality, Nails and Spikes, • \Vale' best Bar Iron, Cast, Shear, Blister and Spag Steels, Locks, Hinges and SCITAVEI4 Planes, Saws, Chisels, Augurs, Axes, Knives and ForkS, Shoe Findings, &c. To which he would call the attention of the public. Ptrsons Wishing to buy will do well to oall. es we tire determined to sell at loss rates I .hareash. In - The:highest price paid for Scrap Ircn, and for Flax Seed. J SENER. novK , CheaiiTaking - ;STOPC., .GREAT BARGAINS!. IrrIHE subscriber, would respectfully inform his friends and the public in general„ that lie has removed hislarge 'and, extensive assort mottt or READY MADE. CLOTHING to fife room recently occupied aa a store by Geo. IV. Ilium'. on East Main street. direetly.oppo site Elliott's Drug Store, and within two doora, of Ogilby's store, where he.will'keep constant iram hod, all kindsof Ready Made Clothing, and everything pertaining to ge n tlemen's wara - _The clothing he offers for sale is mado p in his own shop, by experienced workmen, 'and under his own supervision. Ho feels pre pltre4to offer great bargains in .he Clothing, line, and to test this fact.heould earnestly in vite the ,rcitizens of this coun'ty.to give him a call and examine the quality, of'his stock and his prices, before purchasing elsewhere. He will tilscr,'as heretofore, continue to mako up Mi d lands of Clothing according. to 'order, and those who prefer,i(atieltnye, their meastlres taken, and. their garments made pp 'to their pleusment. ..AlwaXtr tin hand a'large assortment of Cloths; Casidtneres, Satinets, Vcstings, &e. Don't forget the place directly opposite El liott's store, and within two, doors of Ogilby's: NATHAN HANTCH. CUMBERLAND AND PERRY HDTEL. Carlisle, Vieille a. ripHE subscriber respectfully informs• 1f the citizens of Cumberland and Perry . counties, and the public generally', tlitAlie has ; 1 ,3 t,. taken that,large,. new and 'co modiour •Hotel,, ott,North Ifilri ver street, Car isle, known us he Cumberlan 8n 'ferry II tel, -Mid _recently ,•-A lit by II W'Or t. 3118-11 se is a neWlnidel ! e, Italy 'finished t. thblishment, is pleasently. eiumodTand is ford lied with .good bedding and qtlier furniture, and his, accommodations are such its to make it a convenient, and desirm _Etc stopping place. _IfiA.TABLE will be, fur nished with the best the market con afford, and hit/BAR with the choicest liquors: Hp has al ways on hand n large supply'ofFEED,'suitable. for alLitinds of Cattle, and good FEEDING LOTS, with other accommodations which can. trot fail to render it _a desirable stopping place . for DROVERS. His STABLING is exten. sive, capable of aedommodating about •76: bead of horses. He has also about 200 acres of good., pasture land for Cattle, %Lich can be had on reasonable terms. In short no pains will bo spared to render the utmost satisfaction to all his guests . , ' HENRY GLASS. Feb. 13, 1850.—;Gm. / Farmers! Save your Money, jrIAST IRON HORSE POWERS for two U three and four horses,. made entirely of, rat, that you can leave it in the weather . without the leak danger of injury. - Also, . Threshing Machines, Winnowing-Mills, Plows Plough Mould-boards, cutters; Points do Shears coastantly.on blind. You will save nioney, by calling bcfore,purchasing elsei,vhere, at the Foundry in East Iljgh Street, Carlisle Pa. augB3mos - F GARDNER. Fish, Fish, Fish TUST.received at the CheapFamily.Grneery J of the.subsiriber, a lot of No. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel,:ln whole, half of quartet barrels.— Also, 50 melts of round i4lum Salt, whieh he is detertairted,to sell at the lowest prices for .cash. fo 131 .J D HALUERT. ' FAIINPORS' HOT L. EAST HIGH STREET, CARLISLE, PA. TIIE subscriber,' hate •-of the "Stone Tay. X' ern." Walnut Bottom Road,) respectfully , informs his friends and the-public generally that he has taken that well known Tavern stand, in East High 6treet formerly kept by slrs Wunderlich,' and that ho is now prepared to accommodate Farmers, Pedlars. Travellers, and all others who mdy favor him with a call, in the most accanmodating manner. His stabling, which is largeland convenient, will be in charge of a careful Ostler. He flatters himself thet.frorri- hie experience • as an Inkeetier, lie-will be able to render gene ral entisiitenop, '• myl.3ni • 'CHRISTIAN HOFFMAN.