Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 08, 1850, Image 3

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. - 12.7:*C0.11113ERLAND .COUNTY
Tereits-4 , w0 Dollars a - yeal, or One Dollar and
Fifty Cents, if.punetual,/y paid in advance.
$1,75 if paid Within the year.
IC!'The Hon. R. J. Walke . r, Secrekti.
ry of the Treasury under President Polk,
spent a couple of days in our borough
last week, ma visit to friends.
PtAT, J:loryton.—Mr. Nathaniel Hantch
has been duly appointed, and has enter
,upon his, duties, as Post Master of
thLSborough. We are confident he will
prove an attentive and obliging officer.
OLD SOLDIERIL—The Committe on
Revolutionary Pensions in Congress
hitve reported a bill granting boUnty
lands, to the amount of 180 acres, to
such of the officers and soldiers of the
last war with Great Britain who may'
have been still living on the 12th of Feb
ruary, 1850. There is a probability of
the passage of the law, and if so its ben
efits will qie rerilizedliy a number of the
veteran survivors of . that war who re
side in Cumberland county. The re
port of the committee on the subject is
published in the last Volunteer.
Gladsome Spring.
Our gardens and fields are now deco
rated with the beauties of Spring, and
every pan of our country presents the
most delightful aspect. But Spring is
not. only redolent of beauty and frag
rance. It is auspicious, too, of plenty
to the husbandman. Every one knows
the old maxim that "April showers bring
. flowers." There is another, not
quite so famthar, but we hope lleTtrue.
The same wise poet who wrote the. form
er poetical maxim indited another, to the
effect that, "A windy
. and a rainy May,
fills the barn •with grain and hay." And
if the weathe`r`ot thelast few days be any
indication of its character. during the
month, our farmers may as well look to
their barns and granaries to.see that they
will not burst, even under
an pressure; for we have
had a bounteous supply of wind antl
rain, and may look with hopeful expecta
tion for its plenteous results.
The newspapers abound at this time
with joyous poetical Aihsodies upon the
bright season, and from among the many
we select the subjoined from a poet un
known :
, The bursting buds look up,
To greet the sunlight, while it lingers yet
On the warm hill-side—and the violet
Opens its azu,re cup
Meekly, and countless wild-flowers wake to fling
Their earliest incense on•the gals of Spring..
Continual songi arise
From universal Nature—birds and stream*
Mingle their voices. and the glad earth seam■
♦ second Paradise I, •
Thrice blessed spring I—thou bearest gifts divine
Banishing and song, and fragrance—all are thine.
Nor Unto earth alone—
Thou Mist a blessing for the human heart,
Balm for its wounds and beating for its smarty
Telling of Winter flown,
And bringing hope upon thy rainbow wing,
Type of Eternal Life—thrlee blessed Spring!
Rail Road Projects:
Ths Hagerstown papers are felicitat
ing themselves with the prospect of a
speedy Railroad connection with the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad by means
of an improvement and extension of the
Franklin Railroad, which it is proposed
to resuscitate. The News, in speaking .
of the project, remarks :
"Nor do we believe that it is intended
that this road shall have its terminus
here, but that it will be continued at
least to the Canal at Williamsport, to
secure the coal trade, if not, through . the
State of Virginia to Staunton, forming a
link in a great line contemplated from
New York city through the Southern,
States to New Orleans. The Legisla
ture of Pennsylvania has also, we under-,
stand, chartered a company to construct
a railroad from Harrisburgi to Reading,
and another from Reading to Easton,
which lines, when completed, will form
a continuous link of railroad from this
place to New York city."
crThe assertion . made in an article
in the last Carlisle Democrat, that "there
is probably not a town in the State where
hostility between different religious de
nominations is so deep, bitter and unre
lenting as M..-Carliale"-.-must certainly
be an, opinicin held alone, by the Editor
of that paper. On the contrary, we are
lir s io
• uite certain, that the very reverse of his
:7 4 :,, itey:tioll is THE TRUTH. It is within the
iifiedge of all who are at all 'conver
- ant with the facts, that there is between
the various religious denominations of
our borough, and their several Pastors,
the most friendly, fraternal and kind
feelings. Their mutual intercourse is
5 t0,,,
frequent and most harmonious. The e• li
vidences of thil are so palpable, nd the
fact is so well known, that it is iurpria
ing how any one, unless in mere , reek
lessness, could venture , upon an opposite
assertion., If a • single occurienie, ;Nolo
-'' with a•mistaken••or "perverted . vlsrron'n'd
caught up by_ the popular tongue to grew
' with acciimulated:,exAggeTstiontillas hap
:-,iened Which:Ceighi seem iso`givie Colour
to the -assertion 'of: fuii.
ashes no r.groun'd for the coarse_ Over,
.., mons mbich , that paper •yisits , upon:the
,-- ieligious':cfiCuritiniti. , We - only-allude
to the " main - aeiertiOn ; iftlideloy: ihat pi-
P!'4 In 4 Oriler a cOrltradicV: -, eied; prevent
t, ,, the:apread- of
'whai:iSiiiile hetteithan a
1;!i4 01 6ii4 Aindeil•Mid',:a' correction O
, ;'Ol„66(tii:dre;to*
Ivo, 61aik0, our ' 'cid,-
,• zeug.
W II "' ,
k_ij:..4.6:lrt,9F/r,inilOr,if#;:—We are
, 'end r , o tie as,,Ure4 eyfurthetintelligence
, that ; the , fetire'vhich ,Fir'ero4ot:iawern
, in.; th e ee f ,etr_,Le f "tle farliljes, of MninniL
j i!ere li fi t9lll eidigilt thillgcl l l 4 l l c,fiiit:.
Yr t ; fi l l )'P Qt 9 P, fi r r , a ;' , 'leee : gentle
men WnT'ferteettle/Y not Vanslnierat 9p
~ t4e Vbf l o; o, 4 o 'Yr ,. ..! 3 P t, t l o; l3 ?qo:l/ -1 40itt,
/ t,
bu hitil 'enabarle l *n fi# 9 l4o4ilibilh
, ~, 1 ' ~• , r, , , , 1 , , i ) ; , c., it - 3, ~
I . Fashionable , ilicioiiinents,.
' The Boston. Transcript,' in announc
ing the opening of the season, furnishes,
the agreeable intelligence , that Mr. and
Mrs. Bluebird ail\ novii . tit home in their '
old quate Signor Whipnoerwill'has.
1 .. ...ra,
commenced is evening concerts for the
season. Mr. Gooseberry has made his
appearance in a new suit of a delicate
green. The yminger Miss Violet will
come out in a very few days. - -She will
Maki' , alikehsittien, with her blu eyes
and niogest demeanor. The Lilac fam
ily thrdir open their doors for a grand
festival next week. It is rumored that
the Tulips, who have replenished their
wardrobe in a very splendid manner,
will attend.", -The Misses Rose are yet
in seclusion, waiting for the warm wea
ther. The Robin troupe are giving mat
inee serenades with much success. The
beautiful Miss P. (Pink?) is said to be
preparing for a very gay season.• Some
load reports are out in circulation in re
gard to Colonel Swallow. He has been
in stealing. Thfs is the gentleman who
originated the famous swallow-tail style
of dress-coat. The Honeysuckles, who
are notoriously a pushing race, are al
ready in the fashionable field. Ills with
deep sorrow 'that we record that the a
miable, and lovely Miss Snow-drop, de
parted this life soon after the last snow
ThE NORMAL Scnom..—The Editor
of the .Lancaste.Ran' publishes the pro
ceedings of the Education Conven 'en in
this county, and witrmly praises t pro
ject of establishing a Nor chool in
Carlisle. We hope the experiment will
be succen Cu 1 .
titn Alarkets,
FLOUR—is inactive, and the demand limited.—
Some,small sales were made for home use at *5,23
for standariOnande, which is the general asking
CORN MEAL— iewanted at *2,75 for Pennsylva
nia, but holders generally ask more.
RYE FLOUR--No change. The last sales were at
412,871- per barrel.
WHEAT—arrives slowly, but the demand has fel
len,and buyers take hold at lower rates; abbot 4000
Pennsylvania white said at 120 cts and red
Yni freely offered at 117 cents, without finding buyers.
E,' ; —A small Sale wee made Alfis cepte.
CORN—In moderate request, and steady, with sales
of 5000 hi:Whale at 60 cts for Southern yellow, and 57
cts for White.
OATS—Further sales of Pennsylvania are making
at 30 cents.,
THE undersigned respectfully informs his
friends and numerous customers, that he (ins
removed his store to Humerich's corner direel
ly opposite Wm. Leonard's old stand, in North
Hanover street. He has recently returned from
Philadelphia,.. with a large and carefully se,,
lowed disiiiiinent of
New Spring Goods,
purchased at the lowest prices, and which he is
determined dispose of at very smell profits. A
arge sever tment of
at from 75 cents to $6 per yard. Also, Cassi
mares, Cessinets and Vesttngs, at Various pri
`such as Dolaines, Baines, and a splendid as
sortment of Silks. Also, a very extensive as
sortment of Calicoes arur-Gingliama, suitable
for the approaching season. Also,
Table Diapers, Tickings, bleached and 'on.
bleached IHuslins, Bonnets, Hats, &c.
A well selected assortment of Men, Women
and Childrcu's Boots and Shoes, of superior
quality, and very cheap. Also, boy's and men's
'loth and Hungarian Caps.
of all kinds, viz: Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Pe
kin Tea Comptirry'.B celebrated Teas, &c., all
fresh and !good. Also, constantly on hand,
the best quality of Carpet Chain.
The subscriber respectfully asks his custom
ers and all who wish good bargains, to give
him an early call. Don't forget the stand, cor
ner opposite Leonard's old stand, North Han
over street.
nplo N W WOODS, Ag't.
N. B. Butter, Eggs, Rags and Soap, taken
nt market prices.
ti , g •
ALL persons desirous of seeing the newest
and, best Goods of the season, let them
call at te Bee Hive in North Hanover street..
The. subscriber has just returned from•the
city and has now opened a very largo and hand-
some stock of
or every style and variety. Such as Mirages.
and Tissues,Lawns from 10 cents to any price,
you want, inen Lustros, from- 12 to 91, Linen
Lustre Barages, a now article, Foulard Silks,
Corn,^Blue, Pink and Fig'd Delaines, Calicoes
from'3 to 25 cents per yard, Bonnets, Ribbons,
Hosiery, Gloves, and many more articles. (of
Ladies which I have not room to insert.
I have also for Gentlemen all kinds of goods,
'PINGS, and all..kinds of Goods for Gentle
men's use, 044 will take this opportunity of
saying to my friends that I keep constantly on
hand all kinds of READY-MADE CLOTH
ING. Mr. T. Reighter having his shop in my
store: enables me to have mado to order, on
the shortest notice, any garment, that may be
wanted. I also keep „O CIFFEE & SUGAR
of all kinds, together with every other article
necessary for Family use . Please call and ex
amine soon where all attention will be given to
Carpets, Car Pets.
A SECOND supply . . of - Imperial, Ingrain
Cottoh and Oinking Carpets ' which wil l
be sold cheaper than can be bought at any other
establishment in the Borough, . •
• Just rocifived another lot of , Ladies' Walking;
Shoes; Slippere,'. Buskins and 'Gaiters,' of the:
lateet Shapes, and best.Philadolphia
ture. , •
Also, a beautiful .assortment'-
dren's - Shoes. Boots . and 'Slippers.
• "
TRUNKS.;' , !
A latie. aniudy • of Trunks and Travelling; ,
Bogs of a superior quality, just received. • -
•,13 . 0DINETS .;BON I NET S
The titio'ntion Of the Ladies hi partiOularly in.
vited to Any largo and stdandtd as s artment.of
B 0 S of all hinds, moos and,qualities:!
Also, very lime Sod' bebutifullorof 'Bonnet
gibbons; aelliovrary, lOiv at. the 'cheap' store of
• ~ pyl- ; 50. , , V!CHAS::fOGILDY•
mHE''eubscrlber,..(late ;of. did ”StOne
•watput Bottom'At.o4ds - taegoiitfullyr ;
informable' friertile" rand the' public generally.
thee he' Lae taken that , well known' Tavern
strtolViri .ifigh% street ; fortiterly.,kapt ' by':
Sllrs Wenderlioh;qtrid that ho is nowrepared
to . aocom'modete - ratiners,,gesllarfjZraltellorsif'
'and athare,Vllo may Tevaritrnr #ith a
in•the,ineat aeconiholletieglnennef.2, -, „
r •
WM': ffi.ehtitga,g4 et' from ;1118 ilipprfenco':
Ink able" to leridoT
lik • !is
1.1 . ',‘ • ';
IttpT(jf , a .
h , P400t1# 1 ;;Ior ::',,11-1118,BAR:D •
" • ' ' • '
storce St;
Sprint. Goods::-
.THE subscriber 'hatijOaCieturned ',from lthe
1, city with:allarge and 'iaried:tisiortment ,of
Fancy and Staple ~ Dry'Elbade;', U uchi... as' Mous
dermas:- Bareges,..'AlPaPhae, „Canton.: Cloths,
Ft ouch English Chintzei, .r.Gin - ghame.
Lawns, Calicoee;- Figured.: and Dotted:Sw iss
Muslin/1, with. a varietyi,Cif Other' Dreseme
ale to wich ho invites ' the attention of the pub.
lio generally. .7.
TKO auhscriherVould Call the attention of the
community, to a tot of 4-5. Spring Chintzes at the
; low price of 10 eta per yard, , the cheapest lot of
goods eirer,ofTered in Carlisle. • • ._
for ladies dresses and sacks just..oponed.„
Just opened, one doz. Milifari Cloth Cape,
with oil cloth overs, also, Silk Oil'Cloth Cape
of same style for sale by G,
April 3, 1850.