— 1.1144 4'44 er*reiiM*4l I JUST. received a• genera • assortment of handsome Buffalo Back Combs, also, Imitation ?titrelo Combs; of beautiful patterns and in 'Tat variety. :,-LINEN SHEETING'S, &c.- • - Barnsloy - Slieetings, also, 12.4 Muslin Sheet ings, Pillow . Case - Linens and. Muslins, ,also Towelling-in groat variety just opened - • VINEGAR. . Pure dider Vinegar of excellent. qualify jtuit received by nov2B G W, HITNER. • Adams lc Vs's., Exprd6s. . is 'rigout for this Company. and all packages that are left at hie store wilt ho,tateaded_ to with-care and- dispatch; Tdie— Expreas leaves evry morning at 4 o'clock, and . , arrives at 4 P. M. ectl7 • , .T•W MART,IN. Queensware & Glass. A LARGE and genersl inieetian of these or: doles in ovary variety lias been added to our as , sortmeut. Also, a lot of. Cedar Ware, embrac ing_Titbs'Ofturns, .Icc., at mum low prices, at the Grocery Store or • • Marc • J W lin Y.. •. • • • • Lost, • ' ' • gleN • Satitrday • morning last, somewhere' int this Borough, a :pair of 'silver spectacles., in' a' steal case, one of the glossas-cracked.— • The•fi,nder will be litiainllrrawarded 1 1 •1 0 0 / 4.-•••• ing'thani at this office. • EGA:IISA Gno' lorjut. t ricoived and for Rule; by' bog ot retail•nt HUBBARD' feb.l3-50, - • Diug So'Variely Store' I,l2LixAit , &‘ IVIGII'ir. Night woirs.away I the earth in lie foggy -shroud Lice quiet and still L.not a-voice aloud. Disturb, the silence that reigns supreme O'er Natilre's dominion, save - the occasional scream Of some lone Night-bird as it soars away To seek its honto e'er coining day Gladdens the earth with its mellow, light, And dispels by its power the gloom of night. '. The leiblen'elouils, obscure and dim; Suspended hang like spectres grim; The.staree-now-almoutiost- to view. - •* --- Seem bidding earth afoul adieu ; Night's almost gone,that flashing ray Triumplistitly-prpclaime tile day; Abd now Aurora'a-golden,car Throws his light on the - lily of the Ind afar; The ralst brgegreos becombs lost'to thereye, As in vapor it slowly ascends to the sky,. The clouds that lately veiled the night, s.N6ii proudly float in a good °flight ; The 'floweis arc crowned with diadems, _ - Composed a Nature's finest gems ' Clear.sparkling dew-drops, whose magic rare, Weaves a silver tissue in the llqiiid air, Deflecting in a thousand different ways The chrystal light of Aurora's rays. Hark! through the air rich notes are heard „Swelling ouLfromilieihroaLdf_some_Warbillig birth. ' As perched on the top of a tree nearby, • 1 It raises its song pf praise on high. The lark as it soars in the transparent sky • - Makes the air resound with its joyous cry, • • . All Nature's awake, and gladly ; raise Their mat lea hymn in their inakei.`i praise,: ' The weary tr es raise up their boughs, • The kine fr t sleep arouse, • The modem DowerAL tbeir_letiVA., finance_ . , - Alin, ugl y their joy disclose, , - / The mar luring brook no it glides alohg ~, Dans ii.ughingly by With its bubbling song, --- 'lTielitinbo ling kids.perform their parts— , The speckle() trout with their brightening darts— The wild deck with its whistling wind— . The roc,bue with its aciive spring— The buzzing fly—the humming bee, ' All Join the tuneful melody, Why is it then that I retrain • ~... • .. - „ Ss discontented, free front pain , Without'a care—possessing health.„ .. —.....--.. With all I need mei stores of Wealth, ' ' • I still complain and wander forth: The inostimlitippy man on Barth; , Then let me learn front Nature's page,” „ The lesson site has this day taught t •"When'er with health in youth or age, -a. Thou yieldst to mslancholy thought t_ , Go forth and list to beast and bird, H , ow pleasantly they pane their time; CONTENTNENT ill the magic word, _ --- ?,.. That makes them happy,—so 'tie thin Harrisburg June itli, 1850. c DREPLE.