Selling off at Cost
. aubscribera intending to change their.
buspese, will sell off their whole stock of
at very reduced • prices. Their stock consists
of Coats, Vests and Pants, of almost every de
scription and quality, also, shirts, collars, ho•
some, stocks, neck and pcoket handkerchiefs,
gloves, stockings, suspenders, hats, caps, boots,
shoes, umbrellas, leather and hair trunks, car
pet bags, and in short every article that is ne
cessary to complete a ge.mleman's wardrobe.—
They will also sell goods by the yard, such
as cloths, cassimeres, velqinus, cessinetts, sum
mer stripe. in groat variety, muslin., flannels,
• -
np24 3m
N. B. All persona knowing themselves in
debted to. the firm will please make pa men
. mmediately. A & L
" Hear, Read Listen and Reflect.
dn . North Hanover street, in the room formerly
occupied 6y airs. Wise as a grocery.
THE attention of rho citizens of Carlisle, and
Cumberland and Perry Counties is invited
to this newly established Clothing and
and see the well selected and'most elegantly got
up clothing ever offered in this place. It would
be well for every man to know !hit a larger
assortment, better styles and• more desirable
clothing can be bought for loss money at this
new establishment titan at any other store in
the place without any other exception. The
assortment is well selected sod the cut andmake
of the latest spring and summer fashions, which
molar superior to all others for ease and ale
gsnce. All who wish to purchase will find they
can save from twenty live to fifty per cent by
buying at the new stand of
Coats, Pants and Vests we sell remarkably low
as the following list of prices will show :
Superfine black Cloth Dres9 Coats $6 to 18,00
" Frock 6 18,00
Fine French Habit Cloth coats of
different styles, 3 10,00
New style of (_lashmerett cows; 2,50 9,00
French Coats of all colors 1,50 7,00
Rough & Beady Tweed, hew,tyle 4,00 1,1,00
California Lustre, 75. 5,00
Linen Coats, 1,00 2,50
Business coats, 1,00 6,00
New Style of American and French
New style of A Merican and French
Cassimers, e l tiArier in quality and
vasiety of eolorss,oo 10,00
Fine black case, tind doe Skins 2,50 9,00
Striped and cross barred case. Pants 1,50 5,00
New style Napoleon striped pants 1,25 3,00
" • spring case. pants 4,75 6,00
Great variety of Corduroy pants 1,25 . 3,0
Fitte linen drillingistriped and plain 75 2,50
New. atyle of Cambroun 1,50 4,00
With an excellonrassortment of wOr
king pants which will out•travel any T• , s
other in this place 50 2,00
Superfine black kiatin vests 1,75 5,00
Now style of figuered and striped do 1,00 7,00
Plain & striped valentine 50 4,00
Fine light summer Marseilles v ests 75 3,00
All kinds of working vests at 'very low prices.
We will also keep n good assortment of
consisting of cents, pants sad vests and sell
them at very low orices. In addition to our
stock of ready made clothing we will keep on
hand an assortment of
such as shirts, scarfs, c.avnts, suspenders,
drawers ' collars, caps, umbrellas, gloves.hand
kerchiefs, socks, &c. &c , shich will make it
the interest of the plan•linscr to examine before
buying elsewhere. All goods sold at this store.
warranted 'to give satisfaction ' and defy compe
tition, in quality, elegance and style of the cut
and durability, and we hope by close attention
to business to merit a share 'of public patron.
age. Don't forget the place, North Hanover
Street, a few• doors above Lowlier Street West
N. B. Clothing made to order nt the shortest
Leather Tranks.
THE subscriber lidt just received another lot
of Leather Trunks of different sizes and prices.
Also, an assortment of Carpet Bags and Va—
lises, for sale on reasonable terms. .
Just opened a,small lot of Music for Piano,
Flute end Violin, also, Jeannette and Jeannoti,
and a few other new and popular sings for sale
A groat variety of Ladies' Straw Bonnets,
also, Pamela Bonnets and Gentlemen's Leg•
horn Hats in variety,' Bonnet Frames, Crowns
and Tips, &c..
- - -
A great variety . of Paris Collars,' Brussels
Lace Collars, Swiss and Cambric inaertinge
and Edgings, Thread Lace and Bobbin Edg'gs,
Loom Laces and Cotton Edgings, Lace Capes
&c„ just opened by
THE subscriber has just received n large lot
of Parasols, of beautiful styles, embracing
every quality. to which the special attention of
the Ladies is invited.
Call itrid,Mircbase your Bonnets and Ribbons
from the undersigned, who has just received a
large and varied assortment, and you will save
Just opened nn extensive stock of Dross Silks
pf-traTataratyles, which ho offers at unusual
ly low prices. The special attention of the
Ladies is solicited.
The subscriber has still n large stock of those
14 cent Ginghanis, for which ho has, lid such
an extraordinary. run—call and see them,
Just Oil . ened a Inrgo stock of Muslin! 'altd
Calicoes, in the sale of which ho oflins,tinueual
inducements to purchasers. Public patronage
is Solicited: ' • ' ";, ' • ti •
.DOots and 'Shoes of ovary description have
boon opened in large quantities by the subscri•
bar, winch . itropifered at prices thnt must give
satisfamion.; N' W WOODS,'Atet.
' • • ''" '
' ~ Toirariners and. Men of BUBine3B6
ormE•subperiber plrefs; at' the' lowest ' rates.
in any ltuantity to snit parche:tors,' Geitnine
Pertcyjan Goano, and every variety,_ of ~ S perrd,
.Whelo,•Lircl, and: Tanner'a ','ll,litnilfacg
turers,,Ttinnettf; gaymers;Ocalers and. Cons&
Mors; tire - invited to call' at No. 37 North
Whitrveithe'first Oil Store lieloir Rice strita;,
Philadelphia. , apo. w.• ar..lG.wAy;
April !- ,
°Mile: Glass' Ware."--
rreneh,chitas 171irer Tea and Tolle
' Splendid .Ornaments,, also a 'verkey.o •
'Stone; Ohinajaverpool and ,Cotriroon:Dtaltea
• '.V.'',',
• _ ,
-FluidiCarnptitie - Aard,antl, Oil Lamp?, in grekt
;70Fiety.;„ Alio .oiliroCovery `..deicription:
131.1 'PEIiIC
fine !ILO', Breakfast ..Terti,
Britt lfis and ,Itnyeriftl, t reamed, frorri 'N w
Y.orli;:andliiiilitile:+at the' Coup 'Grocery inn°
ringeif Pork ,
nd;.Side., S houlder.,
and. Chee,iT
-. ' ita 3 Wh f Mar 20;1850:-IP .
' • '
Estate. of Frederick, 'Hoover "dee'd.
I_4EttEßS.tostatiioikitiiion.the,last will and
testament or. FREDERICK , HOOVER',
late of South Middletori,tp.; decN, have been'
issued to the undersigned•execntore of, laid Ea
tate. All persons knowing themselvee indebted
tersaid Estate are requested to make Iminediate •
payment, and those having claims against the
same. to present them to either of the undersign
ed, duly authenticated for settltpiept,
O R'
revises ~,,
the several Battalions of tho First Brigade, 15th
Div., will meet for ROview and Inspection.—
The ;First Battalion will meet in Mechanics
urg on the Ilth day of May.
The Sebogd Ba.talion will meet in Shippens
burg on the 17th day of May, and the 3d Bat
talion will meet in Carlisle on the 14th of May..
The First Regiment will meet in Newvile=
on the 18th day of May. •
Capt. Samuel Stuart's Troop,- not attached'.
to any Battalion,
will meet at the Stone Tavern.
on the Walnut Bottom Road, on the 20th day
of May. The above commands will meet pre
cisely at ten o'clock, A. M., of each day. Of
ticers in command of companies will. be held
responsible for the good condition of the arms
and accoutrements.
ap24 tp SAM'L. CROP, Brig, Ins.
• Estate of John Culbertson, deol.
ATOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
-1.11 .ministration on the estate of Jon Culbert
son, late of Silver Spring township, Cumber.
land county, dee'd, have this day Leen issued
by the Register in and for said county, to the
subscnebers, who reside in the said township of
Silver 'Spring. All persons having claims or
.demands aThinat the estate of said deoedent are
requestdd to make knomn the aame without de
lay, and those indebted to intake payment o
ad24,6t pd Admr's.
Estate of Elizabeth Kissinger, dee'd.
LETTERS testamentary on the estate of
Elizabeth Kissinger, late of West Penns.
bortnigh township deed.; have been granted to
the subscriber residing in the same township.—
All pers ms having claims against estate of said
decedent will present them for settlement, and
those indebted will make immediate payment
NOTICE is hereby given, that wel the As
signees of Wm C. Houser, have legal off
sets against all notes held by George Sailor a
gainst said Houser, and all persons are hereby
cautioned not to buy said paper as we will not
hold ourselves responsible for the payment. of
the same. - JOHN HOUSER,
Assigneepf W C HoildF.
Estate of Davld Strickler, (lewd.
LETTERS of Administration on the estate
of David Strickler, late of Hopewell ipt,
Cumberland county, deceased, have been grant
ed to the subscribers residing in the same
township. All persons having claims. against
the estate of said decedent will resen them
for settlement, and thoteffidebtOtt
mediate payment to
n 7,00
NOTICE is hereby given that JA C 0 B
BATES, of Shiremprunown, has assigned
all his property, real and, personal to the sub
scriber, for the benefit of his credi,tors, by deed
dated 2d April, 1850. All perilous indebted to
said Jacob Bates will make payment, and those
having claims against hint will present them for
settlement to the subscriber, residing in Hamp
den township. . JOHN RUPP,
uplo,6t • Assignee. •
Estate of Joseph Moll, decd.
lEl"l'Elts of administration on the estate of
/ Joseph Grail, tote of Upper Allen town
ship, .eumberland county , decd., have been
granted to the subscriber, residing in the same
township. All ttersons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate are'required to make im
mediate payment, and those ,having claims to
present them to JOHN B COOVER,Adm'r.
April 3, 1850.
. .
Better than the Goldminas of Calk
forma : .
A Whole Ruit of Ctothes at 51,75!
riFIHE undersigned thankful for the patronage
of the Citizens of Carlisle and adjoining
country, informs his numtrous friends and the
public in general, that he- has just laid in an
entirely new Stock of fashionable 4yring and
Summer clothing, maderup in the best style and
particular:y calculated for this place, His stock
consists of fine Dress and Frock coats, Habits,
Cassimer, Drab; bcc., and Chinn coats, Tweed
Linen and Check coats, Bussinels cords of all
descriptions, superior Black Cossimer and fancy
Pantaloons, a great variety of Vests from iocts
to 84 00, a large assortment of fancy articles of
Gentlemen's wear, white linen, striped and red
flannel shirts. Gentlemen are reguested to call
and examine the goods, and he is sure those
who buy will' be well fitted and at low prices.
A great assortment of Boyer clothing, also
Caps and fiats, from 12i to 513 00 ronstantly on
hand at S. GOLDNIA N'S
South East corner of Main and Market square
Carlisle, March 26, 1850.
The People's Line.
Clear the Track!
THE undersigned, by the particular request
of thousands of their friends, hereby announce
to all who seek and love pleasure, that a Grand
Recursion will bike place this and every day
throughout the season in the beautiful safety
car '.• Cheapside," propelled by the low pressuie.
ateinii "Fit-sure," and in which all, both. old
and young,'Cre invited to: participate. The ex:
curston will be conducted upon a plan entirely
different from any Were got up in this neigh.
bothood, both for cheapness and dispatch ; and
the pleat ure it will
,afford thosclwho join In it
can scarcely be estimated. Tickets will be
furniehell at half the usual price, and tho public
can start from any point they please, stopping
Clothing - Emporitun,
next deth to - BurklieTdePiii Hotel on West Main
street, where tile cheapest and most fashionable
assortment of CLOTHING can be found—all
our own manufacture—and which we can sell
as cheap as the., can be bought at any of the
largircity establish menta,and V.O per cent. lower
than at any other bonito in This Borough. We
respectfully invite the public to take this pleas
ant trip to our store, and examine our large as
sortment of 4"l
of various colors and tyles, Pants ; Yeats and
Roundabouts, Pea Jackets, HATS and CAPS,
Shirts and Stockings, Suspenders, Cravats, and
all the different articles nee - unary, td constitute
uGentleman's Wardrobe:.` Don't forget the
place--rmext,"door - to' Burk.'iOlddi'e.''Hotel, to
where we'have just removed: — Having a large
sissortatent of Cloths, OnssiMeres and Vestings
on.hand; wear() p repared to'inake up to order'
pll kinds of Clothing nt the shortest notice an&
; on.the most reasonable, terms :'• ,• • .
I aplO r. dx,J.,,STEINER. , •
, . . , .„
House tuid Sign .Painting.,
THE subscriber respectfully infornts.the'
cells of Earlisle"and'vlcinity"that: he ilfaaentia=.
monied the aboVe, business to thus beronAkend
respectfully solicits the.publia patioriagb.:
also: prepared to do Parlor or Hall *all painting;
plain - or in iconic and landscape desiins-L-linitti.
thins of wood lad stone , lie H r e ilf also attend to
Paper Hanging; and, every of britneh of his,
businiee, in the best, Style.. is shop is in Lou.
ther.street; in the carpenter shop forntekly.occu.. ,
pledhiJohn ft,,,Tuitterilyhere he .respectfully
tiivites the:public' io,opll. Having had consider,
able!expertonce every,rdepartment °fide . art,
balbelsoonfident of.lienage,'reider' Setts.
&Olen' to :who natty' ore ploy_ hint'. • '‘'f;
, • •••. mo %vim'
• ,
!T.•'.liireiavAn Wisayi .- •
ci o woul4 ittipoctrully, inform
171, the citizens of. Getlielei that , ite , hee ePeth
:ed7Csliciit in' East etreen,"tiocing . 'door from the ,
eernei;of. LOgther streetovhcre• he will attend,
to the .Wetivang'or,Cattiotlng; .Te4le
Cotserlete,•fted ell %other .kitide'ef: Worit;:in
style that he is: confident et Whey& eitisfactioin
•to ell who linty r inger himpith their patronage;
The public :le respectfully eoliciteirto give bun
tt call. • ' ' ' ' rei47
Hot Iroe'ciiiiroOtitik.,j) - ! , -0
c E Oviag;eyer,rpon,vithci"Atititrott
tlnk , Gold ~ Regjon,,tii,,prrpnreArtnrt
able ,for, ; that
Poontry'Or4,alitniito,,ond fi nd-them :Al'
ovary dOnoriplinn.;pnd,olnq to , -atonr advantage .
at:.TROUTMAIV & ptity,!,s:
-, , ',llalhoap.,Clot Mpg' yorth , Htinover'so
shorn Louther. ~„ . lap2 c
• • ) , ,f L'.4l
of tho best brands., Como nod look for your
at the old and well established stand,
where you will find a large' and well selected
stock of Goods and on the most favorable
I LEPEVER., Ad'mr. I Carl isle,
March 20, 1850.