• V , r.I 1)awl,1 ginAs)en43o, FrO Godey's Lady's Book. • GOSSI OJT-CHILDRBN., • Inn Vain ar Epistle to. the Editor,. Y J.EWIS GAYLORD CLARK. My. DEAR GobEr:.l love 'children: I used to thhflr, when Pwak a bachelor, (it is, a good • , n • many years ego ow . ) that there was somei thing rather pr • uriiing in the Itnetiner'in which Opting fathers and mothers Would_ bruig.4)leti wee things' around !them, and, for•the - specief edifiCaticn of us single fellows, cause them to 'rnis-siSsak half-uttered words,' and to go thro' with divers little lessons in manners and eloctr lien. flirt both parents and children wercnnade so upparentlyiliappy by it, that 'I never could think, us curtain of my irreverentcomeanions %veio wont to think, ainl‘ti? say, that it watt a ',bore.' No, I never thougfit or said Oat ; hut I did think, I remember, as I have said, that there mitt -, a little bad` tastolkand not- a .pi•esumplion . in such u• co urse. 1 dod . t thl - fik so now. • When it futhorand,how muchC s lia moth er—sees for tho firer tip the gloat of MT& tion illuminating, with whapthe Germane calf. an 'interior DOW the eyes and features of lab ,t.,„. fi infath child; whoa' that 'innocent soul, fro It from heaven, looks fur the, first time into y ura, and - you: felif that yo'urs is an ansta%ing . k to that_new,borti intelligence—then, I say,-you will experience u sensation which: is not 'of the earth earthly,' 'bat belongs to the' 'corres-, pondenees' of u-bigh and holier spher.c.,_ I wish to gossip a little with you c4Ocerning children: You are a roll grown' man . new, friend Godey, quite lull grown ; yot.you were once a buy ; and 1 ant - ‘‘ell as'snredlitat - you wjjl feel interested in a few incidents which ( 11 am going to relate in illustration of thane —incidents which I %Ono you will judge to be not unfruitful of monitory lessons; to 'cjiiipen of largir growth' than nicre girls unii , boysl Don't you think that-Wo parents, an sometimes, in momenta of ance, through pressure or badness or other circumstances, which was but innocent and reason, fcctly !littoral to be netted for ? the best of parents frequently multiply prol) bitione until obedience tp them beconies i:np6s Bible , • •. Excuse me ; but all your readers have boon children; many of them era happy mothers; e,, ninny more that arc n i. will be in God's.good time ; and Lconnot but b neve that many who shall peruse these Benton °swill find something in them which they will . roan:wither herealter,.! l The sorrowslndlellsmf,yauth; says Windt: ington Irving,- , Mro as bitter as timso of age; and he is right. They are .sooner washed a. way, it is true; but oh ! how keeriis the printed eansibility; how acute Alio passing - mental ago ny! / ,-. My_psin brother. 'Willis—may` his ashes ro poso rn ponce in his . carly, his untimely graves —and myself; when wo were very little . Libya in the country, saw, ono bright-Juno day, far up in the bluo shy, a paper kite, swaying 'to and fro, rising and einitlng, diving and curvet ing, and flashing boa the sunlightin_a_man ! .. tlint was vv L ondorfato Wolaft our little.tin vessels in Lite meadow where we were picking straw berries;'end ran info a neighbor ing field to got beneath . it; and:lopping our oyes. contlnualli , upon it, 'gazing 'steadfastly toward heaven,' we presently found ours'e'lves by thmstdc.of thoArchiteet of that magnificent creation, and situ the line which held it teach ing it to the skies, and little' white paper ineS sengeruelding along eponli, as it to holdcoin munion-With the graceful artificial 'bird of tho air! at the ;upper end.. • . • I am describing this to you us a boy, and wish 'you to think of it as ,a boy. L-,Weiloniaity-daye•utiOrwari'and after variousr iinaceessful attempts, which note little dio oomfittcd•us---for.we thought we had 'obtained die 'principle', of the kito—wo succeeded in ,making one which wo raid tly. Tho air tras.too still, liciwover, for several days; and Myer did t(lnicalined navigatOr wait Anon; Itn 7 'patiently:for a breeze t 0 .," speed • his Vocal . 