To the Public!
Assignees Notice.
,Chartes 00E1*
AE c o m m enced and will bo receiving for
some days, a brilliant and very extensive
assortment of Spring Goods. and , particularly
invites all that. wish to maim, *cheep goods
'and satisfy their good taste to give him a call
before purchasing , es he is dteerminedlto cut
goods'this spring at small ;profits,. and -.please
all.that will favor him with their patronage:
His Stock consists in part of afresh supply of
SATINETTS, ofall Colors and prices ; well
worth examining. A full assortment of
from tho fittest shrouding to the lowest prices,
n groat variety and colors, 3.4 to 6-4. Also,
of all color and prices. A Large and complete
assortment of Mena and Boys
many of theta entirely new styles.
such as new style Silks and Satins, Linen Lin.
tree, Mous de Lanes, Lawns, and many more
entirely new styles too numerous to notice. A
large stock of
Tidkings, Bleached and unbleached Melina
and Sheetings, &c. The largest and tnost.,ex
tensive stock of . -
that has been brought to Carlisle for years, to
gether with
in the Dry Goods line, that would fill columns
of this paper but are entirely too numerous to
mention. Also.. a large astmriment of Mena,
Buys and Childrens
all prices, Ladies Slippers, Ties, Buskins, ,in
great variety of prices. A large find well selec•
ted stock of Fresh
Spices, &e. Cavendish, Congress:Hand, Cut
and Dry
Ahead of all . Competition !
HE a bscribers have returned from Phila.
delph; ith a large assortment of
consisting partly of Mous de Laines, Lawns,
Barages, Linen Luttres, lEti and 0 cts,
per yard, Alpachas, Ginghams, Calicoes,
and a
variety of other dress goods; Cloths, Cassi
mgres, Vestings. Summer stuffs for men and
boys wear in endless variety, checks, tickings
muslins at old yricee,flanttele, hosiery, gloves,
laces and edgings, insertings, and, some very
clicap CARPETS, groceries, queensware, &c.
Also, a large assortment of very
Palm leaf and braid hats, bonnet ribbons at all
prices and . very cheap, a few pieces wide high
lustre black silks, together with a general as
sortment' including nearly every oracle in our
line of husiness, all of which have been bought
for Cush, and will be sold to our customers and
the whole country nt considerably lower prices
than they can be bought in Carlisle. Give us
a call and judge for yourselves.
March 20, 1850.
Tundersigned most res' pcptfully
informs his friends and the public gene
rally, that ho lies just returned from ~Philadelp
hin and Baltimore, and is nowt opening at the
corner of North Hanover and Loather street,
at tao stand formerly occupied by N. W.
Woods, a well selected assortment of
purchased at the lowest prices, and which I am
determined to sell ot small profits. Among
them mny be found CLOTHS, CASSIMERS,
VEST[ , GS, Tweeds and Pantaloon Stu ff s at
various liticos. DRESS GOODS, new styles
and a% low prices. Also, GROCERIES in .all
their variety, via—Sugar, Coffee, Tea, MCk-
Whim-SW*ls, &c., which will be sold for cash.
Plated give me a call
Carlisle, 1100
Chimney Board Papers.
ir UST opened .a variety of Paper for cover
ing, chimney' boards. Also, for Window
Blinds. An entirely new Wheelbarrow for
sale. [tipl7) G W HITNEIt.
For she Cure of
The uniform success which has attended the
use of this preparation—its salutary effect—it
power to relieve and cure affections of the Lungs
have gained for h a celebii•y equalled by no
other medicine• We oiler it to the afflicted with
entire confidence in its ‘irtues, and the full be
lief that it will subdue ant'l remove the severest
'attacks of disease upon the throat and Lunge.
These results, as they become ...publicly known,
verry naturally attract the attention ,of medical
men and phi lanthoPists every where. What is
their opinion of , CDERILY PECTORAL may
be seen in the sollowing
.Prof. Surgery Med. College, pleat 'York, says
'•lt gives me pleaviire to certify the value and
efficacy of , flyer ' s CHERRY PEC roRAL,
which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure dis
mal; of the Throatpings.'
writes in a letter -to iis friend, who was fan sink
ing under an unction of the Lungs t--"Trj. the
cherry pectoral and deny medicine can giVeyou
relief ,with the blessing of Coil that will."
of Unlearnt, writes "That a young daughter of
his was cured o f several severe attacks of. croup
by the 'Cherry Pectoral." .
" The Canadian Journal of Medical Science
• states,"That Asthrne'and Breeching sonpmva
lent in this inclement climate, has yieldFd" with
surprising midday . to . Ayre'a Cherry. Pectoral,
nod we cannot too strongly renonitnend this skil
ful preparation to the Profession anti the publis
generally." •
Let the relievitlaulferer Speak for' hinaselft,-
AVER—Dear Sir t7-Having been
,reseited from' a . painful'and dangerous disease by
'your Medichie, gratitude prompts Ma to send
'you this acknowledgement, not only injustice to
.you; but :for'tlie information of others in- like at.
A (inhibitor; the lungs, neglected at first
.became so severe that spitting of blood, a violent
cough and profuse night, sweats, followed'. ankles.
.tenetiOponine.., I bloom° emaciated, could. not:
,sleep; was distressed 'by' toy; wag's; and; a .pnin
through MiAltest, and lu short had allihe alarm-
Mg symptoms of quita consuroption..:,;No medi.'
eine seemed. at,
,all to mach my, case, until I pro,. tried your .Cheery-Pectoral,. , which"
soon relleved.iind :now, has '.cureti me.': '' :- -
' ifours,Willireepect,: :., R.:A:STEWART. ",:.:.
: N.. f,!;i.. - ' ;'Ainanit;NeY ;April kr, 1114 S: ..
; Dr.' Ayer , : Lowell—Dear Sir 1-;=1 - . , harp: for
years been afflicted iwitkAsthma'4O , tho'.' , Worst
'form; so that t have beedeblivil to , ideep in My'
chile:fin; Si litriter.part of the ' (hue, being linable
;to breathe in: my , betk s ...lliad.tried algreat :many:
:medicines: - to ilni,':: plit'po se,. otie.l. Mr.tphy ii elan.
'preiterilied, ilkari itspetlnient4our,Clim slit*.
tor i d ,, . :,..,- ~.,, 7 , ~: ~,:-....',::'' '-,,,, '.,.....T.i. .......,,,.::. '...;
" , .Itt• firstAt seemed to; ',kali :weriiii,'".,liilu
tess'ilteil.a.ireek I hNtatt ta..fflii l OrioF.e...fbe 1 04 ,
'gratifying relief Obto'..its 'ale ; and, riOw; hilt bine
meelns; thodineaSei. Ili ;entirely. rcinidied.7.-Xfssin
sleeti in' my'bed V;ith cottifort;ead . enjeftle.' state:
'of liisallkwhielil hairnetin' etSpeided to ultiait
......:.. , ,s , -1 - ...iiipEOSEEO4.4'ERRANT.
Paio,okiiini,inc4;;A:4 4 l;Arsossi:Perizmlri LIT*
3 re: x.: , oi':.:3L, , ,i. 7 •Sinsiollistrinertinb ~ ,, i ,,n, ~ti. ;;. •,,,, ~
li k
i . .:43ol4.,hitYDrßaillinti; . 2l. - . lA.;', Doh aril ,'Dr.' ,, l3'
tlllottj Daslisle;;Dri Ira Day,litech aiesburg E .J".
ill.' HerrowiEelsyllleiJ :IC: liel:11.: Itlek ,Snip; ,
:pensburgiondldruggists:tlimerally.i.i i' : •-: I' . .- ~ . ..
1 , ' ' . CORNS ?.,0011N ?:, ,
1 . - respeatitillirecoriunni3ned I '' ilie'affifetgd•
Tich will effectually extirminfite 086,tr(311Vt:
ome exci„coilefik,,bV'te4for: ti at t i,W4i
,oat : pow ..;° ,'.. •.::..14'il'.
.1 ,
' ' i ,I ,r ; , ' , l' :g;tl . l,Zikte4+'
' ;:, '' , I,' ~,,,, ~., A
1 'For 'UNSEATED 'tANDI3' "
'.p.9"thit2Veasiii•erel 'Cumberland 'County:
Y,VIATUE of a Warrant from,under,the..
.lam'bandit andesal of Aide 'of ,the Coinrrits
eioners of Cumberland county; and , to the
ted,,the following Tracts and toe . of ; Unseat
ed,band,aituate in Cumberland county, State
of Pennsylvania, will be calmed to: Safe .by
Public - Vondte; on Monday the tenth day of .
Juba IBA at the CourtllOuse in the Borough .
Of Carlisle, County aforesaid, and continued Eby
adjournment] from time to time, until they are
all sold, or as muoh of each tract or lot, as will
be Nutriment to defray the 'arrenrages of the.
State, County, .Road and Scho6l taxes, duo
thereon and costs.
• . WM. M. PORTER..
Carlisle, April 3. 1850. County Treasurer
and rrs. Warrantee and owners. Tax true
South Middleton.
27 1839 . Jacob Weaver, 122
100 1845 John Harper, 259
49 1848 John Harper's heirs '1 72
5 1846 Jacob Morrell, 30
1 lot 1846 John Walker, 28
14 ' 1847.8 James Gustin's heirs ,• 1 16
a 1847 Jonathan Gust wine,, 72
150 1840 Wm. Moulder, 25
406 1840. John Cooper, 25
403 " Mathew Duncan, 25
428 " Robert Lusk, 52
415 " • Hugh Nicholson, 26
401 " . John Nicholson, •25
403 " Jane Nicholson, 25
21 1840 Col. Wm. Chambers, 56
134 1839.41 Mathew lrwin'a heirs, 156
16 1839-40 Sailer's heirs, 24
800 1843-9 Holtenbaeles heirs, 12 55
16 1843 . Samuel Rhoads, 25
Southampton. '
1840.6 David Heiron'e heirs, 210
1849 James Reeside & co. 135
1842.6 John Herron's heirs, 189
1844-5 William Scott'o, heirs 501
1844.5 " t 4 " 5 81
1845.9 William Hancock, A 30
1845-9 Fdk. Clippinger's heirs, 189
1845 ' Elizabeth Miller, ' 1 04
1847.9 WiLliam Duncan, 286
1847-8.9 John Niehplson, 530
1847-9-9 'John Nicholson, 6 30
1847.8-9 John M. Woodburn 5 74
1848 B. Reynolds for Her
ron's heirs, GO
437 1847-9 John Herron's heirs, 312
Cartiste. '.
1 lot 1846 Soloman Goias' heirs 59
1 lot 1847 Henry Newcomer, 60
Silver Spring..
,-, Andrew.,Sheeley's heirs, 15
Joseph Shrull, 66
East Pennaborough. ,
Neiclinh &Miller's heirs, 12
Shippenshurg Borough. .
1 lot 1841-4 Peter Neal ' . 29
.9tien. ,
Martha McKinley, 1 06
'Etre Heirleman's heirs, 1 20
Henry Sidle, 3 60
Martin Diller's heirs, 15.
Melchor Breneman, 26
Michael Ege's heirs, 24
Harper & Underwood, 2 35
Samuel S. Smith, 17
John Harper, . , . 23
John M ' cClune,' ' :44'
,Richard Wood's irs '6'lB
George names, - rO6
John Harper% heirs, ' 429
- Dr. W. S. Sharp's heirs, 37
Jacob Wagner'aheirs 47
Christian Folio*, 27
Perry's heirs, (hol'd) 58
Henry Rine's heirs,2B
Henry Shank, 7 3l
'John lYlaginnis, 'Mellen
beck's heirs, 1 47
James McCartney (Hol
lenbaek's heirs,. 1 12
Robert Fauler'a [Rol
lenback's heirs, 2 10
Williams, Riollenback's
heirs, 1 36
Samuel Reaugh, Hellen
back's heirs, 4 25
Thomas Dansey, Hollen
back'stheirs, -
• I" 1 92,1
James Parks, Hollen. /
. back's heirs, 1 611'
George Mageehan, Hot- •
lenbrieles heirs. 93
William Sanders, (Col'dl 12
W. Craig McCune, , 2s
Frederick !leaver, l9
William Myers' heirs, 19
Willliarn Parker,- 22
George Himes, 7 95
Daniel;Eekles, 60
Peter F. Ege, 27
Julin - Enaminger, 4 27
Andrew J. North, ' 92
Thomas Martin, (John
John Harper & co.) 16
Sluouel Gardner, (John
Harper & col 16
Rosannali 51artin, [John
Harper & eo.] 16
Charles Bryan, Vella
. Harper & ..w.l • 16
James Hoover, 2 52
James Elliott's heirs, 46
John Harper's heirs, 128
John NI. Woodburn, 60
inane B. Parker,
,- GO
lonic B. parker, 60
Richard Stevenson. 92
120, 1841, Wm. Craighead ~/--4'20
9, 1841.6, John Jacobs , 81
0, 1841.6, George Jacobs 1 8l
4, 1841.6, Peter Myers 1 21
. 5, 1841-5, Mustine 51
5, 1841-6, Benjainin Malone , 57
-0 120, 1941 Abraham Pilkerton 28
. 4. 1841.8, Peter Stahlsmith ' 2 to
5, 1840 Daniel Bowers . 23
5, 1840-6 . , Peter Miller's heirs 88
230, 1840 William &L. Moore 65
• 10, 1840 William Moore 10
10.6 or 5, 1840-7, Samuel Morthland 176
.5, 1890 George Pencil 19
8, 1840 Jacob Trump 12
6, 1840 'Solomon Warner 12
8, 1840 C. Hastier and Baker 12
' 4, 1845.8, M. Marten, . , 53 -
11, 1843 Andrew Kilns* • . 74
• „.. 3 . 1844 6, James Grayson 82
~,.; „ ,82154443, Jacob fl. Lyon, 184
' - MY 844 8, James Neely - 488 ,
• 200, 1844.8, Samuel Woods' iirs 3 12
22, 1845 Geo. Bellzhoover 46
14, 1845 Frank Smith, cord 55
1 Lot, 1845 Rebecca Wei,. 77
~ 48, 1345 6, William Bandorf -, 5 56 -,
15, 1845'8, John Brough 84
18, 1845 8, Daniel Brown 28
6, 1842 DalLLGripe _l3
, 5, 1845 6, Ludwick Creep ' 49
2i, 1946. John Davis 4 80 '
18, 1846 6, George Deardorff ' 24
210; 1896, Michael Ego ' s heira 902 '
10, 1845 8, Moses Funk. 37
05, 1845 9, Funk's heirs ' , 5.24,
6, 1845 6, Archibild Gina. .59
7, 1845 6, John Lerow - 42
' 40, 1848 8, Henry Myers '
,1 75
28. 1848 8, John Myers ,; 1 - 19 •
.5r1846 8, Philip Myers. , ';2 , St.,
6, 1848' .-Gilbert &aright',' .-: 40.