'her., voyage than . did we. fur-a ••wind that should. send our . paper , messenger, hallooed with stare of rod ond yellow 'papers .danoing At kit It pleesoct the , gentle and volable tt ol'tlm air' to tavor no: , niild:'cout.liCyvind opralig"nii; qhd 'dolity.tpd nonnugo 'our ;i4noliine; that . .tt 'woo prosontli,roduco,d, more tantaturo kite in the 1411,ethor above no, l u4k.R !" l/4 *;i l 12* '185O." Such . a triumph! Fulton eesa firekoxperiments, hilt no more • we when that grlent event was nehleibitr. w al d , kept it up until , twist and xi. Mirk,' when we drew' it diiWn alai deposited it, in OS bern—licsitatinthiong whire to place it, out of several localities that Seemed - safe and el igible, but fioally'deciding to stand it end.wise in-a b - iiii4TiVan Unfrequented - corner - of the - barn. , . For Ilia Herald I am coming now to and tearsa ‘ speciman of the 'tier 'covr;i ofear, ' which Geoffroy Crayon speaks. We dreamed:lX that kite in the night, and, far up in thOheitiion of our slee ping vision, wo saw it flashing in the sun and gleaming opaquely the twilight air. In the morning, we repaired betimes to the barn;ap. preached the barrel with eagerness, as i f s it were possible for the kite to have taken wing - sof -the eveiiing and flown away; and ea looking down into the receptacle, saw oury cligished, our be 2 loved_Trite broken into twenty pi oe ! It was cur man Thomas who did it, climb- ing up on 'the hay-mow. We bolh of wi,.4ted with_a perfect hatred,' for fitup years ufforward, theuruel neighbor who laughed at'us for, our deep six months' sorrow at th . that great loss—a loss in compatisonWitit winch the loss o4fortune at tho - poriad of man hood'sinkri into insignificance: Oftier, !Woo f ' indeed, we constructed; but that was a kite 'you read of,' at 41:is-present: - Think, therefore, 0 ye parents ! always think of the acuteness of a child's sense of childish " I once arm an elder brothar,:the eon of a ine. tropolitan neighbor, 11,remping, reit:taro:m:6lloe; in the merest 'dev*etc cut off the foot of a [ little . doll with which ' infantino sister Was 1 amusing herself. A mut lotion of living flesh and 'blood, of bone an" oinarein a belated' playmate, could scarcely have affected the poor 'child inc:rolainfully. It was-to _her _the . vital' current of a beautiful babe which oozed from the bran log of that stetted effigy 'of an infiint ; and-the 'mental. aufecrings of the child were' J -based-upon. thorianocent-idert-which it-hold,that akthings were really what they seemed. ;(3town people should have more - faith, in, and ~ more appreciation of the stOnents and feel. ings,of children. When I read, some months Onte,,in a' telegraphic despatch - to one of our, morning journals, from Baltimore, if I rem:ll.' 'ber kightly, of a mother, who, in punishing a little-boy fat telling a Ile—Which, after all, it •inbsequently transpired that he did not tell— hit him . witfra slight switch Over his temple and, killed' him instantly 7 -a mere accident, of course, but yet a.droadful easualty.wll4ch drove reason from the :throne of • thonnhappy mother —when l' read thiso - . theughl ot - what had oe- - curred in my own sanctum only a week or two before si„tend the lesso'i,which'lSrticoliod was' a good one, and will remain wit be. My little boy, a dark-eyed, ingenuous, and frankLboarted child as over breathed—though perhaps, .1 say it who ought notton - ay it'--still Ido say it—had been 'Straying about my table, on leaving which for a moment, I found on my return, that my long, porcupine-quill-handled perk was gone. I asked the little follow what he had done with it: Ile answered at once that he had not seen it-. After a' renewed search for it, I:charged him, in the face of his declaration, with haling taken and mislaid or lost it. ll° looked me earnestly in tho,face, and. void: ._.,, ------:- ,‘No lafidn't take it father,'. I then tookiliirn in my lap, on ----- t