' ' 8 0845 8, John Wiroman, Esq.
,:, 80
32,1846' 'Thee POlune's heir , ' ~ 52',
'' '' ''' •8, 1848 l 'Adam . Yerid' ' ; .;.": ',Hi,
,5, 184743.-Mdriaaree hpirs. - . ~,:.;:36
:'' 1 1 1:01,1847 .. , ..lOhn'Oshorne • s heirs,''':":';2o,
' ,- .; 10, '1845 8;; N ...IL . : Wiretnin'si 1eti 2 .51;
1,1t5 . .. "-40;1848 ,,, Themaii,BroWri .-;`',.';',,
,I'. 68.
~ LLot. 164 s ; f ',.., ti Orl
riel!fteli: . :;,';:', , ' , V ~ 1 4 9 '
' ' ' 1 Lot 1543.-. , 'htoli'Littje sr . 11eirsi - t ; 90 ,
' 1 14t,'.4848.., ',; , :m. r;,100:::::,1; , ,: v do '
' . s ' ...,..,
..'.,,30;:1848, .; Willlam.Meal:7•T '-..,,, 426 .
" •• . 4 '40; 184 k. ' , :jail. NenlY'S`helnk '' 8.140'
i..':' ~ .I•Lrit,"lB4B::,':Joseph Rockey . , " 75'
li = , l . Leti-1848:!,''089..:Reckey's h'ra .16
i.'.:',..... , , sP.l646trairierW'Vlß'' 12
,' , - 1845'3
20, ‘ Frederick '-
Cloths ''',39'.
l',;',r'i;'..' , 8 1845.6, Jacob.Gilie '-T - . ' ,-- I 24
1 7 - ')`' ,7. :?'..,''''.Niiii 'Cioribirliziku- .' :
1 cit,No 61,1842,8; Dr. Cheiiribers';:heirs' 49'
r AO, : ';. 500892 : 7'0; P. Noirie. „ :„.
,:, LSO
dO...''. 73i 1843'8, George s ßuchler.q. .3 : 05
' do, .1140841'5, John Plough";. i ; ',.•,: ; ':,:2, 76
1 lot
10 1840
37 •1847
1 lot 1840
1 lot 1848
1 lot 1848
200 1844
1 1849
30 1849
3 1849
1511. 18412
2111 1842
408 1843.6
25 1841
1 lot 1841
300 1847.9
1208 1847-9
4 1848.9
31 1840
15 1843
5 1845.6
12 1846
13 1846
153 1344.7
232 1844 7
228 1844 7
116 1844.8
400 1844 8
186 ' 1844 8
150 1844 8
100 18417
1 lot 1848
12 1840
18 1841
4 1843
200 1843
1247 1846 8
200 1847.8
40 1847.9
105 1847.8
25 1847 8
100 1847
100 1847
100 1847
100 ' 1847
30 1847.8
2 1849
238 1848 9
200 1848
200 1848 9
200 1848-9
25 1848 9
. - . ~.r • . 1.• ,I.• .. , -"
do; 1290841 Bi-W,mAlTano!O let/
„2 - .1 2,
do. , , . 2304' ) 842 8, , . Zinger ; arid •BallT 4 T , l.' 1;5/ ;,;
:, ' 1.1& • , ' , 84;"184211,7.1i:,11W Haldehi r ude' . . 4 `l.:'4o!:,
do: *
.186;• 1841 8, MOW LtillliV, , ;Y C '' ;') i''Vr;:i
, di." ; I'27i 1841 '7,;'P0teriPtiiii42,4,''. , ',...,,,1 - .14 .- i
.•,' 410.7181, 1843 ; 10;06 Aiiiie4y,!pliiiii, , - ' I',IT ir
1,,1i! , y, , / 6 0; 7124 .WPW,0,4CP4ii r OST#Ai , 4+
A•k 4 ',o ol3 :til(o 4l i 6 ; , 4o l Y l 7Ai 4 0 - , , ,f-.0'.. ,1 1` ,
;. ,(I 'o.ROLiri r viioe ,, i 4 , s • , i,:4 0 4.4 't - -1 - 1,, 1 1 :(
140..!-"4 l lii •14r'414111:41117410i11. flii4 It 0 '4:
t , •Vdoii, MI - Allilloary Meltiltil ,i.4.14kY:
~, ...-1- . k,,,,, ~. , 1-.‘—'.:, •.. ~..t, ,? ,-,uvic.. :4, - %vy,
W'r!'o . (4 : 4',6q7 ''!4 , '? 4,,,1- 1 110 ei 4; 041 , httg"li:Kfl4;ii' .14 1
W.lfi' l iNaiel& ' AlkikiktcOvitik,4444l.o:Wgfit.
. . ,
do. 1.811845 0; 'jamb Z.oilkierl÷
rie: '' /a, - do'' .- - - 49 - ' -
dct. 146,' do '. . ~ do.
do 177, 410 , „dog,' ~
do 1. 2 , 1643 B, l Michail Keller ./ 1
do 28 1842 8, WillianpAllison 129
do 72, 1843 5; J. M..Hidderrnan 68
•do 132, 1842,5, Christ. Alderman 199
do 156, 1842 6, JOhn SPlizer ' 79
do 202, 1842 8; John Roberts 1 93
do 204, 1842 7, James 'McGinnis „ 1 14
do 27, 1842 8, A Carothers' heirs 1 'B2.
do 35, 18 , i43 8, do 'do 254
do 84, 4125,.1 M. Haldernaan 112
do 3, 1816 G. Pahnestock's term 29
do 4, /1843 do do • 30
do 130845 7, , Abr'm Hureh heirs 68
do 38, 1842 6, Philip Smyser ' 85
1 Lek, 1843 Ah'm Hunt's heirs of
Lancaster 35
do 1843 7, William Wallace 1 1
do 111, 1844 8, Woody'r do Roblnen 1 507
do 60, 1846 7„ Owner Unknown 50
do 139 1842 6, John Foster 16
do 488, 1842 Hogan's heirs 73
do 116, 1842 3, Henry Miller . 16
do 150, 1841 Shriner's heirs , 15
do 113,"1841 Conrad Hettinger h're, 15
do 141, 1841 Ab'm Peitrow's heirs 15
do 37, 1841 3, Owners Unknown 116
d o 66, 18.11 do do 15
do 172, 1841 3, do 41e 15
do 179, 1841 6, do do 15 ~,,,Iv'. , •
do 123, 1841- do do 69' '''''
do 165, 1134). do ~ do 15
• de 183, 1841 4, do do 1 4J,
do 210, 1841 d o do 15 '
do 174, 1841 do do 15
do 175,18414, do ~ do 96
do 152, 1841 do do 15
do 154, 1841 do do 55
do 85, 1842 3,
~'do .. do 05
do 148,'1842 4, do do 1 10
po 176, 1842 3, do do 40
do 74. 1843 6, do do 47
do 13241847 8, John Bucher' heirs 75.
do 164, 2847 Owner Unknown 51
do 112. 1847 du do 61
do 122, 18 4 7 8, do' do 18
do 68, 18 4 8 George Ateisks 18
1 Lot, 1842 4 C. Hershey's heirs 69 .
do 109,1848 Thomas Warren 48
do 145, 1647 Owner Unknown 12
do 200, 1847 ' do do • 12
do 153, 1847 do do 12
do 59;4847 do do 12
do 71,1847 8, do do 90 •
10;41)115) iiiiRJA ft/ I'l 111) ;:Y141541
FREE FROM ossirlase
TFIESE SAFES possess every gaol
ification to render them proof against the a
action of fire or thieves, and of sufficient a.rength
to endure a fall from any story of a burning
building. They are' made of wrought iron,
being kneed, riveted and welded together, and
lined with a perfect non-conducting fire proof
mineral composition, no wood being used in •
their construction as in the majority of safes
I sold by other makers. The doors of GAY
LER'S Safes are secured with his THIEF
LOCK, which predludes the possibility of pick
ing Or blowing therri open with gunpowder.—
Over rwo HUNDRED of these Safes have
been exposed in accidental fire to the most in. •
tense heat, in ninny instances remaining in the
burning ruins for several days, and at no time
have they ever been known to fail in preserving
their contents.
The public are invited to call at the Mauich
ADELPHIA, near Dock street, and examine
the numerous testimonials in lavor of GAY
•LER'S SAFES, also [het large assortment on
hand for sale at manufacturers prices, by
JOAN L PlPZl:i,,4gent.
P. S. Also for sale low, new and second
hand Stv n „of other makers. which have been
thken it rt payment for Gayler's Sslamaii.
der's, faplo,'so,3rn
THE Allen and East 'Penneborough Mutual
Fire Ineuranee'Company cif Cumberland county
incorporated by an net of Assembly, is now tully
organized, and in operation under the manage
merit of the following commissionore viz:
Jacob Shelly, Win R. Gorgas t Michael Cock
in, Mo'choir Brenneman, Christian Stayman,,.
Simon Oyster, Jacob H. Cooser, Lewis flyer,
Henry Logan, Benjamin 11 Musser, Jacob
Kirk, Samuel Prowoll , Joseph Wickersham.
The rates of insurance are as low and favora
ble as any Company of •the kind in the State.—'
Persons wishing to become nuimbere are invited
to make application to the agents of the compa
ny;-who are willing to wait upon them at any
JACOB SHELLY, Pre{ident.
lENRY LOGAN, Vice President.
LEWIS NICER, Secretary.
Mions i tt. Cociuts r, Treasurer.
Cumber/and county.—Rudolph Martin, New
Cumberland, C B Herman, Kingstown, Henry
Zoaring, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and
Charles Bell, Cunt's., Isaac Kinsey, Mechan
icsburg. Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtown.
York county.—John Sheirick, Lisburn, John
Bowman, Dillsburg, Peter Wolford, Franklin
John Smith, Esq., ‘Vashington, W S Picking,
Dover, Daniel Itaffensberger, I W Craft.
Harrishark—llouscr & Lochmnn.
Members of the company having policies a
bout to expire can have them renewed by mak
ing application to any of the agents.
Golden horse Motel,
THE subscriber having leased .the above
-large and commodious HO'PEL, situated on the
corner of the Public Square and South Hano
ver street, and tautly occupied by Ben!. L Esh
leman, begs leave to announce to his friends
and the public that he is prepared to entertain
'them in a manner which cannot, fail to meet
their approbation.
THE HOUSE has the most pleasant loca
tion in the borough has been newly furnished
and otherwise improved, and no' pains will be
spared to make - Ahem): who may sojourn with
him, comfortable during their stay. His par
lors are large and well furnished; anti his cham
bers.suppbed with now and comfortable bed
HIS TABLE will be supplied wi h the best
the market can a ff ord, end all who are connect
ed with his nodes will be found attentive care
ful and obliging.
THE BAR will contain the beat liquors the
city can produce.
HIS STABLING is entirely, noilid eaten.
sive, capable of accommodating f rom' 50 to 60
horses7-making it a deairable.stopping place
fog DROVERS, and will be attended by a shill
fel Ostler. in short, nothing will be wanting
calculated to add to the comfort and.convent
soca of those Who - may favor, him' with their
patronage.. BOARDERS taken by.the week,
month, or year
.011TEnate MODERATE. •
feb6', ~1011141.
likt2loTOli YOURSELF
, 13, 1 means of the pocket
tituispius,or Evell" one
own Physician 'rwen
.l66Mb:edition, With up
krds ot a. hundred engin,.
igs, - shoiving private dis-
Ises in:every shape and'
rrn, au& malformations
the • generative' system,
The time has • now
ing,,from secret
Oft, 10 .NlCltki OP 0.17.41310111 X,
as by the preserlptionseentsinedin thilboftk any.,
MVO May cureldlneelr,•without;hintlistficdfo` be.
Wheels, or Met knowletige , :.of,jhe most ; * intimate.
friend, and with one tenth the usual expense, In
told' Smile the genera rolitinit infprivate'dbiesse. -
it fully ,explains the ‘eaose.ektrutitimod'satrly de-,
Wtth . obsdrvntions on Marilige-Lhesides -
many otherderangemonts which it , would hot be
proper to enunaera hrth,publie prints .
, 'OOOAttY person se nding 'TwEtsrr4treezmrs; -
eoplesedjo,n•letterf,willfreeetve osMeopy of, this ,
boob, by mail, or ilywcojdes Will be sent for one ,
Address, YOUNG;rNe4 , IS2
8 rltUdE.Stoet.,M,ll4plAßlll4. l ?,Pliglpid..
I OIirDW'YOU.NO kin be ,e'tinsulted oil
vileasvp prqtpobekinliter E, foTcgt ••11011,04-,r
iio his Oilices;ls2 SFR ,C street, every: -.
liafy inky/66'21144S tedildidrA undityietieepted.r
•ht , : l • cr.:A> <
t‘ , ic-XotaiiiittiOhiblEn(ilreilr Aar ‘:,' ,l .
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1, , T . M.M.Valuahl '3/11Itad Ajiailiat:7!l:7-';
140(1,.00)folii O. o koPi ~T,lisqoo the ''
bcoifOiallAktji*l:it it loViratrt i f.V
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niewinvarlApam . * owroaltil
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